国际计划(中国) 学校卫生健康教育(SSHE)项目终期评估招标书
国际计划(中国) 学校卫生健康教育(SSHE)项目终期评估招标书
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4.截止时间: 2010年4月20日。
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7. 联系方式:
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Web: xxx.xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx
School Sanitation and Health Education Project (SSHE)
Program Overview
Program name: School Sanitation and Health Education (SSHE)
Program areas: Yulin, Jiaxian, Xixiang, Pucheng in Shaanxi Province, and Longde in Ninxia Autonomous Region.
Start and end date: January 03, 2006 to June 30, 2010
Implementing partners: County Education Bureau in each PU and project schools.
1. Project introduction
The School Sanitation and Health Education Project (SSHE), which aims to explore a model of SSHE and mainstream it in the government education system, started in January 2006 and funded by Plan’s UK and Netherlands National Office. We spent nearly two years to negotiate with relevant top level partners and ended up with giving up the original proposal and developing a new one. The finalized project plan was actually start in December 2007 and consists of two phases, Phase I piloted the SSHE contents and capacity building to local community in two selected Plan Project counties; based on learning from Phase I, Phase II expanded SSHE to other four project counties to see the effectiveness of scale up. The following is the finalized project strategy and framework.
Child friendly School model is promoted in the pilot schools within the Shaanxi Province and is adopted as policy by the Shaanxi Ministry of Education; Child Friendly School System is piloted and established in order to provide technical support and human resource for the promoting activities in the rural areas in the future.
Expected Output/ Outcomes:
1. School Sanitary Facilities construction and maintenance (C&M) standard are piloted and promoted;
2. School Based Curriculum (SBC) on SSHE is developed and promoted;
3. Local school/community's awareness and capacity on SSHE related child-to-child activities are built;
4. Government's capacity on SSHE is built;
5. Evidence-based project M&E and research is conducted;
6. Experiences and lessons learnt from the project are identified and shared with government and school/community;
1. Provide training/IEC to make stakeholders understand the importance of SSHE;
2. Develop the contents of school based SSHE curriculum and provide training to teachers;
3. Pilot and scale up effective training mechanism in child-to-child approach;
4. Pilot and scale up effective school hygiene and sanitation construction and maintenance standard;
5. Academia evaluation and research to facilitate Advocacy &Lobby
2. Purpose of the evaluation
The purpose of this evaluation is to analyze SSHE’s impacts on project target groups, disseminate successful models, lessons learnt and future recommendations to donors, beneficiaries, local partners and outside organizations. The results will be disseminated to stakeholders, government officials and relevant outside practitioners in SSHE relevant conference as well as information dissemination in communities in project areas.
3. Scope, focus and objectives
The evaluation will focus on the following aspects.
How well the project addresses the key issues or problems that affected the Plan communities up till now.
Basic questions to address (Need to add questions.)
Does the project fit with the community/school demand?
Do the activities and outputs of the program contribute to the overall goal and the attainment of its objectives?
Are the activities and outputs of the program consistent with the intended impacts and effects?
Conclusions and lessons learnt
An assessment of effectiveness analyses whether the project has achieved what it set out to achieve in its plans
Basic questions to address (Need to add questions.)
Effective achievement of planned project objectives? Please consider the following aspects: behavior changed of students after project interventions and effectiveness for students’ health and school environment sanitation.
Effective achievement of planned project outcomes?
Effective achievement of planned outputs?
What were the major factors influencing the achievement or non-achievement of the objectives?
Effective achievement of planned adherence to program principles?
Conclusions and lessons learnt
The measure of the extent to which the project has used the least possible resources to achieve its outputs/outcomes
Basic questions to address (Need to add questions.)
Were activities of program cost-efficient?
Were objectives achieved on time?
Was the program or project implemented in the most efficient way compared to alternatives?
How has the project implementation been planned across PUs and over the period of the project to ensure the efficient use of Plans management and technical resources?
How efficient has the production of project outputs been (sample analysis of outputs)
Conclusions and lessons learnt
The systematic analysis of the changes in people’s lives bought about by the project.
Basic questions to address (Need to add questions.)
Positive changes in students’ lives
Negative changes in students’ lives
Attribution of above to project implementation
Conclusions and lessons learnt
The extent to which the objectives of the project will continue to be met after the project is over.
Basic questions to address (Need to add questions.)
Are the positive results/effects of the intervention likely to continue after its completion and if so in what ways and under what conditions?
What can be done to ensure that these conditions are realized?
Conclusions and lessons learnt
How well the partnership influence the implementation of project
Have all partners implemented agreement negotiated? If not, what factors influencing partners’ implementing agreement?
What roles do different partners play during the implementation of projects, what are their contributions to the implementation of projects?
Changes and impact to partners bought about by the project
Risk and opportunity analysis
Conclusions and lessons learnt
Relevance to Plan’s Principles
The appraisal of whether the project is consistent with Plan’s principles, which are not necessary to be independent content as part of evaluation report, while should be involved in all evaluation aspects
- Is the program relevant to Plan’s principles, such as child centeredness, gender equity, empowerment and sustainability, integration, environmental sustainability, cooperation, institutional learning and improving participatory process?How does the project stay true to these principles?
e.g. questions:
Are beneficiaries participating in the design and programming of project?
The disadvantaged have sufficient participation in the project and benefit from the project
Are relevant social resources mobilized and integrated into the project?
4. Plan of work
4.1 The consultancy will be carried out in April- June, 2010.
4.2 The consultant team will be in charge of the SSHE evaluation that consists of following components and a final report: 1) Quantitative analysis of SSHE’s outcomes on the behaviour change of children, stakeholders’ awareness and capacity improvement; 2) qualitative analysis of improvement of school and community environment and teachers’ capacity on school sanitation and health; and 3) a final report with two evaluation components are put together.
4.2 The evaluation will be conducted by taking the following steps.
Design detailed research proposal and submit to Plan.
Develop measurable indicators mainly on SSHE’s objectives. Obtain understanding of the project via relevant documents and interviews with stakeholders. Revise indicators based on inputs from consultants of relevant modules of the project. Cross-cutting themes such as gender will be taken into consideration when designing the indicators.
Collect data via field work.
Analyze data.
Submit a report to Plan China by May 27(Chinese and English).
Present the results in SSHE final evaluation conference.
4.3 Requirement for the approach and methodology
The evaluators will use a combination of qualitative and quantitative techniques. The following information sources will be used:
Primary sources such as questionnaires, open and semi-structured interviews, group discussions, field visits and workshops etc.
Secondary sources such as annual reports, mid-term evaluation report, previous evaluations, relevant policy papers and publications.
The evaluators will use indicators developed in the project proposal to assess the outcome of the project. The evaluator is free to devise other means to measure progress, effect and impact if the quality of the given indicators is not appropriate.
The evaluators will pay particular attention to consulting women, children and other marginalised groups.
5. Evaluation team
5.1 The evaluation team must only consist entirely of external (non-Plan) experts, including independent evaluation expert and assistant.
5.2 The experts should be able to conduct evaluation with participatory method.
5.3 The evaluation team member should have xxxx experience in primary school curriculum, rural education, sanitation, hygiene, and health issues in rural china.
5.4 Expertise in quantitative and qualitative program evaluation.
5.5 Gender and child rights analysis skills.
5.6 The experts should understand civil society concept and development.
5.7 The expert should provide the evidence that she/he has the ability to conduct this evaluation.
5.8 The experts should submit detailed proposal including methodology which will be used.
6. Reporting
6.1The Validity, reliability and usability of the report
Regarding the description of objectives of the study, methodologies used and findings and conclusions, Plan attaches great value to validity, reliability and usability of the final report.
Validity. The research should ensure measuring what it intends to investigate and whether the findings could be generalised. The report has to bear a clear description of the research methods used, including shortcomings of the research.
Reliability. The research findings and conclusions have to be reliable. Sources of information should be included with as far as possible verification of its reliability. The research sample has to be justified and/or the case study selection has to be described, just as the process of the research. An analysis of the comments of stakeholders and the supervision process by Plan Netherlands should be included in the report.
Usability. The research findings and conclusions have to be applicable for the stakeholders involved. It is important that the conclusions and recommendations are separated in the report, clearly formulated and realistic. Differences between objectives aimed at and objectives reached should be explained.
6.2 The final evaluation report should be in both Chinese and English language.
6.3 Format of the final report, Annex 5 gives an example of what an evaluation report should contain.
7. Time schedule
Tendering period: April 10th, 2010 to April 20th, 2010
Reviewing and Assessment of the tendering document and agreement signing with the evaluators: April 21th to May 1th, 2010
Field research and meeting with partners: May 2nd, 2010 to May 17th, 2010
Deadline for submission of draft final evaluation report: May30th, 2010
Deadline for submission of final evaluation report: June 10th, 2010.
Final evaluation report sharing with Plan and stakeholders: by June 20th, 2010.
8. Budget
The budget for the final evaluation should include the following costs:
Consultant’s fees
Travelling costs
printing of final reports
9. Accountabilities and responsibilities
9.1 Plan China’s roles and responsibilities:
Drafting the TOR and consult with UKNO and NLNO officers.
Finding the evaluation team though tendering process and coordinate the evaluation works.
Organizing evaluation sharing meetings with stakeholders.
9.2 Plan UKNO and NLNO’s roles and responsibilities:
Provide comments on the TOR and approve it.
Approval of final evaluation report.
11. Sources of information & bibliography
The background information document includes:
SSHE Program proposal;
Country strategic plan (CSP) of Plan China;
Country program outline (CPO) 17 and 18 of Plan China;
Annual report.
Plan International Inc. (China) (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”) hereby retains Company/ Organization (hereinafter referred to as “Party B”) to provide the services for Party A. Party B accepts the retainment. The Parties hereby enter into this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Agreement”) as follows:
美国国际计划中国总部(以下简称“甲方”)特此正式聘请 公司/ 组织(以下简称“乙方”)为其提供服务。xx同意接受聘请。为严格履行各自的承诺,甲、乙双方兹订立本协议如下。
1. Article 1. Parties to the Agreement
Party A: Plan International Inc. (China)
Legal Representative: Xxxx Xxxxxxxx
Residence: 7/F, Xxx Xxxx International Building,396, East Nan Er Huan, Xi'an, 710061, Shaanxi, P.R.China
Telephone: 000-00000000 Facsimile: 029-88102400
甲 方:美国国际计划中国总部
法定代表人:xx·x顿 职务:首席代表
住 所 地:xx xxx xxxxxxxx000xxxxxxxxx
x x:000000
电 话:029-88102399 传 真: 029-88102400
Party B:
Legal Representative:
Telephone: Facsimile:
乙 方:
法定代表人: 职务:
住 所 地:
邮 编:
电 话: 传 真:
2.Term and Services
Party B shall provide the services for Party A described in Attachment on the conditions of this Agreement.
Subject to clause 12, Party B shall provide the services for a period commencing
on and ending on satisfactory completion of the services.
乙方自 年 月 日起为甲方提供工作服务,并于 年 月 日前完成甲方满意的工作服务,否则按第12款处理。
3. Obligations of Party A
(1) Providing Party B with necessary working conditions for providing the services under the Agreement.
(2) Paying service fee to Party B in accordance with Article 5 of the Agreement.
4.Obligations of Party B
(1) Providing Party A with services under Article 2 of the Agreement in adherence to the principle of due diligence, and supervising the undertaking consultant of Party B to comply with professional ethics and disciplines;
(2) Party B shall ensure that its employees, agents and sub-contractors shall, while at offices of Party A, cause as little interference with, and inconvenience to, Party A’s business as reasonably possible. Party B undertakes to observe and comply with, and to ensure that its employees observe and w comply with, all statutory and other reasonable rules and regulations relating to health, safety and security, applicable at Party A ’s offices.
(3)Appointing other expert agreed by Party A to continue to provide the services in accordance with the Agreement in case the undertaking employees appointed by Party B under the Agreement are not available.
(4) Party B should send the legal and official invoice to Party A.
Party A agrees to pay the Party B as following way( here write in English):
6.Non disclosure of information
(1) Party B acknowledges that, in the course of its operations, Party A has developed, gathered and generated extensive data, information, procedures, processes, methods and systems of a confidential and proprietary nature including, without limitation, information or evaluations regarding grant applications and distributions, contact persons and customers, Party A programs, research data, planning data, development data, experience data, business processes, methods, know-how and other confidential information, knowledge and data used or useful in conducting the operations of Party A and its associated companies and foundations ( together, “ Confidential Information”).
(2) Party B acknowledges that the disclosure of Confidential Information is being made by Party A to Party B only because of the position of trust and confidence which Party B will occupy and because of the agreement of Party B to the restrictions contained in this Agreement.
Party B acknowledges that all Confidential Information is the sole property of Party A, that strict protection of the Confidential Information is necessary to the successful continuation of the operations of Party A and its associated companies and foundations, and that unauthorized use or disclosure of the Confidential Information would irreparably harm Party A and its associated companies and foundations.
Party B agrees not to divulge, disclose or use (either directly or indirectly) at any time, either during the term of this Agreement or at any time thereafter, any Confidential Information, unless:
Party B obtains Party A’s prior written consent; or
Such disclosure or use is both necessary in the performance of the Services and specifically authorized pursuant to Party A’s written Publication Policy, as many be revised from time to time; or
Disclosure is required by Law and Party B gives Party A prompt notice of the disclosure.
This clause shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding the termination or expiry of this Agreement.
7.Return of proprietary information
(1) Upon termination or expiry of this Agreement, Party B shall promptly hand over to Party A or it authorized agent all documents of any nature (and all copies) made, compiled by, or delivered to Party B by Party A or by other persons relating to the Services, and all documents of any nature (and all copies) made or compiled by Party B in the course of performing the Services, including, without limitation, any notes, memoranda, notebooks drawings, Party As, financial information, research data, valuations methods or any other written information pertaining to Party A or its associated companies or foundations.
(2) Party B agrees that these documents and all information and materials contained in or relating to them are and will at all times remain the exclusive property of Party A.
8.Intellectual property Right
If, in the course of providing the Services, Party B (whether alone or with any other person or persons) makes or discovers any invention, development, improvement or process or creates any work the subject of copyright or design rights, the invention, development, improvement, or process and / or copyright or design rights (together the “Intellectual Property Rights”) shall be handled according to the principles laid down in the Law of Copyright of the People’s Republic of China, the Technology Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China.
9.Child protection policy
As an international child-centred development organisation, committed to the wellbeing of children and to supporting the Convention of the Rights of the Child, Party A does not tolerate child abuse.
(1)Party B agrees and acknowledges that Party A will suffer irreparable injury and damage and cannot be reasonably or adequately compensated in monetary damages for the loss it may suffer as a result of a breach by Party B of any of the obligations contained in clauses6,7,8 or 9.
(2)Accordingly and in addition to any other remedies, Party A shall be entitled to apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for both a preliminary and permanent injunction or similar court order enjoining Party B from violating any of the provisions of clauses 6,7,8 or 9 Party B consents to submit for this purpose to the jurisdiction of the People’s Republic of China.
Party B represents warrants and undertakes to Party A that:
The undertaking expert appointed by Party B has the necessary skill and expertise and it appropriately trained and qualified to provide the services; and
乙方所派专家具有甲方所需要的技能 和专门技术,经过专业培训并有资格为甲方工作。
The services will be provided in a timely and professional manner and shall conform to the standards generally observed in the industry for similar services.
(1)Each party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement immediately on written notice if the other party:
Is in material or persistent breach of any of its obligations under this Agreement and either that breach is incapable of remedy or the other party shall have failed to remedy that breach with 30 days after receiving written notice requiring it to do so; or
Is unable to pay its debts or becomes insolvent or an order is made for its liquidation or winding-up or a receiver is appointed over its assets or it proposes any composition or arrangement with its creditors or anything analogous occurs.
(2)This Agreement may be terminated by either party on not less than 10 days written notice.
(3)Party A shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement on 10 days written notice if, in the opinion of Party A, the Services are not being performed to an agreed standard.
(4)The termination of this Agreement shall not affect any accrued rights or liabilities of either party nor shall it affect the coming into force or the continuance in force of any provision of this Agreement which is intended to come into force or continue in force on or after termination.
13. Indemnification
Party A shall in no way be liable for the acts or defaults of Party B. All liabilities arising from or in connection with the services shall be the responsibility of Party B and no liability of any nature shall be passed to Party A. Party B shall indemnify Party A against all losses and expenses that Party A may incur (including reasonable legal costs) due to any breach of this Agreement by Party B and / or any action or default by Party B or its employees. This clause shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding any termination or expiry of this Agreement.
甲方对乙方的行为和过失不承担责任。由于乙方违背本协议和/或乙方的雇员的行为或过失,使得甲方可能发生的一切费用和损失(包括合理的法律费用) ,将由乙方对甲方赔偿。本协议期满或终止,本条款仍将有效。
14.No Assignment
Party B may not assign, sub-license, sub-contract, delegate or otherwise transfer or dispose of any of his rights or obligations under this Agreement.
15. Nothing in this Agreement shall create an agency or partnership relationship between Plan China and the Consultant. The Consultant is not authorized to incur any liabilities or obligations on behalf of or in the name of Plan China.
16. Force Majeure
Neither party shall be liable by reason of any failure in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement if such failure arises out of a cause beyond the control of, and without fault or negligence by, that party. Provided that, if the cause continues to prevent performance of the obligations being fully resumed within 28 days, the other party shall be entitled to terminate the Agreement.
Any notice under this Agreement shall be in writing and sent by hand, mail ,fax or Email to the addresses of the Parties listed in Article 1 of this Agreement.
18. Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the People’s Republic of China.
19. Dispute Resolution
All disputes arising in connection with this agreement or in the execution thereof should be settled amicably through negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall then be submitted for arbitration in Xi’an Arbitration Committee . The arbitration award shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties.
有关或执行本协议 的一切争议应友好协商解决。协商不成时,有关争议则提交 西安仲裁委员会 仲裁。仲裁裁决应为终局的,并对双方具有约束力。
20. General
(1)This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. Any amendment or modification to this Agreement shall only be binding if it is in writing, is expressed to amend this Agreement and is signed by both parties.
(2)A waiver by one of the parties of any of the provisions of the Agreement (or of any default by the other party in performing any of those provisions) shall not constitute a continuing waiver and shall not prevent the waiving party from subsequently enforcing any of the other provisions of this Agreement or from acting on any subsequent default.
(3)The invalidity, illegality or unenforceability of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall not affect the validity, legality or enforceability of the remaining provisions.
(4) Each Party is fully liable for the payment of all taxes related to this Agreement.
(5)This agreement is made in both Chinese and English, and both texts shall have same affect.
(6)The Schedules hereto shall constitute integral parts hereof and shall be as valid and effective as this Agreement.
Attachment I: TOR 附件1: 工作任务书
Attachment II: Breakdown budget 附件2: 明细预算表
Attachment III: 附件3 (如有)
(7)The Agreement is entered into on the day of by duly authorized representatives of the Parties in .
本协议于 年 月 日由甲、乙双方授权代表在 市签署。
____________________________ ________________________
Party A Representative Party B Representative
甲方代表 (签章) 乙方代表 (签章)
_______________________________ ________________________
Date日期 Date日期
附件4 Attachement3:
This consultancy agreement freely entered into by both parties, specifically Party A, 7/F. Xxx Xxxx International Building, 396, East Nan'erhuan, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province and represented by: , hereinafter referred to as: “Plan China” and Party B, Mr. / Ms. , hereinafter referred to as: “the Consultant” do hereby agree and affirm the following:
本协议由国际计划中国(以下称甲方)(国际计划地址位于陕西省西安市南二环东段396号秦电国际大厦七层)的授权代表 与甲方所聘顾问(以下称乙方) 先生/女士双方自愿签订:
Term and Services
The Consultant shall as for Plan China and provide the services described in Attachment and/or assigned by his/her supervisor to Plan China on the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
乙方应在本协议规定的条件下,作为 ,按照附件及甲方管理人员规定的内容,为甲方提供工作服务。
Subject to clause 9, the Consultant shall provide the services for a period commencing on and ending on satisfactory completion of the Services, which shall be no later than .
乙方自 年 月 日起为甲方提供工作服务,并于 年 月 日前完成甲方满意的工作服务,否则按第9款处理。
(1)Plan China agrees to pay the Party B as following way( here write in English):
(2)The consultant’s personal income taxes of the payment should deducts from this payment by Part A and pay to the related tax department.
Non disclosure of information
The Consultant acknowledges that, in the course of its operations, Plan China has developed, gathered and generated extensive data, information, procedures, processes, methods and systems of a confidential and proprietary nature including, without limitation, information or evaluations regarding grant applications and distributions, contact persons and customers, Plan China programs, research data, Planning data, development data, experience data, business processes, methods, know-how and other confidential information, knowledge and data used or useful in conducting the operations of Plan China and its associated companies and foundations ( together, “ Confidential Information”).
The Consultant acknowledges that the disclosure of Confidential Information is being made by Plan China to the Consultant only because of the position of trust and confidence which the Consultant will occupy and because of the agreement of the Consultant to the restrictions contained in this Agreement.
The Consultant acknowledges that all Confidential Information is the sole property of Plan China, that strict protection of the Confidential Information is necessary to the successful continuation of the operations of Plan China and its associated companies and foundations, and that unauthorized use or disclosure of the Confidential Information would irreparably harm Plan China and its associated companies and foundations.
The Consultant agrees not to divulge, disclose or use (either directly or indirectly) at any time, either during the term of this Agreement or at any time thereafter, any Confidential Information, unless:
The Consultant obtains Plan China’s prior written consent; or
Such disclosure or use is both necessary in the performance of the Services and specifically authorized pursuant to Plan China’s written Publication Policy, as many be revised from time to time; or
Disclosure is required by Law and the Consultant gives Plan China prompt notice of the disclosure.
This clause shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding the termination or expiry of this Agreement.
Return of proprietary information
Upon termination or expiry of this Agreement, the Consultant shall promptly hand over to PLAN CHINA or it authorized agent all documents of any nature (and all copies) made, compiled by, or delivered to the Consultant by Plan China or by other persons relating to the Services, and all documents of any nature (and all copies) made or compiled by the Consultant in the course of performing the Services, including, without limitation, any notes, memoranda, notebooks drawings, Plan Chinas, financial information, research data, valuations methods or any other written information pertaining to Plan China or its associated companies or foundations.
The Consultant agrees that these documents and all information and materials contained in or relating to them are and will at all times remain the exclusive property of Plan China.
Intellectual property Right
If, in the course of providing the Services, the Consultant (whether alone or with any other person or persons) makes or discovers any invention, development, improvement or process or creates any work the subject of copyright or design rights, the invention, development, improvement, or process and / or copyright or design rights (together the “Intellectual Property Rights”) shall be handled according to the principles laid down in the Law of Copyright of the People’s Republic of China, the Technology Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China.
Child protection policy
As an international child-centred development organisation, committed to the wellbeing of children and to supporting the Convention of the Rights of the Child, Plan China does not tolerate child abuse.
The Consultant agrees and acknowledges that Plan China will suffer irreparable injury and damage and cannot be reasonably or adequately compensated in monetary damages for the loss it may suffer as a result of a breach by the Consultant of any of the obligations contained in clauses 3, 4,5 or 6.
Accordingly and in addition to any other remedies, Plan China shall be entitled to apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for both a preliminary and permanent injunction or similar court order enjoining the Consultant from violating any of the provisions of clauses 3, 4, 5 or 6. The Consultant consents to submit for this purpose to the jurisdiction of the People’s Republic of China.
The Consultant represents, warrants and undertakes to Plan China that:
He/She has the necessary skill and expertise and it appropriately trained and qualified to provide the Services; and
乙方具有甲方所需要的技能 和专门技术,经过专业培训并有资格为甲方工作。
The Services will be provided in a timely and professional manner and shall conform to the standards generally observed in the industry for similar services.
Independent Contractor
The Consultant is engaged to provide the Services as an independent contractor and not as and employee, agent or representative of PLAN CHINA.
Plan China shall not, except as may be required by law, be responsible for holiday pay, sick leave, retirement benefits, social security, pension, bonus, workers’ compensation, life insurance, or any other benefits of any kind during the term of this Agreement.
Nothing in this Agreement shall create an agency or partnership relationship between Plan China and the Consultant. The Consultant is not authorized to incur any liabilities or obligations on behalf of or in the name of Plan China.
This clause shall remain in full force any defect not withstanding the termination or expiry of this Agreement.
Each party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement immediately on written notice if the other party:
Is in material or persistent breach of any of its obligations under this Agreement and either that breach is incapable of remedy or the other party shall have failed to remedy that breach with 30 days after receiving written notice requiring it to do so; or
Is unable to pay its debts or becomes insolvent or an order is made for its liquidation or winding-up or a receiver is appointed over its assets or it proposes any composition or arrangement with its creditors or anything analogous occurs.
This Agreement may be terminated by either party on not less than 10 days written notice.
PLAN CHINA shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement on 10 days written notice if, in the opinion of Plan China, the Services are not being performed to an acceptable standard.
Plan China shall have the right to terminate this Agreement immediately on written notice if the Consultant:
is guilty of gross misconduct and /or serious or persistent negligence in the provisions of the Services; or
is unable to through sickness or injury to perform the Services for a consecutive period of four weeks or an aggregate of eight weeks in any period of twelve calendar months.
The termination of this Agreement shall not affect any accrued rights or liabilities of either party nor shall it affect the coming into force or the continuance in force of any provision of this Agreement which is intended to come into force or continue in force on or after termination.
No Assignment
The Consultant may not assign, sub-license, sub-contract, delegate or otherwise transfer or dispose of any of his rights or obligations under this Agreement.
Any notices to be sent under this Agreement shall be in writing a sent by recorded delivery or registered post or delivered by hand to the relevant party at the address given on page 1 of this Agreement or at such address as has been notified in accordance with this clause.
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. Any amendment or modification to this Agreement shall only be binding if it is in writing, is expressed to amend this Agreement and is signed by both parties.
A waiver by one of the parties of any of the provisions of the Agreement (or of any default by the other party in performing any of those provisions) shall not constitute a continuing waiver and shall not prevent the waiving party from subsequently enforcing any of the other provisions of this Agreement or from acting on any subsequent default.
The invalidity, illegality or unenforceability of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall not affect the validity, legality or enforceability of the remaining provisions.
In this Agreement, words denoting the singular shall include the plural and vice versa, words denoting persons shall include companies and associations and vice versa, and words denoting the masculine gender shall include the feminine and neuter and vice versa.
Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the People’s Republic of China.
AS WITNESS the hands of the parties or their duly authorized representatives
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PLAN CHINA Representative Consultant
甲方代表 乙方
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Date: Date
日期 日期