1. 释 义
1.1 在本协议中,以下词语及短语应具有如下含义,除非文意另有所指:
(a) 本协议是指由天祥与客户双方签署的本份协议;
(b) 服务是指载于任何相关的天祥提案、概算书或报价单、或任何相关的客户采购订单、或任何相关的天祥发票(如适用)中的服务,或者可包括天祥提供工作报告的这项服务;
(c) 工作报告具有下文第2.3条所赋予的含义;
(d) 提案是指由天祥向客户提供的与服务相关的提议书、概算书或费用报价单(如适用);
(e) 知识产权是指版权、商标权(无论是否已予注册)、专利权、专利申请权(包括提出专利注册申请的权利)、服务商标权、设计权(无论是否已予注册)、商业秘密或其它类似的既有权利;且
(f) 机密信息是指所有以任何形式或方式呈现的如下信息:(a)依据本协议被披露的或在依据本协议提供服务的过程中被披露的;(b)(i)以书面、电子、可视、口头或其它形式被披露且披露方在披露时将之注明、印明、指定为机密信息的;及/或(ii)接收方理应将之视为机密信息(无论以 何种形式被披露)的信息。
1.2 本协议的标题不影响本协议的含义及解释。
2. 服 务
2.1 天祥应按照明确纳入任何提案中的本协议条款向客户提供服务。
2.2 若本协议条款与提案条款出现任何不一致,则以提案条款为准。
2.3 天祥依据本协议提供的服务、以及天祥在向客户提供服务过程中编制的任何备忘录、实验室数据、计算结果、测量数据、概算书、票据及其他资料、连同以任何形式出现的描述任何工作或服务履行成果的工作状态概述或任何其它沟通(简称“工作报告”)仅限于为客户所用并让客户受益。客户承认:天祥所提供的任何服务和/或工作报告均为按照客户明确指示行事的结果。客户确认并理解:对天祥出具的任何工作报告的依赖仅限于其中所载的事实和xx。
2.4 xx在同意依据本协议提供服务的同时,不得限制、取消或承诺免除客户对任何其他人所应履行的任何职责或义务。
3. 天祥的保证
3.1 天祥专门向客户保证:天祥提供服务过程中将采取其它公司在类似情况下提供类似服务所通常采取的审慎态度和技能水平。
3.2 天祥若违反第3.1条所述的保证条款,则须自费按照纠正天祥履约缺陷所需的原先合理方式来履行服务。
3.3 天祥未作出任何其它明示或默示的品质担保。成文法或普通法规定的所有其它默示品质担保、条件及条款(包括但不限于任何默示的适销性和适用性担保)应按法律所允许的最大程度排除在本协议之外。天祥(包括其代理人、分包人、雇员或其它代表人)所提供的任何服务、可交付项、口头信息或其它信息或建议均不构成担保、亦不扩大任何已作担保的范围。
4. 客户的保证及义务
4.1 客户声明并保证如下:
(a) 拥有签署本协议并促使他人为自身提供服务的权力及授权;
(b) 保证自行使用提供本协议项下的服务,不得为任何其它人士或实体行使代理人或经纪人或代表人的职责;
(c) 客户(或其任何代理人或代表人)xxx(包括其代理人、分包人及雇员)提供的任何信息、样品及相关文件均为真实、准确、完整xx,无任何方面的误导内容。另外,客户确知:xx将依赖由客户提交的这些信息、样品及相关文件(天祥不必确认或核实其准确性或完整性)履行其服务提供义务。天祥无义务核实前述任何信息的准确性、完整性或真实性;
(d) 由客户xxx提供的任何样品应以运费预付的装运方式发出,经测试后,应由客户在三十(30)天内自费收回或处理,除非客户另有安排。若客户未能在该三十(30)天期间收回或处理该等样品,天祥有权销毁该等样品,由此产生的费用由客户承担;且
(e) 无论在任何情况下,由客户xxx提供的任何信息、样品或其他相关文件(包括但不限于证书和报告)均不得侵犯任何第三方的任何合法权利
4.2 若所提供的服务涉及任何第三方,则客户须促使该第三方确认并同意本协议及提案的规定,并以此作为该第三方接收任何工作报告或任何服务收益的前提条件。
4.3 客户进一步同意:
(a) 协助天祥处理所有与服务相关的问题,委派一名与服务相关的经理,并依法授权该经理代表客户xxx作出工作指示并按合同要求约束客户;
(b) 自费xxx(包括其代理人、分包人及雇员)提供足以让天祥依据本协议及时履行服务所需的全部样品、信息、物料或其它文件。客户确认:由客户提供的样品在接受必要的测试过程中,有可能会被损坏或损毁,若出现此类情形,客户将保证使天祥免于承担任何此类样品的变样、损坏或损毁责任
(c) 有责任提供拟接受测试的样品/设备和任何指定增列物件(包括但不限于连接件、熔断器等)
(d) 及时xxx作出指示并提出反馈意见;
(e) xxx(包括其代理人、分包人及雇员)提供进入客户工作场所的必要合理权限,以满足其履行服务所需;
(f) 告知天祥所有可能适用于服务履行所在的任何相关工作场所的健康与安全规则和条例以及其它合理的安保规定;
(g) 若客户所提供的任何物件、或其工作场所使用的或履行服务所需的任何工序或系统存在风险或安全问题或出现任何事故,则应立即告知天祥;
(h) 提前告知天祥可能适用于拟提供之服务的任何现行进出口限制规定,包括可能向设有此类交易限制或禁止规定的国家进口或出口任何产品、信息或技术的情形;
(i) 获取并持有遵守与服务相关的法律法规所需的全部许可和批准文件;
(j) 未事先征得天祥的书面同意,不得分发或公布任何工作报告的内容或其中的任何节选、摘录部分;
