A)「建築期」付款計劃 (照訂價)
(A)「建築期」付款計劃 (照訂價)
1. 樓價 5%於買方簽署臨時買賣合約時繳付,並於五個工作天內到指定律師樓簽署正式買賣合約。
2. 樓價 5%於買方簽署正式買賣合約時繳付。
3. 樓價 5%於買方簽署正式買賣合約後六十天內繳付。
4. 樓價 5%於買方簽署正式買賣合約後一百二十天內繳付。
5. 樓價 80%於賣方發出入伙通知書十四天內付清。
1. 在 2013 年 12 月 31 日或之前付清所有樓款將回贈相等於樓價 5%之金額註:
(a) 買方必須於提前付清樓款不少於 30 天前以書面通知賣方。
(b) 此優惠只供一手買家(以正式買賣合約列名之買方為準),不得轉讓。上述所有中文譯本僅供參考,如英文有歧異,一概以英文版本為準。
Payment Terms
(A) Stage Payment (List Price)
1. An initial deposit equivalent to 5% of the purchase price shall be paid upon signing of the Provisional Agreement for Sale and Purchase. The purchaser(s) has/have to attend the office of the Vendor’s Solicitor within 5 workings days after signing of the Provisional Agreement for Sale and Purchase to sign the Formal Agreement for Sale And Purchase.
2. 5% of the purchase price shall be paid upon signing of the Formal Agreement for Sale and Purchase.
3. 5% of the purchase price shall be paid within 60 days after signing of the Formal Agreement for Sale and Purchase.
4. 5% of the purchase price shall be paid within 120 days after signing of the Formal Agreement for Sale and Purchase.
5. 80% of the purchase price shall be paid within 14 days of the issue of the Notice of Completion.
If the Purchaser shall pay the purchase price in full on or before the below specified date, the Vendor will provide a cash rebate to the Purchaser in the amount equivalent to the percentage below of purchase price:-
Amount of cash rebate for early full payment of purchase price
1. Equivalent to 5% of the purchase price if the purchase price shall be fully paid on or before 31th December 2013. Remarks:
(a) Purchaser shall give a written notice to the Vendor not less than 30 days before the date of full payment of purchase price.
(b) This benefit is personal to the Purchasers named in the Sale and Purchase Agreement and is non-transferable.
In case of discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of the contents herein, the English version shall prevail.
買方必須於買樓當天以銀行本票港幣$150,000 為臨時訂金 (抬頭請寫「胡關xx律師行」),另請備支票作為支付臨時訂金之尾數。 Purchasers are required to pay in cashier order an Initial Deposit of HKD $150,000 & of the purchase price at the time of purchase. (Payable to “XXX, XXXX, XXX & LO”.).Please prepare another cheque to pay for the balance of the Initial Deposit.
賣 方 保 留 不 時 修 改 上 述 付 款 辦 法 之 全 部 權 利 , 且 無 須 預 先 通 知 。
The Vendor reserves all its rights to amend the above payment terms from time to time without prior notice.
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