1. 定 义
- “嘉惠支付管理有限公司”或“嘉惠”,地址:中华人民共和国上海普陀区xx路535号汇融大厦2005-2010x,xx000000,是账户的发行方;
- “账户”指由xx发行的嘉惠公司账户;
- “用户”指由xx为其发行账户的一方;
- “账户接受方”指接受通过账户进行付款的公司,如航空公司或代理人/商旅管理公司等;
- “嘉惠公司账户合同”或“合同”指xx与用户就账户事宜订立的合同,包括嘉惠公司账户合同、本条款及/或嘉惠公司账户申请表;
- “嘉惠在线服务”或“在线服务”包括嘉惠门户网站和嘉惠资讯经理系统(详见本条款第4 条;以用户选择为前提);
- “条款”指本条款。
2. 账户发行
3. 账户的使用
4. 嘉惠在线服务的使用
用户使用在线服务,须对其用户名及密码予以保密。xx不对在线服务的使用承担任何责任。对于因用户使用在线服务而产生的任何形式的损失、损害或索赔,嘉惠均不受限制地不承担任何责任并且用户应使xx免于承担因用户使用在线服务导致的任何第三方索赔,但因嘉惠重大过失或故意行为所致者除外。用户同意,链接至第三方服务或文件内容的,xx并不对此提供任何担保或承担任何责任。用户同意,使用在线服务时须遵守所有相关法律,包括知识产权及刑事法律。用户藉此同意接受嘉惠门户网站条款。 或网页获得并打印。若有需要,嘉惠可以提供印制文本。
5. 与账户相关的责任
如账户信息被盗、丢失或账户被未经授权人员使用,但用户已经采取所有必要合理手段防止账户被非法使用并立即将账户信息被盗、丢失或账户被未经授权人员使用事项告知xx,则用户无须承担损失赔偿责任;但因用户过失或故意不当行为而导致损失的,用户须对该等损失承担全部赔偿责任。在发生损失的情形下,用户在将账户信息被盗、丢失或账户被未经授权人员使用事项告知xx之前承担的责任最高限额为人民币 588元,但该等损失系因xx的重大过失或不当行为而产生者除外。如发生账户使用不当,一方应向对方告知全部细节情况,以便行使因该等不当使用或关闭账户而产生的损害求偿权。用户使用账户的权利届满或终止时,嘉惠将关闭该账户。
6. 反索赔
7. 账户结存余额
8. 担保的设立与追加
9. 补充账单信息
10. 收 费
11. 数据处理和保密
- 其机构内已经建立起充分、具体的旅行指南,并为其雇员所知;
- 其雇员已知(或已被告知),何为在实际预订状态下违反旅行指南;
- 雇员和雇员代表已被告知,xx将提供全面的资料以使用户得以核查雇员对旅行指南的遵守情况。
12. 合同起始与终止
x合同于签署之日生效,首期有效期为36个月。首期有效期届满后,本合同每年度将自动续延。合同一方可随时提前30天书面通知另一方终止本合同。合同终止可以仅限于单一账户。 xxx随时以正当理由通过书面通知立即终止本合同。具体而言, 正当理由包含以下情形:a) 用户申请开设账户时提供了错误的信息,或在申请开设账户之后未履行后文规定的告知义务并对此负有责任,或 b) 用户未能履行其支付义务或因本合同产生的其他义务,或 c) 嘉惠得知用户财务状况恶化或存在财务状况恶化的危险,d) 用户未能根据本合同第8条“担保的设立与追加”或根据其他约定,在嘉惠限定的合理期间内履行提供担保或增加担保的义务,或 e) 用户要求或被获准停止支付,或 f) 用户停止经营,进入清算程序或采取措施以达到类似效果,或 g) 任何担保效力终止,或 h)在反洗钱要求的范畴内用户实质性地违反其配合义务且对此负有责任,例如实质上未能提供证明材料或所需信息且对此负有责任,或 i) 用户将其注册地或银行账户迁至其他国家 或地区。任何终止均应以书面形式进行。用户收到终止通知时终止立即生效。合同一经终止,xx对用户享有的所有请求权即时到期。双方合同关系终止后,xx应将账户结余返还用户。
13. 变更与修改
14. 其他方及其他方协议
15. 其他
法律适用与司法管辖 嘉惠与用户之间的合同适用中华人民共和国法律。上海的法院拥有排他性的司法管辖权。可分性条款 x合同或其他协议的任一规定无效或失效的,其余规定或协议的效力不受影响。
版本 x合同分为中文版本和英文版本。二者出现分歧时,以中文版本为准。
Effective from 11th May 2018
1. Definitions
In these Terms and Conditions, the following defined terms will be used:
- "AirPlus Payment Management Co., Ltd.” or “AirPlus”, address: Room 2005-2010, Union Building, No. 535 Caoyang Road, Putuo District, 200063 Shanghai, People’s Republic of China, is the issuer of the Account,
- “Account” shall mean the AirPlus Company Account issued by AirPlus,
- “Subscriber” shall mean the party AirPlus has issued an Account to,
- “Accepting Company”: means a company that accepts payments via the Account, such as airline or travel agency/travel management company (“TMC”),
- “AirPlus Company Account Contract” or the “Contract” means the agreement between AirPlus and Subscriber with regard to the Account, which includes the AirPlus Company Account Contract, these terms and conditions and/or Application AirPlus Company Account,
- “AirPlus Online Services” or “Online Service” includes the AirPlus Business Travel Portal and the AirPlus Information Manager as further described in Section 4 of the Terms (if chosen by the Subscriber),
- “Terms” shall mean the present terms and conditions.
2. Issue of the Account
