根据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国电信条例》及其他有关法律、法规的规定,在平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的基础上,甲乙双方就移动电话、固定电话及相关数据通信业务入网服务(以下简称通信服务)的有关事宜协商订立本合同。 本协议适用中华人民共和国法律。
第一条 入网要求
1.1 甲方办理入网、变更、退网手续时,应提交以下登记资料:
1.1.1 个人用户:提交本人有效身份证件原件(委托他人代办的,应同时提交代办人有效身份证件原件),有效身份证件包括居民身份证、港澳居民往来内地通行证、台湾居民往来大陆通行证、外国公民护照等。
1.1.2 单位用户:提交加盖公章的单位介绍信、营业执照或事业单位法人证书或社会团体法人登记证书或组织机构代码证的原件、使用人或责任人有效身份证件原件、经办人有效身份证件原件等。
1.2 甲方应保证登记资料真实、有效、准确、完整,并对乙方核实登记资料的行为予以配合。登记资料如有变化,甲方应及时通知乙方变更。
1.3 甲方应使用获得国家入网许可的通信终端,且该终端应具有与甲方申请开通的通信服务相匹配的功能。
1.4 甲方申请开通后付费通信服务的,如户籍所在地、居住所在地(以有效身份证件或居住证载明的住址为准)或法定住所地(以营业执照或组织机构代码证等载明的单位住所为准)不在北京,应按照乙方要求缴纳保证金或由北京市市民、单位提供担保。
第二条 费用缴纳
2.2 乙方公告调整资费标准的,甲方自公告确定的新资费标准生效日起一个计费周期内未提出异议的,视为甲方同意,本合同继续履行;甲方提出异议的,双方应协商解决方案。
2.3 甲方应根据通信服务种类不同,以预付费或后付费方式缴纳通信费用。
2.3.1 甲方为预付费用户的,除双方另有约定外,应在账户预存金额,并在账户余额不足以支付拟消费的通信费用时及时充值。
2.3.2 甲方为后付费用户的,应在每月5日至次月4日缴纳上月通信费用。甲方未按时足额缴纳通信费用的,每日应按照欠缴金额3‰的标准支付违约金(因乙方原因导致甲方不能缴费的除外)。
2.3.3 甲方账户余额不足或欠费的,乙方有权限制、暂停为甲方提供除缴费以外的其他通信服务。
2.3.4 乙方应在甲方充值或缴清欠费和违约金后的24小时内恢复通信服务。因余额不足或欠费被限制或暂停通信服务满60日,甲方仍未充值或缴清欠费和违约金的,乙方有权终止通信服务。
2.4 甲方定制由乙方代收费的第三方服务的,乙方可按照服务提供方公布的资费标准向甲方收取费用。甲方对代收费用有异议的,应与服务提供方协商解决,并可要求乙方提供必要协助。
2.5 甲方通信终端中软件运行、升级产生的费用,由甲方自行承担。
第三条 通信服务
3.1 网络服务
3.1.1 乙方应按照国家标准或行业标准,以其网络和设施依甲方申请提供迅速、准确、安全、方便的通信服务,并依法保障甲方的通信自由和通信秘密。
3.1.2 甲方在乙方承诺范围内申请开通默认服务以外的其他通信服务的,应按照乙方规定办理相应手续。乙方应在承诺时限内开通服务(双方另有约定的除外),否则应采取费用减免等方式对甲方予以补偿。
3.1.4 甲方申请固定电话新装、移装的,乙方应在承诺时限内(城市最长25日,农村最长30日)开通;因乙方原因未按时开通的,乙方应每日按照收取费用金额1%的标准支付违约金。
3.1.5 甲方申告通信服务障碍的,乙方应自接到申告之时起及时(固定电话城镇48小时、农村48小时内;移动电话48小时内;互联网接入设备12小时内)修复或调通;不能如期修复或调通的,乙方应及时通知甲方,并减免障碍期间的相关通信费用,但因甲方原因导致通信服务障碍的除外。
3.1.6 甲方申请暂停、停止某项通信服务的,乙方应在承诺时限内(最长不超过受理后24小时)暂停或停止。乙方未按时暂停或停止的,甲方不承担因该项服务发生的通信费用。
3.1.7 乙方对终止通信服务的电话号码应至少冻结90日后,方可重新投入使用。
3.1.8 甲方申请办理过户手续的,应先缴清通信费用和违约金(如有),并持过户双方有效证件办理过户手续。
3.1.9 因乙方过错导致甲方通信服务在正常使用中被限制、暂停、终止且销号未满90日的,乙方应在甲方申告核实后立即恢复,并采取费用减免等方式对甲方予以补偿;销号超过90日且已重新分配给其他用户使用的,双方应协商解决方案。
3.1.10 由于工程施工、网络调整、码号割接等非甲方原因需变更甲方电话号码的,乙方应至少提前45日通知甲方,并至少提前15日告知甲xx的电话号码;如需变更电话后四位号码的,应允许甲方在一定范围内免费选择新号。电话号码变更实施日起至少45日内,乙方应向甲方的所有来电用户播放改号提示音。
