General Agreement for Deposit Account
General Agreement for Deposit Account
LE-DR-100 (2014.09)
致: 日商三菱東京日聯銀行股份有限公司台北分公司
To: The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd., Taipei Branch
立約人(以下簡稱「存款人」)與日商三菱東京日聯銀行股份有限公司台北分公司(以下簡稱「貴行」)約定申請開立存款帳戶,存款人同意嗣後存款人與 貴行間所有一切有關該存款帳戶之往來均遵守本約定書辦理。
The undersigned (the "Depositor") hereby agrees with The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd., Taipei Branch (the "Bank") to open a deposit account(s) (the “Account”) and agrees that all future transactions relating to the Account made by the Depositor with the Bank shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
第一章 一般條款
Chapter1 General Terms
第一條 適用範圍
Article 1 Scope of Application
凡存款人在 貴行開立之存款戶不論其種類或幣別,所有一切往來應遵照中華民國有關法規及本約定書辦理。就本約定書所約定之事項,本約定書並取代存款人在 貴行已開立存款戶之雙方現存約定書。
Any deposit account opened with the Bank in whatever kind or currency, any transaction made herein is governed by and subject to the laws and regulations of the Republic of China (the "ROC") and this Agreement. With regards to the maters dealt in this Agreement, all existing contracts between the Depositor and the Bank with regards to any deposit account opened with the Bank, shall be superseded by in this Agreement and its attachments.
第二條 繳交文件與變更之通知
Article 2 Document Provided and Notification of Change
存款人開立存戶時,應檢具 貴行所要求之各文件並填具本約定書及印鑑卡交付 貴行。經 貴行核准後,開立存戶。存款人所提供之文件內容如有任何變動,存款人應即以書面加蓋原留於印鑑卡上之印鑑或依原留存簽名式樣簽名後通知 貴行。於收受前述通知前, 貴行有權信賴其現有之文件。 貴行因信賴前經存款人提供之文件所受之一切損害或因此而支出之一切費用應由存款人負責。
When opening the Account, after approved by the Bank, the Depositor shall provide the documents as required by the Bank and sign this Agreement and Signature Card(s) to the Bank. In case of any change in the content of the documents provided by the Depositor, the Depositor shall immediately send a written notice bearing the signature or seal registered on the Signature Card to the Bank. Until such notice is received by the Bank, the Bank shall be entitled to act in reliance on the documents in its possession. The Depositor shall indemnify the Bank and hold the Bank harmless from any loss suffered or liability or expense incurred by reason of such action or reliance.
第三條 有效收據
Article 3 Valid Receipts
凡 貴行出具之收據,除電腦自動印製及存款條外,須經有權人簽章後,始能生效。
All receipts issued by the Bank, except for those automatically printed out by the computer and the deposit slips, are valid only after signed by an authorized signer of the Bank.
第四條 存入現金或票據之提領
Article 4 Withdrawal of Cash or Negotiable Instruments
Cash or negotiable instruments deposits which cannot be verified immediately by the Bank are not available for
withdrawal until the Bank verifies and credits the same to the account. In the event that the amount indicated on the deposit slips is short or different from that of the Bank's account, the Depositor shall undertake to provide the shortage or make the correction immediately.
第五條 票據之記載
Article 5 Filling Out of Negotiable Instruments
對於存入本存戶內的匯票、本票、支票及其他票據,存款人應依據中華民國票據法之規定填妥一切應記載事項, 貴行不負有填入任何應記載事項之義務。
The required particulars of a xxxx of exchange, promissory note, check and other negotiable instruments shall be completed upon presentation pursuant to the Law of Negotiable Instruments of the Republic of China. The Bank assumes no responsibility to fill out any blanks.
第六條 x收存款
Article 6 Collection of Deposit as Agent
貴行係以存款人代理人之身分收取經存款人背書及 貴行核可之匯票、支票、本票等票據或其他銀行匯入之款項。該等票據或匯入款在 貴行收妥以前, 貴行不予撥付,存款人亦不得提領之。倘因任何理由而致 貴行未獲付款或該等票據因任何理由而被取消時,所有 貴行撥付存款人之款項,應由存款人如數償還或由 貴行自帳戶內逕自扣除。 貴行代收票據之相關費用,存款人並應依 貴行之規定結付之。貴行並無義務採取任何措施以保全存款人於票據上之權利及利益。對於因其他代收行故意過失行為所致之損失或票據之遺失, 貴行概不負責。貴行對於存入本存戶內之支票或其他票據未獲付款或有爭議時,得自存款人帳戶內全數扣除之,並退還該票據予存款人。
The Bank, as Depositor’s agent, will collect bills of exchange, checks, promissory notes, and other negotiable instruments, endorsed by the Depositor and approved by the Bank, or any remittance made by other correspondent bank for the Depositor.
The Bank will not credit the money to the Depositor and the Depositor shall not withdraw the deposit until the money is received. Money credited by the Bank to the Depositor shall be repaid by the Depositor or deducted by the Bank in case the payment is not received by the Bank or is canceled for any reason. The Depositor shall, pursuant to the Bank’s regulations, pay for any and all fees and expenses arising from the Bank’s collection of checks or other negotiable instruments. The Bank shall not be bound to take any action to preserve the rights and the interests of the Depositor. The Bank will not be responsible for any loss caused by any intentional or negligent act of its correspondent bank, or losses of negotiable instruments occurring in the course of transmission. In the event a deposited check or other negotiable instrument is dishonored or is in dispute, the amount thereof shall be deducted from the account in full and the dishonored instrument will be returned to the Depositor.
第七條 取款印鑑
Article 7 Signature/Seal for Withdrawal
存款人應以 貴行提供之取款條蓋有原留於印鑑卡上之印鑑及/或依原留存之簽名式樣簽名於取款條上 取款,或以本約定書內所訂定或其他經存款人與 貴行同意之約定方式,自存款人帳戶內提款。同一日中,如有數筆取款或提領,而其總額超逾帳戶之餘額,得由 貴行就帳戶餘額排列支付順序。
The Depositor shall withdraw money from the account by submitting a withdrawal slip provided by the Bank bearing the signature and/or seal registered on the Signature Card or in any other manner specified in this Agreement or agreed by the Depositor and the Bank. If more than one withdrawal are made by the Depositor within one day and the total amount to be withdrawn exceeds the balance of the account, the order of the payment of the withdrawals may be arranged at the option of the Bank.
第八條 拒絕支付情事
Article 8 Events to Refuse Payment
支票如不合規定時,貴行得拒絕支付或暫緩支付。 貴行對於因此而發生之紛爭或損失不負任何責任。 The Bank is entitled to refuse payment of any withdrawal slip or check issued by the Depositor with unrecognizable signature or seal or without legal required particulars resulting from mutilation or damage. The Bank is entitled to refuse or suspend payment of any check issued by the Depositor if the check does not conform to the laws and regulations. The Bank will not be responsible for any dispute with third parties or any loss of the Depositor resulting therefrom.
第九條 支票存款/無存摺式活期存款對帳單
Article 9 Statement of Account for Current Account and Statement of Non-Passbook Demand Deposit Account
貴行不提供存摺予存款人,但為核對支票存款存款人及無存摺式活期存款人往來帳目, 貴行應按月依存款人指定之地址,寄發對帳單予存款人,以顯示存戶內之存、提款紀錄及餘額。如存款人發現對帳單之內容有錯誤,應於收到對帳單一星期內通知 貴行,否則該對帳單之內容應被視為正確無誤。存款人地址變更而未通知 貴行者, 貴行依其原留存地址送達。存款人同意 貴行留存之對帳單影印本,視同為合法之原始憑證,得做為證明存款人與 貴行往來之依據。
The Bank will not provide the Depositor with a passbook. For checking the current account and non-passbook demand deposit account, the Bank shall issue a statement of account at the address appointed by the Depositor showing the deposits, withdrawals and balance of the Account to the Depositor every month. In the event that there is any discrepancy on the statement, the Depositor should promptly notify the Bank within one (1) week from receipt of the statement. Otherwise, the statement of account shall be deemed correct. If the Depositor changes address without notifying the Bank, the statement of account will be sent to the last address registered with the Bank. The Bank will retain copies of the said account statement. The Depositor agrees that these copies will have the same legal validity as that of the original documents in providing the evidence of the Depositor's transactions with the Bank.
第十條 費用之扣抵
Article 10 Payment of Fees and Expenses
存款人茲授權 貴行毋須經事先之通知,得逕行自存款人帳戶內扣抵所有存款人積欠 貴行之債務,包括但不限於本金、利息、手續費、郵電費、承兌費、貼現利息、承諾費、分期付款以及其他各項費用。存款人支票帳戶所生之代收票據費用、手續費及其他各種費用,存款人並同意 貴行得逕自該支票帳戶中抵扣之,毋須使用支票。
The Depositor authorized the Bank to debit the account, without prior notification, to pay any and all debts the Depositor owes to the Bank, including but not limited to principal, interest, handling charges, postage, cable charges, acceptance charges, discount charges, commitment fees, installments, and any other receivables of the Bank. The Depositor also agrees that the collection fees, handling fees, and any other expenses, concerned with the Depositor’s check account, may, at the Bank’s sole discretion, be debited from the Depositor’ check account without using the check.
第十一條 禁止轉讓/質押
Article 11 Prohibition of Assignment, Transfer or Pledge
本約定書項下之各種存款非經 貴行事先書面同意,不得轉讓或質押。
No assignment, transfer or pledge of any deposit hereunder shall be binding on the Bank unless a prior written consent is obtained from the Bank.
第十二條 印鑑核對
Article 12 Verification of Signature/Seal
貴行對於簽署於取款條或存款人所簽發之支票上之印鑑或簽名,若經肉眼核對其係與原留印鑑或簽名式樣相符,而辦理有關本存戶之付款及其他相關之事項,則不論其印鑑或簽名式樣是否係經偽造、仿造、變造、盜竊、詐欺或其他不法情事而作成, 貴行概不負責。 貴行應以善良管理人之注意義務辨認取款
In the event that the Bank has examined the seal or signature appearing on the withdrawal slip or the checks issued by the Depositor and concludes that it is identical by visual inspection to the seal or signature registered with the Bank in its handling of withdrawal or any other matters concerning the account, the Bank shall not be responsible for any loss resulting from forgery, counterfeiting, alternation, stealing, deception or other irregularities of the signatures or seals. The Bank shall identify the signatures or seals on the withdrawal slips or the checks with care of a diligent person.
第十三條 錯帳之更正
Article 13 Discovery of Error in Writing Account
因 貴行處理錯誤、誤寫帳號、戶名、金額致發生誤存入存款人之帳戶或溢付情事者,一經發覺, 貴行得不經事前通知存款人隨時自該帳戶扣除更正之,倘存款人之存款不足以清償該款項時,存款人應於 貴行通知後立即返還該款項及 貴行所定之利息。
In the event that an amount is credited or overpaid to the Depositor's account through an error of the Bank who miswrites the account number, title, or amount, the Bank may cancel the amount so credited at any time upon discovery of such error without any prior notification. If the amount in such account is insufficient to cover the charge-back, the Depositor shall reimburse the Bank for any deficiency and interest decided by the Bank forthwith.
第十四條 掛失止付
Article 14 Notice of Loss
存款人簽發之支票或本票、空白支票或本票遺失、滅失或被竊時,存款人應依「票據掛失止付處理規範」等有關規定及 貴行規定辦理掛失止付手續,如因拒絕支付已掛失之支票或未能即時辦理掛失止xxx之損失,除 貴行有故意或重大過失外, 貴行概不負責。存款人原留於印鑑卡上之印鑑遺失或被盜時,存 款人亦應即以書面通知 貴行請求暫停付款、取款並變更印鑑。對於 貴行接獲並認知存款人書面通知及 上述之請求前之付款,除 貴行有故意或重大過失外, 貴行概不負責。
In case where a signed check or promissory notes, blank checks or blank promissory notes is lost, destroyed, or stolen, the Depositor must register with the Bank for notice of loss thereof pursuant to “The Directions Governing Loss and Non-Payment of Negotiable Instruments “ and the Bank’s regulations that payment can be stopped. Unless the Bank has gross negligence or willful misconduct, the Bank will not be responsible for any loss resulting from nonpayment of such check or from a stop payment notice not placed in time. If the seal registered on the Signature Card is lost or stolen, the Depositor shall notify the Bank in writing and request the Bank to stop payment and withdrawal, and to change the seal registered on the Signature Card immediately.
Unless the Bank has gross negligence or willful misconduct, the Bank is not responsible for payments and withdrawals made prior to the Bank’s acknowledgement of the Depositor's written notice and the request above-mentioned.
第十五條 利息
Article 15 Interest
除支票存款外, 貴行存戶之利息以每日最後餘額(代收票據之金額在未收妥前,從餘額扣除)按日息計算。除定期存款外,於每年六月二十日及十二月二十日依 貴行牌告利率及公告之計息方式結算,並於次一營業日計入本存戶。
Except for the current account, the interest of the account shall be accrued on daily basis calculating based on the balance of the account at the end of each day (excluding the amount of uncollected negotiate instruments).
Except for the time deposit account, interest shall be calculated at the rate posted and method adopted and announced by the Bank on June 20 and December 20 of each year and then credited into the account later on the following business day.
第十六條 稅捐扣繳
Article 16 Tax Withholding
存戶存款到期時,由 貴行依行政院核定之各類所得扣繳率表之規定扣繳稅款。
Upon the maturity of the deposit, the Bank shall withhold taxes in accordance with the schedule of the withholding tax rate for various incomes approved and promulgated by the Executive Yuan.
第十七條 合約終止
Article 17 Termination
存款人與 貴行均有隨時停止存戶往來及終止本約定書之權利,並於終止之通知到達時發生效力。 貴行終止本約定書之通知依存款人最後留存於 貴行之地址寄送,視為已於通常應到達之時送達。 貴行因存款人受票據交換所拒絕往來處分而終止者,無論終止通知是否到達,以終止通知發送時為終止生效之時。本約定書終止後,若尚有存款餘額, 貴行應將存款餘額退還存款人。
Both the Depositor and the Bank have the right to close the account and terminate this Agreement at any time. The notice to terminate this Agreement shall take effect upon arrival. A termination notice shall be sent to the Depositor at the last address registered with the Bank; the termination notice shall be deemed received at the time the notice should have normally been arrived. A termination by the Bank, due to the Depositor being declared as refused by the clearing house for correspondence, shall be deemed effective when the termination notice is sent no matter whether such notice has ever been received. After termination of this Agreement, if the balance of the account is not zero, the Bank will pay to the Depositor the amount of the credit balance in the account.
第十八條 抵銷
Article 18 Set-Off
存款人若有對 貴行之任一債務到期,或經 貴行依約主張視為全部到期而未清償之情形,或有違約情事發生時,或存款人涉及以各項帳戶從事非法活動,或 貴行得依法或依約行使抵銷權時, 貴行得隨時於事前或同時通知存款人,終止本約定書下之各項存款及其他約定。 貴行有權依法逕對該等帳戶之存款及其他客戶對 貴行主張之各項合法權益逕行主張抵銷或為必要之處分或以之抵償存款人對 貴行之各項債務, 貴行所出具給存款人各項存單或其他憑證應於 貴行抵銷或抵償範圍內失其效力視為作廢,且抵銷或抵償之債務內容及先後順序均由 貴行自行選定。又,前述之抵銷如需兌換其他貨幣時,應以 貴行之決定,依據抵銷日外匯市場之即期匯率計算之。
Once any debt due, or the Bank declares in accordance with the Agreement all debt due and unpaid, or any default occurs, or the Depositor is engaged in illegal act through relevant account, the Bank may at any time notify the Depositor The Bank may set-off any sum or sums standing to the credit of any one or more of the accounts under this Agreement in or towards satisfaction of any of the Depositor's liabilities to the Bank, and its other branches, whether such liabilities are already due or become due. And where such set-off requires the conversion of one currency into another, such conversion shall be calculated at the spot rate exchange prevailing in such foreign exchange market as the Bank shall determine to be relevant on the date of set-off.
第十九條 不寄發對帳單
Article 19 No Statement of Account
存款人若連續十二個月未有任何存、提記錄者, 貴行得不寄發對帳單。
If for twelve (12) consecutive months there has been no deposit or withdrawal to the account by the Depositor, the Bank may not issue a statement of account.
第二十條 不可抗力情事
Article 20 Force Majeure
存戶存款限由 貴行償付。 貴行因中華民國政府或其他機關之法律、命令、行為、直接或間接的限制,或因匯兌或移轉之限制、徵收、非自願性之移轉、延期償付、戰爭、內戰、不可抗力或其他不可歸責於 貴行之事由,致未能履行本約定書之義務時, 貴行及貴行之總行、其他分行、子公司或關係企業毋須為此
This obligation is payable exclusively by and at the Bank. Neither the Bank, nor its head office, other branches, subsidiaries and affiliates shall be liable for any loss, damage or other consequence arising from any failure or inability of the Bank to discharge or perform its obligations hereunder, attributable to any law, regulation, act, or direct or indirect restrictions effected by the government or other authority of R.O.C., or due to restrictions on convertibility of exchange rate or transferability, requisitions, involuntary transfers, moratorium, acts of war or civil strike, or to force majeure or other similar causes beyond the control of the Bank.
第二十一條 資料利用
Article 21 Disclosure of Information
一、 存款人瞭解並同意 貴行得為(1)履行本約定書及處理相關交易之目的,(2)提供予財團法人金融聯合徴信中心或其它類似機構為於主管機關核定之特定目的必要範圍内或法令許可範圍内之利用,(3)一般金融同業徵信、財務資訊交換之目的,(4)對持有存款人所簽發票據之持票人之查詢,據實以覆存款人帳戶是否有足夠餘額支付該等票款,(5)推介、提供 貴行或第三人之產品及服務,及(6)任何法令所准許之各項目的等,蒐集、電腦處理、國際傳遞及利用;存款人並同意財團法人金融聯合徴信中心或其它類似機構於主管機關核定之特定目的必要範圍内或法令許可範圍内,得蒐集、電腦處理、國際傳遞及利用存款人資料,並得將存款人資料提供予 貴行,由 貴行電腦處理、國際傳遞及利用該資料。
1.The Depositor acknowledges and consents that the Bank may collect, computer-process, internationally transmit and use personal data of the Depositor for the following purposes: (1) performing this Agreement handling relevant transactions), (2) releasing to the Joint Credit Information Center or other similar organizations (collectively “Credit Organizations”) for use by such Credit Organizations within the scope of specific purpose approved by the competent authority of the ROC or to the extent permitted by law, (3)releasing to other financial institutions requesting such information for credit check or financial information exchange, (4)releasing to holders of the Depositor’s instruments to the extent for confirming the sufficiency of funds in the Depositor’s account to cover such instruments, (5)offering the Bank’s or third parties’ products and services, and (6)other purposes as permitted by applicable laws and regulations. The Depositor further consents that Credit Organizations may, within the scope of specific purpose approved by the competent authority of the ROC or to the extent permitted by law, collect, computer-process, internationally transmit or use personal data of the Depositor and provide such personal data to the Bank for the Bank’s computer-processing, international transmission or use of such personal data.
二、 存款人瞭解並同意 貴行得依「金融機構作業委託他人處理內部作業制度及程序辦法」委外處理各項資料之蒐集、電腦處理及利用,並得將存款人與 貴行往來之資料提供/揭露予(1) 貴行之總行及其他分支機構及關係企業,(2)依法對 貴行及/或 貴行總行及/或其他分支機構有管轄權之金融主管機關、司法、或其他政府機關,(3) 貴行依「金融機構作業委託他人處理內部作業制度及程序辦法」委任代為處理事務者,及(4)受讓、參貸(或擬受讓、參貸) 貴行債權債務者。存款人並同意上述單位於符合「個人資料保護法」所定條件及特定目的必要範圍内,得蒐集、電腦處理及利用存款人資料。
2.The Depositor consents that the Bank may, under the “Regulations Governing Internal Operation System and Procedures Regarding Outsourcing Directions For Financial Institutions", retain a third party to collect, computer-process and utilize information within the scope and purpose described above. The Depositor further acknowledges and consents that the Bank may furnish/disclose information regarding the transaction between the Depositor and the Bank to (1) the Bank’s head office, other branches and affiliates, (2) all banking, judicial or other government authorities having jurisdiction over the Bank and/or the Bank’s head office and /or other branches and affiliates of the Bank by laws, (3) third parties retained by the Bank according to the “Regulations Governing Internal Operation System and Procedures Regarding Outsourcing
Directions For Financial Institutions"and (4) assignees and participants (including prospective assignees and participants) of the credit extended by the Bank. The Depositor further consents that the abovementioned institutions and organizations may, within the scope of specific purpose and to the extent permitted by the “Personal Information Protection Act", collect, computer-process or use personal data of the Depositor。
第二十二條 修改
Article 22 Amendment
本約定書條款如有增刪修改時,應於變更前三十日,於 貴行營業大廳公告或於 貴行網站上公告方式通知,前揭公告或通知應以顯著明確文字載明其變更事項、新舊條款內容,並告知倘存款人未於變更生效前表示異議並親自至 貴行辦理終止本約定書,視同存款人同意該增刪修改之約定書條款。
If this agreement needs any addition, deletion or alteration, the same shall be notified by the Bank 30 days before the amendments, by public announcement at its business offices or on its website. Such announcement shall clearly specify the amended items, the original and amended provisions, and advise the Depositor that if the Depositor does not object to the amendments and terminate this Agreement before the amendments have become effective, the Depositor will be deemed to have accepted such addition, deletion or alteration.
第二十三條 準據法/合約文字
Article 23 Governing Law/Language
本約定書以中華民國法律為準據法。本約定書以中、英文作成。中文與英文之內容有歧異時以中文為準。 This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the R.O.C. This Agreement is made in Chinese and English. In the event of any discrepancy in the meaning between the English and Chinese versions of this Agreement, the Chinese version shall govern.
第二十四條 管轄法院
Article 24 Jurisdiction
存款人與 貴行間因本約定書之規定涉訟時,雙方同意以台灣台北地方法院為非專屬管轄之第一審管轄法院),但消費者保護法第四十七條及民事訴訟法第四百三十六條之九所定情形,及法律有專屬管轄之特別規定者,不在此限。
Should any disputes or litigation arise over or in connection with this Agreement, the parties hereto agree that the Taipei District Court in Taiwan shall be the court having non-exclusive jurisdiction over such dispute or litigation unless Article 47 of the Consumer Protection Law or Article 436-9 of the Code of Civil Procedure applies to such case or the laws provide for exclusive jurisdiction of such case.
第二十五條 標題
Article 25 Headings
Headings in this Agreement are for reference purpose only and in no way define, interpret or describe any provision in this Agreement.
第二十六條 其他
Article 26 Others
本約定書如有未盡事宜,除由雙方另行協議訂之外,應按照中華民國法令, 貴行及各有關機關公布之各項規章及銀行同業一般慣例辦理。
Conditions not stipulated in this Agreement shall, in addition to being discussed and agreed by the parties separately, be handled in accordance with the R.O.C. regulations, the Bank’s internal rules, rules and regulations promulgated by the relevant authorities, and customs among banks.
第二章 定期存款特別條款(不包括可轉讓定期存單)
Chapter 2 Additional Terms of Time Deposit Account (Excluding Negotiable Certificates of Time Deposit)
第一條 適用範圍
Article 1 Scope of Application
存款人茲同意定期存款應依據金融監督管理委員會新台幣存款及中央銀行外匯存款之各項規定、其他相關法規、金融同業一般慣例以及 貴行定期存款存單背面所印載之定期存款須知或定期存款申請書辦理。 The Depositor agrees that the time deposit is subject to all regulations governing New Taiwan Dollar time deposit accounts and foreign currency time deposit accounts promulgated by Financial Supervisory Commission and Central Bank of China respectively, other relevant regulations, the general banking practice and the Bank's Notes for Time Deposit printed on the Receipt for Time Deposit or the Time Deposit Application.
第二條 到期之處理
Article 2 Dispose upon Maturity
本存款之利息依每筆定期存款存單上或定期存款申請書所示之期間、利率及 貴行所定之付利單位計算。外幣定期存款期日屆滿後之利息,自屆滿日至解約日之前一日為計算期間,按解約日之該外幣活期存款利率計算。新台幣定期存款期日屆滿後,存款人逾期提取者,其逾期利息應按提取之日 貴行活期存款牌告利率折合日息單利計息。惟定期存款到期日至提取日期間, 貴行活期存款牌告利率有調整者,應按調整後之牌告利率分段計息。
The interest accrued on the Deposit shall be calculated based on the interest rate, period and interest denomination fixed by the Bank as described in the Certificate of Time Deposit or the Time Deposit Application. If the Depositor withdraws the foreign currency Deposit after the maturity, the interest rate shall be calculated based on such foreign currency demand deposit rate as of the withdrawal date, in the period between the maturity date and the day prior to the withdrawal date. If the Depositor withdraws the New Taiwan Dollar Deposit after the maturity, the interest rate for the period between the maturity date and the withdrawal date shall be the New Taiwan Dollar demand deposit rate posted by the Bank, In the event that the New Taiwan Dollar demand deposit rate posted by the Bank changes in the period from the maturity date to the withdrawal date, the interest rate shall be adjusted accordingly.
第三條 提領外幣現金之處理
Article 3 Withdraw with Foreign Currency
到期日或中途解約時存款人請求以外幣現金提領外幣定期存款者,不論是否依定期存款存單或定期存款申請書記載之貨幣提領,均應支付手續費;且 貴行得視庫存現金情況改以匯票支付或依外匯有關法令,按 貴行所定之匯率換算支付等值之新台幣。存款人如要求以定期存款存單或定期存款申請書所記載不同之貨幣支付者,依 貴行所定之匯率換算之。
If the Depositor requests to withdraw foreign currency from the Depositor’s foreign currency time deposit upon maturity or early termination, the Depositor shall pay to the Bank commission, even through the foreign currency of the withdrawal is the same as which was described in the Certificate of Time Deposit or the Time Deposit Application, and the Bank may consider its cash volume kept in vault and opt to pay in bank drafts or in accordance with relevant foreign exchange laws pay the aggregated amount in New Taiwan Dollars equivalent to the withdrawal described in the deposit based on the exchange rate fixed by the Bank. If the Depositor withdraws the different currency from which was described in the Certificate of Time Deposit or the Time Deposit Application, the withdrawal shall be based on the exchange rates fixed by the Bank.
第四條 到期提領
Article 4 Withdrawal upon Maturity
定期存款到期而為提領時,存款人應持留存之印鑑、身分證或事業團體證照(證照如係影印本應加蓋該存款人印章並提示負責人身分證),或經 貴行同意之其他文件領取本息。
Upon the maturity and withdrawal of the time deposit, the Depositor shall present his/its seal, I.D. card or
business license (if a photocopy of the business licensee is presented, such copy shall bear the seal of the Depositor and the I.D. card of its responsible person) or other documents agreed by the Bank, for withdrawal of the principal and the interest on this deposit.
第五條 逾期轉期續存
Article 5 Re-deposit After the Maturity
新台幣定期存款期日屆滿後,存款人申請逾期轉期續存,逾期一個月以內時,得自原到期日起息;逾期超過一個月時,應自轉存之日起息,轉存利息之利率由存款人及 貴行另行議定之。原到期日至轉存前一日之逾期利息,依本章第二條逾期提取之逾期利息計息。
In the event that the Depositor applies to re-deposit the New Taiwan Dollar Deposit within one month after the maturity, the interest shall accrue from the maturity date; otherwise, the interest shall accrue from the date of re-deposit. The interest rate for the re-deposit shall be further negotiated and agreed upon by the Bank and the Depositor. The interest accrued within the period from the maturity date to the day prior to the date of re-deposit shall be calculated in compliance with Article 2 of this chapter hereof.
第六條 質押
Article 6 Pledge
The foreign currency Deposit shall not be withdrawn before the maturity, unless the Depositor holds the foreign currency Deposit in pledge or provides the Bank with a seven (7) business day’s prior written notice for an early termination. The aforesaid pledge and early termination should be made accordance with the regulations effected by authorities of ROC. In the event that the New Taiwan Dollar Deposit is pledged , the pledge should pursuant to the" Regulations Governing the Pledge and Early Termination of the Time Deposit" promulgated by the authority of ROC.
第七條 中途解約
Article 7 Early Termination
倘存款人擬於外幣定期存款到期日前提前解約者,應對 貴行於七個營業日前事先通知,並以留存之印鑑辦理,存款人並同意 貴行就應返還之外幣定期存款,得於扣抵一定數額後一次結清,做為違約金以賠償貴行因該提前解約所為之支出或所受之損害。 貴行同意於受存款人請求時,提供存款人計算賠償金之說明,以為憑證。另,新台幣定期存款如有中途解約之情事,其手續及利息之計算均依照主管機關所訂「定期存款質借及中途解約辦法」辦理。
The Depositor shall provide the Bank with a seven (7) business day’s prior notice with registered seal in the event that the foreign currency deposit is early terminated by the Depositor. Under the above circumstances, the Depositor agrees that, after deducting a reasonable portion of the deposit as a penalty, the Bank will return the remaining portion of the deposit in lump sum. Such Penalty is to compensate the Bank for the costs incurred or loss suffered from the early termination. The Bank agrees to, upon the request of the Depositor, provide the Depositor with a written certificate for the calculation method of the penalty. In the event that the New Taiwan Dollar Deposit is early terminated, the handling procedure and the interest of such Deposit shall be calculated pursuant to the "Regulations Governing the Pledge and Early Termination of the Time Deposit" promulgated by the authority of ROC.
If time deposit before maturity is subject to compulsory execution by the court or Administrative Enforcement Agency, Ministry of Justice, it shall be deemed as an early termination by Depositor.
第八條 無存單定期存款
Article 8 Non-Certificate Time Deposit
No Certificate will be issued for Non-Certificate Time Deposit.
第三章 外幣存款特別條款
Additional Terms of Foreign Currency Deposit Account
第一條 匯率風險
Article 1 Exchange Risk
因遲延收受任何幣別或因匯率改變而生的任何成本,除可歸責於 貴行者外,均由存款人負責。
Any costs incurred as a result of any delays in receipt of payments for any currency or changes in exchange rates resulting from delays, unless the costs are attributable to the Bank, shall be for the account of the Depositor.
第二條 支付存戶提領
Article 2 Pay off cash withdrawn by the Depositor
存款人提領本存戶之現金時, 貴行得簽發 貴行票據支付或按 貴行所定之匯率換算,以與該外幣相當之本國貨幣支付。
The Bank may issue its negotiable instrument or pay the local currency equivalent to the foreign currency at the exchange rate decided by the Bank for paying off cash withdrawn by the Depositor from the account.
第四章 支票存款特別條款
Additional Terms of Current Account
第一條 開戶文件及變更通知
Article 1 Documents for Opening Current Account and Notice of Change
存款人開設支票存款帳戶時,除應檢具本約定書第一章第二條所示文件外,並應填具支票領取證交付 貴行,經 貴行向票據交換所查詢存款人之票據信用狀況並認可後,發給存款人空白票據。
存款人開戶,初次存入金額以不低於 貴行規定之金額為原則,以後續存則不拘數額。存款人如為法人戶,其代表人、代理人、地址、電話號碼及印鑑等資料如有變更,而未依本存款約定書第一章第二條有關文件內容變更之規定辦理時,於 貴行發現該項情事並通知存款人辦理變更手續,而存款人逾一個月未辦理者, 貴行得終止支票存款往來契約,並通知存款人結清帳戶。
In opening current account at the Bank, the Depositor shall provide the documents set forth in the Article 2 of Chapter 1 hereof and a receipt for checkbooks to the Bank. After checking Depositor's credit with the Clearance House and upon approval by the Bank, blank checkbooks will be issued to the Depositor.
The amount of first deposit shall not be less than the minimum standard set forth by the Bank, and then the Depositor may deposit any amount. If the Depositor is a juridical person and does not notify the Bank of its representative, agent, address, telephone, seal specimen or other information in accordance with Article 2 of Chapter 1 hereof, the Bank may terminate the agreement of current account and notify the Depositor to close the account if the Depositor fails to give such notification within one month after the Bank discovers such changes and requests the Depositor to conduct the change procedure.
第二條 定義
Article 2 Definition
The following terms as used in these terms shall have the meaning set forth below:
一、 「退票」:指金融業者對於提示之票據拒絕付款,經填具退票理由單,連同票據,退還執票人之謂。
1."To bounce a note" means that a financial institution that refuses to honor a note upon the presentation thereof, and after preparing a memo stating the reasons for the refusal, returns the bounced note, together with the memo, to the bearer of the note.
二、 「清償贖回」:指對於存款不足、發票人簽章不符、擅自指定金融業者為本票之擔當付款人或本票提示期限經過前撤銷付款委託等理由所退票據及退票理由單,由支票存款戶以清償票款等消滅票據債務之方法予以贖回之謂。
2."Redemption" means that by repayment of the amount payable or any other means in an effort to eliminate the debt of a bounced note, a depositor redeems the bounced note and the memo of the reasons therefore issued by a financial institution on the grounds of the insufficient deposit at the financial institution, the incorrect seal print on the note, appointment of a financial institution as the paying agent without the consent of the financial institution, or the cancellation of the appointment before the deadline of the presentation of the note.
三、 「提存備付」:指存款不足退票後,支票存款戶將票款存入辦理退票之金融業者,申請列收「其他應付款」帳備付之謂。
3."Lodgment" means that after a note was bounced due to insufficient deposit, the depositor pays the amount of the note into its account at the financial institution who bounces the note, and applies to the financial institution for debiting the amount as "other account payable" available for payment.
四、 「重提付訖」:指退票後重新提示,於支票存款帳戶或其他應付款帳戶內付訖之謂。
4."Full payment upon re-presentation" means that a note is presented again after it was bounced, and is fully paid by the relevant current account or the other account payable.
五、 「註記」:指支票存款戶如有退票紀錄、清償贖回或其他涉及其票據信用之事實時,由票據交換所予以註明,備供查詢之謂。
5."Recordation" means that in case a current account has a record of a bounced note, redemption or any other facts concerning the paper credit of the account, the clearing house shall note down accordingly for inquiry.
六、 「終止擔當付款人之委託」:指金融業者終止受託為支票存款戶所簽發本票之擔當付款人之謂。
6."Termination of appointment as a guarantee payer" means that a financial institution terminates the appointment whereby it acts as a guarantee payer of a promissory note issued by a depositor.
七、 「拒絕往來」:指金融業者拒絕與票據信用紀錄顯著不良支票存款戶為支票存款往來之謂。
7."Repulsion from current account" means that a financial institution refuses to deal with a depositor, whose paper credit record is noticeably poor, as a current account.
第三條 支票用紙
Article 3 Check Forms
除非事先取得 貴行之同意,存款人於提取存款時必須以新台幣為金額開具 貴行所提供之支票用紙。所有申請及領用支票簿必須憑存款人原留存 貴行之印鑑或簽名為之。
Unless otherwise agreed to by the Bank, checks are to be drawn only in New Taiwan Dollars with the check forms provided by the Bank. All applications and receipts for checkbooks must bear the Depositor's seal or signature registered with the Bank.
第四條 支票帳戶不計息 Article 4 No Interest 支票帳戶一律不予計息
The Bank pays no interest for the current account.
第五條 支付順序
Article 5 Payment Order
貴行對於執票人提示之支票及/或本票,一律按提示之順序支付之。倘同一或不同執票人同時提出多張支票及/或本票時,得由 貴行排列支付順序。倘同一日中,有數件支票及/或本票經執票人提示付款,而其總額超過存款人存款帳戶之存款者, 貴行得任意選擇支付之。
The Bank will always make the payment of the checks and/ or the promissory notes in accordance with the order
of their presentation by the holder. If more than two checks and/ or the promissory notes are presented by the same or different holders at the same time, the order of the payment of the checks may be arranged at the discretion of the Bank. In the event that more than one check and/ or promissory note are presented by the holders on the same day and the aggregate amount exceeds the balance in the account, the Bank may make the payment at its sole discretion.
第六條 支票之保付
Article 6 Guarantee the payment of the check
貴行不為支票之保付,但如經存款人請求且 貴行同意者, 貴行當即交付以 貴行為付款人之支票,並從存款人支票帳戶中扣除相當之金額。
The Bank will not guarantee the payment of the check. Nevertheless, upon the request of the Depositor and the consent of the Bank, the Bank will deliver the check on which the Bank is the payer and debit the equivalent mount from the account.
第七條 委託擔當付款約定書
Article 7 Agreement for the Appointment of Paying Agent
存款人以 貴行為付款人而承兌匯票及/或簽發本票時,應先訂立委託 貴行為擔當付款人之約定書,否則支票帳戶內雖有足數之餘額, 貴行得以未受委託擔當付款為理由而拒絕付款。如支票帳戶內餘額不足時, 貴行得視同存款餘額不足而為退票之處理。
If the Depositor uses the Bank as a paying agent for his bills of exchange accepted and/or promissory notes issued by the Depositor, the Depositor shall first enter into an agreement with the Bank appointing the Bank as the paying agent. Without the said agreement, the Bank may refuse to pay for the reason that the Bank is not appointed as a paying agent even if there are sufficient funds in the Depositor's current account. In case the funds therein are insufficient, the bills of exchange accepted and/or promissory notes issued by the Depositor will be dishonored for insufficient funds.
第八條 x票
Article 8 Promissory Notes
存款人簽發由 貴行所發給載明以 貴行為擔當付款人之本票,由 貴行自存款人名下之支票存款戶內代為付款。
前項本票,執票人提示時雖已逾付款之提示期限,但仍在該本票自到期日起算(見票即付之本票,自發票日起算)三年之內,且存款人未撤銷付款委託,亦無其他不得付款之情事者, 貴行仍得付款。
When the Depositor issues a promissory note that is provided by the Bank to the Depositor and indicates the Bank as the guarantee payer, the Bank shall honor the promissory note with the money from the Depositor's account in the Bank.
When a bearer of a promissory note referred to in the preceding paragraph presents the promissory note for payment beyond the deadline of the presentation thereof, but is not later than three (3) years from the maturity of the promissory note (or from the date of issue, in the case of a promissory note at sight), and the Depositor does not cancel his or her appointment of the Bank for payment, and there is nothing preventing the Bank from making payment, the Bank may effect the payment.
When a promissory note issued by the Depositor is not duly honored due to insufficient deposit in his/her account or incorrect seal, the dishonored record shall be calculated together with the dishonored record of checks.
第九條 透支
Article 9 Overdraft
存款人除與 貴行訂有透支契約外,不得簽發超過存款餘額之支票,否則以退票處理。
Unless an overdraft agreement is made with the Bank, the Depositor shall not issue any check which amount is exceeding the balance of the account. Otherwise, checks will be dishonored and returned by the Bank.
第十條 退票
Article 10 Dishonor
存款人違反本約定書條款時,其所簽發之本票或支票, 貴行將予以退票。 貴行應填明退票理由單,連同有關票據交還執票人。存款人若因此而發生損失, 貴行概不負責。存款人同意應繳納票據交換所規定之違約金及其他應付款項, 貴行得逕自存款人支票帳戶內直接扣抵或要求存款人提出同額款項。 Checks issued by the Depositor not in accordance with this Agreement for using promissory notes or checks will be dishonored. The Bank shall make the slip of Dishonored Instruments and deliver such slip and dishonored instruments to the Depositor. The Bank will not be responsible for any loss resulted therefrom. The Depositor agrees the Bank may debit penalty or any other charge which shall be paid to clearing house from the account directly, or pay the same amount to the Bank upon the Bank’s demand.
第十一條 手續費
Article 11 Service Charge
存款人簽發之票據,因存款不足而退票時, 貴行得向存款人收取手續費。 前項手續費,不得逾越票據交換所向 貴行所收取手續費之百分之一百五十。
When a note issued by the Depositor is not duly honored due to insufficient deposit, the Bank may charge the Depositor service fee.
The service fee referred to in the preceding paragraph shall not exceed 150% of the service fee that the clearing house charges the Bank.
第十二條 註記
Article 12 Recordation
存款人於其簽發之支票或以 貴行為擔當付款人之本票退票之次日起算三年內,有清償贖回、提存備付、重提付訖或其他涉及票據信用之情事者,得向 貴行申請核轉票據交換所依「支票存款戶票信狀況註記須知」辦理註記。
Within three (3) years from the date following the day on which a check issued by the Depositor or a promissory note issued by the Depositor and with the Bank as the paying agent was bounced, if the Depositor has taken any measure of redemption, lodgment, full payment upon re-presentation, or any other actions concerning paper credit, the Depositor may apply to the Bank for transmit the same to the clearing house for a recordation in accordance with the “Notes Regarding Recordation of the Paper Credit of Current Account Depositors”.
第十三條 限制或停止發給空白支票、本票
Article 13 Limitation or Suspension of Issuing Blank Checks, Promissory Notes
存款人如有下列情事之一者, 貴行得限制發給空白支票及空白本票:
一、 已發生存款不足退票情事或經常於退票後再辦理清償贖回、提存備付或重提付訖者。二、 使用票據有其他不正常之情事者。
貴行為前項限制時,應以書面告知限制之理由;對於限制理由,存款人認為不合理時,得向 貴行提出申訴。
存款人在 貴行開立之存款帳戶被扣押時, 貴行得停止發給空白支票及空白本票,但被扣押之金額經 貴行如數提存備付者,不在此限。
The Bank may limit its issuance of blank checks and promissory notes to the Depositor if any of the following events occurs to the Depositor:
1. Where the Depositor's check or promissory note has been bounced, or where the Depositor often remedies its bounced checks or notes by means of redemption, lodgment, or full payment upon re-presentation; or
2. Where any other unusual events occur to any checks or notes used by the Depositor.
When the Bank imposes the limitation referred to in the preceding paragraph, it shall notify, by written notice,
the Depositor of the reasons therefore. If the Depositor considers that the reasons are not justifiable, it may file a complaint with the Bank.
When the deposit account opened by the Depositor at the Bank is under a legal attachment, the Bank may suspend its issuance of any blank checks or promissory notes to the Depositor, unless the attached amount is recovered in full by the Depositor by means of lodgment.
第十四條 終止擔當付款人之委託
Article 14 Termination of Appointment
存款人在各地金融業者所開立之支票存款帳戶,因簽發以金融業者為擔當付款人之本票,於提示期限經過前撤銷付款委託,經執票人提示所發生之退票,未辦妥清償贖回,提存備付或重提付訖之註記,一年內達三張時, 貴行得自票據交換所通報日起算,予以終止為存款人擔當付款人之委託三年。
前項情形 貴行終止受存款人委託為擔當付款人時,存款人應即返還剩餘空白本票。
In case that a promissory note issued by the Depositor with a financial institution where the Depositor has opened a current account as the paying agent was bounced upon presentation by a bearer of the promissory note due to the cancellation of payment appointment prior to the deadline of presentation, and that the Depositor failed to have the recordation of redemption, lodgment or full payment upon re-presentation, if such failure occurs three times within one year, the Bank may terminate the Depositor's appointment of the Bank as a paying agent for three (3) years starting from the Bank's receipt of a notice of the said failure from the clearing house. The Depositor shall immediately return the remaining blank promissory notes to the Bank from the Bank's termination of being paying agent for the Depositor referred to in the preceding paragraph.
第十五條 拒絕往來
Article 15 Repulsion from Current Account
存款人在各地金融業者所開立之支票存款戶,因下列情事之一所發生之退票,未辦妥清償贖回、提存備付或重提付訖之註記,一年內合計達三張,或因使用票據涉及犯罪經判刑確定者, 貴行得自票據交換所通報日起算,予以拒絕往來三年:
一、 存款不足。
二、 發票人簽章不符。
三、 擅自指定金融業者為本票之擔當付款人。前項各款退票紀錄分別計算,不予併計。
In case that a promissory note or a check issued by the Depositor is bounced by any of the financial institutions where the Depositor has opened a current account due to any of the following reasons, and that the Depositor fails to have the recordation of redemption, lodgment or full payment upon re-presentation, if such failure occurs three (3) times within one (1) year, or in case that the Depositor is conclusively convicted for criminal offense in connection with misuse of notes or checks, the Bank may refuse to deal with the Depositor for three (3) years starting from the Bank's receipt of a notice of the said failure from the clearing house:
1. Insufficient amount of deposit;
2. Incorrect seal of the drawer; or
3. Appointment of a financial institution as a paying agent without that financial institution's consent.
The record of a bounced note due to any of the reasons referred to above shall be counted individually rather than collectively.
第十六條 終止支票存款往來約定之處理
Article 16 Effect of Suspension of Current Account Relationship
When the Depositor is named an account refused by any financial institutions, or when the current account deposit agreement between the Depositor and a financial institution is terminated due to any other reason, the
Depositor shall immediately settle the account and return the blank checks and promissory notes.
第十七條 公司重整之暫予恢復往來
Article 17 Temporary Resumption of Account Upon Reorganization of Company
存款人如為公司組織,於拒絕往來期間屆滿前,經法院裁定准予重整後,得向 貴行申請核轉票據交換所辦理重整註記;經重整註記者, 貴行得暫予恢復往來。
前項公司在暫予恢復往來之日起至原拒絕往來期間屆滿前再發生存款不足退票, 貴行得自票據交換所再通報之日起算,予以拒絕往來三年。
If the Depositor is a company and is ruled by a court for reorganization prior to the expiration of the repulsion period, the Depositor may apply to the Bank for referring the Depositor's reorganization to the clearing house for recordation. The Bank may temporarily resume transactions with the Depositor after the said recordation.
If a note or a check issued by the Depositor as referred to in the preceding paragraph is dishonored during the period starting from the date of temporary resumption of transactions to the expiration of the repulsion period, the Bank may refuse to deal with the Depositor for three (3) years starting from the Bank's receipt again of a notice of the above dishonor from the cleaning house.
第十八條 請求恢復往來
Article 18 Request for Resumption of Transactions
存款人如經拒絕往來而有下列情事之一,經 貴行同意後,得恢復往來並重新開戶:一、 拒絕往來期間屆滿。
二、 構成拒絕往來及其後發生之全部退票,均已辦妥清償贖回、提存備付或重提付訖之註記。 After having been refused by a financial institution, with the Bank's consent, the Depositor may, in either of the following events, resume transactions with the Bank and open a new account at the Bank:
1. Where the repulsion period expires; or
2. Where the dishonored notes or checks that caused the repulsion and other dishonored notes or checks that occurred after the repulsion have all been settled by means of redemption, lodgment or full payment upon representation, and such records has been noted.
第十九條 彙整資料及提供查詢
Article 19 Compilation of Information and Availability for Inquiry
存款人同意 貴行以票據交換所為彙整退票紀錄及拒絕往來資料處理中心,並同意該所將存款人之退票紀錄、被列為拒絕往來戶及其他有關票據信用之資料,提供予他人查詢。
The Depositor agrees that the Bank may use the clearing house as the center for handling compilation of the bounced note record and repulsion information of the Depositor. The Depositor also agrees that the record of its bounced notes and information regarding the Depositor being a refused account, as well as any other information relating to the Depositor's paper credit may be made available for inquiry by other persons.
存款人茲確認, 貴行確依消費者保護法之規定給予存款人充份合理期間審閱本約定書,且充分瞭解本約定書之內容並願確實遵守。
The Depositor hereby confirms that the Bank has provided the Depositor with a reasonable time for review of this Agreement in accordance with the Consumers Protection Law and that the Depositor fully understands all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and agrees to comply with them.
(The Undersigned)
(Responsible Person)
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. Taipei Branch
Responsible Person
臺北市民生東路三段 109 號 8、0 x
0xx & 0xx Xxxxx, Xx.000, Xxx Xxxxx E. Rd. Sec. 3, Taipei Taiwan
(簽章)(Signature & Chop)
(簽章)(Signature & Chop)
西 元 年 月 日
(For Bank use only)
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