Upon acceptance of the Application Form completed by the Subscriber, AirPlus shall issue the Account to the Subscriber and post it to the Subscriber’s address as stated on the Application Form. AirPlus reserves the right not to accept an application due to failed creditworthiness check of the Subscriber..
3. Use of the Account
The Account entitles the Subscriber to charge to its Account the cost of services (as described in the Contract and/or in the Application form) offered by AirPlus and its selected Accepting Companies which the Subscriber uses. In case the Account is deposited at an Accepting Company or travel agency/TMC, the Subscriber is obliged to forward Name and Address of this Company or travel agency/TMC to AirPlus. The Subscriber will inform AirPlus of all changes of relevant data immediately.
AirPlus will designate the Statement No. (e.g. C80000123) in the respective statement and invoice (fapiao) issued to the Subscriber. When making the payment to AirPlus, the Subscriber is advised to specify such Statement No. on the payment order to the bank. Otherwise AirPlus would be unable to balance the statement or allocate the payment to the Subscriber’s account on time, which would in turn affect the usage of the Subscriber’s Account.
4. Use of the AirPlus Online Services
The Subscriber has free access to the Online Service. The Subscriber shall keep its user-name and password secret. AirPlus does not accept any responsibility for the use of the Online Service. AirPlus disclaims without limitation all liability for any loss or damage or claim of any kind incurred in connection with the use of the Online Service by the Subscriber and the Subscriber shall indemnify AirPlus from all claims of third parties in connection with the Subscriber’s use of the Online Service save in the case of gross negligence or wilful act on the part of AirPlus. The Subscriber accepts that the links to the services or contents of third parties do not constitute any warranty or liability on the part of AirPlus. The Subscriber agrees to observe all applicable law (including intellectual property rights and criminal laws) when using the Online Service. The Subscriber hereby agrees to the Terms and Conditions for the AirPlus Business Travel Portal, which can be accessed and printed out via or AirPlus may submit a hard copy at your request.
5. Responsibility for the Account
After receipt of the Account, the Subscriber shall be fully liable for all claims resulting from use of the Account. The Subscriber shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent misuse of the Account. The Subscriber shall notify AirPlus immediately upon discovery of loss or theft of information of the Account(s), or use of the Account by an unauthorised person. The Subscriber will notify AirPlus immediately of any erroneous entries on the statement of AirPlus, or any mistakes on AirPlus´ side. AirPlus will adjust the disputed transaction in the later statement upon AirPlus’ acknowledge of such transaction.
In the event of theft or loss of information of the Account or use of the Account by an unauthorised person, the Subscriber shall not be liable for losses if Subscriber has taken all necessary and reasonable precautions to prevent misuse of the Account, and has informed AirPlus of theft or loss of information of the Account or use of the Account by an unauthorised person immediately, unless the loss arises from the Subscriber’s negligence or wilful misconduct, in which case the Subscriber will be fully liable for such loss. In case of losses, Subscriber is, until notification of theft or loss of the information of the Account information or use of the Account by an unauthorised person to AirPlus, liable up to a maximum of CNY 588.00, unless the loss is due to AirPlus’ gross negligence or wilful misconduct. In case of improper use of the Account, the parties are obligated to inform each other of all details required to collect claims resulting from such use, or closing the Account. Upon expiry or termination of Subscriber’s right to use the Account, the Account will be closed by AirPlus.
6. Counterclaims
AirPlus shall not be liable for the non-acceptance of the Account, for whatever reason, by any Accepting Company. The Subscriber shall not be entitled to refuse to pay amounts invoiced by XxxXxxx as a result of any dispute between the Subscriber and an Accepting Company, or any claim by the Subscriber against AirPlus or any Accepting Company. Disputes within the above meaning typically includes, without being limited to alleged claims based onnon- performance of contractual obligations, sub-standard performance, or other violations of contractual obligations on the side of the Accepting Company, or any other objections or claims made by the Subscriber against an Accepting Company. The Subscriber is not entitled to offset receivables with counterclaims against AirPlus or an Accepting Company, and not entitled to refuse to pay amounts invoiced by AirPlus based on such claim, unless the claim is acknowledged by AirPlus or is the subject of a binding decision of a court.
7. Account Balance
The Account is a means to centrally pay for services provided by AirPlus and for business travel services provided by selected authorized merchants of AirPlus. In the (unusual) event that the Account shows a balance, e.g. as a result of crediting a prior debit, the Subscriber hereby agrees that such account balance can only be used for payments with respect to products or services provided by Accepting Companies or authorised merchants and that no claim for the disbursement of any amounts will be accepted by AirPlus unless the Contract terminates.
8. Creation and Reinforcement of Collateral
AirPlus may demand the creation of collateral for all claims arising from the business relationship with the Subscriber, even if the claims are conditional. If AirPlus has first fully or partially refrained from requesting the creation or increase of collateral, AirPlus may later still demand collateralisation or its amendment and/or increase. This, however, requires that circumstances occur or become known which justify an increased risk assessment of the claims against the Subscriber. This can be the case in particular if the economic situation of the Subscriber has unfavourably changed or threatens to change unfavourably, or if the existing collateral has deteriorated or threatens to deteriorate in value. Where the Subscriber fails in creation, amendment or increase of the collateral as per the request of AirPlus, AirPlus is entitled to block any Accounts provided to the Subscriber and terminate the Contract at any time with written notice. AirPlus does not have a collateralisation claim if it has been expressly agreed that the Subscriber does not have to furnish collateral or only specifically named items of collateral. AirPlus will grant to the Subscriber a reasonable period of time for the creation or increase of collateral.
9. Descriptive Billing Information
If the Subscriber wishes to receive data or information (Descriptive Billing Information) in addition to the standard billing information, the Subscriber may enter into separate agreements with Accepting Companies which it uses. The Subscriber shall not be entitled to withhold payment from AirPlus on the grounds that any Descriptive Billing Information requested by Subscriber does not appear on the account statements or appears to be incorrect. AirPlus excludes any obligation to correct an account statement after it has been sent to the Subscriber save in the case of gross negligence or wilful act on the part of AirPlus.
