個人情報の収集 ・ 利用 ・ 提供等に関する条項
第1 条(個人情報)
1. 個人情報とは、下記①から③に記載されている情報のことをいいます。
①当社所定の保証委託申込書(以下「申込書」)に記載された氏名、年齢、性別、生年月日、住所、電話番号、本籍地、勤務先名称・住 所・電話番号、勤続年数、月収、家族構成等の「属性情報」(本契約締結後に当社が 通知を受ける等して知り得た変更情報を含む。)
第2 条(利用目的)
1. 当社は、本契約の申込者に関する情報は以下の利用目的の範囲内で個人情報を収集・利用します。
なお、当該個人情報は開示対象個人情報として、当社に対して利用目的の通知、開示、内容の訂正、追加または削除、利用の停止、消去および第三者への提供の停止の請求をおこなうことができます。第3 条(センシティブ情報)
第4 条(個人情報の第三者への提供の同意)
1. 当社は、収集した個人情報を次に掲げる場合を除くほか、あらかじめ本人の同意を得ないで、第三者に提供することはありません。 (1)法令に基づく場合
2. 申込者及び緊急連絡先は、以下の定めに従い、当社が個人情報を第三者と相互に利用することに同意します。
③本契約の対象となる賃貸物件が証券化等されている場合には、当該証券化業務の遂行のため ④その他上記目的に付随する業務を遂行するため
第1 条に定める個人情報第5 条(委託)
当社、第2 条に定める利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内において個人情報の取り扱いの全部又は一部を委託する場合があります。その場合、当社は、個人情報が安全に管理されるよう、委託先に対する必要かつ適切な監督を行います。
第6 条(個人情報の保護対策)
1. 当社は、個人情報の保護のため、従業員に対し定期的に教育を行い、個人情報の取り扱いを厳重に管理します。
2. 当社の保有するデータベースシステムについても、アクセスの制限・管理を行うなど必要なセキュリティ対策を講じます。
3. 申込者及び緊急連絡先同意に基づき、個人情報を第三者に提供する場合には、個人情報の漏洩等がないよう、必要かつ適切な監督を行います。
第7 条(個人情報の開示・訂正・削除等)
1. 申込者及び緊急連絡先は、当社に収集されている自己に関する個人情報について、利用目的の通知、開示、内容の訂正、追加または削除、利用の停止、消去および第三者への提供の停止の請求をすることができます。お問い合わせは下記の「お客様個人情報係」が担当窓口となります。
2. 当社が保有する個人情報が不正確または誤りであることが判明した場合には、当社はすみやかに最新の情報へ訂正または削除いたします。
3. 当社は、利用目的の制限を越えて個人情報を利用している場合、不法に個人情報を取得されたものである場合又は不法に第三者に個人情報を提供した場合には、申込者又は緊急連絡先の求めに応じて当該個人情報の利用もしくは第三者への提供(以下「利用停止 等」という)を停止します。ただし、利用停止等を行うことが困難な場合であって本人の権利利益を保護するため必要な代替措置を講じた場合はその限りではありません。
第8 条(本条項不同意の場合の処置)
申込者及び緊急連絡先が、本契約において必要な記事事項(申込書及び契約書表面で記載すべき事項)の記載を希望しない場合、及び本条項全部又は一部を承認できない場合には、当社は本契約を拒否することが出来るものとします。ただし、第2 条④に同意しない場合は、これを理由に当社が本契約を拒否することはありません。第9 条(審査結果の連絡・有効期限)
第10 条(規約の変更)
第11 条(問合せ窓口)
個人情報保護管理者:管理本部 部長
TEL: 00-0000-0000
TEL: 00-0000-0000 FAX: 00-0000-0000
Global Trust Networks Co., Ltd.
Privacy Policy
The applicant (including the contractor or the representative of the corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Applicant") and the prospective emergency contact (including the emergency contact, hereinafter referred to as the "Emergency Contact") of the Guarantor Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") agree to our handling of their personal information according to these terms.
Article 1 Personal Information
Personal information means any of the following information:
(1) attribute information including, but not limited to, the name, age, sex, date of birth, address, telephone number, registered domicile, name, address and telephone number of workplace, length of employment, monthly salary and family structure indicated in the guarantee service application form (the “Application Form”) designated by the Company (including amended information obtained by the Company by receiving notice or by other means after the execution of the Agreement);
(2) contract information including, but not limited to, the Application, the guarantee agreement date, and the details of the property subject to an application for lease in relation to the Agreement; and
(3) transaction information including, but not limited to, the status of rent payments after the execution of the Agreement (including amended information that is obtained by receiving notice or by other means after the execution of the Agreement).
The Applicant may, at its discretion, provide personal information to the Company, but if the Applicant fails to provide necessary information expressly indicated, the Company may not be able to carry out the required procedures with respect to the Agreement.
Article 2 Purpose of Use
The Company will collect and use the personal information of the Applicant for the Agreement for the following purposes:
(1) to make credit decisions regarding the Guarantee Service Application;
(2) to perform the Guarantee Service Agreement and conduct after-sales services;
(3) to demand reimbursement or advance reimbursement of claims relating to the performance of the guarantee agreement;
(4) to introduce and provide the Company’s services that are considered to be useful 2 for
customers; and
(5) to perform other services incidental to the services described above.
Because the personal information is “personal information subject to disclosure,” the Applicant and the Emergency Contact may demand information on how the personal information is used or disclosure, amendment, addition or removal, suspension of use, erasure, or suspension of provision to a third party of the personal information by the Company.
Article 3 Sensitive Information
The Applicant and the Emergency Contact agree to submit an identification document such as a driver’s license or passport containing registered domicile or other similar information so that the Company may verify that the persons with whom the Company is to execute the Agreement are the Applicant and the Emergency Contact.
Article 4 Agreement to Provide Personal Information to Third Party
1. The Company will not provide the personal information that it collects to any third party without the prior consent of the relevant person except:
(1) if required by laws or ordinances;
(2) if required to protect a person’s life, body or property and it is difficult to obtain consent
from the relevant person; or
(3) if a national government or local government, or a person nominated thereby, requires the Company’s cooperation to perform duties prescribed by laws or ordinances, and if the performance of such duties is likely to be impaired by obtaining consent from the relevant person.
2. The Applicant and the Emergency Contact agree to the Company’s provision of the
personal information to a third party in accordance with the following provisions.
Purposes of use:
(1) to renew and manage the lease agreement;
(2) to perform and manage the Agreement;
(3) if the rental property under the Agreement is securitized, to perform the services for such securitization; or
(4) to perform other services incidental to the services described above.
Recipient of the personal information:
An owner of the rental property (i.e., a trust bank, etc.), a new lessor (i.e., a special purpose company), a management company (i.e., a property manager), an asset management company (i.e., an asset manager), a collection servicer, a business partner 3 of a group company of the Company, or EPOS Card Co., Ltd. (4-3-2, Nakano, Nakano-ku, Tokyo)
Information to be provided:
Personal information set out in Article 1
Article 5 Delegation
The Company may delegate the handling of the personal information, in whole or in part, to a third party to the extent necessary for achieving the purposes of use set out in Article 2. In such case, the Company will perform necessary and appropriate supervision of the delegatee so that the personal information may be safely managed.
Article 6 Measures for Protection of Personal Information
1. The Company will, in order to protect the personal information, provide education to its employees on a regular basis and strictly manage the handling of the personal information.
2. The Company will take necessary security measures for the database system that it holds, including restricting and managing access to such database.
3. Upon the provision of the personal information to a third party with the consent of the Applicant and the Emergency Contact, the Company will perform necessary and appropriate supervision in order to prevent the personal information from being divulged or otherwise leaked.
Article 7 Disclosure, Change, and Deletion, Etc. of the Personal Information
1. The Applicant and the Emergency Contact may demand information on how the personal information is used or disclosure, amendment, addition or removal, suspension of use,
erasure, or suspension of provision to a third party of the personal information that the Company collects. Inquiries may be made to the Customer Personal Information Desk described below.
2. If the personal information that the Company holds is found to be inaccurate or false, the Company will promptly update or delete such information.
3. If the Company uses the personal information for an unauthorized purpose, illegally obtains the personal information, or illegally provides the personal information to a third party, the Company will, upon the request of the Applicant or the Emergency Contact, suspend the use or provision to a third party of such personal information (the “Suspension of Use”); provided, however, that this will not apply if the Suspension of Use is impracticable, and the Company takes alternative measures as required to protect the rights and interests of the relevant person.
Article 8 Emergency Contact’s Powers
1. The Applicant shall notify the Company of the Emergency Contact in case the Company is unable to contact the Applicant in an emergency situation at the address or telephone number submitted by the Applicant in advance. In such case, the Applicant shall give prior notice to the Emergency Contact of the fact that the Applicant intends to notify the Company of the address, telephone number and other similar information of such Emergency Contact, and the purpose of such notification, and obtain approval from the Emergency Contact. The Applicant warrants to the Company that the Company will not receive any objection to such notification or use of such information.
2. The Applicant shall authorize the Emergency Contact to cancel the Agreement, accept the cancellation of the Agreement by the Company, vacate the property relating to the Agreement, and remove, transport, store or dispose of the movables and other belongings remaining in such property, and the Applicant shall give prior notice to the Emergency Contact to that effect.
Article 9 Handling in case of Non-Agreement of these Terms and Conditions
If the Applicant and the Emergency Contact wish not to provide any of the information in the Agreement (i.e., in the Application Form and the agreement cover sheet), or are unable to agree to all or part of these Terms and Conditions, the Company may reject the Agreement; provided, however, that if the Applicant and the Emergency Contact do not agree to Article 2(4), the Company shall not refuse to execute the Agreement for that reason.
Article 10 Notification of Background Check Results and Effective Term
The Applicant and the Emergency Contact agree that the Company may notify a management company or brokerage company of the results of the background check conducted by the Company based on the application by the Applicant and the Emergency Contact. As the background check results are current as of the time of the performance of the background check, the Applicant and the Emergency Contact shall not object if they cannot execute an agreement due to a significant change in the information of the Applicant and the Emergency Contact or the details of the application at the time of agreement execution.
Article 11 Amendment
If the Company amends these Terms and Conditions, and the details of such amendment is likely to have a material effect on the Applicant and the Emergency Contact, the Company will give notice to, or inform in an appropriate manner, the Applicant and the Emergency Contact.
Article 12 Inquiry Desk
Inquiries concerning the personal information may be made to the Customer Personal Information Desk described below.
Customer Personal Information Desk:
Person responsible for the protection and management of personal information: General Manager of the Finance and General Administration Department
Tel: 00-0000-0000
Global Trust Networks Co., Ltd. 0xx xxxxx, Xxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx
0-00-00, Xxxxxxx-Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx-xx, Xxxxx Tel: 00-0000-0000 Fax: 00-0000-0000
(December 2021)