「電子支票」指以電子紀錄(按香港法例第 553 章〈電子交易條例〉定義)形式簽發的支票(包括銀行本票),附有電子支票或電子銀行本票(視情況適用)的正面及背面影像。電子支票可以港幣、美元及人民幣簽發。
(A) 閣下須按本行不時指定的步驟及輸入本行不時指定的資料,並按指定的版式及規格簽發每張電子支票。 閣下不可加入、移除或修改電子支票的內容、版式、排列或影像。
(B) 每張電子支票必須由 閣下(作為付款人)及本行(作為付款人銀行)按本行設定的次序分別以 閣下及本行的數碼簽署式樣簽署,但如電子支票為銀行本票,則無須由付款人簽署。
(C)當 閣下由聯名戶口簽發電子支票, 閣下須自行負責確保該電子
聯絡資料向受款人傳送後,即被認定為已經送達至受款人。本行無責任核實受款人是否實際收到該電子支票檔案。本行建議 閣下跟受款人查明其是否已實際收到該電子支票檔案,不論該電子支票檔案由 閣下或本行傳送。
(ii) 本行責任的限制
(A) 閣下或任何其他人士因使用電子支票服務,或 閣下或任何其他人士簽發的電子支票,或通過本行向 閣下提供的存入途徑出示的電子支票的處理、辦理、出示、支付、收取、交收或結算,或與上述事宜有關而可能引致或蒙受的任何種類的損失、損害或開 支,本行無須負責,除非任何上述損失、損害或開支屬直接及可合理預見直接且完全由於本行或本行人員、僱員或代理的疏忽或故意失責導致;
(B) 為求清晰,現明確如下, 閣下或任何其他人士就下列事宜(或任何一項)或與其相關的事宜,而可能引致或蒙受的任何種類的損失、損害或開支,本行無須負責:
(1) 閣下或任何其他人士使用電子支票存票服務,或與電子支票存票服務條款相關的事宜;
(2) 閣下未遵守有關電子支票服務的責任,包括提防未獲授權人士簽發電子支票的責任;
(3) 按業界規則及程序出示由 閣下簽發或向 閣下簽發的電子支票,而無須顧及匯票條例的條文;及
(4) 任何由於或歸因於本行可合理控制情況以外的原因導致未能提供或延遲提供電子支票服務,或導致電子支票服務的任何 錯誤或中斷;及
(C)在任何情況下,就任何收益的損失或任何特別、間接、相應而生或懲罰 性損失或損害賠償,本行均無須向 閣下或任何其他人士負責。
(iii) 閣下的確認及彌償
(A) 閣下須接受本行及結算所分別就電子支票服務及結算所提供的服務施加的責任限制及免責條款。 閣下須接受及同意,承擔簽發及存入電子支票的風險及責任。
(B)在不減低 閣下在於此等條款中其他條款提供的任何彌償或於本行享有的任何其他權利或補償的情況下,本行及本行人員、僱員及代理(或任何一人)有關或因本行提供電子支票服務或 閣下使用電子支票服務而可能引致或蒙受任何種類的責任、申索、要 求、損失、損害、成本、費用及開支(包括全面彌償引致的法律費用及其他合理開支),以及本行及本行人員、僱員及代理(或 任何一人)可能提出或被提出的所有法律訴訟或程序, 閣下須作出彌償並使本行及本行人員、僱員及代理(或任何一人)免受損失。
(C)如任何責任、申索、要求、損失、損害、成本、費用、開支、法 律訴訟或程序經證實為直接及可合理預見直接且完全因本行或本行人員、僱員或代理的疏忽或故意失責導致,上述彌償即不適 用。
B 部分:服務條款的更改詳情
項目 | 修訂 |
1 | 修改服務條款適用範圍 x條款適用於接受由中國銀行( 香港) 有限公司(「本行」) 提供的賬戶、銀行、投資及任何其他服務的任何人士(「您」)。若本條款與個別交易 / 服務的條文或規則有任何抵觸,該等條文或規則將就相關交易 / 服務而言凌駕於本條款。請您細閱本條款,特別是第一部分條款 2( 密碼)、條款12( 本行責任的限制 ) 及條款 13( 您的彌償保證 ),以及第 3 部分條款 7( 風險披露 ) 。 |
2 | 修改條款 3.2 第二句為:「本行及任何受讓人可按香港或任何境外司法管轄區之任何法律、規例、法院、監管機構、法律程序或守則,或根據本行 集團的政策或其任何須承擔或獲施加與香港或任何境外司法管轄區之法 定、監管、政府、稅務、執法或其他機構、證券或期貨交易所、中央銀行、 或金融服務提供者之自律監管或行業團體或組織 (「權力機構」) 之間的現有或將來之任何合約承諾或其他承諾、或權力機構之間適用於本行或本行 集團成員的協議或條約 ( 統稱「銀行責任」),將任何該等資料轉讓及披露予任何人士。」 |
3 | 新增條款 3.9 為:「如您已向或向中銀信用卡( 國際) 有限公司(「卡公司」) 申請信用卡服務,及/ 或已向或向中銀集團人壽保險有限公司申請保險服務或產品,或其他由本行擔當代理人的保險公司或通過本行提供其保險服 務或產品的保險公司(統稱為「保險公司」) ,您同意及確認卡公司及 / 或保險公司 ( 視情況而定 ),可就載於「資料政策通告」上的用途,轉傳予本行任何有關您使用信用卡或保險服務的資料,或卡公司及/ 或保險公司不時向您提供的其他產品或服務的資料,而您亦謹此授權本行可向卡公司及 保險公司索取上述資料。您特別授權本行可將該等資料印列於您的銀行結 單上, 及作客戶概況彙編及分類的用途。」 |
4 | 新增條款 20 為:稅務合規事項 20.1 您及代表您行事的人士確認您須全權負責了解及遵守您在所有司法管轄區的稅務責任。該等稅務責任包括但不限於繳納稅款或向有關稅務 當局提交報稅表或其他所需文件(即任何在香港境內或境外的政府、政 府單位、政府機構或監管機構,包括香港稅務局及美國國稅局)。某些 國家訂立了具跨領域效力的稅務法例,不論您的居籍、居留地、公民身 份或註冊成立地點。您務須尋求獨立法律及稅務意見,本行或本行代理 人概不會提供稅務意見。 20.2 您承諾向本行提供本行在合理情況下所需的資料、文件及證明書, 以履行適用的司法管轄區之間的稅務合規規則對本行施加的責任。您確 認及同意此可包括您本人、您的被授權簽字人、其他代表或您的實益擁 有人的資料、文件及證明書,並同意儘快通知本行此等資料的任何變 動。「司法管轄區之間的稅務合規規則」包括但不限於: a. 「外國賬戶稅務合規法案」,乃指: (i) 《1986 年美國國內稅收法(經修訂)》第 1471 至 1474 條,或其任何經修訂或繼後版本; (ii) 政府與監管機構就第 [20.2(a)(i)] 段所訂立的任何政府間協議、諒解備忘錄、承諾書及其他安排,包括由香港政府所訂立的任何政府間協議、諒解備忘錄、承諾書及其他安排; |
