英国伦敦保险协会游艇保险条款 1/11/85
1 船舶条款
2 在使用中和停泊中的船舶条款
2.1 船舶按照本保险条款的规定承保。
2.1.1 在使用期间,船舶在海上或内陆水域或港口、船坞、游艇停泊港、航道、船台、浮码头或在硬地或泥地或在岸上的仓库,包括起浮或运输及船舶下水,允许在有领航员或没有领航员的情况下开航或试航、拖带遇难船只或航行器,但投保人、被保险人应保证除非是依习惯或是基于协助的需要,或是为接受船舶所有人、船长、船舶管理人或是承租人事先安排的合同项下的拖带或救助服务,该船舶不能被拖带。
2.1.2 在下述第 4 条规定的船舶搁置不用期间,包括起浮、运输及船舶下水,以及船舶在船厂或游艇停泊港移动、拆解、备航、检修、保养,或是接受检验(也包括进出船坞、与搁置或者备航有关的停泊,允许拖带或者自航开往其泊位或从泊位离开,但以不离开该船舶被搁置的港口或地点为限),除非保险人得到书面通知,并且保险人要求的额外保险费得到同意,本款的船舶搁置不包括船舶被用做船屋或船舶正进行重大修理或船舶正在改造的情形。
2.2 尽管有上述第 2 条第 1 款的规定,当船舶在岸上的仓库或修理地点时,对设备及船具的保险,包括舷外马达,都可依据本保险的规定承保。
3. 航行和租船保证条款
3.1 投保人、被保险人保证不在保险单明细表中列明的范围之外航行,除非保险人事先得到通知并按约定的条件暂保。
3.2 投保人、被保险人保证游艇只能用于私人娱乐的目的,除非经保险人的特别同意,不得用于租船或用于获取报酬。
4 停泊保证条款
5 航速保证
5.1 投保人、被保险人保证船舶设计的最高时速不得超过 17 节;在有子船的情形下,母船的最高时速也不得超过 17 节。
5.2 如果保险人同意删除该保证条款,则应适用下述第 19 条快艇条款的条件。
6 延续条款
7 转让条款
8 所有权变更条款
如本保险的任何条款,与本条规定不一致,则以本第 8 条为准:
8.1 假若船舶出售、转让给新的所有人,或在船舶由被保险人所有之场合,如果对被保险人控股权发生变更,那么,除非保险人书面同意续保,本保险自此种出售、转让或控股权变更发生时注销(即保险责任提前终止),保险人按照船舶在使用时和停泊期间计算的保险费,将按日净保险费比例退回。
8.2 但是,如果船舶出售或转让时已离开锚地或在海上,如果被保险人要求,此种注销应中止,直至船舶抵达目的地或目的港。
9 危险条款
9.1 本保险承保下列原因造成的保险标的损失或损害:
9.1.1 海上、xx、湖泊或其它可航水域的危险;
9.1.2 火灾;
9.1.3 抛弃;
9.1.4 海盗;
9.1.5 与码头、港口设备或装置、陆上运输工具、航空器或类似装置及从其上跌落的物体的触碰;
9.1.6 地震及次生灾害、火山爆发或闪电。
9.2 如果此种灭失或损害并非由于被保险人、船东或管理人未谨慎处理所致,本保险承保:
9.2.1 由于下列原因引起的保险标的的灭失或损害: 在装卸或移动备用品、船具、设备机器或燃料过程中的意外事故; 爆炸; 恶意行为; 偷窃整艘船舶或其救生艇或其舷外马达,但仅限于先前已有额外防盗设备将其安全地锁定在船上或其救生艇上,或经强行进入船内或积载或检修场所,否则不属于保险责任。偷窃机器设备包括舷外马达、船具或设备。
9.2.2 除了发动机及其接管(但不包括轴架和推进器)电器设备及电池接线之外的被保险标的,由于下列原因所致的保险标的的灭失或损害: 船壳或机器的潜在缺陷,尾轴断裂或锅炉破裂(不包括更换或修理有缺陷的零部件、断裂的尾轴、破裂的锅炉本身的费用或花费); 任何人的过失,但不包括修复任何缺陷的费用(此种缺陷是由于被保险人或船东履行其任何修理或更换工作或有关船舶保养维修工作的过失或违约行为所致)。
9.3 本保险承保船舶搁浅后检查船底的费用,只要是为该目的而合理产生者,即使未发现损害。
