中國工商銀行(亞洲)有限公司綜合條款及條件 - 投資產品
1. 適用性
1.1 本條款及條件,連同附件及本行現有綜合條款及條件 - 銀行服務,在適用的範圍內,適用於與你(客戶)進行的所有證券、股份、股票、公司債券、債券、票據、集體投資計劃、基金、貨幣、有關的權利、期權及利息,以及其他投資交易(證券)。
本行(中國工商銀行(亞洲)有限公司)乃《銀行業條例》項下的持牌銀行及《證券及期貨條例》項下的註冊機構,中央編號分別為AA I670。
1.2 附件構成本條款及條件的一部分。倘個別服務的條文與一般條文有抵觸,個別服務的條文將凌駕於一般條文。
1.3 請你細閱本條款及條件,特別是第 6 條(本行責任的限制) 及第 9 條(以主事人身分訂立交易),包括第 9.8 條(提早終止),亦請細閱本行的風險披露聲明。
2. 資料
2.1 本行的資料乃基於由涉及發行或管理相關證券的人士、資料出售者或公開途徑所提供資料。例如,在香港股票交易所的證券價格乃由香港聯合交易所有限公司提供(雖然該公司致力確保資料正確無訛,不過本行並不作出任何擔保,亦不接受任何錯誤的責任)。本行相信資料正確但並無加以核實。資料提供者不會就資料承擔責任。本行對第三者資料概不負責。
2.2 本行所收到有關你的證券的報告、賬目、通知及其他文件將在本行合理決定的期間內持有,並於本行所指定的辦事處在上述期間供你索閱。之後該等文件將由本行銷毀。除非另有書面協議,否則你並不要求本行把此等文件轉交予你或通知你收到此等文件或其內容。本行將盡快應要求向你提供有關本行為你保管的證券的公司行動的資料。
2.3 你將不會複製、散播、利用或更改本行所提供的任何價格、利率或其他報價,或使用該等價格、利率或其他報價作供自己參考以外的任何用途。
2.4 本行將會把有關本行名稱、主要營業地址、註冊情況、中央編號、服務性質、費用或收費的任何重大改變通知你。
3. 本行提供的服務
3.1 在發出任何指示之前,你同意閱讀、理解任何發售文件、條款、申請書、程序及涉及證券的其他文件並且受前述各項所約束。你確認你符合資格購入證券,以及你的指示符合所有相關的規定。本行不負責查明事實是否如此,並可以執行所收到的任何指示,或作出任何修改以符合相關規定,而無須通知你。
3.2 本行可以本行或本行代名人名義,並且把你的指示作為較大額指示的一部分執行。本行將以公平方式把所購入的證券分配給你及其他客戶。
3.3 在接到你的指示時,本行可把有關款項借記於你的賬戶,之後:
(a) 指示經紀或其他人士買入或賣出證券;或
(b) 向發行人、經理或其他人士申請認購或申請證券的單位或權益,或申請贖回、轉讓、轉換或兌換代你持有的單位或權益。
3.4 本行不代任何證券的經理或其他人士行事。彼等可能拒絕你的申請。你接受本行與該經理所協定的交易及其他程序。
3.5 除非另有書面協定,或本行現已在你的賬戶持有足夠現金或證券,你將在你發出指示的營業日中午或之前,或在本行通知你的時間或之前,向本行支付已結清的資金或以可交收方式向本行交付證券,使本行得以為每宗交易進行結算。假如你未有如此支付或交付,本行可終止有關交易,或出售已購入的證券,或借入或購買有關證券以結算有關交易。你將對所有負債、合理損失及開支賠償本行。
3.6 本行只會於本行實際收到後及扣除合理開支後,始會把證券、所得收益、退款及收入貸記於你的賬戶。本行可貸記你的任何一個或多個賬戶。除非以書面協定作為本行服務的一部分,否則本行可以(但並無義務)採取任何行動收取你應得的任何證券或款項。本行無需通知你任何付款已到期或逾期,或就你的證券是否需要作出任何行動。假如你未當面收取證券,向你交付該證券的風險,概由你承擔。
3.7 你將應本行要求指定一個或以上賬戶作為結算賬戶。你的證券賬戶或結算賬戶的被授權簽字人可操作以上兩個賬戶。
3.8 為了支付進行本行的服務而應付的任何款項,本行可(在合理地行事的情況下)出售你的證券或其任何部份。
3.9 假如你不是最終受益人,亦非在香港交易所上市或買賣的證券,或衍生工具(包括場外交易衍生工具)最初發指示的最終負責人:
(a) 你同意於本行或香港交易所及證監會任何其中一方提出要求的兩個營業日內,直接向香港交易所及證監會提供最終受益人及最初發出指示的最終負責人的詳細資料(包括身分、地址及聯絡資料);
(b) 你於上文 (a) 的協議將會在本行服務終止後繼續有效;及
(c) 假如受益人或最初發出指示人士身處香港境外,你確認此等條文根據有關的海外法律具有約束力。
3.10 假如你為集體投資計劃、酌情賬戶或酌情信託行事,而就個別交易而言,你的投資酌情權被該計劃、賬戶或信託的一位或以上的受益人或某些其他人士否決,你將會在被提出要求的兩個營業日內,告知本行或香港交易所及證監會有關你的投資酌情權被否決及發出指示人士的詳情。
3.11 你確認就你在或透過香港交易所作出的證券賣出指令將為「長倉」銷售,除非你在發出賣出指令時通知本行有關指示是涉及你並不擁有但有權取得的證券,即涉及拋空,並同時向本行提供該賣出屬「已對沖」的必需保證。
3.12 假如任何交易涉及衍生工具產品,包括期權,本行將應要求向你提供 (a) 產品規格以及涵蓋該等產品的任何章程或其他發售文件,及 (b)保證金程序的詳盡說明書及產生無須你同意而平倉的各種情況。
3.13 當本行要求你確認任何口頭指示時,你將從速簽署書面指示。
3.14 本行的僱員及代表不會被本行容許接受獲委任為你的代理人,操作你的賬戶。本行的僱員及代表不得為自己買賣合約。
3.15 本行可以就你可能設定合約的總值設定限額。本行將以書面通知你有關限額及任何更改。
3.16 本行可持有與你的指示相反的倉盤。
3.17 本行可記錄與你的對話而無須給予警告。
3.18 除非另有特定協議,假如證券在超過一個交易所交易,本行可(在合理地行事的情況下) 在任何一個交易所進行交易。
4. 保管
4.1 你任命本行為你的保管人,持有所有由本行代你購買的證券。本行將根據適用法律,安排把你的證券登記或妥善保管,包括在本行的選擇下,以本行代名人的名義登記記名證券。本行會將本行代你持有的證券記錄於你的證券賬戶內。
4.2 本行可以拒收任何證券及(在合理地行事的情況下)要求你取回任何證券。
4.3 你的證券將作可替換處理,並作為本行為客戶所持有的較大額相同證券的其中一部份持有。你將有權獲得持有證券所產生的付款及權利,應佔份額與你持有量相對總持有量的份額相同。任何損失亦將按比例分配由各擁有人承擔。
4.4 本行可以把任何合資格證券存入以電子或入賬方式操作的結算系統。你的證券可以由第三者在海外持有。
4.5 除非與你另有書面協定,否則本行無須出席任何證券持有人的會議或行使任何權利。
4.6 你只可在已遵守本行所(在合理地行事的情況下)規定的條件及已繳付本行所規定的款項之後,始可提取或賣出你的證券。假如本行並未實際收到相關的證券或假如並未完成登記或轉讓手續,你不可提取或賣出你的證券。你將於本行合理指定地點領取任何證明書或文件。
4.7 假如證券乃以總證書形式或對賬形式發行,則不可以以實物提取。
5. 本行的角色
5.1 本行擔任你的代理人,而非受託人或受信人。在代你執行你的指示時,本行將採取合理謹慎措施。本行的責任僅限於在本行的適用條款及條件中所明文載列的責任。本行可以以主事人身分在交易中行事,假如如此,本行將通知你。本條款及條件在可能的程度內,適用於本行代表你進行及與本行進行的交易。
5.2 你同意本行可以接受來自涉及你的交易的經紀、基金經理及其他人士的任何現金、貨物、服務、回扣或其他軟性佣金。
6. 本行責任的限制
6.1 本行毋須核證本行合理地相信是真確的本行所接獲或持有關於你的財產的任何文件或所有權的有效性或真實性。
6.2 本行無義務向你購買任何證券,不論本行是否代你買入或向你出售該證券。
6.3 本行無需查詢任何證券經理或其他有關人士是否履行職責。
7. 你的xx
(a) 除非你已以書面通知本行並非如此,否則你是賬戶的唯一實益擁有人,不受第三方索償或利益影響,及你會以主事人身分而並非任何其他人士的代理人訂立每項交易;
(b) 你交付予本行的全部文件均為有效及完整;
(c) 你是根據本身的獨立決定訂立每項交易,交易對你適當與否是根據你的自行判斷或你認為需要的第三方顧問意見;你明白及接納有關交易的條款及風險,且不會倚賴本行的意見或建議;及
(d) 以上xx在每次進行交易之日將屬真確的,於終止本行服務後將仍然有效。
8. 重大利益
(a) 就有關證券持倉,或以發行人、經辦人、保管人、受託人或其他身分參與其中;或
(b) 將你的買賣指示與其他客戶的買賣指令進行配對。
9. 以主事人身分訂立交易
9.1 本行可以主事人身分與你訂立各項交易(於條款第9條內,每項交易稱為「交易」),而每項交易均具有本行發出的確認書(「確認書」)作為憑證,並明文註明須符合本條款及條件。所用詞語應具有確認書所賦予的涵義。
9.2 如出現歧異,就有關交易而言,概依如下次序以該份文件的條款為準:(1) 確認書,(2) 本行的適用附件,及 (3) 本條款及條件。
9.3 本行與你就出售或購買證券而訂立的合約乃於本行獲授權人員口頭確認條款時,或於本行獲授權人員書面簽署其條款時訂立。口頭合約的條款將載列於本行的書面確認書。
9.4 所有交易構成各方之間的一項單一協議(「協議」)。各方只會依據此一事實訂立交易。
9.5 在符合無違約事件(見條款第9.7條)或潛在違約事件發生及兩者並非正在發生的前提條件下,各方將根據每份確認書付款及交收。「潛在違約事件」指在發出通知或時間過去或兼具上述兩者的情況下,可能會構成違約事件的任何事件。
9.6 在你要求本行履行責任前,你將完全履行你的義務。
9.7 違約事件
於任何時候發生下列涉及你或提供任何保證或抵押以支持你在協議項下的義務的任何人士(各別稱為「有關人士」)的事件構成違約事件 (「違約事件」):
(a) 未能付款或交收。於到期時,未能按協議項下的規定付款或交收。卸棄、廢除或拒絕接納(全部或部分)協議(或任何交易)。
(b) 違約事項。未能遵守協議的任何其他義務,並且未能在發給你通知後14日內補救。
(c) 支持的缺失。
(i) 未能履行為支持你於協議項下的義務而提供任何保證或擔保的任何協議;
(ii) 無本行的書面同意,該等擔保或保證屆滿,或不再具有十足效力及作用;或
(iii) 任何有關人士(或獲指派管理或代其行事的任何人士)提出卸棄或廢除(全部或部分)該等擔保或保證,或質疑該等擔保或保證的有效性。
(d) 失實xx。任何xx被證明在任何重大方面屬不正確或存有誤導成份。
(e) 交叉失責。發生或存在下列各項的情況下:
(i) 在一項或以上金融、證券、衍生工具或借款交易下的失責(不論名目為何),而有關的失責導致該等交易成為,或成為足以被宣布、到期及應付款或應交收,或以其他方式提早終止,
(ii) 於到期日在任何金融、證券、衍生工具或借款交易(在達到適用的通知規定或寬限期後)項下的一項或以上的付款或交收失責,或
(iii) 任何金融、證券、衍生工具或借款交易的卸棄、廢除或拒絕接納(全部或部分)(或該等行動乃由獲指派或獲授權管理任何有關人士的任何人士或代其行事的任何人士進行)。
(f) 無償債能力。任何有關人士:
(i) 成為無償債能力,或未能或以書面形式承認其無能力於債務到期時償付其債務;
(ii) 以或為債權人的利益作一般出讓、安排或債務重整協議;
(iii) 或任何其他人士展開任何司法、行政或其他法律程序,或採取任何法律行動,(1) 就有關人士,或其債務或資產尋求一項無償債能力、破產、清盤、重組或改過自身的判決或安排,(2) 為有關人士或其資產的任何重要部分的資產尋求受託人、接管人、清盤人、監督人或保管人的指派,或 (3) 以達至相若效力;
(iv) 有一項為其清盤、重組或重新整頓而通過的決議案;
(v) 有一名有抵押人士管有其資產的全部或任何部分,或有針對其資產的全部或任何部分而強制執行的扣押、執行令、扣押書或其他法律程序;或
(vi) 引致根據任何適用法律具有相若於以上任何一項的效力的任何事件或受其規限。
(g) 合併。任何有關人士與另外一個實體兼併或合併,或轉讓其資產的全部或任何重要部分予另外一個實體,或重組為另外一個實體。
(h) 身故。假如你屬個別人士,而你身故或成為在神智上無能力行事。
(i) 控制權變動。任何人士直接或間接取得任何擁有權權益,使其得以委任董事會(或其等同組織)的大多數成員,或對你或對為支持你的義務而提供任何保證或擔保的任何人士行使控制權。你、該擔保人或保證提供者在其資本結構方面進行任何重大更改。
(j) 不可抗力。
(i) 由於任何事件或情況,任何有關人士未能或可能未能遵守,或事屬或可能事屬不可能遵守協議的任何重要條文,或遵守協議的任何重要條文並非切實可行,而該等事件或情況並非受影響人士所能控制的;或
(ii) 根據任何適用法律,任何有關人士遵守協議的任何重要條文乃屬或可能屬不合法。就此而言,重大條文包括交易項下準時付款或收款或交收的義務。
(k) 充份保證。當本行有合理理由不安,而你未能提供充份保證,保證你有能力於本行發出書面要求後第2個營業日或之前履行你於協議,或各當事人訂立的任何其他協議項下的尚未履行義務。
9.8 提早終止
(a) 假如違約事件於任何時候發生及正在繼續,本行可於至少14天前向你發出註明違約事件的通知,就受影響或所有尚未履行交易指定一個日子作為提早終止日(而有關交易將於指定日子終止)。
(b) 本行將以真誠態度釐定依據當時通行情況取代或提供本行每宗遭終止交易的重要條款的經濟等值物而招致或實現或可能招致或實現的損失或得益及費用,其中包括支付餘款、交收項目及權利。本行將於一個在商業上合理的日子釐定該等金額,以商業上合理的程序,訂出一個商業上合理的結果。本行可視乎交易的類型、複雜度或其他有關因素而定,對每宗不同的交易採用不同的估值方法。本行可考慮任何相關的資料,其中包括源自本行內部的市場數據及資料,而沒有重覆:
(i) 集資的費用;
(ii) 就本行終止或取得涉及對遭終止交易的任何對冲安排而招致的任何合理損失、費用或收益。
本行將扣除 (i) 於提早終止日當日或之前應付予涉及所有遭終止交易的任何一方的金額及 (ii) 相等於需要於提早終止日當日或之前交付但於該日並無如是交付予涉及每宗遭終止交易的任何一方的任何交付東西於原來計劃日的公平市值的金額(按本行合理地釐定),連同按逾期利率計算自原定到期日(包括當日)起計至(但不包括)提早終止日止的利息。
(c) 在提早終止日後合理地切實可行的時間內,本行將向你發出一份結單,其中以合理地詳盡列出有關計算及本行根據上文 (b) 段計算的任何應付款金額。該金額應於通知內列明的日子(為通知日後至少7日)予以支付,連同其按逾期利率計算自(及包括)提早終止日起計至(但不包括)支付該金額當日止裁決之前及之後的利息。
(d) 訂約雙方同意根據上文 (b) 段可追索金額為一項合理的事前估計損失而並非一項罰金。該金額是針對日後種種風險的應付買賣損失及保障損失。除協議另有規定者外,任何一方將無權追索有關該等損失的任何額外損害賠償。
附件 1:證券保證金賬戶
請細閱,特別是下文 2 (額外保證金) ,5(違約事件),6(利息)及 7(附加風險披露)。
1. 證券保證金賬戶
1.1 你可以要求本行開立證券保證金賬戶。你可以向本行發出代你買入證券的指示。就每項交易而言,你會支付由本行所設定的開倉現金保證金。本行可按本行的酌情權,接納或拒絕接納你的指示。假如本行接納你的指示,本行將以貸款給你的方式,就買入證券須支付的價格餘額提供融資。所有已買入的證券將在你的保證金賬戶持有。
1.2 本行可隨時無須給予通知,更改本行將會為你的保證金賬戶買入的證券類別或發行證券,所需的保證金金額或在你的保證金賬戶中的可用貸款金額。
1.3 你就你的保證金賬戶所欠下的所有金額須應要求償還。
1.4 本行可能無時間查核你是否並未支付開倉現金保證金或已超出在保證金賬戶中可用貸款的未提取金額。假如發生前述任何一種情況,本行可以無需給予通知,取消指示或賣出已買入證券。你將會賠償本行的所有合理損失及開支。
1.5 在你基於任何理由終止你的保證金賬戶時,你將償還所有借方餘額連同其利息。
2. 額外保證金
2.1 你將會應要求支付本行不時規定的額外現金保證金。本行可將任何開倉及額外保證金借記於你的任何賬戶。
2.2 本行可以隨時無須給予通知,將在你的保證金賬戶中的任何現金(包括保證金)用以按由本行所合理選擇的次序,扣減你所欠下的任何金額。
2.3 你將時刻在你的保證金賬戶中維持有足夠的開倉及額外保證金,致使在你的保證金賬戶中所持有的保證金加上未賣出證券的市值(由本行所合理釐定)將時刻超出你的未償還貸款,超出百分率由本行釐定並已事前通知你。如未能照辦(不論你是否被提出額外保證金的付款要求),即屬違約事件論。
2.4 你將準備收到催繳保證金通知。任何保證金的付款要求,在按你的電話號碼在任何機器上或向任何人士留下口訊後,或在向你為本行所知的電郵地址或傳真號碼發出電郵或傳真後即屬有效,不論你是否(或在何時)收到通訊。
3. 押記
3.1 你會將本行為你的保證金賬戶所買入的所有證券押記予本行,作為對支付你欠下本行的所有金額(不論是否與你的保證金賬戶相關)的持續抵押。該押記將引伸而適用於就證券而累算、支付、作出、提供或產生的所有股息、利息、分派、分配、要約、利益、享有權、抵押及權利,以及證券的售賣得益。
3.2 你將會在本行所規定的時間內辦理本行合理規定的所有事宜,以完成本行的抵押權利。你將會(如適用時)就已押記的證券,向本行存放所有股份及其他證明書,並且在轉讓文件及賣出單據上妥為簽署及加蓋印花。已押記證券將會在風險及合理費用全由你承擔的情況下被持有。已押記證券可由本行在香港境內或境外的代名人或代理人持有。本行可隨時以本行代名人的名義登記任何已押記證券,並將任何已押記證券存入任何結算系統,無須給予通知,所涉風險及合理費用由你承擔。
3.3 對於本行未能收回就已押記證券須支付的任何金額、就已押記證券支付任何催繳股款或分期付款或採取任何行動,或對於與已押記證券相關的任何損失,本行將不須負上法律責任。
3.4 在發還任何證券時,本行會透過將屬相同類別及面值(受可能已發生的任何資本重組所影響)的證券(或證明書、轉讓文件及賣出單據)轉入由你所指定的賬戶或提供予你領取,解除本行對你的責任。
4. 售賣
5. 違約事件
5.1 假如發生任何違約事件(定義見上文 2.3 或本行綜合條款及條件:投資產品的條款第 9 條),或假如發生(根據本行的意見)可能損害本行對你的保證金賬戶利益的任何情況,則不論本行曾否作出催繳保證金通知及不論履行催繳通知的時間是否已屆滿,在你的保證金賬戶中由你所欠下的所有款項將成為立即到期應付,而本行可無須給予通知:
(a) 由你的任何或所有賬戶(不論屬任何性質及不論金額是否到期)轉撥任何金額至你的保證金賬戶;及
(b) 賣出在你的保證金賬戶中的任何或所有證券,並將售賣得益在扣除所有合理開支後,按由本行所合理選擇的次序,用以支付由你所欠下的任何金額。
5.2 假如發生任何違約事件,本行可取消關於你的保證金賬戶的任何未完成指示或終止關於你的保證金賬戶的任何合約,無須給予通知及無須負上法律責任。
6. 利息
6.1 本行將會就在你的保證金賬戶中的借方餘額,按由本行不時決定的利率及方式累計利息,並且將會在由本行所決定的時間借記於你的賬戶。
6.2 本行將會就你到期應付但未付的所有款項,及就超出預先安排貸款限額的任何借項,按由本行不時決定的利息,自到期日起直至全數償還 (在判決之前及之後)為止累計利息。
6.3 本行將會就在你的保證金賬戶中的淨貸方現金餘額,按本行對於相關貨幣儲蓄賬戶的利率支付利息。
7. 附加風險披露
附件 2:首次公開發售認購(貸款)請細閱,特別是下文 6。
1. 本行可應你的要求授予一筆金額由本行釐定的貸款,該貸款將由本行代你用以支付部分認購價。你將會在認購期屆滿前兩個營業日或本行所通知的較早日期,向本行投放資金,用以支付全數認購價的餘額及所有費用及開支。
2. 認購申請將以本行代名人的名義提出。你授權本行的代名人及本行辦理就申 請而必需的所有事宜,並且將會就任何法律責任,賠償本行的代理人及本行(在合理地行事的情況下)。
3. 本行將會就貸款按議定的利率及方式,自向發行人送交認購申請日期起至全數償還日期(在判決之前及之後)為止累計利息。
4. 貸款及利息將應要求及(在沒有提出要求的情況下)在本行已將你的認購結果告知你後 5 個營業日內償還。
5. 有關你的申請的任何退款將按本行所合理選擇的次序,用以扣減你所欠下的金額。你將會立即向本行支付你所收到的任何退款,並將以信託形式代本行持有款項。
6. 假如貸款或其利息的任何部分並未在到期時償付,本行可無須給予通知,賣出已分配給你的任何或所有證券,並將售賣得益在扣除所有合理開支後,按本行所合理選擇的次序,用以支付你所欠下的任何金額。你會將你的申請所產生的所有權利及已分配予你的所有證券押記予本行作為對支付你欠下本行的所有金額的持續抵押。你會在本行所規定的時間內辦理本行合理規定的所有事宜,以完成本行的抵押權利。
附件 3:證券儲蓄計劃
1. 本行可不時提供某些證券(包括股票、單位信託、互惠基金及其他投資項目)以供選擇,並且指明關於證券儲蓄計劃的規定。假如你有意制訂計劃,你應以本行所提供的表格提出申請。你將會從可提供的證券中挑選你有意買入的證券,並按照本行的規定,指明你將會就每次發行證券支付的每月供款金額。
2. 假如你的申請被接納,本行將會通知你有關你的計劃的開始日期。你將會在每一日曆月的協定日期(或(如該日並非營業日)在下一營業日),透過一個本行認為可接納的賬戶,以港元自動轉賬的方式支付協定每月供款金額。本行不會發出提示通知。假如沒有足夠資金,本行可以在該月內另行試圖收取每月供款金額。你將會支付所有合理的收費及費用。
3. 你可以在給予本行 14 日的事先通知並且遵照本行合理的規定的情況下更改或終止你的計劃(或會產生費用)。更改你的自動轉賬授權所需的時間將視乎你的開戶銀行而定。本行可以在給予你 30 日的事先通知後終止你的計劃。
4. 本行會將你所實際支付的每筆每月供款金額(在扣除本行的服務收費及所有合理的費用及開支後),用以代你買入整數的議定證券。
5. 本行不會就將有關金額用以買入證券前的期間或就任何未使用的金額支付利息。任何未使用的每月金額可以在買入證券日期後第 2 個營業日之後被提取。
6. 假如任何已購得證券少於本行所有客戶同類計劃的所需總額,本行可以公平方式分配該等證券。上市證券
7. 本行可透過在收到每月供款金額日期後的下一個交易所交易日,於任何時間在相關交易所設定市價買賣盤買入上市證券。
8. 在釐定你應付的價格時,本行可採用根據本行所有客戶的同類計劃,購買證券的平均價格。單位信託、互惠基金及其他集體投資計劃
9. 本行通常會在收到每月供款金額日期後 4 個營業日(可由本行加以更改)內提出購買單位的申請。
10. 有關你的單位的任何分派將投資於購買額外單位或(如獲有關基金許可及如你有此選擇)存入你的結算賬戶。
11. 附加的風險披露
附件 4: 保證金交易
A. 適 用 性
1. 本行(中國工商銀行(亞洲)有限公司)乃《銀行業條例》項下的持牌銀行及《證券及期貨條例》項下的註冊xx,xxxxx:
2 如本行同意,你可透過保證金交易與本行訂立一宗或以上的交易(個別稱為「交易」),每宗交易均具有本行發出的確認書(「確認書」)為証,並明文規定受本條款及條件所約束。 各方在協議(口頭或其他形式)一經訂立後,將會對每宗交易產生法律約束力。本行將發出確認書以証明每宗交易的條款。 每宗交易的條款將載於相關確認書內。 本行或其他各方以任何形式所提供的任何其他資料僅供作參考用途。
2. 本條款及條件(包括附件)連同本行現行的綜合條款及條件 – 銀行服務以及(在適用範圍內)本行現行的綜合條款及條件 – 投資產品,適用於每宗交易。 若有任何不一致之處:
(a) 確認書將凌駕於本條款及條件;
(b) 本條款及條件將凌駕於綜合條款及條件 – 銀行服務及綜合條款及條件 – 投資產品;及
(c) 就個別產品而言,該產品的條文將凌駕於其他條文。
4. 詞彙具有相關確認書與本條款及條件所賦予的涵義。 所使用的貨幣、利率及其他比率、日期計算標準、價格、來源及任何詞彙,如確認書或本條款及條件中並無釋義,則其涵義由本行參照市場慣例或本行認為適當之任何來源予以確定。 本行可參照市場慣例調整本來屬於非營業日的任何日期。 本行可參照市場慣例將百分率及金額調高或調低至最接近整數。 本行可就任何目的按本行確定的現貨匯率將一種貨幣名義上或實際上換算為另一種貨幣。
5. 若本條款及條件中的任何條文不適用於某宗交易,或確認書或本條款及條件中並未涵蓋的任何事宜,本行可對與該交易相關的價格、比率及任何其他變數作出任何的修訂,以保障該交易的經濟條款。
6. 本行提請你注意於你開立賬戶時向你解釋和傳達的風險披露聲明,該聲明載於綜合條款及條件 – 銀行服務、綜合條款及條件 – 投資產品以及交易文件(包括授信函、條款説明書及確認書)內。
B. 保 證 金 交 易
1. 交 易
1.1 如本行同意,你可透過保證金交易與本行訂立一宗或以上的交易。 本行將應要求詳細説明相關條款及條件,而你訂立相關交易即被認為已接受此等條款及條件。
1.2 你訂立交易的指示在獲本行接納前對本行並無約束力,並可能被接納或拒絕,而本行毋須作出解釋。
2. 利 息
經本行准許以保證金交易方式的任何因交易應付的每筆款項,你將按本行不時釐定的利率(或按本行所釐定的換匯點形式)支付該款項的利息。 不同的利率(或換匯點)可適用於不同交易欠付的款項。 有關利息應每日支付(或由本行另行確定)及按本行要求下支付。
3. 保 證 金
(a) 在進行交易前,你須向本行存入一筆金額相等於初始百分比率(「初始百分率」)(由本行不時通知)乘以交易及任何未完結交易的價值(由本行釐定)的保證金。
(b) 你須應要求立即向本行存入金額相等於額外百分比率(由本行通知)乘以未完結交易價值(由本行釐定)的額外保證金。
(c) 所有初始及額外保證金將以現金形式存入本行。 然而,本行可能接受(現金除外)的資產抵押,作為保證金。 該等資產抵押須為本行能夠接納,並於本行規定時間內已完備以本行為受益人押記。 所有現金保證金將存入與本行協定的指定賬戶。你將按本行不時釐定的利率(或按本行所釐定的換匯點形式)就該賬戶內的任何借方結餘(不重複計算)支付利息。 有關利息每月(或由本行另行確定)及在本行要求下支付。
(d) 倘若你存入本行的保證金(以本行所確定的未完結交易價值的百分比率表示)不論何時跌至低於維持百分比率(「維持百分率」)(該百分比率由本行不時通知),你須立即支付現金以將保證金補足至所需的初始或額外百分率。
(e) 保證金將由本行持有,作為你妥善履行責任的抵押品,未經本行同意不得提取。 除非本行另行同意外,否則保證金概不計息。 任何應付利息(或換匯點)將按本行釐定的利率及方式計算。 本行可隨時(惟並無義務)將你的保證金用於支付你的任何應付款項。 倘若你的保證金不足,差額將按本行不時釐定的利率累算計收利息(或換匯點)。
(f) 就釐定任何所需保證金的金額而言,本行可參照其不時釐定的公式不時計算所有未完結交易的價值。 本行可將持作保證金的貨幣
(美元除外)金額或其他抵押品的價值(由本行釐定)按本行所通知的百分率折減,並將任何累計淨利息計算在內。 如屬交叉貨幣買賣及鎖倉,除非本行另有決定,否則只需一項保證金。
(g) 你將準備隨時收到催繳保證金的通知。 任何催繳保證金的要求,在按你的電話號碼在任何機器上或向任何人任留下口訊後,或在向你為本行最後所知悉的電郵地址或傳真號碼發出電子郵件或傳真後即屬有效,不論你是否(或在何時)收到通訊。
(h) 本行將通知你詳細的保證金要求,以及本行所採用的方法或程序選擇價格或利率去按市價計算你的未完結合約及計算你的利息收入及開支。
4. 終 止
在發生任何違約事件(定義見本條款及條件 C 部分第 5 條)之後,本行可隨時並在不發出通知的情況下,終止一宗或以上未完結的交易或進行對沖,所涉費用及風險由你承擔。 交易將按照本條款及條件 C 部分或(如本行就任何具體情況作出如此決定)按照附件的相關規定終止交易。
C. 其 他 一 般 規 定
請細閲本條款及條件,特別是第 2.5 條(罰息)、第 5 條(違約事件)、第 6 條(提早終止)、第 7 條(授權代表)、及第 9 條(費用)。
1. 單 一 協 議
所有交易構成各方之間的單一協議(「《協議))一詞涵蓋每宗或任何交易)並基於該事實訂立。 各方不會以其他形式訂立任何交易。
2. 付 款 / 交 付
2.1 先決條件 在符合沒有發生及持續存在的違約事件(參見第5條)或潛在違約事件的先決條件下,各方將按照每份確認書進行付款及交付。
2.2 方式 付款將會以可自由轉讓及已清算的資金,並且以相關貨幣付款的慣常方式進行交付。 交付將以相關證券或財產的慣常方式,或以本行合理釐定的方式進行。
2.3 所扣稅項補足 除非法律有所規定,否則,你的所有付款將足額支付,將不因任何稅項而予以扣減或預扣。 若你須依法規定扣減或預扣款項,你將會:
(a) 立即通知本行;
(b) 立即向有關主管機構支付被規定扣減或預扣的全部金額並將正式收據送交本行;及
(c) 如因本行與稅務機構所在司法管轄權區的聯繋而被徵收該等稅項,則除支付本行應享有的款項外,你還須向本行支付一筆額外款項,以確保本行實際收取(不附帶任何稅項)的淨額相等於本行在毋須扣減或預扣情況下,本應收取的全數金額。
2.4 淨額結算 如在任何日期,每一方須為兩宗或以上交易以同一種貨幣支付,則於該日期,每一方支付該等金額的責任將被解除並為由本應支付較大合計金額的一方向另一方支付該金額超出較小合計金額的義務所取代。
2.5 罰 息
(a) 若你未能支付任何到期款項,(在判決之前及之後)你須就逾期欠款向本行支付利息,從到期日(包括該日)起計至實際付款日期
(不包括該日)止。 利息乃按本行對未經安排透支的利率,按每月複式利率及實際逾期的日數計算。
(b) 若你未能按規定時進行任何交付,你須就按本行經合理釐定的任何損失(包括有關保險、庫存、運輸等的所有合理費用及借貸成本),對本行作出賠償,並且就有關金額向本行支付利息,該金額相等於從原定交付日期(包括該日)起至實際交付日期(不包括該日)止,被規定交付物的公平市值(按本行合理釐定)。
2.6 付款貨幣 你的付款將會以負債貨幣支付。 本行所收取以其他貨幣支付的款項只構成在一定限度內解除你的負債,該限度是止於本行能夠在切實可行情況下盡快以已所收取的金額購入你的負債貨幣淨額。 作為一項獨立的責任及不論是否有任何判決,你將會就任何合理的損失及開支賠償本行。 本行只需顯示假如已實際匯兌或購買有關貨幣,本行就會招致損失即已足夠。
3. x x
3.1 地位 如果你是一間企業,你是根據你所在司法權轄區的法律正式組建並有效存續,以及具有良好的資格。
3.2 權力 你擁有訂立及履行《協議》的權力,並已採取一切必需的行動,以授權訂立和履行《協議》。
3.3 不違反 訂立及履行《協議》不會違反或抵觸你的章程文件(如適用)、或任何法律、任何法院或政府機關所頒佈的法令或規定、或對你或你的任何資產構成影響的任何合約性責任。
3.4 認可 你須就《協議》被規定取得的所有政府及其他認可、通知或備案已經取得並且具有十足效力和作用,而所有相關條件均得到遵守。
3.5 約束力 你在《協議》項下的責任構成你的合法、有效及具約束力責任,可按照其條款強制執行。
3.6 無違約事件 沒有任何已經發生及持續存在的違約事件或潛在違約事件。
3.7 無訴訟 你不知悉任何來自法院、法庭、政府機關或仲裁機構的待決或可能提出的訴訟,而該訴訟會影響《協議》的合法性、有效性或可強制執行性或你履行《協議》項下責任的能力。
3.8 無依賴 你沒有依賴本行對有關交易或任何預期結果提供的任何意見、建議、保證或擔保(無論書面或口頭),而是根據你本身的判斷或你視為必需的第三方顧問的意見作出你本身獨立的決定,以訂立有關交易並決定該交易是否適合你。
3.9 主事人 你是以主事人身分而不是以任何其他人的代理人身分訂立有關交易。
4. 責 任
4.1 資料 你將會按本行的合理要求,向本行提供有關你的財務狀況或業務的任何資料,惟如果你是上市公司,則有關披露須符合適用的上市規則。
4.2 認可 你將會就《協議》取得可能規定須由你取得的任何政府或其他機關的所有認可、通知或備案,並保持其具十足效力及作用。
4.3 法律 你將會在所有要項上遵守適用法律。
4.4 印花稅 你將會支付對任何交易徵收的任何印花稅、登記稅、文件稅或類似的稅項,並將會就未能支付該等稅項向本行作出賠償。
5. 違 約 事 件
(a) 未能付款或交付 於到期時,未能按《協議》項下的規定作出付款或交付。卸棄、廢除或拒絕履行(全部或部分)協議。
(b) 違約 未能遵守《協議》的任何其他責任,並且未能在發給你未履約通知後14日內補救。
(c) 支持的缺失
(i) 未能履行為支持你於《協議》項下的責任而提供任何擔保或抵押的任何協議;
(ii) 未經本行書面同意,該項擔保或抵押屆滿,或不再具有十足效力及作用;或
(iii) 任何有關人士(或獲委任為其管理或代其行事的任何人士)提出卸棄或廢除(全部或部分)該項擔保或抵押,或質疑該項擔保或抵押的有效性。
(d) 失實xx 任何xx被證實在任何重大方面屬不正確或存有誤導成份。
(e) 連帶失責 發生或存在下列各項的情況下:
(i) 在一宗或以上宗金融、證券、衍生工具或借貸交易下的失責(不論如何稱述),導致該等交易成為,或成為足以被宣佈,到期及應付或應交付,或以其他方式提早終止;
(ii) 於到期日在任何金融、證券、衍生工具或借貸交易(在達到適用的通知規定或寬限期後)項下的一項或以上的付款或交付時發生失責;或
(iii) 任何金融、證券、衍生工具或借貸交易遭全部或部分卸棄、廢除或拒絕履行(或該等行動乃由獲委任或獲授權為任何有關人士管理或代其行事的任何人士進行)。
(f) 無力償還 任何有關人士:
(i) 無力償還,或未能或以書面形式承認其無能力於債務到期時償付其債務;
(ii) 與其債權人或為其債權人的利益作一般轉讓、安排或債務重整協議;
(iii) 或任何其他人士展開任何司法、行政或其他程序,或採取任何行動(1)就有關人士,或其債務或資產尋求無償債能力、破 產、清盤、重組或復興的判決或安排;(2)為有關人士或其資產的任何部分尋求受託人、接管人、清盤人、監管人或保管人的指派;或(3)已達至相若效力;
(iv) 通過一項為其清盤、重組或復興的決議案;
(v) 有一名有抵押人士管有其資產的全部或任何部分,或有計對其資產的全部或任何部分資產而強制執行的扣押、執行令、扣押書或其他法律程序;或
(vi) 引致根據任何適用法律具有相若於以上述任何一項的效力的任何事件或受其規限。
(g) 合併 任何有關人士與另一實體兼併或合併、或轉讓其資產的全部或任何重要部分予另一實體、或重組成為另一個實體。
(h) 身故 假如任何有關人士為個別人士,而該有關人士身故或精神上無行為能力。
(i) 控制權變動 任何人士直接或間接取得任何擁有權權益,使其得以委任董事會(或其等同組織)的大多數成員、或行使任何有關人士的控制權。 任何有關人士對其資本架構方面進行任何重大變動。
(j) 不可抗力
(i) 由於任何事件或情況,任何有關人士未能或可能未能遵守,或事屬或可能事屬不可能遵守《協議》的任何重要條文,或遵守
(ii) 根據任何適用法律,任何有關人士遵守《協議》的任何重要條文乃屬或可能屬不合法。就此而言,重要條文包括交易項下準時付款或交收的義務。
(k) 充分保證 當本行有合理理由不安,而任何有關人士未能提供充份保證,保證其有能力於本行發出書面要求後第二個營業日或之前履行其根據《協議》或訂約方之間訂立的任何其他協議項下的尚未履行的責任。
(l) 保證金 你如未能遵守此等條款及細則B部分第3(d)條,或 你的保證金(以未完結交易的價值(由本行釐定)的百分率表示)如跌至等如或低於平倉百分率(「平倉百分率」)(由本行不時通知的比率)。
6. 提 早 終 止
6.1 假如違約事件於任何時候發生及正在持續,本行可向你發出不超過 14 天的通知註明違約事件,就受影響或所有尚未完結的交易指定一個日子作為提早終止日期(而有關交易將於該指定日期終止)。
6.2 本行將以真誠態度釐定依據當時通行情況取代或提供每宗已終止交易的重要條款的經濟等值物而招致或實現或可能招致或實現的損失或收益及費用,其中包括支付餘款、交收項目及權利。 本行將於一個商業上屬合理之日子採用合理的商業程序釐定該等金額,並訂出商業上
