们的报价单、订单确认书或发递单上的相关的 Life Technologies 实体。如在合 验室安装仪器或提供服务,除非我们事先以书面同意。我们不在生物安全四级同文件中有互相冲突的任何条件,我们将按以下确定优先顺序:报价,补充条 的实验室安装仪器或提供服务。
默赛飞世尔科技(中国)有限公司 一般销售条款和条件
7. 和仪器相关的服务和安装。
合同条款所约束的。您必须直接向有关的第三方制造商寻求产品支持,保证,同 13.1 在法律所允许的最大程度下,对任何您可能在本合同项下或可能因我们的
7.1 当您购买一个仪器时,我们可以安装它同时提供培训,维护,修理和任何
产品或服务所导致的间接的,特定的,偶发的,惩罚性的,超过实际损失的或 后果性的损失(包括但不限于购买保险的支出,利润损失,数据丢失,业务损失,
这是本公司销售给您产品和服务的合同条款和条件(“条款”)。我们有些产品和 其他我们明确同意的服务。我们也提供年度及其他形式的仪器服务计划。如您 10. 客制化产品。
服务受到知识产权许可,软件许可或其它没有列在这里的合同条款限制 (“补充
条款”)。您可以在我们给您的报价中或在附带在产品或服务的文件中看到补充 欲知我们仪器服务计划的详细情况,请和客户服务部联络。
条款。您也可以从客户服务部获得补充条款。本条款,连同我们的报价 (如有)
10.1 我们若认为您订购的任何客制化商品的合成程序不适当或商业上不可行, 任何产品或服务的或与本合同或任何产品或服务有关的责任,我们应承担的责
及补充条款(如有),构成我们之间购买和销售产品和服务的合同(“合同”)。当我 7.2 如果我们在您的地点安装或服务一个仪器,确定仪器所在或服务地点的安 在产品设计或者生产的任何阶段,我们均有权拒绝进行该等客制化产品的设计 任总额将仅限于您所付给我们的购买该产品或服务的金额。然而,这些规定并们以发送书面确认、运送产品或以其他方式采取行动提供您订单中货品的方式 全是您的责任。将仪器(未拆封地)移动到将进行安装的安装地点和任何桌面以 和生产。前述情况发生后,我们将在合理时间内尽快通知您。您不必承担我们 不限制我们由于我们的疏忽、欺诈行为,欺诈性的失实xx所造成的死亡或人
接受您的订单时,我们之间的合同就确立了。该等合同的双方是您和出现在我 便安装并避免任何更多的手动处理也是您的责任。我们不在生物安全三级的实 已在任何被拒绝的客制化商品花费的时间、材料或已经产生的任何费用。
们的报价单、订单确认书或发递单上的相关的 Life Technologies 实体。如在合 验室安装仪器或提供服务,除非我们事先以书面同意。我们不在生物安全四级同文件中有互相冲突的任何条件,我们将按以下确定优先顺序:报价,补充条 的实验室安装仪器或提供服务。
13.2 交货日期和时间仅为估计,并且在适用法律允许的范围内,我们将不对由
10.2 您下客制化产品订单时保证及同意如下:
8. 有限的保修。
8.1 对耗材的有限保证。
(1) 您已提供我们您所知悉有关处理、运送、接触或在其他方面使 该等责任是基于合同,侵权或其他情形)。用您提供的任何材料时相关的生物、放射及化学方面危害的全部讯息。
2.1 我们会根据产品的供应情况和任何可能适用的订货到交货的时间尽量配合 除非在产品文件中包括一个不同的书面保证,我们保证每一个耗材将符合在我 (2) 对于您已要求我们制造的序列,您有权促使我们制造并售予您。您在订单中规定的交货日期。有时候,我们会分期交付订单上的货品。如果我 们公布的目录及相关的补充条款中描述的规格。本保修期从我们交货的时间开
14. 出口控制。
始,直至耗材的期限届满或使用截至日期或其指定的“使用” 次数用完为止。如
