第 1 頁,共 8 頁
111.12 版
x契約書於中華民國 年 月 日經承租人攜回審閱。(審 閱 期 間 五 日 )保管箱承租人: 簽章
之 型 組第 號保管箱壹個,雙方約定遵守下列各條款:第 一 條(契約之性質)
第 二 條(對價及繳付方式)
(承租時出租人公告之費率標準為:租金:新臺幣 元,保證金:新臺幣 元)承租人同意就下列方式之一擇一打「V」,租用保管箱:
一、□租金:新臺幣 元,及保證金:新臺幣 元(不得逾每期租金)。二、□其他( )。
第 三 條(租用期限)
保管箱租用期限自民國 年 月 日起算,以壹年為一期。承租人於期滿時依本租約約定方式繳足下期租金、保證金者,本租約自期滿之翌日起算展延一期,嗣後亦同。原採繳付對價方式如經合意變更,均自變更日起重新起算租期,出租人如到期不續約,應於三十天前以書面通知承租人。
第 四 條(對價之調整、補繳、退還及其他約定事項變更)
出租人如擬調整費率,應於契約到期三十日前,以書面或其他方式通知承租人自下一租期起適用新費率,並應於新費率生效日六十日前,於出租人營業場所、網站公告新費率。 前項出租人之通知內容,應載明下列事項:
第 五 條(繳款方式及轉帳授權約定)
三、□其他( )。
本契約每期應繳之租金及應補繳或退還之保證金差額,承租人委託出租人於到期時,就下列三種方式之一,出租人得就承租人開立於出租人第 號帳戶存款,自動轉帳代繳或將退款逕行存入,並以本契約為授權之證明:
( 驗印 )
第 六 條(保證金之扣抵)
第 七 條(承租人開箱手續)
第 2 頁,共 8 頁
第 八 條(置放物之範圍與限制)
保管箱由承租人自行置放有價證券、權利證書、貴重物品、xxx及其他物品文件等,但不得置放危險物品、違禁品、易爆易燃品、有礙公共安全或衛生物品、潮濕有異味與容易腐敗變質之物品、或任何可能損害出租人、其他承租人生命、身體、財產安全之物品。 承租人違反前項規定,致損害保管箱或造成其他損害,或因而使出租人應對第三人負賠償責任者,承租人應賠償出租人因此所生之損害。
第 九 條(保管箱鑰匙、門禁卡之持用、留存與保管)
承租人使用門禁卡,如遺忘密碼或輸入密碼錯誤連續達 次(不得少於三次),除另有約定外,承租人應親持身分證明文件及原留印鑑至出租人指定處所辦理密碼重置作業。 承租人不得自行複製鑰匙、門禁卡,一經發現即由出租人無條件沒收銷燬複製鑰匙、門禁卡;因而發生糾紛與損害時,並應由承租人負賠償責任。
承租人遺失或毀損鑰匙應付之必要費用新臺幣 元,遺失或毀損門禁卡應付之必要費
用新臺幣 元,因而致出租人或第三人受有損害時並應由承租人負賠償責任。 請
在鑰匙、門禁卡辦妥掛失手續前,如已遭第三人以原留印鑑、遺失之鑰匙、門禁卡及電腦 加
密碼冒用開箱,本行概不負責,因而致本行或第三人受損害時,承租人並應負賠償責任。 騎
第 十 條(出租人之注意義務) 縫
出租人對於保管箱及設置保管箱場所之安全、防護及修繕、開箱手續,應盡善良管理人之 章
一、承租人於損害發生後申報其置放物品內容及損失金額,在未超過新臺幣 元之範圍內(承租人: 簽章),由出租人依據承租人申報損失之金額逕予賠償。
二、承租人主張其損害逾前款金額,並經出租人同意者,由出租人按承租人主張之損害負金錢賠償之責,但最高賠償金額為新臺幣 元(承租人: 簽章)。
第 3 頁,共 8 頁
倘因本契約涉訟者,雙方同意以保管箱所在地之 地方法院為第一審管轄法院。但不得排除消費者保護法第四十七條或民事訴訟法第二十八條第二項、第四百三十六條之九小額訴訟管轄法院之適用。
一、承租人個資之蒐集,涉及承租人的隱私權益,出租人向承租人蒐集其個資時,依據個人資料保護法(以下稱個資法)第八條第一項規定,應明確告知承租人下列事項: (一)蒐集者名稱(即兆豐國際商業銀行股份有限公司)。
第 4 頁,共 8 頁
第二十四條 (防制洗錢及打擊資恐)
可之範圍內執行相關之措施(包括但不限於定期或不定期之審視、調查及申報等),於 請本條約定各項情形下,出租人均毋須對承租人或其關係人負任何損害賠償責任。 加承租人同意出租人得將疑似洗錢、受任何國家或國際組織經濟或貿易限制/制裁、具受 x出租人控管特殊身分、或與前揭目的相關之承租人及其與出租人從事任何交易之資料、 騎與承租人及承租人關係人有關之資料在出租人、出租人分支機構、出租人所屬之金融控 縫股公司及其所轄之子公司及其他依法令或經主管機關核准之對象(下稱「收受對象」) 章
承租人同意出租人為遵循防制洗錢及打擊資恐相關之國內外法令規定(包括但不限於美國洗錢防制法(Anti-Money Laundering Act)第6308條及其他國內外法令、我國與外國政府簽訂之條約、協定或協議等)之目的,得依國內外法令、機關之裁判(定)、命令或要求,將與承租人本人或帳戶有關之銀行紀錄(包括但不限於銀行所提供之產品服務及往來紀錄等)、簿冊或其他資料,提供(包含國際傳輸)予我國或外國政府機關(包括但不限於司法、行政、稅務或其他主管機關等);法人承租人並擔保於本存款開戶時已取得承租人關係人(包括但不限於承租人之實質受益人、高階管理人、代理人、代表人及被授權人等)之同意,使出租人得於上述目的範圍內將前開人員之個人資料提供予前述之機關。
(二)拒絕提供實質受益人或對客戶行使控制權之人等資訊。 (三)對交易之性質與目的或資金來源不願配合說明。
(二)為外國政府或國際洗錢防制組織認定或追查之恐怖分子或團體。 (三)於法務部依「資恐防制法」公告之制裁名單之列。
第 5 頁,共 8 頁
第二十五條 (意見申訴管道)
(二)以電話方式申訴者,得直撥出租人申訴專線:(00)0000-0000或免付費服務專線: 0000-000-000。
本租約壹式 貳 份,由雙方各執 壹 份,以資信守。
鑰匙、門禁卡領取確認( 簽名或蓋章) |
鑰匙號碼: 門禁卡號碼: |
中 華 民 國 年 月 日 |
中 華 民 國 年 月 日
簽收欄 | 承租人聲明於本保管箱租用契約簽訂完成後,已收妥契約書正本,特此簽名或蓋章確認。 |
核對親簽與證件 | 經辦 | 覆核主管 |
對保日期 | ||
第 6 頁,共 8 頁
一、加強各項進出管制設 (措) 施,並於營業時間外裝置定時密碼鎖,以管制人員進出。
三、保管箱室內除為保護客戶隱私之區域 (如整理室) 外,應裝設能涵蓋各角落之錄影監視監視系統。並將隱密型攝影機及攝影光源之啟動開關、監視器設於保管箱室外隱密處,按時檢查維護,以期營業時間外仍可藉由在保管箱室外之監視器上觀察保管箱室內部動靜。
五、保管箱不得設置於未符合「建築技術規則」規定之建物內 (如違章建物) ,以符安全。於租用之行舍內,原則上不經辦出租保管箱業務。
六、保管箱室應備符合消防法規之防火設備 (含火警警報系統) ,並注意檢修電線管路,以防火災發生。七、保管箱室如有淹水顧慮者,應裝置防水匣、抽水機等防、排水及其警報系統設備,並於客戶存放物品
時,提醒客戶對怕受潮物品,妥加包裝或做防水、防霉處理,以防發生水災時遭受損失。 請八、保管箱室可視需要配合保全業者或自行裝設遠程監控系統,俾於發生異狀時,藉視訊傳輸達到監控現 加場之要求。 x
x、平日應做好敦親睦鄰、守望相助工作,以切實掌握行舍週遭環境變化 (尤其空屋、工地、地下停車場 縫
、巷道) 對行舍之影響,如有安全之虞者應即與附近警政、消防單位保持密切良好連絡,並請警方增
第 7 頁,共 8 頁
第 8 頁,共 8 頁
兆豐國際商業銀行告知書附表 111.09(版本)
