親愛的客戶 您好:
Dear Customer,
Thank you for your continuing xxxxxxx.Xx enhance Customer rights and interests, please kindly note that CTBC Bank has modified the calculation base of Default Penalties from “amortized principal + interest due” to “amortized principal due” which is stipulated in the General Agreement fot Omnibus Credit Lines, Letter of Guarantee, and Application and Agreement for Home Loan signed by Customers and CTBC Bank. The modification of Default Penalties is as follows:
In addition to the interest stipulated in this Agreement, the Customer shall also pay the default penalties subject to paragraph below from the due date up to the date of actual payment:
1. 立約人未依約按期償還應償數額時:延滯六個月以內者,按當期應攤還本金(若為到
If the Customer fails to pay any installment amount payable on its due date:
Within 6 months from such due date, the penalty shall be “the principal (in cases that the principal repaid in one lump sum or during grace period, then “the interest”) due in such installment” x agreed interest rate x days delayed/365 days x 1.1;
Over 6 months from such due date, the penalty shall be the “the principal” (in cases that
the principal repaid in one lump sum or during grace period, then “the interest”) due in
such installment” x agreed interest rate x days delayed/365 days x 1.2.
2. 借款到期(含經本行主張視為全部到期)立約人未全部清償時:逾期六個月以內者,按未償還本金餘額×約定利率×逾期天數÷365天×0.1;逾期超過六個月部分,按未償還本金餘額×約定利率×逾期天數÷365天×0.2。
If the Customer fails to repay the aggregate amount of all outstanding indebtedness on its final maturity date (including the situation that the Bank declares all principal and interest amounts immediately due and payable):
Within 6 months from such final maturity date, the penalty shall be “the principal sum” x agreed interest rate x days defaulted/365 days x 0.1;
Over 6 months from such final maturity date, the penalty shall be “the principal sum” x
agreed interest rate x days defaulted/365 days x 0.2.
Let us know if you have any questions or concerns, contact the client service hotline by calling 0000-000-000, and our dedicated service professionals will be delighted to assist you. Thanks for your attention!
敬 颂 x x
CTBC Bank 2019/09/23