果我们没有指定使用截止日或使用的次数,保修期将为自我们交付耗材起 12 11. 知识产权。
含的技术信息(合称“物品”),可能受美国政府出口管制的约束。买方在取得相关的政府机构许可(如美国政府有此xx)xx,xx:(0) xx或再
2.2 除非我们和您之间另有约定或我们在报价单中另作表示,我们产品是按 个月。
FCA 贸易术语(参见国际贸易术语解释通则 2010 版(INCOTERMS 2010)之规定)
来销售的。当在我们将货品交付商业承运人时,货品就视为交付了。从此时起,8.2 对仪器的有限保修。
您将承担货品毁损灭失的风险。如果任何产品在运输过程中丢失或损坏,我们 除非在产品文件中包括一个不同的书面保证,我们保证仪器在安装后的 12 个
11.1 您承认,在我们之间,有关我们产品和服务的所有知识产权均为我们完全 府实施限制或禁运政策的任何国家(包括但不限于古巴、朝鲜、xx、叙利亚和和独家拥有。我们销售产品给您仅授予您一个有限的,不可转让的权利,并仅 伊朗),或出口、再出口、分销或供应给已遭美国政府拒绝或限制其参与出口活
3. 验货。
月内或自运货日期起的 15 个月内 (以先到为准),在材料和工艺方面没有缺 限于让您据此使用根据本合同您从我们购买数量的产品。当我们销售产品给您 会用于任何军事,核扩散,生化武器以及导弹技术领域。如卖方要求,买方应陷。我们也保证仪器将根据在交货时我们公布的规格运行。我们保证您向我们 时,我们并未以明示、暗示、禁止反言或其他形式授予给您我们任何知识产权 向卖方提供关于买方已出口或将要出口的任何物品的最终用户和最终用途的信
购买并由我们安装的备件,或由我们认证的授权安装公司安装的备件,将在我 的许可使用,也未授予您在补充条款规定的范围外制造、交由他人制造或使用 息。买方应就与进出口管制法律法规有关的任何官方或非官方的审核或检查,
们交货日起的 3 个月(或如果时间更长的话)在备件安装仪器的原保修期内没 任何产品的权利。本合同未包含任何限制我们执行知识产权权利的条款。
3.1 我们希望您能收到我们产品时,产品处于良好状态。如果您在收到任何损 有材料和工艺方面的缺陷。我们对不向我们购买或不由我们安装的备件不提供
坏或不合格产品之日起的 5 日之内和客户服务部联系,您可以将在交货时损坏 保修。这些部件以“现样”的方式出售。
您退还产品和更换产品的指示。如果您未在这 5 日的时间内和我们联系,产品 8.3 仪器相关服务的有限保证。
11.2 与客制产品的制程、方法或相关合成有关的,或其他与客制产品的设计或
生产相关的,由我们,或为我们,或您与我们共同构思、开发、发现、实施、 15. 完整合同。产生的任何发明(可取得专利或其他知识产权的)、发现、改良、数据、专门
除非在产品文件中包括一个不同的书面保证,我们保证我们的服务将至少根据 知识或其他成果均应是且仍然是我们专有的知识产权。您谨此将对于该等共同 x合同代表了我们之间就我们向您提供本合同项下产品和服务的全部协议,并取
3.2 对于依您指定规格所制造的产品,您仅得于不符合规格时请求退货。我们
知识产权的全部权利、所有权及利益移转及转让给我们。您应在我们要求下, 代以前在我们之间的任何协议(无论是书面或口头)。您可能提供给我们的任何
由我们负担费用,采取合理步骤协助我们确保、证明及记录我们在上述知识产 额外的或不同的条款和条件将是重大的变更,我们加以拒绝。我们销售产品和
8.4 除外。
4. 价格。
用或未经批准的化学品或样品接触;(e)仪器补充条款中保修条款不适用的部件;12. 知识产权的赔偿保证。
