入 札 公 告
独立行政法人中小企業基盤整備機構 関東本部中小企業大学校東京校 分任契約担当役
校長 xx xx
◎調達機関番号598 ◎所在地番号13
1 調達内容
2 競争参加資格
( xxxxx://xxx.xxxx.xx.xx/xxxxxxxxxxx/xxx/xxxxxxxx/ )
( xxxxx://xxx.xxxx.xx.xx/xxx/xxxxxx/xxxxx.xxxx )
(3)令和4・5・6年度の全省庁統一資格を有する者であり、「物品の製造(113 燃料類)」または「物品の販売
(213 燃料類)」の業種区分並びに分類に登録されていること。等級は問わない。
(7)当機構から競争参加資格停止措置期間中の者(中小企業基盤整備機構契約競争参加資格停止措置要領(要領17第2号)に基づく競争参加資格停止期間中の者をいう。) または官公庁発注契約に係る指名停止期間中の者でないこと。
3 入札書の提出場所等
(1) 入札説明書等の交付期間、交付場所及び方法
① 交付期間:令和6年10月1日(火曜)から令和6年10月28日(月曜)まで
② 交付時間:交付期限までの平日10時00分より17時00分まで(11時30分から13時30分までの時間を除く)とする。
③ 交付場所及び方法:仕様書、入札説明書等については、令和6年10月1日(火曜)から下記(2)の場所にて交付する。
(2) 入札書の提出場所、契約条項を示す場所及び問い合わせ先
x000-0000 xxxxxxxxxx 0-000-0
独立行政法人中小企業基盤整備機構 関東本部 中小企業大学校東京校 業務課 xx xx電話 000-000-0000 FAX 042-590-2684
(3) 入札書の受領期限(郵送による入札の場合)令和6年11月27日(水曜)17時00分 (必着)
(4) 開札の日時及び場所
令和6年11月28日(木曜)14時00分 中小企業大学校東京校 2202教室
4 その他
(1) 契約手続において使用する言語及び通貨日本語及び日本国通貨。
(2) 入札保証金及び契約保証金免除。
(3) 入札の無効
(4) 契約書作成の要否要。
(5) 落札者の決定方法
(6) その他
5 Summary
(1) Official in charge of disbursement of the procuring entity : Xxxx Xxxxx, Chief of Tokyo SME Training
Institute, Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, JAPAN.
(2) Classification of services to be procured : 26
(3) Nature and quantity of the services to be required : Procurement of gas for use at the Tokyo campus of SME Training Institute (From February, 2025 to January 2026) 1set
(4) Fulfillment period: From Saturday, February 1, 2025 to Saturday, January 31, 2026.
(5) Fulfillment place: As in the tender documentation.
(6) Qualifications for participating in the tendering procedures : Suppliers eligible for participating in the proposed tender are those who shall :
①The applicant does not fall under the provisions of Articles 2 and 3 of the Guidelines for Handling Contract Affairs of the Organization for Small and Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation (Guidelines 16, No. 29).
②The applicant does not fall under the provisions of Article 2 of the Organization for Small and Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation Regulations for Dealing with Antisocial Forces (Regulations 22, No. 37).
③The applicant has a unified qualification for all ministries and agencies for fiscal years 2022, 2023, and 2024, and is registered in the industry category and classification of "Manufacture of Goods (113 Fuels)" or "Sale of Goods (213 Fuels)". No class is required.
④The applicant is registered as a gas retailer pursuant to the provisions of Article 3 of the Gas Business Act.
⑤The applicant has been provided with bidding documents and specifications, etc.
⑥The applicant has the management base necessary for the business and has sufficient management capabilities regarding funds, etc.
⑦Not being a person whose eligibility to participate in competitive bidding has been suspended by the Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation (meaning a person whose eligibility to participate in competitive bidding has been suspended pursuant to the Guidelines on Suspension of Eligibility to Participate in Bidding of the Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation (Article 17, Paragraph 2 of the Guidelines)) or a person whose eligibility to participate in public agency contracts has been suspended.
The person is not currently a person who has signed a contract to outsource services as an expert of the Organization, nor a person who is a corporation of which an expert is an officer, etc.
⑨Not being a person whose contract with the Organization has been terminated within the past three years due to inadequate information management.
⑩A person who has submitted the necessary proof documents to participate in the competition by the deadline and has been approved to participate as a result of evaluation.
(7) Period, place and method of delivery of bidding documents, etc.
① Delivery period: From Tuesday, October 1, 2024 to Monday, October 28, 2024
② Delivery time: From 10:00 to 17:00 on weekdays until the delivery deadline (excluding the hours from 11:30 to 13:30)
③ Place and method of delivery: Specifications, bidding instructions, etc. will be delivered at the location
(9) below from Tuesday, October 1, 2024.
The specifications should be returned after the bidding is closed.
(8) Reception period of tender form (when tendering by mail):5:00 PM November 27, 2024.
(9) Contact Point for the notice :Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Tokyo SME Training Institute, Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, JAPAN 0-000-0, Xxxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxx, Xxxxx 000-0000, Xxxxx. TEL 000-000-0000
以 上