10. Fees
The amount of the annual fee under the AirPlus Company Account Contract may arise out of the AirPlus Company Account application and will be charged to Subscriber once a year in advance if the Subscriber checks the relevant item. Further product(s) and service(s) provided by AirPlus at the Subscriber's request other than the items checked by the Subscriber will be charged separately. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the prices as under the Contract and the Terms (if any) are all including VAT.
11. Data Processing and Confidentiality
The Subscriber is aware that AirPlus stores, alters, transmits or uses Account and supplemental data or receives data from third parties within the scope and function of the Contract as well as for its own business purposes. The Subscriber is furthermore aware that AirPlus transmits or uses Account and supplemental data on behalf of third parties. Account data or supplemental data may contain personal information regarding the Subscriber's employees. Therefore, the Subscriber hereby warrants that it has taken the necessary measures and satisfied any conditions required with respect to the protection of privacy and personal data that is provided to or received from AirPlus for the purposes of the Contract. To the extent that AirPlus provides raw data to the Subscriber, e.g. for further analysis or assessment by the Subscriber, such Subscriber warrants that:
- adequate and concrete travel guidelines exist within its organisation and that its employees are aware of them,
- its employees are aware of or are made aware of what constitutes a violation of the travel guidelines during an actual booking situation,
- the employees and employee representatives have been informed that AirPlus provides extensive data enabling the Subscriber to verify employee compliance with the Subscriber’s guidelines.
AirPlus hereby warrants that it has taken the appropriate measures to process and transfer Subscriber’s data confidentially and securely and treat all information obtained from the Subscriber pursuant to this Contract as confidential strictly.
12. Contract Commencement and Termination
This Contract enters into force upon execution by both parties. Either party may terminate this Contract by giving thirty days’ prior written notice to the other party at any time. Termination can be restricted to individual Accounts. Immediate termination for good cause with written notice by AirPlus is possible at any time. Good cause is in particular given if a) the Subscriber provided incorrect information on the application or culpably fails to meet the Subscriber’s duty to inform hereunder at a later date or b) if the Subscriber fails to meet its payment or other obligations under this agreement or c) AirPlus gains knowledge that the Subscriber’s financial situation has deteriorated significantly or is under threat of deteriorating significantly or d) if the Subscriber does not comply with its obligation to create or increase collateral as set forth under Section 8 “Creation and Reinforcement of Collateral” above or under any other agreement within a reasonable period of time fixed by AirPlus or e) the Subscriber requests and is granted suspension of payments or f) the Subscriber closes down or liquidates its business or takes steps to that effect, or g) if any collateral ceases to exist or h) the Subscriber culpably and sustainably fails to co-operate within the scope of combating money laundering, e.g. culpably and sustainably fails to provide substantiation or culpably and sustainably fails to give information or i) the Subscriber relocates the Subscriber’s registered office or bank account to another country or region. Any termination shall be required in writing. The termination notice shall take immediate effect upon the receipt by the Subscriber. Upon termination, all claims of AirPlus against the Subscriber fall due with immediate effect. After termination of the contractual relationship, AirPlus shall remit any credit balance to the Subscriber.
13. Alterations and Amendments
AirPlus shall notify the Subscriber in writing of any proposed variations to these Terms and Conditions. The Subscriber shall be deemed to have accepted any such variations unless it informs AirPlus otherwise within 30 calendar days of notification. AirPlus will explicitly point out this consequence out to the Subscriber when sending notification of modification or amendment. For the avoidance of any doubt, the proposed variations to these Terms and Conditions shall not apply in case of an objection by the Subscriber as set out above. If no consent regarding the proposed variations can be reached between the Parties within 30 days thereafter, AirPlus may terminate the Contract by giving a 30 days prior written notice to the Subscriber.
14. Other Parties and Agreements
AirPlus shall be entitled to involve vicarious institutions for fulfilment of the Contract as a whole or in parts. The Subscriber agrees that such third parties gain access to various data of the Subscriber within the scope and to the extent required for their activities. The Subscriber is not entitled to assign claims against AirPlus to any third party, or refuse to pay amounts invoiced by AirPlus based on such claim.