Sun Yip Hong Investment Services Limited
Clients’ Agreement
A g r e e m e n t _ B i l i n g u a l _ V e r s i o n _ 1 2 0 4 2 5
Unit 1801, 18/F, Pilkem Commercial Centre, No. 8 Pilkem Street, Jordan, Kowloon Tel: (000) 0000 0000 Fax: (000) 0000 0000
本協議書於 年 月 日所簽訂。協議的其中一方為新業行投資服務有限公司 (以下簡稱“新業行”),其註冊辦事處或主要營業地點位於香港九龍xx庇利金街 8 號百利金商業中心 18 樓 1801 室,而另外一方(以下簡稱“客戶”)之名稱、地址及詳情則載於本協議之附錄中。
1. 定義及闡釋
1.1 於協議書中,除非文義所規定,任何字眼及措詞將有以下解釋:
“協議” 指本協議、所有其他協議及一切被客戶授權進入其帳戶之人士。
“金銀” 指貴金屬,包括港金及/或本地倫敦金。
“ 營 業 日 ” 指 :
(a) 在倫敦金銀交易指任何倫敦金銀市場的交易日;或
(b) 在香港金銀交易指任何金銀業貿易場的營業日
“客戶” 本合約凡出現“客戶”之處。1. 客戶為個人之時,包括客戶本身及其個別執行人員及行政人員。2. 客戶為獨資公司時之獨資股東及其個別行政人員,以及行政人員預期事業繼承人。3. 合夥公司,包括客戶之前述帳戶在成立時,仍為公司合夥人及其個別執行人及行政人員及往後將為或曾為公司合夥人之個人及其個別執行人、行政人員與繼承人員。4. 客戶為公司戶時,包括此類公司及其繼承人。
“新業行” 指新業行投資服務有限公司。
“確認書” 指由新業行投資服務有限公司與客戶雙方之間有關辦理交易及調整客戶於新業行投資服務有限公司所開立之帳戶書面聲明。
“合約” 指一份由雙方遵循本協議內條款所同意買賣金銀的合
“合約價格” 指遵循本協議內條款所買入或賣出每一金銀單位價格乘
“管理費用” 指收取香港金銀交易隔夜未平倉的費用。 “毀約事件” 指在本協議提及第 12.1 條的任何事件。 “香港” 指中華人民共和國香港特別行政區。
“香港金銀交易” 除雙方另行同意且聲明於相關確認書外,指於金銀業貿易場交易之金銀。
“ 本地倫敦金銀交易”
除雙方另行同意且聲明於確認書外,只具有 0. 995 純度
的金及(或)具有 0. 999 純度的銀,均需以盎司/美元計價及適合於倫敦金銀市場交付。
“保證金” 指交易商要求客戶存入的一筆存款用作抵押,以保障交易。
“淨額結算” 指雙方在本協議各項條款的規範內,同意於特定日期以一個“淨額”基準結算全額或部分抵銷相互所需的交付及款項。
“淨額結算確認” 指確認淨額結算交易的結果。
“雙方” 指交易商與客戶; 而“一方”則是指其中之一。
“結算日” (a) 本地倫敦金銀交易現貨合約交付日期為交易後的第二個營業日;
(b) 香港金銀交易合約的交付日則為交易當日或交易後的下一個營業日;
(c) 交付金銀遠期合約時, 交付日期為雙方同意且聲明於確認書內的日期;
(d) 總溢價金額應於選擇權交易後的第二個營業日繳納:
(e) 在被授予人給予授予人有效執行通知後的第二個營業日執行選擇權所需交付及款項。
“美元” 指美元,為美國的法定貨幣。
2. 客戶帳戶之運作
2.1 客戶有權自動決定選擇下列任合一種方式操作其帳戶:-
a. 客戶自己發出指令,操作其帳戶;
b. 客戶根據本協議第 2.3 條的規定,委托一名代理人操作其帳戶。
2.2 客戶須填妥及簽署帳戶操作通知,並交回本公司。
2.3 如客戶選擇委任一名新業行的僱員、代理人或其他人士為其買賣代理人 (「授權代理人」),則不論授權代理人是否新業行的僱員或代理人,授權代理人將受命擔任客戶的代理人,並可全權操作客戶在新業行處開立的帳戶。新業行有權並據此獲指示,接納由授權人發出的有關操作客戶帳戶的指令或指示。客戶茲批准及確認授權代理人以客戶代理人身份為客戶帳戶進行的一切買賣。
2.4 依據上述第 2.3 條,客戶茲承諾由其所任命的授權代理人為客戶代理人,即使其授權代理人為新業行的職員。在任何情況下,授權代理人所作的任何xx或聲明應被視為新業行所作的任何xx或聲明。客戶茲進一步承諾新業行於任何情況下,需為任何授權代理人所作的行為負責。
2.5 依據上述第 2.3 條,客戶茲同意由其所任命的代理人應無權代表新業行接受款項及所有款項應由客戶直接支付給新業行。客戶亦茲同意所有新業行支付客戶的款項應有客戶的名稱和該授權代理人應無權代表客戶接受任何款項,除非客戶以書面形式通知新業行。
2.6 依據上述第 2.1 的帳戶之操作及/或委任方式應完全生效,除非以書面通
2.7 客戶可委任另一人代替和取代其授權代理人,另需填妥新授權人之委任通知書交回新業行即可。新業行有權接受原有授權代理人代表客戶所發的買賣指令和指示,直到新業行已收到上述之通知書。本協議的第 2 條款之範圍應適用於完全生效的替代人和新任命的授權代理人。
2.8 若客戶的帳戶為聯名戶口,客戶茲同意帳戶之操作將被附錄二所影響。
3. 資 格
A. 客戶茲保證本身為成年人及具備足夠資格,而商號或公司客戶茲保證本身是正式組成及註冊。客戶同時保證本身有權訂立協議及一切買賣合約,而在任何情況下,本協議及該等買賣合約均對客戶構成具有法律約束力及可執行的義務。
B. 客戶茲認知其本人締結之合約均視為出自其行判斷及需承擔風險,,無論他可能收到新業行之主管人員或員工所給與之建議,但他明白新業行之主管人員及員工均無權代表新業行或交易商給予其任何建議或說明。
C. 客戶茲明白給予之買賣指令是通過新業行所提供的交易平臺所發出。
4. 指令及經紀人
4.1 所有由客戶給予新業行之買賣指令必須清楚及不含糊,所有指令、交易及指示需通過新業行經紀人所執行,且須符合金銀業貿易場、倫敦金銀市場或其他市場之章程、規定、條例、慣例、使用方式、規則及解釋所規範。所有在本協議下的交易將受任何法律、規定或條例所規範。
4.2 若任何委託單與本條 4.1 所述方式不同,新業行在此已獲客戶授權,可在不預先告知客戶的前提下,選擇駁回委託單或在依循相關必要規定下修改或變更執行委託單。執行合約之委託單可由客戶或客戶授權經紀人以書面或口頭形式(無論用電話或是會面方式) 或以電郵或傳真方式提出。委託單一經提出,在未經新業行書面同意及確認前,將不可取消或撤回。
4.3 客戶同意且聲明其完全意識金銀交易之風險,且同樣知悉給新業行之合約將取決於市場當時條件,當無法成交時(尤其客戶欲以指令方式做一張對沖的合約時)客戶將負擔合約可能產生的所有損失。客戶亦同意新業行將不對任何合約的損失、任何合約的執行方式或執行時間負責。
4.4 新業行在任何時間均無義務接受任何指令或合約,包含但不限制於任何對沖契約或欲平全部或部分已存在的合約。
4.5 就本協議的上述規定,新業行特此保證於相關市場在相關時間內盡力執行從客戶收到的所有指示。
5. 保證金及沖銷
5.1 客戶應支付並維持一筆存款於新業行處; 此筆保證金符合新業行所要求之存放時間,維持之金額及形式及/或擔保品將視為保證金。
5.2 新業行所規定的最低存款需在客戶於開立新帳戶前支付。為了交易需要及保障客戶履行其合約之表現,客戶需在新業行維持必要之保證金。新業行變更保證金(增加或減少) 需求的權利將不受以往的保證金需求所限,但適用於持倉部份或於變更日期後建立的新倉。客戶若無法履行新業行投資服務有限公司之催繳通知,新業行便有權取消、沖銷、關閉或以其他方式清算客戶帳戶內任何或所有未平倉合約。
5.3 所有以任何形式支付給新業行的存款、保證金,新業行將不予支付利息。
5.4 客戶同意按新業行要求於其帳戶內維持一定擔保品及/或保證金。客戶亦同意在其帳戶出現虧欠時依要求支付任何金額。如在到期日前對沖任何合約,客戶將給予新業行必需之交付文件指示; 若未能收到其指示,新業行將在無要求或通知情況下決定最合適的責任。如果一個買入或賣出合約的指令因當時市場條件而無法被執行時,新業行將採取其他適當的行動。客戶了解應對新業行因上述事件可能衍生之費用而負責,且新業行將對任何可能產生的損失均無責任。
5.5 新業行應有權利:
(i)新業行在任何時候均可自行決定保障自身,因保證金需求或其他方面: (ii)當客戶被提出訴訟、或被申請破產或被申請指定管理人;
(a)在的監控下所有屬於客戶的財產中滿足客戶在新業行 (無論直接或由保證人或具保證人資格)可能有的任何義務,
(d)取消所有未執行指令以關閉客戶帳戶均不需保證金或額外保證金,也不需通知客戶、客戶繼承人、執行人員、行政人員、遺產承受人、個人受讓人或個人代表; 沽出或購入或其他通知或公告無論其所有利益將客戶獨自或與他人所共用。新業行將自行判斷決定沽出帳戶內任何未平倉購入單或買回未平倉沽空單,無論以直接買入或沽出相同月份合約均將依新業行自行判斷決定並於此類交易通常進行的交易所或其他市埸進行。若未在此提供要求或通知一個於預先時間通知要求或買入、沽出或購入地點,將不被認定是豁免新業行賣出或買入的權利,客戶於任何時間均對與新業行帳戶之間的差數有支付的義務,且在任何情況下客戶有義務向新業行清償所有或部分帳戶內的負數餘額。綜合以上所述之事發生時,需抵銷或轉換時,轉換貨幣的匯率將由新業行按兩種貨幣間的市場價位而決定。
5.6 在償還新業行的全部款項前,新業行將基於自身保障而扣押所有保管或以其他方式持有客戶的所有款項、抵押品及其他財產。
6. 交 易
6.1 新業行投資服務有限公司不需為代理商或中間人之任何行為、錯漏、失誤、疏忽負責。
6.2 客戶確知貴金屬買賣價因機構而異,而且分秒變動,並承認即使按照公佈的價格,亦可能無法成交。因此,客戶茲同意及接受新業行不時開報的價格為當時能取得的最佳價格。
6.3 客戶知悉法律、條例、實務及慣例均可能需要公開客戶帳戶資料。客戶不可撤銷的前提下授權新業行在不需通知或獲得客戶同意前即可向相關機
構公佈所有相關資料,並向相關單位提供新業行擁有的所有文件或複印本,包括但不限制於客戶姓名、最終受益人身份證明及新業行可能了解客戶之 財務狀況。客戶不可以因公開資料而可能引致之後果而以任何方式將責任 歸咎於新業行。若因按要求而公開客戶資料所衍生出的的各項支出及費用
6.4 本協議將繼續有效,並對客戶個別及共同在新業行開立之所有帳戶均具有約束效力。每一個金銀合約將受本協議的條款規定及相關的確認書規範,除非客戶與本公司另有協議。
6.5 新業行及客戶須口頭上同意進行金銀買賣交易。此類口頭交易應依據和被條款所影響及受本協議的條件所規範。
6.6 客戶發出的任何買賣指令,可能在有關的市場直接執行,或可能透過與任何人士或在任何市場進行買賣以執行之,亦可能透過任何經紀、代理人、或往來人士或公司間接執行而毋須通知客戶。
6.7 新業行要求客戶應不時注意和接受所有規則、保證金存款要求、交易事實、限價單時間表、交付及/或其他於本協議中有關貴金屬交易的事項。
