本借款合同于 19 年 月 日由借款人, X 公司(简称“借款人”),代理人,A 银行(简称“代理行”),经理人,B 银行和 C 银行(简称“经理行”),以及贷款人若干银行与在签名页上列明为银行的金融机构(合称时表述为“各行”,单称一家时表述为“银行”)签署。
单元三 涉外经济合同
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( 中 x 对 照 )
x借款合同于 19 年 月 日由借款人, X 公司(简称“借款人”),代理人,A 银行(简称“代理行”),经理人,B 银行和 C 银行(简称“经理行”),以及贷款人若干银行与在签名页上列明为银行的金融机构(合称时表述为“各行”,单称一家时表述为“银行”)签署。
鉴于借款人提出从银行借款,各银行分别地但不连带地提出向借款贷款,总额为 x美元,当事人协议如下:
1 . 定义;解释
1 . 1 . 定义 为本合同目的,下列术语具有所指明的含义: “银行工作日”指伦敦同业银行市场和各银行在伦敦进行
“付款日”指第 2 . 2 条中该术语的含义。 “美元”或“ $ ”指美国的法定货币。
“贷款分行”,就任何银行而言,指附录 1 中指定的某银行办事处或为本合同目的,该银行在任何时候通知代理行和借款人得指定作为其贷款分行的其他办事处。
(进位到最近的百分之八分之一(1/8% ),在某利息期开始前两个伦敦银行工作日上午 11 时正,各参考行按照各自利率向伦敦银行同业市场上的主要银行提供期限与上述利息期相同
的美元存款,数额与该利息期内预计贷借的、进位到 100 万美
“多数贷款权银行”指在支付任何贷款前的任何时间,贷款承诺总额占全部贷款承诺 50% 以上的各行,以及在此后任何时间,拥有该时间内占贷款本金总和 5% 以上贷款的各行。
“利差”为 1%。
“票据”指证明任何银录 2 的格式。 “参考银行”指 B 银“子公司”指任何时候 开发行的表决权股或其他 (不论如何指定)的股东权际拥有或者直接或间接控的实体实际拥有或者直接 “终止日”指 19 “全部贷款承诺”指 “美国”指美利坚合众1 . 2 . 解释 本文目 | ||
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行,C 银行以及 D 银行在伦敦的总行。的任何实体,该实体 50% 以上的公通常有权选举其事或其他管理部门益,由借款人、一个或更多的实体实制,或者由贷款人以及一个或更多或间接控制。
年 月 日 。
5000 万美元。国。
2 . 承诺;付款
2 . 1 . 贷款承诺 每个银行按照本合同所规定的条款和条件,分别地但不连带地同意,通过其贷款分行,向借款人提供与该银行贷款承诺的本金数额相等的贷款。
2 . 2 . 通知与借款承诺 如果借款人希望借入与贷款承诺
相等的数额,则应在有迟于它借款日之间 5 个银行工作日,不
晚于纽约时间下午 5 时,基本上按照附录 3 的格式,向代理行发出关于该日(“付款日”)的通知,该日应为公司终止日之前的一个银行工作日,并告知其在纽约的帐户,贷款的收入贷记入该帐户,发送上述通知,构成借款人在付款日借入上述数额的不可撤销的承诺。
2 . 3 . 付款 代理行应立即以电传或电报向各行通知付款
日。各行应在付款日纽约时间上午 10 时,按照本合同规定的条件,向代理提供与该行贷款承诺相等的资金金额,其方式或通过纽约银行间清算系统结算的资金,可按照代理行其时决
定的、为在纽约市用国际银行交易惯用以美元结算的其他资金,存入其在 B 行帐号为 × × × ~ × × × × 的帐户或通知各行已经因此指定的其他帐户,代理行应按照本合同规定的条件,在付款日将所收资金贷记入借款人根据第 2 . 2 条指定的帐户。
3 . 还款
3 . 1 . 还款 除本合同另有明文规定,借款人分 个半年期偿还贷款。每期的数额相当于贷款的 分之一。但头 期每期均应进位到 1 美元的完整倍数,最后一期为全部清偿尚未偿还的贷款余额所必要的数额。每期贷款应在自第 个会付息日开始的连续付息日支付。
3 . 2 . 自愿提前偿还贷款借款人得在付息日以 500 万美元的完整倍数全部或部分提前还款。借款人应在其希望还款的
日期之前第 15 个银行工作日,且不晚于纽约时间下午 5 时,
向代理行发出有关上述日期和提前还款数额的不可撤销的通知。所定数额连同到付息日利息在该日并对各行按对其提前偿还数额 0 . 5% 的升水支付。提前还款部分应按在贷款中的
比例分摊,并按第 3 . 1 条规定的分期,按倒序偿还。提前偿还的数额不得根据本合同重新借用。
3 . 3 非法行为 如果任何银行的任意时间确定,任何法律、行政条例或条约或其中的任何变动,或其解释或适用的任何变动,使银行进行贷款或继续贷款或要求或收受任何应付数额的行为不合法时,该银行应将上述决定通知借款人。如果在该笔贷款支付之前发送此通知,则该银行在本合同项下的义务将因发送通知而告终止。如果在上述贷款支付之后发送,则借款人应在紧接着通知日之后的付息日提前偿还全部贷款;或者,如果该银行确定,在付息日之前需要提前偿贷款,则根据该银行的要求,不需支付升水但应连同支付该贷款提
前偿还之日应付的利息金额。 4 . 利息 4 . 1 . 基 本 利 率 (1 每笔贷款在每一利息期应括第一天在内),到该利息在内),年利相当于该利息金额。 (2)除本合同另有明付息日交付。 (3)代理行应在每次知借款人和各行。 | ||
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)除第 4 . 2 或 4 . 3 条另有明确规定外,付利息,自利息期的第一天算起(包期的最后一天(但不包括最后一天期利差加伦敦银行同业拆借利率的
4 . 2 . 延迟支付的利息如果借款人应付的任何金额到期未付,(无论是正常到期还是加速到期)上述金额在利息期内的利息应在准据法所允许的范围内支付,自到期之日(包括该日在内)起到上述金额支付日(但不包括该日)止,年利数额相当于该利息期内每天(1)利差,(2)1% ,以及(3)下述的最高额:
(i)代理行在伦敦银行同业市场上述金额美元存款的隔日报价(以年率表示);( ii)利息期内到期日为付息日的伦敦银行同业拆借利率(或者,如果到期日不是付息日,则为该利息日所在的利息期内),以及(iii )在该到期是(如果该到期日是利息期的首日)开始的利息期的伦敦银行同业拆放率(或者第 4 . 3 条规定的伦敦银行同业拆放率的替代利率)。
4 . 3 替代利率 如果代理行在与各行进行实际可行的协商之后,在任何时候确定(1)不可能确定上一利息期的伦敦银行同业拆放率,或(2)该利息期内的伦敦银行同业拆借利率不能充分地反映利息期内多数贷款权银行在伦敦银行同业市场获得的美元存款的费用,代理行应立即将这一决定通知借款
人和各行。如果通知是在发放贷款之前发出,则银行在本合同项下的贷款义务则基于此通知而终止。如果通知是在贷款发放之后的任何时间发出,则每家银行应尽快地将利率通知借款人。该利率由上述银行按给该行提供该利息期贷款的实际费用加 1%(以年率表示)确定。银行贷款利息应在该利息期内,以该行的通知所规定的利率计息。按照该行的请求,借款人应签署并提义为充分有效的实施本款规定所需的单据,包括,但不限于,为交换该行持有的票据而应由该行签署并交付的新票据。
5 . 费用
5 .1 . 承诺费 借款人每年应支付银行贷款承诺总额 0 .
5% 的承诺费。从签订合同之日起(包括该日在内),到贷款发放日和终止中较早之日(但不包括该日在内)为止,从其后第
3 个月的该日起开始按季支付至发放日与终止日中较早之
5 . 2 . 管理费 借款人应支付给管理行相等于贷款总额
1% 的管理费,在该日支付。
5 . 3 . 代理费 借款人应向代理行支付代理费,代理费包括(1)贷款日和终止日两者之中较早之日后的 60 天内,支付
美元,和(2)借款人在提款的周年日应付或应偿还的任何金额尚未偿还时,则按提款日每一周年支付 美元。
6 . 税款
6 . 1 . 不得抵销、反索或预扣,补足条款,根据本合同,借款人所应作出的每次付款或开出的票据,均不得抵销或反索,并不得预扣由任何地点或其任何政府性分支机构、或税务当局征收的任何性质的、目前或将来的税款。但是,如果法律规定从上述支付额中扣交税款,则借款人应为银行或代理行扣交,并按时支付给有关政府机构。其后付给各行和代理行另外一
笔金额,以保证该行或代果对该笔支付没有扣交税应由借款人需要在支付罚何上述罚金或利息到期应支付。如果代理行或任何的任何金额,则借款人一或银行。如果借款人应内,将证明上述交税的官 6 . 2 . 印花税 借款人管辖地征收的注册税或 付的罚金、利息。如果代款,罚金和利息,则借款人 | ||
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理行除去税收的实际所得净值,与如额时的所得相等。所有上述税款均金或付息之前支付。但是,如果任付,借款人应向政府主管当局立即银行应支付上述税款、罚金和利息经要求,即应用美元如数补偿代理行交任何税款,则应在交税后 30 天之
7 . 付款;计算
7 . 1 . 款项的支付 (1)借款人按照本合同的应付款项或票据,应在上述应付之日约时间上午 11 时为止,用美元、用纽约银行间清算系统清算的资金,或按照代理行其时决定的、为在纽约市用国际银行交易惯用的以美元结算的其他资金,支付给代理行在 B 银行开立的帐号为第 × × × ~ × × × × 号的帐户,或代理行通知借款人指定的其他帐户。
7 . 2 . 计算 根据本合同应付的利息和承诺费,应按 1 年
360 日和实际过去的天数计算。
8 . 先决条件
8 . 1 . 贷款发放日前应满足的条件
据下列条件而定:则代理行应在不迟于付款日前 5 个银行工作日的纽约时间下午 5 时收到给签署的副本以及经确认的副本若干份,或另外经确认的副本若干份,足以使所有的银行都持有下列文件,每份注明交送日期,其形式和内容均应为代理行所满意:
(1)借款人证明书,其格式基本按照附录 4 的规定格式,以及其中所规定的附件。
(2)由律师向借款人提供的意见书,基本上按照附录 5 所规定的格式。
(3)当地法律事务所,代理行和银行特聘的当地律师出具的意见书,基本上按照附录 6 规定的格式。
按照附录 7 规定的格式。
(5)× × 信箱作出的不可撤销的书本承诺,接受指定作为借款人的代理人以接受传票,基本上按照附录 8 规定的格式。
8 . 2 . 付款时或付款之前应满足的额外条件 各行贷款的义务应根据下列额外条件而定:(1)在付款日没有发生或没有继续存在任何违约事件,或没有由于发出通知或时间届满,或者由于两者而可能构成违约事件。(2)代理行在贷款时或付款之前已收到(i)证明各该行贷款承诺的 9 份票据,总额相当于该行贷款总额。而每张票据的金额与贷款的每期偿还金额相等,这些票据基本上按照附录 2 的格式,并根据第 3 . 1 条确定,经正式签署和交付,而且注明支付日期;以及( ii)一份经签署的文本和经确认的文件副本若干份,或额外签署的副本若干份,使所有银行足以得到为代理行和任何银行合理要求
的这种其他文件,其形式 9 . xx与保证 9 . 1 . xx与保证 款人是根据现在所在地法权拥有自己的财产,从事的交易。 (2)借款人已经采取合同以及与本合同有关的票据项下的义务,完成本 (3)本合同已经借款署和交付时的票据均成借义务,并按各相应条款可 | ||
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(8)除第 10 . 6 条但书所指的留置权类型,借款人对其财产拥有完好的和可以出售的所有权,在其财产上,没有一切留置权和其他抵押权。借款人在本合同和票据项下的义务,至少与借款人或所借款项或发放信贷的保证人的所有其他义务处于比例平等的排列次序。
(9)借款人和子公司在 19 年 月 日及截至该
日为止的会计年度综合财务报表是完整和准确的,是按照 ×地为良好的会计惯例普遍接受的原则,准备和经常适用的,并且为独立会计师事务所证明为公正地反映了该日借款人和子
(10)自 19 年 月 日以来,借款人和子公司的综合财务状况或借款人履行其在本合同或票据项下义务的能力没有重大不利的变化。
9 . 2 . 重复声明与保证 第 9 . 1 条所规定的每一项xx与保证,视同在支付贷款之日当日和每一利息支付日当日所作出的xx与保证一样。
10 . 约定事项
10 . 1 . 收入的利用金。 10 . 2 . 政府许可 借款施与本合同或票据有关的行的登记。 10 . 3 . 财务报表(1) 一季度结束后 45 天内, 份借款人及其子公司每季收入报表以及财务状况变证明为完整、正确、公正及季度终止时综合财务状况 (2)借款人应在不迟 | ||
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借款人应在不迟于每一会计年度的每向代理行提供,并向各行分别提供一末的综合与的资产xx表、该季度 化表。上述报表由其财务负责官员 准确地反映了借款人和子公司在该
于其会计年度终止后 90 天给代理行并给各行一份,关于借款人与子公司按照为当地变更普遍接受、并一致适用的、良好会计惯例的原则制订的综合与的资产xx表、收入报表和该会计年度财务状况变化表。由借款人选任,并由经代理行接受的独立会计师事务所证明上述报表公正地反映了该会计年度终止时借款和子公司的结合财务状况及其在该会计年度的活动成果。该证明书应包括或连同一份说明书,即在该事务所审查上述财力报表期间,该事务所没有注意到或发现可构成违约的事件,或者由于发出通知或时间届满,或者由于这两者而可能构成违约的事件(或对注意到或发现的上述违约事件的详细叙述)。
10 . 4 . 检查权 借款人应使代理行的代表或任何银行能够在任何合理时间审查其资产和记录。
10 . 5 . 违约通知 借款人应将每一构成违约的事件,或由于发出通知或时间届满,或由于二者而可能构成的违约事件,
10 . 6 . 留置权和抵押权 如果借款人就其作为借款人的义务,或对所借款项或提供的信贷作为担保人的义务,在其财产上设定或允许设定任何留置权或抵押权时,应作出明文规定,任何银行对此不负担任何费用。但是,本条不适用于(1)购买时在财产上设定的任何留置权仅仅作为支付财产购买价格的保证;(2)在银行交易的一般过程中产生的留置权,用以保证在最初发生之日后一年内到期的债务;(3)对于库存设立的留置权,用以保证在最初发生之日一年内到期的债务,该项债务由出售库存所得中付还。
10 . 7 . 保险 借款人应向财务状况良好和有声誉的保险人就类似经营中公司惯有的风险对其财产投保。
10 . 8 . 免税通知 如果任何时候由当地或其任何政治分
11 . 违约事件
11 . 1 . 违约事件 如果发生下列一种或一种以上违约事
件,或该违约事件正在继续,代理行以及各行应行使第 11 . 2
(2)借款人未能履行或遵守本合同项下应由借款人履行或遵守的任何约定事件或合同(但不是第 11 . 1 条中所指的事项),如果上述不履行或不遵守发生之后 30 天内没有得到补救;
作出、重复作出或被推定面是不准确,不完整的 (4)借款人或任何子或借贷合同中的任何约定作为借款人或保证人的子 (5)借款人或任何子能付清到期债务;(3)在破或根据影响债权人权利的措施的任何其他诉讼或 强迫破产清理案件或任何或其他方式表示同意;( 理程序,已经开始强迫破 | ||
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审理程序;(4)在破产程序中,对开始其他此类诉讼或审理程序,用答复 5)在破产程序中或任何其他诉讼或审产清理案件诉讼,如果该案件或任何
其他诉讼或审理程序在案件提起时 60 天内未被驳回或中止,或如果任何上述驳回中止不再有效;
(7)多数贷款银行合理地认为,任何政府当局或法院所将采取的任何行动,对借款人以及子公司的状况有不利影响,或对借款人履行其本合同或票据项下的义务的能力有不利影响,如果这项行动在采用以后 30 天内没有撤销或撤销的决定不再有效;
11 . 2 . 违约救济 如果发生任何违约事件并且违约事件正在进行,代理行根据多数贷款权银行要求,可以,并应通知借款人:(1)宣布各行根据本合同的义务宣告终止,以及/或者
11 . 3 . 抵销权 如果本合同项下任何应付金额到期未付,借款人授权各行不需要事先通知即可根据抵销权、银行留置权和反索权,对于任何时候在该行或其任何附属银行、分支机构或办事处所占有的借款人任何币值的资产提起诉讼,以全部偿付其应支付给各行的金额。提起诉讼的任何银行应立即就该行根据本条提起的诉讼通知代理行。
11 . 4 . 非排他性权利 x合同规定的各项权利是累加的,并不排除法律规定的其他权利、权力、特权或补救方法。
12 . 适用、分配以及支付额的分摊
12 . 1 . 适用以及支付额的分配 代理行根据本合同或票
据(但不是根据第 3 . 3 或 14 . 4 条)收到借款人的全部支付额,
应不考虑借款人所指定的适用而作如下分配:首先根据第 14
条到期未付的任何数额,但不是根据第 14 . 4 条应付的金额;其次,用于第 5 条到期未付的任何费用;第三,任何根据第 3 . 2 条到期未付的保险费;第四,任何到期未付的贷款利息;第五,偿还贷款本金。上述支付额应按照所收到的资金,按第 14 条(而不是按第 14 . 4 条)应付的各该金额和按第 5 条应付的各项费用,到期未付的保险费、利息或本金按比例在代理行和各行间分配。
12 . 2 . 支付额的分摊 如果任何银行在任何时候得到按
照本合同应付的全部或部分金额(不是指根据第 33 条或 13 . 3条或 14 . 4 条,或根据第 12 . 1 条由代理行进行的分摊),该行还立即将所得金额付给代理行,代理应根据第 12 . 2 条分配上述金额,如同该款为借款人所偿还。但是,如果任何银行在任何时候通过行使抵销权、银行留置权或反索权得到本合同项下应付金额的全部或部分款项,该行应立即向其它银行购买
这些银行的贷款参与权 与其他银行分摊上述金 上述金额的全部或部分 补偿程度恢复。但对利息款人同意,根据本条从另在法律允许的最大限度内支付权利,如同该银行是述规定不会以任何方式影以外的债权所得到的金额 13 . 代理行 13 . 1 代理行 (1)各行专门委托给代理行的权力 | ||
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(5)代理行应立即(i)向各行传送其收到借款人给各行或要求各行采取某项行动的每份通知或其它文件;(ii)在收到第 7 . 1 条的所有文件时,通知每家银行,(iii)在收到第 7 . 2 条的所有文件时通知各行;(iv)将收到的各银行的全部票据转交该行,以及(v)将根据第 6 . 1 条递交代理行的任何文件的副
本转交各行。代理行应尽快将根据第 8 . 1 条和 8 . 2 条收到的文件副本转交各行。
(9)代理行在任何时候都可以辞职,以书面通知各行和借款人多数贷款权银行也可说明理由或不说明理由地通知代理行予以撤换。在作出上述任何一种通知时,多数贷款权银行应有权指定一个接替的代理行。如果在作出上述通知的 30天内接替的代理行没有被指定和没有接受这种指定,则又卸任的代理行可发指定一个接替的代理行,这种指定的代理行
其综合资本和盈余至少应外币,或者是这种银行的 接受指定为代理行时,即应切权利、权力、特权和责任的义务。尽管卸任的代理作为代理行时所作所为 它有效。 13 . 2 . 偿付的约定事比例补偿代理行(就借款行职责时所发生的一切 聘的顾问的合理费用,如果上述费用,则按该行各自 | ||
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有 x美元或与其相等的其它一个附属机构。接替的代理行一经接替并被赋予卸任的代理行的一
。卸任代理行应被解除本合同项下行辞职或被撤换,在它根据本合同 或不作为,本条的各项规定应继续对
项 各行应按其各自决定的份额按
13 . 3 . 代理人未收到的资金 (1)除非在本合同的付款
(2)代理行在支付之日应有权推定各行(但已经向代理行发出相应通知,代理行在支付前已收到该通知的任何银行除外)已经按照第 2 . 3 条向代理行提供资金。根据上述推定,代理行可以(但不必)把相当于所有银行(没有从它们收到上述通知)各自贷款承诺总额的资金贷记入借款人。如果未发出上述通知的任何银行没有根据第 2 . 5 条提供资金,并且代理
行已经将相当于该行贷款承诺的金额贷记入借款人按照第 262 条开立的帐户,代理行应有权根据其选择从该行或借款人立即索还上述金额(不影响借款人对上述银行的权利),以及从支付日起(包括支付日在内)到索还之日(不包括该日在内)上述金额每日利息。代理行确定的年利率为代理行提供的伦敦银行同业市场的该日美元存款的隔日利率。
14 . 补偿
14 . 1 . 开办费 借款人应以美元立即偿还代理行代表借款人或以理行谈判、准备和签订本合同和票据以及有关银行贷款发生的一切合理费用。上述费用应包括,但不限于,印刷和复制费用,旅行和通讯费用,本合同的交易所附加的任何广告费以及代理行和各行特聘顾问和特聘的合约和各项费用。 14 . 2 . 修改和强制执行费用 借款人应即以美元补偿代
14 . 3 . 其他费用 如果借款人,(1)在发出第 2 . 2 条所指的通知后,没有在规定执行各项条件之时或之前执行第 8 条规定的各项条件,或用其它方式不履行其根据第 2 . 2 条不可撤销的承诺;
14 . 4 . 增加的费用 借款人应以美元即期向每家银行支
付由上述银行确定因该银务而发生的全部费用和已法律、条例或条约的公 政府当局的命令,要求或的全部费用以及已收或于, 生于(1)任何税款的征贷款分行净所得计算并由任何税款;以及(ii)第 6 或者(2)对该行准备金 资产、负债或其帐上存款 15 . 一般条款 15 . 1 . 法律的选择 | ||
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. 1 条所指的任何税款的征收或变更,
本合同受 法律的管辖,并据此
15 . 2 . 管辖权(1)借款人同意凡与本合同或任何票据有关的诉讼或审理程序都可在纽约州法院或纽约南区联邦地区法
院提起并执行;并不可撤销地接受各该法院管辖,借款人不可撤销地指定 为其收受任何上述诉讼或审理程序的传票或送达文件或其它法律传唤的代理人。借款人同意,只要它根据本合同有任何义务,应为传票或传唤的送达而在纽约市保持正式指定的代理人。借款人同意,如果不能保持该代理人,任何传票或传唤行按本合同通知规定的地址,用挂号邮件邮寄送达借款人。
(3)借款人可撤销地放弃就本合同或票据有关的任何诉讼或审理程序不受在 地, 法院或任何其他国家或管辖地法院的管辖,在判决前后不受扣押及执行的所有豁
(4)借款人在法律允许的最大限度内,不可撤销地放弃对现在或以后在 法院、以任何方式与本合同票据有关的诉讼或审理程序指定的审判地点提出异议,对在上述法院提起的诉讼,不可撤销地放弃以出庭不便为理由而提出的请求。
15 . 3 . 贷款货币(1)根据第 14 条规定需要偿付的费用,如果原来是以美元以外的货币支付的,借款人同意应以相当于美元的金额偿还,即发生上述费用的人,根据正常的银行程序,在原费用支出之日以上述其他货币购买美元所应支付的金额(在升水和兑换费用之后)。借款人并同意,根据第 4 . 2条,上述金额应付的利息应根据其金额以美元计算。
15 . 4 . 票据的替换 由于票据丢失、被窃、被毁或残缺不全,以及(1)在丢失,被窃、或被毁的情况下,借款人收到他可以合理地满意的补偿或担保(除非票据持有人是公认可靠的金融机构,则持有人自身关于补偿的协议应被认为是令人满意的);或者(2)如果票据残缺不全,则在向借款人出示该残损票据时,借款人应自付费用签署并递交一份新票据,注明支付
日期和相同的本金金额代 15 . 5 . 通知 除本合本合同以电传或电报或派般空邮递,邮资已付。 收受人的电传号或地址(视知其他当事人已指定出的在收到时有效。 15 . 6 . 补救和弃权 x合同项下的权利应不应部分地行使上述权利应不行使上述权利或其它权 权利的放弃应属无效。上 | ||
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上述所有通知应递交给附录 1 指定的具体情况而定)。或上述收受人通其它号码或地址。所有上述通知应
代理行或任何银行没有或迟延行使为放弃或损害上述权利,单一地或 排除以任何其它方式行使或进一步利。除非以书面形式表示,否则上述述任何权利的放弃不能视为本合同
15 . 7 . 变更 x合同只能由当事人书面签字的文件变更。
15 . 8 . 转让 (1)本合同对借款人、代理行和各行及其各自的继承者和受让人的利益有拘束力。但是,如果代理行以及所有银行没有事先书面同意,借款人不能转让其在本合同项下的任何权利或义务。
15 . 9 . 代理行或任何银行的决定 代理行或任何银行的
15 . 10 . 继续有效 借款人在第 6 . 1 . 条、6 . 2 . 条和 14 条项下的义务,在偿还贷款、取消票据及终止银行和代理行在本合同项下的义务时仍然有效。
15 . 11 . 语言 有关本合同提交的每份文件均应为英文,或应附有英文译本,由必须提交上述文件的当事人确认为完整和准确。
15 . 12 . 条款的可分割性 x合同中任何管辖区禁止或不能执行的任何条款就该管辖区而言,在上述禁止或不能执行限度内无效,并不使合同的其它条款无效,或者影响该条款在任何其它管辖区内的有效性和可执行性。
15 . 13 . 副本 x合同以签署任何数量的副本,所有上述副本合起来应视为同一合同。
15 . 14 . 本语的统一性 x合同包括关于标的事项的当事人之间的全部合同,并取代所有口头xx和以前的书面文件。
双方于合同开端所述日期在 正式签署和交付本合同,以资证明。
X 公司,借款人签字人:
职 务 :
LOAN AGREEMENT,dated as of ,among X,as xxx- xxxxx( the“ Borrower”),A BANK,as agent( in such capacity,the “Agent”)B BANK,and C BANK,as managers(the“Managers”),
and the several banks and financial institutions named as Banks on
the signature pages hereof,as lender(s each individually Bank).
collectively the“ Banks”and
WHEREAS the Borr and the Banks,severally b rower,an aggregate amoun as follows . 1 . DEFINITIONS;IN 1 .1 . Definitions,For terms shall have the mean “Banking Day”mean Dollars are carried on in t open for business in Lond close in New York City,a which dealings in depostis | ||
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ower proposes to borrow from the Banks, ut not jointly,propose to lend to the Bor-
t of $ 50 000 000,the parties have agreed
purposes of this Agreement,the following ings indicated
s a day on which dealings in deposits in he London interbank market and banks are on and not required or authorized by law to nd“London Banking day”means a day on in Dollars are carried on in the London
interbank market and banks are open for business in London.
“Disbursement Date”has the meaning assigned to that term in Section 2 . 2 .
“Dollars”o“r $ ”means lawful money of the United States.
“Event of Default”has the meaning assigned to that term in Section 11 . 1 .
“Interest Payment Date”,which respect to any Interest Period,
means the last day of such Intersest Period.
“Interest Period”means the period commencing on the Dis- bursement Date(in the case of the initial Interest Period)or on the last day of the next preceding Interest Period( in the case of any subsequent Interest Period)and ending on the day numerically cor- responding to the Disbursement Date or such last day(as the case may be)in the sixth month thereafter.
“Lending Branch”,with respect to any Bank,means the office of such Bank named in Exhibit A or such other office of such Bank
as such Bank may designate as its lending branch for purposes of this Agreement at any time by notice to the Agent and the Borrower .
“LIBOR”,with respect to any Interest Period,means the rate of interest(expressed as an annual rate)determined by the Agent to be the arithmetic mean(rounded up to the nearest one - eighth of one percen(t 1/8% ),of the respective rates of interest communicated by the several Reference Banks to the Gent as the rates at which each
such Reference Ban(k or,if such Reference Bank is not a Bank,by
such office or affiliate of such Reference Bank as is a bank)would offer a deposit in Dollars for a term coextensive with such Interest Period in an amount substantially equal to the amount of its Loan scheduled to be outstanding during such Interest Peirod,rounded up
to the nearest integral multiple of 1 000 00(0 without taking into ac-
count any assignment or transfer of any rights or obligations hereun- der)to major banks in the London interbank market at approximately 11: 00 a. m. . London time two London Banking Days prior to the commencement of such Interest Period;provided,however,that if any of the Reference Banks shall fail so to communicate a rate,LIBOR shall be determined on the basis of the rate or rates communicated to the Agent by the remaining Reference Bank or Reference Xxxxx.