第 1 部分:一般條文
修改條款 1.10 為:
假如您不是最終受益人,亦非在香港交易及結算所有限公司(「香港交易 所」) 上市或買賣的證券,或衍生工具 ( 包括場外交易衍生工具 ) 最初發指示的最終負責人:
(a) 您同意於本行或香港交易所及證券及期貨事務監察委員會(「證監會」) 任何其中一方提出要求的兩個營業日內,直接向香港交易所及證監會提 供最終受益人及最初發出指示的最終負責人的詳細資料( 包括身分、地址及聯絡資料);
(b) 您於上文 (a) 的協議將會在本行服務終止後繼續有效;及
(c) 假如受益人或最初發出指示人士身處香港境外,您確認此等條文根據有關的境外司法管轄區之法律具有約束力。
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例第 623 章)(「第三者條例」)下的權利以執行本條款或相關協議任何條款或享有本協議任何條款下的權益。 22.2 無論本條款或相關協議中的任何條文如何約定,在任何時候撤銷或修改本條款或相關協議均無需取得並非本條款或相關協議一方的任何人士的同意。 22.3 本行的任何董事、人員、僱員、附屬成員或代理人可依據第三者條例,依賴本條款或相關協議中賦予其權利或利益的任何明文規定條文 (包括但不限於任何彌償,責任限制或責任排除)。 22.4 本條款 22 於第三者條例生效日(即 2016年1月1日) 始適用。 | |
7 | 重編條款 20 為條款 23 及修改條款 20.6 為:「在適用於一項服務的條款或條件中,除文意另有所指外,對「本行」及本行的所有提述均包括本行 的繼任人及受讓人。「您」包括您的遺產管理人、繼承人及遺產代理人。 表示單數的詞語包括眾數,反之亦然。表示一種性別的詞語應包括每個性 別。「營業日」指銀行在香港開門營業的日子。「包括」並無限制意義。「人 士」包括個人、公司、協會、獨資經營商號、合夥商號、會所及社團。「個 人客戶」指持有由本行提供的賬戶(包括與另一個人開立的聯名賬戶或以 執行人或信託人身分持有的賬戶,但不包括獨資經營者、合夥商號、公司、 會社及社團的賬戶),或獲得本行其他服務的個人。「附屬成員」指,就 任何實體而言,受它直接或間接控制的任何其他實體,或任何直接或間接 控制它的其他實體,或任何直接或間接受它共同控制的其他實體。就此而 言,「控制」指該實體的大多數投票權的擁有權。所有標題只為易於參考 而設,並不影響詮釋。本行的條款及條件以淺白語言撰寫,詮釋務須公正 及公允。針對擬備人而設的詮釋規則並不適用。」 ( 相應刪除第 3 部分:投資服務條款 6.10 有關「聯繫人」之描述。) |
8 | 修改條款 2.5 為︰「在無疏忽的情況下,本行毋須為任何代收項目的延誤未能付匯或交付而負責。本行毋須就收款銀行支付您的受款人的時間或其 未能支付或向收款銀行追討任何付款而負責。本行的代理銀行及本行可進 行或避免進行他們或本行相信就遵守任何適用的香港境外司法管轄區之法 律、規例或慣例所需的任何事宜。上述所有的作為及不作為均對您具約束 力。」 |
9 | 修改條款 2.7 為︰「本行毋須負責提醒您任何香港或任何境外司法管轄區之法律、規例或關稅的規定 ( 包括外匯管制 )。本行建議您自行查詢。本行毋須預先通知您本行代理銀行的收費。 |
10 | 修改條款 4.3 為︰「本行可當面將實物支票簿交付給您,或交予持有您的授權指示的任何人或以郵遞方式寄送:所涉風險由您承擔。」 |
11 | 修改條款 4.10 為︰「您在結束賬戶時,需將所有未使用的實物支票交還予本行,而該已結束的賬戶所預設簽發或存入的電子支票將會取消。」 |
12 | 修改條款 4.12 為︰「支票」在適用情況下包括支票( 實物或電子形式)、本票( 實物或電子形式 )、銀票、匯票及其他付款票據。」 |
13 「( | 新增條款 4.13 為:電子支票服務 a) 電子支票服務條文 – 適用性及定義 (i) 本條款 4.13 適用於本行有關電子支票的服務。此等條款中適用於實物支票或適用於本行一般服務的其他條文,凡內容相關的且不與本 條款 4.13 不一致的,將繼續適用於電子支票及本行的電子支票服務。就電子支票服務而言,若本條款 4.13 跟此等條款的其他條文出現不一致,均以本條款 4.13 的條文為準。 (ii) 就電子支票服務為目的,下列詞語具下列定義: 「匯票條例」指香港法例第 19 章〈匯票條例〉,可被不時修訂。 「結算所」指香港銀行同業結算有限公司及其繼承人及受讓人。 「存入途徑」指本行不時提供用作出示電子支票以求存入的任何途 徑。 |
第 2 部分:銀行服務
(b) 電子支票服務的性質及範圍
(i) 本行可選擇提供電子支票服務。如本行向 閣下提供電子支票服務,閣下可以簽發電子支票及存入電子支票。為使用電子支票服務, 閣下須提供本行及結算所分別不時要求或指定的資料及文件,並須接受本行及結算所分別不時要求或指定的條款及細則。 閣下亦可能需要簽署本行不時指定的表格及文件。
(ii) 電子支票簽發服務讓 閣下可按下列條款 4.13(c) 簽發由本行出票的電子支票。
(iii) 電子支票存入服務讓 閣下及其他人士可按下列條款 4.13(d) 使用結算所提供的電子支票存票服務或使用本行的存入途徑出示電子支票
(不論向 閣下及/或受款人戶口的任何其他持有人支付)以存入本行(作為受款人銀行)。
(v) 本行有權不時設定或更改使用電子支票服務的條件。該等條件可包括下列各項(或任何一項):
(B) 閣下在任何指定時段可以簽發電子支票的最高總金額或最多支票總數量;及
(C) 閣下須就電子支票服務支付的任何費用。
(c) 電子支票簽發服務
(i) 電子支票的版式及簽發電子支票的步驟
(D)如 閣下為公司或任何其他實體, 閣下須自行負責確保每張電子支票均按 閣下不時授權的電子支票簽署安排,由獲授權人士
(等)代表 閣下簽署。
(ii) 電子證書
