1. 本会定名为“新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会”。
2. 除上下文有不符之处外,在本章程里:
“宗乡总会”乃指“新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会”; “发起会员”乃指章程第5条所提的成员之一;
“普通会员”乃指章程第6条所提的成员之一; “准会员”乃指章程第7条所提的成员之一; “理事会”乃指章程第10条所提的所有理事; “理事”乃指章程第10条所提的人士;
“会员大会”乃指常年会员大会及任何特别会员大会; “会员”乃指所有发起会员、普通会员及准会员。
3. 本会的注册会址及办事处设在新加坡319639邮区大巴窑 2巷397号,或其他由理事会决定和社团注册官批准的地址。
4. 本会的宗旨如下:
a. 领导宗乡会馆。
b. 弘扬华族语文、文化与价值观。
c. 建立紧密联系的宗乡会馆网络。
d. 促进种族和谐与社会凝聚力。
e. 从事一切其他符合或利于促进上述宗旨或其中一项宗旨的活动。
5. 宗乡总会的发起会员为下列7个成员:
a. 新加坡福建会馆;
b. 新加坡潮州八邑会馆;
c. 新加坡广东会馆;
d. 新加坡南洋客属总会;
e. 新加坡海南会馆;
f. 三江会馆;
g. 新加坡福州会馆。
6. 任何在新加坡法令下经批准注册成立的华人宗乡团体,皆可申请入会,经理事会批准后方可成为普通会员。
7. 任何在新加坡法令下经批准注册成立,及符合宗乡总会宗旨的华社团体均可申请入会,经理事会批准后成为准会员。准会员无权在会员大会上表决。
8. 会员将在下列情形下失去其为本会会员的资格:
a. 会员团体已正式通过的议案、或具有司法管辖权的部门发出的一项庭令以及管理部门发出的指令,致使会员团体解散或终止运作。
b. 会员被接管或被判破产。
c. 拖欠会费及/或捐款逾期一年,在追缴欠款书面通知发
d. 会员发出书面通知要求退会,并且退会申请经理事会接受。但退会会员仍须履行其退会生效之前所应承担的包括财政义务在内的一切责任和义务。
9. 本会事务是由理事会负责管理和执行。每届理事任期为
10. 理事会由下列人士组成:
a. 由7个发起会员各委派一名人士。
b. 其他14人由发起会员和普通会员从普通会员之中选出。
c. 由上述人士组成的21人理事会可委任不超过10名理事。
11. 所有被委派、委任或选举的理事在选举年之前的12月31日年龄须在75岁以下。
12. 7个发起会员须在当届理事任期届满至少3个月前委派新代表。由这7名新代表和当届理事会委任的另外2名理事组成选举委员会,制定从普通会员中选举出14名理事的程序和方法。
13. 所有当届理事必须在任满后才能退任。若因正当理由而无法继任理事职位的,除了7个发起会员可重新委派代表人外,其他理事都必须由理事会决定是否委任新人接替职位。所有候补理事在委任时年龄须在75岁以下。
14. 若理事因逝世、破产、精神失常、永久移居他国或离开新加坡一年,则被视为已辞去理事职位。若一名理事行为失检,不适合继续担任理事,理事会可免除其理事职位。
15. 理事会有权遵照本会宗旨,代表本会执行一切事务。
16. 理事会一般须每年至少开会4次。会议法定人数为11人。
17. 理事会有权依照议案指明的某种或某些计划成立委员会,并授权予这些委员会,但委员会做出的任何决定须经由理事会批准。
18. 本会可委任声誉良好或对本会有贡献的前理事为名誉会长、荣誉理事或名誉理事, 任期为3年。名誉会长、荣誉理事或名誉理事无选举权。
19. 本会的理事会职位包括会长、两名副会长、财政、副财政、秘书长及副秘书长,由理事会每3年选举决定人选。财政和副财政不得连任原职或相关职位。除非事先获得社团注册局注册官或副注册官的书面批准,否则理事会的大部分理事必须是新加坡公民。此外,会长、秘书长、财政和他们的副手必须是新加坡公民或永久居民。外国外交官不能加入理事会。会长必须是新加坡公民。
20. 理事会职位的选举工作须由选举委员会负责,并须在章程第10条(c)中受委任理事产生之后方可进行。
21. 理事会所有成员均有权投票选举理事会职位。会长和其中一名副会长须从发起会员的代表中选出。其余职位,理事会所有成员均有权当选。理事会职位选举结束后,选举委员会必须解散。
22. 理事会职位中偶有出现空缺,由理事会决定是否需要填补。
23. 会长是本会的总领导人,负责主持理事会及会员大会。
24. 两名副会长协助会长执行职务。在会长缺席时,由会长委任的其中一名副会长代行其职权。
25. 财政为本会掌管所有基金,代表本会鸠收、支付所有款项,并将所有来往资金记入账薄内及负责核实账目确实
26. 秘书长及副秘书长在理事会的指示下,有权推行会务。
27. 本会的常年会员大会须在财政年度结束的6个月内召开。常年会员大会处理下列事项:
a. 复准上届常年会员大会以及在上届常年会员大会之后召开的任何特别会员大会之会议记录。
b. 聆取会长演词。
c. 聆取及采纳理事会的报告及上个年度的审核账目 (若已通过)。
d. 委任本年度的审计师。
e. 处理其他予以7日通知的事项。
f. 每三年在普通会员中选出14名理事。
28. 常年会员大会开会的地点、日期、时间及相关事宜,须于最少14天前通知所有的发起和普通会员。
29. 3名发起或普通会员可联名具函要求将其他事项列入议程,并于离大会召开日期不少于7天前送交秘书长,后者接函后,须重新发出修正的议程。
30. 会长担任常年会员大会的主席。会长缺席时,由会员大会从两名副会长中选出一位主持。会长和两名副会长缺席时,由会员大会从其他理事中选出一人主持。
31. 常年会员大会法定人数为发起和普通会员总数的四分之一(1/4)。若尚不足法定人数,主席可延迟半小时开会,无论出席人数多寡,此次会议的实际到会人数将视为合法人数。在此种情况下重新召集的大会不得议决通过任何修改章程的议案。
32. 在其他时候,在不少于百分之二十五( 25 %)或30 个 (以人数较少的为准)有投票权的会员的书面要求下,会长可召开特别会员大会,或者理事会亦可在任何时候召开特别会员大会,以书面通知秘书长要处理的事项。在接到要求召开特别会员大会的书面要求后,大会须在两个月以内召开。
33. 若理事会在接到书面通知后的两个月内没有召开特别会员大会,要求召开特别会员大会的会员可通过提前十天向全体有投票权的会员发出通知,阐明所要处理的事项,并将议程公布在总会的布告栏上,召开特别会员大会。
34. 本会经济来源如下:
a. 例常的常年会费为200元或由理事会不时决定的数额以及会员的其他捐款;
b. 来自任何方面的赠款、馈赠物或捐助;
c. 任何投资的收入;
d. 任何其他收入。
35. 本会财政年度开始于4月1日,至翌年3月31日止。
36. 本会基金只准用于章程所列明宗旨范围内的用途上。理事会须于每年1月准备本年度预算案,会长或秘书长可按照预算批准开支。
37. 理事会须设置适当账簿存放在本会注册办事处,由理事会指定的人士加以保管。
38. 本会须委任一家注册公共会计公司查核本会账目以及所有与本会有关或受其主管的基金。审计师须在每年常年会员大会上委任,其任期的有效期到下年常年会员大会。
39. 若本会取得任何不动产,须授权信托人管理,惟须其作一份信托宣誓书。信托人可随时辞去其信托人之职。若信托人年龄已达80岁、逝世、破产、神经失常、永久移居他国或离开新加坡一年,则将被视为已辞去其信托人之职。若信托人行为失检,不适合继续任信托人,则本会可召开会员大会取消其信托人的职位,另选他人以承其缺。信托人名额不得超过4人或少过2人。召开会员大会以讨论罢免一名信托人或另委任一名新的信托人之建议,须于大会召开前两星期公示于会所之内。大会结果须呈报社团注册官。不动产的地址,信托人的名字及继后的任何改变,须呈报社团注册官。
40. 没有得到社团注册官的事先书面同意,本会不能修改章程。修改或增删章程须在会员大会上获得到会的三分之二(2/3)发起和普通会员的赞成,其中须包括7个发起会员中至少5个会员的赞成,并须在会员大会召开的30天前,将建议修改的内容通知所有发起和普通会员。
41. 理事会有权委任品德良好,人格完整而又是新加坡公民的人士为本会的赞助人及顾问。
42. 本会会所可接待访客和外宾,但他们不能享有与会员同等的权益,且须遵守本会的条规。
43. 任何形式的赌博包括牌九和麻将,不论有赌注与否,概不得在本会所内进行。用以赌博或吸毒的物品以及不正当人物亦在禁止之列。
44. 本会基金不得用以缴付会员的法庭罚款。
45. 本会不得试图限制或以任何其他方式干预工商业或物价,或参与新加坡现行职工会法令所规定的任何工会活动。
46. 本会不得利用本会名义或其任职人员、理事会或会员之名义,开设彩票,不管彩票是否只限于会员购买。
47. 本会不得从事政治活动,亦不得将其基金和会所用作政治用途。
48. 无论出于什么目的,未经新加坡警察部队执照署助理行动局长及其他有关当局的事先书面批准,本会不得向公众人士进行募款。
49. 如出现问题而本章程又无明文规定其处理办法时,理事会有权自行裁夺。
50. 中英文章程若有差别,则以英文版为准。
解 散
51. 本会如欲解散,须为此特别召开会员大会,大会须在会议通知发出后不少于30天内召开,至少获得三分之二 (2/3)发起和普通会员的赞成,且须包括7个发起会员中的 5个,方可进行解散。
52. 如依上述规定解散时,本会一切合法债务得全数付清,余下资产则捐赠慈善机构,这些机构须在会员大会上由发起和普通会员决定或由慈善总监来指定或批准。
53. 解散证明书必须在解散后七天内呈交予社团注册官。
1. The name of this Association is “Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations.”