“Loan”,with reapect to any Bank at any time,means the loan
to be made hereunder by such Bank or the loan made by such Bank hereunder in the principal amount then outstanding(as the case may
be),an“d Loans”AT any time means the aggregate of the Loans of all
the Banks at such time .
“ Loan Commitment”,with respect to any Bank,means the amount designated as such and set forth opposite the name of such Bank on the signature pages hereof.
“Majority Banks”me of any Loan or Loans,Ba more than fifty percen(t 50 any time thereafter,Banks fifty percent(50% )of th at such time . “Margine”means on “Note”means sach p Bank,substantially in the “Reference Banks” Bank,C Bank,and D Ban “Subsidiary”at any | ||
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ans,at any time prior to the disbursement nks the Loan Commitments of which total
% )of the Total Loan Commitment and,at maintaining loans constituting more than e aggregated principal amount of the Loans
fifty percen(t
e percen(t 1% ).
xxxxxxxxx note evidencing the Loan of any form of Exhibit B.
means the principal London offices of B k.
time means any entity of which more than 50%)of the outstanding voting stock or other equity
interest entitled ordinarily to vote in the election of the directors or
other governing bydy( however designated)of such entity is at the time beneficially owned or controlled directly or indirectly by the Borrower,one or more such entities or the Borrower and on or more such entities.
“Termination Date”means in
“Total Loan Commitment”means $ 50000000 .
“United States”means the United States of America .
1 . 2 . Interpretation. The table of contents and the headings of the articles and sections hereof are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the meaning or construction of any provision hereof.
2 . 1 . Commitment to Lend. On the terms and subject to the con- ditions set forth herein,each Bank,severally but not jointly,agrees to
make a loan through its Lending Branch to the Borrower in a princi- pal amount equal to such Bank’s Loan Commitment .
2 . 2 . Notice and Commitment to Borrow. If the Borrower wishes to borrow an amount equal to the Total Loan Commitment hereunder, it shall,not later than 5 : 00 p. m. New York City time on the fifth Banking Day next preceding the date it wishes to designate for such borrowing,give the Agent notice,substantially in the form set forth in Exhibit C,of such date(the“Disbursement Date”),which date shall be a Banking Day prior to the Termination Date,and the account in New York City to which the proceeds of the Loans are to be credit- ed. The giving of such notice shall constitute the Borrower’s irrevo- cable commitment to borrow such amount on the Disbursement Date.
2 . 3 . Disbursement . The Agent shall give prompt notice to each
Bank by telex or cable of the Disbursement Date. By 10 : 00 a. m. New York City time on the Disbursement Date,each Bank shall,sub-
ject to the conditions set forth herein,make available to the Agent an amount equal to such Bank’s Loan Commitment,in funds settled through the New York Clearing House Interbank Payments System or such other funds as the Agent may at the time determine to be cus- tomary for the settlement in New York City of international banking transac tions denominated in Dollars,by deposit to the Agent’s ac- count. No. maintained at B Bank,or to such other account as the Agent may have therefore designated by notice to the Banks. Subject to the condition set forth herein,the Agent shall,on the Disburse- ment Date,credit the funds so received to the accound specified by the Borrower pursuant to Section 2 . 2 .
3 . 1 . Repayment . Except as otherwise expressly provided here-
in,the Borrower shall rep ments,each such installm such Loan;provided,xxxx shall each be rounded dow and the last such installm repay in full the outstandi of each Loan shall be pay commencing with the eigh 3 . 2 . Optional Prepay in whole or in part in an Payment Date,if,not later the fifteenth Banking Day | ||
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ay each Loan in nine semiannual install- ent in an amount equal to one - ninth of ver,that the first eight such installments n to the nearest integral multiple of $ 1 ent shall be in the ammount necessary to ng balance of such Loan. The installments able on successive Interest Payment Dates th Interest Payment Date.
ment . The Borrower may prepay the Loans integral multiple of on any Interest than 5 : 00 p. m. New York City time on next preceding the date on which the Bor-
rower wishes to make such prepayment,it shall give irrevocable no-
tice to the Agent of such date and the amount to be prepaid. The
amount so specified shall be paid on such date together with interest accrued to the date of prepayment on such amount and a premium for the account of each Bank of one half of one percent(1/2% )of the amount being prepaid to such Bank. Any partial prepayment hereun- der shall be allocated pro rata among the Loans and applied sequen- tially to the installments provided for in Section 3 . 1 in inverse order of their maturities . Any amount so prepaid may not be reborrowed under this Agreement .
3 . 3 . Illegality . If any Bank determines at any time that any law,regulation or treaty or any change therein or in the interpretation or application thereof shall make it unlawful for such Bank to make or maintain its Loan or to claim or receive any amount otherwise pay- able hereunder,such Bank shall give notice of such determination to the Borrower . If such notice is given before the disbursement of such
Loan,the obligations of such Bank under this Agreement shall termi- nate upon the giving of such notice. If such notice is given after the disbursement of such Loan,the Borrower shall prepay such Loan in full on the Interest Payment Date next succeeding the date of such notice or,if such Bank determines that such prepayment is required prior to such Interest Payment Date,on demand of such Bank,with- out preminum but together with interest accrued to the date of pre- payment on such Loan and all other amounts then payable to such Bank by the Borrower hereunder.
4 .1 . Basic Rate(. a)Execpts as otherwise expressly provided
in Section 4 . 2 . or Section 4 . 3 . ,interest shall accrue on each Loan during each Interest Period,from and including the first day of such Interest Peirod,to but excluding the last day thereof,at a rate per
annum equal to the sum of the Margin and LIBOR for such Interest
(b)Except as otherwise expressly provided herein,accrued in- terest on the Loans shall be payable on each Interest Payment Date.
(c)The Agent shall give notice to the Borrower and the Banks
of LIBOR promptly after each detrmination thereof.
4 .2 . Interest on Late Payments . If any amount payable by the Borrower hereunder is not paid when due(whether at stated maturi- ty,by acceleration or otherwise ),interest shall accrue on such amount,to the extent permitted by applicable law,during the period from the including the due date thereof to but excluding the date such amount is paid,at a rate per annum equal for each day in such period to the sum of(a)the Margin,(b)one percent(1% )and(c) the highest of(i)the Agent’s overnight offerred rate(expressed as
an annual rate)for a de market in such amount for rate substituted for LIBOR for which such due date is date is not an Interest P which such due date falls for LIBOR under Section 4 such due dat(e if such du od). Interest accruing pur from time to time on dema 4 . 3 . Substitute Rate Banks to the extent practi | ||
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posit in Dollars in the London interbank value on such day ,(ii)LIBOR(or the under Section 4 . 3)for the Interest Pairod the Interest Payment Date(or if such due ayment Date,the Interest Period during
)and( iii)LIBOR( or the rate substituted
. 3)for the Interest Period commencing on e date is the first day of an Interest Peri- sant to shis Section 4 . 2 shall be payable nd of the Agent.
. If the Agent,after consultation with the cable,determines at any time that(a)it
will not be possible to determine LIBOR for the next succeeding In-
terest Period or( b)LIBOR for such Interest Period will not ade- quately reflect the costs to Majority Banks of obtaining deposits in
Dollars in the London interbank market for such Interest Period,the Agent shall forthwith give notice of such determination to the Borrow- er and the Banks. If such notice is given before the disbursement of the Loans,the obligations of the Banks to make loans under this agreement shall terminate upon the giving of such notice. If such no- tice is given at any time after the disbursement of the laons,each Bank shall,as soon as practicable,give notice to the Borrower of the rate of interest which such Bank determines is one percent(1% ) above the effective cost(expressed as an annual rate)to such Bank of funding such Bank’s Loan for such Interest Period,and interest shall accrue on such Bank’s Loan during such Interest Period at the rate set forth in such Bank’s notice. The Borrower shall,at the re- quest of such Bank,execute and deliver such documents as may be
necessary to give full force and effect to the provisions of this Sec- tion,including,without limitation,new Notes for such Bank to be ex- ecuted and delivered in exchange for the Notes then held by such Bank.
5 . FEES
5 .1 . Commitment Fee. The Borrower shall pay for the account of the Banks a commitment fee of one half of one percent 1/2%)per annum on the Ttotal Loan Commitment,from and including the date hereof to but excluding the earlier of the Disbursement Date and the Termination Date,payable quarterly commencing on the day numeri- cally corresponding to the date hereof in the third month thereafter and on the earlier of the Disbursement Date and the Termination Date.
5 .2 . Management Fee. The Borrower shall pay for the account
of the Managers a management fee equal to one percen(t 1% )of the Total Loan Commitment,payable on the date hereof.
5 . 3 . Agency Fee. The Borrower shall pay for the account of the Agent an agency fee consisting of(a)payment of within six- ty days after the earlier of the Disbursement Date and the Termina- tion Date and(b)a payment of on each anniversary of the Disbursement Date on which any amount payable or repayable by the Borrower under this Agreement remains outstanding.
6 . 1 . No Set off,Counterclaim or Withholding;Gross - Up. Each payment by the Borrower under this Agreement or the Notes shall be made without setoff or counterclaim and without withholding for or on account of any present or future taxes of any nature whatsoever im- posed by or within Nowhere or any political subdivision or taxing au-
thority thereof or therein; required by law to be with shall make such withholdi or Banks or the Agent,ma ate governmental authority Bank and the Agent such ensure that the net amou Agent(as the case may b the amount which such B would have received had n ment . All such taxes shall on which penalties attach | ||
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provided,however,that,if such taxes are held from any such payment,the Borrower ng for the account of the appropriate Bank ke timely payment thereof to the appropri- and forthwith pay for the account of each additional amount as may be necessary to nt actually received by such Bank or the e)free and clear of such taxes is equal to ank or the Agent( as the case may be) o such taxes been withheld from such pay- be paid by the Borrower prior to the date thereto or interest accrues thereon;provid-
ed,however,that,if any such penalties orinterest become due,the
Borrower shall make prompt payment thereof to the appropriate gov- ernmental authority. In the event that the Agent or any Bank shall
pay any amount in respect of such taxes,penalties or interest,the Borrower shall reimburse the Agent or such Bank in Dollars on de- mand therefor. If the Borrower shall pay any such taxes,it shall de- liver official tax receipts evidencing such payment or certified copies thereof to the Agent within thirty days after payment .
6 . 2 . Stamp Taxes. The Borrower shall pay any registration or transfer taxes,stamp duties or shimilar levies,and any penalties or interest which may be due with respect thereto,which may be im- posed by any jurisdiction in connection with this Agreement or the Notes. In the event that that Agent or any Bank shall pay any amount in respect of any such taxes,duties,levies,penalties or interest,the Borrower shall reimburse the Agent or such Bank on demand there- for.
7 .1 . Making of payments(. a)Each payment by the Borrower
under this Agreement or the Notes shall be made in Dollars in funds settled through the New York Clearing House Interbank Payments System or such other funds as the Agent may at the time determine to be customary for the settlement in New City of international banking transactions in Dollars,by 11 : 00 a. m. New York City time on the date such payment is due to the Agent by deposit to the Agent’s ac- count No. 000 - 000,maintained at B Bank,or to such other account as the Agent may have therefore designated by notice to the Borrow- er.
(b)Whenever any payment hereunder or under the Notes shall be stated to be due,or any Interest Period shall be stated to end,on a day numerically corresponding to a given day in a specified month thereafter,if there shall be no such corresponding day,such payment
shall be made or such Interest Period shall en(d as the case may be)
on the last Banking Day of such month . Whenever any such payment shall be stated to be due,or any Interest Period shall be stated to end,on a day which is not a Banking Day,such payment shall be made,or such Interest Period shall end(as the case may be)on the next succeeding Banking Day,unless such next succeeding Banking Day falls in a different calendar month,in which case such payment shall be made,or such Interest Period shall end( as the case may be)on the next preceeding Banking Day.
7 . 2 . Computations . Interest and the commitment fee payable hereunder shall be commputed on the basis of a 36 - day year and actual days elapsed.
8 . 1 . Conditions to be Date. The obligation of eac hereunder is subject to th ceived,not later than 5 : 0 Banking Day nest preceed copy and certified copies all the Bnaks of each of t date of its delivery,in for (a)A certificate of t forth in Exhibit D,togethe (b)An opinion of co form set forth in Exhibit E | ||
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Satisfied in Advance of the Disbursement h Bank to make the Loan to be made by it e condition that the Agent shall have re- 0 p. m. New York City time on the fifth ing the Disbursement Date,one executed or additional executed copies sufficient for he documents listed below,each dated the
m and substance staisfactory to the Agent:
he Borrower,substantially in the form set r with the attachments specified therein. unsel to the Borrower,substantially in the
(c)An opinion of Local Law office,special local counsel to the Agent and the Banks,substantially in the form set forth in Exhibit F.
(d)An opinion of special New York counsel to the Agent and
the Banks,substantially in the form set forth in Exhibit G.
(e)An irrevocable written acceptance by Mail Box of its ap- pointment as the Borrower’s agent to receive service of process,sub- stantially in the form set forth in Exhibit H.
8 . 2 . Further Conditions to be Satisfied At or Before Disburse- ment . The obligation of each Bank to make the Loan to be made by it hereunder is subject to the further conditions that( a)no event which constitutes,or which,with the giving of notice or the lapse of time of both,would constitute,an Event of Default shall have oc- curred and be continuing at the time of disbursement of the Loans, and(b)the Agent shall have received,at or before the time of dis- bursement of the Loans,(i)for such bank,nine Notes evidencing the Loan of such Bank,in an aggregate amount equal to such Bank’s
Loan Commitment and each such Loan,as determined pursuant to Section 3 . 1,and substantially in the form of Exhibit B,duly execut- ed and deliverd and dated the Disbursement Date,and(ii)one exe- cuted copy and certified copies or additional executed ecpies suffi- cient for all the Banks of such other documents as the Agent or any Bank may reasonable request,in form and substance satisfactory to the Agent.
9 . 1 . Representations and Warranties . The Borrower represents and warrants to each Bank as follows .
(a)The Borrower is a company duly organized and validiy exis- ting under the law of Nowhere and has the power and authority to own its property,to conduct its business as currently conducted and
to consummate the transactions contemplated in this Agreement .
(b)The Borrower has taken all necessary action to authorized the execution and delivery of this Agreement and each other docu- ment to be excuted and delivered by it in connection with this Agree- ment,the performance of its obligations under this Agreement and the Notes and the consummation of the transactions contemplated in this Agreement .
(c)This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by the Borrower and constitutes,and the Notes,when executed and de- livered by the Borrower,will constitute,legal,valid and binding obli- gations of the Borrower,enforceable against the Borrower in accor- dance with their respective terms .
(d)All govermmental authorizations and actions of any kind necessary to authorize the Loans or required for the validity or en- forceability against the Borrower of this Agreement or the Notes have
been obtained or performe and effect. (e)No event has occ or which,with the giving o constitute,an Event of De which the Borrower is a pa tee in re spect of money such event will occur upo (f)No consent or ap Borrower or any Subsidiar to which the Borrower or guarantor for the executio | ||
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d and are valid and subsisting in full force
urred and is continuing which constitutes, f notice or the lapse of time or both,would fault or a defult under any agreement to rty containing any obligation for or guaran- borrowed or the advance of credit,and no n the making of the Loans.
proval of,or notice to,any creditor of the y is required by the terms of any agreement any Subsidiary is a party as borrower or n or delivery of,or the performance of its
obligations under,this Agreement or the Notes or the consummation of the transactions contemplated in this Agreement,and such execu- tion,delivery,performance and consummation will not result in any breach or violation of,or constitute a default under,the charter or bylaws of the Borrower or any Subsidiary or any agreement,instru- ment,judgment,order,statute,rule or regulation applicable to the Borrower or any Subsidiary of to any property of the Borrower or any subsidiary.
(g)There are no actions,proceedings or claims pending or,to the knowledge of the Borrower,threatened the adveres determination of which might have a materially adveres effect on the consolidated financial condition of the Borrower and Subsidiaries or impair the ability of the Borrower to perform its obligations under,or affect the validity or enforceability of this Agreement or the Notes.
(h)Except for liens of the type referred to in the provisoion in Section 10 . 6,the Borrwer has good and marketable title to its prop-
erty free and clear of all liens and other encumbrances,and its obli-
gations under this Agreement rank,and its obligations under the
Notes will rank,at least pari passu with all its other obligations as borrower or guarantor for money borrowed or the advance of credit.
(i)The consolidated financial statements of the Borrwer and Subsidiaries as at December 31,1981 and for the fiscal year ended on such date are complete and correct,have been prepared in accor- dance with generally accepted principles of good accountion practice in Nowhere,consistently applied,and have been certified by a firm of independent accountants as fairly presenting the consolidated finan- cial condition of the Borrower and Subsidiaries as such date and the consolidated results of their operations for such fiscal year.
(j)There has been no material adverse change since December 31,1981 in the consolidated financial condition of the Borrower and Subsidiaries or in the Borrower’s ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement or the Notes.
(k)Neither the Borrower not its property has any right of immu- nity on the grounds of sovereignty or otherwise from jurisdiction,at- tachment,before or after judgment,or execution in any jurisdiction in respect of any action or proceeding relating in any way to this Agree- ment or the Notes.
(1)All information relating to the Borrower heretofore delivered to the agent or any Bank in connection with this agreement is com- plete and correct in all material respects.
9 . 2 . Repetition of Representations and Warranties . Each of the
representations and warranties set forth in Section 9 . 1 shall be deemed to be repeated at the time of disbursement of the Loans as if made at and as of such time and on each Interest Payment Date as if
made on and as of such d 10 . COVENANTS 10 . 1 . Use of Proceed Loans as working capital. 10 . 2 . Governmental and keep in full force and tions with governmental a spect to this Agreement or 10 . 3 . Financial Stat the Agent,with a copy for after the close of each qua rower and Subsidiaries con | ||
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s. The Borrower shall use the proceeds the
Authorizations. The Borrower shall obtain effect all authorizations from and regista- uthorities which may be required with re-
the Notes.
ements(. a)The Borrower shall furnish to
each Bank,not later than forty - five days rter of each of its fiscal years,for the Bor- solidated and consolidating balance sheets
as at the close of such quarter and an income statement and state-
ment of changes in financial position for such quarter,certified by its chief financial officer as being complete and correct and fairly and
accurately presenting the consolidated financial condition of the Bor- rower and Subsidiaries as at the close of such quarter and the results of their operations for such quarter.
(b)The Borrower shall furnish to the Agent with a copy for each Bank,not later than ninety days after the end of each of its fis- cal years. For the Borrower and Subsidiaries consolidated and consol- idating balance sheets as at the close of such fiscal year and an in- come statement and statement of changes in financial position for such fiscal year prepared in accordance with generally accepted prin- ciples of good accouting practice in Nowhere,consistently applied, certified by a firm of independent accountants selected by it and ac- ceptable to the Agent as fairly presenting the consolidated financial condition of the Borrower and Subsidiaries as at the close of such fis-
cal year and the results of their operations for such fiscal year,which certification shall include or be accompanied by a statement that, during the examination by such firm of such financial statements, such firm observed or discovered no event which at the time consti- tuted,or which,with the giving of notice or the lapse of time or both, would have constituted,an Event of Default(or a detailed descrip- tion of any such event so observed or discovered).
(c)The Borrower furnish to the Agent from tine to time such other statements and information as the Agent or any Bank may rea- sonably request.
10 . 4 . Inspection Rights. The Borrower shall enable representa- tives of the Agent or any Bank to examine its property and records at any reasonable times .
10 . 5 . Notices of Default. The Borrower shall promptly give no-
tice to the Agent of each event which constitutes,or which,with the giving of notice or the lapse of time or both,would constitute,an Event of Default and each other event which has or might have a ma- terially adverse effect on its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement or the Notes.
10 . 6 . Liens and Encumbrances . If the Borrower shall create or permit to be created any lien of other encumbrance on any of its property in respect of its obligations as borrower or guarantor for bor- rower money or the aduance of credit,such lien or encumbrance shall equally and ratably secure the payment of all amounts payable under this Agreement and the Notes,and,in the creation of any such lienor encumbrance,express provision shall be made to that effect,at no cost to any Bank;provided,however,that this Section shall not apply to(a)any lien created on property,at the time of purchase thereof,
solely as security for the p any lien arising in the or securing a debt maturing which it is originally incur debt maturing not more th originally incurred and to such inventory. 10 . 7 . Insurance. The by financially sound and against such risks as is cu es. 10 . 8 . Notice of Tax | ||
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ayment of the purchase price thereof,(b) dinary course of banking transactions and not more than one year after the date on red or(c)any lien on inventory securing a an one year after the date on which it is be repaid out of the proceeds of the sale of
Borrower shall keep its property insured reputable insurers to such extent and stomary for companies in similar business-
Exemption . If an exemption shall be ob- tained at any time from any present or future taxes of any nature
whatsoever imposed by or within Nowhere or any political subdivision or taxing authority thereof or therein which would otherwise be due in respect of any payment or payments under this Agreement or the Notes,the Borrower shall promptly deliver to the Agent a certified copy of the documents evidencing such exemption .
11 . 1 . Events of Default. If one or more of the following events of default(each an“Event of Default”)shall occur and be continu- ing,the Agent and the Banks shall be entitled to the remedies set forth in Section 11 . 2
(a)The Borrower shall all to pay any amount payable hereunder as and when such amount shall become payable.
(b)The Borrower shall fail to perform or observe any covenant
or agreement contained herein to be performed or observed by it oth- er than those referred to in Section 11 . 1(a),if such failure is not
remedied within thirty days after it occurs.
(c)Any representation or warranty of the Borrower in this Agreement or any other document delivered in connection with this Agreement shall prove to have been incorrect,incomplete or mislead- ing in any material respect at the time it was made or repeated or deemed to have been made or repeated.
(d)The Borrower or any Subsidiary shall fail to perform or ob- serve any covenant or agreement to be performed or observed by it contained in any other agreement involving the borrowing of money or the advance of credit to which the Borrower or such Subsidiary is a party as borrower or guarartor.
(e)The Borrower or any Subsidiary shall(i)be dissolved,(ii) fail or be unable to pay its debts as they become due,(iii)commence a voluntary case in bankruptcy or any other action or proceeding for any other relief under any similar low affecting creditors’s(iv)con- sent by answer or otherwise to the commencement against it of an in- voluntary case in bankruptcy or any other such action or proceeding of(v)have commenced against it an involuntary case in bankruptcy or any other such action or proceeding of such case or any other ac- tion or proceeding shall not be dismissed or stayed within sixty days following the commencement thereof or if any such dismissal or stay shall fail to remain in effect.
(f)Any governmental authorization necessary for the perfor-
mance of any obligation of the Borrower under this Agreement or the Notes shall fail to remain valid and sub sisting in full force and ef- fect.
(g)Any governmental authority or court shall take any action which,in the reasonable opinion of Majority Banks,adversely affects
the condition of the Borro the Borrower to perform it Notes,if such action is not or if such rescission shall (h)The Borrower sha stantial part of its assets o of its business as now con 11 . 2 . Default Remed be contiuing,the Agent x Xxxxx,by notice to the Bo Bank hereunder to be ter terminate,and/o(r b)decl | ||
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wer and the Subsidiaries or the ability of s obligations under this Agreement or the rescinded within thirty days after it occurs fail to remain in effect.
ll sell or otherwise dispose of all or a sub- r cease to conduct all or a substantial part ducted.
ies. If any Event of Default shall occur and ay,and shall upon the request of Majority rrower,(a)declare the obligations of each minated,whereupon such obligations shall are all amounts payable hereunder by the
Borrower which would otherwise be due after the date of such termi-
nation to be immediately due and payable,whereupon all such amou- nts shall become immediately due and payable,all without diligence,
presentment,demand of payment,protest or notice of any kind,which are expressly waived by the Borrower .
11 . 3 . Right of set off. If any amount payable hereunder is not paid as and when due,the Borrower authorizes each Bank to proceed without prior notice,by right of setoff,banker’s lien or counter- claim,against any assets of the borrower in any currency which may at any time be in the possession of such Bank or any of its affiliates, at any brance or office,to the full extent of all amounts payable to the Banks hereunder. Any Bank so proceeding shall forthwith give notice to the Aegnt of any action taken by such Bank pursuant to this Section.
11 .4 . Rights Not Exclusive. The rights privided for herein are cumulative and are not exclusive of any other rights,powers,privileg-
es or remedies provided by law.
12 . 1 . Application and Distribution of payments . All payments received by the Agent from the Borrower pursuant to this Agreement or the Notes other than pursuant to Section 3 . 3 or Section 14 . 4 shall,regardless of the application designated by the Borrower,be applied,first,to any sum due and owning pursuant to Article 14 oth- er than any sum payable pursuant to Section 14 . 4,second,to any fees due and owning pursuant to Article 5,third,many premium due and owing pursuant to Section 3 . 2,fourth,to any interest due and owning on the Loans,and fifth,to the repayment of the principal of
the Loans. Such payments shall be distributed among the Agent and
the Banks in like funds as received,in proportion to the respective amounts of the sums payable pursuant to Article 14 other than any
sum payable pursuant to Section 14 . 4,fees payable pursuant to Arti- cle 5 premium,interest or principal,as the case may be,at the time due and owning to each of them.
12 . 2 . Sharing of Payments . If any Bank at any time shall obtain total or partial payment of any amount payable hereunder other than pursuant to Section 3 . 3 or Section 11 . 3 or Section 14 . 4 or by distri- bution by the Agent pursuant to Section 12 . 1,such Bank shall forth- with pay to the Agent the amount so obtained,and the Agent shall apply and distribute such amount pursuant to the provisions of Sec- tion 12 . 1 as if such amount were a payment make by the Borrower; provided,however,that,if any Bank at any time shall obtain total or partial payment of any amount payable hereunder by exercising a right of setoff,banker’s lien or counterclaim,such Bank shall forth-
with purchase from the oth made by such as other Ba chasing Bank to share suc vided further,however,tha thereafter recovered from be rescinded and the pur recovery,but with such ad The Borrower agrees that a another Bank pursuant to mitted by law,exercise all participation as fully as if Borrower in the amount o | ||
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er Banks such participations in the Loans nks shall be necessary to cause such pur- h amount with such other Banks;and pro- t,if all or any portion of such amount is such purchasing Bank,the purchase shall chase price restored to the extent of such justments of interest as shall be equitable. ny Bank so purchasing a participation from this Section may,to the fullest extent per- its rights of payment with respect to such such Bank were the direct creditor of the f such participation. Nothing herein con-
tained shall in any way affect the right of any Bank to retain any
amount obtained with respect to indebtedness other than indebted- ness under this Agreement or the Notes.
13 . 1 . The Agent,(a)Each Bank authorizes the Agent to exer- cise on its behalf the powers specifically delegated to the Agent here- in and all other powers reasonably incidental thereto. The relation- ship between the Agent and each Bank is that of agent and principal only,and nothing herein shall be deemed to constitute the Agent a trustee for any Bank or impose on the Agent any obligations other than those for which express provision is made here in.
(b)Neither the Agent nor any of its directors,officers,employ-
ees or agents shall have any responsibility for(i)any failure of the Borrower to fulfill any obligation under this Agreement or the Notes
(ii)the truth of any representation or warranty made in this Agree- ment or any other document delivered in connection with this Agree-
ment or( iii)the validity or enforceablity of this Agreement of the Notes.
(c)Neither the Agent nor any of its directors,officers employ- ees or agents shall have any responsibility for any action taken or omitted to be taken in connection with this Agreement or the Notes, except for gross negligence or willful misconduct. The Agent shall be entitled to rely in good faith on any document believed by it to be genuine and to havebeen sent or signed by the proper person and on the opinions and statements of any independent legal counsel or other professional advisors selected by it and shall not be liale to any other party for any consequence of any such reliance.
(d)Each Bank has made such investigation and evaluation of
the credit worthiness of the Borrwer as it has judged appropiate and
prudent in connection with the making of its Loan. Except as ex- pressly provided herein,the Agent shall have no duty to provide any
Bank with any credit or other information with respect to the Borrow- er,whether such information comes into its possession before or after the time of disbursement of the Loans.
(e)The Agent shall promptly( i)transmit to each Bank cach notice or other document received by the Agent from the Borrower addressed to,or calling for action by,such Bank,( ii)advise each Bank upon receipt of all the documents referred to in Section 7 . 1,
(iii)advise each Bank upon its receipt of all documents referred to in Section 7 . 2,(iv)forward to each Bank all Notes which it shall have received for such Bank and(v)forward to each Bank copies of any documents delivered to the Agent pursuant to Section 6 . 1 . The Agent shall,as soon as practicable,forward to each Bank copies of the doc- uments received pursuant to Section 8 . 1 and Section 8 . 2 .
