本校現正為 2022至2025學年 (為期3年) 進行「中小學影印機供應服務」招標工作,特此誠邀 貴公司依據投標附表一上所列的項目,提交投標書。
(一) 承投資格
(二) 合約期限
合約期三年 (由 2022年9月1日至 2025年8月31日)。 合約期滿前,校方將依正常程序再行招標,屆時承辦商可再次參予投標,但獲選與否並非純以價低者為準。各投標者所列條件及其他因素皆在被考慮之列。
(三) 服務要求
1. 投標者必須根據附件一 「中小學影印機供應服務」價目表及細則為本校提供服務。
2. 服務供應商中標後,須按以下時序提供相關服務:
時段 | 項目 |
8 月 8-13 日 | 產品運送至本校 |
8 月 15-19 日 | 安裝 |
8 月 15-31 日 | 免費測試影印機運作實況 |
3. 產品如未能符合標書中所列的要求,服務供應商必須作出跟進,並於一星期內更換相關產品。
4. 服務供應商須負責所有運輸費用(包括更換新機)。
5. 如校方有任何資訊補充,均會上載至本校網站,供應商應於投標前定期查看。
(四) 評審範疇及準則
1. 本校將根據各投標書的服務內容、價格、營辦經驗及其他相關資料作出評審。過程中,可能需要邀請投標者派員向校方講解及闡釋投標書內所列內容及資料。
2. 校方將會按計劃一及計劃二的招標內容分別進行評審,並只會接納計劃一或計劃二的其中
3. 如投標條件相若下,有經營經驗者可獲優先考慮。
4. 價格及服務細則:
( a ) 公司的服務年資及質素;
( b ) 符合學校要求的產品質素及技術;
( c ) 過往服務學校的質素及良好的紀錄;
( d ) 本校不一定採納出價最低的投標書或任何一份投標書。
(五) 其他
1. 投標者若被選中,本校會另行通知。中標者在收到通知後,須草擬合約,並與校方協議進行簽署。
2. 校方有絕對權力選取任何投標者。
3. 校方有絕對權力決定不接納任何投標而不須作任何解釋。
4. 投標者的投標有效期為 90 天,由截標日期起計。如 90 天內仍未接獲委聘通知,則是次投標可視作落選論。
5. 校方不會因是次招標接受任何形式的贊助。
6. 中標後未能提供標書上所列的服務,須負責賠償校方一切有關損失。
7. 未獲校方同意,投標者不得將此合約之權益轉讓或抵押與別人或其他公司。
8. 投標者不得以本校名義對外發出文件、借貸買賣及簽訂任何合約等。
9. 校方保留對本招標內容及一切有關文件的解釋權。
10. 投標者若未能於投標截止日期前提供以上全部資料,其投標將不獲考慮。
(六) 停約或賠償
1. 若有任何一方擬終結承辦委託,最少須於一個月前書面通知對方,承辦委託即告終止。
2. 如投標者日後未能供應投標書上所列物品及服務,須負責賠償學校從另一處採購上述服務之差價。
(七) 投標書內容要求
1. 投標者必須填妥相關附件一至附件四,並清楚列明各項費用及細則(一式兩份),分別密封於兩個空白的信封內,再貼上隨函附上之回郵標籤(附件六),並遞交到本校第二校舍(中學部)校務處外的投標箱內。投標者不可於信封上展示或披露閣下或貴公司之身份,否則有關投標書將不會被考慮。
2. 公司註冊資料及商業登記證(必須提交副本)
(八) 截標日期及提交投標書
1. 有意承投的投標者請於 2022 年 5 月 6 日下午二時正或以前,根據上文各項所列的要求,以機密文件形式,將投標書遞交到本校第二校舍(中學部)校務處外的投標箱內或以掛號信形式寄回本校。逾期的投標,概不受理。
2. 提交投標書地址:
新界將軍xxxx 0 x
(承投「中小學影印機供應服務」投標書 - 標書檔號編號:LA-2122-GA/PRINTER)
(九) 《防止賄賂條例》
1. 根據《防止賄賂條例》,在學校採購過程中,如學校員工接受供應商和承辦商提供的利益,或供應商和承辦商向學校員工提供利益(請參閱附件五),均屬違法。學校不容許供應商和承辦商透過任何形式的利益(包括捐贈)影響學校的選擇。
2. 學校員工或供應商和承辦商任何一方或雙方如有干犯上述違法行為,有關投標書將不獲考慮;即使已獲委聘,所簽訂的有關合約亦會被宣告無效。
3. 請填妥附件「承辦商遵守道德承擔要求的聲明」,並連同標書寄回本校。
(十) 申訴事宜
(十一) 意見及查詢
校長 xxx 博士二零二二年四月十三日
Part I: Detail
Item no. | Detailed Specification |
1. | Supply and Installation of BRAND-NEW Black & White Production Copier/Printer QTY: 4 |
2. | Supply and Installation of BRAND-NEW Console Color Multifunction Copier/Printer QTY: 18 |
3. | Supply and Installation of BRAND-NEW Desktop B/W / Color A4 Printer QTY: 14 |
4. | Supply and Installation of Centralized Print Management System (CMS) QTY: 2 Campus 2: Secondary Server Campus 1: Primary Server |
5. | Supply and Installation of Fax Module QTY: 2 |
6. | Supply and Installation of CMS Extension Print Deployment Solution |
7. | Supply and Installation of Octopus Charging Unit QTY: 2 |
No. | Item 1: BRAND-NEW Black & White Production Copier/Printer Requirement | Please Circle | Please Specify (Mandatory) | |
General Features | ||||
1. | Laser Printing B/W Production Copier/Printer | Yes | No | |
2. | System Memory 4GB or above | Yes | No | |
3. | System Hard Drive 500 GB or above | Yes | No | |
4. | 2 Paper Trays or above, 3000 or above Sheet Paper Capacity | Yes | No | |
5. | Minimum Support Paper Weight 50 -256gsm | Yes | No | |
6. | Support Paper Size from A5 to A3 | Yes | No | |
Copying Features | ||||
7. | 100ppm or above Black and White (A4 size) | Yes | No | |
