「越簽越 FUN」分期付款計劃之條款及細則 (本“條款及細則”)
「越簽越 FUN」分期付款計劃之條款及細則 (本“條款及細則”)
1. 本計劃– 本計劃只適用於中國建設銀行(亞洲) 股份有限公司(「本行」或「我們」) 所發的有效信用卡(公司信用卡及銀聯雙幣信用卡人民幣卡賬戶除外) (「信用卡」),並只適用於特選信用卡主卡會員(「信用卡會員」) 使用信用卡簽賬之合資格交易。
2. 合資格的交易– 信用卡會員可就任何 HKD500 或以上的零售交易,申請 6 個月、12 個月、24 個月或 36 個月分期付款計劃(「合資格交易」) 。
3. 不包括的交易– 本計劃不適用於任何購買賭場籌碼的簽賬、已逾期及未清還之月結單結欠、現金透支、其他以分期付款之交易、結餘轉戶金額、費用及/或收費(不論以信用卡或其他原因而產生)及任何未誌賬、已取消或退還之交易。在本計劃下之每月分期還款額及每月利息不會獲取信用卡之積分。
4. 計劃申請辦法–
所有本計劃的申請必須根據下列指示及於 2014 年 2 月 28 日或之前 (「截止申請日期」)遞交給本行。
最早申請日期 | 於有關零售交易誌賬後之第一個工作天 |
最遲申請日期 | 在顯示有關零售交易之月結單上,所指明到期繳款日前四個工作天(星期六除外) |
5. 分期付款限額– 每個信用卡會員的最高分期付款總額(包括分期貸款本金款額及每月利息總額)於任何時間不得超過於本計劃獲批核之時信用卡賬戶(「賬戶」)的可用信用額。若此最高可用金額被超出,我們可以以我們的酌情權處理本計劃申請並批核分期付款數額至該最高可用額。若有此安排,相關之過額費用會按我們的服務收費一覽表所列之金額收取,我們在正常情況下會通知 閣下但我們並無通知 閣下之責任。
6. 批核通知– 成功申請的信用卡會員將會收到通知信。本計劃申請一旦獲批核後,第一期之每月分期還款及每月利息會先於通知信發出之日由信用卡賬戶內扣除,而其後餘額須以信用卡會員在申請時選定之合共 6 個月、12 個月、24 個月或 36 個月內平均每月清還
7. 計劃收費 –本計劃將收取下列利息
分期付款額 | 計劃收費 (分期貸款總額之百分比%) | 實際年利率(“APR*”) | |||
還款期 | |||||
每月利息 | 6 個月 | 12 個月 | 24 個月 | 36 個月 | |
HKD500 – 14,999 | 0.48% | 10.26% | 10.98% | 11.24% | 11.20% |
HKD15,000– 29,999 | 0.38% | 8.06% | 8.64% | 8.87% | 8.86% |
HKD30,000 或以上 | 0.32% | 6.75% | 7.24% | 7.45% | 7.46% |
*我們的實際年利率之計算方法以香港銀行公會所提供之計算方法作依據, 並已約至小數點後兩個位。
8. 批核受有關條件限制– 本計劃之批核將受制於我們的審查賬戶的賬戶狀况及其可用信用額。我們將有權在不須要提供其決定之原因的情况下,批核或拒絕任何本計劃之申請、決定任何全數分期付款總額、每月分期付款之金額和遞交本計劃的截止申請日期。在正常情況下,若計劃之申請被拒絕,信用卡會員會收到專函通知。
9. 信用卡會員不能更改資料– 本計劃申請一經處理,申請人不能更改或撤消任何本計劃申請。本計劃一般不容許任何提早繳付款項之申請。
10. 終止費用– 閣下明白及同意本行將保留審核、修改、暫停、取消、終止及/或撤消本計劃及向閣下要求立即償還所有尚欠餘額、累計利息及所有其他本計劃下須付費用的權利,而不需事先通知閣下。不論如何,本計劃將受本行(在其絕對酌情權下)不時所訂的條款及細則所規限。若賬戶(根據信用卡會員合約所示之任何原因)被我們終止,或取消或撤消本計劃或要求提早將全數分期還款總金額付清 (不論是由客戶提出或按我們要求),我們可從信用卡會員之賬戶中直接扣除HKD500 的行政費用並於下個月發出的月結單中顯示。於上述情況下,分期付款總額將不會以本計劃下之優惠平息計算。本行會按「78 法則」之方式分配每月還款額中的本金與利息之比率(包括已向本行繳付之還款額)。而在本計劃下之所有尚未繳付的一切款項、費用及收費將即時到期並須清還,及從賬戶中扣除。閣下若有意提早還款或需要知道於提早還款或終止之情況下有關每月還款之分配,VISA或萬事達卡信用卡會員請致電客戶服務熱線 317 95533 辦理及查詢; 建行(亞洲)銀聯雙幣信用卡會員請致電客戶服務熱線 317 95568 辦理及查詢。
11. 本行有權更改本計劃 - 我們保留可隨時更改及在我們的酌情權下更改本計劃及/或本條款及細則,或取替、取消或撤回本計劃而不須事先通知閣下之權利。
12. 最終決定權 - 我們保留對所有就本計劃有關的事宜及糾紛的最終决定權。我們將不會負責或承擔信用卡會員就本計劃引致或承受的任何申索或責任。
13. 適用性 - 除非另有指明,所有建行 (亞洲) 信用卡會員合約及服務收費一覽表 (「信用卡會員合約」) 內的條款及細則將會適用。如它們與本條款及細則有任何衝突或差異,即在合適的範圍內以前者為準。尤其是,每月分期付款的金額將從賬戶中扣除,並於月結單上顯示,以及由信用卡會員依照信用卡會員合約繳付。
14. 英文版為準 -- 本條款及細則中英文版本之間如有任何差異,即以英文版本為準。
Terms and Conditions for the “FUN Express” Installment Program (“Program”)
1. THE PROGRAM– This Program is only available for valid selected Credit Cards (except for Corporate Credit Card and UnionPay Dual Currency Credit Card RMB Account) (“Card”) issued by China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Limited ("The Bank", “we”, “us” or “our”) and is only available to selected principal Cardmembers of the Cards ("Cardmember(s)") for eligible transactions paid by the Card.
2. ELIGIBLE TRANSACTIONS– Cardmember may apply for 6 months, 12 months, 24 months or 36 months installment plans for any retail transaction of HKD500 or above made using the Card (“Eligible Transactions”).
3. EXCLUDED TRANSACTIONS– The Program shall not be applicable to any purchase of casino chips, settlement of overdue and unpaid Card balance, cash advance, transaction made by installment, balance transfer amount, fees and/or charges made or incurred (whether incurred in relation to the Card or otherwise) and any transactions that are yet to be posted, or are cancelled or reversed. The monthly installment loan amount and monthly interest will not be eligible for bonus points of the Card.
All Program applications must be received by the Bank on or before February 28, 2014 ("Application Deadline"). Cardmembers must submit their Program applications as follows:
Earliest date of application | 1st working day after the relevant eligible retail transaction is posted |
Latest date of application | 4 working days (excluding Saturdays) immediately before the Payment Due Date specified in the Statement of Account where the relevant eligible retail transaction appears |
5. INSTALLMENT AMOUNT– The maximum total installment amount (which shall include both the principal and total monthly interest) per Cardmember at any time shall be the available credit limit of a Card account (“Account”) at the time of Program approval. If this maximum is exceeded, we may at our discretion process the Program application and approve the installment amount up to that maximum amount. If this happens, related overlimit fee will be charged referring to our Fee Schedule, and we will normally notify you but shall have no obligation to do so.
6. APPROVAL NOTIFICATION– Successful applicants will be notified in writing. Upon approval of a Program application, the first monthly installment amount and the first monthly interest shall first be charged to the Account on the issuance date of the notification letter, and thereafter in equal installments on a monthly basis. The total installment amount will be repaid over a total period of either 6, 12, 24 or 36 months as specified by the Cardmember at the time of application (“Repayment Period”).
7. PROGRAM FEES– The following monthly interest shall apply:
Installment Amount | Fees (percentage of the total installment loan amount) | Annualized Percentage Rate (“APR*”) | |||
Repayment Period | |||||
Monthly Interest | 6 months | 12 months | 24 months | 36 months | |
HKD500 – 14,999 | 0.48% | 10.26% | 10.98% | 11.24% | 11.20% |
HKD15,000– 29,999 | 0.38% | 8.06% | 8.64% | 8.87% | 8.86% |
HKD30,000 or above | 0.32% | 6.75% | 7.24% | 7.45% | 7.46% |
*Our Annualized Percentage Rate (APR) is calculated according to the standard of Hong Kong Association of Banks, and is rounded up/down to the nearest two decimal places.
8. APPROVAL IS CONDITIONAL– Application approval shall be subject to our checking of the account status and available credit limit of the Account. We shall have all rights in approving or rejecting any Program application, deciding any total installment amount, monthly installment amount, and the deadline for submitting any Program application without having to provide a reason for any decision. Rejections will normally be notified by letter.
9. NO CHANGE BY CARDMEMBER– An applicant may not change or withdraw any Program application once it is received for processing. No early repayment of any amount of the Program will normally be allowed.
10. TERMINATION FEE– You understand and agree that the Bank reserves the right to review, modify, suspend, cancel, terminate and/or withdraw the Program and demand immediate repayment of the entire outstanding balance, all accrued interest and all other charges payable under the Program without prior notice to you. In any event the Program will be subject to the Bank’s terms and conditions as prescribed by the Bank, in its absolute discretion, from time to time. If we terminate an Account (for whatever reason in accordance with the Cardmember Agreement), or terminate or withdraw the Program, or either the Cardmember requests or we require the early repayment of the total installment amount, we will charge the Cardmember an administration fee of HKD500 by direct debit from the Account, which will be shown in the following monthly statement. In such event, any promotional flat rate under the Program shall not be applicable to the total installment amount, and the Bank shall apportion the monthly repayments (including those already paid to the Bank) between interests and principals in accordance with Rule 78. All outstanding amounts, fees and charges payable under the Program shall in such case be immediately due and payable and we may charge these and any other amounts due to the Account. If you wish to make early repayment or enquire about the apportionment of monthly repayments in the case of early repayment or termination, VISA or MASTERCARD Cardmember please contact our customer service hotline at 317 95533 (CCB (Asia) UnionPay Dual Currency Credit Card Cardmember please contact our customer service hotline at 317 95568.