2. In this Constitution unless there is something in the text inconsistent therewith:-
“SFCCA” means the “Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations”;
“Founder Member” shall mean one of the members mentioned in Article 5 below;
“Ordinary Member” shall mean one of the members mentioned in Article 6 below;
“Associate Member” shall mean one of the members mentioned in Article 7 below;
“Council” means all the Council Members of the SFCCA mentioned in Article 10 below;
“Council Members” shall mean the persons mentioned in Article 10 below;
“General Meeting” shall mean the Annual General Meeting and any Extraordinary General Meeting of the Founder and Ordinary Members;
“Members” shall mean Founder Members, Ordinary Members and Associate Members.
Words importing the plural shall include the singular and vice versa provided they are consistent with the context.
3. The registered address and place of business of the SFCCA shall be at 397 Lorong 2 Toa Payoh, Singapore 319639 or at such place as may be decided by the Council from time to time subject to the approval of the Registrar of Societies.
4. The objects for which the SFCCA is formed are:-
a. To lead the Chinese clan associations in Singapore.
b. To promote and reinforce understanding and appreciation of Chinese language, culture and values.
c. To establish an integrated network of Chinese clan associations in Singapore.
d. To advance and improve social harmony and national cohesion among the members of all races resident in Singapore.
e. To do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the above objects or any of them.
5. The Founder Members shall be the following seven (7) members:-
a. Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan;
b. The Teo Chew Poit Ip Huay Kuan, Singapore;
c. Singapore Xxxxxxxxx Xxx Xxxx;
d. The Nanyang Khek Community Guild;
e. Singapore Xxxxxx Xxxx Xxxx;
f. The Sam Kiang Huay Kwan; and
g. Singapore Foochow Association.
6. Any other Chinese clan association, duly registered or incorporated under any law in Singapore, may apply to join the SFCCA as an Ordinary Member.
