活動場地 : 金光會展展館 D
食物和飲料樣本 及/或 銷售 – 申請協議
本協議由 Venetian Cotai Limited / Venetian Orient Limited (以下稱為「許可方」或「擁有人」或「澳門威尼 斯 人 ® 」 、 「 澳 門 康 萊 德 酒 店 」 、 「 澳 門 巴 黎 人 酒 店 」 及 「 澳 門 倫 敦 人 酒 店 」 ) 及
_ _ (以下稱為「獲許可方/ 參展商」)
活動名稱 : 2024 粵澳名優商品展
活動場地 : 金光會展展館 D
活動日期 : 2024 年 7 月 25-28 日
不恰當行為 / 違反本協議條款
如 獲許可方/參展商 違反任何本協議所列出的條款,獲許可方/參展商 必須 繳付罰款 及 即時離開 擁有人 場地。罰款費用 由 擁有人 決定。
獲許可方/參展商 不得在 擁有人 的會場提供任何食物和飲料服務。如果 獲許可方/參展商 希望派發 及/或 銷售任何食物和飲料樣本,這是必須獲得 擁有人 的同意下才可進行。
獲許可方/參展商 同意 不售賣食物和飲料樣本,而其樣本只用作產品推廣之用途。
由於活動項目性質會涉及食物和飲料產品樣本派發給活動參與者,建議 獲許可方/參展商 持有 “產品責任保險 (Product Liability)” (在保單期間內每次上限及累計上限為 HKD/MOP 5,000,000),以保障因進食及飲用產品樣本而引致的任何保險索償。
獲許可方/參展商 同意按照以下的食物和飲料樣本大小限制的標準:
(1) 每個食物樣本,不得超過 4 安士 (112 克)。
(2) 每個非酒精飲料樣本量,不得超過 3 安士 (84 毫升)。
(3) (EITHER) 每個酒精飲料樣本量,烈酒不得超過 ¼ 安士 (7 毫升),或啤酒和葡萄酒不得超過 1 安士 (28
毫升)。(OR) 酒精飲料是不允許派發的。食物和飲料的配製
所有食物和飲料的配製,獲許可方/參展商 必須遵守由澳門民政總署 (網址:xxx.xxxx.xxx.xx,電話:
x000 0000 0000) 及澳門衛生局 (網址:xxx.xxx.xxx.xx,電話:x000 0000 0000) 所訂下的規則和規例。
獲許可方/參展商 在 擁有人 的會場內所配製的食物和飲料,擁有人 有權檢驗其安全性。
在配製食物,獲許可方/參展商 不得使用的設備有,包括但不限於,木炭、丙烷、天然氣、罐頭加熱器、油炸鍋、焗爐、烘烤和燒烤設備。如 獲許可方/參展商 希望使用,包括但不限於,電烹調器具、電水壺和微波爐,這是必須獲得 擁有人的同意下才可使用。如果 獲許可方/參展商需要使用其他烹調器具,這是必須獲得擁有人 的同意下才可使用。
食物烹調在任何時候是不允許的,除非 擁有人 有預先批准。烹調方法,包括但不限於燒烤、烘烤、水煮、燉/燜、任何煎炸類型、炭燒烤及烤炙時在食物上塗油脂方式。
在 擁有人 的批准下,食物加熱方式是許可的。如獲批准,獲許可方/參展商 必須確保過程中不產生重大異味。如 擁有人 覺食物發出異味,擁有人 有權要求 獲許可方/參展商 將 發出異味的食物清除。
如使用煮食爐,獲許可方/參展商 必須將保護屏放置煮食爐四周,來保障來賓的安全。
在任何時候,獲許可方/參展商 必須注意衛生事項,避免溢出,並保護食物免受感染。烹調者 必須穿乾淨的衣服,並把他們的頭髮綁起來。
獲許可方/參展商 必須確保所展示或推廣的食物和飲料產品是安全的,並適合人類食用及飲用。
獲許可方/參展商 是不允許 在 擁有人 的公共洗手間內準備食物,包括但不限於食物及碗碟清洗。如 獲許可方/參展商 需要供水/排水服務 (水槽、供水管、排水管、排水泵等) 在其參展範圍,請向活動主辦單位查詢。
如 獲許可方/參展商 在 食物配製時 需要 額外電能,必須 向 活動主辦單位 申請。如 獲許可方/參展商 被發現 私自安裝額外電能,擁有人 將會 在 沒通知情況下 即時 折斷整個電源供應。
在活動舉行期間,獲許可方/參展商 是不允許 將食物運送到 擁有人 的場地內。在任何時候,所有 食物運送 必須 在 與擁有人所協定的時間 進行,而 非 在活動舉行期間 進行。
如 獲許可方/參展商 希望派發食物及飲料樣本,獲許可方/參展商 必須是其合法的分銷商或製造商。自製食品是不允許派發。在未經 擁有人 的同意下,獲許可方/參展商 不能派發酒精樣本。獲許可方/參展商 能否派發食物及飲料樣本,決定權歸於 擁有人。
獲許可方/參展商 只能在其展覽攤位進行推廣活動或食物飲料示範活動。
如 獲許可方/參展商 在其展覽攤位提供食物及飲料樣本,獲許可方/參展商 必須安排至少一位負責人留守在其展覽攤位。如 獲許可方/參展商 提供酒精樣本,獲許可方/參展商 有責任監察接收酒精樣本的人是否清醒及合乎當地法定年齡限制。
擁有人 絕不負責由 獲許可方/參展商 所提供的食物及飲料的品質。
獲許可方/參展商 必須在本協議附件 A 上完整描述食物和飲料的資料,並在活動首日 10 個工作天前,將所需資料交回給 擁有人。如果 獲許可方/參展商 未能履行此條款,獲許可方/參展商 將不能舉行食物和飲料示範活動。
在 擁有人 的批准下,如果 獲許可方/參展商 提供食品銷售服務,獲許可方/參展商 必須嚴格遵守以下條款,包括但不限於:
獲許可方/參展商 能否銷售食物及飲料,決定權歸於 擁有人。
獲許可方/參展商必須在本協議附件 B 上完整描述食物和飲料的資料,並在活動首日 10 個工作天前,將所需資料交回給 擁有人。如果 獲許可方/參展商 未能履行此條款,獲許可方/參展商 將不能舉行食物和飲料銷售活動。
任何現場銷售的食品,xx建議 該食品必須 是乾的和 沒有改動原裝密封包裝的;避免銷售限制食品,包括但不限於牛奶、雪糕及冰凍甜點。在 擁有人場地 現場進行食品包裝活動 是不允許的。
所有展品,獲許可方/參展商 必須 遵守當地法律條例(如:酒精年齡限制),並確保展品的有效期;而 有效期 必須 明確標示在容器、包裝或預先包裝的食物及飲料。
如 獲許可方/參展商 不清楚 甚麼食物和飲料是可出售,請與 擁有人 聯繫。
獲許可方/參展商 必須 確保 展位的整潔。如 擁有人 覺 獲許可方/參展商 的展位整潔度非常惡劣,獲許可方/參展商 必須 繳付 清潔費。
獲許可方/參展商 同意放棄任何損害賠償;任何關於活動參與者或第三者的身體不適、身體傷害及損失,獲許可方/參展商 同意釋放 擁有人、威尼斯人澳門股份有限公司 (Venetian Macau Limited)、金沙中國有限公司 (Sands China Limited)、xx維加斯金沙集團 (Las Vegas Sands Corp)、以及他們各自的控股公司、子公司和附屬公司、委託人、董事、高級職員和僱員的所有法律責任,包括但不限於,關於由 非擁有人 所配製的食物和飲料而引致的任何行動、導致行動、訴訟、債務、損害賠償、索償,傳喚、費用、任何類型或種類的損失及開支。
獲許可方/參展商 在此同意彌償、保護和使 擁有人、其貸方或受抵押人、威尼斯人澳門股份有限公司 (Venetian Macau Limited)、金沙中國有限公司 (Sands China Limited)、xx維加斯金沙集團 (Las Vegas Sands Corp)、以及他們各自的控股公司、子公司和附屬公司、委託人、董事、高級職員和僱員 免受任何責任、損害賠償、損失、索賠、訴訟、判決、罰款、成本和費用,包括但不限於,擁有人的律師費和開支,及因 獲 許可方/參展商 在擁有人 的會場進行提供食物和飲料服務而引致的任何責任、損害賠償、身體傷害或身故、損 壞或破壞的財物。
獲許可方/參展商 在以下簽署確認本協議及其附件的條款。
聯絡人姓名 : 聯絡電話 :
日期 : 簽署 :
附件 A: 食物和飲料樣本 – 申請表
活動單位名稱 :
活動項目名稱 :
展覽攤位 :
聯絡人姓名 :
聯絡電話 :
食物和飲料 | 主要成分 | 食物和飲料的來源 (批發商名 或 其他商行 名稱) |
例子:雲吞 | 例子: 豬肉,蝦 | 例子: 豬肉 – XXX 批發商名稱蝦 – YYY 批發商名稱 |
如果 獲許可方/參展商 在活動期間被發現提供以上表格沒有列明的食物和飲料,擁有人 有權要求 獲許可方/參展商 終止該食物和飲料服務。
附件 B: 食物和飲料銷售 – 申請表
活動單位名稱 :
活動項目名稱 :
展覽攤位 :
聯絡人姓名 :
聯絡電話 :
食物和飲料 | 主要成分 | 食物和飲料的來源 (批發商名 或 其他商行 名稱) |
例子:雲吞 | 例子: 豬肉,蝦 | 例子: 豬肉 – XXX 批發商名稱蝦 – YYY 批發商名稱 |
如果 獲許可方/參展商 在活動期間被發現提供以上表格沒有列明的食物和飲料,擁有人 有權要求 獲許可方/參展商 終止該食物和飲料銷售服務。
Food & Beverage Sampling and/or Selling – Approval Request Agreement
This Agreement is made between Venetian Cotai Limited / Venetian Orient Limited (hereinafter the “Licensor” or “Owner” or “The Venetian® Macao / Xxxxxx Xxxxx / The Parisian Macao / The Londoner Macao ”) and _ _ _ (hereinafter the “Licensee/Exhibitor”) for the
following purpose:
Event Name : 2024 Guangdong & Macao Branded Products Fair
Event Venue : Cotai Expo Hall D
Event Period : Jul 25 - 28 , 2024
Inappropriate Behaviour / Violation of the Agreement Terms
If the Licensee/Exhibitor is found violating any of the terms stated in this Agreement, the Licensee/Exhibitor shall be charged for penalty fee and shall be asked to leave Licensor’s venue immediately. The penalty fee shall be advised by the Licensor.
Authorisation on Food & Beverage Sampling and/or Selling
The Licensee/Exhibitor must NOT provide any Food & Beverage services at the Licensor’s venue, and any Food & Beverage sample or retail products that the Licensee/Exhibitor wishes to distribute or sell must be approved by the Licensor.
The Licensee/Exhibitor agrees NOT to sell the Food & Beverage samples, which are only used for the purpose of promoting the products.
Due to the nature of the event involving preparation and distribution of Food & Beverage sample products to the event guests, it is recommended that the Licensee/Exhibitor to obtain the Product Liability Insurance (with limit of liability HKD/MOP5,000,000 any one occurrence and in the aggregate) to cover any claims arising out from the Food & Beverage consumption by the event guests.
Food and Beverage Sampling Size Limits
For the purpose of sampling sizes, the Licensee/Exhibitor agrees to follow the criteria on the Food & Beverage sampling size limits as below:
(1) Food should be in bite-sized portions, not to exceed 4 ounce (112 grams) per sample.
(2) Non-alcoholic beverage sample size must not exceed 3 ounce (84 millilitres) per sample.
(3) (EITHER) Alcoholic beverage sample size must not exceed ¼ ounce (7 millilitre) for spirits, or 1 ounce (28 millilitre) for beer and wine. (OR) Alcoholic beverage is not allowed to be distributed.
Food and Beverage Preparation
All Food & Beverage preparation must be done in compliance with the rules and regulations as set out by the Macau Civil & Municipal Affairs Bureau (Website: xxx.xxxx.xxx.xx, Telephone: x000 0000 0000) and Macau Health Bureau (Website: xxx.xxx.xxx.xx, Telephone: x000 0000 0000) .
Food prepared on-site by the Licensee/Exhibitor at the Licensor’s venue shall be subject to the food safety inspections by the Licensor.
In the preparation of the food, the following equipment are prohibited, including but not limited to charcoal, propane, natural gas, sterno canned heat, deep fryers, oven, roasting and barbecuing equipment. The Licensee/Exhibitor may be allowed to use, including but not limited to, electrical cookers, kettles and microwave; however, this must require prior approval from the Licensor. Any other exceptions require prior approval from the Licensor.
Cooking is NOT allowed at all times unless with the approval from the Licensor. Methods of cooking include but not limited to grilling, roasting, boiling, stewing, any types of frying, barbequing and basting.
Reheat of food may be allowed pending on the approval from the Licensor. If approved, Licensee/Exhibitor must ensure that no substantial odours shall be emitted. If the odour deems to be substantial from the Licensor’s point of view, Licensor has the right to ask Licensee/Exhibitor to remove such food items.
If cooking stoves are used, the Licensee/Exhibition shall ensure protective screens are placed around the cooking stoves to ensure the health and safety of visitors.
Hygiene and sanitation must be maintained at all times. Spillage should be avoided and prepared food must be protected from flies and other insects. Handlers of prepared food must wear clean clothing and have their hair tied up if needed while serving food.
The Licensee/Exhibitors must ensure that all Food & Beverage products displayed or promoted are safe and fit for human consumption.
The Licensee/Exhibitor is strictly NOT allowed to use the Licensor’s public washrooms for any food preparation, including but not limited to food and dish washing. If Licensee/Exhibitor requires water drainage service (sink, water supply, drainage, pump, etc) to be set up at the exhibiting area, please speak to the Event Organiser for further arrangement.
If the Licensee/Exhibitor requires additional power for food preparation, this must be requested through the Event Organiser. If the Licensee/Exhibitor is found installing additional power without requesting through the Event Organiser, the entire power system shall be cut off immediately by the Licensor without notice.
The Licensee/Exhibitor is NOT allowed to deliver or supply any food during the event. Any food delivery must be done at a time agreed in advance with the Licensor, and not during the event at all times.
Food and Beverage Sample Distribution
Any Food & Beverage sample products the Licensee/Exhibitor wishes to distribute may only be distributed if the Licensee/Exhibitor is the lawful distributor or manufacturer of the sample. Home-made food is NOT allowed for distribution. No alcohol may be distributed under any circumstances except with the permission of the Licensor. The Licensor reserves the final right to determine whether a group can or cannot sample any Food & Beverage items.
Food & Beverage marketing or sampling activities must be taken place only within the designated booth space.
The Licensee/Exhibitor providing Food & Beverage samples must station one individual at the distribution point at all times. If alcoholic beverage samples are distributed, the Licensee/Exhibitor is responsible to monitor the sobriety and the local legal age limit of the persons receiving samples.
The Licensor is not responsible for the quality or state of the Food & Beverage served by the Licensee/Exhibitor.
The Licensee/Exhibitor must complete the description of the Food & Beverage samples for the event at Appendix A of this Agreement, and submit the required information to the Licensor ten (10) business days prior to the event; if not, the Licensee/Exhibitor shall not be allowed to conduct the Food & Beverage sampling and demonstration activities at the event.
Food & Beverage Selling
If the Licensee/Exhibitor is approved for the Food Selling by the Licensor, the Licensee/Exhibitor must strictly adhere to, including but not limited to, the conditions below.
The Licensor reserves the final right to determine whether a group can or cannot sell any Food & Beverage items.
If the Licensee/Exhibitor wishes to conduct retail sales of Food & Beverage items, the description of the Food & Beverage retail items at the Appendix B of this Agreement must be submitted to the Licensor ten
(10) business days prior to the event for review and approval; if not, the Licensee/Exhibitor shall not be allowed to conduct retail sales activities of the Food & Beverage items at the event.
It is highly recommended that any food for on-site sale should be DRY and UNALTERED SEAL- PACKAGED; and restricted items should be avoided, including but not limited to milk, ice-cream and frozen confections. Any seal-packing of food items onsite is not allowed.
The Licensee/Exhibitor selling the exhibits to the visitors must comply with the local legal regulations (e.g. local legal age limit for persons buying alcoholic beverage); and must ensure that the exhibits are within the expiry date of consumption, which must be clearly marked on the containers or packers or otherwise for pre-packaged exhibits.
The Licensee/Exhibitor is highly encouraged to discuss with the Licensor if unsure on what Food & Beverage items can or cannot be sold.
Booth Cleanliness
The Licensee/Exhibitor shall ensure the cleanliness of the exhibiting area, and shall be charged for the cleaning fee if the exhibiting area deems to be very dirty at the Licensor’s point of view.
The Licensee/Exhibitor agrees to waive any claim for damages of any nature whatsoever and to release the Licensor, Venetian Macau Limited, Sands China Limited, Las Vegas Sands Corp, and their respective holding companies, subsidiaries, and affiliates, and the principal(s), directors, officers and employee from any liability or responsibility whatsoever for any ill-effect, injury, or loss incurred by the event guests or any third party including, but not limited to, all manner of actions, causes of action, suits, debts, damages, claims, demands, costs, losses and expenses of any type or kind whatsoever, arising from, connected with or related to the Food & Beverage sources other than the Licensor or the preparation of serving of Food & Beverage by persons other than the Licensor’s employees.
Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement:
The Licensee/Exhibitor hereby releases and discharges and indemnifies, and agrees to keep indemnified, defend, protect and save harmless the Licensor, its lenders/mortgagees, Venetian Cotai Limited, Sands China Limited, Las Vegas Sands Corp, and their respective holding companies, subsidiaries, and affiliates, and the principal(s), directors, offers and employees from and against any liabilities, damages, losses, claims, suits, judgments, fines, costs and expenses, including without limitation, attorneys' fees and expenses, incurred by the Licensor and arising out of or relating to the Licensee/Exhibitor's distribution of Food & Beverage service at the Licensor’s venue or any other activity related thereto, including, without limitation, any such liabilities, damages or said other matters arising from injury to or death of any person, or damage to or destruction of any property.
This Agreement and the Appendix are available in English and Chinese. In the event of conflict or discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail and be treated as the correct version.
By signing the below, the Licensee/Exhibitor agrees to the terms and conditions as set out in this Agreement and the Appendix.
Name (Printed) : Contact Number :
Authorised Signature : Date :
Appendix A – Food and Beverage Sampling Request Form
Company Name :
Event Name :
Exhibition Booth Number :
Contact Person :
Contact Telephone Number :
Please list each Food & Beverage item that will be served as samples at the event.
Food & Beverage Item Description | Key Ingredient of the Food & Beverage Item | Source of the Food & Beverage Item (Name of Whole-Seller/Outlet) |
For example: Wonton | For example: Pork, Prawn | For example: Pork – XXX Whole-Seller Name Prawn – YYY Whole-Seller Name |
Food & Beverage items not listed but found at the event will not be allowed, and the Licensor has the right to remove such items.
Appendix B – Food and Beverage Selling Request Form
Company Name :
Event Name :
Exhibition Booth Number :
Contact Person :
Contact Telephone Number :
Please list each Food & Beverage retail item that will be sold at the event.
Food & Beverage Item Description | Key Ingredient of the Food & Beverage Item | Source of the Food & Beverage Item (Name of Whole-Seller/Outlet) |
For example: Wonton | For example: Pork, Prawn | For example: Pork – XXX Whole-Seller Name Prawn – YYY Whole-Seller Name |
Food & Beverage items not listed but found at the event will not be allowed, and the Licensor has the right to remove such items.