第 一 部 份 一 般 條 文
1. 定 義
1.1 在本條款及細則中,除非在上下文另有規定,否則下述的文字及詞語將具有下列所述的含意:
「帳戶」 | 指閣下於任何時候,以投資為目的,以閣下名義在本行開立的 一個或多個或全部的投資帳戶及/或同類型帳戶。 |
「帳戶指令」 | 指其形式由本行規定的,為公司、合夥企業、獨資、個人或聯名帳戶就操作帳戶及/或使用投資服務的所有其他文件。 |
「協議」 | 指閣下與本行就關於投資服務所訂立及不時修改、修訂、更新或補充關於投資服務的書面協議,包括但不限於帳戶指令、本條款及細則及閣下就或投資服務簽署予本行的其他所有文件 或契約。 |
「應用法律」 | 指所有時候及不時適用於閣下、本行或相關交易的任何相關司法管轄區、市場、交易所、結算所或監管機構/主管機構之法律(不論是成文法或其他法律)、規則、規例、指引照會、指引、指令、通函、守則、手冊及披露要求。 |
「聯營公司」 | 指本行位於香港或其他地方的直接或間接的控股公司、附屬公司、關聯公司或其他分行。 |
「授權簽字人員」 | 指閣下不時委任的並為本行接納的有權為操作投資帳戶及/或使用投資服務的任何事項而發出指示或指令的授權簽字人員。 |
「業務代理」 | 指代表本行在香港或其他地方執行交易或結算的代理人,包括但不限於交易所或結算所的任何成員。 |
「營業日」 | 指交易所或外地證券交易所(視屬何情況而定)公開進行交易之任何日子,惟星期六、星期日、公眾假期及交易所、外地證券交易所或交易的條款及細則(視屬何情況而定)所規定為非營業日之任何其他日子除外。 |
「結算所」 | 指香港交易及結算所有限公司;就任何外地證券交易所而言, 則指向該外地證券交易所提供類似交易所結算服務的結算所。 |
「交易所」 | 指香港聯合交易所有限公司及任何外地證券交易所。 |
「FATCA」 | 指美國《海外帳戶稅收合規法案》。 |
「外地證券交易所」 | 指獲准於一個國家或地區運作的證券交易所。 |
「基金」 | 指本行根據本條款及細則第二部份的條文,同意不時為閣下提供的任何單位信託、投資基金或互惠基金或其他集體投資計 劃。 |
「基金代表」 | 指與該基金有關連的任何經理人、信託人、分銷商、代理人或 代表人。 |
「香港」 | 指中華人民共和國香港特別行政區。 |
「港幣」 | 指現時香港的合法貨幣。 |
「投資帳戶」 | 指閣下不時以閣下名義在本行開立的任何一個或多個或全部 的證券買賣帳戶。 |
「投資服務」 | 指由本行提供及/或不時提供予閣下關於帳戶的服務。 |
「場外交易市場」 | 指店頭交易市場。 |
「證券」 | 與該條例下的證券的釋義相同。 |
「該條例」 | 指香港法例第 571 章《證券及期貨條例》。 |
「簽署安排」 | 指閣下指定的及不時變更及由本行接納的一套關於有權操作 帳戶或使用投資服務的人士的簽署安排。 |
「簽字式樣」 | 指有權操作投資帳戶或使用投資服務的人士的簽署式樣。 |
「美國」 | 指美利堅合眾國。 |
「美元」 | 指現時美國的法定貨幣。 |
「美國人士」 | 指任何於 FATCA 項下被定義為美國人的人士,及包括下述任何一類或多類的人士:- (i) 美國公民或居民; (ii) 並非美國公民或國民,但已符合《1986 年國內收入法》(經修訂)及/或任何其他適用的法律、規則及規例規定下的「綠卡」測試或在相關曆年「在境內逗留相當長時間」測試的人士; (iii) 選擇作為美國稅務居民的人士;及 (iv) 不論其入息來源,須就其全球範圍內的入息繳納美國聯邦入息稅的任何其他人士。 |
1.2 本條款及細則之標題僅為方便閱讀而添加,並不影響本條款及細則的解釋及無法律效力。
1.3 除非另有說明,在本條款及細則中,凡提及條款及分條款,即指本條款及細則內的條款及分條款。
1.4 在本條款及細則中,除非上下文有不同的要求,否則表示單數之詞語同時亦含複數之意思,反之亦然。表示其單一性的詞語包括任何性別之意思。
1.5 在本條款及細則中所指之任何一方當事人均被視作包括其繼承人及容許的受讓人。
1.6 在本條款及細則中所指的條例,均被視作包括不時修訂、延展、重新制定的法例及其規
1.7 在本條款及細則中所指的「本條款及細則」或其他文件,除非另有規定,均視作包括對本條款及細則或其他文件的不時加以任何方式修訂、延展、代替、取代及/或補充的版本及就本條款及細則或其他文件不時進行修訂、延展、代替、取代及/或補充的文件。
1.8 在本條款及細則中,凡提及「本行」即指「臺灣銀行股份有限公司,香港分行」;在本條款及細則中,凡提及「閣下」,即指不時於「臺灣銀行股份有限公司,香港分行」開立投資帳戶或使用投資服務的客戶。
2. 服 務
2.1 本行可絕對酌情根據本條款及細則於本行不時決定的營業時間內向閣下提供本行認為合適的投資服務予閣下。
2.2 本行有權於任何時候部份或全部地撤回、取消或撤銷投資服務。
2.3 如果發生下列任何一種情況,本行有權暫停帳戶的運作而毋須給予閣下任何事先通知:
(i) 帳戶活動出現不正常活動情況﹔
(ii) 帳戶涉及非法交易及/或作為﹔
(iii) 任何其他以本行合理的意見認為應將帳戶暫停的情況。
2.4 假如在本行不時所釐定的最短期間內,帳戶結餘為零,本行可將帳戶結束而無須通知閣下。
3. 指 示 及 指 令
3.1 閣下同意根據不時由閣下提供予本行的帳戶指令、簽字式樣及簽署安排就帳戶及投資服務的所有事項發出指示或指令。
3.2 本行可按絕對酌情權拒絕接受或執行指示或指令而毋須給予閣下任何通知或作出解釋。亦毋須對閣下因本行拒絕接受指示或指令而產生的損失承擔任何責任。倘若本行拒絕接受指示,本行將採取一切合理行動儘速通知閣下。但是,本行不保證一定能儘速通知閣下。
4. 授 權 簽 字 人 員
4.1 閣下須以書面通知本行及向本行提供授權簽字人員的詳細資料及簽字式樣連同附有其他由本行規定的資料。除非本行與閣下另有書面協議,授權簽字人員被授權可根據帳戶指令、簽字式樣及簽署安排就帳戶及投資服務的所有事項發出指示,但不包括下列事項:
(i) 申請開立新戶口或提供新服務;
(ii) 更改授權簽字人員或簽署安排;及
(iii) 更改閣下之地址、聯絡號碼或帳戶持有人的其他個人資料(公司帳戶除外)。
4.2 除非本行與閣下另有書面協議,任何授權簽字人員及/或簽字式樣及/或簽署安排的任何更改、增加或撤銷均不會被視作生效,除非及直至本行已實際收到令本行滿意的關於上述更改、增加或撤銷事項的文件及/或書面授權及有合理的時間就上述各項作出處理。
4.3 除非本行與閣下另有書面協議,任何有效的關於授權簽字人員及/或簽字式樣及/或簽署安排的更改、增加或撤銷均適用於所有帳戶或投資服務。
5. 免 責
5.1 於適用法律容許的範圍內,對於任何業務代理、交易對手、託管人、附屬託管人、專業顧問、經紀、交易商、代理人或任何立約方或根據協議聘用的任何人士的作為或不作為而直接或間接導致閣下的損失或損害,本行毋須承擔任何責任。
6. 責 任 彌 償 與 保 證
6.1 於法律容許的範圍內,本行因疏忽或失責而需對閣下承擔的責任將不包括非直接、相關、懲罰性的損害、支出、損失或成本及利潤的賠償。
6.2 閣下向本行xx與保證(此等xx與保證將被視作於根據協議而進行的交易的當天由閣下重新作出):
(i) 閣下有全面的權力執行及交付協議及其他任何有關之文件;有全面的權力履行協議下的義務及每項交易,並且已採取一切必要的行動授權上述各項的執行、交付及履行;
(ii) 任何上述條文提及的執行、交付及履行將不會違反或違背任何適用法律,或迫使閣下的資產產生了留置權、擔保權益或產權負擔;
(iii) 閣下就協議需取得所有政府、監管機構或其他方面的同意已取得並完全有效。所有上述同意的全部條件亦已經遵守;
(iv) 協議下的義務對閣下構成合法、有效及具約束力的義務並可按其條款付諸執行;
(v) 閣下將不時遵守適用法律;
(vi) 閣下須即時提供或設法提供予本行所需的相關資料及協助以便本行可履行及遵守協議下的義務;及
(vii) 當帳戶是客戶帳戶時,閣下設有可靠的制度去辨識客戶的身分及有適當的制度及監控對將存放於已混合的戶口的款項再分配予背後的個別客戶。另外,閣下對用於開立帳戶及存入帳戶的款項的來源有確切的了解,並且有責任確認其來源是合法的。
6.3 閣下保證及承諾按本行的要求追認及確認任何本行合理地履行本條款及細則的責任或義務時合法地所作出的行為、契據、事項或作為。
6.4 於適用法律容許的範圍內,閣下保證及承諾全部及有效地彌償本行及本行的代理人及員工因本行作 而產生的所有成本、費用、責任及支出。
7. 留 置 權 抵 銷 與 併 合
7.1 除本行根據適用法律有權享有的一般留置權、抵銷或相類似的權利外及於不影響上述各項的前提下,本行可以為其本身及作為聯營公司代理人,在毋須給予閣下事先通知的情況下:
(i) 結合或併合閣下在本行或聯營公司內開立不論是個人或聯名的全部帳戶。本行可以將任何此等戶口內之全部或任何證券、資產、款項或其他財產抵銷或撥付,用以解除閣下對本行及/或任何聯營公司尚未清繳的債務,不論此等義務或責任是實有或或然、主要或附屬、有抵押或無抵押、共同或分別的義務或責任;及
(ii) 倘若閣下有任何款項到期而未付,保存所有或任何存放於或由本行及/或聯營公司以其他方式代閣下或以閣下名義持有的證券、資產、款項或任何其他財產,不論上述證券、資產、款項或其他財產是屬於保管或其他性質。同時,本行可將上述證券、資產、款項或其他財產或其任何部份以本行決定的價格及方式出售。為此,本行可聘用代理或經紀並可將所得款項於扣除本行所有費用及支出後,用以抵銷協議下的任何或所有欠款或拖欠。
7.2 本行可於任何時候毋須通知閣下酌情將帳戶內或投資服務下的款項以合法途徑按記項當天由本行決定的兌換率兌換成任何貨幣以達到結合、合併或抵銷的目的。
8. 全 數 付 款
8.1 所有由閣下付予本行的款項必須以約定貨幣或本行指定的貨幣支付。該等款項不得扣除任何現時或將來之稅項、徵費、費用、收費或預扣。同時,並不得進行任何抵銷、反索償或扣減。
9. 收 費 與 利 息 等
9.1 本行有權就閣下使用或保持任何帳戶或提供任何投資服務而按照本行不時公佈的收費、繳費及佣金表收取或徵收任何收費、繳費及/或佣金。但是,本行有權於給予閣下不少於30天的事先書面通知後,修改、修訂或更改費率或收費、繳費及/或佣金的計算基準。本行的收費表可於閣下要求時提供。
9.2 閣下須按本行不時規定的利率,支付需繳付予本行的款項所衍生的利息。利息由款項到期支付日起計算直至實際付款日為止及根據本行現行的對有關幣值的實務按實際天數以365天為一年或360天為一年計算(視情況而定)。
10. 月 結 單
10.1 閣下有責任於確切可行的情況下儘速審閱及核對本行發出的月結單之準確性,如閣下認為有未經授權或異常記項的交易,閣下必須立即以書面通知本行。除非本行在列載有關記項的月結單發出之日期起計90天內;或本行不時規定的時限內實際上收到上述通知,否則所有顯示於此等月結單上的記項均被視作正確、正常及已獲恰當授權。閣下亦會被視為已放棄就該月結單向本行提出反對或採取任何補救方法的任何權利。
10.2 儘管上述第10.1條分條款的規定,閣下就下列事項享有提出追索的權利:
(i) 由於任何第三者偽冒或詐騙而引致的未經授權的交易,而本行對該等交易未能採取合理謹慎及合理技巧加以識破;
(ii) 由於本行的任何僱員或代理人偽冒或詐騙而引致的未經授權的交易;及
(iii) 由於本行疏忽或故意失責而引致的其他未經授權的交易。
11. 終 局 性 的 證 據
11.1 除非存在明顯的差誤,由本行保存有關於任何帳戶及/或服務的帳册、紀錄、數據、資料及筆記(包括但不限於錄音帶、由本行員工或代理與閣下交往或會面期間書寫的記錄)將會於所有作為或不作為中,成為終局性的證據。
12. 聯 名 及 合 夥 帳 戶
12.1 除非本條款及細則另有規定,本第12條款將適用於帳戶持有人或服務使用者多於一個人的情況,例如聯名帳戶持有人、信託人或遺產代理人或服務使用者。
12.2 如果帳戶持有人多於一個人;或投資服務使用者多於一個人時,所有帳戶持有人或服務使用者均須共同及分別地承擔協議項下的所有或任何義務或責任。
12.3 除非本行與閣下另有書面協議:
(i) 每一個聯名帳戶持有人或服務使用者均有全面及完全的權力在毋須通知其他聯名帳戶持有人或投資服務使用者的情況下與本行進行業務;
(ii) 任何一個聯名帳戶持有人或聯名服務使用者均可有效地及最終地解除本行的義務或責任;及
(iii) 任何本行給予聯名帳戶其中一名持有人或其中一名聯名服務使用者的通知或通訊均會被視作送達予全部聯名帳戶持有人或服務使用者。
12.4 當任何一位帳戶持有人或投資服務使用者身故,協議不會因而終止,並保持有效及對其
12.5 儘管上述條文,本行保留下列權利:
(i) 於採取任何行動前,向所有或多於一位的聯名帳戶持有人或投資服務使用者尋求共同指示;及
(ii) 倘若本行收到其中一名聯名帳戶持有人或投資服務使用者的指令與其他指示有衝突及不一致,本行有權通知一個或多個聯名帳戶持有人或投資服務使用者此等衝突及不一致及/或不執行有關指示直至本行收到認為恰當的進一步指示為止。
12.6 本第12.6條分條款的下列條文只適用於合夥企業:-
(i) 除非本行另行同意,合夥協議不會對本行構成任何約束力(無論本行是否知悉該合夥協議),而合夥帳戶及使用投資服務將受本條款及細則規管;
(ii) 所有合夥人將共同及分別地承擔協議項下的義務及責任;
(iii) 即使合夥人的組成有任何變動,其餘合夥人仍可繼續處理合夥帳戶或使用投資服務,直至本行收到實際的變更通知為止;及
(iv) 除非本行另行同意,合夥企業於組織變更時,須即時向本行提供新的帳戶指令及開立新戶口。
13. 保密責任及個人資料
13.1 本行應對涉及帳戶及/或服務的資料予以保密,但本行有權在未經閣下事先同意的情況下,應監管機構或執法機構的合法要求將任何該等資料提供予監管機構或執法機構,又或可不時提供給本行的分行、聯營公司及/或業務代理以便其向閣下提供投資服務。
13.2 在受所有適用法律規管的前提下,本行有權:
(i) 在毋須給予閣下進一步通知的情況下,將協議項下本行的職能委託予任何聯營公司或第三方服務提供者,以便其執行上述職能; 及
(ii) 以本行認為合適的方式將全部或任何部份的投資服務外判予香港或香港以外的聯營公司、第三方服務提供者或其他人士。但是,本行仍需對外判事項承擔最終責任。
13.3 本行收集、使用、處理及分享帳戶項下的個人資料時,將受《個人資料(私隱)條例》(香港法例第486章);及由本行發出的個人資料私穩政策聲明規定之約束。
13.4 帳戶資料如有任何變更,閣下應於變更後立即以書面通知本行。倘若本行分行、聯營公司及/或業務代理要求閣下提供任何資料,閣下須從速回覆及呈交。
14. 利 益 衝 突 與 披 露
14.1 本行及/或聯營公司與閣下可能會直接或間接在交易中,有利益、關係、安排或責任上的衝突(下稱「重大利益」)。本行會根據所有適用法律令閣下於該等交易中得到公平的對待。
14.2 儘管存在重大利益,本行有權在適用法律容許的最大範圍內,為閣下就交易提供意見或提議或進行交易,又或以閣下的代理人身分行事或提供其他服務,而本行無責任向閣下披露由上述服務而產生的利益。
14.3 於適用法律容許的最大範圍內,(本行除須向閣下通知所收取的有關收費或佣金外)無責任向閣下解釋或披露本行在為交易提供服務上收取的任何利益、佣金或報酬(不論從閣下身上或因重大利益或其他方面獲得)。
15. 催 收 帳
15.1 本行有絕對權利聘用催收代理人以催收閣下在協議下到期未付的任何款項。閣下同意並確認已被忠告,於適用法律容許的範圍內,閣下須以全額賠償基準彌償本行在聘用催收代理人所產生的全部費用、收費及支出。
16. 不 可 抗 力
16.1 本行同意盡力地以適時的方式履行本行的義務,但倘若本行由於超越本行合理控制範疇的原因,包括但不限於通訊、系統或電腦故障、市場失效、暫停、故障或關閉、或任何法律或政府或其他監管要求的實施或改變(包括釋義的更改)而不能或需延遲履行責任,則本行毋須對此承擔責任。本行亦毋須對閣下因上述原因而遭受的損失或損害負責。
17. 寬 免
17.1 本行不行使或執行或遲延行使或執行協議下的任何權利、補救方法、權力或特權不應視為放棄有關權利、補救方法、權力或特權。單一地或部份地行使或執行不應視為放棄有關權利、補救方法、權力或特權。單一地或部份地行使或執行有關權利、補救方法、權力或特權應不排除進一步行使或執行或以任何其他方式行使或執行任何其他有關權利、補救方法、權力或特權。協議賦予本行的權利、補救方法、權力和特權是累加的,將不會取代法律或本行持有的其他文件所賦予本行的權利、補救方法、權力或特權。
18. 承 繼 及 轉 讓
18.1 協議對其當事人及其承繼人及其容許的受讓人均具約束力,有關繼承人及容許的受讓人均享有本協議項下的權益。
18.2 除非本行另行同意,閣下不可轉讓任何協議下的權利、權益、權力、義務或責任。
18.3 本行可以隨時轉讓協議下的所有或部份權利或利益,而受讓人應有與本行相同的權利或利益,猶如受讓人是協議的當事人一樣。閣下通過本18.3條分條款放棄及寬免質疑此等轉讓的有效性的權利。
19. 條 款 的 可 分 割 性
19.1 倘若協議的某些條文於任何時候被禁止或被法庭判決 不合法、無效或在法律上不能執行,此等條文將被視作從協議中分割出去及變得無效,但不會因此而修改了協議的其他條文,而協議的其他情況、合法性及可執行性均不受影響。
20. 修 訂
20.1 閣下同意及接受,在受所有適用法律規管的前提下,本行可於任何時候通過張貼有關書面通知於本行營業地點的顯眼處或以其他本行酌情認為合適的方式單方面修改本條款及細則的條款及細則。
21. 通 知
21.1 本條款及細則項下的任何通知、通訊或要求(本行根據本條款及細則的條文可以口頭作出的通知、通訊或要求除外)必須以書面發出及在不損害任何其他送遞方式的情況下以專人送達、郵寄、傳真或電郵發出。
21.2 倘若以郵寄發出,載有該等通知、通訊或要求的信封必須填上預期收件人的最後為人所知的地址及貼上適當郵票或預付適當的郵資及由可用的最迅速郵遞供應商發出。倘若以傳真或電郵發出,必須傳送到預期收件人授權或指明的傳真號碼或電郵地址。
21.3 除非及直至本行實際地收到客戶更改任何資料的通知,否則該等更改沒有效用。
21.4 任何通知、通訊或要求於下列情況被視作妥為送達及收到:
(i) 如以專人送達,在送達的時候;
(ii) 如以郵寄送達,在寄出後的第 2 日(如海外地區則指寄出後的第 7 日);
(iii) 如以傳真傳送,倘若傳真機收到傳真及列印報告確認已收妥傳真,則指完成傳真的日期及時間。倘若收到傳真的日期為非營業日,則應視為於下一個營業日收到;及
(iv) 如以電子郵件傳送,在完成傳送到指定的電子郵箱的日期及時間。倘若傳送電子郵件的日期為非營業日,則應視為於下一個營業日收到。
22. 時 間 要 素
22.1 就協議項下的任何條文而言,時間為協議的要素。
23. 提 供 及 變 更 資 料
23.1 閣下確認及承認,閣下提供予本行的資料為真實、全面、準確及最新的。閣下同意於任何主管當局不時作出適當要求時,閣下會提供進一步資料。
23.2 閣下及本行承諾,倘若根據協議項下所提供之資料有任何重大變動,將通知對方。特別是,閣下及本行同意:
(i) 倘本行業務出現任何重大變動,而該等變動可能影響本行向閣下提供之投資服務,則本行將會通知閣下有關變動;及
(ii) 閣下將通知本行有關姓名、地址、詳細資料或其他資料之任何變動,並按本行合理之要求提供證明文件。
24. 貨幣風險及約定貨幣
24.1 對於帳戶或投資服務項下的以外幣進行的交易,閣下同意及確認由於匯率的波動,此等交易有可能導致盈虧,該等盈虧須概由閣下承擔。
24.2 閣下需按照有關交易或服務中立約方協定的幣值(下稱「約定貨幣」) 繳付約定貨幣。倘若閣下繳付約定貨幣以外的貨幣,本行有權於市塲上以本行酌情決定的即時兌換率將有關貨幣折合成約定貨幣。如果因上述的折合而出現短款,則閣下須即時補足短款予本行使本行可收取全數的約定貨款。
25. 第 三 方 權 利
25.1 於不損害第 25.3 條條款的情況下,當一名人士並非本條款及細則的當事人,則其於《合約(第三者權利)條例》(香港法律第 623 章)(下稱「第三者條例」)項下並無權力執行或享有本條款及細則任何條文的利益。
25.2 儘管本條款及細則的任何條文,於任何時候撤銷或修訂本條款及細則毋須取得非本條款及細則的當事人之同意。
25.3 所有本行的董事、主管人員、員工,附屬機構或代理可以,憑藉第三者條例,依賴明確賦予該等人士的權利或權益之任何本條款及細則項下的條文(包括但不限於,任何彌償、限制或責任的豁免)。
26. 合 適 性
26.1 假如本行向閣下招攬銷售或建議任何金融產品,該金融產品必須是本行經考慮閣下的財政狀況、投資經驗及投資目標後而認為合理地適合閣下的。本條款及細則的其他條文或任何其他本行可能要求閣下簽署的文件及本行可能要求閣下作出的聲明概不會減損本條款的效力。
26.2 以第 26.1 條款為目的,「金融產品」指任何該條例所界定的證券、期貨合約或槓桿式外匯交易合約。
27. 爭 議
27.1 倘若本條款及細則中英兩種語文版本之間的釋義或涵意有不一致,閣下和本行均同意以英文版本為準。
28. 稅 務 身 份
28.1 閣下謹此確認,閣下並非美國人士,亦並非需繳交美國稅項的人士。特別是,但不限於,閣下亦非一所根據美國或其州份或其政治分支(包括哥倫比亞特區或任何其他美國州份)的法律成立或組成的可課稅法團或合夥公司。閣下謹此同意,本行或任何聯營公司於必要時分享或發放閣下的資料及訊息予本地及海外監管、稅務或其他主管當局以確立閣下於任何司法管轄區的稅務責任。當本地及海外監管機構或稅局要求時,閣下確認及同意,本行或任何聯營公司被授權可應本地及海外監管、稅務或其他主管當局的不時要求,並根據適用法律,包括但不限於,FATCA,從帳戶中預扣款項。如稅務身份有任何變動,閣下謹此承諾即時以書面告知本行或任何聯營公司(如適用)。
28.2 閣下承擔自行了解及遵從在所有司法管轄區因及有關開立及使用帳戶或由本行或聯營公司提供的服務引致的任何税務責任。就有關閣下在所有司法管轄區的税務責任,本行建議閣下尋求獨立專業意見。
29. 適用法律及司法管轄權
29.1 協議各方面均受香港法律管轄並按香港法律解釋。協議各方當事人不可撤銷地接受香港法院的非專屬管轄權所管轄,但本行有權在本行選擇的其他有司法管轄權的法院強制執行協議。
第二部份 證券交易特別條文
1. 授 權
1.1 本行被授權根據所有適用法律及不時交易所、結算所或場外交易市場的市場慣例進行交易或提供服務。所有以此進行的交易或提供的服務都對閣下具約束性。
1.2 本行有不受約束的權力可指示業務代理進行交易並接受業務代理的商業條款及通過其進行或結算交易的交易所及結算所的規則或場外交易市場關於有關交易的市場慣例。上述各項對閣下均具約束性。
2. 交 易 慣 例
2.1 於進行交易時,本行有權根據所有適用法律及市場慣例的要求或容許採取行動。本行有權按本行認 是否合適而採取或不採取行動以符合所有適用的法律及市場慣例的要求。上述的行動對閣下均具約束力。
2.2 於進行交易時,本行會以代理人身分或當事人身分(視屬何情況而定)按照條款及細則行事。除非另有書面規定,本行將以閣下代理人身分進行交易或為閣下提供投資服務。
3. 交 收
3.1 閣下須採取一切必要的行動以令本行可以適時的方式根據有關交易所、結算所及埸外交易市場的要求進行交收及交付證券或其他資產,包括但不限於適時繳付正確的款項及/或交付證券或其他資產予本行以便完成交收及交付程序。
3.2 倘若根據所有適用法律及市場慣例,貸記予閣下的現金、證券或其他資產須予以沖銷,則本行有權將其予以沖銷。
3.3 閣下所有於投資服務項下的交易均須通過由本行絕對酌情指定的帳戶進行結算。
4. 確 認
4.1 本行於交易執行後會(i)儘速以電話或圖文傳真或(ii)於下一個營業日發送予閣下交易確認書及帳戶結單通知閣下有關的交易(視情況而定)。本行會向閣下發出一份顯示當月交易摘要的月結單,當月無交易紀錄者除外。
4.2 閣下有責任小心審閱月結單,並於本行發出上述文件的90日內;或本行不時規定的時限內將該等文件內的未經授權或異常記項的交易以書面通知本行。如果閣下未有於上述期限內以書面提出異議,則月結單的內容均被視作正確無誤及具終局性並對閣下具約束力。
5. 違 約 事 件
5.1 任何下列事件均會構成違約事件:
(i) 閣下未能繳付任何根據協議應付的款項;
(ii) 閣下違反任何協議下的條款及細則;
(iii) 繼續履行協議下的條款及細則會變成非法或被任何監管機構指為非法;
(iv) 本行獲通知閣下死亡或神智不清;
(v) 閣下無力清償債務或出現暫停償還到期債務;閣下已被申請破產或清盤或有關的命令或決議已頒佈或通過;或閣下被扣押資產;或法院就閣下或其中一位或閣下的重要資產委任接管人;及
(vi) 當本行根據合理的意見認為已經發生或持續發生危害本行利益的情況而需要採取行動以保障本行。
5.2 在違約事件發生後,本行有權(但非必要),在未通知閣下及不影響本行其他權利及補救方法及並無解除閣下任何責任的情況下,執行以下全部或任何其中一項的權力:
(i) 即時結清投資帳戶及/或終止投資服務;
(ii) 終止協議之全部或任何部分;
(iii) 取消任何或全部未執行之買賣指令或任何其他代閣下作出的承諾;
(iv) 終止本行與閣下之間的任何或全部合約,在交易所或場外交易市場購入證券或其他資產扎平閣下之空倉,或者在相關交易所出售證券或其他資產將閣下之任何持倉變現;
(v) 處置本行及/或聯營公司代閣下持有的任何或所有證券、資產或財產,並將其所得款項以及任何結存現金用於償付對本行的所有尚未償還的欠款,包括但不限於本行在轉讓或出售帳戶項下全部或任何證券、資產或財產,及完善權益過程中所合理地衍生的全部成本、費用、法律費用及支出,如印花稅、佣金和經紀費等支出;
(vi) 借入或購入任何證券或其他資產以應付代閣下出售的任何證券或資產的交收;及
(vii) 按照第一部份第 7 條款結合、併合和抵銷閣下之任何或全部戶口。
6. 證 券 買 賣 服 務
6.1 除非本行與閣下另有書面協議或本行已代閣下持有足夠現金或處於可交付狀態的證券,閣下須於所有適用法律及結算所市場慣例或場外交易市場的市場慣例所規定的時間內繳付予本行已結算款項或交付予本行處於可交付狀態的證券或相關資產或財產以便就交易進行交收。
6.2 於有關交易所或其他市場收市之前,倘若本行仍然未能執行閣下發出予本行的即日證券買賣指令,則此等即日買賣指令會被視作已經被自動取消。
6.3 無論買賣指令是部份或全部地不能進行,本行都不須即時通知閣下。任何一項未能全部地執行的買賣指令均有可能被部份地執行。
6.4 閣下承認,由於進行交易的交易所的買賣慣例,不是時常可以按「最佳」或「市場」 報價執行買賣指令。閣下同意,凡本行按閣下指示執行的交易,閣下在任何情況下均受該交易的約束。
6.5 本行可絕對酌情將閣下及本行本身或其他客戶的買賣指令合併。但是,本行於合併該等指令時,須合理地相信將買賣指令合併對閣下是有利的,例如:可更好地執行買賣指令或因其成為大額交易的一部份而降低交易成本。本行在受所有適用法律及市場慣例規管的前提下,會按照公平及公正的原則將購入的證券分配予閣下及其他客戶。
6.6 在受所有適用法律及交易所及結算所市場慣例或場外交易市埸市埸慣例規管的前提下,本行在恰當地考慮過收到的買賣指令的次序之後,可絕對酌情決定執行客戶買賣指令的優先次序。閣下不得向本行就執行買賣指令方面要求享有高於另一客戶的優先次序。
7. 新 上 市 申 請
7.1 閣下須遵守所有規管新上市及/或新發行的證券及其申請及在該新上市及/或新發行的證券的招募書及/或發售文件以及申請表或任何其他相關文件中已載列的條款及細則。閣下並且同意在閣下與本行進行的任何該等交易中均受上述條款及細則的約束。
7.2 閣下承認並理解,關於新上市證券申請的法律和監管要求及市場慣例均會不時作出變更。閣下承諾,會根據上述法律和監管要求及市場慣例向本行提供必要的資料,採取必
7.3 倘若閣下要求本行代閣下申請新上市證券,閣下向本行xx、保證及同意:
(i) (倘若有關申請是代表投資帳戶提出)閣下絕不再為證券投資帳戶提出申請,或由任何以閣下代理人身分行事的人士,或其他任何人士為投資帳戶提出申請;
(ii) (倘若閣下以代理人身分代表其他人士之帳戶提出申請)閣下絕不再以代理人身分代表該人士或其帳戶提出申請,而該人士或任何其他以該人士代理人身分行事的人士亦不可再提出申請;
(iii) 該項申請項下之申請人可全權提出申請及持有所申請之證券,且不會由於或因為提出申請或取得該等申請之批准而產生或導致違反世界任何地方之法律、規例或其他規定;及
(iv) 本行有全權代表閣下簽署申請。
7.4 閣下承認及確認,凡屬於除證券買賣外並無任何其他業務且受閣下控制的非上市公司所提出的申請應被視作是為閣下的利益而提出的申請。
7.5 閣下同意及承認,本行會依賴上述之xx及/或保證為閣下提出申請,而發行證券的公司亦會依賴該等xx及保證,決定是否就該項申請分配股份。
8. 基 金 買 賣 服 務
8.1 閣下同意委任本行為閣下的代理人以執行閣下的指示或指令持有、認購、買入、轉換、交換、轉移或贖回單位,或不時執行閣下擬就或須就基金發出的而本行同意處理的任何其他指示或指令所有上述各項均須受本條款及細則的規限,包括本行代閣下發出指示或指令以認購、買入、轉換及贖回單位,以及將有關文件轉交及款項撥轉或轉給有關的基金代表。 本行可委任及使用代理人或分代理人執行本條款及細則項下的職責。
8.2 閣下同意及授權本行根據本條款及細則持有所認購或轉撥給閣下的任何單位,或根據本條款及細則安排託管該等單位。
8.3 本行獲授權根據閣下指示轉換、轉移、贖回或以其他方式處置本行或本行代名人 閣下持有的任何單位。本行獲閣下授權向有關基金代理人轉達閣下的指示,以轉換、轉移、贖回或以其他方式處置為閣下持有的任何單位,以及代閣下簽署一切必需或有關的文件或契約。
8.4 如閣下擬認購、買入、轉換、轉移或贖回任何單位,或查詢及修改閣下持有單位的任何詳細資料,閣下同意本行可根據閣下指示,作出必要的安排以進行該等事項(包括安排由投資帳戶轉撥資金)以及從投資帳戶支付任何有關支出、佣金、費用及任何其他開支,以及/或將贖回或轉移所得款項,經扣除任何有關支出、佣金、費用及其他開支後,存入投資帳戶內。
8.5 閣下同意及確認有關執行閣下認購、買入、轉換、轉移或贖回單位指示的通知單或確認書,有關基金代表將發給本行或本行代名人。本行可絕對酌情決定自行發出或促使代名人另行發出結單給閣下。
8.6 閣下發給本行的指示或指令必須清楚、準確及清晰。一切事務處理、交易及指示,必須按照本行與有關基金的基金代表就認購、買入、轉換、轉移及贖回單位及其他附帶事項所訂定的規範程序進行,包括但不限於該基金所適用的交易日及交易期限(下稱「程序」) 。除非本行與閣下另有書面協議,本行無責任按照口頭指示行事或對之作回應。閣下須 確保申請書或指示中所載資料在各方面的準確性承擔全部責任。本行毋須查核該等資料是否詳盡準確。如閣下於填寫申請書或書面指令時出現含糊、錯漏或缺失等情況而導致任何損失或損害,本行毋須承擔任何責任。
8.7 本行須待收到下述各項,方接受認購、買入、轉撥、轉移或贖回單位的指示:(i) 已妥為簽署由本行或有關基金規定的申請書或書面指示(視情況而定);(ii) 如屬認購或買入,須待收到可即時運用及已結算款項及(iii) 任何其他由本行絕對酌情規定的其他各項資料或文件。
8.8 本行毋須必須接受閣下的任何指示或指令,而拒絕接受指示或指令亦毋須申述理由。本行一經接受閣下發出的指示,則未得本行書面同意,不得全部或部份地更改、修改、撤銷或撤回指示或指令。閣下同意本行毋須執行任何指示以撤銷、撤回、更改或修改先前發給本行的指示。如先前的指示已完成執行,或本行認為沒有充足時間或不能執行指示以撤銷、更改或修改先前的指示,本行毋須對閣下因此蒙受或招致的任何損失或損害承擔責任。
8.9 閣下明白及同意,閣下發給本行的指示,可能無法執行,閣下同意因此招致的一切損失或損害,應由閣下自行承擔。除非有關損失或損害是因本行、本行的僱員或本行授權的代理人之疏忽或故意失責引致者。閣下進一步同意,因執行閣下指示的方式或選擇的時間所招致的損失,本行毋須承擔任何責任。由於通訊系統故障引致傳送或執行指示延誤或任何其他超越本行合理控制範疇及預計的原因而招致閣下的任何損失或損害,本行毋須承擔任何責任。
8.10 單位的實際交易買賣價,是由基金根據最新的設立文件及招股文件及程序而訂定。本行在任何時候所提供的資料僅供參考,且並不構成約束力。
8.11 倘若本行或本行代名人名義持有的不附帶以任何人包括本行為受益人的抵押、留置權或其他抵押權益的任何單位數目或數額不足,本行可全權酌情完全或部份拒絕接受贖回該等單位的指示。
8.12 根據本條款及細則及其他不時適用的規定,本行提供定期定額買賣單位信託基金服務,讓閣下可每月定期定額投資購入若干單位。本行保留接受或拒絕讓閣下申請定期定額買賣單位信託基金服務的權利。此外,本行可酌情將任何基金納入或剔除定期定額服務,而毋須先行通知閣下。
8.13 閣下同意每月按提交本行的申請書中所指定的數額供款,以購入單位信託基金。除非本行另有規定,定期定額買賣單位信託基金之每月最低供款額以本行不時制訂的業務規定為準。
BANK OF TAIWAN, Hong Kong Branch
1.1 In these Terms and Conditions, unless the context otherwise requires, the following words and expressions shall have the following meanings:-
“Account” | means any one or more or all of the Investment Account and/or other forms of accounts now or hereafter maintained in your name with us for investment purpose. |
“Account Mandate” | means account opening forms, signature card(s) and all other documents for corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, individual or joint account in the form prescribed by us in connection with the operation of the Account and/or using the Investment Service. |
“Agreement” | means the agreement for the Investment Service entered into between you and us in writing as varied, modified, amended or supplemented from time to time, including, without limitation, the Account Mandate, these Terms and Conditions and other documents signed by you to us in respect of the Investment Service. |
“Applicable Laws” | means all laws (whether statutory or otherwise), rules, regulations, guidance notes, guidelines, directives, circulars, codes of conduct, handbooks and disclosure requirements of any relevant jurisdiction, market, exchange, clearing house or regulatory/competent authority which are applicable to you, us or the relevant transaction at all times and from time to time. |
“Associate Company” | means a company or body corporate which is our direct or indirect holding companies, subsidiaries, affiliated companies or our other branches in Hong Kong or elsewhere. |
“Authorized Signatory” | means the person(s) authorized and empowered by you and accepted by us to give instruction to deal with all matters in connection with the operation of the Investment Account or the using of the Investment Service subject to such change or variation as may be agreed by us from time to time. |
“Business Agent” | means anyone who acts as our agent in effecting transactions or clearing the same in Hong Kong or elsewhere, including, without limitation, any member of an Exchange or a Clearing House. |
“Business Day” | means any day on which the Exchange or the Foreign Stock Exchange (as the case may be) is open for trading other than Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays and any other days prescribed by the Exchange, the Foreign Stock Exchange or the terms and conditions of the relevant transactions (as the case may be) as a non-business day. |
“Clearing House” | means Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and, in relation to any other Foreign Stock Exchange, the clearing house providing services similar to those of the Exchange to such Foreign Stock Exchange. |
“Exchange” | means The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and any Foreign Stock Exchange. |
“FATCA” | means the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act. |
“Foreign Stock Exchange” | means a stock exchange which is permitted to operate in a country or territory. |
“Fund” | means any unit trust, investment fund or mutual fund or other collective investment scheme in respect of which we may from time to time agree to provide to you in accordance with the provisions of Part II hereof. |
“Fund Representative” | means, in relation to any of the Fund, any manager, trustee, distributor, agent or representative thereof. |
“Hong Kong” | means the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China. |
“Hong Kong Dollars” | means the lawful currency for the time being of Hong Kong. |
“Investment Account” | means any one or more or all of the investment account(s) for dealing with margin and/or cash account trading now or hereafter maintained in your name with us. |
“Investment Service” | means the services in respect of the Account provided or to be provided by us to you from time to time. |
“OTC Market” | means the over-the-counter market. |
“Securities” | has its meaning as given under the Ordinance. |
“Ordinance” | means the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571), Laws of Hong Kong |
“Signature Arrangement” | means the signing arrangement of person(s) with authority to operate the Account or use the Investment Service subject to change from time to time and accepted by us. |
“Specimen Signature” | means the signature specimen of the person(s) with authority to operate the Account or use the Investment Service. |
“USA” | means the United States of America. |
“US Dollars” | means the lawful currency for the time being of the United States of America. |
“US Person” | means any person who is defined as a United States person under the FATCA and include any one or more of |
the following:-
(v) a citizen or resident of the United States;
(vi) a person that is not a citizen or national of the United States and who meets either the “green card” test or the “substantial presence” test under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and/or any other applicable laws, rules and regulations for the calendar year;
(vii) a person electing to be treated as a tax resident of the United States; and
(viii) any other person that is subject to the United States federal income taxation on his worldwide income regardless of its source.
1.2 The clause headings in these Terms and Conditions are for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation or construction of these Terms and Conditions and have no legal effect.
1.3 References in these Terms and Conditions to clauses and sub-clauses are, except where the context otherwise requires, to be construed respectively as references to clauses and sub-clauses to these Terms and Conditions.
1.4 References in these Terms and Conditions to the singular shall include references to the plural and vice versa and references to the genders shall include the other and the neutral genders as the context requires.
1.5 References in these Terms and Conditions to any party hereto shall be deemed to be references to or to include their respective successors or permitted assigns.
1.6 Reference in these Terms and Conditions to any enactment shall be deemed to include references to such enactment as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time and the rules and regulations thereunder.
1.7 References in these Terms and Conditions to “these Terms and Conditions” or any other documents shall, except otherwise expressly provided, include references to these Terms and Conditions or such other documents as amended, extended, novated, replaced and/or supplemented in any manner from time to time and/or any document which amends, extends, novates, replaces and/or supplements these Terms and Conditions or any such other documents.
1.8 References in these Terms and Conditions to “we” or “us” are to be construed as references to “Bank of Taiwan, Hong Kong Branch” and references to “our” are to be construed accordingly. References in these Terms and Conditions to “you” are to be construed as references to the client(s) who maintain(s) the Account with or use(s) the Investment Service provided by “Bank of Taiwan, Hong Kong Branch” from time to time and references to “your” are to be construed accordingly.
2.1 We shall in our absolute discretion provide you with the Investment Service upon and subject to these Terms and Conditions. The Investment Service shall be provided to you within the office hours as determined by us from time to time in our absolute discretion.
2.2 We are at liberty to withdraw, cancel or revoke the Investment Service at any time in whole or in part.
2.3 We are entitled to suspend the Account without notice to you upon occurrence of any one of the following events:-
(i) it has irregular activities;
(ii) it involves in illegal transaction and/or act;
(iii) any other such event in our reasonable opinion requires us to suspend the Account.
2.4 If the Account balance is nil for the minimum period determined by us from time to time, we may close the Account without notice to you.
3.1 You agree to give instructions to deal with all the matters relating to the Account and the Investment Service in accordance with the Account Mandate, the Specimen Signature and the Signature Arrangement from time to time provided to us by you.
3.2 We may in our absolute discretion refuse to accept or act in accordance with any instruction without giving any reason therefor. If we decline an instruction we will take all reasonable steps to notify you promptly of this but we will not be liable for any failure to do so.
4.1 You are required to notify us in writing and provide us with the Authorized Signatory’s particulars and the Specimen Signature(s) together with all other information as prescribed by us. Unless otherwise agreed between you and us in writing, the Authorized Signatory is authorized to give instruction to deal with all the matters or transactions in relation to the Account and the Investment Service in accordance with the Account Mandate, the Specimen Signature and the Signature Arrangement except for:-
(i) the application for opening of new account or new services;
(ii) any change of the Authorized Signatory or the Signature Arrangement; and
(iii) any change of the correspondence address, contact number or other personal particulars of the account holder(s) (excluding Account for Corporation).
4.2 Unless otherwise agreed between you and us in writing, any change in, addition to or revocation of the Authorized Signatory and/or the Specimen Signature(s) and/or the Signature Arrangement shall not take effect unless and until we shall have actually received such documents and/or authorizations in the form and substance satisfactory to us and reasonable opportunity to respond such change, addition or revocation.
4.3 Unless otherwise agreed between you and us in writing, any effective change in, addition to or revocation of the Authorized Signatory and/or the Specimen Signature(s) and/or the Signature Arrangement shall apply to all of the Account or the Investment Service.
5.1 To the extent permitted by the Applicable Laws, we shall not be liable to or responsible for any loss or damage you sustain or suffer directly or indirectly arising out of any act or omission of any Business Agent, counter-party, custodian, sub-custodian, professional advisors, brokers, dealers, agents or of any party contracted or retained for the purposes hereunder.
6.1 To the extent permitted by the Applicable Laws, our liability to you for any neglect or default on the part of us shall not extend to any indirect, consequential or exemplary damages, expenses, losses or costs and any damages for loss of profit.
6.2 You represent and warrant (which representations and warranties shall be deemed to be repeated by you on each date on which transaction is entered into under the Agreement) that:-
(i) you have full power and authority to execute and deliver the Agreement, and any other documentation relating thereto, and to perform your obligations under the Agreement and each transaction and have taken all necessary actions to authorize such execution, delivery and performance;
(ii) any such execution, delivery and performance will not violate or conflict with any of the Applicable Laws or oblige you to create any lien, security interest or encumbrance on your asset;
(iii) all governmental, regulatory and other consents that are required to have been obtained by you in relation to the Agreement have been so obtained and are in full force and effect and all conditions of any such consents have been compiled with;
(iv) the obligations under the Agreement constitute your legal, valid and binding obligations, enforceable in accordance with their respective terms;
(v) you will comply with the Applicable Laws from time to time;
(vi) you will promptly give/or procure to be given to us such information and assistance as we may require to enable us to assist or achieve compliance with any of the obligations under the Agreement; and
(vii) where the Account is a client account, you have put in place reliable system to verify client identity and proper systems and controls to allocate funds in the pooled account to the individual underlying clients. Further, you are satisfied as to the source of the funds used to open the Account or passing through the Account.
6.3 You warrant and undertake to ratify and confirm at our request any act, deed, thing or matter lawfully done or caused to be done by us in the proper performance of our duties or obligations hereunder.
6.4 To the extent permitted by the Applicable Laws, you warrant and undertake to keep us and our agents and employees fully and effectively indemnified against all costs, charges, liabilities and expenses whatsoever incurred by us pursuant to or in connection with our lawful acts hereunder.
7.1 In addition and without prejudice to any general lien, right to set-off or similar rights to which we are entitled by the Applicable Laws, we for ourselves or as agent for any of the Associate Company may at any time and without notice to you: -
(i) combine or consolidate all the Account either individually or jointly with others, maintained with us and/or the Associate Company and we may set off or transfer all or any Securities, assets, monies or other property in any such accounts to honour obligations or satisfy liabilities on your part due and owing to us or any of the Associate Company, whether such obligations and liabilities are actual or contingent, primary or collateral, secured or unsecured, or joint or several; and
(ii) if any sum is due but remains unpaid hereunder, retain all or any Securities, asset, monies or other property whatever and wherever situate which may be deposited with or otherwise held by us and/or the Associate Company for or in your name whether for safe custody or otherwise and sell the same or any part thereof at such price and in such manner as we shall determine and, for this purpose, we may retain such agent or broker and apply the proceeds thereof to set off any or all sums due and owing under the Agreement after full deduction of all costs and expenses.
7.2 We may at any time in our absolute discretion convert any sum in the Account or under the Investment Service into any currency by any lawful means and at the prevailing rate of exchange as determined by us on the day of passing the entry for the purpose of combination, consolidation or set off without reference to you.
8.1 Any sums payable by you to us under the Agreement shall be paid to us in the contracted currency or otherwise as we may from time to time prescribe in full clear of any of present or future taxes, levies, charges, fees or withholding and without set off, counterclaim or deduction whatsoever.
9.1 We have rights to impose or levy such fees, charges and/or commissions for the operation of any of the Account or provision of any of the Investment Service to you at such rate as prescribed by us in any schedule of fees, charges and commissions published by us from time to time provided always that we may vary, revise or amend the rate or the basis of calculation thereof upon not less than 30 days prior written notice to you. Such schedule of fees, charges and commissions shall be made available to you upon your request.
9.2 You shall pay to us all interest accrued on all sums payable by you to us calculated from the due date to the date of actual payment at such rate as prescribed by us and the interest shall be computed on the basis of the actual number of days elapsed in a 365-day year or a 360-day year in accordance with our prevailing practice for the relevant currency.
10.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding sub-clause 10.1, you have right of recourse against: -
(i) unauthorized transaction arising from forgery or fraud by any third party and in relation to which we have failed to exercise reasonable care and skill;
(ii) unauthorized transaction arising from forgery or fraud by any of our employees or agents; and
(iii) other unauthorized transactions arising from negligence or wilful default on the part of us.
11.1 Except for manifest error, the books, records and notes kept by us (including, without limitation, tape recording and any handwritten information recorded by our employees or agents in the course of their dealing with you) in respect of the Account and/or Service shall be conclusive evidence for all purposes.
12.1 Unless otherwise provided, this clause 12 shall apply where the account holder or the user of the Investment Service consists of more than one person such as joint account holders, trustees or personal representatives.
12.2 If the Account consists of more than one account holder or the user of the Investment Service is more than one person, all of account holders or service users will be jointly and severally liable for all or any of the obligations or liabilities under the Agreement.
12.3 Unless otherwise agreed between you and us in writing: -
(i) each joint account holder of the Account or user of the Investment Service will have sole authority on behalf of all the joint account holders or service users to deal with us fully and completely without any notice to the other joint account holders or service users;
(ii) any of the joint account holders or service users may give us an effective and final discharge in respect of any of our obligations or liabilities hereunder; and
(iii) any notice or communication given to one of the joint account holders or service users shall be deemed to be given to all.
12.4 Upon the death of any of the holders of the Account or the Investment Service users, the Agreement will not terminate but remain in full force and effect and binding on the surviving account holder(s) or the Investment Service users unless otherwise agreed between you and us in writing. Further, all rights and interests of and in the Account and the Investment Service will be vested in the survivor(s) under the Account or the Investment Service by operation of the rule of survivorship.
12.5 Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, we reserve our right: -
(i) to require joint instructions from some or all of the joint account holders or the Investment Service users before taking any action under the Agreement; and
(ii) if we receive instructions from any one of the joint account holders or the Investment Service users which are not consistent with other instructions, to advise one or more joint account holders or service users of such conflict or inconsistency and/or take no action on any such instructions until we receive further instructions in the form and substance satisfactory to us.
12.6 If you are a partnership, the following provisions shall apply: -
(i) unless otherwise agreed by us, your partnership agreement, if any, will not bind us regardless of whether or not we have notice thereof and the operation of a partnership account and the use of the Investment Service by a partnership business are governed by and subject to these Terms and Conditions;
(ii) all partners will be jointly and severally responsible for their obligations and liabilities under the Agreement;
(iii) notwithstanding any change in your constitution, the remaining partners will have full power and authority to deal with the Account or use the Investment Service until we shall have actually received the notice of change; and
(iv) unless otherwise agreed by us, you will give us a new Account Mandate and open a new account upon any change of constitution.
13.1 We shall keep confidential all information relating to the Account and/or the Investment Service provided that we may disclose any such information incidental thereto to the regulators or law enforcement agency as and when required and to any of our branches, the Associate Company and/or Business Agent for the purpose of providing services to you from time to time without any prior consent from you.
13.2 Subject to the Applicable Laws, we have right: -
(i) to delegate any of our functions under the Agreement to any of the Associate Company or the third party services provider for performance of such functions without further notice to you.
(ii) to outsource the Investment Service in whole or in part to the Associate Company, the third party services provider or such other party in Hong Kong or elsewhere in such a manner as we shall consider appropriate while we remain responsible for such outsourced activities.
13.3 The collection, usage, process and sharing of the personal data under the Account by us is subjected to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chp.486) and Privacy Policy Statement issued by us.
13.4 In case there are any changes in the information relating to the Account, you shall notify us in writing immediately after such changes. If our branches, the Associate Company and/or Business Agent request you to supply any information, you shall respond and provide promptly.
14.1 With respect to any transaction, we and/or the Associate Company may have an interest, relationship, arrangement, or duty which is material or which gives or may give rise to a conflict of interest with your interest(s) in relation to transaction directly or indirectly (the “Material Interest”). We shall ensure fair treatment for you in relation to any of such transaction subject to the Applicable Laws.
14.2 To the fullest extent permitted by the Applicable Laws, we shall be entitled to give advice or make recommendation to you or enter into transaction for or with you or act as your agent or provide the Investment Service and any other service notwithstanding the Material Interest and shall not be under a duty to disclose to you any profit arising therefrom.
14.3 To the fullest extent permitted by the Applicable Laws, we shall not be liable to account to you for or (save in respect of fees or commissions charged to you) to disclose to you any profit, commission or remuneration made or received (whether from you or by reason of any of the Material Interest or otherwise) by us by reason of any services provided for transaction.
15.1 We have absolute right to engage debt collection agent(s) to collect any sum due to be paid to us by you under the Agreement. You are hereby warned that, to the extent permitted by the Applicable Laws, you shall indemnify and keep us indemnified on a full indemnity basis from and against all costs, fees and expenses which we may reasonably incur in engaging the debt collection agent(s).
16.1 While we agree to use our best endeavour to honour our obligations in a timely manner, we will not be liable for any failure or delay in performance of this Agreement which is caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control including but not limited to any communication, systems or computer failure, market default, suspension, failure or closure, or the imposition or change (including a change of interpretation) of any law or governmental or regulatory requirement and we shall not be held liable for any loss you may incur as a result thereof.
17.1 No failure to exercise or enforce and no delay in exercising or enforcing on the part of us of any right, remedy, power or privilege under the Agreement shall operate as waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise or enforcement of any right, remedy, power or privilege hereunder operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise or enforcement of any right, remedy, power or privilege preclude any other further exercise or enforcement thereof, or the exercise or enforcement of any other right, remedy, power or privilege. The rights, remedies, powers and privileges herein provided are cumulative to and not exclusive of any right, remedy, power and privilege provided by law or other documents held by us.
18.1 The Agreement shall be binding upon, and enure to the benefit of, the parties to the Agreement and their respective successors and permitted assigns.
18.2 Unless otherwise agreed by us, you agree that you will not assign any of your rights, interest, powers, obligations or liabilities under the Agreement.
18.3 We may at any time assign all or any of our rights or benefits hereunder and in that event the assignee shall have the same rights or benefits against you as he would have had as if the assignee had been a party hereto and you waive and renounce all your rights, if any, to challenge the validity of any such assignment by way of this sub-clause 18.3.
19.1 If at any time any provision of this Agreement is prohibited by law or judged by court to be illegal, void, invalid or unenforceable in any respect, that provision shall, to the extent required, be severed from this Agreement and rendered ineffective without modifying the remaining provisions of this Agreement and shall not in any way affect any other circumstances of or the validity or enforcement of this Agreement.
20.1 You agree and accept that, subject to the Applicable Laws, we may unilaterally amend the terms and conditions of these Terms and Conditions upon giving you a notice of the changes in writing by way of displaying the same in a prominent position of our office premises or such other manner as we shall in our absolute discretion consider fit.
21.1 Every notice, communication or request under these Terms and Conditions (other than those notices, communications or requests given by us pursuant to the provisions of these Terms and Conditions which may be oral) must be in writing and may, without prejudice to any other form of delivery, be delivered personally or sent by post or transmitted by fax or electronic mail.
21.2 In the case of posting, the envelope containing the notices, communications or requests must be addressed to the intended recipient at the last known address of that party and must be properly stamped or have the proper postage prepaid for delivery by the most expeditious service available and, in the case of a fax or electronic mail, the transmission must be sent to the intended recipient at the authorized or designated number or electronic mail address of that party.
21.3 No change in any of your particulars will be effective unless and until we have actually received notice of change in respect thereof.
21.4 Any notice, communication or request will be deemed to have been duly given and received:-
(i) in case of personal delivery, upon delivery;
(ii) in the case of posting, on the second day (or seventh day if overseas) after the day of posting;
(iii) in the case of a fax, on the date and at the time of the completion of the transmission to the specified facsimile machine provided that the transmitting facsimile machine has received and printed out a report confirming receipt or if the day of transmission is not a Business Day, on the next Business Day; and
(iv) in the case of an electronic mail, on the date and at the time of the completion of the transmission to the designated electronic mail box or if the day of transmission is not a Business Day, on the next Business Day.
22.1 Time shall be of the essence for the purposes of any provision of the Agreement.
23.1 You confirm and acknowledge that any information which you provide to us is true, complete, accurate and updated and you agree to provide any further information properly required by any competent authority from time to time.
23.2 You and we undertake to inform each other of any material change to the information provided in the Agreement. In particular, you and we agree that: -
(i) we shall notify you of any material change to our business which may affect the Investment Service rendered to you by us; and
(ii) you will notify us of any change of name, address, particulars and information and
provide such supporting documents as reasonably required by us.
24.1 For any transaction effected under the Account or in respect of the Investment Service in foreign currencies, you acknowledge that profits or losses may arise as a result of a fluctuation in exchange rates, which shall be entirely for your account and at your own risk.
24.2 You should pay the agreed currency (the “Contracted Currency”) in according to the related transaction or Service. If you pay the currency other than the Contracted Currency, we have the right to convert the currency to the Contracted Currency with the rate as prescribed by us in our absolute discretion. If the shortfall presents, you must make up the shortfall to ensure we could have the full amount in the Contracted Currency.
25.1 Without prejudice to sub-clause 25.3, a person who is not a party to these Terms and Conditions has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap. 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the “Third Parties Ordinance”) to enforce or to enjoy the benefit of any term of these Terms and Conditions.
25.2 Notwithstanding any provision contained herein, the consent of any person who is not a party to these Terms and Conditions is not required to rescind or vary these Terms and Conditions at any time.
26.1 If we solicit the sale of or recommend any of the Financial Product to you, the Financial Product must be reasonably suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives. No other provision of these Terms and Conditions or any other document we may ask you to sign and no statement we may ask you to make derogates from this sub-clause.
26.2 For the purpose of clause 26.1, Financial Product means any securities, any futures contract or any leveraged foreign exchange contract as defined in the Ordinance.
27.1 In the event of any difference between the Chinese and English versions of these Terms and Conditions, you and we agree that the English version shall prevail.
28.1 You hereby confirm and acknowledge that you are not a US Person and not subject to the tax of the USA. In particular, without limitation, you are also not an entity taxable as a corporation, or a partnership created or organized in or under the laws of the USA or any state or political subdivision thereof or therein, including the District of Columbia or any other states of the USA. You hereby consent for us or any of the Associate Company to share or release your information and data with or to domestic and overseas regulators, tax or other competent authorities (if necessary) to establish your tax liability in any jurisdiction. You consent and agree that we or any of the Associate Company is authorized to withhold from the Account such amounts as the domestic or overseas regulators, tax or other competent authorities may from time to time require in accordance with the Applicable Laws including, and without limitation, the FATCA. In the event of any change of the tax status, you hereby undertake to notify us or any of the Associate Company (where appropriate) in writing forthwith.
28.2 You are solely responsible for understanding and complying with your tax obligations in all jurisdictions in which those obligations arise and relating to the opening and use of account(s) or services provided by us or the Associate Company. In respect of your tax obligations in all jurisdictions in which those obligations arise, you are advised to seek independent legal and tax advice.
29.1 The Agreement shall be governed by and construed in all respects in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong. The parties to the Agreement irrevocably submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong Courts but we shall be entitled to enforce the Agreement in courts of other competent jurisdiction as we may select.
These Specific Provisions should be read in conjunction with the General Provisions. In the event of any difference between those provisions and these provisions, the provisions herein shall prevail.
1.1 We are authorized to execute transaction in accordance with the Applicable Laws and market practice from time to time of Exchange, Clearing House or the market practice of the OTC Market and all transactions so executed shall be conclusively binding on you.
1.2 We have unfettered right to retain Business Agent to execute transaction and you acknowledge that the terms of business of such Business Agent and the rules of any Exchange, Clearing House or the market practice of the OTC Market relevant to such transaction shall be binding on you.
2.1 In executing transaction, we may take all such steps as may be required or permitted by the Applicable Laws and market practice. We will be entitled to take or not take any action as we consider fit in order to ensure compliance with the same and all such actions so taken or not taken will be binding on you.
2.2 In executing transaction, we may act either as your agent or the principal subject to the terms and conditions contained herein. Unless otherwise provided in writing, we shall act as your agent to enter into transactions or provide the Investment Service for you.
3.1 You shall take all necessary actions to enable us to effect settlement and delivery of Securities or other assets in a timely manner in accordance with the requirements of the relevant Exchange, Clearing House and the OTC Market including but not limited to making any appropriate payment and/or delivering any of Securities or other assets to us in good time for us to complete settlement and delivery.
3.2 Any crediting to you of cash, Securities or other assets is subject to reversal if, in accordance with the Applicable Laws and market practice, the delivery of cash, Securities or other assets giving rise to the credit is reversed.
3.3 All the transactions entered into for or with you under the Investment Service shall be settled through the account as prescribed by us in our absolute discretion.
4.1 We will report to you execution of transactions (i) promptly by telephone calls or facsimile; or
(ii) by sending to you hard copy of the transaction confirmation or account statement on the following Business Day (as the case may be). We shall send you a monthly statement demonstrating a transaction summary for the month except for the month during which no transaction is recorded.
4.2 You will have a duty to examine the monthly statements carefully and to notify us in writing of any unauthorized or irregular entry therein within 90 days of the date of issuance by us or such other period prescribed by us from time to time. Unless objection in writing reaches us within the said prescribed period, the monthly statement are considered to be correct, conclusive and binding on you.
5.1 Any of the following events shall constitute an event of default:-
(i) the failure of you to pay any sum of whatever nature under the Agreement;
(ii) breach by you of any terms and conditions contained in the Agreement;
(iii) the continuing performance of any terms and conditions of the Agreement becomes illegal or is claimed by any regulatory authority to be illegal;
(iv) notice to us of the death or mental incapacity of you;
(v) you will become insolvent or generally suspend payment of debts when the same become due or a bankruptcy petition or a winding-up petition is being presented against you or a resolution is being passed for the winding-up of you; or you shall suffer any distraint or levy of execution of any kind; or a receiver is being appointed over you or any of you or any substantial part of the property of you; and
(vi) circumstances shall have arisen or continued which, in our reasonable opinion, may jeopardize our position and require us to take such action as may be necessary for the protection of us.
5.2 Upon the occurrence of any of the events of default, we shall be entitled (but not obliged) to, without prior notice to you and without prejudice to the other rights and remedies of us and without releasing you from any liability, exercise all or any of the following powers to: -
(i) immediately close the Investment Account and/or terminate the Investment Service;
(ii) terminate all or any part of the Agreement;
(iii) cancel any or all non-executed orders or any other commitments made on behalf of you;
(iv) close any or all contracts between you and us, cover any short position of you through the purchase of Securities or other assets on the Exchange or the OTC Market or liquidate any long position of you through the sale of Securities or other assets on the relevant Exchange or the OTC Market;
(v) dispose of any or all Securities, assets or property held by us and/or the Associate Company for or on behalf of you and to apply the proceeds thereof together with any cash deposit(s) to settle all outstanding balances owing to us including, without limitation, all costs, charges, legal fees, expenses, stamp duties, commissions and brokerages properly incurred by us in transferring or selling all or any of Securities, assets or property in the Investment Account or in perfecting title thereto;
(vi) borrow or purchase any of Securities or assets required for delivery in respect of any sale effected for you; and
(vii) combine, consolidate and set-off any or all accounts of you in accordance with clause 7 of Part I hereof.
6.1 Unless otherwise agreed between you and us in writing or we are already holding sufficient cash or Securities in deliverable form on your behalf, you will pay us cleared fund or deliver to us Securities in deliverable form within the time limit as prescribed by the Applicable Laws and market practice of Exchange, Clearing House or the market practice of the OTC Market for the purpose of settling the executed transaction.
6.2 Any day order placed with us by you that has not been executed before the close of business of the relevant Exchange or otherwise shall be deemed to have been cancelled automatically.
6.3 If the orders cannot be executed in whole or in part, we are not required to notify you immediately. An order may be partially executed if it cannot be fully executed.
6.4 You acknowledge that due to the trading practices of Exchange or the OTC Market in which transaction is effected, it may not always be able to execute order at the price quoted “at best” or “at market” and you agree in any event to be bound by transaction effected by us following instructions given by you.
6.5 We may in our absolute discretion aggregate your order with other orders or our other clients’ orders. In doing in this way we must reasonably believe this will be to your advantage, for instance to obtain better execution or reduced dealing costs by being part of a larger
transaction. We will allocate the acquired Securities amongst you and the others in a fair and equitable manner subject to the Applicable Laws and market practice.
6.6 Subject to all the Applicable Laws and market practice of Exchange, Clearing House or the market practice of the OTC Market, we may in our absolute discretion determine the priority in the execution of your orders, having due regard to the sequence in which such orders are received, and you will not have any claim of priority to another in relation to the execution of any order received by us.
7.1 You agree to comply with all the terms and conditions governing Securities of the new listing and/or issue and the application for such new Securities set out in any prospectus and/or offering document and the application form or any other relevant documents in respect of such new listing and/or issue and you also agree to be bound by such terms and conditions in any such transaction you may have with us.
7.2 You recognize and understand that the legal, regulatory requirements and market practice in respect of application for new Securities may vary from time to time. You undertake to provide us with such information and take such additional steps and make such additional representations, warranties and undertakings as may be required in accordance with such legal, regulatory requirements and market practice.
7.3 When you ask us to apply for new issues on your behalf, you represent and warrant to and agree with us that: -
(i) (if the application is made for the Investment Account) no other application is being made for the securities trading account by you or by anyone applying as your agent or by any other person;
(ii) (if the application is made by you as agent for the account of another person) no other application is being made by you as agent for or for the account of that person or by that person or by any other person as agent for that person;
(iii) the applicants under such applications are fully entitled to make such application and hold Securities applied for and no breach of any law, regulation or other requirement in any part of the world will arise or result from the making or approval of any such application; and
(iv) we have due authority to sign an application on your behalf.
7.4 You acknowledge and confirm that, if an application is made by an unlisted company that does not carry on any business other than dealing in shares and in respect of which you exercise control, such an application shall be deemed to be an application made for your benefit.
7.5 You agree and acknowledge that the foregoing representations and/or warranties will be relied on by us in making the application, and by the issuer in deciding whether it will make allotment to such application.
8.1 You hereby engage us as your agent for the purpose of carrying out your directions or instructions in respect of holdings, subscription, purchase, switching, swap, transfer, or redemption of the Unit, or any other instructions which you may wish or need to give to a Fund from time to time and which we may agree to process, including the placing of any order or request on your behalf for subscription, purchase, switching and redemption of the Unit, and the transmission to the relevant Fund Representative of the relevant documents and payments subject to these Terms and Conditions. We may appoint and engage sub-agents to carry out our responsibilities under the Agreement.
8.2 You hereby expressly agree and authorize us to hold any of the Unit subscribed by or transferred to you pursuant to these Terms and Conditions, or to arrange for such Units to be held in safe custody in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
8.3 We are authorized to switch, transfer, redeem or otherwise deal with any of the Unit held by us or our nominee for your account upon your instructions. We are expressly authorized by you to transmit your instructions to switch, transfer, redeem or otherwise deal with any of the Unit so held for your account to the relevant Fund Representative and to execute all necessary or relevant documents on your behalf.
8.4 In the event that you wish to subscribe, purchase, switch, transfer or redeem any of the Unit or to inquire and amend any particulars relating to your holding of the Unit, you agree that we may upon your instructions, make the necessary arrangements to do the same (including arranging for the transfer of funds from the Investment Account) and to debit the Investment Account for any charges, commissions, fees and any other cost incurred, and/or to credit the Investment Account with the proceeds of the redemption or transfer less any charges, commissions, fees and any other cost incurred.
8.5 You acknowledge that any advice or confirmation of the execution of your instructions to subscribe, purchase, switch, transfer or redeem the Unit will be sent by the relevant Fund Representative to us and/ or our nominee. We shall either issue or cause our nominee to issue a separate statement to you.
8.6 All instructions must be given by you to us in clear, precise and unambiguous manner and all dealings, transactions, and instructions shall be subject to the procedures between us and the Fund Representative of the relevant Fund regulating the subscription, purchase, switching, transfer and redemption of Units therein and other incidental matters, including, without limitation, the dealing days and dealing deadlines applicable to the Fund (the “Procedure”). We are not obliged to act in accordance with or respond to verbal instructions. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that the information given in the application or request is complete and accurate in all respects. We do not undertake to verify the completeness and accuracy of such information and do not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage caused to you arising out of any error or omission in completing any application or request.
8.7 An instruction to subscribe for or purchase, switch, transfer or redeem Units will only be accepted by us for handling upon receipt by us of (i) the duly signed application or request in the form required by us or, if we so specify, in the form prescribed by the relevant Fund, and
(ii) in the case of a subscription or purchase, the receipt of payment, and (iii) any other necessary information or documentation.
8.8 We are not obliged to accept any instruction at any time and not be obliged to give any reason for any refusal to accept an instruction. Once we have accepted an instruction on your behalf, it may not be revoked or withdrawn without the written consent of us. You agree that we are not be obliged to act on any instruction for revocation, variation or amendment of any instruction already given to us and shall not be liable to you for any loss or expense suffered or incurred by you if the original instruction has already been completed or, in the opinion of us, we have insufficient time or are unable to act on such instruction to revoke, vary or amend the original instruction.
8.9 You acknowledge and agree that instructions given to the us may not, depending on the prevailing market conditions, be executed, and you agree that all losses incurred as a result of such non-execution shall be borne by you except for those arising from the negligence or wilful default of us, our employees or our authorized agents. You further agree that we shall not be liable for any loss incurred by reason of the manner or timing of execution of any instructions given by you. We shall not be liable to you for any loss or damage due to any delay in the transmission or execution of instructions arising out of a breakdown or failure of communication facilities or any other cause beyond the our reasonable control and anticipation.
8.10 The actual bid and offer prices for the transactions in the Unit will be determined by the Fund in accordance with the latest constitution documents and offering documents of the Fund and the Procedures relating to the Fund. Any data that may be quoted by us or our representatives at any time is for reference only and not conclusive.
8.11 We shall be entitled in our absolute discretion to reject in whole or in part any instruction to redeem any of the Unit if there are insufficient number or amount of such of the Unit held in the name of the us or the our nominee which are not subject to any charge, lien or other security interest in favour of any person including us.
8.12 We have established a unit trusts savings plan to enable you to invest in the Unit of certain Funds at regular monthly intervals. We reserve our right to accept or reject your application to enrol in the unit trusts savings plan. We also reserve our right to include or exclude any Funds from the unit trusts savings plan without prior notice to you.
8.13 You agree to make a monthly contribution of the amount specified in your application submitted to us for the purchase of a Fund's Unit under the unit trusts savings plan. Unless otherwise specified by us, the minimum monthly contribution would be the amount as we may prescribe from time to time.