请务必持有效的学习类签证(包括 X 类签证及学习类居留许可)进行报到注册,否则将无法正常报到注册和学习。
1.1 签证办理
1.1.1 国际学生签证申请
1. 在中国境外的国际学生:
1. 请遵守所在国的出入境相关规定,依据中华人民共和国驻当地使(领)馆的安排,在条件允许的情况下,凭有效普通护照、《录取通知书》、《外国留学人员来x签证申请表》(JW202/201 表)、《外国人体格检查记录》或其他要求的材料,向中华人民共和国驻当地使(领)馆申请来华 X1 或 X2 签证;
2. 在取回护照时,请仔细核查你的签证信息,并同时取回《录取通知书》及《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW202/201 表)。抵达中国后,以上材料还将用于办理相关居留证件;
3. 请务必持 X1 或 X2 签证,于报到注册日前入境。持非学习类签证(X1 或 X2
4. 学校只能为完成报到注册的国际学生办理学习类签证或居留许可事宜。
2. 在中国境内的国际学生:
请务必持有效的学习类签证(包括 X 类签证及学习类居留许可)进行报到注册,否则将无法正常报到注册和学习。
请已在中国境内需要健康检查的国际学生,在报到注册前自行前往指定机构接受健康检查(具体见.5.1.4 健康检查)。
1.1.2 对于持X1 签证入境的国际学生的重要提醒
1. 对于所有持 X1 学习签证入境的国际学生,您的签证入境后仅能停留 30 天,请务必确保您持有效 X1 签证报到注册。
2. 请已经确定好入境日期的国际学生,务必根据您的入境日期提前登陆上海国际
旅行卫生保健中心的网址 xxxxx://xxxxxx.xxxx00000.xx/xxxxx 在线预约入境后的体检时间(体检报告需4个工作日方能领取),该体检报告将用于办理学习类居留许可。
1.1.3 申请学习类居留许可
1. 学校仅能为已完成报到注册的国际学生办理学习类居留许可。持 X1 签证入境的学生,须在 30 天内申请办理居留许可,如学生因为签证过期导致的非法居留,责任自负,罚款自理。在中国持续停留时间已超过或将超过 180 天以上的国际学生必须办理居留许可。
2. 国际学生签证在线申请指南
已完成我校报到注册流程的国际学生,可通过“我的数字交大”或“交我办 APP”在线申请“在沪留学生办证申请函”。(办理指南请扫描左边二维码)
1. 护照原件及首页复印件、签证页复印件
2. 在线申请的“在沪留学生办证申请函”(需彩色打印)
3. 护照照片尺寸大小的照片 1 张(2 寸)
4. “境外人员临时住宿登记单”原件及复印件
5. 录取通知书
6. 学校出具的 201/202 表(黄色联,已连同录取通知书寄送)
7. 《境外人员体格检查记录验证证明》(具体见.6.1.3 健康检查)(现已持有居留许可或居留许可过期不超过三个月者无需提供(在华读高中期间未接受境外人员体格检查的国际学生除外)
8. 资金证明(由国际学生本人自备,根据上海市出入境要求,办理签证时可能要求提供,非奖学金生一般需准备 10 万元的存款证明)。
按中国政府相关法规要求,来华留学的国际学生必须在指定的机构接受健康检查 (或审核自检健康文件的有效性)。该体检报告将用于申请学习类居留许可。
1. 持 X1 签证入境的国际学生;
2. 持 X2 签证入境、在中国持续停留时间超过 180 天的国际学生;
3. 初次申请居留许可的国际学生;
4. 居留许可过期 3 个月以上,再次申请居留许可的国际学生;
5. 在华读高中期间未接受过境外人员体格检查的国际学生
1. 有效普通护照原件和复印件 1 份;
2. 《录取通知书》;
3. 已在本国内体检者,提供全套体检原始报告;
4. 2 寸证件照 4 张;
5. 健康检查费 500 元左右,验证费 70 元 - 400 元。
健康检查及验证地点:上海国际旅行卫生保健中心地址:xxxxxxxxx 00 x
网址: xxxxx://xxxxxx.xxxx00000.xx/xxxxx
1. 根据《学校招收和培养国际学生管理办法》(第 42 号令)规定,在高校就读的所有国际学生均须持学习签证;
2. 学校只为已办理完入学手续的在校国际学生出具办理学习类居留证件的申请函;
3. 已持有在中国境内其他学校办理的学习签证或者学习类居留许可的国际学生,在报到注册时,须提供原学校所出具的结束学习证明或者转学证明;
4. 请密切关注入境签证有效期,避免提前入境。学习类签证备注入境后需要办理居留证件的,应当自入境之日起 30 日内,向上海市出入境管理部门申请办理学习类居留许可。因提前入境造成的无法办理居留证件的风险由学生自行承担;
5. 入校报到注册时,应确保签证为学习签证且有足够时效,如持有的签证或居留许可的期限不足以办理新的学习类签证或居留许可的延长,学校将有权拒绝学生进行报到注册;如持有的签证或居留许可过期,则须自行至上海市公安局出入境管理局接受处罚后方可进行报到注册。
6. 护照遗失补办流程:本人持有效证明文件到丢失地派出所报案,并领取《报失证明》;持派出所开具的《报失证明》前往上海市公安局出入境管理处开具《护照遗失证明》;凭《护照遗失证明》前往本国驻华使馆申请新护照;领取新护照后,国际学生必须在取得护照的 10 日内先到学校出入境管理与服务中心备案,后至上海市公安局出入境管理处办理签证或居留证件补办手续,并及时办理住宿登记的更新;
7. 护照到期申领换发:国际学生因护照到期等原因在中国境内换发护照的,应当在所持居留许可到期前两个月申请换发。护照换发后,应当于 10 日内办理居留许可变更;国际学生因护照到期等原因在本国换发护照的,需持有效学习类签证入境,入境后应当于 10 日内办理居留许可变更;若因护照换发原因无法申请有效学习类签证,则须与学校留学生发展中心联系并确认重新申请学习类签证事宜。
电话:x00-00-00000000 / x00-00-00000000
Visa and Residence Permit
1.1 Visa Application
All international students studying at Shanghai Jiao Tong University are required to have a valid student visa and must comply with Chinese laws and related visa policies during their period of study.
1.1.1 Visa Application for International Students
1. International students outside China
1. Please comply with all relevant immigration laws and abide by the Chinese Embassy’s policies to apply for an X1 or X2 visa at the local Chinese Embassy or Consulate. Please remember to bring the following documents:
(1) Valid Common Passport
(2) Admission Notice
(3) Visa Application Form (JW201/202 Form)
(4) Physical Examination Report (if needed)
2. When you receive your passport and the Chinese visa, please check the visa information and make sure that the embassy or consulate returns
the Admission Notice and JW202 Form to you. These are important documents that you will need to submit at the Shanghai Exit-Entry Administration Bureau when you deal with your visa conversion (to residence permit) inside China.
3. University only provides visa services for students who have already undergone registration. It is compulsory that you hold an X1 or X2 visa to enter China before the registration date. As a student, if you enter China with a visa other than X1 or X2 or without a visa, you will not be able to enroll in the university.
4. The school can only apply for Residence Permit for international students who have completed the enrollment procedures
2. International students in China
International students in China must register with a study visa (including an X visa and the student’s Residence Permit), otherwise they would not be able to go through the enrollment procedures.
International students who are in China shall go to Shanghai International Travel Healthcare Center for a physical examination before registration. (see more details in 5.1.4).
1.1.2 Important Reminder for International Students who Enter China with X1 Visa
1. For all international students who hold an X1 visa, you can only stay in China for 30 days since your entry with your X1 visa. Please make sure that when you register, your visa is still valid.
2. When you decide on your date of entry, please visit the website of Shanghai International Travel Healthcare Center (xxxxx://xxxxxx.xxxx00000.xx/xxxxx) in advance to make an appointment for your physical examination after your entry (You can get your report after 4 working days). The report of your physical examination will be used to apply for your residence permit.
1.1.3 Application for Student’s Residence Permit
1. The school can only apply for Residence Permit for international students who have completed the enrollment procedures. Students entering the country with the X1 visa must apply for the Residence Permit within 30 days. Students who illegally reside due to the expiration of visas shall be liable for the consequences and pay the fine themselves. Additionally, if you will stay or have stayed in China for more than six months, you will have to apply for a residence permit.
2. International Student Visa Application Online Guide
International students who have finished the registration process can apply for a “Visa Application Letter” online through “xx.xxxx.xxx.xx” or “ 交我办
APP” .(scan the QR code below)
To make your visa application, you are required to prepare the following documents:
1. Passport photo page and Visa page(Original and Copy)
2. Visa Application Letter for International Students in Shanghai issued by SJTU (color printing)
3. One passport photo (2 inches by 2 inches)
4. The original and one copy of the Registration Form of Temporary Residence for Visitors
5. Admission Notice
6. JW201/202 Form issued by SJTU
7. Certificate of Verification of Physical Examination Record for Personnel from Overseas (You do not need to provide the residence permit if your previous one has not expired for more than 3 months (Except for the students who have not done the physical examination during their study in high school in China)
8. Proof of Funds (Proof of Funds shall be prepared by international students, which might be needed for visa application. Generally, international students without scholarships are required to provide a certificate of deposit of 100,000 yuan according to the entry and exit requirements of Shanghai).
1.1.4 Physical Examination
According to Chinese laws and regulations related to international travelers, incoming international students must take a physical examination at a designated agency in China (or the traveler’s own physical report must be examined and verified). The Physical Verification Certificate will be used for the application for the student’s Residence Permit.
1. Who needs to take the physical examination or verification?
1. International students with X1 visa.
2. International students with X2 visa, and will be studying for over six months in China.
3. International students who apply for a residence permit for the first time.
4. International students whose residence permits have expired for more than 3 months, and have to be re-applied.
5. The International students who have not done the physical examination during their study in high school in China.
2. Documents needed (For reference only):
1. Valid common passport and a copy
2. Admission Notice
3. The whole set of physical examination report for verification (for those who have taken the physical examination in their own country)
4. 4 passport-sized photos (2’*2’)
5. Around RMB 500 for physical examination or RMB 70 – 400 for verification.
NOTE: Before taking the physical examination, you should keep an empty stomach.
Besides, students who need verification of their own physical examination document must submit: all original copies of the Physical Examination Report (hospital sealed) (Physical Examination Record for Foreigners, Blood Test Report, etc.) (if the student has taken a physical examination abroad). The health center shall issue the Certificate of Verification (For Physical Examination Record for Foreigners or Overseas Chinese) to students whose examination record accords with the requirement. If a student does not meet the requirements, (s)he shall make a supplementary examination or carry out a new physical examination. After passing the examination, the health center shall issue the Certificate of Verification (For
Physical Examination Records for Foreigner or Overseas Chinese).
3. Shanghai International Travel Healthcare Center provides the service of physical examination and verification.
Address: 00 Xxxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx. Service Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00 am - 11:00 am.
Tel: 00-00-00000000
Reservation website: xxxx://xxxxx.xxxxxxxxx-xx.xxx.xx
*The explanation above is for your reference only. However, please be aware that the regulations are subject to change and you should check with the relevant authorities prior to making arrangements.
1.2 Miscellaneous
1. According to Measures for the Enrollment and Cultivation of International Students by Schools in Order No. 42 of the Ministry of Education Administrative, all international students studying in our school must hold a study visa.
2. SJTU will only issue the Application Letter for students’ Residence Permit for international students who have completed the enrollment procedure.
3. International students holding visas or Residence Permit issued by other universities or colleges in China need to provide the Certificate of Study Completion or Transfer Certificate issued by the former universities or colleges.
4. International students are requested to pay close attention to the validity of entry visa to avoid early entry. Those who need to apply for Residence Permit after entering China with remarks on their study visa shall apply for the Residence Permit in the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau of Shanghai within 30 days from the date of entry. Otherwise, the risk of failure to apply for a Residence Permit due to early entry will be borne by the students themselves.
5. When international students register, they shall ensure that their visa is a study
visa and has a sufficient time limit. If the time limit of their visa or Residence Permit is insufficient to apply for a new study visa or Residence Permit extension, the university shall have the right to refuse students to register. If a student’s visa or Residence Permit is expired, (s) he must go to the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau of Shanghai Public Security Bureau to accept the punishment before registration.
6. Loss of Passport
1. The loss of a foreign passport must first be reported to the Police Station closest to where the loss occurred with valid identification by oneself. A “Receipt of Report” will be issued by the Police Station;
2. To obtain a Confirmation of Reporting the Loss of Passport from the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau of Shanghai Public Security Bureau with the Receipt of the Report issued by the police station;
3. To apply for a new passport at your embassy or consulate in China with the
Confirmation of Reporting the Loss of Passport.
4. To register at the SJTU Service Center for Exit-Entry Administration within ten days after obtaining a new passport, and then apply for a new visa or Residence Permit at the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau of Shanghai Public Security Bureau. Please note that you must go back to the police station to renew your Registration Form of Temporary Residence.
7. Passport Renewal upon Expiration
If an international student plans to renew or replace the passport in the Embassy of his/her home country in China, he/she shall apply to the Embassy 2 months prior to the expiration of the validity period of the Residence Permit. When the new passport is issued, the student shall apply for the alteration of the Residence Permit within 10 days after the issuance of the new passport.
International students who renew their passports in their home countries due to reasons such as the expiration of their passports shall enter the country with a valid study visa and shall apply for the alteration of Residence Permit
within 10 days after entering the country. Those who do not have a valid study visa shall contact with the SJTU International Student Development Center to confirm the reapplication for a study visa.
Note: SJTU’s implementation of visa policy is subject to the official notice of Exit-Entry Administration Bureau of Shanghai Public Security Bureau. If you have any question about your passport and visa, do not hesitate to consult the SJTU Service Center for Exit-Entry Administration.
Contact Information: