合同代码:CNSA FORM-01合同编号:01
(2015 年版)
编 制 说 明
合同代码:CNSA FORM-01合同编号:01
“废船”:可供拆解的船舶及其他浮动金属结构体。 “银行工作日”:本合同指定的卖方银行和买方银行及中间行都正常营业的
“有害物质清单”:简称 IHM,是指船舶结构和设备中的有害物质、操作产生的废料和物料三个方面的有害物质一览表(如在国际海事组织 IMO2011 MEPC.197.62 附录 1 中有害物质清单导则和其他一系列修订本中所做的定义),清单还包含这些物质的分布和重量。
“拆船设施计划”:简称 SRFP,是拆船厂实施安全无害环境拆船的技术、操作和管理计划(见国际海事组织相关导则)。
“拆船计划”:简称 SRP,是一项无害环境拆船技术和操作计划,且其中包含有害物质清单里列出的不同种类和数量的有害物质的处理方案(见国际海事组织相关导则)。
“拆解完毕确认书”:拆船厂提供的拆解完毕确认书。 “拆解监理”:由双方协商或卖方委托第三方机构或专业人员现场监理拆船
轻吨以长吨为其计量单位,1 长吨 =1.01605 公吨。
“文件交接”:按船籍国法律规定的有关证书,其中包括但不限于国籍证书、登记检验证书、所有权证书、无债务证明、船舶查验证书、船舶建造/ 改装图纸、丈量证书及后续的注销证书等文件交接。
“影印件”:复印件、照片、传真件、彩色扫描件、邮件等。 “书面形式”:书面形式是指合同书、信件和数据电文(包括电报、电传、
本合同由买卖双方在平等自愿的基础上,经协商一致,共同签订。买方同意以废船( 以下称“标的船”) 购买,用于拆解;卖方同意其拥有所有权的标的船,以拆解为唯一目的,出售给买方并就具体条款达成如下协议:
船名 曾用名
建造者 船舶类型总长
总吨 / 净吨 / 载重吨
空载 / 满载最大吃水(方型系数)轻吨 / 长吨 / 公吨
合同重量(轻吨重量 - 扣除重量)
船舶主 / 辅机型号、燃油规格、油耗与台数工作桨(重量 / 数量 / 材质 / 型式)
备用桨(重量 / 数量 / 材质 / 型式)备用艉轴
备用锚(重量 / 数量)
船吊(类型 / 起重能力 / 数量)
有无改装(时间 / 船厂 / 内容)有无移除
永久性压载物 / 数量单船壳 / 双船壳
重大毁损事故情况 2.2
2.5 标的船的有害物质清单与拆解监理(可选项)
2.5.1 双方同意按照《2009 年香港国际安全与无害环境拆船公约》,或通过监理方式实施拆解的标的船,卖方应在本合同签订之日起 日内向买方提供标的船有害物质清单或其指定的第三方监理人员的名单。
2.5.2 买方同意:
(d)标的船拆解完毕后 周内向卖方提供拆解完毕确认书;
2.5.3 如需在交船后甄别编制标的船有害物质清单,由此产生的费用由卖方承担。
2.5.4 标的船有害物质的去除或处置,由买方负责。
2.5.5 标的船交接前,卖方应向买方提供第三方监理人员名单和工作计划,以便买方及时落实相关事宜。第三方监理人员的一切费用均由卖方承担。
价格指卖方在买方拆船厂码头 / 锚地交船的价格。
单价为 元整(美元 / 人民币)/ 轻吨。
总价按合同重量(轻吨)乘以单价计算,本船总价为 元整(美元/ 人民币)。
银行国际代码(Swift 码):
银行国际代码(Swift 码):
4.2 付款期限及比例
买方应在双方签署本合同后的 个银行工作日内支付购船款的 %即 元整(美元 / 人民币)到卖方指定的银行帐户,作为购船的定金。
卖方在合同规定的解约日期前,将标的船行驶至合同规定的交船地,双方共同签字确认备交通知书,交换并签字本合同条款 6 中所规定的正本文件后的个银行工作日内,买方将购船款的余款支付到卖方指定的银行账户,并将银行水单复印件以传真或电子邮件的方式发给卖方。
卖方需在收到全额船款后的 小时内指示代理或船长将标的船在约定的交
因银行原因造成付款延误,不影响本合同效力。 4.3
买方必须在本合同条款 4.2 中规定的付款期限内将双方约定的定金和余款,以电汇方式汇至合同指定的卖方银行账户。
(b) 其 他 方 式 银 行 付 款 : 。
5.1 交船地
交 船 地 港 口 及 安 全 泊 位 名 称 : 。 交 船 地 港 口 的 安 全 泊 位 经 纬 度 : 东 经 : 北 纬 : 。
5.2 交船日期
交船日期: 年 月 日至 年 月 日,具体日期由双方商定。 5.3
因卖方原因在 年 月 日未能交船,买方可选择解除本合同或者选择延期交船。如选择延期交船,具体日期由双方商定。
5.4 交船时标的船的船况
标的船应按照本合同条款 2 约定的状况交船,且标的船应符合完整、空载,并能够安全地漂浮于合同指定的交船地点,船上压载水调至合理范围的条件。
如买方选择取消本合同,卖方应于收到买方书面通知后的 银行工作日内
返还定金;如买方选择接受延期履行本合同,卖方应支付买方因此而产生的费用和损失,计算方式为每推迟 5 天按合同总价的 1% 支付,少于 5 天按 5 天计算。
卖方保证,在交船时标的船上至少存有足以供标的船使用 3 天的主机用油和
足以供标的船使用 7 天的辅机用油,其余的剩余油量不得超过交船地海关的规定,否则由卖方按照相关的规定自行处理。
卖方在提交备交通知书之前 银行工作日内,应向买方提供以下文件的影印件;在实际交船时,应向买方提供这些文件的正本:
(b)普通商业发票 份(含增值税),说明标的船的购买单价和总价,并包含本合同规定的标的船概况;
(d)由标的船船籍国有关管理部门签发的无债务证明,证明标的船不存在租约、抵押、船舶优先权、海事留置权、拖欠的税费或工资以及其他任何未清偿债务。该证明的签发日期应为卖方提交备交通知书之前 天内;
(h)卖方保证书二,卖方保证在收到船款后 小时内,通过传真 / 邮件指示卖方代理或船长将标的船移交给在交船地点的买方代表或代理或其他买方指定人员;
(i)卖方保证书三,卖方保证在交船后自费在船籍国办理标的船的船籍登记注销证明和标的船的船舶所有权登记注销证明,并于 天内将前述证明的正本递交给买方;
7.1 交船预报通知
合同签订后,卖方应及时告知买方预计交船时间,并向买方递交15 天、10 天、 7 天、3 天的交船预报通知和 1 天的交船确报通知。若卖方延迟发出上述交船预报通知,则买方有权相应顺延等量的时间接受备交通知书以及支付船款的时间。若卖方未向买方发出上述交船预报通知,则因此而给买方造成的任何损失、损害和责任,均由卖方向买方给予赔偿。
7.2 买方代表登船
在买方按照合同约定向卖方支付了购船预付款后,卖方应允许买方最多派 位代表登船,但登船时间不应早于预计交船日期前 天。
7.3 备交通知书
买方应在收到上述文件后 1 个银行工作日内书面通知卖方接受或者不接受备交通知书,如买方未发出前述通知,则视为买方接受备交通知书。买方如不接受备交通知书,则应在前述书面通知中说明理由。买方不接受备交通知书时,卖方可做相应修正后再次提交。
7.3.1 标的船按照中国之规定,由当地口岸、海关、边防、卫检、动检、海事等有关部门联检验收。
7.3.2 标的船按照原始建造图纸、稳性计算书或合同约定的条款验收。改装船舶需经船级社提供最后一次改装图纸、稳性计算书经核准验收。
7.3.3 标的船的状况如与建造图纸或合同要求不符,或夹带国家违禁品,买
7.4 交 船
在买方向卖方支付全额购船款后,卖方应在 24 小时内向买方书面确认已收到全额购船款,并以传真或邮件的方式通知卖方代理或标的船船长,在交船地向买方或其代表或代理实际交付标的船。卖方确认收到全额购船款后,双方代表即应签署标的船交接协议书,其上载明标的船交接的准确时间和地点。
7.5 交船后协助工作
(a)所需卖方船员在船协助工作的天数为: 。
(b)卖方船员在船协助工作期间每天费用为: 。
7.6 风险转移
8.2 买方违约责任
8.2.1 未按约定支付定金
8.2.2 未按约定支付购船剩余款
可以证明的损失、损害和责任,卖方在解除合同后的 个银行工作日内将超出部分的金额返还给买方。
8.3 卖方违约及其责任
8.3.1 未按合同规定交船
如果卖方未在合同规定的解约日期前做好交船准备,则买方有权以书面形式通知卖方解除本合同。卖方应在收到买方解除合同的通知后 3 个银行工作日内,将买方已经支付的购船款及其自付款之日起至还款之日止的按照买方首次付款之日的卖方银行贷款利率计算的利息一并返还给买方。
8.3.2 延误交船
如卖方无法在解约日前交船,卖方应以书面形式告知买方预计可交船的日期,并提出新解约日期建议。买方可根据合同的约定,在收到该通知后的 2 个银行工作日内解除本合同,或者接受卖方提出的新解约日期并通知卖方。如果买方在收到卖方通知后的 2 个银行工作日内未做出选择,或者买方接受卖方提出的新的解约日期,则卖方所新建议的解约日期则成为新的解约日期。
全地或安全锚地进行交船,该重新指定的交船地须经卖方事先确认。若买方在接到卖方通知后 24 小时之内无法指定新的交船地点,则标的船停泊等候区将被视为交船地点。
卖方根据第 9 条款交船视为和按照合同正常交船一样完全履行其义务。
本合同壹式 份,双方各执 份。本合同未尽事宜,买卖双方可以通过协商并签订补充协议,补充协议与本合同具有同等法律效力。除经买卖双方或双方代表签署的书面修改外,其他任何形式对本合同的修改对买卖双方没有约束力。
卖 方 : 买 方 :
代 表 : 代 表 :
日 期 : 日 期 :
(2015 Edition)
Contract Code: CNSA FORM-01
Contract No:01
In this contract:
"Vessel" means any type of vessels including submersibles, floating craft, floating platforms, jack-up platforms, floating storage unit (FSUs), and floating production, storage and offloading unit (FPSOs), the vessel from which the equipments have been dismantled and the vessel being towed.
"Vessel for scrapping and recycling" means the vessels and other floating metal structures for scrapping and recycling.
"Banking days" means the same working days of the banks on sides of the Sellers, the Buyers and the intermediary.
"Relevant authorities" means in the specific geographical area or technical area, the relevant department designated and authorized by the government of state concerned which is in charge of relevant business under this contract including vessels' registry, import licensing and inspection of vessels for scrapping and recycling etc.
"Inventory of Hazardous Materials" (IHM) means a list of hazardous materials including
hazardous materials in the ship's structure and equipment, wastes and materials generating in the operations (for example the definition of IMO2011 MEPC.197.62 Appendix 1 for guideline of hazardous materials list and other series of modification), and the distribution and weight of these substances as well.
"Ship Recycling Facility Plan" (SRFP) means a implementing plan of technology, operation and management for safe environment scrapping which should apply by the shipyard during scrapping (refer to the relevant guidelines of IMO).
"Scrapping and recycling facility" means a place and facility in a particular region that is designed, managed and operated in accordance with the requirements for safety and environmental protection. The place and facility shall be approved by the relevant administrative departments such as environmental protection department, maritime safety administration and industrial and commercial authorities.
"Ship Recycling Plan" (SRP) means an harmless scrapping technology and operating plan for environmental protection. SRP includes the treatment plan for difference types and quantity of hazardous materials in the hazardous materials list (refer to the relevant guidelines of IMO).
"Confirmation for completed scrapping" means a letter confirming the scrapping has been furnished by the scrapping shipyard.
"Supervision of scrapping and recycling" means the third party or experts appointed by the Sellers or both the parties to supervise the whole process of scrapping on the spot.
"Light displacement ton" (LDT) means the pure weight of a vessel in long ton excluding any non-metallic permanent ballast. LDT shall be calculated in accordance with the vessel's
trim and stability table (some non-metallic solid ballast, for example cement ect., must be deducted from LDT).
LDT measures in long ton, 1 long ton = 1.01605 metric ton.
"Delivery of Documents" means delivery of the certificates requested by the law of the vessel's flag state including but not limited to certificate of nationality, certificate of registry, registry and survey certificate, certificate of ship ownership, certificates of encumbrance, ship inspection certificate, ship construction / modification drawing, certificate of measurement and the deletion certificate ect.
"Notice of Readiness" means a notice in writing sent by the Sellers or their agent to the Buyers to inform that the vessel has arrived at the port of delivery and is ready in all respects for delivery. The Buyers shall arrange the inspection of the vessel after they received the notice. Both the parties shall sign in the Notice of Readiness after the Buyers confirmed the notice accordingly.
"Vessel transfer" means the process that the Sellers instruct the Captain to deliver the vessel to the Buyers after they receiving the full payment for the vessel, and the title of the vessel together with all the risks attached thereby shall be transferred to the Buyers, soon after the representatives of both the parties have signed the delivery documents.
"Cancelling date" means the last date of delivery in accordance with this contract.
"Photocopy" means any copy, photo, telefax, color scanning, mail, and ect.
"Written form" means a form such as a written contractual agreement, letter, electronic data text (including a telegram, telex, fax, electronic data exchange and email) that can tangibly express the contents contained therein.
Full Name of the Company:
Legal representative:
Zip Code:
Full Name of the Company:
Legal representative:
Zip Code:
This contract is signed by the Sellers and the Buyers on the basis of equality and voluntary. The Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the vessel for scrapping and recycling (hereinafter referred to as "the vessel") as the sole purpose and subject to the terms and conditions as the following:
1. Confirming the identities of the Sellers and the Buyers
1.1 Confirming the Sellers
Before signing the contract, the Sellers shall show the following documents to the Buyers.
After signing the contract, the Sellers shall deliver the same documents to the Buyers, but no later than the Buyers pay the advance payment. Such documents are as follws:
(a) Document certifying company registration;
(b) Ship Ownership Registration Certificate, Certificate of Nationality of Ship;
(c) Power of attorney to designate the representative or agent of the Sellers, which declares the ownership and the right to dispose the vessel, and authorize the representative or agent to deal with the delivery of the vessel and to sign the protocol of delivery and acceptance and other documents concerned on behalf of the Sellers;
(d) The resolution made by the shareholders or the board of directors from the Sellers company consent to sell the vessel in accordance with the regulation of the articles of incorporation, or by the individual who own the vessel consent to sell the vessel. If the vessel involves state-owned asset, the consentient documents shall be obtained in light of the related regulation of transfer of state-owned assets.
1.2 Confirming the Buyers identity
Before signing the contract, the Buyers shall show the following documents to the Sellers, and after signing the contract the same documents shall be handed over to the Sellers but no later than delivery of the vessel. Such documents are as follows:
(a) Document certifying company registration;
(b) Power of attorney to designate / authorize the representatives or the agent of the Buyers to deal with the matters of physical delivery of the vessel and signing the protocol of delivery and acceptance and other relevant documents.
2. Identification the vessel
2.1 Description of the vessel:
Xxxxxx'x name
Ex name
Flag (flag state) Port of Registry Class
Call sign Number of class
International Maritime Organization number Flag state registration number
International Maritime Satellite Communication numbers Build time
Builder Vessel's Type Length Overall
Length between perpendiculars (LBP) Breadth, depth
Gross tonnage (GT) / Net ton (NT) / Deadweight ton (DWT) Laden / ballast at maximum draft (block coefficient)
LDT / long ton / meter ton Deduction weight
Contracts weight (LDT – Deduction weight)
Type of M/E and A/E, fuel specifications, fuel consumption figures and the number of units Working propeller (weight / quantity / material / type)
Spare propeller (weight / quantity / material / type) Spare tail shaft
Spare anchor (weight / quantity)
Vessel's crane (type / lifting capacity / quantity) Conversion (time / shipyard / content)
Remove item
Permanent ballast / quantity Single hull / double hull Major damage record
2.2 List of removable items and excluding items
List of removable items. List of excluding items:
(a) Personal belongings of Captain and crew members;
(b) Documents and certificates requested by the application for deletion certificate;
(c) Tablewares, cutlery, napkins;
(d) Logbooks, technical documents, plans and manuals, company profiles, correspondence, stationery, books in the vessel's library.
Since the date of signing the contract, the Sellers can not remove or replace all the matters including any equipments and supplies on board the vessel except the excluding items mentioned above.
At the time of delivery the vessel, the Sellers shall deliver to the Buyers the vessel with all the equipments and supplies on board together with an attached inventory list which itemises all the items thereof, except the excluding items noted in the list of removable items.
2.3 The LDT of the vessel on delivery must be consistent with the description of the
At the time of delivery, the Sellers shall furnish the original trim and stability booklet or capacity plan or other documents evidencing the data of LDT of the vessel.
The deduction shall be made according to the market price of such removed items from the contract price accordingly in case of the vessel has non-metallic solid permanent ballasts
or removed equipments, facilities, parts, as well as any other material which may affect the caculation of LDT.
2.4 The Sellers guarantee the legality of the vessel
The Sellers guarantee that the vessel is compliant with relevant local laws and dministrative regulations. The Sellers shall take all the responsibility and fully compensate the Buyers should any loss and / or damage arise from breaching of this clause for cancelling the contract.
2.5 The hazardous materials inventory list of the vessel and the supervision for scrapping
and recycling (optional)
2.5.1 The Sellers and the Buyers mutually agreed to scrapping and recycling the vessel in accordance with "Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009" or the under supervision. The Sellers should furnish hazardous materials inventory list or a designated third-party supervisors list to the Buyers within day(s) on signing the contract.
2.5.2 The Buyers consent:
(a) Make the SRP in accordance with the IHM provided by the Sellers. This SRP shall be agreed by the Sellers;
(b) Furnish a SRFP or a certificate of the SRFP;
(c) The working space in the scrapping shipyard shall be provided for the third-party supervisors if the Sellers request;
(d) Upon the scrapping has been completed, the confirmation for completed scrapping shall be submited to the Sellers within week(s);
(e) The scrapping and recycling vessel shall be carried out according to the SRFP and SRP.
