ソフトウェア名称 「ソフトウェア使用追加条件書」記載ページ uCosminexus Primary Server Base 3/8 JFreeChart JCommonJFreeChart wrapper for PFM – Web Console 4/8
・ 本ソフトウェア使用追加条件書(以下「本追加条件書」といいます。)は、ソフトウェア使用許諾契約書の「ソフトウェアのご使用条件」(以下「使用許諾契約書」といいます。)に次の変更を加えるものです。本追加条件書の定めと使用許諾契約書の定めが異なる場合、本追加条件書の定めが優先して適用されるものとします。
・ 本追加条件書に本追加条件書の英訳が添付されている場合、当該英訳は、参考として提供するものです。そのため、本追加条件書は、本追加条件書の日本語文に従い成立、解釈、履行等がされるものとします。また、本追加条件書の日本語文と英訳に異なる内容がある場合、日本語文の定めが適用されるものとします。
第6条 本ソフトウェアには、「外国為替及び外国貿易法」又は米国輸出管理規則で規制される技術が含まれています。このため、お客様は、次の各号に該当する取扱いを一切、行ってはならないものとします。なお、この禁止行為は、本ソフトウェアの姿形、提供形態等を変更された場合も適用されます。
(3)経済産業省の発行する外国ユーザーリスト若しくは米国輸出管理規則で定められているDenied Persons List若しくはEntity List又はこれらに相当するリストに提供禁止の旨の記載がされている者に提供すること。
2. お客様は、直接又は間接を問わず、本ソフトウェアの全部若しくは一部を単独で、他の製品と組み合わせ、又はこれらを他の製品の一部として、本条第1項で禁止されている取扱い以外の次の各号に該当する取扱いをする場合、「外国為替及び外国貿易法」の規制及び米国輸出管理規則等外国の輸出関連法規を確認の上、必要な手続をとるものとします。
ソフトウェア名称 | 「ソフトウェア使用追加条件書」 記載ページ |
uCosminexus Primary Server Base | 3/8 |
JFreeChart JCommon JFreeChart wrapper for PFM – Web Console | 4/8 |
以 上
uCosminexus Primary Server Base
・ 本ソ➚トウ➦ア使用追加条件書 (以下「本追加条件書」といいます。) は、ソ➚トウ➦ア使用許諾契約書✰「ソ➚トウ➦ア✰ご使用条件」 (以下「使用許諾契約書」といいます。) に次✰変更を加えるも✰です。本追加条件書✰定めと使用許諾契約書✰定めが異なる場合、本追加条件書✰定めが優先して適用されるも✰とします。
・ 本ソ➚トウ➦アには、第三者ソ➚トウ➦アが含まれています。お客様は、本追加条件書に加え、以下✰ URLに記載されている第三者ソ➚トウ➦ア使用許諾条件を必ずお読み✰上、ご使用条件をご承諾ください。
URL: xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxx.xx.xx/xx0/xxxxx/xxxxxx00/xxx/XXX00000x/xxxxx_xx.xxxx
・ 本ソ➚トウ➦アには、GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE(LGPL)等、ソース➺ード✰提供義務が記載された使用許諾条件に基づき使用許諾される第三者ソ➚トウ➦アが含まれています。当該ソ➚トウ➦ア
✰ソース➺ードは、表1「ソース➺ード✰提供義務が記載された使用許諾条件に基づき使用許諾される第三者ソ➚トウ➦アと当該ソ➚トウ➦ア✰ソース➺ード✰URL」に示すURL にてお客様に無償で開示いたします。また、当該ソ➚トウ➦ア✰ソース➺ードを頒布物✰形式にするため✰オブジ➦クト➺ードを表2
・ お客様は、本ソ➚トウ➦アに含まれるJDK ✰xx使用して動作するお客様✰アプリケーションプログラムを実行する目的で、本ソ➚トウ➦アに含まれるJDKを使用することはできません。ただし、お客様✰アプリケーションプログラムが、お客様が使用許諾を受けたCosminexus 関連製品(本ソ➚トウ➦アに含まれるJDK 以外✰部分)を使用して動作するソ➚トウ➦ア✰全部又は一部である場合は、お客様は、本ソ
➚トウ➦アに含まれるJDK を使用することができます。なお、「Cosminexus 関連製品」とは、製品名称に「Cosminexus」を含む当社✰製品(当社がOEM 供給した他社✰製品を含みます。)をいい、「本ソ➚トウ➦アに含まれるJDK」とは、「Cosminexus Developer’s Kit for JavaTM」をいうも✰とします。
表 1.ソース➺ード✰提供義務が記載された使用許諾条件に基づき使用許諾される第三者ソ➚トウ➦アと当該ソ➚トウ➦ア✰ソース➺ード✰ URL
第三者ソ➚トウ➦ア | 当該ソ➚トウ➦ア✰ソース➺ード✰ URL |
OpenJDK 7 ✰ Elliptic Curve Cryptography library |
表 2.ソース➺ード✰提供義務が記載された使用許諾条件に基づき使用許諾される 第三者ソ➚トウ➦アと当該ソ➚トウ➦ア✰ソース➺ードを頒布物✰形式にするため✰オブジ➦クト➺ードを含む➚ァイル
第三者ソ➚トウ➦ア | 当該ソ➚トウ➦ア✰ソース➺ードを頒布物✰形式にするため✰ オブジ➦クト➺ードを含む➚ァイル |
OpenJDK 7 ✰ Elliptic Curve Cryptography library | <マネージャー機能✰インストールディレクトリ> /PSB/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/object/ECC_JNI.o <ウ➦ブ➺ンソール機能✰インストールディレクトリ> /CPSB/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/object/ECC_JNI.o |
以 上
JFreeXxxxx,JCommon,JFreeChart wrapper for PFM – Web Console
・本ソ➚トウ➦アには、GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE(LGPL)等、ソース➺ード✰提供義務が記載された使用許諾条件に基づき使用許諾される第三者ソ➚トウ➦アが含まれています。当該ソ➚トウ➦ア✰ソース➺ードは、表 1「ソース➺ード✰提供義務が記載された使用許諾条件に基づき使用許諾される第三者ソ➚トウ➦アと当該ソ➚トウ➦ア✰ソース➺ードを含むディレクトリ」に示す➚ァイルにてお客様に無償で開示いたします。
表 1.ソース➺ード✰提供義務が記載された使用許諾条件に基づき使用許諾される第三者ソ➚トウ➦アと当該ソ➚トウ➦ア✰ソース➺ードを含むディレクトリ
第三者ソ➚トウ➦ア | 当該ソ➚トウ➦ア✰ソース➺ードを含むディレクトリ |
JFreeChart | <ウ➦ブ➺ンソール機能✰インストールディレクトリ> /ossSource |
JCommon | |
JFreeChart wrapper for PFM – Web Console |
以 上
This English translation is offered as a reference. As a result, these Additional Conditions will be created, interpreted and executed in accordance with the Japanese text of these Additional Conditions. In addition, if there are differences in the details of the Japanese and English Additional Conditions, the provisions in the Japanese text will apply.