产品和服务的价格显示在我们给您的报价单中。如果我们没有提供给您报价单 (f)由我们以外或未经我们授权的任何人士进行的修理,修改,变更或安装;(g) 12.1 我们对您的赔偿保证。对第三方向您提出的并经由相关法律程序最终裁定 书面同意,本合同不能修改。的话,价格将是在我们收到您订单那天对您所在国家适用的价格清单上的价格。以不适当,不合适或未经批准的的方式移除,使用或维护,例如未遵循我们的
5. 付款。
指示或操作指南,未在/按所述的环境或使用说明使用或和未经批准的软件,材 的任何侵权损害赔偿,如果该等法律程序是基于我们生产和销售的产品侵犯任 16. 其他。
料或其他产品共同使用;(h)根据您给我们的规格要求所制造;(i)安装未经我们 何该第三方的专利,版权,商标,或其他知识产权的权利主张,并且如果在交
批准的软件或介面或和未经我们批准的软件或产品一起使用仪器;或(j)由您造 付产品给您时,我们已实际知晓该等第三方知识产权和实际侵权,我们将为您 16.1 我们将不对由于超出我们能够合理控制的情形而导致的本合同项下的不履
除非在报价单中另有规定,您必须在付款通知开出日期的 30 天内以付款通知
的指示,规格要求或其他指令制造,组装,或使用我们标识的产品,也不适用 x行为负责或承担责任。在某些情况下,我们可能使用我们的合理判断,在客
内指定的货币付款。每一个订单是一个单独的交易,您不可以将一个订单和另 8.5 提出保修要求和补救。一个订单抵消。如果您延迟付款的话,在不影响我们其他权利的情况下,我们
16.2 我们在本合同下未能行使任何权利,并不表示对您违反合同所造成的损失
可以暂停交货或取消本合同,拒绝您未来的订单,并向您收取逾期费,从到期 如果一个产品不符合我们的保证,您必须在保修期间,同时在您发现问题后, 产品引起的或与此有关的任何知识产权侵权或被主张的知识产权侵权,本条项 放弃权利,同时也不表示对任何后续的违约放弃权利。如果任何规定或本合同日至付款日以每月百分之一(1%) (每年 12%)计算或,如果该等利率比法律允许 在合理切实的范围内,尽快以书面通知客户服务部。对有效并及时提出要求的 下之赔偿责任是我们对您的唯一责任,同时也是您唯一的救济。作为这一赔偿 的部分被任何一个有管辖权的法院认定是无效或无法执行时,该无效或不可执的最高利率计息低的话,则按法律允许的最高利率计息。您同意按我们的要求 产品,在您根据您从客户服务部收到的指示退还产品给我们以后,我们将按我 责任的前提条件,您必须(i)在您得知任何索赔要求时,尽快地书面通知我们; 行的条款将不影响本合同的其他条款。除了您或我们以外,没有人将在本合同支付该等逾期费。如果我们指定一个托收公司或律师来追讨任何未付款项,我 们选择的方式替换或修理该产品,或提供您所付价格的退款。如果您希望就我 (ii) 不得承认任何责任或采取任何其他可能影响索赔抗辩的行动;(iii)允许我们 下享有任何权利。标题仅供方便阅读,不可被用来解释这些条款。
们可以向您收取,同时您也同意支付所有合理的托收费用,包括所有相关的合 们违反仪器相关服务的保证提出一项权利要求,您必须在我们完成服务后的 90 全权控制该索赔要求的抗辩和和解;及(iv)向我们提供您合理的信息,合作和
天内提出。对及时提出的有效服务要求,我们将有权选择重新进行服务或将向 协助。
16.3 您同意对任何由于讨论,协商和其他在我们之间有关我们产品和服务的沟通
6. 产品使用和限制。
6.1 除非我们明确地在补充条款中另作表示,所有的产品仅可用于研究,不可
8.6 限制。