7. Any Chinese community group, duly registered or incorporated under any law in Singapore, and whose objects are consistent with that of the SFCCA’s, may apply to join the SFCCA as an Associate Member. An Associate Member does not have the right to vote at any General Meeting of the SFCCA.
8. A Member shall cease to be a Member of the SFCCA in the following events :-
a. Being an organisation, a resolution shall have been duly passed or an Order of Court of the competent jurisdiction or an Order or Notice of the competent authority made for the dissolution or winding-up or cessation of the organisation as the case may be.
b. Any receiving or adjudication order in bankruptcy is made against the Member.
c. The subscription fee and/or financial contribution is one
(1) year in arrears and the Member thereafter fails to pay such fee or contribution within one (1) month from the date on which written notice requiring payment thereof is sent to the Member.
d. A notice in writing is sent to the SFCCA by the Member resigning from the membership and which notice is accepted by the Council. Notwithstanding this, a resigning Member is liable for all its obligations including financial commitments made prior to the effective date of its resignation.
9. The affairs of the SFCCA shall be governed and administered by the Council. The term of office of each Council shall be three (3) years.
10. The Council shall consist of the following:-
a. The seven (7) Founder Members shall each nominate one (1) person.
b. The Founder and Ordinary Members shall elect fourteen (14) other persons from amongst the Ordinary Members.
c. Thereafter, up to ten (10) other persons may be co- opted by these twenty-one (21) Council Members to serve on the Council.
11. All candidates to be nominated, elected or co-opted shall be below the age of seventy-five (75) years, on the 31st day of December in the year before the incoming Council takes office.
12. The candidates nominated by the seven (7) Founder Members shall be appointed as Council Members at least three (3) months before the expiry of term of office of the outgoing Council. Upon their appointment, they and two (2) other Council Members appointed by the outgoing Council, shall act as the Election Committee and be responsible for determining the procedure and method for the election of the fourteen (14) persons from amongst the Ordinary Members.
13. All Council Members shall serve for the full term of office. In the event a Council Member who is elected or co-opted under Articles 10(b) and 10(c) above is unable to serve the full term of office for valid reasons, the Council shall decide if a replacement Council Member, from the same category, is to be appointed. In the event a Council Member nominated under Article 10(a) above is unable to serve the full term of office for valid reasons, the relevant Founder Member shall have the right to nominate a replacement candidate to the Council. All replacement Council Members shall be below the age of seventy-five (75) years on their date of appointment.
14. If a Council Member dies or is adjudged a bankrupt or is declared of unsound mind or moves permanently or is absent from the State of Singapore for a period of one
(1) year, he shall be deemed to have resigned from the Council. If a Council Member is guilty of misconduct of such a kind as to render it undesirable that he continues as a Council Member, the Council may remove him from his office.
15. The Council shall have power to act on behalf of the SFCCA in all matters in accordance with the objects of the SFCCA.
16. The Council shall ordinarily meet at least four (4) times a year. The quorum for a meeting shall be eleven (11).
17. The Council shall have power to appoint committees for such purpose or purposes, general or special, as may be specified in the resolution appointing the same, and may delegate powers to such committees subject to any decisions of such committees being ratified by the Council.
18. Each Council shall be entitled to appoint reputable persons or past Council Members, who have made contributions to the SFCCA, as Honorary President, Senior Honorary Council Members or Honorary Council Members. The term of such appointments shall follow that of the Council. The Honorary President, Senior Honorary Council Members or Honorary Council Members shall have no voting rights.
19. The Officers of the SFCCA shall be the President, two (2) Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer, Secretary- General and Deputy Secretary-General and these Officers shall be elected by the Council every three (3) years. No Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer shall be consecutively re-elected to hold the same or related position. Unless with the prior approval in writing of the Registrar or an Assistant Registrar of Societies, majority of the Council Members shall be Singapore Citizens. In addition, the President, Secretary, Treasurer and their deputies shall be Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents. Foreign Diplomats shall not serve as Council Members. The President must be a Singapore Citizen.