特定目的說明 | 蒐集之個人資料類別 | 個人資料利用之期間 | 個人資料利用之地區 | 個人資料利用之對象 | 個人資料利用之方式 | ||
業務類別 | 業務特定目的及代號 | 共通特定目的及代號 | |||||
一、存匯業務 | 022外匯業務 036存款與匯款業務 067信用卡、現金卡、轉帳卡或電子票證業務 082借款戶與存款戶存借作業綜合管理 112票據交換業務 181其他經營合於營業登記項目或組織章程所定之業務 | 040行銷 059金融服務業依法令規定及金融監理需要,所為之蒐集處理及利用 060金融爭議處理 061金融監督管理與檢查 063非公務機關依法定義務所進行個人資料之蒐集處理及利用 069契約、類似契約或其他法律關係管理之事務 090消費者、客戶管理與服務 091消費者保護 098商業與技術資訊 104帳務管理及債權交易業務 116場所進出安全管理 136資(通)訊與資料庫管理 137資通安全與管理 148網路購物及其他電子商務服 務 157調查、統計與研究分析 177其他金融管理業務 182其他諮詢與顧問服務 | 姓名、身分證統一編號/護照號碼、性 別、出生年月日、通訊方式及其他詳如相關業務申請書或契約書之內容,並以本行與客戶往來之相關業務、帳戶或服務及自客戶或第三人處(例如:財團法人金融聯合徵信中心)所實際蒐集之個人資料為準。 | ㄧ、特定目的存續期間。二、依相關法令所定(例 如商業會計法等)或因執行業務所必須之保存期間或依個別契約就資料之保存所定之保存年限。 (以期限最長者為準) | 右邊「個人資料利用之對象」欄位所列之利用對象其國內及國外所在地 | 一、本行及本行海外分支機構(含受本行委託 處理事務之委外機構) 二、依法令規定利用之機構(例如:本行母公司或所屬金融控股公司等) 三、其他業務相關之機構 (例如:通匯行、財團法人金融聯合徵信中心、財團法人聯合信用卡處理中心、台灣票據交換所、財金資訊股份有限公司、信用保證機構、信用卡國際組織、收單機構暨特約商店等) 四、依法有權機關或金融監理機關 五、客戶所同意之對象 ( 例如本行共同行銷或交互運用客戶資料之公司、與本行合作推廣業務之公司、外國政府或司法機關等) | 符合個人資料保護相關法令以自動化機器或其他非自動化之利用方式。 |
二、授信業務 | 022外匯業務 067信用卡、現金卡、轉帳卡或電子票證業務 082借款戶與存款戶存借作業綜合管理 088核貸與授信業務 106授信業務 111票券業務 126債權整貼現及收買業務 154徵信 181其他經營合於營業登記項目或組織章程所定之業務 | 姓名、身分證統一編號/護照號碼、性 別、出生年月日、通訊方式及其他詳如相關業務申請書或契約書之內容,並以本行與客戶往來之相關業務、帳戶或服務及自客戶或第三人處(例如:財團法人金融聯合徵信中心)所實際蒐集之個人資料為準。 | |||||
三、信用卡業務 | 022外匯業務 067信用卡、現金卡、轉帳卡或電子票證業務 082借款戶與存款戶存借作業綜合管理 088核貸與授信業務 106授信業務 154徵信 181其他經營合於營業登記項目或組織章程所定之業務 | 姓名、身分證統一編號/護照號碼、性 別、出生年月日、通訊方式及其他詳如相關業務申請書或契約書之內容,並以本行與客戶往來之相關業務、帳戶或服務及自客戶或第三人處(例如:財團法人金融聯合徵信中心)所實際蒐集之個人資料為準。 | |||||
四、外匯業務 | 022外匯業務 036存款與匯款業務 082借款戶與存款戶存借作業綜合管理 088核貸與授信業務 106授信業務 154徵信 181其他經營合於營業登記項目或組織章程所定之業務 | 姓名、身分證統一編號/護照號碼、性 別、出生年月日、通訊方式及其他詳如相關業務申請書或契約書之內容,並以本行與客戶往來之相關業務、帳戶或服務及自客戶或第三人處(例如:財團法人金融聯合徵信中心)所實際蒐集之個人資料為準。 | |||||
五、有價證券業務 | 111票券業務 044投資管理 082借款戶與存款戶存借作業綜合管理 088核貸與授信業務 106授信業務 154徵信 181其他經營合於營業登記項目或組織章程所定之業務 | 姓名、身分證統一編號/護照號碼、性 別、出生年月日、通訊方式及其他詳如相關業務申請書或契約書之內容,並以本行與客戶往來之相關業務、帳戶或服務及自客戶或第三人處(例如:財團法人金融聯合徵信中心)所實際蒐集之個人資料為準。 | |||||
六、財富管理業務 | 001人身保險 022外匯業務 036存款與匯款業務 044投資管理 065保險經紀、代理、公證業務 068信託業務 082借款戶與存款戶存借作業綜合管理 094財產管理 166證券、期貨、證券投資信託及顧問相關業務 181其他經營合於營業登記項目或組織章程所定之業務 | 姓名、身分證統一編號/護照號碼、性 別、出生年月日、通訊方式及其他詳如相關業務申請書或契約書之內容,並以本行與客戶往來之相關業務、帳戶或服務及自客戶或第三人處(例如:財團法人金融聯合徵信中心)所實際蒐集之個人資料為準。 | |||||
、其他經營合於營業登記項目或組 織章程所定之業務,或經中央主管機關核准辦理之其他有關業務(例如:保管箱業務、xx存摺業務、電子金融業務、代理收付業務、共同行銷或合作推廣業務…等。) | 022外匯業務 036存款與匯款業務 181其他經營合於營業登記項目或組織章程所定之業務 | 姓名、身分證統一編號/護照號碼、性 別、出生年月日、通訊方式及其他詳如相關業務申請書或契約書之內容,並以本行與客戶往來之相關業務、帳戶或服務及自客戶或第三人處(例如:財團法人金融聯合徵信中心)所實際蒐集之個人資料為準。 |
Mega International Commercial Bank
Please affix seal
Safe Deposit Box Lease Agreement
Name of Lessee:
No. and Type of Safe Deposit Box:
Version: 111.12
Safe Deposit Box Lease Agreement
本契約書於中華民國 年 月 日經承租人攜回審閱。(審 閱 期 間 五 日 )
This agreement is given to Lessee to review on (dd/mm/yyyy). (The review period is five days.)
Parties to the contract
保管箱承租人: 簽章
Lessee of safe deposit box: (Signature and Seal)
Lessor of safe deposit box: Mega International Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.
之 型 組第 號保管箱壹個,雙方約定遵守下列各條款:
The Lessee is to lease a safe deposit box of No. , Type , Model , located at
(address) from the Lessor. Both parties agree to comply with the following terms and conditions:
Article 1 (Nature of the contract)
The safe deposit box is employed via leasing.
Article 2 (Consideration and payment method)
(承租時出租人公告之費率標準為:租金:新臺幣 元,保證金:新臺幣 元)
The Lessee shall pay the rent and security deposit in accordance with the rental rate announced by the Lessor at the time of the lease or the rental rate (hereinafter referred to as the rate) specially agreed by the parties.
(The rental rate announced by the Lessor at the time of lease: Rent: NT$ and security deposit: NT$ )
The Lessee agrees to lease the safe deposit box via one of the following means: (Please tick the appropriate box.)
一、□租金:新臺幣 元,及保證金:新臺幣 元(不得逾每期租金)。
Rent: NT$ and security deposit: NT$ (shall not exceed the rent per period).
二、□其他( )。
Others ( ).
Article 3 (Lease period)
保管箱租用期限自民國 年 月 日起算,以壹年為一期。承租人於期滿時依本租約
The lease period of safe deposit box commences on (dd/mm/yyyy) and each period equals one year. If the Lessee pays the rent and security deposit of the following period in full in accordance with method stipulated by this agreement upon the expiration of current lease, the lease will be extended for one more period from the date following the expiration. The same rule applies to the future periods. If the original payment method for consideration is modified upon mutual agreement, the lease period shall restart from the modification date. If the Lessor does not intend to renew the lease agreement, it shall notify the Lessee in writing 30 days prior to the end of current lease agreement.
Article 4 (Adjustment, supplement or refund of consideration and modification of other covenants)
Please affix seal
If the Lessor intends to adjust the rate, it shall notify the Lessee of the new applicable rate for next lease period in writing or other means 30 days prior to the end of current lease agreement. The new rate shall also be announced at the Lessor's business premises and official websites 60 days prior to its effective date.
The Lessor's notification referred to in the previous paragraph shall include the following matters:
The modified rate and the rent for the renewed agreement or the difference between supplement or refund of security deposit.
The deadline for payment or supplement payment. (A minimum of 30 days.)
After the Lessor has notified the Lessee in accordance with Paragraph 1 and the Lessee has failed to pay the rent and security deposit in full within the period stipulated, the Lessee shall be subject to an interest penalty calculated at the Lessor's published base rate on the date of supplement payment plus 2% per annum from the overdue date to the payment date. For the calculation of interest penalty, the annual interest rate shall not exceed twice the Lessor's published base rate. (The base rate is calculated by taking the average overnight interbank call-loan rate of the 30-day period prior to the two business days before the modification date plus a fixed mark-up rate. The sum is then rounded up to be a multiple of 0.125% and announced in accordance with the rules and regulations.)
If the Lessor intends to change other covenants within the agreement, it shall explicitly state the changes in advance and disclose them at its business premises and official websites. Also, it shall inform the Lessee of the new covenants applicable from the next lease period or the procedures for replacing the agreement 30 days prior to the expiration of the current agreement.
出租人未為第一項或前項通知者,視為依原契約條件續約。但費率調降者,適用新費率。 If the Lessor fails to notify the Lessee in accordance with Paragraph 1 or the preceding paragraph, the agreement is deemed to be renewed under the original terms and conditions. However, the new rate shall apply if it has been reduced.
Article 5 (Payment method and transfer authorization agreement)
Please tick the appropriate box to indicate the payment method for rent and security deposit when the Lessee renews the lease agreement:
Automatic transfer;
Pay in person;
三、□其他( )。
Others ( ).
本契約每期應繳之租金及應補繳或退還之保證金差額,承租人委託出租人於到期時,就下列三種方式之一,出租人得就承租人開立於出租人第 號帳戶存款,自動轉帳代繳或將退款逕行存入,並以本契約為授權之證明:
With regard to rents payable for each period or the difference between supplement or refund of security deposit, the Lessee authorizes the Lessor to automatically transfer or deposit the refund into the Lessee's account with the Lessor of account number through one of the following three means and this agreement serves as the proof of authorization:
Do not notify the Lessee;
After notify the Lessee; or
After notify the Lessee and the Lessee has not informed the Lessor of the way concerning supplement or refund within seven days.
(Affix the Lessee's original specimen seal of his/her deposit account.)
(Seal verification)
Article 6 (Deduction of security deposit)
If the Lessee is liable for damages to the Lessor due to a breach of agreement, once the damage amount is determined, the Lessor may, upon notifying the Lessee, deduct the amount from the security deposit paid. Lessee shall make supplement payment if the deposit is insufficient to cover the damage.
Article 7 (Procedures for Lessee to access the safe deposit box)
承租人承租保管箱時應填具印鑑卡交付出租人,除出租人及承租人另有約定其他辨識方法外,開啟保管箱及辦理其他保管箱往來事項時,均以印鑑卡上之留存印鑑為憑,該印鑑簽樣如經 偽造、變造或塗改而非肉眼所能辨認,如出租人已盡善良管理人注意義務仍認為相符者,其 發生之損失,出租人不負賠償之責。
Please affix seal
The Lessee shall fill out the seal specimen card and submit it to the Lessor when renting a safe deposit box. Unless the Lessor and the Lessee have agreed on other identification methods, in the case of opening the safe deposit box and handling other matters related to the safe deposit box, the seal specimen on the seal specimen card shall be used as proof. The Lessor shall not be liable for any losses due to forgery or alteration of the seal specimen which the Lessor was unable to discern with the naked eye and deemed them to meet qualifications despite exercising the duty of care as a prudent administrator.
The Lessee shall access the safe deposit box via the access procedures, the seal, or other agreed identification means in according with the preceding paragraph. The Lessee and all accompanying personnel entering the vault shall show their identification documents. Once verified by the Lessor, the Lessee can then open the box at the Lessor's presence. Unless otherwise agreed, the Lessor shall then leave so that the Lessee can be alone to deposit or remove items from the box at his/her own discretion.
The Lessee shall open the safe deposit box in accordance with the preceding paragraph. Unless otherwise agreed, the Lessor has no rights to object. However, when there are too many people present at the vault, the Lessor has the right to reasonably limit the number of people as well as the time period accessing their safe deposit boxes within the vault simultaneously.
Where a third party with the mean to access the safe deposit box has been verified via the identification means originally agreed by the Lessee, his/her application to open the safe deposit box, unless otherwise agreed, is consented by both parties to be deemed as an application from the Lessee
himself/herself and the Lessor has no right to refuse.
Article 8 (Scope and restrictions on contents)
Lessee may place securities, rights certificates, valuables, souvenirs, and other items or documents in the safe deposit box at his/her own discretion. However, dangerous goods; prohibited articles; explosive or flammable items; items that may cause public safety or sanitary issues; moist, odorous or perishable items; or articles that pose as a threat to the life, body or property safety of Lessor or other Lessees cannot be stored in the safe deposit box.
In the event where the Lessee violates the provisions of the preceding paragraph and damages the safe deposit box or causes other damages, or results in the Lessor being liable to a third party, the Lessee shall compensate the Lessor for all damages caused thereby.
When the Lessor joins the judicial officers or the police to conduct legal searches or seize the contents of a safe deposit box in order to prevent public safety hazard or due to crime investigation conducted by the judicial or police departments, the Lessee shall be notified.
With regard to the aforementioned circumstances, in the case of an emergency, or the notification may hinder the search or seizure or other criminal investigations, or the Lessee fails to be reached, it is permissible not to inform the Lessee. However, the Lessor shall notify the Lessee in writing of the circumstances immediately after the event.
Article 9 (Possession, retention and safekeeping of the key or access card to the safe deposit box)
There are two sets of keys to the safe deposit box: one is in the Lessee's possession and the other is jointly sealed by the Lessee and the Lessor and retained by the Lessor. The Lessee shall return the key to the Lessor upon expiration of the lease agreement.