12.2 您对我们的赔偿责任。如果任何第三方基于我们根据您的指示,规格,指 而从我们收到的非公开的技术信息,商业信息(包括但不限于价格) 或指示(包括令,或您提供的材料制造或销售的产品或您自行安装或组装的产品,或基于您 任何基因序列,寡核苷酸类型或序列)加以保密。
修改、使用或转售一个产品,对我们提出侵犯其知识产权的权利主张,那么您 17. 管辖法律和争议解决。
用于人类或动物疾病治疗或诊断。您必须根据我们的指示使用我们的产品,同 我们的保证只适用于您即最初的购买者,同时您不可将它转让。在适用法律允 将赔偿我们因任何和所有该等索赔,损失,损害赔偿,责任所引起的损失以及
时您不可以购买产品用于转售或以其他作为我们产品经销商的方式购买产品。 许的范围内,在任何情况下我们对违反保证的全部责任将不超过购买我们产品 我们可能因该等索赔要求而支付的费用(包括合理的律师费及抗辩和/或和解该 x合同及本合同的履行将适用中华人民共和国的法律,但不考虑其有关法律冲
除非我们明确的在补充条款中另作表示,我们将不提交产品给任何政府机构或 或服务的价格。在适用法律允许的范围内,以上的保证是唯一的,同时我们不 等诉讼的其他费用) 并保障我们免受该等损失。其他组织作监管审查,同时对将其用于临床、治疗或诊断目的,其安全性和有 作任何其他明确的或暗示的xx或保证,包括但不限于对适销性或适用特定目
效性,或任何其他特定的用途或应用,我们也将不加以验证或负责获得批准。 的,非侵权,或对通过使用任何产品或服务取得的结果进行任何暗示的保证, 12.3 避免。我们希望避免知识产权侵权的索赔要求。如果我们相信一个产品可 心按照其当时有效的仲裁规则仲裁解决。仲裁庭应有一名仲裁员。仲裁语言应
您应全权负责确保您使用我们产品的方式符合适用的法律,法规和政府政策的 不论该等保证是根据立法或其他法律形式,或根据履行或交易实践或贸易惯例 能因为一项知识产权侵权而被提起索赔要求的,那么您将允许我们,并由我们 为中文。
规定。您必须获得所有您可能需要获得的批准,知识产权,许可和授权。您将 而产生的,对所有这些保证均都明确在此予以排除。完全负责确定产品适合您的特定用途。如果您想要得到对我们产品的商业使用
(b)使用另一个拥有类似功能的合适产品以代替该产品;或(c)要求您将产品退回 注:签署本合同,您在此确认您已完全审阅并理解所有该等条款的含义和后果,
权,请和我们的对外授权部联络 xxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx.xxx。
9. 第三方的产品。
给我们并将您支付的购买价款的退还给您。在产品是仪器的情况下,我们将根 特别是(但不限于)第 8.6 条,第 12.1 条和第 13 条,并且您已被提供了充分
6.2 您不可以销售,出租,租赁,借出,转让或出让任何包含或需要软件来运 对您从我们的一个销售渠道购买的由第三方制造的产品我们不提供支持或作出任
作或发挥其他用途的任何仪器,除非您首先永久地删除或卸载该软件。我们软 何保证。当您购买一个第三方的产品时,我们将告知您该购买是受到第三方自身 13. 责任的限制。件产品的使用许可是不可转让的。
THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC’ GENERAL TERMS & 7.1 When you purchase an instrument, we can install it and provide training,
maintenance, repairs and any other services that we expressly agree on. We also offer 10. Custom Products.
annual and other instrument service plans. For full details of our instrument service 10.1 When you ask us to manufacture a custom product, we may decline the design LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONTRACT, OR
plans please contact Customer Services. or manufacture of such custom product, at any stage of the design or manufacture ANY PRODUCT OR SERVICE, IS LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT YOU PAID TO US
1. Contract Terms. These are the contract terms and conditions (“Terms”) under 7.2 If we install or service an instrument at your premises, it is your responsibility to process, if the custom product is unsuitable or commercially impractical to be FOR THE PRODUCT OR SERVICE PURCHASED. HOWEVER, THESE which we sell our products and services to you. Some of our products and services make sure that the workplace where the instrument is to be located or serviced is safe. synthesized in that way. If that is the case we will notify you as soon as possible and PROVISIONS DO NOT LIMIT OUR LIABILITY FOR DEATH OR PERSONAL
are subject to intellectual property licenses, software licenses, or other contract terms It is also your responsibility to move the instrument (uncrated) to the place of you will not be obligated to pay any fees for any expenses incurred by us in INJURY CAUSED BY OUR NEGLIGENCE OR FRAUD, FRAUDULENT
that you will not find here (“Supplementary Terms”). You can find Supplementary installation and onto any tabletop, where it will be installed, to avoid any additional connection with a declined product.
Terms in our quotation to you or in literature that accompanies the product or service. manual handling. We do not install or service instruments in biosafety level-3 10.2 By submitting an order for a custom product you represent and agree that (a) you EXCLUDED BY LAW.
You may also obtain copies from Customer Services. These Terms, together with our laboratories, unless we agree otherwise in writing in advance. We do not install or have provided us with all information that you are aware of regarding any biological, 13.2 DELIVERY DATES AND TIMES ARE ESTIMATES ONLY AND WE WILL
service instruments in biosafety level-4 laboratories.
quotation (if any) and Supplementary Terms (if any), create the contract (“Contract”) between us for the purchase and sale of products and services. The Contract between
radiological and chemical hazards associated with the handling, transport, exposure NOT BE LIABLE (IN CONTRACT, DELICT, TORT OR OTHERWISE) FOR
or other usage of the materials you supply to us; and (b) you have the right to cause ANY LOSSES, EXPENSES, CLAIMS OR DAMAGES CAUSED BY A LATE
us is created when we accept your order, either by sending a written confirmation, or 8. Limited Warranties.
by shipping the product or otherwise initiating action to provide what you have 8.1. Limited Warranties for consumables. Unless a different written warranty is ordered. The Contract is between you and the Life Technologies’ entity that appears included with product literature, we warrant that each consumable will meet its
the sequences that you requested us to manufacture to be manufactured.
14. Export Control. Buyer acknowledges that the Product and any related software
on our quotation, order confirmation or dispatch note. If any conditions within the specifications stated in our published catalogs and associated Supplementary Terms. 11. Intellectual Property.
and technology, including technical information supplied by the Seller or contained in
Contract documents conflict with each other, we will give them the following priority: This warranty lasts from the time we deliver the consumable until either the 11.1 You acknowledge that all intellectual property rights relating to our products and documents (collectively “Items”), may be subject to export controls of the U.S.
the quotation, Supplementary Terms, and finally these Terms.
2. Delivery, Title and Ordering.
consumable’s expiry or “use by” date or its specified number of uses. If we do not services, as between you and us, are solely and exclusively owned by us. Our sale of government. Buyer may not, without first obtaining the required license to do so from specify the expiry date or number of uses, the warranty will last for 12 months from products to you only grants you a limited, non-transferable right, for only you to use the appropriate U.S. government agency if so required: (i) export or re-export any
2.1 We will try to meet the delivery dates specified in your order, depending on the date we deliver the consumable.
the quantity of the products that you have bought from us in accordance with the Item, or (ii) export, re-export, distribute or supply any Item to any restricted or
availability and any lead times that may apply. Sometimes we deliver orders in 8.2 Limited Warranties for instruments. Unless a different written warranty is Contract. When we sell products to you, we do not grant you a license to our embargoed country (including but not limited to Cuba, North Korea, Sudan, Syria
instalments. If we do, we may send you a separate invoice for each delivery.