6.8 一切有關合約的稅項及徵稅,概由客戶全部承擔,而客戶須保障新業行免受此等稅項負擔。
6.9 客戶不得典質、抵押或按揭任何合約。在未取得新業行的書面同意前,客戶不得將合約中的利益轉讓。
7. 抵押品
7.1 客戶交由新業行代管及/或登記於客戶帳戶內或以其他方式交由新業行佔有,作任何用途,(包括但不限於用作客戶帳戶一切欠款的抵押、用作客戶以當事人、擔保人、保證人或其他身份欠下或應付予新業行尚未確定的一切債項(不論債務如何招致)的抵押)的所有財產、抵押品、貸款及結存,新業行對之一律擁有留置權。
7.2 新業行特此獲授權從客戶存入的保證金或抵押品調撥款項,以彌補客戶
7.3 新業行獲准客戶在新業行開立之其他帳戶的多餘資金轉至客戶未有發出要求或通知的其他現貨帳戶,並將之當作保證金。
8. 墊 款
A. 倘客戶未能或不願意在新業行要求結算之日結算合約,新業行(但沒有義務)為客戶提供墊款,墊款方式為直接結算整份合約或其中部份,而客戶同意在新業行索償時,以等港元償還該筆款項而匯率由新業行指定。新業行只須在忠誠的基礎上指定匯率,而毋須提供最佳匯率。利息將以(a)當時在香港市場最高之優惠貸款利率加三厘為年利率或(b)香港銀行同業拆息每日計算,一切皆以較高者為準。
B. 除上述事項外,以下情況亦須收取利息,利率則如上文所訂:-
(a) 任何保證金或附加保證金中尚未以現金繳付或存入的任何部份;
(b) 應付予新業行而未付的任何款項。
C. 本條款的規定,不應理解為新業行須向客戶提供上述墊款的義務,亦無損於交易商按本協議、各合約或根據法律、衡平法或慣例向客戶或任何其他人士行使的權利及可索取的補償。
9. 金銀淨額結算合約
9.1 除新業行與客戶另行同意,無論雙方於何時所締結之合約,即有義務交付金銀款項,此義務與雙方具同一交割日期之持倉契約義務相反。若無進一步行動,此類新合約及持倉合約將依據以下交付及付款,新合約的義務逐筆以淨額結算、個別取消,同時以下列條款替換代替:
(a) 與各類金銀相關,雙方於取消合約之交付金額將會作一比較,此類金銀交付中具較多義務的一方於交付日期將由交付給另一方按照原定雙方遵守取消合約交付所需之金額差價的新義務。
(b) 相關基本的保證金要求,所需的金額相當於金銀淨額結算合約的總保證金要求; 且
(c) 此方式所產生之契約將被認作此協議下之契約。
9.2 任何依本協議第 9.1 條交割及付款條件所產生之合約,其淨額結算確認將於交付日前一天由新業行投資服務有限公司交付給客戶。
9.3 除另行同意或於淨額結算確認中詳述,儘管任何一方可能出現以下情況,本協議第 9.1 條及第 9.2 條之款項內容將適用於:
(a) 無法傳送淨額結算確認; 或
(b) 在其帳簿視為合約否則當作取消或同時以本協議所提供之新合約代替;或
(c) 傳送有任何錯誤條件合約的淨額結算確認。
10. 金銀交收及付款
10.1 依此協議第 8 條及 13 條,每一合約將提高於結算日之合約價格款項交付或取得交付金銀的義務。
10.2 任何一方均需提供對方足夠指示,使對方可依合約條件實現交付。此指示必須於任何營業日於香港早上十時前,或建議交付及付款前兩個營業日提出。除雙方另行同意,交付及付款可在雙方其中一方先前所發放予另一方且發放的一方隨後並無取消任何符合現有交付及付款指示。
10.3 香港金銀交易以港元結算而交付金銀之純度為每兩 0.99,除雙方同意且聲明於原本或修正確認書中,所有結算金銀交付的款項應以可動用美元支付和付運的為本地倫敦金。以下雙方義務將不因收款人指定以其他貨幣或地點付款而撤銷。當任何一方以其他貨幣支付款項,在該筆款項被轉換為美元後,並不足以應付美元金額款項時,收款人可向付款人追討其差額。
10.4 如任何有關金銀合約的實物交收,客戶應負責支付所有於運送所衍生的相關的金銀費用和開支,而不僅限於溢價成本,保險和運輸費用。
11. 延遲金銀交收
11.1 在新業行尚未准許提供信貸交付金銀予客戶,或合約交付之金銀可能超出限制時,雙方需按以下條件簽訂合約:
(a) 每一項合約需於兩個營業日後交收或於本協議第 1 條所定義之交收日,而原來的交收日期需保存於新業行的記錄中。基於每一合約交收日期前均維持未定的,直到新業行同意實物交付或雙方進入淨額結算合約,且原本合約交付的義務將被全部或部分減低至淨額結算並由任何一方所支付;及
(b) 只要當此合約於交收日前維持未定的,新業行可由客戶帳戶貸出或借入利息:
11.2 雙方簽訂的任何或全部的合約均遵循本條並按照上文第 4 條所有之規定。
12. 違約
A. 為墊行本協議及進行任何金銀買賣,下列任何事項均足以構成違約:-
(a) 客戶延遲或未能遵守本協議的條款及條件或任何買賣合約的條款。
(b) 如客戶為個人或商號,則客戶或其任何合夥人:-
(1) 逝 世 ;
(2) 作出破產行為或遭他人申請其破產;
(3) 神經失常或喪失訂立協議或合約的充份資格。
(c) 如客戶為公司,則客戶本身結束營業或清盤,或發生任何可能導致結束營業或清盤的事件、決議、會議、申請或命令。
(d) 對於所有客戶而言:-
(1) 客戶的任何資產遭他人委任接管人予以接管,或遭受任何扣押或執行;
(2) 客戶任何債項應償還或到期時,客戶基於任何原因未能或不復予以清償;
(3) 客戶與債權人之間另訂或執行任何重組還款安排協議。
B. 在發生任何不履行合約事件時,新業行有權立即終止本協議,而其享有的所有權利及補償即自動變成可以行使,而毋須向客戶發生任何通知。此等權利及補償包括但不限於出售抵押品、抵銷及合併客戶在新業行或其聯營公司下所開納之所有帳戶、取消尚未執行合約、將未平倉的合約平倉及自客戶帳戶中調撥或出售貴金屬的一切權力。
C. 新業行在行使上述權利及補償時導致的任何損失或損害,新業行一概毋須負責。
13. 指令形式及指示
13.1 新業行將認為由客戶所授權人員任何指示、命令、通知或其他通訊方式為合理的。
13.2 客戶當透過電話或書面形式給予指令時,必須提供其客戶帳號及姓名的指示。
13.3 若客戶無法支付必要保證金或其他部分,新業行有權就市場狀況依本身判斷結算所有倉盤,且客戶同意保障新業行不會招致損失、費用及開支 (包括法律費用)。
14. 網上買賣平臺
14.1 新業行提供網上買賣平臺及使用此網上買賣平臺的方法給客戶,客戶在此同意:-
14.2 客戶使用網上交易平臺時,切勿向他人透過其密碼,以免未經授權之第三者進入交易平臺的其帳戶。客戶茲同意經客戶帳戶和密碼所確認的任何電子指令和任何電子、口頭或書面的指示傳送至新業行之人士,將認
14.3 若報價及/或網上交易執行時發生錯誤,其中可能包括但不限於任何交易商的打錯報價、報價或交易非為市場價格、客戶的錯誤報價,包括但不限於錯誤報價或因硬件、軟件或通訊線路或系統及/或從第三者得知不準確的外部消息的錯誤報價,新業行將不承擔任何導致帳戶損失的過失。此外,買賣指令必須在有足夠的時間來執行,以及有足夠時間讓系統計算足夠的保證金要求。新業行概不負責因保證金不足及/或指令不能於規定時間內執行或指令執行失敗或因不足時間讓系統執行指令或計算買賣指令。上述舉例並非詳盡和若發生價格執行錯誤,新業行將保留權利作出必要的修正和調整所涉及的帳戶。任何因報價或執行錯誤所產生的任何爭議,新業行將保留最終決定權。客戶特此進一步同意如上述條款般賠償新業行所有損失和免除新業行有進一步損失。
14.4 若第三方獲客戶授予交易授權或控制客戶帳戶(以下簡稱為“介紹經紀人”),無論是處理權或非處理權的基礎上,新業行應以任何方式負責檢查這類介紹經紀人的選擇或給予建議。新業行不作代表或保證任何的介紹經紀人及不會為任何介紹經紀人疏忽或失職的行為而負責。若客戶賦予介紹經紀人對其帳戶行使任何權力,客戶茲承諾負上其作出的風險。
15. 聲明與報告
15.1 新業行的各成員,無論是員工或經紀人,在此有明確授權可以在本身之營業地址或住宅與其在新業行之帳戶或就其與新業行帳戶之目前或未來的有關交易而與客戶溝通。
15.2 報告、書面確認、通知及其他任何通訊可聯絡客戶 (如為無指定人員的聯名帳戶將會以簽名卡上首個出現之名字視為指定人員) ,按記載於本協議中的地址、電話、電郵或傳真號碼,一旦撥通、傳真完成或寄放在郵箱裡或已傳送,無論是否由客戶自行接收,皆視為已傳送。客戶同意其在新業行之記錄細項,若有必要變更而未能通知新業行,將由其擔負權責。
15.3 執行客戶指令之書面確認書及客戶帳戶聲明書為真實內容的唯一證據,且在客戶無向新業行投資服務有限公司提出 (或新業行其他書面聯絡更改之地址) 其他書面聲明之情況下,將在以郵訊或其他方式傳送文件的兩個工作日內,視為客戶已接受其內容。
15.4 雙方之間若有發生任何紛爭或分歧,客戶同意新業行的交易記錄副本為真實內容的唯一證明, 且為任何法院或仲裁機構所確認,不用再提供進一步證明。
15.5 新業行將不會因傳送系統故障、傳訊失敗或其他超出新業行所能預期或控制的導致傳送買賣指令單延誤而產生的任何損失或破壞負責。
16. 收費及佣金
16.1 客戶帳戶結餘若顯示為欠款,經通知客戶後,新業行可要求客戶維持足以攤付授信額外服務費的金額 (包括收款與法律費用等)。其應儘快解決一切與新業行末償還的債務。
16.2 新業行有權向客戶要求付款,且客戶同意無論指令執行前後,佣金匯率將按新業行隨時根據每筆合約指定的匯率、保管費、其他儲存費、各類費用與代金銀購買保險或同意按合約金額購買,且新業行將隨時根據合約指定的匯率要求付款。
16.3 所有客戶與新業行之間之交易均知悉新業行或經紀商有權在交易中收取佣金及 (或) 收佣。
16.4 在客戶的欠款餘額應收取以香港上海匯豐銀行之借貸年利率作每日計算。
17. 賠償
客戶同意賠償和保持賠償和免除新業行,其附屬公司、主管、員工、代理人繼承人和受讓人(“補償人”)進一步損失,任何及所有的債務、損失、成本和費用(包括任何法律費用和開支)可能由補償人所承擔或任何一人直接或間接產生出來或有關客戶的失當將完全和及時地執行客戶的協議或本協議的包含的責任或任何不真確、不準確或誤導客戶或違反合約的任何xx和聲明。客戶茲同意立即支付新業行於本協議範圍所有強制衍生的損失、成本和費用 (包括法律費用和開支)。除此之外,新業行不應承擔而應得到所有索償所產生的損失(及範圍內的)若索償或損失由以下所造成: (a)客戶的行為:其行為或失職將為客戶的一部分,(b)偽造簽名:任何與客戶帳戶或本協議的偽造或未經授權的簽名,(c)機件故障:系統故障,設備故障(無論是客戶或新業行的設備),系統中斷或系統無法使用,(d)延遲:延遲,失敗或任何買賣指令執行錯誤,和(e)資料:新業行從客戶所接收到的不真確或不完整的指令或指示。
18. 雜項
18.1 客戶茲明白指定新業行之間及/或其授權管理其新業行之間帳戶之個 人為其代理,以其名義代替其簽署買入/賣出金銀的確認單,新業行之間及/或其管理帳戶的個人應按此條款辦理。