The Lessor shall not use the key in its possession prior to the termination of the agreement. However, circumstances prescribed in Paragraph 3, Article 8; Article 16, and Article 19 are not subject to these restrictions.
There is only one access card for each safe deposit box and it is retained by the Lessee. He/she may set or change the passcode at his/her own discretion.
承租人使用門禁卡,如遺忘密碼或輸入密碼錯誤連續達 次(不得少於三次),除另有約定外,承租人應親持身分證明文件及原留印鑑至出租人指定處所辦理密碼重置作業。
If the Lessee forgets or enters the wrong passcode for (cannot be less than three) consecutive times when using the access card, unless otherwise agreed, he/she shall bring his/her identity documents and the original specimen seal in person to offices designated by the Lessor to reset the passcode.
The Lessee shall not make copies of the key or access card at his/her own discretion. Once identified, the Lessor has absolute authority to confiscate and destroy the duplicate keys or access card and the Lessee would be liable to compensate for any resulting disputes and damages.
When the lease agreement is terminated, the Lessee shall return the key and access card in his/her possession to the Lessor.
承租人遺失或毀損鑰匙應付之必要費用新臺幣 元,遺失或毀損門禁卡應付之必要費用
新臺幣 元,因而致出租人或第三人受有損害時並應由承租人負賠償責任。
Please affix seal
The Lessee shall pay NT$ if he/she loses or damage the key, NT$ if he/she loses or damage the access card and be liable to compensate the Lessor or any third party suffering damages as a result.
The Bank shall not be liable for any losses induced when a third person used the original seal specimen, the lost key, the access card, or the computer password to open the box fraudulently before the procedures for reporting a lost key or access card has been completed. The Lessee is liable for compensation derived from any resulting damages caused to the Bank or a third person.
Article 10 (Lessor's duty of care)
The Lessor shall exercise the due care of a good administrator for the safety, protection and repair of safe deposit boxes and their premises as well as the opening procedures. However, the Lessor is not liable for damages caused by natural disasters and other force majeure events.
If the premises where the Lessor provides or set up safe deposit boxes fail to meet the basic safety standards set by the competent authority, or the Lessor fails to comply with its own operating rules and the procedures stipulated by this agreement where the access of safe deposit boxes is concerned, the Lessor is deemed as failing to exercise the due care of a good administrator.
The basic safety standards prescribed in the preceding paragraph is an appendix and an integral part to the agreement. When the standards are tightened, they shall be applicable automatically without prior notification to the Lessee.
Article 11 (Liability for damages)
Where the Lessee suffers damages as articles placed in the safe deposit box are stolen, lost, destroyed or degenerated due to deficiency in the setting or management of the safe deposit box, both parties agree to adopt the following measures, unless it is otherwise regulated by the laws or agreed by both parties:
一、承租人於損害發生後申報其置放物品內容及損失金額,在未超過新臺幣 元之範圍內(承租人: 簽章),由出租人依據承租人申報損失之金額逕予賠償。 The Lessee shall file the contents of the articles placed in the safe deposit box and the amount of the losses after the damage occurs. If the amount does not exceed NT$
【Lessee: (signature and seal)】, the Lessor shall compensate the Lessee by the amount filed.
二、承租人主張其損害逾前款金額,並經出租人同意者,由出租人按承租人主張之損害負金錢賠償之責,但最高賠償金額為新臺幣 元(承租人: 簽章)。 Where the loss amount filed by the Lessee exceeds the aforementioned limit, upon Xxxxxx'x approval, the Lessor shall make monetary compensation to the Lessee by the amount filed. However, the compensation is capped at NT$ .
【Lessee: (signature and seal) 】
For damage in excess of the amount referred to the Subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph, if the Lessee can provide concrete proof, he/she would be entitled to make claims. The amount prescribed in Subparagraphs 1 and 2 of Paragraph 1 shall be determined jointly by the Lessee and the Lessor. It shall not be determined by the Lessor alone.
Article 12 (Notification obligation of the Lessee or his/her successor)
If the Lessee or his/her successor encounters one of the following situations, he/she shall notify the Lessor immediately in writing, or through Xxxxxx'x voice service system and hotlines, or other agreed means:
Loss of keys or access cards or change of passcode;
Change or loss of seal;
Change of name;
Change of organization or representatives where the Lessee is a juristic-person institution; or
Suspension of safe deposit box access due to the opening of the succession or other material incidents.
The Lessor shall suspend access to the safe deposit box upon receiving the notification of Subparagraphs 1, 2 or 5 of the preceding paragraph until the Lessee or his/her successor has completed all necessary procedures. If the Lessor’s failure to suspend the access results in damages to the Lessee and his/her successor, the Lessor shall be held liable.
Please affix seal
承租人或其繼承人未依第一項規定通知出租人時,因而所受之損害,出租人不負賠償責任。 If the Lessee or his/her successor fails to notify the Lessor in accordance with Paragraph 1, the Lessor shall not be held liable for any resulting damage.
Article 13 (Agreement not renewed upon expiration)
The Lessor may notify the Lessee before the expiration of lease agreement and the Lessee shall go to Lessor’s business premises to renew or terminate the agreement.
Before the Lessee completes the termination or renewal procedures upon expiration of agreement and pays for outstanding rents, the Lessor may suspend the joint opening of the safe deposit box.
If the Lessee fails to complete the termination procedures before the expiration date, he/she would be subject to rents based on the rental rate announced on the date termination procedures are completed (or the date when the safe deposit box is forcibly opened) and calculated on a daily basis for the period starting from the day following the expiry date to the completion of termination procedures or the date when the safe deposit box is forcibly opened. Also, interest penalty is calculated and collected according to the interest rate as set out in Paragraph 3, Article 4 until the date termination procedures are completed or the date when the Lessee collects the item packed from the forcibly opened safe deposit box.
Article 14 (Procedure for lease termination by the Lessee and refund of rents)
The Lessee may terminate the agreement at any time. However, he/she shall complete the procedures at the Lessor's premises in person or by entrusting an agent in writing.
When the Lessee terminates the agreement, the rent shall be calculated on a monthly basis. For the period shorter than one month, rent is calculated on a daily basis.
Rent referred to in the preceding paragraph may be deducted from the rent or security deposit paid and shortages, if any, shall be supplemented by the Lessee. Surplus in rent and security deposit, if any, would be refunded by the Lessor without interest once the termination procedure is completed.
Article 15 (Causes for the Lessor to terminate the agreement and refund of rent)
The Lessor may, in any of the following circumstances, notify the Lessee in writing to terminate the agreement 30 days in advance:
When the Lessor repairs or relocates the safe deposit boxes or ends the safe deposit box service;
The Lessor, in accordance with Paragraph 1 of Article 4, has urged the Lessee to supplement the difference between the security deposit and the Lessee has failed to do so for more than one month;
三、承租人積欠租用保管箱費用,屆期未清償,經出租人訂三十日催告清償,仍未清償者。 The Lessee has overdue safe deposit box fee which remains outstanding 30 days after receiving Lessor's notification;
Lessee's use of safe deposit box or access to safe deposit box premises has caused damage to the Lessor or a third party;
There is sufficient fact indicating the Lessee has violated Paragraph 1, Article 8 of the agreement concerning the scope and restrictions on contents and the Lessee has failed to handle the situation at the Lessor's premises within the period specified by the Lessor; or
The Lessee has a serious breach of other covenants within the agreement.
If the Lessor terminates the agreement due to circumstance prescribed in Subparagraph 1 of the preceding paragraph, rent shall be collected by the actual number of leasing days and the rent
collected in advance shall be returned with interest calculated using the regulatory interest rate. If the Lessor terminates the agreement due to circumstances prescribed in Subparagraphs 2 to 6 of the preceding paragraph, rent shall be collected by the actual number of leasing days and the rent collected in advance shall be returned without interest. The security deposit is refunded without interest once the termination procedure is completed.
The rent and security deposit to be refunded in the preceding paragraph may be offset in accordance with laws and regulations.
Article 16 (Causes and means for opening the safe deposit box by force)
Please affix seal
除另有約定外,承租人於租期屆滿經出租人通知後,逾三個月未辦理續租或退租,或契約經終止,而承租人未於出租人通知期限內,配合辦理停止使用保管箱事宜者,承租人如有留存聯絡人資料,出租人得先行通知承租人指定之聯絡人,如無聯絡人或無法通知者,出租人應通知公證人會同辦理破封開箱手續,並得使用攝影、錄影或其他科技工具記錄其過程。為辦理破封開箱手續所產生之費用(包含但不限於公證費、體驗費等),應由承租人負擔。 Unless otherwise agreed, where the Lessee fails to renew or terminate the agreement for more than three months after being notified by the Lessor upon the expiration of the lease agreement, or to suspend the use of safe deposit box within the time frame specified by the Lessor upon the termination of the agreement, the Lessor may notify the contact person designated by the Lessee if it possesses the contact information. If there is no contact person or he/she cannot be reached, the Lessor shall engage a notary and jointly open the safe deposit box by force. The opening process may be documented via photography, videotape or other technology tools. The cost (including but not limited to notarial fees or experience fee) incurred from conducting the procedures for opening the box forcibly shall be borne by the Lessee.
Article 17 (Disposal of articles in the safe deposit box opened forcibly)
After the safe deposit box is opened forcibly, articles within shall be disposed of by the following methods:
After the Lessor has taken inventory of the articles in the safe deposit box jointly with the notary or Xxxxxx'x contact persons referred to in the preceding article and prepare an inventory list, it shall then pack those articles and seal the package with signatures affixed. The Lessee shall immediately be notified to collect those items within six months.
If the Lessee fails to collect the articles within the period prescribed in the preceding paragraph and the security deposit is insufficient to cover the overdue rent or other compensation to damages, the Lessor may sell the articles in accordance with the laws to offset all expenses. Surplus, if any, shall be kept in a savings account to be collected by the Lessee, whereas shortage
shall be supplemented by the Lessee.
If the Lessee does not collect his/her articles within the period prescribed in Subparagraph 1 and the articles have no resale value, the Xxxxxx agrees to waive his/her ownership rights over those articles for them to be at the Lessor's disposal.
In the cases of Subparagraphs 2 and 3 of the preceding paragraph, the Lessor shall notify the Lessee of the disposal status.
Article 18 (Prohibition on sublease, sublet and transfer)
The Lessee shall not sublease or sublet the safe deposit box leased by him/her to a third party, nor shall he/she transfer the lease right to another person or use it to create a pledge.
Article 19 (Compulsory execution by a third party)
Where a third party requests the court to carry out compulsory execution on articles in the safe deposit box, the Lessor shall immediately notify the Lessee when it forcibly opens the box under court's order.
Article 20 (Notification on change of residence)
If there is any change to the residence or mailing address of the Lessee or his/her contact persons or the business premises of Xxxxxx, the other party and the contact person shall immediately be notified by writing or means agreed by both the Lessor and Xxxxxx. In the event that the Lessee, his/her contact persons or the Lessor fails to inform, after either party involved has mailed relevant notification documents to the mailing address contained in this contract or last informed to the other party, the documents shall be deemed to have arrived after the usual postal period.
Article 21 (Court of jurisdiction)
倘因本契約涉訟者,雙方同意以保管箱所在地之 地方法院為第一審管轄法院。但不得排除消費者保護法第四十七條或民事訴訟法第二十八條第二項、第四百三十六條之九小額訴訟管轄法院之適用。
With regards to litigations associated with the agreement, both parties agree to have the
District Court as the court of competent jurisdiction for the first instance, as it governs area where safe deposit box is located. However, the application of Article 47 of the Consumer Protection Act or Paragraph 2 of Article 28 and small-claim under Article 436-9 of the Taiwan Code
of Civil Procedure shall not be excluded.
Article 22 (Agreement on special matters and matters not covered in the agreement)
Special matters agreed between the Lessee and the Lessor are as follows:
一、 二、 三、 本契約如有未盡事宜,由承租人與出租人依相關法律規定辦理。
Matters not covered by this agreement shall be handled by Lessee and Lessor in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
Article 23 (Covenants on personal data protection)
The personal data collected, processed, cross-border transferred, and used by the Lessor and provided by the Lessee as a natural person (individual) in accordance with this article (hereinafter referred to as “personal data of the Lessee”):
Please affix seal
Where the collection of the “personal data of the Lessee” involves privacy interests of the Lessee, the Lessor shall, at the moment when collecting the “personal data of the Lessee”, keep the Lessee expressly informed of the followings in accordance with Paragraph 1, Article 8 of the Personal Data Protection Act (hereinafter referred to as the “PDPA”):
the name of the collector (i.e. Mega International Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.); (二)蒐集之目的。
the purpose of the collection; (三)個人資料之類別。
the categories of the personal data to be collected; (四)個人資料利用之期間、地區、對象及方式。
the time period, territory, recipients, and methods of which the personal data is used; (五)承租人依個資法第三條規定得行使之權利及方式。
the Lessee's rights under Article 3 of the PDPA and the methods for exercising such rights; and
the Lessee's rights and interests that will be affected if he/she elects not to provide his/her personal data.
For issues regarding the purposes of the Lessor to collect personal data, categories of the personal data, time period, territory, recipients, methods and such contents of the use of personal
data, the Lessee is advised to check through the Lessor’s website at xxxxx://
According to Article 3 of the PDPA, for the “personal data of the Lessee” under the Xxxxxx’x custody, the Lessee is entitled to exercise the following rights:
Except for the situation set forth under the proviso of Article 10 of the PDPA, the Lessee may inquire with the Lessor, request reviewing or request the Lessor to provide copies. Nevertheless, the Lessor may charge necessary costs in accordance with Article 14 of the PDPA.
Apply to the Lessor for supplementation or correction for which, nevertheless, the Lessee is subject to elucidation of the reasons and facts as required under Article 19 of Enforcement Rules of the PDPA.
條第四項規定,承租人得向出租人請求刪除、停止蒐集、處理或利用該個人資料。 In the event that the Lessor is found having violated the PDPA in collection, processing or use of the “personal data of the Lessee”, the Lessee may request the Lessor to delete or cease the collection, processing or using the personal data in accordance with Paragraph 4, Article 11 of the PDPA.
In accordance with Paragraph 2, Article 11 of the PDPA, in case of a dispute over the correctness of the personal data, the Lessee may request the Lessor to cease processing or using the “personal data of the Lessee”, except an event set forth under the proviso of the Paragraph, nevertheless, where the Lessor shall expressly remark such dispute in performance of duties or where the Lessee agrees in writing.
In accordance with Paragraph 3, Article 11 of the PDPA, where the specific purposes to collect the personal data cease to exist or the time period for collection expires, the Lessee may request the Lessor to delete, cease processing or using the “personal data of the Lessee” except an event set forth under the proviso of the said Paragraph, nevertheless, where the Lessor shall expressly remark such dispute in performance of duties or where the Lessee agrees in writing.
In an attempt to exercise all sorts of rights in accordance with Article 3 of the PDPA as mentioned above, the Lessee may inquire with the Lessor’s Customer Service Office (0800-016168) or the Lessor’s website (Website: xxxxx:// for more details about the method to exercise those rights.
Except for the necessary information for the Lessor to perform its legal obligations, the Lessee may, at his or her discretion, choose whether to provide his or her personal data and the categories of personal data provided. Nevertheless, in the event that the Lessee rejects to provide his or her personal data or personal data of the required categories which are indispensable for the Lessor for its business operations or review, the Lessor might become unable to conduct necessary review or operation the business or, in turn, be unable to render services or to render better services to the Lessee.
第二十四條 (防制洗錢及打擊資恐)
Article 24 (Anti-money laundering and counter terrorist financing)
Please affix seal
According to the Money Laundering Control Act, Regulations Governing Anti-Money Laundering of Financial Institutions, Counter-Terrorism Financing Act, and other relevant provisions, the Lessor shall not be liable for any damage or compensation for the Lessee or its related parties (including but not limited to the Lessee’s beneficial owners, senior managers, parties related to the safe deposit box,
e.g. agents, representatives, or authorized individuals, and transaction counterparties) for any related measures (including but not limited to regular or irregular review, investigations, and reports) on the Lessee or its related parties executed within the legally permissible scope under all conditions specified in this agreement, for anti-money laundering or counter-terrorism financing purposes or operations.
The Lessee agrees that the Lessor may transmit information on suspected money laundering, economic or trade restrictions/sanctions imposed by any country or international organization, special control status under the Lessor’s management, and Lessee related to the items above and any of their transactions with the Lessor, and Lessee and their related parties within the Lessor, between
the Lessor’s branch institutions, the Lessor’s Financial Holding Company, its subsidiary companies,
and other recipients based on regulations or approval of the competent authority (hereinafter referred to as the “recipients”) for confidential use (including but not limited to for the use of any service or information processing, use, statistics, and risk analysis). The recipients specified above may process, use, transfer, and disclose such information in accordance with requests of laws, regulators or legal proceedings.
承租人同意出租人為遵循防制洗錢及打擊資恐相關之國內外法令規定(包括但不限於美國洗錢防制法(Anti-Money Laundering Act)第6308條及其他國內外法令、我國與外國政府簽訂之條約、協定或協議等)之目的,得依國內外法令、機關之裁判(定)、命令或要求,將與承租人本人或帳戶有關之銀行紀錄(包括但不限於銀行所提供之產品服務及往來紀錄等)、簿冊或其他資料,提供(包含國際傳輸)予我國或外國政府機關(包括但不限於司法、行政、稅務或其他主管機關等);法人承租人並擔保於本存款開戶時已取得承租人關係人(包括但不限於承租人之實質受益人、高階管理人、代理人、代表人及被授權人等)之同意,使出租人得於上述目的範圍內將前開人員之個人資料提供予前述之機關。
The Lessee agrees that the Lessor may provide (including international transmission) bank records (including but not limited to product services and transaction records provided by the Bank), accounting books, or other information related to the Lessee or the account to the government agencies at home or abroad (including but not limited to judicial, administrative, tax, or other competent authorities) in accordance with domestic or international laws or government agencies' judgments (decisions), orders, or requirements for the purpose of complying with domestic or international laws and regulations of anti-money laundering or counter-terrorism financing (including but not limited to Anti-Money Laundering Act Section 6308 and domestic or international laws and regulations ,treaties, accords, or agreements signed between our country and foreign governments); The Lessee as a juristic person has obtained the consent of its related parties (including but not limited to the Lessee’s beneficial owners, senior managers, agents, representatives, and authorized individuals) when opening the deposit account that the Lessor may provide the above personnel's personal data to the above entities within the scope of the aforementioned purposes.
承租人如有以下情形之一者,承租人同意出租人為遵循防制洗錢及打擊資恐等相關法令規範,得不須通知承租人逕為下列之處理,倘承租人與其關係人因此發生損害或承受不利益均由其 自行承擔,出租人不負損害賠償責任:
The Lessee agrees that the Lessor may process any of the following conditions involving the Lessee without notifying to comply with related anti-money laundering and countering terrorism financing laws and regulations. Any damage or detriment suffered by the Lessee or its related party shall be borne by the Lessee or its related party and the Lessor shall not be liable for compensation:
Where related laws or regulations are not violated, the Lessor may, if it learns or is required to assume that the Xxxxxx’x source of funds is from corruption or abuse of public assets, refuse or sever business relationships with the Lessee.
If the Lessee is in one of the circumstances below, the Lessor may temporarily suspend
transactions or temporarily suspend or terminate the business relationships, or take other necessary measures:
The Lessee fails to comply with the Lessor’s regular or irregular reviews;
The Lessee refuses to provide information on the beneficial owner or the individual with controlling rights over the Lessee, etc.;
The Lessee refuses to explain the nature and purpose of the transaction or the source of funding; or
The Lessee is suspected to be involved in a money laundering or terrorist financing transaction, or
Please affix seal
The Lessor deems it necessary (including ,but not limited to, cases where the review process deems the documents provided by the Lessee or the identity of the Lessee to be questionable, the transaction is deemed as abnormal after the Lessee's explanation, or the media reports that the Lessee is involved in specific illegal cases).
If the Lessee is in one of the following circumstances, the Lessor may refuse business transactions or terminate the agreement at its discretion:
Subject to economic or trade restrictions/ sanctions;
Is a terrorist or terrorist group identified or investigated by a foreign government or international anti-money laundering organization; or
Listed in the sanctions list announced by the Ministry of Justice in accordance with the "Counter-Terrorism Financing Act."
When the Lessor terminates the lease due to Subparagraph 1, Subparagraph 2 and Items 1 and 2 of Subparagraph 3 of the preceding paragraph, rent shall be calculated by the actual number of leasing days and the unused rent shall be returned without interest. The security deposit is refunded without interest once the termination procedure is completed.
The rent and security deposit to be refunded in the preceding paragraph may be offset in accordance with laws and regulations.
Article 25 (Opinion and Complaint Channels)
During business hours, please contact each branch for consultation. For each branch's address and contact information, please refer to "Locations" on the Lessor’s website (xxxxx://
To file a complaint via the telephone, please call the Lessor's special line for grievance:
(00) 0000-0000 or the toll-free special line for service: 0000-000-000.
To file a complaint via email, please raise questions through contact email on the Lessor's website for consultation.
Article 26 (Agreement delivery)
本租約壹式 貳 份,由雙方各執 壹 份,以資信守。
This agreement is done in duplicates. Each party has one copy and agrees to abide by the terms and conditions.
鑰匙、門禁卡領取確認( 簽名或蓋章) Confirmation for collecting the keys and access card ( signature or seals) |
鑰匙號碼: Key number: 門禁卡號碼: Access card number: |
中 華 民 國 年 月 日 Date (DD/MM/YYYY) |
Signed by and between
Lessor: Mega International Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.
Phone Number:
聯絡人: | 承租人: | (簽章) |
Contact person: 地址: | Lessee: 地址: | (signature and seal) |
Address: | Address: |
電話: 身分證明文件號碼/統一編(證)號:
Phone Number: Identification Number:
行動電話: 負責人:
Mobile Phone: Responsible Person: 身分證明文件號碼: Identification Number:地址:
Phone Number:
Mobile Phone: 電子郵件信箱: E-mail:
中 華 民 國 年 月 日
Date: (mm) (dd) (yyyy)
簽收欄 Acknowledgment | 承租人聲明於本保管箱租用契約簽訂完成後,已收妥契約書正本,特此簽名或蓋章確認。 The Lessee declares that upon signing the safe deposit box lease agreement, he/she properly received the original copy of the agreement and hereby confirms by signing or seal affixed herewith. |
核對親簽與證件 | 對保日期 | 經辦 | 覆核主管 |
Please affix seal
This Agreement is originally prepared in Chinese and is translated into English for reference only. In the event of any conflict or dispute or inconsistency as to the meaning of any terms, conditions or provisions of this Agreement, the Chinese version shall in all events prevail and predominant for all purposes whatsoever.
Model Guidelines for Security Maintenance Work of Safe Deposit Box Leasing Services Provided by Financial Institutions
財政部 86.2.19 台財xx 00000000 x函發布
Published via Letter No. Taiwan-Finance-Banking-86605998 of the Ministry of Finance on February 19, 1997金融機構辦理出租保管箱業務,放置保管箱處所(下稱保管箱室)應加強辦理下列各項安全維護設(措)施:
With regard to safe deposit box leasing service provided by financial institutions, the following safety arrangements (measures) for the place where the safe deposit boxes are located (hereinafter referred to as the vault) shall be strengthened:
Strengthen access control arrangements (measures) and install timing password locks to control personnel access after business hours.
The outer walls of the vault shall be constructed using reinforced concrete. If there are safety concerns or the vault is next to property not owned by the financial institution, the vault shall be covered with thick steel plates to prevent sabotage or deliberate intrusion.
Except for area reserved to protect customers' privacy (e.g. the viewing room), video surveillance system shall be installed to cover all corners of the vault. The switches for hidden camera and light source, and the surveillance equipment shall be placed in concealed area outside the vault and be inspected and maintained regularly so that monitors outside the vault may still be switched on to observe movements within the vault after business hours.
The vault shall be equipped with an automatic warning or alarm system or a security system to detect the intrusion of foreign objects. Those systems shall be inspected regularly to ensure they can operate smoothly.
For safety reasons, safe deposit boxes shall not be placed in a building that fails to meet the construction technique regulations (e.g. illegal construction). In principal, safe deposit box leasing service would not be provided in a rented office.
The vault shall be equipped with fire safety equipment (including fire alarm system) which complies
with the fire safety code. Also, wires shall be checked and maintained carefully to prevent fire.
Vaults having flooding concern shall be equipped with waterproofing and drainage devices, e.g. flood walls or pumps, and relevant alarming systems. Moreover, the financial institution shall remind customers to pack items that may be damaged by dampness carefully or to take some water/mold prevention measures to avoid damage in the event of a flood.
A remote monitoring system can be installed at the vault per request of the security firm or at the discretion of financial institution so that when abnormality occurs, the vault can be monitored via video transmission.
Please affix seal
The financial institution shall befriend and joint forces with neighbors in monitoring the neighborhood at all times so that it can be clearly aware of the impact from changes in its surroundings (especially the empty houses, construction sites, underground parking lots, alleys, etc.) on the offices. It shall alert the nearly police or fire fighting agencies if there is any security concern and request the police to increase the frequency of patrols.
Strengthen the cooperation and communication with the security firm engaged and ensure it carries out random patrols and notifies the financial institution when there is an abnormality. In addition, if an abnormality occurs after the security system has been set up, the financial institution's personnel being notified to go to the site and handle the situation shall stay alert. He/she shall carefully check whether there are any abnormalities in the immediate proximity of the office and inside the vault, identify the source of alert and notify the police to assist when necessary.
Thoroughly implement office security inspections. Before leaving the office, designated personnel shall thoroughly check whether there is any person staying or any suspicious objects in the vault daily and carefully inspect whether there is any trace of damage to the office, exterior walls, ceilings, and floors to prevent criminals from invading the premises through gradual erosion.
兆豐國際商業銀行告知書附表 Attached list of Notification for Collection, Processing and Use of Personal Data by Mega International Commercial Bank | 2022.09 | ||||||
特定目的說明 Description of specific purposes | 蒐集之個人資料類別 | 個人資料利用之期間 Time Period of using personal data | 個人資料利用之地區 Territory of using personal data | 個人資料利用之對象 Recipients of using personal data | 個人資料利用之方式 Methods of using personal data | ||
業務類別 Type of business | 業務特定目的及代號 Specific purpose and code | 共通特定目的及代號 Common purpose and code | |||||
一、存匯業務 1. Deposits and remittances | 022外匯業務 022Foreign Exchange Business 036存款與匯款業務 036Deposit and remitting 067信用卡、現金卡、轉帳卡或電子票證業務 067Credit card, cash card, debit card or electronic value-stored card business 082借款戶與存款戶存借作業綜合管理 082Operation of integrated management among the borrowing households with depositors saved business 112票據交換業務 112Negotiation Instrument Exchange Business 181其他經營合於營業登記項目或組織章程所定之業務 181Other business operation in accordance with the business registration project or organization Prospectus | 040行銷 040 Marketing 059金融服務業依法令規定及金融監理需要,所為之蒐 集處理及利用 059 Financial service industry’s collection and processing information in accordance with laws and needs for financial supervision 060金融爭議處理 060 Financial dispute resolution 061金融監督管理與檢查 061 Financial supervision,administration and inspection 063非公務機關依法定義務所 進行個人資料之蒐集處理及利用 063 Non-government agency collect or process personal data under legal obligations 069契約、類似契約或其他法 律關係管理之事務 069 Contract, contract-like or other legal relation matters 090消費者、客戶管理與服務 090 Consumer, Customer Management and Service 091消費者保護 091 Consumer Protection 098商業與技術資訊 098 Business and Technical Information 104帳務管理及債權交易業務 104 Account management and debt trading business 116場所進出安全管理 116 Site safety management 136資(通)訊與資料庫管理 136 Information (Communication) and database Management 137資通安全與管理 137 Information and Communication Security and Management 148網路購物及其他電子商務服務 148 Internet shopping and other electronic commerce services 157調查、統計與研究分析 157 Investigation, statistics and research analysis 177其他金融管理業務 177 Other financial administrative business 182其他諮詢與顧問服務 182 Other Consulting and Consultant Services | 姓名、身分證統一編號/護照號碼、性別、出生年月日、通訊方式及其他詳如相關業務申請書或契約書之內容,並以本行與客戶往來之相關業 務、帳戶或服務及自客戶或第三人處(例如:財團法人金融聯合徵信中心)所實際蒐集之個人資料為準。 Name, ID card number/passport number, gender, date of birth, contact information and like other contents of the relevant business application or contract depend on the actual personal data collection from relevant business, account activities and services of Bank's customers and provided by Bank's customers or third person(e.g. Joint Credit Information Center). | ㄧ、特定目的存續期間。二、依相關法令所定(例如商業會計法等)或因 執行業務所必須之保存期間或依個別契約就資料之保存所定之保存年限。 (以期限最長者為準) 1. Within time period of specific purpose. 2. The retention period agreed in the data retention period required by laws and regulations (e.g. Business Entity Accounting Act), or the retention period in accordance with its business needs or respective contracts (the longer period to be applied). | 右邊「個人資料利用之對象」欄位所列之利用對象其國內及國外所在地 Any jurisdictions where the entities described in the right column “Recipients of using personal data” are located. | 一、本行及本行海外分支機構(含受本行委託 處理事務之委外機構) 二、依法令規定利用之機構(例如:本行母公司或所屬金融控股公 司等) 三、其他業務相關之機構 (例如:通匯行、財團法人金融聯合徵信中心、財團法人聯合信用卡處理中心、台灣票據交換所、財金資訊股份有限公司、信用保證機構、信用卡國際組織、收單機構暨特約商店等) 四、依法有權機關或金融 監理機關 五、客戶所同意之對象(例如本行共同行銷或交互運用客戶資料之公司、與本行合作推廣業務之公司、外國政府或司法機關等) 1. The Bank and overseas branches (including the service provider engaged with the Bank). 2. The institution using the information in compliance with regulations (e.g. the parent company of the Bank or Mega Financial Holding Company the Bank belonging to). 3. The institutions in relation to relevant business (e.g. correspondent banks, Joint Credit Information Center, National Credit Card Center of R.O.C., Taiwan Clearing House, Financial Information Service Co., Ltd., credit guarantee institutions, credit card international organizations, credit card acquirers and engaged stores). 4. Legally investigation authority or financial supervisory authority. 5. Parties agreed by you (e.g. entities for joint marketing or mutual use of customers’ data or entities working with the Bank for cooperative promotion and for soliciting business or foreign governments and judicial agencies). | 符合個人資料保護相關法令以自動化機器或其他非自動化之利用方式。 The personal data will be used through automatic machine or non-automatic methods in compliance with the relevant personal data protection laws and regulations. |
二、授信業務 2. Credit and lending | 022外匯業務 022 Foreign Exchange Business 067信用卡、現金卡、轉帳卡或電子票證業務 067 Credit card, cash card, debit card or electronic value-stored card business 082借款戶與存款戶存借作業綜合管理 082 Operation of integrated management among the borrowing households with depositors saved business 088核貸與授信業務 088 Lending and trust business 106授信業務 106 Credit business 111票券業務 111 Bills business 126債權整貼現及收買業務 126 Claims the whole discounting and trading business 154徵信 154 Reference 181其他經營合於營業登記項目或組織章程所定之業務 181 Other business operation in accordance with the business registration project or organization Prospectus | 姓名、身分證統一編號/護照號碼、性別、出生年月日、通訊方式及其他詳如相關業務申請書或契約書之內容,並以本行與客戶往來之相關業 務、帳戶或服務及自客戶或第三人處(例如:財團法人金融聯合徵信中心)所實際蒐集之個人資料為準。 Name, ID card number/passport number, gender, date of birth, contact information and like other contents of the relevant business application or contract depend on the actual personal data collection from relevant business, account activities and services of Bank's customers and provided by Bank's customers or third person(e.g. Joint Credit Information Center). | |||||
三、信用卡業務 3. Credit card | 022外匯業務 022 Foreign Exchange Business 067信用卡、現金卡、轉帳卡或電子票證業務 067 Credit card, cash card, debit card or electronic value-stored card business 082借款戶與存款戶存借作業綜合管理 082 Operation of integrated management among the borrowing households with depositors saved business 088核貸與授信業務 088 Lending and trust business 106授信業務 106 Credit business 154徵信 154 Reference 181其他經營合於營業登記項目或組織章程所定之業務 181 Other business operation in accordance with the business registration project or organization Prospectus | 姓名、身分證統一編號/護照號碼、性別、出生年月日、通訊方式及其他詳如相關業務申請書或契約書之內容,並以本行與客戶往來之相關業務、帳戶或服務及自客戶或第三人處(例如:財團法人金融聯合徵信中心)所實際蒐集之個人資料為準。 Name, ID card number/passport number, gender, date of birth, contact information and like other contents of the relevant business application or contract depend on the actual personal data collection from relevant business, account activities and services of Bank's customers and provided by Bank's customers or third person(e.g. Joint Credit Information Center). |
兆豐國際商業銀行告知書附表 Attached list of Notification for Collection, Processing and Use of Personal Data by Mega International Commercial Bank | 2022.09 | ||||||
特定目的說明 Description of specific purposes | 蒐集之個人資料類別 | 個人資料利用之期間 Time Period of using personal data | 個人資料利用之地區 Territory of using personal data | 個人資料利用之對象 Recipients of using personal data | 個人資料利用之方式 Methods of using personal data | ||
業務類別 Type of business | 業務特定目的及代號 Specific purpose and code | 共通特定目的及代號 Common purpose and code | |||||
四、外匯業務 4. Foreign exchange | 022外匯業務 022 Foreign Exchange Business 036存款與匯款業務 036 Deposit and remitting 082借款戶與存款戶存借作業綜合管理 082 Operation of integrated management among the borrowing households with depositors saved business 088核貸與授信業務 088 Lending and trust business 106授信業務 106 Credit business 154徵信 154 Reference 181其他經營合於營業登記項目或組織章程所定之業務 181 Other business operation in accordance with the business registration project or organization Prospectus | 姓名、身分證統一編號/護照號碼、性別、出生年月日、通訊方式及其他詳如相關業務申請書或契約書之內容,並以本行與客戶往來之相關業務、帳戶或服務及自客戶或第三人處(例如:財團法人金融聯合徵信中心)所實際蒐集之個人資料為準。 Name, ID card number/passport number, gender, date of birth, contact information and like other contents of the relevant business application or contract depend on the actual personal data collection from relevant business, account activities and services of Bank's customers and provided by Bank's customers or third person(e.g. Joint Credit Information Center). | |||||
五、有價證券業務 5. Negotiable securities | 111票券業務 111 Bills business 044投資管理 044 Investment management 082借款戶與存款戶存借作業綜合管理 082 Operation of integrated management among the borrowing households with depositors saved business 088核貸與授信業務 088 Lending and trust business 106授信業務 106 Credit business 154徵信 154 Reference 181其他經營合於營業登記項目或組織章程所定之業務 181 Other business operation in accordance with the business registration project or organization Prospectus | 姓名、身分證統一編號/護照號碼、性別、出生年月日、通訊方式及其他詳如相關業務申請書或契約書之內容,並以本行與客戶往來之相關業 務、帳戶或服務及自客戶或第三人處(例如:財團法人金融聯合徵信中心)所實際蒐集之個人資料為準。 Name, ID card number/passport number, gender, date of birth, contact information and like other contents of the relevant business application or contract depend on the actual personal data collection from relevant business, account activities and services of Bank's customers and provided by Bank's customers or third person(e.g. Joint Credit Information Center). | |||||
六、財富管理業務 6. Wealth management | 001人身保險 001 Life and Health Insurance 022外匯業務 022 Foreign Exchange Business 036存款與匯款業務 036 Deposit and remitting 044投資管理 044 Investment management 065保險經紀、代理、公證業務 065 Insurance managing, agency and notary business 068信託業務 068 Trust business 082借款戶與存款戶存借作業綜合管理 082 Operation of integrated management among the borrowing households with depositors saved business 166證券、期貨、證券投資信託及顧問相關業務 166 Securities, futures, securities investment trusts and consultants related business 094財產管理 094 Property management 181其他經營合於營業登記項目或組織章程所定之業務 181 Other business operation in accordance with the business registration project or organization Prospectus | 姓名、身分證統一編號/護照號碼、性別、出生年月日、通訊方式及其他詳如相關業務申請書或契約書之內容,並以本行與客戶往來之相關業務、帳戶或服務及自客戶或第三人處(例如:財團法人金融聯合徵信中心)所實際蒐集之個人資料為準。 Name, ID card number/passport number, gender, date of birth, contact information and like other contents of the relevant business application or contract depend on the actual personal data collection from relevant business, account activities and services of Bank's customers and provided by Bank's customers or third person(e.g. Joint Credit Information Center). |
Please affix seal
Common purpose and code
Specific purpose and code
Type of business
Time Period of using personal data
Categories of personal data collection
特定目的說明 Description of specific purposes
Attached list of Notification for Collection, Processing and Use of Personal Data by Mega International Commercial Bank
個人資料利用之地區 Territory of using personal data
七、其他經營合於營業登記項目或組 022外匯業務
織章程所定之業務,或經中央主管機 022 Foreign Exchange Business
關核准辦理之其他有關業務(例如: 036存款與匯款業務
保管箱業務、黃金存摺業務、電子金 036 Deposit and remitting
融業務、代理收付業務、共同行銷或 181其他經營合於營業登記項目或組織章程所定之業務
7. Other business operation in accordance with the business registration project or organization Prospectus, or to conduct other relevant businesses which may be authorized by the Central Competent Authority (Eg. safe deposit boxes, gold deposit, electronic banking, agency collection and payment services, financial cross-selling or joint promotion.)
181 Other business operation in accordance with the business registration project or organization Prospectus
Name, ID card number/pas gender, date of b
and lik