屬合理的結果。 本行可視乎交易的類型、複雜程度或其他有關因素而定,對每宗不同的交易採用不同的估值方法。 本行可考慮任何相關的資料,其中包括源自本行內部的市場數據及資料,而沒有重覆:
(a) 集資的費用;
(b) 就本行終止或取得涉及對已終止交易的任何對冲安排而招致的任何合理損失、費用或收益。
所有金額將以美元或本行所合理選擇的另一種貨幣計算。 本行將按本行的現貨匯率換算另一種貨幣的金額。
本行將扣除 (i) 於提早終止日期或之前應付但至該日為止尚未支付予涉及所有已終止交易的任何一方的金額及 (ii) 相當於需要於提早終止日期或之前交付但至該日為止尚未如是交付予涉及每宗已終止交易的任何一方的任何交付物品於原定交付日期之公平市值的金額(由本行合理釐定),連同按逾期利率計算自原定到期日(包括該日)起計至(但不包括)提早終止日期為止的利息。
6.3 本行將在合理可行情況下,於提早終止日期後盡快向你發出一份結單,其中以合理地詳盡列出有關計算及本行根據第 6.2 條計算後的任何應付款項。 該金額須於通知內列明的日子(即通知日期後至少 7 天)予以支付,連同其按逾期利率計算自提早終止日期(包括該日)起計至(但不包括)支付該金額當日為止(判決前或判決後)的利息。
6.4 訂約方同意根據第 6.2 條可追索金額為一項合理的事前估計損失而並非一項罰金。 該金額是針對日後各種風險的應付買賣損失及保障損失。 除《協議》另有規定外,任何一方將無權就該等損失追索任何額外的損害賠償。
7. 授 權 代 表
7.1 除非 你另行向本行發出書面通知,否則你的獲授權代表擁有在各方面代表你行事的全面授權,包括代表你訂立任何交易、支付或收取款項或交付任何證券或財產,及代表你給予本行任何指示。
7.2 本行的僱員及代表不會被本行容許接受獲委任為你的代理人,操作你的賬戶。本行的僱員及代表不得為自己買賣合約交易。
8. 變 更
x行可隨時改變此等條款及條件,並以通知知會你。 在實際可行情況下該通知將於30日後生效。
9. 開 支
10. 其 他 事 項
10.1 本行可持有與你的指示相反的倉盤。
10.2 你與本行於業務過程中的所有電話通話將以本行操作的中央錄音系統記錄。
10.3 當本行要求你確認任何口頭指示時,你將從速簽署書面指示。
10.4 本行可以就你可能設定合約的總值設定限額。 本行將以書面通知你有關限制及任何變動。
10.5 倘本行就未平倉合約的交易能力因監管機構根據適用規則及規例採取的行動或任何其他原因被減弱或限制,你可能會受到影響。 在此情況下,你可能須減持或結束於本行的未平倉合約。
10.6 《協議》構成各方之間就其主題事宜所達成的全部協議和諒解,並取代所有與其有關的口頭通訊及之前的書面文件。此規定絕不影響對欺詐行為的任何法律責任。
10.7 在法律許可的最大範圍內,你不可撤回地放棄基於主權或其他理由而享有以下豁免權: 訴訟、任何法院的司法管轄權、以法令方式的寬免、扣押你的資產(不論在判決前或判決後)及任何判決的執行或強制執行。
10.8 除非確認書中另有指明,全部交易均由本行以主事人身份進行。 本行可更改本行為交易的目的而行事所透過的辦事處。
附表 1
A. 通 則
(i) 「下個」:有關日期將為其後首個營業日﹔
(ii) 「於其後作出調整」或「經調整」:有關日期將為其後首個營業日,倘該日屬於下一個歷月,則為之前首個營業日﹔
(iii) 「最接近的」:倘有關日期為星期日或星期一以外的日子,該日將為之前首個營業日,若有關日期為星期日或星期一,則為其後首個營業日﹔
(iv) 「之前的」:有關日期將為之前首個營業日。價格來源/匯率/取整
認購貨幣 倘確認書中未有訂明,指由買方購買的貨幣。
認購貨幣金額 倘確認書中未有訂明,指認沽貨幣金額乘以行使價,其中行使價列示為每單位認沽貨幣支付的認購貨幣金額。
認購期權 在任何先決條件及此等條款及條件規限下,賦予買方權利,在行使期權後,(如屬交付貨幣期權交易)按行使價買入認購貨幣金額,並且(如屬不交付貨幣期權交易)收取得價內金額(如屬正數)。
開始日期 期權可予行使的首日,即交易日期,惟確認書中另有規定者除外。可交付 除非確認書另有規定,否則交易將可予交付。
「 歐 式 」 期 權 僅 可 於 屆 滿 日 期 行 使 。
行使期間 就「歐式」期權而言,於確認書所訂明屆滿日期的屆滿時間。
屆滿日期 於確認書中訂明的屆滿日期,屆滿日期將為期權可獲得行使的最後日期。 除非另有訂明,該日期將按下個營業日慣例作出調整。 「屆滿時間」將為確認書中訂明的屆滿時間及期權可獲得行使的最後時間。
遠期匯率 以結算貨幣式示的匯率,或(確認書中未有訂明)參考貨幣名義金額除以名義金額得的率。外匯交易 由一方買入一種貨幣協定金額,以換取由其賣出另一種貨幣協定金額。
不交付 倘確認書訂明為不交付、「現金結算」或「價內結算」,交易屬不交付。
名義金額 倘確認書中未就不交付外匯交易訂明,結算貨幣數額等於參考貨幣名義金額除以遠期匯率。 倘確認書中未就不交付貨幣期權交易訂明,則認購貨幣金額或認沽貨幣金額將以結算貨幣計值。
最後行使期限 倘確認書中未有訂明,指屆滿時間。
溢價 在任何先決條件規限下,買方於溢價支付日期應付賣方的金額。
認沽貨幣 倘確認書中未有訂明,買方將出售的貨幣。
認沽貨幣金額 倘確認書中未有訂明,指認購貨幣金額除以行使價,其中行使價列示為每單位認沽貨幣支付的認購貨幣金額。
認沽期權 在任何先決條件及本條款及條件規限下,賦予買方權利,在行使期權後,(如屬交付貨幣期權交易)按行使價賣出認沽貨幣金額,並且(如屬不交付貨幣期權交易)收取得價內金額(如屬正數)。
參考貨幣買方 倘確認書中未有訂明,指於結算日期應欠負(或倘交易屬交付交易,則為將欠負)參考貨幣的一方。
參考貨幣名義金額 倘確認書中未就不交付外匯交易訂明,參考貨幣數額等於名義金額乘以遠期匯率。 倘確認書中未就不交付貨幣期權交易訂明,則認購貨幣金額或認沽貨幣金額將以參考貨幣計值。
結算匯率 如在不交付交易確認書並未指明或釐定,即按本行以商業合理方式地釐定,就相關貨幣組合的外匯交易按結算日期價值釐定貨幣匯率之時的現貨匯率。
行 使 價 確 認 書 中 指 明 的 貨 幣 匯 率 。
交易日期 確認書中指明的日期,即各方訂立交易之日。
估值日期 如在不交付交易確認書中並未指明或釐定,指(倘為以加拿大元支付的外匯交易)結算日期前一個營業日、(倘為以其他貨幣支付的外匯交易)結算日期前兩個營業日及(倘為貨幣期權)期權被行使的營業日。
B. 外 匯 保 證 金 交 易
務請細閱所有條款及條件,特別是第 3 條(利息)及第 4 條(平倉)。
1. 保 證 金 交 易
假如本行同意,你可透過保證金交易方式與本行訂立外匯交易。 本行將應要求指明可提供的合約金額及貨幣(可在無須通知的情況下予以更改)。本行將協定或指定某種貨幣為基礎貨幣,以計算任何應付金額。 一對貨幣組合中的另一種貨幣將為其他貨幣。 匯率於進行外匯交易(首宗外匯交易)時設定,有關交易隨即達成,惟交付將遞延至:
(a) 你與本行訂立另一宗外匯交易(第二宗外匯交易)換取由其他方交付的同一貨幣對﹔或
(b) 各方同意進行實物交付。
2. 淨 額 結 算
(a) 假如兩宗外匯交易有相同的其他貨幣金額,則必須以基礎貨幣支付任何較大款項的一方將以基礎貨幣金額支付差額,而兩宗外匯交易均將獲解除。
(b) 假如一宗外匯交易的其他貨幣金額較大,其將被視作分為兩宗外匯交易:相同的其他貨幣金額的一宗作為另一宗原有訂立的外匯交易,須以第 2(a)條方法處理﹔而另一宗外匯交易將維持有效。
(c) 假如有多於二宗外匯交易,除非本行與你另行協定,否則本行可決定將那宗交易進行淨額結算。
(d) 本行可遞延進行淨額結算。
3. 利 息
(a) 就外匯交易(由其原先結算日期至其解除日期)而言,各方將按本行不時釐定的利率(或以由本行所釐定的換匯點數形式)就將予交付的金額支付利息。 不同的匯率(或換匯點數)將適用於由你及本行應付的金額。 該等利息須每日(或按本行另行決定)及應要求支付。
(b) 應付利息可在本行選擇下,就每一種貨幣進行淨額結算。
4. 平 倉
(a) 在發生任何違約事件之後,本行可隨時在不給予通知,就一宗或多宗未平倉外匯交易進行平倉或對沖(所涉費用及風險由你承擔)。 外匯交易將按照第 2(a)條以淨額結算方式平倉,猶如有關第二宗外匯交易已按於終止之時的現貨匯率訂立一樣。
(b) 現貨匯率指由本行參照任何內部或外部資料或報價所釐定的現貨貨幣匯率。 本行可基於任何目的,按現貨匯率將一種貨幣兌換為另一種貨幣。
C. 不 交 付 外 匯 交 易
就不交付外匯交易而言,如結算貨幣金額是正數,則參考貨幣買方將於結算日期以結算貨幣向參考貨幣賣方支付該金額。 如結算貨幣金額為負數,則參考貨幣賣方將於結算日期以結算貨幣向參考貨幣買方支付該金額的絕對值。 在各情況下均須遵守任何先決條件及本條款及條件。
結算貨幣金額 = 名義金額 x (1 -
遠 期 匯 率 )
D. 貨 幣 期 權 交 易
除非在確認書中指明自動行使適用,否則,買方必須於行使期間內就其行使期權給予賣方不可撤回的通知。 如賣方沒有在屆滿日期屆滿時間或之前接獲有關通知(而自動行使亚不適用),則期權將到期及變成無效。
行使價的1% x 認購貨幣金額或認沽貨幣金額(以適用者為準)。
如屬可交付貨幣期權交易,賣方可選擇以下列方式結算 (1)支付認購貨幣金額及向買方收取認沽貨幣金額﹔或 (2) 向買方支付價內金額(如為正數),在各情況下均須遵守任何先決條件及本條款及條件。 賣方將於屆滿時間後在合理可行情況下盡快通知買方其選擇。
(a) 如指明結算貨幣,則金額按下列公式計算以結算貨幣表示:
(i) 若參考貨幣為認沽貨幣,而結算貨幣為認購貨幣:
認購貨幣金額 x (
結算匯率 – 行使價 )
(ii) 若參考貨幣為認購貨幣,而結算貨幣為認沽貨幣:
認沽貨幣金額 x (
行使價 - 結算匯率 )
(b) 如並未指明結算貨幣:
(i) 就認購期權而言,價內金額即指結算匯率超出行使價的差額乘以認購貨幣金額,當中的行使價及結算匯率是以認沽貨幣兌換每單位認購貨幣的形式表示。
(ii) 就認沽期權而言,價內金額即指行使價超出結算匯率的差額乘以認沽貨幣金額,當中的行使價及結算匯率是以認購貨幣兌換每單位認沽貨幣的形式表示。
(c) 如訂明結算金額,指確認書中訂明的金額。
E. 定 界 期 權 交 易
自動終止指交易將全部而非部分終止,自確認書所列明的日期起生效。如未xx,則根據本 E 部分,視乎定界事件發生與否,而毋須支付代表交易日後價值的任何結算金額,經紀成本或其他金額。
F. 干 擾 事 件
1. 如有下列情況(由本行確定),即屬發生干擾事件:
(a) 特定貨幣的匯率分成一種以上的貨幣匯率(雙重匯率);
(b) 發生一般會令事件貨幣在涉及事件貨幣司法管轄區無法透過慣常法律途徑將涉及貨幣轉換為非事件貨幣的任何事件(一般不可轉換);
(c) 發生一般會令(i)非事件貨幣無法由涉及事件貨幣司法管轄區內交付至事件貨幣司法管轄區外;或(ii)事件貨幣司法管轄區內部賬目之間的事件貨幣無法交付或無法交付予涉及事件貨幣司法權區非居民一方的任何事件(一般不可轉讓);
(d) 政府主管當局涉及借貸款項或擔保的任何抵押或債務的違約、違約事件或其他類似事件(無論如何描述),包括(i)未能完全及時還款(無須理會任何適用寬限期);(ii)已宣佈延期償付、停頓、豁免、延期、悔約或重新計劃;或(iii)修訂或更改任何有關抵押、債務或擔保的條款及條件,而未經所有該等債務持有人的同意,在各情況下,無論該政府主管當局是否缺乏或指稱缺乏授權或身份(政府主管當局違約);
(e) 無法在估值日期(或在不同情況下,則為估值日的匯率由相關價格來源於正常情況公佈估值的日期)或其他在確認書中就此而指明的日期(流動性不足估值日期)取得一宗交易或多宗商業上合理的交易的最低金額結算匯率的確定報價(流動性不足);
(f) 不可轉換/不可轉讓指一般不可轉換、特別不可轉換、一般不可轉讓及特別不可轉讓;
(g) 於事件貨幣司法管轄區發生交易訂約方所無法控制且(i) 令訂約方無法履行交易項下責任;及
(h) 事件貨幣司法管轄區的任何主管當局以任何徵收、充公、徵用、收歸國有或其他行動剝奪一方(或其聯屬人士)於事件貨幣司法管轄區的全部資產或絕大部份資產(收歸國有);
(i) 訂約方特別事件指特別不可轉換及特別不可轉讓干擾;
(j) 主要匯率(根據確認書釐定)與次級匯率(根據確認書釐定)不同,兩者的差額至少為確認書中列明的價格重要百分比率(價格重要性);
(k) 無法於估值日期(或在不同情況下,有關價格來源於正常情況公佈估值的日期)取得結算匯率(價格來源干擾);無論確認書是否列明,價格來源干擾將應用於無交付交易;
(l) 發生令一方(或有關類別)無法於事件貨幣司法管轄區將事件貨幣的最低金額轉換為非事件貨幣的事件(特別不可轉換),惟純粹因該一方(或有關類別)未能遵守事件貨幣司法管轄區的任何法律或法規而導致者除外,惟該項法律或法規於交易日期後施行及該一方(或有關類別)因其不可控制事件而無法遵守該項法律或法規,則另當別論;
(m) 發生令一方(或有關類別)無法作出一般不可轉讓第(i)或(ii)項所述的交付的事件(特別不可轉讓),惟純粹因該一方(或有關類別)未能遵守事件貨幣司法管轄區的任何法律或法規而導致者除外,惟該項法律或法規於交易日期後執行及該一方(或有關類別
最低金額,如未列明,就流動性不足而言,指參考貨幣名義金額,而就特別不可轉換而言,指相當於 1 美元的事件貨幣。
2. 後 果
(a) 以本行所釐定的任何貨幣、金額及日期結算交易;
(b) 於結清本行債務時,可在適用法例容許的情況下,將本行或其聯屬人士就收回相等於事件貨幣金額的收歸國有資產向任何政府主管當局提出的正式索償(索償)轉讓予你,或若法律不容許該項轉讓,則將索償的實益權益轉讓予你;
(c) 要求你將會於結算日期將應支付的任何金額,以託管形式繳入本行的一個附息賬戶,用作償付你的責任;及/或
(d) 根據本條款及條件第 7 條(提早終止)終止交易,猶如已發生違約事件,該宗交易為唯一受影響的交易,且終止貨幣為非事件貨幣。
附表 2
A. 通 則
所有黃金交易須以美元計值,並以美元現金結算。 黃金價格按每盎司美元作出報價。 在任何情況下,一概不會實物交付黃金。現貨黃金交易於交易日期後2個營業日以美元結算。
本行可不時決定黃金交易的最低數量及增加數量、可以進行黃金交易的時段、提供的交易年期,以及其他與黃金交易有關的事宜。 目前,黃金交易的最低數量必須為100盎司黃金的整數倍數。
合 約 價 協 定 由 買 方 就 黃 金 向 賣 方 支 付 的 每 盎 司 價 格 。
黃金 每千份黃金純度為995.0的無分割黃金,或本行不時另行訂明的標準,須符合倫敦金銀市場協會不時關於合格交收及純度標準的規則。
倫敦金銀市場協會或LBMA 倫敦金銀市場協會或其繼承人,代表在英國活躍於各方面金銀活動及相關服務的一眾機構,有關活動及服務包括結算、實物及監管方面,而擁有「莊家」身份的成員在各個工作天的整天內為黃金現貨及期貨交收的買賣報價。
倫敦黃金市場 倫敦金銀市場協會的成員進行黃金買賣報價等活動的倫敦市場。盎司 xx制盎司。
價格來源 載有或報告相關參考價的刊物(或其他參考來源,包括倫敦黃金市場)。
參 考 價 於 相 關 確 認 書 中 訂 x 的 參 考 價 , 為 以 下 其 中 一 個 參 考 價 :
「GOLD - FIX - A.M.」指就行使日期而言,該價格將為倫敦黃金市場釐定的上午黃金定價。
「GOLD - FIX - P.M.」指就行使日期而言,該價格將為倫敦黃金市場釐定的下午黃金定價。
結 算 日 期 行 使 日 後 的 第 二 個 營 業 日 。
交易日期 於確認書中訂明的交易日期,即雙方訂立相關交易的日期。除非另有界定,否則有關詞彙具有相關確認書中賦予的涵義。
除非另有訂明,就任何計算而言,(a)倘並無訂明「僅對支付款項取整」,則:(i)有關計算中所用及所得的所有百分比均會取整(如有需要)至[百分點的最接近四個小數位]([百分點的第五個小數位進行四捨五入]),而(ii)有關計算中所得的所有美元金額將會取整至[最接近的仙位(半仙四捨五 入)];及(b)倘訂明「僅對支付款項取整」,則只有價內金額取整至[最接近的仙位(半仙四捨五入)]。
B. 市 場 干 擾
(a) 價格來源無法宣佈或公佈相關參考價(或釐定相關參考價時必須獲得的資料),或者價格來源終止操作、暫時性或永久性無法提供資料(價格來源干擾);
(b) 倫敦黃金市場的黃金買賣暫停或受限制,而本行認為有關暫停或受限制屬重大性質(買賣暫停或受限制);或
(c) 黃金買賣消失,或黃金消失(參考價消失)。相關確認書中可能就交易訂明額外市場干擾事件。
(a) 要求你將本行估計你於結算日期將應支付的任何金額,以託管形式繳入本行的一個附息賬戶,用作償付你的責任;及/或
(b) 根據此等條款及條件C部分第6條(提早終止)終止所涉的交易,猶如已發生違約事件,該宗交易為唯一受影響的交易。
C. 額 外 稅 項
附件 5:貨幣掛鈎合約
請細閱,特別是下文 3 及 7。
1. 假如你有意投資於一項以基本貨幣與另一種貨幣掛鈎(「掛鈎貨幣」) 合約,你將會利用本行的表格提交指令。指令不可撤回。貨幣掛鈎合約將會涉及最低投資金額、基於本行所接納的一種掛鈎貨幣,並且符合本行不時設定的其他規定。
2. 本行可在接獲你的指令時,按擬存入的全數投資金額,相應凍結你賬戶內的金額。本行可決定是否接納指令。假如本行不接納指令,本行將通知你及釋放在你賬戶內凍結的存款。
3. 該合約的條款將如本行確認書所列出。任何其他匯率及資料乃提供作參考之用,並無約束力。除另有協定外,合約只可在香港退回。
4. 利息將會就合約本金金額,自「生效日」起至「到期日」止累計,並且將由本行按在確認書中所指明的利率計算。
5. 合約連同協定利息將按照確認書的條款,以基本貨幣或以掛鈎貨幣的金額支付。
6. 「匯率」將由本行參考在「釐定日」的現匯率釐定。釐定日如屬非營業日或星期六,則該日將為本行參考市場慣例所決定的其他日期。
7. 除本行同意外,不得於到期前終止合約。如本行准許到期前終止合約,本行可從投資合約的金額扣取由本行所釐定的金額,以彌補包括終止、對冲及集資費用的虧損及開支。退回給你的款項可能少於投資於合約的本金金額。
8. 條款具有在確認書中所賦予的涵義。
附件 6:紙黃金計劃賬戶
請仔細閱讀,尤其是下文第 3、4、5 及 7 條。
1. 釋義
1.1 於本附件內,除非文意另有所指:
紙黃金計劃 — 為以港元計值的賬戶,指定用作以港元進行的交易;及
人民幣紙黃金計劃 — 為以人民幣計值的賬戶,指定用作以人民幣進行的交易。
1.2 為免生疑問,凡在本行的「綜合條款及條件 - 投資產品」提述的證券包括紙黃金。
2. 合約
2.1 你可不時要求本行與你訂立合約,藉向本行發出指示以完成買賣紙黃金。本行可(但無義務)接受你的買入紙黃金指示。在本行綜合條款及條件 - 投資產品的條款及條件的規限下,本行將按本行就本服務當時所報的紙黃金售價向你買入在你的紙黃金計劃賬戶內的紙黃金。所有買賣價格是以港幣及人民幣為貨幣單位。假如本行接納你的指示,合約條款及條件將如本行發出的確認書所載。所有合約均受本附件規限。
2.2 買賣紙黃金的價格由本行參照本地倫敦金的價格、電匯外幣現貨匯率及本行的利潤比率 (該比率不超逾 1的買入及賣出價)。本行於發出確認書前所報的任何價格僅供參考,對本行並無約束力。各份合約的價格及其他條款如相關確認書所載。
2.3 本行可不時規定紙黃金的最低單位、合約的最低金額及其他條款。本行可不時更改訂立合約的交易時間。你的指示僅於本行不時知會你的時間內進行。有關時間後收到的指示將視為於本行下一個營業日發出。
2.4 除非在你的指定賬戶內已有或你已另行向本行提供足夠的已清算資金,以支付合約全部款項連同所有相關費用、收費及開支,否則本行可拒絕接納或處理購買紙黃金合約的指示。發出指示後,你不應以相關賬戶進行任何買賣,以免賬戶結餘減少至低於所需的全部款項的水平。
2.5 假如在任何時間,你的指定賬戶的可用信貸結餘並不足夠,本行可(但無義務)從你在本行的其他賬戶扣除你應支付的款項或其任何部分。本行可按本行的現行匯率兌換任何貨幣為另一種貨幣。
2.6 本行收取結算購入紙黃金合約所需的全部款項連同所有相關費用、收費及開支後,只要合約尚未被本行終止(例如因你的指定賬戶資金不足),本行將會把你根據該合約購入的紙黃金數量記入你的紙黃金計劃賬戶內。
2.7 除非你的紙黃金計劃賬戶有足夠紙黃金數量以結算合約的全部款項,否則本行可拒絕接納或處理出售紙黃金合約的指示。
2.8 本行於扣除所有相關費用、收費及開支後,本行將會把你根據合約出售的各種數量的紙黃金的所得款項記入你的指定賬戶內。
2.9 倘若本行選擇以淨額結算本行及你根據合約於任何日期的付款義務,則每一方的付款義務於該日較大付款義務的一方支付應付合計淨金額時將被履行及獲解除。
3. 交付
3.1 本行在任何情況下不會向你交付任何實物黃金,亦不會為你的賬戶持有任何實物黃金。紙黃金計劃賬戶內黃金的分配僅為名義上的,你對任何實物黃金並無任何權利,但有權在結算出售紙黃金的相關合約時,在你的紙黃金計劃賬戶中收取紙黃金所得款項。
3.2 你不可向本行交付任何實物黃金以結算你的任何出售交易。
3.3 因任何理由而終止你的紙黃金計劃賬戶時,你將必須按本行就本服務當時所報的紙黃金售價向本行出售在你的紙黃金計劃賬戶內的紙黃金。本行在秉誠行事及合理商業方式情況下,可給予你不少於 30 日的事先書面通知後終止紙黃金計劃賬戶。
4. 彌償保證及責任的限制
4.1 你須向本行就根據本附件進行的任何交易直接或間接以任何方式產生的所有訴訟、申索、法律責任、損失、合理費用及開支提供彌償。
4.2 就根據本附件進行的任何交易以任何方式產生或與其有關之任何性質之任何損失、費用或申索,或因未能或延遲執行任何指示、任何通訊系統故障或失靈或任何本行無法控制或預料的理由,本行無須(在沒有疏忽或故意失當行為的情況下)負上法律責任。
4.3 為免生疑問,本附件第 4 條為本行的「綜合條款及條件 – 銀行服務」第 10 條(本行責任的限制)及第 11 條(你的彌償保證)的增補。
5. 抵銷
6. 結單及確認書
6.1 本行就已訂立的每一份合約將向你發出確認書。
6.2 本行就你的紙黃金計劃賬戶將向你發出月結單。然而,假如適用法例、規例或行為守則並無規定,例如自上一xx結單日期以來,在你的紙黃金計劃賬戶內並無紙黃金或並無任何交易,則本行將不會發出月結單。
6.3 確認書及月結單將以郵寄、電子郵件或本行決定的其他方式向你發出。
6.4 本行可修訂任何月結單或確認書,以更正任何不當或錯誤的資料。
7. xx結算
7.1 假如於任何時間,就本行綜合條款及條件 - 投資產品第 9.8 條(提早終止)已發生及持續發生違約事件,本行可訂立一份或以上的合約以出售你的紙黃金計劃賬戶內的所有或任何紙黃金,及/或結束你的任何尚未執行的購買紙黃金合約,而在各情況下,均按本行就本服務當時所報的紙黃金售價進行,而所得款項(扣除所有有關開支後)將按本行認為適當的次序或方式用於償還你欠下或應付的任何款項。你須立即應要求向本行支付任何不足之數。
7.2 (在沒有疏忽或故意失責的情況下)本行無須就根據第 7.1 條採取或不採取任何行動所導致的任何損失或開支向你負上責任,該等行動包括
(a) 未能立即訂立任何合約;或
(b) 按對你不利的價格訂立任何合約。
8. 其他事項
8.1 你保證你將以當事人的身分而並非任何其他人士的受託人或代理人訂立每份合約。
8.2 你負責必須向有關當局(不論是政府或其他)遞交的有關任何合約的所有存檔、報稅表及報告,以及支付任何合約所產生的或有關任何合約的所有稅款、關稅、交易徵費或稅費、或任何負債或付款。
8.3 本行向你發出至少 30 日事先通知後,可隨時更改本附件及任何適用費用或收費。
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Limited Master Terms and Conditions - Investment Products
1. Application
1.1 These Terms and Conditions, together with the Schedules and our current Master Terms and Conditions - Banking Services, apply, to the extent applicable, to all transactions with you (the customer) in securities, shares, stocks, debentures, bonds, notes, collective investment schemes, funds, currencies, related rights, options and interests, and other investments (securities).
We (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Limited) are a licensed bank under the Banking Ordinance and a registered institution under the Securities and Futures Ordinance, CE Number AAI670].
1.2 The Schedules form part of these Terms and Conditions. If there is inconsistency, the provisions for a particular service will prevail over general provisions.
1.3 Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully, particularly Clauses 6 (Limit of our liability) and 9 (Transacting as principal, including 9.8 (Early termination)), and also our Risk Disclosure Statements.
2. Information
2.1 Our information is based on information provided by the person involved in the issue or management of the relevant securities, an information vendor or a public source. For example, prices of securities on the Hong Kong stock exchange are provided by The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (and while they endeavour to ensure the accuracy of the information, no guarantee is given and no liability is accepted for any error). We believe the information to be correct, but have not verified it. The information provider does not accept responsibility in relation to the information. We are not responsible for third party information.
2.2 Reports, accounts, notices and any other documents received by us in respect of your securities will be held for a period reasonably decided by us, and will be available for your inspection during such period at our designated office. Thereafter we will destroy the documents. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, you do not require us to forward these documents to you or notify you of their receipt or contents. We will respond promptly to your request for information on corporate actions in relation to your securities in our custody.
2.3 You will not copy, disseminate, exploit or change any price, rate or other quotation provided by us or use them for any purposes other than for your own reference.
2.4 We will inform you of any material change to our name, principal address, registration status, CE number, the nature of our services, fees or charges.
3. Our services
3.1 You agree to read, understand and be bound by any offering documents, terms, application forms, procedures and other documents relating to the securities, before giving any instruction. You confirm that you are qualified to buy the securities and that your instructions conform to all relevant requirements. We are not responsible to check if this is so, and may execute any instruction as received, or make any changes to conform to relevant requirements, without notice to you.
3.2 We may execute your instructions in our or our nominee’s name and as part of a larger order. We will allocate acquired securities among you and other customers in a fair manner.
3.3 On receipt of your instructions, we may debit the relevant sums from your accounts, and thereafter:
(a) instruct brokers or others to buy or sell the securities; or
(b) apply to the issuer, manager or others to subscribe or apply for units or interests in the securities, or to redeem, transfer, switch or convert units or interests held for you.
3.4 We do not act for the manager of any securities or other persons. They may reject your application. You accept the dealing and other procedures that we agree with the manager.
3.5 Unless otherwise agreed in writing or we are already holding sufficient cash or securities in your account, you will pay us cleared funds or deliver to us securities in deliverable form, by noon on the business day on which your instruction is given, or by the time we notify you, to enable us to settle each transaction. If you fail to do so, we may terminate the transaction, or sell the purchased securities, or borrow or purchase securities to settle the transaction. You will indemnify us against all liabilities, reasonable losses and expenses.
3.6 We will credit your account with securities, proceeds, refunds, and income only after actual receipt by us and after deducting reasonable expenses. We may credit any one or more of your accounts. Unless it forms part of the services that we have agreed with you in writing, we may (but are not obliged to) take action to collect securities or money due to you. We need not inform you if any payment becomes due or overdue or if any action is required in respect of your securities. If not collected in person, delivery of securities to you will be at your risks.
3.7 You will as required designate one or more accounts as settlement accounts. Your authorised signatories for your securities account or settlement account may operate both accounts.
3.8 Acting reasonably, we may sell your securities or any part of it to raise any amounts for the purposes of our services.