(A) 閣下在電子支票上的數碼簽署必須由有效的電子證書產生,該電子證書必須在產生該數碼簽署時有效,並且未過期或被註銷。
(B) 閣下在電子支票上的數碼簽署可由一般用途電子證書或特定用途電子證書產生。
(C)如 閣下選擇用一般用途電子證書產生數碼簽署, 閣下須遵從上述條款 4.13(c)(ii)(A) 維持一般用途電子證書持續有效。
(D)本行可選擇提供有關特定用途電子證書的服務。本行的服務可包括代 閣下申請、持有、維持、更新、註銷及管理特定用途電子證書(或上述任何一項服務)。如本行提供該等服務,且 閣下選擇用特定用途電子證書產生 閣下的數碼簽署, 閣下應指示及授權本行:
(1) 按本行不時設定的範圍及方式提供該等服務,這可包括代 閣下持有特定用途電子證書及相關密碼匙及/或密碼,及代 閣下按 閣下不時指示在電子支票上產生 閣下的數碼簽署;及
(2) 作出所有需要步驟(包括向發出特定用途電子證書的核證機關提供所有需要的資料及個人資料),以實現特定用途電子證書的目的。
(E) 代 閣下申請特定用途電子證書時,本行有權依賴 閣下提供的資料。 閣下須自行負責向本行提供正確及最新的資料。如本行根據 閣下提供的不正確或過時資料獲取了特定用途電子證書, 閣下仍須受由該電子證書產生的數碼簽署所簽發的任何電子支票約束。
(F) 每張電子證書皆由核證機關發出。就 閣下的電子證書, 閣下受發出該電子證書的核證機關的指定條款及細則的約束。 閣下須自行負責履行 閣下在該等條款及細則下的責任。
(iii) 向受款人傳送電子支票
(A)當 閣下確認簽發電子支票,本行會產生電子支票檔案。 閣下可下載電子支票檔案用以自行傳送予受款人。本行亦可代 閣下向受款人以電子方式傳送電子支票檔案,如本行有提供此項服務。
(B) 閣下不應向受款人簽發電子支票 (或指示本行代 閣下簽發電子支票),除非該受款人同意接受電子支票。 閣下須自行負責下列各項事宜:
(1) 在向受款人簽發電子支票(或指示本行代 閣下簽發電子支票)前,通知該受款人其可以同意或拒絕接受電子支票;
(2) 使用安全電子方式及採取適當電郵加密及其他保安措施傳送電子支票檔案;及
(3) 向本行提供受款人的正確及最新的聯絡資料,讓本行代 閣下以電子方式向受款人傳送電子支票檔案,如本行有提供此項服務。
(C)電子支票檔案於本行以電子方式按 閣下向本行提供的受款人的
求任何其他的出示形式。在不減低上列條款 4.13(c)(i)(A) 及下列條款 4.13(e)(i) 及 條款 4.13(e)(ii) 的效果的情況下, 閣下明確接受不時在每張電子支票上列明的出示要求豁免。
(d) 電子支票存入服務
(i) 電子支票存入服務可容許透過使用結算所提供的電子支票存票服務或本行的存入途徑,出示電子支票以存入本行(作為受款人銀行)。
(ii) 電子支票存票服務
(A)電子支票存票服務由結算所提供。就 閣下使用電子支票存票服務, 閣下受電子支票存票服務條款約束。 閣下須自行負責履行電子支票存票服務條款下的責任。
(B) 為使用電子支票存票服務,電子支票存票服務條款要求 閣下登記電子支票存票服務戶口連同一個或多個受款人戶口,以供出示電子支票。電子支票存票服務條款容許 閣下以 閣下同名戶口或 閣下同名戶口以外的其他戶口作為受款人戶口登記電子支票存票服務戶口。 閣下須就 閣下或任何其他人士使用 閣下的電子支票存票服務戶口出示的所有電子支票負責(包括任何向 閣下同名戶口以外的受款人戶口出示的電子支票)。
(C)任何有關使用電子支票存票服務的事宜須按電子支票存票服務條款處理。本行可以(但無責任)向 閣下提供合理協助。因本行沒有任何使用電子支票存票服務存入的電子支票的電子紀錄或影像,如 閣下要求,本行可以(但無責任)提供使用 閣下電子支票存票服務戶口存入的電子支票日期、電子支票金額、電子支票編號、受款人姓名及任何其他本行同意提供有關該電子支票的資料。
(D)本行對結算所是否提供電子支票存票服務及所提供服務的質素、適時度或任何其他事宜均無作出明示或隱含的表述或保證。除非電子支票存票服務條款另有指明, 閣下須承擔有關使用電子支票存票服務的責任及風險。 閣下或任何其他人士因使用電子支票存票服務或與其有關的服務,而可能引致或蒙受的任何種類的損失、損害或開支,本行無須負責。
(iii) 本行的存入途徑
(A)本行可不時指定或更改(i) 可用的存入途徑而無須通知;及(ii) 任何存入途徑的條款。
(B) 閣下須就 閣下或任何其他人士使用本行的存入途徑透過 閣下的受款人戶口出示的所有電子支票負責
(e) 電子支票的處理、相關風險及本行的責任
(i) 電子支票的處理
閣下須明白本行及其他銀行須根據業界規則及程序處理、辦理、出示、支付、收取、交收及結算由 閣下簽發或向 閣下簽發的電子支票。因此,即使匯票條例未明確指定電子支票出示的方式,或可能指定其他的支票出示方式,本行有權以下列方法為 閣下支付或收取電子支票:
(A) 任何 閣下在本行簽發的電子支票向本行出示時,按業界規則及程序支付該電子支票;及
(B) 按業界規則及程序,向付款人銀行出示任何向 閣下簽發的電子支票,以收取款項。
第 3 部分:投資服務
(iii) 本行與美國國稅局或其他監管機構或政府機構根據或就第[20.2(a)(i)] 段所訂立的協議;及 (iv)任何根據前述在美國、香港或其他地方採納的任何法律、規則、規例、詮釋或慣例。 b. 「稅務資料分享安排」,乃指任何本地或外國法律、規例及規則, 包括但不限於外國賬戶稅務合規法案下的責任、相關規則及規例, 以及其他影響本行的國際交換安排。 20.3 您確認及同意,本行可根據適用的本地或外國法律、規例及規則, 由本行決定向稅務當局報告及披露您、任何實益擁有人、任何被授權簽 字人或其他代表所提供或有關您、任何實益擁有人、任何被授權簽字人 或其他代表的任何資料(包括但不限於您的身份資料)、文件、證明或 賬戶資料(包括但不限於有關賬戶結餘、有關利息收入、股息收入及提 款總額)。您亦確認及明白適用的本地或外國法律對本行施加的責任是 連續性的。 20.4 您在本行設立或延續任何賬戶或提供服務,需不時向本行提供身份資料及個人資料。未能提供資料可導致無法完成交易、提供服務或操作 或維持在本行的任何賬戶,亦可能導致本行須根據本地或外國法律、規 例及規則預扣或扣除的款項。 20.5 在不影響您提供的任何其他彌償保證的原則下,您須就因您指示、賬戶或向您提供的服務所產生的任何法律責任、合理損失或開支(包括 稅項及徵費)向本行、本行之附屬成員或代理人作出彌償,包括因您未 能遵守此等條款及條件或您給予的任何其他承諾或您的代理人就您本人或任何其他人士或事項提供有關此等條款及條件具誤導性或虛假的資 料,除非本行疏忽或犯有故意的不當行為。 | |
