第1条 本社債の発行
1. 発行会社は、本契約に基づき、2007年7月5日(以下「払込期日」という。)に本社債を社債の金額の100パーセントにあたる価額(以下「発行価額」という。)で発行する。本社債は、第2条第2項に従った買取代金純額(第2条第2項に定義する。)の支払に対して払込期日付で発行される。
2. 本社債には社債等の振替に関する法律(平成13年法律第75号。その後の改正を含む。)
第2条 本社債の元引受および買取
1. 本契約の条項に基づき、発行会社は払込期日に本社債を発行価額で発行し共同主幹事会社に売付けることに合意し、共同主幹事会社はこれを連帯して元引受し買取ることに合意する。
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2. 事務幹事会社は、共同主幹事会社を代表して、払込期日の午前10時30分(日本時間)以前に、本社債の発行価額の総額から第4条第1項に規定する手数料を差し引いた本社債の買取代金純額(以下「買取代金純額」という。)を発行会社に対し日本円で支払う。かかる支払は、振替機関が運営する社債等の振替制度(以下「振替制度」という。)に基づき、発行会社の発行代理人として行為する日本国xxxに所在する株式会社三井住友銀行に対し日本銀行金融ネットワークシステムを通じて買取代金純額を即時に現金化可能な資金にて振込むことによりこれを行う。
第3条 募集
1. 有価証券届出書(以下に定義する。)による届出の効力が生じていることを条件として、共同主幹事会社は、2007年6月27日(または発行会社と共同主幹事会社が合意するその他の日もしくは期間)に、本社債を発行価額で募集する。
2. 発行会社は、共同主幹事会社またはその他の者が、本社債の募集に関し、有価証券届出書、仮目論見書(以下に定義する。)もしくは目論見書(以下に定義する。)またはその他の資料(以下に定義する。)に記載されているもの以外の表示または情報の提供を行うことを認めていない。各共同主幹事会社は、本社債の募集に関し、有価証券届出書、仮目論見書もしくは目論見書またはその他の資料に記載されているもの以外の表示または情報の提供を行わないことに合意する。本契約において、「有価証券届出書」とは、本社債の募集に関し、発行会社が、日本国証券取引法(昭和23年法律第25号。その後の改正を含む。)(以下「証券取引法」という。)に基づき、2007年6月11日に、日本国財務省関東財務局長(以下「関東財務局長」という。)に提出した有価証券届出書(その訂正届出書および添付書類を含む。)をいい、「目論見書」とは、証券取引法に基づき本社債の募集のために用意された社債発行届出目論見書(その訂正事項分を含む。)をいう。また、特に「仮目論見書」と言う場合には、本契約の日付までに、その時々に、実際に投資家に配布された、各目論見書およびその訂正事項分をいう。さらに、本契約において、「その他の資料」とは、本社債の募集に関連して共同主幹事会社または発行会社が使用するために発行会社が作成し、共同主幹事会社に提供した仮目論見書および目論見書以外の文書、図画、音声その他の資料をいう。
3. 共同主幹事会社による本社債の募集は、日本国およびその他の国(ただし、アメリカ合衆国(本契約書において別段の定義がない限り、以下「合衆国」という。)およびその属
(a) 本社債は、1933年合衆国証券法(その後の改正を含む。)(以下「証券法」という。)のもとで登録されておらず、かつ今後も登録される予定はなく、証券法に基づくレギュレーション S(以下「レギュレーション S」という。)に従うかまたは証券法の登録免除規定に従う場合以外で、合衆国においてまたは合衆国人に対しもしくはその計算においてもしくはその利益のために、これを募集しまたは売付けてはならない。各共同主幹事会社は、本社債の募集および売付を(ⅰ)その分売の一環として行う場合は、いつでも、また(ⅱ)それ以外の場合は、募集開始または払込期日のうちいずれか遅い方から40日までの間(以下「制限期間」という。)、レギュレーション Sに従ってのみ行ったことを表明し、かつそのようにすることに合意する。したがって、各共同主幹事会社、その関係者またはそれらの代理人として行動する者のいずれも本社債について意図的販売努力を行ったことはなく、また今後も行わないことに合意し、それぞれレギュレーション S の募集制限条項に従っており、かつ今後も従うものとする。各共同主幹事会社は、売付の確認時またはそれに先立ち、制限期間中各自から本社債を購入した各販売業者、ディーラー、または販売手数料、料金その他の報酬を受ける者に対し、概要以下の内容の確認文または通知文を送付することに合意する。
「この証券は、1933年合衆国証券法(その後の改正を含む。)(以下「証券法」という。)のもとで登録されておらず、合衆国においてまたは合衆国人に対しもしくはその計算においてもしくはその利益のために、(ⅰ)その分売の一環として行う場合は、いつでも、また(ⅱ)それ以外の場合は、募集開始または払込期日のうちいずれか遅い方から40日までの間、証券法に基づくレギュレーション S(以下
「レギュレーション S」という。)に従う以外の方法で募集および売付をしてはならない。上記で使用した用語はレギュレーション S に定める意味を有する。」
本第3項(a)で使用する用語は、レギュレーション S に定める意味を有する。
(b) (ⅰ) 合衆国財務省規則1.163-5(c)(2)(ⅰ)(C)(以下「C ルール」という。)に基づき、本社債は、当初発行に関しては合衆国およびその属領外において発行および交付されなければならない。
(ⅱ) 各共同主幹事会社は、本社債の当初発行に関して、本社債を合衆国またはその属領内において直接または間接に募集、売付けまたは交付したことはなく、また今後も募集、売付けまたは交付しないことを表明する。
(ⅲ) 本社債の当初発行に関し、各共同主幹事会社は、共同主幹事会社自らまたは潜在的購入者が、合衆国またはその属領内にいるか、あるいはその合衆国内の事務所が本社債の募集または売付けに際し関与する場合、かかる潜在的購入者と直接または間接に連絡を取らず、また今後も連絡を取らないことを表明する。
本第3項(b)において使用する用語は、1996年合衆国内国歳入法(その後の改正を含む。)および同法に基づく諸規則(C ルールを含む。)に定める意味を有する。
(c) 証券取引に関するアイスランド法(No.33/2003)およびアイスランド共和国(以下
第4条 手数料および費用
1. 発行会社は、本契約に基づく本社債の幹事、引受および販売に係る手数料として、本社債の総額の0.25パーセントに相当する金額を、払込期日に、共同主幹事会社を代表する事務幹事会社に対し日本円で支払う。かかる支払は、第2条第2項に定める方法によりこれを行う。
2. 発行会社は、(a)本社債の発行に際してまたは発行に関連して日本国またはアイスランドにおいて支払われるべき印紙税その他の公租公課、(b)有価証券届出書、仮目論見書および目論見書の印刷、提出および配布ならびに本契約および本社債に関するその他一切の契約証書の印刷および調印に関する実費、(c)発行会社の法律顧問および会計士の報酬および費用、(d)本社債の募集に関する広告費用、(e)本社債について振替機関に支払われる新規記録手数料ならびに(f)発行会社が本契約上の発行会社の債務を履行するのに必要なその他一切の合理的な費用を支払う。
3. 発行会社は、さらに、共同主幹事会社を代表する事務幹事会社に対し、本社債の元引受、買取および募集ならびにその準備に関する旅費、テレックス、電信、ファクシミリ、電話、郵便その他の通信費用ならびに共同主幹事会社の法律顧問の合理的な報酬および費用を含む共同主幹事会社の合理的範囲の実費の払戻金として、発行会社と共同主幹事会社が別途合意する金額を日本円で支払うことに合意する。
第5条 発行会社の表明および保証
(a) 有価証券届出書による届出の効力が生じた日(以下「効力発生日」という。)および払込期日において、有価証券届出書、仮目論見書または目論見書中(いずれも、効力発生日または払込期日までにおける訂正または補足を含む。)に重要な事項について虚偽の記載がなく、記載すべき重要な事項または誤解を生じさせないために必要な事実の記載が欠けておらず、かつその他の資料中に、重要な事項についての虚偽の表示または誤解を生じさせるような表示がなく、また、誤解を生じさせないために必要な事実の表示が欠けていないこと。ただし、この表明および保証は、有価証券届出書、仮目論見書、目論見書またはその他の資料に使用するために共同主幹事会社が発行会社に提供した情報に依拠し、これと一致して有価証券届出書、仮目論見書、目論見書またはその他の資料に記載された共同主幹事会社に関する記述については適用されない。
(b) 有価証券届出書、仮目論見書および目論見書が、その様式および記載事項のいずれについても証券取引法、関係政省令、内閣府令およびその他の関係規則に従って作成されており、また、作成がなされる予定であること。
(c) 有価証券届出書によりなされた届出が、証券取引法に基づき、本契約の日付に効力を生じ、かつ、払込期日までその効力が持続していること、ならびに有価証券届出書によりなされた届出の効力の停止を命じられるおそれのある聴聞の通知が払込期日までに出されていないこと。
(d) 有価証券届出書、仮目論見書および目論見書に記載されている、発行会社の2005年および2006年12月31日現在の監査済連結貸借対照表および関連する2005年および 2006年12月31日に終了した事業年度の監査済連結損益計算書、連結株主持分変動表および連結キャッシュ・フロー計算書、ならびに発行会社の2006年および2007年3
月31日現在の未監査の連結期中貸借対照表および関連する2006年および2007年3月 31日に終了した3か月間の未監査の連結期中損益計算書、連結期中株主持分変動表および要約連結期中キャッシュ・フロー計算書は、すべての重要な点について、国際財務報告基準に従った、xxかつxxな、当該財務書類の日付(以下「当該日」という。)現在の発行会社およびその連結子会社の連結財政状態ならびに当該日に終了した事業年度または3か月間のそれらの連結経営成績、株主持分変動およびキャッシュ・フローを表示していること。
(e) 発行会社はアイスランド法に基づき適法に設立され、有効に存続し、グッド・スタンディングにある法人で、有価証券届出書、仮目論見書および目論見書に記載のとおり財産を所有、賃貸、運用し、業務を遂行する完全なる能力および権限を有していること。発行会社は本社債を発行し、社債の要項に基づく発行会社の義務を履行し、社債の要項を遵守し、本契約および発行会社と財務代理人兼発行・支払代理人である株式会社三井住友銀行との間の本契約と同日付の財務代理契約(以下、「財務代理契約」といい、本契約とあわせて「関連諸契約」という。)を締結し、交付し、関連諸契約に基づく発行会社の義務を履行し、関連諸契約を遵守するための完全なる能力および権限を有していること。
(f) 発行会社による関連諸契約の締結、交付および履行は発行会社によって発行会社側で必要な全ての手続を経て適法に授権されており、関連諸契約は発行会社の適法かつ有効な拘束力を有する債務を構成し、その条項に従って発行会社に対して執行可能であること(ただし、xxxは破産法または債権者の権利一般に影響する法律により制限されることがある。)。
(g) 発行会社による本契約に従った本社債の発行および発行会社による社債の要項に従 った本社債上の義務の履行は発行会社により発行会社側で必要な全ての手続を経て 適法に授権されており、本社債の総額はかかる授権の範囲内であること。本社債は、 本契約に従って発行されたときは、発行会社の適法かつ有効な拘束力を有する債務 を構成し、その条項に従って発行会社に対して執行可能となること(ただし、xx xは破産法または債権者の権利一般に影響する法律により制限されることがある。)。
(h) 発行会社による関連諸契約の締結および交付、本社債の発行および販売、ならびに本社債および関連諸契約の条項の履行のために必要な裁判所、政府機関その他の規制当局のまたはこれらに対する一切の認可、同意、承認、通知、登録および届出(有
(i) 発行会社は、本社債が振替制度に基づく振替のための適格性を備えるために必要な一切の手続を行っており、またはかかる手続を行わせていること。
(j) 本社債の発行についての授権、本社債の発行、発行会社による社債の要項に従った本社債上の義務の履行ならびに発行会社による関連諸契約の締結、交付および履行は、いずれも、適用法令のすべての条項、発行会社の定款または発行会社を拘束する重要な契約、判決、差止命令、命令、決定もしくはその他の証書に違背せず、または違反もしくは不履行となるものではなく、かつ、適用法令、発行会社の定款または発行会社を拘束する重要な契約、判決、差止命令、命令、決定またはその他の証書の条項に基づき、発行会社の資産または収入のいずれかに対し、抵当権、質権先取特権またはその他の負担を設定し、または課すことにならないこと。
(k) 本社債に関して支払われるべき元利金およびその他のすべての金員の発行会社によるすべての支払に対して、アイスランドまたはアイスランドのもしくはアイスランド国内の課税当局もしくは課税機関により課されるあらゆる性質の税金、公租、公課、政府賦課金も課されないこと。ただし、社債の要項第9項記載の場合にはこの限りでない。
(l) 買取代金純額が本契約の規定に従って全額払込まれたとき、本社債は、有効に発行され、適法、有効かつ発行会社に対して拘束力を有する発行会社の直接、無条件、非劣後かつ無担保の債務を構成し、社債の要項に従って執行可能であること(ただし、xxxは破産法もしくは債権者の権利一般に影響する法律により制限されることがある。)。本社債について一定の金額が、社振法に基づき振替機関または口座管理機関に開設している口座の保有欄に増額記帳されたとき、当該口座の保有者は本社債の当該金額にかかる保有者としての権利が与えられる。
(m) 本社債に関して発行会社の代理として行為しているとみなされるか、または発行会社の関係者であるとみなされる範囲での本契約に基づく共同主幹事会社の行為に関するものを除き、発行会社もしくはその関係者またはそれらの代理人は、本社債につき合衆国向けの意図的販売努力(レギュレーション S に定義する意味を有する。)を行ったことがなく、今後も行うことはなく、発行会社、かかる関係者および代理人はレギュレーション S の募集制限要件に従っており、今後も従い、また発行会社、
(n) 発行会社は、(ⅰ)発行会社が当事者であるかまたは発行会社もしくはその財産を拘束する一切の証書、合意または命令につき、その条項に違反しておらず、また、不履行となっておらず、また、時間の経過もしくは通知の付与もしくはその他の条件により上記証書、合意もしくは命令の不履行となるような事態も発生しておらず、 (ⅱ)その結果が本社債の発行および募集との関連で重大となるような請求もしくは額となりうる、または、発行会社の連結もしくは非連結の財政状態、経営成績もしくは事業に重大な悪影響を及ぼしうるもしくは実際に及ぼした、一切の訴訟手続、仲裁手続、行政手続、公法上の手続またはその他の手続(被告としてであるかその他の場合であるかを問わない。)に関与しておらず、かつ、発行会社の知る限りかかる手続は係属しておらず、また係属するおそれもなく、(ⅲ)発行会社の清算または解散に向けた法的措置をとっておらず、かつ、合理的な調査をすべて行なった上で知りまたは信じる限りにおいて、かかる法的措置はとられておらず、または開始されていないこと。
(o) 有価証券届出書、仮目論見書および目論見書に記載されているもの以外は、2006年 12月31日以後、発行会社およびその子会社全体としての事業、資産、財政状態もしくは経営成績に重大な悪化または重大な悪化を及ぼす可能性のある事態は生じておらず、かつ発行会社およびその子会社全体として、直接的であるか、または偶発的であるかを問わず、重大な義務または債務を負っていない。また、発行会社またはその子会社は、いずれも、その不履行が、発行会社およびその子会社を1つの企業体とみた場合の連結財政状態または収益に重大な悪影響を及ぼしうるいかなる債務についても債務不履行に陥っていないこと。
(p) 既に本社債が発行されていたとするならば不履行事由(社債の要項に定義する。)となる事態または時間の経過もしくは通知の付与もしくはその双方により不履行事由となる事態は発生していないこと。
第6条 発行会社の約束
(a) 発行会社は、証券取引法に基づき必要とされる発行会社の有価証券報告書、半期報告書および、必要がある場合には臨時報告書(それぞれの訂正報告書を含む。以下同じ。)を関東財務局長に提出するほか、本社債に適用ある日本国の法令(証券取引法を含む。)を遵守する。
(b) 発行会社は、(ⅰ)本社債について発行会社が関東財務局長に提出する報告書(有価証券報告書、半期報告書および臨時報告書を含む。)の写し、(ⅱ)本社債に関し証券取引法に基づいて関東財務局長に提出する一切の書類の写し、ならびに(ⅲ)本社債に関し共同主幹事会社がその時々に書面により合理的な範囲で要求するその他の公開の書類の写しを速やかに共同主幹事会社に交付する。ただし、開示用電子情報処理組織(EDINET)により関東財務局長に提出された書類については、写しの交付に代えて、提出の旨共同主幹事会社に通知すれば足りる。
(c) 発行会社は、有価証券届出書に対する有価証券届出書の訂正届出書の提出命令または有価証券届出書に基づく届出の効力の停止命令に至るおそれのある聴聞の通知を関東財務局長から受領したときは、速やかに共同主幹事会社に対してその旨を通知する。かかる命令が発せられた場合は、速やかに当該提出命令にかかる有価証券届出書の訂正届出書を提出するよう最大限の努力をし、または関東財務局長がかかる停止命令を解除するために必要な有価証券届出書の訂正届出書を提出するなどかかる停止命令の解除を取得するための最大限の努力をする。
