1. 將投保暨聲明書收納入本保險合約,並作為本保險合約的依據。
2. 由「投保人」/「被保險人」繳付「承保表」所列的保費。
3. 本公司按照本保險單「承保表」所列保障項目,為「被保險人」在保險期限內發生的「意外」事故提供保障。
1. 「意外」指無法預見和意料之外的暴力、偶發、外在及可見事件,並在不牽涉任何其他因素下,構成「身體受傷」的唯一和直接原因。
2. 「受益人」指於「承保表」中列明的受益人。如沒有列明,則指「被保險人」「身故」後在香港法例下的合法遺產繼承人。
3. 「身體受傷」指純因上述定義之「意外」,而非涉及其他原因所引致之受傷。
4. 「身故」指純因上述定義之「意外」,而非涉及其他原因所引致之死亡。
5. 「合理醫療費用」指因被保障範圍內之「意外」事故所需,並經「醫生」建議認為需要之服務所支付的費用,並由「被保險人」實際已支付予「醫生」、物理治療師、護士、「醫院」及/或救護車服務的必需費用,該費用包括由「醫生」處方之藥物、手術費、住院費、護理治療費用、輔助醫療費用及診斷測試,但不得超過該項服務一般正常的收費。惟輔助醫療器材(如輪椅、義肢、助視及助聽器等)費用不在保障範圍內。
6. 「醫院」指按其所在地法律認可、成立及註冊,並設有收費病床來治療傷病的機構,它
(i) 須設有診斷及施行大型手術的設施;
(ii) 由註冊畢業護士提供 24 小時護理服務;
(iii) 有「醫生」監督。
7. 「被保險人」指其姓名列於「承保表」內的合資格人士。
8. 「醫生」指在其執業的地區已獲授權、發牌或合法註冊登記從事內、外科診療人士,但「投保人」或「被保險人」或「投保人」或「被保險人」的親屬或業務伙伴除外。
9. 「已存在之傷病」指任何在本保險單生效日期前已出現病徵或徵兆之疾病、症狀、身體缺陷或身體狀況,而「投保人」/「被保險人」當時已知悉或應已知悉者。
10. 「投保人」指投保書及「承保表」內列明之人士或公司。
11. 「承保表」指附於本保險單的承保表並構成本保險單的一部分。
第一部分 人身平安保險
倘「被保險人」在保險期限內發生「意外」引致「身體受傷」並在一年內因該「意外」而導致「身故」,本公司同意賠償港幣 100,000.00 元予其「受益人」。
倘「被保險人」同時受保於多張由本公司簽發含有意外死亡及永久傷殘保障的保單,則所有含有意外死亡及永久傷殘保單對該名「被保險人」之合共總賠償額不可超過港幣 10,000,000.00 元,而每份保單的賠償將根據總賠償額按比例分配。
第二部分 醫療費用
「醫生」之「合理醫療費用」,最高賠償港幣 1,000.00 元。
第三部分 基本條款
1. 本保險單及「承保表」內所列應視為同一契約,不論保險單內或「承保表」內的任何部分之字句措辭,其顯示有特定之含義者,則均應以該項特定含義為準。
2. 「投保人」/「被保險人」所簽署的投保書,是本公司簽發本保險單的根據。「投保人」/「被保險人」須確實填報。如有虛報索賠或提供偽證等情況,本保險單亦即行失效。
3. 管 轄 法 律 權
4. 授 權
5. 合 理 預 防 措 施
6. 仲 裁
所有由於本保險單所引起的爭議,應提交一位仲裁人裁決,該仲裁 人由爭議雙方以書面委任。如雙方對該一被選之仲裁人不能同意時,則每方可於對方書面請求一個月內各委任一人為仲裁人決定之。如 果該兩位仲裁人不能取得一致意見,則應於仲裁未開始前由該兩位 仲裁人以書面委任一位公斷人參與公斷程序,並擔任公斷時之主席,作出公斷。在公斷人未作出公斷書之前,「被保險人」不得對本公 司進行起訴。如本公司已拒絕「被保險人」任何賠償要求,而「被 保險人」在被拒絕後的十二個月內不根據本條款規定提交仲裁,則 作為放棄索賠要求論,此後不得再進行追討。
7. 時 限
8. 代 位 權
9. 索 償 通 知
10. 支 付 賠 償
10.1 本保單的所有賠款將支付予「被保險人」。「身故」賠償將支付予「被保險人」的「受益人」。
10.2 「被保險人」或「受益人」就收訖賠償後簽署的收據,均被視為本公司完全履行及最終解除所有本公司的責任。
10.3 在本保單內的保費及賠償金額均以投保幣值結算,支付賠償亦將根據損失當日之兌換率計算。
10.4 按本保單支付的賠償均不帶利息。
11. 索 償 證 明
12. 年 齡 限 制
13. 更改職業、地址或受益人
14. 錯誤xx或欺詐行為
15. 終 止 保 單
1. 戰爭、類似戰爭的行動,內戰、叛變、罷工、暴動,或由於核子武器游離幅射,核子燃料或其燃燒後產生的廢料所致幅射能的沾染。上述核子燃燒包括自發的核子分裂在內。
2. 恐 怖 活 動
i. 任何與恐怖活動有關的生物或化學污染
ii. 任何與恐怖活動有關的導彈、炸彈、手榴彈、炸藥就本條款而言,
2.1 「恐怖活動」指任何人士,不論是個人行動或代表或與任何組織或政府有聯系、為政治、宗教、意識形態等的目的包括意圖影響政府和/或引起公眾恐慌所作出的暴力行為或威脅。
2.2 「污染」指因化學和/或生物物品所引致或與化學和/及生物物品有關的污染、中毒或對物件使用權的限制。
3. 大 殺 傷 力 武 器
3.2 「使用大殺傷力化學武器」指使用任何可導致人類或動物傷殘或死亡之固體、液體或氣體化合物之放射、解除、轉播、釋放或洩漏。
3.3 「使用大殺傷力生物武器」指任何可導致人類或動物傷殘或死亡之病源性(可致病的)微生物和/及以生物學方法製造之毒素(包括基因改造生物和以化學方法製成的毒素)之放射、解除、轉播、釋放或洩漏。
