15. 自 动 承 保 新 增 雇 员 条 款 (30 天 内 通 知 ) 6
22. 扩 展 24 小 时 个 人 意 外 事 故 条 款 A 款 9
23. 扩 展 24 小 时 意 外 事 故 条 款 B 款 9
29. 附 加 员 工 公 ( x ) 务 出 国 保 险 条 款 12
33. 罢 工 、 暴 动 、 民 众 骚 乱 条 款 13
34. 扩 展 恐 怖 活 动 及 暴 乱 事 件 责 任 条 款 14
36. 设 计 、 监 理 人 员 特 别 扩 展 条 款 14
38. 附 加 社 交 、 康 乐 及 娱 乐 条 款 14
39. 附 加 法 院 判 决 超 赔 责 任 条 款 15
45. 附 加 伤 残 赔 付 比 例 调 整 条 款 16
一 规 范 类
1. 损失确定费用条款
2. 自动恢复保险金额条款
Automatic Reinstatement of Sum Insured Clause
It is agreed and understood that in the event of loss or damage to the insured, the amount payable for such loss or damage shall be automatically reinstated from the time of the happening and the Insured shall pay an additional premium therefore calculated pro rata from the date of loss to the expiration of this policy.
This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this policy.
3. 违反条件条款
本保险单所载其他条件不变。 Breach of Condition Clause
It is hereby agreed and understood that the conditions and warranties of this Policy shall apply individually to each of the risks insured and not collectively to them. Thus a breach in any condition or warranty shall void the section only in respect of all the risks to which that breach applied and does not affect the section in respect of the other risks.
This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this policy .
4. 不失效条款
本附加条款与主条款内容相悖之处,以本附加条款为准;未尽之处,以主条款为准。 6.报告损失条款
索赔的事件通知本公司时,由于疏忽导致延迟,错误或疏漏,本保单不会因此而失效。 本附加条款与主条款内容相悖之处,以本附加条款为准;未尽之处,以主条款为准。
No Control Clause
It is hereby understood and agreed that the insurance hereby shall not be prejudiced by any act or omission unknown to or beyond the control of the Insured on the part of anyone occupying or using the premises provided that the Insured, immediately on becoming aware thereof, shall give notice to the Company and pay the appropriate additional premium required.
This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this policy.
10. 错误和遗漏条款
本保险单所载其他条件不变。 Errors and Omissions Clause
It is hereby agreed and understood that the liability under this policy shall not be prejudiced by any unintentional delay, error or omission in reporting new locations acquired or occupied or in reporting values of property or in description of any other information provided that such delay, error or omission shall be reported to the Company as soon as practicable after knowledge thereof, and the Insured shall pay an appropriate additional premium upon request by the company, from the date of any increase in risk.
Improper, faulty or erroneous appraisals shall not be considered to be an unintentional error or omission.
This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this policy.
11. 预付赔款条款(50%)
兹经双方同意并约定,发生责任范围内的损失后,保险人应按被保险人的要求和损失理算人的建议对该损失作 50%的预付赔款。
12. 六十天注销保单条款
兹经双方同意,保险人可以提前 60 天通知被保险人注销本保险单,在此情况下,本公司应将按比例计算的自保险单注销之日起的未到期保险费退还给投保人。
60 Days’ Cancellation Clause
It is hereby understood and agreed that the insurance may at any time be terminated at the option of the insurer, giving sixty days’ notice to that effect being given to the Insured, in which case the Company shall be liable to repay on demand a ratable proportion of the premium for the unexpired terms from the date of the Cancellation.
The insurance may also at any time be terminated at the option of the insured, giving immediate notice to that effect being giving to the Insurer, in which case the Insured shall be charged on a short period premium for the expired terms from the date of inception. This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this policy.
13. 雇员定义条款
14. 人员变动条款
15. 自动承保新增雇员条款(30 天内通知)
兹经合同双方同意,本保险自动承保被保险人所有新增招收的雇员。被保险人应在新员工入司后的 30 天内书面申报新员工的情况,并按日比例支付附加保险费。
16. 医疗费赔偿标准约定条款
17. 雇员人数调整条款
兹经合同双方同意,保险人接受投保人在投保时对雇员投保人数的确定,不另列明人员清单,雇员人数在保险期间内增减额在 10%以内,保险人视为被保险人的雇员全部足额投保。雇员人数增
减额超出总投保雇员人数的 10%时,投保人、被保险人应及时通知保险人,对于雇员人数增加的,保险人按日计算增收新增人员保费,对于雇员人数减少的,保险人按日计算退还被保险人减少人员的相应保费;若当雇员人数增加时被保险人没有及时通知保险人,则在发生保险事故时,保险人根
18. 上下班途中条款
本附加条款与主险条款内容相悖之处,以本附加条款为准;未尽之处,以主险条款为准。 The Way To and From the Working Place Extension Clause
It is hereby understood and agreed that in the event of any employee of the Insured whose attendance at his place of employment is required by the Insured being injured or killed whilst proceeding directly to his place of employment or returning therefrom directly to his home, such death or injury shall be deemed to have arisen out of and in the course of the employee’s employment for the purpose of this Policy.