20. The election of the Officers shall be organised by the Election Committee and such election shall take place after the co-opting of Council Members under Article 10(c) above.
21. All Council Members are eligible to vote at the election of Officers. The position of the President and one (1) of the Vice-Presidents must be elected from amongst the candidates nominated by Founder Members under Article 10(a) above. For the remaining positions, all Council Members are eligible to be elected. Upon the completion of the election of Officers, the Election Committee shall be dissolved.
22. The Council shall determine if any casual vacancy in the
Officers are to be filled.
23. The President shall be the Chief Officer of the SFCCA and shall preside over the Council and General Meetings of the SFCCA.
24. The Vice-Presidents shall assist the President. In the absence of the President, one (1) of the Vice-Presidents appointed by the President shall assume the duties of the President.
25. The Treasurer shall keep all funds and collect and disburse all moneys on behalf of the SFCCA and shall keep an account of all monetary transactions and shall be responsible for their correctness. He shall not keep more than $3,000.00 in the form of cash and money in excess
of this shall be deposited in a bank to be named by the Council. Cheques etc for withdrawals from the bank shall be signed by the Treasurer or the Deputy Treasurer and any one (1) of the following:- The President, one (1) of the Vice-Presidents, Secretary-General or Deputy Secretary- General. Cheques above $10,000.00 shall be signed by the President or one (1) of the Vice-Presidents in addition to the Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer.
26. The Secretary-General and Deputy Secretary-General shall have oversight of the executive affairs of the SFCCA, under the direction of the Council.
27. The Annual General Meeting of the SFCCA shall be held within six (6) months of the close of the financial year. The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be:-
a. To confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and of any special General Meeting held since the previous Annual General Meeting.
b. To receive an address from the President.
c. To receive and, if approved, to adopt the report of the Council and the audited accounts for the previous year.
d. To appoint auditors for the current year.
e. To transact any other business of which seven (7) days’ notice has been given.
f. To elect the fourteen (14) Council Members from amongst the Ordinary Members every three (3) years.
28. Not less than fourteen (14) days’ notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given to all Founder and Ordinary Members specifying the place, day and hour of such meeting.
29. Three (3) Founder or Ordinary Members jointly may submit additional items for the agenda to reach the Secretary- General not less than seven (7) days before the date of the meeting, and on receipt of this he shall circulate a revised agenda.
30. The President shall be the Chairman of the Annual General Meeting. In his absence one (1) of the Vice-Presidents selected by the meeting shall preside. In their absence, the meeting shall elect any other Council Member to be the Chairman.
31. The quorum for an Annual General Meeting shall be one- fourth (1/4) of the total Founder and Ordinary Members. If a quorum is not present the Chairman may postpone the meeting for half (1/2) an hour and at this meeting those present shall be considered a quorum. At such reconvened meeting no decision shall be taken on any resolution to amend this Constitution.
32. At other times, an Extraordinary General Meeting must be called by the President on the request in writing of not less than 25% of the total voting membership or thirty (30) voting members, whichever is the lesser, and may be called at anytime by order of the Council. The notice in writing shall be given to the Secretary-General setting forth the business that is to be transacted. The Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened within two (2) months from receiving this request to convene the Extraordinary General Meeting.
33. If the Council does not within two (2) months after the date of receipt of the written request proceed to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting, the members who requested for the Extraordinary General Meeting shall convene the Extraordinary General Meeting by giving ten (10) days’ notice to voting members setting forth the business to be transacted and simultaneously posting the agenda on SFCCA’s notice board.
34. The resources of the SFCCA shall be:-
a. The regular annual subscription of $200.00 or such amount as may be fixed from time to time by the Council and any other contributions from Members;
b. A donation, legacy or contribution from any source;
c. Proceeds of any investment; and
d. Any other income.
35. The financial year of the SFCCA shall be from the 1st day of April to the 31st day of March of the following year.
36. The funds of the SFCCA shall be expended only for the purposes within its objects as defined in this Constitution. The Council shall cause to be prepared a budget in January each year and the President or the Secretary-General may authorise expenditure in accordance with that budget.
