27条及び第28条に定める権利を含む。以下同じ。)は、第3項に定める場合を除き、著作物が本学会の出版物等(GIS-理論と応用、本学会が主催または共催する学術大 会の論文集などの他、デジタルライブラリを含む。)へ掲載された時点で当該著作物の著作者から本学会に無償で譲渡されたものとみなす。
第1条 この規程は、本学会に投稿される論文等(本学会が依頼する原稿を含み、以下「著作物」という。)の著作権の取り扱いについて定めるものである。
第2条 著作物に関するすべての著作権(著作xx(昭和45年5月6日法律第48号)第
2. 前項の定めにかかわらず、著作物のうち、本学会が共催する学術大会の論文集に掲載される著作物に関しては、著作権の帰属(持分割合を含む。)を当該学術大会の共催団体と協議の上、決定する。
3. 特別な事情により著作者が本学会へ投稿する著作物の著作権について本学会への無償譲渡を認めない場合、当該著作者は当該著作物の本学会への投稿と同時にその旨を本学会が別途指定した窓口あてに書面をもって申し出るものとし、かかる書面による申し出が適式になされた場合には、当該著作物の著作権の取り扱いについて、著作者と本学会との間で協議の上、決定する。
第3条 著作者は、前条第1項又は第3項の定めに基づいて本学会が著作権の全部又は一部を取得した著作物につき以下の各号に該当する行為が行われる場合には、本学会並びに本学会から正当に権利を取得し、又はその利用許諾を受けた第三者及び当該第三者から当該権利を承継した者に対して、著作者人格権(公表権、氏名表示権及び同一性保持権)を行使しないものとする。
第4条 著作者は、自己が投稿した著作物の著作権譲渡を本学会が著作権登録名簿に登録しようとする場合には、これに協力しなければならない。なお、かかる登録に要する費用は本学会が負担する。
第5条 本学会は、著作者に対し、当該著作者が投稿した著作物について、当該著作者が複製、翻訳等の形で利用することを許諾する。また、著作者は、本学会出版物等の発行後に限って、当該著作物を著作者個人の Web サイト(著作者所属組織のサイトを含む。)において掲載することができる。但し、いずれの場合においても、掲載に際して本学会出版物等にかかわる出典を明記しなければならない。
第6条 著作者は、本学会に対し、自己が投稿する著作物が第三者の著作権その他いかなる権利も侵害するものではなく、かつ、合法的なものであることを保証するものとし、万一著作物について第三者からの権利主張、異議、苦情、損害賠償請求等が申し立てられた場合には(以下「第三者申立て」という。)、当該著作者の責任と費用負担においてこれを処理し、本学会には一切迷惑をかけないものとする。
2. 前項の場合において、第三者申立てに起因して本学会に損害、損失その他不利益(第三者申立てへの対応に要した弁護士費用を含むがこれに限られない。以下「損害等」という。)が生じた場合には、当該著作者が本学会に対して一切の損害等を賠償又は補償する責任を負う。
第7条 この規程の改廃は、理事会の決議をもって行う。
第8条 この規程は、xxで作成されるものとし、この規定が他の言語に翻訳された場合においても常にxx版が優先する。
(x x)
表題 | |
著者名 (全員) | |
所属 | |
掲載誌名 | 『GIS-理論と応用』 vol. - |
代表者住所: 〒________________________________
所属 | 氏名(自著) |
____年 ___月 ____日
Copyright Rules and Regulations of the Geographic Information Systems Association (GISA)
Article 1 These rules and regulations (“Rules and Regulations”) govern the handling of copyright (“Copyright”) for all contents and papers (“Work”) submitted to GISA (including manuscripts requested by XXXX).
(Copyright Handling)
Article 2 The Copyright of all Works (including the rights set forth in Article 27 and Article 28 of the Copyright Act (Act No. 48 of May 6, 1970), except as set forth in paragraph 3, are deemed to have been transferred without compensation from the author of the work to GISA at the time the work is published in GISA’s publications , etc. (including Theory and Applications of GIS, academic conference papers for symposiums or conferences organized or co-organized by XXXX, and other digital libraries).
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the copyright attribution (including the percentage of ownership) of Works published in the collections of academic conference papers for academic conferences co-organized by GISA is determined by GISA and the co- organizers through consultations.
3. In the event that the author does not permit the transfer of the copyright of the work submitted to GISA without compensation due to special circumstances, the author must submit a request in writing to a contact address specified by XXXX at the same time as the submission of the manuscript to GISA. In the event that such written request is deemed to have been made in an appropriate manner, the author and XXXX will decide on the handling of the work’s copyright through consultations.
(Special Provision on the Non-Exercise of the Moral Rights of the Author)
Article 3 In the event of the following cases, the author shall not exercise the moral rights of the author (rights to make a work public, rights of attribution, and rights of integrity) with regards to works that XXXX has acquired the copyright in whole or in part in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1 or 3 of the preceding Article towards GISA, any third party who has legitimately acquired the right or has been granted the license of use from GISA, or any person or organization that has succeeded the relevant rights from the third party.
(1) Translations and subsequent changes
(2) Changes associated with electronic distribution
(3) Uses of only abstracts
(4) Changes that are inappropriate to apply the right of integrity in accordance with other laws,
Article 4 The author must cooperate with GISA when XXXX seeks to register the transfer of copyright of the work submitted by the author in the register of copyrights. GISA will bear the cost of the registration.
(License to the Author)
Article 5 GISA allows the author to use the work submitted by the author in the form of reproduction or translation, etc. The author may also post the work on the author’s personal website (including the website of the organization the author is affiliated to) only after GISA’s publications, etc., have been published. In both cases, the author must specify the source of GISA’s publications, etc.
(Copyright Infringement and Dispute Settlement)
Article 6 The author assures XXXX that the work submitted by the author does not infringe on any third party’s copyright or other rights, and the work is legal and lawful. Should a third party file a claim of right, objection, complaint, or claim for damages, etc., pertaining to any works (“Third Party Claim”), the author will assume responsibility and bear the expenses, and will not cause GISA any inconvenience.
2. In the aforementioned cases, the author is liable to compensate GISA for any damages, losses, and other disadvantages (“damages, etc.”, including, but not limited to, legal fees required for responding to a third party filing) caused by a third party filing.
(Revision or Abolition of Rules and Regulations)
Article 7 Revision or abolition of These Rules and Regulations shall be made by the resolution of the Board of Directors.
Article 8 These Rules and Regulations are written in the Japanese language. If These Rules and Regulations are translated into another language, the Japanese text shall prevail.
(Supplementary Provisions)
These Rules and Regulations shall come into force from November 25, 2019.
The handling of copyrights of works submitted prior to the enforcement of These Rules and Regulations will be subjected to the provisions of the “Copyright Rules and Regulations of the
Geographical Information Systems Association (GISA)” that was effective from June 1, 2007 and was abolished upon the enforcement of These Rules and Regulations.
Copyright Transfer Agreement
In accordance with Article 2 of the Copyright Rules and Regulations of the Geographical Information Systems Association (GISA), I/we agree to transfer the copyright of the paper, etc., below to GISA.
Title | |
Author's name (all authors) | |
Affiliation(s) | |
Name of XXXX’x publication | “Theory and Applications of GIS” Vol. - |
Signature (in case of multiple authors, include either all authors or authorized delegate of all authors) Representative’s contact address: , Japan
Affiliations | Names of authors |
(Month and date, Year)