将以上所需资料的扫描件加盖公章发送至邮箱 2169403498@qq.com。邮件中需注明需要报名的项目名称、供应商名称、联系人姓名、联系方式及接收单采文件的 邮箱地址,审核通过后,单采文件以电子文件形式回复至供应商邮箱。
采 购 人:郑州信息科技职业学院
4、与国内用户签订的服务合同的复印件(如未有同类业绩合同可不附) 66
第一章 单一来源采购邀请书
郑州信息科技职业学院机电一体化专业群建设项目的潜在供应商远程报名获取采购文件,2023 年 5 月 6 日 9 点 30 分(北京时间)前提交响应文件。
预算金额:152 万元采购需求:
4.交货期: 合同签订并在收到采购人预付款后,成交供应商在半年内提供相关合同服务,采购人在接到通知后半年内完成相关课程。
3.本项目的特定资格要求:根据《关于在政府采购活动中查询及使用信用记录有关问题的通知》(财库[2016]125 号)的规定,对列入失信被执行人、重大税收违法失信主体、政府采购严重违法失信行为记录名单的供应商,拒绝参与本项目;供应商提供“信用中国(xxx.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx)”查询“失信被执行人、重大税收违法失信主体、政府采购严重违法失信行为记录名单”和“中国政府采购网(xxx.xxxx.xxx.xx)”查询“政府采购严重违法失信行为记录”的网上查询页并加盖单位公章;注:(采购人、代理机构在开标后对所有投标供应商信用记录进行查询,并将查询结果网页打印存档,供应商信
1.时间:2023 年 4 月 26 日至 2023 年 4 月 28 日(北京时间,法定节假日除外);
将以上所需资料的扫描件加盖公章发送至邮箱 0000000000@xx.xxx。邮件中需注明需要报名的项目名称、供应商名称、联系人姓名、联系方式及接收单采文件的邮箱地址,审核通过后,单采文件以电子文件形式回复至供应商邮箱。
3.单采文件售价:300 元人民币/套,售后不退;
1.时间:2023 年 5 月 6 日 9 点 30 分(北京时间);
2.地点:河南诚信工程管理有限公司(郑州市xx新区商鼎路 56 号东方陆港 C 栋 14层)会议室。
1.时间:2023 年 5 月 6 日 9 点 30 分(北京时间);
2.地点:河南诚信工程管理有限公司(xxxxxxxxxx 00 xxxxx X x 00x)评标室。
采 购 人:郑州信息科技职业学院联 系 人:xxx
地 址:郑州市xx新区龙子湖北路 36 号采购代理机构:河南诚信工程管理有限公司联 系 人:xxx
地 址:xxxxxxxxxx 00 xxxxx X x 14 层
2023 年 4 月 25 日
第二章 供应商须知资料表
条款号 | 内容 |
1 | 采 购 人:郑州信息科技职业学院联 系 人:陈老师 联系电话:0000-00000000 地 址:郑州市xx新区龙子湖北路 36 号 |
2 | 采购代理机构:河南诚信工程管理有限公司联 系 人:刘女士 电 话:0371-53307955 地 址:xxxxxxxxxx 00 xxxxx X x 14 层 |
3 | 澄清截止日期:响应文件递交截止日期前 3 天 |
4 | 语言:中文 |
5 | 项目预算:152 万元。 |
6 | 响应文件:正本:壹份,副本:贰份;电子版 U 盘一份;正、副本不一致时,以正本为准。 注意事项: 1.响应文件正本需单独密封提交;副本一起密封提交,电子版(U 盘)单独密封提交; 2.响应文件正本、副本均需标明书脊(XX 项目 XX 编号); 3.电子版为一份 word 版、一份加盖公章的 PDF 扫描件。(文件名称为供应商公司全称) |
7 | 报价币种:人民币 |
8 | 单采响应保证金:根据豫财购[2019] 4 号文规定本项目不收取单采响应保证金, 响应人需按要求提供响应承诺函。 |
9 | 响应文件有效期:30 日历日 |
10 | 响应文件递交时间:2023 年 5 月 6 日 9:30;(北京时间) |
响应文件递交地点:河南诚信工程管理有限公司(郑州市xx新区商鼎路 56 号 东方陆港 C 栋 14 层)会议室。 | |
11 | 响应文件开启时间:2023 年 5 月 6 日 9:30;(北京时间) 响应文件开启地点:河南诚信工程管理有限公司(xxxxxxxxxx 00 xxxxx X x 00 x)评标室。 |
12 | 交货期:合同签订并在收到采购人预付款后,成交供应商在半年内提供相关合同服务,采购人在接到通知后半年内完成相关课程。 (第四章“项目说明及需求”中有特殊要求的按其规定)交货地点:用户指定地点 质保期:不少于 1 年 付款方式:本合同签订后,甲方向乙方支付合同价款 60%作为预付款;最终验收合格 10 个工作日后,甲方向乙方支付至合同价款的 100%。 |
13 | 成交供应商须向采购代理机构按如下标准和规定交纳成交服务费: (1)成交服务费:参考国家计委印发的计价格[2002]1980 号关于《招标代理机构服务费管理暂行办法》、发改办价格[2003]857 号文《国家发展改革委办公厅关于招标代理服务收费有关问题的通知》及发改价格【2011】534 号文收费标准收取代理费,不足壹万元按壹万元收取。 (2)成交服务费币种与签订合同的币种相同或采购代理机构同意的币种。 (3)成交服务费的交纳方式: 在递交报价文件时,供应商向采购代理机构送交成交服务费承诺书。成交供应商在领取成交通知书时一次向采购代理机构交纳所有成交服务费。 |
14 | 资格条件: 1、法人营业执照副本的复印件(须加盖本单位公章) 2、近一年(2021 年度或 2022 年度)的财务状况报告(财务审计报告或银行出具的资信证明);(须加盖本单位公章) 3、2022 年 6 月 1 日以来任意一个月完税证明、依法缴纳社会保障资金的入账票据凭证;依法享有免税政策的,提供相关证明文件。(须加盖本单位公章) 4、具有履行合同所必需的设备和专业技术能力(响应人自行承诺,格式自拟) (须加盖本单位公章) 5、参加本次政府采购活动前三年内,在经营活动中没有重大违法记录的声明(须加盖本单位公章) |
6、信用信息查询结果证明材料(须加盖本单位公章) |
第三章 供应商须知
1. 采购人、采购代理机构及资金来源
1.1 采购人:指依法进行本次政府采购招标活动中的国家机关、事业单位、团体组织。本项目的采购人特指:郑州信息科技职业学院。
1.2 采购代理机构:受采购人委托,组织本次招标活动的采购代理机构。本项目的采购代理机构为河南诚信工程管理有限公司。
1.3 本次采购资金来源为财政资金。
2. 合格的供应商
2.1 符合《中华人民共和国政府采购法》第二十二条之规定:
2.2 凡受托为本次招标标的进行设计、编制规范和其他文件的咨询公司,及相关联的附属机构,不得参与报价。
2.3 凡在法律或财务上不能独立合法经营,或在法律或财务上不能独立于本项目谈判采购单位的任何机构,不得参加报价。
2.4 供应商在项目采购过程中不得向采购人和采购代理机构提供、给予任何有价值的物品,一经发现,其报价人资格将被取消。
2.5 采购人和采购代理机构在任何时候发现供应商递交的响应文件中递交虚假资料或失实资料的,或者以其他方式弄虚作假的,其报价将被拒绝并没收其报价保证金,并视情况依法追究责任。
3. 报价费用
3.1 供应商应承担所有与编写和递交响应文件有关的费用,不论谈判结果如何,“供应商须知资料表”中所述的采购代理机构和采购人均无义务和责任承担这些费
4. 单一来源采购文件构成
4.1 要求提供的系统服务、谈判过程和合同条款在单一来源采购文件中均有说明。单一来源采购文件共六章,内容如下:
第一章 单一来源采购邀请书第二章 供应商须知资料表 第三章 供应商须知
第四章 项目说明及需求第五章 合同文本
第六章 响应文件组成和格式
4.2 供应商应认真阅读单一来源采购文件中所有的事项、格式、条款和规范等。
5. 单一来源采购文件的澄清
5.1 任何要求对单一来源采购文件进行澄清的供应商,均应以书面形式通知采购代理机构或采购人,采购代理机构对其在资料表中所述递交响应文件截止期以前收到的对单一来源采购文件的澄清要求将以书面形式予以答复,同时将书面答复通知购买单一来源采购文件的供应商(答复中不注明问题的来源)。
6. 对单一来源采购文件的修改
6.1 在响应文件递交截止日期前的任何时候,无论出于何种原因,采购代理机构可主动地或在解答供应商提出的澄清问题时对单一来源采购文件进行修改。
6.2 单一来源采购文件的修改将以书面形式通知购买单一来源采购文件的供应商,并对其具有约束力。供应商在收到上述通知后,应立即向采购代理机构回函确认回复。
7. 语言
7.1 供应商递交的响应文件以及供应商与采购代理机构和采购人就有关单一来源采购的所有来往函电均应使用“供应商须知资料表”中规定的语言书写。供应商递交的证明文件和印制的资料可以用另一种语言,但应附有“供应商须知资料
8. 响应文件构成
8.1 供应商编写的响应文件应包括下列部分:
8.1.1 报价部分
8.1.2 商务部分
8.1.3 技术部分
8.2 响应文件数量:详见“供应商须知资料表”
8.2.1 响应文件应由供应商的法定代表人或经正式授权并对供应商有约束力的代表在响应文件上签字。被授权代表需将以书面形式出具的“法定代表人授权书(原件)”附在响应文件中。任何行间插字、涂改和增删,必须由响应文件签字人用姓或首字母在旁边签字才有效。
8.2.2 每本响应文件的内容应装订成册,一律采用胶装方式装订。
8.2.3 所有响应文件必须装入密封的信封,并在封口上加盖供应商的公章。响应文件的正本和副本应分别封装,并在每一信封或包装的封面上写明:
8.3 响应文件的递交
8.3.1 供应商应在“供应商须知资料表”规定的响应文件递交截止时间前递交响应文件。
8.3.2 供应商递交响应文件的地点:见供应商须知资料表。
8.3.3 除“供应商须知资料表”另有规定外,供应商所递交的响应文件不予退还。
8.3.4 逾期送达或者未送达指定地点的响应文件,采购人拒收。
9. 报价
9.1 供应商应按单一来源采购文件第六章响应文件组成和格式填写所报货物的单价和总价,报价如果出现单价与总价不符的,以单价为准。单一来源采购文件对每种货物只允许有一个报价,采购代理机构不接受有任何选择的报价。
9.2 报价表中的所报总价应已包括供应商若最终成交,应缴纳的与所报货物和服务相关的所有税费。
9.3 报价总价包括供应商为完成本项目所发生的一切费用。供应商估算错误或漏项的风险均由供应商承担。
9.4 供应商按上述 9.1 款要求填写报价,但不限制采购人以其它方式签订合同的权力。
9.5 供应商应对单一来源采购文件技术需求书中的所有项目进行应答和报价,不得分拆只选择部分项目报价;供应商未经采购人同意不得将本项目分包或转包。
10. 报价币种
10.1 响应文件、报价表中的报价一律用人民币填报。
11. 保证金
11.1 根据豫财购[2019] 4 号文规定本项目不收取响应保证金,响应人需按要求提供响应承诺函。
12. 响应文件有效期
12.1 响应文件有效期应自本须知规定的响应文件递交截至日起,并在“供应商须知资料表”中所述时期内保持有效。响应文件有效期不足的将被予以拒绝。
13. 响应文件递交截止期
13.1 供应商应于“供应商须知资料表”中规定的截止日期和时间前将响应文件递交至
14 协商小组
14.1 协商小组由三人组成。
14.2 人员构成:协商小组由采购人的代表和有关专家共三人组成,其中专家的人数不得少于成员总数的三分之二。
14.3 协商小组应当对采购项目的价格构成和评定成交的标准等事项作出规定。
14.4 确定被单采的供应商名单,协商小组根据采购需求,向符合相应资格条件的供应商发出单采通知书让其报价。
14.5 协商小组要求被单采的供应商一次报出不得更改的价格。
15 采购原则
15.1 公平、公正、诚实信用、科学择优
15.2 被单采的供应商应在完全满足单采文件的商务和技术要求的前提下,进行报价。
16 报价
16.1 采购代理机构在供应商须知资料表中规定的日期、时间和地点接收响应文件,其中被单采的供应商在响应文件中可以先不报价,只响应商务和技术部分。
16.2 被单采的供应商必须报出是采购人认为合理的市场价格,该价格可在最后开标时报出。
17 响应文件的初审
17.1 响应文件未经密封;
17.2 未按规定加盖单位公章和无法定代表人或授权代表的签章;
17.3 未按要求递交响应承诺函;
18 响应文件的审查
18.1 供应商以他人名义参与单采、串通单采、以行贿手段牟取成交或以他人弄虚作假方式参与单采的,为无效单采响应;
18.2 供应商资格条件不符合国家有关规定和单采文件的要求,为无效单采响应;
18.3 供应商的报价超出采购人的预算为无效单采响应;采购人认为报价不为合理的市场价时,将导致废标。
19 报价的确定:
19.1 响应文件的审查完成后,由协商小组统一报价内容,由拟成交供应商在规定的时间内提供密封的报价并予以公布。
20 成交供应商的确定
20.1 采取单一来源方式采购的,采购人与供应商应当遵循《中华人民共和国政府采购法》规定的原则,在保证采购项目质量和双方商定合理价格的基础上进行采购。
21 保密及其它注意事项
21.1 单采是采购工作的重要环节,单采工作在协商小组内独立进行。
21.2 协商小组将遵照规定的评比方法,公正、平等地对待所有供应商。
21.3 在单采期间,供应商不得向协商小组成员及工作人员询问评比情况,不得进行旨在影响单采结果的活动。
21.4 协商小组和采购代理机构不退还响应文件。
21.5 河南省财政厅是本次采购活动的管理监督机构。六、成交
22 成交通知书
22.1 成交供应商确定后,采购代理机构将向成交供应商发出成交通知书。
22.2 成交通知书是合同的一个组成部分。 23 成交服务费
23.1 成交供应商在领取成交通知书时一次向采购代理机构交纳所有成交服务费。
23.2 成交服务费可采用现金、支票、电汇或银行汇票等形式。
第四章 项目说明及需求
课程本地化主要包含:师资认证、课程体系建设、学校认证授权和学生认证。 1.师资认证
学校派 8 名教师完成西门子机电一体化国际认证项目等级 1 和等级 2 课程的学习和认证。通过西门子公司对教师的培养,认证教师可以明确该项目课程覆盖的技术能力范围、掌握机电一体化系统教学法和课程设计思路。师资认证是后期学生认证的必备环节,为了保证培训高质量的完成,建议认证教师英语能力至少达到剑桥英语 B2 等级。
认证教师根据学校的硬件系统平台来完成将要本地化的课程体系(等级 1,共 4 门课程)建设,西门子提供已有课程材料作为参考教学资源包协助学校完成。
学校与西门子公司签订西门子机电一体化国际认证授权合作协议,成为西门子授权合作伙伴,在学校开展本地化的等级 1 认证培训,在授权期内,为学校提供机电一体化认证考试平台,学生培训后可自愿参加国际认证考试。
步骤 1:参加学校的机电一体化认证课程;
步骤 2:在学校注册和参加考试,成绩合格者获得西门子颁发的机电一体化认证证书。
规格 | 分项 | 单位 |
师资培训认证 | 上课形式:在线学习 地点:郑州信息科技职业学院校内培训时长:20 天; 人数:8 人 颁发西门子机电一体化认证等级 1 和等级 2 师资认证证书;授课内容: 等级 1 认证课程(10 天) • 电气组件 | 1 次 |
• 机械部件和电气传动 • 气动和液压控制电路 • 数字基础和可编程逻辑控制器等级2 认证课程(10天) • 过程控制系统 • 全集成自动化系统介绍 • 自动化系统工程 • 马达电机控制 • 机械与机械元素 • 制造工程 | ||
机电一体化系统年度授权 | 签署合作伙伴认证授权协议; 颁发西门子合作伙伴认证证书; 授权学校在校内开展机电一体化等级 1 认证培训; 招生对象:学生和企业员工; | 1 年 |
机电一体化系统等级 1 教学资源包 | 语言:中英文 形式:Word 文档课程内容: • 电气组件 • 机械部件和电气传动 • 气动和液压控制电路 • 数字基础和可编程逻辑控制器 | 4 门 |
将西门子德国的产品认证、机电一体化 SMSCP 认证和人才培养体系全面引入河南的职业教育,通过校企紧密合作,引入德国双元制专业人才培养模式,打造具有国际认证资格的自动化专业群的培养体系。
1.1 西门子国际机电一体化认证一级课程体系
该课程体系工包含四门课程,这四门课程为学生做好准备的工作岗位是高级操作维护人员及助理工程师,他对机电一体化系统的复杂相互关系和相互作用有全面的了解。认证计划中的所有课程均基于系统方法。学生将在实际机电系统的背景下了解各个组 件和系统特性。在本课程开始时,首先应向学生展示一个复杂的系统。该系统应该在教
课程 1 电气元件课程描述
课程 2 机械部件和电气传动课程描述
课程 3(电)气动和液压控制电路课程描述
课程 4 数字基础和可编程逻辑控制器
(PLC),重点介绍自动化系统 SIMATIC S7-1500/1200 和相应的编程软件博途。通过计算机模拟,学生将学习 PLC 在机电系统或子系统中的作用。他们还将通过编写小程序并在实际系统上测试这些程序来学习 PLC 功能的基本元素。学生将学习如何识别故障 PLC,以及应用故障排除策略来识别和定位 PLC 硬件引起的问题。
2. 人才认证体系建设
机电一体化专业群将开展智能制造应用型高技能人才西门子全球机电一体化认证。西门子全球机电一体化系统认证, 即 SMSCP ( Siemens Mechatronic Systems
Certification Program),是西门子全球通用的机电一体化认证标准,以培养机电一体化人才为主要目标,课程摒弃传统的教学方式,使用德国先进的“系统理念”教学方法,对机电一体化系统进行全面、权威的讲解,使学员从机械、电气、控制、网络、计算机技术、人机交互技术等多层面、多角度学习自动化系统知识,使其真正掌握机电一体化设备控制理念及相关操作、维护、诊断、设计等应用知识。学员也可以根据自己的职业方向选择不同等级的课程并得到相关的权威认证。
SMSCP 机电一体化系统认证学员,主要面向各类制造行业的机电产品生产企业和经营单位,从事机电一体化设备特别是电子产品自动装配生产线的运行维护和维修、安装和调试、操作以及生产计划、简单设计工作,从事生产组织与管理、产品设计和技术服务工作。通过学习及认证的学生将服务于国内及国际先进制造型企业及其上下游合作单位。
3. 师资队伍培训
机电一体化系统师资初系统方法认证学时:40 小时(一周)
机电一体化系统师资一级认证(第二周)学时:40 小时
• 电子器件
• 机械器件和电气驱动
• (电控)气动和液压线路
• 数字基础和可编程控制器机电一体化系统师资二级认证学时:80 小时
• 过程控制技术
• 全面整合自动化导论
• 自动化系统
• 电机控制
• 机械和机器部件
• 制造过程
第五章 合同文本
Name of Project / 项 目 名 称:
买 方:
Registered Office:
卖 方:
Registered Office:
Siemens Factory Automation Engineering Ltd.
No. 1 Jiuxianqiao Donglu, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
Mail Address:
Mail Address:
Post Code:
Post Code:
Telephone:电话: Bank of Account: 开户银行:
Account No.
Telephone:电话: Bank of Account: 开户银行:
Account No.
Industrial & Commercial Bank of China, Beijing Municipal Branch,
Chaoyang Subbranch
银行账号: 0200003419201205033
Tax Reg. No.
Tax Reg. No.
This Engineering Project Contract (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”) is concluded in [ place ], by and between Buyer and Seller through friendly negotiations:
本工程项目合同(以下称“合同”)由买卖双方通过友好协商在 _签订。
Buyer and Seller hereinafter referred to individually as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties”.
1. Goods and Service 货物及服务
In accordance with the terms and conditions of this Contract of Supplies and Services (the “Contract”), Buyer hereby agrees to purchase and Seller agrees to sell the Goods and Services are set out in Attachment I “Scope of Supply (and accompany Services)”.
按照本供货及服务合同(下称“合同”同下述条款和条件,买方同意购买,卖方同意出售本合同附件 1 规定的货物和服务。
2. Price 价 格
2.1 The total price under this Contract is RMB (In words: Renminbi ) (the “Total Contract Price”), therein the Net Value is RMB (in words:Renminbi ),VAT tax value is RMB (in words:Renminbi ). This Total Contract Price is calculated based on the exchange rate of EURO or USD/RMB as of the date of quotation and may be subject to a final adjustment according to the exchange rate as of the date of Seller’s written notice of ready-for-dispatch. Seller will cover the additional expenses due to fluctuation of exchange rate within the range of 5%, and Buyer will cover the portion of additional expenses due to fluctuation of exchange rate exceeding the range of 5%.
