1. 検収及び支払条件
(2) 乙が甲の製品納入時から 10 営業日以内に甲に対し検収結果を通知しない場合、当該製品は契約条件に合格し、検収された取扱いとさせていただきます。
(3) 甲は乙に対して以下の時点で契約金額を請求するものとします。受注金額が1億円未満の場合:
契約金額の 50%を注文受領時に、40%を製品納品時に、残 10%を稼働確認完了時に請求させていただきます。
(4) 乙は、原則として請求書の日付の属する月の翌月に甲の指定する銀行口座へ支払うものとします。甲乙間で特段の合意がない限り、すべての支払いは日本円での支払いとなります。乙が、甲に対する甲の製品対価の支払いを怠ったときは、支払い期日の翌日から完済に至るまで同対価の年 14.6%の割合による遅延損害金を甲に支払うものとします。
(5) 甲の引渡し後 12 ケ月を経過したにもかかわらず、乙が、検収の手続きをしない場合、乙は検収の有無を問わず、製品の代金を全額お支払いいただくものとします。
2. 引渡
(2) 甲の製品が分割納入された場合、理由の如何に拘わらず、乙はその都度受領及び検収を行うものとします。
(3) 甲の製品に係る取引条件(危険負担の移転時期を含みます。)は、別段の定めがない場合、国内指定場所における車上渡となります。但し、製品の仕向け先が日本国外である場合の取引条件は、インコタームス 2010 Ex-works(工場渡)によるものとなります。
(4) 甲のサービスについては、作業が完了した時をもって、その提供が完了したものとなります。
(5) 専ら乙の責に帰すべき事由により製品の納期に遅延が生じた場合、甲はその損害賠償金として遅延一週間毎に遅延対象製品に係る対価の 0.1%に相当する金額を乙に対し請求することができます。但し、その上限額は個別契約対価の 5%とし、甲が契約上の納期の到来後、6 ケ月以内に書面により請求をしなかった場合、かかる権利を喪失 することとする。
3. 契約不適合責任
(1)乙は、個別契約で定める契約不適合責任期間内に、正常な使用、または運転の下で、甲の設計上、材料上、または製造上の過失に基づく瑕疵を発見した場合、文書で甲に通知するものとします。xはこの通知を受領後、次の順にて対応する義務を負います。①該当の瑕疵を修復 ② ①で対応不可の場合、代品を納入。但し、乙に よって製品に対し過失ある修復、または変更が行われた場合、乙による誤利用、不注意、または事故に起因する場合、甲の取扱指示に反して使用された場合、および通常の摩滅、または劣化に起因する場合、甲は瑕疵について何等の責任を負わないものとします。
(2) 個別契約に、契約不適合責任期間に関する定めがない場合、甲が契約不適合責任を負う期間は、標準品および予備品は物品納入から12ヶ月後、または設備品は稼働確認完了後12ヶ月とする。
(3) 甲により実施されるサービス(改善、修繕、オーバーホール)につきましては、サービス完了日から起算して 3 ケ月とします。但し、契約不適合責任期間は、当初の契約納入日、または、当初のサービス完了日から起算して 12 ケ月を超えないものとします。
(4) 乙は甲の製品の瑕疵の修復のために必要な範囲に於いて、自己の責任、および負担により、甲の製品以外の装置の取り外し、組立て、および運転の手配を行うものとさせていただきます。なお、それらの行為より生じる損害につき、甲に悪意、または重過失が存する場合を除き、甲は何等の責任を負担しないものとします。
(5) 甲は、その承認製造工場にて製造された部品(以下「純正部品」という)を設置、組立て、又は修理するものとします。万一、設置、組立て、修理の注文を請けた業務において、純正部品以外の部品が使用されていた場合、甲は乙に対し、性能維持などの観点から純正部品への交換を求めることができるものとします。当該求めにもかか わらず、 純正部品への交換をいただけなかった場合、甲は注文にかかる業務を履行しないこと、または、当該注文を解除できることとさせていただきます。特別の緊急時 にかかわらず、甲が注文にかかる業務を履行した場合、その業務についての瑕疵担保責任を負わないものとします。
4. 製造物責任
5. 秘密保持義務
6. 不可抗力
7. 契約内容の変更
8. 責任の限度