included with product literature, we warrant that instruments will be free of defects in intellectual property, whether express, implied, by estoppel or otherwise, or grant you and Iran) or to a person or entity whose privilege to participate in exports has been
2.2 All our products are sold at FCA in accordance with the INCOTERMS 2010 materials and workmanship for 12 months after they are installed, provided however, the right to make or have made any product or to use the product beyond the scope of denied or restricted by the U.S. government. Buyer certify that all the products
except otherwise as agreed between us or provided for in our quotation. The goods regardless of installation date, this warranty will not last longer than 15 months from the Supplemental Terms. Nothing in the Contract limits our ability to enforce our received from Seller are intended for use in commercial applications only and are not
are delivered when the goods are handed over to the commercial carrier. From this the date of shipment. We also warrant that instruments will perform in accordance intellectual property rights.
intended for use in any military or nuclear, chemical or biological proliferation end
point, you are responsible for loss and damages to the goods and other risks. In case with our published specifications when they are delivered. We warrant that spare 11.2 In relation to processes, methods or related synthesis of a custom product, or applications or missile technology. Buyer shall, if requested by Seller, provide
that the goods are lost or damages, we will assist your carrier in resolving those parts you purchase from us and that we install, or are installed by a company we have otherwise in connection with the design or manufacture of a custom product, any information on the end user and end use of any Item exported or to be exported by
3. Inspection.
certified as an authorized installer, will be free of defects in materials and inventions (patentable or otherwise), discoveries, improvements, data, know-how or Buyer. Buyer shall cooperate fully with Seller in any official or unofficial audit or
workmanship for 3 months from the date we deliver them, or, if longer, the original other results that are conceived, developed, discovered, reduced to practice, or inspection related to applicable export or import control laws or regulations, and shall
warranty period of the instrument in which the part is installed. We do not warrant generated by or for us, or jointly by us and you, will be and will remain our sole and indemnify and hold Seller harmless from, or in connection with, any violation of this
3.1 We want you to receive our products in good condition. You can return products parts that you do not purchase from us or we do not install. These parts are sold “as exclusive intellectual property, and you transfer and assign all of your right, title and Section by Buyer or its employees, consultants, or agents.
that are damaged or defective on delivery, or correct any shortages, if you contact is.”
interest in and to any such joint intellectual property to us and assist us, at our request
Customer Services within 5 days from the day you receive the products. When you 8.3 Limited Warranty for instrument related services. Unless a different written and at our expense, in securing and recording our rights in such intellectual property. contact Customer Services, we will give you instructions on returning the products warranty is included with product literature, we warrant that our services will be 12. Intellectual Property Indemnity.
and on replacements. If you do not contact us within this five-day period, the performed at least in accordance with the customary standard of care for the
15. Entire Contract. The Contract represents the entire agreement between you and us regarding the products and services we provide to you under it, and supersedes and replaces any previous agreements between us (whether written or oral). Any of your
products will be deemed accepted, but you will not lose any warranty rights.
instrument service industry.
12.1. Our Indemnity of You. We will defend and indemnify you from and against additional or different terms and conditions that you may provide to us, are material
3.2 Custom products that we make in accordance with your specifications can only be 8.4 Exclusions. Our warranties do not apply to defects or failures caused by (a) infringement damages finally awarded in any legal action brought by a third party alternations and we reject them. Our offer to sell products and perform services is returned if the custom products do not conform to the given specifications. In that external sources such as short circuits or incorrect voltages; (b) normal wear and tear; against you to the extent that the action is based on a claim that our manufacture and expressly limited to the terms of the Contract. If you submit a purchase order, or
case, we will, in our sole discretion, either replace the custom products or issue a (c) instruments sold to you as a ’used’ product (unless otherwise expressly agreed in sale of a product infringes any patent, copyright, trademark or other intellectual other document for the purchase of products or services, whether or not in response to
refund to you equivalent to the price you paid for the custom products.
writing between us); (d) contact with improperly used or unapproved chemicals or property right of such third party if we had actual knowledge of such intellectual a quotation, you are deemed to have accepted and agree to the Contract, to the
samples; (e) parts that are excluded from warranty in the instrument’s Supplementary property right and the actual infringement at the time of delivery of the product to exclusion of (a) any other terms and conditions appearing in or referenced in your
4. Price. The price for products and services is shown in our quotation to you. If we Terms; (f) repair, modification, alteration or installation by anyone other than us or a you. This indemnity does not apply to products that we made, assembled or labeled purchase order or other documents you give to us, and (b) any previous course of
do not provide you with a quotation, the price will be the list price that applies to person authorized by us; (g) removal, use or maintenance in an improper, inadequate, in reliance upon your instructions, specifications, or other directions, or to claims dealing, course of performance, trade usage or co-existent agreement. The Contract
your country on the date we receive your order. For details of our freight policy, or unapproved manner, such as failure to follow our instructions or operating based on your use or resale of products, or to modifications made by you or any third cannot be amended or modified unless you and we agree in writing.
please call Customer Services.
guidelines, operation outside of stated environmental or use specifications, or party. This indemnity does not apply to products originating from third parties. THIS
operation with unapproved software, materials or other products; (h) manufacture in INDEMNITY IS OUR ONLY LIABILITY TO YOU, AND YOUR ONLY 16. Miscellaneous.
5. Payment. Unless otherwise agreed by us in advance, you must pay invoices accordance with specifications you gave us; (i) installation of software or interfacing, REMEDY, FOR ANY INFRINGEMENT OR CLAIMED INFRINGEMENT OF 16.1 We will not be responsible or liable for failing to perform our obligations under
within 30 days from the invoice date in the currency specified in our invoice. Each or use of the instrument in combination with software or products we have not INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS BY OR IN CONNECTION WITH ANY the Contract to the extent caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control. In
order is a separate transaction, and you may not set-off payments from one order approved; or (j) neglect or accident caused by you.
PRODUCT. As a condition to this indemnity, you must (i) notify us in writing, as certain situations, we may use our reasonable judgment and apportion products then
against another. If you are late in making payment, without affecting our other rights, we 8.5 Submitting Warranty Claims and Remedies. If a product does not meet our soon as you become aware of any claim; (ii) not admit any liability or take any other available for delivery fairly among our customers.
may suspend delivery or cancel the Contract, reject your future orders, and charge you a warranty, you must notify Customer Services in writing during the warranty period action in connection with the claim that could affect the defense; (iii) allow us to 16.2 Our failure to exercise any rights under the Contract is not a waiver of our rights
late-payment charge, from the due date until paid, at the rate of one percent (1%) per and as soon as reasonably practicable after you discover the failure. For valid product solely control the defense or settlement of the claim; and (iv) give us your reasonable to damages for your breach of contract and is not a waiver of any subsequent breach.
month (12% per year) or, if less, the maximum amount allowed by law. You agree to claims timely made, we will replace or repair the product, or refund the price you information, co-operation and assistance.
If any provision or part of the Contract is found by any court of competent
pay this late charge when we demand. If we appoint a collection agency or an attorney paid, at our option, after you return the product to us in accordance with the 12.2 Your Indemnity of Us. If a third party makes a claim against us for infringement jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability will not
to recover any unpaid amounts, we can charge you and you agree to pay all reasonable instructions received from Customer Services. If you wish to make a claim for a of its intellectual property rights based on our manufacture or sale of a product we affect the other provisions of the Contract. No person other than you or us will have
costs of collection, including all associated reasonable attorneys’ fees.
6. Product Use and Restrictions.
breach of our instrument related service warranty, you must do so within 90 days make under your instructions, specifications, directions, installation, assembly or any rights under the Contract. Headings are for convenience only and shall not be
after we complete the service. For valid service claims timely made, we will re- using materials you provide to us, or based on your modification, use or resale of a used in the interpretation of these Terms.
perform the services or refund you the price charged to you for the services, at our product, then you will indemnify and hold us harmless from and against any and all 16.3 You agree to keep confidential any non-public technical information, commercial
6.1 Unless we expressly state otherwise in Supplementary Terms, all products are for option.
claims, losses, damages, liabilities and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and information (including without limitation prices) or instructions (including any gene
RESEARCH USE ONLY, AND NOT FOR HUMAN OR ANIMAL 8.6 Limitations. OUR WARRANTIES EXTEND ONLY TO YOU, THE ORIGINAL other costs of defending and/or settling any action) that we may have to pay as a result of sequences, oligo types or sequences) received from us as a result of discussions,
with our instructions, and you may not purchase products with the intention of OUR TOTAL LIABILITY FOR BREACH OF WARRANTY EXCEED THE 12.3 Avoidance. We wish to avoid claims of intellectual property infringement. If we
negotiations and other communications between us in relation to our products or services.
reselling them or otherwise act as a distributor of our products. Unless we state PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT OR SERVICE. THE ABOVE believe a product may be subject to a claim for intellectual property infringement, 17. Governing Law. The Contract and performance under it will be governed by the
otherwise in Supplementary Terms, we do not submit our products for regulatory WARRANTIES ARE EXCLUSIVE, AND WE MAKE NO OTHER then you will allow us, at our option and expense, to either: (a) secure for you the laws of the People’s Republic of China, without regard to and without giving effect to,
review by any government body or other organization, and we do not validate them REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, right to continue using the product; (b) substitute the product with another suitable the provision on the conflict of law, and excluding the United Nations Convention on
for clinical, therapeutic or diagnostic use, for safety and effectiveness, or for any EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED product with similar functionality; or (c) require you to return the product to us for a Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. All disputes arising out of or in
other specific use or application. You are solely responsible for making sure that the WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR refund of the purchase price you paid. In the case of instruments, we will deduct a connection with the present contract shall be submitted to the Shanghai International
way you use our products complies with applicable laws, regulations and PURPOSE, OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR REGARDING RESULTS OBTAINED reasonable amount for the instrument’s use, damage and obsolescence.
governmental policies. You must obtain all necessary approvals, intellectual property THROUGH THE USE OF ANY PRODUCT OR SERVICE, WHETHER ARISING 13. Limitations of Liability.
rights, licenses and permissions you may need. It is solely your responsibility to make FROM A STATUTE OR OTHERWISE IN LAW OR FROM A COURSE OF 12.1 TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, WE
sure the products are suitable for your particular use. If you are looking for PERFORMANCE, DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE, ALL OF WHICH ARE
Arbitration Center in Shanghai and shall be finally settled under its applicable rules
by one arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said Rules. The language for
arbitration shall be Chinese.
commercial use rights to our products, please contact our outlicensing department at EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED.
6.2 You may not sell, rent, lease, loan, transfer or assign any instrument that contains 9. Third Party Products. We do not support or make any warranties about products PUNITIVE, MULTIPLE, EXEMPLARY OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, CONSEQUENCE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION TO, ARTICLE 8.6,
or requires software for operation or other use unless you first permanently delete or manufactured by third parties you purchased through one of our sales channels. When HOWSOEVER CAUSED, (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO COSTS OF ARTICLE 12.1 AND ARTICLE 13, AND YOU HAVE BEEN PROVIDED AMPLE
uninstall the software. Licenses to our software products are not transferrable.
you buy a third party product, we will let you know that this purchase is governed by the COVER, LOST PROFITS, LOST DATA, LOSS OF BUSINESS, LOSS OF OPPORTUNITY TO ASK US FOR THE NECESSARY EXPLANATION AND / third-party’s own contract terms. You must look directly to the relevant third-party GOODWILL OR LOSS OF REVENUE) THAT YOU MIGHT INCUR UNDER THE OR CLARIFICATION REGARDING THOSE PROVISIONS.
7. Instrument Related Services and Installation.
manufacturer for product support, warranties, and to make warranty claims.