This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this policy.
19. 台风条款
Typhoon Clause
It is hereby understood and agreed that in the event of any employee of the Insured whose attendance at his place of employment is required by the Insured during the period when typhoon signal no. 8 or above is hoisted extraordinary weather conditions being injured or killed whilst proceeding directly to his place of employment or returning therefrom directly to his home such death or injury shall be deemed to have arisen out of and in the courses of the employee’s employment for the purpose of this Policy.
20. 特殊天气条款
本附加条款与主险条款内容相悖之处,以本附加条款为准;未尽之处,以主险条款为准。 Extraordinary Weather Clause
In the event of any employee of the Insured whose attendance at his place of employment is required by the Insured during extraordinary weather conditions being injured or killed whilst proceeding directly to his place of employment or returning therefrom directly to his home, such death or injury shall be deemed to have arisen out of and in the course of the employee’s employment for the purpose of this Policy.
This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this policy.
21. 用餐期间条款
Meal & Lunch Time Clause
It is hereby understood and agreed that in the event of any employee of the Insured staying in the insured address during meal and lunch time being injury or killed shall be deemed to have arisen out of and in the course of the employee’s employment.
二 扩展类
22. 扩展 24 小时个人意外事故条款 A 款
兹经双方同意,本保险扩展承保被保险人的雇员在 24 小时内所遭受的永久性伤残、死亡。
23. 扩展 24 小时意外事故条款 B 款
兹经双方同意,本保险扩展承保被保险人的雇员在 24 小时xx意外事故导致的伤、残或死亡,保险人按保单明细表中载明的各项赔偿限额负责赔偿。
24. 附加第三者责任条款
第三者责任保险每次事故赔偿限额为 元人民币,最高不超过主险约定的每次事故赔偿限额;累计赔偿限额为 元人民币,最高不超过主险约定的累计赔偿限额。
对人身伤亡的赔偿,每次事故每人以人民币 元(含人身伤亡、医疗费用、抚恤费)为限, 每人赔偿限额最高不超过主险约定的每人伤亡赔偿限额。
每 次 事 故 免 赔 额 为 元 人 民 币 。
Third Party Liability Insurance Clause
It is hereby agreed and understood that subject to the Insured having paid the agreed additional premium, this Policy shall, during the effective period of this Policy, be extended to cover the bodily injury to and/or death of, or property damage to the third party, and disability and/or death pension, medical expenses and other indemnities to the third party, aroused by the employee(s) of the Insured due to their accident or negligence while being engaged in the Insured’s business as specified in the schedule of this Policy, for which the Insured shall be legally liable.
1. The liability caused by the Insured’s employees when driving any motor vehicle.
2. The liability caused by the Insured’s employees which should be covered by professional indemnity insurance.
Limit of Indemnity of Third Party Liability (a.o.a.): RMB Yuan. Aggregate Limit of Indemnity: RMB Yuan.
Limit of Indemnity in respect of death or bodily injury (a.o.a.): RMB Yuan (including compensation for bodily injury and/or death, medical expenses and disability and/or death pension):
Limit of Indemnity in respect of loss of or damage to the Third Party’s property (a.o.a.): RMB Yuan
This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy. Additional Premium: RMB Yuan.
25. 公务旅行扩展条款
Business Trip Extension
It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is extended to provide cover to
all employees while they are on business trip.
26. 雇员临时海外公干条款
Employees Temporarily Working Overseas Clause
It is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy is extended to included employees temporarily working overseas.
It is further understood and agreed that if an employee is a workman within he meaning of the Workmen’s Compensation Ordinance or is an employee described in Schedule “B” the Company will not in the event of an accident arising out of and in the course of his employment to such employee whilst engaged in the service of the Insured as set forth in the Schedule deny liability on the ground that the Ordinance is not applicable in.
27. 出差公干条款
28. 附加公务出国责任保险
本附加条款与主险条款内容相悖之处,以本附加条款为准;未尽之处,以主险条款为准。 Liability clause regarding overseas trips taken on official business Clause
Both parties to this insurance contract hereby agree that during the insurance period, if the insured's employee has died, become disabled or incurred medical expenses from an
overseas trip taken for official business purposes, and for which the insured is liable for providing financial compensation under PRC laws, the insurer agrees to indemnify the insured for the amounts specified in the additional insurance clauses and within the limits of liability.
This additional clause is coexistent with the main insurance clauses, and this additional insurance clause shall take precedence. If any matter is not provided for here, the main articles shall take precedence.
29. 附加员工公(劳)务出国保险条款
本附加条款与主险条款内容相悖之处,以本附加条款为准;未尽之处,以主险条款为准。 Business/Service Trip Abroad Clause
It is hereby agreed and understood that subject to the Insured having paid the agreed
additional premium, this Policy shall be extended to cover the Insured’s liability of medical expenses and other economic indemnities in accordance with his employment contract and other relative laws, for death of and/or bodily injury to his employees while being engaged in the Insured’s business as specified in the schedule of this Policy and caused by accident or occupational diseases during their business /service trip abroad. This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy.
30. 食品设施条款
本附加条款与主险条款内容相悖之处,以本附加条款为准;未尽之处,以主险条款为准。 Catering Facilities Clause
It is hereby declared and agreed that this Policy is extended to cover for employees
using catering facilities provided by the employer (including food poisoning).
31. 地震或海啸拓展条款
32. 紧急运输费用条款
但是,本公司在本条款项下的赔偿责任每位雇员不得超过 , 保险期限内累计不得超过 。
本附加条款与主险条款内容相悖之处,以本附加条款为准;未尽之处,以主险条款为准。 Emergency Transportation Expenses Clause
It is hereby noted and agreed that this Policy is extended to indemnify the Insured against any costs incurred by the Insured for emergency transportation required as a result of serious injury sustained by the Insured’s employees.
Provided that the Company’s limit of liability under this clause shall not exceed
for any one employee and in aggregate during period of insurance.
This clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy.
33. 罢工、暴动、民众骚乱条款
本附加条款与主险条款内容相悖之处,以本附加条款为准;未尽之处,以主险条款为准。 Strike, Riot and Civil Commotion Clause
It is hereby agreed and understood that subject to the Insured having paid the agreed additional premium, this Policy shall, during the effective period of this Policy, be extended to cover the Insured’s liability for medical expenses and/or other economic compensations in accordance with his (employment) contract(s) in respect of death of or bodily injury by accident occurred at the specified premises and directly caused by strike, riot and civil commotion, to his employees while being engaged in the Insured’s business as specified in this Policy.
This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy.
34. 扩展恐怖活动及暴乱事件责任条款
35. 临时人员特别扩展条款
36. 设计、监理人员特别扩展条款
37. 宿舍责任条款
38. 附加社交、康乐及娱乐条款
39. 附加法院判决超赔责任条款
40. 附加误工费责任条款
兹经保险合同双同意,在保险期间内发生主险条款约定的保险事故,从而导致被保险人雇员暂时丧失工作能力超过 5 天(不含 5 天)的,经医院及被保险人证明,保险人负责赔偿暂时丧失工作能力雇员的误工费用。
误工费用的计算方式为:暂时丧失工作能力的雇员的申报月工资标准/30×(实际暂时丧失工作能力天数-5 天)。实际暂时丧失工作能力天数以该雇员医疗期满日或确定伤残程度日期(先发生者)为限,最长不超过 365 天,且以保单约定的每人伤亡赔偿限额为限。
41. 附加核子辐射责任保险
本保险单所载其他条件不变。 Radioactivity Liability Clause
It is hereby agreed and understood that subject to the Insured having paid the agreed additional premium, this Policy shall, during the effective period of this Policy, be extended to cover the Insured’s liability of medical expenses and other economic indemnities in accordance with his contract and other relative laws when he engages in the nuclear production, research and application, for death of and/or bodily injury to his employees caused by accidental nuclear leakage or by occupational diseases resulting from
nuclear radiation while being engaged in the Insured’s business.
This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy.
42. 附加实习生赔偿责任条款
43. 附加传染病保险条款
44. 附加自费药保险条款
无论发生一次或多次保险事故,保险人对被保险人所雇佣的每个雇员所赔付自费医药费用不超过 元, 每人自费药医疗费用赔偿限额包含在主险每人医疗费用赔偿限额之内。
45. 附加伤残赔付比例调整条款
伤残等级 | 赔偿比例 | 调整后的赔偿比例 |
一级伤残 | 100% | 100% |
二级伤残 | 80% | |
三级伤残 | 70% | |
四级伤残 | 60% | |
五级伤残 | 50% |
六级伤残 | 40% | |
七级伤残 | 30% | |
八级伤残 | 20% | |
九级伤残 | 10% | |
十级伤残 | 5% |
注:伤残等级划分标准按照《职工工伤与职业病致残程度鉴定》(中华人民共和国国家标准 GB
三 限制类
46. 体育运动除外条款
47. 传染病除外条款
48. 性骚扰除外条款
49. 高空作业除外条款
50. 医疗费用除外条款
51. 附加职业病除外条款
本附加条款与主险条款内容相悖之处,以本附加条款为准;未尽之处,以主险条款为准。 Additional Occupational Disease Exclusions Clause
Both parties hereby agree that the insurer shall not be held liable for the insured's liability arising from an occupational disease suffered by the insured's employee. The
insurer shall reduce the amount of insurance premium paid by the policyholder in accordance with the terms of this agreement.
This additional clause is coexistent with the main insurance clauses, and this additional insurance clause shall take precedence. If any matter is not provided for here, the main articles shall take precedence.
52. 附加突发疾病除外条款
兹经保险合同双方同意,由于被保险人的雇员突发疾病死亡或者突发疾病在 48 小时之内经抢救无效死亡而导致的被保险人的责任,保险人不负责赔偿。