本合同总价为人民币 _元(大写 _元整)(“合同总价”), 其中不含税价格为 元(大写 元整),税额为 元(大写元整)。合同总价的计算基础是报价当日的欧元或美元/人民币汇率。合同最终价格以卖方书面货物备妥通知之日的汇率结算,卖方将承担汇率变化5%以内所引起的费用, 而买方将承担汇率变化超过5%以外所引起的费用。
2.2 The Total Contract price includes any and all carriage expenses for delivering the Goods to the agreed destination, but the unloading and discharging expenses are hereby expressly excluded.合同总价包括将货物运至合同交货地点的运费,但不包括卸货费用。
2.3 The Total Contract price includes 13% VAT. Unless otherwise provided herein, the total Contract Price under the Contract does not include any tax or durites imposed by any foreign government, which shal be born by Buyer if any.
合同总价为包含 13%增值税的含税价格。除非合同另有规定,本合同规定的合同产品的价格不包括任何国外政府机构征收的任何税收或税款,如有此种税收或税款,应由买方承担。
Any changes in any of Seller's obligations or costs under the Contract necessitated resulting from changes in (i) law, (ii) standards or (iii) requirements by authorities, after signature of the Contract, shall be on the account of Buyer. Both Buyer and Seller shall inform each other immediately of any such changes that may be required.
如在销售合同签署后,因(i)法律、(ii)标准或 (iii)政府机关要求的改变而导致的销售合同项下的任何卖方义务或成本发生变化,则买方应承担所有的费用。买方与卖方均应立即告知对方可能被要求的任何该等改变。
2.4 The unit price listed in the Contract applies only for the Goods ordered by Buyer under this Contract. As for market fluctuation risks, both parties agree that if the price of materials for Contract goods on the purchase day exceeds that of quotation day for more than 5%, Buyer shall, upon Seller’s request, compensate Seller for the exceeding amount.
2.5 Unless otherwise agreed in the Contract, the term of delivery under this Contract shall be Delivered At Place (DAP), which shall be interpreted according to the INCOTERMS 2010.
除非合同中另有约定,本合同交货条件为DAP“买方指定地点交货”,依照《2010国际贸易术语解释通则》中的(INCOTERMS 2010/ DAP)术语解释。
3. Delivery 交 货 条 件
3.1 a) One time delivery: The Goods under this Contract shall be delivered within months to the place of .
合同货物的交货期为 个月,交货地点为 。
b) Deliver by batches 分批发货
Place: 地点:
First batch delivery time:
Second batch delivery time:
The last batch delivery time should no later than
最后一批发货时间必须不晚于 _
The Buyer shall provide proper conditions to the Seller and invite the Seller to start the Service no later than 90 days after the Goods are passed or are deemed as passed the open package inspection.
3.2 The delivery term of the Goods shall be calculated from the date following the day on which Seller receives Buyer’s Down-payment, or the date, on which this Contract takes effects, whichever is later. However, should there be of any discrepancy regarding the technical clarification there before or therein, the delivery term shall be calculated upon completion of such technical clarification.
3.3 When the Goods are delivered to the Place of Delivery, Buyer shall arrange unloading and discharging work on its own expense. If Buyer fails to arrange timely the unloading and discharging work, Buyer shall compensate all actual and reasonable expenses incurred thereof to Seller.
4. Terms of Payment 支 付 条 款
4.1 Buyer shall effect payment of Total Contract Price through account transfer (for Buyers in Beijing) or bank telegraphic transfer (T/T) according to the following payment schedule.
4.1.1 50% of the payment shall be delivered in advance by T/T at least seven (7) calendar days before the opening of the course, and all the payment shall be delivered within [ ] days after the end of the course. If Customer delays in making such payment, the delivery date of the Training may be adjusted by Siemens subject to the actual delivery date of the Payment. Siemens shall issue invoice to Customer within ten (10) working days upon its receipt of all the payment from Customer.
最迟在开课前七(7)个日历日以汇款形式支付课程费用的50%,在课程结束后[ ]日内支付全部费用。如果客户延迟付款,西门子将有权根据付款时间调整客户的培训日期。西门子在收到客户全部付款后的十(10)个工作日内开具正式发票。
4.2 In order to avail Seller for collecting Contract payments, Buyer shall mark clearly the “Contract No.” shown at the very beginning of this Contract when remitting the payments.
4.3 Seller and Buyer shall undertake respectively all banking expenses accrued due to its own reason.
4.4 Seller will furnish Buyer with invoice according to the prevailing VAT regulation. Should VAT special invoice is required, the Buyer shall be VAT General Tax Payer.
5. Failure To Perform 不能履行合同
5.1 Pre-delivery. If Buyer repudiates, gives notice of cancellation, or otherwise breaches this Contract prior to delivery of Goods, Buyer shall pay Seller as liquidated damages 30% of the Contract Price. Seller may retain the Down-payment made by Buyer as set-off against the liquidated damages. If the liquidated damages are not sufficient to compensate the actual loss of the Seller, the Seller is entitled to make a further claim against the Buyer, including but not limited to any labor, material or other expenses incurred in connection with the Contract.
在交货前。如果买方在货物交付之前终止合同,发出取消通知或以其它方式违约,买方应支付卖方相当于货物总价 30%的金额作为违约金。卖方可以保留买方支付的预付款以抵扣违约金。如上述违约金不足以赔偿卖方损失,卖方有权向买方提出进一步索赔 ,包括并不限于卖方为履行合同已投入的人员费用、材料和其他开支。
5.2 Failure to Take Delivery. If, after three (3) weeks of receipt of Seller’s “Notice of Readiness of Shipment”, Buyer fails to make payment for the outstanding amount under the Contract and/or take delivery, Seller will issue a reminder notice to Buyer giving Buyer additional one (1) week to pay the outstanding amount and take delivery. If Buyer still fails to make the payment and take delivery after the one (1) week period, Seller is then entitled to terminate this Contract, resell the non-picking up goods and keep the Down-payment as liquidated damages. If the liquidated damages are not sufficient to compensate the actual loss of Seller, Seller is entitled to keep the collected payment to offset the loss, and make a further claim against Buyer. Besides abovementioned remedies, if the Buyer fails to pick up contractual goods according to the Contract, the Buyer shall bear the warehousing fee at the rate of 0.1‰ of contract value of the delayed picking-up portion per day. The clause shall not jeopardize other rights the Seller may have hereunder.
不收货或不提货。如果在收到卖方发出的“货物备妥通知”的三(3)周后,买方仍未付清本合同余款和/或提货或收货,卖方会向买方发出提醒通知并再给买方一(1)周时间付清本合同余款提货或收货。如果买方在上述一(1)周期满后仍未付清余款提货或收货,卖方有权终止本合同、处置未提走的货物并保留买方的预付款作为违约金。如以上措施仍不足以赔偿卖方损失,卖方有权直接扣除买方已支付款项以弥补损失,以及向买方提出进一步索赔。若买方未在合同规定时间内提货,除其他措施外,买方应向卖方补偿仓储费用,仓储费用以未提货/收货部分货物合同金额为基础按每天 0.1‰计算。本条规定不影响本合同下卖方享有的其他权利。
5.3 If Buyer breaches the Contract, Seller, may, in addition to any other remedies available to Seller,
(a) declare all outstanding sums under all contracts and orders with Buyer due and payable immediately; (b) adjust prices for any subsequent contracts and orders; and (c) cease the performance of its obligations under this Contract and any other contracts and orders, including but not limited to ceasing the installation, warranty and any other services (if any).
如果买方违反本合同,在卖方的其它救济之外,卖方还可以 (1)宣布与买方全部合同和订单下所欠款项立刻到期应支付;(2)调整后续合同或订单的价格;和/或(3)停止履行卖方在本合同及任何其他合同及订单下的义务,包括但不限于停止安装、交付、质保及任何其他服务(如有)。
6. Change to Contract
Any change to the Contract requested by the Buyer, such as change to scope of delivery and specifications, shall not take effect unless confirmed in written form by the Seller. Change may result in price increase and delivery postponement or other change. The Buyer shall bear the related cost due to its change request and the Seller shall not be responsible for any delay and other loss or damages (if any) arising from such change request.
7. Governing Language 语 言
This Contract is written in both English and Chinese languages. Both versions are equally authentic. In case of any discrepancy or conflicts between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
8. Contract Execution and Effectiveness 合同签署和生效
This Contract shall become effective upon affixing the stamps or formal signing by the duly authorized representatives of both Parties.
In case Customer fails to pay advance payment on time, Siemens shall be entitled to rescind the contract, and return the late payment from Customer (if any).
Either Party or both Parties may execute this Contract by affixing its electronic stamp in the form of electronic signature using the issued digital certificate through “Siemens Electronic Signing Platform” (domain name: www.estamp.siemens.com) (“Electronic Signature”). All electronic documents executed by Electronic Signature as above shall have the same legal effect as
written documents executed by affixing physical stamps or formal signing by the duly authorized representative(s).
Both Parties agree that other documents related to or under this Contract, such as orders, amendments, confirmation, notices, reports, communications, etc., may also be executed by Electronic Signature as above.
9. Supplementary Provisions 附 加 条 款:
The following attachments constitute part of this Contract and are binding upon the Parties:
Attachment I: Scope of Supply (and accompany Services)
附件 I: 卖方供货(及伴随服务)范围
Attachment II: General Terms and Conditions of Engineering Project
附件 II: 工程项目一般条件 Attachment III Terms of Training附件 III 培训条款
IN WITHNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Contract to be executed in two originals with each Party retaining one fully executed original. If this Contract is executed by Electronic Signatures of both Parties, each Party may access and download the signed Contract in electronic form via “Siemens Electronic Signing Platform” (domain name: www.estamp.siemens.com ).