Software Additional Conditions of Use
Request to customers
・ These Software Additional Conditions of Use (hereinafter called as the “Additional Conditions”) is to make the following amendments to the Software Conditions of Use of the Software License Agreement (hereinafter called as the “License Agreement”). If there is any difference between the provisions of these Additional Conditions and the provisions of the License Agreement, the provisions of these Additional Conditions shall apply.
・ If there is an English translation of these Additional Conditions attached, the English translation is offered as
a reference. As a result, these Additional Conditions will be created, interpreted and executed in accordance with the Japanese text of these Additional Conditions. In addition, if there are differences in the details of the Japanese and English Additional Conditions, the provisions in the Japanese text will apply.
1. Article 6 of the License Agreement will be amended as follows:
Article 6 The Software contains technologies regulated by the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act or the Export Administration Regulations. Thus, whether or not such Software is changed for, including, but not limited to, the package or the form to provide, the customer may not handle the Software, in any of the following ways:
(1) By exporting or taking the Software to the country / region regulated by the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act or the Export Administration Regulations. Provided, however, that if the abovementioned country / region to which the exporting or taking the Software is prohibited in this Paragraph change due to amendment to the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act or the Export Administration Regulations, the customer shall obey such current act or regulations;
(2) By providing to citizens of the country / region provided in the previous Subparagraph of this Article who are not citizens or permanent residents of the country / region except for the country / region provided in the previous Subparagraph;
(3) By providing to a person to whom provision is prohibited as stated on the End User List issued by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Denied Persons List or the Entity List provided by the Export Administration Regulations, or any equivalent lists; or
(4) By acting in a manner prohibited by the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act or foreign export-related regulations such as the Export Administration Regulations that is not otherwise provided in the preceding three Subparagraphs.
2. If the customer, whether directly or indirectly, handles the Software in any of the following ways other than those prohibited in Article 6.1, whether in whole or independent parts, in conjunction with another product, or as part of any other product, the customer shall take all necessary steps with the prior written consent of the Company and upon verification of the regulations of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act and foreign export-related regulations such as the Export Administration Regulations:
(1) By exporting;
(2) By taking to a foreign country;
(3) By supplying to or allowing use by a non-resident; or
(4) By any other way provided for in the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act or foreign export-related regulations that are not provided for in the preceding three Subparagraphs.
2. The Software contains the software written on the following “Configuration Software List” and the provisions of the “Software Additional Conditions of Use” set forth in that list will apply to the use of all such software, in addition to the provisions of the License Agreement and these Additional Conditions. If there is any difference between the provisions of these Additional Conditions and the provisions of the “Software Additional Conditions of Use” set forth in the “Configuration Software List,” the “Software Additional Conditions of Use” set forth in that list will apply.
This English translation is offered as a reference. As a result, these Additional Conditions will be created, interpreted and executed in accordance with the Japanese text of these Additional Conditions. In addition, if there are differences in the details of the Japanese and English Additional Conditions, the provisions in
the Japanese text will apply.
「Configuration Software List」
Software Name | Referred to in “Software Additional Conditions of Use” |
uCosminexus Primary Server Base | 7/8 |
JFreeChart JCommon JFreeChart wrapper for PFM - Web Console | 8/8 |
- End of Document -
This English translation is offered as a reference. As a result, these Additional Conditions will be created, interpreted and executed in accordance with the Japanese text of these Additional Conditions. In addition, if there are differences in the details of the Japanese and English Additional Conditions, the provisions in the Japanese text will apply.
uCosminexus Primary Server Base
Software Additional Conditions of Use
Request to Customer
・ These Software Additional Conditions of Use (hereinafter called as the “Additional Conditions”) is to make the following amendments to the Software Conditions of Use of the Software License Agreement (hereinafter called as the “License Agreement”). If there is any difference between the provisions of these Additional Conditions and the provisions of the License Agreement, the provisions of these Additional Conditions shall apply.
・ The Software includes the third party software. The each license agreement of the third party software is listed in the following URL. Please be sure to read the License Agreements of each of the third party software in addition to the ”Additional Conditions”, and agree to the terms and conditions.
URL: xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxx.xx.xx/xx0/xxxxx/xxxxxx00/xxx/XXX00000x/xxxxx_xx.xxxx
・ The Software includes certain third party software licensed under the licenses (e.g. GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE(LGPL))that require the licensor to make the source code publicly available. The source code of such third party software is disclosed free of charge for customers in the URL listed in Table 1. And, the object code of such third party software is disclosed free of charge for customers in a file listed in Table2.
・ The customer shall not use the JDK for the purpose of executing the customer's application program which accesses only the JDK; provided that the customer may use the JDK in the event that the customer's application program is the software or a part of the software which accesses the validly licensed Cosminexus Related Products except for the JDK. The term "Cosminexus Related Products" means any Hitachi product including any OEM product which contains "Cosminexus" in its name. The term "JDK" means "Cosminexus Developer’s Kit for JavaTM".
Table 1.The URL to Download The Source Code of The Third Party Software
The Third Party Software | The URL to Download The Source Code of The Third Party Software |
Elliptic Curve Cryptography library of OpenJDK 7 |
Table 2.The File Which Contains An Object Code of A Source Code As A Distribution Format
The Third Party Software | The File Which Contains An Object Code of A Source Code As A Distribution Format |
Elliptic Curve Cryptography library of OpenJDK 7 | <Installation directory of the Manager function> /PSB/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/object/ECC_JNI.o <Installation directory of the WebConsole function> /CPSB/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/object/ECC_JNI.o |
- End of Document –
This English translation is offered as a reference. As a result, these Additional Conditions will be created, interpreted and executed in accordance with the Japanese text of these Additional Conditions. In addition, if there are differences in the details of the Japanese and English Additional Conditions, the provisions in the Japanese text will apply.
JFreeXxxxx,JCommon,JFreeChart wrapper for PFM – Web Console
Software Additional Conditions of Use
Request to Customer
・ These Software Additional Conditions of Use (the “Additional Conditions”) make the following amendments to the Software Conditions of Use of the Software License Agreement (the “License Agreement”). If there is any difference between the provisions of these Additional Conditions and the provisions of the License Agreement, the provisions of these Additional Conditions will apply.
・The Software includes certain third party software licensed under the licenses (e.g. GNU LESSER GENERAL
PUBLIC LICENSE(LGPL))that require the licensor to make the source code publicly available. The source code of such third party software is disclosed free of charge for customers in a directory listed in Table1.
Table 1.The Directory Which Contains An Source Code As A Distribution Format
Third Party Software | The Directory Which Contains An Source Code As A Distribution Format |
JFreeChart | < Installation directory of the WebConsole function > /ossSource |
JCommon | |
JFreeChart wrapper for PFM - Web Console |
- End of Document -