37. The Council shall cause proper books of account to be kept at the registered office of the SFCCA and in the charge of such persons as the Council may from time to time direct.
38. A firm of Certified Public Accountants shall be appointed to audit the accounts of the SFCCA and of all funds connected with or controlled by the SFCCA. Such Auditor shall be appointed at each Annual General Meeting to hold office until the next Annual General Meeting.
39. If the SFCCA at any time acquire any immovable property, such property shall be vested in Trustees subject to a declaration of trust. Any Trustee may at any time resign his trusteeship. If a Trustee reaches the age of eighty (80) years or dies or is adjudged a bankrupt or is declared of
unsound mind or moves permanently or is absent from the State of Singapore for a period of one (1) year, he shall be deemed to have resigned his trusteeship. If a Trustee is guilty of misconduct of such a kind as to render it undesirable that he continues as a Trustee, a General Meeting may remove him from his trusteeship. Vacancies in the trusteeship may be filled at a General Meeting, but the number shall not be greater than four (4) or less than two (2). Notice of any proposal to remove a Trustee from his Trusteeship or to appoint a new Trustee to fill a vacancy must be given by affixing in the premises of the SFCCA a document containing such proposal at least two
(2) weeks before the meeting at which the proposal is to be discussed. The result of such meeting shall then be notified to the Registrar of Societies. The address of the immovable properties, name of Trustees and any subsequent changes must be notified to the Registrar of Societies.
40. SFCCA shall not amend its Constitution without the prior approval in writing of the Registrar of Societies. No alteration or addition/deletion to this Constitution shall be passed except at a general meeting and with the consent of two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members present at the General Meeting, which must include five (5) of the seven
(7) Founder Members and after thirty (30) days’ notice of the proposed alteration shall have been sent to all voting members.
41. The Council shall have power to appoint such persons of good character and integrity who shall be Singapore Citizens to be patrons and advisors to the SFCCA.
42. Visitors and guests may be admitted into the premises of the SFCCA but they shall not be admitted into the privileges of the SFCCA. All visitors and guests shall abide by the SFCCA’s rules and regulations.
43. Gambling of any kind and the playing of paikow or mahjong for stakes or not, is forbidden on the SFCCA’s premises. The introduction of materials for gambling or drug taking and of bad characters into the premises is prohibited.
44. The funds of the SFCCA shall not be used to pay the fines
of Members who have been convicted in Court.
45. The SFCCA shall not attempt to restrict or in any other manner interfere with trade or prices or engage in any trade union activity as defined in any written law relating to trade unions for the time being in force in Singapore.
46. The SFCCA shall not hold any lottery, whether confined to its Members or not, in the name of the SFCCA or its office- bearers, Council or Members.
47. The SFCCA shall not indulge in any political activity or allow its funds and/or premises to be used for political purposes.
48. The SFCCA shall not raise funds from the public for whatever purpose without the prior approval in writing of the Assistant Director Operations, Licensing Division, Singapore Police Force and other relevant authorities.
49. In the event of any question or matter arising out of any point which is not expressly provided for in this constitution, the Council shall have power to use their own discretion.
50. When there is a difference between the Chinese version of this Constitution and the English version of this Constitution, the English version of this Constitution shall take precedence.
51. The SFCCA shall not be dissolved except with the consent of not less than two-third (2/3) of the Founder and Ordinary Members of the SFCCA which must include five (5) of the seven (7) Founder Members specially convened for the purpose not less than thirty (30) days after the notice of meeting.
52. In the event of the SFCCA being dissolved as provided above, all debts and liabilities legally incurred on behalf of the SFCCA shall be fully discharged and the remaining assets shall be donated to such charitable bodies as shall be decided by Founder and Ordinary Members in the General Meeting or as may be directed or approved by the Commissioner of Charities.
53. A Certificate of Dissolution shall be given within seven (7) days of the dissolution to the Registrar of Societies.
Amended as at January 2012
Registered on 9 December 1985
Printed by PCL Printers (Pte) Ltd