(k) 自费协助天祥(包括其代理人、分包人及雇员)向有关主管部门获取进入履行服务需入境的国家的必要签证、工作证及其它相关证件,以满足天祥(包括其代理人、分包人及雇员)提供服务所需;
(l) 不以误导的方式使用任何由天祥依据本协议提交的工作报告,发布工作报告时仅限于以其整体发布;
(m) 不以误导的方式按照本协议使用或买卖天祥的商标或品牌,且在未获得天祥书面同意的情况下,绝不使用任何此类品牌或商标;
(n) 所有广告和宣传材料、或客户作出的任何xx均不让任何关注天祥所提供服务的第三方产生其含有虚假或具误导性内容的印象;
4.4 若天祥的违约行为是由于客户未能履行其在第4条项下的义务所直接导致,则天祥不应被视为违约,亦不必因此对客户承担任何违约责任。此外,客户确认:客户未能履行其在关于天祥服务的本条款项下之义务的行为并不影响客户根据下文第5条支付费用的义务。
5. 费用、发票与付款
5.1 客户应xxx支付提案中所载费用(如适用)或双方预期的服务提供费用(简称为“ 费用” )
5.2 特此明确指出:费用不含任何适用税款(包括但不限于营业税、城市维护建设税和额外的教育附加税)。天祥一旦出具有效发票,客户即应按照法律规定的费率和方式支付费用的所有适用税款。
5.3 客户同意xxx偿付天祥提供服务所产生的全部相关费用,并独自承担与受测样品相关的所有运费或海关清关费用。
5.4 费用是指客户依据本协议拟予支付的服务总费用。天祥额外完成的任何工作应按时间和耗材来计算费用。
5.5 天祥应就费用和其它开支(如有)向客户开具发票,客户应在收到每张发票后的三十(30)天内支付发票金额。
5.6 若客户未按时支付发票金额,则天祥有权收取(且客户必须支付)自发票付款到期日至全额收款日期间的逾期未付款额的利息,年利率相当于在汇丰银行不时公布的相关货币基准利率加上三个百分点。
6. 知识产权
6.1 所有于签署本协议之前归属于任何一方的知识产权仍应归该方所有。本协议无任何将任何一方的知识产权转让给另一方的目的。
6.2 客户(或其关联公司或附属公司)以任何理由使用天祥的名称或天祥任何商标或品牌名称的行为必须事先征得天祥的书面同意。禁止实施任何以其它方式使用天祥商标或品牌名称的行为,若发生任何未经授权的此类使用行为,天祥有权立即终止本协议。
6.3 天祥依据本协议所编制的任何工作报告、文件、图解、图表、照片或任何其它资料(无论载于何种媒介)中的所有知识产权均归天祥所有。客户有权将任何该等工作报告、文件、图解、图表、照片或其它资料用于本协议所载目的。
7. 保密条款
7.1 若任何一方(接收方)(不论是在本协议签署日期之前或之后)获得与本协议相关的另一方(披露方)的机密信息,则须受规限于第7.2至7.4条规定:
(a) 以保护自身机密信息相同的审慎方式来对机密信息进行保密;
(b) 机密信息仅限用以履行本协议项下的义务;且
(c) 未事先征得披露方书面同意,不得向任何第三方披露机密信息。
7.2 在必要的情况下,接收方可将披露方的机密信息披露给以下人士或机构:
(a) 接收方聘请的任何律师顾问及法定审计师;
(b) 对接收方的业务拥有管制或监管权力的任何监管人;
(c) 接收方的任何董事、高级职员或雇员(但前提条件是接收方已向其告知第7.1条项下的义务并确保其所承担的保密义务不低于第7条所载保密义务的艰巨程度);且
(d) (在天祥是接收方的情况下)接收方的任何附属机构、关联机构或分包人。
7.3 第7.1及7.2条的规定不适用于任何下述机密信息:
(a) 非因违反第7条规定而为公众所知的信息;
(b) 依法获取信息且不必承担任何披露限制义务的第三方向接收方披露的信息;或
(c) 接收方不使用相关机密信息而独立开发的信息。
7.4 对于法律、监管机关或接收方挂牌交易所规则要求披露的机密信息,接收方可予以披露,但接收方必须已及时将该要求以书面形式通知披露方
7.5 各方均须确保其雇员、代理人和代表人(包括xx的所有分包人的上述人员)履行其在本第7条项下的义务。
7.6 披露方单纯披露任何机密信息的行为不构成与机密信息相关的任何知识产权的许可行为。
8. 修 改
8.1 对本协议作出的任何修改必须以书面形式明确作出,并须经双方授权代表签署之后方才有效。
9. 不可抗力
9.1 若任何一方由于下述事件而延迟履行或未能履行本协议项下的任何义务,则该方不必对另一方承担任何责任:
(a) 战争(不论宣战与否)、内战、暴乱、革命、恐怖主义行为、军事行动、蓄意破坏行为和/或海盗行为;
(b) 自然灾害(例如:剧烈风暴、地震、海啸、食品和/或照明问题、爆炸和火灾);
(c) 罢工和劳资纠纷,因受影响方或其任何供应商或代理人的一名或数名雇员引发的纠纷除外;或者
(d) 公用事业单位(如:电信、互联网、煤气和电力服务供应商)出现问题。
9.2 为了避免产生疑问,特此声明:xxx是由于其分包人延迟或未能履行本协议义务而受影响的一方,则只有在分包人受到上述事件影响的情况下,方可视为不可抗力事件(定义见下文)的发生。
9.3 履约行为受到第9.1条所述事件(简称为“ 不可抗力事件” )影响的一方必须:
(a) 及时以书面形式将不可抗力事件及其原因和可能由此导致的延迟履约或未能履约的持续时间通知对方;
(b) 以合理方式尽一切努力避免或减少不可抗力事件的影响,并在合理的情况下尽快继续或恢复履行其受影响的义务;并
(c) 继续提供未受不可抗力事件影响的服务。
9.4 若不可抗力事件的影响自其发生日起持续超过六十(60)天,不受影响的一方可提前至少十(10)天以书面形式通知受影响方终止本协定。
10. 责任限制与免除
11. 赔 偿
(a) 任何政府机关或他人以客户实际上或被声称违反任何法律、法规、或政府或司法机构的条例、规则或命令为由提起索赔或诉讼;
(b) 针对由天祥及其高级职员、雇员、代理人、代表人、承办人及分包人依据本协议提供服务所引起或与之相关的任何个人或实体所导致或遭受的任何人身伤害、财产损失或损害、经济损失、以及知识产权损失或损害而提起的索赔或诉讼;
(c) 客户实际上或被声称违反其在上述第4条规定项下的任何义务;
(d) 任何第三方就由实际或声称的任何服务履行行为或不履行服务行为引起的或与之相关的任何性质的损失、损害或费用提起的总额超过第10条所载责任限制的任何与任一服务相关的索赔;
(e) 因滥用或未经授权使用天祥依据本协议所提交的任何工作报告或任何归属于天祥之知识产权(包括商标)的行为而引起的任何索赔或诉讼;以及
(f) 由于任何第三方使用或依赖任何工作报告或者客户(或接收客户工作报告的任何第三方)基于工作报告之全部或部分所编制的任何报告、分析和结论而引起的或与之相关的任何索赔。
12. 保险政策
13. 终 止
(a) 若一方严重违反本协议项下的任何义务的持续时间超过另一方以挂号邮件或快递方式发送书面通知要求其采取违约补救措施之后的三十(30)天,则另一方可终止本协议;
(b) 若客户逾期未付任何发票金额且/或经催告后仍未付款,则天祥可书面通知客户终止本协议;或
(c) 若任何一方与其债权人进行债务重组、或受破产保护令所规限、或(个人或公司)破产、或(公司)进入清算程序(以恢复偿债能力为目的的合并或重组程序除外)、或该方的任何财产或资产被担保物权人接管或被指定一名接管人、或该方停业或可能停业,另一方可书面通知该方终止本协议。
14. 转让与分包
14.1 在必要的情况下,天祥可委托其一家或多家附属公司及/或分包人履行天祥在本协议项下的义务并提供服务;天祥亦可提前通知客户xxx集团内部的成员公司转让其在本协议项下的权利和义务。
15. 适用法律与争议的解决
15.1 本协议与提案适用中华人民共和国法律。任何由本协议引起的或与之相关的争议、冲突或权利主张应首先由双方通过友好协商予以解决;若双方在协商开始之后的三十
16. 其它条款
16.1 若本协议的任何条款无效、不合法或不可执行,则该条款须与本协议分离,其余条款如同本协议从未载有该无效、不合法或不可执行条款一样仍具有充分效力;若删除该无效、不合法或不可执行条款会导致无法实现本协议目的,则天祥与客户应立即通过善意协商达成一项替代约定。
Intertek General Terms and Conditions of Services
Peoples Republic of China
These terms and conditions, together with any proposal, estimate or fee quote, form the agreement between you (the Client) and the Intertek entity (Intertek) providing the services contemplated therein.
1.1 In this Agreement the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) Agreement means this agreement entered into between Intertek and the Client;
(b) Services means the services set out in any relevant Intertek proposal, estimate or quote, any relevant Client purchase order, or any relevant Intertek invoice, as applicable, and may comprise or include the provision by Intertek of a report;
(c) Report or Reports shall have the meaning set out in Clause 2.3 below;
(d) Proposal means the proposal, estimate or fee quote, if applicable, provided to the Client by Intertek relating to the Services;
(e) Intellectual Property Right(s) means copyrights, trademarks (registered or unregistered), patents, patent applications (including the right to apply for a patent), service marks, design rights (registered or unregistered), trade secrets and other like rights howsoever existing; and
(f) Confidential Information shall mean all information in whatever form or manner presented which: (a) is disclosed pursuant to, or in the course of the provision of Services pursuant to, this Agreement; and (b) (i) is disclosed in writing, electronically, visually, orally or otherwise howsoever and is marked, stamped or identified by any means as confidential by the disclosing party at the time of such disclosure; and/or (ii) is information, howsoever disclosed, which would reasonably be considered to be confidential by the receiving party.
1.2 The headings in this Agreement do not affect its interpretation.
2.1 Intertek shall provide the Services to the Client in accordance with the terms of this Agreement which is expressly incorporated into any Proposal.
2.2 In the event of any inconsistency between the terms of this Agreement and the Proposal, the terms of the Proposal shall take precedence.
2.3 The Services provided by Intertek under this Agreement and any memoranda, laboratory data, calculations, measurements, estimates, notes and other material prepared by Intertek in the course of providing the Services to the Client, together with status summaries or any other communication in any form describing the results of any work or services performed (Reports) shall be only for the Client’s use and benefit. The Client acknowledges that any Services provided and/or Reports produced by Intertek are done so pursuant to the Client’s specific instructions. The Client acknowledges and understands that reliance on any Report issued by Intertek is limited to the facts and representations set out therein.
2.4 In agreeing to provide the Services pursuant to this Agreement, Intertek does not abridge, abrogate or undertake to discharge any duty or obligation of the Client to any other person.
3.1 Intertek warrants exclusively to the Client that the Services shall be performed in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by other companies providing like services under similar circumstances.
3.2 In the event of a breach of the warranty set out in Clause 3.1, Intertek shall, at its own expense, perform services of the type originally performed as may be reasonably required to correct any defect in Intertek’s performance.
