4 住居
4-1 民間アパート
4-1-1 民間アパートの紹介
4-1-2 賃貸契約
家 賃 | 1か月の部屋代 基本的には、翌月分の家賃を、前月の月末までに前払いする。 |
共益費 | 共用部分(階段やトイレなど)電気代・水道料金・ゴミ処理の費用・清掃費用に使われる。家賃に含まれている場合もある。 |
敷 金 | 部屋を借りるとき、家賃を滞納した時や、部屋・備品を損傷した時のための担保として、家主に預けておくお金のこと 金額は一般的に部屋代の1~2ヶ月分くらいで、退去時に、清掃・修理代金を除いた分が戻ってくる |
礼 金 | 家主に支払う。退去の時には戻ってこない。 |
仲介手数料 | 不動産会社に支払う。 |
4-1-3 連帯保証人
4 Housing
4-1 Apartments
4-1-1 Finding Apartments
Apartments are usually found through real estate agents or the Akita University Student Association.
4-1-2 Renting Apartments
You should understand the details of the contract fully before signing the lease. If there are points that you don’t understand, please ask your upperclassmen or the Global Center for Higher Education.
Rent | Paid monthly Due by the end of the preceding month. |
Communal Service Fee | The monthly charge for electricity, water service, and maintenance of shared facilities (stairway, halls, toilets, etc.). |
Deposit | 1 or 2 months’ worth of rent paid as a guarantee to the apartment owner in case of nonpayment of rent, utilities, or other fees, or for damage to the unit. The owner cleans and fixes any damage to the unit with that money and any remaining balance will be returned to you after you move out. |
Key money | Money as “gratuity fee” for the use of the room or apartment. This money will not be refunded. |
Agent commission | Usually about 1 month’s rental fee to be paid to the real estate agent. |
4-1-3 Guarantor
You will need a Japanese citizen to act as your guarantor. For international students who have trouble finding a guarantor, Akita University can act as their guarantor. Additionally, this system requires that tenants enroll in the “Comprehensive Renters’ Insurance for International Students Studying in Japan” program. Please refer to p.26 for details.