10 除外条款
10.1 舷外马达脱落或从舷外落入水中;
10.2 有最大设计时速的船载快艇航速超过 17 节, 除非在保险合同中特别承保并符合
快艇条款第 19 条规定的条件或者载于母船之上或系泊于岸;
10.3 船载快艇非永久标为母船船名;
10.4 固定的船帆或防护罩被风扯破或吹走,除非是由于有船帆挂着的帆桁受到损害,或船舶搁浅、碰撞或与其它除水外的外物(包括冰)触碰所致;
10.5 船舶比赛时,船帆、船桅、帆桁或静索与动索的灭失或损害,除非该灭失或损害因船舶搁浅、沉没、烧毁、失火碰撞或与其它除水外的外物(包括冰)触碰所致;
10.6 私人物品;
10.7 易耗物料、捕捞设备或系泊属具;
10.8 铠装物、维修物的灭失或损害,除非因船舶搁浅、沉没、烧毁、失火、碰撞或与其它除水外的外物(包括冰)触碰所致;
10.9 弥补设计或建造中的缺陷而致的损失或费用或者设计或建造中的改良或改变而致
10.10 由于恶劣天气所致的发动机、接管(非轴架或推进器)、电器设备、电池接线的灭失或损害,除非该灭失或损害是由于船舶浸水导致;但本 10.10 款不排除船舶搁浅、碰撞或与另一船舶、码头、栈桥接触而导致的灭失或损害。
11 对第三者责任条款
11.1 保险人同意赔偿被保险人因负有法律责任而支付或应付的一笔或数笔金额,此法律责任缘于被保险船舶的责任及在保险有效期间发生的意外事故,包括:
11.1.1 对其他船舶或财产造成灭失或损害;
11.1.2 发生在被保险船舶上或船舶附近,或者第三者船舶上的人员伤亡、伤害或疾病,包括救助人命而支付的费用;
11.1.3 打捞、清除、销毁被保险船舶残骸或船上货物的任何企图或实际举措,或由于未能采取这些措施的过失。
11.2 法律费用
11.2.1 被保险人的法律费用或被保险人在抗辩责任或对责任限制提起诉讼而被迫支付的费用;
11.2.2 验尸或人命事故调查费用。
11.3 姐妹船条款
11.4 由他人驾驶船舶
x项的规定将扩展至在保险合同中指定的被保险人许可的驾驶或控制保险船舶的任何人员(但不包括经营人或由造船厂、修理厂、船台、游艇俱乐部、销售代理商或类似组织的经营人雇佣的人员),且此人在驾驶和控制船舶时出现本第 11 条规定的保险事故而需对除被保险人之外的人负有赔偿责任;但是根据本条的赔偿须基于被保险人的利益和只基于前述的驾驶或者控制船舶的人员的利益,且在被保险人代理人的书面要求下通过被保险人代理做出,仅适用于上述驾驶或控制该船舶的人。该扩展条款不得提高
11.8 款规定的责任限额,并且该延伸条款受本保险其它条款和保证的约束。本第 11.4 款不得认为可以忽视上述 3.2 款的规定。
11.5 清除残骸延伸条款
11.6 除外责任条款
尽管有第 11 条的规定,本保险不承保因下列原因引起的任何责任、花费或费用:
11.6.1 因与被保险船舶及其货物、原材料、维修有关的事项而发生的意外事件或疾病,根据劳工赔偿法和雇主责任法及其它任何成文或普通法责任,被保险人或根据 11.4 款的规定受本保险保护的人雇佣的任何身份的劳工或者雇员的赔偿;
11.6.2 船舶上快艇最大设计时速超过 17 节,除非该艇已特别承保且符合下述快艇条款 19 款规定的条件,或者该小艇在母船上或系泊于岸;
11.6.3 对由船舶拖带或准备拖带或拖带后在安全登船或上岸前,从事水橇运动或滑水运动的任何人员产生或引起的任何责任;
11.6.4 对由船舶拖带或准备拖带或拖带后在安全登船或上岸前,除从事除水橇运动或滑水运动外的其他运动或活动的人产生或引起的任何责任;
11.6.5 无论何因引起的惩罚性或警诫性的损失。
11.7 水橇运动者的责任
x以上第 11.6.3 和/或 11.6.4 项被删除,以上两项的责任受本保险承保,但需受本保险中的保证条款、条件或限额的约束。
11.8 责任限额
根据第 11 条,对一个事故或从同一事件中引出的数个事故,保险人的责任不超过保单明细表中载明的金额;但是经保险人书面同意,被保险人对其责任进行抗辩,保险人将以相似的比例偿付被保险人由此产生或被迫付出的费用。
12 免赔条款
12.1 在每一次单独事故或事件中,对承保危险造成的损失索赔,除非累积金额(包括根据第 11、 14 和 15 条的索赔)超过为此目的在保单明细表中载明的免赔额,保险人不予赔偿;在超过该免赔额的情况下,该金额应从赔偿总额中扣除。本第 12.1 款对保险船舶的全损或推定全损索赔不适用,也不适用于根据第 15 条,由同一事故或事件产生的相关索赔。
12.2 除适用以上第 12.1 款之外,如以新换旧,下列受损部件的减免额,在不超过 1/3的情况下,可由保险人自行确定:
12.2.1 防护罩、船帆和动索;
12.2.2 不管是否在保单中按照单独保险价值承保的舷外马达。
13 索赔通知和招标条款
13.1 根据本保险,任何产生索赔的事件应尽快通知保险人;任何盗窃或恶意损害应迅速报告警察。
13.2 灭失或损害发生后,须在检验前通知保险人;如果船舶在国外,还应通知最近地区的劳合社代理人,以便保险人在认为需要时,委派检验人代表保险人进行检验。
13.3 保险人有权决定船舶驶往入坞或修理的港口(因遵循保险人的要求所产生的实际额外航程费用,应由保险人偿还给被保险人)并对船舶的修理地点或修船公司有否决权。
13.4 保险人为修理船舶也可以招标或可以要求(被保险人)招标。
14 救助费用条款
15 被保险人义务条款
15.1 若发生任何灭失或灾难,被保险人及其雇员和代理人有义务采取合理措施,以便避免或减轻损失,即使该损失能够在本保险项下获得赔偿。
15.2 依据以下条款和第 12 条各项规定,保险人将补偿由被保险人、其雇员或代理人因此种措施而产生的适当合理的费用。共同海损,救助费用,碰撞抗辩或诉讼费用及在第 11.2 款项下的因被保险人抗辩责任而发生的费用,均不能根据本第 15 条获得赔偿。
15.3 保险人为自身利益以被保险人名义自费向第三方提起关于本保险承保的任何事项的诉讼,被保险人应给予保险人一切可能的帮助以便获得信息和证据,以便保险人可以从第三方获得赔偿或保全赔偿。
15.4 被保险人或保险人为拯救、保护和恢复保险标的而采取的措施,不应视为放弃或接受委付,或者有损于任何一方的权利。
15.5 根据本第 15 条可获赔偿的数额,应在本保险负责赔偿的其他损失之外支付,但在任何情况下,根据 15.2 款可获赔偿的数额,不得超过保险船舶的保险金额。
16 未修理的损害条款
16.1 未修理的损害赔偿的赔偿限度,应为本保险终止时的船舶市场价值因此种未修理的损害引起的合理贬值,但不得超过合理的修理费用。
16.2 在任何情况下,若随后在本保险期间内或本保险的延展期内发生全损(不论本保险是否承保该全损),保险人对未修理的损害不再负责。
16.3 保险人对未修理的损害的赔偿责任,不应超过本保险终止时的保险价值。
17 推定全损条款
17.1 在确定船舶是否构成推定全损时,船舶保险价值应以船舶修理后的价值为准,不应考虑船舶或残骸的受损或解体价值。
17.2 基于保险船舶的恢复和/或修理费用而提出推定全损的索赔不能据此得到赔偿,除非此种费用已超过保险价值。在做此项决定时,仅应考虑单一事故或由于同一事故引起的后续损害赔偿有关的费用。
18 船舶营运费用保证条款
保证不以被保险人、抵押权人或所有人的营运费用、佣金、利润或其他利益、或船体及机器的超值或增值的名义投保保单证明利益或许可金额的利益的保险,除非船舶的保险价值超过 5 万英镑,且上述类别保险的保险金额不超过在保单明细表中载明的船舶总保额的 10%;保险人不得以违反本保险为由,抗辩在接受本保险时不知道此项违反之抵押权人提出的索赔。
19 快艇条款
19.1 当有关船舶航行时,保单明细表中指定的被保险人或其他合格人员须在船上控制船舶,这是本保险的成立条件。
19.2 因以下原因引起的船舶灭失或损害或对第三者责任或任何救助服务,不得索赔:
19.2.1 船舶系泊、抛锚在无遮蔽的海滩或岸边因无人照料而搁浅、沉没、淹没、浸沉或漂泊;
19.2.2 船舶参加比赛或测试速度或任何相关的试验。
19.3 有关舵、轴架、轴或推进器的以下情况不得索赔: 19.3.1 符合第 款和第 款的情形;
19.3.2 由恶劣天气、水或触碰(与另一船舶、码头、栈桥触碰的除外)引起的灭失或损害,但本款不排除因恶劣天气而浸没引起的损失。
19.4 如果船舶安装有舷内机器,那么由失火或爆炸引起的任何索赔,本保险不负责任,除非该船舶的机舱、油柜和厨房安装了自动灭火系统或该系统可以在驾驶位置进行控制,且维持良好的工作状态。
20 解除保险和保险费退还条款
保险人得提前 30 天通知被保险人解除本保险或双方协商亦可解除,按日比例退还的净保费应按使用中和/或停泊期间收取的保险费计算。
21 战争除外条款
21.1 战争、内战、革命、叛乱、暴动或由此引起的内乱或任何交战团体之间敌对行为;
21.2 捕获、扣押、扣留、管制或拘押(船长、船员的欺诈恶行和海盗除外)及这些行为引起的后果或进行这些行为的威胁企图;
21.3 被遗弃的水雷、鱼雷、炸弹或其他被遗弃的战争武器。
22 罢工和政治除外条款
22.1 罢工者、闭厂工人或参加劳资纠纷、暴乱或民事骚乱的人员;
22.2 任何恐怖分子或出于政治动机的人员。
23 核除外条款
23.1 用原子或核裂变或核聚变或类似反应或放射性力量或物质制造的任何战争武器;
23.2 来自核燃料燃烧后的废物或/和核燃料的离子辐射,或者被源于核燃料燃烧后的废
23.3 任何爆炸性的核装置或核部件中具有放射性、毒性、爆炸性或其他有害特性的物质。
This insurance is subject to English law and practice
Vessel means the hull, machinery, boat(s), gear and equipment, such as would normally be sold with her if she changed hands.
2.1 The Vessel is covered subject to the provisions of this insurance
2.1.1 while in commission at sea or on inland waters or in port, docks, marinas, on ways, gridirons, pontoons, or on the hard or mud or at place of storage ashore, including lifting or hauling out and launching, with leave to sail or navigate with or without pilots, to go on trial trips and to assist and to tow vessels or craft in distress, or as is customary, but it is warranted that the Vessel shall not be towed, except as is customary or when in need of assistance, or undertake towage or salvage services under a contract previously arranged by Owners Masters Managers or Charterers.
2.1.2 while laid up out of commission as provided for in Clause 4 below, including lifting or hauling out and launching, while being moved in shipyard or xxxxxx, dismantling, fitting out, overhauling, normal maintenance or while under survey (also to include docking and undocking and periods laid up afloat incidental to laying up or fitting out and with leave to shift in tow or otherwise to or from her lay-up berth but not outside the limits of the port or place in which the Vessel is laid up) but excluding, unless notice be given to the Underwriters and any additional premium required by them agreed, any period for which the Vessel is used as a houseboat or is under major repair or undergoing alteration.
2.2 Notwithstanding Clause 2.1 above the gear and equipment, including outboard motors, are covered subject to the provisions of this insurance while in place
of storage or repair ashore.
3.1 Warranted not navigating outside the limits stated in the Schedule to the policy or provided previous notice be given to the Underwriters, held covered on terms to be agreed.
3.2 Warranted to be used solely for private pleasure purposes and not for hire charter or reward, unless specially agreed by the Underwriters.
Warranted laid up out of commission as stated in the Schedule to the policy, or held covered on terms to be agreed provided previous notice be given to the Underwriters.
5.1 Warranted that the maximum designed speed of the Vessel, or the parent Vessel in the case of a Vessel with boat(s) does not exceed 17 knots.
5.2 Where the Underwriters have agreed to delete this warranty, the conditions of the Speedboat Clause 19 below shall also apply.
Should the Vessel at the expiration of this insurance be at sea or in distress or at a port or place of refuge or of call, she shall, provided prompt notice be given to the Underwriters, be held covered at a premium to be agreed until anchored or moored at her next port of call in good safely.
No assignment of or interest in this insurance or in any moneys which may be or become payable thereunder is to be binding on or recognised by the Underwriters unless a dated notice of such assignment or interest signed by the Assured, and by the assignor in the case of subsequent assignment, is endorsed on the policy and the policy with such endorsement is produced before payment of any claim or return of premium thereunder.
This Clause 8 shall prevail notwithstanding any provision whether written typed
or printed in this insurance inconsistent herewith.
8.1 Should the Vessel be sold or transferred to new ownership, or, where the Vessel is owned by a company, should there be a change in the controlling interest(s) of the company, then, unless the Underwriters agree in writing to continue the insurance, this insurance shall become cancelled from the time of such sale transfer or change and a pro rata daily net return of premium be made calculated on the premium charged for the in commission and/or laid up period.
8.2 If however the Vessel shall have left her moorings or be at sea at the time of sale or transfer such cancellation shall if required by the Assured be suspended until arrival at port or place of destination.
Subject always to the exclusions in this insurance
9.1 this insurance covers loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured caused by
9.1.1 perils of the seas rivers lakes or other navigable waters
9.1.2 fire
9.1.3 jettison
9.1.4 piracy
9.1..5 contact with dock or harbour equipment or installation, land conveyance, aircraft or similar objects or objects falling therefrom
9.1.6 earthquake volcanic eruption or lightning
9.2 and provided such loss or damage has not resulted from want of due diligence by the Assured Owners or Managers, this insurance covers
9.2.1 loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured caused by accidents in loading, discharging or moving stores, gear, equipment, machinery or fuel explosions malicious acts theft of the entire Vessel or her boat(s), or outboard motor(s) provided it is securely locked to the Vessel or her boat(s) by an anti-theft
device in addition to its normal method of attachment, or, following upon forcible entry into the Vessel or place of storage or repair, theft of machinery including outboard motor(s), gear or equipment
9.2.2 loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured, excepting motor and connections (but not strut shaft or propeller) electrical equipment and batteries and connections, caused by latent defects in hull or machinery, breakage of shafts or bursting of boilers (excluding the cost and expense of replacing or repairing the defective part broken shaft or burst boiler) the negligence of any person whatsoever, but excluding the cost of making good any defect resulting from either negligence or breach of contract in respect of any repair or alteration work carried out for the account of the Assured and/or the Owners or in respect of the maintenance of the Vessel
9.3 this insurance covers the expense of sighting the bottom after a stranding, if reasonably incurred specially for that purpose, even if no damage be found.
No claim shall be allowed in respect of any
10.1 outboard motor dropping off or falling overboard
10.2 ship's boat having a maximum designed speed exceeding 17 knots, unless such boat is specially covered herein and subject also to the conditions of the Speedboat Clause 19 below, or is on the parent Vessel or laid up ashore
10.3 ship's boat not permanently marked with the name of the parent Vessel
10.4 sails and protective covers split by the wind or blown away while set, unless in consequence of damage to the spars to which sails are bent or occasioned by the Vessel being stranded or in collision or contact with any external substance (ice included) other than water
10.5 sails, masts, spars or standing and running rigging while the Vessel is racing, unless the loss or damage is caused by the Vessel being stranded, sunk, burnt, on fire or in collision or contact with any external substance (ice
included) other than water
10.6 personal effects
10.7 consumable stores, fishing gear or moorings
10.8 sheathing, or repairs thereto, unless the loss or damage has been caused by the Vessel being stranded, sunk, burnt, on fire or in collision or contact with any external substance (ice included) other than water
10.9 loss or expenditure incurred in remedying a fault in design or construction or any cost or expense incurred by reason of betterment or alteration in design or construction
10.10 motor and connections (but not strut shaft or propeller) electrical equipment and batteries and connections, where the loss or damage has been caused by heavy weather, unless the loss or damage has been caused by the Vessel being immersed, but this clause 10.10 shall not exclude loss or damage caused by the Vessel being stranded or in collision or contact with another vessel, pier or jelly.
This Clause only to apply when a sum is stated for this purpose in the Schedule to the policy.
11.1 The Underwriters agree to indemnify the Assured for any sum or sums which the Assured shall become legally liable to pay and shall pay, by reason of interest in the insured Vessel and arising out of accidents occurring during the currency of this insurance, in respect of
11.1.1 loss of or damage to any other vessel or property whatsoever
11.1.2 loss of life, personal injury or illness, including payments made for life salvage, caused on or near, the Vessel or any other vessel
11.1.3 any attempted or actual raising, removal or destruction of the wreck of the insured Vessel or the cargo thereof or any neglect or failure to raise, remove or destroy the same.
The underwriters will also pay provided their prior written consent has been
11.2.1 the legal costs incurred by the Assured or which the Assured maybe compelled to pay in contesting liability or taking proceedings to limit liability
11.2.2 the costs for representation at any coroner's inquest or fatal accident enquiry.
Should the Vessel hereby insured come into collision with or receive salvage services from another vessel belonging wholly or in part to the same Owners or under the same management, the Assured shall have the same rights under this insurance as they would have were the other vessel entirely the property of Owners not interested in the Vessel hereby insured; but in such cases the liability for the collision or the amount payable for the services rendered shall be referred to a sole arbitrator to be agreed upon between the Underwriters and the Assured.
The provisions of this Clause 11 shall extend to any person navigating or in charge of the insured Vessel with the permission of the Assured named in this insurance (other than a person operating, or employed by the operator of, a shipyard, xxxxxx, repair yard, slipway, yacht club, sales agency or similar organisation) and who while so navigating or in charge of the Vessel shall in consequence of any occurrence covered by this Clause 11 become liable to pay and shall pay any sum or sums to any person or persons, other than to the Assured named in this insurance, but indemnity under this Clause shall inure to the benefit of the Assured and only to a person navigating or in charge of the Vessel as described above, at the written request of and through the agency of the Assured. Nothing in this extension shall increase the Underwriters' liability beyond the limitation of liability imposed by Clause 11.8 below and this extension shall be subject to all other terms conditions and warranties of this insurance.
Nothing in this Clause 1 1.4 shall be deemed to override the provisions of Clause
3.2 above.
This insurance also to pay the expenses, after deduction of the proceeds of the salvage, of the removal of the wreck of the insured Vessel from any place owned, leased or occupied by the Assured.
Notwithstanding the provisions of this Clause 11 this insurance does not cover any liability cost or expense arising in respect of
11.6.1 any direct or indirect payment by the Assured under workmen's compensation or employers' liability acts and any other statutory or common law liability in respect of accidents to or illness of workmen or any other persons employed in any capacity whatsoever by the Assured or by any person to whom the protection of this insurance is afforded by reason of the provisions of Clause
11.4 above, in on or about or in connection with the Vessel hereby insured or her cargo, materials or repairs
11.6.2 any boat belonging to the Vessel and having a maximum designed speed exceeding 17 knots, unless such boat is specially covered herein and subject also to the conditions of the Speedboat Clause 19 below, or is on the parent Vessel or laid up ashore
11.6.3 any liability to or incurred by any person engaged in water skiing or aquaplaning, while being towed by the Vessel or preparing to be towed or after being towed until safely on board or ashore
11.6.4 any liability to or incurred by any person engaged in a sport or activity, other than water skiing or aquaplaning, while being towed by the Vessel or preparing to be towed or after being towed until safely on board or ashore
11.6.5 punitive or exemplary damages, however described.
Should Clause 11.6.3 and/or Clause 11.6.4 above be deleted, the liabilities mentioned in such clause(s) shall be covered hereunder. subject always to the
warranties, conditions and limits of this insurance.
The liability of the Underwriters under this Clause 11, in respect of any one accident or series of accidents arising out of the same event, shall in no case exceed the sum stated for this purpose in the Schedule to the policy, but when the liability of the Assured has been contested with the consent in writing of the Underwriters, the Underwriters will also pay a like proportion of the costs which the Assured shall thereby incur or be compelled to pay.
12.1 No claim arising from a peril insured against shall be payable under this insurance unless the aggregate of all such claims arising out of each separate accident or occurrence (including claims under Clauses 11, 14 and 15) exceeds the amount stated for this purpose in the Schedule to the policy, in which case this sum shall be deducted. This Clause 12.1 shall not apply to a claim for total or constructive total loss of the Vessel or, in the event of such a claim, to any associated claim under Clause 15 arising from the same accident or occurrence.
12.2 Prior to the application of Clause 12.1 above and in addition thereto, deductions new for old not exceeding one-third may be made at the Underwriters' discretion in respect of loss of or damage to
12.2.1 protective covers, sails and running rigging
12.2.2 outboard motors whether or not insured by separate valuation under this insurance.
13.1 Prompt notice shall be given to the Underwriters in the event of any occurrence which may give rise to a claim under this insurance, and any theft or malicious damage shall also be reported promptly to the Police.
13.2 Where loss or damage has occurred, notice shall be given to the Underwriters prior to survey and, if the Vessel is abroad, also to the nearest Lloyd's Agent so that a surveyor may be appointed to represent the Underwriters
should they so desire.
13.3 The Underwriters shall be entitled to decide the port to which the Vessel shall proceed for docking or repair (the actual additional expense of the voyage arising from compliance with Underwriters' requirements being refunded to the Assured) and shall have a right of veto concerning a place of repair or a repairing firm.
13.4 The Underwriters may also lake tenders or may require lenders to be taken for the repair of the Vessel.
Subject to any express provision in this insurance, salvage charges incurred in preventing a loss by perils insured against may be recovered as a loss by those perils.
15.1 In case of any loss or misfortune it is the duty of the Assured and their servants and agents to lake such measures as may be reasonable for the purpose of averting or minimising a loss which would be recoverable under this insurance.
15.2 Subject to the provisions below and to Clause 12 the Underwriters will contribute to charges property and reasonably incurred by the Assured their servants or agents for such measures. General average, Salvage charges, collision defence or attack costs and costs incurred by the Assured in contesting liability covered by Clause 11.2 are not recoverable under this Clause 15.
15.3 The Assured shall render to the Underwriters all possible aid in obtaining information and evidence should the Underwriters desire to take proceedings at their own expense and for their own benefit in the name of the Assured to recover compensation or to secure an indemnity from any third party in respect of anything covered by this insurance.