3.3 Intertek makes no other warranties, express or implied. All other warranties, conditions and other terms implied by statute or common law (including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for purpose) are, to the fullest extent permitted by law, excluded from this Agreement. No performance, deliverable, oral or other information or advice provided by Intertek (including its agents, sub-contractors, employees or other representatives) will create a warranty or otherwise increase the scope of any warranty provided.
4.1 The Client represents and warrants:
(a) that it has the power and authority to enter into this Agreement and procure the provision of the Services for itself;
(b) it is securing the provision of the Services hereunder for its own account and not as an agent or broker, or in any other representative capacity, for any other person or entity;
(c) that any information, samples and related documents it (or any of its agents or representatives) supplied to Intertek (including its agents, sub-contractors and employees) is true, accurate representative, complete and is not misleading in any respect. The Client further acknowledges that Intertek will rely on such information, samples or other related documents and materials provided by the Client (without any duty to confirm or verify the accuracy or completeness thereof) in order to provide the Services. Intertek is not under any obligation to verify any of the foregoing as to their accuracy, completeness or truth;
(d) that any samples provided by the Client to Intertek shall be shipped pre-paid and will be collected or disposed of by the Client (at the Client’s cost) within thirty (30) days after testing unless alternative arrangements are made by the Client. In the event that such samples are not collected or disposed by the Client within the required thirty (30) day period, Intertek reserves the right to destroy the samples, at the Client’s cost; and
(e) that any information, samples or other related documents (including without limitation certificates and reports) provided by the Client to Intertek will not, in any circumstances, infringe any legal rights (including Intellectual Property Rights) of any third party.
4.2 In the event that the Services provided related to any third party, the Client shall cause any such third party to acknowledge and agree to the provisions in this Agreement and the Proposal prior to and as a condition precedent to such third party receiving any Report or the benefit of any Services.
4.3 The Client further agrees:
(a) to co-operate with Intertek in all matters relating to the Services and appoint a manager in relation to the Services who shall be duly authorised to provide instructions to Intertek on behalf of the Client and to bind the Client contractually as required;
(b) to provide Intertek (including its agents, sub-contractors and employees), at its own expense, any and all samples, information, material or other documentation necessary for the execution of the Services in a timely manner sufficient to enable Intertek to provide the Services in accordance with this Agreement. The Client acknowledges that any samples provided may become damaged or be destroyed in the course of testing as part of the necessary testing process and undertakes to hold Intertek harmless from any and all responsibility for such alteration, damage or destruction;
(c) that it is responsible for providing the samples/equipment to be tested together with any specified additional items, including but not limited to connecting pieces, fuse-links, etc;
(d) to provide instructions and feedback to Intertek in a timely manner;
(e) to provide Intertek (including its agents, sub-contractors and employees) with access to its premises as may be reasonably required for the provision of the Services;
(f) to inform Intertek of all health and safety rules and regulations and regulations and other reasonable security requirements that may apply at any relevant premises at which the Services are to be provided;
(g) to notify Intertek promptly of any risk, safety issues or incidents in respect of any item delivered by the Client, or any process or systems used at its premises or otherwise necessary for the provision of the Services;
(h) to inform Intertek in advance of any applicable import/export restrictions that may apply to the Services to be provided, including any instances where any products, information or technology may be exported/imported to or from a country that is restricted or banned from such transaction;
(i) to obtain and maintain all necessary licenses and consents in order to comply with relevant legislation and regulation in relation to the Services;
(j) in no event will the contents of any Report or any extracts, excerpts or parts of any Report be distributed or published without the prior written consent of Intertek in each instance;
(k) to assist Intertek (including its agents, sub-contractors and employees), at its own cost, with the relevant competent authorities in order to obtain visas, work permits and other documents required by Intertek (including its agents, sub- contractors and employees) to enter the country as may be reasonably required for the provision of the Services;
(l) that it will not use any Reports issued by Intertek pursuant to this Agreement in a misleading manner and that it will only distribute such Reports in their entirety;
(m) that it will not use and trade marks or brands of Intertek pursuant to this Agreement in a misleading manner and in any event will not use any such brands or trademarks without the express written consent of Intertek; and
(n) that any and all advertising and promotional materials or any statements made by the Client shall not give a false or misleading impression to any third party concerning the services provided by Intertek.
4.4 Intertek shall be neither in breach of this Agreement nor liable to the Client for any breach of this Agreement if and to the extent that its breach is a direct result of a failure by the Client to comply with its obligation as set out in this Clause
4. The Client also acknowledges that the impact of any failure by the Client to perform its obligations set out herein on the provision of the Services by Intertek will not affect the Client’s obligations under this Agreement for payment of the Charges pursuant to Clause 5 below.
5.1 The Client shall pay Intertek the Charges set out in the Proposal, if applicable, or as otherwise contemplated for provision of the Services (the Charges).
5.2 The Charges are expressed exclusive of any applicable taxes (including but not limited to business tax, urban maintenance and construction tax and additional educational surtax). The Client shall pay any and all applicable taxes on the Charges at the rate and in the manner prescribed by law, on the issue by Intertek of a valid invoice.
5.3 The Client agrees that it will reimburse Intertek for any expenses incurred by Intertek relating to the provision of the Services and is wholly responsible for any freight or customs clearance fees relating to any testing samples.
5.4 The Charges represent the total fees to be paid by the Client for the Services pursuant to this Agreement. Any additional work performed by Intertek will be charged on a time and material basis.
5.5 Intertek shall invoice the Client for the Charges and expenses, if any. The Client shall pay each invoice within thirty (30) days of receiving it.
5.6 If any invoice is not paid on the due date for payment, Intertek shall have the right to charge, and the Client shall pay, interest on the unpaid amount, calculated from the due date of the invoice to the date of receipt of the amount in full at a rate equivalent to 3% per cent per annum above the base rate from time to time of HSBC Bank in the relevant currency.
6.1 All Intellectual Property Rights belonging to a party prior to entry into this Agreement shall remain vested in that party. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to transfer any Intellectual Property Rights from either party to the other.
6.2 Any use by the Client (or the Client’s affiliated companies or subsidiaries) of the name “Intertek” or any of Intertek’s trademarks or brand names for any reason must be prior approved in writing by Intertek. Any other use of Intertek’s trademarks or brand names is strictly prohibited and Intertek reserves the right to terminate this Agreement immediately as a result of any such unauthorised use.
6.3 All Intellectual Property Rights in any Report, document, graphs, charts, photographs or any other material (in whatever medium) produced by Intertek pursuant to this Agreement shall belong to Intertek. The Client shall have the right to use any such Report, document, graphs, charts, photographs or other material for the purposes of this Agreement.
7.1 Where a party (the Receiving Party) obtains Confidential Information of the other party (the Disclosing Party) in connection with this Agreement (whether before or after the date of this Agreement) it shall, subject to Clauses 7.2 to 7.4:
(a) keep that Confidential Information confidential, by applying the standard of care that it uses for its own Confidential Information;
(b) use that Confidential Information only for the purposes of performing obligations under this Agreement; and
(c) not disclose that Confidential Information to any third party without the prior written consent of the Disclosing Party.
7.2 The Receiving Party may disclose the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information on a “need to know” basis:
(a) to any legal advisers and statutory auditors that it has engaged for itself;
(b) to any regulator having regulatory or supervisory authority over its business;
(c) to any director, officer or employee of the Receiving Party provided that, in each case, the Receiving Party has first advised that person of the obligations under Clause 7.1 and ensured that the person is bound by obligations of confidence in respect of the Confidential Information no less onerous than those set out in this Clause 7; and
(d) where the Receiving Party is Intertek, to any of its subsidiaries, affiliates or Subcontractors.
7.3 The provisions of Clauses 7.1 and 7.2 shall not apply to any Confidential Information which:
(a) is or becomes public knowledge other than by breach of this Clause 7;
(b) is received by the Receiving Party from a third party who lawfully acquired it and who is under no obligation restricting its disclosure; or
(c) is independently developed by the Receiving Party without access to the relevant Confidential Information.
7.4 The Receiving Party may disclose Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party to the extent required by law, any regulatory authority or the rules of any stock exchange on which the Receiving Party is listed, provided that the Receiving Party has given the Disclosing Party prompt written notice of the requirement to disclose and where possible given the Disclosing Party a reasonable opportunity to prevent the disclosure through appropriate legal means.
7.5 Each party shall ensure the compliance by its employees, agents and representatives (which, in the case of Intertek, includes procuring the same from any sub-contractors) with its obligations under this Clause 7.
7.6 No licence of any Intellectual Property Rights is given in respect of any Confidential Information solely by the disclosure of such Confidential Information by the Disclosing Party.
8.1 No amendment to this Agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing, expressly stated to amend this Agreement and signed by an authorised signatory of each party.
9.1 Neither party shall be liable to the other for any delay in performing or failure to perform any obligation under this Agreement to the extent that such delay or failure to perform is a result of:
(a) war (whether declared or not), civil war, riots, revolution, acts of terrorism, military action, sabotage and/or piracy;
(b) natural disasters such as violent storms, earthquakes, tidal waves, floods and/or lighting; explosions and fires;
(c) strikes and labour disputes, other than by any one or more employees of the affected party or of any Supplier or agent of the affected party; or
(d) failures of utilities companies such as providers of telecommunication, internet, gas or electricity services.
9.2 For the avoidance of doubt, where the affected party is Intertek any failure or delay caused by failure or delay on the part of a subcontractor shall only be a Force Majeure Event (as defined below) where the subcontractor is affected by one of the events described above.
9.3 A party whose performance is affected by an event described in Clause 9.1 (a Force Majeure Event) shall:
(a) promptly notify the other party in writing of the Force Majeure Event and the cause and the likely duration of any consequential delay or non performance of its obligations;
(b) use all reasonable endeavours to avoid or mitigate the effect of the Force Majeure Event and continue to perform or resume performance of its affected obligations as soon as reasonably possible; and
(c) continue to provide Services that remain unaffected by the Force Majeure Event.
9.4 If the Force Majeure Event continues for more than sixty (60) days after the day on which it started, the non-affected party may terminate this Agreement by giving at least ten (10) days’ written notice to the affected party.
10.1 The maximum aggregate liability of Intertek in contract, tort (including negligence and breach of statutory duty) or otherwise for any breach of this Agreement or any matter arising out of or in connection with the Services to be provided in accordance with this Agreement shall be the amount of Charges due by the Client to Intertek under this Agreement.
10.2 Neither party shall be liable to the other in contract, tort (including negligence and breach of statutory duty) or otherwise for any loss of profit (whether direct or indirect) or for any indirect, consequential, punitive or special loss or damage, including without limitation loss of profits, revenue, business, or anticipated savings (even when advised of their possibility).
10.3 Any claim by the Client against Intertek (always subject to the provisions of this Clause 10) must be made within ninety (90) days after the Client becomes aware of any circumstances giving rise to any such claim. Failure to give such notice of claim within ninety (90) days shall constitute a bar or irrevocable waiver to any claim, either directly or indirectly, in contract, tort or otherwise in connection with the provision of Services under this Agreement.
11.1 The Client shall indemnify and hold harmless Intertek, its officers, employees, agents, representatives, contractors and sub-contractors from and against any and all claims, suits, liabilities (including costs of litigation and attorney’s fees) arising, directly or indirectly, out of or in connection with:
(a) any claims or suits by any governmental authority or others for any actual or asserted failure of the Client to comply with any law, ordinance, regulation, rule or order of any governmental or judicial authority;
(b) claims or suits for personal injuries, loss of or damage to property, economic loss, and loss of or damage to Intellectual Property Rights incurred by or occurring to any person or entity and arising in connection with or related to the Services provided hereunder by Intertek, its officers, employees, agents, representatives, contractors and sub-contractors;
(c) the breach or alleged breach by the Client of any of its obligations set out in Clause 4 above;
(d) any claims made by any third party for loss, damage or expense of whatsoever nature and howsoever arising relating to the performance, purported performance or non-performance of any Services to the extent that the aggregate of any such claims relating to any one Service exceeds the limit of liability set out in Clause 10 above;
(e) any claims or suits arising as a result of any misuse or unauthorised use of any Report issued by Intertek or any Intellectual Property Rights belonging to Intertek (including trade marks) pursuant to this Agreement; and
(f) any claims arising out of or relating to any third party’s use of or reliance on any Report or any reports, analyses, conclusions of the Client (or any third party to whom the Client has provided the Report) based in whole or in part on the Reports, if applicable.
11.2 The obligations set out in this Clause 11 shall survive termination of this Agreement.
12.1 Each party shall be responsible for the arrangement and costs of its own company insurance which includes, without limitation, professional indemnity, employer’s liability, motor insurance and property insurance.
12.2 Intertek expressly disclaims any liability to the Client as an insurer or guarantor.
12.3 The Client acknowledges that although Intertek maintains worker’s compensation and employer’s liability insurance, such insurance does not cover any employees of the Client or any third parties who may be involved in the provision of the Services. If the Services are to be performed at premises belonging to the Client or third parties, Intertek’s insurance does not provide cover for non-Intertek employees.
13.1 This Agreement shall commence upon the first day on which the Services are commenced and shall continue, unless terminated earlier in accordance with this Clause 13, until the Services have been provided.
13.2 This Agreement may be terminated by:
(a) either Party if the other continues in material breach of any obligation imposed upon it hereunder for more than thirty (30) days after written notice has been dispatched by that Party by recorded delivery or courier requesting the other to remedy such breach;
(b) Intertek on written notice to the Client in the event that the Client fails to pay any invoice by its due date and/or fails to make payment after a further request for payment; or
(c) either Party on written notice to the other in the event that the other makes any voluntary arrangement with its creditors or becomes subject to an administration order or (being an individual or firm) becomes bankrupt or (being a company) goes into liquidation (otherwise than for the purposes of a solvent amalgamation or reconstruction) or an encumbrancer takes possession, or a receiver is appointed, of any of the property or assets of the other or the other ceases, or threatens to cease, to carry on business.
13.3 In the event of termination of the Agreement for any reason and without prejudice to any other rights or remedies the parties may have, the Client shall pay Intertek for all Services performed up to the date of termination. This obligation shall survive termination or expiration of this Agreement.
13.4 Any termination or expiration of the Agreement shall not affect the accrued rights and obligations of the parties nor shall it affect any provision which is expressly or by implication intended to come into force or continue in force on or after such termination or expiration.
14.1 Intertek reserves the right to delegate the performance of its obligations hereunder and the provision of the Services to one or more of its affiliates and/or sub-contractors when necessary. Intertek may also assign this Agreement to any company within the Intertek group on notice to the Client.
15.1 This Agreement and the Proposal shall be governed by PRC law. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising from or in connection with this Agreement and/or the Proposal shall firstly be resolved through friendly negotiations between Intertek and the Client. If no resolution can be reached within thirty (30) days after the commencement of any such negotiations either party may submit the dispute, controversy or claim to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commission’s arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.
16. MISCELLANEOUS Severability
16.1 If any provision of this Agreement is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, such provision shall be severed and the remainder of the provisions shall continue in full force and effect as if this Agreement had been executed without the invalid illegal or unenforceable provision. If the invalidity, illegality or unenforceability is so fundamental that it prevents the accomplishment of the purpose of this Agreement, Intertek and the Client shall immediately commence good faith negotiations to agree an alternative arrangement.
No partnership or agency
16.2 Nothing in this Agreement and no action taken by the parties under this Agreement shall constitute a partnership, association, joint venture or other co- operative entity between the parties or constitute any party the partner, agent or legal representative of the other.
16.3 Subject to Clause 10.4 above, the failure of any party to insist upon strict performance of any provision of this Agreement, or to exercise any right or remedy to which it is entitled, shall not constitute a waiver and shall not cause a diminution of the obligations established by this Agreement. A waiver of any breach shall not constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach.
16.4 No waiver of any right or remedy under this Agreement shall be effective unless it is expressly stated to be a waiver and communicated to the other party in writing.
Whole Agreement
16.5 This Agreement and the Proposal contain the whole agreement between the parties relating to the transactions contemplated by this agreement and supersedes all previous agreements, arrangements and understandings between the parties relating to those transactions or that subject matter. No purchase order, invoice, statement or other similar document will add to or vary the terms of this Agreement.
16.6 Each party acknowledges that in entering into this Agreement it has not relied on any representation, warranty, collateral contract or other assurance (except those set out or referred to in this Agreement) made by or on behalf of any other party before the acceptance or signature of this Agreement. Each party waives all rights and remedies that, but for this Clause, might otherwise be available to it in respect of any such representation, warranty, collateral contract or other assurance.
16.7 Nothing in this Agreement limits or excludes any liability for fraudulent misrepresentation.
Further Assurance
16.8 Each party shall, at the cost and request of any other party, execute and deliver such instruments and documents and take such other actions in each case as may be reasonably requested from time to time in order to give full effect to its obligations under this Agreement.