18.2 如因任何非新業行所能控制的原因,包括但不限於火災、風暴、天災、暴動、罷工、封閉工廠、戰爭、政府管制、本地或國際間的限制或禁制、任何設備的技術性故障、電子故障、停電或任何其他導致或可能導致貴金屬價格走勢異常因素、國際或本地市場休市或任何其他影響新業行運作的原因,引致新業行不能或延遲履行其義務,新業行一概毋須負責。
18.3 本協議的所有條款,在任何方面均不能放棄、更改、修改或修訂,除
18.4 本協議將一直維持全面有效,直至新業行接獲客戶的終止通知書或客戶接獲新業行的終止通知書而本協議根據該等通知書而終止。新業行可憑本身決定,按上文規定對客戶的帳戶進行斬倉或將客戶的帳戶轉讓予客戶指定的經紀或經紀公司。
18.5 若本協議任何條款現時或在任何時候變得與任何市場、國家、政府、監管團體或對本協議的目標有管轄權的任何團體現行或將來制訂的法例、規則或條例有抵觸,則有關條款須視為被取代或修改,以符合該法例、規則或條例,但除此之外,本協議在其他方面仍保持全面有效。
18.6 客戶理解、承認和同意新業行可能不時修訂或更改本協議的條款和條件。新業行應以書面通知客戶任何此類修改或變更。客戶亦應定期檢閱新業行任何有關修改的書面通知和同意將受同樣約束。
18.7 時間為決定本協議的重要因素。
19. 闡釋
19.1 在本協議內,除非與文議相抵觸,述及人士的字詞包括公司及商號,男性字詞則包括女性含義,而單數字詞包括複數意義,反之亦然。
19.2 本協議的標題僅供參考及以任何方式界定、限制或描述本協議或其含意。任何此條款的參考資料皆為於本協議條款的參考資料。
19.3 如對本協議的中文及英文版本有任何分歧,一切皆以英文版本為準。
19.4 編寫參考資料應包括出版模式或清晰的複寫字眼。
20. 管轄權及法律
21. 客戶聲明
(a) 此份協定內容已經以客戶所知悉的語言向客戶作完整解釋:
(b) 客戶所提供於附錄一的資料聲明為真實及完整。
Client 1:
□Ms 小 姐 □Mrs. 女 士 □Mr. 先 生 □Others 其 他 (specify):
1. Name (English) :
2. Name (Chinese) :
3. Gender 性 別 :□Male 男 □Female 女
4. Date of Birth :
5. ID / Passport. : 身 份 證 / 護 照 號 碼
日 dd 月 mm 年 yyyy
6. Nationality :
7. Marital Status : □ Single 單 身 □ Married 結 婚 □ Divorced 離 婚 □ Widowed 喪 偶
8. Mailing Address : 通 訊 地 址
9. Residential Address :
(Please complete if different from the mailing address. For foreigners, please indicate foreign residential address)
(如與通訊地址不同, 請詳之。如閣下為海外人士,請列明閣下的海外地址。)
10. E-mail Address :
11.Address for correspondence and forwarding of confirmations and statement 單據往來地址:
□ Residential Address □ Mailing Address □ Email or Others (specify):
12.Occupation 職 業 :
00.Xxxxxx Phone : 行 動 電 話 號 碼
14.Telephone (H) : 住 宅 電 話
16.Telephone (O) : 公 司 電 話
通 訊 地 址 電 郵 或 其 他
(or Type of Business) (或業務性質)
15.Facsimile (H) : 住 宅 傳 真 電 話
17.Facsimile (O) : 公 司 傳 真 電 話
The remittance shall be credited to clients’ bank account as follow
Account Holder (1) 指定銀行帳戶(一):
18.Beneficiary Name : 帳 戶 名 稱
00.Xxxx Account No. : 帳 戶 號 碼
00.Xxxx of Bank : 銀 行 名 稱
00.Xxxx Address : 銀 行 地 址
22.SWIFT code :
x公司茲確認, 就本公司所知及所信, 上述資料全屬真實及正確。
We declare that all information given in this agreement is true and correct by signing this agreement.
客戶簽署 Clients' Signature
日 期 Date:
客戶認知其本人為:- (請以 √ 選擇最適當的一項)
1. 客戶聲明其為:
□ 擁有生存者取得權之聯權共有人,而非分權共有人。倘任何客戶去世,則 該客戶所開的任何帳戶之全部權益將按原有條款及條件轉歸予各尚存者。 死者之遺產不包括在死者去世當日及其後任何該等帳戶之資產之任何權益。然而,根據下文第 2 條之規定,有關遺產對該帳戶仍有若干承擔。
□ 分權共有人和各客戶在其開設之任何帳戶均擁有一份不可分割的權益。倘 任何客戶去世,則新業行投資服務有限公司全權酌情決定(無須給予任何理 由)將任何該等帳戶套現,或按尚存者或大部份尚存者(視情況而定)之指示,維持該等帳戶或分配其中有關方面(包括遺產)各自之權益。無論上述何種 情況,根據下文第 2 條之規定,有關遺產對該帳戶仍有若干承擔。
2. 客戶聲明無論其為聯權共有人或分權共有人,均須共同及個別承擔下述客戶責任。倘任何一名客戶去世,而客戶屬於聯權共有人,則死者之遺產對死者去世之前或當時該客戶所設的任何帳戶已有之任何負債、借貸結餘或損失負責。倘死者為分權共有人,則死者遺產及各尚存者均共同及個別對任何有關帳戶之負債、借貸結餘或損失(包括因斬倉產生的欠款)負責,直至帳戶結束為止。
3. 客戶須在任何一名客戶去世後立即以書面通知新業行投資服務有限公司及本公司將全權酌情決定認為必須或適當之行動 (無須給予任何理由),保障新業行投資服務有限公司免因稅務或其他索償而蒙受損失。本公司於發還因任何目的而持有、代表客戶所設帳戶內或於任何時間因何目的(包括保管)而持有之任何財產前,就有關斬倉或維持任何帳戶的問題,本公司可在其全權酌情決定認為(無須給予任何理由)必須或適當之情況下,要求尚存者及/或死者遺產提供死亡證明、稅務豁免、其他文件及擔保文件等。
4. 客戶選擇由他人代表開設及管理任何帳戶,並委任 為唯一授權人,但客戶帳戶 則由其本身所管理。代表客戶選擇處理該等帳戶 (無論委任一名或多名人士,概于後文統稱 (經辦人)。) 客戶可透過* (大部份) (全部) 以下簽署人向新業行投資服務有限
公司所發之通知書,撤銷任何委任,亦可委任任何人士取代原有經辦人或成為新經辦人。新業行投資服務有限公司應接受經辦人 (倘委任超過一名人士,則指任何一名經辦人) 就管理及運作任何該等帳戶而發出之指示。即使有客戶協定第 8 段之規定,只要已委任任何人士為經辦人,而新業行投資服務有限公司並未接獲有關人士 (如委任超過一名人士,則所有該等人士) 去世之通知,則新業行投資服務有限公司之一切通知及聯絡將以經辦人 (倘超過一名經辦人,則以排名首位者) 為收件人。經辦人採取之所有行動均對客戶有約束力,而客戶認可新業行投資服務有限公司因應經辦人之指示或xx而採取之所有行動。
Client 2 (For Joint a/c):
□Ms 小 姐 □Mrs. | 女 士 □Mr. | 先 生 □Others 其 他 (specify): | ||
1. Name (English) | : | |||
英文姓名 | ||||
2. Name (Chinese) | : | |||
中文姓名 3. Gender 性別 | : □Male | 男 □Female 女 | ||
4. Date of Birth | : |
| ||
出生日期 | 日dd | 月 mm 年 yyyy | ||
5. ID / Passport. | : | 6. Nationality : | ||
身份證/護照號碼 | 國籍 |
7. Marital Status : □ Single 單 身 □ Married 結 婚 □ Divorced 離 婚 □ Widowed 喪 偶 婚 姻 狀 況
8. Mailing Address :
9. Residential Address :
(Please complete if different from the mailing address. For foreigners, please indicate foreign residential address)
(如與通訊地址不同, 請詳之。如閣下為海外人士,請列明閣下的海外地址。)
10. Email Address :
11.Address for correspondence and forwarding of confirmations and statement 單據往來地址:
□ Residential Address □ Mailing Address □ Email or Others (specify):
12.Occupation 職 業 :
00.Xxxxxx Phone : 行 動 電 話 號 碼
14.Telephone (H) : 住 宅 電 話
16.Telephone (O) : 公 司 電 話
通 訊 地 址 電 郵 或 其 他
(or Type of Business) (或業務性質)
15.Facsimile (H) : 住 宅 傳 真 電 話
17.Facsimile (O) : 公 司 傳 真 電 話
The remittance shall be credited to clients’ bank account as follow
Account Holder (2) 指定銀行帳戶(二):
18.Beneficiary Name : 帳 戶 名 稱
00.Xxxx Account No. : 帳 戶 號 碼
00.Xxxx of Bank : 銀 行 名 稱
00.Xxxx Address : 銀 行 地 址
22.SWIFT code :
x公司茲確認, 就本公司所知及所信, 上述資料全屬真實及正確。
We declare that all information given in this agreement is true and correct by signing this agreement.
客戶簽署 Clients' Signature
日 期 Date:
0.Xxxxxxxx Registration Certificate No. :商業登記證號碼
0.Xxxx of Company (English) :
0.Xxxx of Company (Chinese) :公司中文名稱(如有)
4.Certificate of Incorporation :
5.Type of Business :
6. Year of Trading :
7. Email Address :
8. Address for correspondence and forwarding of confirmations and statement 單據往來地址:
□ Residential Address □ Mailing Address □ Email or Others (specify):
Particulars of all shareholders 所有董事/合夥人資料:
0.Xxxx 姓 名 :
Address 地 址 :
0.Xxxx 姓 名 :
Address 地 址 :
0.Xxxx 姓 名 :
Address 地 址 :
Particulars of shareholders 有關合夥人資料
(1)(a) Name (English) : 姓 名 ( 英 文 )
Name (Chinese) :
(b)Date of Birth : Nationality :
出 生 日 期 國 籍
HKID/ Passport No. : Phone No. :
身 份 證 / 護 照 號 碼 電 話
(c)Address :
(d)Correspondence Address :郵寄地址
(e)Office Address : 辦 公 地 址
(2)(a) Name (English) : 姓 名 ( 英 文 )
Name (Chinese) :
(b)Date of Birth : Nationality :
出 生 日 期 國 籍
HKID/ Passport No. : Phone No. :
身 份 證 / 護 照 號 碼 電 話
(c)Address :
(d)Correspondence Address :郵寄地址
(e)Office Address : 辦 公 地 址
(3)(a) Name (English) : 姓 名 ( 英 文 )
Name (Chinese) :
(b)Date of Birth : Nationality :
出 生 日 期 國 籍
HKID/ Passport No. : Phone No. :
身 份 證 / 護 照 號 碼 電 話
(c)Address :
(d)Correspondence Address :郵寄地址
(e)Office Address : 辦 公 地 址
Account Holder (1) 指定銀行帳戶(一):
1.Beneficiary Name :
0.Xxxx Account No. :
0.Xxxx of Bank :
0.Xxxx Address :
5.SWIFT code :
Account Holder (2) 指定銀行帳戶(二):
1.Beneficiary Name : 帳 戶 名 稱
0.Xxxx Account No. : 帳 戶 號 碼
0.Xxxx of Bank : 銀 行 名 稱
0.Xxxx Address : 銀 行 地 址
5.SWIFT code :
x公司茲確認, 就本公司所知及所信, 上述資料全屬真實及正確。
We declare that all information given in this agreement is true and correct by signing this agreement.
客戶簽署 Clients' Signature
日 期 Date:
姓 名 地 址
CLIENT 1 聯名帳戶一: | SIGNATURE 簽名樣式: Date: |
ENGLISH NAME 英文姓名: | |
CHINESE NAME 中文姓名: | |
CLIENT 2 聯名帳戶二: | SIGNATURE 簽名樣式: Date: |
ENGLISH NAME 英文姓名: | |
Signature Requirements:
□ Single 單 人 □ Joint 聯 名 (Any 如 有 : )
□ As per attached resolution/ Other 附有決議案/其他
I/ We, the undersigned, give above hereof the specimen signature(s) of the person(s) who is/ are duly authorized by me/ us to operate the account with your company. I/ We further agree that all letters and documents with such signature(s) added thereon shall be good and valid and binding upon me/ us in all matters thereto.
Client Signature(s) 客戶簽署
ACCOUNT NAME 帳戶名稱: | |
ACCOUNT NO. 帳戶號碼: | DATE OPENED 開戶日期: |
Attended By (Name/ Signature/ Date): | Approved By (Name/ Signature/ Date): |
THIS AGREEMENT is made on between
(A) SUN YIP HONG INVESTMENT SERVICES LIMITED (hereinafter called the “Company”) whose registered office is situate at Unit 1801, 00/X, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xx.0 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxx and
(B) The person(s) whose personal particulars are set out in Schedule 1 hereto (hereinafter called the “Client”)
1.1 In this Agreement, where the context so admits, the following words and expressions shall have the following meanings:
“Agreement” means this agreement and all other agreements and authorisations entered into by the Client in connection with the maintenance of the Client’s account(s) with the Company.
“Bullion” means precious metals including Hong Kong Bullion and/or Loco London Bullion.
“Business Day” means:
(a) in respect of Loco London Bullion means any day on which London Bullion Market is generally open for normal business and trading; or
(b) in respect of Hong Kong Bullion means any day on which the Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society is generally open for normal business and trading.
“Client” wherever used shall in the case where the client is an individual include the client and his executor and administrator and in the case where the client is sole proprietorship or firm include the sole proprietor and his executor and administrator and his successor in title and in case where the client is a partnership include the partners who are the partners of the firm at the time when the client's said account is being maintained with the Company and their
respective executors and administrators and any other person who shall at any time thereafter be or have been a partner of and in the said partnership and his executor and administrator and the successor in title to such partnership business and in the case where the client is a company include such company and its successor.
“Company” means Sun Yip Hong Investment Services Limited and its successor in title and assign who act as a principal in transactions with the Client.
“Confirmation” means a written statement despatched from time to time by the Company to the Client relating to trading in and other adjustments relating to the Client’s account with the Company.
“Contract” means a contract to be entered into by the Parties from time to time in respect of the purchase and sale of Bullion pursuant to the terms of and subject to the conditions of this Agreement.
“Contract Price” means the price per unit of Bullion multiplied by the total quantity of Bullion bought or sold pursuant to the terms and subject to the conditions of Contract entered into pursuant to this Agreement.
“Custodian Fee” means the fee charged on Hong Kong Bullion overnight outstanding position.
“Event of Default” means any of the event as set out in Clause 12.1 hereto;
“Hong Kong” means Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.
“Hong Kong Bullion”
means gold or silver suitable for trading in the Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties and stated in the relevant Confirmation.
“Loco London Bullion”
means gold having a fineness of at least 0.995 and/or silver having a fineness of at least 0.999, both of which shall be valued in U.S. dollars per troy ounce and be suitable for delivery through the London Bullion Market Association, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties and stated in the relevant Confirmation.
“Margin” means a deposit as collateral requested by the Company to be placed by the Client into the Client’s account with the Company as a guarantee or security for the Client’s due performance of his trading transactions.
“Netting” means an agreement by the Parties to settle their respective delivery and payment obligations pursuant to the Contracts and this Agreement on a net basis after the complete or partial off-set of delivery and payment obligations to each other, on any given day, under the terms and subject to the conditions of this Agreement.
“Netting Confirmation”
means a Confirmation to be issued by the Company to the Client of the results of a Netting of the contracts pursuant to which the Netting Contract is entered. .
“Netting Contract” means a contract formed after as a result of the netting of the contracts with the same Settlement Date but of opposite obligations.
“Parties” means the Company and the Client and “Party” means either of them.
“Settlement Date” means:
(a) for Loco London Bullion Spot Delivery Contracts, the second Business Day following the date on which the deal was entered into;
(b) for Hong Kong Bullion Contracts, the same day or on the following Business Day on which the deal was entered into;
(c) for Bullion Forward Delivery Contracts, the date to
which the Parties have agreed as stated in a Confirmation;
(d) for the payment of a total premium amount, the second Business Day following the date on which the option was entered into; and
(e) for delivery and payment required by the exercise of an option, the second Business Day following the date on which the Grantee gives valid notice of exercise to the Grantor.
“U.S. dollars” means United States dollars, the lawful currency of the United States of America.
2.1 The Client is entitled to elect any one of the following manner of operation of his account:-
(a) to operate the account by giving order himself;
(b) to operate the account by an authorized agent appointed by him pursuant to Clause 2.3.
2.2 The Client shall complete and sign the Notice of Manner of Operation of Account and return the same to the Company.
2.3 If the Client elects to appoint an authorized agent to operate his account, such appointment shall make the authorized agent the true and lawful attorney of the Client and the authorized agent shall have the right to operate the account of the Client for the Client and in the Client’s name and on the Client’s behalf to do and perform such things, including but not limited to the signing of the confirmation of order and/or operation of the account of the Client (as may be appropriate) and the Client hereby confirms and ratifies all acts and things, including but not limited to the transactions and sale and purchase orders, which the authorized agent shall perform as attorney and agent of the Client in respect of his account.
2.4 The Client hereby acknowledges that the authorized agent appointed by him pursuant to Clause 2.3 above is the agent of the Client even if the said
authorized agent may be the staff of the Company. Any representation or warranty made or to be made by the authorized agent shall in no case be construed as any representation or warranty made by the Company. The Client further acknowledges that the Company shall in no case be responsible for any act deed things or omission by the authorized agent.
2.5 The Client hereby agrees that the authorized agent appointed by him pursuant to Clause 2.3 above shall have no authority to receive payment on behalf of the Company and that all payments made by the Client to the Company shall be made to the Company directly. The Client hereby also agrees that all payment made by the Company to the Client shall be made to the Client’s name and that the said authorized agent shall have no authority to accept payments on behalf of the Client unless the Client so instructs the Company in writing.
2.6 The election of manner of operation of account and/or the appointment made pursuant to Clause 2.1 above shall remain in full force and effect unless written notice of cancellation of appointment, written notice of change of mode of operation of account or Notice of Appointment of New Authorized Agent in the form prescribed by the Company has been duly signed by the Client and delivered by hand or by registered post to the Company at the Company’s registered office or principal place of business and such cancellation or change shall only take effect upon receipt of the said notices by the Company.
2.7 The Client may appoint another person to substitute and replace his authorized agent by completing and delivering the said Notice of Appointment of New Authorized Agent referred to above. The Company is entitled to accept orders and instructions from the original authorized agent on behalf of the Client until the Company has duly received the said Notice. The provisions of this Clause 2 hereof shall apply in full force and effect to the substitute and newly appointed authorized agent.
2.8 If the Client holds the account in joint names, the Client agrees that the operation of the account shall be governed by Schedule 2 hereto.
3.1 The Client warrants that in the case of an individual, he is of sound mind, full age, legal competence and has the capacity to enter into and perform this Agreement and Contracts and in the case of a firm or corporation, it is duly constituted and/or incorporated and has full power to enter into and perform this Agreement and the Contracts, and this Agreement and the Contracts will, when executed, be legally binding on and enforceable against the Client in accordance with their respective terms and conditions.
3.2 The Client hereby acknowledges and confirms that he is entering into this Agreement and the Contracts in reliance on his own judgment and at his sole risk, notwithstanding that he may have been advised by the Company, its executive or staff, and the Client is aware that none of the executives and staff of the Company is authorised on behalf of the Company to give any representation or advice and that if such representation or advice is given, the same is only a personal opinion of the person giving it and the Client shall exercise his own judgment in deciding whether to rely on it and shall in no event hold the person giving the opinion, the Company or any other person liable for any loss or damages including those resulting from the Client’s reliance upon such opinion. The Client further acknowledges and confirms that he shall not rely on any representation, warranty, condition, undertaking or other issue of any nature whatsoever.
3.3 The Client acknowledges that investments in leveraged and non-leveraged transactions in Bullion are speculative, involve a high degree of risk, and are appropriate only for persons who can assume risk of loss in excess of their margin deposits. The Client understands that the changes in the price of Bullion may result in significant losses that may substantially exceed the Client’s investment and Margin deposit. The Client warrants that the Client is willing and able, financially or otherwise, to assume the risk of Bullion trading. The Client acknowledges that the Client has received no profit guarantees nor any representation and/or assurance that transactions shall be free of loss from the Company or from any of its executives, staff, agents or representatives or other entity whom the Client contacts in relation to the Client’s account with the Company and the Client further acknowledges that he has not entered into this Agreement in consideration of or in reliance upon any such guarantees, assurance or similar representations.
4.1 All orders and instructions must be given by the Client to the Company in clear and unambiguous terms; and all orders, instructions and transactions thereby requested by the Client shall be subject to the constitution, rules, regulations, customs, usages, rulings and interpretations of the Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society or London Bullion Market Association or other similar association of the markets concerned (as amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time), irrespective of whether the orders, instructions and transactions have already been executed by the Company or the agents of the Company. All transactions under this Agreement shall also be subject to any law, rule or regulation then applicable thereto of the jurisdiction concerned.
4.2 In the event that any order has been given otherwise than in accordance with Clause 4.1, the Company is hereby irrevocably authorised by the Client to elect without prior notice to the Client either to ignore the order or to execute the order with such modifications or changes as the Company in its absolute discretion deems necessary to comply with the applicable laws, constitution, rules, regulations, customs, usages, rulings and interpretations as referred to in Clause 4.1 above. Orders to execute or enter into Contracts may be given in writing, orally (whether by telephone or physical meeting), or by fax, by Client or his authorised agent(s) to the Company, and once given shall not be rescinded or withdrawn without the written consent or confirmation of the Company.
4.3 The Client agrees and declares that he is fully aware of the risks associated with the trading of Bullion, and is also aware that orders or instructions given to the Company may, depending on the then prevailing conditions of the market, fail to be executed (in particular, regarding an order to settle any existing Contract by entering into a matching Contract) by the Company and all losses incurred by the Client in any Contract shall be borne by the Client absolutely. The Client further agrees that the Company shall not be liable for any loss incurred by the Client in any Contract or by reason of the manner or timing of execution of any orders or instructions given by the Client to the Company or whatsoever save and except for such losses incurred due to the dishonest misconduct or gross negligence of the Company
4.4 The Company shall be under no obligation whatsoever at any time to accept any order from the Client or enter into any Contract for the Client, including but not limited to any matching Contract or any Contract to settle any existing Contract in whole or in part.
4.5 Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions in this Clause, the Company hereby undertakes to use its best endeavors to execute all orders received from the Client by the Company subject, however, to the then prevailing conditions of the relevant market at the relevant time.
5.1 The Client shall pay to the Company a deposit and maintain with the Company such money and/or collateral in such amount and in such form and within such time as may be required from time to time by the Company as Margin.
5.2 The Company shall have the right to require the Client to pay to and maintain a minimum deposit as Margin (“the Necessary Margin”) with the Company prior to the Client opening any new account with the Company. The Client shall maintain the Necessary Margin with the Company as required for all trading transactions in Bullion in order to ensure, guarantee and secure the Client’s due performance of his commitments and obligations under the Contracts. For as long as the Client has maintained any account with the Company, the Company shall also have the right to vary the amount of the Necessary Margin required to be paid to and maintained with the Company (whether to increase or decrease the amount of the Necessary Margin). Any failure by the Client to meet calls for additional Necessary Margin by the Company shall entitle the Company to cancel, close by off-set or any other form of liquidation of any or all open Contracts in any account of the Client.
5.3 All monies paid by the Client to the Company whether as deposit, Margin, security or for any purpose whatsoever shall not be entitled to interest from the Company.
5.4 The Client agrees to maintain such collateral and/or Margin as the Company may from time to time at its absolute discretion require. The Client also agrees to pay any amount owing with respect to any of the Client’s account at
such time as the Company requires. Against a position in any Contract and prior to the maturity thereof, the Client shall give the Company instructions as to the settlement of such Contract or furnish the Company with all necessary delivery documents, and in default thereof, the Company may without demand or notice cover the liability in the manner which the Company at its absolute discretion deems appropriate , or if an order to buy in or sell such Contract cannot be executed under prevailing conditions, the Company may take any other action the Company shall deem appropriate. The Client understands that the Client shall be responsible for all the expenses of the Company in connection with the above and that the Company shall not be liable for any loss that may thereby be incurred.
5.5 The Company shall in its sole discretion have the right (i) whenever in the Company’s sole discretion, the Company shall consider it necessary for the protection of the Company, because of Margin requirements or otherwise, or,
(ii) in the event that a petition in bankruptcy or winding-up, or a petition for the appointment of a receiver, is filed against the Client or, (iii) when an attachment is levied against the account(s) of the Client with the Company, or
(iv) in the event of the death or judicial declaration of incompetence of the Client, to: (a) satisfy any obligation of the Client may have to the Company (either directly or by way of guaranty or surety) out of any property belonging to the Client in the custody or control of the Company, (b) sell any or all existing long Contracts in the Client’s account, (c) buy any or all existing Contracts which may be short in such account, and, (d) cancel any outstanding orders in order to close the account or of the Client, all without demand for Margin or additional Margin and/or notice to the Client, the Client’s heirs, executors, administrators, legatees, personal representatives or assigns, of sale or purchase or other notice or advertisement and whether or not the ownership interest shall be solely the Client’s or jointly with others. Any sale of existing long Contract in an account or purchase of existing short Contract in an account may be made according to the judgment of the Company and at the absolute discretion of the Company either by direct sale or purchase in the same Contract or according to the judgment of the Company and at the discretion of the Company on any exchange or other market where such business is then usually transacted. It is understood that, in all cases, a prior demand or call, or prior notice of the time or place of sale or purchase shall not be considered a waiver of the right of the Company to sell or to buy without demand or notice herein provided, that the Client shall
at all times be liable for the payment of any debit balance owing in such account with the Company upon demand, and that in all cases, the Client shall be liable for any deficiency remaining in such account in the event the liquidation thereof in whole or in part by the Company or by the Client. When such combination, set-off or transfer requires the conversion of one currency to another, such conversion shall be at a rate of exchange determined conclusively by the Company on the basis of the then-prevailing market rates of exchange between the two currencies and the Company is not obliged to obtain the best exchange rates for such purpose.
5.6 Unless and until all outstanding amount owed by the Client to the Company has been paid in full, the Company shall hold as security and subject to a general lien in the Company’s favour all money, collateral and other property of the Client held from time to time by the Company in the Company’s account, whether held for safe-keeping or otherwise.
6.1 In any transaction or Contract, the Company shall not be liable for any act, default, negligence or omission on the part of any broker, agent or correspondent.
6.2 The Client recognises that Bullion trading spot prices may vary from institution to institution and from minute to minute and that it may prove impossible to effect trades even at the then advertised prices and the Client agrees to accept that such prices as the Company may offer to him from time to time being the best price then available.
6.3 The Client acknowledges that such laws, regulations, practices and customs may require the disclosure of information relating to the Client’s accounts. The Client hereby irrevocably authorises the Company, to disclose to the relevant authorities all such information and to provide such authorities with all such documents or copies thereof in the Company’s possession as may be required for this purpose, including without limitation the name and the ultimate beneficial identity of the Client, and the financial position of the Client for the time being, as may be known to the Company. The Client shall not in any way hold the Company liable for any consequences arising out of such disclosure, and the Client shall reimburse the Company on demand for
all costs and expenses, including legal costs, incurred by the Company in complying with requests for such disclosure. If the Company agrees at the request of the Client to resist any disclosure, the Client shall indemnify the Company against all losses and damages the Company may suffer and reimburse the Company all costs and expense in resisting such disclosure.
6.4 This Agreement shall be continuous, and shall cover individually and collectively all accounts which the Client may open from time to time with the Company. Each Contract shall be governed by the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the relevant Confirmation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. Each Confirmation shall supplement and form a part of this Agreement and all the terms are subject to the conditions of this Agreement and all Confirmations, and their amendments (which are agreed by both parties), constitute a single agreement on all the terms and conditions in respect of the transaction as stipulated in the Confirmation between the Client and the Company.
6.5 The Company and the Client may agree to enter into transaction for trading of Bullion verbally. Such transaction agreed verbally shall be pursuant to and governed by the terms and subject to the conditions of this Agreement.
6.6 Any order from the Client may be executed directly at the relevant market or with any person or market or indirectly through any broker, agent, correspondent person or company without further notice to the Client.
6.7 The Client shall observe and accept all rules, margin deposit requirements, trading facts, time table for placing order, taking delivery and/or other matters related to the trading in Bullion pursuant to this Agreement prescribed by the Company from time to time as it considers necessary.
6.8 All taxes and levies in respect of any Contract entered into pursuant to the terms and conditions hereof shall be borne solely by the Client who shall indemnify the Company against payment of the same.
6.9 The Client shall not pledge, charge or mortgage any Contract entered into pursuant to the terms and conditions hereof or assign the benefit thereof without the prior written consent of the Company.
7.1 The Company shall have a lien on all property, collateral, credits and credit balances carried by and/or with it in any account for the Client or otherwise in the Company’s possession for whatsoever purpose including safekeeping as security for all debit balances in any of his accounts and as security for all his liabilities accrued due or contingent to the Company whether as principal, guarantor, surety or otherwise and as security against any other liability of the Client owed to the Company howsoever the same may arise.
7.2 The Company is specifically authorised to transfer such amount from the Margin or other collateral deposited with it by the Client without call or notice to the Client as may be necessary to cover all debit balances which may arise in his account with the Company.
7.3 The Company is specifically authorized to transfer excess funds available in the Client’s trading accounts or any other account with the Company to the Client’s Margin accounts without any call or notice and utilise the same as Margin thereafter.
8.1 In the event of the Client not being able or not willing to settle any Contract on such dates as the Company shall require settlement of the same, the Company may (but without obligation to do so) make advance to the Client by way of direct settlement of any Contract in whole or in part and the Client undertakes to repay the Hong Kong dollars equivalent (at the exchange rate or rates as the Company shall stipulate) of any such advance to the Company upon demand with interest thereon at the rate of (a) either 3% per annum above the prime lending rate of a bank in the Hong Kong selected by the Company or (b) one month HIBOR (Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate) for the time being in force calculated on a daily basis, whichever is the higher, from the date of such advance up to and including the date of repayment in full.
8.2 In addition to the above, interest at the said rate shall be chargeable on the following items:
(a) any part of the Margin or additional Margin which has not been paid or deposited by the Client in the form of cash; and
(b) any amount due to the Company and remaining outstanding.
8.3 Anything herein shall not be construed as binding the Company to make any advance to the Client as aforesaid nor shall prejudice any of the rights and remedies of the Company against the Client or any other persons under this Agreement, the Contracts or otherwise conferred by law, equity or usage.
9.1 Unless otherwise agreed by the Company and the Client, whenever a new Contract is entered into by the Parties which creates obligations for the delivery of and/or payment for Bullion, and such obligations are opposite to the obligations of any existing Contract between the Parties of which the Settlement Date is the same as the new Contract, then and without further action such new and existing Contracts shall be netted and set-off, individually cancelled and simultaneously replaced through novation on a running account basis by a new Contract with obligations netted (“Netting Contract”) the delivery and payment obligations of which are as follows:
(a) with respect to each type of Bullion, the amount to be delivered/paid by each Party under the cancelled Contracts shall be compared and the Party having the greater obligation with respect to such type of Bullion shall have a new obligation to deliver/pay to the other Party on Settlement Date an amount of such Bullion equal to the difference between the amounts originally required to be delivered by the Parties pursuant to such cancelled Contracts;
(b) with respect to the Necessary Margin required for the Netting Contract, the amount required will be equivalent to the total Margin required for the Contracts netted under the Netting Contract and which are of greater obligations as opposed to the Contracts with opposite obligations; and
(c) the Netting Contract shall be considered as a Contract made pursuant to the terms and condition of this Agreement.
9.2 A Netting Confirmation shall be delivered by the Company to the Client at least one day prior to the Settlement Date of any Netting Contract arising under Clause 9.1 on the delivery and payment terms of such Contract.
9.3 Unless otherwise agreed and specified in a Netting Confirmation, the provisions of Clauses 9.1 and 9.2 shall apply notwithstanding that the Company may:
(a) omit to send a Netting Confirmation; or
(b) on its books treat the Contracts otherwise than as cancelled and simultaneously replaced through novation by a new Contract as provided herein; or
(c) send a Netting Confirmation that incorrectly states any terms of a Contract.
9.4 Nothing in this Clause 9 shall obligate either Party to enter into any Netting Contract.
10.1 Subject to Clauses 8 and 13, each Contract shall give rise to an obligation to make or take delivery of Bullion on the Settlement Date as stated in such Contract against payment of the Contract Price.
10.2 Each of the Parties shall furnish to the other sufficient instructions, which must be received not later than 10:00 am Hong Kong time on the third Business Days prior to the proposed date of delivery and payment, to enable such other party to effect delivery in accordance with the terms of the Contract entered into pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, delivery and payment may be made by the Parties in accordance with any standing delivery and payment instructions previously issued by one of the Parties to the other party and not subsequently cancelled by the issuing Party.
10.3 Currency of Hong Kong dollar is the currency for settlement of Hong Kong Bullion trading and deliveries of Hong Kong Bullion are in 0.99 tael. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties and so stated in the Confirmation (or amended Confirmation if applicable), all payments in settlement of Bullion (other than Hong Kong Bullion) shall be in U.S. dollars in immediately available funds and deliveries of such Bullion shall be in Loco London. The obligations of the Parties hereunder shall not be discharged by payment in another currency or at any place other than the currency specified by the
payee. In the event that any payment is made by either of the Parties in another currency which, upon conversion to U.S. dollars, does not result in payment of the equivalent amount due in U.S. dollars, the payee shall have a separate cause of action against the payer for the balance due and owing to the payee.
10.4 In case of physical delivery to the Client in respect of any bullion Contract, the Client to whom bullion in physical form is delivered shall be responsible for and pay to the Company all the relevant costs and expenses incurred in such delivery including but not limited to premium costs, insurance and transportation costs.
11.1 In the event that the Client chooses not to take or make delivery of the Bullion upon the transaction date as set out in the Contract, the following terms and conditions shall apply:
(a) the delivery of Bullion of each Contract shall be made on the Settlement Day as defined in Clause 1; but if the delivery of Bullion is not made on the Settlement Date, this original Settlement Date shall be retained in the Company’s record, provided that each Contract shall remain open beyond the original Settlement Date until the Company agrees to make or take physical delivery, or until the Parties enter into a Netting Contract and the Delivery obligations of the original Contract are reduced, in whole or in part, to a net settlement payment by one of the Parties; and
(b) while and or so long as any such Contract remains open beyond the original Settlement Date, the Company from time to time shall credit or debit the Client’s account for interest:
(i) in Loco London Bullion trading, the credits or debits of Client’s account for interest for the period at the annual rate to be determined conclusively by the Company according to market condition from time to time; or
(ii) in Hong Kong Bullion trading, the credits or debits of Client’s account for interest for the period at the rate to be determined conclusively by the carried over charges of the Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society from time to time.
11.2 Any or all Contract entered into by the Parties pursuant to this Clause 11 shall be subject to all of the provisions of Clause 4.
12.1 For the purpose of this Agreement and for any Contract to be entered into pursuant to this Agreement, any of the following events shall constitute an Event of Default:
(a) Any delay or default by the Client hereunder or under the terms of any Contract.
(b) In the case of an individual Client or a Client’s firm, the Client or any of its constituent partners:
(i) dies;
(ii) commits any act of bankruptcy, or a petition for bankruptcy having been filed against him; or
(iii) becoming insane or otherwise losing his full capacity to enter into agreements or Contracts in general.
(c) In the case of a corporate Client, the winding-up or liquidation of the Client or any event, resolutions, meeting, petition or order which may lead to such winding-up or liquidation.
(d) In the case of all Clients:
(i) the appointment of a receiver over any of the Client’s assets or the Client suffering any levy or execution thereon;
(ii) the Client shall for any reason fail or cease to pay any of his or its debts as and when they fall due or mature; or
(iii) there has been proposal or implementation of any composition between the Client and his or its creditors.
12.2 Upon the happening of any Event of Default, all the rights and remedies of the Company shall automatically become exercisable without the need of any notice being given to the Client, including but not limited to all powers of sale of collateral, set-off and consolidation of accounts, settlement of unperformed Contracts and appropriation of spot Bullion from the Client’s account(s), or sale thereof.
12.3 The Company shall in no way be liable to the Client for any loss or damage arising from the exercise of any of its rights and remedies as aforesaid.
13.1 The Company shall be entitled to rely on any instructions, directions, notice or other communication which the Company reasonably believes in good faith to be the authorized person appointed under Clause 2 hereto on the Client’s behalf or the Client himself or the Client’s authorized representative(s).
13.2 The Client may give instructions to the Company by telephone or in writing and in giving instructions, the Client must quote the Client’s account number and account name.
13.3 In the event that the Client fails to pay the necessary Margin or any part thereof, the Company reserves its full right to liquidate the position subject to the adverse market condition at the absolute discretion of the Company, and the Client agrees to indemnify the Company and hold the Company harmless from and against losses, costs and expenses (including legal costs) suffered or incurred by the Company in reliance thereon.
14.1 The Company offers the internet base on-line trading platform to the Client and in using such on-line trading platform, the Client hereby agrees that:-
(a) The Company shall not be responsible for delays in the transmission of the orders due to a breakdown or failure of transmission or communication facilities, electrical power outage or failure or for any other causes which are beyond the Company’s reasonable control or anticipation.
(b) The Company shall not be liable for any of the Client’s losses or damages arising from the default of any agent or any other counterparty of the Company under this Agreement save and except for the gross negligence or willful default on the part of the Company.
14.2 The Client using the online trading platform shall keep his password confidential to prevent any unauthorized third party from getting access to trading facilities for his account. The Client hereby agrees to be fully responsible for any Contract entered into by the Company based on any
instruction received by the Company electronically and which is identified with the Client’s password and account number and for any electronic, oral or written instruction to the Company from any person whom the Company, in its sole judgment, believes in good faith that such person is the Client or his authorized agent or representative. The Company shall under no obligation to make further inquiry into such apparent authority and shall assume no liability for the consequences of any actions taken or failed to be taken by the Company in reliance on any such instruction or on the apparent authority or identity of any such person.
14.3 Should price quoting and or on-line trading execution errors occur, which may include but not limited to any dealer's mistype of a quote, a quote or trade which does not represent the fair market prices, an erroneous price quote from a Client including but not limited to a wrong figure quote or an erroneous quote due to failure of hardware, software or communication lines or systems and/or inaccurate external data provided by third-party vendors, the Company shall not be liable for any of the errors resulting in the errors in account balances. In addition, order must be placed allowing sufficient time to execute, as well as, sufficient time for the system to calculate necessary margin requirement. The Company shall not be liable for the margin alert, balance, and/or position in the account resulting from orders placed out of the prescribed time or failure of the execution of order or calculation by the system due to insufficient time for such system to execute and or calculate orders. The foregoing list is not meant to be exhaustive and in the event of a price quoting or execution error, the Company reserves its right to make necessary corrections or adjustment for the account involved. Any dispute arising from such quoting or execution errors will be resolved by the Company at its sole and absolute discretion and the decision of the Company shall be final and conclusive. The Client hereby further agrees to indemnify and hold the Company harmless from all loss claims damages or liability arising as a result of the foregoing as mentioned in this Clause.
14.4 In the event that the Client grants trading authority or control over Client's account to third party (hereinafter referred to as "Introducing Broker") whether on a discretionary or non-discretionary basis, the Company shall in no way be responsible for reviewing choices by such Introducing Broker or for making any recommendations with respect thereto. The Company makes
no representation or warranty concerning any Introducing Broker and shall not be responsible for any act deed negligence or omission of the Introducing Broker. If the Client gives the Introducing Brokers the authority to exercise any of Client's right over Client's account, the Client hereby acknowledges that he is doing so at his own risks.
15.1 Each member of the Company’s staff whether employee or agent is hereby expressly authorised to communicate with the Client at his place of business or residence with reference to any of his account with the Company or any existing or future transaction with the Company for his account.
15.2 Reports, Confirmation, notices and any other communications may be transmitted to the Client (who, in the case of a joint account without nominating a person thereof will be deemed for these purposes to be the person whose first name first appears in the signature card) at the email address, or address, or telephone either orally or in the form of SMS or fax number given herein on the Client Information Sheet, or at such other email address or address or telephone either orally or in the form of SMS or fax number as the Client thereafter shall notify the Company in writing, and all communications so transmitted, whether by mail, facsimile, personal delivery or otherwise, shall be deemed to be received by the Client (a) in the case of delivery by mail, two Business Days after the same has been dispatched; (b) in the case of delivery by facsimile, upon dispatch to the facsimile number of the recipient, or (c) in case of delivery to the transmitted agent, upon personal delivery to the transmitted agent, whether actually received by the Client or not. The Client hereby accepts full responsibility and all consequences arising out of any failure to notify the Company of any necessary changes to his particulars or contact details kept in the records of the Company.
15.3 Confirmations of the execution of the Client’s orders and statements of the Client’s account issued by the Company shall be conclusive evidence and deemed to be accepted if the same is not objected in writing by the Client directed to the address of the Company stated therein (or such other address communicated in writing by the Company) within two Business Days after delivery thereof to the Client.
15.4 In the event of a dispute or difference arising between the Parties, the Client accepts and agrees that copies of the Company’s trading records shall be conclusive proof of the truth of the contents thereof save and except for manifest error and shall be admissible in any court of law or arbitration without further or proper proof thereof.
15.5 The Company shall not be liable to the Client for any loss or damage caused by, in connection with or arising from any delays in the transmission of orders due to breakdown or failure of transmission of communication facilities, power breakdown or any other causes beyond the reasonable control or anticipation of the Company.
16.1 Debit balances in the Client’s account(s) shall be charged with such reasonable charges as prescribed by the Company from time to time as the Company may make known to its Clients generally to cover its facilities and extra services (including all costs of collection and reasonable legal fees). The Client shall promptly settle, upon demand, all liabilities outstanding to the Company.
16.2 The Company shall be entitled to charge or demand payment from the Client and the Client agrees to make payment upon demand at any time whether prior to or after execution of any order of commission at such rate or rates as the Company shall specify from time to time in respect of each Contract, Custodian Fee, storage and miscellaneous charges and insurance for Bullion purchased or agreed to be purchased under any Contract at such rate or rates as the Company shall from time to time specify.
16.3 All transactions between the Client and the Company are concluded on the understanding that the Company/broker concerned is entitled to receive commission and/or rebates in the transaction.
16.4 Debit balances in the Client’s account shall be charged with simple interest at the rate of 3 % per annum above the prime lending rate as quoted by the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited in Hong Kong for the time being in force calculated on a daily basis.
17.1 The Client agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified and hold harmless each of the Company, its affiliates, executives, employees, agents, successors and assigns (the “Indemnified Persons”) from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, cost and expenses (including any legal fees and expenses) which may be suffered or incurred by the Indemnified Persons or any one of them directly or indirectly arising out of or in connection with the Client’s failure to fully and timely perform the Client’s agreements or obligations contained in this Agreement or any of the representations and warranties given by the Client being untrue, inaccurate or misleading or otherwise breached or the Contract. The Client also agrees to pay promptly to the Company all damages, costs and expenses (including legal fees and expenses) incurred by the Company in the enforcement of any of the provisions of this Agreement. Furthermore, the Company shall not be held liable and shall be released from all claims and losses incurred in such regard if (and to the extent that) the claim or loss was caused or contributed by (a) the Client’s conduct: the actions or omission to act on the part of the Client, (b) forged signature: forged or unauthorised signatures on any document in connection with the Client’s account or this Agreement, (c) malfunctions: system malfunction, equipment failure (whether the Client’s or the Company’s equipment), system interruption or system unavailability,
(d) delay: delays, failure or errors in implementing any instructions, and (e) information: inaccurate or incomplete orders or instructions received by the Company from the Client.
18.1 The Client hereby expressly appoints the Company and/or its authorised person in charge of its account with the Company as his attorney and in his name and on his behalf to sign Confirmation of orders for the sale and/or purchase of Bullion. The Company and/or its authorised person in charge of his account shall do or purport to do by virtue of this Clause.
18.2 The Company is not liable for any failure or delay to meet its obligations due to any cause beyond its control which shall include but not be limited to fires, storms, acts of God, riots, strikes, look-outs, wars, governmental control, restriction or prohibition whether local or international, technical failure of
any equipment, power failure, black-outs or any other causes which result or are likely to result in the erratic behavior of the Bullion prices, the closure of international and local market or any other causes affecting the operation of the Company.
18.3 All provisions of this Agreement shall not in any respect be waived, unless such waiver is in writing and signed by the authorized officer(s) of the Company.
18.4 This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until receipt by the Company from the Client of written notice of its termination five Business Day prior to the effective date of the termination or receipt by the Client from the Company of any written notice of its termination in either event and at the Company’s election, the Company may liquidate the Client’s account as herein before provided or transfer the Client’s account to such broker or commission merchant as the Client shall designate.
18.5 If any provision hereof is or at any time should become inconsistent with any present or future law, rule or regulation of any market or of any sovereign, government or a regulatory body thereof, and of any of these bodies have jurisdiction over the subject matter of this Agreement, the said provision shall be deemed to be superseded or modified to conform to such law, rule or regulation, but in all other respects, this Agreement shall continue and remain in full force and effect.
18.6 The Client understands, acknowledges and agrees that the Company may amend or change the terms and conditions of this Agreement from time to time. The Company shall provide written notice to the Client of any such amendment or change. The Client shall be responsible for regularly reviewing the written notices from the Company for any modifications and agrees to be bound by the same.
18.7 Time shall be of the essence in relation to all matters arising under this Agreement.
19.1 In this Agreement where the context requires or permits unless inconsistent with the context, words denoting person include corporate body, unincorporated association, and firm or partnership (whether or not having separate legal personality), words denoting masculine gender include feminine and neuter, and words denoting singular number include plural number and vice versa.
19.2 The Clause headings herein are inserted for convenience only and for reference, and in no way define, limit or describe the scope of this Agreement or the intent of any provision thereof. Any reference to Clauses is a reference to the clause of this Agreement.
19.3 Should there by any discrepancy in the English and Chinese versions of this Agreement if there is a Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.
19.4 References to writing shall include any modes of producing or reproducing words in a legible and non-transitory form.
The validity, construction, interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Hong Kong and the Parties agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts in connection with any suit, action or proceeding arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, provided that nothing contained in this clause shall preclude the taking of proceedings in any other court of competent jurisdiction.
The warnings to the Client in this Agreement do not disclose all of the risks and other significant aspects of the trading of Bullion. In light of the risks involved in the trading of Bullion, the Client should undertake such transactions only if the Client understands the nature of such transactions into which the Client is about to engage and the extent of the Client’s exposure to risk thereof. Trading in Bullion is not suitable for all members of the public. The Client should carefully consider whether trading is appropriate for the Client in light of the Client’s
investment experience, objectives, risk-bearing ability, financial resources and other relevant circumstances. Before the Client opens an account with the Company and engages in trading of Bullion, the Client is strongly advised to seek independent advice from its legal advisors, financial advisors or other competent professionals.
The Client further confirms and acknowledges that:-
(a) The Client has gone through this Agreement and fully understands the contents herein before he enters into this Agreement.
(b) The representations and warranties that all the information on the Client’s information statement annexed to this Agreement as Annex 1 provided by the Client is true, accurate and complete as at the date hereof and the Client shall notify the Company in writing promptly of any change in such information.
