日 期 / 航 班 号 : / 运 输 方 式 : 客 舱 运 输
宠物种类(狗或猫)/品种/颜色: / / 始发地/目的地: / 宠物年龄: 重量(含宠物箱): 宠物昵称:
㈠ 运输限制条件
1. 宠物是指在重量限制范围内,可随主人同机运输的家庭驯养的狗、猫。
2. 携带入客舱的宠物,仅限国内直达航班的经济舱,且每个航班总数限 2 只,每名旅客限 1 只。
3. 导盲犬、助听犬及救助犬等工作犬除外,不受上述数量限制。
4. 旅客须在航班起飞前 24 小时期间向承运人直属售票单位或授权售票代理人进行预约,并签署《宠物运输协议书》。旅客须在乘机当日航班起飞前至少 2 小时,携带宠物、宠物箱、《宠物运输协议书》与相关证明,前往机场值机柜台办理相关手续。
5. 带入客舱运输时,宠物和笼子的总重量不得超过 5KG。(宠物箱内不得放置食物、水)
6. 对于出现的以下情况,承运人无法办理宠物运输:
⑵ 具有传染病征候,或疑似传染病载体的动物(如发生地区禽流感的家禽)。
⑷ 怀孕宠物或是在飞机起飞前 48 小时之内刚刚分娩过的动物。
⑸ 性格焦躁、娇气、弱小,对高温高空环境敏感或不能长时间呆在宠物箱里的宠物。
⑻ 患有耳鼻喉科、心血管系统、脑血管系统、呼吸系统、消化系统疾病,以及 48 小时内进行过手术的宠物。
⑽ 所有属于不适合航空旅行的宠物及与其杂交的品种(禁止办理运输):
① 扁平鼻的狗或猫:所有梗犬、所有拳师犬、所有斗牛犬、所有獚犬、所有獒犬、所有巴哥犬、所有马士提夫犬、美洲斯塔xx犬、美洲嚣犬、波斯顿小猎犬、布鲁塞尔xx芬犬、西班牙猎犬、英国玩赏曲卡犬、英国
② 斗犬:比特犬、土佐犬、巴西菲勒犬及其杂交品种、阿根廷杜高犬。
⑾ 旅客不认可承运人宠物运输条件或对宠物箱的要求、或拒绝填写宠物运输协议书、未准备好托运要求的相关文件。
㈡ 运输文件要求
1. 动物卫生监督所出具的《动物检疫合格证明》,单据上需盖有动物
㈢ 宠物箱要求
1. 宠物箱应放置于前排座椅下方,长 x 宽 x 高尺寸不得超过 36 x 28 x 24 厘米。
㈣ 其他要求
或 代 理 人 签 字 : 与 旅 客 关 系 : ( 如
国内航班:统一收取 800 元人民币/航段/每只宠物。
或 代 理 人 签 字 : 与 旅 客 关 系 : ( 如 为 代 理 预 约 , 必 须 填 写 )
㈠ 防止宠物逃逸
㈡ 客舱紧急释压或紧急撤离
1. 携带进入客舱的宠物,如果遇到客舱紧急释压的情况,旅客在确保自身安全的情况下,可将宠物拿出并给予吸氧,吸氧过程应全程怀
2. 紧急撤离时,应由旅客负责携带宠物箱及宠物一起撤离,不得仅将宠物拿出,乘务员或援助者协助。
㈢ 客舱宠物在客舱出现伤病亡事件
㈣ 航班延误
1. 旅客已办理完毕值机手续并到达登机口候机时,得知航班将长时间延误,建议携带宠物进入客舱的旅客返回值机区域,现场保障人员关注航班最新动态,提前通知旅客再次通过安检前往登机口登机。
2. 航班长时间延误需为旅客安排住宿时,为携带宠物进入客舱的旅客单独安排房间,产生的差价由旅客自理。如安排的酒店禁止宠物进入,则建议旅客退票或改签海航后续航班(按非自愿退票、改签规定执行),或旅客自行解决住宿问题。
㈤ 航班备降
航班备降后如需住宿,则参照上述第㈣条第 2 点执行。如备降地机场不允许宠物进入客舱运输,旅客可选择在后续航程将宠物进行托运运输或非自愿退票。如备降地不具备宠物托运保障能力,旅客可选择非自愿退票,未使用航程客票费可退,但宠物客舱运输服务费不退。
㈠ 承运人运输宠物过程发生宠物受伤、死亡情况时,承运人退还旅客已缴纳逾重行李费。
㈡ 赔偿标准
1. 如无证据表明宠物伤、亡属于承运人原因造成,承运人不予赔偿;
2. 属于承运人原因造成旅客宠物死亡的,承运人按照手提行李补偿限额赔付旅客,最高不超过 3000 元人民币。
3. 属于承运人原因造成旅客运输宠物受伤的,承运人按照治疗实际产生的医疗费金额赔付旅客,但赔偿总额不高于手提行李赔付最高限额,办理赔付时旅客须提供宠物医院开具的治疗收费单据。
或 代 理 人 签 字 : 与 旅 客 关 系 : ( 如 为 代 理 预 约 , 必 须 填 写 )
㈠ 承运人职责
1. 旅客申请宠物运输时,承运人应提示旅客航空运输宠物存在的风险。
2. 旅客运输宠物与承运人运输规定不符,承运人应向旅客提出并告知存在风险,为保证运输安全,必要时可拒绝收运。
3. 在旅客已完全遵循承运人宠物运输规定的情况下,承运人负责按照旅客机票列明行程,将宠物运抵目的站并交付旅客。
4. 在宠物运输过程中发生伤、亡等意外事故时,承运人应主动联系旅客协商善后或事宜。
㈡ 旅客职责
1. 旅客应仔细阅读本协议书中运输规定并确认了解运输风险。
2. 旅客负责核对承运人运输规定,确认宠物是否符合承运人要求,并如实告知承运人服务人员宠物信息。
3. 旅客负责按照承运人要求提前准备所需运输文件及宠物箱,并按时前往机场办理相关手续,在承运人服务人员检查宠物并提出询问时,旅客应如实答复服务人员。
4. 旅客应按照承运人要求,办理宠物运输前各种物资配备及准备工作。
5. 旅客应了解并遵循承运人宠物运输收费规定,并在办理宠物运输时缴纳所需费用。
6. 旅客应了解并遵循承运人宠物运输赔偿规定,出现宠物运输伤亡事故后,配合承运人办理善后事宜。
或 代 理 人 签 字 : 与 旅 客 关 系 : ( 如 为 代 理 预 约 , 必 须 填 写 )
承运人:海南航空控股股份有限公司 旅客(或代理人):
日 期 : 年 月 日 日 期 : 年 月 日
Carrier: Hainan Airlines Consignor:
Pet Information ( completed by the consignor when applying for transportation, all mandatory field) :
Date/Flight No.: / (Transport via cabin)
Pet (Dog or Cat)/Breed/Color: / / Original/Destination: / Age of Pet: Weight(including container): Name of Pet:
Notice: The “Weight” shall be pet’s actual weight when it is checked in.
Warm Notice
Pets may feel discomfort caused by the environment factors in the air transportation, such as altitude pressure and confined space, and then they may go through emotion and physiology changes, which may lead to injury or death of pets. Therefore, in consideration of your pet’s safety, we suggest you choose the air transportation with discretion.
Hainan Airlines has liability exemption for the pets’ injury or death during transportation if there is no evidence proving that Hainan Airlines has fault, when accidents happen to pets during transportation.
For the requirements of consignor and safety of pet air transportation, the parties hereby agree as follow based on the principle of equality and integrity through mutual
1. Transportation Regulations of the Carrier
1). Limitations and Conditions of the Transportation
⑴”Pet” refers to the domesticated dog or cat within weight limitation, which can be transported with its owner on the same flight.
⑵ Pets taken into the cabin is limited to domestic direct flight, economy class, and each flight can transport 2 pets at most, and every passenger can check 1 pet at most.
⑶Service dogs, such as the seeing-eye dogs, hearing-ear dogs and the rescue dogs is not within the range of aforementioned limits.
⑷ Passenger shall reserve from HU ticket office or HU authorized ticket agent 48 hours before taking off and sign the <pets cabin transportation agreement of Hainan Airlines>. Passenger shall arrive the check-in counter at least 2 hours before taking off carrying pets, container, agreements and relevant documents.
⑸ Container including pets shall not exceed 5kg when taken into cabin, and no food and water is allowed into the container.
⑹The pet transportation will be rejected in the following cases:
①The pet is in the list of animals forbidden transportation in the country.
② The pet with communicable disease symptoms or the one is a suspected communicable carrier, such as the poultry with regional flu.
③The pet under 6 months.
④The pet is pregnant or has just given birth within 48 hours before the departure.
⑤ The pet is irritable, emotional, vulnerable, sensitive to high altitude and high temperature, or cannot stay in the container for a long time.
⑥The pet has taken sedative or hypnotics.
⑦The pet is fetid or has pungent smell.
⑧ The pet has cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, digestive disease, ENT(ear, nose and throat) disease, or has delivered a baby pet or gotten surgery within 48 hours.
⑨ The preparation for air transportation has not been done.
⑩All the pets and their hybrids unsuitable for air transportation( forbidden to be checked in):
B. Fighting dogs: Pit Bull, Tosa Inu, Fila Brasileiro and its hybrid, Dogo Argentina
C. Dogs have discomfort with high altitude and high temperature: Samoyed
⑪The passenger does not acknowledge the carrier’s condition for pet transportation and container, or reject to fill in the <PETS CABIN TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT OF HAINAN AIRLINES>,or has not get ready all the related documents for transportation.
2) The Necessary Documents for Pets Transportation
⑴ Valid "Certification for animals quarantine" issued by the Animal Health Supervision , and the document must be stamped with the special seal of the
⑵Valid animal vaccine injection Certificate.
with consignor’s signature.
3) The Requirements of the Container.
⑴ The Container will be stowed under the front seat, length width height shall within the range of 36 * 28 * 24 cm.
⑵ The container shall be made of flexible plastic, impermeable and hard to bitten open.
4) Other Requirements
Pets shall be cleaned before transportation. During transportation, the pets shall be wearing pet clothes, wearing bark prohibit muzzle to prevent annoying other passengers, wearing pet diaper to prevent any feces contaminating the plane. Passenger are prohibited to feed the pet during the whole transportation process.
Aforementioned objects shall be prepared by consigner him/herself. I have read and understand the above content, and I confirm it.
Consignor Signature:
Or Agent Signature: Relationship with the consignor: (If the transportation is applied by agent of the consignor, the agent must fill in the
2. Charges for Pet Transportation
Domestic flight charges 800RMB/Per Segment/Per pet.
I have read and understand the above content, and I confirm it. Consignor Signature:
Or Agent Signature: Relationship with the consignor: (If the transportation is applied by agent of the consignor, the agent must fill in the
3. Emergency Handling Procedure
1) Pets flee prevention
2) Cabin emergency decompression or emergency evacuation
3) Pets injury/ill/death in the cabin Carrier would not divert the plane.
4) Flight Delay
5)Flight Diversion
Accommodation request see aforementioned 4)2. If the alternate airport restricts pet cabin transport, passenger shall transport the pet as checked baggage or cancel
the ticket involuntarily. If the alternate airport cannot transport the pet as checked baggage, passenger can cancel the ticket involuntarily. Ticket can be refunded, pet cabin transport fee is non-refundable.
4. Responsibilities and compensation
1) If the pet is injured or die during transportation, carrier would refund the excess baggage allowance to the passenger.
2) compensation of consideration
1. Hainan Airlines has liability exemption for the pets’ injury or death during transportation if there is no evidence proving that Hainan Airlines has fault, when accidents happen to pets during transportation.
2. If the pet died due to carrier reason, carrier would compensate the passenger within the range of carry-on bag limitation with a maximum of 3000RMB.
3. If the pet injured due to carrier reason, carrier would compensate passenger with actual medical fee, while total compensation shall not exceed the limitation of carry-on bag compensation. Passenger shall provide copies of documents and invoice by veterinarian.
I have read and understand the above content, and I confirm it. Consignor Signature:
Or Agent Signature: Relationship with the consignor: (If the transportation is applied by agent of the consignor, the agent must fill in the
5. Responsibilities of Parties
1) Responsibilities of Carrier
①When consignor apply for pet transportation, carrier should remind consignor of potential risks during air transportation.
② When pet violates carrier’s transportation regulation, carrier shall inform the passenger potential risk. To ensure transport safety, transportation request can be turned down when necessary.
③ Under the circumstance of that consignor has completely conformed to regulations of pet transportation, carrier has the responsibility to transport the pet to the destination and deliver it to the consignor according to the schedule listed in consignor’s ticket.
④When accident, such as injury or death, happens to pet during transportation, carrier should contact the consignor to negotiate about matters concerned and compensation
2) Responsibilities of Consignor
① Consignor should read transport regulations in this agreement and confirm the transport risks.
② Consignor should check the transport regulations of carrier, make sure whether the pet conforms to carrier’s requirements and inform carrier staff of pet information honestly.
Consignor should prepare transportation documents and container in advance according to carrier’s requirements and check in the pet at the airport on time. When carrier staff checks the pet and ask questions, consignor should answer truthfully.
Consignor should pack the container before check-in according to carrier’s requirements.
⑤ Consignor should know and conform to charging regulation of pet transportation and pay all the fees when check-in.
⑥ Consignor should know and conform to indemnity regulations of pet transportation, and cooperate with carrier to deal with matters concerned when there is pet transportation accident.
I have read and understand the above content, and I confirm it. Consignor Signature:
Or Agent Signature: Relationship with the consignor: (If the transportation is applied by agent of the consignor, the agent must fill in the
5. Effect and Termination
This agreement shall take effect since the parties have confirmed all the items and signed it. And it shall terminate after carrier transports pet to the destination and deliver it to consignor. In the term of agreement, when either of parties cannot perform the agreement due to force majeure, the party should notify the other party of the reason of non- performance or partial performance and provide valid proof in time. Postponed performance, partial performance or non- performance is allowed with mutual negotiation. The party shall not undertake responsibility for breach.
6. Settlement to Dispute
If the parties dispute over the agreement, the parties shall negotiate based on consideration and friendship. If there is no agreement upon negotiation, carrier shall take a lawsuit in local people’s court.
7. Other agreement
This agreement is in three copies, two for carrier and one for passenger.
Carrier: Hainan Airlines Holding Co., Ltd. Consignor (or Agent): Date: Date: