General Conditions of International Carriage for Passengers and Baggage
General Conditions of International Carriage for Passengers and Baggage
Lucky Air Company Limited
声 明
《云南祥鹏航空有限责任公司旅客、行李国际运输总条件》已于 2019 年 7 月向
民航云南安全监督管理局报备,并于 2019 年 8 月 1 日起施行。现予以公布。我司 2018年公布实施的《旅客、行李国际运输总条件》同时废止。
云南祥鹏航空有限责任公司 2019 年 07 月 22 日
目 录
第九章 行李 13
第十章 班期与时刻 20
第十八章 损害责任 27
第十九章 异议和诉讼时限 29
第二十章 修改和生效 30
第一章 定义
第一条 《云南祥鹏航空有限责任公司旅客、行李国际运输总条件》(以下简称 “条件” )中的下列用语,除具体条文中有其它要求或另有规定外,含义如下:
(一)“公约”是指根据合同规定适用于该项运输的一九二九年十月十二日在华沙签订的《统一国际航空运输某些规则的公约》(简称华沙公约)和一九五五年九月二十八日在海牙签订的《修改一九二九年十月十二日在华沙签订的统一国际航空运输某些规则的公约的议定书》(简称海牙议定书)以及一九九九年五月二十八日在蒙特利尔签订的《统一国际航空运输某些规则的公约》(简称 1999 年蒙特利尔公约)。
(十四)“婴儿”指旅行开始之日满 14 天但不满两周岁的人。
(十五)“客票”指承运人或其授权代理人销售或认可并赋予运输权力的有效文件,包括纸质客票和电子客票。纸质客票是指由承运人或代表承运人所填开的被称为 “客票”及行李票的凭证,包括运输合同条件、声明、通知以及乘机联和旅客联等内容。电子客票是普通纸质客票的电子替代产品。
行时由旅客有意安排在某个地点的旅程间断,且间断时间在 24 小时(含)以上。
第二章 适用范围
第一条 一般规定
(三) 除另有规定外,在祥鹏航的规定中如含有与本条件不一致的条款,则本条件优先适用。
第二条 包机
第三条 与法律不相抵触
第三章 客票
第一条 客票是运输合同的初步证据
第二条 客票使用规定
第三条 客票的遗失
第四条 客票不得转让
第五条 客票有效期
第六条 客票有效期的延长
第七条 票联使用顺序
第四章 中途分程
第一条 在符合政府和祥鹏航规定的情况下,可允许旅客在约定的经停地中途分
第二条 中途分程必须事先安排并填入客票。
第五章 票价和费用
第一条 一般规定
第二条 适用票价
第三条 路线
第四条 税款和费用
第五条 货币
第六章 定座
第一条 一般规定
(二)按照祥鹏航规定,某些特种票价可以附有限制或免除旅客变更、取消定座权利的条件 。
第二条 购票时限
第三条 旅客的个人资料
第四条 座位安排
第五条 座位再证实
第六条 承运人对续程座位的取消
第七条 优先定座
第七章 乘机
第一条 值机
第二条 登机
第八章 拒绝运输和限制运输
第一条 拒绝运输x
(二)旅客的年龄、精神或身体状况不适合航空旅行;包括但不限于以下情况: 1、怀孕 36 周(含)以上的孕妇旅客。
2、出生未满 14 天的婴儿和出生不足 90 天的早产婴儿。
第二条 由于实际承运的旅客超过了飞机可允许的最大载量,xx航有权决定旅
第三条 载运限制
(一)无成人陪伴儿童、担架旅客、无自理能力的人、怀孕 32 周(含)-36 周(不含)的孕妇、犯罪嫌疑人、婴儿、在飞行途中需使用呼吸辅助设备旅客、病患旅客、在紧急撤离时需要协助的残疾旅客或需要特殊帮助的旅客等,由于年龄、身体或精神状况在旅途中需要特殊照顾或在一定条件下才能运输,只有在符合祥鹏航规定的条件下,经祥鹏航预先同意并在必要时做出安排后方予载运。
第四条 对被拒绝运输旅客的安排
(二) 属本章第一条(三)、(四)、(六)、(八)、(九)、(十)、(十一)、(十二)、(十三)款情形的旅客,已购客票按自愿退票的规定办理;其中(十一)、(十二)款情形的旅客承运人保留扣留其客票的权利,必要时呈报有关主管部门处理。
第九章 行李
3、爆炸或者燃烧物质和装置,含弹药、爆破器材、烟火制品以及上述物品的仿真品、 安全包装的弹药(武器弹药筒、子弹夹)。
4)安装有不可拆卸锂电池的行李箱,锂金属电池超过 0.3 克或锂离子电池超过
5)酒精体积百分含量大于 70%的酒精饮料。
7)使人丧失行为能力的装置 (如催泪瓦斯、胡椒喷雾器)。
9、三星 Galaxy Note7 设备。
14、医用小型氧气瓶或空气瓶(如旅客因病确需在机上使用氧气瓶,需提前 48小时xxx航提出申请)。
6、100Wh<额定能量值≤160Wh,2g<锂金属含量≤8g 的个人自用电子设备,经承运人批准后,可以作为手提行李或托运行李运输。
14、野营炉具和燃料罐 。
为了运输安全,祥鹏航可以按规定程序对旅客行李进行检查。为了确定旅客是否携带或其行李内是否夹带本章第一条第(一)、(三)款中所述的物品,即使旅客不在场,祥鹏航也可以对其行李进行检查、扫描或 X 射线检查。如果 X 射线或扫描给旅客的行李造成损坏,祥鹏航不承担责任。如果旅客不愿遵守上述规定,xx航有权拒绝该旅客或其行李的运输。
(四)除另有规定外,托运行李每件重量最大不能超过 50 公斤,体积不能超过 40 厘米×60 厘米×100 厘米。超过上述规定的行李,应事先征得祥鹏航的同意才能托运。
第五条 非托运行李(包括自理行李和随身携带物品)
(二)除另有规定外,祥鹏航空允许每位经济舱旅客免费携带一件重量不超过 5
公斤的非托运行李进入客舱,其体积不得超过 20×40×55 厘米;允许每位公务舱旅
客免费携带两件合计重量不超过 10 公斤的非托运行李进入客舱,每件体积不得超过
20×40×55 厘米。超过上述规定的行李,应当作为托运行李运输。
第六条 免费行李额
第七条 逾重行李
第八条 声明价值和费用
(一)旅客在其交运行李每千克价值超过 30 美元,均可以办理行李声明价值。
(二)托运行李的声明价值不能超过行李本身的实际价值。任何旅客的行李声明价值超过 2500 美元时,声明价值超过承运人规定的最高限额不能按照声明价值的行李进行运输。
(三)托运行李的声明价值,超过规定限额部分按照每 100 美元申报金额收取 1
美元计算方式来收取(不足 100 美元的部分按 1 美元收取)。
第九条 托运行李的收运
第十一条 占座行李,易碎、贵重物品和外交信袋运输的特殊规定
75 公斤,其包装要适当。为了保证飞行安全,旅客及其行李所占用的座位要由祥鹏航指定,在整个旅途中行李用安全带加以固定,必要时须用紧固物系扎牢固。
第十二条 动物
第十章 班期与时刻
第一条 班期时刻
第二条 航班取消及变更
第三条 后续安排
3、由于机务维护、航班调配、机组等属祥鹏航原因造成的国际航班延误,祥鹏航将根据航班延误时间的实际情况,向旅客提供经济补偿。xx航原因导致航班延误 4 小时(含)以上,向旅客补偿人民币 200 元/人,其中婴儿旅客标准为 100 元/人。多种原因导致航班持续延误,以其中祥鹏航原因所致延误时段计算延误时间,并按照前述标准提供经济补偿。
第四条 由于祥鹏航的原因造成以下情况之一,造成航班取消、中断、延期或推迟飞行,祥鹏航将按其规定向旅客提供餐饮、住宿或其它祥鹏航认为必要的服务,但祥鹏航不保证向旅客提供超过其规定标准的服务。
第五条 有限责任
第六条 延误免责
第十一章 改变航程和更改客票
第一条 旅客已开始旅行但未到达目的地点前要求改变客票中未使用部分载明的航程、目的地点、承运人、座位等级、航班或者客票有效期,为自愿改变航程。承运人取消旅客已定妥座位的航班,或者取消航班在旅客的目的地点或者中途分程地点降停,或者未能合理地按照班期飞行,或者未能提供事先定妥的座位造成旅客改变航程,为非自愿改变航程。
第二条 自愿改变航程,按下列规定办理:
第三条 因执行本规则第十章第二条第(一)款的规定,造成旅客非自愿改变航程的,承运人应当考虑旅客的合理需要,并按下列规定办理:
第四条 因下列情况之一,造成旅客非自愿改变航程的,承运人应当在按照本章第三条第(一)、(二)、(三)项的规定处理的同时,还应当按照承运人规定免费为旅客提供休息场所、饮料、食品、膳宿或者其他承运人认为必要的服务:
第十二章 退票
第一条 一般规定
第二条 退票地点
第三条 货币
第四条 退票对象、所需文件及责任免除
第五条 非自愿退票
第六条 自愿退票
第七条 拒绝退款权
第十三章 飞机上的行为
第一条 旅客如果在飞机上的行为危及飞机或飞机上任何人员或财产的安全,或妨碍机组人员履行职责,或不遵守机组的指示,或有其他旅客有理由反对的行为,祥鹏航有权采取一切必要适当的措施,包括对旅客的管束,以制止这种行为。
第二条 未经祥鹏航许可,旅客不得在飞机上使用便携式收音机、移动电话、电子游戏机或包括无线电操纵的玩具和对讲机在内的发射装置,不得在飞机上使用除助听器和心脏起搏器以外的任何电子设备。
第三条 航班禁烟
第四条 安全带
第十四章 一般服务
第一条 祥鹏航不负责为旅客提供机场区域内、机场与市区之间或在同一城市的机场与机场之间的地面运输。对于此项地面运输服务提供者的行为或疏忽,或销售代理人为旅客取得此项地面运输服务给予的任何帮助,祥鹏航不承担责任。
第二条 旅客在联程航班衔接地点的地面膳宿费用,应由旅客自理。
第三条 空中飞行过程中,祥鹏航按规定向旅客提供饮料或餐食。旅客要求提供超过规定的其他服务,祥鹏航可收取相应的费用。
第十五章 附加服务安排
第一条 如在签订航空运输合同过程中,祥鹏航同意安排附加服务,除非是由于祥鹏航在安排此项附加服务中的过错造成的损失,祥鹏航对旅客不承担任何责任。
第十六章 行政手续
第一条 一般规定
第二条 旅行证件
第三条 拒绝过入境
第四条 罚金、拘留费等
第五条 海关检查
第六条 安全检查
第七条 法律法规
第十七章 连续承运人
第一条 由数个连续承运人依照一本客票或一本客票及其连续客票提供的运输应被视为一项单一的运输。
第二条 对于旅客损害,除明文约定由第一承运人对全程运输承担责任外,旅客
第三条 关于托运行李损失,旅客有权对第一承运人提出索赔,有权接受交付的旅客有权对最后承运人提出索赔,旅客也可以对发生毁灭、遗失、损坏或者延误的运输区段的承运人提出索赔。上述承运人应当对旅客承担连带责任。
第十八章 损害责任
第一条 祥鹏航对发生在祥鹏航的班机上或者在上、下班机过程中的旅客伤亡事故承担损害赔偿责任;但是,旅客的人身伤亡完全是由于旅客本人的健康状况造成的,祥鹏航不承担责任。
第二条 祥鹏航对发生在祥鹏航的班机上或者处于祥鹏航掌管之下任何期间内的托运行李毁灭、遗失或者损坏事件承担损害赔偿责任。对于非托运行李,包括旅客随身携带物品,祥鹏航对因其过错或者其受雇人或者代理人的过错造成的损失承担责任。但是,行李(包括托运行李、非托运行李和旅客随身携带物品)损失是由于行李的固有缺陷、质量或者瑕疵造成的,祥鹏航不承担责任。另外,祥鹏航对行李的外部损伤和正常磨损不承担责任,例如:行李的外部支出部分如:带子、口袋、拉杆、挂钩、轮子或者其他黏附在行李的部分的损坏和超大/超包装的行李的损坏。
第三条 祥鹏航对旅客或行李在航空运输中因祥鹏航的延误引起的损失承担责任。但是,祥鹏航或者其受雇人、代理人为了避免损失的发生,已经采取一切必要措施或者不可能采取此种措施的,祥鹏航不承担责任。旅客必须在祥鹏航规定的时间内对行李损失提出申报并提供相应单据,否则祥鹏航将不承担责任。
第四条 经祥鹏航证明,损失是由索赔人或者索赔人从其取得权利的人的过错造成或者促成的,应当根据造成或者促成此种损失的过错的程度,相应免除或者减轻祥鹏航的责任。旅客以外的其他人就旅客伤亡提出赔偿请求时,经祥鹏航证明,伤亡是旅客本人的过错造成或者促成的,同样根据造成或者促成此种损失的过错的程度,相应免除或者减轻祥鹏航的责任。
第五条 关于赔偿责任限额的适用
(一)若属于 1999 年《蒙特利尔公约》规定的“国际运输”,则优先适用该公
(二)若属于 1929 年《华沙公约》及 1955 年《海牙议定书》规定的“国际运输”,但不属于 1999 年《蒙特利尔公约》规定的“国际运输”,则适用《华沙公约》及其
(二)1999 年《蒙特利尔公约》
1、祥鹏航对每名旅客不超过 10 万特别提款权的旅客伤亡赔偿责任适用公约第二十一条第一款和第二十条的规定。
2、祥鹏航对每名旅客超过 10 万特别提款权的旅客伤亡赔偿责任适用公约第二十一条第二款和第二十条的规定。
3、祥鹏航对行李(包括托运行李、非托运行李和旅客随身携带物品)的赔偿责任限额不超过每名旅客 1000 特别提款权或等值货币。按照本条件第九章第八条办理声明价值的托运行李,其损害赔偿以该声明价值为限。
第七条 在与本条件前述各项规定不相抵触的情况下,无论其国际运输是否适用本条件所指定的公约,以下条款均适用:
第八条 除非本条件中有明确规定,本条件不排除公约或适用法律对免除或限制祥鹏航责任的任何规定的适用。
第十九章 异议和诉讼时限
第一条 异议时限
第二条 诉讼时限
第二十章 修改和生效
第一条 祥鹏航有权依照中国民用航空局规定的程序,不经通知修改其运输条件,但此修改不适用于修改前已经开始的运输。
第二条 本运输条件共有中文和英文两种版本,如发生争议,以中文版本为准。
第三条 本条件已报中国民用航空局备案,自 2019 年 8 月 1 日起生效并施行。
祥鹏航 2018 年制定施行的<<云南祥鹏航空有限责任公司旅客、行李国际运输总条件>>同时废止。
On 01th Aug, 2019
Lucky Air Company Limited
‘General Conditions of International Carriage for Passenger and Baggage , Lucky Air Company Limited’, based on Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, Civil Aviation Law of the people's Republic of China as well as Rules of International Carriage for Passenger and Baggage of CAAC, comes into effect on August 1, 2019. Here is published. And ‘General Conditions of International Carriage for Passenger and Baggage, Lucky Air Company Limited’ published in 2018 is abandoned.
Article 5 Fares, Taxes, Fees and Charges 44
Article 7 Check-in and Boarding 47
Article 8 Refusal and Limitations of Carriage 48
Article 10 Schedules, Delays, Cancellation of Flights 56
Article 11 Change Itineraries and Tickets 59
Article 13 Conduct Aboard Aircraft 63
Article 15 Additional Services Arrangements 64
Article 16 Administrative Formalities 64
Article 17 Successive Carrier 66
Article 18 Liability for Damage 66
Article 19 Time Limitation on Claims Complaints and Actions 70
Article 20 Modification and Effectiveness 70
1.Unless otherwise required or provided for under specific provisions, the following terms in the " Lucky Air Company Limited General Conditions for International Carriage of Passengers and Baggage" (hereinafter referred to as the "Conditions") shall have the following meanings:
1.1"Conventions" refers to the "Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air" signed in Warsaw on October 12, 1929 (hereinafter referred to as the "Warsaw Convention"), the "Warsaw Convention as Amended at The Hague", signed in The Hague on September 12, 1955 (hereinafter referred to as the "Hague Protocol"); and the "Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air", signed in Montreal on May 28, 1999 (hereinafter referred to as the "Montreal Convention") to the instrument(s) used according to the stipulations of the contract:
1.2"International Carriage" means, unless otherwise stipulated by the Conventions, transportation where either the origin or the destination or an agreed stopping place, whether or not there is a break or transfer in the course, is not inside the borders of the People's Republic of China according to the contract of carriage entered into by the parties.
1.3 "Carrier" means the public air transportation corporation who issues the ticket, transports or undertakes to transport the passenger listed on the ticket and his/her baggage.
1.4 "Codesharing or Codeshare Flights" means a carrier uses its flight number on the other operating carrier's aircraft or multiple airlines use their unique flight number on the same aircraft by agreement.
1.5"Contracting Carrier" means a carrier, which concludes a contract on its behalf with the passenger or an agent of the passenger.
1.6"Issuing Carrier" means a carrier whose digital code appears on the passenger coupon of the ticket.
1.7"Validating Carrier" means an air carrier whose Airline Designator Code appears on the Coupon.
1.8"Lucky Air" means an abbreviation of Lucky Air Company Limited. 1.9"Lucky Air Regulation" means the regulations (including applicable ticket fares and conditions) legally formulated and published by Lucky Air for the purpose of managing its passengers and the transportation of their baggage, which will be in effect once the ticket is issued.
1.10"Authorized Sales Agent" means a passenger sales agent who has been appointed by the carrier to represent the carrier in the sale of air transportation and also, having gained its authorization, for other carriers. 1.11"Authorized Ground Service Agent" means a ground service agent who has been appointed by Lucky Air to provide ground services for Lucky Air’s flights. 1.12"Passenger" means any person other than members of the crew who is to be carried or having been carried by an aircraft pursuant to the agreement of the Carrier.
1.13 "Children" means any person whose age is above two (2) years and below twelve (12) years on the date of the commencement of travel.
1.14"Infant" means any person whose age is above fourteen (14) days and below two (2) years on the date of commencement of travel.
1.15 "Ticket" means a valid document sold or approved and ensured by the carrier or its authorized agent, including paper tickets and electronic tickets. A paper ticket is proof of the so-called "ticket" and the baggage check, which is issued by the Carrier or its authorized agents. A paper ticket contains information including the conditions of the transport contract, statements, notices, and the flight and passenger coupon. An electronic ticket is an electronic replacement of an ordinary paper ticket.
1.16"Electronic Ticket" is a replacement for a paper ticket, whereby the information on the paper ticket is stored in the system database in the form of electronic data, and serves as proof of sale, settlement and transportation.
1.17 "Electronic Ticket Itinerary" means a paper document that contains
information such as passenger name, route and fare, etc.
1.18 "Conjunction Ticket" means a ticket issued to a passenger in conjunction with another ticket, which together constitute a single contract of carriage.
1.19 "Passenger Coupon" means that portion of the paper ticket which is marked as such and which is to be retained by the passenger.
1.20 "Flight Coupon" means that portion of the paper ticket that bears the notation "good for passage", indicating that this flight coupon is used for transportation between two appointed places.
1.21 "Days" means calendar days, including all seven days of the week. provided that, for the purpose of passenger notification, the day upon which notice is dispatched shall not be counted; and provided further that for purposes of determining duration of validity of a Ticket, the day upon which the ticket is issued, or the day upon which the flight commences, shall not be counted. 1.22"Baggage" means such articles carried by a passenger that are necessary for his/her wear, use, comfort or convenience in connection with the trip. Unless otherwise specified, it shall include both checked and cabin (carry-on) baggage of the passenger.
1.23"Checked Baggage" means any baggage of which the carrier takes sole custody and for which the carrier has issued a baggage check.
1.24"Cabin Baggage" means any baggage of the passenger other than checked baggage, which the passenger takes sole custody of.
1.25"Baggage Tag" refers to the label that identifies the baggage and the document that allows the passenger to claim the checked baggage.
1.26 "Baggage Check" means the document released by the carrier to be used specifically for identification of the Checked Baggage.
1.27"Excess Baggage" means the portion of baggage which exceeds the free baggage allowance calculated by weight or piece.
1.28 "Agreed Stopping Places" means places set out in the Ticket or shown in the carrier's timetables as scheduled stopping places on the passenger's route.
1.29 "Stopover" means a deliberate interruption to the journey by the
passenger, at a point between the origin and the destination, which has been agreed upon in advance by the Carrier.
1.30 "Damage" refers to losses incurred through personal injury or death of a passenger sustained and caused by or in relation to the transportation provided by the Carrier, losses or other damage arising from the destruction, loss, or damage of baggage.
1.31"French Gold Francs" means francs consisting of 65 milligrams of gold with a fineness of nine hundred thousandths. This amount of money can be converted into any currency of the country in round numbers.
1.32 "Normal Fare" means the highest fare established for the first, business or Economy Class service during the period of applicability, including the corresponding fares of child and infant tickets.
1.33 "Special Fare" refers to fares other than normal fares.
1.34"SDR" means a Special Drawing Right as defined by the International Monetary Fund.
2. 1 General
2.1.1 Except as provided in 2.1.2, 2.2 and 2.3, these Conditions apply to all international carriage by air of passengers and baggage performed by Lucky Air for monetary compensation. These Conditions likewise are valid for the air transport relating to Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR as well as Taiwan region.
2.1.2 These Conditions also apply to no charge and reduced fare carriage except to the extent that Lucky Air has provided otherwise in its regulations or in the relevant contracts or tickets.
2.1.3 In the event of inconsistency between these General Conditions of Carriage and any Conditions of Contract or any other regulations we may have dealing with particular subjects, these General Conditions of Carriage shall prevail.
2.2 Charter
According to the transportation incorporated in the charter agreement, passenger and carriage are performed pursuant to a charter agreement. These Conditions shall be taken as final when the context is outside the charter agreement.
2.3 No Overriding Law
To the extent that any provision contained or referred to herein is contrary to anything contained in the Convention, laws, government regulations, orders or requirements, those Conventions, laws, government regulations, orders or requirements shall be taken as final. The other provisions of these Conditions remain valid.
3.1 A ticket is the preliminary evidence of the transportation contract
A ticket is the preliminary evidence of the transportation contract between the issuing carrier and the passenger. The carrier provides transportation only for passengers holding a ticket issued by the carrier or its authorized agent and assumes liabilities pursuant to these transportation conditions. The ticket remains at all times the property of the issuing carrier. The Conditions of the Contract contained on the ticket are a summary of some of the provisions of these Conditions of Transportation.
3.2 Provisions for Ticket Use
3.2.1 A passenger who uses a paper ticket is not entitled to board a flight unless such passenger presents a ticket that is valid and duly issued in accordance with Lucky Airlines' Regulations, contains the flight coupon for that flight, and all other unused flight coupons and the passenger coupon. A passenger is not entitled to board the plane if the ticket presented is damaged and incomplete or has been altered other than by Lucky Airlines or its authorized agent.
3.2.2 A passenger who uses an electronic ticket is not entitled to board a flight unless such passenger provides valid identification and valid status of the electronic ticket checked by Lucky Airlines or its ground service agent. The electronic ticket itinerary is only a record of the passenger's travel information, and cannot be used as the necessary certificate for the passenger to check in and go through security inspection
3.3 Loss of Tickets
The following regulations apply in the event of loss of tickets and baggage receipts issued by Lucky Airlines and its authorized sales agent.
3.3.1 General
Where all or part of the tickets are lost, or the tickets presented do not contain the passenger coupons and all unused flight coupons, the passenger takes full responsibility.
3.3.2 Reporting the Loss of Tickets Where all or part of the tickets are lost or the tickets presented do not contain the passenger coupon and all unused flight coupons, the passenger shall file a written loss report at a ticket office of Lucky Airlines or its sales agent. When reporting the loss of a ticket, the passenger must show his or her valid identification and provide the date, place, and itinerary of the ticket that was originally purchased. If the person who reports the loss of a ticket is not the passenger, the valid identification card of this person and a power of attorney issued by the passenger must be presented. In the event that all of part of the tickets has been used or returned as a result of fraud before the passenger reports the loss of a ticket, Lucky Airlines shall not be liable and may refuse a refund or replacement for the lost ticket.
3.3.3 Replacement of a lost ticket should complete an Application for Replacing or Refunding of Lost Ticket of Lucky Air. Air may at the passenger's request and subject to Lucky Air’s Regulations replace such ticket by issuing a new ticket after collecting a charge fee, provided that the passenger agrees in such form as may be prescribed by Lucky Air to indemnify Lucky Air for any loss or damage which Lucky Air may sustain by reason of the use of the lost ticket, and to pay the fare applicable to the new ticket in the event, and to the extent, that the lost or missing ticket is used by any person, or that refund in respect thereof is made to any person. Air has the right not to reissue a new ticket if no reservation or ticketing record can be located for the lost ticket. Passenger must buy a new ticket if he or she wants to take such flight. replaced ticket is non-refunded, non-endorsable and non-re routable.
3.3.4 Repurchasing ticket
Passenger can repurchase the ticket according to the original schedule and date and apply for a refund of the lost ticket.
3.3.5 Refund for Lost Tickets
If passenger wants to refund the lost ticket directly, he or she must report the lost ticket according to 3.3.2. The lost ticket will be refunded provided no fraud or use by third party has been confirmed by Lucky Air.
3.4 Ticket not Transferable
3.4.1 Tickets are not transferable.
3.4.2 If the ticket is presented by a person other than the person entitled to board the plane or return the ticket, Lucky Air may provide transportation or refund for such person. Lucky Air shall not be liable to the person with the original right to use or request refund for the ticket..
3.4.3 If a ticket were to be used by any person other than the person entitled to be carried, Lucky Air is not liable for the death or delay in the carriage of such person or for the destruction, loss or damage to or delay in the carriage of such person's baggage.
3.4.4 If a ticket is used or returned by any person other than the person entitled to board the plane, Lucky Air is not liable for the person entitled to board the plane or return the ticket.
3.5 Period of validity of the ticket
3.5.1 A ticket is valid for transportation for one year from the date of commencement of the travel, or if none of the tickets are used, from the date of issuance thereof, except as otherwise provided in the ticket, these Conditions or Lucky Air's Regulations.
3.5.2 The validity of a special fare ticket is calculated according to Lucky Air’s Regulations.
3.5.3 The validity of a ticket is calculated from the date of commencement of travel or 0} clock of the next day upon which ticket is issued to 0} clock of the next day of expiration date.
3.6 Extension of Validity of the ticket
3.6.1 If for the following reasons, the passenger is prevented from traveling within the validity period of the ticket, the validity period of the passenger's ticket may be extended until Lucky Air's first flight on which a seat is available in the class for which the fare has been paid:
-Lucky Air cancels the flight on which the passenger holds a reservation
-Lucky Air skips a scheduled stop which is the passenger's place of departure, place of destination or a stopover;
-Lucky Air fails to reasonably operate a flight as scheduled;
-The passenger misses a connection flight due to Lucky Air's fault;
-Lucky Air fails to provide the passenger with a previously confirmed seat.
-The carrier changes the seating class.
3.6.2 When a passenger with a normal fare ticket, or a special fare ticket which has the same validity as a normal fare ticket, is prevented from travelling within the period of validity of his ticket because at the time such passenger requests reservations Lucky Air is unable to provide space on
the flight, the validity of such passenger's ticket will be extended until Lucky Air’s first flight on which space is available in the class of service for which the fare has been paid.
3.6.3 When a passenger, after having commenced his/her journey, is prevented from traveling within the validity period of his/her ticket by reason of illness, Lucky Air will extend the validity period of that passenger's ticket until the date when he/she becomes fit enough to travel, or the first date after such date when a seat becomes available on Lucky Air's flight in the class for which the fare has been paid, except where Lucky Air regulations provide otherwise. Passengers shall provide diagnosis certificates issued by a doctor as required by Lucky Air. When the flight coupons remaining in the ticket include one or more stopovers, the validity period of the ticket, subject to Lucky Air's Regulations, will be extended for no more than three months from the date when the passenger becomes fit to travel according to the medical certificate. In such circumstances, Lucky Air will extend similarly the validity period of tickets of other members of his or her immediate family (a maximum of two) accompanying an incapacitated passenger.
3.6.4 In the event of the death of a passenger en route, the Tickets of persons accompanying the passenger may be modified by waiving the minimum stay or extending the period of validity. In the event of a death in the immediate family of a passenger who has commenced travel, the validity of the passenger’s ticket and those of his or her immediate family who are accompanying the passenger, may likewise be modified. Any such modification shall be made upon receipt of a valid death certificate and any such extension of validity shall not be for a period longer than forty-five (45) days from the date of the death shown on the death certificate. Accompanying passengers are limited to two. The family members described above include: spouses, parents, offspring, brothers and sisters, grandparents, grandchildren, sons
or daughters in law, parents-in-law, and other blood relatives to three generations, such as aunts and uncles, nephews and nieces and first cousins.
3.7 Coupon sequence
3.7.1 Flight coupons on tickets, including electronic tickets, are used sequentially starting from the departure city in accordance with the segments set forth on the ticket.
3.7.2 Lucky Air may not honor the passenger's ticket if the first flight coupon for international travel has not been used and the passenger commences his or her journey at any stopover or agreed stopping place.
3.7.3 Each flight coupon on tickets or electronic tickets will set out the cabin class, and specify the seat and date of the flight to be accepted by Lucky Air for transportation. When flight coupons on a ticket or an electronic ticket do not specify a reservation, a seat will be reserved based on the conditions for the relevant fare and the availability of seats on the flight.
3.7.4 If the passenger fails to use the flight coupons in sequence, Lucky Air is entitled to re-compute the fares in accordance with the regulations for the use of said coupons and the passenger is liable to Lucky Air for any difference between the recomputed fares and the fares already paid by or due from the passenger.
4.1 Stopovers may be permitted at agreed stopping places but may be subject to government requirements and Lucky Air’s Regulations.
4.2 Stopovers may be arranged in advance and provided in the ticket.
Fares apply only for carriage from the airport at the point of origin to the airport at the point of destination. Fares do not include ground transport
service between airports and between airports and town centers.
5.2 Applicable Fare
Applicable fares for carriage are published by Lucky Air or those on behalf of Lucky Air or, if not so published, constructed in accordance with Lucky Air's Regulations. Except where it is otherwise expressly provided, the applicable fare is the fare for the flight or flights in effect on the date of commencement of the carriage covered by the first flight coupon of the ticket. When changing the itinerary or the date of travel after ticketing, the difference shall be paid by the passenger, or, except where it is otherwise expressly provided, refunded by Lucky Air, in accordance with Lucky Air’s Regulations.
5.3 Routing
Fares apply only to routings published in connection therewith. If there is more than one routing at the same fare, the passenger may specify the routing prior to issue of the ticket. If no routing is specified, Lucky Air may determine the routing.
5.4 Taxes and Charges
Any tax or charge imposed by government or by municipal or other authority, or by the operator of an airport, in respect of a passenger or the use by a passenger of any services or facilities will be in addition to the published fares and charges and shall be payable by the passenger.
5.5 Currency
Passengers may pay fares and charges in any currency acceptable to Lucky Air. When payment is made in a currency other than the currency in which the fare is published, such payment will be made at the rate of exchange given by the bank in accordance with the date of ticketing or at the prevailing rate of exchange established by Lucky Air.
6.1 General
6.1.1 A reservation is not confirmed until it is recognized by Lucky Air or its Authorized Agent. Only when the passenger has paid for his ticket within the ticketing time limit prescribed in Lucky Air’s Regulations and the ticket is issued by Lucky Air or its Authorized Agent, and entered on the appropriate flight coupon, is a reservation considered valid and effective.
6.1.2 As provided in Lucky Air’s Regulations, certain fares may have conditions which limit or exclude the passenger's right to change or cancel reservations.
6.2 Ticketing Time Limit
If the passenger has not paid for his ticket within the ticketing time limit prescribed in Regulations, the reservation may be cancelled by Lucky Air or its Authorized Agent.
6.3 Personal Data
The passenger recognizes that personal data has been given to Lucky Air for the purposes of making a reservation for carriage, obtaining ancillary services, facilitating immigration and entry requirements, and making available such data to government agencies who may share such personal data with other government agencies which is beyond the control of the Lucky Air .For these purposes the passenger authorizes Lucky Air to retain such data and to transmit it to its own offices, other carriers or the providers of such services, in whatever country they may be located.
6.4 Seating
Except when providing seats for passengers who have a reserved flight and class of cabin, Lucky Air does not guarantee to provide any particular seat in the aircraft. Because of the need for operation, safety and security, the carrier will reserve its right to assign or re-assign seats on the plane, even after the passenger has boarded the plane.
6.5 Reconfirmation of Reservation
Ticket which connects with the other carrier’s flight may be subject to the
requirement to reconfirm the reservation in accordance with the operating carrier. In the event of failure to comply with any such requirement, Lucky Air is not liable to the passenger for loss or expense.
6.6 Cancellation of Onward Reservations made by Carrier
If a passenger does not use a reservation and fails to reconfirm the follow-up segments, Lucky Air may cancel any onward or return reservations.
6.7 Precedence Reservation
6.7.1 A passenger does not have the priority if he wants to make a precedence reservation when he presents a ticket partly or wholly without reserving a seat at the very beginning.
6.7.2 Passenger does not have the priority if he wants to make a precedence reservation when he changes his partly or wholly reserved ticket.
6.7.3 In case of Lucky Air’s permission, passenger who changes an itinerary involuntarily can make a precedence reservation.
Article 7 Check-in and Boarding
7.1 Check-in
7.1.1 Cut-off times for check in are different at each airport. The passenger shall arrive at the airport within the prescribed time limit to complete ticket inspection, baggage checking, and boarding pass issuance with valid personal identification.
7.1.2 The passenger(s) with a reservation can check-in directly at the check-in counter, while those who haven't made a reservation shall be processed as standby at check-in according to Lucky Air's regulations
7.2 Boarding
The passenger shall arrive in sufficient time at the designated gate for boarding after check-in and completing all government formalities. If the passenger fails to arrive on time or cannot produce a valid travel document or certificate of travel, Lucky Air may cancel the reserved space for the
purpose of not delaying the flight's departure, and is not liable for any of the passenger's losses or expenses due to the passenger's failure to comply with the provisions of this article.
Article 8 Refusal and Limitations of Carriage
8.1 Right to Refuse Carriage
Lucky Air may refuse carriage of any passenger or passenger's baggage for reasons of safety or if, in the exercise of its reasonable discretion. Lucky Air is not liable to the passenger for loss or expense due to following circumstances:
8.1.1 In order to comply with any applicable laws, regulations or orders of any state or country to be flown from, into or over.
8.1.2 The passenger who are not fit for travel because of the conduct, age, or mental or physical state, or cause discomfort or make himself objectionable to other passengers, or involve any hazard or risk to himself or to other persons or to property. Expectant mothers having more than 9 months (36 weeks and above) of pregnancy. Infants less than 14 days old and the preemie less than 90 days old. The passenger has known of being attacked by a heavy infectious disease and fails to give a medical certificate fully proves that necessary preventive measures have been taken for infection prevention. Psychopaths prone to go mad may cause danger to themselves, crewmen or other passengers. The person is seriously facially injured without proper treatment, has special odor or has quirks, which may arouse aversion or discomfort to other passengers. The person whose healthy condition may endanger itself or influence safety of other passengers. The person shows a sign of alcohol or drugs use. Poisoned or suspected poisoned person. Did not apply in advance and obtained the consent of Lucky Air for transportation, and temporarily apply for the passengers who need to use the stretcher after the airport. According to Lucky Air’s reasonable judgment, passengers who cannot travel safely without additional medical service measures. Oxygen passengers in a coma and passengers who need oxygen during the ground waiting period. Restricted number of persons with disabilities, but the number of such persons on the flight has reached the limit.
8.1.3 Passengers do not comply with the relevant laws, regulations and government regulations and other regulatory documents of the origin, transit, destination or overflight, or do not comply with the carrier's regulations.
8.1.4 The passenger has refused to submit to a security check.
8.1.5 The applicable fare or any fares, charges or taxes payable have not been paid by the passenger.
8.1.6 The passenger does not show his passport, visa and other valid travel documents or the documents presented by the passengers are not the same documents used when purchasing the tickets.
8.1.7 The ticket has been acquired unlawfully or has been purchased from an entity other than the issuing Carrier or its Authorized Agent, or has been reported as being lost or stolen, or is a counterfeit ticket, or any flight has been altered by anyone other than Carrier or its Authorized Agent, or a flight coupon, has been mutilated. Lucky Air reserves the right to retain such paper ticket.
8.1.8 The person presenting the ticket cannot prove that he is the person named in the ticket.
8.1.9 The person who not taking Lucky Air crews arrangement and advice.
8.1.10 The behavior of the passenger affects the realization of the legitimate
rights of other passengers and adversely affects the safety order of the aircraft, or may cause any danger or harm to itself or other personnel or property.
8.1.11 Passengers carrying dangerous goods such as dangerous goods or deadly weapons.
8.1.12 Other passengers who carry weapons without authorization.
8.1.13 The passenger may seek to enter a country illegally through which he is in transit, or may destroy his documentation during flight, or will not surrender travel documents to be held by the flight crew, against receipt, when so requested by Lucky Air
8.2 Lucky Air has the right to determine the carriage of passenger and baggage when the actual passengers exceed the maximum load of the aircraft. Lucky Air will inform such passenger before the airplane takes off and the ticket will be dealt as involuntary endorsement or involuntary refund.
8.3 Limitations on Carriage
8.3.1 Adults without accompanying children, stretchers, people who are not self-care, pregnant women, pregnant women, suspects, infants who are pregnant for 32 weeks (inclusive) - 36 weeks (excluding), respiratory assist equipment passengers, patient passengers during flight, Disabled passengers who need assistance during emergency evacuation or passengers who need special assistance may need special care or transportation under certain conditions due to their age, physical or mental condition, only if they meet the requirements of Lucky Air. Lucky Air agreed in advance and made arrangements after necessary to carry it.
8.3.2 Number for passengers of limitation on carriage: for safety,Lucky Air will make restrictions of the number for passengers of limitation on carriage on each flight.
8.3.3 Lucky Air complies with the relevant laws and regulations of the civil aviation authorities on air transportation for persons with disabilities, and provides transportation for disabled persons with flight conditions.
8.3.4 Lucky Air complies with the “Administrative Measures for the Air Transport of Human Donated Organs” to provide transportation for passengers who carry organs donated by the human body.
8.4 Arrangements for Passengers Refused to be Carried
8.4.1 The passenger who is denied to carriage or whose seat is cancelled on the grounds for 8.1.1 and 8.1.2 under this chapter, may apply for refund in accordance with the rules of involuntary refund.
8.4.2 Passengers who are in the circumstances of Articles 8.1.(3), (4), (6), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12),(13) of this Chapter shall have purchased tickets as voluntarily The provisions for refunding the ticket shall be handled; in the case of (11) and (12), the passenger carrier shall retain the right to withhold the ticket and, if necessary, report it to the relevant competent department for handling.
8.4.3 Passengers who are in the circumstances of Article 8.1.(5) of this Chapter shall be paid by the passengers for the insufficient payment of the fare or taxes, or by the involuntary refund, and refund the fare paid by the passenger.
8.4.4 For passengers who are in the case of paragraph (7) of Article 8.1 of this Chapter, the carrier reserves the right to withhold the ticket and, if necessary, submit it to the relevant competent department for handling.
9.1 Items Prohibited and Restricted as Baggage
9.1.1 Items which are prohibited as baggage
9.1.1. Items which are likely to endanger the aircraft, or the persons and property on board the aircraft specified by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air, the Dangerous Goods Regulations of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the Transport of Dangerous Goods Regulations of Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) and in Lucky Air's Regulations. The following articles are especially prohibited: Firearms and main parts (including those for military, civilian and official uses, pistol, rifle, submachine gun, machine gun, baton gun, air gun, tranquilizer gun, sample gun, property gun, ball gun, tear gas gun and stun gun); ordnance, police instruments and main parts (such as spontoon, military or police dagger and bayonet); instruments prohibited by the state (defibrillator and defensive tool); other similar instruments and the duplicates of the above articles are not allowed for carriage as carry-on baggage, except for athletic equipment. Electric shock weapons (such as tasers) contain dangerous goods such as explosives, compressed gases, lithium batteries, etc. Explosive or burning substances and devices, including ammunition, blasting equipment, pyrotechnic articles, and simulations of the above items, safely packaged ammunition (weapon cartridges, bullet cartridges). State controlled instruments that may cause personal injury or greatly endanger the air safety and transport order (crossbow, dagger, three-square knife, three-square tool for machining, knife with self-lock device and dagger-shaped single-edged knife with a length less than the real dagger, double-edged knife and other similar single-edged knife, double-edged and three-square pointed knives). dangerous item:
1)Explosives or combustible materials and devices that may cause heavy personal injury or endanger safety of aircraft or the articles may be mistaken as such devices or materials, including ammunition, explosive equipment, firework products and the duplicates of such articles.
2)Gases, including flammable gases, non-flammable non-toxic gases, toxic gases.
3)flammable liquid.
4)Flammable solids, pyrophoric substances, substances that release flammable gases in contact with water.
5)Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides. 6)Toxic substances and infectious substances. 7)Radioactive material.
8)Corrosive substance.
9)Miscellaneous dangerous goods and articles, including environmentally hazardous substances.
10)Lucky Air stipulates that other dangerous goods that are not allowed to be transported as luggage. Other items:
1)Infectious pathogen.
2)Fire (including all types of ignition devices), such as lighters, matches.
3)Charges with a rated energy value of >160WH (watt hours), lithium batteries (except for lithium batteries used in electric wheelchairs), and fuel cells (except for fuel cells that provide power for portable electronic devices in accordance with Lucky Air) are prohibited. Transport.
4)A luggage compartment with a non-removable lithium battery, a lithium metal battery of more than 0.3 grams or a lithium ion battery of more than 2.7Wh.
5)Alcoholic beverages with an alcohol content greater than 70%.
6)Strong magnetized material, a substance with a strong pungent odor or a tendency to cause passengers to panic, and an item that cannot be identified as potentially dangerous.
7)a device that disables people's ability (such as tear gas, pepper spray). Small lithium battery balance car, powered by lithium battery, can carry human single or multi-wheel mobile auxiliary tools. Self-heating food. Samsung Galaxy Note7. Living animals, except in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 of this Chapter. Insurance equipment such as lithium batteries and pyrotechnic devices, such as insurance cases, cash boxes, cash bags, etc. Liquid oxygen device. Gun type electronic dry powder fire extinguisher. Medical small oxygen cylinders or air bottles (if the passengers need to use oxygen cylinders on the machine due to illness, they must apply to Xiangpeng Airlines 48 hours in advance). Any embargoed by any law, regulation or order applicable to the origin, place of stop, destination or overflying country. Items which do not constitute baggage as defined in Article 1 hereof. Items that are not suitable for air transportation due to packaging, shape, weight, volume, and nature. Detailed information on other similar items can be obtained from Lucky Air。
9.1.2 Items which are not transported as checked baggage
The passenger shall not include in checked baggage fragile or perishable items, money, jewelry, antiques, precious metals, silverware, negotiable papers, securities, bank cards, credit cards or other valuables, business, government or private documents, passports and other identification documents, samples, medicine or medical devices or equipment, keys,and etc.Lucky Air is not liable for loss or expense made by passenger’s failure to comply with this.
9.1.3 Items which are restricted in transportation
The following items are permitted to be transported only with consent of Lucky Air and when they comply with Lucky Air's Conditions of Transportation. Precision instruments, electrical appliances and other items shall be consigned as cargo. If transported by checked baggage, it must meet the requirements of Lucky Air and such items should be properly packed, and the weight of such items shall not be counted in the free baggage allowance. Excess baggage fees are charged for shipping. Diplomatic letter bag, confidential documents. An electric wheelchair used by passengers during their travels. Tools and blunt instruments other than knives, such as kitchen knives, fruit knives, table knives, handicraft knives, scalpels, scissors, sickles, performance knives, swords, spears, antiques or knives, swords and steel shovel, axes as tourist souvenirs , short sticks, hammers, etc., can not be carried with you, should be placed in the checked baggage. Dry ice, liquid items (including alcoholic items and alcohol-containing beverages, etc.), smoking equipment, medicines, cosmetics, etc. required for passenger travel. The volume and capacity of liquid articles shall comply with the restrictions imposed by the government authorities, Lucky Air and relevant carriers and airports. Alcoholic beverages containing alcohol shall not be carried with them as checked baggage. 100Wh<Rated energy value ≤ 160Wh, 2g<Lithium metal content ≤ 8g Personal self-use electronic equipment, after approval by the carrier, can be used as hand luggage or checked baggage. Gaseous oxygen or air small cylinders for medical use; small carbon dioxide cylinders for passengers to wear on the body of machinery; catalytic hair curlers containing hydrocarbons, no more than one per passenger. Sports equipment, including sports guns and ammunition, must be issued with a gun transport permit or a national sports administration permit to be transported as checked baggage. The firearm must be unloaded and insured and properly packaged. Working dogs such as guide dogs, hearing dogs and rescue dogs. Small air pump fitted with an automatically inflated personal safety device such as a life jacket or life vest. Avalanche rescue backpack. Chemical monitoring device. Heat generating item. Camping stove and fuel tank. Non-infectious sample. Mercury barometer or mercury thermometer.
9.1.4Items that shall have an exemption baggage tag attached
Due to the value, nature of contents or possible passenger negligence which would lead to controversy, when accepting baggage, Lucky Air shall attach an exemption baggage tag to exempt the corresponding responsibility of Lucky Air. Such baggage may include: Fragile and easily damaged baggage; Improperly packed baggage; Small animals, fresh and alive objects, perishable goods or perishable goods carried in the baggage; The passenger was late in checking the baggage; Damaged baggage; Overweight and oversize checked baggage exceeding the carrier's limitation on weight and volume; Unlocked baggage or baggage with a broken lock; Cabin baggage whose size exceeds the limitation of cabin baggage and was checked at the boarding gate.
9.2 Right to Refuse Carriage
9.2.1 Lucky Air may refuse carriage as baggage of such items described in 9.1.1 of this Article as are prohibited from carriage as baggage and may refuse further carriage of any such items on discovery thereof.
9.2.2 Lucky Air may refuse to accept baggage as checked baggage unless it is properly packed in suitcases or other similar containers to ensure safe carriage with ordinary care in handling.
9.3 Right of Inspection
To ensure safe carriage, Lucky Air can inspect passengers' baggage in accordance with regulations. For the purpose of determining whether a passenger is carrying or smuggling in their baggage the items described in
9.1.1 and 9.1.3 above, Lucky Air may check, scan or X-ray check the passenger's baggage even if he or she is not present. If any damage occurs due to the X-ray check or scan, Lucky Air takes no responsibility unless the damage arises as a result of Lucky Air's negligence. If the passenger is unwilling to comply with such a request, Lucky Air may refuse to carry the passenger and/or the baggage.
9.4 Checked Baggage
9.4.1 After being checked, baggage is under the care of Lucky Air. Lucky Air shall issue a baggage identification tag for each piece of checked baggage.
9.4.2 Passengers shall label the name, contact information or other personal identification mark on the inside or outside of the checked baggage.
9.4.3 Best efforts should be made by Lucky Air for checked baggage to be carried on the same aircraft as the passenger. However, in the event that a
passenger's checked baggage cannot be transported on the same aircraft due to safety, security or transportation reasons, Lucky Air should explain to the passenger that the checked baggage will be carried on the next flight where the security is ensured and space is available.
9.4.4 Unless otherwise specified, the weight allowance of checked baggage cannot exceed 50Kg and the maximum volume should not exceed 40cm x 60cm x 100cm. The baggage which exceeds above regulations should be transported as previously determined by Lucky Air.
9.5 Unchecked (Carry-On) Baggage
9.5.1 Baggage which the passenger carries on to the aircraft must fit under the seat in front of the passenger or in the overhead storage compartment in the cabin.
9.5.2 Unless otherwise specified, the weight of free carry-on baggage into the cabin for each economy class passenger should not exceed 5Kg, and the maximum volume should not exceed 20cm x 40cm x 55cm. The weight of free carry-on baggage into the cabin for each first class or business class passenger should not exceed 10Kg, and the maximum volume should not exceed 20cm x 40cm x 55cm. That baggage which exceeds above regulations should be transported as checked baggage.
9.5.3 If the weight or size of the passenger's baggage, such as a delicate musical instrument, fails to meet the requirements under 9.5.2, and is unsuitable to be transported in the cargo compartment, the passenger shall inform Lucky Air in advance if he or she wants to carry it as unchecked baggage. Only after receiving consent from Lucky Air may the baggage be carried into the cabin. The unchecked baggage will be charged as cabin baggage occupying a seat.
9.6 Free Baggage Allowance
9.6.1 In international transportation managed by Lucky Air, free baggage allowance can be calculated by weight and piece. Passengers should comply with the free baggage allowance according to the conditions and limits regulated
by Lucky Air.
9.6.2 As for 8L domestic sectors of international transportation under a single transportation contract, the free baggage allowance of the passenger should subject to the allowance listed in the ticket.
9.6.3 For passengers purchasing different classes for different segments on Lucky Air's itinerary, their free baggage allowance shall be subject to the allowance for each segment..
9.6.4 Where two or more passengers traveling as one party to a common destination or point of stopover on the same flight present themselves and their baggage for traveling at the same time and place, their free baggage allowance may be calculated together according to the specified standard for each ticket price level.
9.6.5 In the event of a voluntary itinerary change, the free baggage allowance should follow the regulation applied to free baggage allowance of the ticket price level after the itinerary change. If it is an involuntary itinerary change, the free baggage allowance follows the original regulations.
9.6.6 Weight calculation of free baggage allowance
Due to the implementation of the baggage differentiated service standard by Xiangpeng Airlines, some routes and cabins have no free checked baggage, which is subject to the actual policy.
9.6.7 Free baggage piece counting
Due to the implementation of the baggage differentiated service standard by Xiangpeng Airlines, some routes and cabins have no free checked baggage, which is subject to the actual policy.
9.7 Excess Baggage
9.7.1 The weight of the checked baggage and unchecked baggage of the passenger, which exceeds the free baggage allowance of the passenger, is called excess
baggage. Excess baggage can only be carried if the passenger pays the excess baggage fee and the excess baggage ticket is filled by Lucky Air.
9.7.2 Passengers should pay excess baggage fees for their excess baggage, and the carrier and authorized agent will fill the excess baggage and transport it. Excess baggage rates and calculation methods shall be handled in accordance with the regulations of Lucky Air.
9.7.3 Each piece of baggage exceeding the piece of free baggage allowance shall be charged and charged according to relevant regulations.
9.8 Value Declaration and Charge
9.8.1 Passenger may declare a value for checked baggage if the value of the baggage is more than USD30.00 per kilogram or its equivalent currencies.
9.8.2 The value declared cannot be in excess of the real value of the checked baggage. The highest value declared is limited to a maximum of USD2500.00 or its equivalent currencies.
9.8.3 The declared value of the checked baggage is charged in excess of the prescribed limit amount of US$1 per 100 USD declared amount (the portion less than US$100 is charged at USD 1).
9.8.4 Lucky Air does not apply value declaration to unchecked baggage, seat baggage, diplomatic pouches and other special items, for example a musical instrument. More information, please contact Lucky Air or its authorized agent.
9.8.5 Lucky Air does not apply value declaration to any animal carried by a passenger.
9.8.6 If partial transportation of the baggage with value declaration is carried by other carriers which do not offer value declaration service, Lucky Air has the right to refuse to offer value declaration service.
9.9 Collection and Delivery of Baggage
9.9.1 Passenger shall check his baggage with a valid ticket.
9.9.2 After baggage delivery, the passenger takes the baggage identification
Tag for each piece of Checked Baggage as proof for baggage collection.
9.9.3 If passenger checks through baggage, which is disputable, he or she shall make a written promise to indemnify Lucky Air and attach an exemption baggage tag to exempt the corresponding responsibility of Lucky Air.
9.9.4 After obtaining permission of Lucky Air, passengers can check through cargo as carry-on baggage, but passenger will be charged according the excess baggage rate.
9.10 Delivery of Baggage
9.10.1 Passengers shall claim their baggage with their checked baggage identification tag as early as possible, and when necessary, the ticket and baggage check will be verified.
9.10.2 Lucky Air delivers the checked baggage by the baggage identification tag and has no responsibility for the damage and expense caused by the case that the person who claims the baggage is not the right passenger.
9.10.3 If the person who claims the baggage could not show the baggage check and identification tag, only when he offers a proof approved by Lucky Air and, when necessary, declares that he will compensate the possible damage or expensed for Lucky Air, he can claim the baggage.
9.10.4 When passengers claim baggage and do not offer a written objection, it will be basic proof that the baggage has been delivered according to the transportation abstract.
9.11 Special regulations about the transportation of seat baggage, fragile or valuable articles, and diplomatic pouches.
9.11.1 Seat Baggage If the baggage has to take up a seat, passenger shall request space when reserving the seat, and the baggage can only be transported within the permission of Lucky Air . Passenger takes responsibility for the seat baggage he or she carries. The weight of seat baggage for each seat may not be in excess of 75 kg and the package should be proper. To guarantee the safety of the flight, the seats
of the passengers and their seat baggage shall be designated by Lucky Air and for the entire trip the baggage should be secured by safety belt. When necessary, the baggage should be fastened by a cross arm brace. Seat baggage is not included in free baggage allowance and the fare is charged according to the adult ticket fare of passenger. If the transportation is managed by successive carriers, agreement of relative successive carriers should be obtained.
9.11.2 Fragile or valuable baggage will be dealt in addition to the regulations in this condition; if the baggage requires a seat, management should follow 9.11.1.
9.11.3 Diplomatic pouches According to the request of diplomatic couriers, Lucky Air handles it and the carrier bears the responsibility as checked baggage. If diplomatic pouches require seats, 9.11.1 is applied.
9.12 Animals
9.12.1 Seeing-eye dogs, hearing-ear dogs and other assistance dogs Seeing-eye dogs and other assistance dogs may be taken into the cabin with the permission of Lucky Air , but they have to be secured adequately and may not occupy a seat. Hearing-ear dogs and other assistance dogs may be taken into the cabin with the same regulation in (a) of this The passenger carrying assistance dog shall provide its valid certificates issued by an appropriate institution. When seeing-eye and hearing-ear dogs are carried in the cargo compartment, they must be in suitable containers. Seeing-eye dogs, hearing-ear dogs and their containers and food may be transported free of charge and shall not be counted in free baggage allowance.
9.12.2 Passengers are completely liable for the injury or death of the animals above, except the case that Lucky Air is clearly responsible for the injury
or death either intentionally or by accident. On some long-distance flights without stopovers or some special types of aircraft, it is not suitable to carry seeing-eye or hearing-ear dogs and Lucky Air has the right to refuse the carriage of the animals. Lucky Air bears no responsibility for the injury, loss, delay, disease or death of the animals when the animals cannot be accepted.
Article 10 Schedules, Delays, Cancellation of Flights
10.1 Schedules
10.1.1 Lucky Air undertakes to use its best efforts to carry the passenger and his or her baggage with reasonable dispatch. Times shown in the ticket, timetables or elsewhere are not guaranteed and do not form part of the Contract of Carriage.
10.1.2 Lucky Air will not be liable for errors or omissions in timetables or other publications of schedules or in statements or representations made by employees, agents or representatives of Lucky Air, unless the errors or omissions are caused by Lucky Air's intentional or knowing reckless act or omission. Timetables or other publications of schedules or statements and representations made by employees, agents or representatives of Lucky Air as to the dates or times of departure and arrival or the operation of any flight are just for reference.
10.1.3 Schedules are subject to change without notice. Lucky Air may when circumstances so require alter or omit stopping places shown on the ticket or in schedules and may without notice substitute alternate carriers or aircraft.
10.2 Cancellation and Changes of Flights
10.2.1 In one of the following conditions, Lucky Air may cancel, terminate, modify, extend or delay the flights without prior notification: To abide by the laws, regulations and orders of the state; To guarantee the safety of flight; A factor the carrier cannot control or predict.
10.2.2 According to Montreal Convention, if the flight is canceled, terminated, diverted, postponed or delayed because of some special circumstances such as unstable politics, weather conditions affecting the operation of flights, safety risks, unexpected flight safety defects, certain labor disputes or strikes influencing the management of the carrier, the Carrier takes no responsibility if the Carrier has tried its best to take all reasonable measures to avoid the damage.
10.2.3 If the decision of traffic control about the relative specific aircraft on some specific date causes an extended flight delay, whole-night delay or one or more flight cancellations related to the aircraft, this special event is considered to exist, though the carrier will take all reasonable measures to avoid the delay or cancellation of the flight.
10.3 Subsequent Arrangement
10.3.1 If Lucky Air cancels, terminates, diverts, postpones or delays a flight, substitutes a different type of aircraft or different class of service, is unable to provide previously confirmed space, fails to stop at a passenger's stopover or destination point, or causes the passenger to miss a connecting flight on which he holds a reservation and reasons listed in 10.2.1, we shall, with due consideration to the passenger's reasonable interests, either: Re-book the passenger on another of its scheduled passenger services on which space is available or assist the passenger in re-booking on another carrier. Provide a refund according to the relative regulations about involuntary refund in 12. 5 of Article 12. Assist the passenger in certain services such as accommodations and ground transportation. A passenger at his or her point of origin will pay his own expense. The service provided for the transfer and transit passenger will be managed according to the Ground Service Manual of Lucky Air(Volume 1).
10.3.2 If Lucky Air cancels, terminates, diverts, postpones or delays a flight, substitutes a different type of aircraft or different class of service, is unable to provide previously confirmed space, fails to stop at a passenger's stopover or destination point, or causes the passenger to miss a connecting flight on which he holds a reservation because of Lucky Air , Carrier shall, with due consideration to the passenger} s reasonable interests, either: Re-book the passenger on another of its scheduled passenger services
on which space is available or assist the passenger in re-booking with another Carrier to carry him or her to their destination. Provide a refund according to the relative regulations about involuntary refund in 12. 5 of Article 12. Due to the maintenance of international flights caused by maintenance, flight allocation, and crew, etc., Lucky Air will provide economic compensation to passengers according to the actual situation of flight delay time. Due to the reasons of Lukcy Air, the flight delay was more than 4 hours (inclusive), and the passengers were compensated by RMB 200 /person, of which the infant passenger standard was RMB 100 /person. The flight continued to be delayed due to various reasons, and the delay time was calculated based on the delay period caused by Lucky Air, and the economic compensation was provided according to the aforementioned criteria. Assist the passenger in certain services such as accommodation and ground transportation. The passengers at the original point bear the expense thereof. In addition to those measures above, Lucky Air takes no further responsibility to the passenger.
10.4 If Lucky Air cancels, terminates, postpones or delay the flights because of reasons caused by Lucky Air, Lucky Air will provide the passenger with services such as meals, accommodations and certain other services Lucky Air considers necessary but it does not promise to offer services over the regulated standards.
10.4.1 Cancellation of the flight on which the passenger has made a reservation.
10.4.2 Cancellation of the flight on which the stops include the departure, the destination or stopovers of the passengers.
10.4.3 Not flying in reasonable time according to the timetable.
10.4.4 Causing the passenger to miss the subsequent flight in which he has made a reservation.
10.4.5 Not providing the reserved seat.
10.5 Limited liability
In addition to those measures above, Lucky Air takes no further responsibility to the passenger unless otherwise stated in the Convention.
10.6 Delay of exemption
Lucky Air will take all necessary measures to avoid delay of passengers and baggage. Lucky Air does not assume responsibility if it has taken all necessary measures or it is impossible to adopt the measures.
Article 11 Change Itineraries and Tickets
11.1 When a passenger who has started his or her travel but has not reached their destination asks for changing the specified unused flight, destination, carrier, seat class, flight or the validity of the Ticket, it is defined as a voluntary itinerary change. When the Carrier, which cancels the flight in which space is reserved, cancels the landing at the destination or stopovers of the passenger, does not fly reasonably according to the schedule, or cannot provide reserved space, causes the passengers to change the itinerary, it is defined as an involuntary itinerary change.
11.2 Handling the voluntary itinerary change in accordance with the following regulations:
11.2.1 Passenger shall request it before reaching the destination.
11.2.2 After the itinerary change, the fare and charges for the original
routing shall still be applicable to the revised routing.
11.2.3 If the fare and charges for the revised routing is lower than what the passenger has paid, the Carrier shall refund the difference; if it is higher, the passenger shall pay the difference.
11.2.4 After the itinerary change, the validity period of the new ticket shall be the same as the original one and it will be counted from the midnight of the next day after the transportation specified on the first flight coupon of the original ticket.
11.3 If the execution of 10.2.1 in Article 10 causes the passenger to have an involuntary itinerary, the Carrier shall, with due consideration to the passenger’s reasonable needs, either:
11.3.1 Re-book the passenger on the first flight where space is available or endorse the ticket to another Carrier.
11.3.2 Change the passenger’s flight and arrange the passenger or endorse his or her ticket to another Carrier to send the passenger to the destination or stopover.
11.3.3 Handle the problem according to the regulations 12.5 of Article 12 of these conditions.
11.3.4 Assist the passenger in services such as accommodations and ground transfers. The expenses of the passenger from departure are the responsibility of the passenger.
11.4 When the Carrier causes the passenger to change his flight involuntarily; the Carrier should handle the problem according to the regulations of 11.3.1,
11.3.2 and 11.3.3 in this article. In addition, such services as a rest area, beverages, meals, accommodations and some other necessary services shall be provided to the passenger at no charge.
11.4.1 The Carrier causes the passenger to cancel his reserved flight.
11.4.2 The Carrier’s flight does not stop at the destination or stopover of the passenger.
11.4.3 The Carrier does not reasonably arrange the schedule of the flight.
11.4.4 The Carrier does not provide the travelers with preserve seats.
11.4.5 The Carrier causes the passenger miss the reserved connecting flight.
12.1 General
12.1.1 On failure by Lucky Air to provide carriage in accordance with the contract of carriage, or where a passenger requests a voluntary change of his or her arrangements, refund for an unused ticket or portion thereof shall be made by Lucky Air and its authorized agent in accordance with this Article and with Lucky Air’s Regulations.
12.1.2 Passenger should request a refund within the validity period of the Ticket. Lucky Air may refuse a refund where application is made after the expiry of the validity of the Ticket.
12.2 Place for refund
A refund should be made in the place where the ticket is issued or another place agreed by Lucky Air.
12.3 Currency
All refunds will be subject to government laws, and related regulations of the country in which the ticket was originally purchased and of the country in which the refund is being made. Refunds will be made in the currency in which the ticket was paid for, or, at the option of Lucky Air, in the currency of the country where the ticket was purchased or where the refund is being made.
12.4 Person to Whom Refund Will Be Made, Document needed and Discharge
12.4.1 If not all flights on the passengers' tickets are completed within the valid period because of the passengers themselves or the carriers, the passengers may request a refund within the valid period of the tickets. To request a refund, the passenger should present the tickets or the "Carrier
Coupon" and "Passenger Coupon" of the unused tickets. Refund could be handled only in the ticket office of carriers or agents in the ticket issuing cities, the departure cities, or the destination cities. The refund should only be given to the person whose name is on the ticket (meaning the passenger himself/herself) or the person whom the passenger has designated as the refund receiver.
If a ticket has been paid for by a person other than the passenger named in the ticket, the person applying for the refund must provide an original copy of an identification document of the person named on the ticket as well as a letter of authorization from that person while providing an original copy of his/her own identification document.
12.4.2 Except in the case of lost tickets, refunds will only be made on surrender to Lucky Air of the passenger coupon or passenger receipt and surrender of all unused flight coupons. The passenger who buys an electronic ticket should show his or her valid identity card.
12.4.3 A refund made to anyone presenting the flight coupons, the passenger coupon and payment voucher in terms of 12.4.1, 12.4.2 and 12.4.3 shall be deemed a proper refund and shall discharge Lucky Air from liability.
12.5 Involuntary Refunds
Because of one of the reasons listed in 3.6.1 of Article 3 and 10.2 of Article 10, refund will be made according to following regulations:
12.5.1 If no portion of the Ticket has been used, refund the entire paid fare.
12.5.2 If a portion of the Ticket has been used, as provided in Lucky Air
-Regulations, the refund amount is equal to the higher fare between the ones shown below for the part of the journey not completed:
-the unused one way fare for the interruption point to the destination
-the unused one way fare for the interruption point to the next stopover The applicable discount and the costs are deducted from the fare above. The refund amount shall not be in excess of the entire paid fare. No cancellation charge will be collected.
12.6 Voluntary Refunds
If the passenger wishes a refund of his ticket, the amount of refund shall be calculated in following regulations:
12.6.1 If no portion of the Ticket has been used, an amount equal to the fare paid, less any reasonable service charges or cancellation (refund) fees.
12.6.2 If a portion of the Ticket has been used, the refund will be an amount equal to the difference between the fare paid and the applicable fare for travel between the points for which the Ticket has been used, less any reasonable service charges or cancellation fees.
12.7 Right to Refuse Refund
12.7.1 Lucky Air may refuse refund when a ticket is not permitted to be refunded according to applicable fares or Lucky Air Regulations.
12.7.2 Lucky Air may refuse a refund on a ticket which has been presented to Lucky Air or to government officials of a country as evidence of intention to depart therefore, unless the passenger establishes to Lucky Air’s satisfaction that he has permission to remain in the country or that he will depart therefore by another carrier or another means of transport.
Article 13 Conduct Aboard Aircraft
13.1 If passengers' behavior and/or conduct aboard have endangered the aircraft or any person or property on board, or obstructed the crew in the performance of their duties, or failed to comply with any instruction of the crew, or been in a manner to which other passengers may reasonably object, Lucky Air may take all measures that it deems necessary to prevent continuation of such conduct, including restraint of the passenger.
13.2 Passengers are prohibited from operating portable radios, mobile phones, inter-phones, electronic devices that can be remotely controlled, and other radio transmitters which Lucky Air considers will jeopardize security of
flight on board. Without Lucky Air's permission, passengers cannot use any electronic devices except hearing aids and heart pacemakers.
13.3 Non Smoking On Board
All flights of Lucky Air are non-smoking, and smoking is prohibited in all areas of the aircraft.
13.4 Safety belt
After taking their seats, passengers are required to fasten their safety belts.
14.1 Lucky Air is not responsible for the ground transportation service in the airport area or between airport and city downtown area or between the airport and another in the same city. Lucky Air is not liable for the actions or negligence of providers of ground transportation service.
14.2 Passengers' accommodation fees at a connecting point shall be borne by themselves..
14.3 During the flight Lucky Air provides passengers with drinks and meals as prescribed. Lucky Air can charge passengers accordingly for additional services in excess of those prescribed.
Article 15 Additional Services Arrangements
If in the course of concluding the contract of carriage by air, Lucky Air agrees to make arrangements for the provision of additional services, Lucky Air is not liable to the passenger for any damage, loss or expense whatsoever arising from or in connection with such arrangements.
Article 16 Administrative Procedures
16.1 General
16.1.1 The passenger shall fully comply with all laws, regulations, orders, demands and travel requirements of countries to be flown from, into or through and with Lucky Air's regulations and instructions;.
16.1.2 Lucky Air shall not be liable for any aid or information given by any agent or employee of Lucky Air to any passenger in connection with obtaining necessary documents or visas or complying with aforementioned laws, regulations, orders, demands, and travel requirements, whether given in writing or otherwise; or for the consequences to any passenger resulting from his/her failure to obtain such documents or visas or to comply with aforementioned laws, regulations, orders, demands, and travel requirements.
16.2 Travel Documents
16.2.1 The passenger shall present all exit, transit, entry, health and other documents required by laws, regulations, orders, and requirements of the countries concerned, and permit Lucky Air to take and retain copies or photocopies thereof;
16.2.2 Lucky Air reserves the rights to refuse carriage of any passenger who has not complied with applicable laws, regulations, orders, demands or requirements, or whose documents do not appear to be in order, or who does not permit Lucky Air to take and retain copies or photocopies thereof.
16.3 Refusal of Entry
16.3.1 The passenger agrees to pay the applicable fare whenever Lucky Air , on government order, is required to return a passenger to his point of origin or elsewhere owing to the passenger's inadmissibility into a country, whether of transit or of destination.
16.3.2 Lucky Air may apply to the payment of such fare any funds paid to Lucky Air for unused carriage, or any funds of the passenger in the possession of Lucky Air.
16.3.3 The fare collected for carriage to the point of refusal of entry or deportation will not be refunded by Lucky Air.
16.4 Fines, Detention Costs, etc
16.4.1 If Lucky Air is required to pay or deposit any fine or penalty or to incur any expenditure by reason of the passenger's failure to comply with laws, regulations, orders, demands and travel requirements of the countries concerned or to produce the required documents, the passenger shall on demand reimburse to Lucky Air any amount so paid or deposited and any expenditure so incurred.
16.4.2 Lucky Air may use towards such expenditure any funds paid to Lucky Air for unused carriage, or any funds of the passenger in the possession of Lucky Air .
16.5 Customs Inspection
16.5.1 If required, the passenger shall be present at the inspection of his baggage, checked or unchecked, by customs or other government officials
16.5.2 Lucky Air is not liable to the passenger for any loss or damage suffered by the passenger through failure to comply with above-mentioned requirement.
16.6 Security Inspection
The passenger shall submit to any security checks by government or airport officials or by Lucky Air.
16.7 Laws and Regulations
Lucky Air is not liable if it determines that what it understands to be applicable law, government regulation, demand, order or requirement requires that it refuse and it does refuse to carry a passenger.
Article 17 Successive Carrier
17.1 Carriage to be performed by several successive Carriers under one ticket, or under a ticket and any conjunction ticket issued in connection therewith is regarded as a single operation.
17.2 for passengers damage, except expressly regulated that the first Carrier
takes full responsibility for the whole flight, passenger or any person is entitled to file claim only to the Carrier of which flight an accident happens or delays.
17.3 Passenger has the right to make a claim against the first Carrier for the damage of checked baggage. The person entitled to delivery the baggage has the right to make a claim against the last Carrier. Passenger also can make a claim against the Carrier in whose transport segment destruction, loss, damage or delay is occurred. The Carriers above should be jointly liable to the passenger.
Article 18 Liability for Damage
18.1 Lucky Air will liable for the damage of the passenger occurring on the aircraft or boarding or descending the aircraft but is not liable for the death of the passenger totally caused by the passengers health condition.
18.2 Lucky Air will be liable for any destruction, loss or damage occurring during carriage in flight or within a period controlled by Lucky Air . Lucky Air will liable for the damages of unchecked baggage and hand baggage because of Lucky Air employee or agent mistakes. But Lucky Air will not liable for the damage of baggage (including checked baggage, unchecked baggage and hand baggage) if it caused by the defect, quality and flaw of the baggage. Lucky Air does not assume liability for normal wear and tear to baggage, which includes: damage to or loss of protruding baggage parts such as straps, pockets, pull handles, hanger hooks, wheels and feet, or other items attached to the baggage as well as damage to over sized/over packed bags.
18.3 Lucky Air will be liable for the damage of the passenger and baggage caused by Lucky Air delay in the transportation. But Lucky Air will not liable for the damage if Lucky Air employee or agent has taken all measures to avoid damage or it is impossible for him to take such measure. Damaged or delayed property
must be reported to Lucky Air according to regulations and time limits, otherwise Lucky Air are not liable for responsibility.
18.4 If it is confirmed that the losses are caused or facilitated by the faults of the claimant or the one from whom the claimant obtains rights, Lucky Air will be exempted from liability or just bear reduced responsibilities according to the degree of such faults which have caused or facilitated the losses. If confirmed by Lucky Air that other person rather than the passenger requires compensation for the passengers injury or death and such injury or death is caused or facilitated by the passengers own faults, Lucky Air will be exempted from liability or just bear reduced responsibilities according to the degree of such faults which have caused or facilitated the injury or death.
18.5 on the limitation of liability
18.5.1 International Carriage as defined in the 1999 Montreal Convention, is subject to the liability rules of such Convention.
18.5.2 International Carriage as defined in the 1929 Warsaw Convention and 1955 Hague Protocol but not in 1999 Montreal Convention, is subject to the liability rules of Warsaw Convention and Hague Protocol.
18.5.3 Where International Carriage is not subject to the liability rules of the Convention, is subject to the bilateral agreement or Civil Aviation Law of The People's Republic of China and related regulations about applicable laws, government regulations or orders.
18.6 on the limitation of liability regulated in Convention
18.6.1 Warsaw Convention and Hague Protocol The compensation for injuries or deaths paid by Lucky Air to passenger will not exceed two hundred fifty thousand French francs or its equivalent. The compensation for checked baggage paid by Lucky Air is no more than two hundred and fifty French francs per kilogram or its equivalent. The compensation for unchecked baggage or hand baggage paid by Lucky Air is no more than five thousand French francs per passenger or its equivalent. If no
baggage weight record in the baggage check, the weight of the checked baggage will be regarded as not exceed the free baggage allowance to the related class of cabin. The compensation for checked baggage, which has declared its value subject to 9.8 of Article 9 shall be within the value declaration.
18.6.2 1999 Montreal Convention 0 The compensation for injuries or deaths paid by Lucky Air to passenger who has no more than one hundred thousand SDRs is subject to the regulations in sub-paragraph 1 paragraph 21 and paragraph 20 of the Convention. The compensation for injuries or deaths paid by Lucky Air to passenger who has more than one hundred thousand SDRs is subject to the regulations in sub-paragraph 2 paragraph 21 and paragraph 20 of the Convention. The compensation for baggage (including checked baggage, unchecked baggage and hand baggage) paid by Lucky Air to passenger is no more than one thousand SDRs or its equivalent. The compensation for checked baggage, which has declared its value subject to 9.8 of Article 9 shall be within the value declaration.
18.7 The following clauses apply, under the circumstance that such clauses are not against the foregoing provisions, no matter whether the international air transport is compliant with the Convention or not:
18.7.1 Lucky Air is liable only for damage occurring on its own line. Lucky Air issuing a ticket or checking baggage over the lines of another carrier does so only as agent for such other carrier.
18.7.2 Lucky Air is not liable for any damage arising from its compliance with any laws or government regulations, orders or requirements, or from failure of the passenger to comply with the same.
18.7.3 Lucky Air’s liability shall not exceed the amount of proven damages. Lucky Air shall furthermore not be liable for indirect or consequential damages.
18.7.4 Lucky Air is not liable for injury to a passenger or for damage to a passenger's baggage caused by property contained in such passenger's baggage.
Any passenger whose property causes injury to another person or damage to another person's property or to the property of Lucky Air shall indemnify Lucky Air for all losses and expenses incurred by Carrier as a result thereof.
18.7.5 Lucky Air is not liable for damage to fragile or perishable items, money, jewelry, precious metals, silverware, negotiable papers, securities or other valuables, business documents, passports and other identification documents, samples, medicines or drugs, which are included in the passenger's checked and carry-on baggage.
18.7.6 If a passenger is carried whose age or mental or physical condition is such as to involve any hazard or risk to himself or herself, Lucky Air shall not be liable for any illness, injury, disability or death.
18.7.7 Any exclusion or limitation of liability of Lucky Air shall apply to and be for the benefit of agents, employees and representatives of Lucky Air and any person whose aircraft is used by Lucky Air and Lucky Air’s agents, employees and representatives. The aggregate amount recoverable from Lucky Air and from such agents, employees, representatives and persons shall not exceed the amount of Lucky Air’s limit of liability.
Unless so expressly provided nothing herein contained shall waive any exclusion or limitation of liability of Carrier under the Convention or applicable laws.
Article 19 Time Limitation on Claims Complaints and Actions
19.1 Time Limitation on Claims Complaints
19.1.1 In the case of damage to checked baggage, the person entitled to delivery should file a complaint to Lucky Air forth with after the discovery of the damage, and, at the latest, within seven days from the date of receipt. In the case of delay, the complaint must be made at the latest within twenty-one days from the date on which the baggage has been placed at his disposal.
19.1.2 No action shall lie if the person entitled to delivery does not file
a complaint to Lucky Air according to regulations above.
19.2 Time Limitation on Actions
Any right to damages shall be extinguished if an action is not brought within two years reckoned from the date of arrival at the destination, or from the date on which the aircraft ought to have arrived, or from the date on which the carriage stopped. The method of calculating the period of limitation shall be determined by the law of the court seized of the case.
Article 20 Modification and Effectiveness
20.1 According to Regulations made by Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), Lucky Air has the right to modify these regulations of carriage without prior notice. This kind of modification does not apply to carriage that has already begun prior to such modification.
No agent, employee or representative of Lucky Air has authority to alter, modify or waive any provision of these Conditions of Carriage.
20.2 These conditions are written in both Chinese and English. In the event of any discrepancy between the meanings, the Chinese version shall prevail.
20.3 These conditions will come into effect on August 1, 2019.
Lucky Air Company Limited has the right to interpret these conditions.