(f)The Agent shall n the performance by the Bo ment or the Notes;provi prompt notice to each Ban in its capacity as Agent h with the giving of notice o tute,an Event of Default. (g)Except as other shall not be obligated to ceived in respect of any L affiliates or for the profit r may,without liability to ac | ||
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ot be under any obligation to inquire a to rrower of its obligations under this Agree- ded,however,that the Agent shall give k of any event of which to receives notice ereunder which then constitutes,or which, r the lapse of time or both,would consti-
wise expressly provided herein,the Agent account to any Bank for any amount re- oan maintained by the Agent or any of its elated thereto. The Agent and its affiliates count to any Bank therefor,make loans to,
accept deposits from,and generally engage in any kind of business with,the Borrower as though the Agent were not the Agent.
(h)The Agent may treat each Bank as the holder of the Notes delivered to such Bank pursuant to this Agreement for all purposes whatsoever unless and until notice of a transfer or assignment thereof shall have been given to the Agent any request,authority or consent of any holder of any Note shall be conclusive and binding on any subsequent holder thereof.
( i)The Agent may at any time resign by giving written notice to the Banks and the Borrower or be removed with or without cause by Majority Banks by notice to the Agent. Upon the giving or either such notice,Mauority Banks shall have the right to appoint a successor Agent. If within thirty days of the giving of such notice no successor Agent shall have been so appointed and accepted such appointment, the retiring Agent may appoint a successor Agent,which shall be a bank having a combined capital and surplus of at least 50000000 or
the equivalent thereof in another currency,or an affiliate of such a bank. Upon the acceptance of appointment as Agent hereunder by a successor Agent,such successor Agent shall succeed to and become vested with all the rights,powers,privileges and duties of the retiring Agent,and the retiring Agent shall be discharged from its duties and obligations under this Agreement . Notwithstanding the resignation or removal of any retiring Agent hereunder,the provisions of this Article shall continue to insure to the benefit of such Agent in respect of any action taken or omitted to be taken by such Agent in its capacity as such while it was Agent under this Agreement .
13 . 2 . Covenant to Reimburse . Each Bank shall reimburse the Agent(to the extent not reimbursed by the Borrower)ratable accord- ing to the proportion share of such Bank determined,if the Agent
seeks such reimbursement before the time of disbursement of the
Loans,on the basis of the respective Loan Commitments of the Banks,or,if thereafter,on the basis of the respective principal amou- nts of the Loans maintained at the time,for all expenses incurred by the Agent in the exercise of its responsibilities as Agent,including, without limitation,the reasonable fees and expenses of legal and oth- er professional advisors.
13 . 3 . Non - Receipt of Funds by the Agent .( a)Unless the Agent shall have received written notice from the Borrower prior to the date on which any payments is due hereunder that the Borrower does not intend to make such payment is due hereunder that the Bor- rower does not intend to make such payment is due hereunder that the Borrower does not intend to make such payment in full on the due date,the Agent may assume that the Borrower has made such payment when due and the Agent,in reliance upon such assumption,
ma(y but shall not be req such payment date an am payment which such Bank has not in fact made suc shall,on demand,repay to it,together with interest o and including such payme repayment,as a rate per a be the Agent’s offered ov London interbank market (b)On the Disburse assume that each Bank( | ||
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uired to)make available to each Bank on ount equal to the portion of such assumed is entitled to hereunder. If the Borrower
h payment to the Agent,each such Bank the Agent the amount made available to n such amount accrued for each day from nt date to but excluding the date of such nnum which is determined by the Agent to ernight rate for a deposit in Dollars in the
for value on such day.
ment Date,the Agent shall be entitled to other than any Bank which has given the
Agent contrary notice which has been received by the Agent as required by Section 2 . 3,and the Agent,acting in reliance upon such assumption,may( but shall not be required to)credit funds to the Borrower in an amount equal to the aggregate of the repective Loan Commitments of all Banks from which no such notice has been re- ceived. If any Bank which has not so given such notice fails to make funds available as required by Section 2 . 3 and the Agent shall have credited to the account specified by the Borrower pursuant to Section 2 . 2 an amount equal to the Loan Commitment of such Bank,the Agent shall be entitled at its option to recover such amount on de-
mand from either such Bank or the Borrowe(r without prejudice to the
rights of the Borrower against such Bank),together with interest on such amount accrued for each day from and including the Disburse- ment Date to but excluding the date of such recovery at a rate annum
which is determined by the Agent to be one percen(t 1% )above the
Agent’s overnight offered rate for a deposit in Dollars in the London
interbank market for value on such day.
14 . 1 . Initial Expenses. The Borrower shall reimburse the Agent in Dollars on demand for all reasonable expenses incurred by the Agent on its own behalf or on behalf of the Managers in connection with the negotiation,preparation and execution of this Agreement and the Notes and the syndication of the Loans. Such expenses shall in- clude,but shall not be limited to,printing and other reproduction costs,travel and conmunication costs,the costs of any advrtisement incident to the transactions contemplated herein and the fees and ex- penses of special local and special New York counsel to the Agent and the Banks.
14 . 2 . Amendment and Enforcement Expenses. The Borrower shall reimburse the Agent and each Bank in Dollars on demand for all reasonable expenses,including,without limitation,fees and ex- penses of legal counsel,incurred as a consequence of,or in connec- tion with,( a) the negotiation,preparation or execution of any
amendment to this Agreement(. b)any Event of Default of(c)the
preservation or enforcement of any right under this Agreement or the Notes.
14 . 3 . Other Expenses. If the Borrower(a)fails,after giving the
notice referred to in Section 2 . 2,to fulfill the conditions set forth in Article 8 at or before the times specified for their fulfillment or oth- erwise defaults in its irrevocable commitment pursuant to Section 2 .
2(. b)fails to pay as and when due any amount payable hereunder or
(c)makes any payment of principal of any Loan or Loans other than on an Interest Payment Date,the Borrower shall reimburse each Bank in Dollars on demand for all reasonable expenses incurred as a con-
sequence thereof,includin expense in curred in liqu make the Loans,to fund s or Loans during the Intere the case may be). 14 . 4 . Increased Cost in Dollars in demand for a received or receivable,as utable to such Bank’s Loa obligations under this Agr promulgation of any law,r in the interpretation thereo | ||
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g,without limitation,any loss of margine or idating or employing deposits acquired to uch overdue amount or to fund such Loan
st Period in which such payment occur(s as
s. The Borrower shall reimburse each Bank ll costs incurred and reductions in amounts detrmined by such Bank,which are attrib- n or the performance by such Bank of its eement and which occur by reason of the egulation or treaty or any change therein or f or by reason of compliance by such Bank
with any direction,requirement or request(whether or not having the forrce of law)of any governmental authority,including,without limi- tation,any such cost or reduction resulting from(a)the imposition or amendment of any tax other than(i)any tax measured by the net income of such Bank or its Lending Branch and imposed by the ju- risdiction in which such Bank’s principal office or Lending Branch
is situated and(ii)any tax referred to in section 6 . 1 o(r b)the im-
position or amendment of any reserve,special deposit or similar requirment against assets of,liabilities of,deposits with or for the ac- count of,or loans by,such Bank.
15 . 1 . Choice of Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and interpreted in accordance with the law of .
15 . 2 . Jurisdiction(. a)The Borrower agrees that any action or
proceeding relating in any way to this Agreement or any Note or Notes may be brought and enforced in the courts of the and
irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of each such court. The Bor- rower irrevocably appoints ,as its agent to receive service of process or other legal summons for purposes of any such action or proceeding. The Borrower further agrees that,so long as it shall have any obligation under this Agreement,it will maitain a buly appointed agent in for the service of such process or summons . The Borrower agrees that,if it fails to maintain such an agent,any such process or summons may be served by mailing a copy thereof by reg- istered mail addressed to the Borrower at its address as provided for notices her eunder.
(b)The Borrower further agrees that any such action or pro- ceeding any be brought and enforced in the courts of Nowhere or any other jurisdiction where it or any of its property may be found and ir-
revocably submits to the jurisdiction of each such court.
(c)The Borrower irrevocably waives all immunity( whether on the basis of sovereighty or otherwise)from jurisdiction,attachment, both before and after judgment,and execution to which it might oth- erwise be entitled in any action or proceeding in the couts of No- where, or of any other country or jurisdiction,relating in any way to this Agreement or any Note or Notes,and agrees that it will not raise or claim any such immunity at or in respect of any such ac- tion or proceeding.
(d)The Borrower irrecocably waives,to the fullest extent per- mitted by law,any objection which it may now or hereafter have to the laying of venue of any action or proceeding relating in any way to this Agreement or any Note or Notes brought in and any claim that any such action or proceeding brought in any such court has been brought in an inconvenient forum.
15 . 3 . Loan Currency bursed pursuant to Article than Dollars,the Borrower be reimbursed in Dollars, xxxx that would have bee such expenses to have pur procedures,the sum paid i and costs of exchange)on curred,and that any inter Section 4 . 2 shall be comp xxxx. (b)Each reference i | ||
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(. a)If any expense required to be beim-
14 is originally incurred in a current other agrees that such expense shall nonetheless in an amount equal to the amount in Dol- n required for the person which incurred chased,in accordance with normal banking n such other currency(after any premium the day such expense was originally in- est accruing on any such sum pursuant to uted on the basis of such amount in Dol-
n this Agreement to Dollars is of the es- sence. The obligation of the Borrower in respect of any amount due
under this Agreement or the Notes shall,notwithstanding any pay- ment in any other currency(whether pursuant to a judgment or oth- erwise),be discharged only to the extent of the amount in Dollars that the Agent or such Bank may,in accordance with normal banking procedures,purchase with the sum paid in such other currency(after any premium and costs of exchange)on the Banking Day immediately following the day on which the Agent or such Bank receives such payment . If the amount in Dollars which may be so purchased for any reason falls short of the amount originally due,the Borrower agrees to pay such additional amounts,in Dollars,as may be necessary to com- pensate for such shortfall. Any obligation of the Borrower not dis- charged by such payment shall be due as a separate and independent obligation and,until discharged as provided herein,shall continue in full force and effect.
15 . 4 . Replacement of Notes. Upon the loss,theft,destruction or
mutilation of any Note and(a)in the case of loss,theft or destruc- tion,upon receipt by the Borrower of indemnity or security reasonably
satisfactory to i(t except that if the holder of such Note is a financial
institution of recognized responsibility,the holder’s own agreement of indemnity shall be deemed to be satisfactory)or(b)in the case of mutilation,upon surrender to the Borrower of such mutilated Note, the Borrower at its own expense shall execute and deliver in lieu thereof a new Note,dated the Disbursement Date,in the same princi- pal amount .
15 . 5 . Notices. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, all notices pursuant to this Agreement shall be given by telex or ca- ble or by notice in writing handlelivered,sent by facsimile transmis- sion or sent by airmail,postage prepaid. All such notices shall be sent to the telex or telecopier number or address,as the case may be,specified for the intended recipient in Exhibit A,or to such other number or address as such recipient may theretofore have indicated by notice to the other parties. All such notices shall be effective upon receipt.
15 . 6 . Remdeies and Waivers . No failure or delay on the part of the Agent or any Bank in exercising any right hereunder shall oper- ate as a waiver of,or impair,any such right. No single or partial ex- ercise of any such right shall preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right No waiver or any such right shall be effective unless given in writing No waiver of any such right shall be deemed a wiver of any other right hereunder.
15 . 7 . Amendment . This Agreement may be amended only by an instrument in writing executed by the parties hereto.
15 . 8 . Assignment(. a)This Agreement shall be binding upon
and insure to the benefit and their respective succe the Borrower may not assig Agreement without the pri Banks. (b)Each Bank may of its Notes or any of its however,that no Bank sha corporate or securities law from time to time at the such documents as may be such assignment or transfe | ||
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of the Borrower,the Agent and each Bank ssors and assigns;Provided,however,that n any of its rights or obligations under this or written consent of the Agent and all the
at any time assign or otherwise transfer any rights or obligations hereunder;provided, ll effect any such assigntration under the s of any jurisdiction. The Borrower shall, request of any Bank,execute and deliver
necessary to give full force and effect to r,including,without limitation,new Notes
to be executed and delivered in exchange for the Notes held by such
Bank. If any Bank assigns or otherwise transfers any of its gights and obligations hereunder,each reference in this Agreement to such Bank shall be deemed to be a reference to such Bank and the person or persons to whom such rights and obligations were assigned or trans- ferred to the extent of their respective interests.
15 . 9 . Determinatins by the Agent or any Bank. Each determi- nation by the Agent or any Bank hereunder shall,in the adsence of manifest error,be conclusive and binding on the parties.
15 . 10 . Survival. The obligations of the Borrower under Section 6 .1 . Section 6 . 2 . and Article 14 shall survie the repayment of the Loans and the cancellation of the Notes and the termination of the obligations of the Banks and the Agent hereunder.
15 . 11 . Language. Each document to be delivered with respect to this Agreement shall be in the English language or shall be ac- companied by an English translation thereof certified to be complete
and correct by the party required to deliver such document .
15 .12 . Severability of Provisions. Any provision of this Agree- ment which is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction,be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition
or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions
hereof or affecting the validity or enforceability of such provision in any other jurisdiction.
15 . 13 . Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and all such counterparts taken together shall be deemed to constitute one and the same agreement .
15 . 14 . Integration of Terms . This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the aprties relating to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all oral statements and prior writings with respect thereto.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF . the parties have caused this Agree- ment to be duly executed and delivered in New York City as of the day and year first written above.
XINC,as Borrower BY:
A BANK ,as Agent B BANK,N. A. C BANK,N. A.
BY: Title: Managers:
BANKS: Loan Commitment
$ $ $
BY: BY: Title: Title: TOTAL LOAN COM 贷款 本协议由 ABC 公司公 司 ,与 银 行( 月 日 订 立 此证: | ||
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Title: Title:
(简称“借款人”或“借款方”)× × 国简称为“银行), ,于 19 × × 年
鉴于借款人已向银行要求基于本协议规定的条件和款项,向借款人提供一笔本金为壹佰万美元(US $ )的定期贷款;
第一条 定义
1 . 1 . 基于本协议之目的,下列词语可定义为:
“营业日”:指位于 银行开始正常银行业务的任何一天,以及 同业银行折借市场进行美元拆借交易的任何一天。
“ ”指位于 的信贷银行国际分部。 “美元”:及“ $ ”符号,指美利坚合众国的法定货币及与本
“违约事件”:指依本协议第八条中所列举的所有事件。 “担保人”:指 银行。
“负债”:任何人或借款人的负债是指依据 × 国通常接受的会计准则所包括的在债务被确认之日该人或借款人之资产负债表负债一侧所表明的确定负债的全部债务项目,其也包括其他被承继或被担保的,或属借款人次要或偶发的债务(有别于在托收过程中文件背书)在内的债务及负债,无论是源于任何协议所引起的负债,或是提供款项及预付款项或其他方式引起的负债均属此范围。
“分期会款日”:指根据 4 . 1 的规定协议生效之日起计达 18 个月,24 个月,30 个月,36 个月,42 个月,48 个月,54 个月和 60 个月之日。
“计息期”:指自协议生效日起 个月之后止的一段期间,第一计息期自上一计息期最后一日始,到借款人所选择
“利率”指依 2 . 4、2 . 6 和 2 . 7 中规定,或另有规定的利率。 “贷款机构”:是指国际银行机构,或根据其意愿随时指定
“贷款”:指依本协议 2 . 1 . 款规定由银行向借款人发放的贷款。
“票据”:指由借款人开业以银行为指定付款的依附录 A基本内容的期票,其证明因银行依本协议向借款人发放贷款而产生的借款人对银行的负债。
“人”:指任何自然人除借款人以外的任何以个 2 . 1 . 承 诺 根据本协议规定的条与保证,银行同意通过其 x x 为 壹 佰 x 美 元( $ 2 . 2 . 释 放 自协议生效之日起 在纽约指定的帐号汇入协完成第六条中规定的贷款贷款。 | ||
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第二条 贷款
2 . 3 . 还款、支付利息及处息期的确定
借款人同意依照协议规定的利息率,在付款日,分八期偿还贷款本金。借款人应就其选择 3 个月或 6 个月利息期的结
果,在利息期偿付之前 5 个营业日(第一个利息期除外),通知
2 . 4 . 利率的确定
依照协议规定每一计息期的利息应为百分之一点五(1 . 5% )。此利率加该计息期偿付前两日,伦敦时间 11:00AM,伦敦同业银行拆借市场的利率。
2 . 5 . 票 据
借款人偿还本金的义务应由借款人的期票证明,其基本格式应参照附录 A,并符合本条(2 . 5)的规定。票据应( i)以本协议的生效日期为期票出具日期,(ii)依银行指令支付与贷款本金相等的款项;(iii)分为相等的八期,每一期在分期付
2 . 6 . 替代基础
在利率是依 2 . 4 款规定确定时,(i)银行应确定利率已定而本金尚未偿付的那一期利息期的美元无法在伦敦同业银行市场上拆借到或( ii),在某一确定利息期,其原先规定的利息,即从伦敦同业银行拆借的利息无法正确反映银行的费用时,银行应在该计息期生效第一天之前至少一个营业日,以电传、电报或电话方式、将银行作出的决定通知借款人。在此通知后的 30 天内,银行与借款人应通过友好会谈确定一个双方都能接受的基础(简称为“替代基础”)。如果在此通知后的 30 天内银行和借款人商定了替代利率,该利率应具有追溯力
且自该利息期的第一天起生效。如果在此通知后的 30 天内,银行和借款人未能就替代利率达成一致,银行应以书面形式
的文件,应当明确的是银行的利息率应与 1 . 5% 的相同,上述利息若确实影响了银行筹集该利息期贷款的费用,则新利率处该利息期的第一天起就有效。银行应向借款人提供其获得贷款的途径及为获得此贷款而支付费用的证明。在收到银行有关利息率或为获得贷款而支付的利息的通知后,借款人有权依据 4 . 7 的规定,将贷款和本票中尚未支付的本金的全部
2 . 7 . 过期未付本金的利息率
息率的基础上再加上一个偿付之日的伦敦同业银 行所出具的贷款利率报5% )。银行应以正确的书息。在不损害本条规定的下,借款人同意补偿银行 料规定的本金或利息,或其为获贷款项而产生的损 和费用的证书。 2 . 8 . 计算,终局决所有偿付的利息以 银行对每一期利息率的确 | ||
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百分点(1% ),或(ii)在借款人未能行拆借市场上的上午 11:00,主要银价的基础上再加 2 . 5 个百分点(2 .面方式或电传通知借款人确定的利银行的权利以及准据法允许的前提因为借款人不及时偿还贷款或本材它费用,如银行为遵守出贷承诺可
2 . 9 . 收入的利用
360 天为一年,按实际用款天数计算,定都对各当事方有约束力。
(a)贷款收入应用作 (确定用途)。
第三条 信用证
3 . 1 . 信用证
为支持并担保借款人履行本合同及本票项下的义务,担保人应按照附录 2(保函)的格式向银行出具一份备用信用证。该保函的金额应为 ,且有效期应到偿付贷款日后一个月的第一天为止。
第四条 付款
4 . 1 . 付 款
根据合同和本票的规定,借款人对应向银行偿付的贷款不得抵销、反拆并可处由兑换,付款应向 的贷款机构
支付,不迟于当地时间( 时间)上午 10:00。一旦应付款日为非营业日,则自动顺延到该日后的第一个营业日。在计算利息和金额时应包括这一日和下一个营业日。
4 . 2 . 以美元付款的义务
4 . 3 . 借款人部分提前付款的权利
在任一利息支付日,借款人有权在提前 30 天以书信或电传通知(不可撤销的通知)银行后,有权将本金和利息,部分地或全部的提前偿还。每一部分的预先偿还额应不少于
4 . 4 . 补 偿
4 . 5 . 税 务
(a)所有票据面额、贷款本金和利息,以及与本协议和借款人开具票据有关的应付款项的支付应是不附带任何费用且是完税的,由 × 国或任何部门、机构、政治分支及征税权力机关或某一组织的成员所强制、划拨、征收或募集的(就本协议、
4 . 6 . 增加费用
贷款、票据、协议登记、监证以及本金、利息、费用或有或将来的所有所得税、印花预提费用不得减少全部应 (以下综称“税务”)。如果向银行支付必需的额外费不含税务的净等额款项。前支付。在依适用法律支完税原始单据转交银行含满意的形式或内容的支 (b)借款人将保护银其要求偿还已实际支付的 | ||
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付款项,上说费亦包括罚息和罚款;任何税务被强制征收,则借款人须用以保证银行得到在票据中到明而所有税务应由借款人在罚款日期之付税务之后 45 天之内,借款人应将
4 . 7 . 法律变更
第五条 xx与保证
5 . 1 . 组建公司及资格
借款人是依 × 国法律组建、有效存续及具良好信誉的(特定实体形式),且其以自有资产组建并经营业务,并依财产所
5 . 2 . 能力和权力
5 . 3 . 同意与登记
5 . 4 . 合法性和强制性
x协议和其附属条款的执行的票据构成依 × 国有权法院的规定对于借款人的合法、有效并有约束力的强制性义务。
5 . 5 . 其他附属文件
本协议和其附属条 具,均不导致因以借款人到约束的契约、协议、指令备忘录或公司章程规定的产的留置权、托管或不动效已过或两者兼而有之 情况, 而且亦不违犯适用 5 . 6 . 财务报表借 款 人 在 , 关并已将复印件送交银行基础上依 × 国通常所能的,完整、正确及公正地反 | ||
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5 . 7 . 重大不利条件
除自 以书面形式由借款人向银行披露的内容外,无论借款人的公司状况(财产方面或其他方面)、经营以及借款人的财产均不得以任何方式出现重大不利的影响。
5 . 8 . 诉讼及其他
5 . 9 . 税 务
5 . 10 . 文征税务
x协议、票据及担保均不含任何印花税或文征税务或其他类似费用,其包括但不限于 × 国或任何政体分支或征税权力机关的注册登记说,依据 × 国的税务法典征收的印花税除外。
5 . 11 . 豁 免
5 . 12 . 权 利
借款人对于其反映于 ,依本协议第 5 . 6 款由借款人出具的资产负债表和相关说明之中的财产及资本,以及在出具资 × 产负债表前后借款人取得的全部财产及资本享有良好的可以出让的权利;而且这些财产或资本,除依第 5 . 6 款所述最近的资产负债表和相关说明中披露者外,均不得含有留置债权(包括不动产抵押或证券权益抵押)。
5 . 13 . 税 务
关的全部税款、费用和其 借款人所收取的税款,则将的会计准则)。在借款人金(依 × 国通常所接受的除向银行提交的财务报告大税务款项,并且对任何得提出此类要求。 5 . 14 . 不利合同及除以书面形式向银 对其经营、财产或公司状不利影响的合同、指示 作文件或由任何人所作出 | ||
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他政府费用;除此类税务之外,如有作为基金储蓄(依 × 国通常所接受 帐目上有关税务的费用、孳息、储备
5 . 15 . 同等履行
5 . 16 . 法律形式
x协议,票据及担保依 × 国法律具有适当的法律形式,而且依某各个条款赋予强制力以强制程序在 × 国法院对抗借款人。
5 . 17 . 担保人
担保人依 × 国法律组建并具有良好声誉,而且其具有全部能力、授权和法律权力依担保承付债务、签署担保文件以及履行和遵守担保文件条款;在担保文件签署之后即具有法律效力,有效并对担保人义务在 × 国有管辖权法院依担保条款而具有强制力。
第六条 贷款条件
6 . 1 . 在付款日或付款日以前,本协议项下银行贷款义务的履行取决于借款方履行本协议规定的全部义务并以银行满意的方式满足下述先决条件:
(3)第 5 条中的声明和保证是真实的,并且犹如借款当时所作的声明和保证一样;
(f)银行收到借款方和担保人采取法人行动授友签署本协议、票据、担保书和借款的经确认的文件副本,应该包括前述 2 项所指的政府同意的文件副本和银行合理要求的其他文件的副本。采取法人行动的形式和内容应使银行及其律师满意;
(1)借款方律师应基本上依照附录 3 的格式,并且对银行要
求的其他合理事项使银行 (2)银行的 × 国特聘项包括并不限于,依据本制执行性提出意见书; (3)银行所要求提供 (h)银行收到每个参 (1)代表借款方在协 (2)代理担保人有担 (3)代理借款方签署 (4)在本协议要求 上签字并作为借款方代表 (i)银行收到根据上 | ||
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的其他律师意见书;与人的权限证明; 议上签字的证明;
述 h 条款被任命的每个人的经确认
第七条 约定事项
7 . 1 . 财产报表
借款方应在每个会计年度的半年结束后不超过 60 天之内向银行提交未经审计的资产xx表和损益表,并且要全面正确地阐明和公平xx财政状况。
7 . 2 . 报 告
7 . 3 . 平等待遇
7 . 4 . 保持同意和登记
借款方应该并且主动遵守其适用法律,及根据银行任何时候有关本协议的任何修改或补充和票据事项;所要求和期望的获得政府机构的同意、许可、批准或授权及进行登记,并采取所有必要的和适当的行动确保已获得的所有同意、许可、批准、授权和登记的继续有效;借款方在获得贷款后的 90 天内向银行交付(中央银行)贷款登记证书(和投资委员会第 37项批准书)的经确信的副本。
7 . 5 . 保 险
投保。 7 . 6 . 存继、商业行借款方将维持和继 一样的业务经营、正常的利、特权及特许权,在经营需的和必要的财产,遵守以及可能成为当事人一方约、协议或其他文件的 财政状况造成严重的不利 | ||
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续它的法人地位的存在,保持和现在商业行为所必要的和合乎需要的权中为了维持好的经营秩序和状态所 所有适用于任何法人的法律和法规,
第八条 违约事件
8 . 1 . 如果发生下列一种或更多违约事件,或该违约事件正在继续(不管该违约事件的原因是什么,或者是自愿的或非自愿的,或者受法律实施的影响或根据任何法院的判决、命令、或者任何行政或政府机关的命令、规则、法规和法令):
借款方或担保人为了全部受托人或类似的官员的选官员没有借款方或担保人将连续存在 14 天并不可请、答辩、同意和其他)已开整理财产、再调整,解除 有关的类似程度,或者开 (依据请求、申请或其他 进行;签发判决书、令状 或者没收借款人或担保人类似手续在签发或没收财者 | ||
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),并且这种程序 14 天期限内不开始
、拘留证或执行文书及办理其他手续,的部分财产,并且判决书、令状、及产后 14 天内不能被解除或撤销;或
(i)针对借款方的有关货币财产的终局裁决,如超过 × ×美元或数量上相当,应在终局裁决日或以后的任何时候做出,结果在裁决登记后 14 天内,裁决没有被撤销,履行或执行,就中止未决上诉状态,在中止期满后 14 天内,裁决没有被撤销,
履行或执行,就中止未决上诉状态,在中止期满后 14 天内,裁决不能被撤销或履行;或者
则前述任何违约事件的发生和继续,将导致贷款银行发出贷款的立即终止,银行可以宣布贷款本金和应计利息及票据立即到期并且应该支付,由此,贷款本金和应计利息和其他应支付的款或任何种类的通知,所有这些都已经借款方明示放弃,只要 8 . 1 款中 h 项说明的任何违约事件发生,贷款和票
9 . 1 . 管辖权 借款方同意凡是因 其他预定文件或即定事件 法院提起,或在 × 起,银行可以选择行使管付后,借款方应不可撤销 9 . 2 . 传 票 借款方不可撤销地无 ( 位 于 )作 为 它 的 x本合同和票据的任何诉讼送达通知借款方时将削弱 | ||
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第九条 管辖
× 国的任何法院或其他的地方法院提辖权的法院,并且在本协议签署和交地和无条件地服从这一管辖。
条件地委托、指派和授权 × × 公司理行为其收受在 提起的有关的传票。借款方同意代理行没有就和影响基于上述事项就任何诉讼而
作出的送达和裁决的有效性。借款人进而不可撤销地同意传票从上述提起诉讼的法院用挂号邮件,通过航空邮寄,邮资已付,按照 10 . 5 条中指定的借款方地址送达给借款方,然而前述事项不能限制银行用法律许可的任何方式传唤。借款人声明和保证,只要银行遵守本协议和票据,它将为了便于在银行在任何法律诉讼时送达传票和办理其他法律手续在加利福尼亚保持一个正式的使银行满意的指定代理行,并且保证答复银行用书面形式提出的关于代理行的身份和住所地的咨询。
9 . 3 . 裁判地点
借款人在法律允许的最大限度内,不可撤销地放弃对现在或以后的 提起的以任何方式起因于或与本协议或任何票据有关的诉讼或审理程序指宣誓审判地点提出异议,对在上述法院提起的诉讼,不可撤销地放弃以出庭不便为理由而提出的请求。
第十条 其它
10 . 1 . 协议的完整性
10 . 2 . 费 用
不管贷款是否支付,借款方应凭要求即付给因银行发生的所有合理的费用(上述费用包括,但不限于,银行特聘的美国律师或其他律师的费用,与下述 b 项中确定的有关费用,银行的其他律师的费用,独立会计师和其他专家的费用,通讯、旅差和所有其他的杂费),以及与下述各项有关费用:
10 . 3 . 不可放弃
10 . 4 . 继续有效
方在 2 . 7 条、4 . 2 条、4 . 4 务在偿还贷款和取消票据 10 . 5 . 通 知 任何根据本协议或 时应以书面形式或通过电 对借款方: 对贷款银行: 致:致: 电电传传号:× × × 或者,对任何一方来通知方式对其他各方讲明知应视为一级的航空邮件 | ||
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条、4 . 5 条、4 . 6 条、10 . 2 条项下产义时继续有效。
× ×
所有以挂号航空邮件邮寄的通知和要求,在它们被寄出后 8天视为收到,电传方式传送的通知和要求发送时间即视为收到时间。
10 . 6 . 准据法
10 . 7 . 条款的可分割性
10 . 8 . 继承者和受让人
10 . 9 . 语 言
10 . 10 . 标题等
10 . 11 . 会计术语
所有的会计术语不在此作专门定义,应和 5 . 6 部分中所指的准备财务报表时适用的会计准则一样,依据普遍接受的会计准则解释。根据本协议须提交的所有财政数据也要根据这些准则准备。
10 . 12 . 修 改
10 . 13 . 副 本
公 司 信 贷
LOA [SINGLE BANK] This AGREEMENT between compa er”)and( )BAN WITNESSETH: WHEREAS,the Borr the Borrower a term loan United States Dollar(s U. ject to the Conditions of t | ||
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entered into of ,19 ny,(a )company( the“Borrow-
K,(th“e Bank”).
