Certification Contract
认 证 合 同 书
Certification Contract
Contract No.
一、 总则
General provision
(以下简称甲方), 委托上海xx尔认证有限公司(以下简称乙方),为甲方提供 认证服务。依据《中华人民共和国合同法》、ISO17021 及认证认可的相关规定要求,基于甲方对乙方必须遵守的“客观、公正、独立、诚信”原则的理解和认可,甲乙双方依照相关法律法规、认证行业主管部门的规定,就以下条款协商一致。
(Hereinafter referred to as Party A) entrusts Shanghai Ingeer
Certification and Assessment Services (Hereinafter referred to as Party B) to provide certification service to Party A. According to Contract Law of People’s Republic of China, ISO17021 and relevant requirements of certification and accreditation, and based on Party A’s understanding of the principles, namely, “objectiveness, impartiality, independence, integrity” that Party B must obey, the two parties have achieved agreement concerning the following clauses according to relevant laws and regulations as well as the regulations of the department in charge of the certification industry.
二、 甲方权利和义务
Rights and obligations of Party A
1. 甲方有权宣传获准认证的事实,享有由于获准认证以及使用认证标志取得的经济利益。
Party A is entitled to propagate the fact that it has been certified, and to enjoy the obtained profit due to the certification and use of the mark.
2. 甲方如果与xx在认证过程中产生争议,甲方有权向乙方提出申投诉,乙方应按照申投诉程序解决争议。
If there is a dispute during the certification process between the two parties, Party A is entitled to claim appeal or complaint and Party B must settle the dispute according to the procedure of handling appeals and complaints.
3. 甲方应根据认证程序积极配合乙方的审核,向乙方提供真实充分的信息和记录。否则应承担信息不准确或不真实所造成的一切后果。
Party A should cooperate positively according to the certification process and provide authentic and sufficient information and records to Party B, otherwise, Party A should bear all the consequences due to the inaccurate or inauthentic information.
4. 甲方向乙方提出认证申请时,应明确告知乙方近 1 年内,是否向其他认证机构提交过同样的认证申请但未被受理或审核未通过、已经获得其他机构的认证证书但目前被暂停、撤销、注销等信息。
When Party A applies for certification from Party B, the former should inform the latter within the previous one year whether it has also applied for the same certification from other CB yet not accepted
or doesn’t pass the auditing and other information regarding the certificate of other CB yet in a status of suspension, withdrawal and cancellation and so on.
5. 甲方应为实施审核做出必要的安排,包括在初次认证、监督、再认证、解决投诉时,为检查文件和接触所有过程与区域、记录及人员提供条件。甲方应为到场的观察员(如认可评审员或实习审核员)提供条件。甲方应接受国家认监委或认可委等组织的检查。
Party A should make arrangement for implementation of auditing, including making possible documents checking and check of all the processes, areas, records and personnel during initial certification, surveillance, re-certification and appeal handling. Party A should also pave the way for the on-site observer (such as the accreditation assessor or auditor-in-training). Party A should receive the supervision from organizations like CNCA or CNAS.
6. 甲方获证后,应确保认证所覆盖的管理体系持续有效运行,并按期接受乙方的监督审核及再认证审核,以便乙方验证认证所覆盖的管理体系是否持续符合认证要求。
After getting the certificate, Party A should ensure the continuous effective function of the management system under the certification and receive Party B’s surveillance audit and re-certification audit according to the schedule to enable Party B to verify whether its management system under the certification meets the certification requirements continuously.
l 初评获证后,在证书有效期内,须按期接受三次监督审核,第一次监督审核在初评审核后第 6 个月进行,以后每次监督审核间隔 9-12 个月。
Three surveillance audits must be done according to the schedule within the validity
period of the certificate after the initial certification. The first one should be done six months after the initial audit and the rest two audits will be done after 9-12 months.
l 再认证获证后,在证书有效期内,须按期接受两次监督审核,第一次监督审核在再认证审核后第 10 个月进行,以后每次监督审核间隔 9-12 个月。
Two surveillance audits must be done according to the schedule within the validity period of the certificate after the re-certification audit. The first one should be done ten months after the re-certification audit and the other will be done after 9-12 months.
l 再认证审核宜在证书到期前三个月实施。
It is advised to do the re-certification within the three months before the certificate expires.
7. 甲方应按照双方约定的时间和数额向乙方交纳相关认证费。
Party A should pay Party B the relevant certification fee according to the agreed time and amount.
8. 甲方获证后,在证书有效期内,如发生重大顾客投诉、重大质量、环境、安全事故,或发生以下重大变化,应及时书面通报乙方。
After getting the certificate, Party A should inform Party B in written form on time if there is serious customer complaint, major accidents concerning quality, environment and safety or the following major changes within the validity period of the certificate:
l 法律地位、经营状况、组织状态或所有权;
Legal status, operation status, organization status or ownership;
l 组织或管理层(如关键的管理、决策、或技术人员);
Organization or management (like the key management, decision or the technical personnel);
l 联系地址和场所;
Contact address and site;
l 获证管理体系覆盖的运作范围;
The operation scope covered by the certified management system;
l 管理和过程的重大变更;
Major changes to the management and process;
9. 甲方获证后,应根据《认证认可标徽标志及证书的使用规则》正确使用认证证书和认证标志。 When Party A gets the certificate, it should use the certificate and the mark correctly according to Rules of using certification and accreditation logos and marks and the certificates.
If Party A decides to cancel the certificate, it should inform Party B in a written form, go through the procedure of certificate cancellation and give the certificate back to Party B.
After the certificate is cancelled, suspended or withdrawn, Party A can’t use the cancelled certificate and the mark in its business activity continuously. When the certificate is withdrawn or cancelled, Party A should destroy all the product packages, propaganda materials, ads, name cards and business letters and etc. with the cancelled certificate and the mark on them.
三、 乙方的权利和义务
Rights and obligations of Party B
1. 按照国家标准、行业规定独立、公正、客观地对双方商讨后确定(甲方申请的)的范围进行管理体系认证
Conduct a management system certification of the final scope after negotiation of the two parties (applied by Party A) according to the national standards and regulations of the industry independently, impartially and objectively.
2. 若甲方认证所覆盖的管理体系符合认证要求,乙方依据本合同的约定为甲方注册、颁发证书,并准许使用认证证书及认证标志,但所颁发的证书的所有权属乙方。
If the management system of Party A covered by the certification meets the certification requirement, Party B should register for Party A and issue the certificate according to this contract and allow Party A to use the certificate and the mark, yet ownership of the certificate still belongs to Party B.
3. 乙方承诺不泄露审核过程所涉及到的甲方的商业机密及技术机密给任何第三方,以下信息例外: Party B promises not to leak Party A’s commercial secret and technical secret involved in the auditing process to any third party, but the following information is not included:
l 公开的信息;
Public information
l 甲方书面允许的信息;
Information allowed by Party A in a written form
l 法律程序要求提供的信息;
Information required by the legal process
4. 发生以下情况(但不限于)时,乙方应暂停甲方的认证资格
When the following (not limited to these) happen, Party B should suspend Party A’s certification qualification.
l 甲方的获证管理体系持续地或严重不符合认证要求,包括对管理体系有效性的要求;
Party A’s certified management system doesn’t meet the certification requirements continuously or seriously, including the requirement for the effectiveness of the management system.
l 甲方不允许按要求的频次实施监督或再认证审核;
Party A doesn’t accept the required frequency of surveillance audit or re-certification audit.
l 不接受甲方安排的非例行的监督抽查;
No acceptance of the non-regular supervision arranged by Party A.
l 发生重大顾客投诉、重大质量、环境、安全事故;
There is serious customer complaint, major accidents concerning quality, environment and safety.
l 不按期支付认证费用
The certification fee is not paid according to the schedule.
l 甲方主动要求暂停。
Party A asks for suspension voluntarily.
If Party A can’t solve the problems leading to the suspension within the specified time by Party B, Party B should withdraw or reduce its certification scope. If some parts under the certification scope xxx’t meet certification requirements continuously or seriously, Party B should reduce its certification scope to exclude the parts not meeting the requirements. reduction of the certification scope should be in line with the requirements of certification standard.
5. 任何足以引起甲方不能维持认证管理体系正常运转的情形出现时,乙方有权增加监督审核频次或进行不预先通知的非例行的现场监督抽查,由此产生的费用(如审核费、差旅费等)由甲方承担。 When the situation that Party A can’t maintain the normal function of certification management system occurs, Party B has the right to increase the frequency of surveillance audit or conduct a non-regular on-site surveillance spot-check without notification in advance. Any cost (like auditing fee, travel expenses) will be born by Party A.
Party B bears no responsibility for Party A’s accidents regarding the product quality, environment and safety and the compensation to anyone caused by these accidents based on the following reasons. When a third party claims compensation from Part B directly because of the accidents regarding Party A’s product quality,
environment and safety, Party A should compensate for Party B’s loss.
–认证所采取的抽样方法以及认证所依据的标准仅仅是对管理体系的要求, 并不是针对产品要求或管理绩效的准则。
The sampling method adopted during the certification and the standards referred to are only
requirements for the management system, rather than for the products or the management performance.
QMS certification doesn’t represent that the organization provides quality product or the product verified to be in line with QMS or the requirement of the norm.
EMS or OHSMS certification doesn’t represent that the organization realizes the best performance of environment or occupational health and safety management and meeting the requirement of legal compliance forever.
If Party A doesn’t meet the certification requirement and can’t correct effectively and timely the non-conformities which are raised by Party B, registration not recommended and no issue of the certificate by Party B are allowed. Moreover, Party B is entitled to charge the relevant certification fee agreed in this contract and travel expenses and corresponding overdue payment.
8.xxx在甲方获证后对甲方进行监督审核和再认证审核,验证甲方管理体系的持续符合性之后为甲方保持注册。如果甲方未能持续符合认证要求,且未能对乙方所提出的不符合项及时进行有效纠正,或未在规定的时间内接受监督审核或再认证,乙方有权暂停/撤销认证证书。乙方应及时以书面形式将暂停/撤销决定通告甲方,并有权依相关法律法规及行业有关部门的规定将暂停/撤销决定予以公告。Party B should conduct surveillance audit and re-certification audit for Party A and maintain its registration after verifying the continuous conformity of Party A’s management system. If Party A doesn’t meet the certification requirement continuously and can’t correct effectively and timely the non-conformities which are raised by Party B or doesn’t receive surveillance audit or re-certification within the specified time, Party B has the right to suspend/withdraw the certificate. Party B should inform Party A in written form the suspension/withdrawal decision on time and is entitled to make public the suspension/withdrawal decision according to relevant laws and regulations and regulations of relevant departments of this industry.
9.当满足本合同所有相关条款的要求时,证书有效期三年,三年后乙方为甲方再认证换发证书。 When the requirements of all relevant clauses in this contract are met, the certificate can be kept valid for three years and after three years Party B issues a new certificate to Party A after re-certification.
10. 甲方隐瞒重大信息或提供虚假信息,乙方除有权暂停/撤销证书以外,还有权要求甲方承担由此给乙方造成的名誉及经济损失。
If Party A hides major information or provides false information, Party B has the right to ask Party A to bear
its reputational and economical loss due to this reason as well as suspend/withdraw the certificate.
四、 违约责任
Liability for breach of contract
1. 当甲方未能按照合同约定的时间和数额支付乙方认证费用,无论其原因,乙方即刻获得暂停直至撤销甲方证书的权利。证书暂停和撤销期间,甲方应停止在任何业务活动中使用认证证书及认证标志,并应交还相关的认证证书和认证标志,甲方仍须全额支付认证费用、已经发生的差旅费以及相应的滞纳金。乙方于现场审核后第 30 天起按照总认证费用的 5‰天收取滞纳金。认证费用的总和即第六条款各项费用之和。
When Party A doesn’t pay Party B the certification fee according to the agreed time and amount in this contract, Party B immediately gets the right to suspend even withdraw the certificate no matter what the reason is. During the period of suspension and withdrawal of the certificate, Party A should stop using the certificate and the mark in any business activities and give back the relevant certificate and mark. Party A should still pay the full certification fee and the travel expenses already there and corresponding overdue payment. Party B charges the overdue payment, accounting 5‰ of the total certification fee per day 30 days after the on-site audit. The total amount of the certification fee is the sum of all the expenses in the sixth clause.
2. 甲方在约定的审核前两天或审核中途取消审核,仍须支付乙方合同中所规定的合同金额、已经发生的差旅费用以及相应的滞纳金,滞纳金从原定的审核日起计算。
If Party A cancels the audit two days before the agreed audit or in the middle of the audit, it should still pay the amount specified in the contract by Party B and the travel expenses already there and corresponding overdue payment, which will be calculated from the planned audit day.
3. 认证证书被暂停或撤销后,甲方如继续在业务活动中(包括产品包装、宣传材料、广告、名片、公函等)使用认证证书和认证标志,甲方承担由此引起的一切法律责任。
If Party A continue to use the certificate and the mark in the business activities (including product packages, propaganda materials, ads, name cards and business letters and etc.), it should bear all the legal liability caused by this.