2.5.3 All the costs and fees incurred from examining and distinguishing the IHM after delivery of the vessel shall be on the account of the Sellers.
2.5.4 The Buyers shall be responsibable for removing and disposal of hazardous materials from the vessel.
2.5.5 For enabling the Buyers to implement the relevant matters timely, the Seller shall provide to the Buyers a name list of the third-party supervisors and working plan before delivery of the vessel. All the costs in respect of the third-party supervision shall be on the account of the Sellers.
3. Price
The price is on the basis that the Sellers deliver the vessel at the scrapping and recycling dock / anchorage appointed by the Buyers.
(a) Unit price:
(USD / RMB) / LDT.
(b) Total price:
Total price is caculated according to the LDT multiplied by unit price. The vessel's total
price is (USD / RMB).
4. Payment
4.1 The Bank
(a) The Sellers' Bank Bank's name:
Account number:
(b) The Buyers' Bank Bank's name: Address:
Account number:
4.2 Terms and proportions of Payment
The Buyers shall pay % of the purchase price of the vessel i.e. (USD / RMB) as deposit to the bank account designated by the Sellers within banking day(s) after the date of signing the contract.
The Buyers shall pay the balance purchase price to the bank account designed by the Sellers and provide to the Sellers the bank slip by fax or email after banking day(s) from the time when the vessel arrived at the delivery place before the cancelling date as stipuated in this contract, and the Sellers and the Buyers have jointly signed the Notice of Readiness, exchanged and signed all the original documents in accordance with Clause 6.
The Bank charges incurred by telegraphic transfer shall be borne by the Sellers.
The Sellers shall instruct their Agent or the Captain to deliver the vessel to the representative authorized by the Buyers at the delivery place stipulated in this contract within hour(s) after the Sellers received the full purchase price of the vessel.
In case the payment delay is caused by the Bank, it does not affect the contract validness.
4.3 Payment method
The Buyers and the Sellers have agreed the following payment method:
(a) Telegraphic Transfer
The Buyers shall remit the deposit and the balance price by telegraphic transfer during the period in accordance with clause 4.2 to the account designed by the Sellers in this contract.
(b) Other method of payment:
5. Delivery of the vessel
5.1 Delivery place
The port and the safe berth in the delivery place:
The longitude and latitude of the safe berth in the port of the delivery place: Longitude: Latitude:
5.2 Time of Delivery
Time of Delivery: / / ---- / / , the definite and exact date shall be mutually agreed by the Sellers and the Buyers.
5.3 Cancelling date and the right of cancelling
In case the Sellers can not deliver the vessel on or before / / , the Buyers have the option either to cancel the contract or accept the delivery in a period of delayed time. If the Buyers accept a delayed delivery, the new delivery date shall be designated by the Buyers and the Sellers.
5.4 The condition of the vessel at the time of delivery
The vessel shall be delivered in accordance with Clause 2 in this contract. The vessel shall be substantially intact, free of cargo and safely afloat at the delivery place stipulated in the contract and the ballast water shall be adjusted to a reasonable range.
If the status and condition of the vessel does not fulfill the requirements of the contract, the Buyers have the option to either cancel the contract or continue to implement of this
If the Buyers elect to cancel this contract, the Sellers shall refund the deposit within
____banking day(s) after receiving the notice in writing from the Buyers. If the Buyers elect to accept the delayed delivery, the Sellers shall pay the Buyers for the losses and corresponding expenses arising by such delay as 1% of the contract price for each five (5) days delayed. Less than five (5) days shall be calculated at five (5) days.
5.5 Safety and Health Control
At the time of delivery, the vessel shall meet the requirements for scrapping ships by relevant laws or administrative regulations. If the competent authorities in the delivery place request the vessel to clean tanks or take gas free inspection ect., the Sellers shall arrange them and pay relevant expenses accordingly. The Sellers shall furnish to the Buyers the related qualification certificates thereof.
5.6 Free from Encumbrance
The Sellers warrant that the vessel is free from all charters, mortgages, maritime liens, taxes or wage arrears or any other debts or claims whatsoever at the time of delivery. The Sellers shall take responsibility for any claim arising untill the vessel has been delivered. The Sellers hereby undertake to indemnify the Buyers against all consequences of claims and damage made against the vessel, which have been incurred prior to delivery of the vessel.
5.7 Spares / Stores / Bunkers, Etc.
Unless otherwise agreed, the Sellers shall deliver the vessel to the Buyers with all the remaining bunkers, lubricating oil, stores, spares used or unused on board including spare tail shaft(s) and / or spare propeller(s) / propeller blade(s), equipments, parts, if any, at the time of delivery without extra payment by the Buyers.
The Sellers warrants, at the time of delivery, the vessel shall have sufficient bunkers at
least for three (3) days for the main engine consuming and sufficient for seven (7) days for the auxiliary engines consuming. The extra quantity of the remaining bunkers, lubricating oil, hydraulic oils and greases cannot be in excess of the quantitative limit allowed by the customers in the delivery place. Otherwise, the Sellers shall be responsible for disposing the excess quantity of the bunkers, lubricating oil, hydraulic oils and greases by themselves.
If any equipments, daily necessities, tobacco, wine, or other goods under customs supervision on board, the Sellers shall dispose by themselves in accordance with relevant regulations.
The Sellers warrant that the vessel does not have smuggled goods, contraband goods or any other goods prohibiting by the local law or administrative regulations on board at the time of delivery. The quantity of the goods on board shall not be in excess of the limitation in accordance with the local law or administrative regulations. Otherwise, the Buyers have the option to cancel this contract and the Sellers shall compensate all the losses and / or damages incurred to the Buyers.
6. Delivery of Documents
The place of delivery:
Zip Code:
The Sellers shall furnish the copy of documents mentioned below banking day(s)
before they submit the Notice of Readiness to the Buyers. And the Sellers shall furnish the Buyers, at the delivery of the vessel, the original documents as following:
(a) An originals Bill of Sale duly executed by chairman of the Sellers board and notarized or legalized to transfer all the shares of the vessel and her appurtenances to the Buyer free from all charters, encumbrances, mortgages, maritime liens and other debts whatsoever;
(b) Commercial invoice (plus value added tax, VAT) indicating the vessel's unit price, total price, and the vessel's description in accordance with the contract;
(c) Certificate of ship registry evidencing the vessel's ownership issued by the competent national government authorities of the vessel's flag.
(d) Certificate issued by the competent national government authorities of the vessel's flag evidencing the vessel is free from mortgages and encumbrances and proving the vessel is free from all charters, encumbrances, mortgages, maritime liens, taxes, wage arrears and other debts whatsoever. The date of issuing such certifcate shall be day(s) before the Sellers sumit the Notice of Readiness.
(e) The duly notarized and legalized solution made by the Shareholders meeting or Board of Directors of the Sellers, which is granting the deal of saling the vessel to the Buyers.
(f) The duly notarized or legalized original Power of Attorney issued by the Sellers authorizing the named representative(s) or agent to act on behalf of the Sellers to deal with the sale and transfer of the vessel to the Buyers, signing the protocol of delivery and acceptance or other relevant delivery documents.
(g) The No.1 guarantee of the Sellers, which undertakes that the vessel is free from all charters, encumbrances, mortgages, maritime liens, taxes, wage arrears and other debts whatsoever at the time of delivery.
(h) The No.2 guarantee of the Sellers, which undertakes that the Sellers shall instruct their agent or Captain, through a fax or an email within hour(s) after the Sellers received the full payment of the purchase price, to deliver the vessel to the representatives or other people designated by the Buyers at the delivery place according to the contract.
(i) The No.3 guarantee of the Sellers, which undertakes to delet the registry of the vessel and the vessel's ownership registry as well at their own expenses. Such original certificates of deletions shall be effected and provided to the Buyers within day(s) after delivery of the vessel.
(j) The incumbency certificate of the Sellers directors or the documents certifying the
qualifications of all the directors from the Sellers company.
(k) The good reputation evidence certificate issued by the government authorities of the vessel's registry.
The language used in the documents mentioned above should be consistent with the contract. In case the language used in the documents is neither in Chinese nor in English, the Sellers shall funish the Chinese version and English version of the same documents translated by a qualified and certified translator.
7. Physical Delivery of the vessel
7.1 Delivery notice
The Sellers shall give the Buyers fifteen(15), ten (10), seven (7), three (3) days' notices for the expected time of the vessel's delivery and one (1) day's notice for the definite time of delivery. If the Sellers delay to notice the expected time of delivery, the Buyers have the option to postpone the same amount of time to accept the Notice of Readiness and pay the purchase price accordingly. The Sellers shall compensate the Buyers the losses and / or damages due to that they fail to give the notice of the expected time of delivery. If the Sellers delay the delivery of the above mentioned shipping forecast notice.
7.2 The Buyers representatives boarding the vessel
After the deposit has been lodged, the Buyers have the right to assign no more than representative(s) boarding the vessel. The date of boarding shall not be earlier than day(s) of expected time of delivery of the vessel.
The Buyers shall warrant in writing that the Buyers representatives shall not interfere in any respect with the operation of the vessel. The risk and expense for the Buyers representatives on board shall be afford by the Buyers. The Sellers shall assist and explain for the Buyers representatives on their request. The Buyers shall compensate the Sellers if any loss and / or damage caused by the intentional act or negligence of the Buyers representatives while they
are on board the vessel.
7.3 Notice of Readiness
When the vessel is satisfied with the delivery conditions in accordance with this contract, the Sellers shall give the Buyers a Notice of Readiness. Unless otherwise agreed, the Notice of Readiness shall give in the working time at the delivery place, and the documents which shall be furnished by the Sellers are as following:
(a) The original trim and stability booklet and the capacity plan. If the Sellers fails to furnish the original documents, the copy of the same with the stamp and signature of the Classification Society concerned are acceptable as well;
(b) The statement issued by the Captain and other crew that they do not have any claim for the vessel as well as the Sellers and with their signatures and stamp;
(c) The statement issued by the Sellers representatives or their agent that at the place of delivery, there is no outstanding fee of the vessel.
The Buyers shall inform the Sellers whether to accept or not the Notice of Readiness within one (1) banking day after they received the Notice of Readiness. If the Buyers fail to give such information, it shall be deemed the Buyers accept the Notice of Readiness. If the Buyers do not accept the Notice of Readiness, they shall explain the reason in written on the Notice of Readiness. In the event the Buyers do not accept the Notice of Readiness, the Sellers could do relevant amendment and give the Notice of Readiness thereafter.
7.3.1 The vessel shall pass the joint survey which carry out by the Chinese port authorities, Customs, Immigration, Sanitary quarantine, Animal quarantine, Maritime safety authority etc.
7.3.2 The vessel will be inspected and accepted in accordance with the original construction plans, trim and stability booklet or the clauses of this contract. If the vessel had been converted, the inspection and acceptance shall be carried out in accordance the last
conversion plans and trim and stability booklet provided by the Classification Society.
7.3.3 If the condition of the vessel is not satisfied with the requirements of the construction plan or the relevant clauses of this contract, or the vessel has the contraband on board, in which case, the Buyers have the right to cancel the contract and all the losses shall be borne by the Sellers.
7.4 Delivery of the vessel
After the Buyers paid the full purchase price, the Sellers shall confirm that they have received the same payment in writing within 24 hours. At the same time, the Sellers shall instruct the captain or their agent by email or fax to deliver the vessel to the Buyers or the Buyers representatives. After the Sellers confirm they have received the full purchase price, the representatives of the both parties shall sign the protocol of delivery and acceptance which records the delivery time and place.
The ownership of the vessel shall be transferred to the Buyers upon they pay the full purchase price.
At the time of delivery, the Sellers shall provide to the Buyers all the documents of the vessel without fee including the class certificates, drawing and other technical documents. The Sellers shall provide other technical documents on the request of the Buyers. If the Sellers cannot provide original documents aforesaid, the Sellers shall provide the copies or granting the Buyers to copy such documents.
7.5 Assistance after delivery of the vessel
At the time of delivery, the Sellers shall arrange their crew remain on the vessel for reasonable period to assist the Buyers work if the Buyers so request. The period for the assistance and the daily fees as well as the payment method shall be mutually agreed by the both of the parties.
During the Sellers crew remaining on the vessel for assistance, the Sellers shall warrant the insurances for the crew members are still valid. The Buyers shall ensure the Sellers are free from any loss and / or damage causing by the assistance work after the vessel is delivered to the Buyers. However, the Sellers shall compensate the Buyers if the loss and damage are causing by the intentional act or negligently of the crew members.
Both of the parties agreed that:
(a) The crew members of the Sellers are requested to remain on the vessel for assistance for
(b) The daily fee for the assistance of these crew members are per day.
7.6 Risk transfer
Unless otherwise agreed, the vessel with everything belonging to her shall be at the Sellers' risks and expenses until she is delivered to the Buyers. After delivery of the vessel, the vessel with everything belonging to her shall be at the Buyers risks and expenses. If the risks and expenses are caused by the reason before the delivery of the vessel, such risks and expenses shall be borne by the Sellers.
7.7 Other fees
All the expenses incurred prior to delivery of the vessel including but not limited to vessel agent fee, customs duty, towage, pilotage, fumigation expenses, tank cleaning charge, blast measure fee, severance payments shall be borne by the Sellers.
The expenses incurred prior to delivery of the vessel shall be borne by the Sellers and the expenses incurred after delivery of the vessel shall be borne by the Buyers.