5 | 新增條款 21 為:金融犯罪合規事項 x行須根據不同司法管轄區內的法定及監管機構的適用法律、規例、政策 (包括本行政策)及要求行事。其中包括防止洗黑錢、恐怖分子資金籌集、 賄賂、貪污、實際或試圖逃稅、欺詐及向任何可能受到制裁的人士提供金 融或其他服務。本行享有絕對酌情權決定採取本行認為適當的任何行動, 以遵守所有有關法律、規例、政策及要求。有關行動可能包括但不限於: a. 審查、截取及調查任何向您發出或由您(或代表您)發出,向或從您賬戶的任何指示、提取要求、服務申請、付款或通訊; b. 資金或預定收款人的來源、個別人士或實體的狀況及身份進行調查及作進一步查詢,不論他們是否受制裁制度約束,及被指稱被制裁人士的名稱是否確實指稱該名人士; c. 將有關您、您的個人資料、實益擁有人、被授權簽字人及其他代表、賬戶、交易、本行服務使用的資料與本行或本行附屬成員管有的其他相關資料合併及加以使用; d. 按本行絕對酌情決定,延遲、阻截、暫停或拒絕處理給予您或由您發出的任何付款或指示; e. 拒絕訂立或完成涉及若干人士或實體的交易; f. 終止本行與您的關係; g. 向任何主管當局匯報可疑交易;及 h. 採取本行或本行附屬成員認為必要的任何其他行動,以履行任何法律、規管或合規責任。 在法律容許的情況下,本行或本行的任何代理人概不就您或任何第三方所 蒙受,全部或部分因金融犯罪合規事項而導致的任何損失(不論直接或相 應產生,並包括但不限於利潤或利益的損失)或損害承擔法律責任。第 21 段「金融犯罪合規事項」指本行可就偵測或防止金融犯罪以履行合規責任 所採取的任何行動。 |
6 | 新增條款 22 為: 第三者權利 22.1 除條款22.3 外,並非本條款或受制於本條款的協議或安排(統稱「相關協議」)一方的人士並不享有《合約( 第三者權利) 條例》(香港法 |
Notice of Amendments to Conditions for Services (“CFS”)
Amendment Details
(i) The provisions in this Condition 4.13 apply to our services relating to e-Cheques. The other provisions of these Conditions which apply to paper cheques or generally to our services continue to apply to e-Cheques and our e-Cheques Services to the extent that they are relevant and not inconsistent with the provisions in this Condition 4.13. The provisions of this Condition 4.13 prevail if there is any inconsistency between them and other provisions of these Conditions with respect to the e-Cheques Services.
(as Payee Bank), using the Drop Box Service offered by the Clearing House or using our Deposit Channels, in accordance with Condition 4.13(d) below.
(iv) We may provide e-Cheques Services relating to e-Cheques that are issued in any currency specified by us from time to time, including Hong Kong dollars, US dollars or Renminbi.
(v) We have the right to set or vary from time to time the conditions for using the e-Cheques Services. These conditions may include the following (or any of them):
(B) You should not issue an e-Cheque (or instruct us to issue an e-Cheque on your behalf) to a payee unless the payee agrees to accept e-Cheques. You are solely responsible for:
presentment of cheques:
(A) pay any e-Cheque drawn by you on us upon presentment of that e-Cheque to us in accordance with the Industry Rules and Procedures; and
(B) collect any e-Cheque payable to you by presenting that e-Cheque to the Payer Bank in accordance with the Industry Rules and Procedures.
(ii) Restriction of our liability
Without reducing the effect of the other provisions of these Conditions:
(A) we are not liable for loss, damage or expense of any kind which you or any other person may incur or suffer arising from or in connection with the use of the e-Cheques Services or the handling, processing, presentment, payment, collection, clearance or settlement of e-Cheques issued by you or presented by you or any other person using the Deposit Channels provided by us to you, except to the extent that any loss, damage or expense incurred or suffered is direct and reasonably foreseeable arising directly and solely from our negligence or wilful default or that of our officers, employees or agents;
(B) in particular and for clarity, we are not liable for loss, damage or expense of any kind which you or any other person may incur or suffer arising from or in connection with the following (or any of them):
(1) use of the Drop Box Service by you or any other person, or the Drop Box Terms;
(2) your failure to comply with your obligations relating to the e-Cheques Services, including your obligation to safeguard against issuance of e-Cheques by unauthorized persons;
(3) presentment of any e-Cheque issued by you or payable to you in accordance with the Industry Rules and Procedures despite the provisions of the Bills of Exchange Ordinance; and
(4) any failure or delay in providing the e-Cheques Services, or any error or disruption relating to the e-Cheques Services, caused by or attributed to any circumstance beyond our reasonable control; and
(C) in no event will we be liable to you or any other person for any loss of profit or any special, indirect, consequential or punitive loss or damages.
(iii) Your confirmation and indemnity
(A) You accept the restriction of liabilities and disclaimers imposed by us and the Clearing House in relation to the e-Cheques Services and the services provided by the Clearing House respectively. You accept and agree to bear the risks and the liabilities for issuing and depositing e-Cheques.
(B) Without reducing the effect of any indemnity given by you under other provisions of these Conditions or any other rights or remedies that we may have, you will indemnify us and our officers, employees and agents and hold each of them harmless against all liabilities, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, charges and expenses of any kind (including legal fees on a full indemnity basis and other expenses reasonably incurred) which may be incurred or suffered by us or any of them and all actions or proceedings which may be brought by or against us or any of them as a result of or in connection with our provision of the e-Cheques Services or your use of the e-Cheques Services.
(C) The above indemnity does not apply to the extent that it is proved that any liabilities, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, charges, expenses, actions or proceedings are direct and reasonably foreseeable arising directly and solely from our negligence or wilful default or that of our officers, employees or agents.
(D) The above indemnity shall continue to have effect after the termination of the e-Cheques Services.”
(1) before issuing an e-Cheque (or instructing us to issue an e-Cheque on your behalf) to a payee, informing the payee that he may agree or decline to accept the e-Cheque;
(2) using secured electronic means and taking appropriate email encryption and other security measures in sending the e-Cheque file; and
B. Details of the CFS amendments Part 1: General Provisions
Section | Amendments |
1 | Amend the scope of application These Conditions apply to any person (“you”) who receives account, banking, investment and any other services from us, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited. If there is any inconsistency between these Conditions and the provisions or rules (if any) for a particular transaction/service, the provisions or rules shall prevail over these Conditions in respect of the relevant transaction/ service. Please read them carefully, particularly Part 1, Conditions 2 (Password), 12 (Limit of our liability), and 13 (Your indemnity), and Part 3, Condition 7 (Risk disclosure). |
2 | Amend Condition 3.2 as follows: “ We will treat information relating to you as confidential, but unless consent is prohibited by law, you consent to the transfer and disclosure by us of any information relating to you to and between our holding companies, branches, subsidiaries, representative offices, affiliates, agents and any third parties (including any credit reference agencies, networks, exchanges and clearing houses) selected by any of us or them (each a “transferee”) wherever situated, for confidential use (including for data processing, statistical, credit and risk analysis purposes). We and any of the transferees may transfer and disclose any such information to any person as required by any law, regulation, court, regulator , legal process or code in Hong Kong or any other jurisdictions outside Hong Kong or according to our group’s policy, any present or future contractual or other commitment with legal, regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement or other authorities, securities or futures exchange, central bank, or self-regulatory or industry bodies or associations of financial services providers in Hong Kong or any other jurisdictions outside Hong Kong (“Authorities”) or agreement or treaty between Authorities and applicable to us or a member of our group companies (collectively “Obligations”). This Condition will apply to you subject to Condition 3.6 and our Data Policy Notice. |
3 | Introduce Condition 3.9 as follows: “In case you have applied or apply for credit card from BOC Credit Card (International) Limited ( “Card Company”) and/or insurance services or products from BOC Group Life Assurance Company Limited or other insurance companies for which we are acting as agent or whose insurance services or products are offered or available through us (collectively, “Insurance Companies”), you agree and confirm that the Card Company and/or the Insurance Companies (as the case may be) is/are authorised to transfer to us, and you also hereby authorise us to obtain from the Card Company and Insurance Companies, any data relating to use of any credit card or insurance services or other goods or services offered by the Card Company and/or the Insurance Companies to you from time to time for the purposes set out in our Data Policy Notice. In particular, you authorise us to include any data relating to such use in your bank statements and to use such data for customer profiling and segmentation. |
4 | Introduce Condition 20 as follows: Tax compliance 20.1 You and any person acting on your behalf acknowledge that it is your sole responsibility to understand and comply with your tax obligations in all jurisdictions. Such tax obligations include but not limited to tax payment or filing of returns or other required documents to relevant Tax Authorities (which means any government, government body, government agency or regulator, in or outside of Hong Kong, including the Inland Revenue Department of Hong Kong and Internal Revenue Service of the United States of America). Certain countries have tax legislation with extraterritorial effect regardless of your place of domicile, residence, citizenship or incorporation. You are advised to seek independent legal and tax advice and neither we nor our agents provide tax advice. 20.2 You undertake to provide us with information, documents and certificates as reasonably required by us in order to meet our obligations imposed by applicable Inter-jurisdictional Tax Compliance Rules. You acknowledge and agree that this may include information, documents or certifications in connection with you, your authorised signatories, other representatives or your beneficial owners and agree to promptly notify us of any changes to these details. “Inter- jurisdictional Tax Compliance Rules” includes but without limitation to: (a) “FATCA”, which means: (i) sections 1471 through 1474 of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (as |
Amend Condition 1.10 as follows:
1.10 If you are not the ultimate beneficiary or the person ultimately responsible for originating an instruction in relation to securities listed or traded on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (“HKEx”), or derivatives, including overthecounter derivatives, written over such securities:
(a) you agree to provide full details (including the identity, address and contact details) of the ultimate beneficiary and of the person ultimately responsible for originating the instructions directly to the HKEx and the Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) within 2 business days of a request by us or any of them;
(b) your agreement in paragraph (a) above will survive termination of our services; and
(c) if a beneficiary or person originating an instruction is located outside Hong Kong, you confirm that these provisions are binding under the relevant law of jurisdictions outside Hong Kong.