甲は理由の如何にかかわらず、乙の生産上の損失、逸失利益、動力の逸失、使用機会の逸失、乙の顧客からの請求、またはその他の如何なる結果的、または間接的損害についての責任を負わないこととします。また、甲乙間の契約に基づき乙が甲に対し賠償を請求することのできる累積最高限度額は、甲の製品の契約上の対価の1 0%を超えないものとします。
9. 法令等遵守
10. 安全保障輸出貿易管理
甲が、乙から契約の申し込みを承諾した場合でも、申込みを受けた製品、技術等の原産国において、適格な当局から輸出及び/又は再輸出の認可が与えられることをもって、 契約成立の条件とさせていただきます。甲の合理的な支配を超える事態により当該輸出/再輸出の認可が拒否され、撤回され、または無効とされた場合、甲は、関係する製品、技術、およびサービスの納入に関する自己の契約上の義務を免除され、乙に対して何等の責任を負わないものとします。
11. トレードコンプライアンス
貴社は、注文を行うことをもって、その注文された製品等が化学兵器、生物兵器もしくは核兵器、または当該兵器を運搬できるミサイルに関連する目的のために、および適用される法律が禁止する他の目的のために使用されるものではないことを証明します。また貴社は、その注文された製品等が、直接、間接を問わず、イラン、北朝鮮、シリア、ロシ ア、ベラルーシ、クリミア、またはウクライナやロシアの紛争地域に販売または譲渡されないことを確認します。
12. 契約の解除
(1) 甲および乙は、他方当事者が次の各号のいずれかに該当したときは、催告その他の手続きを要しないで、いかなる罰則なく、直ちにその時点で有効な全ての個別契約の全部、または一部を解除することができるものとします。
① 監督官庁よりの営業の取消し、停止等の処分を受けたとき
② 第三者より差押え、仮差押え、仮処分、その他強制執行または競売の申し立て、または公租公課の滞納処分を受けたとき
③ 破産、民事再生、会社更生等の公的負債整理手続きの申し立てがなされたとき、他の公的または私的な負債整理手続きが開始されたとき、またはこれらの予定が告知若しくは通知されたとき
④ 支払不能の状態に陥ったとき、または手形の不渡り処分を受けたとき
⑤ 操業停止、主たる事業所の閉鎖、または代表者が失踪し連絡不能となったとき
⑥ 第 9 項の定めに違反したとき
⑦ 暴力団など反社会的勢力であることが判明したとき、または反社会的勢力と関係をもったとき
⑧ 前各号に準ずる事由があったとき
(2) 甲および乙は、他方当事者が本個別契約の各条項に違反し、30 日の予告をもって催告したにもかかわらず是正しないとき、その時点で有効な全ての個別契約の全部、または一部を解除することができるものとします。
新品未開封のものは請求額の40%をキャンセル料としてご負担願います。開封されたものは甲の受入検査で合格することを条件に受け入れられます。この場合、請求額の 55%をキャンセル料としてご負担頂きます。甲への返品に掛る送料及び梱包費用については乙のご負担とします。
13. 期限の利益喪失
14. 完全合意
15. 準拠法
16. 管轄裁判所
17. 言語
[2024 年4 月 改定版]
General Terms and Conditions of Sales and Quotation
These General Terms and Conditions herein shall apply to all individual contracts based on individual quotations offered by Atlas Copco KK (hereinafter referred to as “Seller”) to buyer. (Buyer) for Sellerʼs selling products and providing services (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Products”). However, if terms specified in a quotation overlap or are inconsistent. with these General Terms and Conditions, the former shall have priority.
1. Acceptance and Payment Conditions
1) The conditions on the acceptance of Products and the payment terms shall be subject to the conditions contained in an individual contract.
2) If Buyer fails to give notice of acceptance to Seller within ten (10) business days after taking delivery of the Product, the quality of such Product shall be deemed to conform with the contract conditions and be accepted.
3) Seller has the right to charge to buyers on the following timing.
- The total order amount is less than 100 million Japanese yen:
Charge hundred (100) % of delivered goods at the time of delivery.
- The total order amount is 100 million Japanese yen or more:
Charge fifty (50) % of the total at time of PO receipt, then forty (40) % at time of delivery, and then the rest ten (10%) at time of final acceptance of products operation.
4) The amount invoiced shall be, in principle, remitted within 30 days from the latest day of the month containing the invoiced date by way of transfer to the bank account notified from Seller. Unless specially agreed by the parties, all payments hereunder shall be made in Japanese yen. If Buyer fails to pay Seller by the due date, Buyer shall pay Seller interest at an annual rate of 14.6% on which payment was due until actual payment is completed.
5) When twelve (12) months have passed without Buyerʼs acceptance after Sellerʼs delivery, Buyer shall fully pay the price of Products, regardless of whether they are accepted or not.
2. Delivery
1) The title of the Products shall be transferred from Seller to Buyer when Buyer has paid in full for the Products to Seller.
2) If Products arrive in more than one shipment, Buyer shall accept to receive the Products on every occasion regardless of the reason for the split deliveries.
3) Unless otherwise provided, the trade terms relating to the Products (including transfer of risks) shall be on a “free on truck at the designated domestic place” basis. However, the trade terms for overseas destinations shall be on the “INCOTERMS 2010 Ex-works” basis.
4) Service which shall be provided with the Products shall be deemed delivered and completed upon the completion of such service.
5) If delivery is delayed due to any event or reason for which Seller is held solely liable, Buyer may request damages in the amount equal to 0.1% per week of the price for the Products, provided that the capped amount shall be 5% of the price under the individual Contract, and if Buyer fails to make a request in writing within six (6) months after the delivery date, Buyer shall lose such right.
6) In case the delivery is postponed due to Buyerʼs or Customerʼs requests, Seller may ask for any additional increase in fees due to such postponement.
7) In case a surcharge is required due to a change in delivery date at customerʼs convenience, designated delivery in the afternoon, night-time or on Sunday and holiday, the customer will be billed for the surcharge. Also, during peak season, it may be difficult to secure a truck and freight charges may be higher than usual. Last minute cancellation will also incur cancellation fees. These fees will be discussed separately.
3. Defect Liability
1) If Xxxxx discovers any defect(s) in the Products resulting from Sellerʼs defect(s) in designs, materials or workmanship under normal use or operation within the warranty period specified in an individual contract, Buyer shall notify Seller in writing of such defect(s). Seller shall take responsibility to take an action in order as follow. ①repair such defect(s) ② if it is impossible to repair, deliver replacements after receipt of such notice, provided that Seller shall not be in any way liable for any defect(s) which (i) has been improperly repaired of altered;
(ii) has been subjected to misuse, negligence or accident; (iii) has been used in a manner contrary to Sellerʼs instructions; (iv) has resulted from ordinary wear and tear.
2) If no provisions in respect of the warranty period are specified in an individual contract, regarding standard products and or products for spare purposes, the period shall be twelve (12) months after the goods delivery, regarding systems, the period shall be twelve (12) months after commencement of its operation.
3) If no provisions in respect of the warranty period are specified in an individual contract, The warranty period for modifications, repairs and overhauls by Seller shall be effective for three (3) months after completion of such services has been performed over parts. The warranty period shall not exceed twelve (12) months from the completion of goods delivery or the service based on the original contract.
4) Buyer shall be obliged to carry out dismantling and re-assembling of non-Seller supplied equipment at its own risk and expense to the extent that it is necessary to repair the defect(s) or to replace the defective parts of the Products, however, Seller shall not be liable in any way for any damage caused thereby, unless Seller has intentionally or by gross negligence provided such defective parts.
5) Seller installs, assembles or repairs parts and products manufactured by companies which Seller authorized (hereinafter referred to as the “Original”). In case that the customer provides to Seller non - Original parts of a product in connection with agreed services or a part thereof, Seller may request for a replacement of those with the Original parts. Otherwise, Seller may reserve the right not to perform such services or may cancel the respective order. In case Seller has performed its service in exceptional emergency conditions, Seller shall not be liable for such service.
4. Product Liability
Any suits or claims against Buyer by a third party, for compensation for damages resulting from death, human injury or any other lost or destroyed property attributable to any defect(s) in Buyerʼs goods which incorporate Sellerʼs defective Products, will result in the Buyer notifying the Seller forthwith about such case and both parties shall discuss the portion of liability and cost which shall be borne by each party.
5. Confidentiality Obligation
Seller and Buyer shall not use or rent, disclose, assignor divulge to any third party any technical and business information whatsoever which may come to its knowledge in the course of business between Seller and Buyer, or which may be disclosed from the other, without the written consent of the other.
6. Force Majeure
Seller shall be neither liable for loss, damage, delay nor be deemed to be in default for failure to perform all or part of the obligations under these General Terms and Conditions when prevented from doing so by causes beyond its reasonable control including but not limited to Acts of God, fire, acts of war, riots, civil commotion, strikes, acts of terrorism, compliance with government regulations, labour dispute actions, delays or shortages in transportation or communication lines, planned interruption of electricity and any other similar causes.
7. Alteration of the contract
Buyer shall obtain Sellerʼs written approval, if Xxxxx intends to change the terms and conditions of the original Contract. Seller shall be entitled to suspend the performance of its obligations under these General Terms and Conditions, where it is clear from the circumstances that Seller is unable to perform its obligations as a result of any substantial turbulence in prices or any other sudden unpredictable changes of circumstances.
8. Limitation of Liability
In no event shall Seller be liable for special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages including, but not limited to, loss of profits or revenue, loss of use of Product, cost of capital, down time costs, delays, services and any claims from customers of Buyer or other third parties for any damages. Sellerʼs aggregated maximum liability for any loss or damage thereabout, shall in no case exceed 10% of the purchase price allocable to the Product.
9. Compliance with Laws, Ordinances, etc.
Seller and Buyer shall each comply with the relevant laws, ordinances and other regulations in performing any individual contracts between the parties. Further, neither party shall, directly or indirectly, commit any act of giving or receiving a bribe in whatever form, commit any act of providing facilities to the other by offering excessive entertainment, receptions, gifts or such like which are contrary to social common sense, or conduct any other improper or undue acts which are in violation of any other relevant laws and ordinances, nor shall Seller and Buyer compel the other to do so.
10. Export Controls regarding National security
Sellerʼs acceptance of any order will be conditional upon the grant of export and/or re-export authorizations by the competent authorities in the countries of origin of the offered products including their parts and components and/or technology if and to the extent legally required. Refusal, withdrawal or invalidity of the said export and/or re-export authorizations due to any event beyond the reasonable control of Seller shall indemnify Seller from its contractual obligations in relation to the delivery of the products, technology and services concerned.
00.Xxxxx Compliance
Any quotation is legally binding upon us only after you have placed an order and received a written acceptance from us. We reserve the right to withdraw our quotation at any point in time.
By placing the order, you certify that the items ordered will not be used for any purpose connected with chemical, biological or nuclear weapons, nor missiles capable of delivering such weapons, nor any other purpose prohibited by applicable law. You also confirm that the items ordered will not be sold or transferred, directly or indirectly, to Iran, North Korea, Syria, Russia, Belarus, Crimea or any contested region of Ukraine or Russia.
Furthermore, you certify that you will comply with applicable local and international foreign trade and customs requirements, as well as any embargos and other trade sanctions (collectively
“Foreign Trade Obligations”).
You will immediately notify us in writing of any breach of this statement.
We shall not be obligated to fulfill a binding order or agreement or any part thereof or related to it, nor liable for its non-fulfillment, if such fulfillment is prevented by any impediments arising out of Foreign Trade Obligations. We also retain the right to terminate a binding order or agreement or any part thereof or related to it, with immediate effect and without prior notice, if fulfillment is prevented by any impediments arising out of any Foreign Trade Obligations.
You shall indemnify us for any direct or indirect damages arising in xxxxxxxxxxx of any breach of this statement.
12. Cancellation of Contracts.
1) If one Party succumbs to any one of the following, the other Party may cancel forthwith everyone or any of all the individual contracts with no penalty then effective immediately without any peremptory notice.
If one Party receives a disposition from a supervisory governmental agency which revokes, stops or otherwise prevents business continuance.
If one Party receives an application seeking seizure, provisional seizure, provisional disposition, other forcible execution or public auction, or a disposition for non-payment of taxes and public imposts.
If an application seeking for liabilities readjustment proceedings such as bankruptcy, readjustment under the Commercial Code, civil rehabilitation or corporate reorganization proceedings is filed by one Party, or if any other official or private-based liabilities readjustment proceedings are commenced, or if the schedule of such proceedings is made known or notified.
If one Party becomes insolvent, or if Buyer dishonours any of its notes.
If one Party ceases its business operations, or closes its principal premises, or if the representative of a Party disappears and it is impossible to contact him or her. If one Party breaches the provisions of Article 9.
If it is found that one Party is an anti-social power such as a crime syndicate or Buyer comes to have relations with such power.
If any event or reason breaking the faith which would be substantially treated as those set out in the preceding Subparagraphs occurs on the part of one Party.
2)If Buyer breaches any term of an individual contract and Seller then requests Buyer to cure such breach within a thirty (30) day period, but Buyer still fails to do so within the period, Seller may cancel any one or all of the individual contracts then effective.
3) In respect of cancellation of order or return of unused items for the convenience of Buyer, Seller may accept for below defined cancellation fee only if the item is listed in the Atlas Copco catalogue and within 30 days after order placement.
If the seal of the item is not broken, Buyer shall pay 40 % of the invoice amount. If the seal is broken, Seller may accept after its inspection and qualification. When such items are accepted, Buyer shall pay 55 % of invoiced amount. In case of such return, Buyer shall pay transport and packing cost.
If there is below statement in the quotation on the front of the sheet, cancellation, change or return of order for the convenience of Buyer is not accepted.
Example of exception clause
'This quotation includes make-to-order items, which cannot be cancelled, changed or returned after order placement.'
13. Loss of the time benefit
If any one of the events and reasons set out in Subparagraphs ① through ⑧ of Paragraph 1) of the preceding Article occurs on the part of Buyer, or if the individual contracts are cancelled pursuant to Paragraph 2) of the preceding Article, all obligations that Buyer has to Seller shall, as a matter of course, lose the benefit of time, and Xxxxx shall immediately complete all obligations in full to Seller.
14. Entire Agreement
These General Terms and Conditions supersede any other prior agreement, oral or written, between Seller and Buyer.
15. Governing Law
Unless especially agreed under any of the applicable terms, all matters including the validity, construction and performance of these General Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws, regulations and other rules of Japan.
16. Jurisdiction
The Tokyo District Court shall have sole jurisdiction over all lawsuits of first instance relevant to these General Terms and Conditions.
The Japanese language shall be the main language in these General Terms and Conditions. Any translations into other languages shall be only for the convenience of the partiesʼ interpretation purposes.
[Revised Ver. Apr. 2024]