PineBridge Investments Ireland Limited之董事(名字列於本發行章程「本基金的管理及行政」一節)謹對本發行章程及附錄 中所載資料負責。據各董事所知及所信(各董事已合理審慎地確保如此),本發行章程及其附錄中所載資料均與事實相符,並未遺漏任何可能影響該等資料涵義之內容,各董事並承擔相應之責任。
各附錄內「典型投資者概覽」一節所載與各子基金有關的資料只供參考。於作出任何投資決定前,投資者應考慮本身的具 體情況,包括但不限於其本身承受風險的程度、財務狀況及投資目標等。如有任何疑問,投資者應徵詢其本身的股票經紀、銀行經理、律師、會計師、代表銀行或其他財務顧問。
本基金已獲香港證券及期貨事務監察委員會根據香港《證券及期貨條例》第104條作出認可。香港證券及期貨事務監察委 員會對本發行章程及各附錄的內容或本基金或其任何子基金的財務是否穩健或本發行章程及各附錄中所作出的xx或表達 的意見是否正確並不負責。香港證券及期貨事務監察委員會作出的認可,並不構成對本基金及其子基金的建議或認可證明;也不構成對本基金及其子基金商業價值或業績的保證;並不表示本基金及其子基金適合所有投資者;亦非表示贊同適合任 何特定投資者或任何類別的投資者。
Eimear Cowhey Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx
PineBridge Investments Ireland Limited The Observatory Building – 4th Floor 7-11 Xxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxx’x Quay Dublin 2
State Street Custodial Services (Ireland) Limited 78 Xxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxx’x Quay
Dublin 2 Ireland
State Street Fund Services (Ireland) Limited 78 Xxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxx’x Quay
Dublin 2 Ireland
Arthur Cox
Ten Earlsfort Terrace Dublin 2, X00 X000
PricewaterhouseCoopers One Spencer Dock
North Wall Quay Dublin 1
共同申報準則 | 58 |
55 | |
58 |
投資經理利用PineBridge Investments LLC的量化模型以評估股票的相對吸引力。量化模型會根據某公司的成熟度及周期性將投資領域劃分為六個生命週期類別之一,繼
而針對每個生命週期類別按一籃子因素對股票進行排名。已進行排名的股票會被輸入投資組合優化程式,控制目 標跟蹤誤差及其他限制,以構建尋求風險調整後回報最 大的投資組合。此策略旨在通過積極風險決策以達致表 現比基準更強,同時限制相對基準的風險變化及投資組 合特色。此風險限制方法限制了投資組合的投資、行業、地區、國家、貨幣、評級或其他特色與基準指數之間相 對權重的可能差異。在此情況下,追踪誤差一般不預期 會超過2%。
投資經理挑選最能配合投資經理對相關經濟及市場趨勢 及狀況的前瞻看法的資產類別及投資策略,並同時考慮 流動性、成本、執行時機及對有效投資組合管理而言重 要的其他因素。投資經理在個別投資策略內所選擇以達 到擬定的資產配置的特定選股準則,將視乎相關資產類 別的屬性、個別證券的相對吸引力及市場上可供選擇的 發行人、市場狀況及所訂下的投資策略目標而有所不同。
各子基金投資政策的其他詳情載於有關的附錄內。 各子基金的投資政策的任何重大更改須(i)經有關子基金 的單位持有人於大會上以過半數票形式事先書面批准; 或(ii)獲得有關子基金的所有單位持有人的事先書面批准,才可作出修訂,若有任何更改,單位持有人將在合理期 間內接獲通知,以便可在更改生效之前贖回其基金單位。
基金經理可在獲得央行事先批准的情況下,不時透過在 任何有關國家地區註冊成立的全資附屬公司就有效投資 組合管理而作出投資,以盡量減低外匯管制的影響及╱或 從適用的稅務條約中獲益。董事將時刻構成子基金所投 資任何附屬公司的過半數董事。有關子基金的目標及政 策將不僅適用於該子基金,但亦適用於該附屬公司,而 該附屬公司的投資將被當為由該子基金持有。任何附屬 公司的資產及股份將由受託人或獲委任的副保管人持有。
1. 合 格 資 產
1.1. 獲准在成員國或非成員國的證券交易所正式上市的或在成員國或非成員國的受規管、定期運作、獲認可及開放予公眾投資者的市場買賣的可轉讓證券及貨幣市場工具。
1.2. 將在一年內獲准在證券交易所或其他市場(如上所述)正式上市的近期發行的可轉讓證券。
1.3. 央行可轉讓證券集合投資計劃規則中界定的貨幣市場工具,但在受規管市場買賣的除外。
1.4. 可轉讓證券集合投資計劃的單位╱股份。
1.5. 央行指引中列明的另類投資基金的單位╱股份。
1.6. 央行可轉讓證券集合投資計劃規則中指明的在信用機構的存款。
1.7. 央行可轉讓證券集合投資計劃規則中指明的金融衍生工具。
2. 投資限制、集中度及每項子基金的風險限額
2.1. 各子基金只可以其不多於10%的淨資產價值投資於除第1段所述的「合資格資產」以外的可轉讓證券及貨幣市場工具。
2.2. 各子基金可以其不多於10%的資產淨值投資於將在一年內獲准在證券交易所或其他市場正式上市的近期發行的可轉讓證券(如第1.2段所述)。此限制並不適用於任何子基金對某些稱為規則144A證券的美國證券的投資,條件是:
2.3. 各子基金可以其不多於10%的資產淨值投資於由同一機構發行的可轉讓證券及貨幣市場工具,但該子基金在同一發行機構的投資比重若超過5%,則其持有該等發行機構的可轉讓證券或貨幣市場工具的總值須少於40%。
2.4. 在央行事先批准下,若信用機構在成員國設有註冊辦事處而且依法受特別的公眾監管以保障債券持有人,則就該機構發行的債券而言,上述10%的限額
2.5. 若可轉讓證券或貨幣市場工具是由成員國或其地區 當局或非成員國或一名或以上成員國所屬的公共國 際機構發行或擔保,則上述10%的限額(第2.3段)可提高至35%。
2.6. 就第2.3段所述的40%限額而言,第2.4、2.5段所述的可轉讓證券及貨幣市場工具不應計算在內。
2.7. 任何子基金不可以其20%以上的資產淨值投資於在同一信用機構所作的存款。
(歐洲經濟區成員國除外)(瑞士、加拿大、日本、美國)獲認可的信用機構或在澤西島、xxx、馬 恩島、澳洲或紐西蘭獲認可的信用機構除外),若 作為輔助流動資金的存款,不可逾越淨資產的10%。
2.8. 任何子基金就場外市場(「場外交易」)衍生工具的交易對手產生的投資風險,不可超越該子基金資產淨值的5%。
對於在歐洲經濟區獲認可的信用機構,在1988年7 月的《巴塞爾聚合資本協定》簽署國(瑞士、加拿 大、日本、美國),但歐洲經濟區成員國除外獲認 可的信用機構或在澤西島、xxx、馬恩島、澳洲 或紐西蘭獲認可的信用機構,此限額可提高至10%。
2.9. 無論上文第2.3、2.7及2.8段如何規定,對由同一機構發行的或作出的或承辦的下列兩項或以上不同組合的投資,不可超越淨資產淨值的20%:
2.10. 上文第2.3、2.4、2.5、2.7、2.8及2.9段所述的限額不可結合計算,因此在單一機構的投資不應超逾資產淨值的35%。
2.11. 就第2.3、2.4、2.5、2.7、2.8及2.9段而言,集團公司均視為單一發行人。但就同一集團內的可轉讓證券及貨幣市場工具的投資而言,可適用淨資產價值20%的限額。
2.12. 各子基金可將其資產淨值最高達100%投資於由任何成員國、其地區當局、非成員國或公共國際機構
(一個或多個成員國屬於其成員)、任何經合組織成員國、歐洲投資銀行、歐洲復興開發銀行、國際金融公司、國際貨幣基金、歐洲原子能共同體、亞洲開發銀行、 歐洲中央銀行、 歐洲理事會、 Eurofima、非洲開發銀行、國際復興開發銀行(世界銀行)、美洲開發銀行、歐盟、聯邦國家房貸協會( Fannie Mae ) 、 聯邦住宅抵押貸款公司
( Freddie Mac ) 、政府國家房貸協會( Ginnie Mae)、學生貸款營銷協會(Sallie Mae)、聯邦住宅貸款銀行、聯邦農業信用銀行、田納西河谷管理局(Tennessee Valley Authority)、經合組織政府
3. 獲取重大影響力的限制
3.1. 若子基金或基金經理就其管理的所有集合投資計劃行事時購入任何附有投票權的股份後,能對發行機構的管理行使重大的影響力,則該子基金或基金經理不可購入該等股份。
3.2. 各子基金不可購入:
(i) 任何單一發行機構的無投票權股份的 10%以上;
(ii) 任何單一發行機構的債券的 10%以上;
(iii) 任何單一集合投資計劃的股份/單位的 25%以上;
(iv) 任何單一發行機構的貨幣市場工具的 10%以上。
3.3. 第 3.1 及 3.2 段並不適用於:
(i) 由成員國或其地區當局發行或擔保的可轉讓證券及貨幣市場工具;
(ii) 由非成員國發行或擔保的可轉讓證券及貨幣市場工具;
(iii) 由一名或以上成員國所屬的公共國際機構發行的可轉讓證券及貨幣市場工具;
(iv) 任何子基金對於在非成員國登記成立的公司
(該公司將其資產主要投資於在該國設有註冊 辦事處的發行機構所發行的證券)所持有的股 權,而根據該國的法規,持有該等股權是該子 基金投資於該國發行機構的證券的唯一途徑。 只有在該來自非成員國的公司的投資政策符合 第 2.3 至 2.11 段、第 3.1、3.2、3.4、4.1、4.2、
5.1 及 5.2 段訂明的限額的情況下,此項寬免才可適用,另外,若超越這些限額,即須遵守第
5.1 及第 5.2 段規定;
(v) 一間或以上的投資公司在附屬公司持有的股權,而該等附屬公司在其所在國從事的是純粹按股 份/單位持有人的要求為他們再買入股份/單 位的有關管理、諮詢或市場推廣的業務。
3.4. 各子基金在就構成其資產一部分的可轉讓證券及貨幣市場工具行使所附有的申購權時,無須遵守本文規定的投資限制。
4. 投資於集合投資計劃
4.1. 各子基金不可以其資產淨值的 20%以上投資於任何一個集合投資計劃。
4.2. 在另類投資基金的投資合共不可超逾資產淨值的
4.3. 若一項集合投資計劃本身可將其資產淨值的 10%以上投資於其他集合投資計劃,則不允許對這項集合投資計劃作出投資。
4.4. 各子基金可投資於本基金的其他子基金(惟於子基金中作出的投資自身不會持有本基金其他子基金的基金單位,並受下文第 4.5 條所載條件的規限)。
4.5. 當某一子基金投資於其他集合投資計劃的股份╱單位時,若該集合投資計劃是直接地或根據轉授權力
4.6. 若子基金的基金經理或投資經理因投資於另一集合投資計劃的單位╱股份而收到佣金(包括回佣),該佣金必須撥入該子基金的財產。
5. 一 般 條 文
5.1. 央行可容許最近獲認可的可轉讓證券集合投資計劃 從其獲認可之日起六個月內寬免於第 2.3 至 2.12 段、第 4.1 及第 4.2 段的規定,條件是該等可轉讓證券 集合投資計劃必須遵守分散風險的原則。
5.2. 若任何子基金因其無法控制的原因或因行使申購權而超逾本文規定的限額,該子基金必須充分考慮到其單位持有人的利益,在其銷售交易中以補救該情況作為首要目標。
5.3. 任何子基金、基金經理或受託人均不可就下列各項進行無備兌出售交易:
5.4. 各子基金可持有輔助性流動資產。
5.5. 任何子基金均不會購入貴金屬或代表該等貴金屬的 證書。這並非禁止任何子基金投資於主要業務是關 於貴金屬的公司發行的可轉換證券或貨幣市場工具。
6. 借款、貸款及交易限制
1. 代表本基金或任何子基金行事的基金經理或受託人都不可借進款項,但各子基金可以臨時借款形式借進款項,但款項合共不可超逾其資產淨值的10%。受託人可為其子基金借款以子基金的資產作抵押。在釐定未償借款的百分比時,貸方結餘(如現金)不能用作抵銷實質借款。
2. 各子基金可透過「對銷」貸款的方式購入外幣。以此方式獲得的外幣,不會就規則第103條所載的借款限制及上文1段而被分類為借款,條件是用作抵銷的存款:
(i) 以有關子基金的計價幣別為單位;
(ii) 價值相等於或超逾未償還的外幣貸款。
3. 在各子基金投資於未繳足股款的債券證券或可轉讓證券、貨幣市場工具、集合投資計劃或金融衍生工具的權力不受損害之下,代表本基金或子基金行事的受託人不得發放貸款或擔任代表第三方行事的擔保人。
4. 各子基金可按照央行訂明的指引為產生額外資本或收入而進行證券借出交易。投資經理須確保所有來
子基金可採用金融衍生工具作避險及有效投資組合管理 用途。有效投資組合管理技巧及工具涉及可轉讓證券或 貨幣市場工具並於使用時須達致下列標準:(a)其於經濟 上適合,可按具成本效益的方式變現以及(b)其乃為一項 或多項下列具體目標而訂立:(i)減低風險;(ii)降低成本; (iii)為單位持有人創造額外資本或收入,而所涉及的風險 程度為與相關子基金的風險程度一致且符合適用的風險
該等技巧及工具可能為交易所買賣或場外衍生工具並將 包括期貨(如貨幣期貨合約)、選擇權、期貨選擇權、 遠期結算交易、可換股證券、混合型證券、結構性票據、信用違約交換及交換協議。期貨合約將用於避險市場風 險或投資相關市場。遠期合約將用於避險或投資於資產、貨幣或存款的增值。選擇權將用於避險或投資特定市場 而非使用實物證券。交換(包括交換選擇權)將用於賺 取利潤以及避險現有長倉。遠期外匯交易將用於降低匯 率的不利市場變動風險或增加外匯投資或將面臨的外匯 波動風險從一個國家轉至另一個國家。信用違約交換將 用於分離及轉移於參考資產或參考資產指數的投資或轉 移與參考資產或參考資產指數相關的信用風險。
期貨合約乃雙方為於未來日期按特定價格或利率買賣證 券、指數或貨幣而訂立的協議。子基金可訂立有關貨幣、利率及證券指數的交換協議,就有效投資組合管理目的 採取該等技巧以避險利率、貨幣匯率或證券價格的變動。採取購買期貨的目的在於作為子基金投資的長倉避險。 採取出售期貨的目的在於作為子基金投資的有限空倉避 險。期貨亦可用於股權化現金結餘,均有待進行現金流 投資及就固定現金目標而言。
有關子基金的有效投資組合管理技巧可能導致交易成本。有效投資組合管理技巧產生的所有收益(扣除直接及間 接營運成本)將返還至相關子基金。有效投資組合管理 技巧產生的任何直接及間接營運成本/費用不包括隱藏 收益,並將按本基金年度報告中所概述的方式支付予有 關實體。年度報告亦將指明該等實體是否為基金經理或 受託人的關係人。
子基金亦可採用選擇權(包括購入同一相關資產的申購 及賣出選擇權的跨式組合)、交換選擇權(授予買家訂 立相關交換協議的權利(而非義務)的選擇權)、期貨、
子基金可出售證券、貨幣、指數或利率的期貨或遠期合 約,這是一個有效率、保持流通及具有效益的風險管理 方法,可「鎖定」收益及/或防止日後價值下跌。子基 金亦可購買證券、貨幣、指數或利率的期貨或遠期合約,這是一個具有成本效益而且有效率的證券持倉方法,可 表現對各幣種的展望或鎖定溢利。
(如標準普爾500指數、xx士丹利資本國際系列指數)、信用指數(如巴克萊系列信用指數、富時100指數以及 FTSE/EPRA/NAREIT指數)。子基金亦可尋求投資於由商 品等不合資格資產構成的金融指數,惟須通過央行審批。在所有情況下,央行關於可轉讓證券集合投資計劃金融 指數的指引均將予以遵守。
子基金持有的資產連結交換可能包括相關附錄所列的股 票、股票相關證券、固定利率或浮動利率債券證券、貨 幣市場工具、指數、貨幣、合資格集合投資計劃、不動產投資信託基金及金融衍生工具。此等交易的交易對手 一般為銀行、投資公司、證券商或其他金融機構或中介。所有交易對手將為央行可轉讓證券集合投資計劃規則所 界定的合資格交易對手。有關交易對手違反責任的風險 及對投資者回報的影響的詳情,請參閱下文「衍生工具 風險」一節。除非相關附錄另行列明,子基金的交換交 易對手將不會對子基金的投資組合組成或管理、或金融 衍生工具的連結資產有任何酌情權,而子基金進行任何 投資組合交易前亦無須取得交易對手批准。
(a) 特定指數或指數系列不再存在;
(b) 有新的指數出現並取代現有的指數;
(c) 難以投資於組成該特定指數的股票;
(d) 指數提供者引入收費,並為基金經理認為屬太高的水平;或
(e) 某一特定指數的素質(包括數據的準確性和提供)按基金經理的意見認為有所惡化。
(1) 回購/反向回購協議(「回購協議」)及證券借貸協議只可按正常市場慣例執行。
(2) 根據回購協議或證券借貸安排獲得的抵押品(有關 子基金附錄可能另行載列者除外)須為現金、高素 質政府債券及股票(以投資經理視為必要者為限),惟該等抵押品無論如何必須符合央行的規定。本基 金已制定扣減政策記錄,詳述收取的各類別資產相 關政策,並已考慮資產特點及按規定進行的任何壓 力測試的結果。
(i) 子基金可悉數由成員國、一個或以上其地區當局、第三方國家或一個或以上成員國所屬的公共國際機構發行或擔保的各種可轉讓證券及貨幣市場工具作抵押。子基金須從至少六種不同的發行類別收取證券,但任何一種發行類別的證券不得超過該子基金資產淨值的30%。
(3) 非現金抵押品:
(i) 不能出售、質押或再投資;
(ii) 必須在交易對手承受信用風險之下持有;
(iii) 必須由獨立於交易對手的機構發出;以及
(iv) 必須分散以避免集中於某一個發行、行業或國家。
(4) 現金抵押品:
(i) 存入相關的機構;
(ii) 優質政府債券;
(iii) 反向回購協議,惟交易必須與受謹慎監管的信用機構訂立,而可轉讓證券集合投資計劃可於任何時間取回全數累計金額;
(iv) ESMA指引按歐洲貨幣市場基金一般定義界定的短期貨幣市場基金(註:CESR/10-049);
(v) 投資現金抵押品應多元化,而且根據適用於非現金抵押品的多樣化需求。
(5) 投資現金抵押品不得存入交易對手或相關機構。再投資現金抵押品令本基金面臨若干風險,如現金抵押品所投資的有關證券的發行人違約風險。投資者應就此查閱本發行章程「風險因素」,以獲取有關交易對手風險及信用風險的資料。
(6) 回購協議或證券借貸協議的交易對手必須至少具有 A-2或同等信用評級,或必須被有關子基金視作具有隱含的A-2評級。另一方面,如有關子基金因交易對手違約所蒙受的損失獲一間具有A-2或同等評級的機構作出賠償保證或擔保,則無評級的交易對手亦可予接受。
(7) 有關子基金應確保可隨時取回任何借出的證券或終止其訂立的證券借貸協議。
(8) 回購協議、證券借出或證券借貸協議並不構成規則的規則第103條及規則第111條分別提述的借進及借出。
此等組合安排乃為減少營運及其他開支而設的行政手段,並不會改變單位持有人的法律權利及義務。組合並不構 成獨立法律實體,亦不可與投資人或債權人直接接觸。 各參與子基金仍可獲享其特定資產。
組合在整體而言毋須負上責任,因各參與子基金的資產 應為該參與子基金獨有擁有、應獨立於其他參與子基金、不應用作直接或間接解除任何其他參與子基金的負債或 申索及不應就該目的而提供。
(i) 子基金持有的衍生工具的未平倉持倉的總值不得超過其資產淨值的40%。
(ii) 如境外基金投資於中國的證券市場,只可投資於已上市的證券及銀行間債券市場,而其百分比總計不得超出資產淨值的20%。「中國證券市場」指投資於中國內地境內的任何證券交易所的證券及銀行間債券市場;香港及澳門並不包括在內。有關認可交易所名單(包括位於中國內地的該等交易所)的資料請參閱附件II。
(iii) 台灣投資者於每檔境外基金中的投資額不得超過 FSC 指定的若干限額。此限額為資產淨值的50%,惟在基金經理獲授權獲免的情況下,此限額為資產淨值的70%。
場的投資組合最高比重。「有關區域」定義見中華民國監管境外基金的規則。最高限額為資產淨值的 50%。
存託憑證是由銀行發行的可轉讓金融工具,以代表一家 外國公司的公開買賣股份。存託憑證在本地交易所買賣。
抵押債券證券 (CDO)
抵押債券證券是由一組債券、貸款及其他資產所抵押的 證券。CDO並非只專注於某一類債券,因此,抵押債券 證券可擁有公司債券、商業貸款、資產抵押證券、住宅 抵押擔保證券、商業抵押擔保證券及新興市場債券。抵押債券證券的證券通常分為若干具備不同投資評級或信 用風險承受程度的類別或債券級別。大部分抵押債券證 券發行的形式均旨在令優先債券類別及次級類別獲得投 資級別的信用評級;信用風險則轉移到最初級的證券類 別。如保證抵押債券證券的資產發生任何違約,優先債 券類別會首先獲支付本金及利息,繼而是次級類別,最 後是最低評級(或不獲評級)類別,其又稱為股票級別。
差價合約 (CFD)
信用違約交換 (CDS)
信用連結票據 (CLN)
集合投資計劃 (CIS)
金融衍生工具 (FDI)
有關使用金融衍生工具作投資目的以及作避險和有效的組合管理用途的進一步詳情,可參閱「本基金資產的投資 - 金融衍生工具交易」一節。
子基金可出售證券、貨幣、債券、指數或利率的期貨, 這是一個有效率、保持流通及具有效益的風險管理方法,可「鎖定」收益及/或防止日後價值下跌。子基金亦可 購買證券、貨幣、債券、指數或利率的期貨,這是一個 具有成本效益而且有效率的證券持倉方法。
貨幣市場工具為涉及短期借貸及符合以下其中一項準則的資產:(a)於發行時到期日最長達(及包括)397日;(b)其剩餘到期日最長達(及包括)397日;(c)其最低限度每397日一次根據貨幣市場環境定期對收益率作出調整; (d)其風險概況,包括信用及利率風險,與具有上文第(a)
(例如存款證及銀行承兌匯票)、由超國家機構或政府、其機關、部委和政治分支發行或以其他方式作出擔保的 證券。
場外交易 (OTC)
不動產投資信託基金 (REIT)
一般而言,交換為兩名交易對手之間的一項合約性協議,據此來自兩項參考資產按預定的時間收到的現金流進行 交換,而原訂的條款訂明該交換的現值為零。交換可延 展一段長時間,一般訂明按定期基準作出付款。在大部 分交換合約下,交換的名義本金額並不進行交換,但將 用以計算定期付款。交換通常在場外進行買賣。
利率交換涉及由一項子基金與另一方交換其各自作出或 收取利息付款的承諾(例如以固定利率付款交換浮動利 率付款)。於利率交換協議規定的各付款日,各訂約方 應付的淨額由一方支付予另一方。貨幣交換為兩方之間 以一種貨幣於未來付款交換為以另一種貨幣付款的協議。此等協議用於轉換資產及負債的計值貨幣。有別於利率 交換,貨幣交換必須包括於到期時交換本金。
就證券及證券指數而言,子基金可運用總回報交換合約,一般按某股票或固定收益票據或證券指數的總回報,將 浮動利率現金流量轉換為固定現金流量,反之亦然,此 等合約容許子基金控制對某些證券或證券指數所承受的 風險。就此等票據而言,子基金的回報取決於利率相對 於相關證券或指數的走勢。
傳統概念裡認股權證是一項證券,賦予持有人權利按指 定價格購買發行公司的股票。認股權證的特性與申購選 擇權相似,但一般與優先股或債券一併發行或就企業行 動而發行,其價值通常很低。還有其他種類的認股權證,包括(但不限於)金融機構發行的貨幣認股權證及指數 認股權證(可以或不可以在證券交易所買賣)。該等認 股權證或具有申購或賣出選擇權的特點。
(及其各自團隊)均維護適當的資訊科技系統。然而, 與任何其他系統相似,該等系統可能存在技術故障風險,導致營運中斷,例如無法平倉及阻礙交易或計算資產淨 值。該等系統可能亦受到網絡安全攻擊的風險,導致數 據安全違約、發生竊取事件、基金經理、投資經理、行 政及過戶代理人及/或受託人的服務受到干擾、導致名 譽損害或平倉能力以及敏感及保密資料遭洩露或損壞。 儘管設有檢測及預防該等違規及確保該等資料的安全、 完整及保密性的政策及程序,以及設有業務持續及災難 恢復措施,該等安全違規仍可能潛在地導致資產損失及 可能令本基金面臨重大金融及/或法律風險。
貨幣風險 — 基金單位類別貨幣風險
貨幣風險 — 避險單位類別
投資商品的子基金可透過綜合複製商品指數的表現來實 現。相關指數可將投資集中於跨國市場的特定商品期貨。商品價格受(其中包括)多項宏觀經濟因素影響,例如 供求關係之變化、天氣狀況及其他自然現象、農業、貿 易、財務、貨幣及政府外匯管制計劃及政策(包括政府 於若干市場的干預措施)及其他突發事件。與任何投資 一樣,投資價值可升亦可跌,視乎相關商品市場的表現。任何子公司投資商品的意向將於相關附錄中予以揭露。
在正常業務經營過程中,PineBridge Investments L.P.及其相關聯公司所從事的活動可能出現其本身利益或客戶的利益與本基金及其各子基金的利益互相衝突的情況。
(i) 評估價值由受託人(或在交易涉及受託人的情況
(ii) 交易按在有組織的投資交易所根據其規則可獲得的最佳條款執行;或
(iii) 若(i) 及(ii) 並不實際可行, 該等交易須按受託人
交易對手風險 — 預託
與持有子基金的投資或結算子基金交易的受託人、次託 管人或經紀人進行交易存在風險。本基金的資產獲委託 予受託人進行保管。根據可轉讓證券集合投資計劃指令,受託人應遵守所有適用法律持有及記錄資產。任何子基 金的資產應於受託人的簿冊中經確認為屬於子基金。受 託人持有的證券應根據適用法律法規與受託人的其他證 券/資產分開。該等規定旨在保管資產,但概不保證將 成功保管該等資產,且不排除在受託人破產或無力償債 情況下不歸還財產的風險。因此,投資者面臨受託人在 破產或無力償債時未能全面履行其義務歸還子基金所有 資產的風險。此外,在受託人持有的子基金現金可能不 會與受託人的自有現金/為受託人的其他客戶託管的現 金分開。因此,在受託人破產或無力償債的情況下,子 基金可能被列為無抵押債權人。受託人未必能保留基金 本身的所有資產,但或會使用次託管人網絡,而該等次 託管人並非始終與受託人屬同一集團下的公司。在受託 人可能不承擔責任的情況下,投資者可能面臨次託管人 破產的風險。
等額外的風險提供較高的收益率,反之亦然。一般而言,相比企業債券(特別是信用評級欠佳的企業債券),政 府債券被視為違約風險會較低。然而,信用評級欠佳的 政府債券亦會對子基金構成違約風險。發行人的財務狀 況變動以及一般或對某發行人而言的經濟或政治條件改 變,均為可能對發行人的信用素質和證券價值造成不利 影響的因素。不保證任何類別的發行人將不會面對信用 困難。
此外,交易對手可能存在重大失實xx或遺漏的可能性。該等不準確或不完整可能對一項投資下相關的抵押品的 評估價值造成不利影響。投資經理將在合理範圍內依賴 交易對手作出的聲明的準確性和完整性,但卻無法就該 等準確性或完整性作出保證。在若干情況下,如有關的 付款或分派其後被釐定為一項欺詐交易或是一項優先付 款,則向子基金作出的該等付款可能被追回。
貨幣風險 — 基礎貨幣
歐洲經濟貨幣聯盟(European Economic and Monetary Union)的穩定性及整體狀況存在風險,可能導致歐元區組成發生變動。一個或多個歐元區國家脫离歐元或脫离歐元風險可能導致該等歐元區國家重新推出國家貨幣,或者在更極端的情況下,可能導致歐元完全解體。該等潛在發展情況或對該等方面及相關問題的市場認知可能對子基金的投資價值造成不利影響。單位持有人應審慎考慮歐元區及歐盟的變動如何影響他們於子基金的投資。
此外,若干子基金可能主要投資於歐洲國家。該等子基 金可能承受歐元區的潛在危機所帶來的各種風險(例如 波動性上升的風險、流動性風險、貨幣風險、違約風險)。該等危機可能以各種不同的形式發展,包括但不 限於某國家的信用評級下降、一個或多個國家退出歐元 區、在歐元區內重新推行一種或多種個別貨幣、歐元區 內的政府違約、歐元可能解體或歐元區部分或全部崩潰。此等可能的發展,或市場對此等事況及相關問題的看法,可能對子基金的基金單位的價值造成不利影響。
影響營商的法律、政治及法規持續以無法預計的方式演 變。適用於本基金活動的法律及法規,特別是涉及稅項、投資及交易的該等法律及法規可以十分快速及無法預測 地改變,並可能於任何時候以對本基金的利益不利的方 式作修訂、修改、被廢除或取代。例如以下各項變動: 國際政治發展、政府政策和稅務的變動、外國投資和貨 幣匯出的限制、貨幣波動、利率變動風險、信譽變動, 以及法律、監管和政治氛圍的其他發展,可能對投資的
價值及其可銷性造成影響。本基金、基金經理及/或投 資經理可能會或可能變得受限於不必要的繁鎖和限制性 規則。特別是,為回應近期國際金融市場發生的重大事 件,已經或可能於若干國家地區實施政府干預和若干監 管措施,包括於若干國家地區就若干證券進行賣空的限制。基金經理無法預測該等變動將如何影響金融市場, 但政府干預可能令子基金波動加劇,因而對您的投資造 成虧損風險。因任何市場的不確定性(例如,英國脫歐)所造成的波動,可能意味著子基金及其投資的回報受市 場走勢、匯率下跌或某一國家的政府信用評級下調的不 利影響。這亦使子基金更難以或耗費更多成本執行審慎 的貨幣避險政策。
倘若市場受到干擾及發生其他特殊事件,可能招致龐大 損失。此外,產生損失的風險亦來自在受干擾的市場中,許多持倉變得流動性不足,使得難於或無法為與市場趨 勢相反方向的持倉進行平倉。在受干擾市場中從其銀行、交易商及其他交易對手可得的融資通常會被減少。另外,金融交易所可不時暫停或限制買賣。該項暫停會使得其 難於或無法對受影響持倉進行平倉,因而使子基金蒙受 虧損。
子基金的收入可能因利率或股息率下跌或其他因素而減少。一項基金持有的證券之發行人可能於利率下跌期間贖回該等證券,該等子基金可能須重新投資於支付較低利 率 的 證 券 。 若 子 基 金 持 有 的 債 券 已 預 付
投資目標表示預期結果,但是無法保證將會實現該結果。視乎市場狀況及宏觀經濟環境,子基金的投資目標可能 變得難以實現甚或無法實現,繼而可能導致基金關閉的 風險。概無對子基金實現投資目標之可能性作出任何明 示或暗示保證。
一些國家的公司法律發展並未完全,或可能變動。若子基金投資於該等國家,某些新法規可能對投資的價值造 成在作出投資時不能預見的負面影響。由於此等法規的 效力仍未確定,所以外國單位持有人的權利能得到保障 的程度是無法保證的。此外,某些國家地區亦缺乏合資 格的司法及法律專業人才以解釋新近實施及日後的法律,或就該等法律提出意見。
子基金投資於優先證券存在著若干可能的風險。除非特 定事件發生,否則就發行公司而言,優先證券持有人往 往不具有投票權或投票權受到限制。此外,在公司資本 結構中,優先證券須後償於債券及其他債券工具,故較 此等債券工具將承受更高的信用風險。與債券證券不同,優先證券的股息分派通常須由發行人董事會宣派。
倘優先證券的發行人出現經濟困難,則發行人的優先證 券可能會因發行人董事會宣派股息的可能性降低以及優 先證券可能須後償於同一發行人的其他證券的事實而損 失巨大的價值。此外,由於許多優先證券按固定利率派 息,其市場價格對利率變動敏感的形式可能與債券相似,即隨著利率上升,子基金持有的優先證券的價值可能下 跌。
自2019年1月1日起,部分子基金須遵守現時適用於各類 歐盟規管投資者(包括信用機構、認可另類投資基金經 理、投資公司、保險及再保險企業及職業退休計劃機構)並將適用於可轉讓證券集合投資計劃的若干風險保留及 盡職審查規定(「歐盟風險保留及盡職審查規定」)。 除此之外,歐盟風險保留及盡職審查規定限制受其規限 的投資者投資於證券化的投資,除非(i)有關證券化的發 起人、保薦人或原貸方已明確揭露,其將就若干特定信 用風險部分或證券化投資持續保留不少於5%的淨經濟權 益;及(ii)該投資者能夠證明其已就多項事宜,包括但不 限於其票據持倉、相關資產及(如屬若干類別的投資者)有關保薦人或發起人進行若干盡職審查。
因結算問題無法出售證券或會導致子基金因證券的價值 隨後下跌而蒙受損失,或若子基金已訂立合約以出售證 券,則可能導致其可能需向買方負責。倘未及時收到有 關申購的清算資金,會面臨透支利息的風險。倘預期申 購款項由於隨後證券價值於出售時下跌而無法隨後結清,投資經理已訂立合約以購買證券,則可能招致損失。
根據中國國家稅務總局於1993 年7 月發佈的國稅發 [1993]45號函,關於在中華人民共和國(「中國」)並無設立機構的外國企業,其出售中國企業所發行H股之所得的資本增值和該等H股發行人派發的股息,均免徵預扣企業所得稅。但是,《外國企業所得稅法》自2008年1月1日起被《企業所得稅法》廢除後,國稅發[1993]45號函亦同時失效。
國稅函[2008]897號文件(「897號文」)對中國企業所 發行H股的外國企業投資者所獲股息課稅的問題作出通知。根據897號文,發行H股的中國居民企業向境外H股非居 民企業股東派發2008年及以後年度股息時,須按10%的 稅率預扣企業所得稅。倘非居民企業股東符合享受稅收 協定待遇,可就已徵稅款和根據稅收協定規定稅率計算 的應納稅款的差額予以退稅。
基金經理已代表本基金成立傘子基金現金賬戶,並會透過此賬戶處理申購、贖回及分派。倘若傘子基金現金賬戶內持有之數額 (i) 因贖回或股息活動而須向某投資者作出繳付,但卻因例如收到不完整的反錢文件而未能向該名投資者支付,或 (ii) 乃在收到配發基金單位所須之有關文件前從某投資者上收到入賬,投資者應注意,投資者在上述情況下並不具有單位持有人的地位。在本基金或相關子基金無力償債的情況下,投資者在傘子基金現金賬戶內的款項之權利與本基金的無抵押債權人相同。在上述(i)的情況下,任何有待解決的問題應當即時處理。若投資者在被要求付款當日未能就相關基金單位繳付任何應付金額,基金經理可取消配發該等基金單位,或向單位持有人發出通知,要求支付拖欠金額,並連同任何應計利息及因欠繳而導致本基金或任何子基金產生的任何之費用一併繳付。如基金經理取消配發基金單位,已收取的金額會退回申請人,風險由申請人承擔,並扣除對本基金或任何子基金產生的任何費用。
發行人通常是高槓桿機構,因此在市況逆轉的時候,這 些機構的還款能力可能受到損害。證券如具有較低評級,反映出其發行人的財務狀況更可能出現不利變化,可能 會影響發行人還本付息的能力。因無法還本付息所帶來 的損失風險,遠較投資級別的證券為高,因為該等證券 資本結構為次級,故須後償於優先證券持有人因其對發行人資產提出申索的權益較小。倘若低於投資級別證券 的發行人違約或清算,會有較大的風險遇上發行人的資本/資產不足以償付其所有負債及低投資評級證券的持 有人(被評級為無抵押債權人)在該等情況下損失其全 部投資。
低於投資級別證券的市場較高素質證券的市場為小,活 躍程度亦較低,會對證券可予出售的價格造成不利影響。倘若並無若干較低評級證券的定期次級市場買賣,投資 經理在對該等證券及至子基金的資產進行評估價值時會 有困難。
由評級機構釐定的信用評級具局限性,未必無時無刻都 能準確或可靠地計算所作出的投資的實力,且並不擔保 證券及/或發行人在任何時候的信用可靠度。如該等信 用評級被證實不準確或不可靠,該等投資可能產生虧損。
抵押擔保證券及資產抵押證券承受利率及提前付款風險,此等風險影響其價格和波動性。當利率上升,抵押擔保 相關證券的價值一般將會下跌;然而,當利率下跌,附 帶提前付款特點的抵押擔保相關證券的價值升幅或未如 其他固定收益證券。如提前付款的比率出乎意料地上升,可以預期該證券將實際到期及波動性將增加。此外, 此 等證券的價值可能因應市場對發行人信譽的期許而出現 波動。機構抵押擔保證券是由準政府機構創設的抵押擔
保證券。商業抵押擔保證券是由商業抵押貸款支持的抵 押擔保證券,而非由住宅房產抵押貸款支持。除此之外,雖然抵押擔保及抵押擔保相關證券一般以一些政府或私 人擔保及/或保險的形式作為支持,不保證私人擔保人 或保險人將履行其責任。
交易所買賣及場外交易信用衍生工具可屬波動,並涉及 若干風險,包括承受高的虧損風險。在作為避險用途時,此等工具與被避險的相關投資或市場行業的相互關係並 不完全。場外交易衍生工具,例如信用衍生工具的交易 會因並無任何用作將未平倉的交易平倉之交易市場而涉 及額外風險。
運用場外交易衍生工具,例如遠期合約、交換協議及差 價合約會令相關子基金承受與有關交易對手相關的信用 風險及合約的法律文件未必準確地反映各方意願的風險。
就場外交易衍生工具而言,投資經理在其衍生工具主體協議中一般遵循國際證券經銷商聯合會(ISDA)制定的標準,ISDA 交換確認書須倚賴人手記錄及檢查,以確保完整及正確地記錄交易條款。
投資經理在洽談衍生工具合約主體文件時,將使用在使 用衍生工具和製備文件方面均擁有豐富經驗的內外部律 師,並使用合理的商業程序,處理及監控所有法律和記 錄事宜,尤其是合約的可執行性及限制條款相關的事宜。
儘管上文程序已有規定,但由於此等合約在法律上具有 可執行性的疑問,或者合約並未準確反應出各方的意圖,或者各方對合約條款有爭議(不論是否真實),仍存在 交易對手可能不根據交易的條款及條件結算交易從而使 子基金遭受虧損的風險。
子基金可以作為付款支付方或收取方訂立交換。若基金 以淨額基準訂立利率或總回報交換,則兩項支付資金流 將互相抵銷,每一方只收取或支付(視情況而定)兩項 付款的淨額。以淨額基準訂立的利率或總回報交換不涉及投資、其他相關資產或本金的實物交付。因此,利率 交換的損失風險擬僅限於子基金按照合約必須支付的利 息付款淨額(或如屬總回報交換,參考投資、指數或一 籃子投資的總回報率與固定或浮動付款之間的淨差額)。
買賣期貨、遠期及選擇權合約和相關子基金可投資的多 種其他工具涉及重大風險。若干工具對利率及匯率敏感,這意味其價值及因此資產淨值將如利率及/或匯率波動 般變動。故此,子基金的表現將部分取決於其預計及回 應該等市場利率波動的能力,以及在嘗試盡量減低其投 資資本的附帶風險時,運用適當策略為相關子基金盡量 取得最大回報之能力而定。投資經理對市場波動程度的 預期與實際波動的差異可能會產生重大損失。
此外,子基金面臨與結算衍生工具交易相關的執行風險,原因是可能並無任何結算成員願意代子基金結算特定交 易。在該情況下,交易可能必須終止,子基金可能會在 交易時間之後損失交易價值增加帶來的部分或全部收益。此外,結算成員起草的規管子基金與結算成員之間關係 的文件通常不可予以協商,因此相較於典型的雙邊衍生工具的文件,對子基金而言較為不利。相關情況可能
子基金可使用金融衍生工具執行合成短倉。合成短倉涉 及出售子基金並未實際擁有的證券。可轉讓證券集合投 資計劃禁止對證券進行無備兌賣空交易。如子基金已作 出短倉的工具或市場價格上升,則子基金將招致由訂立 短倉之時起價格上升所致的損失,另加已支付予交易對 手的任何選擇權金及利息。因此,作出短倉涉及損失可 能被誇大的風險,損失的金錢可能多於投資的實際成本。
(i) 沒收、充公稅項、國有化,以及社會、政治及經濟方面的不穩定性;
(ii) 發行人市場現有的規模細小,以及交投量偏低或不存在,導致缺乏流動性、價格波動性,以及應提出的贖回要求贖回基金單位可能因投資缺乏流動性的性質而受到延遲;
(iii) 若干限制投資機會的國家政策,包括有關投資於被視為對相關國家利益敏感之發行人或行業的限制;
(iv) 缺乏監管私人或外國投資及私人財產的已發展法律架構;
(v) 基本法律架構及會計、審計及申報標準可能未能提供水平與在國際上普遍應用者相同的股東保障或投資者資訊;
(vi) 在證券的擁有權及代管方面,即在若干國家內,擁有權以在公司或其註冊處的登記冊之記項為 憑證。在該等情況下,受託人或其任何當地通 訊處或在有效的中央存管系統內概無持有任何 代表公司擁有權之證書;及
(vii) 相對於投資在已發展國家的發行人之證券而言,可能會經歷重大不利經濟發展,包括貨幣匯率 大幅貶值或貨幣波動不穩、利率上升或經濟增 長率下跌。
(「深港通」) 投資及直接參與若干合資格中國A股
每項「中港通」包括北向交易通及南向交易通兩部分。 在北向交易通下,香港及海外投資者(包括相關子基金)可透過投資於分別在上交所及深交所上市的合資格股份。
在滬港通機制下,香港及海外投資者(包括相關子基金)可能獲准透過北向交易通買賣若干在上交所上市的中國A 股,惟須符合不時頒佈或修訂的規則和法規,包括不時 的上證180指數的成份股、上證380指數的成份股,以及 不在上述指數成份股內但有H股同時在香港聯合交易所有 限公司(「聯交所」)上市及買賣的上交所上市中國A股,但不包括下列股票:(i)所有以人民幣以外貨幣報價的滬 股;以及(ii)所有被實施風險警示的滬股。
在深港通機制下,香港及海外投資者(包括相關子基金)可能獲准透過北向交易通買賣若干在深交所上市的股票,惟須符合不時頒佈或修訂的規則和法規,包括深證成份 指數和深證中小創新指數市值不少於人民幣60億元的成 份股,以及有H股同時在聯交所上市的深交所上市A股, 但不包括下列股票:(i)所有以人民幣以外貨幣報價的深 股;以及(ii)所有被實施風險警示的深股。
有關中港通的詳情可瀏覽網頁: xxxx:// gCode=tc。
中國市場的相關風險類似於上文所述的「新興市場風險」。考慮到政府對資源分配擁有極大控制權,此類市 場固有的風險為政治和法律不確定性、匯率波動和管制、改革或國有化缺乏政府支持及資產徵用。該等風險可能 對相關子基金的表現產生不利影響。
在極端情況下,缺乏流動性可能會令貨幣避險無法執行。基金經理將盡力實施避險並盡可能降低交易成本。然而,基金經理能否成功進行此等行動並無保證且其無法消除 上述風險或交易成本。避險交易的成本及收益/虧損將 單獨計入相關避險類別並將反映於該類別的每基金單位 資產淨值內。
為確保市場公平有序及審慎管理風險,聯交所、上交所 及深交所各保留必要時暫停北向及/或南向交易的權利,因而可能對相關子基金進入中國大陸市場的能力造成不 利影響。
中國大陸的法規規定投資者在出售任何股份前,其賬戶 必須持有足夠股份,否則上交所或深交所(視情況而定)將拒絕相關的出售指令。聯交所將對其參與者(即股票 經紀商)的中國A股賣盤指令進行交易前檢查,以確保不 會發生超賣情況。
如罕有地發生中國結算違約及中國結算被宣佈為失責者,香港結算將盡可能通過可用的法律途徑或透過中國結算 違約後的公司清算程序向中國結算追討所欠的股票和款 項。在此情況下,相關子基金在追討過程中可能遭受延 誤或可能無法向中國結算追回全部損失。
由於透過中港通買賣的中國A股均以無紙化形式發行,故 投資者(例如有關子基金)將不會持有中國A股的任何實物。通過北向交易購買中國A股的香港及海外投資者(例如相關子基金)應透過其經紀或於中央結算及交收系統
(「中央結算系統」,由香港結算操作用以結算在聯交 所上市或買賣的證券)的託管人的股票帳戶持有中國A股。
就海外投資者(包括相關子基金)透過中港通獲得的中國A股而言,香港結算是此等證券的「名義持有人」。中國證監會的《中港通規定》明確規定投資者(例如相關子基金)依法享有通過中港通買入的中國A股的權利和權益。因而,根據此等規定,香港及海外投資者(例如相關子基金)作為最終投資者會被中華人民共和國法律法規認定擁有中國A股的受益權。中央結算系統一般規則第 824條確認,由香港結算作為名義持有人所持有中國A股的全部所有權概屬中央結算系統參與者或其客戶(視乎情況)。中央結算系統一般規則第824條亦訂明,香港結算於必要時願意協助中國A股的實益擁有人向中國結算提供證明,證實中央結算系統參與者或其客戶持有中股通股票;及經考慮本身法定責任,並在符合香港結算合理要求的條件(包括即時繳付香港結算滿意的費用及堂費以及支付賠贘)下,協助中央結算系統參與者或其客戶以中國法律所要求的方式在中國境內採取法律行動。
由於通過中港通進行北向交易的違約事宜並不涉及於聯 交所或香港期貨交易所有限公司上市或買賣的產品,故 彼等不受投資者賠償基金所保障。另一方面,由於有關 子基金乃透過香港券商而非中國大陸券商進行北向交易,故彼等不受中國大陸的中國證券投資者保護基金所保障。
基金經理及/或投資經理保留就投資於中國大陸證券的 有關子基金的收益作出稅款撥備的權利,因而會影響有 關子基金的評估價值。鑒於中國大陸證券的若干收益是 否應及如何繳稅的不確定性、中國大陸法律、法規及慣 例變動的可能性以及追溯徵稅的可能性,基金經理及/ 或投資經理作出的任何稅款撥備可能超出或不足以履行 出售中國大陸證券產生的收益的最終中國大陸稅務責任。因此,投資者受惠與否須視乎該等收益須如何繳稅的最 終結果、撥備水平及彼等從有關子基金購買及/或出售 其股份的時間而定。
於2014年11月14日,財務部、國家稅務總局及中國證監會共同頒佈關於中港通有關稅收政策的財稅[2014] 81號通知(「81號通知」)。根據81號通知,對香港及海外投資者(例如子基金)通過中港通買賣中國A股所得收益將暫免征收企業所得稅、個人所得稅及營業稅,自2014年11月17日起生效。然而,香港及海外投資者(例如子基金)須就股息及/或紅股按10%比率繳稅,該等稅款將由上市公司預扣並向有關機關繳付。
有關法規迄今未經考驗,並不確定其將如何獲應用。此 外,現行法規可予以更改。概不保證中港通不會被廢除。可通過中港通投資中國大陸市場的有關子基金可能因有 關變動而受到不利影響。
中小企業板及/或創業板的上市公司通常屬新興性質, 經營規模較小。因此,相較於在深交所主板上市的公司,該等公司的股價及流動性波動較大,且面臨更高的風險,換手率亦更高。
中小企業板及/或創業板上市的股票評估價值可能過高,而該極高評估價值可能無法持續。由於流通股較少,股 價可能更易被操控。
監 管 差 異
除 牌 風 險
與RQFII 額度相關的風險(「RQFII 風險」)
RQFII風險源於RQFII相關投資法規的應用及闡釋相對未經 過測試。由於中國當局及監管機構在該等投資法規中擁 有廣泛酌情權,且該等酌情權現時或將來會如何行使並 不存在先例或確定性,因此無法確定有關法規將如何應 用。有關RQFII的適用法律,規則和法規可能會產生變化,而此等變化可能具有潛在的追溯效力。
RQFII 額度分配及衝突風險
RQFII 投資限制風險
中國A股的流動性均受上海及/或深圳證券交易所對某 些股票不時施加的暫時或永久暫停交易,或監管機構或 政府任何針對特定投資或普遍市場的干預影響。任何該 等暫停或企業行動或會使有關子基金無法就透過RQFII進 行一般管理及定期調整子基金的投資或為滿足贖回請求 而購入或放售在有關股票的持倉。該等情況亦可能導致 子基金的資產淨值難以確定,並可能使子基金蒙受損失。為減輕中國A股市場價格極端波動的影響,上海及深圳證 券交易所目前限制中國A股在一個交易日內的價格波動幅 度。每日限額僅適用於價格變動,並不限制相關限額內 的交易。然而,該限額並不限制潛在的損失,因為該限 額可能導致任何相關證券未能以該等證券的公允或可能的可變現價值作出清算,即相關子基金可能無法處置不 利倉位。中國A股亦未必時刻能在交易所流動市場上進 行買賣。
對於 RQXXX x管人及其他中國資產存管人的交易對手風險
RQFII在中國篩選經紀人(「中國經紀人」)為子基金於中國市場執行交易。RQFII可能只就深交所及上交所各指定一名中國經紀人,亦可能為同一經紀人。根據慣例,由於中國要求證券要透過最初購買的同一中國經紀人出售,因此RQFII可能只就各中國證券交易所委任一名中國經紀人。倘若因任何原因導致RQFII無法在中國使用有關經紀人,子基金的運作可能會受到不利影響。子基金亦可能因任何中國經紀人在執行或結算任何交易或轉讓任何資金或證券時的作為或不作為而招致虧損。然而, RQXXXx選擇中國經紀人時,應考慮佣金率的競爭力,相關訂單的規模和執行標準等因素。相關子基金可能會因中國經紀人的違約,破產或取消資格而蒙受損失。在此情況下,子基金或會因透過該中國經紀人執行的交易而受到不利影響。因此,子基金的資產淨值亦可能受到不利影響。為減輕中國經紀人的風險,RQFII採用特定程序確保所選擇的每名中國經紀人均為信譽良好的機構,並確保信用風險處於子基金可接受的程度。
就開放式基金的RQFII而言,目前RQFII可每日根據申購或贖回的淨額匯款和調回中國人民幣,RQFII同時可以指示 RQFII託管人匯款和調回其他產品(或資本)的資金,並不受調回限制,亦不設任何禁售期或須事先獲得監管部門的批准,儘管境內人民幣在境外移動受到限制,以及會被進行真實性和合規性審查,且RQFII託管人須向國家外匯管理局提交匯款和調回的月度報告。然而,無法保證中國的規則和法規不會作出更改,又或者未來將不會實施調回限制。此外,此等對中國規則和法規的變更可能有追溯效用。任何施加於有關RQFII准入子基金現金的調回限制可能會對子基金滿足贖回要求的能力造成不利影響。此外,由於XXXXX託管人須就每次調回進行真實性和合規性審查,若有不遵守RQFII規則和條例的情況, RQFII託管人可能會延遲甚至拒絕調回。在這種情況下,贖回所得款項將在切實可行的情況下及在有關資金調回完成後向提出贖回的單位持有人支付。完成相關調回所需的實際時間可能超出RQFII的控制範圍。
投資經理挑選的相關基金可能涉及槓桿及廣泛地使用金 融衍生工具,因而間接令子基金承受與金融衍生工具有 關的風險,從而導致子基金虧損的風險上升。這包括使 用借入款項及投資於選擇權,例如賣出及申購選擇權、 受規管的期貨合約,以及認股權證。此外,該等基金可 能從事賣空。一方面該等策略和技巧會令所投資的金額 達致較高回報的機會較高,惟同時會令損失的風險增加。一般而言利率的水平,及特別而言借入該等資金的利率,可對子基金的營運業績造成影響。
印度外匯管制(關於PineBridge Investments GF Mauritius Limited)的風險
PineBridge Investments GF Mauritius Limited(「模里西斯附屬公司」)在印度的銀行賬戶須按照印度儲備銀行根據印度外匯法規的規則而運作。同時擔任匯款銀行的印度副保管人將獲授權代表模里西斯附屬公司兌換貨幣及調回資本和收入。概不能保證印度政府在未來不會施行若干外匯限制。
作為模里西斯的納稅居民, 模里西斯附屬公司須根據
《1995年入息稅法》繳納稅率為15%的稅項。然而,模里西斯附屬公司將有權取得就其並非源自模里西斯的收入之稅項對參考該相同收入而計算的模里西斯稅項之抵免。如並無向模里西斯稅務局提交顯示就模里西斯附屬公司在模里西斯境外賺取的收入收取的外國稅金額的書面證明,該外國稅金額應不可推翻地推定為相等於應就該項收入可收取的模里西斯稅項的80%,這實際會將稅率減至3%。如外國稅稅率超過12%,實際稅率可在若干情況下進一步減低。 此外,出售模里西斯附屬公司所持有證券的資本收益稅豁免繳付模里西斯稅項。
模里西斯及印度共和國兩地政府於2016年5月10日簽署了一份修訂條約之議定書(「該議定書」)。根據該議定書,原有提供予模里西斯附屬公司的稅務待遇將由 2017 年4 月1 日起大幅度減少或全面撤銷。因此,由
子基金的交易對手風險將來自已經取得合資格境外機構 投資者額度的不同第三方。然而,在現有規則及法規下,已制定嚴格的資格規定,只有大型的國際金融機構可符 合資格成為合資格境外機構投資者。合資格境外機構投 資者必須擁有龐大的繳足資本及管理龐大金額的資產。
過往,中國是中央規劃經濟,中國政府負責制定整個國 家的每年及五年計劃,當中訂明若干經濟目標。自1978 年起,中國政府已採納多項政策,加快中國經濟增長及 社會發展。該等政策不少是前所未有的或屬實驗性質的,並預期會不時修訂及調整。其他政治、經濟及社會考慮 因素亦可能令有關政策出現其他變動。雖然董事相信修 訂或調整該等政策將對子基金於中國的投資有利,但現 不能確保有關修訂或調整將永遠對子基金的投資具正面 影響。子基金於在中國進行業務的公司的投資,可能因 中國的政治、經濟及社會狀況變動、中國政府的政策變 動﹙例如法規及法規﹙或其詮釋﹚的變動、引入遏抑通 脹的措施、實施稅務、徵費及費用以及施加有關貨幣匯 兌及匯款至海外的限制﹚而受到不利影響。
債券通乃中國外匯交易中心暨全國銀行間同業拆借中心、中央國債登記結算有限責任公司及銀行間市場清算所股 份有限公司(統稱「內地基礎設施機構」)與香港交易及結算有限公司及香港債券工具中央結算系統(統稱
子基金的某類別基金單位若以基礎貨幣以外的貨幣計值,可就該類別基金單位的指定貨幣與該相關子基金資產計 值的基礎貨幣之間的匯率波動風險進行避險。此外,基 金經理可發行「HL」基金單位類別。該等類別基金單位 不論是否以基礎貨幣或以其他貨幣計值,均可避險因投 資於以基礎貨幣以外的貨幣計值的資產而在子基金層面 所產生的該類別基金單位的指定貨幣與所涉及貨幣之間 的匯率波動風險。
倘避險交易成功進行,如已避險類別的價值相對於有關 子基金資產的基礎貨幣及/或計值貨幣有所上升或下跌,已避險的基金單位類別的單位持有人將不會受到影響或 得益。
重要資料 | A類別 | C類別 | J類別 | L類別 | M類別 | R類別 | SR類別 | X類別 | Y類別 | YY類別 | Z類別 | |||||||||
交易頻率(除有關附錄中另有訂明 外)及截止時間 | 每日愛爾蘭時間中午12時 | 每日愛爾蘭時間中午12時 | 每日愛爾蘭時間中午12時 | 每日愛爾蘭時間中午12時 | 每日愛爾蘭時間中午 12時 | 每日愛爾蘭時間中午12時 | 每日愛爾蘭時間中午12時 | 每日愛爾蘭時間中午12時 | 每日愛爾蘭時間中午12時 | 每日愛爾蘭時間中午12時 | 每日愛爾蘭時間中午12時 | |||||||||
申購結算 | T+3 | T+3 | T+3 | T+3 | T+3 | T+3 | T+3 | T+3 | T+3 | T+3 | T+3 | |||||||||
贖回結算 | 柏瑞亞洲(日本除外)股票基金、柏瑞亞洲(日本除外)小型公司股票基金、柏瑞印度股票基金及柏瑞日本小型公司股票基金為T+5,所有其他子基金為T+3。在特殊情況下並在其他相關附錄中訂明,為保障基金單位持有人的利益,基金經理保留權利將贖回結算期延長至相關交易日後最多十個營業日。 | |||||||||||||||||||
最低首次申購額及最低持有額(以貨幣排列) | 1,000 | 澳元 | 1,000 歐元 1,000 英鎊 125,000 日圓 1,000 美元 | 100萬 | 美元 | 無 | 1,000 | 美元 | 1,000 | 歐元 | 2,000 | 萬 歐元 | 1,000萬 | 歐元 | 100萬 | 澳元 | 2,500萬 | 澳元 | 2,500萬 | 美元 |
1,000 | 加元 | 1.25億 | 日圓 | 1,000 | 英鎊 | 2,000 | 萬 英鎊 | 1,000萬 | 英鎊 | 100萬 | 加元 | 2,500萬 | 加元 | 10億 | 日圓 | |||||
1,000 | 瑞士法郎 | 1,000 | 美元 | 2,000 | 萬 美元 | 1.25億 | 日圓 | 100萬 | 瑞士法郎 | 2,500x | xxxx | |||||||||
1,000 | 歐元 | JDX 類 別 | 1,000萬 美元 | 1萬 | 瑞典克朗 | 1,000萬 300萬 | 美元 瑞 士法郎 | 100萬 | 歐元 | 2,500萬 | 歐元 | |||||||||
1,000 | 英鎊 | 100萬 | 英鎊 | 2,500萬 | 英鎊 | |||||||||||||||
10,000 | 港元 | 1,000萬 | 港元 | 2.5億 | 港元 | |||||||||||||||
4,000 | 以色列謝克爾 | J3H 及 J3HD | 1億日圓 | 400萬 | 以色列謝克爾 | 1億 | 以色列謝克爾 | |||||||||||||
125,00 0 | 日圓 | 類別 | 1.25億 | 日圓 | 25億 | 日圓 | ||||||||||||||
10,000 | 挪威克朗 | 1,000萬 | 挪威克朗 | 2.5億 | 挪威克朗 | |||||||||||||||
6,000 | 人民幣 | 600萬 | 人民幣 | 1.5億 | 人民幣 | |||||||||||||||
10,000 | 瑞典克朗 | 1,000萬 | 瑞典克朗 | 2.5億 | 瑞典克朗 | |||||||||||||||
1,000 | 新加坡元 | 100萬 | 新加坡元 | 2,500萬 | 新加坡元 | |||||||||||||||
40,000 | 泰銖 | 100萬 | 美元 | 2,500萬 | 美元 | |||||||||||||||
1,000 | 美元 | 1,000萬 | 南非蘭特 | 2.5億 | 南非蘭特 | |||||||||||||||
10,000 | 南非蘭特 | |||||||||||||||||||
最低其後申購額及最低贖回額 (以貨幣排列) | 250 | 澳元 | 250 歐元 | 無 | 無 | 250 | 美元 | 250 | 歐元 | 1,000 1,000 1,000 | 歐元英鎊美元 | 無 | 無 | 無 | 無 | |||||
250 | 加元 | 250 | 英鎊 | |||||||||||||||||
250 | 瑞士法郎 | J, JD及 | 10萬 | 250 | 美元 | YJ類別 | 1,250萬 | |||||||||||||
250 | 歐元 | JDC | 美元 | 2,500 | 瑞典 | 日圓 | ||||||||||||||
250 | 英鎊 | 類別 | 克朗 |
1,000 | 港元 | 250 英鎊 30,000 日圓 250 美元 | ||||||||||
1,000 | 以色列謝克爾 | |||||||||||
30,000 | 日圓 | |||||||||||
2,500 | 挪威克朗 | |||||||||||
1,500 | 人民幣 | |||||||||||
2,500 | 瑞典克朗 | |||||||||||
250 | 新加坡元 | |||||||||||
10,000 | 泰銖 | |||||||||||
250 | 美元 | |||||||||||
2,500 | 南非蘭特 | |||||||||||
銷售費用 | 最高 5% | 無 | 無 | 無 | 最高 5% | 無 | 無 | 無 | 無 | 無 | 無 | |
贖回及轉換費用 | 最高 3% | 無 | 無 | 無 | 最高 3% | 無 | 無 | 無 | 無 | 無 | 無 |
A、C、M、 R、SR | J、L | X | Y、YY | Z | |
USD | 12.5 | 100 | 1000 | 100 | 1000 |
EUR (1) | 12.5 | 1000 | 100 | ||
GBP (2) | 12.5 | 1000 | 100 | ||
JPY (3) | 1,500 | 15,000 | 1,500 | 150,000 | |
HKD (4) | 12.5 | 100 | |||
SGD (5) | 12.5 | 100 | |||
AUD (6) | 12.5 | 100 | |||
CHF (7) | 12.5 | 100 | |||
CAD (8) | 12.5 | 100 | |||
ZAR (9) | 125 | 125 | |||
THB (10) | 500 | ||||
RMB (11) | 100 | 1000 | |||
SEK (12) | 125 | 1000 | |||
NOK (13) | 125 | 1000 | |||
ILS (14) | 50 | 400 |
第 38 頁
AUD指澳元,CAD指加元,CHF指xxxx,EUR指歐元,GBP指英鎊,HKD指港元,ILS指以色列謝克爾,JPY指日圓,NOK指挪威克朗,RMB指中國人民幣,SEK指瑞典克朗,SGD指新加坡元,THB指泰銖,USD指美元, ZAR指南非蘭特。
所 有 可 用 基 金 單 位 類 別 的 詳 情 可 於 網 站、基金經理的註冊辦事處、行政及過戶代理人的註冊辦事處以及於董事可能認為合適的其他來源獲取。
現已發行的基金單位可按每基金單位的資產淨值以供申購。於2021年1月26日尚未發行的基金單位類別的初始發售期 於1月27日開始並於2021年1月28日愛爾蘭時間中午結束。基金經理可縮短或延長首次發售期。若已接獲基金單位申 購,央行將事先收到任何有關縮短或延長首次發售期的通 知,否則隨後按年通知央行。於首次發售期內,基金單位 將按上文初次發售價表所揭露的首次發售價提呈發售。
R及SR類別基金單位可供與基金經理或其受委人就該等基金單位類別訂立獨立安排(法定協議)的中介機構申購。 SR類別的最低首次投資額較高,費用比例較低。就R及SR類別基金單位支付的費用為「淨費用」,即彼等不包括任何管理費用部分,及R及SR基金單位類別的所有投資者支付發行章程公佈的相應費用。
(法定協議)的投資者申購。上述規定亦適用於JDX。X、 X1、X1H、X2、X2H、X3、X3H及JDX類別基金單位並無最低持有額,所示金額只為最低首次申購額。
申購基金單位的申請人或單位持有人必須遵守重要 文件內之條文,並受其約束。除非基金經理另行事 先同意,凡申請申購基金單位,必須以有關子基金 的類別貨幣申購才獲接納。並非以有關子基金的類 別貨幣支付的申購款項,將由經紀折算為有關子基 金的類別貨幣,匯兌風險及支出由單位持有人承擔,並且採用經紀認為現行的市場匯率,申購額以折算 款額為準。外幣兌換乃以最大努力的原則為基礎。 基金單位將於各交易日按本發行章程「計算基金單位的 資產淨值」一節所述的方式釐定的每基金單位資產淨值 發行。
行政及過戶代理人將為所有單位持有人保存單位持有人名 冊,而申請人則會在發放其申購的基金單位時納入名冊為 單位持有人。單位持有人將收到其已登錄入單位持有人名 冊的書面確認。基金單位通常會以無憑證的記名方式發行。
投資者及PineBridge Investments L.P.成員公司可以下文所 述的信託契約訂明的方式透過提供現金或各項投資而申購 子基金。由投資組合或其他集合投資計劃轉入有關子基金 的各項投資的性質,必須根據子基金的投資目標、政策及 限制,符合作為子基金投資的資格,並將按照子基金投資 的相同方式進行評估價值。基金單位的發行數目將是在繳 付某個款項後按現行價格計算的有關現金應可獲發行的數 目,該款項相等於轉入投資的價值,另加基金經理認為是 對以現金購入投資所產生的財務費及購買費的適當撥備款 額,但扣除基金經理認為是就轉入投資而從相關子基金的 資產中支付的上述任何財務費或其他支出。轉入子基金的 投資須按基金經理決定的基準評估價值,而評估價值不會 高於在轉換當日採用發行章程「計算基金單位的資產淨值」一節所列計算投資價值的方法可求得的最高值。受託人必 須確認轉換條款不會對現有單位持有人產生任何損害。在 受託人確認各項投資均已滿意地歸屬於受託人之前,不會 發行任何基金單位。
《2010 年刑事( 洗錢及恐怖分子資金) 司法法規》
( Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Acts, 2010及2013) 施加了若干義務,即實施基於風險的充分措施以核實所有單位持有人及持有基金單位的單位持有人所代表的任何實益擁有人的身份。運用這種基於風險的方法要求,在特定情況下,基金經理或其受委人須對特定類型的投資者增加客戶盡職調查。因此,基金經理及行政及過戶代理人保留在申請基金單位之時,及在單位持有人持有基金單位的任何時間內,包括在贖回該等基金單位之時,要求提供有關資料的權利,而該等資料對核實有關單位持有人及持有該等基金單位的持有人所代表的任何實益擁有人的身份乃屬必要。
首次申請申購基金單位應以書面、電子傳送或傳真形式向行政及過戶代理人提出,申請表格可向基金經理索取或在 xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xxx網站下載,填妥後將申請表格正本及須連同有關防止洗錢檢查的支持文件寄到下列地址由行政及過戶代理人收妥:
PineBridge Global Funds - 填上有關子基金的名稱 c/o State Street Fund Services (Ireland) Limited 78 Xxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxx’x Quay
Dublin 2 Ireland
於交易日截止時間之後收到的申請將於下一個交易日辦理。但基金經理可在特殊情況下全權酌情決定接受在該截止時 間後收到的申請,但該等申請必須於計算有關子基金的資 產淨值之前收到。
若單位持有人並未於指定付款日支付基金單位的申購款項,基金經理可取消配發基金單位或向單位持有人送達通知, 要求其支付未付款項,並連同應計利息及本基金或任何子 基金因其未付款而招致的費用。若基金經理取消發行基金
透過結算系統作出的基金單位申購申請會有不同的申購程 序及時限,惟與行政及過戶代理人設定的最終截止時間維 持不變。就申購作出的全數付款指示可透過結算系統取得。投資者應注意,投資未必能夠在並非結算系統營業的日子 購買或贖回透過結算系統申購的基金單位。
基金經理力求監控單位持有人的賬戶活動,以偵查及防止 過量及擾亂性的交易手法。基金經理保留權利在其認為任 何申購或轉換交易可能對子基金或其單位持有人的利益造 成不利影響時,限制或拒絕進行該交易。若申請不被接受,行政及過戶代理人將在不接受該申請後五個營業日內將申 購款項或其餘款,以銀行轉賬方式不計利息轉入原付款賬 戶退回申請人,費用及風險由申請人承擔。
贖回基金單位- 贖回程序
以傳真、郵件或電子傳送方式收到贖回要求,還須待對首 C7
PineBridge Global Funds - 填上有關子基金的名稱 c/o State Street Fund Services (Ireland) Limited 78 Xxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxx’x Quay
Dublin 2 Ireland
x於任何交易日須贖回的基金單位數目相當於某一子基金 當日的資產淨值十分之一或以上,基金經理可酌情決定拒 絕贖回超過上述相關子基金資產淨值十分之一的基金單位,若是如此,在通知相關單位持有人後,於該交易日的贖回 要求須按比例減少。因被拒絕贖回而未能贖回的基金單位 須視作於各其後的交易日提出贖回要求,直至原來要求相 關的所有基金單位均贖回為止。
如承讓人並非現有單位持有人,其必須填妥一份申請表格,連同一切經基金經理或其受委人確認的所需支持文件,有 關基金單位轉讓方會被考慮。此外,基金經理及行政及過 戶代理人保留權利要求獲得核證承讓人身份的所需資料及 要求提供基金經理或行政及過戶代理人認為適合的xx及 保證。此外,在基金經理酌情決定及無損上文的一般情況 下,如轉讓人或承讓人因該項轉讓而持有少於最低持有額 的基金單位或尚有任何稅項未支付,則該等所持基金單位 全部或部分的轉讓不應予以登記。
(i) 該項轉讓違反基金經理就擁有權所施行的任何限制或可能對子基金或其單位持有人產生法律、監管、金錢、稅務或重大行政不利;或
(ii) 未完成必須的反洗錢檢查;或
(iii) 由於該轉讓,轉讓人或承讓人持有的基金單位數量會少於發行章程不時訂明的最低持有額;或
(iv) 有關轉讓文件的所有適用稅項及/或印花稅尚未繳付;或
(v) 交付該轉讓文件時並無連同基金經理可合理地要求以顯示轉讓人作出轉讓的權利之憑證及基金經理可合理地要求承讓人提供的其他資料一併交付予基金經理及其受委人。
有關子基金的每類別資產淨值以該子基金的基礎貨幣計算。並非以基礎貨幣計值的類別,其資產淨值將折算為有關貨 幣,再將該數額除以可歸屬於已發行的每類別基金單位的 基金單位數目,便可得出每類基金單位的資產淨值。
(1) 獲准在認可交易所正式上市或在另一定期運作、獲認可及開放予公眾投資者的受規管市場買賣的證券,須按最後成交價評估價值,若無法取得最後成交價,則按該等證券的最後買入報價評估價值,但自始至終如果某一特定證券的最後成交價或最後買入報價均無法取得或基金經理或其受委人認為該等價格並未反映證券的公平價值,該證券的價值應為基金經理或由基金經理委任並經受託人批准的合資格人士或以任何其他方式以審慎及誠信態度估算的可能變現值,而該可能變現值須經受託人批准;
(2) 若證券在多個交易所上市,有關的市場應以構成為主 要市場,或以基金經理認為是就各項投資或其他資產 提供最公平的估價準則的市場為相關市場。任何在股 票交易所上市但在該股票交易所以外以溢價或折價購 入或買賣的投資,可在受託人批准下,按其於評估價 值當日的溢價或折價程度評估價值。受託人必須確保,就設定該證券的可能變現值而言,上述程序是合理的。上述溢價或折價須由獨立的經紀或市場作價者提供, 或如該等價格無法取得,應由投資經理提供;
(3) 若按貨幣、可銷售性、交易費用及/或其他被視作相關的考慮因素而言,認為有必要對資產值作出調整以反映其公平價值,則基金經理可對資產值作出調整;
(4) 非上市證券應由基金經理或由基金經理委任並經受託人就此批准的合資格人士以審慎及誠信態度根據其可能變現值作出評估價值,而該評估價值須經受託人或其他方式批准,條件為該評估價值乃經委託人批准。若合資格人士與本基金或相關子基金或基金經理有關連而出現任何利益衝突,有關情況將在符合單位持有人最大利益之下公平地解決;
(5) 現金及其他流動資產將按其名義價值另加應計利息進行評估價值;
(6) 在市場上買賣的衍生工具合約須按市場確定的結算價評估價值。若無法取得結算價,應由基金經理或由基金經理委任並經受託人批准的合資格人士以審慎及誠信態度估算其可能變現值。不在市場上買賣的衍生工具合約(例如交換協議)將根據交易對手提供的價格
(至少每日提供)評估價值。此評估價值將由與交易 對手無關的獨立方至少每星期一次核證,而該獨立方 須經受託人批准。另外,場外衍生工具合約將每日按 具有足夠渠道履行評估價值的獨立定價提供者或董事 所挑選並經受託人就此目的批准的其他合資格的人士、公司或法團(可能包括投資經理)的報價為基準進行 評估價值。如採用此一另外的評估價值方法,董事必 須跟從最佳國際慣例,以及遵守由國際證券事務監察 委員會組織及另類投資管理協會等機構所建立的該等
(7) 遠期外匯合約及利率交換合約將按照並非在受規管市場上買賣的衍生工具合約的同一方式評估價值,或參照具相同規模及到期期限的新遠遠期外匯合約的價格評估價值;
(8) 並非根據上文第(1)及第(2)段評估價值的集合投資計劃的股份/單位應按有關計劃的股份/單位的最後所得買入價或最後資產淨值評估價值;
(9) 基金經理或其受委人可利用攤銷成本評估價值法對剩餘期限不超過六個月的證券進行評估價值;惟對使用攤銷成本評估價值法進行評估價值的各項該等證券的評估價值須根據央行的規定進行;
(10) 基金經理或其受委人可按其酌情權,就本身為貨幣市場基金的任何特定子基金,使用攤銷成本評估價值法對任何投資進行評估價值,惟該子基金須遵守央行對貨幣市場基金的規定,以及須根據央行的指引以市場評估價值作對比對攤銷成本評估價值法進行審閱;
(11) 固定收益證券(被視為場外交易證券)須基於評估買 入價或(倘無法獲得評估買入價)該等證券前一日的 價格進行評估價值,前提條件通常是,倘特定證券的 評估買入價或前一日的價格不可得,或基金經理或其 受委人認為該等價格無法反映其公允價值,則固定收 益證券可採用矩陣定價進行評估價值(即參考在評級、收益率、到期日期等特點方面被視為類似的其他證券 的評估價值對證券進行評估價值)。矩陣方法將由央 行可轉讓證券集合投資計劃規則附表5的2(a) – (c)所 列人士編纂。
若根據上文第(1) – (11)段的評估價值規則對特定的資產進行評估價值是不可能或不正確的,行政及過戶代理人有權採用其他普遍認可的評估價值方法,對該特定資產進行妥善的評估價值,但任何另行採用的方法須經受託人批准。
(a) 在計算子基金贖回價格時,基金經理可於出現基金單位贖回淨額的任何交易日,從贖回單位價格中扣除反稀釋徵費。此舉可令引致基金單位變動而觸發此項徵費的基金單位持有人負責,即進行贖回的單位持有人;
(b) 在計算子基金申購價格時,基金經理可於出現基金單位申購淨額的任何交易日,從申購單位價格中加入反稀釋徵費。此舉可令引致基金單位變動而觸發此項徵費的基金單位持有人負責,即進行認贖的單位持有人;
投資者應注意,基金經理可酌情決定從資本中支付(「資 本分派」)。資本分派的付款等於退回或撤回投資者原本 投資的一部分或該原本投資應佔的資本收益,而有關分派 會導致有關基金單位類別每基金單位資產淨值相應地即時 減少。因此,資本分派將導致資本被侵蝕,且可能須放棄 未來資本增長潛力而達致,在此情況下未來回報的價值亦 可能會減少。此情況或會持續循環,直至所有資本耗盡為 止。資本分派或會對收入的分派產生不同的稅務影響。建 議投資者應就此方面尋求專業意見。從資本中扣減的理由,是讓基金經理可透過盡量增大可分派予投資者的金額,為 投資者提供穩定回報。為避免產生疑問,資本分派可以是 子基金的可供分派淨收入(不論是以股息、利息或其他形 式)以及組成有關子基金資本一部分的已變現及未變現資 本收益淨額,而對各子基金作出屬合適的有關調整後,基 金經理可每年宣派一次資本分派。基金經理亦可宣派中期 資本分派。
除非相關子基金的附錄另行訂明,單位持有人可在基金單 位的申購申請中選擇以現金收取子基金的分派或將分派額 再投資於該子基金的其他基金單位。若單位持有人並未作 出上述選擇,基金經理將繼續把分派額再投資於基金單位,直至單位持有人另行以書面指示為止。以現金支付的分派 額通常以電子轉賬方式支付,風險及支出由單位持有人承 擔。
若單位持有人已選擇收取現金分派,而應付予任何個別單 位持有人的分派額少於50美元(或同等價值的另一貨幣),基金經理可全權酌情決定選擇不分派該款額,而按有關分 派日每基金單位資產淨值計算與該美元款額(或同等價值 的另一貨幣)相應的相關子基金的基金單位數目,向該單 位持有人發行該數目的基金單位並記入其賬戶中。
「附錄基金單位說明表」所列該等費用的限額。信託契約 訂明最高部分管理費最高為4%,但並非就所有類別而言。然而,為清楚起見,在未經單位持有人的批准下,推出時 管理費水平超過有關附錄內揭露的水平的類別不得調升管 理費。
除上述費用外,還可從相關子基金的資產中撥出款項支付年率不超過子基金相關基金單位類別的資產淨值之1%的單位持有人服務及維持費(此費用於各交易日累算及按月於期末支付予基金經理)(按相關子基金的附錄訂明的收費率)。請注意,可在毋須單位持有人的批准下支付一個較高的單位持有人服務及維持費( 按一文所述最高達 1%)。此外,在上文所述的1%最高限額下任何調升此費率將須事先通知單位持有人。
本基金的管理及行政 基金經理及環球分銷商
x基金的基金經理及環球分銷商 PineBridge Investments Ireland Limited 是 PineBridge Investments Limited(由 PCG 擁有大多數權益)的全資附屬公司。PCG 是一家於 1993 年由xxxxxxx,並以亞洲為據點的私人投資集團, 主要在亞太地區(包括新加坡、香港及日本)的基礎設施、地產及其他投資均擁有權益。
PineBridge Investments Ireland Limited 於 1989 年 5 月 25
日在愛爾蘭登記成立為有限責任公司,其法定股權為 100
萬美元,其中 368,513 美元分為 368,513 股每股 1 美元的普通股,已經發行而且繳足股款。PineBridge Investments Ireland Limited 只經營集合投資工具管理的業務。
PineBridge Investments Ireland Limited 根據信託契約獲委 任管理本基金及各子基金,並已將本基金及子基金的登記、評估價值及行政職能轉授予行政及過戶代理人。有關行政 及過戶代理人的詳情見–下文「行政及過戶代理人」一節。
基金經理的公司秘書是 Bradwell Limited。基金經理的董事列明如下:
Eimear Cowhey Romax Xxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Karpik
Xxxxx XxxxxxxxXxxxxxx Xxxxxxx
Xxmear Cowhey
Eimear Cowhey(愛爾蘭居民)於境外基金行業擁有超過 25年經驗,目前身兼多個都柏林及盧森堡投資基金及管理 董事會的獨立非執行董事長、董事及委員。其於1999年 至2006年期間在The Pioneer Group先後擔任多個管理職務,包括法律及規管部主管, 以及產品開發部主管。其於 1992年至1999年期間曾於景順投資管理公司擔任董事總經理、環球基金董事兼首席律師。 Cowhey 女士為 Committee on Collective Investment Governance(集體投 資治理委員會)前成員。該會由愛爾蘭中央銀行於2013 年12月成立,並於2014年7月發佈了有關投資基金治理實 踐建議的專家報告。
Cowhey女士乃合資格愛爾蘭律師,擁有會計和金融文憑、公司管理文憑及金融服務法律證書,並正完成倫敦董事學 會的特許董事身份。
Romax Xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Xxckxxxxxxxxxxx於2011加入公司,擔任歐洲、中東及非洲地區的首席律師及副總法律顧問。在擔任現任職務之前,Hackxxxxxxxxxxx曾於AXA Xxxxxxxxx x資管理公司及施xxx資管理公司工作,並曾擔任AXA Xxxxxxxxxxx轉讓證券集合投資計劃管理公司之董事。Hackxxxxxxxxxxx於英國杜倫大學修讀政治,並分別於1996及1999年在英國及德國取得律師資格。
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx
Xxrpxx x生為 PineBridge Investments 的環球首席營運官,負責監督公司的環球營運、財務、合規、風險管理、 產品 管理、基金及科技部門,自 2018 年 1 月起在公司上任。 Karpxx x生擁有 30 年行業經驗,前為 State Street Global Advisors (SSGA) 歐洲、中東及非洲地區的首席執行官, 全面負責該地區的投資管理業務。其在投資,基金產品及 管理方面經驗豐富。在其擔任歐洲、中東及非洲地區的首 席執行官前,Karpxx x生曾在歐洲擔任投資主管、 首席 營運官、英國,愛爾蘭及中東地區總管、現金投資環球總 管及歐洲、中東及非洲地區的現金投資總管。Karpxx x生 擁有 Gannon University 的金融及經濟學學士學位,以及 特許金融分析師資格。
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx
Xxeexxxxx自2019年10月起擔任PineBridge Investments Ireland Limited董事總經理。其亦於2019年加入PBIIL董事會,負責領導及監督可轉讓證券集合投資計劃及另類投資基金管理公司。在加入PineBridge Investments Ireland Limited之前, Sweexxxxx於愛爾蘭銀行集團的多個國內及全球企業擔任諸多高級領導職務,其中包括New Ireland Assurance的首席執行官(臨時)、Bank of Ireland Asset Management 的 首 席 執 行 官 及 Bank of Ireland Global Markets的首席執行官。其亦擔任愛爾蘭銀行集團的其他多個投資組合職位,包括營銷主管、品牌主管、贊助主管以及理財主管。其持有都柏林大學學院的商學學士學位,亦持有Institute of Directors UK頒發的文憑。其亦為Zarion Software的主席,任職Make-A-Wish Charity Ireland董事會及LIFT Ireland諮詢委員會。其亦曾擔任Dublin Chamber of Commerce的董事。
Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx
Xxhuxxxxxx乃PineBridge Investments Europe Limited的董事總經理及歐洲主管,全力負責公司的歐洲業務。其過往曾擔任歐洲業務拓展部主管,其會繼續負責拓展歐洲的中介及機構客戶業務。在2001年加入公司之前,其為Bank Leu國際私人銀行業務的高級客戶經理。其過往曾為富達投資負責發展奧地利業務,並曾在富達投資位於歐洲的經紀業務擔任多個職位。Schuxxxxxx擁有德國奧格斯堡大學經濟學文學士及德國奧格斯堡大學銀行、金融和業務管理的工商管理碩士文憑。此外,其更獲取德國工業貿易協會的德國銀行家認證。
PineBridge Alternative Investments Fund SICAV-SIF PineBridge Secondary Partners IV SLP
PineBridge Secondary Partners IV Feeder SLP PineBridge Secondary Partners V SLP PineBridge Secondary Partners V Feeder SLP
董事們均確認沒有因基金經理管理上述基金而產生任何實 際或可能產生利益衝突的情況。但如果發生任何利益衝突,基金經理將確保在符合單位持有人利益的情況下予以公平 解決。
基金經理的董事概無(i)任何有關公訴罪行的未完定罪;或 (ii)破產或被強制進行債券安排,或該董事任何資產已被委任接管人接管;或(iii)為其在當中擔任具執行職能的董事或其已終止在當中擔任具執行職能的董事後12個月內的任何公司的董事,而該公司已被委任接管人接管或被強制清算、進行債權人自願清算、行政或公司自願債券安排,或與其一般債權人或其任何類別債權人進行任何債券重整或
(a) 基金經理的董事並不或概無在推廣本基金時或在本基金所進行而性質或條件屬不尋常或於截至本基金章程日期對本基金業務屬重大的任何交易中或在本基金在本文件日期存續的任何合約或安排中擁有任何直接權益。
(b) 基金經理的現有董事或與基金經理關連的任何人士概無在上市基金單位中擁有任何實益或非受益權。
基金經理有權在給予受託人三(3)個月書面通知後辭任,由其他經受託人及央行批准及單位持有人的特別議決批准 的公司接替。該退任及替代基金經理的委任必須經央行批 准。
State Street Custodial Services (Ireland) Limited 獲委任為本基金的受託人。
受託人於1991年5月22日在愛爾蘭登記成立為私人有限公 司。受託人由State Street Corporation 最終擁有。其法定 股權為500萬英鎊,已發行及繳足股款的股權為20萬英鎊。
State Street Corporation在向全球資深投資者提供投資服務及投資管理方面是全球首要的專家之一。State Street的總部設於美國麻省波士頓,以「STT」符號在紐約證券交易所進行交易。
基金經理已委任State Street Fund Services (Ireland) Limited
為受委人, 擔任本基金及子基金的行政及過戶代理人。
行政及過戶代理人於1992年3月23日在愛爾蘭登記成立為私人有限公司,由State Street Corporation 最終擁有。行政及過戶代理人的法定股權為500萬英鎊,已發行及繳足股款的股權為35萬英鎊。
基金經理已委任名列於以下的投資經理為受委人,彼等是 柏瑞投資的成員公司。柏瑞投資致力為世界各地之客戶提 供投資建議,並向其銷售資產管理產品與服務。作為多重 策略投資經理,柏瑞投資在32個國家及國家地區經營業務,至[2020年9月30日]為止,所管理的資產達1,117億美元。柏瑞投資是領先的資產經理,在上市股票、固定收益和另 類投資策略方面擁有長期業績記錄,並且在為全球最大的 保險及金融服務公司之一,管理資產方面,亦擁有悠久歷 史。
PineBridge Investments LLC地址為 c/o Intertrust Corporate Services Delaware Ltd., 200 Bellevue Parkway, Suite 210, Wilmington, Delawre 19809, USA ( 註冊地址) ; Xxxx Avenue Tower, 65 East 55th Street New York, New York 10022 (營業地址)。PineBridge Investments LLC是總部設於美國的投資經理,受美國證券交易委員會規管,並為 PineBridge Investments L.P.的全資附屬公司。
柏瑞投資亞洲有限公司位於Clarendon House, 2 Church Street, Hamilton HM 11, Bermuda(註冊地址)及香港皇后大道東1號太古廣場3座31樓(營業地址),受證券及期貨事務監察委員會監管。柏瑞投資亞洲有限公司為柏瑞投資的成員公司, 在百慕達註冊成立及位於香港, 並為 PineBridge Investments L.P.的全資附屬公司,亦為柏瑞投資的成員公司。
柏瑞投資亞洲有限公司已委任PineBridge Investments Japan Co., Ltd.為副投資經理,負責管理柏瑞亞洲動態資產配置基金、柏瑞環球動態資產配置基金、柏瑞日本新遠景股票基金及柏瑞日本股票基金。
PineBridge Investments Japan Co., Ltd.位於JA Building, 3-1, Otemachi 1-chxxx, Xxxxxxx-xx, Xxxxx 000-0000, Xxpan,受日本金融廳規管。投資經理為於1986年11月17日根據日本法律註冊成立的公司。
PineBridge Investments Europe Limited 位 於 6th Floor, Exchequer Court, 33 St Mary Axe, London EC3A 8AA,其投資業務經營獲英國金融市場行為監管局(「FCA」)認可並受其規管。PineBridge Investments Europe Ltd. 是總部設於倫敦的投資管理公司,並為PineBridge Investments L.P.的全資附屬公司。
PineBridge Investments Singapore Limited位於One Xxxxxx Street, 1 Xxxxxx Street, Unit 21-06, Singapore,受新加坡金融管理局規管,並為PineBridge Investments L.P.的全資附屬公司。
投資經理將如各相關附錄所訂明全權負責子基金資產的投 資管理。投資經理可能不時在經基金經理的批准以及獲得 央行的批准或通知央行下,就任何子基金委任副投資經理、投資顧問或副投資顧問。
但如果本基金發生「應課稅事件」,則可能須繳稅。應課 稅事件包括向單位持有人作出分派或基金單位的任何購回、贖回、取消、轉讓或被視為出售(被視為出售將於相關期 間屆滿時發生)或對單位持有人的基金單位的撥用或取消 以用於本基金支付轉讓產生的收益之應繳稅款。
本基金不會就應課稅事件就在應課稅事件發生時並不是愛 爾蘭居民或愛爾蘭普通居民的單位持有人或就獲豁免愛爾 蘭投資者產生任何稅務負擔,但必須具備相關聲明書,而 且本基金不可持有任何合理地表明該聲明書中所載有關資 料不再實質正確的資料。在沒有相關聲明書或本基金信賴 及運用等同措施(參閱下文「等同措施」一段)的情況下,將推定投資者為愛爾蘭居民或愛爾蘭普通居民。
若本基金內應課稅基金單位(即聲明程序不適用的單位持 有人持有的基金單位)的價值低於本基金中總基金單位價 值的10%,且本基金已選擇在最低限制適用的每年向愛爾 蘭稅務局局長報告關於每名愛爾蘭居民單位持有人的若干 詳情,則本基金將毋須就此項被視為出售扣除稅項(「離 境稅」)。在此等情況下,就因被視為出售產生的任何收 益而需支付的稅項將由單位持有人負責自行評估(「自行 評稅人」)(而並非本基金(或其服務供應商))。一旦 x基金以書面通知愛爾蘭居民單位持有人將作出所需報告,則視為本基金已選擇作出報告。
單位持有人應聯絡基金經理(代表本基金)確實本基金是 否已作出上述選擇,以確定彼等對愛爾蘭稅務所負的責任。對於有關應課稅事件的適當稅項,可就本基金或單位持有 人因任何先前被視為出售而適當繳付的稅項進行抵免。當 單位持有人最終出售其基金單位時,將可獲退回任何未動 用的抵免金額。若基金單位是在認可結算系統內持有,單 位持有人或須以自行評稅方式對在有關期間完結時產生的 適當稅項負責。
在認可結算系統內持有基金單位而向單位持有人支付的任 何款項或有關基金單位的任何套現、贖回、取消或轉讓, 不應導致本基金的應課稅事件。因此,不論該等基金單位 是否由屬愛爾蘭居民或通常居於愛爾蘭的單位持有人持有,亦不論非居民單位持有人曾否作出相關聲明書,本基金也 應毋須就有關付款扣除任何愛爾蘭稅項。然而,屬愛爾蘭
除非單位持有人是獲豁免愛爾蘭投資者,已就此作出相關 聲明書,而且本基金並未持有任何合理地表明該聲明書中 所載資料不再實質正確的資料,否則本基金將須從其分派 給身為愛爾蘭居民或愛爾蘭普通居民的單位持有人的分派 額(若每年或更頻密地分派)中,按41%(若單位持有人 為公司並具備合適聲明書,則為25%)的比率扣減稅項。 同樣,本基金須對身為愛爾蘭居民或愛爾蘭普通居民的單 位持有人(已作出相關聲明書的獲豁免愛爾蘭投資者除外)因其對基金單位進行出售、套現、購回、贖回、取消、轉 讓或被視為出售(見下文)而獲得的任何其他分派或收益,按41%(若單位持有人為公司並具備合適聲明書,則為 25%)的比率扣減稅項。
若因就之前被視為應課稅事件繳付的稅項而於基金單位贖 回時出現多繳的稅項,則基金經理(代表本基金)可選擇 致函稅務局局長及以書面通知單位持有人,不負責代有關 單位持有人處理所產生的退款,惟前提是該單位持有人持 有的基金單位價值不超過本基金的基金單位總值15%。在 此情況下,單位持有人應直接向稅務局局長尋求退還款項。愛爾蘭法規亦規定,在被視為出售情況下,本基金可不可 撤回地選擇於緊接被視為出售日期之前的6月30日或12月 31日(以較後者為準)而非於被視為出售日期為該等基金 單位作評估價值。
《稅務法》載有有關持有投資計劃基金單位的愛爾蘭居民 個人或愛爾蘭普通居民個人的稅務之新條文。此等條文提 出PPIU的概念。實質上,投資計劃將被當為與某特定投資 者有關的PPIU,而該投資者乃可影響由該投資計劃持有的 部分或所有財產的選擇。視乎個人情況而定,投資計劃可 被當為部分、並無任何或所有個人投資者有關的PPIU,即 只有可「影響」財產選擇的個人的投資計劃會被視為PPIU。與某項投資計劃(其為致使產生應課稅事件的個人之PPIU)有關的應課稅事件所產生的任何收益,將按60%(若在個 人的報稅表內未有正確填上付款/出售詳情,則為80%) 的稅率徵稅。如所投資的物業已廣泛地銷售及供公眾人士 購買或是就投資計劃所進行的非財產投資而言,特殊豁免 將可應用。對於就土地的投資或其價值源自土地的非上市 股份,可能需作出進一步限制。
出售基金單位可能須繳納愛爾蘭贈與稅或繼承稅(資本取 得稅)。但只要本基金符合投資計劃的定義(按《稅務法》第739B條所界定),而且符合以下條件,單位持有人即 無須因出售基金單位而繳納資本取得稅:(a)在贈與或繼承 當日,受贈人或繼承人既非居住於愛爾蘭,亦非愛爾蘭的 普通居民;(b)在出售當日,出售基金單位的單位持有人
(「出售人」)既非居住於愛爾蘭,亦非愛爾蘭的普通居 民,或該等出售並不受愛爾蘭法律監管;(c)基金單位於該 項贈與或繼承當日及評估價值日已包含於贈與或繼承之內。
i) 該名人士於緊接該日期的評稅年度前連續5個評稅年度居於愛爾蘭;及
ii) 該名人士於該日期為愛爾蘭居民或愛爾蘭普通居民。
基於本基金符合S739B TCA所界定投資計劃的資格,本基金的基金單位在發行、出售、轉讓、購回、贖回、取消或申購時一般無須繳納愛爾蘭印花、文件、轉讓或登記稅。若基金單位的申購或贖回以證券、物業或其他類型資產的實物形式作出,在轉讓該等資產時可能須繳納愛爾蘭印花稅。
基金經理在管理下列子基金時,旨在根據 2018 年德國投
資稅法修正案第 20 條第 1 段適用於股票基金的所謂部分豁免制度。儘管發行章程有任何其他規定,部分豁免制度將應用於(i) 在整個營業年度內,持續將其至少 51%直接投資於在認可證券交易所進行交易或在有組織市場上市的公司股票的子基金(「股票基金」)及/或 (ii) 在整個營業年度內,持續將其至少 25%直接投資於在認可證券交易所進行交易或在有組織市場上市的公司股票的子基金
(「混 合基金」):
x基金作出的任何派息或其他分派,以及所支付的本基金的基金單位出售及/或贖回所得收益,將來可能須遵守資訊交流制度或根據2003年6月3日有關儲蓄利息收入課稅的《歐盟理事會指引2003/48/EC》規定而繳納預扣稅,視乎本基金的投資組合及付款代理人所處地點而定(儲蓄指引所界定的付款代理人未必是合法視作付款代理人的同一人)。若單位持有人是歐盟成員國的個人居民(或在成員國設立的「常駐機構」),其所獲款項由居於另一成員國的付款代理人(或在某些情況下,與單位持有人居於同一成員國)支付,則可能須適用該指引。該指引適用於在 2005年7月1日或之後支付的「利息」(可包括集體投資基金的分派和贖回)或其他類似收益,申請申購本基金的基金單位申請人將會被要求按照該指引提供某些規定的資料。
於2014年3月24日,歐盟委員會正式採納修改《歐盟儲蓄指引 (2003/48/EC》的指引。該經修訂指引將會(其中包括)把該指引的適用範圍延伸至另類投資基金(現時另類投資基金被視為屬於該指引的適用範圍以外)。擴大該指引適用範圍的依據,是確保所有投資基金不論法定架構如何,均享有公平競爭環境。
根據FATCA,非美國基金(「基金」)(符合若干特徵可 根據FATCT分類為外國金融機構(「外國金融機構」)及 直接或間接投資於美國)將就向其支付的源自美國的收入 的若干付款(包括源自美國的固定或可確定的年度或定期 收入(「FDAP」)(如股息及利息)及銷售或處置可產 生源自美國的利息或股息的財產的所得款項總額)繳納 30%的預扣稅,惟外國金融機構與美國國家稅務局(「國 稅局」)訂立協議(「外國金融機構協議」)或該外國金 融機構位於跨政府間協議國家(請參閱下文)則不在此限。外國金融機構協議將對外國金融機構施加責任,包括須向 國稅局揭露有關美國投資者的若干資料,以及就不合規投 資者徵收預扣稅。就此而言,本基金將屬於FATCA所界定 的外國金融機構的定義範圍內。
為承認FATCA的既定政策目標是達到申報目的(而非單純收取預扣稅)以及外國金融機構在若干國家地區內就遵守 FATCA方面或會出現困難,美國已發展出有關實行FATCA的跨政府間方法。就此方面, 愛爾蘭與美國政府已於 2012年12月21日簽署跨政府間協議(「愛爾蘭跨政府間協議」),並在《2013年金融法》內加入條文以實施愛爾蘭跨政府間協議,而有關條文亦容許愛爾蘭稅務局局長制定有關因愛爾蘭跨政府間協議而產生的登記及申報規定的規則。就此方面,稅務局局長(聯同財務部)已頒佈
愛爾蘭跨政府協議旨在簡化遵守FATCA的程序和盡量降低 預扣稅風險,以減輕愛爾蘭外國金融機構遵例的負擔。根 據愛爾蘭跨政府間協議,各愛爾蘭基金(除非基金獲豁免 遵守FATCA的規定)每年將直接向愛爾蘭稅務局局長提供 相關美國投資者的資料,之後愛爾蘭稅務局局長會向國稅 局提供有關資料,而無須外國金融機構與國稅局訂立外國 金融機構協議。然而,外國金融機構一般將須向國稅局登 記,以獲取一個全球中介機構識別號碼(一般稱為GIIN)。
根據愛爾蘭跨政府間協議,外國金融機構一般毋須應用 30%預扣稅。如基金因FATCA的規定而須就其投資繳納美 國預扣稅,則董事可對投資者於基金的投資採取任何行動,
代表本基金的基金經理(或任何被任命的服務供應商)將 同意,就遵守FATCA而提供的資料(包括任何單位持有人 的身份資料)旨在供本基金(或任何被任命的服務供應商)就符合FATCA的規定而使用,而代表本基金的基金經理
(或任何被任命的服務供應商)將同意,在適用法律容許的情況下,將採取合理步驟以保密方式處理有關資料,惟代表本基金的基金經理可將有關資料(i)向其高級職員、董事、代理及顧問揭露、(ii) 就稅務事宜( 包括為了遵守 FATCA)在合理需要或適宜的情況下揭露、(iii)在適用單位持有人同意的情況下向任何人士揭露,或(iv)按法律或法院命令的規定或按其法律顧問意見在其他情況下揭露。
儘管基金經理將盡力履行基金應付的任何義務以避免繳納 FATCA預扣稅,但概不確保基金經理能滿足有關義務。如基金因FATCA的制度而須繳納預扣稅,單位持有人持有的基金單位的價值可能產生重大虧損。
有意投資者應就FATCA是否適用於有關投資,以及可能就 須向基金提供有關文件一事諮詢自己的稅務顧問。該等有 關文件可能涉及(i)用以確定任何申請人或單位持有人的公 民身份、居留權、所有權、稅務狀況、業務或(直接或間 接)控權的資料,以及(ii)自我證明文件或替代文件、或於 美國進行貿易或業務之其他稅務機關替代文件、或該等美 國國稅局之替代文件。此外,代表本基金行事的基金經理、受託人或行政及過戶代理人可能要求索取認證、驗證或其 他其認為可接納的資料,或基金經理、受託人或行政及過 戶代理人任何一方在適用國家地區法律下被要求索取的資 料,包括但不限於就任何可能阻止其呈報該等認證、驗證 或其他相關資料以使本基金有權就其資產收取款項或向任 何稅務機關履行其呈報義務的非美國法律索取免責權。
上述提及的認證及任何其他資料、文件或驗證應在後述的情況下予以提供:(i)作為支付任何不帶或減低美國預扣稅或備用預扣稅 (如適用)的基金單位的條件;以及(ii)使基金經理、受託人或行政及過戶代理人能釐定其在任何美國現行或未來法律或法規、或任何美國政治分割的現行或未來法律或法規,或美國稅務機構下、可能需要就該等基金單位支付任何稅款的義務和責任或遵守在任何該等法律或法規下的任何呈報要求或其他要求,包括但不限於任何 FATCA經不時修訂的適用條文(據以下定義)。
代表本基金的基金經理(或任何被任命的服務供應商)有 權要求申請人或單位持有人提供有關彼等稅務狀況、身份 或稅務居住地的任何資料,以符合本基金因CRS或任何就 CRS頒佈的法規而可能須遵守的任何申報規定。投資者將 會因彼等持有基金單位而被視為已授權本基金(或任何被 任命的服務供應商)或任何其他人士向有關稅務當局自動 揭露上述資料。 此外,代表本基金行事的基金經理(或任 何被任命的服務供應商)可能要求索取認證、驗證或其他 其認為可接納的資料,或其在任何適用共同申報標準的國 家地區的法律下而被要求的資料,包括但不限於就任何可 能阻止其呈報該等認證、驗證或其他相關資料以使本基金 向任何稅務機關履行其呈報義務的非美國法律索取免責權。投資者將被當作已根據任何表格或認證的條款或其後續修 訂,更新或更換任何該等表格或認證。
除在發行章程「暫停釐定子基金價值及暫停發行和贖回基金單位」一節所述暫停發行及贖回基金單位的情況外,子基金的每基金單位資產淨值將在行政及過戶代理人的地址公 佈 , 並 於 各 交 易 日 刊 登 於 以 下 網 址 : 及董事認為適當的其他資料來源。
發給單位持有人的通知可郵寄至各單位持有人的地址或聯 名單位持有人在單位持有人名冊上名列首位之人士的地址,或上述單位持有人最近所知的傳真號碼或以電子郵件發送。
召開會議必須至少提前二十一(21)天通知單位持有人。 通知須指明會議地點、日期及時間,以及提出議決的事項。通知副本須郵寄給受託人,除非該會議由受託人召開。通 知副本須郵寄給基金經理,除非該會議由基金經理召開。 偶然漏發通知給單位持有人或單位持有人並未收到通知, 不應使任何會議議程無效。
在任何會議上,(a)進行舉手表決時,每名親自或委託代表 出席會議的單位持有人均有一票投票權,及(b)進行投票時,每名親自或委託代表出席會議的單位持有人均就其持有的 各基金單位享有一票投票權。
(a) 基金經理認為只影響一個子基金的決議,若在該子基金分別舉行的單位持有人會議上通過,應被視為已正式通過;
(b) 基金經理認為影響多於一個子基金但並未在有關子基金的單位持有人之間產生利益衝突的決議,應被視為已在該等子基金的單一次單位持有人會議上正式通過;
(c) 基金經理認為影響多於一個子基金而且在有關子基金的單位持有人之間產生或可能產生利益衝突的決議,只有在該等子基金分別舉行的單位持有人會議上通過而並非只在該等子基金舉行的單一次單位持有人會議上通過,才被視為已正式通過。
x基金及各子基金的會計年度至每年12月31日終結。基 金經理將在年報的有關期間結束後四個月內編製本基金及 子基金的年報。基金經理亦會在中期報告有關期間(即截 至每年6月30日的六個月期間)結束後兩個月內編製本基 金及子基金的中期報告。年報將予以審核,但中期報告未 經審核。最新近年報及中期報告將應要求由基金經理或行 政及過戶代理人以列印或電子形式免費提供予單位持有人,並將由基金經理或行政及過戶代理人發送予央行。最新近 年報將應要求發送予任何準投資者。本發行章程或各附錄 須夾附本基金最近期的年報及最新的半年報告(若於該年 報之後印發),否則不獲准在任何國家地區派發。上述報 告構成本發行章程的一部分。
(i) 信託契約(經修訂及重列),於2021年1月26日訂立,以不時根據央行的規定予以修訂、補充或綜合者為準,是由基金經理與State Street Custodial Services (Ireland) Limited之間訂立。受託人在某些情況下應從本基金的資產中獲得彌償,除非其故意或蓄意不履行責任或不當地履行責任;
(ii) 行政協議 (經修訂及重列),於2013年2日19日訂 立,以不時根據央行的規定予以修訂、補充或綜合者為準, 是由基金經理與State Street Fund Services (Ireland) Limited之間訂立,據此後者獲委任為本基金 的過戶處,以及轉讓及評估價值及行政及過戶代理人。本協議可由任何一方發出90日的書面通知予以終止。 協議載有以有關子基金的資產為行政及過戶代理人提 供的若干彌償保證,惟不包括因行政及過戶代理人於 履行或不履行其職責及職務上的疏忽、故意失責、故 意行為不當、不真誠、欺詐或魯莽而導致的事情。
(i) 投資管理協議(經修訂及重列),日期為2013年2日 19日,由基金經理與柏瑞投資亞洲有限公司之間訂立,以不時根據央行的規定予以修訂或補充為準。本協議 可由任何一方發出90日的書面通知或於協議所載的情 況下予以終止。協議載有向投資經理提供的若干彌償保證,惟不包括因投資經理於履行或不履行其職責及職務上的疏忽、故意失責、故意行為不當、不真誠、 欺詐或魯莽而導致的事情;
(ii) 投資管理協議(經修訂及重列),日期為2013年2日 19日,由基金經理與PineBridge Investments LLC之間訂立,以不時根據央行的規定予以修訂或補充為準。本協議可由任何一方發出90日的書面通知或於協議所載的情況下予以終止。協議載有向投資經理提供的若干彌償保證,惟不包括因投資經理於履行或不履行其職責及職務上的疏忽、故意失責、故意行為不當、不真誠、欺詐或魯莽而導致的事情;
(iii) 投資管理協議(經修訂及重列),日期為2013年2日 19 日, 由基金經理與PineBridge Investments Europe Limited之間訂立,以不時根據央行的規定予以修訂或補充為準。本協議可由任何一方發出90日的書面通知或於協議所載的情況下予以終止。協議載有向投資經理提供的若干彌償保證,惟不包括因投資經理於履行或不履行其職責及職務上的疏忽、故意失責、故意行
(iv) 投資管理協議(經修訂及重列),日期為2013年2日 19日,由基金經理與PineBridge Investments Japan Co., Ltd.之間訂立,以不時根據央行的規定予以修訂或補充為準。本協議可由任何一方發出90日的書面通知或於協議所載的情況下予以終止。協議載有向投資經理提供的若干彌償保證,惟不包括因投資經理於履行或不履行其職責及職務上的疏忽、故意失責、故意行為不當、不真誠、欺詐或魯莽而導致的事情 ;
(v) 副投資管理協議,日期為2018年9日24日,由柏瑞投資亞洲有限公司與PineBridge Investments Japan Co.,
Ltd. 之間訂立;以及
(vi) 投資管理協議(經修訂及重列),日期為2016年10 月 21 日 ,由基金經理與 PineBridge Investments Singapore Limited之間訂立,以不時根據央行的規定予 以修訂或補充為準。本協議可由任何一方發出90日的 書面通知或於協議所載的情況下予以終止。協議載有 向投資經理提供的若干彌償保證,惟不包括因投資經 理於履行或不履行其職責及職務上的疏忽、故意失責、故意行為不當或欺詐而導致的事情。
(i) 於2009年3月27日訂立的行政協議,以不時根據央 行的規定予以修訂或補充為準。此協議由基金經理、行政及過戶代理人與模里西斯附屬公司之間訂立, 據此基金經理委任行政及過戶代理人為模里西斯附 屬公司的管理人。本協議可由任何一方發出90日的 書面通知或於協議所載的情況下予以終止。協議載 有以模里西斯附屬公司的資產向行政及過戶代理人 提供的若干彌償保證,惟不包括因行政及過戶代理 人於履行或不履行其職責及職務上的疏忽、故意失 責、故意行為不當、不真誠、欺詐或魯莽而導致的 事情;
(ii) 於2009年3月27日訂立的保管人協議,以不時根據 央行的規定予以修訂或補充為準。此協議由基金經 理、受託人與模里西斯附屬公司之間訂立,據此基 金經理委任受託人為模里西斯附屬公司的保管人。 本協議可由任何一方發出90日的書面通知或於協議 所載的情況下予以終止。協議載有在若干情況下以 模里西斯附屬公司的資產向保管人提供的彌償保證,但保管人在並無合理理由下沒有履行責任或不當地 履行責任的例外情況則另作別論;及
(iii) 於2009年3月27日訂立的投資管理(附屬公司)協議,以不時根據央行的規定予以修訂或補充為準。此協議由基金經理、柏瑞印度股票基金的投資經理與模里西斯附屬公司之間訂立。本協議可由任何一方發出90日的書面通知或於協議所載的情況下予以終止。協議載有為模里西斯附屬公司及投資經理提供的若干彌償保證,惟不包括因彼等於履行或不履行其職責及職務上的疏忽、故意失責、故意行為不當、不真誠、欺詐或魯莽而導致的事情。
(a) 已出版的年報(包括已審核財務報表在內)及中期
(b) 上文及相關附錄所述的重要合約;
(c) 規則、央行可轉讓證券集合投資計劃規則及央行指引;
(d) 各董事在過去五年的董事或合夥人職務,當中列明該等董事或合夥人的職務目前是否仍生效。
以下文件可以持久的媒介(包括書面及/或電子郵件)或刊登於基金經理就此目的指定的網站的電子格式(及透過 xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xxx可供瀏覽)的方式提供。該等文件的印列本將於單位持有人提出要求時免費提供:
• 本發行章程 ;
• 於刊發後,公司最新的年報及半年度報告;以及
• 主要投資者資料文件(「主要投資者資料文件」)。
主要投資者資料文件的最新版本將以電子形式刊登於基金經理 就 此 目 的 指 定 的 網 站 的 電 子 格 式 ( 及 透 過 xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xxx可供瀏覽)。
• 信 託 契 約 ;
• 本基金最新的年報及半年度報告 。
(a) 若看來出現下列情況,將由受託人終止:
(i) 基金經理清算(但根據受託人事前書面批准的條款為重組或合併而自願清算除外)或停業或
(ii) 如受託人合理地認為基金經理或其受委人無能力履行或在實際上未能令人滿意地履行其職責或作出受託人合理地認為會意圖使本基金聲譽受損或損害單位持有人利益的其他事宜,以及未有委任替任基金經理;
(iii) 如通過任何法律以使其變得不合法或受託人合理地認為繼續經營本基金或其任何子基金不切實可行或不合宜;或
(iv) 從受託人向基金經理書面明確表示有意辭任之 日起三個月內,基金經理仍未委任新的受託人。
(b) 若看來出現下列情況,將由基金經理終止:
(i) 受託人清算(但根據基金經理事前書面批准的條款為重組或合併而自願清算除外)或停業或
(ii) 本基金或子基金不再是獲認可的可轉讓證券集合投資計劃;
(iii) 如通過任何法律以使其變得不合法或受託人合理地認為繼續經營本基金或其任何子基金不切實可行或不合宜;或
(iv) 從基金經理向受託人書面明確表示有意辭任之日起三個月內,受託人仍未委任新的經理。
(c) 由單位持有人在特別大會上通過決議終止。
在遵照規則及央行規定之下,本基金或任何子基金可憑單位持有人的特別決議向基金經理作出一般授權或就任何特定安排的授權,並在基金經理一致同意下,與另一可轉讓證券集合投資計劃 (「受讓人」) 合併或將本基金或任何子基金的全部或任何部分資產轉讓給受讓人,轉讓條款是讓單位持有人從受讓人獲得與其在本基金或任何子基金所持有的基金單位同等價值的股份/單位作為報酬。
(包括個人資料及財務資料)。請查詢AEOI(自動交換資 訊)xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xx,了解其他相關資料。此外,投 資者的個人資料可能轉移至並無設有與愛爾蘭相同或等同 資料保護法的國家。倘出現相關轉移,則基金經理須確保 根據資料保護法規處理投資者的個人資料,具體而言,須 實施適當措施,如訂立標準合約條款(由歐盟委員會頒佈)或確保收件人經「私隱護盾」認證(如適當)。
投資者有權透過向基金經理發出書面要求,獲取由基金經 理存置的彼等的資料,要求刪除基金經理持有的個人資料,要求限制處理基金經理持有的個人資料,反對處理基金經 理持有的個人資料並有權修訂及改正基金經理所持有彼等 的個人資料的任何錯誤。該等權利的行使將受到資料保護 法規規定的限制所規限。此外,倘投資者對基金經理使用 彼等個人資料的方式不滿意,則有權向資料保護專員辦事 處投訴。
指State Street Fund Services (Ireland) Limited;
指下文「投資知識」一節所述的美國存託憑證 (ADR);美國存託憑證通常為美國銀行或信託公司發出的信託收據,可證明於外國實體發行的相關證券中的間接權益。全球海外存託憑證、歐洲存託憑證及其他類別的存託憑證通常由國際銀行或金融機構發行,以證明於美國或非美國實體發行的相關證券中的權益。
指任何在愛爾蘭的銀行營業日(不包括愛爾蘭公眾假期),及╱或基金經理(在與行政及過戶代理人商量並同意後) 不時決定並事先通知單位持有人的其他日子,除非有關子 基金的附錄另行訂明;
(a) 符合下列準則的信用機構:
(ii) 獲歐洲經濟區認可者;
(iii) 在1988年7月的《巴塞爾聚合資本協定》簽署國
(iv) 在澤西島、xxx、馬恩島、澳洲或紐西蘭獲認可者;或
(b) 根據金融工具市場法規在歐洲經濟區成員國獲認可的投資公司;或
(c) 受法規限制被美國證券交易委員會視為綜合受監管實體的實體。
全國退休金儲備基金委員會( National Pensions Reserve Fund Commission);
國 有 資 產 管 理 署 ( National Asset Management Agency);
國庫管理署(National Treasury Management Agency)或第739D (6)(kb)條界定的本基金投資機構;
指下文「投資知識」一節所述的全球海外存託憑證 (GDR);
指 PineBridge Investments Ireland Limited;
(a) 經營的業務包括代他人從投資計劃收款的業務,或
(b) 代他人持有投資計劃的基金單位;
指下文「投資知識」一節所述的國際存託憑證 (IDR);
指基金經理與各子基金的投資經理就各子基金訂立的協議,根據該協議,投資經理獲委任為有關子基金的投資經理。 有關詳情於下文「重要合約」一節內概述;
《2014年金融法》對上述居留規則有所變更。自2015年 1月1日起,於愛爾蘭註冊成立的公司將自動就稅務而言被視為愛爾蘭居民,除非其被視為與愛爾蘭有雙重徵稅協議的國家地區之居民則除外。於外國國家地區註冊成立而主要在愛爾蘭管理及控制的公司將繼續就稅務而言被視為愛爾蘭居民,除非因雙重徵稅協議而被視為其他地區居民者則除外。
應注意的是,要確定一間公司就稅務而言的居留地在某些 情況下可以是很複雜的,有意投資的人士宜參照《稅務法》第23A條所載的具體法律條文;
某名個人若於對上連續三個課稅年度為愛爾蘭居民,其將被視為某課稅年度的普通居民(即從第四個課稅年度開始成為普通居民)。某名個人將保留為愛爾蘭普通居民,直至其連續三個課稅年度為非愛爾蘭居民為止。因此,於 2014年1月1日起至2014年12月31日為止的課稅年度內身為愛爾蘭居民及普通居民的個人,如在該課稅年度離開愛爾蘭,將一直維持普通居民的身份,直至2017年1月1日起至2017年12月31日為止的課稅年度終結之時為止。
指PineBridge Investments Ireland Limited;
澳洲 奧地利比利時加拿大智利
法國 德國 希臘 匈牙利冰島 愛爾蘭以色列義大利日本 南韓
盧森堡墨西哥荷蘭 紐西蘭挪威 波蘭 葡萄牙
西班牙瑞典 瑞士 土耳其英國 美國
指Pacific Century Group;
指Central Moneymarkets Office、Clearstream Banking AG、 Clearstream Banking SA 、 CREST 、 Depositary Trust Company of New York、Deutsche Bank AG、Depository and Clearing System 、Euroclear 、日本證券集中保管中心
( JAXXXX ) 、 Monte Titoli SPA 、 Netherlands Centraal Instituut voor Giraal Effectenverkeer BV、全國證券結算系統(National Securities Clearing System)、Sicovam SA、 SIS Sega Intersettle AG 、 The Canadian Depository for Securities Ltd、VPC AB (Sweden),或獲愛爾蘭稅務局局長就《稅務法》第27部第1A章之目的指定作為認可結算系統的任何其他結算基金單位系統;
指歐洲議會及理事會2015年11月25日關於證券融資交易透明度的法規(歐盟)2015/2365,以及重新使用和修改法規(歐盟) 第648/2012號( 可不時修訂、補充或取替);
指State Street Custodial Services (Ireland) Limited;
(a) 美國公民;
(b) 居住在美國的自然人;
(c) 經修訂的《1986年美國國內稅收法》(「稅收法」)第7701(b)條界定的美國的外國居民;
(d) 根據美國法律設立、組織、登記成立或存在的,或主要營業地點設於美國的合夥、公司或其他機構;
(e) 屬於以下情況的遺產或信託:
(i) 其收入(不論來自xx)均須繳交美國所得稅的,或來自美國以外的收入(並非與在美國的貿易或業務經營實際有關的)須就美國聯邦所得稅而言計入總收入之內的;或
(ii) 其執行人、管理人或信託人是美國人士(不包括(A)其執行人或行政及過戶代理人並非美國人士並就遺產資產具有全權或共有的投資決定權的外國法律管轄下的遺產,或(B)其信託人並非美國人士,就信託資產具有全權或共享的投資決定權而且其受益人(或就可撤回信託而言,其創立人)並非美國人士的信託);
(f) 主要為被動投資組建的機構(例如商品組合)、投 資公司或其他類似機構(包括為根據美國法律設立、組建或存在的,或主要營業地點設於美國的,或在 美國從事貿易或業務的機構的僱員、高級人員或主 事人而設的退休計劃,但不包括為根據外國法律設 立、組建或存在的,或主要營業地點設於美國以外 的機構的僱員、高級人員或主事人而設的,並根據 美國以外的國家的法律以及該國的常規及文件設立 和管理的退休計劃),
(i) 而由美國人士持有的分紅單位╱股份合共代表該機構10%或以上的受益權,或
(ii) 而其主要目的是促進美國人士投資於商品組合,而該商品組合的經營人因其參與者為非美國人士而獲豁免於美國商品期貨交易委員會條例第4部分的若干條件規定;
(g) 位於美國的外國機構的代理或分支機構;
(h) 為美國人士的利益而由交易商或其他受信人持有的非全權帳戶或類似帳戶(遺產或信託除外);
(i) 由在美國設立、組織、登記成立、存在的交易商或其他受信人或(如屬自然人)居民持有的全權帳戶或類似帳戶(遺產或信託除外),除非由交易商或其他專業受信人為非美國人士的人士的利益或就非美國人士的人士而持有;
(j) 根據外國法律由美國人士設立、組織、登記成立或存在的,主要投資於並未根據經修訂的《1933年美國證券法》登記的證券的合夥、公司或其他機構;
(k) 美國政府(包括其代理或機構);或
(l) 美國的州或哥倫比亞特區(包括其代理或機構)。
(規定至少5%的直接、間接或推定擁有權),稅收法第 6035條(規定至少10%的直接、間接或推定擁有權),稅收法第6038條(規定50%以上的直接、間接或推定擁有權),或稅收法第6046條(規定至少10%的直接、間接或推定擁有權)。
以下是本基金的投資(不包括於非上市投資中的獲准投資)不時上市或進行買賣的受規管股票交易所及市場的名單。 除已獲允許對非上市投資進行投資外,投資只限於在下列 股票交易所及市場進行。央行並沒有發出獲認可股票交易 所或市場的名單。
(i) 在任何歐盟成員國、澳洲、瑞士、挪威、紐西蘭、美國、加拿大及日本的任何股票交易所;或
(ii) 阿根廷 – 布宜諾斯xx斯證券交易所(BCBA)阿根廷 - Mercado Abierto Electrònico (MAE)
巴林 – 巴林證券交易所 孟加拉 – 達卡證券交易所
孟加拉 – 吉大港證券交易所
貝 寧 – Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières (BRVM)
百慕達 – 百慕達證券交易所
玻利維亞 – 玻利維亞證券交易所博茨瓦納 – 博茨瓦納證券交易所巴西 – 巴西期貨交易所
巴西 – 巴西商品期貨交易所 (BM&F)
巴西 – 聖保羅證券交易所(BOVESPA)
巴西 – Sociedade Operadora de Mercado de Ativos (SOMA)
西非布吉納法索 – Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières (BRVM)
開曼群島 – 開曼群島證券交易所智利 – xxxx證券交易所
智利 – 瓦爾帕萊索證券交易所 智利 – Bolsa Electronica de Chile
中華人民共和國 – 上海證券交易所中華人民共和國 – 深圳證券交易所哥倫比亞 – 哥倫比亞證券交易所
哥斯達黎加 – 哥斯達黎加證券交易所厄瓜多爾 – 瓜亞基爾證券交易所
厄瓜多爾 – 基多證券交易所埃及 – xxxx證券交易所埃及 – 開羅證券交易所
加納 – 加納證券交易所
己內亞 – 己內亞比紹證券交易所(BRVM)香港 – 香港交易及結算所有限公司(HKEx)香港 – 香港期貨交易所
香港 – 香港創業板市場
香港 – 香港聯合交易所(SEHK)冰島 – 冰島證券交易所
印度 – 孟買證券交易所(BSE)印度 – 印度國家證券交易所
印尼 – 印尼證券交易所
以色列 – 特拉維夫證券交易所
象牙海岸– Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières
牙買加 – 牙買加證券交易所約旦 – 安曼證券交易所
哈薩克共和國 – 哈薩克證券交易所
肯尼亞 – 內羅畢證券交易所黎巴嫩 – 貝魯特證券交易所
馬來西亞 – 馬來西亞證券交易所有限公司
馬來西亞 – 馬來西亞衍生工具交易所有限公司/馬來西亞衍生工具交易所(MDEX)
馬來西亞 – 吉隆坡第二板市場
馬來西亞 – 馬來西亞證券交易所交易及自動報價系統(MESDAQ)
馬里- Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières (BRVM)
模里西斯 – 模里西斯證券交易所墨西哥 – 墨西哥證券交易所
墨西哥 – 墨西哥衍生工具交易所
摩洛哥 – Société de la Bourse des Valeurs de Casablanca/卡薩布蘭卡證券交易所
納米比亞 – 納米比亞證券交易所
紐西蘭 – 紐西蘭期貨及選擇權交易所有限公司紐西蘭 – 紐西蘭證券交易所有限公司(NZX)
尼 日 爾 – Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières
尼日利亞 – 尼日利亞證券交易所阿曼 – 馬斯喀特證券市場
巴基斯坦 – 伊斯蘭堡證券交易所巴基斯坦 – 卡拉奇證券交易所 巴基斯坦 – 拉合爾證券交易所 巴勒斯坦 – 巴勒斯坦證券交易所
巴拿馬 – 巴拿馬證券交易所(BVP)秘魯 – 利馬證券交易所
秘魯 – 利馬商品交易所
菲律賓 – 菲律賓證券交易所
菲律賓 – 菲律賓買賣及交易所公司(PDEX)卡塔爾 – 多哈證券交易所
俄羅斯 – 莫斯科證券交易所
沙特阿拉伯 - Tawadul -沙特阿拉伯金融管理局塞爾維亞 – 貝爾格萊德證券交易所
塞內加爾 – Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières
新加坡– Central Limit Order Book International (CLOB)
新加坡 – 新加坡交易所(SGX)
新加坡 – 新加坡證券交易所交易及自動報價系統
南非 – 另類交易所(Alt-X)
南非 – 南非債券交易所(BESA)
南非 – 股票選擇權市場(EOM),JSE分部南非 – 南非期貨交易所(SAFEX),JSE分部南非 – 南非約翰內斯堡證券交易所(JSE)南韓 – 韓國期貨交易所(KOFEX)
南韓 – 韓國證券交易所(KSX)
南韓 – 韓國證券交易商自動報價協會(KOSDAQ)斯里蘭卡 – 科倫坡證券交易所
斯威士蘭 – 斯威士蘭證券交易所
台灣(中華民國) – 證券櫃檯買賣中心(GTSM)台灣(中華民國) – 台灣證券交易所
泰國 – 另類投資市場 泰國 – 泰國證券交易所
多 哥 – Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières
特立尼達和多巴哥 – 特立尼達和多巴哥證券交易所突尼斯 – 突尼斯證券交易所
土耳其 – 伊斯坦布爾證券交易所烏干達 – 烏干達證券交易所
烏克蘭 – xx米亞證券交易所烏克蘭 – 頓涅茨克證券交易所
烏克蘭– Persha Fondova Torgovelna Systema (PFTS)烏克蘭 – 基輔證券交易所
烏克蘭 – 烏克蘭證券交易所
烏克蘭 – 烏克蘭銀行同業外匯交易所(UICE)
阿拉伯聯合酋長國 – 杜拜金融市場英國 – 倫敦證券交易所
烏拉圭 – 蒙得維的亞證券交易所(BVM)委內瑞拉 – xx加斯證券交易所
越南 – xxx市證券交易中心(STC)贊比亞 – 盧薩卡證券交易所(LuSE)
(iii) 下列任何市場:
由FCA 不時修訂的《 The Investment Business Interim Prudential Sourcebook 》( 取代《Grey Paper》)刊物中所述的「上市貨幣市場機構」所運作的市場;
AIM – 由倫敦證券交易所規管及運作的英國另類投資市場;
美國的NASDAQ (納斯達克);
法國的Titres de Créances Négotiables (可轉讓債券票據場外交易市場);
SESDAQ (新加坡證券交易所的二級交易所);
美國 – 芝加哥交易所;芝加哥選擇權交易所;芝 加哥商品交易所;Eurex US;紐約期貨交易所; 美國紐約期貨交易所(New York Board of Trade);紐約商品交易所;
中國 – 上海期貨交易所;
香港 – 香港期貨交易所;
日本 – 大阪證券交易所;東京國際期貨交易所;東京證券交易所;
紐西蘭 – 紐西蘭期貨及選擇權交易所;
新加坡 – 新加坡國際金融交易所;新加坡商品交易所。
只為了確定本基金資產值而言,「認可交易所」一詞就本 基金運用的任何期貨或選擇權合約而言,應被視作包括任 何定期買賣上述期貨或選擇權合約的有組織交易所或市場。
26 January 2021
The Directors of PineBridge Investments Ireland Limited, whose names appear in the section of this Prospectus headed 'Management and Administration of the Fund' are the persons responsible for the information contained in this Prospectus and the Supplements. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the Directors (who have taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the information contained in this Prospectus and its Supplements is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information. The Directors accept responsibility accordingly.
The information contained in the “Profile of Typical Investor” section in each Supplement in relation to the respective Sub-Fund is provided for reference only. Before making any investment decisions, investors should consider their own specific circumstances, including, without limitation, their own risk tolerance level, financial circumstances, and investment objectives. If in doubt, investors should consult their stockbrokers, bank managers, solicitors, accountants, representative banks or other financial advisers.
Within each Unit Class, the Manager may distribute out of capital, and there is an increased risk that capital will be eroded and the distribution will be achieved by forgoing the potential for future capital growth of the investment made by the Unitholders in these Unit Classes. The value of future returns in such Unit Classes may also be diminished. This cycle may continue until all capital is depleted. Investors’ attention is drawn to the specific risk factors set out under the “Risk Factors” section below.
Unitholders should note that all /part of fees and expenses (including management fees if applicable) may be charged to the capital of a Sub-Fund. This will have the effect of lowering the capital value of your investment and there is an increased risk that capital will be eroded.
If you are in any doubt about the contents of this Prospectus, the risks involved in investing in the Fund or the suitability for you of investing in the Fund, you should consult your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, accountant or other independent financial adviser.
DATED 26 January 2021
The Fund is an open-ended umbrella unit trust with segregated liability between sub-funds established and authorised in Ireland as an undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities pursuant to the European Communities (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) Regulations, 2011 (S.I. No. 352 of 2011), as amended, substituted and consolidated from time to time.
This Prospectus and any relevant Supplement should be read and constituted as one document. Supplemental to this, each Supplement contains specific information on the relevant Sub-Fund that may vary between Sub-Funds. Details relating to Classes may be dealt with in the relevant Supplement. To the extent that there is any inconsistency between this Prospectus and any Supplement, the relevant Supplement shall prevail.
Distribution of this Prospectus and the Supplements is not authorised in any jurisdiction unless it is accompanied by a copy of the latest annual report of the Fund and, if published after such annual report, a copy of the latest semi-annual report. Such reports shall form part of this Prospectus.
Capitalised terms used in this Prospectus without definition are defined in the section of this Prospectus headed "Glossary", or in the Appendices to this Prospectus.
The Fund is authorised and supervised by the Central Bank.
Authorisation of the Fund and its Sub-Funds is not an endorsement or guarantee of the Fund or of its Sub-Funds by the Central Bank nor is the Central Bank responsible for the contents of this Prospectus and its Supplements. The authorisation of the Fund and its Sub-Funds by the Central Bank shall not constitute a warranty as to the performance of the Fund or its Sub-Funds and the Central Bank shall not be liable for the performance or default of the Fund or its Sub-Funds.
This Prospectus does not constitute an offer or solicitation to anyone in any jurisdiction in which such offer or solicitation is not authorised or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such offer or solicitation. No person may treat this Prospectus as constituting an invitation to purchase unless in the relevant jurisdiction such an invitation could lawfully be made to such person and any existing registration or other legal requirements have been complied with. It is the responsibility of each person wishing to make an application hereunder to satisfy himself as to the full observance of the laws of the relevant jurisdiction in connection therewith, including the obtaining of any governmental or other consents which may be required or the observance of other formalities which need to be observed or the payment of transfer or other taxes which may be required to be paid in such jurisdiction.
Statements in this Prospectus are based on the law and practice currently in force in Ireland and are subject to changes therein.
The Units have not been registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the United States Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act") and may not be publicly offered in the United States.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Directors may, with the advice of counsel, approve the sale or transfer of Units to one or more US Persons in circumstances in which it is reasonably concluded that such sale would not have adverse consequences to the Fund or its Sub-Funds. However, the Fund and its Sub-Funds are not established for the purpose of investment by US Persons. Any such investor should consult their own legal, tax and other advisers to determine whether an investment in the Fund or its Sub-Funds could result in adverse consequences to the investor or its related persons and affiliates. US Persons may have United States tax consequences arising from investing in the Fund or one of its Sub-Funds. In addition, US Persons related to foreign persons investing in the Fund or its Sub-Funds may incur United States tax consequences. It is suggested that such US Persons and their related foreign investor in the Fund or its Sub-Funds consult their United States tax advisers.
It is also a policy of the Fund to prohibit the sale of Units to any investor to whom such sale would be unlawful in the United States. The Fund has, and intends to exercise, the right to force the redemption of any Units sold in contravention of any of the prohibitions described in this Prospectus. In addition, the Fund has, and shall be fully protected in exercising, the right to compulsorily redeem the Units of any investor at any time if, at the Fund's sole discretion, such redemption would be appropriate to protect the Fund from a requirement to register as an investment company under the 1940 Act or from adverse tax consequences. Applicants for Units and transferees will be required to certify that they are not US Persons prohibited from purchasing Units.
The Fund is authorised by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission under Section 104 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance of Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission does not take any responsibility as to the contents of this Prospectus and the Supplements or for the financial soundness of the Fund or any of its Sub-Funds or for the correctness of any statements made or opinion expressed in this Prospectus and the Supplements. Authorisation by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission is not a recommendation or endorsement of the Fund and its Sub-Funds, is not a guarantee of the commercial merits or performance of the Fund and its Sub-Funds, does not mean the Fund and its Sub-Funds are suitable for all investors, and is not an endorsement of their suitability for any particular investor or class of investors.
Investors should note that because investments in securities can be volatile and their value may decline as well as appreciate, there can be no assurance that the Fund or any of its Sub-Funds will be able to attain its objective or that Units, when redeemed, will be worth more than when they were purchased. The price of Units as well as the income therefrom may fall as well as rise to reflect the changes in the Net Asset Value of each Sub-Fund. A redemption charge of up to 3% may be charged by the Manager. The difference at any one time between the
subscription and redemption prices for Units means that the investment should be viewed as medium to long- term. An investment should only be made by those persons who could sustain a loss on their investment.
A typical investor will be seeking to achieve a return on their investment in the medium to long term. A target investor profile may also be dependent on specific elements relating to a particular Sub-Fund, further details in relation to the profile of a typical investor may be set out in the Supplement for the relevant Sub-Fund.
The principal risk factors associated with investment in the Fund and each Sub-Fund are set out in the section of this Prospectus headed "Risk Factors" and in the Supplement for each Sub-Fund, where relevant.
It is a condition of subscription to the Fund and each Sub-Fund that neither the Manager nor any of the Investment Managers shall be liable to investors (or to any other persons) for any error of judgement in the selection of the Fund's or each Sub-Fund’s investments.
Neither the delivery of this Prospectus nor the offer, issue or sale of Units in the Fund or any of its Sub-Funds shall under any circumstances constitute a representation that the information given in this Prospectus is correct as at any time subsequent to the date hereof. This Prospectus will be updated by the Manager to take into account any material changes and any such amendments will be notified in advance to the Central Bank and to any relevant overseas regulator(s), (as the context may require). Any such changes will be notified to Unitholders in subsequent periodic reports of the Fund.
Salesmen or agents appointed by the Manager shall not have authority to represent the Manager in regard to statements made contrary to the provisions of this Prospectus and any information or representation not contained herein given or made by any dealer, salesman, or other person should be regarded as unauthorised and accordingly may not be relied upon.
This Prospectus may be translated into other languages provided that any such translation shall only contain the same information and shall have the same meaning as this Prospectus.
Structure: The Fund is an open-ended umbrella unit trust with segregated liability between sub-funds established and authorised in Ireland. The Fund is offering, pursuant to this Prospectus, different Unit Classes in each of the Sub-Funds.
Unit Classes: Each Sub-Fund is divided into Unit Classes which have different fee structures. Please refer to ”Operation of the Fund” section of this Prospectus for information regarding Unit Classes available for each Sub- Fund.
Dealing: In normal circumstances, and unless otherwise stated in the Supplement, dealing is daily, being on a Business Day as defined in each Supplement.
Dealing Deadline: Daily at 12.00 noon Irish time or as stated otherwise in the relevant Supplement.
Accounting Date: 31st December each year.
Directors of the Manager
Eimear Cowhey Roxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx
Xxxxx Schuster Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx
Manager and Global Distributor
PineBridge Investments Ireland Limited The Observatory Building – 4th Floor
7-11 Sir Xxxx Xxxxxxxx’x Xuay Dublin 2
State Street Custodial Services (Ireland) Limited 78 Six Xxxx Xxxxxxxx’x Xuay
Dublin 2 Ireland
Administrator and Transfer Agent
State Street Fund Services (Ireland) Limited 78 Six Xxxx Xxxxxxxx’x Xuay
Dublin 2 Ireland
Legal Advisers
Xxxxxx Xxx
Ten Earlsfort Terrace Dublin 2, X00 X000 Ireland
PricewaterhouseCoopers One Spencer Dock
North Wall Quay Dublin 1
Table of Contents
Investment Managers 8
Investment Objective 8
Investment Policy 9
Investment through Subsidiaries 9
Investment Restrictions 9
Permitted Investments Overview 9
Transactions in FDI 13
Change of Index 15
Securities Lending and Repurchase Agreements 16
Co-Management of Assets 17
Additional Investment Restrictions 17
Investment Restrictions for Sub-Funds registered in Taiwan 18
General Risks 21
Equity Investing Risks 33
Risk-Constrained Strategy Risk 33
Fixed Income Risks 33
Derivatives Risks 35
Synthetic Short Position Risk 39
Emerging Markets Risks 39
Specific Sub-Fund Risks 45
Units 50
Unit Classes 50
Unit Class Hedging 50
Subscription and Holding Information 51
Unitclass Descriptions 52
Application for Units 56
Restrictions on Ownership of Units and Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Requirements 56
Application Procedure 57
Subscriptions via a Clearing System 58
Trading Practices 58
Cash accounts holding subscription, redemption and dividend monies 58
Redemption of Units - Redemption Procedure 58
Redemption Restrictions 59
Transfer of Units 60
Switching of Units 60
Tax Liability of the Fund 61
Calculation of the Net Asset Value of the Units 61
Anti-Dilution Levy 62
Temporary Suspension of the Determination of the Value of a Sub-Fund and the Issue and Redemption of Units
..................................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Soft Commissions 66
Manager and Global Distributor 67
Directors’ Interests 68
The Trustee 68
The Administrator and Transfer Agent 69
Investment Managers 70
Paying Agents 71
Irish Taxation 72
The Fund 72
Unitholders Tax 73
Units which are held in a Recognised Clearing System 73
Unitholders who are neither Irish Residents nor Ordinarily Resident in Ireland 73
Unitholders who are Irish Residents or Ordinarily Resident in Ireland 74
Exempt Irish Investors 74
Capital Acquisitions Tax 75
Stamp Duty 75
European Union Taxation of Savings Income Directive 75
Common Reporting Standard 77
Publication of Price of Units 78
Notices to Unitholders 78
Meetings 78
Financial Statements and Supply of Documents 78
Material Contracts 79
Documents Available for Inspection 80
Access to Documents 80
Winding Up 81
Miscellaneous 82
Data Protection 82
The Fund was constituted on 4 March, 2005 as an open-ended umbrella unit trust established and authorised in Ireland as an undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities pursuant to the Regulations.
The Base Currency of each Sub-Fund is set out in the relevant Supplement.
The Trust Deed constitutes the Fund which is made up of the Sub-Funds.
Additional Sub-Funds may, with the prior approval of the Central Bank and the Trustee, be added by the Manager. The name of each additional Sub-Fund, the terms and conditions of its initial offer of Units, details of its investment objective and policies, its Base Currency and any applicable fees and expenses shall be set out in a Supplement to this Prospectus. To invest in the Fund is to purchase Units in a Sub-Fund or Sub-Funds. It is the Sub-Fund which accumulates the assets on behalf of the Unitholders. A Unit in a Sub- Fund represents the beneficial ownership of one undivided unit in the assets of the relevant Sub-Fund referable to that type of Unit.
Each Sub-Fund will be treated as bearing its own liabilities as may be determined at the discretion of the Trustee with the approval of the Manager, provided however, that if the Trustee is of the opinion that a particular liability does not relate to any particular Sub- Fund or Sub-Funds, that liability shall be borne jointly by all Sub-Funds pro rata to their respective Net Asset Value at the time when the expense is incurred.
The Fund is not liable as a whole as the assets of each Sub-Fund shall belong exclusively to that Sub-Fund, shall be segregated from the other Sub-Funds, shall not be used to discharge directly or indirectly the liabilities of or claims against any other Sub-Fund and shall not be available for such purpose.
Units in each Sub-Fund may be designated as different Classes with different rights or benefits attaching thereto. Prior to the issue thereof, the Manager will designate the Class from which such Units in a Sub- Fund will be issued. The creation of any such Classes shall be notified to and cleared by the Central Bank in advance.
The Sub-Funds at the date of this Prospectus are as listed below and may be updated from time to time.
Equity Funds
PineBridge Europe Research Enhanced Equity Fund PineBridge Europe Small Cap Equity Fund PineBridge Global Focus Equity Fund
PineBridge Japan Equity Fund PineBridge Japan Small Cap Equity Fund
PineBridge US Large Cap Research Enhanced Fund PineBridge US Research Enhanced Core Equity Fund PineBridge Asia ex Japan Equity Fund
PineBridge Asia ex Japan Small Cap Equity Fund PineBridge China A-Shares Quantitative Fund PineBridge Emerging Europe Equity Fund PineBridge Global Emerging Markets Focus Equity Fund
PineBridge Greater China Equity Fund PineBridge India Equity Fund PineBridge Latin America Equity Fund PineBridge China A-Shares Equity Fund
Fixed Income Funds
PineBridge Asia Pacific Investment Grade Bond Fund PineBridge Global Bond Fund
PineBridge Global Emerging Markets Bond Fund PineBridge Global Emerging Markets Corporate Bond Fund
PineBridge Global Emerging Markets Local Currency Bond Fund
PineBridge Global Strategic Income Fund PineBridge USD Investment Grade Credit Fund PineBridge USD High Yield Bond Fund
PineBridge Asian High Yield Total Return Bond Fund
Multi-Asset Funds
PineBridge Asia Dynamic Asset Allocation Fund PineBridge Global Dynamic Asset Allocation Fund PineBridge Global Dynamic Preservation Plus Fund
Pursuant to a number of Investment Management Agreements, the Manager has appointed Investment Manager(s) for each of the Sub-Funds as set out in each Supplement.
Each Investment Management Agreement provides that the Investment Manager(s) of each Sub-Fund will manage the portfolio of the respective Sub-Fund in conformity with the investment objectives and investment policies as set out in the relevant Supplement and the investment restrictions as set out in this Prospectus.
Investment Managers may, in accordance with the requirements of the Central Bank and subject to the prior consent of the Manager, delegate to one or more sub-investment managers all or part of their responsibility to manage the assets of one or more Sub-Funds. The fees of any sub-investment manager appointed in respect of a Sub-Fund shall be borne by the relevant Investment Manager and shall not be charged to the relevant Sub-Fund. Details of any sub- investment managers appointed in respect of a particular Sub-Fund will be contained in the Supplement of the relevant Sub-Fund and will be disclosed in the periodic reports of the Fund. The Investment Managers may appoint one or more investment advisers and/or sub-investment advisers to provide certain investment advisory services to the relevant Investment Manager in respect of a Sub- Fund. The fees of any investment adviser/sub- investment adviser appointed in respect of a Sub-Fund shall be borne by the relevant Investment Manager and shall not be charged to the relevant Sub-Fund.
Investment Objective
The investment objective of each Sub-Fund is set out in the relevant Supplement and will not be amended without the prior written approval on the basis of (i) a majority of votes cast at a general meeting of Unitholders of the relevant Sub-Fund or (ii) with the prior written approval of all Unitholders of the relevant Sub-Fund and in the event of any such change, reasonable notice will be given to Unitholders to enable them to redeem their Units before the changes take effect.
Investment Selection
The selection of a Sub-Fund’s investments will depend on the categorisation of the Sub-Fund as set out in the relevant Supplement. The categories are:
Fixed Income
The Investment Manager seeks to identify and capture attractive opportunities in the fixed income universe through constant review and monitoring of global economy, market themes, risk sentiment and analysis of the fundamentals aspects of individual fixed income securities – including but not limited to country, currency and issuing entity. These broad market and investment specific views are then synthesized in making optimal investment allocations within the portfolio. Individual investments and the composition of the portfolio as a whole are continuously monitored and updated given the dynamic nature of the fixed income and currency markets. Actual or anticipated changes with respect to any of these factors may lead to changes in specific holdings or portfolio rebalancing over time to best reflect the investment team’s view.
Equity Traditional
The Investment Manager constructs the portfolio based on a combination of bottom-up high conviction lists, a top-down country allocation framework, and a top-down industry allocation framework. The portfolio managers use risk modelling and portfolio optimization techniques to construct the portfolios to target a level of risk and to remove or minimize unwanted risks.
Equity Research Enhanced
The Investment Manager uses a PineBridge Investments LLC quantitative model to assess the relative attractiveness of stocks. The quantitative model segments the investment universe into one of six lifecycle categories based on a company’s maturity and cyclicality. Stocks are then ranked on a number of factors for each lifecycle category. The ranked output of stocks is then entered into a portfolio optimizer which controls for the targeted tracking error and a number of other constraints in order to construct the portfolio in a manner which seeks to maximize risk- adjusted returns. The strategy aims to outperform its benchmark through active risk decisions. It aims to do this while constraining certain variations in risk and portfolio characteristics versus the benchmark. This risk constrained approach, limits the possible differences between the relative weights of investments, sectors, regions, countries, currencies, ratings or other characteristics of the portfolio versus the benchmark index. Where this occurs, the tracking error to the index is generally not expected to exceed 2%.
Dynamic Asset Allocation
The Investment Manager selects the asset classes and investment strategy or strategies which best complement the Investment Manager's forward views of relevant economic and market trends and
conditions while taking into consideration liquidity, costs, timing of execution, and other factors pertinent to efficient portfolio management. The specific security selection criteria utilized within individual investment strategies selected for use by the Investment Manager to achieve desired asset allocations will vary depending on the attributes of the asset class, relative attractiveness of individual securities and issuers available in the market, market conditions and objectives of investment strategy being pursued.
Investment Policy
Each Sub-Fund will be managed so as to be fully invested, other than during periods where the Investment Manager believes that a larger cash position is warranted.
Additional details in relation to the investment policy of each Sub-Fund is set out in the relevant Supplement. Material changes to the investment policy of each Sub-Fund will not be made without the prior written approval on the basis of (i) a majority of votes cast at a general meeting of Unitholders of the relevant Sub-Fund or (ii) with the prior written approval of all Unitholders of the relevant Sub-Fund and in the event of any such change, reasonable notice will be given to Unitholders to enable them to redeem their Units before the changes take effect.
Investment through Subsidiaries
The Manager may, with the prior approval of the Central Bank, from time to time make investments for efficient portfolio management through wholly owned subsidiaries incorporated in any relevant jurisdiction in order to minimise the effects of exchange control and/or take advantage of applicable tax treaties. The Directors will always form a majority of the directors of any subsidiary through which a Sub-Fund may invest. The investment objective and policy of the relevant Sub-Fund will not only be applied to the Sub-Fund but also to the subsidiary and the investments of the subsidiary will be treated as being held by the Sub- Fund. The assets and shares of any subsidiary will be held by the Trustee or an appointed sub-custodian.
This section contains information about indices and investment restrictions, listing what Sub-Funds can invest in. When reading this section you may want to refer to the next section Investment Know-How to better understand the instruments referred to in this section.
With the exception of permitted investment in unlisted investments, investments by a Sub-Fund will be restricted to securities and FDI listed or traded on permitted markets as set out below under the heading “Permitted Investments Overview”.
The permitted investments and investment restrictions applying to each Sub-Fund, in accordance with the Regulations and the Central Bank UCITS Regulations, are set out below. The Manager may from time to time impose such further investment restrictions as shall be compatible with or in the interest of the Unitholders, in order to comply with the laws and regulations of the countries where Units of the Fund are placed.
Change of Investment Restrictions
It is intended that the Fund shall have the power (subject to the prior approval of the Central Bank) to avail itself of any change in the investment and borrowing restrictions specified in the Regulations which would permit investment by a Sub-Fund in securities, derivative instruments or in any other forms of investment in which investment is at the date of this Prospectus restricted or prohibited under the Regulations. Any changes to the investment or borrowing restrictions will be disclosed in an updated Prospectus.
During such period as any of the Sub-Funds are authorised by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (the "SFC") for the purpose of distribution in Hong Kong, any change in the investment and borrowing restrictions shall also be subject to the prior approval of the SFC and Unitholders will be given not less than one month's notice of any amendment to the investment restrictions, unless previously agreed with the Central Bank and the SFC. Any such further restrictions shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Central Bank.
Permitted Investments Overview
1. Eligible Assets
Investments of each of the Sub-Funds are confined to:
1.1. Transferable securities and money market instruments which are either admitted to official listing on a stock exchange in a Member State or non- Member State or which are dealt on a market which is regulated, operates regularly, is recognised and open to the public in a Member State or non-Member State.
1.2. Recently issued transferable securities which will be admitted to official listing on a stock exchange or other market (as described above) within a year.
1.3. Money market instruments, as defined in the Central Bank UCITS Regulations, other than those dealt on a regulated
1.4. Units/shares of UCITS.
1.5. Units/shares of AIFs as set out in the Central Bank Guidance.
1.6. Deposits with credit institutions as prescribed in the Central Bank UCITS Regulations.
1.7. FDI as prescribed in the Central Bank UCITS Regulations.
2. Investment Restrictions, Concentration and Exposure Limits per Sub-Fund
2.1. Each Sub-Fund may invest no more than 10% of its Net Asset Value in transferable securities and money market instruments other than those referred to in paragraph 1 entitled “Eligible Assets”.
2.2. Each Sub-Fund may invest no more than 10% of its Net Asset Value in recently issued transferable securities which will be admitted to official listing on a stock exchange or other market (as described in paragraph 1.2) within a year. This restriction will not apply in relation to investment by any Sub-Fund in certain US securities known as rule 144A securities provided that:
• the securities are issued with an undertaking to register with the US Securities and Exchanges Commission within one year of issue; and
• the securities are not illiquid securities i.e. they may be realised by the relevant Sub-Fund within seven days at the price, or approximately at the price, at which they are valued by the relevant Sub-Fund.
2.3. Each Sub-Fund may invest no more than 10% of its Net Asset Value in transferable securities and money market instruments issued by the same body provided that the total value of transferable securities and money market instruments held in the issuing bodies in each of which it invests more than 5% is less than 40%.
2.4. Subject to the prior approval of the Central Bank, the limit of 10% (in 2.3) is raised to 25% in the case of bonds that are issued by a credit institution which
has its registered office in a Member State and is subject by law to special public supervision designed to protect bond-holders. If any of the Sub-Funds invests more than 5% of its Net Asset Value in these bonds issued by one issuer, the total value of these investments may not exceed 80% of the Net Asset Value of that Sub-Fund.
2.5. The limit of 10% (in 2.3) is raised to 35% if the transferable securities or money market instruments are issued or guaranteed by a Member State or its local authorities or by a non-Member State or public international body of which one or more Member States are members.
2.6. The transferable securities and money market instruments referred to in 2.4. and 2.5 shall not be taken into account for the purpose of applying the limit of 40% referred to in 2.3.
2.7. No Sub-Fund may invest more than 20% of its Net Asset Value in deposits made with the same credit institution.
Deposits with any one credit institution, other than credit institutions authorised in the EEA or credit institutions authorised within a signatory state (other than an EEA Member State) to the Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx xx Xxxx 0000, (Xxxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx, Xxxxx, United States) or a credit institution authorised in Jersey, Guernsey, the Isle of Man, Australia or New Zealand, held as ancillary liquidity, must not exceed 10% of net assets.
This limit may be raised to 20% in the case of deposits made with the Trustee.
2.8. The risk exposure of any Sub-Fund to a counterparty to an over the counter ("OTC") derivative may not exceed 5% of Net Asset Value of that Sub-Fund.
This limit is raised to 10% in the case of a credit institution authorised in the EEA, a credit institution authorised within a signatory state (other than an EEA Member State) to the Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx xx Xxxx 0000 (Xxxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx, Xxxxx, United States) or a credit institution authorised in Jersey, Guernsey, the Isle of Man, Australia or New Zealand.
2.9. Notwithstanding paragraphs 2.3, 2.7
and 2.8 above, a combination of two or more of the following issued by, or made or undertaken with, the same body may not exceed 20% of Net Asset Value:
• investments in transferable securities or money market instruments;
• deposits; and/or
• counterparty risk exposures arising from OTC derivatives transactions.
2.10. The limits referred to in 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.7,
2.8 and 2.9 above may not be combined, and therefore, exposure to a single body shall not exceed 35% of Net Asset Value.
2.11. Group companies are regarded as a single issuer for the purposes of 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.7, 2.8 and 2.9. However, a limit of 20% of the Net Asset Value may be applied to investment in transferable securities and money market instruments within the same group.
2.12. Each Sub-Fund may invest up to 100% of its Net Asset Value in different transferable securities and money market instruments issued or guaranteed by any Member State, its local authorities, non-Member State or public international body of which one or more Member States are members, any OECD member country, the European Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Finance Corporation, the International Monetary Fund, Euratom, the Asian Development Bank, the European Central Bank, the Council of Europe, Eurofima, the African Development Bank, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (The World Bank), the Inter American Development Bank, European Union, the Federal National Mortgage Association (Xxxxxx Xxx), the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Xxxxxxx Xxx), the Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae), the Student Loan Marketing Association (Xxxxxx Xxx), the Federal Home Loan Bank, the Federal Farm Credit Bank, the Tennessee Valley Authority, OECD Governments (provided the relevant issues are investment grade), Government of Brazil (provided the issues are of investment grade), Government of India (provided the issues are of investment grade), Government of Singapore. However, each Sub-Fund must hold at least six
different issues with securities from any one issue not exceeding 30% of the Net Asset Value of that Sub-Fund.
3. Restriction on Gaining Significant Influence
3.1. None of the Sub-Funds, or the Manager acting in connection with all of the Collective Investment Schemes it manages, may acquire any shares carrying voting rights which would enable it to exercise significant influence over the management of an issuing body.
3.2. Each Sub-Fund may acquire no more than:
(i) 10% of the non-voting shares of any single issuing body;
(ii) 10% of the debt securities of any single issuing body;
(iii) 25% of the shares/units of any single Collective Investment Scheme;
(iv) 10% of the money market instruments of any single issuing body.
NOTE: The limits laid down in (ii), (iii) and (iv) above may be disregarded at the time of acquisition if at that time the gross amount of the debt securities or of the Money Market Instruments or the net amount of securities in issue cannot be calculated.
3.3. 3.1 and 3.2 shall not be applicable to:
(i) transferable securities and money market instruments issued or guaranteed by a Member State or its local authorities;
(ii) transferable securities and money market instruments issued or guaranteed by a non- Member State;
(iii) transferable securities and money market instruments issued by public international bodies of which one or more Member States are members;
(iv) shares held by any Sub-Fund in the capital of a company incorporated in a non-Member State which invests its assets mainly in the securities of issuing bodies having their registered offices in that State, where, under the legislation of that State, such a holding represents the only way in which that Sub-Fund can invest
in the securities of issuing bodies of that State. This waiver is applicable only if in its investment policies the company from the non-Member State complies with the limits laid down in 2.3 to 2.11, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1 and 5.2
and provided that where these limits are exceeded, 5.1 and 5.2 are observed;
(v) shares held by an investment company or investment companies in the capital of subsidiary companies carrying on only the business of management, advice or marketing in the country where the subsidiary is located, in regard to the repurchase of shares/units at
shareholders/unitholders’ request exclusively on their behalf.
3.4. Each Sub-Fund need not comply with the investment restrictions herein when exercising subscription rights attaching to transferable securities or money market instruments which form part of their assets.
4. Investment in Collective Investment Schemes
4.1. Each Sub-Fund may not invest more than 20% of its Net Asset Value in any one Collective Investment Scheme.
4.2. Investment in AIFs may not, in aggregate, exceed 30% of Net Asset Value.
4.3. Investment in a Collective Investment Scheme, which can itself invest more than 10% of its net asset value in other Collective Investment Schemes, is prohibited.
4.4. Each Sub-Fund may invest in other Sub- Funds of the Fund (provided that the Sub-Fund in which the investments are made does not itself hold Units in other Sub-Funds of the Fund and subject to the conditions set out at 4.5 below).
4.5. When a Sub-Fund invests in the shares/units of other Collective Investment Schemes that are managed, directly or by delegation, by the Manager (including other Sub-Funds of the Fund) or by any other company with which the Manager is linked by common management or control, or by a substantial direct or indirect holding, the Manager or linked company may not charge subscription, conversion or
redemption fees or any management fees on account of the Sub-Fund’s investment in the shares/units of such other Collective Investment Schemes.
4.6. Where a commission (including a rebated commission) is received by a Sub-Fund's Manager or Investment Manager by virtue of an investment in the units/shares of another Collective Investment Scheme, this commission must be paid into the property of the relevant Sub-Fund.
5. General Provisions
5.1. The Central Bank may allow recently authorised UCITS to derogate from the provisions of 2.3 to 2.12, 4.1 and 4.2 for six months following the date of their authorisation, provided they observe the principle of risk spreading.
5.2. If the limits laid down herein are exceeded for reasons beyond the control of any Sub-Fund, or as a result of the exercise of subscription rights, that Sub- Fund must adopt as a priority objective for its sales transactions the remedying of that situation, taking due account of the interests of its Unitholders.
5.3. None of the Sub-Funds, the Manager or the Trustee may carry out uncovered sales of:
• transferable securities;
• money market instruments;
• units of Collective Investment Schemes; or
• FDI.
5.4. Each Sub-Fund may hold ancillary liquid assets.
5.5. None of the Sub-Funds may acquire either precious metals or certificates representing them. This does not prohibit any Sub-Fund from investing in transferable securities or money market instruments issued by a corporation whose main business is concerned with precious metals.
6. Restrictions on Borrowing, Lending and Dealing
1. Neither the Manager nor the Trustee, acting on behalf of the Fund, or any Sub-Fund, may borrow money, however, each Sub-Fund may borrow, on a temporary basis only, an amount which in
the aggregate does not exceed 10% of its Net Asset Value. The Trustee may give a charge over the assets of a Sub-Fund in order to secure borrowings of that Sub-Fund. Credit balances (e.g. cash) may not be offset against borrowings when determining the percentage of borrowings outstanding.
2. Each Sub-Fund may acquire foreign currency by means of a "back-to-back" loan. Foreign currency obtained in this manner is not classed as borrowings for the purposes of the borrowing restrictions contained in Regulation 103 of the Regulations and 1 above, provided that the offsetting deposit:
(i) is denominated in the Base Currency of the relevant Sub-Fund;
(ii) equals or exceeds the value of the foreign currency loan outstanding.
However, where foreign currency borrowings exceed the value of the back-to-back deposit, any excess is regarded as borrowing for the purpose of Regulation 103 of the Regulations and 1 above.
3. Without prejudice to the powers of each Sub- Fund to invest in debt securities or in transferable securities, money market instruments, Collective Investment Schemes or FDI which are not fully paid, the Trustee, acting on behalf of the Fund or a Sub-Fund, may not grant loans or act as a guarantor on behalf of third parties.
4. Each Sub-Fund may engage in securities lending for the purpose of generating additional capital or income in accordance with the guidelines set out by the Central Bank. The Manager shall ensure that all revenues derived from efficient portfolio management techniques including stock lending, net of direct and indirect operational costs, will be attributed to the relevant Sub-Fund.
Global exposure (as prescribed in the Central Bank UCITS Regulations) and leverage as a result of its investment in FDI shall not exceed 100% of the Net Asset Value of the relevant Sub-Fund on a permanent basis. Global exposure of each Sub-Fund will be measured using the commitment approach or the Value at Risk (VaR) approach in accordance with the requirements of the Central Bank and as detailed in the Supplement of each Sub-Fund. The Sub-Fund's global exposure will be calculated on a daily basis.
Where the commitment approach is used for the calculation of global exposure, a UCITS must convert each FDI position into the market value of an equivalent position in the underlying asset of that derivative and must determine the Sub-Fund’s global exposure based on the sum of the absolute value of the commitment of each position. A UCITS may take account of netting and hedging arrangements when calculating global exposure, where these arrangements do not disregard obvious and material risks and result in a clear reduction in risk exposure.
Where the VaR approach is used for the calculation of global exposure, the Global Exposure of a Sub-Fund is measured as the maximum potential loss due to market risk at a given confidence level (probability) over a specific time period under normal market conditions. Two main approaches to using VaR have been seen in industry practice, namely the absolute VaR and relative VaR measurement. According to the Central Banks’s guidelines over VaR, for either approach, the VaR is calculated for all the positions of the UCITS portfolio. Consistency should be maintained in the choice (i.e. absolute VaR or relative VaR) and leverage shall be calculated as the sum of the notionals of the FDIs that are used and may be supplemented with leverage calculated on the basis of a commitment approach.
Position exposure to the underlying assets of FDI, including embedded FDI in transferable securities or money market instruments, when combined, where relevant, with positions resulting from direct investments, may not exceed the investment limits set out in the Central Bank UCITS Regulations. (This provision does not apply in the case of index based FDI provided the underlying index is one which meets with the criteria set out in the Central Bank UCITS Regulations.)
Each Sub-Fund may invest in FDI dealt in OTC provided that the counterparties to the OTC's are institutions subject to prudential supervision and belonging to categories approved by the Central Bank.
Investment in FDI is subject to the conditions and limits laid down by the Central Bank.
A description of the main FDI that may be used and the purpose for their use are set out in the “Investment Know-How” section below.
Use of FDI for Investment Purposes
Where disclosed in the relevant Supplement, a Sub- Fund may invest in FDI for investment purposes including equivalent cash settled instruments dealt in on a Recognised Exchange and/or in OTC derivative instruments in each case under and in accordance with conditions or requirements imposed by the Central Bank. The FDI in which a Sub-Fund may invest and the expected effect of investment in such FDI on
the risk profile of a Sub-Fund will be disclosed in the relevant Supplement.
Use of FDI for Hedging and Efficient Portfolio Management
A Sub-Fund may employ FDI for the purposes of hedging and efficient portfolio management purposes. Efficient Portfolio Management techniques and instruments relate to transferable securities or money market instruments and are used meeting the following criteria: (a) They are economically appropriate in that they are realised in a cost-effective way and (b) They are entered into for one or more of the following specific aims (i) reduction of risk (ii) reduction of cost (iii) generation of additional capital or income for Unitholders with a level of risk which is consistent with the risk profile of the relevant Sub- Fund and applicable risk diversification rules. The impact of efficient portfolio management on the performance of a Sub-Fund is to reduce risk or cost or to generate additional income or capital for the Sub- Fund.
The techniques and instruments may be exchange- traded or over-the-counter derivatives and shall include futures (such as currency future contracts), options, options on futures, forward settled transactions, convertible securities, hybrid securities, structured notes, credit default swaps and swap agreements. Futures contracts will be used to hedge against market risk or gain exposure to an underlying market. Forward contracts will be used to hedge or gain exposure to an increase in the value of an asset, currency or deposit. Options will be used to hedge or achieve exposure to a particular market instead of using a physical security. Swaps (including swaptions) will be used to achieve profit as well as to hedge existing long positions. Forward foreign exchange transactions will be used to reduce the risk of adverse market changes in exchange rates or to increase exposure to foreign currencies or to shift exposure to foreign currency fluctuations from once country to another. Credit default swaps will be used to isolate and transfer the exposure to or transfer the credit risk associated with a reference asset or index of reference assets.
A futures contract is an agreement between two parties to buy or sell a security, index or currency at a specific price or rate at a future date. A Sub-Fund may enter into swap agreements with respect to currencies, interest rates and security indices, using these techniques for efficient portfolio management purposes to hedge against changes in interest rates, currency rates or securities’ prices. The purpose behind the use of purchases futures is to serve as a long hedge of the investments of a Sub-Fund. The purpose behind the use of sold futures is to serve as a limited short hedge of the investments of a Sub-Fund. Futures may also be used to equitise cash balanced,
both pending investment of cash flow and with respect to fixed cash targets.
Please see ‘Other FDI’ for further details on the techniques and instruments which may be used.
The inherent risks associated with use of techniques and instruments for Efficient Portfolio Management include counter party risk, conflicts of interest risk and FDI risk. Please see the ‘Risk Factors’ section for more information.
Transaction costs may be incurred in respect of efficient portfolio management techniques in respect of a Sub-Fund. All revenues from efficient portfolio management techniques, net of direct and indirect operational costs, will be returned to the relevant Sub- Fund. Any direct and indirect operational costs/fees arising from efficient portfolio management techniques do not include hidden revenue and will be paid to such entities as outlined in the annual report of the Fund. The annual report will also indicate if these entities are related parties to the Manager or the Trustee.
For Sub-Funds that may employ FDI only for the purposes of hedging and efficient portfolio management purposes, it is expected that any exposure or leverage that arises as a result of the use of FDI will be minimal and in any event will not exceed the Net Asset Value of the Sub-Fund (i.e. the Sub-Fund will not be leveraged in excess of 100% of its Net Asset Value).
A Sub-Fund may utilise FDI intended to provide protection against exchange rate risks, in the context of the management of its assets and liabilities subject to the conditions and limits laid down by the Central Bank. In this regard, a Sub-Fund may: (i) utilise OTC contracts; (ii) utilise currency options; or (iii) hedge exposure to one currency by entering into forward currency transactions in a related currency because of the expected future correlation between the two currencies.
Unless otherwise set out in the Supplements, the Investment Managers may consider that, where a Sub- Fund's portfolio make up is different to that of the referenced index, it is necessary or desirable to replicate the currency exposure of the index and therefore the Investment Managers are entitled to alter the currency exposure characteristics of certain of the assets held within the relevant Sub-Fund through the use of forward and futures currency contracts so that, whilst its own determination of portfolio make up may be reflected in the actual portfolio make up, the currency exposure can reflect that of the index.
Other FDI
Other FDI such as options, including straddles where both a call and put option on the same underlying asset is purchased, swaptions, options which grant the buyer the right but not the obligation to enter into an underlying swap, futures, forwards and swaps may be employed for hedging exposure to a market, currency, sector or region. Please see the “Investment Know- How” section below for further details on various types of FDI.
A Sub-Fund may sell futures or forwards on securities, currencies, indices or interest rates to provide an efficient, liquid and effective method for the management of risks by "locking in" gains and/or protecting against future declines in value. A Sub-Fund may also buy futures or forwards on securities, currencies indices or interest rates to provide a cost effective and efficient mechanism for taking a position in securities expressing a view on currencies or to lock in gains.
A Sub-Fund may utilise options (including equity index options, options on futures currency options, straddles and options on swaps (swaptions)) to increase its current return by writing covered call options and put options on securities it owns or in which it may invest, and on currencies. A call option is an option to buy assets at an agreed price or before a particular date. A put option is an option to sell assets at an agreed price or before a particular date.
Indices are rebalanced regularly. The costs and fees relating to the rebalancing will not impact direct investment in the indices. Sub-Funds may, in accordance with their individual investment policies, seek exposure to a wide range of financial indices including but not limited to equity indices such as the S&P500, the MSCI suite of indices, credit indices such as the Barclays suite of credit indices, the FTSE 100 and the FTSE/EPRA/NAREIT Index. Sub-Funds may also seek exposure to financial indices composed of ineligible assets such as commodities subject to clearance by the Central Bank. In all circumstances, the Central Bank’s guidance on UCITS Financial Indices will be complied with.
A Sub-Fund may enter into swap agreements (including total return swaps) and contracts for difference (“CFD”) with respect to currencies, interest rates, securities and securities indices. Swaps may be used to express a view on, inter alia, interest rates or currency exchange rates and to provide a cost effective and efficient mechanism for taking a position in securities, CIS or FDI, or to lock in gains made on securities.
Assets underlying swaps held by a Sub-Fund may include equities, equity related securities, fixed or floating rate debt securities, money market instruments, indices, currencies, eligible Collective Investment Schemes, REITs and FDI as listed in the relevant supplement. The counterparties to such
transactions are typically banks, investment firms, broker-dealers, or other financial institutions or intermediaries. All counterparties will be eligible counterparties as defined by the Central Bank UCITS Regulations. Please see the ‘Derivative Risks’ section below for further details of the risk of a counterparty defaulting on its obligations and its effect on investor returns. Unless otherwise stated in the relevant supplement, the counterparties to swaps entered into by a Sub-Fund will not assume any discretion over the composition or management of a Sub-Fund’s investment portfolio or over the underlying assets of the FDI’s and a counterparty’s approval is not required in relation to any portfolio transactions by the relevant Sub-Fund.
A Sub-Fund may utilise Collateralised Debt Obligations ("CDO"), Credit Default Swaps ("CDS") and Credit Linked Notes ("CLN"). A CDO that can create leverage must be considered in measuring global exposure.
Risk Management Process for FDI
The Manager will employ a risk management process which will enable it to accurately measure, monitor and manage the risks attached to financial derivative positions and details of this process have been provided to the Central Bank. The Manager will not utilise FDI which have not been included in the risk management process until such time as a revised risk management process has been filed with the Central Bank.
The Manager will, on request, provide supplementary information to Unitholders relating to the risk management methods employed, including the quantitative limits that are applied and any recent developments in the risk and yield characteristics of the main categories of investments.
Investors should be aware that the performance of certain Sub-Funds may be measured against a specified index or benchmark. For further details, Unitholders are directed towards the relevant Supplement.
For the Sub-Funds listed below, the benchmark is or will be provided by an administrator included in the public register of administrators and benchmarks established and maintained by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA):
PineBridge US Research Enhanced Core Equity Fund, PineBridge Global Bond Fund, PineBridge Japan Equity Fund, PineBridge US Large Cap Research Enhanced Fund, PineBridge Europe Research Enhanced Equity Fund.
The register shall be publicly accessible on the website of ESMA and shall be updated promptly as necessary.
The Investment Manager may at any time change that reference index or benchmark where:
(a) the particular index or index series ceases to exist;
(b) a new index becomes available which supersedes the existing one;
(c) it becomes difficult to invest in stocks comprised within the particular index;
(d) the index provider introduces a charge at a level which the Manager considers too high; or
(e) the quality (including accuracy and availability of data) of a particular index has, in the opinion of the Manager, deteriorated.
Unitholders will be advised of any change in a reference index or benchmark in the annual or half- yearly report of the Sub-Fund issued subsequent to such change.
Securities Lending and Repurchase Agreements
Subject to the conditions and limits set out in the Central Bank UCITS Regulations, a Sub-Fund may utilise securities lending agreements. The use of securities lending and repurchase agreements shall be in line with the best interests of the UCITS. In such a transaction the relevant Sub-Fund may temporarily transfer its securities to a borrower, with agreement by the borrower to return equivalent securities to the Sub- Fund.
In lending its securities, the Fund and its Sub-Funds may receive income while retaining the securities potential for capital appreciation. The advantage of such loans is that the Fund and its Sub-Funds continue to receive the interest and dividends on loaned securities while at the same time earning lending income on those securities.
Use of Repurchase/Reverse Repurchase and Stock- lending Agreements:
(1) Repurchase/reverse repurchase agreements, (“Repo Agreements”) and stock lending may only be effected in accordance with normal market practice.
(2) Collateral, including that obtained under a Repo Agreement or stock lending arrangement and save as may be otherwise set out in the Supplement for the relevant Sub-Fund shall be cash, high quality government bonds and equities to the extent deemed necessary by the Investment Manager provided however that such collateral must comply with the requirement of the Central Bank. A documented haircut policy is in place for the Fund detailing the policy in respect of each class of assets received and which takes into account the characteristics of the assets and the results of
any stress tests conducted as required:
(i) A Sub-Fund may be fully collateralised in different transferable securities and money market instruments issued or guaranteed by a Member State, one or more of its local authorities, a third country, or a public international body to which one or more Member States belong. The Sub-Fund should receive securities from at least 6 different issues, but securities from any single issue should not account for more than 30% of the Sub Fund’s net value.
(3) Non-cash collateral:
(i) cannot be sold, pledged or re-invested;
(ii) must be held at the risk of the counterparty;
(iii) must be issued by an entity independent of the counterparty; and
(iv) must be diversified to avoid concentration in one issue, sector or country.
(4) Cash Collateral:
Cash may not be invested other than in the following:
(i) deposits with relevant institutions;
(ii) high quality government bonds;
(iii) reverse repurchase agreements provided the transactions are with credit institutions subject to prudential supervision and the UCITS is able to recall at any time the full amount of cash on an accrued basis;
(iv) short-term money market funds as defined in the ESMA Guidelines on a Common Definition of European Money Market Funds (ref CESR/10-049);
(v) Invested cash collateral should be diversified in accordance with the diversification requirements applicable to non-cash collateral.
(5) Invested cash collateral may not be placed on deposit with, the counterparty or a related entity. Re-invested cash collateral exposes the Fund to certain risks such as the risk of a failure or default of the issuer of the relevant security in which the cash collateral has been invested. Investors should consult the “Risk Factors” of the Prospectus for information on counterparty risk and credit risk in this regard.
(6) The counterparty to a Repo Agreement or stock lending arrangement must have a minimum credit rating of A-2 or equivalent, or must be deemed by the relevant Sub-Fund to have an
implied rating of A-2 or equivalent. Alternatively, an unrated counterparty will be acceptable where the relevant Sub-Fund is indemnified or guaranteed against losses suffered as a result of a failure by the counterparty, by an entity which has and maintains a rating of A-2 or equivalent.
(7) The relevant Sub-Fund should ensure that it is able at any time to recall any security that has been lent out or terminate any securities lending agreement into which it has entered.
The relevant Sub-Fund entering into a reverse repurchase agreement should ensure that it is able at any time to recall the full amount of cash or to terminate the reverse repurchase agreement on either an accrued basis or a mark-to-market basis. When the cash is recallable at any time on a mark-to-market basis, the mark-to-market value of the reverse repurchase agreement should be used for the calculation of the Net Asset Value of the Sub- Fund.
The relevant Sub-Fund entering into a repurchase agreement should ensure that it is able at any time to recall any securities subject to the repurchase agreement or to terminate the repurchase agreement into which it has entered. Fixed-term repurchase and reverse repurchase agreement which do not exceed seven days should be considered as arrangements on terms that allow the assets to be recalled at any time by the Sub-Fund.
(8) Repo Agreements, stock borrowing or stock lending do not constitute borrowing or lending for the purposes of Regulation 103 and Regulation 111 respectively.
For the purposes of effective management, the Manager, in consultation with the Investment Manager, may choose to co-manage assets of certain Sub-Funds
in conjunction with other Sub-Funds of the Fund. The assets which are co-managed shall be referred to as a pool (hereinafter the "Pool") comprising investments contributed by all Sub-Funds which participate in the Pool ("Participating Sub-Fund").
Opportunities to establish pooling arrangements usually arise where the investment objectives and policies of a Sub-Fund are sufficiently similar to enable assets contributed by a Sub-Fund to be co-managed by the same Investment Manager with assets of other Sub-Funds in the Pool.
These pooling arrangements are an administrative device designed to reduce operational and other expenses and do not change the legal rights and obligations of Unitholders. The Pools do not constitute separate legal entities and are not directly accessible to investors or creditors. Each of the Participating Sub- Funds shall remain entitled to its specific assets.
Where assets of more than one Participating Sub-Fund are pooled, the assets attributable to each Participating Sub-Fund will initially be determined by reference to its initial allocation of assets to such Pool and will change in the event of additional allocations or withdrawals. The entitlements of each Participating Sub-Fund to the co-managed assets apply to each and every line of investments of such pool. Additional investments made on behalf of the Participating Sub- Funds shall be allocated to such Participating Sub- Funds in accordance with the respective entitlement, whereas assets sold should be levied similarly on the assets attributable to each Participating Sub-Fund.
Investors should note that the pooling arrangement may cause the composition of assets of a Participating Sub-Fund to be altered as a result of subscriptions and redemptions in another Participating Sub-Fund, which would cause the Investment Manager to dispose of or acquire assets for the Pool or may cause the Investment Manager to increase the amount of ancillary liquid assets held by the Investment Manager.
The Pool is not liable as a whole as the assets of each Participating Sub-Fund shall belong exclusively to that Participating Sub-Fund, shall be segregated from the other Participating Sub-Funds, shall not be used to discharge directly or indirectly the liabilities of or claims against any other Participating Sub-Fund and shall not be available for such purpose.
The Manager may elect at any time to terminate the pooling arrangements on notice to the Investment Manager, the Administrator and Transfer Agent and the Trustee and will ensure that any such pooling arrangements are fairly allocated between each relevant Sub-Fund.
Additional Investment Restrictions
Without limitation, the Manager, in accordance with the requirements of the Central Bank, may adopt additional investment restrictions to facilitate the distribution of Units to the public in a particular jurisdiction.
Such investment restrictions may be changed from time to time by the Manager in accordance with a change in the applicable law and regulations in any jurisdiction in which Units are currently offered, provided that the assets of the Sub-Fund, at all times, will be invested in accordance with the restrictions on investments set out in the Regulations.
Investment Restrictions for Sub-Funds registered in Taiwan
In relation to the Sub-Funds which are registered in Taiwan the following restrictions apply and may be amended from time to time:
(i) The total value of the open positions on derivatives held by the Sub-Fund cannot exceed 40% of its Net Asset Value.
(ii) Where the offshore fund invests in China securities markets, only listed securities and interbank bond market can be invested, the aggregate percentage of which cannot exceed 20% of Net Asset Value. ‘China securities markets’ means investment in securities on any exchange and interbank bond market within mainland China; HK and Macau are not included. Please refer to Appendix II for a list of recognised exchanges, including those located in mainland China.
(iii) The investment amount in each offshore fund by Taiwanese investors shall not exceed certain limits prescribed by the FSC. This limit is 50% of Net Asset Value unless an exemption is granted to the Manager in which case the limit is 70%.
The major jurisdiction of the portfolio of the offshore fund shall not be the securities markets in the Territory; the FSC will decide the maximum ratio of the investment portfolio in the securities markets of the Territory. “The Territory” is defined in the Rules Governing Offshore Funds as the Republic of China. The maximum limit is 50% of Net Asset Value.
In this section information is provided for certain more complicated investments. The investments are listed alphabetically for ease of reference.
ADR, CDR, IDR, GDR, American, International, and Global Depositary Receipts
Depositary receipts are negotiable financial instruments issued by banks to represent a foreign company's publicly traded shares. The depositary receipt trades on a local stock exchange.
Where a Sub-Fund invests in ADRs, CDRs, IDRs, or GDRs, these will be listed on a Recognised Exchange as set out in Appendix II to this Prospectus. Such investments must be in accordance with the investment objective, investment policy and investment restrictions of the Sub-Fund.
Callable Bonds
Callable Bonds are bonds that can be redeemed by the issuer prior to maturity.
CDO, Collateralised Debt Obligation
A CDO is a security backed by a pool of bonds, loans and other assets. CDOs do not specialize in one type of debt and accordingly, a CDO may own corporate bonds, commercial loans, asset-backed securities, residential mortgage-backed securities, commercial mortgage-backed securities, and emerging market debt. The CDOs securities are typically divided into several classes, or bond tranches, that have differing levels of investment grade or credit tolerances. Most CDO issues are structured in a way that enables the senior bond classes and mezzanine classes to receive investment-grade credit ratings; credit risk is shifted to the most junior class of securities. If any defaults occur in the assets backing a CDO, the senior bond classes are first in line to receive principal and interest payments, followed by the mezzanine classes and finally by the lowest rated (or non-rated) class, which is known as the equity tranche.
A Sub-Fund may invest in the rated or equity tranches of CDOs and will not be leveraged as a result of such investments.
A contract for difference (“CFD”) is similar to a futures contract, but settlement is made in cash and being an over the counter contract, the terms may be customised as to the quantity of the underlying reference asset (typically an equity or equity index) represented by the contract, maturity, settlement and other terms. CFDs may be used to provide a cost effective and efficient mechanism for taking a position in securities.
A CDS is an FDI which operates to mitigate credit risk. Under a CDS agreement one party, referred to as the protection buyer, purchases protection from the other party referred to as protection seller for losses that might be incurred as a result of a default or other credit event in relation to an underlying security. The protection buyer pays a premium for the protection and the protection seller agrees to make a payment to compensate the protection buyer for losses incurred upon the occurrence of any one of a number of possible specified credit events, as set out in the CDS agreement.
CLN, Credit Linked Note
A CLN is a security that pays a fixed or floating coupon during the life of the note (the coupon is linked to the performance of a reference asset, typically bonds) and which allows the issuer to transfer a specific credit risk to an investor. At maturity, the investor receives the par value of the underlying security unless the referenced credit defaults or declares bankruptcy, in which case the investor receives an amount equal to the recovery rate.
CIS, Collective Investment Schemes
A Collective Investment Scheme is a professionally managed investment fund which combines the money of a broad range of investors in a single investment vehicle. This pools costs and allows access to a wider range of investments than investors would generally be able to achieve individually.
Currency Exposure and Currency Exchange
Where a Sub-Fund takes steps to alter the currency exposure of the underlying assets it may engage in forward exchange contracts for hedging and investment purposes. Where indicated Sub-Funds may also hedge currency exchange risk by entering into forward, futures and currency swap contracts and purchasing and selling put or call options on foreign currency and on foreign currency futures contracts within the limits set out by the Central Bank. Because currency positions held by the Sub-Fund may not correspond with the asset position held, the performance may be strongly influenced by movements in the FX rates.
Forwards, Forward Currency Contracts and Currency Options
Forward currency contracts and currency options may, at the Investment Managers’ discretion, be used for investment purposes or to hedge some or all of the exchange risk/currency exposure arising as a result of the fluctuation between the currency in which the Net Asset Value per Unit is computed and the currencies in
which each Sub-Fund’s investments are denominated. In addition, forward currency contracts and currency options may be used to protect the value of the currency of each Class from the adverse movements of other currencies.
A forward contract locks in the price at which an index or asset may be purchased or sold on a future date. In forward foreign exchange contracts, the contract holders are obligated to buy or sell from another a specified amount of one currency at a specified price (exchange rate) with another currency on a specified future date. Forward contracts cannot be transferred but they can be "closed out" by entering into a reverse contract.
Options are described further below.
FDI, Financial Derivative Instrument
Where a Sub-Fund uses FDI this is clearly noted in the Supplement. Make sure you read the information in this section and the following section entitled “Risk Factors”.
Further details in relation to the use for FDI for investment purposes and for hedging and efficient portfolio management can be found in the section entitled “Investment of the Fund’s Assets - Transactions in FDI”.
Futures are contracts to buy or sell a standard quantity of a specific asset (or, in some cases, receive or pay cash based on the performance of an underlying asset, instrument or index) at a pre-determined future date and at a price agreed through a transaction undertaken on an exchange.
A Sub-Fund may sell futures on securities, currencies, bonds, indices or interest rates to provide an efficient, liquid and effective method for the management of risks by "locking in" gains and/or protecting against future declines in value. A Sub-Fund may also buy futures on securities, currencies, bonds, indices or interest rates to provide a cost effective and efficient mechanism for taking a position in securities.
Hybrid Securities
Hybrid Securities are securities which have characteristics of both debt and equity and may embed derivatives and/or leverage.
Money Market Instruments
Money Market Instruments are assets involved in short-term borrowing and lending which fulfil one of the following criteria: (a) they have a maturity at issuance of up to and including 397 days; (b) they have a residual maturity of up to and including 397 days; (c)
they undergo regular yield adjustments in line with money market conditions at least every 397 days; (d) their risk profile, including credit and interest rate risks, corresponds to that of financial instruments which have a maturity as referred to in subparagraphs (a) or (b), or are subject to a yield adjustment as referred to in subparagraph (c). Such Money Market Instruments may include but are not limited to non-government short term obligations (such as fixed or floating rate commercial paper), obligations of banks or other depository institutions (such as certificates of deposit and bankers acceptances), securities issued or otherwise backed by supranational organisations or by sovereign governments, their agencies, their instrumentalities and political sub divisions.
Certain financial institutions publish stock market indices, which are lists of investments organised by regions of the world, market capitalization level and type of investment. Sub-Funds use indices either in their investment policy to define what the Sub-Fund will invest in or to measure performance. Details about indices can be obtained on the internet from the financial institutions publishing the indices.
An option is a contract which gives the contract buyer the right, but not the obligation, to exercise a feature of the option, such as buying a specified quantity of a particular product, asset or financial instrument, on, or up to and including, a future date (the exercise date). The "writer" (seller) has the obligation to honour the specified feature of the contract. Since the option gives the buyer a right and the seller an obligation, the buyer pays the seller a premium. Put options are contracts that give the option holder the right to sell to the option writer the underlying product or financial instrument at a specified price on, or before, the exercise date. Call options are contracts that give the option holder the right to buy from the option writer the underlying product or financial instrument at a specified price on, or before, the exercise date. Options may also be cash settled.
OTC, Over The Counter
Trading of equities, bonds or derivatives directly between two parties, rather than through a stock exchange.
Perpetual Bonds
Perpetual Bonds are bonds which have either no maturity date or a maturity date that is so far in the future that the bond will pay interest indefinitely.
Putable Bonds
Putable Bonds are bonds that allow the holder to require the issuer to repurchase the bond before maturity
REITs, Real Estate Investment Trusts
REITs are either Collective Investment Schemes or listed companies investing in property/real estate. Please note the ability to trade REITs in the secondary market can be more limited than other stocks.
Stock Exchanges
Stock exchanges are markets for dealing securities. A list of the stock exchanges and markets in which the Sub-Fund is permitted to invest, in accordance with the requirements of the Central Bank, is contained in Appendix II to this Prospectus.
A swap is an FDI by which counterparties exchange certain benefits of one party’s financial instrument for those of the other party’s financial instrument. A Sub- Fund may use these techniques to protect against changes in interest rates and currency exchange rates. In respect of currencies a Sub-Fund may utilise currency swap contracts where the Sub-Fund may exchange currencies at a fixed rate of exchange for currencies at a floating rate of exchange or currencies at a floating rate of exchange for currencies at a fixed rate of exchange. In respect of interest rates a Sub- Fund may utilise interest rate swap contracts where the Sub-Fund may exchange floating interest rate cash flows for fixed interest rate cash flows or fixed interest rate cash flows for floating interest rate cash flows.
Generally, a swap is a contractual agreement between two counterparties in which the cash flows from two reference assets are exchanged as they are received for a predetermined time period, with the terms initially set so that the present value of the swap is zero. Swaps may extend over substantial periods of time, and typically call for the making of payments on a periodic basis. In most swap contracts, the notional principal of the swap is not exchanged but is used to calculate the periodic payments. Swaps are usually traded OTC.
Interest rate swaps involve the exchange by a Sub- Fund with another party of their respective commitments to make or receive interest payments (e.g. an exchange of fixed rate payments for floating rate payments). On each payment date under an interest rate swap, the net payments owed by each party are paid by one party to the other. Currency swaps are agreements between two parties to exchange future payments in one currency for payments in another currency. These agreements are used to transform the currency denomination of assets and liabilities. Unlike interest rate swaps,
currency swaps must include an exchange of principal at maturity.
Other types of swap exist, which a Sub-Fund may, from time to time, utilise subject to the above conditions.
Total Return Swap
In respect of securities and securities indices, a Sub- Fund may utilise total return swap contracts where the Sub-Fund will typically exchange floating interest rate cash flows for cash flows based on the total return of an equity or fixed income instrument or a securities index or vice versa. These contracts allow a Sub-Fund to manage its exposures to certain securities or securities indices. For these instruments the Sub- Fund’s return is based on the movement of interest rates relative to the return on the relevant security of index.
Warrants, Convertible Securities, Convertible Bonds and Convertible Debentures
A Sub-Fund may purchase warrants, convertible securities, convertible bonds and convertible debentures to provide an efficient, liquid mechanism for taking a position in securities without the need to purchase and hold the security.
A warrant in the classic sense is a security that entitles the holder to buy stock of the issuing company at a specified price. Warrants have similar characteristics to call options, but are typically issued together with preferred stocks or bonds or in connection with corporate actions and are usually of little value. There are other types of warrants, including (without limitation) currency warrants and index warrants which are issued by financial institutions and may or may not be exchange traded. Such warrants may have the characteristics of call or put options.
Potential investors should consider the following risks, in particular, those highlighted as key risks for any specific Sub-Fund in the relevant Supplements, before investing in any of the Sub-Funds.
There is no assurance that the investment objective of any of the Sub-Funds will be achieved. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance and investments should be regarded as medium to long-term. Investment in a Sub-Fund should not be the sole or principal component of any investment portfolio.
The investment risks set out in this Prospectus do not purport to be exhaustive and potential investors should be aware that an investment in the Fund or any Sub-Fund may be exposed to risks of an exceptional
nature from time to time. Additional risks and uncertainties not currently known to Directors may also have an adverse effect on the business of the Manager and/or the Fund.
The Trust Deed limits the circumstances under which the Manager, the Investment Managers and their affiliates can be held liable to the Fund. As a result, there is a risk that Unitholders may have a more limited right of action in certain cases than they would have in the absence of such a limitation.
Accounting and Auditing Standards Risk
Accounting and auditing standards in some of the countries in which a Sub-Fund may invest may not correspond to international accounting standards and this may result in less reliable financial information on investments.
The Fund may hold a significant portion of its assets in cash or cash equivalents at the Investment Manager’s discretion and always in line with the investment restrictions of the Fund. If a Sub-Fund holds a significant cash position, there is a risk that its investment returns may be adversely affected, and such Sub-Fund may not achieve its investment objective.
The Manager, Investment Managers, Administrator and Transfer Agent and Trustee (and their respective groups) each maintain appropriate information technology systems. However, like any other system, these systems could be at risk of technological malfunctions which cause operational disruption resulting in, for example, the inability to close out positions and impede trading or calculate the Net Asset Value. These systems could also be at risk of cyber security attacks resulting in data security breaches, theft, a disruption in the Manager, Investment Managers, Administrator and Transfer Agent and/or Trustee’s service, cause reputational damage or ability to close out positions and the disclosure or corruption of sensitive and confidential information. Notwithstanding the existence of policies and procedures designed to detect and prevent such breaches and ensure the security, integrity and confidentiality of such information as well as the existence of business continuity and disaster recovery measures, such security breaches may potentially also result in loss of assets and could create significant financial and/or legal exposure for the Fund.
Currency Risk – Unit Class Currency Risk
Classes of Units in a Sub-Fund may be denominated in currencies other than the Base Currency of the Sub- Fund and there is a risk that changes in the exchange rate between the Base Currency and the denominated currency of the Class may lead to a depreciation of the value of the investor’s holding as expressed in the Base Currency even in cases where the Class is hedged.
Currency Risk – Hedged Unit Classes
Where a Class is currency hedged, there is a risk that currency fluctuations between an investor’s currency of reference or the currency of investments and the Base Currency of the Sub-Fund may adversely affect the value of an investment. Hedges are sometimes not perfectly matched between a derivative and the investors currency of reference. At no time can a Sub- Fund hedge more than 105% of its Net Asset Value (within the limits and conditions imposed by the Central Bank) against currency fluctuations. Currency hedging can reduce or eliminate losses but it can also reduce or eliminate gains. Currency hedging may substantially limit Unitholders’ earnings potential of a particular Class if that Class’ currency falls against the Base Currency and/or the currency in which the investments are denominated. The costs and gains/losses arising as a result of Unit Class currency hedging will accrue solely to the relevant Unit Class. The effectiveness of the Sub-Fund's currency hedging strategy and the costs associated with currency hedging transactions may also be affected by interest rates. There can be no assurance that the Fund's currency hedging transactions will be effective. Please see below for the specific additional risks involved in investing through RMB denominated Classes of Units.
Commodity Risk
A Sub-Fund investing in commodities may do so by synthetically replicating the performance of a commodities index. The underlying index may concentrate investment on selected commodity futures of multinational markets. Prices of commodities are influenced by, among other things, macro-economic factors such as changing supply and demand relationships, weather conditions and other natural phenomena, agricultural, trade, fiscal, monetary, and exchange control programmes and policies of governments (including government intervention in certain markets) and other unforeseeable events. As with any investment, the investment may rise or fall in value depending on the performance of the commodity markets concerned. The intention of any Sub-Fund to invest in commodities will be disclosed in the relevant Supplement.
Concentration Risk
The Sub-Fund may invest in a limited number of securities compared to more diversified Sub-Funds or it may focus its investments and hold relatively large
positions in, among other things, particular industries, countries, sectors, currencies or issuers. This may occur directly as a result of portfolio management decisions, or indirectly as a result of security price changes. Where this happens, the Sub-Fund may have a greater level of sensitivity to those industries, sectors, countries, currencies or issuers and the events, developments or issues that affect their prices. This may result in significant losses for the Sub-Fund, may increase the volatility of the value of the Sub-Fund, and may also limit the liquidity of certain securities within the Sub-Fund. For Sub-Funds with geographical concentration, the value of the Sub-Funds may be more susceptible to adverse economic, political, policy, foreign exchange, liquidity, tax, legal or regulatory events affecting the relevant market.
Conflicts of Interest Risk
In the ordinary course of their businesses, PineBridge Investments L.P. and its affiliates may engage in activities where their interests or the interests of their clients conflict with the interests of the Fund and each of its Sub-Funds.
The Manager, the Investment Manager and their affiliates may provide investment management, securities lending and other services to other clients (including investment companies), including clients which may invest in the securities in which the Fund and each Sub-Fund may invest, and, in providing such services, may use information obtained by the Manager, and/or the Investment Manager or their affiliates which is used in managing the Fund's and each Sub-Fund’s investments. In the event of a conflict of interest arising, the Manager or the Investment Manager or their affiliates will ensure that it is resolved fairly in the best interests of the Unitholders and that investment opportunities shall be fairly allocated to their respective clients.
The Manager, the Trustee, the Administrator and Transfer Agent and/or the Investment Managers or their affiliates (individually a “Party” and collectively the "Parties") are or may be involved in other financial, investment and professional activities which may on occasion cause a conflict of interest with the interests of the Fund which include the valuation of unlisted securities (in circumstances in which fees payable to the Party valuing such securities may increase as the value of the assets increases) or the Parties may engage in transactions with the Fund and each Sub- Fund whereby any of the Parties or any other party having an interest in the Fund or any of its Sub-Funds, or any of their affiliates is acting in the capacity of broker, intermediary, principal or counterparty provided that such transactions are carried out on normal commercial terms negotiated at arm's length, are in the best interests of Unitholders, and
(i) the valuation is certified by a person approved by the Trustee (or in the case of a transaction
involving the Trustee, by the Manager) as independent and competent; or
(ii) the execution of such transaction is on best terms on an organised investment exchanges under their rules; or
(iii) where (i) and (ii) are not practical, such transactions shall be executed on terms which the Trustee (or in the case of a transaction involving the Trustee, the Manager) is satisfied conform to the principle that the transaction is carried out as if effected on normal commercial terms, to ensure that the transactions are negotiated at arm's length and that they are in the best interests of Unitholders.
The Trustee or the Manager, in the case of transactions involving the Trustee must document how it complied with (i), (ii) and (iii). Where transactions are conducted in accordance with paragraph (iii), the Trustee or the Manager in the case of transactions involving the Trustee must document their rationale for being satisfied that the transaction conformed to the principles outlined here.
In order to facilitate the Fund discharging its obligation to provide the Central Bank with a report within its annual and semi-annual report in respect of all related party transactions, the relevant Party will disclose details of each transaction to the Fund (including the name of the related Party involved and where relevant, fees paid to that party in connection with the transaction).
In these circumstances, or where non-listed securities are being valued by a competent person, should any conflict arise each of the Parties will use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that the performance of its respective duties will not be impaired by any such involvement that it may have and that any conflicts which may arise will be resolved fairly and in the best interests of Unitholders.
PineBridge companies receive Material Non-Public Information (MNPI) in relation to listed securities and Sub-Funds in which it invests on behalf of xxxxxxx.Xx prevent wrongful trading, PineBridge erects Information Barriers and restricts trading by one or more investment team(s) concerned in the security or Sub-Fund concerned. Such restrictions may negatively impact the investment performance of client accounts. PineBridge has implemented a Material Non-Public Information Barrier Policy. The foregoing does not purport to be a comprehensive list or complete explanation of all potential conflicts of interests which may affect a Sub-Fund.
Counterparty Risk – Depositary
There are risks involved in dealing with the Trustee, sub-custodians or brokers who hold a Sub-fund's
investments or settle a Sub-funds' trades. The assets of the Fund are entrusted to the Trustee for safekeeping. In accordance with the UCITS Directive, the Trustee shall hold and record assets in compliance with all applicable laws. The assets of any Sub- Fund should be identified in the Trustee's books as belonging to the Sub-Fund. Securities held by the Trustee should be segregated from other securities/assets of the Trustee in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Such requirements are designed to safe-keep the assets but there is no guarantee they will successfully do so and it does not exclude the risk of non-restitution in the case of bankruptcy or insolvency of the Trustee. The investors are therefore exposed to the risk of the Trustee not being able to fully meet its obligation to restitute all of the assets of the Sub-Fund in the case of bankruptcy or insolvency of the Trustee. In addition, a Sub-Fund's cash held with the Trustee may not be segregated from the Trustee's own cash/cash under custody for other clients of the Trustee and a Sub-Fund may therefore rank as an unsecured creditor in the case of bankruptcy or insolvency of the Trustee. The Trustee may not keep all the assets of the Fund itself but may use a network of sub-custodians which are not always part of the same group of companies as the Trustee. Investors may be exposed to the risk of bankruptcy of the sub-custodians in circumstances where the Trustee may have no liability.
Counterparty Risk
Counterparty Credit Risk
A Sub-Fund will be exposed to the credit risk of the parties with which it transacts and may also bear the risk of settlement default. An issuer may fail to make principal and interest payments when due. Issuers with higher credit risk typically offer higher yields for this added risk, and vice versa. Generally, government securities are considered to have a lower risk of default than corporate debt, especially corporate debt with poor credit ratings. However government debt with poor credit ratings can also pose a risk of default to a Sub-Fund. Changes in the financial condition of an issuer and changes in economic or political conditions in general or to an issuer, are factors that may adversely impact an issuer’s credit quality and security values. There can be no assurance that an issuer of any type will not be subject to credit difficulties.
Derivative Counterparty Risk
Counterparty Risk would also include counterparties to any derivatives, repurchase/reverse repurchase agreement or securities lending agreement that it enters into. Trading in derivatives which have not been collateralised gives rise to direct counterparty exposure. The relevant Sub-Fund mitigates much of its credit risk to its derivative counterparties by receiving collateral with a value at least equal to the exposure to each counterparty but, to the extent that any derivative is not fully collateralised, a default by the counterparty
may result in a reduction in the value of the Fund. A formal review of each new counterparty is completed and all approved counterparties are monitored and reviewed on an ongoing basis.The Fund maintains an active oversight of counterparty exposure and the collateral management process.
General Counterparty Risk
If a Sub-Fund enters into an investment or transaction with a financial institution and such financial institution experiences financial difficulties, the Sub- Fund may in certain situations be prevented or delayed from exercising its rights to terminate the investment or transaction, or to realize on any collateral and may result in the suspension of payment and delivery obligations of the parties or another institution being substituted for that financial institution without the consent of the Sub-Fund.
In addition, there is the possibility of material misrepresentation or omission on the part of a counterparty. Such inaccuracy or incompleteness may adversely affect the valuation of the collateral underlying an investment. The Manager will rely upon the accuracy and completeness of representations made by counterparties to the extent reasonable, but cannot guarantee accuracy or completeness. Under certain circumstances, payments to the Sub-Funds may be reclaimed if any such payment or distribution is later determined to have been a fraudulent transaction or a preferential payment.
Further, the Sub-Fund may be subject to “bail-in” risk whereby, if required by the financial institution’s authority, the financial institution’s liabilities could be written down, eliminated or converted into equity or an alternative instrument of ownership. A bail-in of a financial institution may result in a reduction in value of some or all of its securities and a Sub-Fund that holds such securities or has entered into a transaction with such a financial security when a bail-in occurs may also be similarly impacted.
Currency Risk – Base Currency
Securities may be denominated in currencies different from the Sub-Fund's Base currency and there is a risk that changes in exchange rates and exchange control regulations may cause the value of the assets expressed in the Base Currency to rise or fall. The Sub- Fund may use techniques and instruments including currency hedging to control this risk but it is not possible to entirely mitigate this risk nor is there an obligation on the Manager to reduce currency risk within the Sub-Fund. Where a Sub-Fund takes steps to alter the currency exposure of the underlying assets as described above in “Currency Exposure and Currency Exchange”, please see “Forward Exchange Contract Risk” and “Futures and Options Speculation and Volatility Risk” in the “Derivatives Risks” section below for information on the attendant risks.
Depositary Receipts Risk
A Sub-Fund may invest in American Depositary Receipts (“ADRs”), Chinese Depositary Receipts (“CDRs”), Global Depositary Receipts (“GDRs”), International Depositary Receipts ("IDRs) and European Depositary Receipts (“EDRs”). There is a risk that these investments may be less liquid and more volatile than the underlying securities. If a depositary receipt is denominated in a different currency than its underlying securities, this may result in currency risk from both the investment in the depositary receipt and the underlying security. There may be less publicly available information regarding the issuer of the securities underlying a depositary receipt than if those securities were traded directly. Depositary receipts may or may not be sponsored by the issuers of the underlying securities, and information regarding issuers of securities underlying unsponsored depositary receipts may be more limited than for sponsored depositary receipts. Holders of depositary receipts may have limited or no rights to take action with respect to the underlying securities and will be subject to the insolvency of the issuer.
Fund Closure Risk
In the event of the early termination of the Fund and/or of its Sub-Funds, the Fund and/or any of its Sub-Funds may have to realise and distribute the remaining assets of the Fund and/or any of its Sub-Funds pari passu to affected Unitholders of the relevant Sub-Fund. It is possible that at the time of such realisation or distribution, certain investments held by the Fund and/or any of its Sub-Funds may be worth less than their initial acquisition cost or book value, resulting in a substantial loss to affected Unitholders. Moreover, any unamortised organisational or establishment costs or expenses in respect to the Fund and/or any of its Sub-Funds may be debited against the Fund's and/or relevant Sub-Fund's capital at that time.
Capital Growth Risks
Certain Sub-Funds may be exposed to risks to capital growth as a result of the dividend policies they adopt and/or the investment strategies they pursue
Dividend Policies
At the discretion of the Manager, Unit Classes may declare and pay distributions out of capital. Investors in these Unit Classes should be aware that payment of dividends out of capital amounts to a return or withdrawal of part of an investor’s original investment or of capital gains attributable to that original investment, and such distributions will result in a corresponding immediate decrease in the Net Asset Value per Unit of the Unit Class. The payment of distributions out of capital will accordingly lead to
capital erosion and may be achieved by forgoing the potential for future capital growth. This cycle may continue until all capital is depleted. Distributions out of capital made during the life of a Sub-Fund must be understood as a type of capital reimbursement. Distributions out of capital may have different tax implications to distributions of income. Investors are recommended to seek advice in this regard.
Where a Class is hedged, the distribution amount and Net Asset Value may be adversely affected by currency fluctuations between the reference currency of the hedged Class and the Base Currency of the Sub-Fund, resulting in an increase in the amount of distribution that is paid out of capital and hence a greater erosion of capital than other non-hedged classes.
Options Strategies
In addition certain Sub-Funds may pursue investment strategies, such as options strategies, in order to generate income. While this might allow more income to be distributed, it may also have the effect of reducing capital and the potential for long-term capital growth as well as increasing any capital losses. Any such distributions may result in an immediate reduction of the Net Asset Value per Unit. If a Sub-Fund adopts options strategies to generate income and as part of an options strategy, the Investment Manager or its delegate is incorrect in its expectation of changes in the market prices or determination of the correlation between the instruments or indices on which the options are written or purchased and the instruments in a Sub-Fund’s investment portfolio, that Sub-Fund may incur losses that it would not otherwise incur.
ETF and CIS Investment Risk
A Sub-Fund may invest in Exchange Traded Funds ("ETFs") and/or Undertakings for Collective Investment (“UCIs”), which may include index funds . In addition to the fees, costs and expenses payable by a unitholder in the Fund, each investor may also indirectly bear a portion of the costs, fees and expenses of the underlying ETF and/or UCI, including management, investment management, performance, administration and other such expenses. While index- tracking ETFs and index funds seek to track the performance of their respective benchmark indices whether through a replication, optimising or stratified sampling strategy, there is no guarantee that they will effectively track the performance of the index. This tracking error may result from the skill of the manager, the small size of a fund, or an inability to hold an appropriate selection of the benchmark index, for example where there are local market trading restrictions, small illiquid components, a temporary unavailability or interruption in trading of certain securities comprising the benchmark index. Where ETFs and Index Funds use optimisation or stratified sampling techniques to track the performance of their respective benchmark indices, this may include the
strategic selection of some (rather than all) of the securities that make up the benchmark index, holding securities in proportions that differ slightly or materially from the proportions of the benchmark index. Some ETFs may also make use of financial derivative instruments to track the performance of certain securities that make up the benchmark index and are therefore subject to derivative risks and tracking error risks. In addition, ETFs and Index Funds rely on index licences granted by third party index providers to use and track their benchmark indices. In the event that an index provider terminates or varies an index licence, it will affect the ability of ETFs and Index Funds to continue to use and track their benchmark indices and to meet their investment objectives. In addition, there is no assurance that an index provider will compile the benchmark index accurately, or that the benchmark index will be determined, composed or calculated accurately. While the index provider does provide descriptions of what the benchmark index is designed to achieve, the index provider does not provide any warranty or accept any liability in relation to the quality, accuracy or completeness of data in respect of the benchmark index, and does not guarantee that the Benchmark Index will be in line with the described index methodology. Regardless of market conditions, index- tracking ETFs and Index Funds aim to track the performance of their respective benchmark indices and do not seek to outperform their respective benchmark indices.
Euro and Eurozone Risk
There is a risk pertaining to the stability and overall standing of the European Economic and Monetary Union which may result in changes to the composition of the Eurozone. The departure or risk of departure from the Euro by one or more Eurozone countries could lead to the reintroduction of national currencies in one or more Eurozone countries or, in more extreme circumstances, the possible dissolution of the Euro entirely. These potential developments, or market perceptions concerning these and related issues, could adversely affect the value of the Sub-Fund's investments. Unitholders should carefully consider how changes to the Eurozone and European Union may affect their investment in the Sub-Fund.
Also certain Sub-Funds may invest primarily in European countries. Such Sub-Funds may be subject to a number of risks (such as higher volatility risk, liquidity risk, currency risk, default risk) arising from a potential crisis in the eurozone. The crisis could potentially unfold in a number of ways, including but not limited to, credit downgrade of a country, one or several countries exiting the eurozone, re-introduction of one or more individual currencies within the eurozone, default of a sovereign within the eurozone, potential dissolution of the Euro or partial or full break- up of the eurozone. These potential developments, or market perceptions concerning these and related
issues, could adversely affect the value of the Units of the Sub-Funds.
Excessive Trading Risk
The Sub-Funds do not knowingly allow market timing or related excessive trading practices. Excessive trading includes investors whose security transactions are excessively frequent or large in size and may follow a timing pattern. There is a risk that such practices may adversely impact the performane of the Sub- Funds and the interests of all unitholders.
Financial Markets, Political and Regulatory Change Risk
The laws, politics and regulations affecting businesses continue to evolve in an unpredictable manner. Laws and regulations, particularly those involving taxation, investment and trade, applicable to the Fund’s activities can change quickly and unpredictably, and may at any time be amended, modified, repealed or replaced in a manner adverse to the interests of the Fund. Examples might be international political developments, changes in government policies, taxation, restrictions on foreign investments and currency repatriation, currency fluctuations, the risk of changes to interest rates, changes in creditworthiness and other developments in the legal, regulatory and political climate which may affect the value and marketability of an investmentThe Fund, the Manager and/or the Investment Managers may be or may become subject to unduly burdensome and restrictive regulation. In particular, in response to significant recent events in international financial markets, governmental intervention and certain regulatory measures have been or may be adopted in certain jurisdictions, including restrictions on short selling of certain securities in certain jurisdictions. The Manager cannot predict how these changes will affect financial markets but government intervention may increase the volatility of the Sub-Funds and hence the risk of loss to your investment. Volatility resulting from any market uncertainty (e.g. Brexit) may mean that the returns of a Sub-Fund and its investments are adversely affected by market movements, a decline in exchange rates or downgrading of a country's sovereign credit rating. This may also make it more difficult, or more expensive, for a Sub-Fund to execute prudent currency hedging policies.
Major losses may occur in the event of disrupted markets and other extraordinary events. The risk of loss is compounded by the fact that in disrupted markets many positions become illiquid, making it difficult or impossible to close out positions against which the markets are moving. The financing available from banks, dealers and other counterparties will typically be reduced in disrupted markets. Further, a financial exchange may from time to time suspend or limit trading. Such a suspension could render it
difficult or impossible to liquidate affected positions and thereby expose the Sub-Funds to losses.
Income Risk
There is a risk that a Sub- Fund’s income may decrease due to falling interest or dividend rates or other factors. Issuers of securities held by a Fund may call or redeem the securities during periods of falling interest rates, and such Sub-Funds would likely be required to reinvest in securities paying lower interest rates. If an obligation held by the Sub-Fund is prepaid, the Fund may have to reinvest the prepayment in other obligations paying income at lower rates. A reduction in the income earned by the Sub-Fund may limit the Fund’s ability to achieve its investment objective.
Index licensing Risk
There is a risk that the license under which the Manager or the applicable Sub-Fund is permitted to use an index will be terminated or may be disputed, impaired or cease to remain in effect. In such a case, the Investment Manager may be required to replace the index with another index which it considers to be appropriate in light of the investment strategy of the applicable Sub-Fund. The use of and/or transition to any such substitute index may have an adverse impact on such Sub-Fund’s performance.
Inflation Indexed Securities Risk
The principal amount of an inflation-indexed security typically increases with inflation and decreases with deflation, as measured by a specified index. There is a risk that, in a period of declining inflation rates, a Sub- Fund could receive at maturity less than the initial principal amount of an inflation-indexed security. Depending on the changes in inflation rates during the period a Sub-Fund holds an inflation-indexed security, such Sub-Fund may earn less on the security than on a conventional bond. In relation to actively managed strategies in particular, changes in the values of inflation-indexed securities may be difficult to predict, and it is possible that an investment in such securities will have an effect different from that anticipated by the Investment Manager. The principal amounts of inflation-indexed securities are typically only adjusted periodically and changes in the values of the securities may only approximately reflect changes in inflation rates and may occur substantially after the changes in inflation rates in question occur.
Investment Loss Risk
Investors should note that investment in a Sub-Fund may decline in value and should be prepared to sustain a total loss of their investment in a Sub-Fund. Neither the Manager, nor any of the Investment Managers, Sub-Investment Managers, Investment Advisers or sub-investment advisers appointed by the Manager in respect of any of the Sub-Funds, nor any
of their respective subsidiaries, affiliates, associates, agents or delegates, guarantees the performance or any future return of any Sub-Fund.
Investment Objective Risk
Investment objectives express an intended result but there is no guarantee that such a result will be achieved. Depending on market conditions and the macro economic environment, there is a risk that the investment objectives of a Sub-Fund may become more difficult or even impossible to achieve which may result in fund closure. There is no express or implied assurance as to the likelihood of achieving the investment objective for a Sub-Fund.
Initial Public Offering (IPO) Risk
Where a Sub-Fund invests in initial public offerings or new debt issues, the prices of securities involved in initial public offerings or new debt issues are often subject to the risk of greater and more unpredictable price changes than more established securities.
Large Unitholder Risk
To the extent a large proportion of the Units of a Sub- Fund are held by a small number of Unitholders (or a single Unitholder), including funds or accounts over which the Investment Manager has investment discretion, a Sub-Fund is subject to the risk that these Unitholders will purchase or redeem their Units in large amounts rapidly or unexpectedly, including as a result of an asset allocation decision made by the Investment Manager. These transactions could adversely affect the ability of a Sub-Fund to perform.
Legal Infrastructure Risk
Company law in some countries is not well developed or may change. Where a Sub-Fund invests in those countries, certain new laws might have a negative impact on the value of an investment which cannot be foreseen at the time the investment is made. As the efficacy of such laws is as yet uncertain, there can be no assurance as to the extent to which rights of foreign Unitholders can be protected. In addition, there may also be a shortage of qualified judicial and legal professionals to interpret or advise upon recently enacted and future laws in some jurisdictions.
Leveraging Risk (Market) or Market Leverage Risk
The Sub-Funds will not use leverage/borrowing to purchase additional investments but may be expected, via derivative positions, to obtain market leverage (gross market exposure, aggregating both long and synthetic short positions, in excess of net asset value). When the Manager engages in transactions that have a leveraging effect, there is a risk that the value of the Sub-Fund may be more volatile. This is because leverage generally creates investment risk with
respect to a larger base of assets than the Sub-Fund would otherwise have and so magnifies the effect of any increase or decrease in the value of the Sub- Fund’s underlying assets. In transactions involving leverage, a relatively small market movement or change in other underlying indicators can lead to significantly larger losses for the Sub-Fund. Certain derivatives have the potential for unlimited loss, regardless of the size of the initial investment. The use of leverage may cause the Sub-Fund to liquidate positions when it may not be advantageous to do so to satisfy repayment, interest payment or margin obligations or to meet asset segregation or coverage requirements.
Liquidity Risk
Liquidity risk is defined as the risk that a Sub-Fund could not meet requests to redeem shares issued by the Sub-Fund without significant dilution of remaining investors’ interests in the Sub-Fund. From time to time, the investments or holdings of a Sub-Fund may face limited or reduced liquidity on the market, caused by decreased trading volume, increased price volatility, concentrated trading size, limitations on the ability to transfer or liquidate positions, and changes in industry or government regulations. In addition, certain securities may trade infrequently, on relatively small markets, or may be suspended or restricted by relevant exchange or supervisory authority. As a result, disposal or sale of such positions at desired price and time may be impaired. In case of extreme market conditions, an unusually high volume of redemption requests, or other uncontrollable factors, the Sub- Fund may be forced to sell the investments at unfavorable price or time to meet redemption requests within allowable timeframe and incur a loss impacting remaining investors of the Sub-Fund.
Price of Securities Risk
All types of investments and all markets and therefore all Sub-Funds are at risk of market volatility based on prevailing economic conditions. Price trends are determined mainly by financial market trends and by the economic development of the issuers, who are themselves affected by the overall situation of the global economy and by the economic and political conditions prevailing in each country. Because securities fluctuate in price, the value of your investment may go up and down. Some of the markets or exchanges on which a Sub-Fund may invest may prove to be highly volatile from time to time.
Paying Agent Risk
Unitholders who choose or are obliged under local regulations to pay or receive subscription or repurchase monies or dividends via an intermediate entity rather than directly to the Fund or the relevant Sub-Fund (e.g. a paying agent in a local jurisdiction) bear a credit risk against that intermediate entity with
respect to (a) subscription monies prior to the transmission of such monies to the Fund or the relevant Sub-Fund and (b) repurchase monies payable by such intermediate entity to the relevant Unitholder.
Preferred Securities Risk
Where a Sub-Fund invests in preferred securities, there are several possible risks. Preferred security holders tend to have no or limited voting rights with respect to the issuing company unless certain events occur. In addition, preferred securities are subordinated to bonds and other debt instruments in a company’s capital structure and therefore will be subject to greater credit risk than those debt instruments. Unlike debt securities, dividend payments on a preferred security typically must be declared by the issuer’s board of directors.
In the event an issuer of preferred securities experiences economic difficulties, the issuer’s preferred securities may lose substantial value due to the reduced likelihood that the issuer’s board of directors will declare a dividend and the fact that the preferred security may be subordinated to other securities of the same issuer. Further, because many preferred securities pay dividends at a fixed rate, their market price can be sensitive to changes in interest rates in a manner similar to bond i.e as interest rates rise, the value of the preferred securities held by a Sub-Fund are likely to decline.
Therefore, to the extent that the Sub-Fund invests a substantial portion of its assets in fixed rate preferred securities, rising interest rates may cause the value of the Sub-Fund’s investments to decline significantly. In addition, because many preferred securities allow holders to convert the preferred securities into common stock of the issuer, their market price can be sensitive to changes in the value of the issuer’s common stock and, therefore, declining common stock values may also cause the value of the Fund’s investments to decline. Preferred securities often have call features which allow the issuer to redeem the security at its discretion. The redemption of a preferred security, having a higher than average yield, may cause a decrease in the Fund’s yield.
The value of a preferred security held by a Sub-Fund may decline due to a number of factors affecting or perceived to affect the issuer of the security, such as, for example, management performance, financial leverage and reduced demand for the issuer’s goods or services as well as the historical and prospective earnings of the issuer and the value of its assets. In addition, there may be political changes that impact the ability of issuers to repay principal and to make interest payments on securities. Changes to the financial condition or credit rating of issuers may also adversely affect the value of the securities issued.
Redemption Risk
Substantial redemptions from a Sub-Fund could lead the Investment Manager having to liquidate positions more rapidly than would otherwise be desirable, which could adversely affect the trading performance and even cause the liquidation of the Sub-Fund. In these and other exceptional circumstances the Manager may impose restrictions on the redemption of Units. To protect investors, the Manager may impose restrictions on the redemption of Units in a particular Sub-Fund or the Fund as a whole. In such situations, a Unitholder either may not receive its redemption proceeds until after the sale of sufficient investments to meet those redemption requests, or may not be permitted to redeem its Unitholding until one or more Dealing Days after the Dealing Day to which its redemption request related, or may have its redemption request satisfied by the transfer to it of assets of the relevant Sub-Fund in specie.
Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) Risk and Property Securities Risk
Where a Sub-Fund invests in REITs, these may be impacted by changes in the values of the underlying properties that they own or operate which are in turn impacted by changes in economic conditions, supply and demand, interest rates, zoning laws and regulation. REITs are dependent upon specialised management skills and their investments may be concentrated in relatively few properties or in a small geographic area or a single property type which can result in concentration risk. REITs are also subject to heavy cash flow dependency and, as a result, are particularly reliant on the proper functioning of capital markets, as well as defaults by borrowers and self- liquidation. A variety of economic and other factors may adversely affect a lessee’s ability to meet its obligations to a REIT. In the event of a default by a lessee, the REIT may experience delays in enforcing its rights as a lessor and may incur substantial costs associated in protecting its investments. Investments in REITs are also subject to the risks affecting equity markets generally.
Remittance of Principal and Investment Income Risk
The remittance of profits earned by foreign investors in certain countries and the repatriation of their investments are governed by relevant local regulations. Pursuant to these regulations, remittances of principal and investment income of the investments and any other amounts may be subject to the approvals of the respective foreign exchange control authorities. There is no certainty that such approvals may be obtained at all times.
Repurchase Agreements and Reverse Repurchase Agreements Risk
Under a repurchase agreement there is a risk of default and the Sub-Fund may realise a loss. A repurchase agreement is where a Sub-Fund sells a security to a counterparty and simultaneously agrees to repurchase the security back from the counterparty at an agreed price and date.The difference between the sale price and the repurchase price is the cost of the transaction.
The resale price generally exceeds the purchase price by an amount which reflects an agreed-upon market interest rate for the term of the agreement. In a reverse repurchase agreement a Sub-Fund purchases an investment from a counterparty which undertakes to repurchase the security at an agreed resale price on an agreed future date. The Sub-Fund therefore bears the risk that if the seller defaults the Sub-Fund might suffer a loss to the extent that proceeds from the sale of the underlying securities together with any other collateral held by the Sub-Fund in connection with the relevant agreement may be less than the repurchase price because of market movements. A Sub-Fund cannot sell the securities which are the subject of a reverse repurchase agreement until the term of the agreement has expired or the counterparty has exercised its right to repurchase the securities.
Securities Lending Risk
Where a Sub-Fund participates in securities lending arrangements, there may be risks such as credit risk and delay or recovery risk. Should the borrower of the securities fail financially, the collateral posted by the borrower will be utilised to purchase the securities. Whilst the value of the collateral will, at least, be equal to the value of the securities loaned, there is a risk that a sudden market movement could cause the value of the collateral to be less than the value of the securities loaned.
Securitisation Risks
Effective from 1 January 2019, certain Sub-Funds became subject to certain risk retention and due diligence requirements (the "EU Risk Retention and Due Diligence Requirements") which currently apply to various types of EU regulated investors, including credit institutions, authorised alternative investment fund managers, investment firms, insurance and reinsurance undertakings, institutions for occupational retirement schemes and will apply to UCITS. Amongst other things, the EU Risk Retention and Due Diligence Requirements restrict an investor who is subject to them from investing in securitisations unless: (i) the originator, sponsor or original lender in respect of the relevant securitisation has explicitly disclosed that it will retain, on an on-going basis, a net economic interest of not less than 5% in respect of certain specified credit risk tranches or securitised
exposures; and (ii) such investor is able to demonstrate that they have undertaken certain due diligence in respect of various matters including but not limited to its note position, the underlying assets and (in the case of certain types of investors) the relevant sponsor or originator.
When the EU Risk Retention and Due Diligence Requirements apply to a Sub-Fund, such Sub-Fund (and the Investment Manager on its behalf) will be required to take steps to ensure that it is in compliance with them and any regulatory technical standards that are imposed on the Sub-Fund pursuant to them. In particular, the EU Risk Retention and Due Diligence Requirements are likely to require that the relevant Sub-Fund ensures that all its holdings of securitisations (including certain securitisations issued prior to the EU Risk Retention and Due Diligence Requirements coming into force) are compliant and the Sub-Fund may be required to dispose of any such holdings that are non-compliant. Under such circumstances, a Sub-Fund could sustain losses.
Settlement Risk
Markets in different countries will have different clearance and settlement procedures and in certain markets there is a risk that settlements cannot keep pace with the volume of transactions, thereby making it difficult to settle trades in a timely fashion. Delays in settlement could result in temporary periods where assets of a Sub-Fund remain uninvested and no return is earned thereon. The inability of a Sub-Fund to make intended purchases due to settlement problems could cause missed investment opportunities and affect a Sub-Funds ability to meet its investment objective.
Inability to dispose of securities due to settlement problems could result either in losses to a Sub-Fund due to subsequent declines in value of a security or, if it has entered into a contract to sell the security, it could result in the possible liability of it to the purchaser. Where cleared funds are not received in a timely fashion in respect of a subscription, there is a risk of overdraft interest. Losses could be incurred where the Investment Manager has entered into a contract to purchase securities in anticipation of subscription monies which subsequently do not settle, due to subsequent declines in the value of a security upon disposal.
Smaller Companies Risk
Investments in the securities of smaller companies or financial instruments related to such securities may involve greater risk than is customarily associated with larger, more established companies. These are likely to be traded in lower volumes. Consequently, these securities may be more illiquid and subject to more volatility. In addition, the quality, reliability, transparency and availability of information on such
companies may be more limited. Rules regulating corporate governance may be less developed or less stringent which may increase investment risk and lessen investor protection.
Subordination Risk
Subordination risk arises where a Sub-Fund invests in securities that are junior in the capital structure relative to other securities. Holders of subordinated securities are paid after senior security holders and have less of a claim on issuer assets. Therefore the risk of loss is greater than in the case of securities which are more senior in the capital structure
Suspension of Dealing Risk
In certain situations (for example where a Sub-Fund is being merged, wound up or where it is not possible to calculate the Net Asset Value for any reason), the Manager, may if necessary, and with the consent of the Trustee, temporarily suspend the determination of the Net Asset Value of any Sub-Fund to ensure an orderly and fair market and that risks are managed prudently. Any such suspension would result in the suspension of the issuing, switching and redemption of the relevant Sub-Fund's Units to and from its Unitholders during such period of suspension.
Taxation Risk
A Sub-Fund may be subject to withholding or other taxes on income and/or gains arising from its investment portfolio. Where a Sub-Fund invests in assets that are not subject to withholding tax at the time of acquisition, there can be no assurance that tax may not be withheld in the future as a result of any change in applicable laws, treaties, rules or regulations or the interpretation thereof. The Sub-Fund may not be able to recover such withheld tax and so any change may have an adverse effect on the Net Asset Value of the Units.
There may also be a detrimental impact on a Sub-Fund in circumstances where there has been a change in the relevant taxation legislation or practice, regarding a security in which an Investment Manager has invested, whereby an unforeseen tax liability may have to be borne by a Sub-Fund. There is also a risk of loss due to the unexpected application of a taxation law or regulation.
The attention of potential investors is drawn to the taxation risks associated with investing in the Fund. Please refer to the section of this Prospectus entitled “Taxation” which is based, to the best knowledge of the Directors, upon tax law and practice as at the date of the Prospectus, however this may change from time to time.
Taxation (The People’s Republic of China) Risk
Gains derived from disposal of H shares of PRC companies and dividends payable by issuers of such H shares received by a foreign company which has no establishment in the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”) were specifically exempted from Withholding Income Tax (“WHT”) pursuant to Circular Guoshuifa [1993] No.45 issued by the PRC tax authority in July 1993. However, the Foreign Enterprise Income Tax Law (the “FEIT Law”) was repealed by the Corporate Income Tax Law (the “CIT Law”) starting from 1 January 2008 and Circular Guoshuifa [1993] No.45 was automatically repealed accordingly.
After the CIT Law took effect on 1 January 2008, a WHT rate of 10% technically applies to the aforesaid capital gains derived from disposal of H shares of PRC companies. However, it is unclear whether the aforesaid exemptions and preferential treatments on gains derived from disposal of H shares still remain effective after the CIT Law took effect, and they are subject to the further interpretation by the State Council of the PRC.
Guoshuihan [2008] Xx.000 (“Xxxxxxxx 000”) discusses the taxability of dividends received by overseas corporate investors of H shares of PRC companies. According to Xxxxxxxx 000, Xxxxxxx listed companies issuing H shares are required to withhold WHT at the rate of 10% on the distribution of dividends of year 2008 and beyond to the foreign corporate investors of H shares. If the foreign corporate investor is eligible for a lower treaty rate, it can apply for a refund of the overpaid WHT.
The prevailing PRC Business Tax (“BT”) and Value Added Tax (“VAT”) regulations are silent on the taxability on the trading of H shares of PRC companies. Despite the fact that the PRC tax authority has not imposed BT or VAT on the H shares transactions, it is uncertain whether the overseas investors will be required to pay BT or VAT for H shares transactions in future with retrospective effect.
By investing in H shares of PRC companies, the Sub- Fund may be subject to WHT and other taxes on income imposed in China. In light of the foregoing uncertainty as to how gains or income that may be derived from the Sub-Fund’s investments in China will be taxed, the Sub-Fund reserves the right to provide for withholding tax on such gains or income and withhold tax for the account of the Sub-Fund. Accordingly, the Net Asset Value and the profitability of the Sub-Fund may be affected.
The tax regulations in the PRC are subject to change, possibly with retrospective effect. Changes in PRC tax regulations could have a significant adverse effect on the Sub-Fund and its investments, including reducing returns, reducing the value of the Sub-Fund’s
investments and possibly impairing capital invested by the Sub-Fund.
Sovereign Debt Risk
Where a Sub-Fund invests in sovereign debt, a government entity’s willingness or ability to repay principal and interest due in a timely manner may be affected by, many factors which carry the risk of default. For example, its cash flow, the extent of its foreign reserves, the availability of sufficient foreign exchange on the date a payment is due, the relative size of the debt service burden to the economy as a whole, the government entity’s policy towards the International Monetary Fund and the political constraints to which a government entity may be subject. Government entities may also be dependent on expected disbursements from foreign governments, multilateral agencies and others abroad to reduce principal and interest arrearage on their debt. Such commitments may be conditioned on a government entity’s implementation of economic reforms and/or economic performance and the timely service of such debtor’s obligations. Failure to implement such reforms, achieve such levels of economic performance or repay principal or interest when due may impair such debtor’s ability or willingness to service its debt on a timely basis.
In the event that a government entity defaults on its sovereign debt, holders of sovereign debt, including a Sub-Fund, may be requested to participate in the rescheduling of such debt and to extend further loans to the relevant government entity. Such events may negatively impact the performance of a Sub-Fund.
Non-investment grade, also known as high-yield, sovereign debt may carry a greater risk of default than higher rated debt securities. In addition, non- investment grade securities tend to be more volatile than higher rated debt securities, so that adverse economic events may have a greater impact on the prices of non-investment grade debt securities than on higher rated debt securities. Further, an issuer’s ability to service its debt obligations may be adversely affected by specific issuer developments, for example, an economic recession may adversely affect an issuer’s financial condition and the market value of high yield debt securities issued by such an entity.
Turnover Risk
A Sub-fund may engage in active and frequent trading of its portfolio securities. The costs related to any increased portfolio turnover may reduce the Sub- Fund's return and the sale of securities by a Sub-Fund may result in the realisation of taxable capital gains.
Umbrella Cash Account Risk
The Manager, on behalf of the Fund has established umbrella cash accounts through which subscriptions,