(whether direct or consequential and including without limitation, loss of profit or interest) or damage suffered by you or any third party, caused in whole or in part in connection with Financial Crime Compliance. For the purpose of this Condition 21, “Financial Crime Compliance” means any action to meet the compliance obligations relating to detection or prevention of financial crime that we may take. | |
6 | Introduce Condition 22 as follows: 22. Third Party Rights 22.1 Subject to Condition 22.3, a person who is not a party to these Conditions or any other agreements or arrangements subject thereto (collectively, the “Relevant Agreements”) has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap. 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the "Third Parties Ordinance") to enforce or to enjoy the benefit of any term of these Conditions and the Relevant Agreements. 22.2 Notwithstanding any term of these Conditions and the Relevant Agreements, the consent of any person who is not a party to these Conditions and the Relevant Agreements is not required to rescind or vary these Conditions and the Relevant Agreements at any time. 22.3 Any of our director, officer, employee, affiliate or agent may, by virtue of the Third Parties Ordinance, rely on any provision of these Conditions and the Relevant Agreements (including without limitation any indemnity, limitation or exclusion of liability) which expressly confers rights or benefits on that person. 22.4 This Condition 22 shall apply upon the commencement date of the Third Parties Ordinance (being 1 January 2016) |
7 | Renumber Condition 20 to Condition 23 and amend Condition 20.6 as follows: “In the terms or conditions applicable to a service, unless the context otherwise requires, “we” and all references to us include our successors and assigns. “You” includes your estates, heirs, successors and personal representatives. Words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa. Words importing a gender include every gender. “Business day” means a day on which banks are open for business in Hong Kong. “Including” is not a word of limitation. A “person” includes an individual, corporation, association, sole proprietorships, partnerships, clubs and societies. An “Individual Customer” means a private individual who maintains an account with us (including a joint account with another private individual or an account held as an executor or trustee, but excluding the accounts of sole traders, partnerships, companies, clubs and societies) or receives other services from us. An “affiliate” or “Affiliate” means, in relation to any entity (it), any other entity controlled directly or indirectly by it, any other entity that directly or indirectly controls it or any other entity directly or indirectly under common control with it; and for this purpose, “control” means ownership of a majority of the voting power of the entity. Headings are for ease of reference only and do not affect interpretation Our terms and conditions are drafted in simple language, and are to be interpreted fairly and liberally. The rule of interpretation against the maker will not apply.” (Remove the description of “Affiliate” from Part 3 : Investment Services Condition 6.10) |
8 | Amend Condition 2.5 as follows: “In the absence of negligence, we are not responsible for any delay or failure in effecting a remittance or delivering any item. We are not responsible as to when the receiving bank pays your payee or if it fails to do so, or to recover any payment from it. Our correspondents and we may do or refrain from doing anything that they or we believe is required in order to comply with any applicable law, regulation or custom of jurisdictions outside Hong Kong. All such actions and omissions bind you.” |
9 | Amend Condition 2.7 as follows: “We are not responsible to advise you on the requirements of any law, regulation or custom including exchange control of Hong Kong or any other jurisdictions outside Hong Kong. You are advised to make your own enquiries. We are not required to advise you in advance of our correspondents’ charges.” |
10 | Condition 4.3 shall be amended as follows: “We may deliver a paper cheque book to you in person or, at your risk, to the bearer of your instruction or by post.” |
11 | Condition 4.10 shall be amended as follows: “You will return all unused paper cheques to us on closing your account. Upon closure of your account, any standing instruction in respect of e-Cheque issuance from or deposit into such account will be automatically lapsed.” |
12 | Condition 4.12 shall be amended as follows: “A “cheque” includes, to the extent applicable, a cheque (in a paper form or in an electronic form), order (in a paper form or in an electronic form), bill, draft and other payment instrument.” |
13 | Introduce Condition 4.13 as follows: “4.13 e-Cheques Services (a) e-Cheques Services provisions - applicability and definitions |
Part 2: Banking Services
(ii) For the purpose of the e-Cheques Services, the following terms have the following meanings:
"Bills of Exchange Ordinance" means the Bills of Exchange Ordinance (Cap. 19, Laws of Hong Kong), as may be amended from time to time.
"Clearing House" means Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited and its successors and assigns.
"Deposit Channel" means any channel offered by us from time to time for presentment of e-Cheques for deposit.
"e-certificate" means a certificate recognized by the Clearing House from time to time for the purpose of issuing e-Cheques that is issued by a certification authority acceptable to us.
"e-Cheque" means a cheque (including a cashier's order), issued in the form of an electronic record (as such term is defined in the Electronic Transactions Ordinance (Cap. 553, Laws of Hong Kong)) with an image of the front and back of the e-Cheque or e-cashier's order (as the case may be). e-Cheques may be issued in Hong Kong dollars, US dollars and Renminbi.
"e-Cheque Drop Box" or "e-Cheque Drop Box Service" means an electronic drop box provided by the Clearing House that accepts presentment of e-Cheques in respect of which an e-Cheque Drop Box user must register an e-Cheque Drop Box Account with the Clearing House before presenting e-Cheques to a Payee Bank Account, as this term may be amended from time to time in accordance with the e-Cheque Drop Box Terms.
"e-Cheque Drop Box Account" means a user account for the e-Cheque Drop Box Service, and for which each user must register with the Clearing House before using the e-Cheque Drop Box for presenting e-Cheques for deposit into a Payee Bank Account, as this term may be amended from time to time in accordance with the e-Cheque Drop Box Terms.
"e-Cheque Drop Box Terms" means all the terms and conditions prescribed by the Clearing House from time to time for governing the e-Cheque Drop Box Service provided by the Clearing House and the use of the e-Cheque Drop Box Service.
"e-Cheques Issuance Services" and "e-Cheques Deposit Services" mean the services offered by us to customers from time to time for issuing e-Cheques (including any services relating to e-certificates) and depositing e-Cheques respectively, and "e-Cheques Services" means collectively the e-Cheques Issuance Services and the e-Cheques Deposit Services. "Industry Rules and Procedures" means the rules and operating procedures governing the handling of e-Cheques adopted by the Clearing House and the banking industry from time to time.
"Payee Bank" means the bank at which a Payee Bank Account is held.
"Payee Bank Account" means, in respect of each e-Cheque presented for deposit using the e-Cheques Deposit Services, the bank account of the payee of the e-Cheque maintained with us into which the e-Cheque is to be deposited which may be a sole name or a joint name account of the payee.
"Payer Bank" means the bank which digitally signed an e-Cheque created by its customer. "you" means each customer to whom we provide e-Cheques Services and, where the context permits, includes any person authorized by the customer to sign e-Cheques on behalf of the customer from time to time.
(b) Nature and scope of e-Cheques Services
(i) We may provide e-Cheques Services at our discretion. If we provide e-Cheques Services to you, you may issue e-Cheques and deposit e-Cheques. In order to use the e-Cheques Services, you have to provide such information and documents and accept such terms and conditions which may be required or prescribed by us and the Clearing House respectively from time to time. You may also be required to sign forms and documents prescribed by us from time to time.
(ii) e-Cheques Issuance Services allow you to issue e-Cheques drawn on us, in accordance with Condition 4.13(c) below.
(iii) e-Cheques Deposit Services allow you and other persons to present e-Cheques (whether payable to you and/or any other holder of the Payee Bank Account) for deposit with us
(A) the service hours of the e-Cheques Services (including cut-off times for issuing, countermanding or presenting e-Cheques);
(B) any maximum total amount or total number of e-Cheques which you may issue in any specified period; and
(C) any fees and charges payable by you for the e-Cheques Services.
(c) e-Cheques Issuance Services
(i) Format of and steps for issuing an e-Cheque
(A) You are required to issue an e-Cheque in the format with such layout specifications and following the steps and inputting the details prescribed by us from time to time. You are not allowed to add to, remove from or modify the contents, format, layout or image of an e-Cheque.
(B) Each e-Cheque must be signed by you (as payer) and by us (as Payer Bank) with our respective digital signatures in the sequence set by us, except that the payer's digital signature may not be required for an e-Cheque that is a cashier's order.
(C) Where you draw an e-Cheque on a joint account, you are solely responsible for ensuring that the e-Cheque is signed by such person(s) following such signing arrangement as authorized by the joint account holders for signing e-Cheques from time to time.
(D) Where you are a corporation or any other entity, you are solely responsible for ensuring that each e-Cheque is signed on your behalf by such person(s) following such signing arrangement as authorized by you for signing e-Cheques from time to time.
(ii) e-certificate
(A) Your digital signature on an e-Cheque must be produced by an e-certificate that is valid (and not expired or revoked) at the time of producing that digital signature.
(B) Your digital signature on an e-Cheque may be produced by either a general purpose e-certificate or a specific usage e-certificate.
(C) If you choose to produce your digital signatures by a general purpose e-certificate, you are required to maintain a valid general purpose e-certificate on an on-going basis in compliance with Condition 4.13(c)(ii)(A) above.
(D) We may provide services relating to the specific usage e-certificate at our discretion. Our services may include applying for, holding, maintaining, renewing, revoking and managing (or any of the above) a specific usage e-certificate on your behalf. If we provide such services and you choose to produce your digital signatures by a specific usage e-certificate, you direct and authorize us to:
(1) provide such services in the scope and manner set by us from time to time, which may include holding the specific usage e-certificate and the corresponding key and/ or password for you, and effect and produce your digital signatures on e-Cheques on your behalf as instructed by you from time to time; and
(2) take all necessary steps (including providing all necessary information and personal data to the certification authority issuing the specific usage e-certificate) for the purposes relating to the specific usage e-certificate.
(E) In applying for a specific usage e-certificate for you, we are entitled to rely on the information provided by you. You are solely responsible for providing us with correct and up-to-date information. If we obtain a specific usage e-certificate based on incorrect or outdated information provided by you, you are still bound by any e-Cheque signed by digital signatures produced by that e-certificate.
(F) An e-certificate is issued by the relevant certification authority. You are bound by the terms and conditions specified by that certification authority in relation to your e-certificate. You are solely responsible for performing your obligations under those terms and conditions.
(iii) Sending e-Cheques to payees
(A) Once you confirm to issue an e-Cheque, we will generate the e-Cheque file. You may download the e-Cheque file for delivery to the payee yourself. Alternatively, we may send the e-Cheque file to the payee by electronic means on your behalf, if we offer this service.
(3) providing us with correct and up-to-date contact information of a payee to enable us to send the e-Cheque file to the payee by electronic means on your behalf, if we offer this service.
(C) The e-Cheque file will be regarded as having been delivered to the payee upon our sending it to the payee by electronic means using the payee's contact information provided by you. We do not have any duty to verify whether the payee has actually received the e-Cheque file. We advise you to check with the payee whether he has actually received the e-Cheque file, whether it is sent by you or by us.
(iv) Waiver of presentment requirements
Each e-Cheque is only required to be presented by sending it in the form of an electronic record in accordance with the Industry Rules and Procedures. We are entitled to pay each e-Cheque against presentation of its electronic record in that manner without requesting any other form of presentation. Without reducing the effect of Condition 4.13(c)(i)(A) above and Conditions 4.13(e)(i) and 4.13(e)(ii) below, you expressly accept the waiver of presentment requirements set out on an e-Cheque from time to time.
(d) e-Cheques Deposit Services
(i) The e-Cheques Deposit Services may allow presentment of e-Cheques for deposit with us (as Payee Bank) using the Drop Box Service provided by the Clearing House or using our Deposit Channels.
(ii) Drop Box Service
(A) The Drop Box Service is provided by the Clearing House. You are bound by the Drop Box Terms in relation to your use of the Drop Box Service. You are solely responsible for performing your obligations under the Drop Box Terms.
(B) In order to use the Drop Box Service, you are required by the Drop Box Terms to register a Drop Box Account with one or more Payee Bank Account for presenting e-Cheques. You are allowed by the Drop Box Terms to register a Drop Box Account with a Payee Bank Account that is your same-name account or an account other than your same-name account. You are responsible for the presentment of all e-Cheques by you or any other person using your Drop Box Account (including presentment of any e-Cheques to a Payee Bank Account other than your same-name account).
(C) Any issue relating to the use of the Drop Box Service should be handled in accordance with the Drop Box Terms. We may (but have no obligation to) provide reasonable assistance to you. In particular, we do not have the electronic record or image of any e-Cheque deposited using the Drop Box Service. On your request, we may (but have no obligation to) provide the date, e-Cheque amount, e-Cheque number, payee name and any other information agreed by us relating to an e-Cheque deposited using your Drop Box Account.
(D) We give no representation or guarantee, whether express or implied, relating to the availability, quality, timeliness or any other aspect of the Drop Box Service provided by the Clearing House. Unless otherwise stated in the Drop Box Terms, you bear the responsibilities and risks relating to the use of the Drop Box Service. We are not liable for loss, damage or expense of any kind which you or any other person may incur or suffer arising from or in connection with the use of the Drop Box Service.
(iii) Our Deposit Channels
(A) We may specify or vary from time to time without notice (i) the available Deposit Channels; and (ii) the terms governing the use of any Deposit Channel.
(B) You are responsible for the presentment of all e-Cheques by you or any other person via your Payee Bank Account by using our Deposit Channels.
(e) Handling of e-Cheques, associated risks and our liabilities
(i) Handling of e-Cheques
You understand that we and other banks have to follow the Industry Rules and Procedures in the handling, processing, presentment, payment, collection, clearance and settlement of e-Cheques drawn by you or payable to you. Accordingly, we are entitled to pay and collect e-Cheques for you in the following manner even if the Bills of Exchange Ordinance may not expressly provide for presentment of e-Cheques or may specify other manner for
Part 3: Investment Services
amended) or any amended or successor version thereof; (ii) any intergovernmental agreement, memorandum of understanding, undertaking and other arrangement between governments and regulators in connection with Condition 20.2(a)(i), including as entered into the government of Hong Kong; (iii) agreements between us and the Internal Revenue Service of the United States or other regulator or government agency pursuant to or in connection with Condition 20.2(a)(i); and (iv) any laws, rules, regulations, interpretations or practices adopted in the United States, Hong Kong or elsewhere pursuant to any of the foregoing; and (b) “Tax Information Sharing Arrangements”, which means any local or foreign laws, regulations and rules including, without limitation to, the obligations under FATCA and associated rules and regulations and other international exchange arrangements affecting us. 20.3 You acknowledge and agree that we may report and disclose any information (including but not limited to your identification details), document, certification or account details (including but not limited to the relevant account balances, gross amounts of relevant interest incomes, dividend incomes and withdrawals) given by or relating to you, any beneficial owners, any authorised signatories or other representative, any account with us or any transaction to the Tax Authorities, as required under the applicable local or foreign laws, regulations and rules and as determined by us. You also acknowledge and understand that our obligations imposed by applicable local or foreign laws are continuous. 20.4 You will, from time to time, supply us with identity information and personal data in connection with the establishment or continuation of any account with us or provision of our services. Failure to supply the information may result in us being unable to effect a transaction, provide the services or operate or maintain any account with us. It may also result in us having to withhold or deduct amounts as required under the local or foreign laws, regulations and rules. 20.5 Without limiting any other indemnity provided by you, you will indemnify us, our affiliates or agents on demand against any liability, reasonable loss or expense (including tax and levy) arising from your instructions, account or provision of services to you, including as a result of any of your failure to comply with these Conditions or any other undertakings given by you or your agent providing misleading or false information in respect of yourself or any other person or matter in connection with these Conditions, unless we are negligently or guilty of wilful misconduct. | |
5 | Introduce Condition 21 as follows: 21. Financial Crime Compliance We are required to act in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, policies (including our policies) and request of statutory and regulatory authorities operating in various jurisdictions. These relate, amongst other things, to the prevention of money laundering, terrorist financing, bribery, corruption, actual or attempted tax evasion, fraud and the provision of financial or other services to any persons which may be subject to sanctions. We may in our absolute discretion take any action as we consider appropriate to comply with all such laws, regulations, policies and requests. Such action may include but is not limited to: (a) screening, intercepting and investigating any instruction, drawdown request, application for services, payment or communication sent to or by you (or on your behalf) and to or from your account; (b) investigating and making further enquiries as to the source of or intended recipient of funds, the status and identity of a person or entity, whether they are subject to a sanction regime, and whether a name which might refer to a sanctioned person actually refers to that person; (c) combining and using information about you, your personal data, beneficial owners, authorised signatories and other representatives, accounts, transactions, use of our services with other related information possessed by us or our affiliates; (d) delaying, blocking, suspending or refusing to process any payment or instruction to you or by you in our absolute discretion; (e) refusing to enter or conclude transactions involving certain persons or entities; (f) terminating our relationship with you; (g) reporting suspicious transactions to any authority; and (h) taking any other actions necessary for us or our affiliates to meet any legal, regulatory or compliance obligations. To the extent permissible by law, neither us nor any of our agents shall be liable for any loss |