8. Liability for breach of the contract
8.1 Exemptions
In the event that the contract can not be performed due to an actual, constructive or compromised total loss of the vessel caused by earthquake, fire, tsunami, outbreak of war, expropriating by government or force majeure which occurred before the delivery, neither the Sellers nor the Buyers shall be responsible for cancelling the contract.
If the Buyers have paid part or full purchase price of the vessel, such payment shall be refunded immediately by the Sellers without interest.
8.2 Liability of the Buyers for breach of contract
8.2.1 Deposit not be paid in accordance with the contract
In case the deposit is not paid in the time stipulated by the contract, the Sellers have the right to cancel this contract by informing the Buyers in writing, in which case the Sellers shall be entitled to claim compensation from the Buyers for any proved loss and expenses.
8.2.2 The balance purchase price unpaid in accordance with the contract
In case the Balance Purchase Price is not paid in the manner provided for in this contract, the Sellers have the right to cancel the contract and forfeit the prepaid deposit. If the deposit does not cover their loss, the Sellers shall be entitled to claim further compensation for their proved losses. The Buyers shall pay the further compensation within banking day(s) after the cancelling of the contract. If the Sellers' loss and damage are less than the deposit, the rest of the amount shall be refunded within banking day(s) to the Buyers.
8.3 Liability of the Sellers for breach of contract
8.3.1 Fail to deliver the vessel in accordance with this contract
In case the Sellers do not get ready to deliver the vessel in accordance with this contract,
the Buyers shall have the option to cancel this contract by notice in writing. In the event the Sellers shall refund the deposit together with the interest earned therefrom in three (3) banking days after the Sellers receive the notice in writing from the Buyers.
Cancellation or non-cancellation by the Buyers in accordance with the contract shall be without prejudice to any claim for loss and / or damage the Buyers may have against the Sellers under this contract, unless the exemptions clause shall apply.
8.3.2 Delayed delivery
If the Sellers anticipate that the vessel will not be ready for delivery by the Cancelling Date, they may notify the Buyers in writing stating the date when they anticipate that the vessel will be ready for delivery, and propose a new cancelling date. Upon receipt of such notification, the Buyers shall have the option of either canceling this contract within two (2) banking days or of accepting the proposal of new cancelling date. If the Buyers have not declared their option within two (2) banking days from the receipt of the Sellers' notification or if the Buyers accept the new date, the new cancelling date proposed by the Sellers through their notification shall be deemed to be the new cancelling date.
Cancellation or non-cancellation by the Buyers in accordance with the contract shall be without prejudice to any claim for loss and / or damage the Buyers may have against the Sellers under this contract.
9. The vessel is unable to reach the delivery place
In case the vessel is unable to reach the delivery place before cancelling date for the reason of port congestion ect. which beyond the Sellers' control, the Buyers shall reassign an accessible, safe place or anchorage which is nearby the initial delivery place to be the new delivery place after they receive the Sellers' notice. The new delivery place shall be confirmed by the Sellers in advance. If the Buyers cannot reassign the new delivery place after 24 hours from they receiving the notice of the Sellers, the waiting place for a berth
shall be deemed as the delivery place.
That the Sellers deliver the vessel in accordance with the clause 9 shall be deemed to fufill their obligations of the delivery under the contract.
10. Disputes resolution
Any dispute arising from or in connection with this contract shall be submitted to China Maritime Arbitration Commission (CMAC) for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the CMAC's arbitration rules in effect at the time of applaying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both the Sellers and the Buyers.
11. Application of law
This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China.
12. Private and Confidential
This deal and transaction business shall be kept strictly for private and confidential including the price and all the other details by both the Buyers and the Sellers.
13. Notice
In the course of the execution of this contract, any notice sent by one party to the other of this contract shall be given in writing and transmitted directly through email, fax, registered or by personal service.
14. Documents delivery
The documents sent to the addresses in accordance with this contract shall be deemed as
effective delivery.
15. Contract text
This contract in Chinese and English versions are equally authentic and have the same legal effect. Should any ambiguity on the contract's literal interpretation, the Chinese version shall prevail. After consultation by both parties, the Sellers and the Buyers shall elect one of the versions, and all the documents relevant to the contract including appendix, protocol and notifications shall use the same language as the selected version. If the language of the providing documents is neither Chinese nor English, the Chinese and English versions thereof shall be provided by a certified translation.
The contract takes effect upon countersigning by the authorized representatives from the Sellers and the Buyers and affix sealing. The countersigned and sealed the contract by scanned or fax is also effective.
After the contract comes into effect, both of the parties shall execute it. The contract is made in copies, each party hold copy / copies.
Both of the parties hereto may sign addendum through negotiation for the matters not mentioned herein. Only the countersigned addendum and this contract have the same legal effect.
Sellers: Buyers:
By: By:
Title: Title:
Date: Date: