創 興 稅 務 貸 款 推 廣 條 款 及 細 則 ( 「 推 廣 條 款 及 細 則 」 ) :
1. 創 興 稅 務 貸 款 特 選 客 戶 優 先 禮 遇 ( 「 優 先 禮 遇 」 ) :
i. 推廣期由 2021 年 1 0 月 25 日 至 2 022 年 2 月 2 8 日 (包 括 首 尾 兩 天 )
「優先禮 遇推廣期 」。
ii. 特選客戶 包括以下 人士:創 興銀行有 限公司 ( 「 本行」 ) 之 私人銀行 客
戶、悅秀 理財客戶 、樓宇按 揭貸款客 戶、私人 貸款客戶 、自動轉 賬支薪 客戶、本 行客戶經 理之客戶 、特選企 業客戶之 員工、專 業人士、 公務 員、指定 政府機構 / 公營機構 職員、全 職教師及 專上學院 / 大學教職 員。 當中「專 業人士」 包括特許 / 執業會計 師、特許 建築師、 特許工程 師、 律師、醫 生及特許 測量師。 本行保留 對「專業 人士」定 義的最終 詮釋權 及可全權 決定並無 須事先通 知更改特 選客戶類 別。上述 有關客戶 須於申 請時提供 上述職業 證明,方 可獲享相 關xxx x。
還款期 | 每月平息 | 實際年利 率 |
12 個 月 | 0 .066 7% | 1 .48% |
iii. 特選客戶 必須於優 先禮遇推 廣期內成 功申請本 行稅務貸 款 ( 「 稅 務 貸款 」 ) 並 於 2022 年 3 月 1 5 日 前 成功全數 提取稅務 貸款額達 H K $ 8 0 0 , 0 0 0 或以 上 ,方可享 以下優先 禮遇息率 :
以稅務貸 款額 H K $ 8 0 0 , 0 0 0 或 以上,每 月平息 0 . 0 6 6 7 % 及 還 款 期 1 2 個月計算, 實際年利 率 1 . 4 8 % 。實際年 利率乃依 據《銀行 營運守則 》所載 之有關指 引計算, 並已約至 小數後兩 個位。實 際年利率 是一個參 考利 率,以年 化利率展 示出包括 銀行產品 的基本利 率及其他 費用與收 費。
個別客戶 之實際年 利率或有 差異,最 終獲批之 稅務貸款 額及 / 或利 率將 按客戶的 財政狀況 及信貸調 查結果而 釐定,本 行保留決 定稅務貸 款額、 利率及最 終批核結 果之最終 權利,無 須披露原 因。
2. 指 定 客 戶 創 興 信 用 卡 現 金 回 贈 ( 「 指 定 客 戶 現 金 回 贈 」 ) :
i. 推廣期由 2021 年 1 0 月 25 日 至 202 2 年 3 月 31 日 ( 包 括 首 尾 兩 天 ) ( 「 指 定 客 戶現金回 贈推廣期 」 )。
ii. 於指定客 戶現金回 贈推廣期 內成功申 請創興稅 務貸款, 並於 2 0 2 2 年 4月 3 0 日 或 之前成功 全數提取 創興稅務 貸款達指 定金額的 x行指定 客
稅務貸款 | 金額 ( 港元 ) | 現金回贈 ( 港元) | |
800,0 00 或 以 上 | 1 ,180 | ||
500,0 00 | 至 | 7 99,9 9 9 | 680 |
100,0 00 | 至 | 4 99,9 9 9 | 180 |
戶,可享 現金回贈 誌入其指 定創興信 用卡(只 適用於主 卡客戶) ,詳請 如下:
iii. 「指定客 戶」指本 行現持有 或於指定 客戶現金 回贈推廣 期內成功 設立本 行指定任 何兩項銀 行服務之 客戶(「 指定銀行 服務」) 。
iv. 「指定銀 行服務」 包括本行 之 ( 1 ) 流 動 理財服務 ﹑ ( 2 ) 投 資 賬戶﹑ ( 3 ) 出 糧賬戶服務 、 ( 4 ) 私 人 銀行服務 及 ( 5 ) 悅 秀 理財服務 。
3. 客 戶 經 本 行 數 碼 渠 道 成 功 申 請 創 興 稅 務 貸 款 可 額 外 獲 H K $200 信 用 卡 現 金回 贈 ( 「 額 外 現 金 回 贈 」 ) :
i. 推廣期由 2021 年 1 0 月 25 日 至 202 2 年 3 月 31 日 ( 包 括 首 尾 兩 天 )
(「額外 現 金回贈推 廣期」 ) 。
ii. 只適用於 額外現金 回贈推廣 期內透過 x行網站 、創興流 動理財或 網上銀 行服務成 功申請創 興稅務貸 款並於 2 0 2 2 年 4 月 3 0 日或 之 前成功全 數提取創興 稅務貸款 達 H K $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 或 以上之客 戶。
創興稅務 貸款全數 提取日期 | 誌入現金 回贈日期 |
2021 年 1 2 月 3 1 日 或 之 前 | 2022 年 3 月 31 日 或 之 前 |
2 0 2 2 年 4 月 3 0 日或之 前 | 2 0 2 2 年 7 月 2 9 日或之 前 |
4. 指定客戶 現金回贈 及額外現 金回贈之 獲發金額 誌入日期 將以客戶 全數提取 其創興稅 務貸款額 的日期為 基準,獲 發的有關 現金回贈 誌入安排 如下:
5. 如獲發現 x回贈, 該金額將 誌入有關 客戶的指 定創興信 用卡賬戶 內。
6. 「指定創 興信用卡 」是指創 興銀聯雙 幣鑽石卡 、創興白 金信用卡 、創興萬 事達白金 信用卡或 萬事達鈦 x信用卡 。
7. 有關被誌 入的現金 回贈金額 將顯示於 客戶的指 定創興信 用卡賬戶 之月結 單。
8. 符合獲享 現金回贈 獎賞之客 戶 ( 「 合 資 格客戶」 ) 將不獲事 前通知。
9. 當本行誌 入現金回 贈前或當 日,合資 格客戶的 稅務貸款 賬戶狀況 必須維持 正常、有 效及從未 出現未能 依期償還 任何貸款 或因任何 理由被取 消/終 止。如在 x行誌入 現金回贈 前合資格 客戶違反 任何稅務 貸款條款 或細則, 其現金回 贈獎賞將 被自動沒 收或取消 而無須通 知。於本 推廣內, 每位合資 格客戶獲 發指定客 戶現金回 贈及額外 現金回贈 獎賞各不 可多於一 次。
10. 獲發的現 金回贈只 可用作日 後指定創 興信用卡 零售簽賬 用途,不 可用作透 支現金、 支付任何 財務費用 或繳交獲 贈現金回 贈前累積 未繳的信 用卡結 欠。
11. 獲發的現 金回贈不 可退回或 轉讓,及 不能兌換 現金或轉 換其他禮 品。
12. 如合資格 客戶持有 一張或以 上的指定 創興信用 卡,獲發 的現金回 贈金額將 根據以下 優先順序 誌入合資 格客戶的 任何一個 指定創興 信用卡賬 戶內:創 興銀聯雙 幣鑽石卡 ﹑白金卡 或鈦金卡 。
13. 當本行誌 入現金回 贈金額前 或當日, 每位合資 格客戶須 持有指定 創興信用 卡及 ( a ) 合 資格客戶 的指定信 用卡賬戶 狀況必須 正常、有 效並維持 良好信用
狀況,沒 有未能依 期償還的 任何到期 欠款,或 因任何理 由被取消 或終止信 用卡賬戶 ;及 ( b ) 合 資格客戶 沒有違反 持卡人合 約任何條 款。
14. 如合資格 客戶於指 定客戶現 金回贈推 廣期或額 外現金回 贈推廣期 內未持有 任何指定 創興信用 卡或並非 指定創興 銀行信用 卡主卡持 有人,須 向本行申 請指定創 興信用卡 。有關申 請必須於 x行誌入 有關獲發 的現金回 贈日期或 之前被成 功批核, 方可享現 金回贈, 否則現金 回贈將立 即被自動 取消或論 作放棄而 不另作通 知。
15. 「全新客 戶」成功 申請及全 數提取稅 務貸款, 並在本行 開立個人 儲蓄賬 戶,可另 享 H K $ 1 0 0 現金回 贈。「全 新客戶」 指於開戶 前 1 個月 內在本行 並未持有 任何單名 及/或聯 名賬戶( 信用卡賬 戶除外) 的合資格 客戶。
16. 另獲發的 H K $ 1 0 0 現金回贈 將於全數 提取稅務 貸款後的 1 個曆月 内存入全 新客戶的 指定創興 信用卡賬 戶內。
17. 本行的《 創興稅務 貸款一般 條款》﹑ 《私人分 期貸款條 款及規章 》及《分 期貸款產 品資料概 要-創興 稅務貸款 》同時適 用於及構 成本推廣 條款及細 則之部份 。如上述 條款及細 則有任何 條文相互 抵觸或不 符者,其 管轄優次 順序為: 《創興稅 務貸款一 般條款》 、《私人 分期貸款 條款及規 章》﹑
《分期貸 款產品資 料概要- 創興稅務 貸款》及 x推廣條 款及細則 。索取上 述條款及 細則或如 有任何查 詢,請致 電創興貸 款申請熱 線 3 7 6 8 6 8 9 9 或 親臨本行任 何本地分 行或瀏覽 x行網站 以 細閱所述 的條 款﹑細則 及詳情。
18. 本行保留 權利隨時 更改、暫 停或終止 x推廣優 惠及更改 x推廣條 款及細 則,而無 須另行通 知。如有 任何爭議 ,本行保 留最終決 定權並對 客戶具約 束力。
19. 本推廣條 款及細則 的中文譯 本僅供參 考,如本 推廣條款 及細則的 中、英文 版本有任 何歧異, 概以英文 版本為準 。
20. 本行具單 獨酌情權 作最終决 定合資格 客戶是否 符合獲取 現金回贈 及任何推 廣優惠的 資格。除 x行的明 顯錯誤或 欺詐外, 本行的決 定將具終 局性並對 有關合資 格客戶及 參與本推 廣的人士 具約束力 。
21. 本推廣優 惠僅適用 於香港特 別行政區 (「香港 」),且 不供越秀 集團成員 的員工參 與。
22. 本推廣條 款及細則 受香港法 律管轄, 並按香港 法律詮釋 。申請人 於此不可 撤銷地服 從香港法 院之專屬 司法管轄 權。
23. 受制於及 不影響本 行在其他 條款明文 所訂權利 的前提下 ,《合約 ( 第三者權 利 ) 條 例 》 (香港法 例)不適 用於就此 貸款的合 約(當中 包括但不 限於本推 廣條款及 細則、《 創興稅務 貸款一般 條款》、 《私人分 期貸款條 款及規
章》﹑《 分期貸款 產品資料 概要-創 興稅務貸 款》、相 關申請表 、相關
「賬戶章 則」及資 料冊子內 的條款細 則)。為 免疑問, 上述合約 的條款及
規章可被 撤銷、更 改或補充 ,而在所 有情況下 無須徵求 第三者的 同意或給 予第三者 任何通知 。
借定唔借 ?還得到 先好借!
(發出日期: 2 02 1 年 1 2 月 31 日)
◼ 本宣傳品之內容僅供參考,並不構成任何方式之招攬、邀請及建議。
◼ 投資涉及風險。投資產品價格可升可跌,甚至變得毫無價值。客戶不應只單憑本文件而作出投資決定,而應詳細閱讀有關投資產品之銷售文件及風險披露聲明。
Terms and Conditions for Chong Hing Tax Loan Promotion (“Promotional Terms and Conditions”):
1. Xxxxx Hing Tax Loan Early Bird Special Benefit for Selected Customers (“Early Bird Promotion”):
i. The promotion period is from 25 October 2021 until 28 February 2022 (both dates inclusive) (“Early Bird Promotion Period”).
ii. The Selected Customers of Chong Hing Bank Limited (“Bank”) include the Bank’s Private Banking customers, Exceed Banking customers, mortgage loan customers, personal loan customers, payroll autopay customers, customers of the Bank’s Branch Relationship Manager, staff of selected corporate customers, Professionals, civil servants, staff of selected government organisations/public organisations, full-time teachers and staff of tertiary education institutions/universities. “Professionals” include chartered/certified accountants, chartered architects, chartered engineers, lawyers, doctors and chartered surveyors. The Bank reserves the final right to interpret the definition of “Professionals”, and the categories of Selected Customers are subject to variation by the Bank at its sole discretion from time to time without prior notice. To enjoy the interest rate promotion, the customers concerned must present proof of the aforesaid occupation upon application.
Loan Te no r | Monthly Fl at Rate | Annuali s e d Percentag e Rate (APR) |
12 month s | 0 .0667% | 1 .48% |
iii. Selected Customers must successfully apply for Chong Hing Tax Loan (the “Loan”) during the Early Bird Promotion Period and successfully draw down the Loan in full with the Loan amount of HK$800,000 or above before 15 March 2022 in order to enjoy the following Early Bird Promotion interest rate:
For a Loan amount of HK$800,000 or above, the Annualised Percentage Rate (APR) of 1.48% is calculated based on a monthly flat rate of 0.0667% and a 12-month repayment period. The APR is calculated according to the method set out in the relevant guidelines referred to in the “Code of Banking Practice”, and is rounded up or down to the nearest two decimal places. The APR is a reference rate which includes the basic interest rate and other fees and charges of a bank product expressed as an annualised rate.
The APR may differ for respective individual customers. The final Loan amount and/or interest rate approved by the Bank will be subject to the financial status and credit check results of the customers. The Bank reserves the right of final decision on the Loan amount, interest rate and approval result without disclosing the reason.
2. Chong Hing Bank Credit Card Cash Rebate for Designated Customers (“Designated Customer Cash Rebate”) :
i. The promotion period is from 25 October 2021 until 31 March 2022 (both dates inclusive) (“Designated Customer Cash Rebate Promotion Period”).
ii. The Bank’s Designated Customers who have successfully applied for Chong Hing Tax Loan
Loan Amount (HK$) | Cash Rebate (HK$) |
800,000 or above | 1,180 |
500,000 to 799,999 | 680 |
100,000 to 499,999 | 180 |
during the Designated Customer Cash Rebate Promotion Period and draw the Loan with the Bank for its designated amount on or before 30 April 2022 may be entitled to the Cash Rebate which will be credited to his/her Designated Chong Hing Credit Card (for principal cardholder only). Details are as follows:
iii. “Designated Customers” include the Bank’s existing customers of or successfully set up any 2 of the Selected Banking Services during the Designated Customer Cash Rebate Promotion Period (“Selected Banking Services”).
iv. “Selected Banking Services” include the Bank’s (1) Mobile Banking Services, (2) Investment Account, (3) Payroll Autopay Account Services, (4) Private Banking Services and (5) Exceed Banking Services.
3. Customers who have successfully applied for Chong Hing Tax Loan via the Bank's digital channels will be entitled to an additional Credit Card Cash Rebate of HK$200 (“Additional Cash Rebate”):
i. The promotion period is from 25 October 2021 until 31 March 2022 (both dates inclusive) (“Additional Cash Rebate Promotion Period”).
ii. This promotion is only applicable to customers who have successfully applied for Chong Hing Tax Loan via the Bank’s website, Chong Hing Mobile Banking or Internet Banking Services during the Additional Cash Rebate Promotion Period and drawn the Loan with an amount of HK$100,000 or above in full on or before 30 April 2022.
Drawdown Date of Chong Hing Tax Loan | Date of Credit of Cash Rebate |
On or before 31 December 2021 | On or before 31 March 2022 |
On or before 30 April 2022 | On or before 29 July 2022 |
4. The date of crediting the amounts granted for Designated Customer Cash Rebate and Additional Cash Rebate is determined by the drawdown date of Chong Hing Tax Loan. The relevant cash rebate if granted will be awarded as follows:
5. The cash rebate if awarded will be credited to the Designated Chong Hing Credit Card account of the customer concerned.
6. “Designated Chong Hing Credit Card” refers to Chong Hing UnionPay Dual Currency Diamond Card, Chong Hing Platinum Credit Card, Chong Hing Platinum Mastercard or Chong Hing Titanium Mastercard.
7. The relevant cash rebate amount credited will be shown on the monthly statement of the customer's Designated Chong Hing Credit Card account.
8. No prior notice will be provided to the customers who are eligible for the cash rebate (“Eligible Customers”).
9. Prior to or upon credit of the cash rebate by the Bank, the status of his/her Tax Loan account held by the Eligible Customer must be normal, valid and in good standing without any overdues/bad records and has not been cancelled/terminated for any reason. If the Eligible Customers have breached any terms or conditions of the Tax Loan before the cash rebate is credited by the Bank, the customers’ cash rebate will be forfeited or cancelled automatically forthwith without notice. In this promotion, each Eligible Customer is entitled to receive the Designated Customer Cash Rebate and Additional Cash Rebate respectively for not more than once each.
10. The cash rebate granted is only for subsequent retail purchase using the Designated Chong Hing Credit Card and shall not be used for cash advance, settlement or setting off any financial charge/pre-award outstanding card balance.
11. The cash rebate granted is neither refundable nor transferrable, and cannot be converted to cash or exchanged for other gift.
12. If the Eligible Customer has more than one Designated Chong Hing Credit Card, the cash rebated granted will be credited to any one of his/her Designated Chong Hing Credit Card accounts according to the following descending priority: Chong Hing UnionPay Dual Currency Diamond Card, Platinum Credit Card or Titanium Credit Card.
13. Each Eligible Customer must hold a Designated Chong Hing Credit Card upon or before the granted cash rebate amount is credited by the Bank, and (a) the Eligible Customer’s Designated Chong Hing Credit Card account status must be normal, valid, in good standing without any overdue/bad records, and has not been cancelled/terminated for any reason; and (b) the Eligible Customer has not breached any provision of the cardholder agreement.
14. If the Eligible Customer does not hold any Designated Chong Hing Credit Card or is not the principal Cardholder of a Designated Chong Hing Credit Card in the Designated Customer Cash Rebate Promotion Period or Additional Cash Rebate Promotion Period, the Eligible Customer shall apply to the Bank for a Designated Chong Hing Credit Card. The relevant application must be approved successfully on or before the date on which the relevant cash rebate amount granted is to be credited by the Bank, failing which the cash rebate will be cancelled automatically or deemed as forfeited forthwith without any notice.
15. New Customers who have applied for and drawn the Tax Loan in full, and have opened a personal savings account successfully with the Bank are eligible to earn a HK$100 cash rebate. “New Customers” refer to such Eligible Customers who have not held any single name and/or joint name account (except credit card account) with the Bank in the past 1 month before account opening.
16. The HK$100 cash rebate will be credited to the Designated Chong Hing Credit Card account of the New Customer within the next calendar month after full drawdown of the Loan.
17. The Bank’s “General Terms for Chong Hing Tax Loan”, the “Terms and Conditions for Personal
Installment Loan” and the “Key Facts Statement for Instalment Loan – Chong Hing Tax Loan” are applicable to and form part of these Promotional Terms and Conditions, whereas in the event of any conflict or inconsistency among them, the priority of their precedence shall be in the descending order of: the “General Terms for Chong Hing Tax Loan”, the “Terms and Conditions for Personal Installment Loan”, the “Key Facts Statement for Instalment Loan – Chong Hing Tax Loan” and these Promotional Terms and Conditions. To obtain copies of the said terms and conditions or for any enquiries, please call Chong Hing Loan Application Hotline at 3768 6899, or visit any local branch of the Bank, or its website at for such terms, conditions and details.
18. The Bank reserves the right to amend, suspend or terminate this promotion and revise these Promotional Terms and Conditions any time without any notice. In case of any dispute, the Bank reserves the right to make the final decision which shall be binding on the customers.
19. The Chinese translation of the Promotional Terms and Conditions is provided for reference only. In case of any inconsistencies between the English and Chinese versions of these Promotional Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.
20. The Bank shall have the sole discretion to make the final decision on the Eligible Customer’s entitlement to the cash rebate and any benefit under the promotions, and its decision shall be conclusive and binding on the Eligible Customer concerned and participants of the promotions save for manifest error or fraud by the Bank.
21. This promotion is only applicable in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“Hong Kong”). No staff member of Yuexiu Group is eligible for this promotion.
22. The Promotional Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong, the Applicant hereby irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong.
23. Subject and without prejudice to the rights of the Bank as expressly provided under other provisions, the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Laws of Hong Kong) shall not apply to the contract pertaining to the Loan (including without limitation, the Promotional Terms and Conditions, the “General Terms for Chong Hing Tax Loan”, the “Terms and Conditions for Personal Installment Loan”, the “Key Facts Statement for Instalment Loan – Chong Hing Tax Loan”, the relevant application form, the relevant “Account Terms” and the terms and conditions contained in the information pamphlet). For the avoidance of doubt, the terms and conditions of such contract pertaining to the Loan may be rescinded, varied or supplemented without consent by, or notice to, any third party in all circumstances.
To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!
(Issue date: 31 December 2021)
Risk Disclosure Statement
◼ This promotion material is for reference only and does not constitute any offer or solicitation to subscribe or redeem any investment products.
◼ Investment involves risks. Prices of investment products may go up as well as down and may even become valueless. Customers should not only base on this material alone to make any investment decision, but should read in detail the relevant product documents and the related risk disclosure statements.