3.2 用户服务
3.2.7 双方约定有合同履行期限或资费标准执行期限的,乙方应在期限届满前以短信、电话等方式提示甲方是否办理续期手续以及期限届满后的可能后果。
第四条 风险控制
4.2 甲方授权他人使用电话号码、通信卡、通信终端的,自行承担相应后果。
4.3 甲方可自行设置和清除USIM卡的个人密码 (PIN ),初始 PIN 是 1234 。连续三次输入错误密码时将会锁卡;发生锁卡时,甲方不得自行解锁,而应携带入网时所用有效身份证件到乙方营业网点解锁。因甲方操作不当导致通信卡损坏或永久性锁死的,甲方应承担换卡所需相关费用。
4.4 用户服务密码是甲方办理通信服务的重要凭证,除另有约定或说明外,凡使用服务密码定制、变更或终止通信服务的行为均视为甲方行为或经甲方授权的行为。入网后甲方应立即修改初始服务密码,并妥善保管自设服务密码。如因甲方原因导致服务密码泄露或为他人获取的,甲方自行承担相应后果,但乙方应协助甲方调查情况。
4.5 乙方发现甲方出现异常巨额通信费用的,应及时向甲方核实,在权限范围内采取限制、暂停通信服务等技术措施,并积极协助甲方调查情况。甲方申告通信费用异常增长的,乙方应积极协助查询,并按照甲方要求采取限制、暂停通信服务等技术措施。异常巨额通信费用,是指突然出现超过甲方此前3个月平均通信费用5倍以上的费用。
4.6 甲方未缴通信费用达到乙方规定的风险控制额度时,乙方应通过短信、电话等方式告知甲方。甲方应按照乙方要求及时缴纳通信费用;甲方未及时缴纳的,乙方有权暂停通信服务(本款暂停服务不受约定缴费期限的限制)。
4.7 乙方对甲方的移动电话网络数据流量实行封顶限制。甲方当月的移动电话网络数据流量达到或超出封顶额度时,乙方应暂停甲方当月网络服务。甲方可当月申请恢复服务或待次月自动恢复服务。
4.8 甲方提供虚假登记资料或甲方登记资料内容变更未及时通知乙方,影响合同正常履行的,乙方有权限制、暂停、终止通信服务。
第五条 终止通信服务
5.1 甲方申告终止通信服务的,应在缴清通信费用及违约金(如有)后办理退网手续,账户余额应退还甲方,双方另有约定的除外。
5.2 甲方选择银行等机构以代扣代缴等方式支付通信费用的,应在办理退网手续前到银行等代扣代缴机构先行办理终止代扣代缴等手续。
5.3 除本合同另有约定外,有下列情形之一的,乙方有权单方终止通信服务,并追究甲方违约责任:
5.4 申告终止通信服务前或被终止通信服务后,甲方应及时修改与手机号码绑定的其他服务账号信息或财产信息、个人信息,否则应自行承担相应后果;给乙方或他人造成损失的,还应承担赔偿责任。
第六条 不可抗力
第七条 网络升级
第 八条 争议解决方式
第九条 其他
甲方(签名或盖章): 乙方(盖章):
甲方监护人或受托人(签名或盖章): 经办人(签名):
签署日期: 年 月 日 签署日期: 年 月 日
Customer (PARTY A):
Telecom carriers (PARTY B): China Mobile Communications Group Beijing Co., Ltd.
China Mobile Communications Group Beijing Co., Ltd. is willing to provide telecommunication services on its Telecommunication Services including cell phone, landline telephone, data services to PARTY A upon the condition that PARTY A accepts all the terms and conditions hereunder. Terms of this Agreement reference provision of laws and regulations including CONTRACT LAW OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA, TELECOMMUNICATION REGULATIONS OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. The following agreement is achieved on the basis of voluntary, equality, fairness and mutual trust. This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of People's Republic of China.
1. Prerequisite for applying Telecommunication Services
1.1 For Telecommunication Services applying, changing and returning, PARTY A must provide the registration information requested below to PARTY B:
1.1.1 Personal Users: PARTY A shall provide original valid identity which could be Resident Identification Card, Hong Kong and Macao Residents Traveling to Mainland Pass, Mainland travel permit for Taiwan residents or passport for foreign citizens. Party B accepts entrusted authorized representatives of Party A while an original identity document of authorized representative is required together with PARTY A's identity document.
1.1.2 Corporate Customers: PARTY A shall provide an introduction letter signed with company seal, together with business license, People's Republic of China Certificate of Public Institution with Legal Person Status, Registration Certificate of Legal Person in Non-governmental Organization, original copy of organization code, valid identity document of the person liable or person in service usage, original identity document copies of authorized representatives etc.
1.2 PARTY A shall ensure the registration information provided is real, valid, accurate and complete and shall actively cooperate with PARTY B's validation process. If any update with the registration information, PARTY A shall inform PARTY B in time with the updated information.
1.3 PARTY A shall use communicating terminals which has obtained network access certificate, and supports Telecommunication Services provided by PARTY B.
1.4 PARTY A whose registered permanent residence (according to domicile on identity document) or domicile by operation of law (based on business license or organization code) is not in Beijing may not apply for post payment Telecommunication Services unless PARTY A either pay bail to PARTY B, or there is liability guarantee from residence or company in Beijing:
1.4.1 If PARTY A choose to pay bail, it shall be a fixing amount which is in accordance with PARTY B's requirement.
1.4.2 If PARTY A choose to obtain liability guarantee from residence or company in Beijing, warrantor should file Guarantee Information with signature and company seal (if the warrantor is a company) in PARTY B's branch network. If any update on warrantor, PARTY A shall provide updated Guarantee Information or bail to PARTY B.
2. Fee Payment
2.1 PARTY B shall provide PARTY A with payment details upon published billing cycle, service fee standard and payment period. PARTY A shall pay the bill in full and on time.
2.2 PARTY B shall publicly announce price adjustment. If no objections from PARTY A in one billing cycle after the announcement taking effect, the Agreement shall continue to be fulfilled; Objections proposed by PARTY A should be resolved by negotiation between PARTY A and PARTY B.
2.3 PARTY A could choose prepayment or post payment plan according to the requirement of Telecommunication Services applied.
2.3.1 Prepayment plan PARTY A shall ensure prepaid amount in the account and top up the account to avoid insufficient account balance, unless there is other agreement between the two parties.
2.3.2 Post payment PARTY A shall pay service cost between 5th day of the billing month and 4th day of next month. Penalty shall be 3‰ of the arrearage per day, arrearage dued to PARTY B's problem should be excluded.
2.3.3 PARTY A's account shows insufficient balance or arrears would grant PARTY B to restrict or suspend PARTY A's services outside payment services.
2.3.4 PARTY B shall resume Telecommunication Services upon receiving recharging or arrears with penalty within 24 hours from PARTY A. 60 days after Telecommunication Services suspended due to insufficient balance or arrears without recharging or arrear from PARTY A, PARTY B could unilaterally terminate Telecommunication Services for PARTY A.
2.4 PARTY A could book customized third-party payment services from PARTY B, meanwhile, PARTY B could charge the service from PARTY A also. Disputes shall be resolved by negotiation on the third-party payment service, PARTY A could call for necessary assistant from PARTY B on the service.
2.5 PARTY A is responsible for the costs resulted by the operation and upgrade of the software from PARTY A's terminal.
3. Telecommunication Services
3.1 Network Services
3.1.1 PARTY B shall provide speedy, accurate, secure and convenient network services under national or industrial standards upon PARTY A's requirement and the Telecommunication Services provided shall safeguards PARTY A's communication freedom and privacy according to law.
3.1.2 PARTY A who applies for Telecommunication Services other than default within the promised range of services of PARTY B, shall undergo corresponding process according to PARTY B's requirements. PARTY B shall provide Telecommunication Services within time limit set by agreement (unless there is other agreement between the two parties), otherwise fee waiver should be granted to PARTY A.
3.1.3 A certain amount of prepayment may be required, based on the evaluation of credit rating of PARTY A, for application of roaming services in foreign countries, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, the roaming services shall be provided to PARTY A according to the telecommunication network coverage of local provider which has agreement with PARTY B.
3.1.4 Landline telephone installation and shift service applied by PARTY A shall be fulfilled by PARTY B within promised time limit which is at most 25 days in urban area, 30 days in rural area after the agreement signed. Service delay by PARTY B would grant PARTY A 1% penalty of the payment per day.
3.1.5 Telecommunication service interruption reported from PARTY A shall be resolved by PARTY B within a certain time limit after receiving report from PARTY A, which is within 48 hours in city and 48 hours in rural area, for cell phone user within 48 hours and network equipment issue within 12 hours. PARTY B shall inform PARTY A in time if the interruption problem is not resolved, and grant remission for related fee, unless the problem is caused by PARTY A.
3.1.6 Telecommunication Services suspension or termination request from PARTY A shall be processed by PARTY B within promised time limit which is at most 24 hours. Suspension or termination request failed to be processed due to PARTY B, PARTY A would not be responsible for corresponding fee.
3.1.7 Phone number returned shall be frozen by PARTY B for 90 days before reuse.
3.1.8 PARTY A who requests for account transfer process shall be responsible for clearing up the payment and penalty (if any). The transfer shall require valid identification document from both parties in the process.
3.1.9 Telecommunication Services suspended, restricted, terminated or cancelled within 90 days by mistake due to PARTY B, PARTY B shall resume the service immediately after receiving complaint from PARTY A, compensation such as fee waiver should be granted to PARTY A. Situations like phone number canceled after 90 days and the number has been distributed to other users should be resolved by negotiation between PARTY B and PARTY A.
3.1.10 Phone number update due to construction, networks adjustment, phone number cutting of PARTY B or other non-PARTY A reasons, PARTY B shall inform PARTY A 45 days ahead of the update and notify PARTY A with new phone number 15 days ahead. Update to the last 4 number of PARTY A should grant PARTY A with preference care. Within 45 days after the phone number update, PARTY B shall broadcast the number change to the incoming calls of PARTY A.
3.2 Customer Services
3.2.1 PARTY A could acquire and consult network related issue, service information and temporary marketing events from PARTY B customer service number 10086 or homepage xxx.00000.xx.
3.2.2 PARTY B shall keep PARTY A payment list and detailed service list at least for 5 months. Service payment consulting from PARTY A shall be clearly addressed by PARTY B, overcharged fee shall be returned after validation.
3.2.3 PARTY A could apply Telecommunication Services by self-services while original customer service credential shall be kept for at least 5 months. Objection from PARTY A on the services ordered shall be addressed within 5 months. PARTY A shall not be responsible for cost induced by Telecommunication Services applied by PARTY B on the behalf of PARTY A without authorization from PARTY A.
3.2.4 PARTY B shall inform PARTY A with service payment, data volume and information like service restriction, suspension or termination by SMS or direct call. PARTY A shall not refuse the payment or penalty by notification not received.
3.2.5 PARTY B shall provide free access to emergency services including 119, 110, 120, 122 and customer services to PARTY A, which would not be influenced by insufficient balance or arrearage from PARTY A account.
3.2.6 PARTY B shall protect PARTY A's identity and communication information according to law and ensure information security with necessary technical measures. Information leaking or lost shall be dealt with effective remedies immediately. If any information leaking happens to PARTY A, PARTY B should undertake corresponding legal liabilities.
3.2.7 PARTY B shall inform PARTY A with notice of service renewal and possible outcome of failing to do so by SMS or direct call before agreement terminated in contract covered time frame.
4. Risk Management
4.1 If Phone number, SIM card or telecommunication terminal is lost or misused by others, PARTY A shall request immediate Telecommunication Services suspension or password modification either via PARTY B customer support hotline or branch network and file the case in Police Department.
4.2 PARTY A shall bear the corresponding legal consequence and economic loss for authorizing third party to use the Phone number, SIM card or telecommunication terminal.
4.3 PARTY A could set up and clear PIN for USIM card with initial password 1234. USIM card would be locked after three false trials, in that case, PARTY A shall not attempt to do the unlock work but proceed the unlock work at the branch network, bringing a presenting valid identification document which was used in the registration of corresponding service. Fees related to unlocking or substituting the USIM card shall be on PARTY A if PARTY A is responsible for the damage or the permanent locking up of the USIM card.
4.4 Service password is an important voucher of processing Telecommunication Services. Except for agreed circumstances, any customization, service change or termination involved using service password shall be regarded as request from or authorized from PARTY A. PARTY A is suggested to change default service password. Service password leak or being acquired by third party shall be on PARTY A's liability, while PARTY B shall provide necessary assistant if required from PARTY A.
4.5 PARTY B shall timely inform PARTY A if abnormal service charge happens and take immediate remedies like restrict, suspend telecommunication services or any other measures within the scope of authority, and actively assist PARTY A to investigate the situation. PARTY B shall also actively assist PARTY A if the latter reports any abnormal service charge happening; PARTY B shall restrict or suspend telecommunication services according to the requirement of PARTY A. Abnormal service charge means 5 times communication fee or larger of average fee to past 3 months under PARTY A account.
4.6 PARTY B shall inform PARTY A via SMS or direct call if the amount of arrearage exceeds the limited amount set by PARTY B for risk control. PARTY A shall meet the payment requirement in time. If PARTY A fails to meet the payment requirement, PARTY B shall have rights to suspend Telecommunication Services to PARTY A. (This term is not restricted by payment time limit.)
4.7 PARTY B would set monthly data volume limit for PARTY A and suspend network services of PARTY A if data volume beyond cap limit. PARTY A could apply for service resume immediately or wait till next month with monthly volume grant.
4.8 PARTY B has right to restrict, suspend or cancel PARTY A Telecommunication Services if contract performance is affected in the occasion that PARTY A registration document provided is unauthentic or PARTY A updated registration information without notifying PARTY B.
4.9 PARTY B has right to restrict, suspend or cancel PARTY A Telecommunication Services upon receiving notification from state administrative and legal authority identifying PARTY A account as used in illegal activities or other misuse, or receiving complaint from third party about PARTY A account as used in transmitting commercial messages against regulation.
5. Telecommunication Services Termination
5.1 PARTY A could request service return provided payment and penalty (if any) is clear. PARTY B shall clear the account balance to PARTY A if no extra agreement exists.
5.2 PARTY A shall terminate withholding and remitting service for communication fee payment before processing service return.
5.3 PARTY B has right to terminate PARTY A Telecommunication Services and reserves the right to take legal action for contract breach of PARTY A with situations hereunder:
5.3.1 Warrantor fails or is proved to be unable to fulfill bailing terms, meanwhile, PARTY A failed to provide new warrantor or pay deposit;
5.3.2 PARTY A changes, transfers or rent Telecommunication Services without authorization from PARTY B;
5.3.3 PARTY A acts against the laws and regulations of China.
5.4 PARTY A shall modify service account, back information or any personal information bind with the phone number after Telecommunication Services return or terminated. Failed to fulfill the suggested activity which leads to damage to PARTY B or other customers is liability of PARTY A.
6. Force Majeure
Neither party will be liable for any failure to perform any or part of such party's obligations under this Agreement due to any causes beyond such party's reasonable control, including natural disasters, war, riot, embargoes, acts of civil or military authorities, strikes, changes to national law and regulations. The affected party shall inform and provide proof to the counterpart within reasonable time limit.
7. Network Upgrade
PARTY B shall inform PARTY A 60 days ahead together with reasonable solutions if the Agreement failed to continue due to National Communication Policy update or network infrastructure upgrade. PARTY A could negotiate with PARTY B on the solution provided, failed to reach an agreement would lead to the Agreement termination.
8. Dispute Resolution
I n the event of any dispute or difference of opinion, the parties shall use their best efforts to settle such dispute or difference of opinion amicably by negotiation. However, any dispute or difference of opinion which cannot be amicably and satisfactorily by negotiation in spite of the best efforts used by the parties, shall be finally settled by Beijing Arbitration committee or file a lawsuit to the court in accordance with law.
9. Others
9.1 Agreements and forms signed by PARTY A and service publicly announced by PARTY B shall be extension of this Agreement; of which those increases liability of PARTY A, reduces right of PARTY A or exempts liability of PARTY B are excluded. PARTY B service level promised publicly lower than this Agreement is not qualified as an extension either.
9.2 This agreement will have two identical copies with each party holds one, each copy has the equal legal effect. The Agreement become effective with PARTY B business seal, branch network seal and PARTY A signature/seal.
This Agreement is written in both English and Chinese. In case there is any discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version prevails.
PARTY A (Signature or seal): PARTY B (Seal):
PARTY A authorized representatives (Signature or seal): Operator (Signature):
PARTY A phone number:
Date: Date: