客戶須知 Important Notice to Customer(s):
客戶須知 Important Notice to Customer(s):
本協議將規管已向或將向 你方/貴司提供的服務。 你方/貴司須向本行提供本協議所要求提供的資料。不然,本行可能無法向 你方/貴司提供或繼續提供服務。有關 你方/貴司自願提供的資料(包括其中的個人資料)本行可作的用途,及有關 你方/貴司如何索取或要求更正該等資料的詳情, 請參閱本行的<關於個人資料(私隱)條例致客戶的通知>,該通知已給予 你方/貴司。如想索取,請親臨本分/支行或瀏覽本行網頁 xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx.xx。
This Agreement will govern the service(s) provided or to be provided to you. You will need to supply our Bank with the information required by this Agreement. Or else, our Bank may not be able to provide or continue to provide the service(s) to you. For details of the purposes, for which information (including personal data) voluntarily so supplied may be used by our Bank and how you and the individual(s) concerned may have access to or request correction of such information, please refer to our "Notice to Customers relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance", which has been provided to you. If you wish to obtain the same, please contact any of our branch/sub-branches or visit our website at xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx.xx.
* 8 2 7 0 0 1 0 0 3 2 *
Agreement for General Banking Services and General Investment Services
(If there is any conflict between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail, but for Investment Accounts Services, the English and Chinese versions shall have equal weight.)
致: 交通銀行股份有限公司香港分行 日期
《銀行業條例》所指的持牌銀行及《證券及期貨條例》所指的註冊機構,CE 編號 AAK782
A licensed bank under the Banking Ordinance and a registered institution under the Securities and Futures Ordinance with CE number AAK782
請以正楷填寫,並於適當的□ 內加上 "✓" Please complete in BLOCK LETTERS and put "✓" in □ where applicable
附表一 Schedule 1
客戶資料 Customer Information
開戶目的及原因 Purpose(s) and reason(s) of Account Opening (請選擇一項或多項) (Please choose one or more) | 🞎 存款 Deposit | 🞎 投資 Investment |
🞎 公司賬務處理 Intercompany Settlement | 🞎 償還貸款 / 自動轉賬 Direct Debit/Autopay | |
🞎 其他 Others (請註明 Please specify) : | ||
主要交易對手之所在地 (國家/地區) Location of major counterparties (Country/Region) |
客戶名稱 Name of Customer | 英文 English | ||||
中文 Chinese | |||||
商業登記證號碼/其他 B.R.C. No./Others | 公司註冊證書號碼 C.I. No. | 註冊地點 Country of Registration | |||
🞎 註冊地址 Registered Office Address 🞎 辦公室地址 Office Address | 室/層/座 Room/ Flat, Floor, Block | 樓宇/屋苑名稱,街道號數/名稱 Name of Building/Est., No & Name of St/Rd | |||
地區 District | 國家 Country | ||||
電話號碼 Tel. No. | 流動電話/傳呼機 Mobile/Pager | 辦公室 Office | |||
傳真號碼 (非必須填寫) Fax No. (Optional) | 電郵地址 (非必須填寫) E-mail Address(Optional) | ||||
行業性質 Nature of Business | |||||
業務地址(若與註冊地址不同) Business Address (If different from Registered Office Address) |
通訊地址 Correspondence Address
🞎 與上文所述的客戶地址相同。
Same as the address of the Customer mentioned above.
🞎 詳列如下:
As detailed below:
室/層/座 Room/ Flat, Floor, Block | 樓宇/屋苑名稱,街道號數/名稱 Name of Building/Est., No & Name of St/Rd | ||
地區 District | 國家 Country | ||
郵政信箱 (不適用於投資賬戶服務) P.O. Box (not applicable to Investment Accounts Services) |
If the Customer has previously designated the Correspondence Address, such Correspondence Address shall be replaced by this Correspondence Address.
附表二 Schedule 2
第一部份 Part I
綜合結單(可不選擇 ) Consolidated Statement (optional)
□ 請就本人(等)/本公司於 貴分行/各支行的所有儲蓄存款、支票活期存款及定期存款賬戶 (包括下文「銀行賬戶」內指定的賬戶) 發出綜合結單(以實物形式發出)。本人(等) /本公司謹此授權 貴行從任何本人(等) /本公司的賬戶扣取有關服務費用(如有)。
Please issue consolidated statements (in physical copies) to me/us for all my/our savings, current and time deposit Accounts maintained with your branch/sub-branches (including those account(s) specified under "Bank Account(s)" below). I/We hereby authorize your Bank to debit the related service fees (if any) from any of my/our account with you.
□ 請就本人(等)/本公司於 貴分行/各支行的所有儲蓄存款、支票活期存款及定期存款賬戶 (包括下文「銀行賬戶」內指定的賬戶)提供電子綜合結單服務。 貴行謹此獲授權向本人(等)/本公司在 貴行所登記的電郵地址發送總條款項下的所有通知及通訊。
Please provide the e-consolidated statements service to me/us in respect of all my/our savings, current and time deposit Accounts maintained with your branch/sub-branches (including those account(s) specified under "Bank Account(s)" below). You are hereby authorized to send to the email address registered by me/us with you all notices and other communication under the Terms.
□ 其他 (請參照其他申請表格)。
Others (Please refer to other application form(s)).
* 若客戶並無揀選任何一項,本行將不會向客戶就新增銀行賬戶發出綜合結單。
If the Customer has not chosen any option, no consolidated statement for the New Bank Account(s) will be issued to the Customer.
賬戶名稱 (若與客戶名稱不同) Name of Account (if different from Name of Customer)
英文 English |
中文 Chinese |
綜合服務項下的新增賬戶及 / 或服務 New Account(s) and / or Service(s) under General Banking Service(s)..
銀行賬戶 Bank Account(s)
□ 支票活期存款賬戶 Current A/C
□ 港元 HK Dollar □ 美元 US Dollar □人民幣 Renminbi | |
申請支票簿 Cheque Book Request: □ 來人 Bearer □ 指定來人 Order Crossed x book(s), 每本計 each contains: □10 張 cheques □25 張 cheques □50 張 cheques | □ 由本人(等)到 分/支行領取 To be collected by me/us at Branch/Sub-branch □ 由來人憑 貴行認可之憑證到取 Collected by bearer holding the document(s) recognized by your bank □ 平郵 Ordinary mail □ 掛號 Registered mail |
□ 儲蓄存款賬戶Savings A/C
□ 存摺 Passbook □ 結單 Statement
□ 定期存款賬戶 Time Deposit A/C
□ 預設存入賬戶 Default Credit A/C
□ 現開立的 □ 儲蓄存款賬戶 Savings A/C to be opened
□ 支票活期存款賬戶 Current A/C to be opened
□ 賬號 Account No.:
綜合交易服務 General Service(s)
□ 港幣銀聯自動櫃員機卡 HKD China UnionPay ATM Card
基本賬戶 Primary A/C* □ 現開立的 □ 儲蓄存款賬戶 □ 港元支票活期存款賬戶 Savings A/C to be opened HKD Current A/C to be opened □ 賬號 Account No.: 結算貨幣 Settlement Currency: | |
第一附屬賬戶 Subsidiary A/C No.1 □ 現開立的 □ 儲蓄存款賬戶 □ 港元支票活期存款賬戶 Savings A/C to be opened HKD Current A/C to be opened □ 賬號 Account No.: 結算貨幣 Settlement Currency: | 第二附屬賬戶 Subsidiary A/C No.2 □ 現開立的 □ 儲蓄存款賬戶 □ 港元支票活期存款賬戶 Savings A/C to be opened HKD Current A/C to be opened □ 賬號 Account No.: 結算貨幣 Settlement Currency: |
第三附屬賬戶 Subsidiary A/C No.3 □ 現開立的 □ 儲蓄存款賬戶 □ 港元支票活期存款賬戶 Savings A/C to be opened HKD Current A/C to be opened □ 賬號 Account No.: 結算貨幣 Settlement Currency: | 第四附屬賬戶 Subsidiary A/C No.4 □ 現開立的 □ 儲蓄存款賬戶 □ 港元支票活期存款賬戶 Savings A/C to be opened HKD Current A/C to be opened □ 賬號 Account No.: 結算貨幣 Settlement Currency: |
取卡方式 Delivery Method □ 郵寄 或 or □ 由本人(等)到 _ 分/支行領取 By Mail To be collected by me/us at Branch/Sub-Branch | |
自動櫃員機屏幕顯示的指示 Instruction Displayed on ATM Screen# : □ 中文 Chinese 或 or □ 英文 English | |
購買香港賽馬會現金券功能 Hong Kong Jockey Club Cash Voucher Purchase Function#: □ 需要 Required 或 or □ 不需要 Not Required | |
海外現金提款交易設定: Overseas Cash Withdrawal Transaction setting | □ 需要 Required 或 or □ 不需要 Not Required 開始日期 Start of Date 至 to 結束日期 End of Date 每日海外現金提款限額 Overseas Cash Withdrawal Daily limit 港幣 HKD |
# 視乎個別自動櫃員機設定。Subject to availability of such function at the ATM.
□ 網上銀行 Internet Banking □ 電話銀行 Phone Banking
結算賬戶 Settlement A/C □現開立的 □儲蓄存款賬戶 Savings A/C to be opened □港元支票活期存款賬戶 HKD Current A/C to be opened
□賬號Account No.:
附屬賬戶 Sub-Account(s) □現開立的 □儲蓄存款賬戶 □支票活期存款賬戶 □定期存款賬戶
Savings A/C to be opened Current A/C to be opened Time Deposit A/C to be opened
□賬號Account No.:
網上銀行及/或電話銀行收款/付款之賬戶 Account(s) accessible by Internet Banking and/or Phone Banking for receiving/making payment:
賬戶名稱* | 賬號 | 只限收款 | 收款及付款** | |
Name of Account | Account No. | For Payment IN Only □ | For Payment IN & OUT □ | |
□ | □ | |||
□ | □ |
* 有關賬戶須於交通銀行股份有限公司開立。
The relevant account shall be maintained with Bank of Communications Co., Ltd.
** 如欲通過賬戶付款,有關的賬戶持有人須另行向交通銀行股份有限公司辦理自動扣賬授權手續。
In case of payment out from a nominated account, authorization is required to be given by the relevant account holder to Bank of Communications Co., Ltd.
網上銀行 Internet Banking
設置繳費服務每日累計上限金額Set up Daily Fund Transfer Limit for Bill Payment
繳費類型 Payment Types | 每日累計上限金額 Daily Fund Transfer Limit |
繳費及捐款 Bill Payment & Donation | 港元 |
HKD (不得多於港元50,000 或其等值 not exceeding HKD50,000 or its equivalent) | |
稅款 Tax | 港元 |
HKD (不得多於港元300,000 或其等值 not exceeding HKD300,000 or its equivalent) |
若沒有填上繳費服務每日累計上限金額,有關繳費服務每日累計上限金額將被設置為 0 。 If the daily fund transfer limit for bill payment is not filled, the corresponding daily fund transfer limit for bill payment will be set up as 0.
網上CHATS匯款服務/電子結算轉賬CHATS Remittance Service/Electronic Clearing Transfer Service over Internet
預先登記收款賬戶資料 Pre-registered beneficiary account information:
收款人名稱Name of Beneficiary | 銀行編號及收款人賬號/AID 號Bank Code & A/C Number/AID NO |
收款銀行名稱Name of Receiving Bank | |
貨幣及每種貨幣每日最高限額(最高限額為港元100 萬或其等值) Currency & Daily Limit for each currency (Maximum HKD 1 Million or its equivalent) 港元HKD限額 Limit HKD 美元USD限額 Limit HKD 歐元EUR限額 Limit HKD 人民幣RMB限額 Limit HKD | |
附言 Message to Recipient (只適用於網上CHATS匯款服務)(For CHATS Remittance Service over Internet only) (不超過140 個英文字)(Maximum 140 English characters) |
網上外幣/境外匯款服務 Foreign Currency / Outward Remittance Service over Internet
預先登記收款賬戶資料 Pre-registered beneficiary account information:
收款銀行名稱及地址 Name and Address of Beneficiary Bank | 國家 Country | |
收款人戶口號碼 Beneficiary A/C Number | 電報碼 ABA/UID/SWIFT | |
收款人名稱 Beneficiary Name / 收款人地址 Beneficiary Address | ||
貨幣及每種貨幣每日最高限額(最高限額為港元100萬或其等值) Currency & Daily Limit for each currency(Maximum HKD 1 Million or its equivalent) □ 貨幣 Currency / 限額 Limit HKD □ 貨幣 Currency / 限額 Limit HKD □ 貨幣 Currency / 限額 Limit HKD □ 貨幣 Currency / 限額 Limit HKD | ||
電話號碼 (非必須提供) Phone No. (Optional) | 傳真機號碼 (非必須提供) Fax No. (Optional) | 電郵 (非必須提供) E-mail (Optional) |
代理銀行(如適用)戶口號碼 Beneficiary Bank’s Correspondent A/C Number(if applicable) | 名稱及地址 Name and Address | |
匯款電文 Message to Recipient (不超過24 個中文字或140 個英文字)(Maximum 24 Chinese characters or 140 English characters.) |
Risk Disclosure to Customer: CHATS Remittance Service over Internet or Electronic Clearing Transfer Service over Internet may involve payments/ remittance to third parties. In order to reduce the risk of unauthorized transfers, depending on the Customer’s own needs, it may be advisable for the Customer to set a lower daily transfer limit, or delete a pre-registered beneficiary account.
□ 短訊服務 SMS Services
登記流動電話號碼(只接受由銀行指定數字開首的本地流動電話號碼或國內流動電話號碼) Registered Mobile Phone Number (Accept only local and Mainland China mobile phone number determined by the Bank from time to time) | number | starting with | |
短訊語言選擇 ﹕設定為中文 SMS Language Selection: Preset for Chinese | 🞎 中文 Chinese | 🞎 英文 English |
□ 交易提示短訊服務 SMS Alert Service
由銀行選擇任何一個存款賬戶為扣取費用賬戶 Account for payment of fees* determined by your Bank from time to time | 指定扣取費用賬戶 Designated A/c for payment of fees*: |
* 扣取費用賬戶將用作為收取交易提示短訊服務的服務費用(如適用) 。* Account for payment of fees would be used for settlement of SMS Alert services charges (if applicable).
交易提示短訊服務適用以下交易/服務 SMS Alert Service covers the following transactions/services:
⮚ 存款賬戶交易 Deposit Account Transaction
定期存款到期 (一般定期)Time Deposit Maturity (Common Deposit)
客戶名下所有之現有及新增定期賬戶將會享有此服務。This service will be available to all existing or future time deposit account(s) which have/has been opened or will be opened in the name of the Customer.
⮚ 網上銀行 Internet Banking
購買保險 Purchase of Insurance
賬戶凍結(錯誤密碼輸入) Account suspended (incorrect password input)
預設指示服務 Standing Instruction Services (有關短訊服務只會在預設指示成功執行後才會發送。SMS will be sent after the standing instruction is successfully executed.)
⮚ 其他 Others
貴行決定適用於交易提示短訊服務的其他交易/服務 (但日後若貴行擴大交易提示短訊服務範圍以涵蓋新增服務/交易,有關新增服務/交易將不會自動適用貴行向本人(等)/本公司提供的交易提示短訊服務) Such other transactions/services as determined by your Bank as being subject to SMS Alert Service (but if your Bank subsequently expands the coverage of SMS Alert Service to cover additional service/transaction, such additional service / transaction will not be automatically covered by the SMS Alert Service provided by your Bank to me/us)
除非本人(等)/本公司明確刪除有關短訊服務,所有以上短訊服務會啟動。若本人(等)/本公司不就短訊服務提供流動電話號碼,貴行可將短訊發送到任何本人(等)/本公司登記於貴行的任何流動電話號碼。除非本人(等)/本公司明確選擇英文作為短訊語言,短訊語言將會是中文。除非本人(等)/本公司在以上已明確述明有關指定賬戶,貴行可選擇任何本人(等) /公司的賬戶作為短訊服務的指定扣取費用賬戶。
All SMS Services above are activated unless expressly deleted. If no mobile phone number is provided for the SMS Services, yo u may send SMS to any mobile phone number registered by me/us with you. The language of SMS will be Chinese unless I/we expressly select English language above. You may select any of my/our account with you as the designated A/C for payment of fees regarding SMS Alert Service, except where I/we have specifically specified the relevant designated account above.
.綜合投資服務項下的新增服務 New Service(s) under General Investment Services..
電子理財服務 Electronic Finance Services
電子理財服務客戶號碼 EFC No.:
相關賬戶 Related A/C | □ 現開立的儲蓄存款賬戶 Savings A/C to be opened □ 賬號 A/C No.: |
□ 外匯孖展交易賬戶 FX Margin Trading A/C 指定賬戶 Designated A/C:
計算存/欠利息貨幣 Currency for interest calculation: * 港元利息不適用Not applicable to HKD interest | 🞎 原貨幣 Original currency | 🞎 港元 HKD | 🞎 美元*USD* |
計算平倉合約盈利/虧損貨幣 Currency for calculating contract profit and loss: | 🞎 原貨幣 Original currency | 🞎 港元 HKD | 🞎 美元 USD |
□ 啟動外匯孖展交易提示短訊服務 Activate SMS Alert Service for FX Margin Transaction 短訊語言 SMS Language 🞎 中文 Chinese 🞎 英文 English 手機號碼 Mobile Phone No.: 交易提示短訊服務適用以下交易/s Alert Service covers the following transactions/services: ⮚ 外匯孖展預放盤狀態(成盤/到期取消) FX Margin order status (execution/expiration) ⮚ 其他: 貴行決定適用於交易提示短訊服務的其他交易/服務 (但日後若貴行擴大交易提示短訊服務範圍以涵蓋新增服務/交易,有關新增服務/交易將不會自動適用貴行向本人(等)提供的交易提示短訊服務)。 Others: Such other transactions/services as determined by your Bank as being subject to SMS Alert Service (but if your Bank subsequently expands the coverage of SMS Alert Service to cover additional service/transaction, such additional service/transaction will not be automatically covered by the SMS Alert Service provided by your Bank to me/us) |
□ 證券賬戶 Securities A/C 指定賬戶 Designated A/C:
本人(等)/本公司現選取可透過 □ 電話 及/或 □ 互聯網 給予指示。 I/We hereby agree to give instruction(s) via Telephone and/or Internet. |
本人(等)/本公司🞎 欲 / 🞎 不欲收取有關本人(等)/本公司為未登記證券所有人並存放於中央結算系統內的證券之公司通訊。(按發行人指定選項收取) I/We wish / do not wish to receive the corporate communications for those securities held in the CCASS depository of which I am/we are the non-registered beneficial owner(s). (select to receive the same in accordance with the Issuer's default option) |
若本人(等)/本公司欲收取有關本人(等)/本公司為未登記證券所有人並存放於中央結算系統內的證券之公司通訊,本人(等)/本公司授權 貴行向香港中央結算有限公司及/或上市發行人的有關過戶處披露 貴行記錄在案的本人(等)/本公司之姓名、通訊地址及身份證明文件號碼。此外,本人(等)/本公司承諾該等資料有所更改時,將立即通知 貴行,並知悉就此事宜 貴行只負責向上述機構披露 貴行記錄在案的本人(等)/本公司之姓名、通訊地址及身份證明文件號碼。 If I/we wish to receive the corporate communications for those securities held in the CCASS depository of which I am/we are the non-registered beneficial owner(s), you are authorized to disclose my/our name(s), correspondence address and identification document no(s). on your record to the Hong Kong Securities Clearing Co. Ltd. and/or the relevant registrar(s) of the listed issuer(s). Further, I/we undertake to advise you immediately of any change of such particulars and acknowledge that your sole duty in this respect is to dispatch my/our name(s), correspondence address and identification document no(s). on your record to the aforesaid entities. |
□ 從相關賬戶扣賬買入證券 Debit from Related Account for purchase of Securities 就購買證券的任何指示 (包括 (不限於) 申請認購新發行證券) 而言,本人(等)/本公司謹此授權 貴行,凡 貴行經絕對酌情,認為本人(等)/本公司的證券賬戶並無足夠資金執行指示時, 貴行可作出下列行為: In relation to any Instruction for buying Securities (which includes, without limitation, application for new issues of Securities), I/we hereby authorize the Bank to do the following acts whenever in the Bank’s absolute discretion there are insufficient funds in my/our Securities Account to carry out the Instruction: (1) 在本人(等)/本公司指定相關賬戶的結餘中預留或保留一筆款項,所按金額乃 貴行絕對酌情預計為扣除在本人(等)/本公司的證券賬戶中的可用結餘後,證券買入或認購價格、相關費用和開支及本人(等)/本公司就本人(等)/本公司的證券賬戶欠下 貴行的所有款項 (如有) 的全數金額: to earmark or hold a sum against the credit balance in my/our designated Related Account in such amount as the Bank may in its absolute discretion estimate to be the full amount of the purchase or subscription price of the Securities, the relevant fees and expenses and all moneys owing by me/us to the Bank in respect of my/our Securities Account (if any) less the available credit balance in my/our Securities Account; (2) 將上文第 (1) 段所提述的金額轉賬至本人(等)/本公司的證券賬戶,預留作指示用途;及 to transfer the amount referred to in paragraph(1) above to my/our Securities Account to be earmarked for the Instruction; and (3) 從本人(等)/本公司的證券賬戶扣除買入或認購所有或任何證券所須支付的全部金額 (包括所產生的所有費用及開支) 及本人(等)/本公司就本人(等)/本公司的證券賬戶欠下 貴行的所有款項 (如有)。 to debit from my/our Securities Account the entire amount payable for the purchase or subscription of all or any Securities (including all fees and expenses incurred) and all moneys owing by me/us to the Bank in respect of my/our Securities Account (if any). 本人(等)/本公司同意: I/We agree that: (a) 基於無論何種理由 (例如: 貴行系統的技術性問題), 貴行可能無法在接獲本人(等)/本公司指示當日內進行上文第 (2) 及 (3) 段分別提述的轉賬及扣賬, 貴行有權於下一營業日進行該轉賬及扣賬;及 for whatever reason (e.g. technical problem in the Bank’s system) the Bank may not be able to carry out the transfer and the debit respectively referred to in paragraphs (2) and (3) above during the day on which the Instruction is received from me/us, the Bank shall be entitled to carry out such transfer and debit on the next Business Day; and (b) 基於無論何種理由, 貴行未必可執行指示或只可執行部份指示, 貴行有權於本應結算交易之日後的下一營業日,發還根據上文第 (1) 段所預留或 保留的款項或其中的尚餘結餘 (視何者適用而定)。 for whatever reason the Instruction may not be effected or only part of the Instruction may have been effected, the Bank shall be entitled to release the sum earmarked or held under paragraph (1) above or the remaining balance thereof (as the case may be) on the next Business Day following the day on which the transaction would otherwise settle. (c) 就代履行股東權責收取之手續費及其他服務收費而言, 貴行有權於本人(等)/本公司證券賬戶內扣除所需支付的全部金額(包括所產生費用及因未能扣賬而產生欠款之罰息)。 For the corporate actions service fee and such other relevant fees (the "Service Fees"), the Bank shall be entitled to debit the full amount from my/our securities account (including the Service Fees and any default interest accruing thereto). □ 從證券賬戶轉賬至相關賬戶 Transfer from Securities Account to Related Account 本人(等)/本公司謹此授權 貴行於每營業日午夜時,若證券賬戶內的結餘超過或等值港元 100,將在本人(等)/本公司的證券賬戶中所有結餘轉賬至本人 (等)/本公司的相關賬戶。 I/we hereby authorize the Bank to transfer all credit balance held in my/our Securities Account to my/our Related Account at midnight on each business day when the credit balance in securities account equal to or above HKD 100. 本人(等)/本公司同意如果基於無論何種理由(例如: 貴行系統的技術性問題), 貴行無法於任何日子進行前述轉賬, 貴行應有權在隨後的 1 至 2 個營業日內進行該轉賬。 I/We agree that if for whatever reason (e.g. technical problem in the Bank’s system) the Bank is not able to carry out the aforesaid transfer on any day, the Bank shall be entitled to carry out such transfer within the next 1 to 2 Business Days. |
□ 啟動證券交易提示短訊服務 Activate SMS Alert Service for Securities Transaction 短訊語言 SMS Language 🞎 中文 Chinese 🞎 英文 English 手機號碼 Mobile Phone No.: 交易提示短訊服務適用以下交易/服務 SMS Alert Service covers the following transactions/services: ⮚ 即時證券交易覆盤(交易成盤結果) Instant securities trading order confirmation (Execution results) ⮚ 認購新股分配結果 IPO subscription allotment result ⮚ 其他: 貴行決定適用於交易提示短訊服務的其他交易/服務 (但日後若貴行擴大交易提示短訊服務範圍以涵蓋新增服務/交易,有關新增服務/交易將不會自動適用貴行向本人(等)提供的交易提示短訊服務)。 Others: Such other transactions/services as determined by your Bank as being subject to SMS Alert Service (but if your Bank subsequently expands the coverage of SMS Alert Service to cover additional service/transaction, such additional service / transaction will not be automatically covered by the SMS Alert Service provided by your Bank to me/us) |
□ 股票孖展賬戶 Securities Margin Trading Account
電子理財服務客戶號碼 EFC No.:
Related A/C
□ 現開立的儲蓄存款賬戶 Savings A/C to be opened
□ 賬號 A/C No.:
□ 本人(等) /本公司擬向 貴行申請開立股票孖展帳戶。本人(等) /本公司同意接受 貴行按其酌情決定權不時指定的關於信貸比率,股票孖展敍做條件、利率、費用、追繳保證金、斬倉及其他條款及條件的規定。
I/We wish to open a Securities Margin Account with you. I/We agree to accept such credit limit, margin requirements, interest rates, charges, margin calls, closing out conditions and other terms and conditions as you may at your discretion specify from time to time.
□ 本人(等) /本公司附上本人(等) /本公司資產淨值的證明(如納稅申報,糧單和銀行結單等),並同意按 貴行不時的要求提供此類證明
I/We enclose proof of my/our net worth (such as tax returns, salaries advice and bank statements) and agree to provide such proof and other information as required by you from time to time.
I/We hereby agree to give instruction(s) via Telephone.
本人(等)/本公司 🞎 欲 / 🞎 不欲 收取有關本人(等)/本公司為未登記證券所有人並存放於中央結算系統內的證券之公司通訊。(按發行人指定選項收取)
I/We wish / do not wish to receive the corporate communications for those securities held in the CCASS depository of which I am/we are the non-registered beneficial owner(s). (select to receive the same in accordance with the Issuer's default option)
若本人(等)/本公司欲收取有關本人(等)為未登記證券所有人並存放於中央結算系統內的證券之公司通訊,本人(等)/本公司授權 貴行向香
港中央結算有限公司及/或上市發行人的有關過戶處披露 貴行記錄在案的本人(等)/本公司之姓名、通訊地址及身份證明文件號碼。此外,本人(等)/本公司承諾該等資料有所更改時,將立即通知 貴行,並知悉就此事宜 貴行只負責向上述機構披露 貴行記錄在案的本人(等)/本公司之姓名、通訊地址及身份證明文件號碼。
If I/we wish to receive the corporate communications for those securities held in the CCASS depository of which I am/we are the non-registered beneficial owner(s), you are authorized to disclose my/our name(s), correspondence address and identification document no(s). on your record to the Hong Kong Securities Clearing Co. Ltd. and/or the relevant registrar(s) of the listed issuer(s). Further, I/we undertake to advise you immediately of any change of such particulars and acknowledge that your sole duty in this respect is to dispatch my/our name(s), correspondence address and identification document no(s). on your record to the aforesaid entities.
🞎 啟動證券交易提示短訊服務 Activate SMS Alert Service for Securities Transaction
短訊語言 SMS Language 🞎 中文 Chinese 🞎 英文 English
手機號碼 Mobile Phone No.:
交易提示短訊服務適用以下交易/服務 SMS Alert Service covers the following transactions/services:
⮚ 即時證券交易覆盤(交易成盤結果)
Instant securities trading order confirmation (Execution results)
⮚ 認購新股分配結果
IPO subscription allotment result
⮚ 其他: 貴行決定適用於交易提示短訊服務的其他交易/服務 (但日後若貴行擴大交易提示短訊服務範圍以涵蓋新增服務/交易,有關新增服務/交易將不會自動適用貴行向本人(等)提供的交易提示短訊服務)。
Others: Such other transactions/services as determined by your Bank as being subject to SMS Alert Service (but if your Bank subsequently expands the coverage of SMS Alert Service to cover additional service/transaction, such additional service / transaction will not be automatically covered by the SMS Alert Service provided by your Bank to me/us)
投資賬戶服務 Investment Accounts Services
□ 投資基金賬戶Investment Funds Account 賬號 Account No.:
結算賬戶號碼 Settlement Account No.*
□ 現開立的儲蓄存款賬戶 Savings A/C to be opened
□ 賬號 A/C No.:
□ 債務票據賬戶 Debt Instrument Account 賬號 Account No.:
結算賬戶號碼 Settlement Account No.*
□ 現開立的儲蓄存款賬戶 Savings A/C to be opened
□ 賬號 A/C No.:
□ 股票掛鈎投資賬戶 Equity Linked Investments Account 賬號 Account No.:
結算賬戶號碼 Settlement Account No.*
(i) 現金 Cash:
□ 現開立的儲蓄存款賬戶 Savings A/C to be opened
□ 賬號 A/C No.:
(ii) 證券 Securities: 賬號 A/C No.:
* 股票掛鈎投資賬戶的證券結算賬戶必須為以客戶名義開立,其他結算賬戶則必須為以客戶名義開立的多幣式儲蓄存款賬戶。
The Securities Settlement Account for the Equity Linked Investments Account must be in the name of the Customer, whereas other Settlement Account must be a multi-currency savings account in the name of the Customer.
#收取股息貨幣 Dividend Currency | 🞎 港元 HKD 🞎 根據所投資的基金所屬貨幣 Fund Currency |
#月結單語言 Statement Language | 🞎 中文 Chinese 🞎 英文 English |
# 只適用於申請投資基金賬戶/股票掛鈎投資賬戶。Applicable to application for Investment Funds Account/Equity Linked Investments Account only.
(只適用於申請綜合投資服務 Applicable to application for General Investment Services only)
財務摘要、投資工具交易經驗及披露事項 Financial Summary, Experience on Investment Instruments and Disclosure of Matters
財務摘要 Financial Summary | |||
年度稅後純利 Annual net profit after tax | 貨幣及金額 Currency and Amount: for fiscal year ending 貨幣及金額 Currency and Amount: for fiscal year ending | 財政年度 財政年度 | |
總資產淨值(港元)Total Net Worth (HKD) | 🞎 <1,000,000 🞎 1,000,000 - 3,000,000 | 🞎 >3,000,000 - 5,000,000 | 🞎 >5,000,000 |
資產類別 Asset Class | 🞎 房產 Property 🞎 有價證券 Valuable Stock 🞎 現金/存款 Cash/Deposit 🞎 其他 Others | ||
大約總資產淨值(不包括房產/汽車) (港元) Approximate Total Net Worth (excluding property/automobile) (HKD) | 🞎 <200,000 🞎 500,000 - 999,999 | 🞎 200,000 - 499,999 🞎 ≥1,000,000 | |
披露事項 Disclosure of Matters | |||
你方/貴司的任何董事或股東是否與本行任何僱員有親屬關係?Is any of your directors or members related to any of our Bank's employee(s)? 🞎 否 NO 🞎 是 YES (僱員名稱及關係 Employee's name and relationship: ) | |||
你方/貴司是否任何證券或期貨交易所的註冊會員或參與者?Are you a member or participant registered with any stock or commodities exchange? 🞎 否 NO 🞎 是 YES (交易所名稱 Name of exchange: ) | |||
你方/貴司的註冊地是否有任何限制你方/貴司買賣任何證券或投資工具的規範?Is there any regulation in your place of incorporation which restricts you from purchasing any securities or investment instruments? 🞎 否 NO 🞎 是 YES (受規範的證券或投資工具 Types of restricted securities or investment instruments: ) | |||
你方/貴司是否賬戶的最終受益人?Are you the ultimate beneficial owner of the Account(s)? 🞎 是 YES 🞎 否 NO (請在下方填寫最終受益人的資料 Please provide the information of the ultimate beneficial owner(s) below) (1) 姓名 Name: ( ) 香港身份證/護照號碼 HKID/Passport No.: 地址 Address: (2) 姓名 Name: ( ) 香港身份證/護照號碼 HKID/Passport No.: 地址 Address: |
(只適用於申請綜合投資服務 Applicable to application for General Investment Services only)
投資風險分析 Investment Profile Analysis
重要資料 Important Notice﹕
⚫ 本問卷是協助您了解您對投資風險的整體態度。
This questionnaire is to help you to determine your overall attitude towards investment risk.
⚫ 投資涉及風險。投資產品價格有時可能會非常波動。投資產品價格可升可跌,甚至變成毫無價值。
Investment involves risks. The prices of investment product fluctuate, sometimes dramatically. The price of an investment product may move up or down, and may become valueless.
答案 Answer | |||||
1. 一般而言,貴公司會分配多少百分比的利益作為投資組合? In general, what percentage of your company’s surplus will be allocated to your investment portfolio? | |||||
1.1. < 5% | 🞎 | ||||
1.2. | 5% - 10% | 🞎 | |||
1.3. | 11% - 20% | 🞎 | |||
1.4. | 21% - 30% | 🞎 | |||
1.5. > 30% | 🞎 | ||||
2. 貴公司的投資組合佔流動資產淨值百分比多少? What percentage of your company’s liquid asset constitutes your company’s investment portfolio? | |||||
2.1 | < 5%. | 🞎 | |||
2.2. | 5% - 10% | 🞎 | |||
2.3. | 11% - 20% | 🞎 | |||
2.4. | 21% - 30% | 🞎 | |||
2.5. > 30% | 🞎 | ||||
就以下各項投資產品,貴公司有多少年的投資經驗?How many years of trading experience does your company have in the following investments? | |||||
投資經驗 Trading Experience | |||||
沒有 No | 在過去三年曾投資 少於五次 Invested less than five transactions within the past three years | 在過去三年曾投資過 五次或以上 Invested five or more transactions within the past three years | |||
3. 保本產品 (如存款證、保本結構性存款/票據) Principal Protected Products (e.g. CD, Principal Protected Structured Deposits/Notes) | 🞎 | 🞎 | 🞎 | ||
4. 外幣、定息工具( 如債券 ) Foreign Currency, Fixed Income (e.g Bonds) | 🞎 | 🞎 | 🞎 | ||
5. 基金、股票 Investment Funds, Equities | 🞎 | 🞎 | 🞎 | ||
6. 結構性產品( 如 利率掛鈎、 貨幣掛鈎、股票掛鈎或商品掛鈎的工具 ) Structured Products (e.g. Interest Rate Linked, Currency Linked, Equity Linked or Commodity Linked Instruments) | 🞎 | 🞎 | 🞎 | ||
7. 衍生產品/槓桿性產品 (如﹕期權、期貨、權證、遠期、掉期或孖展交易) Derivatives/ Leverage Products (e.g. Options, Futures, Warrants, Forwards, Swaps or Margin Trading) | 🞎 | 🞎 | 🞎 | ||
8. 下列那一項的敘述,最符合貴公司對金融投資中價格波動及回報的想法? Please indicate the best statement that describes the attitude toward price fluctuation and expected return on investment for your company? | |||||
8.1. 我們只能承擔較小程度的價格波動,並希望獲得比銀行存款利率略高的收益。 We can only bear little price fluctuation of our investment and wish to gain slightly higher than the rate of bank deposits. | 🞎 | ||||
8.2. 我們能承擔中等程度的價格波動,並希望獲得高於銀行存款利率的收益。 We can bear moderate price fluctuation of our investment and wish to gain much better than the rate of bank deposits. | 🞎 | ||||
8.3. 我們能承擔較大程度的價格波動,並希望獲得與股票指數相近的收益。 We can bear high degree of price fluctuation of our investment and wish to have gain comparable to the stock market indexes. | 🞎 | ||||
8.4. 我們可以承受任何價格波動,並希望獲得明顯高於股票指數的收益。 We can bear any price fluctuation of our investment and wish to gain remarkably higher than the stock market indexes. | 🞎 | ||||
9. 貴公司是否聘用專業人士負責進行金融投資活動? Does your company have any professional responsible for financial investment? | |||||
9.1. 有,我們有獨立團隊/部門負責公司的金融投資或對沖活動。 Yes, we have an independent team / department specialized for financial investment or hedging purpose. | 🞎 | ||||
9.2. 有,我們有具備金融或投資相關專業資格的高級管理層,為公司作出投資決定。 Yes, we have senior management with professional qualifications in finance or investment to make investment decisions. | 🞎 | ||||
9.3. 沒有,但我們在金融投資方面擁有足夠的知識。 No, but we have reasonable knowledge on financial investment. | 🞎 | ||||
9.4. 沒有,但我們在金融投資方面擁有一些知識。 No, but we have some knowledge on financial investment. | 🞎 | ||||
9.5. 沒有,我們在金融投資方面擁有很少知識。 No, we have little knowledge on financial investment. | 🞎 | ||||
10. 一般來說,貴公司預期投資產品的投資時間是多久? Generally speaking, what is the expected investment tenor of your investment? | |||||
10.1. < 3 個月 | < 3 months | 🞎 | |||
10.2. 3 個月 - < 1 年 | 3 months - < 1 year | 🞎 | |||
10.3. 1 年 - < 3 年 | 1 year - < 3 years | 🞎 | |||
10.4. 3 年 - < 5 年 | 3 years - < 5 year | 🞎 | |||
10.5. ≥ 5 年 | ≥ 5 years | 🞎 |
11. 按每月平均的營運開支計算,貴公司分配多少流動資產,例如現金、短期存款或政府票據等,作為應急所需?
Based on the average monthly operational expenses, how much liquid assets such as cash, short-term deposits or government bills will be reserved for emergency?
11.1. < 1 個月營運開支 < 1-month operational expenses 🞎
11.2. 1 個月營運開支 - < 6 個月營運開支 1-month - < 6-months operational expenses 🞎
11.3. 6 個月營運開支 - < 12 個月營運開支 6-months - < 12-months operational expenses 🞎
11.4. ≥ 12 個月營運開支 ≥12-months 🞎
12. 倘若經過一段時間後由於市場波動,投資價值出現下跌, 貴公司會如何處置?
What will your company do with your investments if the value drops over a period of time due to market fluctuations?
12.1. 我們不願意持有任何虧損的投資,會立刻出售投資。
We do not wish to hold on to any investments at a loss and will sell the investments immediately
12.2. 我們會出售部分投資。 🞎
We will sell some of the investments
12.3. 我們不會出售投資,並等待價值回升。
We will not sell the investments, and wait for the investment to recover in value.
12.4. 我們不會出售投資,並考慮趁低吸納。
We will not sell the investments, and will buy more to capitalize on the cheaper price.
The result of the Investment Profile Analysis
Please indicate your risk tolerance level that you believe is most appropriate
Risk Tolerance Level
( ) ( )
The lower risk tolerance level from Investment Profile Analysis result and provided by you which you believe is most appropriate, will be the final risk tolerance level captured in the Bank's record.
風險承受程度 Risk Tolerance Level | 投資風險的態度 Attitude towards investment risk |
低 Conservative | 貴公司沒有或具有很少或有限的專業知識或投資經驗,並盡量投資於潛在資本損失較少和較穩定回報的產品。 Your company have no, little or limited knowledge or experience in financial investment. You prefer the investment products which can minimize the potential capital loss and uncertainty on returns. |
中低 Low | 貴公司對投資具一些專業知識或投資經驗;並願意承擔少量風險,以尋求優於銀行存款的回報;及/或傾向維持潛在資本損失較低的投資組合。 Your company have some knowledge or experience in financial investment; are willing to take some risk to achieve returns better than bank deposits; and/or have tendency to maintain an investment portfolio with lower potential of capital loss. |
中 Moderate | 貴公司對投資具有一定程度的專業知識或投資經驗;並願意承擔一定程度的潛在資本損失,以尋求近乎xx投資組合的回報;及/或擁有健全的財務能力來承擔相 應的投資損失。 Your company have reasonable knowledge or experience in financial investment; are willing to take more risk to achieve returns comparable to a balance portfolio with moderate potential of capital loss; and/or have sound financial capability to absorb the corresponding investment loss. |
中高 High | 貴公司對投資具有相當的專業知識或投資經驗;並願意承擔較高的風險,以尋求回報優於全球市場指數的回報;及/或擁有穩健的財務能力以承擔較高的資金損失。 Your company have considerable knowledge or experience in financial investment; and are willing to take higher risk to achieve returns better than the global market indexes ; and/or have strong financial capability to bear higher capital loss from high-risk investment. |
高 Aggressive | 貴公司對高風險、結構性或槓桿性投資產品具豐富的專業知識或投資經驗;並願意承擔高程度的風險,以尋求更大幅度的回報;及/或擁有雄厚的財務能力以承擔高風險投資所導致的較大資金損失。 Your company have professional knowledge or experience in high-risk, structured or leveraged financial investment; and are willing to take a very high amount of risk to achieve significant return; and/or have solid financial capability to tolerate substantial capital losses from high-risk investment. |
客戶確認聲明 Customer Acknowledgement
(1) 本人(等)/本公司確認本人(等)/本公司是自願、獨立及真確地回答上述投資風險分析的問題。本人(等)/本公司接受分析的結果包括向本人(等)/本公司指定的風險承受程度。
I/We confirm that I/we answered the questions in the above Investment Profile Analysis voluntarily, independently and truthfully. I/We accept the result of the analysis including the risk tolerance level assigned to me/us.
(2) 本人(等)/本公司承認上述分析純粹為確定本人(等)/本公司可承受之風險程度而設。分析的結果僅供參考。上述分析的內容並非亦不應被視為買賣投資產品的推薦、邀請或招攬。本人 (等)/本公司亦完全了解投資涉及風險,在作出任何投資決定之前,本人(等)/本公司應先了解有關投資產品及其涉及的風險,考慮它們是否適合本人(等)/本公司及尋求本人(等)/本公司認為合適的獨立專業意見。
I/We acknowledge that the above Investment Profile Analysis is only intended to ascertain my/our risk tolerance level. The result of the analysis is for reference only. Nothing in the above Investment Profile Analysis shall constitute or be regarded as constituting a recommendation, offer or solicitation to buy or sell investment products. I/We also fully understand that investment involves risks and I/we should understand the relevant investment products and the risks associated with them, consider whether they are suitable for me/us and seek independent professional advice as I/we consider appropriate before making any investment decisions.
(3) 本人(等) /本公司同意申請上述投資賬戶,並聲明本人(等) /本公司是依據本身的判斷作出此決定。
I/We agree to apply for the said Investment Account(s) and declare that I/we have made this decision based on my/our own judgment.
第二部份 Part II
現有銀行賬戶 / 綜合交易服務及現有綜合投資服務項下的服務
Existing Bank Account(s) / General Service(s) and Existing Service(s) under General Investment Services
□ 現有銀行賬戶/綜合交易服務資料如下 Particulars of the Existing Bank Account(s)/General Service(s) are as follows:
□ 現有綜合投資服務項下的服務資料如下 Particulars of the Existing Service(s) under General Investment Services are as follows:
□ 現有銀行賬戶/綜合交易服務及現有綜合投資服務項下的服務是指載於下文附表三所述客戶之董事會或其他有權單位決議摘錄中的「現有銀行賬戶/綜合交易服務」及「現有綜合投資服務項下的服務」。
Particulars of the Existing Bank Account(s)/General Service(s) and the Existing Service(s) under General Investment Services shall be those as are set out in the certified extract of resolutions of the board of directors or other governing body of the Customer referred to in Schedule 3 below.
附表三 Schedule 3
通知事項 Notification
直接促銷活動通知 Notice of Direct Marketing Activities
現謹通知,本行日後或將向 閣下寄發本行之宣傳資料及直銷推廣。如 閣下不願意收取任何此等推廣資料(包括郵寄函件/電郵及/或促銷電話) ,請於下列方格內加上 ✓ 號,本行免費提供此項安排。
From time to time, our Bank will send to you promotional materials or approach you for direct marketing purposes. If you do not wish to receive any promotional materials and direct marketing from us (including the sending of promotional and direct marketing materials through mail / fax / e-mail and / or telephone), please tick the appropriate box below. This arrangement is free of charge.
□本公司不欲收到任何宣傳資料或使用本人/本公司的資料作出直接促銷活動。I/We do not wish to receive any promotional materials or use my/our data in direct marketing activities.
注意﹕若 閣下將來希望更改此項選擇,請聯絡本行各分 / 支行。
Note: Should you wish to change your choice in the future, please contact our branch / sub-branches.
受保障存款產品通知 Notice of protected deposit product
現謹通知 閣下,支票活期存款賬戶、儲蓄存款賬戶內的存款、年期不超過五年的定期存款(不論是否已抵押)、證券賬戶餘額、外匯孖展交易現金保證金、股票孖展賬戶保證金(現金賬餘額)及可提早贖回遞升利率存款(所示年期不超過五年),是符合香港的存款保障計劃保障資格的存款。
Please be informed that the deposits in Current Account, Savings Account, Time Deposit with a maturity not exceeding 5 years (regardless whether they are secured or not ), Credit Balance in the Securities Account, Cash Margin in the Foreign Exchange Margin Trading Account, Cash Margin in the Securities Margin Account (Available Cash Balance) and Step-Up Callable Deposit (with an original term to maturity not exceeding 5 years) are deposits qualified for protection by the Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong.
附表四 Schedule 4
客戶確認聲明 Acknowledgement by Xxxxxxxx
鑒於 貴行同意應本人(等)/本公司的要求:
In consideration of your agreeing at my/our request to:
(i) 開立及維持在上文附表二第一部份「綜合服務項下的新增賬戶及/或服務」項下「銀行賬戶」內指定的賬戶(「新增銀行賬戶」);及/ 或
open and maintain the account(s) specified under "Bank Account(s)" of “ New Account(s) and/or Service(s) under General Banking Service(s)” in Part I of Schedule 2 above (the "New Bank Account(s)"); and/or
(ii) 提供在上文附表二第一部份「綜合服務項下的新增賬戶及/或服務」項下「綜合交易服務」及/或「綜合投資服務項下的新增服務」內選擇的服務 (分別稱「新增綜合交易服務」及「新增投資服務」);及/或
provide the service(s) selected under "General Service(s)" of “ New Account(s) and/or Service(s) under General Banking Service(s)” in Part I of
Schedule 2 above (the "New General Service(s)" ); and/or
(iii) 繼續維持或提供在上文附表二第二部份「現有銀行賬戶/綜合交易服務及現有綜合投資服務項下的服務」項下指定為「現有銀行賬戶/綜合交易服務」的賬戶及/或服務(「現有銀行賬戶/綜合交易服務」);及/或
continue to maintain or provide the account(s) and/or service(s) specified as "Existing Bank Account(s)/General Service(s)" under "Existing Bank
Account(s)/General Service(s)" in Part II of Schedule 2 above (the "Existing Bank Account(s)/General Service(s)"); and/or
(iv) 繼續提供在上文附表二第二部份「現有銀行賬戶/綜合交易服務及現有綜合投資服務項下的服務」項下指定為「現有綜合投資服務項下的服務」的服務(「現有投資服務」),
continue to provide the service(s) specified as "Existing Service(s) under General Investment Services" under "Existing Bank Account(s)/General
Service(s) and Existing Service(s) under General Investment Services" in Part II of Schedule 2 above (the "Existing Investment Service(s)"),
本人(等)/本公司(詳情載於上文附表一) 謹此同意受本協議及下列條款約束:
I/We (whose particulars are set out in Schedule 1 above) hereby agree to be bound by this Agreement together with:
(a) 貴行的「綜合服務總條款」(「總條款」,包括其不時之修訂或更改) (祇要該條款是適用於新增銀行賬戶、新增綜合交易服務、現有銀行賬戶/綜合交易服務及/或任何其他並未有訂明於上文附表二第二部份內,由貴行現時為本人(等)/本公司維持或提供的銀行賬戶及/或綜合交易服務);及 your General Terms and Conditions for Banking Services (the "Terms", as amended or varied from time to time) insofar as the same is applicable to the New Bank Account(s), the New General Service(s), the Existing Bank Account(s)/General Service(s) and/or any other existing bank account(s) and/or general service(s) currently maintained or provided by you for me/us (which is/are not specified in Part II of Schedule 2 above); and
(b) 貴行的「綜合投資服務條款」(「投資服務條款」,包括其不時之修訂或更改) (祇要該條款是適用於新增投資服務、現有投資服務及/或任何其他
並未有訂明於上文附表二第二部份內,由 貴行現時向本人(等)/本公司提供的在綜合投資服務項下的服務)。
your Terms and Conditions for General Investment Services (the "Investment Terms", as amended or varied from time to time), insofar as the same is applicable to the New Investment Service(s), the Existing Investment Service(s) and/or any other existing service(s) under General Investment Services currently provided by you to us (which is/are not specified in Part II of Schedule 2 above).
For the avoidance of doubt, we hereby agree that any terms and conditions which are currently applicable to the Existing Bank Account(s)/General Service(s), the Existing Investment Service(s) and/or any other existing bank account(s), general service(s) and/or service(s) under General Investment Services (which is/are not specified in Part II of Schedule 2 above) shall be replaced by applicable provisions of the Terms and the Investment Terms forthwith.
I/We acknowledge and understand “Notification” that as specified in Schedule 3 above.
Unless the context otherwise requires, capitalized terms defined in the Terms shall have the same meaning when used herein.
I/We hereby agree and confirm that:
(a) 以上所載關於本人(等)/本公司的所有資料均是真實、完整和正確的。本人(等)/本公司承諾會立即通知 貴行任何該些資料的任何改變。
All of my/our above particulars are true, complete and correct and I/we undertake to advise you immediately of any changes in any of such particulars.
(b) 新增銀行賬戶、現有銀行賬戶/綜合交易服務(包括,如適用,為其指定的基本或結算賬戶)之被授權簽字人及其簽字式樣及簽署安排將以下文
The Authorized Signatory(ies) and his/her/their specimen signature(s) and the Agreed Signing Arrangement of the New Bank Account(s), the Existing Bank Account(s)/General Service(s) (including, where applicable, the primary or settlement Account(s) designated in respect thereof) shall be those as specified in the “Authorized Signatory(ies) and Agreed Signing Arrangement” and “Signed by or on behalf of the Customer described in Schedule 1 above” below.
(c) 新增綜合交易服務的被授權簽字人及其簽字式樣及簽署安排將按下文「被授權簽字人及簽署安排」及「由上文附表一所述的客戶或其代表簽署」內所述的為準。
The Authorized Signatory(ies) and his/her/their specimen signature(s) and the Agreed Signing Arrangement of the New General Service(s) shall be those as mentioned in the “Authorized Signatory(ies) and Agreed Signing Arrangement” and “Signed by or on behalf of the Customer described in
Schedule 1 above” below.
(d) 總條款內所指的通訊地址按上文附表一所指定的為準。本人(等)/本公司謹此同意及確認,以上所提供的通訊地址及/或註冊地址/辦公室地址及/或所有聯絡資料(包括所有電話號碼、傳真號碼及電郵地址)將會記錄於 貴行內作為本人(等)/本公司最後所知的通訊地址及/或註冊地址/辦公室地址及/或聯絡資料,並將會相應地取代該等通訊地址及/或註冊地址/辦公室地址及/或聯絡資料的現有記錄。然而,除非本人(等)/本公司另行指示 貴行,否則賬戶地址及綜合結單地址將維持不變。
The Correspondence Address referred to in the Terms shall be that as specified in Schedule 1 above. I/We hereby agree and confirm that the
Correspondence Address and/or registered office address/office address and/or all contact details (including all telephone numbers, fax number and email address) provided above will be recorded in your Bank as my/our last-known Correspondence Address and/or registered office address/office address and/or contact details respectively and will replace existing records of such Correspondence Address and/or registered office address/office address and/or contact details accordingly. However, the Account Address and Consolidated Statement Address will remain unchanged unless I/we instruct you otherwise.
(e) 為免生疑問,除在本協議明確提述對現有銀行賬戶/綜合交易服務之被授權簽字人及/或簽署安排及/或適用條款的更改(如有)外,任何其他關於現有銀行賬戶/綜合交易服務之安排將維持不變。
For the avoidance of doubt, except for the change(s) to the Authorized Signatory(ies) and/or the Agreed Signing Arrangement and/or the governing terms of the Existing Bank Account(s)/General Service(s) (if any) as expressly mentioned in this Agreement, any other arrangements in relation to the
Existing Bank Account(s)/General Service(s) shall remain unchanged.
(f) 本人(等)/本公司確認, 貴行將通知本人(等)/本公司有關 貴行的地址、註冊身份、將予提供服務的性質,或 貴行的佣金、費用或收費的任何重大更改。
I/We acknowledge that you will inform me/us of any material changes to your address, registration status, the nature of the services to be provided, or
your commission, fees or charges.
(g) 本人(等)/本公司確認 貴行可以發出短訊至本人(等)/本公司指定的手機號碼之方式通知本人(等)/本公司交易處理情況。本人(等)/本公司亦確認,若因 貴行能力控制以外的任何原因導致本人(等)/本公司無法接收有關訊息, 貴行對因此而引致的一切損失、損害賠償及索償 (不論何種形式)概不負責。本人(等)/本公司明白本人(等)/本公司宜自行到開戶行櫃檯或 (如本人(等)/本公司可通過專線電話敘做交易的) 透過專線電話或 (如本人 (等)/本公司可通過互聯網敘做交易的)通過互聯網查詢交易處理情況。
I/We acknowledge that you may notify me/us the execution status of a transaction by transmitting a short message to that effect to the mobile phone no.
specified by me/us. I/We also acknowledge that in case I/we cannot receive those messages for any reason beyond your control, you will not be responsible for any losses, damages and claims of whatever nature incurred or suffered by me/us as a consequence thereof. I/We understand that it is advisable for me/us to check the execution status of a transaction by inquiring at a counter of the account opening branch or (if I/we can transact by designated telephone line) via the designated telephone line or (if I/we can transact by Internet) via Internet.
(h) 本人(等)/本公司同意及確認,若本人(等)/本公司選擇收取綜合結單(以實物形式發出),本人(等)/本公司可能須繳付服務費用。本人(等)/本公司謹此授權 貴行從任何本人(等)/本公司的賬戶扣取有關服務費用(如有)。
I/We agree and acknowledge that if I/we choose to receive consolidated statements (in physical copies), I/we may be required to pay service fees. I/We
hereby authorize your Bank to debit the related services fees (if any) from any of my/our account with you.只適用於申請綜合投資服務 Applicable to application for General Investment Services only本人(等)謹此進一步同意及確認:
I/We hereby further agree and confirm that:
(a) 本人(等)進一步確認,無論從美國或加拿大的證券或稅務法例或任何其他方面而言,本人(等)均非美國人士(「美國人士」按《美國證券法》規例S界定,包括任何在美國居住的人) 或加拿大居民,且本人(等)並不代表任何美國人士或加拿大居民行事。本人(等)就 x協議向 貴行所提供之任何資料(特別而言,本人(等)之地址及/或聯絡電話號碼) 如有任何更改,本人(等)承諾將立即通知 貴行。
I/We further confirm that I am/we are not a United States Person (A “United States Person” has the meaning ascribed in Regulation S of the “United States Securities Act”), which includes any person resident in the United States (“US”)) or Canadian resident, whether for the US or Canada securities or tax laws or for any other purposes and I am/we are not acting as agent on behalf of any United States Person and/or Canadian resident. I/We undertake to advise you immediately of any changes in any of the particulars (in particular, my/our address and/or contact number(s)) furnished by me/us to you in connection with this agreement.
(b) 本協議(包括總條款、投資服務條款及風險披露聲明) 已以本人(等)所選擇的語文(英文或中文) 提供予本人(等) 。
This Agreement (including the Terms, the Investment Terms and the Risk Disclosure Statement) was provided in a language (English or Chinese) of my/our choice.
(c) 本人(等)已被促請閱讀本協議(包括總條款、投資服務條款及風險披露聲明)、提問及按本人(等)的意願尋求獨立意見。
I was/We were invited to read this Agreement (including the Terms, the Investment Terms and the Risk Disclosure Statement), to ask questions and to take independent advice if I/we wish.
(d) 本人(等)謹此聲明,本人(等)完全知悉並明白風險披露聲明內所列出的事項。
I/We hereby declare that I am/we are fully aware of and understand(s) the matters set out in the Risk Disclosure Statement.
(e) 本人(等)同意受本協議(包括總條款、投資服務條款及風險披露聲明) 約束。
I/We agree to be bound by this Agreement (including the Terms, the Investment Terms and the Risk Disclosure Statement).
(f) 本人(等)確認本人(等)已閱讀並完全明白根據存款保障計劃條例(第581章)而成立的存款保障計劃。惟個別結構性投資存款、不記名證書及離岸存款等皆不受該計劃保障。金融產品如債券、股票、互惠基金、單位信託基金及保險單等亦不被列入受保障範圍之內。
I/We acknowledge that I/we have read and fully understand that according to the Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong established under the Deposit Protection Scheme Ordinance (Cap 581), some products are not protected by the Deposit Protection Scheme. These include, but are not limited to, most structured investment deposits, bearer instruments, offshore deposits as well as financial products such as bonds, stocks, mutual funds, unit trusts and insurance policies.
(g) 若本人或本人(等)的任何一人是 貴行的僱員(包括董事,但非執行董事除外),本人(等)確認,本人(等)完全知悉 貴行有關僱員為自己買賣證券或作其他投資或外匯孖展交易的書面政策,並且同意遵守該政策。
If I am/any of us is your employee (including a director, other than a non-executive director), I/we acknowledge that I am/we are fully aware of your written policy relating to employees’ dealings in securities or other investment or foreign exchange margin trading for their own account and agree to abide by such policy.
(h) 本人(等)確認本人(等)同意受貴行《中華通證券服務補充條款及條件》(經不時修訂的版本,下稱「補充條款」)約束。本人(等)確認已收到、閱讀及理解總條款及補充條款。本聲明書所使用的定義及/或經界定詞語應具有的涵義與在總條款及補充條款所界定者相同。
I/We, the undersigned, confirm my/our agreement to be bound by your Bank's “Supplemental Terms and Conditions for China Connect Securities Services” (as amended from time to time, the “Supplemental Terms”). We confirm that we have received, read and understood the Terms and the Supplemental Terms. Definitions and/or capitalized terms used herein shall have the same meanings as defined in the Terms and the Supplemental Terms.
(i) 本人(等)確認倘發現貴行的經紀或其任何客戶曾經或可能觸犯相關中國證券交易所(中國證交所)的規則和規例以及適用的法律和規例所載的不尋常交易行為、或未有遵守相關中國證交所的規則和規例以及適用的法律和規例,香港聯合交易所有限公司(香港聯交所)有權不向本人(等) 提供中華通服務及有權要求貴行經紀不接納本人(等) 的指示。
I/We acknowledge that the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (SEHK) has the power not to extend the China Connect Service to me/us and to require the Bank's broker not to accept instructions from me/us, if it is found that the Bank's broker or any of its clients has or may have committed any abnormal trading conduct set out in or fail to comply with the rules and regulations of the relevant PRC Stock Exchange (PSE) and applicable laws and regulations.
(j) 本人(等)確認若中國證交所的規則和規例遭違反或若該等規則和規例提及的披露及其他責任遭違反,中國證交所有權進行調查,並可透過香港聯交所要求貴行經紀提供相關資料及材料(包括其客戶的資料及個人資料)和協助調查。
I/We acknowledge that if the rules and regulations of PSE are breached, or if the disclosure and other obligations referred to in such rules and regulations is breached, PSE has the power to carry out investigations, and may, through SEHK, require the Bank's broker to provide relevant information and materials (including the information and personal data of its clients) and to assist in its investigation.
(k) 本人(等)確認為協助中國證交所在中國證交所市場執行其規管監察和強制執行中國證交所規則,以及作為香港聯交所與中國證交所之間訂立規管合作安排的一部分,香港聯交所或會應中國證交所要求,規定貴行經紀就貴行經紀代表 本人(等) 輸入的中華通買賣盤、或貴行經紀代表本人(等) 作出或進行的中華通交易提供關於其客戶的資料。
I/We acknowledge that SEHK may (for the purpose of assisting PSE in its regulatory surveillance of the PSE market and enforcement of the PSE rules and as part of the regulatory cooperation arrangement between SEHK and PSE), at the request of PSE, require the Bank's broker to provide information concerning its clients with respect to any China Connect orders input or China Connect trades made or entered into by the Bank's broker on my/our behalf.
(l) 本人(等)確認中國證交所無須負責因中國證交所制訂、修訂或強制執行其規則,或者中國證交所在履行其監察或規管責任或職能時所採取的任何行動(包括為處理不尋常交易行為或活動而採取的任何行動)而引致或與此相關而令本人(等) 直接或間接蒙受的任何損失或損害。
I/We acknowledge that PSE shall not be responsible for any loss or damage suffered directly or indirectly by me/us arising from or in connection with PSE making, amending or enforcing the its rules, or any action taken by it in the discharge of its supervisory or regulatory obligations or functions including any action taken to deal with abnormal trading conduct or activities.
被授權簽字人及簽署安排 Authorized Signatory(ies) and Agreed Signing Arrangement
□ 被授權簽字人及其簽字式樣及簽署安排列於客戶在 年 月 日通過的董事會或其他有權單位決議,一份經簽字證明的摘錄已送交 貴行。
The Authorized Signatory(ies) and his/her/their specimen signature(s) and the Agreed Signing Arrangement are those as set out in the resolutions of the board of directors or other governing body of the Customer passed on , a certified extract of which has been provided to you.
□ 被授權簽字人及其簽字式樣及簽署安排詳列如下:
The Authorized Signatory(ies) and his/her/their specimen signature(s) and the Agreed Signing Arrangement shall be as follows:
組別 Class | 被授權簽字人資料 Particulars of Authorized Signatory(ies) | 簽字式樣 Specimen Signature | |||
全名 Full Name | 英文 English | ||||
中文 Chinese | |||||
香港身份證/護照號碼 HKID/Passport No. | 職業 Occupation | ||||
住宅地址 Residential Address | |||||
全名 Full Name | 英文 English | ||||
中文 Chinese | |||||
香港身份證/護照號碼 HKID/Passport No. | 職業 Occupation | ||||
住宅地址 Residential Address | |||||
全名 Full Name | 英文 English | ||||
中文 Chinese | |||||
香港身份證/護照號碼 HKID/Passport No. | 職業 Occupation | ||||
住宅地址 Residential Address | |||||
全名 Full Name | 英文 English | ||||
中文 Chinese | |||||
香港身份證/護照號碼 HKID/Passport No. | 職業 Occupation | ||||
住宅地址 Residential Address | |||||
全名 Full Name | 英文 English | ||||
中文 Chinese | |||||
香港身份證/護照號碼 HKID/Passport No. | 職業 Occupation | ||||
住宅地址 Residential Address | |||||
全名 Full Name | 英文 English | ||||
中文 Chinese | |||||
香港身份證/護照號碼 HKID/Passport No. | 職業 Occupation | ||||
住宅地址 Residential Address | |||||
簽署安排:在以上及「附加被授權人簽字表格」(共 份)內( )式簽名中,任何( )式即屬有效。 Agreed Signing Arrangement: The ( ) Signature(s) above and in the "Additional Authorized Signatory(ies)" form ( copy(ies) in total), of which any ( ) will be effective. | |||||
特別指示 Special Instruction: |
* 若被授權簽字人多於六人,請填寫「附加被授權人簽字表格」
If there are more than six Authorized Signatories, please fill in the "Additional Authorized Signatory(ies)" form
由上文附表一所述的客戶或其代表簽署 Signed by or on behalf of the Customer described in Schedule 1 above
全名 Full Name | 英文 English | 簽署 Signature | ||
中文 Chinese | ||||
香港身份證/護照號碼 HKID/Passport No. | 職業 Occupation | |||
住宅地址 Residential Address | ||||
全名 Full Name | 英文 English | 簽署 Signature | ||
中文 Chinese | ||||
香港身份證/護照號碼 HKID/Passport No. | 職業 Occupation | |||
住宅地址 Residential Address | ||||
全名 Full Name | 英文 English | 簽署 Signature | ||
中文 Chinese | ||||
香港身份證/護照號碼 HKID/Passport No. | 職業 Occupation | |||
住宅地址 Residential Address | ||||
全名 Full Name | 英文 English | 簽署 Signature | ||
中文 Chinese | ||||
香港身份證/護照號碼 HKID/Passport No. | 職業 Occupation | |||
住宅地址 Residential Address |
* 若客戶或其代表多於四人,請填寫「附加簽署表格」If there are more than four authorized persons representing the Customer, please fill in the "Additional Signature(s)" form
公司印章 Company's Chop:
只供參考,並非簽署安排的一部份 For reference only, not part of the Agreed Signing Arrangement
職員聲明 Declaration by Staff
(*職員姓名請以英文大楷填寫 The name of staff should be stated in block letters)
本人* 是交通銀行股份有限公司香港分行的註冊代表,現聲明本人已:
I* a registered representative of Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Branch declare that I have:
♦ 以客戶所選擇的語文 (英文或中文) 提供本協議 (包括總條款、投資服務條款及風險披露聲明) 予客戶;及
provided this Agreement (including the Terms, the Investment Terms and the Risk Disclosure Statement) in a language (English or Chinese) of the Customer's choice; and
♦ 促請客戶閱讀本協議 (包括總條款、投資服務條款及風險披露聲明)、提問並按客戶的意願尋求獨立意見。
invited the Customer to read this Agreement (including the Terms, the Investment Terms and the Risk Disclosure Statement), ask questions and take independent advice if the Customer wishes.
( )
職員簽署 Signature of Staff 金管局註冊號碼 HKMA Registration Number 日期 Date
A/C Opening Date: | PB | Class | Nature | Sign No. | Card | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Follow-Up Unit | Follow-Up Team | Customer Service Officer | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
For Investment Accounts Services Only: | Open Branch Code | RI’s Staff No. | Referrer’s Staff No. | Referrer’s Unit | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
□ Documentation Completed (Gen Inv Services only) □ Existing Customer (C.I.: ) address proof not required □ Confirmed Correspondence Address with Existing Customer (Gen Inv Services only) □ Special List checked (Customer) □ Special List checked (Person(s) related to Customer) □ Confirmed with Customer not Special List 2 / AML Name Checking* □ Confirmed with Person(s) related to Customer not Special List 2 / AML Name Checking* * Please circle if applicable | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
□ “No objection on the use of personal data in direct marketing” signed | (For Sole prop. only) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
□ Self Cert* and/or related doc collected □ FATCA Checklist completed *For Sole prop.: Use Self Cert (Individual). For Entity: Use Self Cert (Entity) | □ | “Consent | Letter for | Compliance Purposes” Collected | (US Account | only) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
□ Special List 1 | □ Special Status 1 | □ Special List 2 | □ Special Status 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
□ AML Name Checking | □ With C09 | □ HRISK CUS Account opening approval obtained with correct code set in the system | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Remarks: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Manager | Checker(s) | Maker(s) | Witness | CI Confirmed By | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(i) 就證券的一般情況而言,客戶完全知悉並明白:
(a) 投資涉及風險,有關詳情應仔細閱讀發售文件。(如有引述往績的情況下)所列示的往績數字並非未來表現的指標。
(b) 經證券賬戶進行的交易可涉及高風險投資工具,在作出任何交易前,應審慎地考慮後再作決定。證券價格有時可能會非常波動。證券價格可升可跌,甚至變成毫無價值。買賣證券未必一定能夠賺取利潤,反而可能會招致損失;
(c) 證券交給銀行安全保管可能存在風險。例如當銀行持有客戶的證券銀行無力償債時,客戶取回證券的時間可能受到嚴重阻延。客戶願意承擔此等風險。
(ii) 就在香港聯合交易所有限公司創業板(「創業板」)買賣的證券而言,客戶確認及完全明白:
(a) 創業板買賣之證券涉及很高的風險。尤其是該等公司可在無需具備盈利往績及無需預測未來盈利的情況下在創業板上市。客戶了解,創業板買賣之證券可能非常波動及流動性很低;
(b) 客戶應在審慎及仔細考慮後,才作出有關的投資決定。客戶明白創業板市場的較高風險性質及其他特點,意味著這個市場較適合專業及其他熟悉投資技巧的投資者;
(c) 現時有關創業板證券的資料只可以在香港聯合交易所有限公司所操作的互聯網網站上找到。創業板上市公司一般毋須在憲報指定的報章刊登付費公告。因此,客戶了解客戶須獲取經由創業板網頁發佈的創業板上市公司的最新資料;
(d) 如客戶對此第(ii) 段的內容或對買賣創業板證券的性質及風險有不明確或不明白之處,客戶應尋求獨立的專業意見。
(iii) 就在香港聯合交易所有限公司買賣的窩輪及牛熊證而言,客戶確認及完全明白﹕
(a) 窩輪及牛熊證的價格可急升或急跌,客戶或會損失全部投資。掛鉤資產的過往表現並非日後表現的指標。客戶應確保理解窩輪及牛熊證的性質,並仔細研究窩輪及牛熊證的有關上市文件中所載的風險因素,如有需要,應尋求專業意見。沒有行使的窩輪於屆滿時將沒有任何價值。
(b) 發行商失責風險–倘若結構性產品發行商破產而未能履行其對所發行證券的責任,客戶只被視為無抵押債權人,對發行商任何資產均無優先索償權。因此,客戶須特別留意結構性產品發行商的財力及信用。(注意:香港交易所公司網站的「衍生權證」及「牛熊證」內的「發行商與流通量提供者資料」均載列「發行商之信貸評級」,顯示個別發行商的信貸評級。)
(c) 非抵押產品風險–非抵押結構性產品並沒有資產擔保。倘若發行商破產,客戶可以損失其全數投資。要確定產品是否非抵押,客戶須細閱上市文件。
(d) 槓桿風險 - 結構性產品如衍生權證及牛xxx是槓桿產品,其價值可按相對相關資產的槓桿比率而快速改變。客戶須留意,結構性產品的價值可以跌至零,屆時當初投資的資金將會盡失。
(e) 時間損耗風險–假若其他情況不變,衍生權證愈接近到期日,價值會愈低,因此不能視為長線投資。
(f) 波幅風險–衍生權證的價格可隨相關資產價格的引申波幅而升跌,客戶須注意相關資產的波幅。
(g) 有效期的考慮–結構性產品設有到期日,到期後的產品即一文不值。客戶須留意產品的到期時間,確保所選產品尚餘的有效期能配合其交易策略。
(h) 特殊價格移動–結構性產品的價格或會因為外來因素(如市場供求)而有別於其理論價,因此實際成交價可以高過亦可以低過理論價。
(i) 外匯風險–若客戶所買賣結構性產品的相關資產並非以港幣為單位,其尚要面對外匯風險。貨幣兌換率的波動可對相關資產的價值造成負面影響,連帶影響結構性產品的價格。
(j) 流通量風險–聯交所規定所有結構性產品發行商要為每一隻個別產品委任一名流通量提供者。流通量提供者的職責在為產品提供兩邊開盤方便買賣。若有流通量提供者失責或停止履行職責,有關產品的客戶或就不能進行買賣,直至有新的流通量提供者委任出來止。
(k) 強制收回風險–客戶買賣牛熊證,須留意牛熊證可以即日「取消」或強制收回的特色。若牛熊證的相關資產值等同上市文件所述的強制收回價/水平,牛熊證即停止買賣。屆時,客戶只能收回已停止買賣的牛熊證由產品發行商按上市文件所述計算出來的剩餘價值 (注意:剩餘價值可以是零)。
(l) 融資成本–牛熊證的發行價已包括融資成本。融資成本會隨牛熊證接近到期日而逐漸減少。牛熊證的年期愈長,總融資成本愈高。若一天牛熊證被收回,客戶即損失牛熊證整個有效期的融資成本。融資成本的計算程式載於牛熊證的上市文件。
(iv) 就在香港聯合交易所有限公司買賣的交易所買賣基金(ETF)而言,客戶確認及完全明白﹕
(a) ETF 的目標是要追蹤某個市場或行業股份的表現。ETF 可能會投資於場外衍生工具,因此客戶需同時要承擔指數成份證券所涉及的風險,以及 ETF 為模擬這些證券表現而買入的衍生工具的發行商信貸風險。一旦上述發行衍生工具的交易對手違責,這些 ETF 或會損失慘重,虧損額可高達衍生工具的全部價值。客戶需了解 ETF 的投資及指數模擬策略等重要資料,該資料可查閱 ETF 的銷售文件。
(b) 市場風險–客戶會承受與合成 ETF 相關指數有關的政治、經濟、貨幣及其他風險。
(c) 交易對手風險–若合成 ETF 投資於衍生工具以追踪指數表現,客戶除了會承受與指數有關的風險外,亦會承受發行有關衍生工具的交易對手的信貸風險。此外,註冊機構亦應考慮有關衍生工具發行人的潛在連鎖影響及集中風險( 例如由於衍生工具發行人主要是國際金融機構,因此若合成 ETF 的其中一個衍生工具交易對手倒閉, 便可能對該合成 ETF 的其他衍生工具交易對手產生「連鎖」影響)。有些合成 ETF 備有抵押品以減低交易對手風險, 但仍要面對當合成 ETF 的抵押品被變現時,抵押品的市值可能已大幅下跌的風險。
(d) 流動性風險–若合成 ETF 涉及的衍生工具沒有活躍的第二市場,流動性風險會較高。較大的衍生工具的買賣差價亦會引致虧損。
(e) 追踪誤差–合成 ETF 及相關指數的表現可能不一致。原因,舉例來說,可能是模擬策略失效、匯率、收費及支出等因素。
(f) 以折讓或溢價買賣–若合成 ETF 所追踪的指數/ 市場就投資者的參與設有限制,則為使合成 ETF 的價格與其資產淨值一致的增設或贖回單位機制的效能可能會受到影響,令合成 ETF 的價格相對其資產淨值出現溢價或折讓。客戶若以溢價買入合成 ETF, 在基金終止時可能無法收回溢價。
(g) 外匯風險–若客戶所買賣結構性產品的相關資產並非以港幣為單位,其尚要面對外匯風險。貨幣兌換率的波動可對相關資產的價值造成負面影響,連帶影響結構性產品的價格。
(v) 就在香港聯合交易所有限公司買賣之納斯達克-美國證券交易所證券而言,客戶確認及完全明白,按照納斯達克-美國證券交易所試驗計劃(「試驗計劃」)掛牌買賣的證券是為熟悉投資技巧的投資者而設的,而客戶在買賣該項試驗計劃的證券之前,應先尋求獨立的專業意見和熟悉該項試驗計劃。客戶了解,按照該項試驗計劃掛牌買賣的證券並非以香港聯合交易所有限公司主板或創業板作第一或第二上市的證券類別加以監管。
(vi) 就股票孖展買賣而言,客戶確認及完全明白,藉存放抵押品而為交易取得融資的虧損風險可能極大。客戶所蒙受的虧蝕可能會超過客戶存放於銀行作為抵押品的現金及任何其他資產。客戶明白市場情況可能使備用買賣指示,例如「止蝕」或「限價」指示無法執行。客戶可能會在短時間內被要求存入額外的股票孖展款額或繳付利息。假如客戶未能在指定時間內支付所需的股票孖展款額或利息,客戶的抵押品可能會在未經客戶的同意下被出售。此外,客戶將要為客戶的賬戶內因此而出現的任何短欠數額及需繳付的利息負責。因此,客戶應根據客戶的財政狀況及投資目標,仔細考慮這種融資安排是否適合客戶。
(vii) 客戶確認,按投資服務條款,客戶已給予銀行書面授權,為了適用法律及規例(包括由有關監管機構所制訂的規則)所准許的任何或所有目的,出售或以任何其他方式處置客戶不論是為了穩妥保管或作為抵押品的目的而存放於銀行的證券。
(viii) 客戶完全知悉並明白客戶向銀行提供授權書,容許銀行按照某份證券借貸協議書使用客戶的證券或證券抵押品,將客戶的證券抵押品再質押以取得財務通融,或將客戶的證券抵押品存放為用以履行及清償銀行交收責任及債務的抵押品,存在一定風險。假如客戶的證券或證券抵押品是由銀行在香港收取或持有的,則上述安排僅限於客戶已就此給予書面同意的情況下方行有效。此外,客戶的授權書必須指明有效期,而該段有效期不得超逾 12 個月。此外,假如銀行在有關授權的期限屆滿前最少14日前向客戶發出有關授權將被視為已續期的提示,而客戶在有關授權的期限屆滿前對於以此方式將該授權延續不表示反對,則客戶的授權將會在沒有客戶的書面同意下被視為已續期。現時並無任何法例規定客戶必須簽署此等授權書。然而,銀行可能需要此等授權書,以便例如向客戶提供保證金貸款以獲准將客戶的證券或證券抵押品借出予第三方或作為抵押品存放於第三方。銀行會向客戶闡釋將為何種目的而使用此等授權書。倘若客戶簽署此等授權書,而客戶的證券或證券抵押品已借出予或存放於第三方,該等第三方將對客戶的證券或證券抵押品具有留置或押記權。雖然銀行根據客戶的授權書而借出或存放屬於客戶的證券或證券抵押品須對客戶負責,但銀行的譴責行為可能會導致客戶損失客戶的證券或證券抵押品。客戶明白大多數持牌人或註冊人(包括銀行)均提供不涉及證券借貸的現金賬戶。假如客戶毋需使用保證金貸款,或不希望客戶的證券或證券抵押品被借出或遭質押,客戶不應簽署此等授權書,並應要求開立該等現金賬戶。
(ix) 就買賣中華通證券而言,客戶確認及完全明白:
(a) 客戶的中華通證券投資可能受中國及香港法律及規例,以及中國及香港的證券交易所、結算所及監管機構的規則所影響。
(b) 買賣中華通證券須受制於可在無須給予通知的情況下不時予以變更的限制,包括交易日、前端監控、只供沽出的中華通證券、最大跨境投資額度、每日額度(如果北向交易的總額度餘額少於每日額度,北向買盤將於下一交易日暫停,直至總額度餘額回到每日餘額水平為止。如果每日額度用盡,除非另有決定,買盤將不獲接受。除非另有決定,賣盤將繼續獲接受)。北向交易將只可在xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,xxxxxx的銀行均提供銀行服務的日子進行交易。在落賣盤訂單時,客戶必須確保有足夠股份存放在其設於銀行的證券賬戶。如果股份乃存放在該證券賬戶之外,則客戶必須在沽出日(T 日)開市之前將股份轉移至該證券賬戶;否則客戶將不得在 T 日出售有關股份。
(c) 客戶的中華通證券可能受制於證券交易所或結算所規定的強制出售安排。概無保證可在所有情況下或在任何時間購買或沽出任何中華通證券。
(d) 客戶買賣中華通證券的指示可能不獲接受,客戶可能須受中國監管機構調查,客戶的資料可能須予披露,以及如果客戶違反或未能符合相關中國證券交易所的規則及適用的法律及規例,客戶須承擔法律後果。
(e) 北向交易(即在中國的證券交易所買賣證券)只會以人民幣進行結算,而現時人民幣不可自由兌換,並須受中國政府的規例所規限。人民幣兌換港元或客戶所在地貨幣的匯率波動將會影響客戶投資的價值,即使人民幣投資的價格維持不變。
(f) 北向交易並不受香港的投資者賠償基金保障(與投資者透過香港經紀買賣其他外地股票的情況相類似),亦不受中國投資者保障基金及其背後的理據所涵蓋。
(g) 銀行的責任將只限於向客戶交代其在實際記存於其經紀設於香港結算所的賬戶內的任何證券或以任何貨幣為單位的款項中所佔的份額。如果中國結算所違約,香港結算所的法律責任將只限於通過可用的法律途徑及中國結算所的清盤程序(如適用)向中國結算所追討所欠的股票及款項。
(h) 客戶將承擔須在中國及在香港以人民幣及以港元支付的一切稅項、費用、收費及徵費,包括中國的印花稅、所得稅及/或預扣稅。
(i) 客戶的資料或會被披露予在中國及在香港的相關經紀、代理人、交易所、結算所、監管機構及稅務機構或其他主管機構。
(x) 就外匯孖展買賣而言,客戶完全知悉並明白槓桿式外匯買賣的虧損風險可以極大。客戶所蒙受的虧損可能會超過客戶最初存入的保證金數額。即使客戶設定了備用指示,例如“止蝕”或“限價” 等指示,亦未必可以將虧蝕局限於客戶原先設想的數額。市場情況可能使該等指示無法執行。客戶可能會在短時間內被要求存入額外的保證金。假如未能在指定的時間內提供所需數額,客戶的未平倉合約可能會被平倉。然而,客戶仍然要對客戶的賬戶內因此而出現的任何短欠數額負責。客戶確認客戶明白,銀行對額外保證金的要求並非為投資服務條款所列出的情況下將客戶的未平倉合約平倉的先決條件或在任何方面局限銀行將客戶的未平倉合約平倉的權利。客戶已根據客戶的財務狀況及投資目標,仔細考慮這種買賣是否適合客戶。
(xi) 就投資的一般情況而言,客戶完全知悉並明白,在進行任何投資前,客戶必須閱讀有關投資的組成文件、章程、說明書及銷售文件以了解詳情。
(xii) 就投資基金而言,客戶完全知悉並明白,投資基金之單位或股份的價格及收益(如適用)可升可跌。投資於投資基金涉及風險。
(xiii) 就投資股票掛鈎工具(包括股票掛鈎投資存款)而言,客戶完全知悉並明白:
(a) 證券價格有時可能會非常波動。證券價格可升可跌,甚至變成亳無價值。買賣證券未必一定能夠賺取利潤,反而可能招致損失;
(b) 在投資股票掛鈎工具前,客戶應(i) 就該股票掛鈎工具在法律、監管、稅務、業務、投資及財務方面的影響諮詢客戶的顧問;(ii) 因應客戶的投資目標、經驗、財政狀況及其他有關情況仔細考慮該股票掛鈎工具是否適合客戶;及(iii) 理解該股票掛鈎工具的性質及客戶可能承受風險的性質及程度;
(c) 一般而言,股票掛鈎工具是結合票據或存款與股票期權的產品,客戶可因應本身對市況的走勢預測,配合「看漲」、「看跌」或「勒束式」
(d) 股票掛鈎工具可以是保本的,亦可以是不保本的;
(e) 股票掛鈎工具未必有第二市場。因此,客戶可能無法出售股票掛鈎工具,而股票掛鈎工具亦可能沒有任何市價。股票掛鈎工具的發行機構通常沒有任何責任向客戶回購股票掛鈎工具。因此,客戶須預期持有股票掛鈎工具直至到期日;
(f) 在投資股票掛鈎工具前,客戶已收取及閱讀並明白有關股票掛鈎工具的說明書及銷售文件,從而獲取關於該股票掛鈎工具的詳情。
(xiv) 就電子買賣服務而言,由於存在不可預測的通訊量擠塞及其他原因,客戶確認互聯網或其他電子或電訊媒體在本質上並非是可靠的通訊媒體,而通過互聯網或其他電子或電訊媒體進行的交易
(a) 可能在傳送及接收任何或一切交易指示或其他資料時,會出現故障或延誤;及
(b) 可能無法執行或延遲執行,或執行價格與客戶發出指示時的現行價格不同。
(xv) (在客戶曾向銀行提供授權書,允許銀行代存郵件或將郵件轉交予第三方時適用)就提供代存郵件或將郵件轉交第三方的授權書的風險而言,客戶確認及完全明白,客戶須盡速親身收取所有關於客戶的賬戶的成交單據及結單,並加以詳細閱讀,以確保可及時偵察到任何差異或錯誤。
(xvi) 客戶完全知悉並明白,銀行在香港以外地方收取或持有的客戶資產,是受到有關海外司法管轄區的適用法律及規例所監管的。這些法律及規例與
(xvii) 客戶確認本風險披露聲明並非旨在披露本協議項下之所有交易所涉及的所有風險。客戶明白,在進行各項交易前,客戶應尋求獨立的專業意見和自行就該項交易進行資料搜集及研究。
Risk Disclosure Statement
Unless the context otherwise requires, capitalized terms defined in the Terms and Conditions for General Investment Services (as amended or varied from time to time) (“Investment Terms”) shall have the same meaning when used herein.
In relation to the following service(s) under General Investment Services selected by the Customer, the Customer hereby makes the following declarations:
(i) In relation to securities generally, the Customer is fully aware of and understands that:
(a) Investment involves risk, and the offering document should be read for further details. (Where past performance is quoted) The past performance figures shown are not an indication of future performance.
(b) Transactions conducted through the securities account may involve high-risk investment instruments, customers should prudently consider before making any investment decision, the prices of securities fluctuate, sometimes dramatically. The price of a security may move up or down, and may become valueless. It is as likely that losses will be incurred rather than profit made as a result of buying and selling securities;
(c) there may be risks in leaving securities in the Bank’s safekeeping. For example, if the Bank is holding the Customer’s securities and the Bank becomes insolvent, the Customer may experience significant delay in recovering the securities. These are risks that the Customer is prepared to accept.
(ii) In relation to securities traded on the Growth Enterprise Market of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited ("GEM"), the Customer acknowledges and fully understands that:
(a) GEM securities involve a high investment risk. In particular, companies may list on GEM with neither a track record of profitability nor any obligation to forecast future profitability. The Customer appreciates that GEM securities may be very volatile and illiquid;
(b) the Customer should make the decision to invest only after due and careful consideration. The Customer understands the greater risk profile and other characteristics of GEM mean that it is a market more suited to professional and other sophisticated investors;
(c) current information on GEM securities may only be found on the Internet website operated by The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. GEM companies are usually not required to issue paid announcements in gazetted newspapers. Accordingly, the Customer appreciates that the Customer needs to have access to up-to-date information on GEM companies as published on the GEM website;
(d) the Customer should seek independent professional advice if the Customer is uncertain of or has not understood any aspect of this paragraph (ii) or the nature and risk involved in trading of GEM securities.
(iii) In relation to Warrants and Callable Bull/Bear Contracts (CBBCs) traded at The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, the Customer acknowledges and fully understands that:
(a) The price of the warrants and CBBCs may fall in value as rapidly as it may rise and customers may sustain a total loss of their investment. Past performance of the underlying asset is not an indication of future performance. Customers should ensure that they understand the nature of the warrants and CBBCs and carefully study the risk factors set out in the relevant listing documents of the warrants and CBBCs and, where necessary, seek professional advice. Warrants that are not exercised will have no value upon expiry.
(b) Issuer default risk - In the event that a structured product issuer becomes insolvent and defaults on their listed securities, customers will be considered as unsecured creditors and will have no preferential claims to any assets held by the issuer. Customers should therefore pay close attention to the financial strength and credit worthiness of structured product issuers. (Note:“Issuers Credit Rating” showing the credit ratings of individual issuers is now available under the Issuer and Liquidity Provider Information sub-section under Derivative Warrants and under CBBCs section on the HKEx corporate website)
(c) Uncollateralised product risk - Uncollateralised structured products are not asset backed. In the event of issuer bankruptcy, customers can lose their entire investment. Customers should read the listing documents to determine if a product is uncollateralised.
(d) Gearing risk - Structured products such as derivative warrants and callable bull/bear contracts (CBBCs) are leveraged and can change in value rapidly according to the gearing ratio relative to the underlying assets. Customers should be aware that the value of a structured product may fall to zero resulting in a total loss of the initial investment.
(e) Time decay risk – All things being equal, the value of a derivative warrant will decay over time as it approaches its expiry date. Derivative warrants should therefore not be viewed as long term investments.
(f) Volatility risk - Prices of derivative warrants can increase or decrease in line with the implied volatility of underlying asset price. Customers should be aware of the underlying asset volatility.
(g) Expiry considerations - Structured products have an expiry date after which the issue may become worthless. Customers should be aware of the expiry time horizon and choose a product with an appropriate lifespan for their trading strategy.
(h) Extraordinary price movements - The price of a structured product may not match its theoretical price due to outside influences such as market supply and demand factors. As a result, actual traded prices can be higher or lower than the theoretical price.
(i) Foreign exchange risk – Customers trading structured products with underlying assets not denominated in Hong Kong dollars are also exposed to exchange rate risk. Currency rate fluctuations can adversely affect the underlying asset value, also affecting the structured product price.
(j) Liquidity risk - The Exchange requires all structured product issuers to appoint a liquidity provider for each individual issue. The role of liquidity providers is to provide two way quotes to facilitate trading of their products. In the event that a liquidity provider defaults or ceases to fulfill its role, customers may not be able to buy or sell the product until a new liquidity provider has been assigned.
(k) Mandatory call risk – Customers trading CBBCs should be aware of their intraday “knockout” or mandatory call feature. A CBBC will cease trading when the underlying asset value equals the mandatory call price/level as stated in the listing documents. Customers will only be entitled to the residual value of the terminated CBBC as calculated by the product issuer in accordance with the listing documents. Customers should also note that the residual value can be zero.
(l) Funding costs - The issue price of a CBBC includes funding costs. Funding costs are gradually reduced over time as the CBBC moves towards expiry. The longer the duration of the CBBC, the higher the total funding costs. In the event that a CBBC is called, customers will lose the funding costs for the entire lifespan of the CBBC. The formula for calculating the funding costs are stated in the listing documents.
(iv) In relation to Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) traded at The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, the Customer acknowledges and fully understands that:
(a) An ETF is meant to track the performance of a specific market or sector. Some ETFs may invest in over-the counter derivatives issued by counterparties. Thus when customers invest in these ETFs, customers will bear both the risks in the securities that make up the index and the credit risk of the issuers of derivative instruments that replicate the performance of those securities. If the derivative counterparty defaults, these ETFs may suffer losses potentially equal to the full value of the derivatives issued by the counterparty. Customers have to understand the investment and index replication strategy of the ETF. Important information is provided in the offering document.
(b) Market Risk – Customers are exposed to the political, economic, currency and other risks related to the synthetic ETF’s underlying index.
(c) Counterparty risk – Where a synthetic ETF invests in derivatives to replicate the index performance, customers are exposed to the credit risk of the counterparties who issued the derivatives, in addition to the risks relating to the index. Further, potential contagion and concentration risks of the derivative issuers should be taken into account (e.g Since the issuers of these derivatives are predominantly international financial institutions if one of the derivative counterparties of an ETF closed down, it is possible that the failure of one derivative counterparty of an ETF has a "knock-on" effect on other derivative counterparties of the ETF..) Some synthetic ETFs have collateral to reduce the counterparty risk, but there may be a risk that the market value of the collateral has fallen substantially when the synthetic ETF seeks to realize the collateral.
(d) Liquidity risk – A higher liquidity risk is involved if a synthetic ETF involves derivatives which do not have an active secondary market. Wider bid-offer spreads in the price of the derivatives may result in the losses.
(e) Tracking error – There may be disparity between the performance of the synthetic ETF and the performance of the underlying index due to , for instance, failure of the tracking strategy, currency differences, fees and expenses.
(f) Trading at a discount or premium – Where the index/market that the synthetic ETF tracks is subject to restricted access, the efficiency in unit creation or redemption to keep the price of the synthetic ETF in line with its net asset value may be disrupted, causing the synthetic ETF to trade at a higher premium or discount to it net asset value. Customers who buy a synthetic ETF at a premium may not be able to recover the premium in the event of termination.
(g) Foreign exchange risk - Customers trading ETFs with underlying assets not denominated in Hong Kong dollars are also exposed to exchange rate risk. Currency rate fluctuations can adversely affect the underlying asset value, also affecting the ETF price.
(v) In relation to Nasdaq-Amex Securities traded at The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, the Customer acknowledges and fully understands that the securities under the Nasdaq-Amex Pilot Program ("PP") are aimed at sophisticated investors and the Customer should seek independent professional advice and become familiarised with the PP before trading in the PP securities. The Customer appreciates that the PP securities are not regulated as a primary or secondary listing on the Main Board or the GEM of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.
(vi) In relation to securities margin trading, the Customer acknowledges and fully understands that the risk of loss in financing a transaction by deposit of collateral is significant and the Customer may sustain losses in excess of the Customer's cash and any other assets deposited as collateral with the Bank. The Customer understands that market conditions may make it impossible to execute contingent orders, such as "stop-loss" or "stop-limit" orders and the Customer may be called upon at short notice to make additional margin deposits or interest payments. If the required margin deposits or interest payments are not made within the prescribed time, the Customer’s collateral may be liquidated without the Customer’s consent. Moreover, the Customer will remain liable for any resulting deficit in the Customer's account and interest charged thereon. The Customer should therefore carefully consider whether such a financing arrangement is suitable in light of the Customer's own financial position and investment objectives.
There is a high degree of leverage associated with margined transactions in Securities because of the small initial margin payable. High leverage can work for as well as against the Customer and can lead to large losses as well as gains. Under certain market conditions, the Customer may find it difficult or impossible to liquidate a position and therefore the losses may not be limited to the margins or Securities the Customer has paid or charged to the Bank.
The risk of loss in financing a transaction by deposit of collateral is significant. The Customer may sustain losses in excess of the Customer‘s cash and any other assets deposited as collateral with the Bank. Market conditions may make it impossible to execute contingent orders, such as "stop-loss" or "stop-limit" orders. The Customer may be called upon at short notice to make additional margin deposits or interest payments. If the required margin deposits or interest payments are not made within the prescribed time, the Customer‘s collateral may be liquidated without the Customer‘s consent. Moreover, the Customer will remain liable for any resulting deficit in the Customer‘s account and interest charged on the Customer‘s account. The Customer should therefore carefully consider whether such a financing arrangement is suitable in light of the Customer‘s own financial position and investment objectives.
(vii) The Customer acknowledges that, by virtue of the Investment Terms, the Customer has given the Bank the Customer's written authority to sell or otherwise dispose of the Customer's securities deposited with the Bank (whether for safe custody or as collateral) for all or any of the purposes permitted by applicable laws and regulations including rules made by relevant regulatory authorities.
(viii) The Customer is fully aware of and understands that there is risk if the Customer provides the Bank with an authority that allows the Bank to apply the Customer’s securities or securities collateral pursuant to a securities borrowing and lending agreement, repledge the Customer’s securities collateral for financial accommodation or deposit the Customer’s securities collateral as collateral for the discharge and satisfaction of the Bank’s settlement obligations and liabilities. If the Customer’s securities or securities collateral are received or held by the Bank in Hong Kong, the above arrangement is allowed only if the Customer consents in writing. Moreover, the Customer’s authority must specify the period for which it is current and be limited to not more than 12 months. Additionally, the Customer’s authority may be deemed to be renewed (i.e without the Customer’s written consent) if the Bank issues to the Customer a reminder at least 14 days prior to the expiry of the authority, and the Customer does not object to such deemed renewal before the expiry date of the then existing authority. The Customer is not required by any law to sign such authority. But an authority may be required by the Bank, for example, to facilitate margin lending to the Customer to allow the Customer’s securities or securities collateral to be lent to or deposited as collateral with third parties. The Bank would explain to the Customer the purposes for which such authority is to be used. If the Customer signs such authority and the Customer's securities or securities collateral are lent to or deposited with third parties, those third parties will have a lien or charge on the Customer’s securities or securities collateral. Although the Bank is responsible to the Customer for securities or securities collateral lent or deposited under the Customer’s authority, a default by the Bank could result in the loss of the Customer’s securities or securities collateral. The Customer understands that a cash account not involving securities borrowing and lending is available from most licensed or registered persons (including the Bank). If the Customer does not require margin facilities or does not wish its securities or securities collateral to be lent or pledged, the Customer should not give such authority and should ask to open this type of cash account.
(ix) In relation to China Connect Securities Trading Services, the Customer acknowledges and fully understands that:
(a) The Customer's investment in China Connect securities may be affected by PRC and Hong Kong laws and regulations, and the rules of the PRC and Hong Kong stock exchanges, clearing houses and regulators.
(b) The trading of China Connect securities is subject to restrictions which may be changed from time to time without notice including trading days, pre-trade checking, China Connect Security for sale only, maximum cross-boundary investment quota, daily quota (if the aggregate quota balance for Northbound trading is less than the daily quota, Northbound buy orders will be suspended on the next trading day until the aggregate quota balance returns to the daily balance level. If the daily quota is used up, unless otherwise determined, buy orders will not be accepted. Unless otherwise determined, sell orders will continue to be accepted). Northbound trading will only be available on the days when both the Hong Kong and the relevant China markets are open for trading and clearing, and banking services are available in both markets. When placing sell orders, the Customer must ensure that sufficient shares are kept in its securities account with the Bank. If the shares are kept outside such securities account, the Customer must transfer the shares to such securities account before the market opens on the selling day (T day); otherwise the Customer may not sell the shares on T day.
(c) The Customer's China Connect securities may be subject to forced-sale arrangements as required by the stock exchange or clearing house. There is no guarantee that any China Connect securities may be bought or sold at all or at any time.
(d) The Customer's instructions to trade in China Connect securities may not be accepted, it may be liable to regulatory investigations, its information may have to be disclosed and it will have to assume the legal consequences if it is in breach of or fails to comply with the rules of the relevant PRC stock exchange and applicable laws and regulations.
(e) Settlement of Northbound trades (i.e., trades in securities on a PRC stock exchange) will be in RMB only, which is currently not freely convertible at present and is subject to the regulations of the government of the PRC. The fluctuation of the exchange rate of RMB against HKD or the Customer's local currency will affect the value of the Customer's investment even if the price of the RMB investment remains unchanged.
(f) Northbound trading is not subject to the protection of the Investor Compensation Fund of Hong Kong (similar to the situation where investors trade in other foreign stocks through Hong Kong brokers) or the China Securities Investor Protection Fund and the rationale behind.
(g) The Bank's obligations will be limited to accounting to the Customer for its share of any securities or payment in any currency actually credited to its broker's account with the Hong Kong clearing house. If the PRC clearing house defaults, the Hong Kong clearing house's liabilities will be limited to assisting in seeking recovery of the outstanding stocks and monies from the PRC clearing house through available legal channels and the PRC clearing house's liquidation process, if applicable.
(h) The Customer will bear all taxes, fees, charges and levies payable in RMB and in HKD, in the PRC and in Hong Kong, including PRC stamp duty, income tax and/or withholding tax.
(i) The Customer's information may be disclosed to the relevant brokers, agents, exchanges, clearing houses, regulators and tax or other authorities in the PRC and in Hong Kong.
(x) In relation to foreign exchange margin trading, the Customer is fully aware of and understands that the risk of loss in leveraged foreign exchange trading is substantial. The Customer may sustain losses in excess of the Customer's initial margin funds. Placing contingent orders, such as "stop-loss" or "stop-limit" orders, will not necessarily limit losses to the intended amounts. Market conditions may make it impossible to execute such orders. The Customer may be called upon at short notice to deposit additional margin funds. If the required funds are not provided within the prescribed time, the Customer’s position may be liquidated. The Customer shall remain liable for any resulting deficit in the Customer's account. The Customer confirms the Customer's understanding that the Bank’s demand for additional deposit is not a precondition or in any way limiting the Bank’s right to liquidate the Customer’s open positions in circumstances set out in the Investment Terms. The Customer has carefully considered whether such trading is suitable in light of the Customer's own financial position and investment objectives.
(xi) In relation to investments generally, the Customer is fully aware of and understands that the Customer must read the constitutive document, prospectus, explanatory memorandum and offering document of the relevant investments for details before investing in them.
(xii) In relation to investment funds, the Customer is fully aware of and understands that the price of units or shares in investment funds and the income from them (if applicable) may move up or down. Investment in investment funds involves risk.
(xiii) In relation to equity linked instruments ("ELI") (which include Equity Linked Deposit), the Customer is fully aware of and understands that:
(a) the prices of securities fluctuate, sometimes dramatically. The price of a security may move up or down, and may become valueless. It is as likely that losses will be incurred rather than profit made as a result of buying and selling securities;
(b) before investing in ELI, the Customer should (i) consult the Customer's own advisers on the legal, regulatory, tax, business, investment and financial implications of the ELI; (ii) consider carefully whether the ELI is appropriate for the Customer in light of its investment objectives, experience and financial resources, and other relevant circumstances; and (iii) understand the nature of the ELI and the nature and extent of the Customer’s exposure to risk;
(c) generally speaking, ELI are products combining a debt instrument or a deposit with a stock option which may allow a bull (rising), bear (falling) or strangle (i.e. trading range) bet. The return on an ELI is based on the performance of a single equity security, a basket of equity securities, an equity index or a basket of equity indices. ELI may be offered in different forms: equity-linked notes, equity-linked deposits and other equity-linked contracts. While the maximum return on an ELI is usually limited to a predetermined amount in cash, the Customer may potentially lose up to the entire investment amount if the price of the underlying equity security(ies) or index(ices) move substantially against the Customer’s position;
(d) ELI may or may not be principal protected or guaranteed;
(e) there may not be a secondary market for ELI. Therefore, the Customer may not be able to sell the ELI and the ELI may not have any market value. Issuers of ELI are usually not under any obligation to repurchase the ELI from the Customer. Therefore, the Customer is expected to hold the ELI until its maturity;
(f) the Customer received and read and understood the explanatory memorandum and offering document of the relevant ELI for details relating to that XXX before investing in it.
(xiv) In relation to electronic trading service, the Customer acknowledges that the Internet or other electronic or telecommunications media are, due to unpredictable traffic congestion and other reasons, inherently unreliable media of communication and that transactions conducted over the Internet or via other electronic or telecommunications media are subject to
(a) possible failure or delays in the transmission and receipt of instructions for any or all transactions or other information, and
(b) possible failure or delays of execution or execution at prices different from those prevailing at the time when the Customer’s instructions were given.
The Customer acknowledges that there are risks associated with the system, including the failure of hardware and/or software, and that the result of any such system failure may be that the Customer’s instruction for any or all transactions is not executed. The Customer acknowledges that there are risks of transmission interruption, distortion, omission or blackout, interception of instructions for any or all transactions as well as of misunderstanding or errors in any communication. The Customer acknowledges that it is not usually possible to cancel an instruction for any or all transactions after it has been given. The Customer accepts all the above risks and all other risks associated with conducting transactions over the Internet or via other electronic or telecommunications media.
(xv) (Applicable if the Customer has provided the Bank with an authority to hold mail or to direct mail to third parties) In relation to risk of providing an authority to hold mail or to direct mail to third parties, the Customer acknowledges and fully understands that it is important for the Customer to promptly collect in person all contract notes and statements of the Customer's account and review them in detail to ensure that any anomalies or mistakes can be detected in a timely fashion.
(xvi) The Customer is fully aware of and understands that client assets received or held by the Bank outside Hong Kong are subject to the applicable laws and regulations of the relevant overseas jurisdiction which may be different from the Securities and Futures Ordinance and the rules made thereunder. Consequently, such client assets may not enjoy the same protection as that conferred on client assets received or held in Hong Kong.
(xvii) The Customer acknowledges that this Risk Disclosure Statement does not purport to disclose all the risks involved in connection with all the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. The Customer understands that the Customer should seek independent professional advice and undertake own research and study before entering into any such transaction.