兹证明,合同双方已正式签署了合同正本二份,双方各执一份合同正本。如双方均通过电子签名方式签署合同,则各方可通过“西门子电子签章平台”(域名为:www.estamp.siemens.com )取得并下载所签署的合同的电子版。
双方确认均已对本合同各条款做出了全面、充分的审阅和讨论。本合同中任何有关限制权利、加重/减轻/免除责任、以及其他与双方有重大利害关系的条款(包括但不限于本合同第 5 条(不能履行合同)及附件(工程项目一般条件)
中第 3 条(验收)、第 9 条(延期交货)、第 10 条(保证)、第 11 条(责任限制)和第 18 条(合同终止)均系双方充分协商一致订立,且为双方所理解和接受。
BUYER 买方 | SELLER 卖方 | |
[ | ] | Siemens Factory Automation Engineering Ltd. |
[ | ] | 西门子工厂自动化工程有限公司 |
(Seal/盖章) | (Seal/盖章) |
Authorized signature 授权签字
Authorized signature 授权签字
Date 日期:
Authorized signature 授权签字
Date 日期:
Authorized signature 授权签字
Date 日期: Date 日期:
ATTACHMENT I Scope of Supply (and accompany Services)
附件 I 卖方供货(及伴随服务)范围
ATTACHMENT II General Terms and Conditions of Engineering Project
附 件 II 工 程 项 目 一 般 条 件
1. Definitions 定义
1.1 “Acceptance” shall mean the formal acceptance of the Goods and Services in accordance with Section 3.
“验收”指根据第 3 条的规定对货物及服务的正式验收。
1.2 “Goods and Services” shall mean all equipment, materials, drawings and technical service as specified under Attachment I and II of the Contract.
1.3 “Project Site” shall mean customer’s factory or the project installation site as specified in the Technical Agreement.
1.4 “Commissioning” shall mean that Seller dispatches experienced engineers to the Project Site to support Buyer and bring the Goods into routine operation. The process technical parameters should be offered by Buyer and be subject to the written approval of the Seller.
1.5 “Commercial Operation” shall mean that Buyer makes use of the Goods and Services in order to
manufacture products for a profit-making commercial purpose, other than for testing or commissioning purposes.
2. Terms of Sale 销售的条件
These General Terms and Conditions of Engineering Project ("Terms") govern all sales of Goods and Services (as defined in Attachment I and II) by Seller to Buyer regardless of whether Buyer purchases the Goods and Services through the medium of written purchase orders or electronic orders via EDI (collectively, "Purchase Orders"). In case of a conflict between these Terms and the Purchase Order, these Terms prevail except where Seller has expressly agreed to the conflicting term in the Purchase Order in its acceptance or order acknowledgment. In case of a conflict between the Purchase Order and Seller's acceptance or order acknowledgment, the acceptance or order acknowledgment prevails.
本工程项目一般条件(“条件”)适用于买卖双方就货物和服务(如附件 I 和 II 所定义)的所有销售,无论买方是发送书面订单或通过 EDI 发送电子订单(统称为“订单”)。如果订单与本条件的规定有冲突,本条件应当优先适用,除非卖方在对订单的接受或确认中明确表示接受订单中的不同规定。如果订单与卖方对订单的确认或接受有冲突,则卖方的确认或接受应当优先适用。
3. Acceptance 验 收
3.1 Upon the Delivery of the Goods, Seller shall be responsible for providing Services, including but not limited to installing, erecting, and Commissioning the Goods and etc. according to Attachment I hereof. Nonetheless, Seller shall not be liable for delay in completion of Services due to (a) causes beyond its reasonable control; (b) Force Majeure; ; or (c) reasons attributable to Buyer.
货物交付后,卖方应当负责按照附件 I 的规定提供服务,包括但不限于对货物进行安装,组建和调试等。但是,如果因为下述原因卖方不能按时完成服务,则卖方不承担责任(a) 卖方无法合理控制的原因;(b) 不可抗力;或(c) 买方的原因。
3.2 Upon receipt of the delivered Goods, Buyer shall at the soonest possible time open the
package for inspection. In case the package is found short of quantity or having been damaged, Buyer shall remark on the receipt document without delay and give notice to Seller within 48 hours. If Seller is unable to lodge claim on the forwarder for such damage because of Buyer’s failure to notify within a reasonable time, Buyer shall undertake all the unfavorable consequences caused thereby. If Buyer fails to inspect the Contract Goods within 30 days after receipt of such Goods, then the Goods shall be regarded as passed Buyer’s open package inspection.
买方收到货物后,应当尽快开始开箱检验工作。如发现货物在数量和外包装方面有明显瑕疵,应立即在收货单据上如实记录,并在 48 小时内通知卖方。如买方未能在上述期限内及时将瑕疵通知卖方,导致卖方不能及时向承运人追究责任,则买方应自行承担由此产生的后果。如买方收到货物 30 日后仍未进行开箱检验,则应视为合同货物已经通过了买方的开箱检验。
3.3 Seller shall have the right to adjust his date to enter into the Project Site attributing to the
following reasons:
Buyer fails to make necessary preparation for Commissioning according to Section 3.1of the Terms; Buyer fails to settle the payment according to Article 4 of this Contract.
买方未按本条件第 3.3.1 条做好必要的调试准备;买方未按合同第 4 条的规定付款。
3.3.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, assembly and erection shall be subject to the following provisions:
Buyer shall obtain and provide in a timely manner:
a. All earth-moving and construction work and other ancillary services not specific to and within Seller’s obligations as well as the necessary skilled and unskilled labor, materials and tools;所有不属于卖方义务范围的土建工作和其他辅助服务,以及必要的技术和非技术劳力,材
b. Protective clothing and protective devices which are needed because of particular conditions on the site;
c. Procurement of all required approvals and licenses in due time, and permits for material to be imported temporarily or permanently, and procurement of all authorizations for work, including but not limited to work on Sundays or public holidays as well as for overtime, if any;及时取得所需的批准和许可,及取得暂时或永久性进口材料的进口许可,并取得所有的工作
批准, 包括但不限于在星期日和公休日工作和加班的批准,如果有的话;
d. Nomination of a member of staff to be the contact person with decision-making powers in all matters concerning performance of the work on site;
e. Safe working conditions that are required by Safety Production Law of PRC and applicable laws, regulations, national safety standards or ones of a certain industry.
3.3.2 If the assembly, erection or Commissioning is delayed by circumstances for which Seller shall
not be responsible, Buyer shall bear an appropriate amount of the costs of waiting periods and of any additional traveling of Seller that may be necessary.
3.4 Seller shall notify Buyer in writing for Acceptance (“Acceptance Notice”), (1) when the Services
are completed; or (2) In case of delay in completion of Service due to reasons set forth in Section 3.1 above, if Seller deems it reasonable and feasible to carry out the Acceptance. If, according to Annex II, the Services shall be performed and accepted individually, Seller shall notify Buyer in writing when individual Service has been completed. Within 15 days upon the Acceptance Notice, Buyer shall test the Goods and Services jointly with Seller and accept the Goods and Services in writing by signing an acceptance certificate (“Acceptance Certificate’), or notify Seller in writing of any defects in the Goods or Services that fail to comply with the Annex I or Annex II hereof. Seller shall take any proper measures at its sole discretion and correct the defective Goods and complete the Services in a timely manner, and then notify Buyer of testing and Acceptance according to the procedures set out hereof. If Buyer fails to accept the Goods and Services or to notify Seller any defects of the Goods and Services in writing within the time set out hereof, for the purpose of this Contract, the Goods and Services shall be deemed to have been accepted by Buyer on the 16th day after the Acceptance Notice.
(1) 服务完成后;或(2)在因第 3.1 条所述之原因未能按时完成服务的情况下,如果卖方认为进行验收合理可行,则卖方应当书面通知买方验收(“验收通知”)。如果根据附件II 的规定,服务应当分别完成并验收,卖方应当就每项服务分别书面通知买方验收。在验收通知发出之日起 15 日内,买方应当会同卖方一起测试货物和服务并书面确认验收,签署验收报告(“Acceptance Certificate”);或书面通知卖方货物或服务不符合附件 I 或附件 II 之处。卖方应当自主采取任何合理措施及时纠正货物的瑕疵或服务的不完备,然后按照前述程序通知买方再次验收。如果买方未能在上述规定的时间内验收货物和服务,并且也未提出货物或服务不符合规定之处,则为本合同之目的,在验收通知发出之日起第 16 日,货物和服务应当视为被验收。
3.5. If the agreed Acceptance does not take place after completion of Services for reasons beyond Seller’s control, Acceptance shall be deemed to have taken place on the 16th day after the Notice. In any case, the Acceptance shall be deemed to have been granted if the Goods are partially or in full, put into Commercial Operation.
如果卖方完成服务后,由于卖方无法合理控制的原因,预定的验收不能完成,则在验收通知发出之日起第 16 日,货物和服务应当视为被验收。在任何情况下,货物部分或全部投入商业运行时,即应视为已经通过了验收。
3.6 Minor defects or missing parts of the Goods and Services that do not have important effect on
the safety, operation, maintenance or repair of the Goods shall not impede Acceptance. Seller shall correct such defects and deliver the missing parts of the Goods and Services in a reasonable time and manner.
3.7 All costs and expenses of Buyer or any third party with respect to inspection, test, approval and
Acceptance of the Goods and Services shall be borne by Buyer.
3.8 In case of delay in completion of Service due to reasons set forth in Section 3.1 above, Services are not completed within the later of six(6) months after Goods passed or deemed to have passed the open package inspection, Seller will be released from its obligations to further provide the Services.
因第 3.1 条所述之原因在货物通过开箱验收或视为通过开箱验收后六(6)个月内或双方同意的服务完成日期内(以较晚的为准),服务未能完成的,卖方不再承担进一步提供服务的义务。
4. Payment 付款
Payments shall be made to Seller according to Article 4 of the Contract. Payments not received when due shall bear interest at the rate of 0.7‰ per day. Seller reserves the right to limit or cancel the credit of Buyer, and Seller may require or demand payment or adequate assurances of performance from Buyer prior to taking any preparatory steps for performing the Contract or beginning the manufacture of the Goods.
买方应当按照本合同第 4 条的规定向卖方支付货款。如果没有支付到期货款,买方应当按照每天 0.7‰的利率支付延迟付款的利息。卖方有权限制或取消买方的信用额度,并且,在卖方为履行本合同作准备或开始生产货物之前要求买方支付预付款或提供一定的担保。
Based on Seller’s credit evaluation on Buyer, Seller shall be entitled to request Buyer to provide security for its payment obligations, including but not limited to guarantee, deposit, mortgage, pledge and/or other forms of security acceptable to Seller. In such cases, Buyer shall execute the relevant security documents and cooperate with Seller to complete all necessary registrations and filing procedures.
5. Claims 索赔
Any claim from Buyer alleging that the Goods are not in compliance with the Contract shall be made to Seller within the Acceptance Period as set out in Section 3 hereof.
买方因货物与合同不符合而向卖方提出异议或任何索赔要求应当在本条件第 3 条规定的检验期内提出。
6. Shipment 装运
Seller will arrange the shipment of Goods according to its standard commercial practice. If special packing or shipping instruction is agreed, additional charges thereof, if any, will also be born by Buyer.
7. Transfer of Risk 风险的转移
All risk of loss of or damage to the Goods shall be transferred from Seller to Buyer upon Delivery as per Article 3 of the Contract according to the Incoterms 2010. If Goods are ready for delivery but can not be shipped for the reasons beyond Seller’s reasonable control, transfer of risk shall be deemed to have taken place upon Seller’s written notice to Buyer of readiness for delivery of the Goods concerned.
货物发生灭失或损坏的一切风险,应根据 2010 年国际贸易术语解释通则按照本合同第 3 条交付时起由卖方转移至买方。如果货物可供交付,但由于卖方无法合理控制的原因不能交付,则自卖方书面通知买方货物可供交付之日起,相关货物灭失或损坏的风险应当自卖方转移至买方。
8. Title 货物所有权
Seller retains the ownership to the Goods until Buyer has paid the Total Contract Price in full.
9. Delay in Delivery 延期交货
9.1 Seller shall deliver the Goods in accordance with the Time of Delivery as set forth in Article 3 of the Contract. Seller shall complete the Services in accordance with the schedule set out in Attachment II.
卖方应按照本合同第 3 条规定的交货时间交付货物。卖方应当按照附件 I 规定的时间表完成服务。
9.2 Delivery of Goods and completion of Services by Seller is subject to Buyer’s fulfillment of its obligations under the Contract in a timely manner, including but not limited to i) making timely payment; ii) obtaining all necessary licenses and approvals (if any); and iii) there is no
outstanding payment under any other contracts/orders between the Parties. If the foresaid conditions are not satisfied, the Time of Delivery shall be extended accordingly, and Seller is not responsible for such delay in delivery or completion, and Seller shall be reimbursed by Buyer for the additional costs and expenses arising therefrom, including but not limited to fee for storage and freight.
卖方按照规定时间交货或完成服务将基于以下条件:买方及时履行了其合同项下的义务,包括但不限于 i)按时支付合同款项;ii)及时提供所有必须的许可证及批文(如有);以及 iii)买方在与卖方的其他合同/订单下不存在逾期未付款项的。如果上述条件未能及时得到满足,交货期或服务完成期应当延长由于上述原因耽误的相同天数并且卖方毋须承担延期的责任,买方应支付卖方因此发生的额外费用和开支,包括但不限于仓储和运输费用。
9.3 If any delay is attributable to Force Majeure as defined hereof or any other causes beyond the
reasonable control of Seller, the date of delivery or completion of Services shall be extended accordingly.
9.4 In the event that Seller fails to deliver the Goods within the Time of Delivery as set forth in Article
3 of the Contact or to complete the Services within the time as set forth in Annex 2, or within any agreed extension period for reasons solely attributable to Seller, Buyer may claim liquidated damage in the amount of 0.5% of the value of the Goods or Services in delay per every full calendar week of delay. When calculating the liquidated damages for delay, period less than one week shall not be calculated. The liquidated damage in total is limited to 5% of the value of the Goods or Services in delay. Such liquidated damages shall be the sole and exclusive remedy of Buyer in the event such delay in delivery occurs.
如果因完全归咎于卖方的原因而导致交货期超过本合同第 3 条规定的日期或服务完成期超过附件
2 规定的日期,或未能在其他经双方同意的任何推迟之后的交货期内交货,则买方可就每个完整日历星期,请求延期交付的货物或服务之价款的 0.5%作为损害赔偿。计算延期损害赔偿时,不足一个日历星期部分不予计算。该等损害赔偿最高不得超过延期交付货物或服务之价款的 5%。该等损害赔偿是买方在卖方延期交货时可获得的唯一和所有的救济。
9.5 In case where Seller’s costs of performing the Contract (such as but not limited to costs of labor, materials, logistics, etc.) get increased significantly that are attributable to Force Majeure as defined hereof or any other causes beyond the reasonable control of Seller, the Parties agree ,
(1) that the Delivery Date and performance period of Seller shall be extended accordingly ; or (2) to allocate the increased costs between the Parties in a reasonable way, of which the specific range and means of adjustment will be otherwise discussed and fixed by the Parties. In case of failure in reaching consensus within five working days after one Party initiates the discussion, option (1) above will automatically apply. Seller shall not be liable for breach of contract in the above situations.
10. Warranty 保证
10.2 The warranty period for project, system and equipment provided under this Contract is twelve
(12) months upon Acceptance as set forth in Section 3 hereof; however, this warranty period shall in no case exceed eighteen (18) months after Seller’s “Notice of Readiness of Shipment” in writing or any other document which proves such readiness of shipment. In case any quality or design defect cause damage to the Goods within the warranty period, Seller shall make free repair or replacement within a reasonable time after notice by Buyer. Warranty period for the replaced spare parts during project warranty period is six months, however, the renew liability period for defects regarding exchanged parts ends up to 24 months after the ending of the original warranty period.
系统和工程,或者合同设备的质保期为按本条件第 3 条验收后 12 个月,或卖方向买方发出书面货
物备妥通知或证明货物已经备妥的其他文件后 18 个月,以先到期者为准。质保期内合同货物因质量或设计缺陷发生故障时,卖方应在收到买方通知后的合理期限内对有缺陷的设备进行免费修理或更换。质保期内更换之备件的质保期为卖方交货后 6 个月,但无论如何对更换备件重新起算的
责任期限不得超过原质保期结束后 24 个月。
10.3 During the warranty period, if the Goods do not conform to the warranty contained herein and the warranty is not excluded by Section 10.5 hereof, then Buyer shall promptly notify Seller in writing about such defects. Upon receipt of a claims report, Seller shall ask Buyer for a sample of the defective Goods or schedule an inspection of the defective Goods. If Seller determines that the Goods do not comply with the warranty provided in Section 10.1, then Seller shall repair or replace (at its sole discretion) the defective Goods at no cost to Buyer or pay compensation (at its sole discretion) to Buyer. The compensation shall be amounted to the Contract Price of the defective Goods, capped at 5% of the Contract Price.
在质保期内,如果发现货物不符合保证并且也不属于本条件第 10.5 条规定的除外情况,买方应当及时书面报告卖方有关货物瑕疵。在收到买方的报告后,卖方应当要求买方提供瑕疵货物的样品或安排检查瑕疵货物。如果卖方认为货物不符合本 10.1 条的保证,则卖方应自费修理、更换货物
或支付违约金(由卖方自行决定)。违约金的金额为瑕疵货物的合同价格,但不应超过合同总价的 5%。
10.4 Buyer shall assist Seller in inspecting, repairing and replacing the Goods. For such purpose,
Buyer shall grant Seller access to the non-conforming Goods for disassembly and reassembly and shall, upon Seller’s reasonable request, make necessary personnel, equipment and facilities available to Seller at no cost to Seller.
10.5 Seller shall not be liable for defects which do not affect the normal use of the Goods, such as
unsubstantial deviations from the specification of the Goods. In addition, Seller shall not be liable for defects resulted from 1) natural wear and tear; 2) handling of the Goods not in conformity with the product instruction or user manual, conditions or network configurations on site does not satisfy product use requirements; 3) unauthorized or inappropriate modifications, alterations or repairs; 4) damages from faulty or negligent handling, use or maintenance, overload conditions, excessive strain, use of unsuitable appurtenances, defective installation or erection not carried out by Seller, inappropriate storage or any other external impact on the Goods not explicitly assumed by Seller hereunder; or 5) where a remedy measure for a security vulnerability has been published by Seller on its website or made available to Buyer otherwise, but Buyer fails to apply such measure in a timely manner..
对不影响货物正常使用的瑕疵,例如与货物规格的非实质性偏差,卖方不承担责任。此外,卖方也不对以下情况引起的瑕疵承担责任:1))货物正常的损耗;2)不符合产品说明书或使用说明的操作,现场环境条件或网络配置不满足产品使用要求;3)未经卖方授权的改动、变更或修理; 4)由于使用、维护或处理中的故意或过失、在超负荷条件下使用、过分的压力、使用不适当的附属器件、非卖方进行的不适当安装、不合适的存放或其他卖方在本合同中没有明确表示负责的其他任何外力对货物造成的损害;或 5)如卖方已经在其网站上公布(或通过其他方式令买方获知)一项安全漏洞的修补措施,而买方未能及时地采取该修补措施。
10.6 The remedies provided for in this Section 10 are the exclusive remedies available to Buyer for
breach of warranty by Seller.
本第 10 条款规定的补救是买方可获得的因卖方违反质量保证的唯一的补救措施。
11. Limitations of Liability 责 任 限 制
11.1 Seller shall be liable for any damage of Buyer, including but not limited to loss of or damage to goods or property, caused directly by negligence or wrongful act (breach of contract and/ or tortious conduct) on the part of Seller, its personnel or its subcontractors engaged in carrying out the Contract. In the event that such negligence or wrongful act constitutes breach of contract and tortuous act at the same time, Seller shall only be liable for breach of contract.
11.2 All the liabilities of Seller in whatever kind relating to the Contract shall not, unless in case of
gross negligence or willful act, exceed the Contract Price or RMB 1 million, whichever is less, regardless of the legal theory upon which it is based including but not limited to liability in Contract, in tort, under warranty or otherwise.
除非卖方有重大过失或故意行为,在其它任何情况下,卖方与本合同相关的全部各类责任不应超出合同总价或人民币 1,000,000 元,以价值较小者为准,无论其涉及的法律基础为合同、侵权、保证或其他责任。
The aggregated amount of liquidated damages payable by Seller under the Contract shall not
exceed 5% of the Contract Price.
本合同项下卖方所支付的违约金累计不得超过合同总价的 5%。
11.3 In no event is Seller responsible for any loss of use, production, profit, interest, revenues, loss of information or data, damages or indemnification based on Buyer’s third party contracts or any indirect or consequential damages or losses, regardless of whether those damages are foreseeable.
11.4 This Section 11 shall also apply to Seller's personnel, subcontractors and licensors and their
本第 11 条应同样适用于卖方的人员、分包商和许可方及他们的人员。
12. Force Majeure 不可抗力
12.1 Neither Buyer nor Seller shall be liable for failure of performing the Contract when such failure results from the occurrence of Force Majeure , which is hereby defined as an event unforeseeable, beyond reasonable control of the Party to whom such Force Majeure occurs, including but not limited to: Acts of God, natural disasters, labor disputes, lock out, war or warlike
situation, riot, sabotage, fire, breakdown of equipment critical to perform the Contract, transportation delays or accidents, acts of government (such as but not limited to change of laws and revocation of import permits), impediments arising out of national or international foreign trade or customs requirements or any embargoes or other sanctions and outbreak of epidemic.买卖双方因不可抗力不能或延迟履行本合同的义务时,均不承担责任。不可抗力应指遭受不可抗
12.2 Any delay in delivery by Seller as a result of the occurrence of any Force Majeure event to its
Sellers or subcontractor shall be deemed as a Force Majeure event occurring to Seller.
12.3 The Party affected by Force Majeure shall inform the other Party in writing without any delay of the force majeure event as well as the impact of such event on the performance of the Contract. The Parties shall continue fulfilling obligations of the Contract upon end or removal of the force majeure event or its effect. Term (e.g. delivery time) relevant to performance shall be extended accordingly. The Party shall immediately notify the other Party about the end or removal of the force majeure event.
12.4 A Party shall have the right to terminate the Contract when a Force Majeure event has continued for 180 days in aggregate. If a Party exercises the right of termination, he shall notify the other Party in writing immediately.
一方有权在不可抗力事件持续达到 180 天的情况下终止销售合同。如果一方行使该终止权,应在作出终止决定后立即书面通知另一方。
13. Adaptation Of Contract 合同的调整
13.1 Any change to the scope of delivery and/or specification of Training requested by Customer is subject to acceptance by Siemens and will result in price increase and delivery delay. Customer and Siemens shall renegotiate the total contract price and delivery date.
13.2 Any changes in any of Seller's obligations under the Contract necessitated resulting from changes in (i) law, (ii) standards or (iii) requirements by authorities, after the effectiveness of the Contract, shall be on the account of Buyer. Both Buyer and Seller shall inform each other immediately of any such changes that may be required.
如在合同生效后,因(i)法律,(ii)标准,或 (iii)政府机关要求的改变而导致的合同项下的任何卖方义务发生变化,则买方应承担因该等变化导致的所有费用。买方与卖方均应立即告知对方可能被要求的任何该等改变。
14. Software 软件
14.1 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract, Buyer may only use the software delivered with the Goods for the purposes and within the scope stated in the manual of the software and the Goods. Buyer has no right to use the software for other purposes, especially for reproduction purposes.除非本合同另有规定,买方只可就软件和产品说明书中列明之目的和范围使用货物所带之软件。
14.2 Seller has the option to deliver the software either on a data medium (e.g. compact disk) or via download. If Seller chooses to physically deliver the software on a data medium, the term of delivery as specified under the Contract shall apply. If Seller chooses to deliver the software via
download, delivery shall be completed when the initial password of the downloading website is sent out to the email address designated by Buyer in writing.
14.3 Buyer shall have the non-exclusive right to install and use the software in unchanged form and
with the agreed performance specifications on the agreed equipment. Buyer is allowed to make one back-up copies unless otherwise agreed or noted differently on the media or in the software documentation.
14.4 Unless otherwise agreed the software shall be provided in machine readable form (object code)
15. Intellectual Property Right 知识产权
15.1 All training materials, lectures and other supporting documents remain sole property of Siemens. Customer acknowledges and understands that Siemens owns or is licensed to have the intellectual property right in the training materials and the intellectual property rights generated during the term of the Training.
15.2 The course participants may not duplicate, reprint or translate the documentation and training
documents provided to the course participants (referred to in the following as "Documents"), in full or in part. The course participants are also not permitted to divulge, disclose or exploit the content of the Documents to other persons than the course participants. Each set of the course materials should be used only by one participant instead of being shared by more than one participant.
15.3 The course participants will be permitted to tape, film, photograph or otherwise record the
courses and content only with prior consent of Siemens. Such audio or video files may only be used for self-learning purpose.
15.4 Siemens grants course participants the non-exclusive right to use the hardware and software
products made available to the course participants during the training courses exclusively for training purposes during the training courses, and only in the same, unmodified form. The course participants may not remove, reverse-develop, translate or copy the software products
provided to the course participants for training purposes and the course participants may not remove program parts or use them in any other, unapproved manner.
15.5 The Customer shall notify and make sure that the course participants designated for the training
courses shall strictly comply with these terms and conditions, and Customer shall be responsible to the breach by the course participants as designated by it. In case of any violation of above IP provisions, Siemens shall be entitled to impose legal liabilities towards the Customer and the course participants and claim for compensation for damage sustained.
16. Confidentiality保密
Any information made available to Buyer by Seller in connection with this Contract shall be treated as confidential. Where Buyer receives any personal data from Seller, it shall fully comply with the applicable laws on personal data protection. Buyer shall use the information (including personal data) only for the purposes specified in this Contract. This confidentiality obligation shall not apply to information which Buyer can demonstrate,
(i) is already in the public domain or becomes available to the public through no breach by
Buyer of this confidentiality undertaking or
(ii) was in Buyer's possession prior to receipt from Seller without a confidentiality undertaking or
(iii) has thereafter been legally obtained without confidentiality obligation from others or
(iv) is independently developed by Buyer without reference to the information received hereunder.
The Seller is entitled to disclose the confidential information obtained in connection with the Contract to its affiliates, supplier or subcontractor on need-to-know basis.
The obligations set forth in this Section 16 (Confidentiality) shall survive any termination of the Contract.
17. Export Clauses出口条款
17.1 Reservation Clause 保留条款
Seller shall not be obligated to fulfill this Contract if such fulfillment is prevented by any impediments arising out of national or international foreign trade or customs requirements or any embargoes or other sanctions.
17.2 Compliance with Export Control Regulations 遵守出口管制法规
17.2.1 If Buyer transfers to a third party hardware and/or software and/or technology (including corresponding documentation,) delivered by Siemens (“Goods”), or works and services (including all kinds of technical support) performed by Siemens (“Services”), Buyer shall comply with all applicable national and international (re-) export control regulations. In any event of such transfer of Goods and/or Services, Buyer shall comply with the (re-) export control regulations of the People’s Republic of China, the Federal Republic of Germany, of the European Union (“EU”) and of the United States of America (“USA”). .
17.2.2 Prior to any transfer of goods, works and services provided by Seller to a third party Buyer shall
in particular check and guarantee by appropriate measures that
- There will be no infringement of an embargo imposed by the People’s Republic of China, the EU, USA and/or by the United Nations by such transfer, by brokering of contracts concerning Goods or Services or by provision of other economic resources in connection with Goods or Services also taking into account any prohibitions to circumvent these embargos (e.g., by undue diversion);
- 该转移,或就这些货物,和/或服务有关的合同提供经纪服务,或提供与这些货物或服务有关的其他经济资源,将不违反中国、欧盟、美国和(或)联合国实施的禁运规定,以及不违反对规避这些禁运的任何禁令(例如,通过不当转移);
- Such Goods and Services are not intended for use in connection with armaments,
nuclear technology or weapons, if and to the extent such use is subject to prohibition or authorization, unless required authorization has been obtained;
- 此类货物和服务不得用于与军事、核技术或武器相关的用途,如果试图用于该用途,将被禁止或需要经过授权批准,除非相关授权已经获得批准;
- The regulations of all applicable sanctioned party lists of the People’s Republic of China, the EU and USA concerning the trading with entities, persons and organizations listed therein are considered;
- Goods and Services within the scope of the respective Annexes to EU Regulations
Nos. 833/2014 and 765/2006 as well as of Annex I to EU Regulation No. 2021/821 (in their current versions, respectively), will not, unless permitted by EU law, be (i) exported, directly or indirectly (e.g., via Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) countries), to Russia or Belarus, or (ii) resold to any third party business partner that does not take a prior commitment not to export such Goods and Services to Russia or Belarus.
除非欧盟法律允许,否则第 833/2014 号和第 765/2006 号欧盟法规相应附件以及第 2021/821 号欧盟法规附件一(分别为现行版本)范围内的货物和服务不得(i)直接或间接(例如通过欧亚经济联盟(“EAEU”)国家)出口至俄罗斯或白俄罗斯,或(ii)转售给未事先承诺不向俄罗斯或白俄罗斯出口此类商品和服务的任何第三方商业合作伙伴。
17.2.3 Upon request by Seller, Buyer shall promptly provide Siemens with all information pertaining to
the particular end customer, the particular destination and the particular intended use of Goods and Services, as well as any export control restrictions existing.
17.2.4 Buyer shall indemnify and hold harmless Seller from and against any claim, proceeding,
action, fine, loss, cost and damages arising out of or relating to any noncompliance with (re-)export control, sanctions or embargo regulations by Buyer and/or Buyer’s third parties business partner re-exporting Goods and Services in violation of embargoes or sanctions referred to in sub-section 17.2.2 above, and Buyer shall compensate Seller for all losses and expenses resulting thereof.
就任何由于买方和/或买方的第三方业务伙伴不遵守(再)出口控制规定,违反上述第 17.2.2 条所述禁运或制裁,再出口货物和服务而引起的、或与之相关的索赔、诉讼、行动、罚款,损失、成本和损害,买方应向卖方赔偿并使其免受损害,且买方应赔偿卖方由此产生的一切损失和费用。
17.2.5 If and to the extent the sale or supply of goods and services is subject to prior authorization by
the competent export control authorities of the European Union, this Contract shall come into force only upon granting of such authorization.
The following sub-sections 17.2.6 to 17.2.9 shall also apply if the contract covering
(nonexclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable) software licenses, including documentation and services, entered into by Buyer directly and/or indirectly with a user to whom Buyer has made available such Software (e.g. EULAs). 当本合同包含买方直接或间接向
其用户提供非独占、不可转让、不可再授权的软件许可(涵盖文档与服务,如最终用户许可协议), 则以下17.2.6 to 17.2.9 项条款亦应适用。
17.2.6 Buyer shall comply with all applicable sanctions, embargoes and (re-)export control regulations, and, in any event, with those of the People’s Republic of China, the European Union, the United States of America and any locally applicable jurisdiction(s) (collectively “Export Regulations”).
17.2.7 In particular, Buyer shall not, unless permitted by the Export Regulations or respective governmental licenses or approvals, (i) download, install, access or use the software, documentation and/or services (collectively “Deliverables”) in any location prohibited by or subject to comprehensive sanctions (currently Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, and the Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine) or to license requirements according to the Export Regulations; (ii) grant access to, transfer, (re-)export (including any “deemed (re-)exports”), or otherwise make available the Deliverables to any individual or entity designated on a sanctioned party list of the Export Regulations; (iii) use the Deliverables for any purpose prohibited by the Export Regulations (e.g. use in connection with armaments, nuclear technology or weapons); (iv) facilitate any of the aforementioned activities by any user of the Deliverables.
17.2.8 Upon request by Siemens, Buyer shall promptly provide Siemens with all information pertaining to user(s), the intended use and the location of use of the Deliverables.
17.2.9 Siemens shall not be obligated to fulfill this Sales Contract if such fulfillment is prevented by any impediments arising out of national or international foreign trade or customs requirements or any embargoes or other sanctions. Buyer acknowledges that Siemens may be obliged under the Export Regulations to limit or suspend access by Buyer and/or user(s) to the Deliverables.
18. Termination 合同终止
18.1 Either Party may terminate this Contract immediately upon the occurrence of any of the following events: (1) materially breach of contract by the other Party and the breaching Party does not rectify within 90 days after receiving breach notice or in any time limit agreed by both Parties; or
(2) bankruptcy or insolvency of the other Party. In case Buyer fails to make Down-payment within 90 days after execution of the Contract or Buyer is in delay with any payment for a period exceeding 90 days, Seller shall be entitled to terminate this Contract immediately.
基于以下事件的发生,任何一方可以立即终止本合同:1)另一方严重违反合同,并且违约方未在收到违约通知后的 90 天或双方约定的任何期限内加以纠正;或 2)另一方破产或资不抵债。此外,如果买方在本合同签订后 90 天仍未支付预付款或迟延支付任何款项超过 90 天,则卖方有权立即终止本合同。
18.2 If the Contract is terminated by Seller in accordance with Section 18.1, Seller is entitled to
reasonable reimbursement for any labor, material or other expenses incurred in connection with the Contract. Seller reserves further rights including the right to claim damages hereunder.
如果卖方基于上述 18.1 条的规定终止本合同,卖方有权要求买方赔偿卖方为履行本合同已投入的人员费用,材料和其他开支。卖方保留在本合同下包括要求赔偿损失在内的其他权利。
18.3 (If applicable) Furthermore, Seller shall be entitled to terminate this Contract and/or relevant
Purchase Order(s) for Good Cause immediately without any liability to Buyer. “Good Cause”, includes, but is not limited to, a breach of one or more of Buyer’s obligations, representations or warranties specified in Section 27.
(如适用)此外, 卖方有权以正当理由立即终止本合同和/或本合同下的相关订单而无须对买方承担任何责任。“正当理由”包括但不限于买方违反了第 27 条中所规定的一项或多项买方的义务、声明或保证。
18.4 If the Contract is terminated by Buyer in accordance with Section 18, performance of the part of
the Contract that has not yet been performed shall be ceased; in respect of the part that has been performed, Buyer may claim remedial measures and compensation for direct losses (excluding reinstatement). Buyer’s rights to terminate the contract are exclusively set forth in this Contract.
如买方基于上述上述 18 条的规定终止本合同,合同终止后尚未履行的应终止履行;已经履行的,买方可要求卖方采取补救措施,并有权要求赔偿损失(不包括恢复原状)。买方终止合同的权利仅限于在本合同中明确约定的情形。
18.5 Where either Party is entitled to terminate this Contract, the termination right shall be excised
within three (3) years after this Party has known or should have known about the cause for termination.
19. Entire Agreement 合同完整
The Contract and its attachments comprise the complete and final agreement between Buyer and Seller and supersede all prior negotiations, proposals, representations, commitments, understandings or agreements between Buyer and Seller, either written or oral, on its subject. No other agreement, quotation or acknowledgment in any way purporting to modify any of the
terms of the Contract is binding upon Seller unless made in writing and signed by Seller's duly authorized representatives. The Contract may not be altered or modified except by written agreement of Buyer and Seller. The Parties are entitled only to such rights and to make such claims which are expressly provided for in the Contract.
20. Successors and Assigns 继承及转让
The Contract binds and inures to the benefit of Buyer and Seller and their respective successors and permitted assigns. Buyer may not assign any interest in, nor delegate any obligation under the Contract, without Seller's prior written consent.
21. Governing Law 适用法律
The validity, construction and performance of the Contract is governed by, and must be construed in accordance with, the law of the People’s Republic of China.
22. Dispute Resolution 争议解决
22. 1 Amicable Settlement 和解
All claims, differences or disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract, including any question regarding its existence, validity, termination or its performance, or in connection with arrangements regarding the performance of this Contract (hereinafter referred to as a “Dispute”) shall be submitted to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) and be settled by three (3) arbitrators in accordance with the arbitration rules of CIETAC (hereinafter referred to as “Rules”) in effect at the time of applying for arbitration.
因本合同产生的或者与其相关的所有请求、分歧或争议,包括关于合同存在、效力、终止或履行,或者与本合同履行安排有关的任何问题(以下称“争议”),应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(CIETAC),并根据申请仲裁时有效的 CIETAC 仲裁规则(以下称“规则”)由三(3)名仲裁员仲裁解决。
22.2 The Parties agree that arbitrators who are not on CIETAC’s panel may be appointed as
Co-Arbitrators or as presiding arbitrator.
双方同意,不在 CIETAC 仲裁员名单上的仲裁员可以被指定为仲裁员或首席仲裁员。
22.3 The seat of Arbitration shall be Beijing. The language of Arbitration shall be Chinese. The arbitration award shall be final and binding upon the Parties.
23. Notices 通知
All notices in connection with this Contract shall be in writing and shall be effective upon dispatch if sent by fax or email, seven (7) days after the date of mailing if sent by registered mail and three
(3) days after the date of mailing if sent by courier services. In all cases, notices shall be delivered to the other Party at the address set forth on the first page of the Contract or such other address as such Party may have provided by written notice. In case a Party provides incorrect address information, fails to update address information or refuses to accept document delivery which results in delivery failure of any notice or legal documents sent from the other Party, court or arbitration institution, the return date of the notice or document shall be deemed as the delivery/service date.
24. Day 日
Unless expressly agreed by the Parties otherwise, day or days mentioned in this Contract refer to calendar day.
25. Data Protection 数据保护
25.1 Seller and Buyer shall comply with the statutory provisions relating to cyber security, data security and personal information protection (hereafter “appliable laws”). Buyer shall not disclose to Seller any state secrets, national core data or important data (all of which shall have the meaning as defined by the applicable laws) during the performance of the Contract unless otherwise agreed by Seller. Where Buyer discloses to Seller any data which is subject to legal protection (hereafter “Data”) under this Contract or for purpose to perform this Contract, Buyer shall notify Seller by a written notice in good time prior to the disclosure of the Data, so as to enable Seller to deal with the Data in a way in compliance with applicable laws. Buyer hereby warrants the Data provided by Buyer to Seller is lawfully collected and provided and does not infringe the rights and interest of individuals or third parties. In addition, Buyer is obliged to satisfy the prerequisites required by appliable law, so as to enable Seller to, for the purpose of performing the Contract or other reasonable purposes relating to the Contract, collect, process/entrust a third party to process, use, transfer to a third party, share with a third party, disclose or transfer abroad the Data without any breach of applicable laws.
25.2 Siemens (Seller) has formulated a Siemens Business Partner Privacy Notice to specify how Siemens processes and protects the personal information of the contact person at Siemens’ customers, suppliers and partners e.g. with regard to the categories of personal information processed, the purposes of the processing (e.g. performing promotion activities and ensuring compliance with Siemens Business Partner compliance screening obligations (to prevent white-collar or money laundering crimes) etc.), transfer and disclosure of personal information, retention period, data subject’s rights, and data privacy contact etc. Buyer is obliged to satisfy the prerequisites required by applicable laws (including without limitation to the notification and consent obligations under the applicable laws), so that Siemens may process the personal information of the contact person of Buyer in a way as specified in the Siemens Business Partner Privacy Notice (including any amendment thereof made from time to time). The Siemens Business Partner Privacy Notice can be found by the below link:
25.3 Buyer shall deal with all Data received from Seller or its affiliates or otherwise become accessible to the Buyer in accordance with the applicable laws. Buyer hereby warrants that: (1) it shall take proper technical and organizational measures which are in line with the appliable laws in order to protect the Data against manipulation, loss, destruction and against access by unauthorized persons; and (2) all Data provided by Seller shall be used solely for the sole purpose of performing this Sales Contract. Any further statutory or contractual confidentiality obligations remain unaffected by the above clauses.
[Note: If the personal information Siemens receives or has access to is not limited to the personal
information of the contact person of the Buyer or Siemens uses the personal information of the contact person of the Buyer for the purposes other than the purposes described in Siemens Business Partner Privacy Notice, or if Siemens will provide personal information to Buyer for any purpose other than establishing business contact, please consult Legal and SLC Data Privacy Officer whether any supplement to this clause is needed. .
如果西门子收到或接触到的个人信息不限于买方联系人的个人信息,或者西门子将把买方联系人的 个人信息用于西门子商业伙伴个人信息保护声明中描述的目的之外的目的,或者西门子将不仅为建 立业务联系的目的向买方提供个人信息,请与Legal 和SLC DPO 联系,以确定是否需要对本条款 进行补充。]
26. Cyber Security Notice for Network Products 网络产品的安全须知
26.1 Plants, systems, machines and networks may be subject to cyber threats. Seller has established the channel for receiving information on security vulnerabilities in Seller’s products. Buyer may report the security vulnerabilities in Seller’s products that they have discovered or encountered by sending emails to productcert@siemens.com or src.cyscn.cn@siemens.com.
工厂、系统、机器和网络可能受到网络攻击的威胁。卖方已建立接收卖方产品安全漏洞信息的平台。买方可以通过向 productcert@siemens.com 或 src.cyscn.cn@siemens.com 发送邮件的方式报送发现或遇到的卖方产品的安全漏洞。
26.2 Seller will publish the security vulnerabilities and remedy measures (if any) in Seller’s products on https://www.siemens.com/industrialsecurity from time to time. Buyer shall visit the above-mentioned website periodically and apply the remedy measures in a timely manner. Buyer is highly recommended to register on the above website and subscribe the “Security Advisory” to stay informed of the most updated vulnerabilities and remedy measures.
卖方将在https://www.siemens.com/industrialsecurity 上不时公布卖方产品的安全漏洞和修补措施(如有)。买方应定期访问上述网站并及时采取相关修补措施。卖方强烈建议买方在上述网站登记并订阅 Security Advisory,从而以获取最新的安全漏洞和修补措施的及时推送。
26.3 In case Buyer is not the end user of Seller's products, Buyer shall ensure that (i) the end user of the Seller’s products will be informed of the contents of the above 26.1 and 26.2 in writing; and (ii) in case the Seller decides to send separate notices for vulnerabilities and remedy measures by ways other than releasing those on its website, e.g. by email, telephone or courier etc., Buyer shall ensure that a separate notice will also be delivered to the end user in the same manner.
如买方并非卖方产品的最终用户,买方应确保(i)将上述 26.1 和 26.2 的内容书面告知最终用户;且 (ii)如果卖方决定通过在其网站发布相关信息以外的其他方式发送关于漏洞即修补措施的通知,如电子邮件、电话和快递等,买方应当确保以同样的方式向最终用户发送该等通知。
27. Compliance with the Law 遵守法律
The Parties shall comply with mandatory laws and regulations relating to environmental protection, protection of laborers' rights and interests, and protection of the legitimate rights and interests of other individuals or organizations, including but not limited to Labor Law, Environmental Protection Law, Criminal Law, Land Administration Law, etc..
ATTACHMENT III Terms of Training
附 件 III 培训条款
28. Customer and Siemens’s Responsibilities 客户和西门子的责任
28.1 Customer’s Responsibility 客户责任
28.1.1 Customer acknowledges that the course participants are with decent degree of automation and drive technology background and practice experience.
28.1.2 Customer shall secure that the course participants will follow the disciplines and rules of the training center within the term of the Training. Customer shall be liable for any damage to the property of the training center due to the fault of any course participant.
28.2 Siemens’s Responsibility 西门子责任
28.2.1 Supply the courses with Siemens’s standard and provide standard course materials to each course participant。
28.2.2 The trainers shall be authorized by Siemens with certain qualification. The training courses shall be held in places provided by Siemens, the addresses of which are specified in Annex I to this Contract.
教员须具有西门子授权的专业教员资质证书。授课地点由西门子提供,详见本合同附件 1。
28.2.3 On the completion of the training, Siemens shall issue certificates to the participants who successfully complete the training courses.
28.2.4 The objectives of each training courses shall be subject to the “Training Catalogue” of SFAE CS training center.
每种课程的标准培训目标, 参见 SFAE CS 培训中心“培训手册”。
29. Non-disclosure of Confidential Information 保密责任
Customer agrees that, unless expressly authorized by Siemens to do so, Customer shall not, either during or after completion of the Training delivered by Siemens, (a) disclose to any third party, (b) use for the benefit of any third party or for the purpose not specified in the Agreement, or (c) publish the Confidential Information of Siemens. Confidential Information refers to all information disclosed by Siemens to Customer for the purpose of this Contract or during the performance of this Contract。
(a) 向第三方披露;(b)为第三方的利益而使用或用于本合同规定以外的目的;或(c)对外公布。上述保密信息是指西门子为本合同目的或在本合同履行过程中向客户提供的信息。
30. Cancellation of training courses by Siemens 西门子取消课程
30.1 Under certain special circumstances, Siemens is entitled to cancel training courses, if for instance the minimum number of participants required to conduct a course is not attained or the training courses cannot be conducted due to urgent illness of the trainer or for reasons beyond Siemens’s reasonable control.
30.2 Prior to cancelling training courses, Siemens will attempt to find another suitable trainer to
conduct the training courses or postpone the date to another reasonable date, to the extent possible. Siemens will immediately inform the Customer of any cancellation of training courses.在取消培训课程之前,西门子将尽力寻找另一位合适的培训师来开展培训课程,或尽可能将日期推
31. Cancellation by Customer 客户取消课程
31.1 Customer is at any time entitled to cancel training courses booked under a Service Contract in writing before the agreed commencement of the training courses. The cancellation of booked training courses does not constitute a rescission from the Training Contract.
31.2 If the notice of cancellation is not issued at least seven (7) calendar days prior to commencement
of the training courses, Siemens will be entitled to charge Customer a cancellation fee in the amount up to 20% of the order value for the particular training courses. If the cancellation is notified at an earlier date than seven (7) calendar days, the cancellation is free of charge for the Customer. If in the absence of a prior cancellation notice, a course participant does not appear at the agreed training courses, the Customer will be charged 100% of the order value.
如果在培训课程开始前至少七(7)个日历日未发出取消通知,西门子将有权向客户收取最高具体培训课程订单金额的 20%的取消费。如果提前七(7)个日历日以上通知取消,则无取消费。如果在没有事先取消通知的情况下,学员没有参加约定的培训课程,客户将被收取课程订单金额的 100%。
31.3 In case of cancellation by the Customer possible cancellation costs (if any) are due on receipt of
the cancellation notice by Siemens.
31.4 Customer are required to attend the training courses on time. If customer may leave the training courses midway, in this case, Customer will be charged 100% of the order value.
学员需按时参加培训课程,如客户中途离开培训课程,在这种情况下,客户也将被收取课程订单金额的 100%。
32. Services not utilized 未使用的服务
32.1 Unless the courses are extended upon mutual consent or postponed due to the event of a Force Majeure (defined in Article 15 hereof), training courses not utilized within twelve (12) months after order confirmation will forfeit and any paid remuneration will not be refunded to Customer.
除非课程经双方同意延期或因不可抗力事件(定义见本协议第 15 条)导致延期,否则订单确认后十二(12)个月内未使用的培训课程西门子将不再有履行义务,任何已支付的培训费用不再退还给客户。
32.2 In case Customer has purchased training courses as part of a contingent, Customer may book
and utilize the training services on demand as necessary, provided however, Customer can only claim the training courses to be performed in the respective contract year as listed in the Contract and such purchased training courses cannot be transferred to the following contract years, unless the parties have mutually agreed on the carry-over or extension of such un-utilized courses. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the remuneration for training courses not utilized or extended in the respective contract year will not be refunded to Customer.
33. Breach of Contract 合同违约
33.1 Payments shall be timely made by Customer to Siemens according to Article 2 of the Contract. Payments not received when due shall bear interest at the rate of 0.7‰ per day.
客户按照合同第 2 条的规定向西门子及时支付培训款。如果没有支付到期培训款,客户应当按照每天 0.7‰ 的利率支付延迟付款的利息。
33.2 In case any violation of provisions under Article 4 (Non-disclosure of Confidential Information) and Article 5 (Intellectual Property Right), Customer shall be subject to liquidated damages of 30% of the Total Contract Price, if such LDs are insufficient to make up actual damages of Siemens, Customer shall continue to compensate for all direct losses caused thereby to Siemens.
客户违反本合同第 4 条(保密)及第 5 条(知识产权)时,客户应承担本合同价款的 30%作为违约金,违约金不足以弥补西门子实际损失的,客户应继续赔偿西门子因此而遭受的直接损失。
33.3 If Siemens terminates this Contract in accordance with the terms of this Contract, Siemens is
entitled to be indemnified by Customer for the balance of Total Contract Price minus the expenses not incurred, and compensation for other loss (if any).
33.5 In no event is Siemens responsible for any loss of use, production, profit, interest, revenues, loss
of information or data, damages or indemnification based on Customer’s third-party contracts or any indirect or consequential damages or losses, regardless of whether those damages are foreseeable.
第六章 响应文件组成和格式
根据贵方为(项目名称)项目采购货物及服务的邀请(项目编号),签字代表(姓 名、职务)经正式授权并代表供应商(供应商名称、地址)提交下述响应文件:
1. 报价部分
1.1 报价函
1.2 法人代表授权书
1.3 总报价表
1.4 分项报价表
2. 商务部分
2.1 资格证明文件
2.2 相关的证书及供应商认为有必要的文件
2.3 反商业贿赂承诺书
2.4 成交服务费承诺书
2.5 响应承诺函
3. 技术部分
3.1 报价说明(格式自定)
3.2 技术服务和售后服务的内容及具体措施(格式自定)
3.3 采购服务价格成本分析(格式自定)
3.4 与国内用户签订的服务合同的复印件(如未有同类业绩合同可不附)
4. 按单一来源采购文件供应商须知和技术规范要求提供的有关文件。在此,签字代表宣布同意如下:
• 所附报价价格表中规定的应提交和交付的货物报价总价为(注明币种,并用文
• 供应商将按单一来源采购文件的规定履行合同责任和义务。
• 供应商已详细审查全部单采文件,并完全响应采购文件中的各项要求。我们完全理解并同意放弃对这方面有不明及误解的权力。
• 本报价有效期为自谈判之日起 30 个日历日。
• 我方承诺,与买方聘请的为此目的提供咨询服务的公司及任何附属机构均无关联,我方不是买方的附属机构。
• 供应商同意提供按照贵方可能要求的与其报价有关的一切数据或资料,完全理解贵方不一定接受最低价的报价或收到的任何报价。
• 与本报价有关的一切正式往来信函请寄:
地址 传真
电话 电子函件
法人或授权人代表(签字或盖章): 供应商名称:
姓名、职务)为本公司的合法代理人,就(项目名称)的报价,以本公司名义处理一切 与之有关的事务。
本授权书于 年 月 日签字生效,特此声明。
项目名称 | |
采购编号 | |
总价(元) | 元 |
交货期 | |
交货地点 | |
质量 | |
质保期 | |
响应有效期 | 30 日历天 |
付款方式 | 响应单一来源文件要求 |
其他声明 |
郑州信息科技职业学院机电一体化专业群建设项目 单采文件
项目名称: 项目编号:
序号 | 项目内容(货物或 服务) | 品牌 | 型号和规格 | 单位 | 数量 | 单价 | 总价 | 备注 |
1. | ||||||||
2. | ||||||||
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总计 |
1.2、近一年(2021 年度或 2022 年度)的财务状况报告(财务审计报告或银行出具的资信证明);(须加盖本单位公章)
1.3、2022 年 6 月 1 日后任意一个月的依法纳税、依法缴纳社会保障资金的缴费票据凭证;依法享有免税政策的,提供相关证明文件。(须加盖本单位公章)
年 月 日
年 月 日
我们在贵公司代理的 项目单一来源采购中若获成交(项目编号: ),我们保证在收到成交通知书后5日内按单一来源采购文件的规定,以支票、银行汇票、电汇、现金或经贵公司认可的一种方式,向贵公司即河南诚信工程管理有限公司指定的银行帐号,按照单一来源采购文件第中规定一次性支付相关的成交服务费。
承诺人: (此处填单位名称并盖章)法定代表人或授权委托人: (签字或盖章)承诺日期:
郑州信息科技职业学院机电一体化专业群建设项目 单采文件
二次(最终)报价表响应单位: (加盖公章)
项目名称 | 第二次总报价(元) |
郑州信息科技职业学院机电一体化专业群建设项目 | 大写:小写: |
备注 | |
优惠承诺: |
采购人:郑州信息科技职业学院 采购代理机构:河南诚信工程管理有限公司项目名称:郑州信息科技职业学院机电一体化专业群建设项目 项目编号:豫财单一采购-2023-21
年 月 日