8. | First Copy Output Time in less than 6 sec (B&W) | Yes | No | |
9. | Auto Duplex Support | Yes | No | |
10. | Magnification 25-400% | Yes | No | |
Printing Features | ||||
11. | Network Printing with Ethernet 1,000 Base-T Connection | Yes | No | |
12. | Printer Language include PCL, Postscript | Yes | No | |
13. | Printing Resolution 1,200 x 1,200 dpi or above | Yes | No | |
Scanning Features | ||||
14. | One-Pass-Dual-Scan Color Document Feeder | Yes | No | |
15. | Scanning Speed 100 / 200 images per minute (Simplex / Duplex) or above | Yes | No | |
16. | Scan to Email / Network Folder | Yes | No | |
17. | Support for PDF, JPEG, TIFF, High Compression PDF | Yes | No | |
18. | Auto Blank Page Removal | Yes | No | |
19. | Scan Resolution 600dpi or above | Yes | No | |
Finisher Features | ||||
20. | Corner Stapling | Yes | No | |
21. | 2-point Stapling | Yes | No | |
22. | Booklet Stapling | Yes | No | |
23. | Half-Fold | Yes | No | |
24. | Holes Punching | Yes | No | |
25. | Pre-Printed Material Insertion | Yes | No | |
Machine Stability Features | ||||
26. | Humidity Protection Technology | Yes | No | |
27. | Centralized Ventilation System | Yes | No | |
28. | Double Sheet Detector | Yes | No |
Environmental & Security Standard | ||||
29. | EMSD Energy Label | Yes | No | |
30. | Recycled Material Used on Machine Outer Surface Area, Main Unit and Covers | Yes | No | |
31. | Encryption | Yes | No | |
Support Operating System | ||||
32. | Windows 10 or above | Yes | No | |
33. | Windows Server 2008 R2/2012/2016 or above | Yes | No | |
34. | Mac OS X (10.6 or above) | Yes | No | |
35. | Android (11 or above) | Yes | No | |
36. | IOS (14.0 or above) | Yes | No | |
37. | Other (Please specify) |
附件一 | ||||
No. | Item 2: BRAND-NEW Console Color Multifunction Copier/Printer Requirement | Please Circle | Please Specify (Mandatory) | |
General Features | ||||
1. | Laser Printing Color Multifunctional Copier/Printer | Yes | No | |
2. | System Memory 4GB or above | Yes | No | |
3. | System Hard Drive 200GB or above | Yes | No | |
4. | Minimum 4 Paper Trays, support 2,000 Paper Sheet Capacity | Yes | No | |
5. | One Multi-Bypass Tray | Yes | No | |
6. | Minimum Support Paper Weight 60 -300 gsm | Yes | No | |
7. | Support Paper Size from A5 to A3 | Yes | No | |
8. | Touch Screen Panel in Multiple Language (Support Chinese and English) | Yes | No | |
Copier Features | ||||
9. | 65 / 65 ppm or above A4 pages per minute (B&W / Color) | Yes | No | |
10. | First Copy Output Time in less than 4.5 sec (B&W) | Yes | No | |
11. | Auto Duplex Support | Yes | No | |
12. | Magnification 25-400% | Yes | No | |
Printer Features | ||||
13. | Network Printing with Ethernet 1,000 Base-T Connection | Yes | No | |
14. | Printer Language include PCL, Postscript | Yes | No | |
15. | Printing Resolution 1,200 x 1,200 dpi | Yes | No | |
16. | Support Print from USB | Yes | No | |
Scanner Features | ||||
17. | One-Pass-Dual-Scan Color Document Feeder | Yes | No | |
18. | Scanning Speed 65 / 130 image per minute (Simplex / Duplex) or above | Yes | No | |