3.9 If you are not the ultimate beneficiary or the person ultimately responsible for originating an instruction in relation to securities listed or traded on the Hong Kong stock exchange, or derivatives, including over-the-counter derivatives, written over such securities:
(a) you agree to provide full details (including the identity, address and contact details) of the ultimate beneficiary and of the person ultimately responsible for originating the instructions directly to the Hong Kong stock exchange and the SFC within 2 business days of a request by us or any of them;
(b) your agreement in (a) above will survive termination of our services; and
(c) if a beneficiary or person originating an instruction is located outside Hong Kong, you confirm that these provisions are binding under the relevant foreign law.
3.10 If you act for a collective investment scheme, discretionary account or discretionary trust and, in respect of a particular transaction, your investment discretion is overridden by one or more of the beneficiaries of the scheme, account or trust or someone else, you will tell us or the Hong Kong stock exchange and the SFC within 2 business days of a request when your investment discretion has been overridden and details of the person who has given the instructions.
3.11 You confirm that all your sell orders in respect of securities at or through the Hong Kong stock exchange will be “long” sales, unless you notify us at the time of placing a sell order that it relates to securities which you do not own but have a right to obtain, i.e. involves short selling, and at the same time provide us with the requisite assurance that the sale is "covered".
3.12 If any transaction relates to derivative products, including options, we will provide to you on request (a) product specifications and any prospectus or other offering document covering such products and (b) a full explanation of margin procedures and the circumstances under which positions may be closed without your consent.
3.13 You will promptly sign an order when required by us to confirm any oral order.
3.14 Our employees and representatives are not allowed to accept appointment as your agent to operate your account. Our employees and representatives are not allowed to trade contracts on their own account.
3.15 We may set limits on the size of the contracts you may establish. We will notify you of the limits and any change in writing.
3.16 We may take the opposite position to your order.
3.17 We may record conversations with you without warning.
3.18 If the securities are traded on more than 1 exchange, we may (acting reasonably) execute a transaction on any of the exchanges, unless otherwise specifically agreed.
4. Custody
4.1 You appoint us as your custodian to hold all securities acquired by us on your behalf. We will arrange for your securities to be registered or held in safe custody in accordance with applicable laws including, at our option, registration of registered securities in our nominee’s name. Your securities held by us will be recorded in your securities account.
4.2 We may reject any securities for safe custody and (acting reasonably) require any securities to be withdrawn from our custody.
4.3 Your securities will be treated as fungible and held as part of a larger holding of identical securities held for our customers. You will be entitled to the same share of the payments and rights arising on the holding as your share of the total holding. Any loss will be apportioned among all owners.
4.4 We may deposit any eligible securities into a clearing system where transfers are made electronically or by book entries. Your securities may be held overseas by a third party.
4.5 We are not required to attend meetings of holders of any securities or exercise any rights unless otherwise agreed with you in writing.
4.6 You may only withdraw or sell your securities after you have complied with the conditions and made the payments we require (acting reasonably). You may not do so if we have not actually received the relevant securities or if registration or transfer has not been completed. You will collect any certificates or documents from the place we reasonably specify.
4.7 Securities may not be withdrawn in a physical form, e.g., if they are in the form of a global certificate or in book-entry form.
5. Our role
5.1 We act as your agent, not as trustee or fiduciary. We will use reasonable care in carrying out your instructions on your behalf. Our responsibilities are limited to those expressly set out in our applicable terms and conditions. We may act as principal in a transaction and, if so, we will notify you. These Terms and Conditions apply, to the extent possible, to transactions on your behalf as well as with us.
5.2 You agree that we may accept from brokers, fund managers and other persons involved in your transactions any cash, goods, services, rebates or soft commission.
6. Limit of our liability
6.1 We need not verify the validity or genuineness of any documents or the title to your property to be received or held by us, which we reasonably believe to be genuine.
6.2 We are not obliged to purchase any securities from you, whether or not we have sold it to you or bought it for you.
6.3 We need not enquire whether the manager of any securities or other relevant person is performing its duties.
7. Your representations
You represent to us that:
(a) unless you have notified us otherwise in writing, you are the sole beneficial owner of your accounts, free from third party claims or interests and will enter into each transaction as principal and not as agent for any other person;
(b) all documents you deliver to us are valid and complete;
(c) you have made your own independent decision to enter into each transaction and as to whether the transaction is appropriate for you based upon your own judgment or upon advice from such third party adviser as you consider necessary; you understand and accept the terms and risks of the transaction and will not rely on our advice or recommendation; and
(d) the above representations will be true on the day each transaction is entered into and will survive termination of our services.
8. Material interest
When effecting transactions for you, our affiliates or we may have a material interest in relation to the transaction. For example, our affiliates or we may:
(a) have a position in relation to the securities or be involved as issuer, manager, custodian, trustee or otherwise; or
(b) match your order with those of other customers.
If we have an actual or potential conflict of interest in relation to a transaction, we will not act unless we have disclosed that conflict to you and have taken all reasonable steps to treat you fairly.
We may have existing or future commercial or banking relationships with any person involved in the issue or management of any securities or their affiliates, and will pursue actions which we deem appropriate to protect our interests, without obligation to disclose or account to you, and regardless of whether such action might adversely affect you.
9. Transacting as principal
9.1 We may as principal enter into transactions (in Clause 9, each a "transaction") with you, each of which is evidenced by a confirmation ("Confirmation") issued by us and expressed to be subject to these Terms and Conditions. Terms used bear the meaning ascribed in the Confirmation.
9.2 In the event of inconsistency, the terms of one document will prevail over the other(s) in the following order for the purpose of the relevant transaction: (1) the Confirmation, (2) the applicable Schedule and (3) these Terms and Conditions.
9.3 A contract between you and us for the sale or purchase of securities is made as soon as its terms have been confirmed orally by our authorised officer or in writing signed by our authorised officer. The terms of an oral contract will be as set out in our written Confirmation.
9.4 All transactions constitute a single agreement between the parties ("Agreement"). The parties will only enter into transactions in reliance on such fact.
9.5 The parties will make payments and deliveries in accordance with each Confirmation, subject to the condition precedent that no Event of Default (see Clause 9.7) or Potential Event of Default has occurred and is continuing. “Potential Event of Default” means any event which, with the giving of notice or the lapse of time or both, would constitute an Event of Default.
9.6 You will fully perform your obligations before requiring us to perform.
9.7 Events of Default
The occurrence at any time of any of the following events with respect to you or any person who has provided any guarantee or security in support of your obligations under the Agreement (each a “relevant party”) constitutes an event of default ("Event of Default"):
(a) Fail to pay or deliver. Failure to make, when due, any payment or delivery required under the Agreement. Disclaiming, repudiating or rejecting, in whole or in part, the Agreement (or any transaction).
(b) Breach. Failure to comply with any other obligation in accordance with the Agreement if not remedied within 14 days after notice of such failure is given to you.
(c) Support default.
(i) Failure to perform any agreement to provide any guarantee or security in support of your obligations under the Agreement;
(ii) such guarantee or security expires or ceases to be in full force and effect without our written consent; or
(iii) any relevant party (or any person appointed to manage it or act on its behalf) disclaims or repudiates, in whole or part, or challenges the validity of, such guarantee or security.
(d) Misrepresentation. Any representation proves to be incorrect or misleading in any material respect.
(e) Cross default. The occurrence or existence of:
(i) a default (however described) under one or more financial, securities, derivative or borrowing transactions which has resulted in such transactions becoming, or becoming capable of being declared, due and payable or deliverable, or otherwise terminated prematurely,
(ii) a default in making one or more payments or deliveries on the due date under any financial, securities, derivative or borrowing transaction (after giving effect to applicable notice requirement or grace period), or
(iii) a disclaimer, repudiation or rejection, in whole or in part, of any financial, securities, derivative or borrowing transaction (or such action is taken by any person appointed or empowered to manage any relevant party or act on its behalf).
(f) Insolvency. Any relevant party:
(i) becomes insolvent or fails or admits in writing its inability to pay its debts as they become due;
(ii) makes a general assignment, arrangement or composition with or for the benefit of its creditors;
(iii) or any other person commences any judicial, administrative or other proceeding, or takes any action, (1) seeking a judgment of or arrangement for insolvency, bankruptcy, liquidation, reorganization or rehabilitation with respect to the relevant party or its debts or assets, (2) seeking the appointment of a trustee, receiver, liquidator, supervisor or custodian for the relevant party or any part of its assets, or (3) which has a similar effect;
(iv) has a resolution passed for its liquidation, reorganization or rehabilitation;
(v) has a secured party take possession of all or any part of its assets or has a distress, execution, attachment or other legal process enforced against all or any part of its assets; or
(vi) causes or is subject to any event which, under any applicable law, has a similar effect to any of the above.
(g) Merger. Any relevant party amalgamates or merges with or transfers all or any substantial part of its assets to, or reconstitutes as, another entity.
(h) Death. If you are an individual and you die or become mentally incapacitated.
(i) Change of Control. Any person acquires directly or indirectly any ownership interest enabling it to appoint a majority of the board of directors (or its equivalent), or to exercise control of, of you or any person which has provided any guarantee or security in support of your obligations. You, such guarantor or security provider effects any substantial change in its capital structure.
(j) Force majeure.
(i) Any relevant party, by reason of any event or circumstance, is or would be prevented from complying with, or it is or would be impossible or impracticable to comply with, any material provision of the Agreement where such event or circumstance is beyond the control of the affected party; or
(ii) It is or would be unlawful under any applicable law for any relevant party to comply with any material provision of the Agreement.
For this purpose, material provisions include the obligation to make or receive a payment or delivery on a timely basis under a transaction.
(k) Adequate assurances. You fail to provide adequate assurances of your ability to perform your outstanding obligations under the Agreement or any other agreement between the parties on or before the second business day after our written request when we have reasonable grounds for insecurity.
9.8 Early termination
(a) If at any time an Event of Default has occurred and is continuing, we may, by not more than 14 days notice to you specifying the Event of Default, designate a day as an Early Termination Date in respect of the affected or all outstanding transactions (which will terminate on the designated date).
(b) We will determine in good faith our losses or gains, and costs, that are or would be incurred or realized under then prevailing circumstances in replacing or providing the economic equivalent of the material terms of each terminated transaction including the remaining payments, deliveries and rights. We will determine such amounts as of a commercially reasonable date, using commercially reasonable procedures and to produce a commercially reasonable result. We may apply different valuation methods to different transactions depending on type, complexity or other relevant factors. We may take into account any relevant information including market data and information from internal sources, and without duplication:
(i) cost of funding;
(ii) any reasonable loss, cost or gain incurred in connection with our terminating or obtaining any hedge related to a terminated transaction.
All amounts will be expressed in Hong Kong dollars or another currency reasonably chosen by us. We will convert amounts in another currency at our spot exchange rate.
We will net off (i) amounts that became payable to either party in respect of all terminated transactions on or prior to the Early Termination Date and which remain unpaid as at such date and (ii) an amount equal to the fair market value as of the original scheduled date for delivery (as reasonably determined by us) of anything which was required to be delivered to either party in respect of each terminated transaction on or prior to the Early Termination Date and which has not been so delivered as at such date, together with interest from (and including) the original due date to (but excluding) the Early Termination Date, at the rate for overdue interest.
(c) As soon as reasonably practicable after an Early Termination Date, we will provide to you a statement showing, in reasonable detail, the calculations and any amount payable following our calculation under paragraph (b) above. Such amount will be payable on the day specified in the notice (being at least 7 days after the date of the notice), together with interest thereon (before and after judgment) from (and including) the Early Termination Date to (but excluding) the date such amount is paid, at the rate for overdue amounts.
(d) The parties agree that an amount recoverable under paragraph (b) above is a reasonable pre-estimate of loss and not a penalty. Such amount is payable for loss of bargain and loss of protection against future risks. Except as otherwise provided in the Agreement neither party will be entitled to recover any additional damages for such losses.
Schedule 1: Securities margin account
Please read carefully, particularly 2 (Additional margins), 5 (Events of Default), 6 (Interest) and 7 (Additional risk disclosure) below.
1. Securities margin account
1.1 You may request us to open a securities margin account. You may give us instructions to buy securities on your behalf. For each transaction, you will pay an initial cash margin set by us. We may at our discretion accept or decline your instructions. If we accept your instructions, we will finance the balance of the price payable for the securities by way of a loan to you. All purchased securities will be held in your margin account.
1.2 We may at any time, without notice, change the type or issue of securities which we will buy for your margin account, the amount of margins required, or the amount of the loan available in your margin account.
1.3 All amounts owing by you on your margin account are repayable on demand.
1.4 We may not have time to check whether you have not paid the initial cash margin or have exceeded the undrawn amount of the available loan in the margin account. If either of the foregoing occurs, we may without notice cancel the instruction or sell the purchased securities. You will indemnify us against all reasonable losses and expenses.
1.5 Upon termination of your margin account for any reason, you will repay all debit balance together with interest thereon.
2. Additional margins
2.1 You will on demand pay such additional cash margins as we require from time to time. We may debit any initial and additional margins from any of your accounts.
2.2 We may at any time without notice apply any cash in your margin account including margins to reduce any amounts owing by you, in the order we reasonably select.
2.3 You will at all times maintain sufficient initial and additional margins in your margin account, so that the margins plus the market value (as reasonably determined by us) of the unsold securities held in your margin account will at all times exceed your outstanding loan by the percentage determined by us and previously notified to you. Failure to do so (whether or not you receive a demand for additional margin) is an Event of Default.
2.4 You will stand ready to receive margin calls. A demand for any margin is effective upon a message being left at your telephone number on any machine or with any person, or upon sending an email or fax to your email address or fax number known to us, whether or not (or when) the communication is received by you.
3. Charge
3.1 You will charge to us all securities purchased by us for your margin account as continuing security for the payment of all amounts owing by you to us (whether or not in connection with your margin account). The charge will extend to all dividends, interest, distributions, allotments, offers, benefits, entitlements, securities and rights accruing, paid, made, offered or arising in respect of, and the proceeds of sale of, the securities.
3.2 You will within the time required by us do all things which we reasonably require to perfect our security interests. You will (where applicable) deposit with us all share and other certificates, and duly signed and stamped instruments of transfer and sold notes, in respect of the charged securities. They will be held at your sole risk and reasonable expense. They may be held by our nominees or agents in or outside Hong Kong. We may at any time register any charged securities in the name of our nominees, and deposit any charged securities in any clearing system, without notice and at your reasonable cost and risk.
3.3 We will not be liable for any failure to collect any amount payable on the charged securities, to pay any call or instalment, or to take any action in respect of them, or for any loss in connection with them.
3.4 On release of any securities, we will discharge our liabilities to you by transferring to an account nominated by you or by making available for your collection securities (or certificates, instrument of transfer and sold note) of the same class and denomination (subject to any capital reorganisation which may have occurred).
4. Sale
Before the occurrence of an Event of Default, and subject to our consent, you may instruct us to sell the securities in your margin account.
5. Events of Default
5.1 If any Event of Default (as defined in 2.3 above or in Clause 9 of our Master Terms and Conditions - Investment Products) occurs, or if any circumstances arise which in our opinion might jeopardize our interests in relation to your margin account, whether or not we have made a call for margin and whether the time to meet the call has expired, all sums owing by you in your margin account will immediately become due and payable, and we may without notice:
(a) transfer from any or all of your accounts (of any nature, and whether the amounts are matured or not) any amounts to your margin account; and
(b) sell any or all of the securities in your margin account and use the sale proceeds after deducting all reasonable expenses to pay any amounts owing by you in the order we reasonably select.
5.2 If any Event of Default occurs, we may cancel any outstanding instructions or terminate any contracts for your margin account without notice and without liability.
6. Interest
6.1 Interest will accrue on the debit balance in your margin account at the rates and in the manner decided by us from time to time, and will be debited to your account at the times decided by us.
6.2 Interest will accrue on all sums due from you but unpaid, and on any debit exceeding the pre-arranged loan limit, at the rates decided by us from time to time from the due date until full repayment (before and after judgment).
6.3 We will pay interest on the net credit cash balance in your margin account at our rate for savings account for the relevant currency.
7. Additional risk disclosure
There is a high degree of leverage associated with margined transactions in securities because of the small initial margin payable. High leverage can work for as well as against you and can lead to large losses as well as gains. Under certain market conditions, you may find it difficult or impossible to liquidate a position and therefore the losses may not be limited to the margins or securities you have paid or charged to us.
Schedule 2: IPO subscription (loan)
Please read carefully, particularly 6 below.
1. We may at your request grant a loan in the amount determined by us, to be applied by us on your behalf to pay for part of the subscription price. You will put us in funds for the balance of the full subscription price and all charges and expenses 2 business days before expiry of the subscription period or an earlier date notified by us.
2. The subscription application will be made in the name of our nominee. You authorise our nominee and us to do all things necessary for the purpose of the application, and will indemnify our nominee and us (acting reasonably) against any liability.
3. Interest will accrue on the loan at the agreed rate and in the agreed manner, from the date the subscription application is sent to the issuer to the date of full repayment (before and after judgment).
4. The loan and interest will be repayable on demand and, in the absence of a demand, within 5 business days after we have notified you of the result of your subscription.
5. Any refund in respect of your application will be applied to reduce the amounts owing by you, in the order we reasonably select. You will immediately pay to us any refund received by you and will hold the money in trust for us.
6. If any part of the loan or interest thereon is not paid when due, we may without notice sell any or all of the securities allotted to you and use the sale proceeds after deducting all reasonable expenses to pay any amounts owing by you, in the order we reasonably select. You will charge to us all rights arising from your application and all securities allotted to you as continuing security for the payment of all amounts owing by you to us. You will within the time required by us do all things which we reasonably require to perfect our security interests.
Schedule 3: Securities savings plan
1. We may from time to time offer certain securities (including stock, unit trusts, mutual funds and other investments) for selection and specify the requirements for a securities savings plan. If you wish to establish a plan, you should apply in the form provided by us. You will select the securities you wish to buy from the available securities, and specify in conformity with our requirements the monthly contribution amounts you will pay for each issue of securities.
2. If your application is accepted, we will notify you of the commencement date of your plan. You will pay by direct debit in Hong Kong dollars through an account acceptable to us the agreed monthly contribution amounts on the agreed date in each calendar month (or, if it is not a business day, on the next business day). No reminder will be sent. If there are insufficient funds, we may make another attempt to collect the monthly contribution amount within the month. You will pay all reasonable charges and fees.
3. You may change or terminate your plan by giving us 14 days’ prior notice and complying with our reasonable requirements (a fee may be incurred). The time required to change your direct debit authorization will depend on the bank with which your account is kept. We may terminate your plan by 30 days’ prior notice to you.
4. We will use each monthly contribution amount actually received from you (after deducting our service charges and all reasonable fees and expenses) towards buying, on your behalf, a whole number of the agreed securities.
5. No interest will be paid for the period before the amount is used to purchase the securities, or on any unused portion. Any unused monthly amount may be withdrawn after the 2nd business day after the date for purchasing the securities.
6. If any purchased securities are less than the total requirements of similar plans of all our customers, we may allocate them in a fair manner.
Listed securities
7. Purchase of listed securities will be made by way of a market order placed on the relevant exchange at any time on the exchange trading day next following the date of receipt of the monthly contribution amount.
8. In determining the price payable by you, we may use the average price of purchases of the securities under similar plans of all our customers.
Unit trusts, mutual funds and other collective investment schemes
9. Application to purchase the units will usually be made by us within 4 business days (subject to change by us) after the date of receipt of the monthly contribution amount.
10. Any distributions in respect of your units will be invested in purchasing additional units or, if permitted by the funds concerned and selected by you, be credited to your settlement account.
11. Additional Risk Disclosure
There may not be an active market for securities in odd lots, and odd lots may only be sold at a price substantially less than board lots. We may not be able to buy for you the securities in the required or any quantity.
Schedule 4: Margin Trading
1. We (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Limited) are a licensed bank under the Banking Ordinance and a registered institution under the Securities and Futures Ordinance, CE Number AAI670, for the regulated activities of Dealing in Securities, Advising on Securities, and Advising on Corporate Finance.
2. You may, if we agree, enter into one or more transactions with us by way of margin trading (each a "Transaction"), each evidenced by a confirmation ("Confirmation") and expressed to be subject to these Terms and Conditions. The parties will be legally bound by each Transaction as soon as they have made an agreement (orally or otherwise). We will issue a Confirmation to evidence the terms of each Transaction. The terms of each Transaction will be as set out in the relevant Confirmation. Any other information provided by any means by us or others is for reference only.
3. These Terms and Conditions (which expression includes the Schedule(s)), together with our current Master Terms and Conditions - Banking Services and, to the extent applicable, our current Master Terms and Conditions - Investment Products, apply to each Transaction. In the event of inconsistency,
(a) the Confirmation will prevail over these Terms and Conditions;
(b) these Terms and Conditions will prevail over the Master Terms and Conditions - Banking Services and the Master Terms and Conditions - Investment Products; and
(c) in relation to a particular product, the provisions for that product will prevail over other provisions.
4. Terms bear the meaning used in the relevant Confirmation and these Terms and Conditions. Currency, interest and other rates, day count fraction, prices, sources and any terms used without definition in a Confirmation or these Terms and Conditions have the meaning determined by us by reference to market practice or any sources we deem appropriate. We may adjust any date that would otherwise fall on a non-business day by reference to market practice. We may round down or up percentages and amounts by reference to market practice. We may for any purpose notionally or actually convert one currency into another at a spot rate determined by us.
5. If any provisions of these Terms and Conditions are not appropriate to a Transaction, or if any event is not dealt with in the Confirmation or these Terms and Conditions, we may make any adjustments to the prices, rates and any other variable relevant to the Transaction to preserve the economic terms of the Transaction.
6. We draw your attention to our risk disclosure statements explained and delivered to you upon opening of your account(s), in the Master Terms and Conditions - Banking Services and the Master Terms and Conditions - Investment Products and also in the Transaction documents, including the facility letter, term sheet and Confirmation.
1. Transactions
1.1 You may, if we agree, enter into one or more Transactions with us by way of margin trading. We will on request specify the available terms and conditions, which you will be considered to have accepted by entering into the relevant Transaction.
1.2 Your instruction to enter into a Transaction does not bind us until it has been accepted by us, and may be accepted or declined by us without giving any reason.
2. Interest
In respect of each amount payable by you under any Transaction which we allow to be outstanding by way of margin trading, you will pay interest on such amount at the rates determined by us from time to time (or in the form of swap points determined by us). Different rates (or swap points) may apply on the amounts outstanding under different Transactions. Such interest is payable daily (or as otherwise decided by us) and on demand.
3. Margins
(a) You will, before making a Transaction, deposit with us a margin equal to the initial percentage ("Initial Percentage"), notified by us from time to time,) multiplied by the value (as determined by us) of the Transaction and any outstanding Transactions.
(b) You will on request immediately deposit with us additional margin equal to the additional percentage (notified by us) multiplied by the value (as determined by us) of the outstanding Transactions.
(c) All initial and additional margins will take the form of cash deposited with us. However, we may accept collateral over an asset (other than cash) acceptable to us and which has been perfected in our favour within the time required by us, as margin. All cash margins will be deposited into the specified account agreed with us. You will pay interest on any debit balance in such account (without double counting) at the rates determined by us from time to time (or in the form of swap points determined by us). Such interest is payable monthly (or as otherwise decided by us) and on demand.
(d) If at any time your margin deposited with us (expressed as a percentage of the values determined by us of the outstanding Transactions) falls below the maintenance percentage ("Maintenance Percentage") being such percentage as notified by us from time to time), you will immediately pay cash to top up the margin to the required initial or additional percentage.
(e) Margins will be held by us as security for the due performance of your obligations, and may not be withdrawn except with our consent. Unless otherwise agreed by us, no interest will be paid on margins. Any interest payable (or swap points) will be calculated at the rate and in the manner determined by us. We may at any time (but are not obliged to) apply your margins to pay any amount due from you. If your margin is not sufficient, interest (or swap points) will accrue on the deficit at the rate determined by us from time to time.
(f) We may, for the purpose of determining the amount of any margin required, from time to time calculate the values of all outstanding Transactions with reference to a formula determined by us from time to time. We may discount the amount of currency (except Hong Kong or US dollars) or the value (as determined by us) of other collateral held as margin by the percentages notified by us and take into account any accrued net interest. For cross currency trades and locked positions, unless we decide otherwise, only one set of margin is required.
(g) You will stand ready to receive margin calls and notices. A demand for any margin is effective upon a message being left at your telephone number on any machine or with any person, or upon sending an email or fax to your email address or fax number, in each case as last known to us, whether or not (or when) the communication is received by you.
(h) We will inform you of details of the margin requirements and a description of the methods or procedures adopted by us in choosing the prices or interest rates for the purposes of marking to market your open positions and in calculating your interest income and expenses.
4. Close Out
We may close out, or at your cost and risks obtain hedges for, one or more outstanding Transactions at any time and without notice, after any Event of Default (as defined in Clause 5 of Part C of these Terms and Conditions) has occurred. Transactions will be closed out in accordance with Part C of these Terms and Conditions or (if we so determine in any particular case) in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Schedule.
Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully, particularly Clauses 2.5 (Default Interest), 5 (Events of Default), 6 (Early Termination), 7 (Authorized Representatives), and 9 (Expenses).
3. Single Agreement
All Transactions constitute a single agreement between the parties ("Agreement" which expression includes each or any Transaction) and will be entered into in reliance on such fact. The parties would not otherwise enter into any Transaction.
4. Payment/Delivery
2.1 Condition Precedent The parties will make payments and deliveries in accordance with each Confirmation, subject to the condition precedent that no Event of Default (see Clause 5) or Potential Event of Default has occurred and is continuing. “Potential Event of Default” means any event which, with the giving of notice or the lapse of time or both, would constitute an Event of Default.
2.2 Manner Payments will be made in freely transferable and cleared funds and in the manner customary for payments in the relevant currency. Deliveries will be made in the manner customary for the relevant securities or property or as reasonably determined by us.
2.3 Gross-Up All payments by you will be made without deduction or withholding on account of any Tax unless required by law. If you are required by law to deduct or withhold, you will:
(a) promptly notify us;
(b) promptly pay to the relevant authority the full amount required to be deducted or withheld and send us an official receipt; and
(c) unless such Tax would not be imposed but for a connection between the jurisdiction of the taxation authority and us, pay to us, in addition to the payment to which we are otherwise entitled, an additional amount to ensure that the net amount actually received by us (free of Taxes) equals the full amount we would have received had no deduction or withholding been required.
"Tax" includes any present or future tax, levy, duty or assessment of any nature (including interest and penalties) imposed by any taxing authority other than a stamp, registration, documentation or similar tax.
2.4 Netting If on any date amounts would be payable in the same currency under 2 or more Transactions by each party, then on such date, each party’s obligation to pay such amounts will be discharged and be replaced by an obligation on the party by whom the larger aggregate amount would otherwise have been payable to pay to the other party the excess of such amount over the smaller aggregate amount.
2.5 Default Interest
(a) If you fail to pay any amount when due, you will pay to us interest on the overdue amount, from (and including) the due date to (but excluding) the date of actual payment (before and after judgment), at our interest rate for unarranged overdraft, compounded monthly and calculated by reference to the actual number of days elapsed.
(b) If you fail to make any delivery when required, you will indemnify us against any loss (including all reasonable costs in respect of insurance, vaulting, transportation etc. and borrowing costs) as reasonably determined by us, and pay to us interest on an amount equal to the fair market value (as reasonably determined by us) of that which was required to be delivered from (and including) the original scheduled delivery date to (but excluding) the date of actual delivery.
2.6 Payment Currency Your payments will be made in the currency of the liability. A sum received by us in another currency only constitutes a discharge to the extent of the net amount of the currency of your liability which we would be able to purchase with the amount received as soon as it is practicable to do so. You will, as a separate obligation and notwithstanding any judgment, indemnify us against any reasonable loss and expense. It will be sufficient for us to show that we would have suffered a loss had an actual exchange or purchase been made.
3. Representations
You represent to us on the date on which each Transaction is entered into that:
3.1 Status If you are a corporate, you are duly organised and validly existing under the law of the jurisdiction of your organisation and in good standing.
3.2 Powers You have the power to enter into and perform the Agreement and have taken all necessary action to authorise entry and performance.
3.3 No Violation Such entry and performance do not violate or conflict with your constitutional documents (if applicable), or any law, order or requirement of any court or government agency, or any contractual obligation affecting you or any of your assets.
3.4 Authorisations All government and other authorisations, notices or filings required to be obtained by you with respect to the Agreement have been obtained and are in full force and effect and all related conditions have been complied with.
3.5 Binding Your obligations under the Agreement constitute your legal, valid and binding obligations enforceable in accordance with its terms.
3.6 No Event of Default No Event of Default or Potential Event of Default has occurred and is continuing.
3.7 No Litigation You are not aware of any pending or threatened action before any court, tribunal, government agency or arbitrator that would affect the legality, validity or enforceability of the Agreement or your ability to perform your obligations under the Agreement.
3.8 No reliance You are not relying on any advice, recommendation, assurance or guarantee (whether written or oral) from us regarding that Transaction or any expected results, but have made your own independent decision to enter into that Transaction and as to whether that Transaction is appropriate or proper for you based upon your own judgment or upon advice from such third party advisors as you have deemed necessary.
3.9 Principal You are entering into that Transaction as principal and not as agent for any other person.
4. Obligations
You agree that so long as you have any obligation under the Agreement:
4.1 Information You will deliver to us any information relating to your financial conditions or business as we may reasonably request, provided that, if you are a listed company, such disclosure is consistent with applicable listing rules.
4.2 Authorisations You will obtain and maintain in full force and effect all authorisations, notices or filings of any government or other authority that may be required to be obtained by you with respect to the Agreement.
4.3 Laws You will comply in all material respects with applicable laws.
4.4 Stamp Tax You will pay any stamp, registration, documentation or similar tax imposed on any Transaction and will indemnify us against any failure to do so.
5. Events of Default
The occurrence at any time of any of the following events with respect to you or any person who has provided any guarantee or security in support of your obligations under the Agreement (each a “relevant party”) constitutes an event of default ("Event of Default"):
(a) Fail to pay or deliver Failure to make, when due, any payment or delivery required under the Agreement. Disclaiming, repudiating or rejecting, in whole or in part, the Agreement.
(b) Breach Failure to comply with any other obligation in accordance with the Agreement if not remedied within 14 days after notice of such failure is given to you.
(c) Support default
(i) Failure to perform any agreement to provide any guarantee or security in support of your obligations under the Agreement;
(ii) such guarantee or security expires or ceases to be in full force and effect without our written consent; or
(iii) any relevant party (or any person appointed to manage it or act on its behalf) disclaims or repudiates, in whole or part, or challenges the validity of, such guarantee or security.
(d) Misrepresentation Any representation proves to be incorrect or misleading in any material respect.
(e) Cross default The occurrence or existence of:
(i) a default (however described) under one or more financial, securities, derivative or borrowing transactions which has resulted in such transactions becoming, or becoming capable of being declared, due and payable or deliverable, or otherwise terminated prematurely;
(ii) a default in making one or more payments or deliveries on the due date under any financial, securities, derivative or borrowing transaction (after giving effect to applicable notice requirement or grace period); or
(iii) a disclaimer, repudiation or rejection, in whole or in part, of any financial, securities, derivative or borrowing transaction (or such action is taken by any person appointed or empowered to manage any relevant party or act on its behalf).
(f) Insolvency Any relevant party:
(i) becomes insolvent or fails or admits in writing its inability to pay its debts as they become due;
(ii) makes a general assignment, arrangement or composition with or for the benefit of its creditors;
(iii) or any other person commences any judicial, administrative or other proceeding, or takes any action, (1) seeking a judgment of or arrangement for insolvency, bankruptcy, liquidation, reorganization or rehabilitation with respect to the relevant party or its debts or assets, (2) seeking the appointment of a trustee, receiver, liquidator, supervisor or custodian for the relevant party or any part of its assets, or (3) which has a similar effect;
(iv) has a resolution passed for its liquidation, reorganization or rehabilitation;
(v) has a secured party take possession of all or any part of its assets or has a distress, execution, attachment or other legal process enforced against all or any part of its assets; or
(vi) causes or is subject to any event which, under any applicable law, has a similar effect to any of the above.
(g) Merger Any relevant party amalgamates or merges with or transfers all or any substantial part of its assets to, or reconstitutes as, another entity.
(h) Death If any relevant party is an individual, such relevant party dies or becomes mentally incapacitated.
(i) Change of Control Any person acquires directly or indirectly any ownership interest enabling it to appoint a majority of the board of directors (or its equivalent), or to exercise control of, of any relevant party. Any relevant party effects any substantial change in its capital structure.
(j) Force majeure
(i) Any relevant party, by reason of any event or circumstance, is or would be prevented from complying with, or it is or would be impossible or impracticable to comply with, any material provision of the Agreement where such event or circumstance is beyond the control of the affected party; or
(ii) It is or would be unlawful under any applicable law for any relevant party to comply with any material provision of the Agreement.
For this purpose, material provisions include the obligation to make or receive a payment or delivery on a timely basis under a Transaction.
(k) Adequate assurances Any relevant party fails to provide adequate assurances of its ability to perform its outstanding obligations under the Agreement or any other agreement between the parties on or before the second business day after our written request if we have reasonable grounds for insecurity.
(l) Margin If you fail to comply with Clause 3(d) of Part B of these Terms and Conditions or if your margin (expressed as a percentage of the values determined by us of the outstanding Transactions) falls at or below the close out percentage ("Close Out Percentage") being such percentage as notified by us from time to time).
6. Early Termination
6.1 If at any time an Event of Default has occurred and is continuing, we may, by not more than 14 days’ notice to you identifying the Event of Default, designate a day as an Early Termination Date in respect of the affected or all outstanding Transactions (which will terminate on the designated date).
6.2 We will determine in good faith our losses or gains, and costs, that are or would be incurred or realized under then prevailing circumstances in replacing or providing the economic equivalent of the material terms of each terminated Transaction including the remaining payments, deliveries and rights. We will determine such amounts as of a commercially reasonable date, using commercially reasonable procedures and to produce a commercially reasonable result. We may apply different valuation methods to different Transactions depending on type, complexity or other relevant factors. We may take into account any relevant information including market data and information from internal sources, and without duplication:
(a) cost of funding;
(b) any reasonable loss, cost or gain incurred in connection with our terminating or obtaining any hedge related to a terminated Transaction.
All amounts will be expressed in US dollars or another currency reasonably chosen by us. We will convert amounts in another currency at our spot exchange rate.
We will net off (i) amounts that became payable to either party in respect of all terminated Transactions on or prior to the Early Termination Date and which remain unpaid as at such date and (ii) an amount equal to the fair market value as of the original scheduled date for delivery (as reasonably determined by us) of anything which was required to be delivered to either party in respect of each terminated Transaction on or prior to the Early Termination Date and which has not been so delivered as at such date, together with interest from (and including) the original due date to (but excluding) the Early Termination Date, at the rate for overdue interest.
6.3 As soon as reasonably practicable after an Early Termination Date, we will provide to you a statement showing, in reasonable detail, the calculations and any amount payable following our calculation under Clause 6.2. Such amount will be payable on the day specified in the notice (being at least 7 days after the date of the notice), together with interest thereon (before and after judgment) from (and including) the Early Termination Date to (but excluding) the date such amount is paid, at the rate for overdue amounts.
6.4 The parties agree that an amount recoverable under Clause 6.2 is a reasonable pre-estimate of loss and not a penalty. Such amount is payable for loss of bargain and loss of protection against future risks. Except as otherwise provided in the Agreement, neither party will be entitled to recover any additional damages for such losses.
7. Authorized Representatives
7.1 Unless otherwise notified by you in writing to us, your authorized representatives have full authority to act for you in all respects, including to enter into any Transactions on your behalf, make or receive payments or deliveries of any securities or properties, and give any instructions on your behalf to us.
7.2 Our employees and representatives are not allowed to accept appointment as your agent to operate your account. Our employees and representatives are not allowed to trade contracts on their own account.
8. Changes
We may change these Terms and Conditions at any time by notice to you. The notice will take effect, where practicable, after 390 days.
9. Expenses
You will indemnify us against all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses, including legal fees, execution fees, and stamp, registration, documentation or similar tax, reasonably incurred by reason of the enforcement or protection of our rights under the Agreement or by reason of the early termination of any Transaction, including costs of collection.
10. Miscellaneous
10.1 We may take the opposite position to your order.
10.2 All telephone conversations between you and us made in the course of business will be recorded on a centralized tape recording system operated by us.
10.3 You will promptly sign an order when required by us to confirm any oral order.
10.4 We may set limits on the size of the contracts you may establish. We will notify you of the limits and any change in writing.
10.5 You may be affected by any curtailment of, or restriction on, our capacity to trade in respect of open positions as a result of action taken by a regulator under applicable rules and regulations or for any other reason. In such circumstances, you may be required to reduce or close out your open positions with us.
10.6 The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the parties with respect to its subject matters and supersedes all oral communication and prior writings with respect thereto. Nothing affects any liability for fraud.
10.7 You irrevocably waive, to the fullest extent permitted by law, all immunity on the grounds of sovereignty or other grounds from suit, jurisdiction of any court, relief by way of any order, attachment of your assets (before or after judgment) and execution or enforcement of judgment.
10.8 All Transactions will be made by us as principal, unless otherwise stated in the Confirmation. We may change the oOffice through which we act for the purpose of a Transaction.
A. GENERAL PROVISIONS Business Day Convention
The following terms, used in conjunction with “Business Day Convention”, mean that an adjustment will be made if any relevant date would otherwise fall on a day that is not a Business Day, so that:
(i) “Following”: that date will be the first following day that is a Business Day;
(ii) “Modified Following” or “Modified”: that date will be the first following day that is a Business Day unless that day falls in the next calendar month, in which case that date will be the first preceding day that is a Business Day;
(iii) “Nearest”: that date will be the first preceding day that is a Business Day, if the relevant date otherwise falls on a day other than a Sunday or a Monday, and will be the first following day that is a Business Day, if the relevant date otherwise falls on a Sunday or a Monday;
(iv) “Preceding”: that date will be the first preceding day that is a Business Day.
Price source / rate / rounding
If a specified price source or currency exchange rate is not available on the date a calculation is required to be made, then any other available price source or successor rate as determined by us may be used.
For the purposes of any calculation, percentages resulting from the calculation, and any currency amounts used in or resulting from the calculation, will be rounded as we deem appropriate.
Some common definitions:
Call Currency if not specified in the Confirmation, the currency to be purchased by Xxxxx.
Call Currency Amount if not specified in the Confirmation, the Put Currency Amount multiplied by the Strike Price where the Strike Price is expressed as the amount of Call Currency to be paid per unit of Put Currency.
Call Option entitles Buyer upon exercise to purchase the Call Currency Amount at Strike Price (in the case of a Deliverable Currency Option Transaction), and to receive In-the-Money Amount, if positive (in the case of a Non-Deliverable Currency Option Transaction), subject to any condition precedent and these Terms and Conditions.
Commencement Date the first day on which the option may be exercised, being the Trade Date unless otherwise specified in the Confirmation.
Deliverable a Transaction will be Deliverable, unless the Confirmation otherwise provides.
“European” option may be exercised only on the Expiration Date.
Exercise Period For an “American” option, all business days from the Commencement Date to the Expiration Date (both days inclusive) between 09:00 and 18:00 (both Hong Kong time) or the Latest Exercise Time specified in the Confirmation.
For a “European” option, at the Expiration Time onDate between 09:00 and 15:00 (Tokyo time) or the Expiration DateTime specified in the Confirmation.
Expiration Date the "Expiration Date" of an option shall be the date specified as such in a Confirmation, which date is the last date on which the option can be exercised, which date, unless otherwise specified, shall be subject to adjustment in accordance with the Following Business Day Convention. The "Expiration Time" of an option shall be the time specified as such in a Confirmation, which time is the latest time on the Expiration Date on which the option can be exercised.
Forward Rate a rate expressed by way of Reference Currency per unit of Settlement Currency, or if not specified in the Confirmation, the rate obtained by dividing the Reference Currency Notional Amount by the Notional Amount.
FX Transaction the purchase of an agreed amount of one currency by one party in exchange for the sale by it of an agreed amount of another currency.
Non-Deliverable a Transaction is Non-Deliverable, if the Confirmation specifies Non-Deliverable, “Cash Settlement” or “In-the-Money Settlement”.
Notional Amount if not specified in the Confirmation for a Non-Deliverable FX Transaction, the quantity of the Settlement Currency equal to the Reference Currency Notional Amount divided by the Forward Rate. If not specified in the Confirmation for a Non-Deliverable Currency Option Transaction, the Call Currency Amount or the Put Currency Amount whichever is denominated in the Settlement Currency.
Latest Exercise Time if not specified in the Confirmation, the Expiration Time.
Premium the amount payable by Buyer to Seller on the Premium Payment Date, subject to any condition precedent.
Put Currency if not specified in the Confirmation, the currency to be sold by Buyer.
Put Currency Amount if not specified in the Confirmation, the Call Currency Amount divided by the Strike Price where the Strike Price is expressed as the amount of Call Currency to be paid per unit of Put Currency.
Put Option entitles Buyer upon exercise to sell the Put Currency Amount at Strike Price (in the case of a Deliverable Currency Option Transaction), and to receive In-the-Money Amount, if positive (in the case of a Non-Deliverable Currency Option Transaction), subject to any condition precedent and these Terms and Conditions.
Reference Currency Buyer if not specified in the Confirmation, the party to which the Reference Currency is owed (or would be owed if the Transaction were a Deliverable Transaction) on the Settlement Date.
Reference Currency Notional Amount
if not specified in the Confirmation for a Non-Deliverable FX Transaction, the quantity of the Reference Currency equal to the Notional Amount multiplied by the Forward Rate. If not specified in the Confirmation for a Non- Deliverable Currency Option Transaction, whichever of the Call Currency Amount or the Put Currency Amount is denominated in the Reference Currency.
Settlement Rate if not specified or determined in accordance with the Confirmation for a Non-Deliverable Transaction, the spot rate at the time at which the currency exchange rate is to be determined for foreign exchange transactions in the relevant currency pair for value on the Settlement Date as determined in a commercially reasonable manner by us.
Strike Price the currency exchange rate specified as such in the Confirmation.
Trade Date the date specified as such in the Confirmation, being the date on which the parties entered into the Transaction.
Valuation Date if not specified or determined in accordance with the Confirmation for a Non-Deliverable Transaction, 1 business day before the Settlement Date (in the case of an FX Transaction payable in Canadian Dollars), 2 business days before the Settlement Date (in the case of an FX Transaction payable in other currencies), and the business day on which the option is exercised (in the case of a currency option).
Terms, not otherwise defined, bear the meaning ascribed in the relevant Confirmation.
Please read all Terms and Conditions carefully, particularly Clauses 3 (Interest) and 4 (Close Out).
1. Margin trading
You may, if we agree, enter into FX Transactions with us by way of margin trading. We will on request specify the available contract amounts and currencies (which may be changed without notice). We will agree, or designate, a currency to be the base currency for the purposes of calculating any amount payable. The other currency of the currency pair will be the other currency. The exchange rate is fixed at the time of the FX Transaction (first FX Transaction) which is thereupon concluded, but delivery will be deferred until:
(a) you make another FX Transaction with us for the same currency pair to be delivered by a different party (second FX Transaction); or
(b) the parties agree to effect physical delivery.
2. Netting
The first and second FX Transactions will be netted as follows:
(a) If the 2 FX Transactions have the same other currency amount, the party having to pay any larger amount in the base currency will pay the difference in the base currency amount, and both FX Transactions will be discharged.
(b) If one FX Transaction has a larger other currency amount, it will be deemed divided into 2 FX Transactions: one with the same other currency amount as the other pre-existing FX Transaction, to be dealt with as in Clause 2(a); and the other FX Transaction will remain in effect.
(c) If there is more than one second FX Transaction, we may decide which to net, unless otherwise agreed with you.
(d) We may defer netting.
3. Interest
(a) In respect of an FX Transaction from its original settlement date to the date it is discharged, each party will pay interest on the amount to be delivered by it at the rates determined by us from time to time (or in the form of swap points determined by us). Different rates (or swap points) will apply on the amounts payable by you and by us. Such interest is payable daily (or as otherwise decided by us) and on demand.
(b) Interests payable may at our option be netted for each currency.
4. Close Out
(a) We may close out, or at your cost and risks obtain hedges for, one or more outstanding FX Transactions at any time and without notice after any Event of Default has occurred. FX Transactions will be closed out by netting in accordance with Clause 2(a) as if relevant second FX Transactions at the spot rates as of the time of closing out had been made.
(b) Spot rate mean the spot currency exchange rate determined by us with reference to any internal or external information or quotations. We may convert for any purpose one currency into another at the spot rate.
For a Non-Deliverable FX Transaction, if the Settlement Currency Amount is a positive number, the Reference Currency Buyer will on the Settlement Date pay that amount in the Settlement Currency to the Reference Currency Seller. If the Settlement Currency Amount is a negative number, the Reference Currency Seller will on the Settlement Date pay the absolute value of that amount in the Settlement Currency to the Reference Currency Buyer. In each case, subject to any condition precedent and these Terms and Conditions.
Settlement Currency Amount = Notional Amount x (1 -
Forward Rate ) Settlement Rate
where Forward Rate and Settlement Rate are quoted by way of Reference Currency per unit of Settlement Currency.
An option entitles but does not oblige Buyer to exercise certain rights.
In no event shall all or any part of the Premium be refunded, unless otherwise specified in the Confirmation.
Exercise of an option
A Currency Option may be exercised only in whole, unless otherwise specified in the Confirmation.
Unless Automatic Exercise is specified to be applicable in the Confirmation, Buyer must give irrevocable notice of its exercise of an option to Seller during the Exercise Period. If such notice is not received by Seller before or at the Expiration Time on the Expiration Date (and Automatic Exercise does not apply), the option will expire and become of no effect.
A notice exercising an option is effective on receipt by Seller within the Exercise Period (in the case of an “American” option, if received after the Latest Exercise Time, the notice takes effect as of 09:00 (Hong Kong time) on the following business day, if any, in the Exercise Period).
If Automatic Exercise applies (which will be the case unless otherwise specified in the Confirmation) and the option has not been exercised at the Expiration time on the Expiration Date, the option will be deemed exercised as of that time, unless Buyer notifies Seller otherwise before that time, if In-the-Money Amount at that time equals or exceeds the product of:
1% of Strike Price x the Call Currency Amount or the Put Currency Amount, as appropriate.
In the case of a Deliverable Currency Option Transaction, Seller may elect to settle by (1) paying the Call Currency Amount and receiving from Buyer the Put Currency Amount, or (2) paying to Buyer the In-the-Money Amount (if positive), in each case subject to any condition precedent and these Terms and Conditions. Seller will notify Buyer of its election as soon as reasonably practicable after the Expiration Time.
Upon exercise of a Non-Deliverable Currency Option Transaction, Seller will pay to Buyer In-the-Money Amount, if positive, on the Settlement Date, subject to any condition precedent and these Terms and Conditions.
In-the-Money Amount:
(a) if a Settlement Currency is specified, an amount expressed in the Settlement Currency calculated by the following formula:
(i) where Reference Currency is Put Currency and Settlement Currency is Call Currency:
Call Currency Amount x (
Settlement Rate - Strike Price ) Settlement Rate
where Settlement Rate and Strike Price are quoted by way of Reference Currency per unit of Settlement Currency;
(ii) where Reference Currency is Call Currency and Settlement Currency is Put Currency:
Put Currency Amount x (
Strike Price - Settlement Rate Settlement Rate )
where Strike Price and Settlement Rate are quoted by way of Reference Currency per unit of Settlement Currency.
(b) if a Settlement Currency is not specified:
(i) in the case of a call option, the excess of Settlement Rate over Strike Price, multiplied by Call Currency Amount, where Strike Price and Settlement Rate are quoted by way of Put Currency per unit of Call Currency.
(ii) in the case of a put option, the excess of Strike Price over Settlement Rate, multiplied by Put Currency Amount, where Strike Price and Settlement Rate are quoted by way of Call Currency per unit of Put Currency.
(c) if a Settlement Amount is specified, the amount so specified in the Confirmation.
Barrier means a type of Currency Option Transaction that would change the terms of the Currency Option Transaction upon the occurrence or non-occurrence of a Barrier Event, in the manner specified in the Confirmation.
Binary means a type of Barrier Currency Option Transaction that would entitle the Buyer to receive from the Seller a Settlement Amount upon the occurrence or non-occurrence of a Barrier Event, in the manner in the Confirmation.
Barrier Level means the currency exchange rate specified as such in the Confirmation, which will be used to determine the occurrence of a Barrier Event.
Barrier Events include:
Knock-Out which means that if the Spot Exchange Rate on a relevant determination date, based on the Spot Exchange Rate Direction, is equal to or beyond the Barrier Level, then Automatic Termination shall apply to the Transaction upon such occurrence; otherwise, the Transaction shall settle in accordance with part D. (Spot Exchange Rate is the spot exchange rate for the relevant currency pair as determined by us in accordance with a specified rate source or, if not specified or not available, based on the price for one or more actual foreign exchange transactions in a foreign exchange market selected by us.)
Knock-In event means that if the Spot Exchange Rate on a relevant determination date, based on the Spot Exchange Rate Direction, is equal to or beyond the Barrier Level, then the Transaction shall settle in accordance with part D; otherwise, Automatic Termination shall apply to the Transaction at the date and time specified in the Confirmation.
No-Touch Binary event means that if the Spot Exchange Rate on a relevant determination date, based on the Spot Exchange Rate Direction, is equal to or beyond the Barrier Level, then Automatic Termination shall apply to the Transaction upon such occurrence; otherwise, the Transaction shall settle on the Settlement Date by the payment by the Seller to the Buyer of the Settlement Amount.
One-Touch Binary event means that if the Spot Exchange Rate on a relevant determination date, based on the Spot Exchange Rate Direction, is equal to or beyond the Barrier Level, then the Transaction shall settle on the Settlement Date by the payment by the Seller to the Buyer of the Settlement Amount; otherwise, Automatic Termination shall apply to the Transaction at the date and time specified in the Confirmation.
The occurrence of a Barrier Event shall be determined in good faith and in a commercially reasonable manner by us.
Spot Exchange Rate Direction means the direction at which the Spot Exchange Rate must touch or cross the Barrier Level in order to initiate a Barrier Event.
Exercise: A Barrier Option Transaction may be exercised or deemed exercised only if (a) in the case of a Knock-Out event, such event has not occurred on a relevant determination date; or (b) in the case of a Knock-In event, such event has occurred on a relevant determination date.
In the case of a Barrier Non-Deliverable Currency Option Transaction, the In-the-Money Amount shall always be positive.
Unless otherwise specified in the Confirmation, the Settlement Amount is paid only once on the Settlement Date, even if a Barrier Event occurs more than one time during the relevant Period.
Automatic Termination means that the Transaction shall terminate, in whole and not in part, effective on the date specified in the Confirmation and, if not so specified, in accordance with this part E depending on the occurrence or non-occurrence of a Barrier Event, without payment of any settlement amount, breakage costs or other amounts representing the future value of the Transaction.
1. A Disruption Event occurs if (as determined by us):
(a) a specified currency exchange rate splits into more than 1 currency exchange rate (Dual Exchange Rate);
(b) any event occurs that generally makes it impossible to convert the Event Currency into the Non-Event Currency in the Event Currency Jurisdiction through customary legal channels (General Inconvertibility);
(c) any event occurs that generally makes it impossible to deliver (i) the Non-Event Currency from inside to outside the Event Currency Jurisdiction, or (ii) the Event Currency between accounts inside the Event Currency Jurisdiction or to a party that is a non-resident of the Event Currency Jurisdiction (General Non-Transferability);
(d) a default, event of default or other similar event (however described) with respect to any security or indebtedness for borrowed money of, or guaranteed by, a governmental authority including (i) failure of full, timely payment (disregarding any applicable grace periods), (ii) a declared moratorium, standstill, waiver, deferral, repudiation or rescheduling, or (iii) the amendment or modification of the terms and conditions of any such security, indebtedness or guarantee without the consent of all holders of such obligation, in any case, without regard to any lack or alleged lack of authority or capacity of such governmental authority (Governmental Authority Default)
(e) it becomes impossible to obtain a firm quote of the Settlement Rate for the Minimum Amount (in one Transaction or a commercially reasonable number of Transactions) on the Valuation Date (or, if different, the day on which rates for the Valuation Date would, in the ordinary course, be published by the relevant price source) or by another other date (Illiquidity Valuation Date) specified for such purpose in the Confirmation (Illiquidity);
(f) Inconvertibility/Non-Transferability refers to General Inconvertibility, Specific Inconvertibility, General Non-Transferability and Specific Non-Transferability;
(g) any event (other than those specified as Disruption Events in paragraphs (a) to (f), and (h) to (l)) in the Event Currency Jurisdiction beyond the control of the parties to a Transaction which makes it impossible (i) for a party to fulfil its obligations under that Transaction and (ii) generally to fulfil obligations similar to such party’s obligations under that Transaction (Material Change in Circumstance).
(h) any expropriation, confiscation, requisition, nationalization or other action by any authority of the Event Currency Jurisdiction which deprives a party (or its Affiliate) of all or substantially all of its assets in the Event Currency Jurisdiction (Nationalization);
(i) Party Specific Events refers to Specific Inconvertibility and Specific Non-Transferability Disruption;
(j) the Primary Rate (determined according to the Confirmation) differs from the Secondary Rate (determined according to the Confirmation) by at least the Price Materiality Percentage specified in the Confirmation (Price Materiality);
(k) it becomes impossible to obtain the Settlement Rate on the Valuation Date (or, if different, the day on which rates for the Valuation Date would, in the ordinary course, be published by the relevant price source) (Price Source Disruption); Price Source Disruption will apply to a Non-Deliverable Transaction, whether or not it is specified in the Confirmation;
(l) any event occurs that makes it impossible for a party (or the Relevant Class) to convert the Minimum Amount of the Event Currency into the Non-Event Currency in the Event Currency Jurisdiction, other than where such impossibility is due solely to the failure by that party (or the Relevant Class) to comply with any law or regulation of the Event Currency Jurisdiction, unless such law or regulation is enacted after the Trade Date and it is impossible for that party (or the Relevant Class) to comply with such law or regulation due to an event beyond its control (Specific Inconvertibility);
(m) any event occurs that makes it impossible for a party (or the Relevant Class) to make a delivery as mentioned in (i) or (ii) of General Non-Transferability, other than where such impossibility is due solely to the failure by that party (or the Relevant Class) to comply with any law or regulation of the Event Currency Jurisdiction, unless such law or regulation is enacted after the Trade Date and it is impossible for that party (or the Relevant Class) to comply with such law or regulation due to an event beyond its control (Specific Non-Transferability).
Event Currency is the currency specified as such in the Confirmation and, in respect of a Non-Deliverable Transaction, if such currency is not specified, the Reference Currency.
Event Currency Jurisdiction is the country for which the Event Currency is the lawful currency.
Non-Event Currency is the currency of the relevant currency pair specified in the Confirmation that is not the Event Currency.
Minimum Amount, if not specified, means the Reference Currency Notional Amount (for purposes of Illiquidity) or the Event Currency equivalent of US$1 (for purposes of Specific Inconvertibility).
2. Consequences
If a Disruption Event occurs on the Valuation Date, Illiquidity Valuation Date or Settlement Date in respect of an FX Transaction or a Currency Option Transaction, we may postpone, determine or adjust the Valuation Date, Settlement Date or Settlement Rate, or apply any source, method or basis to settle the Transaction, taking into consideration all relevant information in good faith, including:
(a) settle the Transaction in any currency, amount and date as determined by us;
(b) in settlement of our obligations, assign our or our Affiliate’s official claim against any governmental authority for recovery of the nationalized assets in an amount equal to the Event Currency Amount to you (Claim) if such assignment is permitted under applicable law, or if such assignment is not permitted, transfer a beneficial interest in the Claim to you;
(c) require you to pay any amount payable by it on the Settlement Date into escrow in an interest-bearing account with us, to be applied towards paying your obligations; and/or
(d) terminate the Transaction in accordance with Clause 7 (Early Termination) of these Terms and Conditions as if an Event of Default had occurred, the Transaction was the only affected Transaction, and the Termination Currency is the Non-Event Currency.
A. General
All Transactions in Gold shall be denominated, and be settled in cash, in US dollars. Gold prices will be quoted in terms of US dollars per Ounce. No physical delivery of Gold will in any event be made.
Spot Gold Transactions will be settled in US dollars 2 business days after the Trade Date.
The provisions of Clause 2.4 (Netting) of Part C of these Terms and Conditions shall apply to Transactions relating to Gold, as if Gold were a currency (being US dollars).
Margin Gold trading will be subject to the provisions of Part B (Margin Trading) of these Terms and Conditions and Part B (FX Margin Trading) of Schedule 1 (FX Margin Trading and Currency Options) (excluding provisions for physical delivery), as if Gold were a currency (being US dollars), “exchange rate” referred to the Reference Price, “spot rate” referred to the spot Reference Price, and with other necessary changes being made. Hong Kong dollar deposits provided as margin collateral may be discounted for the purposes of calculating the amount of margin required.
We may from time to time determine the minimum and increment quantities of a Gold Transaction, the hours during which Gold Transactions may be made, the available tenor, and any other matters relating to Gold Transactions. For the time being, a Gold Transaction must be of a minimum quantity which is a whole multiple of 100 Ounces of Gold.
Applicable interest rates will be determined by us and be set out in the daily statement to be sent out on the next business day.
Some common definitions:
Contract Price the price per Ounce agreed to be paid by Xxxxx to Seller for the Gold.
Gold unalloted gold of a fineness is 995.0 parts per thousand fine gold, or as otherwise specified by us from time to time, complying with the rules of the LBMA relating to good delivery and fineness from time to time.
The London Bullion Market Association or LBMA
the London Bullion Market Association, or its successors, which represents the institutions in the United Kingdom active in all aspects of bullion, and the services related to it, including the clearing, physical and regulatory aspects, where members with “market making” status quote prices for buying and selling Gold for spot and forward delivery throughout each working day.
London Gold Market the market in London on which members of the LBMA, amongst other things, quote prices for the buying and selling of Gold.
Ounce fine troy ounce.
Price Source the publication (or such other origin of reference, including the London Gold Market) containing or reporting the relevant Reference Price.
Reference Price the price specified as such in the relevant Confirmation.
Settlement Date the second business day after the Exercise Date.
Trade Date the date specified as such in the Confirmation, being the date on which the parties entered into the relevant Transaction.
Terms, not otherwise defined, bear the meaning ascribed in the relevant Confirmation.
Unless otherwise specified, for the purposes of any calculation, (a) if "Rounding of Payments Only" is not specified: (i) all percentages used in or resulting from such calculation will be rounded, if necessary, to the nearest one ten-thousandth of a percentage point (with five one hundred thousandths of a percentage point being rounded up), and (ii) all US dollar amounts resulting from such calculation will be rounded to the nearest cent (with one half cent being rounded up), and (b) if "Rounding of Payments Only" is specified: only the In-the-money Amount will be rounded to the nearest cent (with one half cent being rounded up).
B. Market disruption
A Market Disruption Event occurs or exists if (as determined by us):
(a) the Price Source fails to announce or publish the relevant Reference Price (or information necessary for determining the relevant Reference Price) or the Price Source is discontinued or becomes unavailable, temporarily or permanently (Price Source Disruption);
(b) trading in Gold on the London Gold Market is suspended or limited if such suspension or limitation is, in our opinion, material (Trading Suspension or Limitation); or
(c) trading in Gold disappears, or Gold disappears (Disappearance of Reference Price). Additional Market Disruption Events may be specified for a Transaction in the relevant Confirmation.
If a Market Disruption Event or an Additional Market Disruption Event occurs or exists on the Exercise Date of a Transaction (or, if different, the day on which prices for that Exercise Date would, in the ordinary course, be announced or published by the Price Source) as determined by us, we may:
(a) require you to pay any amount estimated by us to be payable by you on the Settlement Date into escrow in an interest-bearing account with us, to be applied towards paying your obligations; and/or
(b) terminate the Transaction in question in accordance with Clause 6 (Early Termination) of Part C of these Terms and Conditions as if an Event of Default had occurred, and that Transaction was the only affected Transaction.
F. Additional Taxes
Without affecting the provisions of Clause 2.3 (Gross-up) of Part C of these Terms and Conditions, all consideration expressed to be payable in respect of a Transaction by you to us shall be deemed to be exclusive of any Indirect Tax. If any Indirect Tax is chargeable on any supply made by us to you in connection with a Transaction, you shall pay to us (in addition to and at the same time as paying the consideration) an amount equal to the amount of the Indirect Tax.
"Indirect Tax" means any goods and services tax, consumption tax, value added tax or any tax of a similar nature.
Schedule 5: Currency-linked Contract
Please read carefully, particularly 3 and 7 below.
1. If you wish to place an investment in base currency linked to another currency (“Linked Currency”), you will complete and deliver to us an order in our form. An order is irrevocable. The currency linked contract will be for a minimum investment amount, be in a Linked Currency acceptable to us and comply with other requirements set by us from time to time.
2. We may on receipt of an order place a "hold" in your account for the full amount of the intended investment amount. We may accept or reject an order. If we reject an order, we will notify you and release the "hold" in your account.
3. The terms of the contract will be as set out in our Confirmation. Any other rates and information are for reference and are not binding. Unless otherwise agreed, contract is repayable only in Hong Kong.
4. Interest will accrue on the principal amount of the contract from the “Effective Date” until the “Maturity Date”, and will be calculated by us at the rate specified in the Confirmation.
5. The contract together with the agreed interest will be paid in the base currency or in an amount of the Linked Currency, in accordance with the terms of the Confirmation.
6. The “Exchange Rate“ will be determined by us by reference to the spot rate of exchange on the “Determination Date”. If the Determination Date would otherwise fall on a non-business day or Saturday, it will be such other date as we decide by reference to market practice.
7. Contracts may not be terminated before maturity, except with our agreement. If we permit early termination, we may deduct from the investment of the contract amounts determined by us to compensate for losses and expenses including breakage, hedging and funding costs. The amount repaid to you may be less than the principal amount of the investment.
8. Terms bear the meaning ascribed in the Confirmation.
Schedule 6: Paper Gold Scheme Account
Please read carefully, particularly 3, 4, 5, and 7 below.
1. Interpretation
1.1 In this Schedule, unless the context otherwise requires:
"Contract" means a contract for the sale and purchase of Paper Gold, on such terms as may be agreed between us and you. "Paper Gold" means gold of such specification as we may prescribe from time to time.
"Paper Gold Scheme Account" means your non-interest bearing account with us in which the quantities of Paper Gold purchased and sold by you under Contracts will be recorded.
There are two types of Paper Gold Scheme Accounts, namely:-
# Paper Gold Scheme - This is a HKD-denominated account designated for transactions in Hong Kong dollars (HKD); and
# Renminbi Paper Gold Scheme – This is an RMB-denominated account designated for transactions in renminbi (RMB).
Collectively both are referred to as “Paper Gold Scheme Accounts” and each as “Paper Gold Scheme Account”.
1.2 For the avoidance of doubt, references in our Master Terms and Conditions - Investment Products to securities include Paper Gold.
2. Contracts
2.1 You may from time to time request us to enter into a Contract for you to buy or sell Paper Gold by giving an instruction to us to that effect. We may, but are not obliged to, accept your instruction to buy Paper Gold. Subject to the terms and conditions of our Master Terms and Conditions - Investment Products, we will buy the Paper Gold in your Paper Gold Scheme Account from you at the Paper Gold selling price then quoted by us for this service. All buying and selling prices are denominated in Hong Kong dollars and Renminbi. If we accept your instruction, the terms and conditions of the Contract will be as set out in the Confirmation issued by us. All Contracts are subject to this Schedule.
2.2 Prices for the purchase or sale of Paper Gold may be quoted by us with reference to the prices of Loco London Gold, spot telegraphic transfer foreign currency exchange rates and our profit margins (which would not exceed 1% of buying and selling prices). Any price quoted by us before issue of the Confirmation is only indicative and does not bind us. The price and other terms for each Contract are as set out in the relevant Confirmation.
2.3 We may prescribe the minimum unit of Paper Gold, minimum amount and other terms for a Contract from time to time. We may change our trading hours for entering into Contracts from time to time. Your instruction may only be effected during the hours notified by us from time to time. An instruction received after such hours will be regarded to be given on our next Business day.
2.4 We may refuse to accept or process an instruction for a Contract to purchase Paper Gold unless there is available in your specified account, or you have otherwise provided us with, sufficient cleared funds to pay for the full amount of the Contract, together with all relevant fees, charges and expenses. After giving an instruction, you shall not deal with the relevant account in any way if it would reduce the account balance to less than the full amounts so required.
2.5 If at any time the available credit balance in your specified account is not sufficient, we may (but are not obliged to) debit the amounts to be paid by you or any part of it to any of your other accounts with us. We may convert any currency into another currency at our spot exchange rate.
2.6 Following receipt by us of the full amounts required to settle a Contract to purchase Paper Gold together with all relevant fees, charges and expenses, and provided the Contract has not been terminated by us (e.g., for insufficient funds in your specified account), we will credit the quantity of Paper Gold purchased by you under that Contract to your relevant Paper Gold Scheme Account in denomination of HKD or RMB corresponding to the currency of the transaction(s).
2.7 We may refuse to accept or process an instruction for a Contract to sell Paper Gold unless there is available in your Paper Gold Scheme Account a sufficient quantity of Paper Gold to settle the full quantity of the Contract.
2.8 We will credit the proceeds of each quantity of Paper Gold sold by you under a Contract to your specified account after deducting all relevant fees, charges and expenses.
2.9 If we choose to do so, our and your payment obligations pursuant to Contracts on any single day shall be settled on a net basis, so that each party's payment obligations shall be satisfied and discharged by the payment by the party having the greater payment obligation of the net aggregate amount payable on that day.
3. Delivery
3.1 We will not in any circumstances deliver any physical gold to you, and will not hold any physical gold for your account. The allocation of units in your Paper Gold Scheme Account is notional. You have no right to any physical gold but only a right to receive the proceeds of the Paper Gold in your Paper Gold Scheme Account in denomination of HKD or RMB corresponding to the currency of the transaction(s) on settlement of relevant Contract(s) to sell the Paper Gold.
3.2 You may not deliver any physical gold to us to settle any sale by you.
3.3 On termination for any reason of your Paper Gold Scheme Account(s), you will have to sell all Paper Gold in your Paper Gold Scheme Account(s) to us at the Paper Gold selling price then quoted by us for this service. We may terminate your Paper Gold Scheme Account(s) in good faith and in a commercially reasonable manner by at least 30 days’ prior notice to you.
4. Indemnities and Limit of Liabilities
4.1 You shall indemnify us against all proceedings, claims, liabilities, losses, reasonable costs and expenses howsoever arising, directly or indirectly, out of any transactions effected pursuant to this Schedule.
4.2 We shall not (in the absence of negligence or wilful misconduct) be liable for any losses, costs or claims of any nature and however arising under or in connection with any transactions effected pursuant to this Schedule, or resulting from failure or delay in the execution of any instruction, breakdown or failure of any communications system or any cause beyond our control or anticipation.
4.3 For the avoidance of doubt, Clause 4 of this Schedule is in addition to Clauses 10 (Limit of our liability) and 11 (Your indemnity) of our Master Terms and Conditions - Banking Services.
5. Set-off
We have the right to combine or consolidate any balances standing to the credit of your Paper Gold Scheme Account(s) to set-off against any indebtedness owed by you to us. In addition to any lien or similar right to which we may be entitled, we may, at any time and without prior notice, apply the value (as determined by us with reference to the Paper Gold selling price then quoted by us for this service) of the Paper Gold standing to the credit of your Paper Gold Scheme Account(s) towards discharge of any of your liabilities to us (whether actual or contingent, primary or collateral, future or existing, alone or jointly with others, matured or not). In which case, one or more Contracts for the sale of all or part of the Paper Gold in your Paper Gold Scheme Account(s) at the Paper Gold selling price then quoted by us for this service will be deemed to have been duly made. Our right under this clause will most likely be exercised by us if you fail to pay any sum payable by you.
6. Statements and Confirmations
6.1 We will send a Confirmation to you in respect of each Contract concluded.
6.2 We will send a monthly statement to you in respect of your Paper Gold Scheme Account(s). However, no monthly statement will be sent if not required by applicable laws, regulations or codes of conduct, such as where there is no Paper Gold in your Paper Gold Scheme Account(s) and no transaction since the date of the previous monthly statement.
6.3 Confirmations and monthly statements will be sent to you by mail, e-mail or such other means as we may determine.
6.4 We may revise any monthly statement or Confirmation to correct any details which have been wrongly or mistakenly made.
7. Closing-out
7.1 If at any time an Event of Default has occurred and is continuing, for the purposes of Clause 9.8 (Early termination) of our Master Terms and Conditions - Investment Products, we may enter into one or more Contracts to sell all or any of the Paper Gold in your Paper Gold Scheme Account(s) and/or to close out any outstanding Contracts by you to purchase Paper Gold, in each case at the Paper Gold selling price then quoted by us for this service, and apply the proceeds (after deducting all expenses incurred) towards repayment of any sum owing or payable by you in such order or manner as we deem fit. You shall pay us forthwith on demand any shortfall.
7.2 We will not (in the absence of negligence or wilful default) be liable to you for any loss or expense resulting from any action taken or not taken pursuant to clause 7.1, including:
(a) any failure to enter into any Contracts immediately; or
(b) entering into any Contracts at prices unfavourable to you.
After deduction of all costs and expenses, we will debit or credit your account with any profit or loss, as the case may be, resulting from such Contracts.
8. Miscellaneous
8.1 You warrant that you will enter into each Contract as principal and not as trustee or agent for any other person.
8.2 You shall be responsible for all filings, tax returns and reports on any Contract which must be made to any relevant authority whether governmental or otherwise and for the payment of all taxes, imposts, levies or duties, or any other liability or payment arising out of or in connection with any Contract.
8.3 We may at any time change this Schedule and any applicable fees or charges by giving at least 30 days’ prior notice to you.