修正後條文 修正前條文 F_A-2-1_基金_開戶契約書_2024Nov F_A-11-1_開戶契約書條文_2024NovF_A-11-3_開戶契約書條文_(共同行銷)_2024NovF_A_12-1_線上開戶契約書_2024Nov 壹拾貳、運用個人資料告知書 (第 6 版,2024 年 10 月修訂) 一、 凱基期貨股份有限公司運用個人資料告知書……(三) 本公司將於前述特定目的存續期間...
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F_A-2-1_基金_開戶契約書_2024Nov F_A-11-1_開戶契約書條文_2024Nov F_A-11-3_開戶契約書條文_(共同行銷)_2024Nov F_A_12-1_線上開戶契約書_2024Nov | |
壹拾貳、運用個人資料告知書 (第 6 版,2024 年 10 月修訂) 一、 凱基期貨股份有限公司運用個人資料告知書 …… (三) 本公司將於前述特定目的存續期間、主管機關許可本公司業務經營之期間、因執行業務所需或依法令規定或契約(或類似契約)約定之保存期間、或經您同意之期間內(以期間最長者為準)基於前述特定目的處理、利用及國際傳輸您的個人資料,另將提供下列公司、機構或機關基於前述特定目的處理、利用及國際傳輸,包括: 1.本公司及各分公司、本公司所屬金融控股公司及其子公司(包括但不限於與本公司共同行銷或交互運用客戶資料者)、與本公司合作推廣業務之公司、未受中央目的事業主管機關限制之國際傳輸個人資料之接收者、您指定之金融機構、與本公司因業務需要訂有契約關係或業務往來之機構(包含但不限於符合「期貨商作業委託他人處理應注意事項」之受委託機構)或顧問(如律師)、受讓本公司全部或部分業務之受讓人。 …… | 壹拾貳、運用個人資料告知書 (第 5 版,2024 年 8 月修訂) 一、凱基期貨股份有限公司運用個人資料告知書 …… (三) 本公司將於前述特定目的存續期間、主管機關許可本公司業務經營之期間、因執行業務所需或依法令規定或契約(或類似契約)約定之保存期間、或經您同意之期間內(以期間最長者為準)基於前述特定目的處理、利用及國際傳輸您的個人資料,另將提供下列公司、機構或機關基於前述特定目的處理、利用及國際傳輸,包括: 1.本公司及各分公司、本公司所屬金融控股公司及其子公司(包括但不限於與本公司共同行銷或交互運用客戶資料者)、與本公司合作推廣業務之公司、未受中央目的事業主管機關限制之國際傳輸個人資料之接收者、您指定之金融機構、與本公司因業務需要訂有契約關係或業務往來之機構或顧問(如律師)、受讓本公司全部或部分業務之受讓人。 ……. |
F_A-3-1-1_外資直接帳戶開戶契約書_(法人)_2024Nov F_A-3-1-2_外資直接帳戶開戶契約書_(自然人)_2024Nov F_A-3-2_外資綜合帳戶開戶契約書_(法人)_2024Nov F_A-11-15_開戶契約書_英文版_(境內外國自然人) _2024Nov | |
XII . Personal Information Protection Notification (version 6, 2024 Oct) 1. KGI Futures Personal Information Protection Notification …… (3) The Company will process, utilize and internationally transmit your personal information during the period in which said specific purposes persist and the competent authority approves the Company’s business operations, or the period required for execution of the business, or by laws or contract (or similar contract), or the period approved by you (whichever is longer). Meanwhile, within the scope of the said specific purposes, the Company will provide the same information to the following companies, organizations or entities for processing, utilization and international transmission of the same, including: (i) Each of the Company’s branches, the Company’s financial holding parent company and its subsidiaries (including but not limited to those with whom the Company conducts co-marketing or client data sharing), the entities with which the Company cooperates for business promotion), receivers of internationally communicated personal information free from restrictions imposed by the central industry competent authority, financial organizations designated by you, entities (including but not limited to any service provider whom the Company engages in accordance with the “Directions for Operations Outsourcing by Futures Commission Merchants”),or consultants (e.g., attorneys at law) entering into contracts or transactions with the Company for business need, and assignees to succeed to the Company’s business, in whole or in part, upon approval of the competent authority. …… | XII . Personal Information Protection Notification (version 5, 2024 Aug) 1. KGI Futures Personal Information Protection Notification …… (3) The Company will process, utilize and internationally transmit your personal information during the period in which said specific purposes persist and the competent authority approves the Company’s business operations, or the period required for execution of the business, or by laws or contract (or similar contract), or the period approved by you (whichever is longer). Meanwhile, within the scope of the said specific purposes, the Company will provide the same information to the following companies, organizations or entities for processing, utilization and international transmission of the same, including: (i) Each of the Company’s branches, the Company’s financial holding parent company and its subsidiaries (including but not limited to those with whom the Company conducts co-marketing or client data sharing), the entities with which the Company cooperates for business promotion), receivers of internationally communicated personal information free from restrictions imposed by the central industry competent authority, financial organizations designated by you, entities,or consultants (e.g., attorneys at law) entering into contracts or transactions with the Company for business need, and assignees to succeed to the Company’s business, in whole or in part, upon approval of the competent authority. …… |