4. 「已存在之傷病」。
5. 任何性病或由於 HIV(人類免疫力缺乏症病毒)及/或與 HIV 有關的任何疾病,包括愛滋病(獲得性免疫缺損綜合徵)及/或其任何突變衍化物或變種。
6. 懷孕、分娩、難產、墮胎或流產。
7. 疾病、傳染病、精神病或非因「意外」事故而引致的受傷或死亡;非因「意外」事故而進行的任何內、外科治療手術而致的受傷或死亡。
8. 「被保險人」因先天或本身存在的異常、缺陷或病症而遭受之「身故」或傷殘,而此異常、缺陷或病症未有事先填報或得本公司同意承保;
9. 「被保險人」自願招惹不必要之危機(為企圖拯救別人之生命則除外)或在神志正常或精神失常的情況下自殺、自毀、蓄意自殘或做出任何企圖威脅自身安全的行為。
10. 因「被保險人」的挑釁或故意行為而導致的打鬥或被襲擊、神經失常、酗酒、吸毒或濫用藥物(該藥物非由註冊「醫生」處方者)、長期休養或療養和牙齒護理治療(因「意外」令「身體受傷」而導致牙齒進行必須的緊急治療費用則除外)。
11. 「被保險人」在駕駛任何種類的汽車(包括xxx)x,xxx的酒精含量超過當地法律上允許的水平。
12. 遭遇謀殺、綁架或勒索。
13. 從事專業性質的運動或比賽,或可使「被保險人」從而獲得收入或酬勞之運動。
14. 參與各類危險活動或運動,包括但不限於打獵、使用繩索或在嚮導帶領下登山或攀山、滑雪、滑水、潛水、冬季運動、懸掛滑翔、跳降傘、賽車或其他競跑以外的比賽。
15. 在海拔五千米高度以上進行高山遠足,或在三十米水深以下進行水肺潛水。
16. 紀律部隊服務。
17. 參與任何空中飛行活動(以旅客身份乘搭由航空公司或註冊商業公司擁有和控制的註冊航班機除外)。
18. 失踨,但因乘坐的飛機或船隻失事而致完全滅失的不在此限。
19. 間接或相生性引致之損失。
20. 任何非法行為或活動。
21. 參與演藝表演或電影及電視製作。
- 任何與保險或財務有關的產品或服務,或該等產品或服務的任何更改、變更、取消或續期;
- 任何索償,或該等索償的調查或分析;及本公司行使任何代位權。
- 任何有關的公司,或任何其他從事與保險或再保險業務有關的公司,或與保險業務有關的中介人或索償或調查或其他服務提供者,以達 到任何上述或有關目的;
- 現存或不時成立的任何保險公司協會或聯會或類同組織(統稱為
- 或透過「聯會」移轉予任何「聯會」的會員,以達到任何上述或有關目的。
此外,在此授權本公司可向「聯會」從保險業內收集的資料中查閱及/或核對 閣下任何資料。閣下有權查閱及要求更正由本公司持有有關 閣下的個人資料。如有需要,請以書面形式向本公司總經理辦公室經理提出,地址為香港銅鑼灣新寧道八號中國太平大廈十九字樓。
The Proposer / Insured Person and China Taiping Insurance (HK) Company Limited (hereinafter called “the Company”) mutually agree:
1. The Proposal and Declaration is deemed to be incorporated and shall be the basis of this insurance contract;
2. The Proposer / Insured Person will pay the premium specified in the Schedule;
3. The Company will provide the cover as specified in the Schedule in respect of an Accident occurs during the period of Insurance.
In this Policy where consistent with the contents, the singular shall include the plural and vice versa; words importing the masculine gender shall include the feminine and neuter gender; and each of the following words and expressions shall have the following meanings except where the context otherwise requires.
1. Accident shall mean an unforeseen and unexpected event of violent, accidental, external and visible nature which shall independently of any other cause be the sole and direct cause of bodily injury.
2. Beneficiary shall mean the person named in the Schedule as beneficiary, if there is no such designated beneficiary, the benefit shall vest in the Insured’s lawful estate according to the laws of Hong Kong SAR.
3. Bodily Injury shall mean any bodily damage caused solely and directly by an Accident as defined hereinabove and independently of all other causes.
4. Death shall mean any death caused solely and directly by an Accident as defined hereinabove and independently of any other causes.
5. Eligible Expenses shall mean those medical expenses paid by the Insured to the Medical Practitioner, physiotherapist, nurse, Hospital and/or ambulance services necessitated by a covered Accident and incurred on the recommendation of a Medical Practitioner but not exceeding normal and customary charges for the same. Those expenses include surgery, hospitalization, paramedic services, diagnostic tests, consultation by a Medical Practitioner and prescribed medicine or drugs. However, expenses for auxiliary medical apparatus and instruments (such as wheel chair, artificial limb, visual apparels, refraction and hearing-aid) are excluded by the Policy.
6. Hospital shall mean only an establishment recognized, constituted and registered as such under the laws of the territory in which that establishment is situated as a Hospital for the care and treatment of sick and injured persons as paying bed-patients and which has all of the following:-
(i) Facilities for diagnostic procedures and major surgery
(ii) 24 hours a day nursing services by registered graduate nurses.
(iii) is under the supervision of a Medical Practitioner.
And is not primarily a clinic; a place for alcoholics or drug addicts; a nature care clinic; a health hydro; a nursing, rest or convalescent home; or a home for the aged or similar establishment.
7. Insured Person shall mean the eligible person named in the Policy Schedule.
8. Medical Practitioner shall mean a person legally authorized, duly licensed or registered in the geographical area of his practice to render medical or surgical service, other than the Proposer, Insured Person, or a relatives or business partners of Proposer or Insured.
9. Pre-Existing Conditions shall mean any sickness, disease, infirmity, physical defect or physical condition which existed before the effective date of the Policy in respect of the Insured, which presented
signs or symptoms of which the Proposer or Insured was aware or should reasonably have been aware.
10. Proposer shall mean the person or company which name is specified in the Schedule.
11. Schedule shall mean the schedule attached to and forms part of this Policy.
If during the period of insurance, the Insured Person sustains Bodily Injury caused by a covered Accident and resulting in Death within one year from the date on which the Bodily Injury was sustained. The Company will pay HK$100,000.00 to the Beneficiary.
Where any individual life is insured under multiple policies which contain Accidental Death and Permanent Disablement covers and are issued by the Company, the maximum liability in respect of any one individual life under all Accident Death and Permanent Disablement covers shall not exceed HK$10,000,000.00 in aggregate and each policy shall bear a proportionate share of the total loss.
In the event that the Insured Person sustain Bodily Injury as a result of a covered Accident, the Company will reimburse up to HK$1,000.00 for Eligible Expenses incurred during the Period of Insurance and within twelve (12) months of the happening of the Accident provided that all such fees or charges are necessarily and reasonably incurred for professional Medical services provided by a Medical Practitioner.
1. This Policy and the Schedule shall be read together as one contract and any word or expression to which a specific meaning has been attached in any part of this Policy or of the Schedule shall bear such specific meaning wherever it may appear.
2. The written application, which the Proposer / Insured as made and declared being the basis of issuing this policy, must be true and correct. If any claim made shall be fraudulent or exaggerated or if any false declaration or statement shall be made in support thereof, then this Policy shall be void.
3. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
This Policy shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong SAR.
4. Authorization
As a condition precedent to the Company’s liability, the Proposer / Insured will upon request execute an agreement to empower the Company to obtain from any person and/or organization relevant information.
5. Reasonable Precautions
The Insured shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent and minimize any accident, injury, death or expenses.
6. Arbitration
All differences arising out of this Policy shall be referred to the decision of an Arbitrator to be appointed in writing by the parties in difference or if they cannot agree upon a single Arbitrator to the decision of two Arbitrators one to be appointed in writing by each of the parties within one (1) calendar month after having been required in writing so to do by either of the parties or in case the Arbitrators do not agree of an Umpire appointed in writing by the Arbitrators before entering upon the reference. The Umpire shall sit with the Arbitrators
and preside at their meetings and the making of an Award shall be a condition precedent to any right of action against the Company. If the Company shall disclaim liability to the Insured for any claim hereunder and such claim shall not within twelve (12) calendar months from the date of such disclaim have been referred to arbitration under the provisions herein contained, then the claim shall for all purposes be deemed to have been abandoned and shall not thereafter be recoverable.
7. Time Limitation
Every action or proceedings against the Company for the recovery of any claim under or by virtue of this contract is absolutely barred unless commenced within one (1) year after the accident occurs.
8. Subrogation
In the event that any payment is made under this Policy in respect of any claim, the Company shall be subrogated to all the Insured’s rights of recovery against any person or organization and the Proposer / Insured shall execute and deliver instruments and papers and do whatever else is necessary to secure such rights. The Proposer / Insured shall agree not to prejudice such rights.
9. Notice of Claim
Notice of any claim must be given to the Company within thirty (30) days after sustaining Bodily Injury or Death as a result of an Accident. Failure to give notice in the time prescribed shall not invalidate a claim if the Insured has reasonable explanation.
10. Payment of Claim
10.1 All benefits will be paid to the Insured. For Fatal cases, benefits will be paid to Beneficiary.
10.2 Upon the acknowledge of receipt from the Insured or Beneficiary, it shall represent the full and final settlement and release the Company from any further liability under this Policy.
10.3 Premium and claims made under this Policy shall be in insured currency, payment of claims will be based on the exchange rate prevailing as at the date of loss.
10.4 No payment due under this Policy shall carry interest.
11 Proof of Claim
A claim shall be lodged with a notice of claim and the proof of evidence or proof of evidence under any subsection(s) of this Policy (if applicable) or any documentation and/or information prescribed by or reasonably requested by the Company at the claimant’s or the Insured’s own expenses. Provided that the claimant or the Insured could provide with good reason to demonstrate that it is not reasonably practicable to adduce proof of evidence within the time limit and the claimant or the Insured has provided the Company such proof of evidence as soon as practicable, the claim shall not be invalidated. However, in no circumstances shall the proof of evidence be adduced later than 180 days upon the demand of the Company.
All claims must be submitted with comprehensive supporting information including but not limited to:-
In case of Personal Accident:-
Hospital, Medical Practitioner’s report(s) giving details on the nature of the injury and the extent and period of Permanent Disablement, evidence from the official authorities concerned such as police reports and if death shall have resulted, original of the death certificate, the relevant coroner’s report and Letters of Administration.
In case of Accidental Medical Expense:-
Original Medical Certificate issued by the attending Medical Practitioner stating the nature and extent of injuries, diagnosis and the treatments provided; all original bills / receipts issued by the hospital/Medical Practitioner concerned with detailed breakdown of costs / expenses; original report issued by the official authorities
concerned such as police reports or evidence of the alleged accident.
12 Age Limits
No claim will be paid if the Insured is under 16th or over 65th birthdays, unless specially agreed by the Company.
13. Change of Occupation, Residence or Beneficiary
If there is any change in the Occupation or Profession, the Company of Residence specified in the Schedule or Beneficiary of the Insured, the Proposer or Insured must advise the Company in writing immediately and pay any additional premium which the Company may require. If the Proposer or Insured does not advise the Company of such change, no benefit will be payable under this Policy in respect of any claim arising out of or in the course of such change.
14. Misrepresentation or Fraud
If there exists any fraud or intentional exaggeration of facts or false declaration or statement at the time applying this Policy, this Policy shall render void and all claims shall not be indemnified.
15. Termination
The Company and the Proposer / Insured have the right to cancel this Policy.
The Proposer/ Insured may cancel this Policy by giving seven days notice in writing to the Company, and the current Schedule of Insurance has been returned to the Company on or before the date of cancellation, no premium is refundable.
The Company may cancel this Policy at any time by giving seven (7) days notice to the Proposer / Insured by registered letter sent to his last known address, no premium is refundable.
This Policy does not cover Death, Permanent Disablement, Bodily Injury, or other any loss of the Insured directly or indirectly arising out of:
1. War, hostilities or warlike operations, civil war, rebellion, strikes, riots or caused by or contributed to by or arising from ionizing radiations or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel. For the purpose of this exception combustion shall include any self-sustaining process of nuclear fission.
2. Act of terrorism
Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary within this Policy or any endorsement thereto it is agreed that this Policy excludes loss, damage, liability, cost or expense of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from or in connection with any Act Of Terrorism regardless of any other cause or event contributing concurrently or in any other sequence to the loss.
It is also agreed that, regardless of any contributory causes, this Policy does not cover any loss, damage, liability, cost or expense directly or indirectly arising out of
(i) Biological or chemical contamination
(ii) Missiles, bombs, grenades, explosives due to any Act of Terrorism.
For the purpose of this Clause:
2.1 An “Act Of Terrorism” means an act, including but not limited to the use of force or violence and/or the threat thereof, of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organization(s) or government(s), committed for political, religious, ideological, or similar purposes or reasons including the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public, or any section of the public, in fear;
2.2 A “contamination” means the contamination, poisoning, or
prevention and/or limitation of the use of objects due to the effects of chemical and/or biological substances.
This Policy also excludes loss, damage, liability, cost or expense of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from or in connection with any action taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to any Act Of Terrorism.
If the Company alleges that due to this exclusion, any loss, damage, liability, cost or expense is not covered by this Policy the burden of proving the contrary shall be upon the Insured.
3. Mass Destruction
Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary within this Policy or any endorsement thereto it is agreed that this Policy shall exclude any loss as the sole result of the utilisation of Nuclear, Chemical or Biological weapons of mass destruction howsoever these may be distributed of combined.
For the purpose of this Clause:
3.1 Utilisation of Nuclear weapons of mass destruction means the use of any explosive nuclear weapon or device or the emission, discharge, dispersal, release or escape of fissile material emitting a level of radioactivity capable or causing incapacitating disablement or death amongst people or animals.
3.2 Utilisation of Chemical weapons of mass destruction means the emission, discharge, dispersal, release or escape of any solid, liquid or gaseous chemical compound which, when suitably distributed, is capable of causing incapacitating disablement or death amongst people or animals.
3.3 Utilisation of Biological weapons of mass destruction means the emission, discharge, dispersal, release or escape of any pathogenic (disease producing) micro-organism(s) and/or biologically produced toxin(s) (including genetically modified organisms and chemically synthesised toxins) which are capable of causing incapacitating disablement or death amongst people or animals.
4. Pre-Existing Conditions.
5. venereal disease or HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and/or any HIV related illness including AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) and/or any mutant derivative or variations thereof howsoever caused.
6. pregnancy, childbirth, dystocia, abortion or miscarriage.
7. illness, infectious disease, psychiatric disorders or any Bodily Injury or Death which is not caused by Accident or by any medical or surgical treatment other than treatment required on account of an Accident covered by this Policy.
8. The Insured suffering from Congenital Abnormalities, physical defect or infirmity which had not been declared to and accepted by the Company.
9. willfully exposing himself to needless peril (except in an attempt to save human life) or suicide, self-destruction, self-inflicted injury or any attempt threat whether sane or insane.
10. fighting, attack resulting from provocation or deliberate act of Insured or insanity, intoxication or use of drugs(other than taken under a Medical Practitioner), rest cure or sanatorium care and dental treatment (except as necessitated and emergency treatment by accidental injuries to sound natural teeth).
11. The Insured having more than the legally permitted level of alcohol in the blood whilst driving any kind of vehicle included motorcycle.
12. encountering murder, kidnap or extortion.
13. engaging in sports or games in a professional capacity or where an Insured would earn income or remuneration from engaging in sports.
14. participating in dangerous activities or sports including but not limited to hunting, climbing or mountaineering necessitating the use of ropes or guides, skating, water ski-ing, diving, winter sports, hand-gliding, parachuting, racing other than on foot.
15. trekking at an altitude limit greater than 5,000 meters above sea level or scuba diving to a depth greater than 30 meters below sea level.
16. engaging in duty with the disciplinary service.
17. engaging in any form of aerial flight or air travel other than as a passenger in a properly licensed multi-engined aircraft being operated by a licensed commercial air carrier or owned and operated by a commercial company.
18. disappearance, except in the event of the total loss by wreck of the ship or aeroplane on which the Insured was travelling.
19. Losses which are indirect and consequential in nature except herein provided.
20. taking part in any illegal act or activities.
21. taking part in performing entertainment or film/television production.
(In any action, suit or other proceedings where the Company alleges that by reason of the provisions of this General Exclusion, any Accident, loss, damage, expense, liability or Bodily Injury is not covered by this Policy, the burden of proving that such Accident, loss, damage, expense, liability or Bodily Injury is covered shall be upon the Insured.)
The information you provide to us is collected to enable us to carry on insurance business and may be used for the purpose of -
- any insurance or financial related product or service or any alterations,
variations, cancellation or renewal of such product or service;
- any claim or investigation or analysis of such claim; and exercising any right of subrogation.
The said information may be transferred to -
- any related company or any other company carrying on insurance or reinsurance related business or an intermediary or a claim or investigation or other service provider providing services relevant to insurance business for any of the above or related purposes;
- any association, federation or similar organization of insurance companies (collectively called “the Federation") that exists or is formed from time to time for any of the above or related purposes or to enable the Federation to carry out its regulatory functions or such other functions that may be assigned to the Federation from time to time and are reasonably required in the interest of the insurance industry or any member(s) of the Federation, and
- any members of the Federation by the Federation for any of the above or related purposes.
Moreover, the Company is hereby authorized to obtain access to and/or to verify any of your data with the information collected by the Federation from the insurance industry. You have the right to obtain, to access to and to request correction of any personal information concerning yourself held by the Company. Requests for such access can be made in writing to our Manager of the Office of the General Manager at 00/X., Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, 0 Xxxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxxx Xxx, Xxxx Xxxx.
Remarks: Should the English and Chinese version of this Policy has different interpretation giving rise to a dispute, the English version shall prevail.