xxxx has requested the Bank to extend to in the principal amount of One Million
S. $ )upon the terms and sub-
his Agreement;and
WHEREAS,the Bank is prepared to make such a loan available to the Borrower upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this Agreement;
NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein,the parties agree as follows:
Article 1 Definitions
Section 1 . 1For the purposes of this Agreement,the following expressions have the meanings set forth below:
“Business Day”:any day on which banks are open to conduct their regular banking business in ,and on which dealings in Dollar deposits between banks are carried out in the interbank market;
“Commitment”:the obligation of the Bank to make the loan to the Borrower on the date hereof;
“ Credit ”:Credit Bank,International Division,
“Dollars”and the sign“ $ ”:lawful money of the United States of America and,in relation to all payments herunder,immediately available funds;
“Event of Default”:any of the events specified in Article VIII of this Agreement;
“Guarantor”: Bank Limited;
“Indedtedness”:of any person,or the Borrower,means all item of indedtedness which,in accordance with generally accepted ac- counting principles on[ ]Would be included in determin- ing liabilities as shown on the liability side of a balance sheet of such Person or the Borrower as of the date indedtedness is to be deter- mined,and shall also include all indebtedness and liabilities of oth-
ers assumed or guaranteed or in repect of which the Borrower is sec-
ondarily or contingently liable(other than by endorsement of instru- ments in the course of collection),Whether by reason of any agree- ment to acquire such indebtedness or to supply or advance sums or otherwise;
“Installment Payment Dates”:subject to Section 4 . 1,the dates which are eighteen months,twenty - four months,thirty months,thir- ty- six months,forty - two months,forty - eight months,fifty - four months and sixty months from the date hereof;
“Interest Payment Date”:the period commencing on the date hereof and ending on the day which is months after such date,and each period thereafter beginning on the last day of the im- mediately preceeding Interest Period and ending on the day Which is three months or six months after such date,as the Borrower may
elect;provided,however,t otherwise end on a day W tended to the next succeed any Interest Period comm end after an Installment P Pamyment Date; “Interest Rate”:the ed in sections 2 . 4,2 . 6 an “Lending Office”:t Bank,or such other branc as it may at its discretion the Loan will thereafter b | ||
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hat( i)any Interest Period Which would hich is not a Business Day Shall be ex- ing day Which is a Business Day,and(ii) encing before and Which would otherwise ayment Date Shall end on such Installment
rate of interest to be determined as provid- d 2 . 7,as the case may be;
he International Banking Facility of the h office,affiliate or subsidiary of the Bank from time to time designate,from Which e made and for the account of which the
Loan will be outstanding and all payments hereunder will be made; “Loan”:the loan made by the Bank to the Borrower pursuant to
Section 2 . 1 hereof;
“Note”:the promissory note of the Borrower to the order of the Bank in substantialy the form of Exhibit A hereto,evidencing the in- debt - endess of the Borrower to the Bank resulting from the Bank’s Loan to the Borrower;
“Person”:any natural person,corporation,firm,association, government,governmental agency or any other entity other than the Borrower and whether acting in an individual,fiduciary or other ca- pacity.
Article 2 The Loan
Section 2 . 1 The Commitment. Upon the terms and subject to the conditions herein set forth,and relying upon the representations
and warranties of the Borrower,the Bank agrees,acting through its Lending office;on the date hereof to lend to the borrower,and the Borrower agrees to borrow,the principal amount of Dollars
( $ ). Section 2 . 2 . Disbursement . On the date hereof,up- on fulfillment of the conditions set forth in Article Ⅵ,the Bank shall make the amount of the Loan available to the Borrower by remitting the amount of the Loan to an account in New York designated by the Borrower . If the Borrower fails to satisfy the conditions precedent set
forth in Article Ⅵ,the Bank shall not Loan.
be obligated to make the
Section 2 . 3 Repayment;Payment of Interest;Designation of In- terest Period. The Borrower agrees to repay the principal amount of the Loan on the installment Payment Dates in eight equal install- ments and to pay interest on each Interest Payment Date on the out- standing principal balance of the Loan at the Interest Rate. The Bor- rower shall give notice to the Bank not less than five Business Days prior to the commencement of each Interest Period( other than the first Interest Period)whether it has elected an Interest Period of
three months or six months . If no such notice is received by the Bank,the relevant interest Period shall be the same length as the previous Interest Period;provided,however,that an interest Period commencing before and which would otherwise and after an install- ment Payment Date shall end on such installment Payment Date.
Section 2 . 4 Determination of Interest Rate. The Interest Rate for each interest Period with respect to the Loan shall be one and one
- half percen(t 1 - 1/2% )above the rate at which Dollar deposits on an amount equal to the principal amount of the Loan to be made or maintained are offered by the Bank for such Interest Period to prime
banks in the London inte time)two Business Days p period. Section 2 . 5 The Not principal amount of the L evidenced by a note of the Agreement with appropriat The Note shall(i)be dat order of the Bank in the p eight equal installments,p and(iv)bear interest at th pal balance thereof from ti | ||
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rbank market as of 11:00A. M(. London
rior to the commencement of such Interest
e. The Borrower’s obligation to reply the oan made by the Bank hereunder shall be Borrower in the form of Exhibit A to this
e insertions pursuant to this Section 2 . 5 . ed the date hereof,(ii)be payable to the rincipal amount of the Loan,(iii)mature in ayable on the Installment Payment Dates e Interest Rate on the outstanding princi- me to time,computed for each Interest Pe-
riod and payable on Interest payment Dates.
Section 2 . 6 . Substiturte Basis. In the event that on any date on which an Interest Rate is to be determined pursuant to Section 2 . 4
(i)the Bank shall determine that Dollar deposits in the principal
amount of the Note to be outstanding for the Interest Period for which such interest Rate is to be determined are not available to the Bank in the London interbank market,or( ii)the bank shall determine that the offered rate quotations at which Dollar deposits are offered in the London interbank market do not accurately reflect the cost of the Bank of making or maintaining the Loan for such interest period,the Bank shall forthwith give notice of such determination to the Borrow- er,by telex,telegram or cable at least one Business Day prior to the first day of any interest Period so affected. During the thirty(30) days next succeeding the date of any such notice,the Bank and the Borrower shall enter into negotiations in good faith in order to arrive at a mutually acceptable alternative basis(such alternative basis be-
ing hereunafter referred to as the“Substiture Basis”)for finding the Loan. If within the thirty(30)days following the date of any such notice the Bank and the Borrower shall agree upon a Substitute Ba- sis,such Substitute Basis shall be retroactive to and effective from the first day of the current Interest Period. If after thirty(30)days from the date of such notice the Bank and the Borrower have failed to agree upon a Substitute Basis,then the Bank shall certify in writ- ing to the Borrower the interest rate or rates at which the Bank is prepared to make or maintain the Loan for such interest Period,it being understood that the Bank’s interest rate shall be a rate per an- num equal to one and one - falf percent(1 - 1/2% ),above a rate which adequately and fairly reflects the cost to the Bank of obtaining the funds necessary to maintain the Loan for the then current Interest Period,such interest rate or rates to be rertoactive to and effective form the first day of such interest Period. The Bank shall furnish to the Borrower appropriate evidence establishing the manner in which the bank obtained such funds and the cost to the Bank of obtaining such funds. Upon receipt of notice of the interest rate or rates at which the Bank will make or maintain the Loan,the Borrower shall
have the right to prepay in ful(l but not in part). pursuant to the
provisions of Section 4 . 7,the then outstanding principal amount of the Loan and the Note,together with interest accrued thereon to the date of such prepayment .
Section 2 . 7 . Interest Rate on Overdue Principal . In the event of failure by the Borrower to pay when due(whether upon stated matu- rity. by acceleration or otherwise)any payments due under the Loan or the Note,the Borrower shall pay interest,to be paid upon de- mand,to the holder of the Note on the unpaid amounts from the date
such payments were dut t well as after judgment)for higher of(i)one percen(t the Loan for the Interest by the Borrower to pay or 2% )above the rate at w Bank in the amount outst banks in the Loadon inter time)on the date of such first Business Day of each The Bank shall give promp the Interest Rate in effect | ||
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o the date of actual payment,( before as each day at a rate per annum equal to the 1% )above the Interest Rate applicable to Period immediately preceeding the failure
( ii)two and one - half percen(t 2 - 1/
hich Dollar deposits were offered by the anding for a one month period to prime bank market as of 11:00A. M.( London failure by the Borrower to pay and on the succeeding one month period thereafter.
t written or telex notice to the Borrower of from time to time in accordance with the
foregoing sentence. Without prejudice to the rights of the Bank under
this Section and to the extent permitted by applicable law,the Bor- rower agrees to compensate the Bank for any loss or expense which
the Bank may sustain or incur as a consequence of the failure by the Borrower to pay when due any portion of the principal of or interest accrued on the Loan or the Note,or any other amount payable here- under,including but not limited to any amounts payable by the Bank in order to honor its Commitment or make or maintain the Loan. A certificate of the Bank setting forth the basis for the determination of the amounts necessery to compensate the Bank as aforesaid in re- spect of such loss or expense shall be conclusive as to such determi- nation and such amounts .
Section 2 . 08 . Computation;Determination Conclusive. All pay- ments of interest shall be computed on the basis of a year of 360 days for the actual number of days involved. Each determination of any Interest Rate by the Bank shall be conclusive and binding on the
parties hereto(save for manifest arithmetic error).
Scetion 2 . 09 . Use of proceeds.
(a)The proceeds of the Loan will be used to finance a[specify purpose].
(b)The Bank hereby notifies the Borrower,and the Borrower hereby acknowledges that it understands,that it is the policy of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System of the United States of America that extensions of credit by international banking facilities may be used only to finance the non - United States opera- tions of a customer lacated outside the United States of America . The Borrower acknowledges that the proceeds of the Loan will be used solely to finance its operations outside the United States of America .
Article 3 Letter of Credit
Section 3 . 1 . Letter of Credit. The performance by the Borrower of its obligations hereunder and under the Note shall be supported and guaranteed by a standby letter of credit issued to the Bank by the Guargantor in the form of Exhibit B hereto( the“ Guaranty”). Such Guaranty shall be in the amount of and shall not ex- pire prior to the date which is one month after the final installment Payment Date.
article 4 Payments
Section 4 . 1 . Payment. All payments made by the Borrower un- der this Agreement or the Note shall be made to the Bank without setoff or counterclaim and in freely transferable United States Dollars
no later than 10:00 a. m. count of the Lending Offic on a day which is not a Bu shall be extended to the and other amounts due he the number of days elapse iness Day. Section 4 . 2 . Obligat gation of Borrower to repa and the Note,together wit this Agreement and of the pay all other amounts und | ||
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( time)at for the ac- e. Whenever any funds are due to be paid siness Day,the date for the making thereof next succeeding Business Day. Interest or reunder shall be computed on the basis of d until and including such succeeding Bus-
ion to Make Payments in Dollars. The obli- y the principal of and interest on the Loan h interest thereon,pursuant to the terms of Note,and the obligation of the Borrower to er this Agreement,shall be dischargeable
only by payment in Dollars,regardless of any law,rule,regulation
or statute. whether now or hereafter in existence or in effect in any
jurisdiction which affects or purports to affect such obligation. The obligation of the Borrower to make payports to affect such obligation. The obligation of the Borrower to make payment in Dollars of the principal of and interest on the Loan and the Note shall not be dis- charged or satisfied by and tender,or any recovery pursuant to any judgment,which is expressed in or converted by the Bank to any cur- rency other than the full amount of Dollars expressed to be payable in respect of the principal of and interest on the Loan and the Note and all other amounts due herunder. The obligation of the Borrower to make payments in Dollars as aforesaid shall be enforceable as an alternative or additional cause of action for the purpose of recovery in Dollars in the amount(if any)by which such actual receipt shall fall short of the full amount of Dollars expressed to be payable in respect to the principal of or interest on the Loan and the Note and all other
amounts due hereunder,and shall not be affected by judgment being obtained for any other sums due under this Agreement or the Note.
Section 4 . 3 . Xxxxxxxx’x Right to Partial Prepayment. The Bor- rower shall have the right on not less than thirty(30)Business Day’ s written or telesx notice(which notice shall be irrevocable)to the Bank specifying the amount and date of prepayment,to prepay the Loan in full or in part,together with accrued interest thereon,on any Interest Payment Date. each partial prepayment shall be in integral multiples of $ and shall be applied first to unpaid install- ments of principal of the Loan in the inverse order of maturity there- of. The amounts so prepaid may not be reborrowed hereunder.
Section 4 . 4 . Reimbursement. The Borrower will reimburse the Bank for all costs,expenses and losses(including loss of profit)in-
curred by the Bank( including,without limitation,costs,expenses
and losses incurred in connection with the acquisition of liquidation of deposits or other funds acquired by the Bank in order to make or maintain the Loan or in connection with the reemployment of such deposits or other funds following the payment or prepayment of the Loan at rates lower than the rate of interest on the Loan as provided for by this Agreement except for loss of profit accruing after the In- terest Payment Date next succeeding such payment or prepayment) by reason of(a)the Loan not being made on the date hereof,or(b) the payment or prepayment of any principal of the Loan on a date other than an Interest payment Date. The Bank shall describe and certify any such costs,expenses and losses incurred by it to the Bor- rower,and such certification and notice shall be binding and conclu- sive in the absence of manifest error in computation or transmins- sion.
Section 4 . 5 . Taxes. (a)All payments on and interest on the Loan Agreement or the Note by of and without reduction b stamp and other taxes, charges,copulsory loans, imposed,assessed,levied department,agency or oth thereof or therein or any o er with interest thereon an or in respect of this Agree | ||
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account of the Note and the principal of and all other amounts payable under this the Borrower shall be made free and clear y reason of all present and future income,
duties,fees,levies,imposts,deductions, withholdings or other charges whatsoever or collected by[Name of Country]of any er political subdivision or tasing authority rganization of which it is a member,togeth- d penalties with respect thereof,if any,on ment,the Loan,the Note,the registration,
notarization or other formalization of any thereiof,the enforcement of any thereof,and any payment of principal,interest,charges,fees or other amounts made on,under or in respect of any thereof(herein
collectively calle“d Taxes”). If any Taxes are so levied or imposed,
the Borrower shall pay to the Bank such additional amounts as may be necessary so as to assure the Bank that it will receive a net amount equal to the total amount of the payments provided for herein or in the Note which the Bank would have received if such amounts had not been subject to Taxes. All Taxes will be paid by the Borrow- er prior to the date on which penalties attact thereto. within 45 days after the date on which payment of any such Taxes is due pursuant to applcable law,the Borrower will furnish to the Bank the original of a receipt for the full payment of such Taxes or,if such is not avail- able,evidence of such payment satisfactory in form and substance to the Bank.
(b)The Borrower will indemnify and hold harmless the Bank or
holder of the Note against and will reimburse to any such party upon demand the amount of any Taxes actually paid by any such party.
Section 4 . 6 . Increased Costs. On and after the date of this Agreement in the event that any change in any applicable law,rule or regulation or in the interpretation or administration thereof by any governmental authority charged with the interpretation of administra- tion thereof or in any directive of any applicable fiscal or monetary authority(whether or not having the force of law)shall change the basis of taxation of payments to the Bank of the principal of or intrest on the Loan or the Note or in respect of any other amounts due under this Agreement or shall impaos,modify or and other amounts due un- der this Agreement or shall impose,modify or deem applicable any reserve,special deposit or similar requirements against assets of,de- posits with or for the account of,or credit extended by,the Bank,
or,shall impose on the Bank or the London interbank market any
other condition affecting this Agreement,the Loan,or the Note and the result of any of the foregoing is to increase the cost to the Bank of making or maintaining the Loan or to reduce the amount of any sum receivable by the Bank hereunder,then the Borrower shall pay to the Bank upon its demand such additional amount or amounts as will compensate the Bank for such additional cost or reduction. A certificate of the Bank setting forth the basis for the determination of such amount necessary to compensate the Bank as aforesaid shall be delivered to the Borrower and shall,save for manifest error in compu- tation or transmission,be conclusive as to such determination and such amount .
Section 4 . 7 . Change of Law. Notwithatanding any other provi- sions herein,in the event that any change in any appllicable law,rule
or regulation or in the inte governmental authority cha tion thereof shall make it Commitment,or(ii)make fy the Borrower and shall certifed by the Bank of su to the Borrower of the cha minate and the aggregate then outatanding,together er amounts payable to the on the Interest Payment D change or on such earlier | ||
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rpretation or administration thereof by any rged with the interpretation or administra- unlawful for the Bank to(1)honor its or maintain the Loan,the Bank shall noti- furnish the Borrower,in writing,evidence ch change. Upon such notice by the Bank nge,the Commitmint of the Bank shall ter- principal amount of the Loan and the Note with interest accrued thereon and any oth- Bank under this Agreement shall be repaid ate next succeeding the date of any such date as in specified by the Bank.
Article 5 Representations and Warranties
To induce the Bank to enter into this Agreement and to make and maintain the Loan,the Borrower makes the following representa- tions and warranties to the Bank.
Section 5 . 1 . Due Incorporation Qualification. The Borrower is a
[specify type of entity]duly organized,validly existing and in good standing under the laws of[Name of Country]and it has the corpo- rate power to own its property and to carry on its business as now be- ing conducted and is duly qualified to do business in each jurisdic- tion in which the character of the properties owned by it therein or the transaction of its business therein makes such qualification nec- essary.
Section 5 . 2 . Capacity and Authorization. The Borrower has full power and authority to enter into this Agreement,to make the bor-
rowings,to execute and deliver the Note and to incur the obligations provided for herein and therein,all of which have been duly autho- rized by all proper and necessary corporate action.
Section 5 . 3 . Consents and Registrations. All authorizations, consents,approvals,registrations,declarations,exemptions and li- censes with or from any person which are required in connection with the execution,delivery,performance,validity or enforceability of or payment under this Agreement and the Note( except central bank permissions to remit foreign exchange which are not available at this time)have been obtained and are in full force and effect.
Section 5 . 4 . Legality and Enforceability. This Agreement con- stitutes,and the Note when issued and delivered prrsuant hereto will constitute,the legal,valid and binding obligations of the Borrower enforceable in accordance with their respective terms in any compe-
tent court in[Name of Country].
Section 5 . 5 . Compliance with Other Instruments. The execution and delivery of this Agereement and comlpiance with its terms,and the issuance of the Note as contemplated herein will not result in a breach of any of the terms or conditions of,or result in the imposition of and lien,charge or encumbrance upon any properties of the Bor- rower pursuant to,or constitute a default(with due notice or lapse of time or both)or result in an occurrence of an event for which any holder or holders of indebtedness may declare the same due and pay- able under,any indenture,agreement,order,judgment or instrument under which the Borrower is a party or by which the Borrower or its property may be bound or affected,or under the Mem orandum or Arricles of Association of the Borrower,and will not violate any pro- vision of applicable law.
Section 5 . 6 . Financ Borrower as at Borrower for the fiscal ye furnished to the Bank,are financial condition of the its operations for the perio pared in accordance with [Name of Country]appled al liabilites ,direct or indi of the date of such balance the notes thereto. There ha vusiness,properties,condi | ||
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ial Statements. The balance sheet of the
,and the related earnings statement of the ar then ended,copies of which have been complete and correct and fairly present the Borrower as at such date and the results of d ended on such date and have been pre- generally accepted accounting principses in on a consistent basis. There are no materi- rect,fixed or contingent,of the Borrower as sheet which are not reflected therein or in
s been no material adverse change in the tion( financial or other)or operations of
the Borrower since the date of said balance sheet.
Section 5 . 7 . Material Adverse Events. Except as heretofore disclosed by the Borrower to the Bank in writing,since,neither the
condition(financial or otherwise),the business nor the properties of the Borrower have been materially and adversey affected in any way.
Section 5 . 8 . Litigation,Etc. Except and heretofore disclosed by the Borrower to the Bank in writing,there are no actions,suits or proceedingts(whether or not pruportedly on behalf of the Borrower) pending,or to the knowledge of the Borrower threatened,against of affecting the Borrower,at law or in equity,before or by and person, which,if adversely determined,would have a material adverse effect on the business,properties of condition(financial of otherwise)of the Borrower. The Borrower is not in violation or default with respect to any applicable laws and/or regulations which materially affect the op- erations and/or condition(financial or otherwise)of the Borrower nor is it in violation or default with respect to any order,writ,injunction,
demand or decree of any court or any Person or in violation or default in any material respect under any indenture,agreement or other in- strument under which the Borrower is a party or may be bound,de- fault under which might have consequences which would materially and adversely affect the business,properties or condition( financial or otherwise)of the Borrower .
Section 5 . 9 . Taxes. The Borrower is permitted to make all pay- ments hereunder or under the Note as provided in the Agreement and the Note,all such payments to the Bank shall be free and clear of any Taxes and such payments when received by the Bank will not be subject to Taxes. The Borrower is permitted to pay all Taxes as pro- vided in this Agreement .
Section 5 . 10 . Documentary Tax. Neither this agreement,the
Note nor the Guaranty is subject to any stamp or documentary tax or other similar charge,including but not limited to any registration tax
of[Name of Country]or any political sub - division or taxing author- ity thereof or therein,except stamp duty under the[Name of Coun- try]Revenue Code.
Section 5 . 11 . Immunity. The Borrower is subject to suit with respect to its obligations hereunder and the borrowing by the Borrow- er hereunder and the execution,delivery and performance of this Agreement and the Note by the Borrower constitute private and com- mercial acts rather than governmental and public acts. Neither the Borrower nor any of its assets enjoys any right or immunity on the grounds of sovereignty or otherwise from setoff,suit,judgment or exe- cution in respect of its obligations under this Agreement .
Section 5 . 12 . Title. The Borrower has good and marketable ti- tle to its properties and assets reflected in the balance sheet and re-
lated notes of the Borrower 6 and all properties and and prior to the date hereo subject to any lien( inclu est),except as disclosed i in Section 5 . 6 and the rel Section 5 . 13 . Taxes filed all tax returns which laws,regulations or orders thority withtaxing power ov has paid,or made provisi ments,fees and other gove | ||
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as at ,referred to in Section 5 . assets acquired by the Borrower thereafter f;and none of such properties or assets are ding any encumbrance or security inter- n the most recent balance sheet referred to ated notes.
. The Borrower has filed or caused to be are required to filed by it pursuant to the of each governmental entety or taxing au- er the Borrower or its assest. The Borrower on for the payment of,all taxes,assess- rnmental charges which have or may have
become due prusuant to said returns,or otherwise,or pursuant to any
assessment received by the Borrower,except such taxes,if any,as to which adequate funded reserves(determined in accordance with gen-
xxxxxx accepted accounting principles in[ Name of Country]have been provided. The charges. accruals and reserves in respect of taxes on the books of the Borrower(determined in accordance with gener- ally accepted accounting principles in[Name of Country]are ade- quate. The Borrower knows of no proposed material tax assessment against it and no extension of time for the payment of any tax is in effect or has been requested except as disclosed in the financial statements furnished to the Bank.
Section 5 . 14 . Adverse Contracts and orders. Except as hereto- fore disclosed in writing to the Bank,the Borrower is not a party to or bound by,or subject to,any contract,instrument,charger,by - law or other corporate restriction or any order,decree or judgment of any Person(the“Restrictive Documents”)which materially and adversely
affects its business,properties or condition( financial or otherwise) or is in default in the preformance,observance,or fulfillment of any of the obligations or conditions contained in any of such Restrictive Documents .
Section 5 . 15 . Pari Passu. The Borrower’s obligations hereun- der and under the Notes rank and will rank at least pari passu in pri- ority of payment and in all other respects with all other indebtedness of the Borrower .
Section 5 . 16 . Legal Form. This Agreement,the Note and the Guaranty are in proper legal form under the laws of[Name of Coun- try]and would be entitled to enforcement in accordance with their
respective terms if proceedings for the enforcement thereof were
brounght against the Borrower in the courts of[Name of Country].
Section 5 . 17 . The Guarantor. The Guarantor is duly organized and in good standing under the laws of[Name of Country]and has full power,authority and legal right to incur indebtedness under the Guaranty,to execute and deliver the Guaranty,and to perform and observe the terms and provisions of the Guaranty,and the Guaranty when duly executed and delivered will constitute the legal,valid and binding obligation of the Guarantor enforceable in accordance with its terms in any competent court in[Name of Country].
Article 6 Conditions of Lending
Section 6 . 1 . The obligation of Bank to make the Loan hereun- der is subject to the performance by the Borrower of all its obliga- tions under this Agreement and to the fulfillment of the following conditions precedent in a manner satisfactory to the Bank on or be-
fore the date hereof: (a)The Bank shall h principal amount of the L (b)The Bank shall and such Guaranty shall b Bank. (c)(1)The Borrower compliance with all the Agreement which are bind and at the completion of t Default and no event whic time,or both,would consti | ||
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xxx received the duly executed Note in the oan.
have recived the duly executed Xxxxxxxx,
e in form and substance satisfactory to the
shall have camplied and shall then be in terms,covenants and conditions of this ing upon it,(2)both immediately prior to he borrowing there shall whist no Event of h,with the giving of notice or the lapse of tute an Event of Default,and(3)the rep-
resentations and warranties contained in Article Ⅴ shall be true with the same effect as though such representations and warranties had been made at the time of such borrowing.
(d)The Borrower and the Gurantor shall have received all neessary governmental approvals required to be obtained in connec- tion with this Agreement,the Note and the Guaranty,including all necessary approvals,if any,for the borrowing hereunder for the use of the proceeds thereof and for the schedule of repayment in Dollars of principal of,and interest on,the Note in accordance with the terms hereof and of the Guaranty and all other payments contemplated hereunder or thereunder or otherwise payable in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby,and such approvals shall be in full force and effect.
(e)The Bank shall have received a certified copy of a letter from the[Central Bank]approving in principal the borrowing here- under and the remittance of Dollars by the Borrower pursuant to this
Agreement and the Note.
(f)The Bank shall have received certified copies of all corpo- rate action taken by the Borrower and the Guarantor to authorize this Agreement,the Note,the Guaranty and the borrowing hereunder,as the case may be,and copies of all governmental approvals referred to in the preceeding paragraph(d),and such other documents as the Bank shall reasonably require. Such corporate action shall be sati- sfactory in form and substance to the Bank and kits counsed.
(g)The Bank shall have received opinions of:
(1)Counsel to the Borrower,which counsel shall be satisfactory to the Bank,substantially in the form of Exhibit C hereto and with respect to such other matters as the Bank may reasonbly require;
(2)Special[Name of Country]counsel to the Bank,wity re-
spect to such matters as the Bank may require,including,without limitation,the enforceability in accordance with their respective terms
of this Agreement,the Note and Guaranty;and
(3)Such other opinions of counsel as the Bank may require.
(h)The Bank shall have received evidence of the authority to each person:(i)who has signed this Agreement on behalf of the Bor- rower,(ii)who has signed the Guaranty on behalf of the Guarantor,
(iii)who will execute the Note on behalf of the Borrower ,(iv)who will sign the statements,reports,certificates and other documents required or permitted by this Agreement and who will otherwise act as the representative of the Borrower in connection - with the opera- tion of this Agreement .
(i)The Bank shall have received the authenticated specimen signature of each person named pursuant to the preceeding para- graph.