Client 1:
□Ms 小 姐 □Mrs. 女 士 □Mr. 先 生 □Others 其 他 (specify):
1. Name (English) :
2. Name (Chinese) :
3. Gender 性 別 :□Male 男 □Female 女
4. Date of Birth :
5. ID / Passport. : 身 份 證 / 護 照 號 碼
日 dd 月 mm 年 yyyy
6. Nationality :
7. Marital Status : □ Single 單 身 □ Married 結 婚 □ Divorced 離 婚 □ Widowed 喪 偶
8. Mailing Address : 通 訊 地 址
9. Residential Address :
(Please complete if different from the mailing address. For foreigners, please indicate foreign residential address)
(如與通訊地址不同, 請詳之。如閣下為海外人士,請列明閣下的海外地址。)
10. E-mail Address :
11.Address for correspondence and forwarding of confirmations and statement 單據往來地址:
□ Residential Address □ Mailing Address □ Email or Others (specify):
12.Occupation 職 業 :
00.Xxxxxx Phone : 行 動 電 話 號 碼
14.Telephone (H) : 住 宅 電 話
16.Telephone (O) : 公 司 電 話
通 訊 地 址 電 郵 或 其 他
(or Type of Business) (或業務性質)
15.Facsimile (H) : 住 宅 傳 真 電 話
17.Facsimile (O) : 公 司 傳 真 電 話
The remittance shall be credited to clients’ bank account as follow
Account Holder (1) 指定銀行帳戶(一):
18.Beneficiary Name : 帳 戶 名 稱
00.Xxxx Account No. : 帳 戶 號 碼
00.Xxxx of Bank : 銀 行 名 稱
00.Xxxx Address : 銀 行 地 址
22.SWIFT code :
x公司茲確認, 就本公司所知及所信, 上述資料全屬真實及正確。
We declare that all information given in this agreement is true and correct by signing this agreement.
客戶簽署 Clients' Signature
日 期 Date:
1. The Clients hereby acknowledge that the Clients are:- (Tick √ the appropriate)
□ Joint tenants with the right of survivorship and not tenants in common. In the event of the death of either of the Clients, the entire interest in the Clients’ account shall be vested in the survivor on the same terms and conditions as the account is previously held. The estate of the Deceased shall have no interest in the assets in such account notwithstanding that the estate shall be liable for any obligations in respect of the account as stated in paragraph 2 below.
□ Tenants in common and each of the Clients have an undivided interest in the Clients’ account. In the event of the death of either of the Clients, the Company may, at its discretion either liquidate any such account or accept the instructions of the survivor(s), as to its continuance and as to the respective interest of the parties (including the estate of the Deceased) in such account notwithstanding that the estate shall be liable for any obligations in respect of the account as stated in paragraph 2 below.
2. The Clients hereby agree and acknowledge that the Clients’ liabilities under the Clients’ account shall be joint and several whether they are joint tenants or tenants in common. If the Clients are joint tenants and in the case of the death of any of the Clients, the estate of the Deceased shall remain liable for any obligation, debit balance or loss incurred in respect of any Clients’ accounts. If the Clients are tenants in common and in the case of the death of any of the Clients, the estate of the Deceased and the survivor shall remain jointly and severally liable to the Company for any obligation, debt balance or loss incurred in respect of any Client’s accounts.
3. The Clients shall notify the Company in writing forthwith of the death of any of the Clients and the Company is hereby authorized to take such steps which it considers necessary to protect its interest. The Company is also entitled to require such proof of death, estate duty clearance and/or other documents before the Company releases any property held by the Company for the
purpose of any of the Clients’ account with the Company.
4. The Clients hereby nominate (“the Nominated Person”) as the sole person authorized to act for Clients in respect of the Clients’ account no. and to manage the said account on their behalf. Any such nomination may be revoked and any other persons may be nominated in place of the said Nominated Person or in addition to the said Nominated Person by a majority in number/ all (Please delete as appropriate.) of the unsigned by serving written notice on the Company. The Company may accept the instructions of the Nominated Person in respect of the management of the said account. All communications from the Company in respect of the said account shall be addressed and sent to the Nominated Person. All the acts of the Nominated Persons shall be legally binding on the Clients and the Clients hereby agree to ratify and confirm all acts of the Nominated Person.
Client 2 (For Joint a/c):
□Ms 小 姐 □Mrs. | 女 士 □Mr. | 先 生 □Others 其 他 (specify): | ||
1. Name (English) | : | |||
英文姓名 | ||||
2. Name (Chinese) | : | |||
中文姓名 3. Gender 性別 | : □Male | 男 □Female 女 | ||
4. Date of Birth | : |
| ||
出生日期 | 日dd | 月 mm 年 yyyy | ||
5. ID / Passport. | : | 6. Nationality : | ||
身份證/護照號碼 | 國籍 |
7. Marital Status : □ Single 單 身 □ Married 結 婚 □ Divorced 離 婚 □ Widowed 喪 偶 婚 姻 狀 況
8. Mailing Address :
9. Residential Address :
(Please complete if different from the mailing address. For foreigners, please indicate foreign residential address)
(如與通訊地址不同, 請詳之。如閣下為海外人士,請列明閣下的海外地址。)
10. Email Address :
11.Address for correspondence and forwarding of confirmations and statement 單據往來地址:
□ Residential Address □ Mailing Address □ Email or Others (specify):
12.Occupation 職 業 :
00.Xxxxxx Phone : 行 動 電 話 號 碼
14.Telephone (H) : 住 宅 電 話
16.Telephone (O) : 公 司 電 話
通 訊 地 址 電 郵 或 其 他
(or Type of Business) (或業務性質)
15.Facsimile (H) : 住 宅 傳 真 電 話
17.Facsimile (O) : 公 司 傳 真 電 話
The remittance shall be credited to clients’ bank account as follow
Account Holder (2) 指定銀行帳戶(二):
18.Beneficiary Name : 帳 戶 名 稱
00.Xxxx Account No. : 帳 戶 號 碼
00.Xxxx of Bank : 銀 行 名 稱
00.Xxxx Address : 銀 行 地 址
22.SWIFT code :
x公司茲確認, 就本公司所知及所信, 上述資料全屬真實及正確。
We declare that all information given in this agreement is true and correct by signing this agreement.
客戶簽署 Clients' Signature
日 期 Date:
0.Xxxxxxxx Registration Certificate No. :商業登記證號碼
0.Xxxx of Company (English) :
0.Xxxx of Company (Chinese) :公司中文名稱(如有)
4.Certificate of Incorporation :
5.Type of Business :
6. Year of Trading :
7. Email Address :
8. Address for correspondence and forwarding of confirmations and statement 單據往來地址:
□ Residential Address □ Mailing Address □ Email or Others (specify):
Particulars of all shareholders 所有董事/合夥人資料:
0.Xxxx 姓 名 :
Address 地 址 :
0.Xxxx 姓 名 :
Address 地 址 :
0.Xxxx 姓 名 :
Address 地 址 :
Particulars of shareholders 有關合夥人資料
(1)(a) Name (English) : 姓 名 ( 英 文 )
Name (Chinese) :
(b)Date of Birth : Nationality :
出 生 日 期 國 籍
HKID/ Passport No. : Phone No. :
身 份 證 / 護 照 號 碼 電 話
(c)Address :
(d)Correspondence Address :郵寄地址
(e)Office Address : 辦 公 地 址
(2)(a) Name (English) : 姓 名 ( 英 文 )
Name (Chinese) :
(b)Date of Birth : Nationality :
出 生 日 期 國 籍
HKID/ Passport No. : Phone No. :
身 份 證 / 護 照 號 碼 電 話
(c)Address :
(d)Correspondence Address :郵寄地址
(e)Office Address : 辦 公 地 址
(3)(a) Name (English) : 姓 名 ( 英 文 )
Name (Chinese) :
(b)Date of Birth : Nationality :
出 生 日 期 國 籍
HKID/ Passport No. : Phone No. :
身 份 證 / 護 照 號 碼 電 話
(c)Address :
(d)Correspondence Address :郵寄地址
(e)Office Address : 辦 公 地 址
Account Holder (1) 指定銀行帳戶(一):
1.Beneficiary Name :
0.Xxxx Account No. :
0.Xxxx of Bank :
0.Xxxx Address :
5.SWIFT code :
Account Holder (2) 指定銀行帳戶(二):
1.Beneficiary Name : 帳 戶 名 稱
0.Xxxx Account No. : 帳 戶 號 碼
0.Xxxx of Bank : 銀 行 名 稱
0.Xxxx Address : 銀 行 地 址
5.SWIFT code :
x公司茲確認, 就本公司所知及所信, 上述資料全屬真實及正確。
We declare that all information given in this agreement is true and correct by signing this agreement.
客戶簽署 Clients' Signature
日 期 Date:
As WITNESS the hands of the parties hereto the day and year first above written.
Name Address
Telephone no.: Fax no.:
SIGNED by the Client:-
For Individuals:-
In the presence of:-
For Joint account holders, all of them must also sign on the Appendix for Joint
Account Holders annexed hereto.
For Partnership(s):-
In presence of:-
All general partners are required to sign.
For Corporation(s):-
Name of the duly authorized representative(s) signing for and on
behalf of the Client
Authorized signature(s) and
Company chop
In the presence of:-
SIGNED by the Dealer:-
Account No.:
Authorized signature(s) the Dealer chop and seal
CLIENT 1 聯名帳戶一: | SIGNATURE 簽名樣式: Date: |
ENGLISH NAME 英文姓名: | |
CHINESE NAME 中文姓名: | |
CLIENT 2 聯名帳戶二: | SIGNATURE 簽名樣式: Date: |
ENGLISH NAME 英文姓名: | |
Signature Requirements:
□ Single 單 人 □ Joint 聯 名 (Any 如 有 : )
□ As per attached resolution/ Other 附有決議案/其他
I/ We, the undersigned, give above hereof the specimen signature(s) of the person(s) who is/ are duly authorized by me/ us to operate the account with your company. I/ We further agree that all letters and documents with such signature(s) added thereon shall be good and valid and binding upon me/ us in all matters thereto.
Client Signature(s) 客戶簽署
ACCOUNT NAME 帳戶名稱: | |
ACCOUNT NO. 帳戶號碼: | DATE OPENED 開戶日期: |
Attended By (Name/ Signature/ Date): | Approved By (Name/ Signature/ Date): |