(d) 発行会社は、共同主幹事会社に対し、共同主幹事会社が使用するために、共同主幹事会社がその時々に合理的に要求する部数の目論見書を提供し、有価証券届出書が関東財務局長に提出された後3か月間の期間が経過した時点または本社債の売付けに関し目論見書の交付が日本法上不要となった時点のいずれか早い時点より前に、目論見書(その時点で訂正または補足されたもの。)が重要な事項について虚偽の記載を含みまたは記載すべき重要な事項もしくは誤解を生ぜしめないために必要な事実の記載が欠けていることとなるような事態が発生した場合、またはその他理由の如何を問わず、証券取引法を遵守するために目論見書を訂正もしくは補足する必要がある場合、共同主幹事会社に通知し、共同主幹事会社の要請により速やかにかかる記載もしくは記載の欠落を是正しまたは証券取引法を遵守するための目論見書
(e) 発行会社は、払込期日に第2条第2項に従い買取代金純額の払込がなされる前において、本契約中の表明、保証または合意事項に影響を及ぼす重要な状況の変化があった場合は、直ちにこれを共同主幹事会社に通知し、その是正または公表(有価証券届出書の訂正届出書の提出を含む。)のために必要な措置を講じ、かつ、これに関連して共同主幹事会社が発行会社と協議の上講じた措置に関して支出した合理的な費用を共同主幹事会社に払戻す。
(f) 発行会社は、払込期日から20日以内に、日本国の外国為替及び外国貿易法(昭和24年法律第228号。その後の改正を含む。)に基づき日本国財務大臣に対し証券の発行又は募集に関する報告書を提出する。
(g) 発行会社が本社債の募集のためにその他の資料を使用しまたは使用させる場合には、発行会社は、その使用に先立って当該その他の資料の写しを共同主幹事会社に提供する。
第7条 共同主幹事会社の保証および約束
(a) 当該共同主幹事会社による本契約の締結および履行は当該共同主幹事会社により適法に授権されており、本契約はその条項に従って当該共同主幹事会社に対し執行可能な当該共同主幹事会社の適法かつ有効な法的拘束力を有する契約であること。ただし、xxxは破産法、会社更生法、民事再生法もしくは債権者の権利一般に影響を及ぼす類似の法律、および公序則の適用により制限されることがある。
(b) 本契約の締結および履行につき日本国の法令上当該共同主幹事会社が取得すべき一切の免許および許可を取得しており、これらが払込期日においても完全に有効であること。
(c) 本社債の引受および募集に関し当該共同主幹事会社に適用あるすべての法令を遵守しており、これを継続的に遵守することを確実ならしめること。
第8条 停止条件
(a) 財務代理契約が関係当事者により適法に締結、交付され、払込期日においても有効であること。
(b) 第5条に記載されている発行会社の一切の表明および保証が、払込期日において改めてなされたとしても、払込期日においてxxかつ正確であることおよび発行会社が払込期日までに履行すべき本契約に基づくすべての債務を履行していること。
(c) 本契約の日付以降、(ⅰ)国際金融、政治もしくは経済状況または為替管理における重大な悪化、(ⅱ)東京証券取引所、ニューヨーク証券取引所またはロンドン証券取引所における証券取引一般の停止または大幅な制限、(ⅲ)アイスランド、スウェーデン、日本国、合衆国または連合王国の当局によるアイスランド、スウェーデン、日本国、合衆国または連合王国のそれぞれにおける商業銀行業務に関する一般的支払猶予の宣言、(ⅳ)発行会社のいずれかの証券の証券取引所または店頭取引市場における正式な取引停止および(ⅴ)交戦状態その他国内的または国際的な惨事、危機またはテロリズムの勃発または拡大のいずれかであって、目論見書に予定されている条件および方法での本社債の募集を遂行することが実行可能でないと共同主幹事会社が合理的に判断するような影響をもたらす本第8条(c)に記載の一切の事由が発生していないこと。
(d) 発行会社およびその子会社全体としての事業、資産、財政状態もしくは経営成績に重大な悪化または重大な悪化を及ぼす可能性のある事態は生じておらず、かつ発行会社およびその子会社全体として、直接的であるか、または偶発的であるかを問わず、重大な義務または債務を、有価証券届出書、仮目論見書および目論見書に記載されている以外に負っておらず、また、発行会社またはその子会社は、いずれも、その不履行が、発行会社およびその子会社を1つの企業体とみた場合の連結財政状態または経営成績に重大な悪影響を及ぼしうるいかなる債務についても債務不履行に陥っていないこと。
(e) 払込期日に、次に掲げる払込期日付の共同主幹事会社宛の法律意見書が、共同主幹事会社が事前に同意しまたはその他合理的に満足する様式および内容により、共同
(ⅰ) 発行会社のゼネラル・カウンセルであるアスレイフ・グドヨンスドウティールの法律意見書。
(ⅱ) 日本国における発行会社の法律顧問である東京xx・xx・狛法律事務所ベーカー&マッケンジー外国法事務弁護士事務所(外国法共同事業)の法律意見書。
(ⅲ) 共同主幹事会社の法律顧問である外国法共同事業法律事務所リンクレーターズの法律意見書。
(f) 本契約の日付および払込期日において、各日付で発行会社の外部監査人である KPMG Endurskodun hf.の共同主幹事会社宛のコンフォート・レターが、共同主幹事会社が事前に同意しまたはその他合理的に満足する様式および内容により、共同主幹事会社に提出されていること。
(g) 払込期日に、適法に授権された発行会社の役員により署名された証明書で、発行会社と共同主幹事会社が事前に合意した様式により大要次に掲げる内容を有する払込期日付の共同主幹事会社宛の証明書が、共同主幹事会社に対し提出されていること。 (ⅰ) 第5条に記載されている発行会社の一切の表明および保証が、払込期日にお
いて改めてなされたとしても、払込期日においてxxかつ正確であること。 (ⅱ) 発行会社が払込期日までに履行すべき本契約に基づくすべての債務を履行し
(ⅲ) 本第8条(d)記載の事項が払込期日においてxxかつ正確であること。
(h) 有価証券届出書、仮目論見書および目論見書中の記述が正確かつ充分であることを確認するために共同主幹事会社がその時々に合理的な範囲で要求する証明書その他の書類が払込期日(当日を含む。)までに共同主幹事会社に対し提出されていること。
第9条 本契約の解除
2. 第9条第1項に基づき本契約が解除された場合には、共同主幹事会社および発行会社は、それぞれ本契約上の一切の債務を免れる。ただし、発行会社は、第4条第2項記載の公租公課、報酬および費用のすべてを支払うとともに、第4条第3項に基づき決定された金額の範囲内で、共同主幹事会社がそれまで合理的に負担した第4条第3項記載の費用を共同主幹事会社に払戻すものとする。
第10条 補償
1. 発行会社は、(a)本契約に記載の、または本契約に基づいてなされたとみなされる、表明、保証、約束および合意の違反または違反があったとの主張、(b)有価証券届出書、仮目論見書および目論見書に記載された重要な事項についての虚偽の記載もしくは虚偽の記載があったとの主張、または有価証券届出書、仮目論見書および目論見書の中に記載する必要のある重要な事項またはこれらの中に誤解を生じさせないために必要な事実の記載の欠落もしくは欠落があったとの主張、(c)その他の資料中の重要な事項に関する虚偽もしくは誤解を生じさせる表示または虚偽もしくは誤解を生じさせる表示があったとの主張、またはその他の資料中に誤解を生じさせないために必要な事実の表示の欠落もしくは欠落があったとの主張に起因し、またはかかる主張に関連する一切の責任、損害、損失および費用(訴訟費用および経費を含むがこれに限定されるものではない。)または請求(もしくはこれにかかる法的措置)を共同主幹事会社ならびにそれらの取締役、役員、従業員および代理人に対して補償し、これらのものがかかる責任、損害、損失および費用または請求を被らないようにする。ただし、(ⅰ)これらの主張が有価証券届出書、仮目論見書、目論見書またはその他の資料中に使用するために共同主幹事会社が発行会社に提供した情報に依拠して有価証券届出書、仮目論見書、目論見書またはその他の資料中に記載された共同主幹事会社に関する記述に基づきなされた場合、または(ⅱ)これらの責任、損害、損失または費用が第3条第3項記載の表明および保証に共同主幹事会社が違反したことまたは同項記載の合意に従うことを怠ったことによって発生した場合は、この限りでない。
2. 各共同主幹事会社は、(a)有価証券届出書、仮目論見書、目論見書またはその他の資料中に記載された当該共同主幹事会社に関する重要な事項であって、当該共同主幹事会社が
3. 法的主張、訴訟または請求を受けた者(以下「被補償者」という。)がそれについて本第 10条に基づき他の者(以下「補償者」という。)に補償を求めることが可能である場合、被補償者は、かかる法的主張、訴訟または請求があった旨を書面により速やかに補償者に通知するものとする。ただし、補償者に対するかかる通知の欠欫は、本第10条に基づきかかる補償者が被補償者に対して負ういかなる義務も免除するものではない。また、補償者は、被補償者により合理的な要請があったときには、被告としての被補償者の防御に関して、速やかに証拠資料の提出および情報の提供等必要な協力をするものとする。
4. 本第10条に基づく補償者による被補償者への補償は以下を条件として行われる。
(a) 補償者は、被補償者が合理的に満足する法律顧問の任用を含め、防御を引受けることができるものとするが、これは防御を引受ける旨被補償者に通知した時までに被補償者が負担した一切の合理的な費用ならびに当該法律顧問の報酬および費用を補償者が支払うことを条件とする。
(b) (ⅰ)補償者が選任した法律顧問が被補償者を代理すると、かかる法律顧問において利益相反をもたらす場合、(ⅱ)被補償者および補償者双方がかかる訴訟における実際のまたは潜在的な被告または相手方となり、被補償者自らまたは他の被補償者が利用可能であり、かつ補償者が利用可能なものとは異なるかまたは追加的な法的防御があると被補償者が合理的に結論付けた場合、(ⅲ)補償者が本項の規定に従ったかかる防御の引受および防御のための法律顧問の任用を怠った場合、または(ⅳ)補
(c) 補償者は、かかる法的主張、訴訟または請求に関して補償者の書面による同意なしに行われた和解について(かかる同意は不合理に留保できない。)、被補償者に対して補償を行う義務を負わない。補償者は被補償者の事前の書面による同意なしに
第11条 準拠法
第12条 裁判管轄権
1. 本契約に関する契約当事者に対する一切の訴訟は、東京地方裁判所および日本法上同裁判所からの上訴を審理する権限を有する日本国の裁判所に提起することができるものとし、共同主幹事会社および発行会社は、ここに、当該裁判所の管轄権に服することを明示的かつ無条件に取消不能の形で合意する。
2. 発行会社は、本契約に起因しまたはこれに関して日本において提起されることのある一切の訴訟またはその他の裁判手続につき、発行会社の権限ある訴状その他の司法文書の受取人としてその時々の駐日アイスランド大使をここに指名し、訴状その他の司法文書を受取るべき場所としてその時々の在東京アイスランド大使館(現住所は日本国xxx港区高輪四丁目18番26号)をここに指定する。
3. 本第12条の規定は、共同主幹事会社が発行会社に対して適用法令に基づく管轄裁判所において訴訟を起こすこと、または法律で認められているその他の方法により送達を行うことを妨げるものではない。
第13条 通知
1. 本契約に基づき行われる一切の通知は、英文で、書留航空郵便、ファクシミリまたは手交により行われるものとする。かかる一切の通知は、受領した時に効力を生ずる。発行
別 紙
カウプシング銀行 第2回円貨社債(2007)
1. 社債の総額、発行日、各社債の金額および様式
(1) 本社債の総額は金100億円である。
(2) 本社債は2007年7月5日に発行される。
(3) 本社債についての各社債の金額は、金1億円とする。
(4) 本社債には社債等の振替に関する法律(平成13年法律第75号。その後の改正を含む。)(以下「社振法」という。)が適用され、社振法に規定される一定の場合を除き、社債券は発行されない。本社債の譲渡およびその他の事項については、社振法および社債の要項第5項に記載の振替機関の業務規程その他規則等(以下「業務規程等」という。)に従って取り扱われる。
2. 本社債の地位
3. 担保提供制限
(ⅰ) 特定資産(以下に定義する。)からのキャッシュ・フローまたは純キャッシュ・フロー(過去のキャッシュ・フローまたは過去の純キャッシュ・フローを除く。)の金額に限定された当該借主に対する遡求権、および/または、
(ⅱ) 当該関連債務を担保する特定資産またはこれより生じる収入、キャッシュ・フローもしくはその他の受取金に対し、当該借主が設定した(または当該借主の株式もしくは資本同等物に対し当該借主の株主もしくは同等の者が設定した)担保の実行により、かかる関連債務に関する金額を請求できるようにすることを唯一の目的とする当該借主に対する遡求権(ただし、(a)当該借主に対するかかる遡求の範囲は、かかる担保の実行による取立金に限定され、かつ(b)当該借主が関連債務を負っているまたは負うこととなる者は、当該関連債務から生じる、またはこれに関連した権利または請求権に基づいて、当該借主の清算または解散のための手続を開始する権利を有さず、また当該借主または借主の資産(かかる担保の対象物たる資産を除く。)に関する財産保全管理人、受託者もしくはそれらと同様の者または公職者を任命するまたは任命せしめる権利を有さないものとする。)、および/または、
(ⅲ) あらゆる態様の保証、約定もしくは支援に基づく、当該借主に対する一般的な、または発行会社もしくは子会社に対する直接もしくは間接的な遡求権。ただし、かかる遡求権は、かかる遡求の対象となっている者による義務(支払義務もしくは他の者をして支払わせる義務、またはこれらに関する補償義務以外で、財務比率またはその他の財務状態に関するテストを遵守する義務もしくは他の者をしてこれを遵守せしめる義務を除く。)の違反による損害賠償請求権(損害賠償額の予定または特別な方法による損害額の算定が要求される損害にかかるものを除く。)に限定される。
4. 財務代理人兼発行・支払代理人の設置ならびに社債管理会社の不設置
(1) 株式会社三井住友銀行(以下「財務代理人」という。)は、本社債について発行会社の財務代理人兼発行・支払代理人となる。財務代理人は、社債の要項および2007年6月27日付で発行会社および財務代理人間で締結された財務代理契約(以下「財務代理契約」という。)に定める義務を履行し職務を行う。財務代理人は、発行会社の代理人としてのみ行為し、本社債権者に対していかなる義務も負わず、また、本社債権者の代理人または受託者となるものでもない。財務代理契約(社債の要項を含む。)の写しは、財務代理人の本店に備えられ、通常の営業時間において本社債権者の閲覧に供され、本社債権者はこれを謄写することができる。謄写に要する一切の費用はこれを請求する者の負担とする。
(2) 本社債について、社債管理会社は設置されない。
(3) 発行会社は、本社債権者に事前の通知を行うことにより、財務代理人に代えて新たに財務代理人兼発行・支払代理人を任命することができる(ただし、財務代理人は、代替の財務代理人兼発行・支払代理人が有効に任命されるまで在職するものとする。)。
(4) 振替機関(社債の要項第5項に定義する。)が、発行会社に対し、財務代理人の発行代理 人または支払代理人としての指定を取り消す旨の通知をなした場合には、発行会社は遅滞 なく代替の財務代理人兼発行・支払代理人を任命し、その旨を本社債権者に対し通知する。
5. 本社債の振替機関
6. 利 息
7. 支 払
(1) 本社債の元利金は、本社債権者に対し、または社振法および業務規程等に基づき質権が本社債に設定されている場合には質権者に対し、当該本社債権者または質権者が本社債を記録するために口座を開設している振替機関または口座管理機関(以下「直近上位機関」という。)を通じて支払われる。
(2) 本社債の元利金の支払期日が日本において銀行が営業を行っている日(以下「営業日」という。)でない場合は、本社債権者は、翌営業日までかかる金額の支払を受ける権利を有さず、また、かかる支払の繰延べに関して追加の利息その他の支払を受ける権利は有さない。
(3) 支払期日に支払われるべき本社債の元利金の全額を財務代理人がかかる支払期日後に受領した場合には、財務代理人は実務上可能な限り速やかに(ただし、当該金額の受領後14日以内に)、発行会社の費用によりその旨、支払方法および実際の支払日について本社債権者に対して社債の要項第13項に従い通知する。
8. 償還および買入れ
(1) 満 期 償 還
(2) 税務上の理由による償還発行会社は、
(i) 本社債に関する次回の支払期日に、課税管轄地(社債の要項第9項に定義する。)の法律もしくは規則の変更もしくは改正、または、かかる法律もしくは規則の適用もしくは公式解釈の変更がなされた結果(ただし、かかる変更または改正は2007年6月27日以後に効力を生じるものに限る。)、発行会社が、追加金額(社債の要項第9項に定義する。)の支払義務を負っているかまたは負うこととなる場合で、かつ、
(ii) 発行会社が取りうる合理的手段によってもかかる支払義務を回避することができない場合、
2008 年 7 月 4 日 以 前 各 社 債 の 金 額 の 100.50%
2008年7月5日から2009年7月4日まで 各社債の金額の100.25%
2009 年 7 月 5 日 以 降 各 社 債 の 金 額 の 100.00%
(3) 買 入 消 却
(4) 社債の要項に別途定めがある場合を除き、発行会社は、本社債の元金の全部または一部を期限前に償還することができない。
9. 課 税
10. x x
11. 不履行事由
(1) 発行会社が、償還日の到来によるか、期限前償還される場合であるか、その他の場合であるかを問わず、本社債の元金を支払期日後3日間支払わない場合。
(2) 発行会社が、本社債の利息または追加金額を支払期日後7日間支払わない場合。
(3) 発行会社が、本社債または財務代理契約(社債の要項を含む。)に定める、本社債に適用あるその他の条件、約束または合意についての履行または遵守を怠り、かかる不履行または不遵守の治癒を発行会社に対し要求する書面による通知を当該時点で未償還の本社債の総額の10%以上を保有する本社債権者から財務代理人が発行会社のために最初に受領した後、30日を経過してもかかる不履行の状態が是正されない場合。ただし、上記本社債権者は、直近上位機関が発行する本社債の保有を証明する証明書(以下「保有証明書」という。)を、財務代理人に呈示しなければならない。
(4) 発行会社もしくは主要子会社(以下に定義する。)のいずれかの借入金が支払期日に支払われない場合、またはかかる借入金の支払期日前に何らかの債務不履行により支払期日が到来した場合(宣言によるか、または当該借入金を成立させた関連契約または証書に従い自動的に支払期日が到来するかを問わない。)、または発行会社もしくは主要子会社のいずれかの債権者が何らかの債務不履行によりかかる借入金の支払期日が到来した旨宣言する権利を有することとなった場合、または借入金に関連する発行会社もしくは主要子会社のいずれかが利用可能な信用枠または貸付の約束が関連する会社の債務不履行を理由として撤回されたか、停止されたか、または取消された場合。ただし、本第11項(4)の目的上、当該借入
金が、本第11項(4)の一部が適用されるその他のすべての借入金との総額が 15,000,000米ドル(または他通貨建での相当額)を超える場合に限られる。
(5) 発行会社または主要子会社のいずれかの清算または解散につき、管轄裁判所による命令がなされるか、または決議が採択された場合。
(6) 発行会社または主要子会社のいずれかがその全部または相当部分の事業の継続を停止し、または停止する虞がある場合、または発行会社もしくは主要子会社のいずれかが支払期限の到来時にその負債のうちいずれかの種類の支払を停止するかもしくは停止する虞があるか、または支払不能であるか、または支払不能を認める場合、または適用ある法律に基づきまたはかかる法律の目的上かかる負債につき支払不能とみなされる場合、または破産もしくは倒産を宣告されるかまたはそのように判断された場合。
(7) (A)清算、倒産、和議、更生に関する適用法その他類似の法律に基づき発行会社もしくは主要子会社のいずれかに対し法的手続が開始されるか、または発行会社もしくは主要子会社のいずれかまたは(場合により)それらのいずれかの事業または資産の全部または一部に関連して、財産保全管財人もしくはその他の保全管財人、管理人、管財人その他これに類する公職者の任命に関する申立てが行われ、もしくはかかる任命がなされる場合、またはいずれかの事業または資産の全部または一部を権利者が占有することとなる場合、またはかかる事業または資産の全部または一部に対し自救的差押え、強制執行、差押え、仮差押え、その他の手続がなされ、実行され、申立てられまたは開始される場合で、(B)いずれの場合(管理人の任命を除く。)も、それらが14日間以内に解除されない場合。
(8) 発行会社もしくは主要子会社のいずれかが清算、倒産、和議、更生に関する適用法その他類似の法律に基づき自らが自らに関連して手続を開始し、またはかかる手続に同意した場合、または債権者一般(もしくはいずれかの種類の債権者)のために財産権の移転または譲渡を行うか、または債権者一般(もしくはいずれかの種類の債権者)と和議その他の取決めを締結する場合、または債権者一般(もしくはいずれかの種類の債権者)との取決めまたは和議の提案を検討する債権者集会が招集される場合。
不履行事由のいずれかが発生し、継続している場合、各本社債権者は、その選択により、発行会社または財務代理人に対して保有証明書を呈示し、書面により通知をすることによ り、自らが保有する本社債の元本、経過利息(および、もしあれば、これに対する追加金 額)について直ちに支払期日が到来することとなる旨を宣言することができ、当該不履行 事由が上記書面による通知が受領された時まで継続している場合には、当該本社債の元本、
(A) その直近の監査済の(連結または場合により非連結の)財務書類と発行会社および子会社の直近監査済連結財務書類をそれぞれ参照して計算した結果、その総収入
(B) 移転の直前に主要子会社であった発行会社の子会社の事業および資産の全部または重要部分の移転を受けた子会社。
12. 合併、統合、売却、譲渡または賃貸
(1) 発行会社は、他のいかなる会社または事業体とも合併または統合せず、そのすべてもしくは実質的にすべての資産を他のいかなる会社または事業体にも売却、譲渡または賃貸しない。ただし、(ⅰ)(A)合併の場合において発行会社が存続会社となるか、(B)存続し、新設され、譲受け、または賃借する会社または事業体(以下「承継会社」という。)が、(Ⅰ)アイスランド法に準拠して設立され存続する会社または事業体であるか、アイスランド法に準拠して設立され存続する会社または事業体でない場合は、合併、統合、売却、譲渡または賃貸の結果賦課されるあらゆる性質の税金、公租、公課または政府賦課金につき本社債権者に対し補償することに合意し、かつ(Ⅱ) 財務代理人が妥当とみなす補足契約により、すべての本社債の元利金(承継会社が服する、または服することになる課税権限を有する税務当局による源泉徴収の結果生じうる追加金額(もしあれば)を含む。)にかかる適正かつ適時に支払義務をその趣旨に沿って履行すること、および本社債および財務代理契約に基づく発行会社の約束および義務を適正かつ適時に履行することを、明示的に引受け、(ⅱ)発行会社または場合により承継会社が合併、統合、売却、譲渡または賃貸の直後に、本社債および財務代理契約に基づく発行会社の約束または義務の不履行に陥っておらず、いかなる不履行事由または時間の経過もしくは通知の付与もしくはその双方によりかかる不履行事由となる事態も発生または、継続しておらず、かつ(ⅲ)発行会社が財務代理
(2) 本第12項(1)に規定する合併、統合、売却、譲渡または賃貸が行われた場合、承継会社が本社債、財務代理契約および社債の要項において発行会社となされていた場合と同様に、承継会社は発行会社を承継し、発行会社の代替となり、本社債および財務代理契約に基づく発行会社のすべての権利および権限を行使することができ、かつそのすべての義務に服するものとし、発行会社は(賃貸の場合を除き)本社債および財務代理契約に基づく債務者としての義務を免れるものとする。ただし、いかなる承継会社も、かかる合併、統合、売却、譲渡または賃貸後に発生する状況に基づき、発行会社が本社債にかかる債務者の地位に留まっていた場合に、発行会社が社債の要項第8項(2)に従って本社債の償還をする権利を有していたであろうというときに限り、社債の要項第8項(2)に従い本社債を償還する権利を有するものとする。
(3) 発行会社が、その取締役会または同等の機関もしくは委員会により採択された、合併、統合、売却、譲渡または賃貸を実施する決定を発表した日から、かかる合併、統合、売却、譲渡または賃貸の完了日後30営業日(同日を含む。)までの間に、企業内容等の開示に関する内閣府令第9条の5に基づき金融庁長官が指定する格付機関(以下「指定格付機関」という。)のうちいずれか2社による発行会社の長期信用格付(または同等の格付)がBB+
(4) 本社債権者は、本第12項(3)に基づく償還の権利を行使するためには、指定格付機関のうちいずれか2社による格付引き下げ(いずれか遅いほうとする。)が発表された日から30日目の日(「償還権行使期限日」という。)までに、直近上位機関を通じて、発行会社を代理する財務代理人に対し、その旨を通知するものとする。
13. 通 知
14. 社債権者集会
(1) 未償還の本社債の総額の10分の1以上にあたる本社債を保有する本社債権者が共同または単独で書面により社債権者集会の開催を財務代理人に対しその本店において請求する場合(かかる本社債権者は財務代理人に対し保有証明書を呈示するものとする。)、または発行会社が社債権者集会の開催を必要と認めた場合、発行会社は本社債権者の権利に関連する事項を議題とする社債権者集会の招集を行う。
(2) 本社債権者は当該社債権者集会において、自ら出席しもしくは代理人を通じて、または、発行会社もしくは発行会社に代わって財務代理人が定めるところに従い、書面をもって、その議決権を行使することができる。社債権者集会においては、各本社債権者は当該社債権者の保有する本社債の金額に応じて議決権を有する。ただし、本社債権者は、当該集会の開催日の7日前までに保有証明書を財務代理人に対しその本店において呈示し、かつ、当該集会の開催日に当該集会において発行会社または財務代理人に対し保有証明書を呈示しなければならず、さらに、当該社債権者は、交付を受けた保有証明書を直近上位機関に返還するまでは、本社債の振替の申請または抹消の申請をしないものとする。
(3) 当該社債権者集会の決議は、当該集会に出席する本社債権者の議決権の過半数をもってこれをなす。ただし、下記の事項については特別決議を要する。
(a) すべての本社債に関してなされる支払の猶予、債務不履行によって生じた責任の免除または和解
(b) すべての本社債に関してなされる訴訟行為または破産もしくは同様の手続に関する行為
(c) 社債権者集会において決議すべき事項についての意思決定を授権された本社債権者の代表者(ただし、かかる代表者は、未償還の本社債の総額の1000分の1以上にあたる本社債を保有する本社債権者でなければならない。以下「代表社債権者」という。)もしくは決議の執行を行うことを授権された代表者(以下「決議執行
(d) 社債の要項第3項(b)に従い供与される担保権または取決めの承認
(4) 本第14項(3)に従って行われた決議は、すべての本社債権者に対し、当該社債権者集会に出席したか否かを問わず、適用ある日本法の認める限度で拘束力を有し、その執行は本第 14項(3)(c)に従って当該集会で本社債権者が選任した代表社債権者または決議執行者がこれにあたる。
(5) 本第14項において、各々の時点で発行会社が保有する本社債はこれを除外し、償還済とみなす。
(6) 社債権者集会の開催地は、日本国xxxとする。
(7) 本第14項の手続に要する一切の費用は、発行会社がこれを負担する。
15. 社 債 原 簿
16. 通貨の補償
17. 準拠法および裁判管轄
社債の要項に別途の定めがない限り、本社債に関する義務の履行地は日本国xxxとする。本社債または社債の要項に起因しまたはこれらに関する発行会社に対する一切の訴訟そ の他の裁判手続は、東京地方裁判所に提起することができるものとし、発行会社はここに 当該裁判所の管轄権に服することを明示的にかつ無条件に取消不能の形で合意する。
18. 修正および変更
社債の要項の内容について、以下の変更のみ本社債権者の同意なしに加えることができる。当該変更とは、不明確な条項の明確化、誤りのある条項に関する追加または訂正、本社債 権者の利益のために行う約束の追加、発行会社の権利または権限の放棄、合併または類似 の取引の結果として発行会社の権限を移転すること(ただし、社債の要項第12項に服す る。)、または、発行会社が必要としかつ要望するもので、かつ本社債権者または財務代 xxの権利に実質的に不利益を生じないその他の変更とする。当該変更は、実施後可能な 限り速やかに、社債の要項第13項に従い、発行会社の費用負担で、本社債権者に対し通知 されるものとする。
THIS SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”) is entered into in Tokyo, Japan on the 27th day of June 2007, between Kaupthing Bank hf. (the “Issuer”) and Daiwa Securities SMBC Co. Ltd. and Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. (the “Joint Lead Managers”) with respect to Yen 10,000,000,000 aggregate principal amount of Kaupthing Bank hf. Japanese Yen Bonds - Second Series (2007) (the “Bonds”).
Daiwa Securities SMBC Co. Ltd. (the “Handling Manager”) shall perform its function as handling manager as provided in the Agreement in consultation with the other Joint Lead Manager.
Article 1. Issuance of Bonds
1. The Issuer shall issue the Bonds at a price equal to 100% of the principal amount thereof (the “Issue Price”) on July 5, 2007 (the “Closing Date”) pursuant to the Agreement. The Bonds shall be issued on the Closing Date against the payment for the Net Subscription Moneys (as defined in Paragraph 2 of Article 2) pursuant to Paragraph 2 of Article 2.
2. The Law Concerning Book-Entry Transfer of Corporate Bonds, Etc. (Law No. 75, 2001, as amended) (the “Book-Entry Transfer Law”) shall apply to the Bonds and the bond certificates therefor shall not be issued except in certain limited cases set forth in the Book- Entry Transfer Law. The issuance procedure, transfer and other matters relating to the Bonds shall be dealt with in accordance with the Book-Entry Transfer Law and the business regulations or other rules or regulations (the “Business Regulations”) of the book-entry transfer institution (the “Book-Entry Transfer Institution”) as set forth in Condition 5 of the conditions of the Bonds (the “Conditions of Bonds”). The Bonds shall be in a single denomination of Yen 100,000,000. The Conditions of Bonds are set forth in Annex attached hereto and incorporated herein as a part of the Agreement.
Article 2. Subscription and Purchase of Bonds
1. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, the Issuer agrees to issue and sell to the Joint Lead Managers, and the Joint Lead Managers agree, jointly and severally, to subscribe for and purchase from the Issuer the Bonds at the Issue Price on the Closing Date.
2. Not later than 10.30 hours, Japan time, on the Closing Date, the Handling Manager shall, on behalf of the Joint Lead Managers, pay to the Issuer the net subscription moneys for the Bonds (the “Net Subscription Moneys”) being the entire amount of the Issue Price of the Bonds in Yen less the combined commission referred to in Paragraph 1 of Article 4. Such payment shall be made in immediately available funds by transfer of the Net Subscription Moneys through the Bank of Japan Financial Network System to Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, in Tokyo, Japan, acting as the issuing agent of the Issuer under the book-entry transfer system for corporate bonds, etc. operated by the Book-Entry Transfer Institution (the “Book-Entry Transfer System”).
Article 3. Public Offering
1. Subject to the condition that the registration made through the Securities Registration Statement (as defined below) shall have become effective, the Joint Lead Managers will offer and sell the Bonds to the public at the Issue Price on June 27, 2007 (or such other date or period as the Issuer and the Joint Lead Managers may agree upon).
2. The Issuer has not authorized the Joint Lead Managers or any other person to make or give any representation or information in connection with the public offering of the Bonds other than those contained in the Securities Registration Statement, the Preliminary Prospectus (as defined below) or the Prospectus (as defined below) or any Other Materials (as defined below). Each Joint Lead Manager hereby agrees that it will not make or give any representation or information in connection with the public offering of the Bonds other than those contained in the Securities Registration Statement, the Preliminary Prospectus or the Prospectus or any Other Materials. As used in the Agreement, “Securities Registration Statement” means the securities registration statement (including any amendments and attachments thereto) filed by the Issuer with the Director General of the Kanto Local Finance Bureau of the Ministry of Finance of Japan (“DKLFB”) pursuant to the Securities and Exchange Law of Japan (Law No. 25, 1948, as amended) (the “Securities and Exchange Law”) on June 11, 2007 in connection with the public offering of the Bonds and “Prospectus” means the registration prospectus (including any supplements thereto) which has been prepared pursuant to the Securities and Exchange Law for the purpose of the public offering of the Bonds. Furthermore, in particular, “Preliminary Prospectus” means each of the prospectus and supplements thereto which were actually distributed to investors from time to time on or before the date hereof. As used in the Agreement, “Other Materials” means any writings, drawings, oral material or other materials (other than the Preliminary Prospectus and the Prospectus), which are prepared and furnished by the Issuer to the Joint Lead Managers for use by the Joint Lead Managers or the Issuer in connection with the public offering of the Bonds.
3. The offering of the Bonds by the Joint Lead Managers will be made in Japan and in other countries (excluding the United States of America (unless otherwise defined in this Agreement, hereinafter referred to as the “United States”) and its possessions) in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations of Japan, the United States and such other countries and on the terms and conditions of the Agreement. In particular, each Joint Lead Manager agrees that the Bonds underwritten by it under the Agreement will be offered to the public on the following terms:
(a) The Bonds have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”) and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons except in accordance with Regulation S under the Securities Act (“Regulation S”) or pursuant to an exemption from the registration requirements of the Securities Act. Each Joint Lead Manager represents that it has offered and sold the Bonds, and agrees that it will offer and sell the Bonds (i) as part of their distribution at any time, and (ii) otherwise until 40 days after the later of the commencement of the offering and the Closing Date (the “restricted period”), only in accordance with Regulation
S. Accordingly, neither it or its affiliates nor any persons acting on its or their behalf have engaged or will engage in any directed selling efforts with respect to the Bonds, and it and they have complied and will comply with the offering restriction requirements of Regulation S. Each of the Joint Lead Managers agrees that, at or
prior to confirmation of sale of Bonds, it will have sent to each distributor, dealer or person receiving a selling concession, fee or other remuneration that purchases Bonds from it during the restricted period a confirmation or notice to substantially the following effect:
“The Securities covered hereby have not been registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”) and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons (i) as part of their distribution at any time or (ii) otherwise until 40 days after the later of the commencement of the offering and the Closing Date, except in either case in accordance with Regulation S under the Securities Act (“Regulation S”). Terms used above have the meanings given to them by Regulation S.”
Terms used in this Sub-paragraph (a) have the meanings given to them by Regulation S.
(b) (i) Under U.S. Treasury Regulation § 1.163-5(c)(2)(i)(C) (the “C Rules”), the Bonds must be issued and delivered outside the United States and its possessions in connection with their original issuance;
(ii) each Joint Lead Manager represents that it has not offered, sold or delivered, and will not offer, sell or deliver, directly or indirectly, the Bonds within the United States or its possessions in connection with their original issuance; and
(iii) in connection with the original issuance of the Bonds, each Joint Lead Manager represents that it has not communicated, and will not communicate, directly or indirectly, with a prospective purchaser if it or the prospective purchaser is within the United States or its possessions or otherwise involves its U.S. office in the offer and sale of the Bonds.
Terms used in this Sub-paragraph (b) have the meanings given to them by the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1996, as amended, and regulations thereunder, including the C Rules.
(c) Each of the Joint Lead Managers will not offer the Bonds to the public in the Republic of Iceland (“Iceland”), except in compliance with the Icelandic Act on Securities Transactions (No. 33/2003) and any applicable laws or regulations of Iceland.
Article 4. Commissions and Expenses
1. On the Closing Date the Issuer shall pay to the Handling Manager on behalf of the Joint Lead Managers, as combined commissions for the management, underwriting and selling of the Bonds under the Agreement, an amount in Japanese Yen equal to 0.25% of the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds. Such payment shall be made in the manner provided for in Paragraph 2 of Article 2.
2. The Issuer shall pay (a) the stamp duties and other taxes and duties payable in Japan or in Iceland upon or in connection with the issuance of the Bonds, (b) the actual expenses in connection with the printing, filing and distribution of the Securities Registration Statement, the Preliminary Prospectus and the Prospectus and the printing and execution of the Agreement and all other agreements relating to the Bonds, (c) the fees and disbursements
of the legal counsel and accountants for the Issuer, (d) the advertising expenses with respect to the public offering of the Bonds, (e) the new recording services fees payable to the Book-Entry Transfer Institution in relation to the Bonds and (f) all other reasonable expenses necessary for the Issuer to perform its obligations hereunder.
3. In addition, the Issuer agrees that it will pay to the Handling Manager on behalf of the Joint Lead Managers in Japanese Yen, an amount to be separately agreed to between the Issuer and the Joint Lead Managers towards reimbursement of the Joint Lead Managers’ reasonable out-of-pocket expenses, including traveling, telex, cable, facsimile, telephone, postage and other communication expenses and the reasonable fees and disbursements of the legal counsel for the Joint Lead Managers, in connection with the subscription, purchase and public offering of the Bonds and the preparation thereof.
Article 5. Representations and Warranties of the Issuer
The Issuer represents and warrants that:
(a) as of the date (the “Effective Date”) on which the registration made through the Securities Registration Statement becomes effective and the Closing Date, neither the Securities Registration Statement, the Preliminary Prospectus nor the Prospectus, in each case, as amended or supplemented up to the Effective Date or, as the case may be, the Closing Date, will contain any untrue statement of a material matter or omit to state a material matter required to be stated therein or to state a fact necessary in order to make the statements therein not misleading, nor the Other Materials contain any untrue representation or misleading representation of a material matter, or omit to make representation of a fact necessary to make the representations therein not misleading, save that this representation and warranty shall not apply to any description of the Joint Lead Managers made in the Securities Registration Statement, the Preliminary Prospectus, the Prospectus or the Other Materials in reliance upon and in conformity with the information furnished to the Issuer by the Joint Lead Managers for use therein;
(b) the Securities Registration Statement, the Preliminary Prospectus and the Prospectus have been and will be prepared, both as to form and matters to be stated therein, in accordance with the Securities and Exchange Law and cabinet orders, ministerial ordinances, cabinet office orders and other regulations related thereto;
(c) the registration under the Securities Registration Statement will have become effective pursuant to the Securities and Exchange Law on the date of the Agreement and will remain effective on the Closing Date and; no notice of a hearing, from which an order suspending the effectiveness of the registration under the Securities Registration Statement may result, will be given on or before the Closing Date;
(d) the audited consolidated balance sheet of the Issuer as of December 31, 2005 and 2006 and the related audited consolidated income statement, consolidated statement of changes in equity and consolidated statement of cash flows for the years then ended, and the unaudited consolidated interim balance sheet of the Issuer as of March 31, 2006 and 2007 and the related unaudited consolidated interim income statement, consolidated interim statement of changes in equity and condensed consolidated statement of cash flows for the three months ended March 31, 2006 and 2007, set forth in the Securities Registration Statement, the Preliminary Prospectus and the Prospectus present, in all material respects, in conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), a true and fair view of the consolidated financial position of the Issuer and its consolidated
subsidiaries as of the respective dates to which such financial documents were prepared (the “Relevant Dates”), and of their consolidated results of operations, changes in equity and cash flows for the financial year or the three months then ended on the Relevant Dates;
(e) the Issuer is a corporation duly incorporated, validly existing in good standing under Icelandic law with full power and authority to own, lease and operate its properties and conduct its business as described in the Securities Registration Statement, the Preliminary Prospectus and the Prospectus and to issue the Bonds, to perform its obligations under and comply with the Conditions of Bonds, to execute and deliver the Agreement and the Fiscal Agency Agreement of even date herewith between the Issuer and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation as fiscal agent and issuing and paying agent (the “Fiscal Agency Agreement”, together with the Agreement, the “Related Agreements”) and to perform its obligations under and comply with the Related Agreements;
(f) the execution, delivery and performance of the Related Agreements by the Issuer have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action on the part of the Issuer; and the Related Agreements constitute legal, valid and binding obligations of the Issuer enforceable against it in accordance with their respective terms, except that enforceability may be limited by the laws of bankruptcy or other laws affecting creditors' rights generally;
(g) the issuance of the Bonds by the Issuer in accordance with the Agreement and the performance by the Issuer of its obligations under the Bonds in accordance with the Conditions of Bonds have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action on the part of the Issuer; the aggregate amount of the Bonds is within the amount so authorized; and the Bonds, when issued in accordance with the Agreement, will constitute legal, valid and binding obligations of the Issuer enforceable against it in accordance with their terms, except that enforceability may be limited by the laws of bankruptcy or other laws affecting creditors' rights generally;
(h) all authorizations, consents, approvals, notifications, registrations and filings of or with any court, government department or other regulatory body required by the Issuer (including but not limited to the filing of the Securities Registration Statement) for the execution and delivery of the Related Agreements, the issuance and distribution of the Bonds and the performance of the terms of the Bonds and the Related Agreements have been obtained and are in full force and effect;
(i) the Issuer has taken or caused to be taken all necessary steps to have the Bonds eligible for book-entry transfer under the Book-Entry Transfer System;
(j) neither the authorization for the issuance of the Bonds, the issuance of the Bonds, nor the performance by the Issuer of its obligations under the Bonds in accordance with the Conditions of Bonds, nor the execution, delivery and performance by the Issuer of the Related Agreements will violate or constitute a breach of or a default under any provision of applicable law or regulation or of the Articles of Association of the Issuer or of any material agreement, judgment, injunction, order, decree or other instrument binding upon the Issuer, or result in the creation or imposition of any mortgage, pledge, lien or other encumbrance upon any of its assets or revenues of the Issuer pursuant to the terms of, any such applicable law or regulation or of the Articles of Association of the Issuer or of any such material agreement, judgment, injunction, order, decree or other instrument binding upon the Issuer;
(k) all payments of principal, interest and all other moneys payable by the Issuer in respect of the Bonds shall be free of any present taxes, duties, assessments or governmental charges of whatever nature imposed by Iceland or any taxing authority or agency thereof or therein, except as limited as provided for in Condition 9 of the Conditions of Bonds in the circumstances set out therein;
(l) when the Net Subscription Moneys have been paid in full in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement, the Bonds will be validly issued and legal, valid and binding on the Issuer as direct, unconditional, unsubordinated and unsecured obligations of the Issuer enforceable in accordance with the Conditions of Bonds, except that enforceability may be limited by the laws of bankruptcy or other laws affecting creditors' rights generally; and when certain amount in respect of the Bonds are credited in a proprietary column (hoyu ran) in an account opened with the Book-Entry Transfer Institution or an account management institution (kouza kanri kikan) pursuant to the Book-Entry Transfer Law, a holder of such account will be entitled to the rights and claims as a holder of such amount of the Bonds;
(m) except as for actions of the Joint Lead Managers hereunder to the extent the Joint Lead Managers may be deemed to be acting on behalf of the Issuer in respect of the Bonds or may be deemed to be an affiliate of the Issuer, neither the Issuer nor any of its affiliates nor any person acting on its behalf or any of its affiliates has engaged or will engage in any directed selling efforts (as defined in Regulation S) with respect to the Bonds, and it and any such affiliate and all persons acting on its or their behalf with respect to the Bonds have complied and will comply with the offering restrictions requirements of Regulation S with respect thereto and neither it or its affiliates nor any persons acting on their behalf has engaged or will engage, in any form of general solicitation or general advertising (as those terms are used in Rule 502(c) under the Securities Act) in connection with any offer or sale of the Bonds in the United States or otherwise has made or will make offers or sales of Bonds under circumstances that would require the registration of the Bonds under the Securities Act;
(n) the Issuer (i) is not in breach of the terms of, or in default under, any instrument, agreement or order to which it is a party or by which it or its property is bound and no event has occurred which with the lapse of time or giving of notice or other condition would constitute a default under any such instrument, agreement or order, (ii) is not engaged (whether as defendant or otherwise) in, nor has the Issuer knowledge of the existence of, or any threat of, any legal, arbitration, administrative, governmental or other proceedings the result of which might relate to claims or amounts which might be material in the context of the issue and offering of Bonds or which might have or have had a material adverse effect on the consolidated or unconsolidated financial condition, results of operations or business of the Issuer and (iii) has not taken any action nor, to the best of its knowledge or belief having made all reasonable enquiries, have any steps been taken or legal proceedings commenced for the winding up or dissolution of the Issuer;
(o) since December 31, 2006, there has not been any material adverse change or any development involving a prospective material adverse change in the business, properties, financial condition or results of operation of the Issuer and its subsidiaries considered as a whole, nor has the Issuer and its subsidiaries as a whole incurred any material liabilities or obligations, direct or contingent, in each case other than as set forth in the Securities Registration Statement, the Preliminary Prospectus and the Prospectus; and neither the Issuer nor any of its subsidiaries is in default under any of its indebtedness which default
would have a material adverse effect on the consolidated financial condition or earnings of the Issuer and its subsidiaries as one enterprise; and
(p) no event has occurred which, had the Bonds already been issued, would, or would with the lapse of time or the giving of notice or both, constitute an Event of Default (as defined in the Conditions of Bonds).
Article 6. Covenants of the Issuer
The Issuer covenants that so long as any of the Bonds remain outstanding:
(a) it shall file with the DKLFB annual securities reports, semi-annual securities reports and, if necessary, extraordinary reports (including amendments thereto, respectively, hereinafter the same) of the Issuer as required under the Securities and Exchange Law, and shall otherwise comply with the laws and regulations of Japan (including the Securities and Exchange Law) applicable to the Bonds;
(b) it shall promptly furnish to the Joint Lead Managers copies of (i) its reports (including annual securities reports, semi-annual securities reports and any extraordinary reports) which the Issuer files with the DKLFB in connection with the Bonds of the Issuer; (ii) all documents which the Issuer files with the DKLFB in connection with the Bonds of the Issuer pursuant to the Securities and Exchange Law and (iii) such other public documents as the Joint Lead Managers may reasonably request from time to time in writing in connection with the Bonds; provided that with respect to the documents filed with the DKLFB through the Electronic Disclosure for Investors’ NETwork (EDINET), the Issuer may notify the Joint Lead Managers of the filing of such documents in substitution for the delivery of copies thereof;
(c) it shall advise the Joint Lead Managers, promptly after the Issuer receives notice thereof, of the issuance by the DKLFB of any notice of hearing from which may result an order requiring the filing of an amendment to the Securities Registration Statement or an order suspending the effectiveness of the registration under the Securities Registration Statement; and in the event of the issuance of any such order, use its best efforts to promptly file such required amendment or, as the case may be, file such amendment to the Securities Registration Statement as is necessary for DKLFB to terminate such suspension order or otherwise use its best efforts to obtain such termination;
(d) it will furnish the Joint Lead Managers for use by the Joint Lead Managers copies of the Prospectus in such quantities as the Joint Lead Managers may from time to time reasonably request, and if, before the earlier of the time when a period of three months shall have elapsed after the time when the Securities Registration Statement is filed with the DKLFB or the time when delivery of a prospectus is no longer required by Japanese law in connection with sales of any of the Bonds, any event shall have occurred as a result of which the Prospectus as then amended or supplemented would include any untrue statement of a material matter, or omit to state any material matter required to be stated therein or to state a fact necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, or if for any other reason it shall be necessary to amend or supplement the Prospectus in order to comply with the Securities and Exchange Law, notify the Joint Lead Managers and upon request by the Joint Lead Managers promptly prepare and furnish without charge to the Joint Lead Managers for use by the Joint Lead Managers as many copies as the Joint Lead Managers may from time to time reasonably request of a supplement to the
Prospectus or an amended Prospectus which will correct such statement or omission or effect such compliance;
(e) it shall at any time prior to the making of the payment of the Net Subscription Moneys on the Closing Date pursuant to Paragraph 2 of Article 2, forthwith notify the Joint Lead Managers of any material change affecting any of the representations, warranties or agreements contained in the Agreement and take such steps as may be necessary to remedy or publicize the same (including the filing of an amendment or amendments to the Securities Registration Statement), and reimburse the Joint Lead Managers for the reasonable costs of any action taken by them in that connection after consultation with the Issuer;
(f) it shall, within 20 days of the Closing Date, submit a report as to issue or offer of securities to the Minister of Finance of Japan pursuant to the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law of Japan (Law No. 228 of 1949, as amended); and
(g) when it uses or causes to be used any Other Materials for the purpose of the offering of the Bonds, it will furnish a copy of each of such Other Materials to the Joint Lead Managers prior to such use.
Article 7. Warranties and Covenants of the Joint Lead Managers
Each of the Joint Lead Managers warrants and covenants that:
(a) the execution, delivery and performance of the Agreement have been duly authorized by it, and the Agreement constitutes its legal, valid and binding agreement enforceable against it in accordance with the terms hereof, except that enforceability may be limited by the laws of bankruptcy, corporate reorganization, civil rehabilitation or similar laws affecting creditors' rights generally, and subject to the application of principles of public policy;
(b) any and all licenses and approvals required to be obtained by it under the laws or regulations of Japan for the execution and performance of the Agreement have been obtained and will remain in full force and effect on the Closing Date; and
(c) it has complied with, and will ensure full and continued compliance by it with, all laws applicable to it with respect to the subscription and offering of the Bonds.
Article 8. Conditions Precedent
The Joint Lead Managers’ obligations under the Agreement shall be subject to all of the following conditions precedent; provided that the Joint Lead Managers, at their discretion, may waive compliance, in whole or part, with any one or more of such conditions:
(a) the Fiscal Agency Agreement shall have been duly executed and delivered by the relevant parties thereto and shall remain effective on the Closing Date;
(b) all the representations and warranties of the Issuer provided in Article 5 shall be true and correct on the Closing Date as if such representations and warranties were made or given on the Closing Date and the Issuer shall have performed all of its obligations under the Agreement to be performed on or before the Closing Date;
(c) on or after the date hereof there shall not have occurred any of the following: (i) material adverse change in international financial, political or economic conditions or exchange controls; (ii) a suspension or material limitation in trading in securities generally on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the New York Stock Exchange or the London Stock Exchange; (iii)
a general moratorium on commercial banking activities in Iceland, Sweden, Japan, the United States or the United Kingdom declared by authorities in Iceland, Sweden, Japan, the United States or the United Kingdom, as the case may be; (iv) trading of any securities of the Issuer shall have been formally suspended on any exchange or in any over-the- counter market; and (v) the outbreak or escalation of hostilities or other national or international calamity, crisis or terrorism, if the effect of any such event specified in this Sub-paragraph (c) in the Joint Lead Managers' reasonable judgment makes it impracticable to proceed with the public offering of the Bonds on the terms and in the manner contemplated by the Prospectus;
(d) there has not been any material adverse change or any development involving a prospective material adverse change in the business, properties, financial condition or results of operation of the Issuer and its subsidiaries considered as a whole, nor has the Issuer and its subsidiaries considered as a whole incurred any material liabilities or obligations, direct or contingent, in each case other than as set forth in the Securities Registration Statement, the Preliminary Prospectus and the Prospectus; and neither the Issuer nor any of its subsidiaries is in default under any of its indebtedness which default would have a material adverse effect on the consolidated financial condition or results of the operation of the Issuer and its subsidiaries considered as one enterprise;
(e) on the Closing Date the Joint Lead Managers shall have been furnished with the following legal opinions each dated as of the Closing Date and addressed to the Joint Lead Managers, and in form and substance previously agreed by or otherwise reasonably satisfactory to the Joint Lead Managers:
(i) A legal opinion of Ms. Xxxxxx Xxxjonsdottir, General Counsel of the Issuer;
(ii) A legal opinion of Xxxxx & XxXxxxxx GJBJ Tokyo Aoyama Aoki Koma Law Office (Gaikokuho Joint Enterprise), legal counsel for the Issuer in Japan; and
(iii) A legal opinion of Xxxxxxxxx Kyodo Jigyo Horitsujimusho Linklaters, legal counsel for the Joint Lead Managers;
(f) on the date hereof and the Closing Date the Joint Lead Managers shall have been furnished with comfort letters of KPMG Endurskodun hf., independent accountants of the Issuer addressed to the Joint Lead Managers, dated the date hereof and the Closing Date, respectively in form and substance agreed to by or otherwise reasonably satisfactory to the Joint Lead Managers;
(g) on the Closing Date the Joint Lead Managers shall have been furnished with a certificate of the Issuer executed by a duly authorized officer of the Issuer addressed to the Joint Lead Managers dated the Closing Date in a form previously agreed by the Issuer and the Joint Lead Managers substantially to the following effect;
(i) all the representations and warranties of the Issuer provided in Article 5 are true and correct on the Closing Date as if such representations and warranties were made or given on the Closing Date;
(ii) the Issuer has performed all of its obligations under the Agreement to be performed on or before the Closing Date; and
(iii) the statements contained in Sub-paragraph (d) of this Article 8 are true and correct on the Closing Date; and
(h) the Joint Lead Managers shall have been furnished with such certificates and other documents which the Joint Lead Managers may reasonably request from time to time up to and including the Closing Date to ascertain that the statements contained in the Securities Registration Statement, the Preliminary Prospectus and the Prospectus are accurate and sufficient.
Article 9. Termination of the Agreement
1. Upon (i) any breach of the representations and warranties contained in Article 5 or any change rendering any of the said representations and warranties inaccurate to a material extent, brought to the attention of the Joint Lead Managers prior to the payment of the Net Subscription Moneys pursuant to Paragraph 2 of Article 2 or (ii) any of the other conditions set forth in Article 8 having not been substantially satisfied nor waived, Joint Lead Managers may terminate the Agreement by written notice to the Issuer.
2. If the Agreement is terminated pursuant to Paragraph 1 of this Article 9, the Joint Lead Managers and the Issuer shall be released from all their respective obligations under the Agreement; provided, however, that the Issuer shall pay all the taxes, duties, fees and expenses referred to in Paragraph 2 of Article 4 and shall, within the amount determined pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Article 4, reimburse the Joint Lead Managers for the expenses referred to in Paragraph 3 of Article 4 which the Joint Lead Managers shall theretofore have reasonably incurred.
Article 10. Indemnification
1. The Issuer shall indemnify and hold harmless the Joint Lead Managers and their directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all liabilities, damages, losses and expenses (including but not limited to legal cost and fees) or demand (or actions in respect thereof) arising out of, in relation to or in connection with (a) any breach or alleged breach of any of the representations, warranties, undertakings and agreements contained in, or deemed to be made pursuant to, the Agreement, (b) any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a material matter contained in the Securities Registration Statement, the Preliminary Prospectus and the Prospectus or any omission or alleged omission to state a material matter required to be stated therein or to state a fact necessary to make the statements therein not misleading or (c) any untrue or misleading representation or alleged untrue or misleading representation of a material matter in the Other Materials or any omission or alleged omission to represent a fact necessary to make the representation therein not misleading; provided, however, that the foregoing provisions in this Paragraph shall not apply if (i) such allegation is based on the description of the Joint Lead Managers made in the Securities Registration Statement, the Preliminary Prospectus, the Prospectus or the Other Materials in reliance upon the information furnished to the Issuer by the Joint Lead Managers for use therein or (ii) such liabilities, damages, losses or expenses are caused by a breach of the representations and warranties, or the failure of the Joint Lead Managers to comply with the agreements, set forth in Paragraph 3 of Article 3 of the Agreement.
2. Each of the Joint Lead Managers shall indemnify and hold harmless the Issuer and its directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all liabilities, damages, losses and expenses (including but not limited to legal cost and fees) or demand (or actions in respect thereof) arising out of, in relation to or in connection with (a) any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a material matter with respect to such Joint Lead
Managers contained in the Securities Registration Statement, the Preliminary Prospectus, the Prospectus or the Other Materials in reliance upon and in conformity with the information furnished to the Issuer by the Joint Lead Managers for use therein or any omission or alleged omission to state a material matter required to be stated therein or to state a fact necessary to make the statements therein not misleading with respect to such Joint Lead Managers if such omission is made in reliance upon and in conformity with the information furnished to the Issuer by the Joint Lead Managers for use therein or (b) a breach by the Joint Lead Managers of the representations and warranties, or the failure of the Joint Lead Managers to comply with the agreements, set forth in Paragraph 3 of Article 3 of the Agreement.
3. If any claim, action or demand is made against any person (the “Indemnified Party”) in respect of which indemnity may be sought from any other person (the “Indemnifying Party”) pursuant to this Article 10, the Indemnified Party shall promptly notify the Indemnifying Party in writing of any such claim, action or demand; provided that the omission so to notify the Indemnifying Party shall not relieve it from any liability which it may have to any Indemnified Party otherwise than under this Article 10, and the Indemnifying Party shall promptly extend, upon reasonable request therefor by the Indemnified Party, such cooperation with respect to the defense of the Indemnified Party including the furnishing of evidential materials and information.
4. It shall be a condition of any indemnity pursuant to this Article 10 that:
(a) the Indemnifying Party shall have the option to assume the defense thereof, including the employment of legal advisers reasonably satisfactory to the Indemnified Party, subject to the payment by the Indemnifying Party of all reasonable expenses incurred by the Indemnified Party up to the time notice is given to the Indemnified Party that the Indemnifying Party is assuming the defense thereof and payment of the fees and expenses of such legal advisers thereafter;
(b) an Indemnified Party shall have the right to employ separate legal advisers in, and defend, or participate in the defense of, any such claim, action or demand, and the Indemnifying Party shall bear any and all fees, costs and expenses of such separate counsels if (i) the use of counsel chosen by the Indemnifying Party to represent the Indemnified Party would present such counsel with a conflict of interest; (ii) the actual or potential defendants in, or targets of, any such action include both the Indemnified Party and the Indemnifying Party and the Indemnified Party shall have reasonably concluded that there may be legal defenses available to it and/or other Indemnified Parties which are different from or additional to those available to the Indemnifying Party; (iii) the Indemnifying Party has failed to assume such defense and employ legal advisers for such purpose pursuant to this Paragraph or (iv) the Indemnifying Party authorizes the Indemnified Party to employ separate counsel at the expense of the Indemnifying Party; and
(c) the Indemnifying Party shall not be liable to indemnify the Indemnified Party for any settlement of any such claim, action or demand made without the written consent of the Indemnifying Party (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld); the Indemnifying Party shall not settle any such claim, action or demand without the prior written consent of the Indemnified Party (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld).
Article 11. Governing Law
The Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.
Article 12. Jurisdiction
1. Any legal action against any of the parties hereto arising from or relating to the Agreement may be instituted in the Tokyo District Court and any Japanese court competent under Japanese law to hear appeals from such court, to the jurisdiction of which the Joint Lead Managers and the Issuer hereby expressly, unconditionally and irrevocably agree to submit.
2. The Issuer hereby appoints Icelandic Ambassador to Japan from time to time as the authorized agent of the Issuer upon whom process and any judicial or other court documents may be served in any legal or other court procedural action arising from or relating to the Agreement that may be instituted in Japan; and the Issuer hereby designates the address from time to time of Embassy of Iceland, Tokyo, currently at 18-26, Takanawa 4-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan, as the address to receive such process and any judicial documents.
3. Nothing in this Article 12 shall affect the right of the Joint Lead Managers to institute legal action against the Issuer in any court of competent jurisdiction under applicable laws or to serve process in any manner otherwise permitted by law.
Article 13. Notices
1. All notices under the Agreement shall be made by registered airmail, facsimile or hand delivery in the English language. All such notices shall become effective upon receipt thereof. All notices to the Issuer shall be addressed as follows:
Borgartun 19
105 Reykjavik, Iceland Attention: Group Treasury Facsimile: 000-000-0000
All notices to the Joint Lead Managers shall be addressed as follows: Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx XXXX Xx. Xxx.
0-0, Xxxxxxxxxx 0-xxxxx, Xxxxxxx-xx, Xxxxx 000-0000, Xxxxx
Attention: Capital Markets Dept. Facsimile: 00-0-0000-0000
Nomura Securities Co., Ltd.
9-1, Nihonbashi 0-xxxxx, Xxxx-xx, Xxxxx 000-0000, Japan Attention: President and Chief Executive Officer Facsimile: 00-0-0000-0000
2. Each of the Issuer and Joint Lead Managers may change its addresses set forth in the preceding Paragraph by written notice given to the other parties hereto in the manner set forth therein.
Article 14. Language
This Agreement is executed in 3 counterparts in the Japanese language to each of which an English translation is attached. In the event of difference in meaning, the Japanese version shall prevail.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, at the place and as of the date hereinabove first written, this Agreement has been executed by the Issuer and the Joint Lead Managers.
By its duly authorized attorney: DAIWA SECURITIES SMBC CO. LTD.
Kaupthing Bank hf.
Japanese Yen Bonds - Second Series (2007)
These Conditions of Bonds shall apply to the issue of Kaupthing Bank hf. Japanese Xxx Xxxxx - Second Series (2007) (the “Bonds”) pursuant to lawful authorization by Kaupthing Bank hf. (the “Issuer”).
1 Aggregate principal amount, Date of Issuance, Denomination and Form
(1) The aggregate principal amount of the Bonds is ¥10,000,000,000.
(2) The Bonds will be issued on July 5, 2007.
(3) The Bonds are issued in the denomination of ¥100,000,000 each.
(4) The Law Concerning Book-Entry Transfer of Corporate Bonds, Etc. (Law No. 75, 2001, as amended) (the “Book-Entry Transfer Law”) shall apply to the Bonds and the bond certificates therefor shall not be issued except in certain limited cases set forth in the Book-Entry Transfer Law. The transfer of and other matters relating to Bonds shall be dealt with in accordance with the Book-Entry Transfer Law and the business regulations or other rules or regulations of the Book-Entry Transfer Institution as set forth in Condition 5 (the “Business Regulations”).
2 Status of the Bonds
The Bonds will constitute direct, unconditional, unsubordinated and (subject to the provisions of Condition 3) unsecured obligations of the Issuer and rank pari passu without any preference amongst themselves and with all other unsubordinated and unsecured obligations of the Issuer, present and future.
3 Negative Pledge
So long as any of the Bonds remains outstanding the Issuer undertakes that it will not and that it will procure that none of its Subsidiaries (as defined below) will create or have outstanding any mortgage, charge, pledge, lien or other security interest (each a “Security Interest”) (other than a Permitted Security Interest (as defined below)) upon the whole or any part of its undertaking, assets or revenues (including any uncalled capital), present or future, in order to secure any Relevant Indebtedness (as defined below) (other than any Excluded Indebtedness (as defined below)) or to secure any guarantee of or indemnity in respect of any Relevant Indebtedness (other than any Excluded Indebtedness) unless (a) all amounts payable by it under the Bonds are equally and ratably secured therewith by such Security Interest or (b) such other Security Interest or other arrangement (whether or not it includes the giving of a Security Interest) is provided as shall be approved by an
Extraordinary Resolution (as defined below) of the holders of the Bonds (the “Bondholders”).
Nothing in this Condition 3 shall prevent the Issuer or any Subsidiary of the Issuer, as the case may be, from creating or permitting to subsist a Security Interest upon a defined or definable pool of its assets including, but not limited to, receivables (not representing all of the assets of the Issuer or any Subsidiary of the Issuer, as the case may be) (the “Secured Assets”) which is or was created pursuant to any securitization or like arrangement in accordance with established market practice (whether or not involving itself as the issuer of any issue of asset-backed securities) and whereby all payment obligations in respect of the Relevant Indebtedness (other than any Excluded Indebtedness) of any person or under any guarantee of or indemnity in respect of the Relevant Indebtedness (other than any Excluded Indebtedness) of any other person, as the case may be, secured on, or on an interest in the Secured Assets are to be discharged solely from the Secured Assets (or solely from (i) the Secured Assets and (ii) assets of a person other than the Issuer or any Subsidiary of the Issuer). For the purposes of these Conditions:
“Excluded Indebtedness” means any Relevant Indebtedness in respect of which the person or persons to whom any such Relevant Indebtedness is or may be owed by the relevant borrower has or have no recourse whatsoever to the Issuer or any Subsidiary (whether or not also the relevant borrower) for the repayment thereof other than:
(i) recourse to such borrower for amounts limited to the cash flow or net cash flow (other than historic cash flow or historic net cash flow) from a Specified Asset (as defined below); and/or
(ii) recourse to such borrower for the purpose only of enabling amounts to be claimed in respect of such Relevant Indebtedness in an enforcement of any encumbrance given by such borrower over a Specified Asset or the income, cash flow or other proceeds deriving therefrom (or given by a shareholder or the like in the borrower over its shares or the like in the capital of the borrower) to secure such Relevant Indebtedness, provided that (a) the extent of such recourse to such borrower is limited solely to the amount of any recoveries made on any such enforcement, and
(b) such person or persons is/are not entitled, by virtue of any right or claim arising out of or in connection with such Relevant Indebtedness, to commence proceedings for the winding up or dissolution of the borrower or to appoint or procure the appointment of any receiver, trustee or similar person or officer in respect of the borrower or any of its assets (save for the assets the subject of such encumbrance); and/or
(iii) recourse to such borrower generally, or directly or indirectly to the Issuer or any Subsidiary, under any form of assurance, undertaking or support, which recourse is limited to a claim for damages (other than liquidated damages and damages required to be calculated in a specified way) for breach of an obligation (not being a payment obligation or an obligation to procure payment by another or an indemnity in respect thereof or any obligation to comply or to procure compliance by another with any financial ratios or other tests of financial condition) by the person against which such recourse is available;
“Government Entities” means any body, agency, ministry, department, authority, statutory corporation or other entity of or pertaining to a member state of the European Economic
Area or the government thereof or any political subdivision, municipality or local government thereof (whether autonomous or not);
“Permitted Security Interest” means any security interest created by the Issuer or its Subsidiaries over the whole or any part of their present or future assets or revenues where such assets or revenues are comprised of the following (or are otherwise qualifying collateral for issues of covered bonds pursuant to any relevant contractual arrangements and/or specific provisions of the laws of Republic of Iceland (“Iceland”) relating to covered bonds): (i) mortgage receivables; or (ii) receivables against Government Entities; or (iii) asset-backed securities backed by any of the assets under paragraph (i) or (ii); or (iv) any other assets permitted by Icelandic law to collateralize the covered bonds, in each case provided that the creation of such security interest is pursuant to the relevant contractual arrangements or, as the case may be, specific provisions of the laws of Iceland relating to covered bonds applicable at the time of creation of such security interest;
“Relevant Indebtedness” means any present or future indebtedness (which term shall be construed so as to include any obligation (whether incurred as principal or as surety) for the payment or repayment of money, whether present or future, actual or contingent) in the form of, or represented or evidenced by, bonds, debentures, notes or other securities which are, or are intended to be, with the agreement of the issuer thereof, quoted, listed, dealt in or traded on any stock exchange or over-the-counter or other securities market other than such indebtedness which by its terms will mature within a period of one year from its date of issue;
“Specified Asset” means an asset of the Issuer or any Subsidiary over which security is given in connection with any limited recourse securitization or other asset-backed financing; and
“Subsidiary” means any entity whose affairs are required by law or in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles applicable to Iceland (or, if applicable, International Financial Reporting Standards) to be consolidated in the consolidated accounts of the Issuer.
4 Appointment of Fiscal Agent and Issuing and Paying Agent and Non- appointment of Commissioned Companies for Bondholders
(1) Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (the “Fiscal Agent”) acts as fiscal agent and issuing and paying agent of the Issuer in connection with the Bonds. The Fiscal Agent shall perform the duties and functions provided for in these Conditions of Bonds and the Fiscal Agency Agreement (the “Fiscal Agency Agreement”) dated June 27, 2007 between the Issuer and the Fiscal Agent. The Fiscal Agent is acting solely as agent of the Issuer and does not assume any obligation towards or relationship of agency or trust for or with the Bondholders. A copy of the Fiscal Agency Agreement together with these Conditions of Bonds shall be kept at the head office of the Fiscal Agent and shall be made available for perusal or photocopying by any Bondholder during normal business hours. All expenses incurred for such photocopying shall be borne by the applicant therefor.
(2) No commissioned companies for bondholders are appointed.
(3) The Issuer may appoint a new fiscal agent and issuing and paying agent instead of the Fiscal Agent by giving prior notice thereof to the Bondholders, provided the appointment of
the Fiscal Agent shall continue until the replacement fiscal agent and issuing and paying agent is effectively appointed.
(4) The Issuer shall, without delay, appoint a replacement fiscal agent and issuing and paying agent and give notice to that effect to the Bondholders if the Book-Entry Transfer Institution (as defined in Condition 5) notifies the Issuer that the Fiscal Agent will be disqualified from a designated issuing agent or paying agent.
5 Book-Entry Transfer Institution
Japan Securities Depository Center, Incorporated (the “Book-Entry Transfer Institution”) acts as book-entry transfer institution (furikae kikan) of the Bonds.
6 Interest
The Bonds bear interest at the rate of 1.65% per annum of their principal amount for the period from and including July 6, 2007, payable in Japanese Yen semi-annually in arrears on January 5 and July 5 of each year in respect of the half year period to and including the relevant interest payment date. Whenever it is necessary to compute an amount of interest for a period of less than a half year, such interest shall be calculated on the basis of the actual number of calendar days in a 365-day year. The total amount of interest payable to each Bondholder shall be calculated in accordance with the Business Regulations.
The Bonds shall cease to bear interest after the date on which they become due for redemption; provided, however, that should the Issuer fail to redeem any of the Bonds when due, then the Issuer shall pay accrued interest on the unpaid principal amount in Japanese Yen for the actual number of days of the period from but excluding the due date to and including the date of the actual redemption of such Bond, computed by the method applied to the case set forth in the second sentence of the first paragraph of this Condition 6 and at the rate specified in the first sentence of the first paragraph of this Condition 6.
7 Payments
(1) Payment of principal and interest of the Bonds shall be made to the Bondholder or, in the case of a pledge being created over the relevant Bonds pursuant to the Book-Entry Transfer Law and the Business Regulations, to the pledgee through the Book-Entry Transfer Institution (furikae kikan) or the account management institution (kouza kanri kikan) with which the relevant Bondholder or, as the case may be, the relevant pledgee, has opened its account to have the Bonds recorded (collectively, the “Nearest Upper Institution”).
(2) If any due date for payment of principal of or interest on the Bonds falls on a day which is not a day on which banks are open for business in Japan (the “Business Day”), the Bondholders shall not be entitled to payment of the amount due until the next following Business Day and shall not be entitled to the payment of any further interest or other payment in respect of such delay.
(3) If the full amount of principal of or interest on the Bonds payable on any due date is received by the Fiscal Agent after such due date, the Fiscal Agent shall notify, at the expense of the Issuer and in accordance with Condition 13, the Bondholders of receipt of
such amount, payment method and actual payment date thereof as soon as practicable but not later than 14 days after receipt of such amount by it.
8 Redemption and Purchase
(1) Final Redemption
Unless previously redeemed or purchased and cancelled as provided in Condition 8(2) or Condition 8(3), each Bond will be redeemed on July 5, 2010 at 100% of its principal amount.
(2) Redemption for Tax Reasons
The Bonds may be redeemed at the option of the Issuer in whole, but not in part, at any time, on giving not less than 30 nor more than 60 days’ prior notice to the Fiscal Agent and, in accordance with Condition 13, the Bondholders (which notice shall be irrevocable), if:
(i) on the occasion of the next payment due under the Bonds, the Issuer has or will become obliged to pay Additional Amounts (as defined in Condition 9) as a result of any change in, or amendment to, the laws or regulations of a Tax Jurisdiction (as defined in Condition 9) or any change in the application or official interpretation of such laws or regulations, which change or amendment becomes effective on or after June 27, 2007; and
(ii) such obligation cannot be avoided by the Issuer taking reasonable measures available to it,
provided that no such notice of redemption shall be given earlier than 90 days prior to the earliest date on which the Issuer would be obliged to pay such additional amounts were a payment in respect of the Bonds then due.
Prior to the publication of any notice of redemption pursuant to this Condition 8(2), the Issuer shall deliver to the Fiscal Agent a certificate signed by two Directors of the Issuer stating that the Issuer is entitled to effect such redemption and setting forth a statement of facts showing that the conditions precedent to the right of the Issuer so to redeem have occurred, and an opinion of independent legal advisers of recognized standing to the effect that the Issuer has or will become obliged to pay such additional amounts as a result of such change or amendment.
The Bonds redeemed pursuant to this Condition 8(2) will be redeemed at the following redemption price together with interest accrued to (but excluding) the date of redemption:
on or before July 4, 2008
at 100.50% of the principal amount,
from and including July 5, 2008 to and including July 4, 2009 at 100.25% of the principal amount, and
from and including July 5, 2009 and thereafter at 100.00% of the principal amount.
(3) Purchase and Cancellation
The Issuer may at any time in any manner purchase any Bonds at any price in the open market or otherwise and may at its option cancel or cause to be cancelled any Bond so purchased except otherwise provided in the Business Regulations.
(4) Except as otherwise provided in these Conditions of Bonds, the Issuer may not redeem the principal of the Bonds in whole or in part prior to the maturity date thereof.
9 Taxation
All payments of principal, premium (if any) and interest in respect of the Bonds by the Issuer will be made without withholding of or deduction for or on account of any present or future taxes, duties, assessments or governmental charges of whatever nature imposed or levied by or on behalf of any Tax Jurisdiction, unless such withholding or deduction is required by law. In the event such withholding or deduction would be required, the Issuer will pay such additional amounts (“Additional Amounts”) as shall be necessary in order that the net amounts received by the Bondholder or, as the case may be, the pledgee in respect of the Bond after such withholding or deduction shall equal the respective amounts of principal and interest which would otherwise have been receivable in respect of the Bonds in the absence of such withholding or deduction; except that no such Additional Amounts shall be payable with respect to any Bond held by or on behalf of a person who is liable for such taxes or duties in respect of such Bond by reason of his having some connection with a Tax Jurisdiction other than the mere holding of such Bond or, as the case may be, being a pledgee in respect of such Xxxx.
“Tax Jurisdiction” means Iceland or any political subdivision or any authority thereof or therein having power to tax or any other jurisdiction or any political subdivision or any authority thereof or therein having power to tax to which the Issuer becomes subject in respect of payments made by it of principal and interest on the Bonds.
All references in these Conditions of Bonds to the principal of or interest on the Bonds shall be deemed also to refer to any Additional Amount in respect thereof which may be payable under Condition 8(2) or this Condition 9.
10 Prescription
The period of extinctive prescription shall be 10 years for the principal of the Bonds and 5 years for the interest on the Bonds when they become due.
11 Events of Default
The occurrence of any of the following events shall constitute an “Event of Default”:
(1) the Issuer shall fail to pay the principal amount of any of the Bonds whether at maturity or upon previous redemption or otherwise for a period of 3 days after the date when due; or
(2) the Issuer shall fail to pay any interest or Additional Amounts on any of the Bonds for a period of 7 days after the date when due; or
(3) the Issuer shall fail duly to perform or observe any other term, covenant or agreement applicable to the Bonds and contained in the Bonds or the Fiscal
Agency Agreement (including these Conditions of Bonds) for a period of 30 days after the date on which written notice of such failure, requiring the Issuer to remedy the same, shall first have been given to the Fiscal Agent on behalf of the Issuer by the Bondholders of not less than 10% in aggregate principal amount of the Bonds then outstanding, provided that such Bondholders shall have presented to the Fiscal Agent the certificates (the “Certificates”) issued by the Nearest Upper Institution, certifying holding of the relevant Bonds; or
(4) if any borrowed money of the Issuer or any of its Principal Subsidiaries (as defined below) is not paid when due or becomes (whether by declaration or automatically in accordance with the relevant agreement or instrument constituting the same) due and payable by reason of any default prior to the date when it would otherwise have become due or any creditor of the Issuer or any of its Principal Subsidiaries becomes entitled to declare any such borrowed money due and payable by reason of any default or any facility or commitment available to the Issuer or any of its Principal Subsidiaries relating to borrowed money is withdrawn, suspended or cancelled by reason of any default of the company concerned, provided that, for the purposes of this Condition 11(4), the borrowed money must, when aggregated with all other borrowed money to which any part of this Condition 11(4) applies, exceed U.S.$15,000,000 (or its equivalent in any other currency); or
(5) if any order is made by any competent court or resolution passed for the winding up or dissolution of the Issuer or any of its Principal Subsidiaries; or
(6) if the Issuer or any of its Principal Subsidiaries ceases or threatens to cease to carry on the whole or a substantial part of its business, or the Issuer or any of its Principal Subsidiaries stops or threatens to stop payment of, or is unable to, or admits inability to, pay, its debts (or any class of its debts) as they fall due, or is deemed unable to pay its debts pursuant to or for the purposes of any applicable law, or is adjudicated or found bankrupt or insolvent; or
(7) if (A) proceedings are initiated against the Issuer or any of its Principal Subsidiaries under any applicable liquidation, insolvency, composition, reorganization or other similar laws, or an application is made for the appointment of an administrative or other receiver, manager, administrator or other similar official, or an administrative or other receiver, manager, administrator or other similar official is appointed, in relation to the Issuer or any of its Principal Subsidiaries or, as the case may be, in relation to the whole or a part of the undertaking or assets of any of them, or an encumbrancer takes possession of the whole or a part of the undertaking or assets of any of them, or a distress, execution, attachment, sequestration or other process is levied, enforced upon, sued out or put in force against the whole or a part of the undertaking or assets of any of them and (B) in any case (other than the appointment of an administrator) the same is not discharged within 14 days; or
(8) if the Issuer or any of its Principal Subsidiaries initiates or consents to judicial proceedings relating to itself under any applicable liquidation, insolvency, composition, reorganization or other similar laws or makes a conveyance or assignment for the benefit of, or enters into any composition or other arrangement with, its creditors generally (or any class of its creditors) or any meeting is
convened to consider a proposal for an arrangement or composition with its creditors generally (or any class of its creditors).
If any Event of Default shall occur and be continuing, then any Bondholder may, at its option, declare that the principal of any Bond held by the Bondholder and the interest accrued thereon (and Additional Amounts, if any, thereon) to be due and payable immediately by presenting the Certificate, and giving written notice, to the Issuer or the Fiscal Agent, and if any such Event of Default shall continue at the time of receipt of such written notice, the principal of such Bond and interest accrued thereon (and Additional Amounts, if any) shall become immediately due and payable.
If an Event of Default with respect to the Bonds, or an event which, with the passing of time or the giving of the notice, or both, would be an Event of Default, shall occur and be continuing, the Issuer shall no later than the following Business Day after it becomes aware thereof notify the Fiscal Agent in writing, and give notice to the Bondholders, of such Event of Default or event.
“Principal Subsidiary” at any time shall mean a Subsidiary of the Issuer inter alia:
(A) whose gross revenues (consolidated in the case of a Subsidiary which itself has Subsidiaries) or whose total assets (consolidated in the case of a Subsidiary which itself has Subsidiaries) represent not less than five per cent. of the consolidated gross revenues, or, as the case may be, consolidated total assets, of the Issuer and its Subsidiaries taken as a whole, all as calculated respectively by reference to the then latest audited accounts (consolidated or, as the case may be, unconsolidated) of the Subsidiary and the then latest audited consolidated accounts of the Issuer and its Subsidiaries; or
(B) to which is transferred the whole or substantially the whole of the undertaking and assets of a Subsidiary of the Issuer which immediately before the transfer is a Principal Subsidiary.
For the purpose of this Condition 11, the Bonds then held by the Issuer or any Subsidiary shall be disregarded and deemed not to be outstanding.
12 Merger, Consolidation, Sale, Conveyance or Lease
(1) The Issuer will not merge or consolidate with, or sell, convey or lease all or substantially all of its assets to any other corporation or entity, unless (i) either (A) the Issuer shall be the surviving corporation in the case of a merger or (B) the surviving, resulting, transferee or lessee corporation or entity (the “successor corporation”) (I) shall be a corporation or entity organized and existing under the laws of Iceland or, if not a corporation nor entity organized and existing under the laws of Iceland, shall agree to indemnify the Bondholders against any taxes, duties, assessments or governmental charges of whatever nature thereafter imposed on as a xxxxxxxxxxx of such consolidation, merger, sale, conveyance or lease and (II) shall expressly assume the due and punctual payment of the principal of and interest (including Additional Amounts, if any, that may result due to withholding by any authority having the power to tax to which the successor corporation is or may be subject) on all the Bonds, according to their tenor, and the due and punctual performance of all of the covenants and obligations of the Issuer under the Bonds, and the Fiscal Agency Agreement, by supplemental agreement satisfactory to the Fiscal Agent, (ii) the Issuer or such a successor corporation, as the case may be, shall not, immediately
after such merger, consolidation, sale, conveyance or lease, be in default in the performance of any covenants or obligations, of the Issuer under the Bonds or the Fiscal Agency Agreement nor shall any Event of Default, or any event which, with the passing of time or the giving of the notice, or both, would become such an Event of Default, have occurred and be continuing and (iii) the Issuer has delivered to the Fiscal Agent a certificate signed by two duly authorized officers and an opinion of counsel each stating that such merger, consolidation, sale, conveyance or lease and (in the case of (B) above) the assumption by the successor corporation comply with this Condition 12(1) and that all conditions precedent provided for in this Condition 12(1) relating to such transaction have been complied with.
(2) Upon any merger, consolidation, sale, conveyance or lease as provided in Condition 12(1), the successor corporation shall succeed to and be substituted for, and may exercise every right and power of and shall be subject to all the obligations of, the Issuer under the Bonds and the Fiscal Agency Agreement, with the same effect as if the successor corporation had been named as the Issuer therein and herein and, except in the case of lease, the Issuer shall be released from its liability as obligor under the Bonds and the Fiscal Agency Agreement; provided that any successor corporation shall have the right to redeem the Bonds pursuant to Condition 8(2) only as a result of circumstances which occur subsequent to such merger, consolidation, sale, conveyance or lease and as a result of which the Issuer would have had such right if the Issuer had remained the obligor on the Bonds.
(3) If at any time from the date of an announcement by the Issuer of a decision taken by its board of directors or an equivalent body or committee to enter into any merger, consolidation, sale, conveyance or lease up to and including 30 Business Days following the completion date of such merger, consolidation, sale, conveyance or lease, there is any downgrading of the long-term credit rating (or equivalent rating) of the Issuer by any two of the rating agencies designated by the Commissioner for Financial Services Agency pursuant to Article 9-5 of Cabinet Office Ordinance Concerning Corporate Disclosure, etc. (the “Designated Rating Agencies”) to BB+ (or equivalent rating) or below, then each Bondholder shall be entitled, at his option, to require the Issuer to redeem any Bonds held by such Bondholder. Such redemption shall take place on the first interest payment date following the date falling 6 Business Days from the Put Option End Date (as defined below) together with the payment for interest payable on such interest payment date. The Issuer shall use its best endeavors to procure that any two of the Designated Rating Agencies make such a public announcement stating the Issuer's long-term credit rating (or equivalent) no later than 30 days from the completion date of the merger, consolidation, sale, conveyance or lease as appropriate.
(4) To exercise this redemption entitlement in accordance with this Condition 12(3), the Bondholder shall give notice to that effect to the Fiscal Agent on behalf of the Issuer through the Nearest Upper Institution no later than the date (the “Put Option End Date”) falling 30 days from the date of the announcement of the downgrading by any two of the Designated Rating Agencies, whichever occurs later.
13 Notices
Notices to the Bondholders shall be valid if published in the Japanese Official Gazette (kampo), if possible, and in a daily Japanese newspaper published in both Tokyo and Osaka reporting on general affairs (which is expected to be the Nihon Keizai Shimbun).
Any such notice shall be deemed to have been given on the date of such publication or, if published more than once or on different dates, on the first date on which publication is made, as provided above.
Direct notification to individual Bondholders need not be made. Such public notices to be given by the Issuer shall, upon the request and at the expense of the Issuer, be given by the Fiscal Agent on behalf of the Issuer.
14 Bondholders’ Meeting
(1) The Issuer shall convene a Bondholders’ meeting to consider any matters which relate to the interests of Bondholders in the event: that Bondholders holding at least one tenth (1/10) of the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds then outstanding, acting either jointly or individually, so request in writing to the Fiscal Agent at its head office, provided that such Bondholders shall have presented to the Fiscal Agent the Certificates; or that the Issuer should deem it necessary to hold a Bondholders’ meeting.
When a Bondholders’ meeting is to be convened, the Issuer shall give public notice of the convocation of the Bondholders’ meeting at least 21 days prior to the date of such meeting; and ensure that the Fiscal Agent, on behalf of the Issuer, shall take the steps necessary for the convocation of the Bondholders’ meeting and to expedite the proceedings thereof.
(2) The Bondholders may exercise their vote by themselves at the relevant Bondholders’ meeting, by proxy, or in writing pursuant to the rules established by the Issuer or the Fiscal Agent on behalf of the Issuer. At any Bondholders’ meeting, each Bondholder shall have voting rights in proportion to the principal amount of the Bonds held by him; provided, however, that the Certificates shall have been presented to the Fiscal Agent at its head office, at least 7 days prior to the date set for such meeting and to the Issuer or the Fiscal Agent at such meeting, on the date thereof; and, provided, further, that the Bondholder shall not make an application for book-entry transfer or an application for obliteration of the Bonds unless he returns the Certificate so issued to the Nearest Upper Institution.
(3) Resolutions at such Bondholders’ meeting shall be passed by a majority vote of the voting rights of the Bondholders present at such meeting; provided, however, that Extraordinary Resolution is required with respect to the following items:
(a) a grace of payment, an exemption from liabilities resulting from a default, or settlement, to be effected with respect to all the Bonds;
(b) a procedural act, or all acts pertaining to bankruptcy or similar proceedings to be made with respect to all the Bonds;
(c) an appointment or removal of representative(s) who will be authorized to make decision on matters to be resolved at a Bondholders’ meeting (provided such representative(s) shall hold one-thousandth (1/1000) or more of the aggregate principal amount of the outstanding Bonds) (the “Representative(s) of Bondholders”) or an executor who will be authorized to carry out a resolution passed (the “Executor”), or an alternation to any matters entrusted to them; and
(d) sanctioning of the Security Interest or arrangement provided pursuant to Condition 3(b).
“Extraordinary Resolution” means a resolution passed at a Bondholders’ meeting by one-fifth (1/5) or more of the votes representing the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds then outstanding and two-thirds (2/3) or more of the votes of the Bondholders present at such meeting.
For the purposes of calculating the number of votes exercised at a Bondholders’ meeting, the Bondholders who have exercised their votes by proxy or in writing shall be deemed to have attended and voted at such meeting.
(4) The resolution passed pursuant to (3) of this Condition shall be binding on all the Bondholders whether present or not at such Bondholders’ meeting to the extent permitted by the applicable Japanese law, and shall be carried out by the Representative(s) of Bondholder(s) or the Executor appointed by the Bondholders at the meeting pursuant to (3)(c) of this Condition.
(5) For the purpose of this Condition 14, the Bonds then held by the Issuer shall be disregarded and deemed not to be outstanding.
(6) A Bondholders’ meeting shall be held in Tokyo, Japan.
(7) All expenses necessary for the procedures under this Condition 14 shall be borne by the Issuer.
15 Registration Book
The registration book for the Bonds shall be prepared and administered by the Fiscal Agent on behalf of the Issuer, and kept at its head office.
16 Currency Indemnity
In the event of a judgment or order being rendered by any court for the payment of the principal of or interest on the Bonds, and such judgment or order being expressed in a currency other than Japanese Yen, any amount received or recovered in such currency by any Bondholder in respect of such judgment or order shall only constitute a discharge to the Issuer to the extent of the amount received or recovered by such Bondholder in Japanese Yen and the Issuer undertakes to pay to such Bondholder the amount necessary to make up any deficiency arising or resulting from any variation in rates of exchange between (a) the date as of which any amount expressed in Japanese Yen is (or is to be treated as) converted into such currency for the purposes of any such judgment or order, and (b) the date or dates of discharge of such judgment or order (or part thereof). To the extent permitted by any applicable law, the above undertaking shall constitute a separate and independent obligation of the Issuer from its other obligations, shall give rise to a separate and independent cause of action against the Issuer, shall apply irrespective of any indulgence granted by any Bondholder from time to time and shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding any judgment or order.
17 Governing Law and Jurisdiction
The Bonds are governed by, and shall be construed in accordance with, the laws of Japan.
Except otherwise provided in these Conditions of Bonds, the place of performance of obligations pertaining to the Bonds is Tokyo, Japan.
Any legal action or other court procedure against the Issuer arising from or relating to the Bonds or these Conditions of Bonds may be instituted in the Tokyo District Court, to the jurisdiction of which the Issuer hereby expressly, unconditionally and irrevocably submits.
The Issuer hereby designates the address from time to time of Embassy of Iceland, Tokyo, currently at 18-26, Takanawa 4-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan, as the address for the purpose of accepting service of process and other court documents in Japan in connection with any such legal action or other court procedure arising from or relating to the Bonds or these Conditions of Bonds that may be instituted in Japan from time to time and appoints Icelandic Ambassador to Japan from time to time, as its authorized agent to accept such service of process.
The Issuer agrees to take, from time to time and so long as any of the Bonds shall remain outstanding, any and all action (including the execution and filing of any and all documents and instruments) that may be necessary to effect and to continue such appointment and designation in full force and effect. If at any time such agent shall not, for any reason, serve as such authorized agent, the Issuer shall immediately appoint, and it undertakes to take any and all action that may be necessary to effect the appointment of, a successor authorized agent in Tokyo, Japan. The Issuer shall notify the Fiscal Agent of the appointment of such successor agent and give a public notice thereof to the Bondholders.
Nothing in this Condition 17 shall affect the right of the Bondholders to institute legal action against the Issuer in any court of competent jurisdiction under applicable laws or to serve process in any manner otherwise permitted by law.
18 Modifications
Certain modifications and amendments to these Conditions of Bonds may be made without the consent of any Bondholder, only for the purpose of curing any ambiguity, or of correcting or supplementing any defective provisions contained therein, adding covenants for the benefit of the Bondholders, surrendering rights or powers conferred on the Issuer, effecting succession or assumption as a result of a merger or similar transaction (but subject to Condition 12), or in any other manner which the Issuer may deem necessary and desirable and which will not materially adversely affect the interest of the Bondholders or the Fiscal Agent. Any such modifications or amendments shall be notified to the Bondholders at the expense of the Issuer and in accordance with Condition 13 as soon as practicable thereafter.