五、 争议处理
Settlement of Disputes
1. 甲方如对审核过程、审核组行为或审核结论有任何抱怨或未解决的争议,均可在审核结束后 30 天内向乙方提出书面投诉或申诉。乙方应在 30 天内完成调查、解决和答复的程序。必要时,xx将指定独立的技术委员会对投诉和争议进行处理。
If Party A has any complaint or unresolved dispute regarding the audit process, behavior of the audit team or the audit conclusion, it can claim a written complaint or appeal to Party B within 30 days after completion of the audit. Party B should finish the procedure of investigation, resolution and response within 30 days. If necessary, Party B will appoint a dependent Technical Committee to handle the
complaint and dispute.
2. 如果上述程序未能解决争议,双方应再次就事实及解决问题的依据进行充分协商,如果仍无法达成一致,任何一方可以将争议提请上海仲裁委员会按该会仲裁规则仲裁解决。
If the above procedure can’t solve the dispute, the two parties should negotiate fully the fact and
reference to solve the problem again. If an agreement can’t be achieved, one of the parties can refer the dispute to Shanghai Arbitration Commission for arbitration according to its arbitration regulation.
六、认证费用、付款及与此相关的约定 Certification fee, payment and agreement related to this
项 目 Item | 费 用(元)Fee(Yuan) | 付款及与此相关的约定 Payment and agreement related to this | |
申请费 Application fee | 1 、合同签订后一周内支付合同金额的 50%; Pay 50% of the amount in the contract one week after signing the contract. 2、现场审核结束后 7 天内,甲方应支付其余 50%的注册审核费,乙方确认收到所有费用后方颁发认证证书。 Party A should pay the rest 50% registration and audit fee seven days after the on-site audit. Party B issues the certificate after receiving all the money. | ||
审核费(□初评 □再认证)Audit | |||
注册审核费 | fee ( □ Initial audit □ Re-certification) | ||
注册费 Registration fee | |||
Registration and audit fee | |||
初评/再认证费用合计 | |||
Total amount of initial audit/re-certification fee | |||
审 核 x Audit fee | 每次监督审核前一周内一次性支付全部费用乙方确认收到所有费用后方颁发年度审核确认证明。 All the expenses must be paid one time a week before every surveillance audit. Party B issues the confirmation certificate of surveillance audit after receiving all the money. | ||
监督审核费 Surveillance audit fee | 年度审定费 Surveillance audit fee | ||
监督审核费用合计 | |||
Total amount of the surveillance audit fee | |||
1. 2. 3. | 乙方审核所产生的差旅费(包括交通、住宿及工作期间餐饮的费用)由甲方承担,按实际支出实报实销。 Travel expenses risen because of Party B’s auditing (including transportation, accommodation and eating during working time) should be born by Party A and the expenses will be reimbursed for the actual amount. 由于现场审核未通过而导致的额外的现场跟踪审核,按第三条第五款规定进行处理,审核费在乙方进入现场前一周一次性支付。 The additional on-site track audit due to failure of the on-site auditing should be treated according to the fifth provision in the third section. The audit fee should be paid one time a week before Party B’s presence on the site. 甲方未能按照合同约定的时间和数额支付给乙方认证费用,应按照本合同第四条第一款支付滞纳金。 If Party A can't pay the certification fee to Party B according to the specified time and amount in the contract, it should pay the overdue payment in accordance with the first provision in the fourth section of this contract. |
七、附则 A supplementary provision
Rules of using certification and accreditation logos and marks and the certificates is the annex of this contract, which has the same legal effect as this contract.
This contract has two sets of original copies and each party shall hold a copy.
This contract becomes valid the moment getting the signature/seal. When this contract comes into force, other certification contract/agreement becomes invalid.
甲 方 Party A
地 址 :
Contract person:
电 话 : 传 真 :
Phone: Fax:
Legal representative or entrustor (Seal):
日 期 : 年 月 日
Date: Year Month Day
乙 方 Party B
地 址:xxxxxx 0000 xxxxx 00 x
Address: Floor31, Huading Tower, No.2368, West Zhongshan Road, Shanghai
电 话 :x00 00 00000000 传 真 :x00 00 00000000
Phone: Fax:
Legal representative or entrustor (Seal):
日 期 : 年 月 日
Date: Year Month Day