香港灣仔告士打道77- 79號富通大廈28樓 Fortis Prime Fund Solutions (Asia) Limited股東服務部轉交
xxxxxxxx00- 00xxxxx00x Fortis Prime Fund Solutions (Asia) Limited股東服務部轉交
傳真:x000 0000 0000
xxxx投資(開曼群島)有限公司傳真:x000 0000 0000
1. 認購人已收取基金公司最新的發行股份備忘錄(「銷售文件」)並已細閱及明白文件所列載資料,同時確認認購人所認購的額外股份須受銷售文件的條款與細則規限。
2. 認購人確認於發出此認購額外股份書當日,其本人於初次認購股份時所簽署並交付的原認購協議所載的全部資料、申述、保證及同意事項,在各方面均仍然真確無誤(若你需要確認任何資料,應向基金管理人索取你早前發出的原認購協議的副本)。
3. 認購人是為其本人的賬戶,以主事人身份購入額外參與分紅股份,以作投資用途,而並非擬作轉售他人。
日 期 : 額 外 認 購 金 額 ( 美 元 ): 擬 購 入 日 期 :
個人股東: 姓名 (請用正楷填寫) 簽名 日期 | 聯名投資者 (如有): 姓名 (請用正楷填寫) 簽名 日期 | 公司、合夥經營或信託: 機構名稱 (請用正楷填寫) 授權簽署人姓名 (請用正楷填寫) 職稱 簽名 日期 |
聯絡方式: 電郵地址: 傳真號碼: 電話號碼: 贖回確認回條送達方式 (請擇一): m 電 郵 m 傳 真 m 其 他 ( 請 詳 述 ) |
1 - xx孛xxx大中華基金
Supreme Financial Services Limited, a company incorporated with limited liability in Samoa (the “Representative”), pursuant to a placement agreement serves as an independent marketing representative of Xxxxx Xxxx Investments (Cayman Islands) Limited, an exempted company incorporated with limited liability under the laws of the Cayman Islands (the “Manager”), which is the manager of the Xxxxx Xxxx Pure China Fund, an exempted company incorporated with limited liability under the laws of the Cayman Islands (the “Fund”). In return for providing sales and marketing services to the Fund, the Representative will receive, for a limited period of time, 25% of the management and performance fees the Manager receives from persons the Representative introduces to the Manager who subscribe for shares of the Fund. All such compensation is payable by the Manager and no additional fees or other amounts are added to the standard management and performance fees assessed to the Fund’s subscribers as a result of the solicitation fees payable to the Representative. There will also be no fees or compensation payable by the undersigned to the Representative.
The Representative is as an independent agent and marketing representative of the Manager and the Fund and is not involved in the day-to-day activities of the Manager or the Fund. The Manager alone is responsible for the accuracy and reliability of the offering document and related subscription agreement, which are included together with this letter (the “Offering Materials”). The Representative is not
authorized to make, and the Manager and the Fund expressly disclaim, any representations or statements that are inconsistent with the Offering Materials.
The undersigned acknowledges receipt of this disclosure statement, and of the Offering Materials.
By: |
Signature |
中介人: 中介人名稱 授權簽署人名稱 職稱 簽名 日期 | 備註: |
聯絡人: 姓名: 傳真: | 電話: 電郵: |
銀 行 名 稱 : Northern Trust International Banking Corporation New York SWIFT BIC : XXXXXX00
ABA 號 碼 026 001 122
受 款 人 銀 行 : Fortis Prime Fund Solutions Bank (Ireland) Limited SWIFT BIC : XXXXXX0X
受 款 人 銀 行 地 址 : Fortis House, Xxxx Xxxx, Spencer Dock, Dublin 1, Republic of Ireland
受款人銀行帳戶號碼 : 111252-20230
受款人客戶帳戶名稱 : Xxxxx Xxxx Pure Pan-China Fund – Subscription Account
受款人客戶帳戶號碼 : 50202769-840-002
備 考 資 料 : Xxxxx Xxxx Pure Pan-China Fund – Subscription proceeds from [申請人的英文姓名]
務請留意:須向受款人銀行 Fortis Prime Fund Solutions Bank (Ireland) Limited (SWIFT : MEESIE2D) 發出 MT103表格。
注意事項:為確保於最後認購日期前一個營業日收妥經電匯支付的已結清款項,必須於結清款項到期支付日之前一個營業日 (紐約時間) 繳妥款項。
所有認購款項須經由以申請人 (或各聯名申請人) 名義持有的帳戶支付。不允許經由任何第三方支付認購款項。
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