附件 2
1.1 国际船级社协会的成员
1.2 条款 4 中所定义的国旗船级社,但是这些船舶应仅从事该国沿海运输(包括从事该国所属的岛屿之间的运输)
散装货船、多用途货船船龄超过 10 年,其它类型船舶船龄超过 15 年,除非是:
2.1 在特定范围的港口之间从事固定的、有规律的杂货贸易运输,船龄不超过 25
2.2 集装箱船、滚装船或双壳开口龙门吊机船,一直在特定范围的港口间从事固定的、有规律的贸易运输,船龄不超过 30 年。
This insurance and the marine transit rates as agreed in the policy or open cover a pply only to cargoes and/or interests carried by mechanically self-propelled vessels o f steel construction classed with a Classification Society which is:
1.1 a Member or Associate Member of the International Association of Classifi cation Societies (IACS), or
1.2 a National Flag Society as defined in Clause 4 below, but only where the vessel is engaged exclusively in the coastal trading of that nation (Includin g trading on an inter-island route within an archipelago of which that natio n forms part).
Cargoes and/or interests carried by vessels not classed as above must be notifi ed promptly to underwriters for rates and conditions to be agreed. Should a loss occur prior to such agreement being obtained cover may be provided but only if cover would have been available at a reasonable commercial market rate on re asonable commercial market terms.
2) Cargoes and/or interests carried by Qualifying Vessels (as defined above) which exceed the following age limits will be insured on the policy or open cover condi tions subject to a additional premium to be agreed.
Bulk or combination carrier over 10 years of age or Other vessels over 15 year s of age unless they
2.1 have been used for the carriage of general cargo on an established and regular pattern of trading between a range of specified ports, and do not exceed 25 years of age, or
2.2 were constructed a s containerships, vehicle carriers or double-skin open-h atch gantry crane vessels (OHGCs) and have been continuously used as such on an established and regular pattern of trading between a ranged o f specified ports, and do not exceed 30 years of age
3) The requirements of this Clause do not apply to any craft used to load or unloa d the vessel within the port area
4) A National Flag Society is a Classification Society which is domiciled in the xxx e country as the owner of the vessel in question which must also operate under the flag of that country.
5) Where this insurance requires the assured to give prompt notice to the Underwri ters, the right to cover is dependent upon compliance with that obligation.
6) This insurance is subject to English law and practice.
The joint cargo committee (JCC) circulated a draft of the revised Institute Classificati on Clause to a wide audience under its circular JC 2000/0007 dated 29 October 20
00. Following this Procedure the JCC received a wide spread of comment relating to the draft. The committee has now agreed the final version of the clause, and a copy
, dated 1 January 2001, is attached. The only amendment from the previously circul ated draft is a change to the numbering of the sub-clauses under clause 2 to bring it into line with other Institute clauses.The attached drafting notes have also been pr epared which outline the major issues dealt with during this latest amendment to the clause. These notes have been updated from those issued on 29 September to clari fy some of the issues brought out during the consultation process. The new clause is available for use on new business and renewals with immediate effect.
The Institute Classification Clause 1/8/97 will be withdrawn from circulation on a date to be advised.
Institute Classification Clause 1/1/2001: Drafting Points.
(1) the word "insurance" has been added in Clause 1 to emphasize that non-co mpliance with the Classification Clause goes directly to the validity of cover and not only to the rate of premium.
(2) The clause refers to "…vessels of steel construction…"the JCC would regar d this term as also encompassing vessels constructed of aluminium alloy.
(3) It has been decided by the JCC that it is no longer appropriate to nominate particular classification societies but, instead, to accept all societies who ar e full or associate members of IACS
(Clause 1.1). Reference is made in a footnote to the current IACS website, which co ntains a current list of member societies.
(4) Which there is coastal trading (Clause 1.2) the JCC will also recognise clas sification with National Societies as defined in Clause 4. It should be recogn ised that, where felt appropriate by underwriters, a National Flag Society co
uld include a governmental maritime authority vested with the power to issu e trading licences and certificates.
(5) It is to be noted that vessels not classed with IACS or a national flag socie ty "must be" promptly notified to underwrites. Both rates and conditions mus t be "separately" agreed.
(6) The JCC has decided to retain the 10 year age limit for bulkers, this being in accordance with the technical advice received and soundings in the inter national markets through questionnaires. The JCC has decided that, in the light of technical information received, larger tankers over 10 years of age n o longer call for special treatment and the age limitation before an AP is pa yable becomes 16 years.
(7) The JCC has decided to modify the concept of liner trade routes for vessel carrying general cargo to bring it more into line with current trading patterns
. The JCC has also introduced in Clause 2.2, after consultation with both in surance markets and shipowners, a completely new concept excepting certa in containerships, open hatch gantry crane vessels and vehicle carriers from the age limits, though an upper age limit of 30 yeas is still imposed
(8) cargoes carried by ship's falling within the classification requirements but out side the age limits may ,as before , be insured on cover terms but at rates to be agreed.
(9) underwriters will require other vessels not falling within the accepted classifi cation societies to be notified promptly for rates and conditions to be agree d.
(10) a new clause takes the place of the earlier "held covered" provision. This n ew clause represents the English law position as to "held covered" as it cur rently stands, and has the effect of no change from the position under the current wording. It was felt that there had been misunderstandings in some quarters as to what was meant by "held covered" and that some elaboratio n would be helpful. Evidence of "market terms" would require an exercise to establish what terms might be obtainable in the market place i.e. from a rep resentative sample of underwriters active in the class of underwriting cargo business. The fact that one underwriter might quote for a risk generally reg arded as unacceptable by such a representative sample of underwriters, wo uld not avoidance that the risk could be insured at a "reasonable commerci al market" rate/terms. The collective view of such a sample would represent the market position.
(11) The Craft Clause (providing that the classification clause does not apply to craft used to load or unl0ad the vessel within the port area) has been upda xxx to omit the words "raft and lighter" as these are included in the word "c
raft". The new Craft Clause has been added as a note of the end of Classi fication Clause, where it is more appropriately
(12) In line with the Institute Clauses it made clear that the insurance as subject to English law and practice.