15.4 Measures taken by the Assured or the Underwriters with the object of saving, protecting or recovering the subject-matter insured shall not be considered as a waiver or acceptance of abandonment or otherwise prejudice the rights of either party.
15.5 The sum recoverable under this Clause 15 shall be in addition to the loss otherwise recoverable under this insurance but in no circumstances shall amounts recoverable under Clause 15.2 exceed the sum insured under this insurance in respect of the Vessel.
16.1 The measure of indemnity in respect of claims for unrepaired damage shall be the reasonable depreciation in the market value of the Vessel at the time this insurance terminates arising from such unrepaired damage, but not exceeding the reasonable cost of repairs.
16.2 In no case shall the Underwriters be liable for unrepaired damage in the event of a subsequent total loss (whether or not covered under this insurance) sustained during the period covered by this insurance or any extension thereof.
16.3 The Underwriters shall not be liable in respect of unrepaired damage for more than the insured value at the time this insurance terminates.
17.1 In ascertaining whether the Vessel is a constructive total loss, the insured value shall be taken as the repaired value and nothing in respect of the damaged or break-up value of the Vessel or wreck shall be taken into account.
17.2 No claim for constructive total loss based upon the cost of recovery and/or repair of the Vessel shall be recoverable hereunder unless such cost would exceed the insured value. In making this determination, only the cost relating to a single accident or sequence of damages arising from the same accident shall be taken into account.
Warranted that no amount shall be insured policy proof of interest or full interest admitted for account of the Assured, Mortgagees or Owners on disbursements, commission, profits or other interests or excess or increased value of hull or machinery however described unless the insured value of the Vessel is over £50,000 and then not to exceed 10 per cent of the total amount insured in respect of the Vessel as stated in the Schedule to the policy.
Provided always that a breach of this warranty shall not afford the Underwriters any defence to a claim by a Mortgagee who has accepted this insurance without knowledge of such breach.
19.1 It is a condition of this insurance that when the Vessel concerned is under way the Assured named in the Schedule to the policy or other competent person(s) shall be on board and in control of the Vessel.
19.2 No claim shall be allowed in respect of loss of or damage to the Vessel or liability to any third party or any salvage services
19.2.1 caused by or arising from the Vessel being stranded sunk swamped immersed or breaking adrift, while left moored or anchored unattended off an exposed beach or shore
19.2.2 arising while the Vessel is participating in racing or speed tests, or any trials in connection therewith.
19.3 No claim shall be allowed in respect of rudder strut shaft or propeller
19.3.1 under Clauses and
19.3.2 for any loss or damage caused by heavy weather, water or contact other than with another vessel, pier or jelly, but this Clause 19.3.2 shall not exclude damage caused by the Vessel being immersed as a result of heavy weather.
19.4 If the Vessel is fitted with inboard machinery no liability shall attach to this insurance in respect of any claim caused by or arising through fire or explosion unless the Vessel is equipped in the engine room (or engine space) tank space and galley, with a fire extinguishing system automatically operated or having controls at the steering position and properly installed and maintained in efficient working order.
This insurance may be cancelled by the Underwriters at any time subject to 30 days notice to the Assured or by mutual agreement, when a pro rata daily net
return of premium shall be made calculated on the premium charged for the in commission and/or laid up period.
In no case shall this insurance cover loss damage liability or expense caused by
21.1 war civil war revolution rebellion insurrection, or civil strife arising therefrom, or any hostile act by or against a belligerent power
21.2 capture seizure arrest restraint or detainment (barratry and piracy excepted), and the consequences thereof or any attempt thereat
21.3 derelict mines torpedoes bombs or other derelict weapons of war.
In no case shall this insurance cover loss damage liability or expense caused by
22.1 strikers, locked-out workmen, or persons taking part in labour disturbances, riots or civil commotions
22.2 any terrorist or any person acting from a political motive.
In no case shall this insurance cover loss damage liability or expense arising from
23.1 any weapon of war employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or matter
23.2 ionising radiations from or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel
23.3 the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof.