Kumylink 翻译平台用户协议为使用【Kumylink】翻译平台服务(以下
Kumylink 翻译平台用户协议为使用【Kumylink】翻译平台服务(以下
本翻译平台不接受未满 18 周岁人员注册。
一、协议的范围本条款是用户(以下简称“您”)与【Kumylink 翻译服务平台](以下简称【Kumylink】之间关于使用本平台服务所订立的协议。“用户”是指注册、登录、使用翻译平台的个人或 组织;
1.1 本服务是指【Kumylink】根据本协议向您提供的服务,我们会不断丰富您使用本服务的终端、形式等,如您已注册使用一种形式的服务,那么可以以同一账号使用其他服务,本协议自动适用于您对所有版本的软件和服务的使用。
1.2 提供本服务的翻译平台的所有权和全部的使用权均归杭州译客科技有限公司所有,您开通后仅授权使用部分功能,具体以产品展示的为准。
1.3 本协议内容包括本协议正文及所有我们已经发布或将来可能发布的隐私权政策、各项政策、规范、声明、通知、警示、提示、说明(以下统称为“用户规范”)。前述用户规范为本协议不可分割的补充部分,与本协议具有同等法律效力。如您使用【Kumylink】产品及服务,视为您同意上述补充部分。
2.1.1 您在使用本平台前需要先进行注册和
2.1.2 当您按照注册页面提示填写信息、阅读并同意本协议且完成全部注册程序后,您可获得【Kumylink】平台账户并成为平台用户,即有权使用【Kumylink】平台并获得相应服务。
2.1.3 该账户是您通过[Kumylink]平台注册并获得服务的唯一有效身份证明,请您妥善保管账号和密码。为使您更好地使用【Kumylink】平台的各项服务,保障您的账户安全,本公司可要求您按本协议、用户规范及我国法律规定完成实名认证。
2.1.4 为维护平台的健康运营,您应当准确完整地提供您的最新信息(包括您的名称及电子邮件地址、联系电话、微信账号等)。并且您承诺,在使用本服务的过程中提交和发布的信息均是真实、合法的,因不实信息导致【Kumylink】或者第三方合法权益受损的,由您独立承当全部责任。
2.1 账号安全
2.1.1 在您成功注册后,我们将根据您的身份要素识别您的身份和授权登录。“身份要素”包括但不限于您的账户名称、密码、短信校验码、手机号码、身份证件号码及人脸信息。您同意基于不同的终端以及您的使用习惯,我们可能采取不同的验证措施识别您的身份。
2.1.2 如您发现账号遭他人非法使用,应立即通知本公司。因黑客行为或您自身保管疏忽导致账号、密码遭他人非法使用所发生的一切责任,均应由您本人承当,本公司不承当任何责任。
2.1.3 您注册成功后,【Kumylink】将给予您一个帐号,并由您自行设置相应密码,任何该账户下的行为均视为您本人的操作。您应对您账户项下的所有行为结果(包括但不限于授权、绑定、结算)负责。
3.1.1 本服务内容包含【个人信息、任务发布及报名、聊天、支付】等技术功能,这些功能服务可能根据用户需求变化,随着因服务版本不同、或服务提供方的单方判断而被优化或修改,或因定期、不定期的维护而暂缓提供。
3.1.2 【Kumylink】有权自行决定对服务或服务任何部分及其相关功能、应用软件进行变更、升级、修改、转移,并有权决定以适当的方式进行公示或通知。
3.1 服务费用
3.1.1 【Kumylink】平台向译员您提供的服务目前全部是免费的。我们保存日后就程序及/或服务向您收费的权利,如果我们决定收取此类费用,我们会采取合理途径并以足够合理的期限提前通过法定程序并以本协议约定的方式通知您,确保您有充分选择权利。
3.2.2 您在使用平台的过程中与第三方发生的费用结算,【Kumylink】仅为您免费提供客户需求信息和相关服务,【Kumylink】不对基于服务而产生的任何其他行为担保、许可或向任何第三人承当共同责任。
3.2 服务使用规范
3.2.1 您在本服务中或通过本服务所传送、发布的任何内容并不反映或代表,也不得被视为反映或代表【Kumylink】的观点、立场或政策,【Kumylink】对此不承当任何责任。
3.2.2 您不得利用【Kumylink】账号或本服务进行如下行为:
(1)提交、发布虚假信息,或盗用他人头像或资料,冒充、利用他人名义; (2)强制、诱导其他您关注、点击链接页面或提供信息;
(3)虚构事实、隐瞒真相以误导、欺骗他人; (4)利用技术手段批量建立虚假账号;
4.1.1 如果我们发现或收到他人举报或投诉您违反本协议约定的,我们有权不经通知随时对相关内容,包括但不限于对您的资料、聊天记录进行审查、删除,并视情节轻重对违规账号处以包括但不限于警告、账号封禁、设备封禁、功能封禁的处分,且通知您处理结果。
4.1.2 您理解并同意,因您违反相关法律法规或本协议约定引发的任何后果,均由您独立承当责任、赔偿损失,与我们无关。如侵害到【Kumylink】或他人权益的,您须自行承当全部责任和赔偿一切损失。
4.1 本公司保证并承诺平台责任,本公司系合法成立的法人公司,依据本协议约定向您提供相关网络服务,并会参考您提出的建议不断改善我们的服务,努力提高您的使用满意度。
4.2 责任限制
4.2.1 本服务仅为您与第三方之间的合作行为而提供协助,【Kumylink】并非其中的实际参与
4.2.2 您理解并确认,我们需要定期或不定期地对【Kumylink】平台或相关的设备进行检修或者维护,且互联网连接能力受到全球网路稳定性、技术状态、使用者所在地与使用网路、电力供应、政府管制、计算机病毒、黑客攻击等既存不确定性的限制,如因此类情况而造成服务在合理时间内的中断,我们无需为此承当任何责任,但会事先进行通告。
4.2.3 您理解并同意,在使用本服务的过程中,可能会遇到不可抗力等风险因素,使本服务发生中断。不可抗力是指不能预见、不能克服并不能防止且对一方或双方造成重大影响的客观事件,包括但不限于自然灾害如洪水、地震、瘟疫流行和风暴等以及社会事件如战争、动乱、政府行为等。出现上述情况时,【Xxxxxxxx】将努力在第一时间与相关单位配合,及时进行修复,但是由此给您造成的损失【Kumylink】在法律允许的范围内免责。
4.2.4 【Kumylink】不保证为向您提供便利而设置的外部链接的准确性和完整性。同时,对于该等外部链接指向的不由【Kumylink】实际控制的任何网页上的内容,【Kumylink】不承当任何责任。
4.3 知识产权声明
4.3.1 在本服务中提供的内容(包括但不限于网页、文字、图片、音频、视频、图表等)的知识产权归[Kumylink]所有,您在使用本服务中所产生的内容的知识产权归您或相关权利人所有。
4.3.2 除特别声明外,【Kumylink】提供本服务时所依托软件的著作权、专利权、代码技术及其他知识产权均归【Kumylink】所有。
(1)事先获得用户您的明确授权; (2)根据有关的法律法规要求;
(3)按照相关政府主管部门的要求; (4)为维护社会公众的利益;
(5) 为维护【Kumylink】的合法权益。
5.1 当【Kumylink)与第三方合作向用户提供相关的网络服务,在此情况下,如该第三方允诺严格承担与【Kumylink】同等的保护用户隐私的责任,那么视为您授权【Kumylink】将包含个人注册资料在内的相关信息仅提供给该第三方。
六、协议解除和终止如有以下情形的,我们有权单方面解除本协议,终止向您提供服务: (1)您为了非法目的而使用本服务;
6.1 您停用该服务,或【Kumylink】终止向您提供本协议项下的服务后,【Kumylink】不再为您保存原账户中与之相关的任何信息。
6.2 您使用本服务即视为您已阅读并同意受本协议的约束。【Kumylink】公司有权在必要时修改本协议。您可以在相关服务页面查阅最新版本的协议。本协议变更后,如果您继续使用翻译平台服务,即视为您已接受修改后的协议。如果您不接受修改后协议,应当停止使用本平台服务。
8.1 本协议的成立、生效、履行、解释及纠纷解决,适用中华人民共和国大陆地区法律(不包括冲突法)本协议条款无论因何种原因部分无效或不可执行,其余条款仍有效,对双方都具有约束力。
User Agreement
Kumylink Translation Platform User Agreement
To use the Kumylink translation platform service (below You are required to read and comply with the Kumylink Translation Platform User Agreement (referred to as "this service"). Please carefully read and fully understand the contents of each clause, especially the corresponding clauses that exempt or limit liability, as well as separate agreements for opening or using a certain service, and choose to accept or not accept.
Unless you have read and accepted all the terms of these terms, you are not authorized to use the Kumylink translation platform service. Your registration, login, viewing, and publishing of information for this service shall be deemed to have read and agreed to the terms and conditions of this agreement.
This platform does not accept registration for individuals under the age of 18. Please read this agreement and pay special attention to certain special terms of use.
1.The scope of this agreement refers to the agreement between the user (hereinafter referred to as "you") and the Kumylink Translation Service Platform (hereinafter referred to as "Kumylink") regarding the use of the platform's services. "User" refers to individuals or organizations who register, log in, and use the translation platform;
1.1 This service refers to the services provided by Kumylink to you under this agreement. We will continuously enrich the terminals, forms, etc. in which you use this service. If you have registered to use one form of translator, you can use only the other form of client in the other account. This agreement automatically applies to your use of all versions of software and services.
1.2 The ownership and all usage rights of the translation platform that provides this service belong to Hangzhou Kumylink Technology Co., Ltd. After you activate it, you are only authorized to use some functions, which are subject to the product and service display.
1.3 The content of this agreement includes the main body of this agreement and all privacy policies, policies, regulations, statements, notices, warnings, tips, and instructions that we have already published or may publish in the future (hereinafter collectively referred to as "User Specifications"). The aforementioned user specifications are an integral supplement to this
agreement and have the same legal effect as this agreement. If you use Kumylink services, it is deemed that you agree to the supplementary parts mentioned above.
2. Platform registration and account review
2.1.1 Before using this platform, you need to register and verification. You confirm that before registering to use the Kumylink platform and services, you should be a natural person, legal person, or other organization with full civil capacity and appropriate capacity for civil conduct. Assuming that you do not have the aforementioned qualifications, please do not use the service, and we have the right to cancel (permanently freeze) your account and claim compensation from you and your guardian.
2.1.2 After filling in the information according to the registration page prompts, reading and agreeing to this agreement, and completing all registration procedures, you can obtain a Kumylink platform account and become a platform user, which means you have the right to use the Kumylink platform and receive corresponding services. The Kumylink platform only allows each user to use one translator account or one customer account.
2.1.3 After you successfully register, Kumylink will give you an account and you will set the corresponding password for yourself. Any actions under this account will be considered as your own actions. You are responsible for all behavior results under your account, including but not limited to authorization, binding, and settlement.
0.Xxxxxxxx and Standardized Service Content
3.1.1 This service content includes technical functions such as personal information, task publishing and registration, chat, and payment. These functional services may be optimized or modified according to changes in user needs due to different service versions or unilateral judgments by service providers, or temporarily suspended due to regular or irregular maintenance.
3.1.2 [Kumylink] has the right to make changes, upgrades, modifications, and transfers to the service or any part of the service and its related functions and application software at its own discretion, and has the right to decide to publish or notify in an appropriate manner.
3.1 Service fees
3.1.1 The services provided by the Kumylink platform to you as a translator or interpreter are currently all free of charge. We reserve the right to charge you for programs and/or services in the future. If we decide to charge such fees, we will take reasonable measures and notify you in advance through legal procedures and in the manner agreed upon in this agreement within a sufficiently reasonable period of time, to ensure that you have full choice.
3.2.2 In the process of using the platform, any fees incurred by you and third parties shall be
settled. [Kumylink] only provides you with customer demand information and related services, and [Kumylink] shall not guarantee, license or assume joint responsibility to any third party for any other actions arising from the services.
3.2 Service Usage Specification
3.2.1 Any content transmitted or published by you in or through this service does not reflect or represent, nor shall it be deemed to reflect or represent, the views, positions or policies of Kumylink, and Kumylink shall not be liable for any responsibility in this regard.
3.2.2 You are not allowed to use your Kumylink account or this service for the following actions:
(1) Submit or publish false information, or steal someone else's profile picture or information, impersonate or use someone else's name;
(2) Forcing or inducing others to follow, click on link pages, or provide information;
(3) Fabricate facts, conceal the truth to mislead or deceive others;
(4) Using technological means to establish fake accounts in bulk;
(5) Engaging in any illegal or criminal activities using platform accounts or this service;
(6) Produce, publish methods and tools related to the above behaviors, or operate or disseminate such methods and tools, whether or not these behaviors are for commercial purposes;
(7) Other behaviors that violate laws and regulations, infringe upon your legitimate rights and interests, interfere with the normal operation of Kumylink, or are not explicitly authorized by Kumylink. [Kumylink] has the right to access your registration, chat data, call records, and transaction behavior. If it is found that there may be violations of laws and regulations, this agreement, or related norms, or any other issues, [Kumylink] has the right to directly make what it deems reasonable, including but not limited to notifications.
0.Xxxxx Responsibility User Responsibility
4.1.1 If we discover or receive reports or complaints from others that you have violated the provisions of this agreement, we have the right to review and delete the relevant content at any time without notice, including but not limited to your information and chat records. Depending on the severity of the situation, we will impose penalties on the violating account, including but not limited to warnings, account bans, device bans, and function bans, and notify you of the results of the handling.
4.1.2 You understand and agree that any consequences arising from your violation of relevant laws and regulations or the provisions of this agreement shall be borne independently by you, and compensation for losses shall not be related to us. If it infringes upon the rights and interests
of Kumylink or others, you shall bear all responsibilities and compensate for all losses on your own.
4.1 Our company guarantees and promises platform responsibility. We are a legally established legal entity that provides you with relevant network services in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. We will continuously improve our services based on your suggestions and strive to increase your satisfaction with your use.
4.2 Limitation of Liability
4.2.1 This service is only for the purpose of assisting you in cooperation with third parties, and Kumylink is not an actual participant in it. We do not assume any responsibility for any disputes arising during the cooperation process.
4.2.2 You understand and confirm that we need to regularly or irregularly inspect or maintain the Kumylink platform or related equipment, and that internet connectivity is limited by existing uncertainties such as global network stability, technological status, user location and usage network, power supply, government regulation, computer viruses, hacker attacks, etc. If such situations result in service interruption within a reasonable time, We do not need to take any responsibility for this, but we will notify in advance.
4.2.3 You understand and agree that during the use of this service, there may be risk factors such as force majeure that may cause interruption of this service. Force majeure refers to objective events that are unforeseeable, insurmountable, and cannot be prevented, and have a significant impact on one or both parties, including but not limited to natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, epidemics and storms, as well as social events such as war, unrest, government actions, etc. When the above situation occurs, Kumylink will strive to cooperate with relevant units as soon as possible and repair it in a timely manner. However, any losses caused to you as a result will be exempted by law.
4.2.4 [Kumylink] does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of external links set up for your convenience. At the same time, Kumylink shall not be liable for any content on any webpage that is not actually controlled by Xxxxxxxx, as pointed to by such external links.
4.3 Intellectual Property Declaration
4.3.1 The intellectual property rights of the content provided in this service (including but not limited to web pages, text, images, audio, videos, charts, etc.) belong to [Xxxxxxxx], and the intellectual property rights of the content generated by your use of this service belong to you or the relevant rights holders.
4.3.2 Unless otherwise stated, the copyright of the software relied upon by Xxxxxxxx in providing this service.
5.Privacy policy, protecting user privacy is a fundamental policy of Kumylink. Kumylink guarantees not to disclose or provide your registration information and non-public content stored on the service to third parties, except for the following situations:
(1) Obtain your explicit authorization in advance from the user;
(2) According to relevant laws and regulations;
(3) According to the requirements of relevant government regulatory authorities;
(4) To safeguard the interests of the public;
(5) To safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Kumylink.
5.1 When Kumylink cooperates with a third party to provide relevant network services to users, if the third party promises to strictly assume the same responsibility for protecting user privacy as Kumylink, it is deemed that you authorize Kumylink to only provide relevant information, including personal registration information, to that third party.
6.Termination and Termination of Agreement: In the event of any of the following circumstances, we have the right to unilaterally terminate this agreement and terminate our services to you:
(1) You use this service for illegal purposes;
(2) Your use of this service damages the legitimate rights and interests of Kumylink or other third parties;
(3) You have violated laws and regulations, the provisions of this agreement, or other agreements related to the interests of the platform service provider;
(4) According to legal regulations, platform users are required to submit truthful information, but the information you provide is untrue or fails to provide reasonable proof to prove its authenticity; [Kumylink] has the right to terminate the provision of this service and all interfaces to you at any time based on risk and its own business operation needs. If this results in your inability to use the service or restrictions on the service, [Kumylink] does not constitute a breach of contract or assume any legal responsibility.
6.1 After you suspend the service or [Kumylink] terminates the provision of services under this agreement, [Kumylink] will no longer keep any information related to it in your original account.
6.2 By using this service, you are deemed to have read and agreed to be bound by this agreement. Kumylink reserves the right to modify this agreement as necessary. You can check the latest version of the agreement on the relevant service page. After the amendment of this agreement, if you continue to use the translation platform services, it shall be deemed that you have
accepted the revised agreement. If you do not accept the modified agreement, you should stop using the services on this platform.
7.Liability for breach of contract. If you cause losses to Kumylink or third parties due to the use of this service, you shall bear the losses (including reasonable expenses incurred for rights protection).
8. If there is any dispute between the parties regarding the content or execution of this agreement, both parties shall resolve it through friendly consultation; When the negotiation fails, either party may file a lawsuit with the people's court located in Hangzhou Kumylink Technology Co., Ltd.
8.1 The establishment, effectiveness, performance, interpretation, and dispute resolution of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the mainland of the People's Republic of China (excluding conflict of laws). Regardless of the reasons for partial invalidity or unenforceability of the terms of this agreement, the remaining provisions shall remain valid and binding on both parties.