19. | Scan to Email / Network Folder | Yes | No | |
20. | Scan to USB | Yes | No | |
21. | Support for PDF, JPEG, TIFF, High Compression PDF, Encrypted PDF | Yes | No | |
22. | Auto Blank Page Removal | Yes | No | |
23. | Scan Resolution 600dpi or above | Yes | No | |
Machine Stability Features | ||||
24. | Humidity Protection Technology | Yes | No | |
25. | Double Sheet Detector | Yes | No | |
Environmental & Security Standard | ||||
26. | EMSD Energy Label | Yes | No | |
27. | Encryption | Yes | No | |
Support Operating System | ||||
28. | Windows 10 or above | Yes | No |
29. | Windows Server 2008 R2/2012/2016 or above | Yes | No | |
30. | Mac OS X (10.6 or above) | Yes | No | |
31. | Android (11 or above) | Yes | No | |
32. | IOS (14.0 or above) | Yes | No | |
33. | Other (Please specify) |
No. | Item 3: BRAND-NEW Desktop Printer Requirement | Please Circle | Please Specify (Mandatory) | |
General Features | ||||
1. | Laser Printing Color Printer | Yes | No | |
2. | System Memory 500MB or above | Yes | No | |
3. | Minimum 1 Paper Trays, support 500 Paper Sheet Capacity | Yes | No | |
4. | One Multi-Bypass Tray | Yes | No | |
5. | Minimum Support Paper Weight 60 -200 gsm | Yes | No | |
6. | Support Paper Size from A5 to A4 | Yes | No | |
Copier Features | ||||
7. | 30 / 30 ppm or above A4 pages per minute (B&W / Color) | Yes | No | |
8. | Auto Duplex Support | Yes | No | |
Printer Features | ||||
9. | Network Printing with Ethernet 1,000 Base-T Connection | Yes | No | |
10. | Printer Language include PCL, Postscript | Yes | No | |
11. | Printing Resolution 1,200 x 1,200 dpi | Yes | No | |
Environmental & Security Standard | ||||
12. | EMSD Energy Label | Yes | No | |
13. | Encryption | Yes | No | |
Support Operating System | ||||
14. | Windows 10 or above | Yes | No | |
15. | Windows Server 2008 R2/2012/2016 or above | Yes | No | |
16. | Mac OS X (10.6 or above) | Yes | No | |
17. | Android (11 or above) | Yes | No | |
18. | IOS (14.0 or above) | Yes | No |
No. | Please Circle | Please Specify (Mandatory) | ||
Item 4: Centralized Print Management System Requirement | ||||
Authentication Features | ||||
1. | Smart Card Login, PIN Login, Windows AD Login | Yes | No | |
2. | Centralized Management of all MFD with AD / Google Address Book | Yes | No | |
3. | Support School Existing Card Type (EM Card) and provided Brand New Corresponding Card Reader install to MFDs | Yes | No | |
4. | Support Active Directory User Authentication and Synchronization (User ID and Password) | Yes | No | |
5. | Logout through Swipe Card Again or Press Button Logout or Set Predefined Logout Timer | Yes | No | |
Print Anywhere (Follow Me Printing) | ||||
6. | Setup ONE “Virtual” Print Queue for Users to Submit Print Jobs | Yes | No | |
7. | Users can Choose “Print All” at MFD to Release all Submitted Print Jobs | Yes | No | |
8. | Allow Individual or Multiple Print Jobs to be Released and Deleted | Yes | No | |
9. | Release Print Jobs at Printer without Display Panel by QR Code Scanning and Print Job Selection through Mobile Device | Yes | No | |
10. | Allow Users to Change Print Setting at MFD Panel (e.g. Quantity, Duplex, Color, etc.) | Yes | No | |
Quota Management | ||||
11. | Print Quota Parallel to all Printing Devices within the Campus | Yes | No | |
12. | Differential Print Charge for MFDs, Printers, Page Sizes, Duplex & Color | Yes | No | |
13. | Device Functions are limited to Authorized Users or Groups | Yes | No | |
14. | Copy/Print count based on user, user group/dept., and project code Advanced Client for End User to Search Project Code, esp. set two layers of groups | Yes | No | |
15. | Auto Quota Reset (e.g. Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly) | Yes | No | |
16. | Quota Group Batch Import by Excel | Yes | No | |
Advanced Printing Support (Optional) | ||||
17. | Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Printing including iOS and Mac, Android, Windows, and Chrome OS Support with Print Accounting | Yes | No | |
18. | Provide a Cloud Printing Platform to allow User to Submit Print Jobs through Internet from Windows, MAC OS and Chromebook | Yes | No | |
19. | Support Guest Print by Uploading Document at Dedicated Web Link and Charge (Octopus) | Yes | No | |
20. | Support Guest Copy Document at Specific Copier and Charge (Octopus) | Yes | No | |
21. | Pop-up Authentication Dialog for Print Job Submission at Non-domain PC | Yes | No | |
22. | Track USB Direct Printing through MFD Panel Plugin Slot | Yes | No |
Scan Workflow | ||||
23. | Support “Scan to Me” for AD Personal Email & Home Directory | Yes | No | |
24. | Scan to Cloud including Google Drive, OneDrive, SharePoint with Single Sign-on (SSO) at MFD Panel | Yes | No | |
25. | OCR Text Recognition – Scan to Word and Searchable PDF | Yes | No | |
26. | Multiple language OCR support including but not limited to English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese | Yes | No | |
27. | Scan Image Enhancement with Auto Rotate, Blank Page Removal, etc. | Yes | No | |
Reporting and Management | ||||
28. | 100% Web-based Administration | Yes | No | |
29. | Support for all Branded Printer and MFD Monitoring | Yes | No | |
30. | Support Print Managed Policy to Redirect or Deny Huge Print Jobs | Yes | No | |
31. | Print Script to Prompt Alerts to User for Unreasonable Print Job | Yes | No | |
32. | Capture Devices Status Information, e.g. toner, paper tray | Yes | No | |
33. | Email Reminder Alert for Desktop Printer when Toner Level is Low | Yes | No | |
34. | Report Export as PDF, HTML and Excel with Auto Scheduling | Yes | No | |
35. | Database Backup to Independent Storage for Disaster Plan and Restore Purpose | Yes | No | |
36. | Support Online Accounting Which Provides Accurate Accounting Details. Print Counts are Based on Actual Number of Pages Printed | Yes | No | |
37. | Support Site Server Function | Yes | No | |
38. | System Migration Vendor shall be responsible to migrate the data in the existing system to the suggested system | Yes | No | |
39. | Provide API Feature | Yes | No |
No. | Item 5: Fax Module Requirement | Please Circle | Please Specify (Mandatory) | |
Fax Features | ||||
1. | Support for G3 fax, Internet fax (T.37), IP fax (T.38), LAN-Fax, Paperless Fax, Direct SMTP fax | Yes | No | |
2. | Fax Forwarding to FTP/ SMB Folder with Email Alert to General Office User | Yes | No | |
3. | Fax Forward as Email Attachment | Yes | No | |
4. | Lan Fax on network PC without Printing Hardcopy | Yes | No | |
5. | Send Fax by PC | Yes | No | |
第10頁共21頁 |
No. | Item 6: CMS Extension Print Deployment Solution Requirement | Please Circle | Please Specify (Mandatory) | |
General | ||||
1. | Support Non-domain Client Machine for both Windows PC and MAC OS Platform Print Deployment | Yes | No | |
2. | Able to Clone the Printer Driver and Corresponding Configuration from a Master Client Machine | Yes | No | |
3. | Client Machine can Retrieve Printer Driver Together with the Attributes Automictically by a Pre-installed Print Deploy Agent | Yes | No | |
4. | Able to Deploy the Print Queue with “Print Anywhere” Feature and Full Function of Print Option including Staple Finisher Settings | Yes | No | |
5. | Provide a User Console to Manage Print Queue to be Added, Removed or to Modify Settings | Yes | No | |
6. | Able to Deploy Different Print Queues by User Group or IP subnet | Yes | No | |
7. | User who Moves between Office Zones can have Automatic Access to the Right Print Queue Connection by IP Subnet | Yes | No | |
8. | Able to Track Usage and Report in the Proposed CMS with all Deployed Print Queue | Yes | No |
No. | Item 7: Octopus Charging Unit | Please Circle | Please Specify (Mandatory) | |
General | ||||
1. | Self-Serviced MFD Usage for Student | Yes | No | |
2. | Hold the Print Job before Charging | Yes | No | |
3. | LAN Data Line or WIFI Auto Transaction Data Upload | Yes | No | |
4. | Acceptable Card Thickness up to 0.8mm | Yes | No | |
5. | Perform Printing/Copying with Octopus Card Payment | Yes | No | |
6. | Accept Pay-Per-Page Basis without Quota Top-up | Yes | No | |
7. | Differentiate Charging According to MFDs, Printers, Page Sizes, Duplex & Color | Yes | No | |
8. | Reporting | Yes | No | |
9. | Automated Email for Daily Transaction Record to School | Yes | No | |
10. | Monthly Statement Report with Daily Octopus Payment Breakdown | Yes | No | |
11. | Environmental & Security Standard | Yes | No | |
12. | Encrypted Connection for LAN / WIFI Data Upload | Yes | No | |
13. | Suggestion for Student Copy/Print solution | Yes | No | |
第11頁共21頁 |
Part II: Installation, Setup and Additional Information
No. | Mandatory Requirement We/Our refer to “HKCCCU Logos Academy” | I Understand and Confirm (Please “Tick”) | Please Specify |
1. | Contract Period: 01 September, 2022 – 31 August 2025 | 🞎 | |
2. | No constraint to use unused quota in the Contract Period | 🞎 | |
3. | All brand-new printer/copier must be arrived on or before 13 August 2022. | 🞎 | |
4. | All brand-new printer/copier must be functional/setup complete/operational in the school environment on or before 19 August 2022. | 🞎 | |
5. | Between the day of the brand-new printer/copier installation is complete and 31 August 2022, it is a Testing Period. We will print/copy the document for testing the brand-new printer. During the Testing Period, all print/copy meters should not be counted. | 🞎 | |
6. | A training session for school staff is a must. We will release the training date to the awarded vendor/supplier later. | 🞎 | |
7. | We can arrange a site visit for this project. The date is 25 April 2022. | 🞎 | |
8. | A complete demonstration should be provided by vendor/supplier to show the system flow | 🞎 |
Part III: Payment and Maintenance (Confidential) – Plan 1 (For 3 years)
Description | ||
1. | All Machines Rental Cost options: A) By monthly (for 36 months) B) By yearly (for 3 years) C) For 3 years (Prepaid in advance) | |
HKD$ per month HKD$ per year HKD$ for 3 years | ||
2. | Meter Charge: Same meter charge for A4 and A3 paper size Black and White: Total 15 million pages for 3 years Color: Total 450,000 pages for 3 years | |
Yes / No HKD$ per month HKD$ per month | ||
3. | Excess Meter charge should be paid after contract end: i) Excess Black and White Meter Rate ii) Excess Color Meter Rate (Full Color) Excess Color Meter Rate (2 Color), if applicable Excess Color Meter Rate (Single Color), if applicable | Yes / No HKD$ per page HKD$ per page HKD$ per page HKD$ per page |
4A. | Production Copier/Printer Staple Price: | HKD$ per box (Min. purchase amount: HKD$ ) |
Free Boxes Staples per year during 3 years Contract Period | Yes ( boxes per year) / No | |
4B. | Console Color Multifunction Copier/Printer Staple Price: | HKD$ per box (Min. purchase amount: HKD$ ) |
Free Boxes Staples per year during 3 years Contract Period | Yes ( boxes per year) / No | |
5. | - Onsite maintenance (including spare parts replacement): - Monthly onsite inspection | Yes / No Yes ( time(s) per month) / No |
6. | Service call request through IOS / Android mobile app | Yes / No |
7. | Auto Meter Reporting, Auto Toner Replenishment, Auto Fault Alert | Yes / No |
8. | Remote Firmware Update & Remote MFP Panel Support | Yes / No |
Description | ||
9. | Free delivery for All Copiers/Printers and consumables (including toners, staples, etc): Campus 1: 5 Ling Kwong Street, Tiu Keng Leng, Tseung Kwan O, NT Campus 2: 1 Kan Hok Xxxx, Tiu Keng Leng, Tseung Kwan O, NT | Yes / No |
10. | Satisfaction Guarantee include loan machine during urgent maintenance and same grade machine model replacement for problem machines | Yes / No |
Company Background, Financial Statements and Case Reference: | ||
Tender Schedule Part I, Part II and Part III must be completed for further evaluation. | ||
Scoring Criteria: A) Company Background, Financial Statements and Case Reference (10%) B) Proposed Equipment Specification and Technology ( 10% ) C) Price and Charges ( 80% ) |
本公司 明白,如收到學校訂單確定通知書後未能供應投標書上所列物品,須負責賠償學校從其他供應商採購上述物品的差價。
公司蓋印 | 服務供應商 名稱 | : |
簽署人 | : | |
簽署人姓名 | : | |
簽署人職位# | : | |
日期 | : |
Part III: Payment and Maintenance (Confidential) – Plan 2 (For 5 years)
Description | ||
1. | All Machines Rental Cost options: A) By monthly (for 60 months) B) By yearly (for 5 years) C) For 5 years (Prepaid in advance) | |
HKD$ per month HKD$ per year HKD$ for 5 years | ||
2. | Meter Charge: Same meter charge for A4 and A3 paper size Black and White: Total 25 million pages for 5 years Color: Total 750,000 pages for 5 years | |
Yes / No HKD$ per month HKD$ per month | ||
3. | Excess Meter charge should be paid after contract end: i) Excess Black and White Meter Rate ii) Excess Color Meter Rate (Full Color) Excess Color Meter Rate (2 Color), if applicable Excess Color Meter Rate (Single Color), if applicable | Yes / No HKD$ per page HKD$ per page HKD$ per page HKD$ per page |
4A. | Production Copier/Printer Staple Price: | HKD$ per box (Min. purchase amount: HKD$ ) |
Free Boxes Staples per year during 3 years Contract Period | Yes ( boxes per year) / No | |
4B. | Console Color Multifunction Copier/Printer Staple Price: | HKD$ per box (Min. purchase amount: HKD$ ) |
Free Boxes Staples per year during 3 years Contract Period | Yes ( boxes per year) / No | |
5. | - Onsite maintenance (including spare parts replacement): - Monthly onsite inspection | Yes / No Yes ( time(s) per month) / No |
6. | Service call request through IOS / Android mobile app | Yes / No |
7. | Auto Meter Reporting, Auto Toner Replenishment, Auto Fault Alert | Yes / No |
8. | Remote Firmware Update & Remote MFP Panel Support | Yes / No |
Description | ||
9. | Free delivery for All Copiers/Printers and consumables (including toners, staples, etc): Campus 1: 5 Ling Kwong Street, Tiu Keng Leng, Tseung Kwan O, NT Campus 2: 1 Kan Hok Xxxx, Tiu Keng Leng, Tseung Kwan O, NT | Yes / No |
10. | Satisfaction Guarantee include loan machine during urgent maintenance and same grade machine model replacement for problem machines | Yes / No |
Company Background, Financial Statements and Case Reference: | ||
Tender Schedule Part I, Part II and Part III must be completed for further evaluation. | ||
Scoring Criteria: D) Company Background, Financial Statements and Case Reference (10%) E) Proposed Equipment Specification and Technology ( 10% ) F) Price and Charges ( 80% ) |
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標書檔號: | LA-2122-GA/PRINTER |
標書標題: | 中小學影印機供應服務 |
(a) 在開展與本標書有關的業務時,禁止參與本標書的董事、僱員、代理人及分判承辦商提供、索取或接受《防止賄賂條例》(香港法例第201章)第2節所定義的任何利益;
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日期 | : |
香港華人基督教聯會真道書院承投中小學影印機供應服務 承辦商聲明
截標日期 / 時間:2022 年 5 月 6 日下午二時正
第一部份 一般細則
第二部份 現行確定投標書的有效期
現行確定投標書的第一部份,本公司的投標書有效日期至 年 月 日。下方簽署人同意,投標書的有效期一經再行確定,其公司就該事項註明於投標表格內的預印條文,即不再適用。
公司蓋印 | 服務供應商 名稱 | : |
簽署人 | : | |
簽署人姓名 | : | |
簽署人職位# | : | |
日期 | : |
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電話號碼: | 傳真號碼: |
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標書檔號: | LA-2122-GA/PRINTER |
標書標題: | 中小學影印機供應服務 |
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根據本校政策,屬下教職員如未獲得[ 校董會或指定人員(視情況而定)] 的特別許可, 不得在執行校務時索取或接受任何禮物、金錢或其他形式的利益, 以維護本校的清廉形象。
本校教職員均xxx此項政策, 並明白如違反政策, 將會遭受紀律處分。本校亦會將任何懷疑貪污事件向廉政公署舉報。
校長 xxx 博士二零二二年四月十三日
截標日期: 2022 年 5 月 6 日下午二時正