Terms and Conditions of Enrolment Agreement)
(Terms and Conditions of Enrolment Agreement)
JCS 日本語学校 City 校(“本校”もしくは“学校”)は、シドニー日本クラブ(“JCS”)傘下で開校され、NSW 州教育省に登録、認定されたコミュニティー語学学校です。 保護者は、入学と在学にあたり入学に際する同意書(“同意書”)の定める条件に合意し、本校が定める入学のxxx、学校規則、規制を遵守することが求められます。同意書や学校規則に同 意が得られない場合は入学や在学は認められません。
JCS Japanese School, City, (School) which is run by the Japan Club of Sydney Inc (JCS), is a Community Language School registered and accredited by the NSW Department of Education. Upon enrolment, the Student(s) and the Parent(s) are required to comply with the terms and conditions set out in this Terms and Conditions of Enrolment Agreement (Enrolment Agreement) and to observe the rules, policies and regulations adopted by the school which may be amended from time to time. Enrolment cannot be accepted and continued unless the Enrolment Agreement is agreed to and complied with by both Parents and Students.
「合意する」のアイコンをクリックすることにより、入学同意書への合意が成立し法的効力が発生します。合意する前に必ず同意書の内容をよくお読みください。質問などございましたら、教務担当(s xxxxxx.xxxx@xxx.xxx.xx)までご連絡下さい。合意の成立後に、同意書のコピーを E メールにてお送りしますのでお手元で大切に保管して下さい。
Before agreeing this Enrolment Agreement by clicking the “I agree” button, please read all details carefully. If you have any questions regarding the Enrolment Agreement, please contact the School Affairs Section
(s xxxxxx.xxxx@xxx.xxx.xx). Once you have clicked the “I agree” button in the enrolment web page, the Enrolment Agreement will come into effect and the Parent copy will be returned to you via email for your records.
1. 入学の合意(Agreement to Enrolment)
1.1. JCS は、入学を許可します。生徒の在籍は、Year12 までもしくは入学同意書に基づき退学するまでです。
JCS agrees to enrol the Student from the date of entry at the level of entry assessed by the School. The enrolment of the Student will continue until the end of Year 12 unless this Enrolment Agreement is terminated at an earlier time pursuant to this Enrolment Agreement.
1.2. 保護者は、以下の事項に同意します。
The Parents:
acknowledge that the School is a non-profit organisation and the School aims to operate in a manner that opens the door to all children, regardless of their economic situation, for studying Japanese language and handing over Japanese traditions to them. To achieve that aim and keep fees minimal for enrolment, the School is operated by Parents – including attendance at annual general meetings and parents’ meetings, and participation, corporation and support to the School’s operation.
1.2.2. 入学に際して提供した情報に変更が生じたときは、学校に通知する責任を負います。
accept responsibility for notifying the School of any changes in enrolment information;
1.2.3. 入学同意書の条件、本校が定める入学のxxx、学校規則、規制を遵守します。これらの規則等は本校、もしくは JCS のウェブサイトで閲覧可能です。また、事前の通知なしに変更されることがあります。
agree to abide by the terms of the Enrolment Agreement, rules, policies and regulations of the School and JCS which are subject to change without prior notification (current rules, policies and regulations are available for inspection on the School and JCS’s website;
1.2.4. 授業料などの金額は、毎年見直され変更される可能性があります。変更は適時保護者にご連絡します。
agree that the amount of fees will be reviewed annually and may be increased at the sole discretion of the School. The change of fees will be notified to Parents as soon as practicable but prior to withdrawal.
2. 授業料等(Fees)
2.1. 支払い方法(Payment method)
2.1.1.保護者は、学校の指定する Westpac 銀行の PayWay に登録し、2.1.2 に定める支払い以外の全ての支払いは、原則 PayWay にて行われます。
Parents complete the Westpac PayWay Customer registration and make required all payments via PayWay except for the payment under clause 2.1.2.
Parents will pay the enrolment fee, the first term fees, school operation fee and preschool supplementary fee into a bank account nominated by the School.
2.1.3.新学期の授業料、新年度の学校運営費、未就学児運営補助金は、PayWay にて既定の金額が引落日に保護者が指定の銀行口座から引き落されます。
Term fees, school operation fees and preschool supplementary fees will be withdrawn from each registered Parent’s bank account by automatic payment via PayWay on scheduled payment days as set out in the Schedule.
2.2. 入学金 (Enrolment Fees)
Upon lodgement of an expression of interest to enrol, a one-off enrolment fee for the amount set out at Item 1 of the Schedule must be paid to a bank account nominated by the School. The enrolment fee is not refundable regardless of whatever the reason is.
2.3. 授業料(Terms Fees)
2.3.1.授業料は、毎学期支払われ、前の学期の第 8 週目に別添スケジュール項目2の額が自動引き落しにて支払われます。
The term fee for the amount set out at Item 2 of the Schedule must be paid every school term and will be debited from the nominated bank account via PayWay in the 8th week of the previous school term.
2.4. 年間学校運営費(Annual School Operation Fee)
2.4.1.学校運営費は、毎年 4 学期の第 8 週目に別添スケジュール項目 3 の額を自動引き落としにて支払います。
The school operation fee for the amount set out at Item 3 of the Schedule must be paid every year and will be debited from the nominated bank account in the 8th week of Term 4 along with the fees for Term 1 of the following year.
When a Student enrols in the middle of a School Year, a pro-rata amount set out in the Fee Policy must be paid prior to the commencement of the school term the Student is enrolled in.
2.5. 未就学児運営補助金(Preschool Supplementary Fee)
2.5.1.未就学児運営補助金は、未就学児の入学の場合に就学年齢に達するまでの期間に毎学期の授業料と共に前学期の第 8 週目までに別添スケジュール項目 4 の額を自動引き落としにて支払います。これは、未就学児の場合は政府補助金の対象にならないため、それを補填するものです。
The preschool supplementary fee for the amount set out at Item 4 of the Schedule must be paid per Student per school term along with the term fee in the 8th week of the previous school term until the student starts at kindergarten. The preschool supplementary fee is to make up for the lack of government funding for pre-kindergarten students.
The fee continues to be payable while the Student is on a leave of absence.
3. 出席・欠席 (Attendance・Absence)
3.1. 生徒は学期間で 70%以上出席しなくてはならない。これは、NSW 州教育省から助成金を受給するためです。
Students must attend more than 70% of classes per school term. This level of attendance is required to meet the criteria of the Per-capita Grant awarded by the NSW Department of Education.
3.2. 登校の自粛 (Voluntary Absence from School)
児童の具合が悪い場合や嘔吐、下痢の症状が 24 時間に一度でもあった場合には登校させてはならない。
If a Student is sick, has a fever, is nauseous, or has diarrhoea in the 24 hours prior to the commencement of classes, the Student must not be sent to or attend the School.
3.3. 学校を欠席する場合には当日の授業が始まる前に学校と担任に連絡する。
The School and the teacher must be notified of any absences prior to the commencement of classes.
4. 休学・退学・再入学 (Leave of Absence、Withdrawal, Re-enrolment)
4.1. 休 学 (Leave of Absence)
4.1.1.休学を希望する場合は、授業料の代わりに 1 学期につき別添スケジュール項目5の額の休学費を支払い、休学を希望する学期の前学期第7週目の土曜日までに休学届を用紙、又はメールにて提出することでその在籍が最⾧連続2学期間まで確保される。
If a Student wishes to be absent for a whole term, a leave of absence fee for the amount set out at Item 5 of the Schedule must be paid and a notice of leave of absence must be lodged at school or email by the Saturday of the 7th week of the previous school term. Leave of absence is permitted for up to two consecutive terms.
4.1.2.休学中は、宿題を E-mail か郵送にて受け取ることができる。
A student who is on a leave of absence will receive homework via post or e-mail.
When a notice of leave of absence is not lodged by the cut-off time, day duty rosters will be assigned to the parents regardless of whether the student is absent from the School or not.
Where the notice of leave of absence is not lodged online by the cut-off time, the term fee is not refundable, and is payable.
A Student is deemed to attend a school term immediately after a leave of absence is taken and a term fee will be payable unless another notice for the second leave of absence is lodged online by the cut-off time.
4.2. 退 学 (Withdrawal)
If a Student wishes to withdraw from the School, a notice of withdrawal must be lodged at school or email by the Saturday of the 7th week of the previous school term.
The term fee, school operation fee and preschool supplementary fee are not refundable if the notice of withdrawal was not lodged online by the cut-off time.
4.3. 再入学(Re-enrolment)
When a student re-enrols in the School, an enrolment fee will be payable regardless of whether the Student had enrolled with the School previously.
5. 損害賠償責任 (Damage Liability)
5.1. 児童又は保護者が、故意・不注意を問わず校内の建物・器物・備品等を破損した場合、破損させた児童・保護者は該当の破損の損害賠償責任を全て負うものとする。
If a Student, or the Parent intentionally or unintentionally breaks, destroys or causes damage to any part of a building, property or chattels within the Local School Property, the Parent or the Parents of the Student will be financially liable for the damage.
5.2. もし開校時間に校内の建物・器物・備品等の破損が確認された場合、該当の破損の損害賠償責任をその当時在籍している生徒の保護者で負うことを学校の裁量にて決定することがある。
If the School finds any part of a building, property or chattels within the Local School Property broken, destroyed or damaged during school hours, the School may compensate the Local School by sharing the liability amongst Parents whose child(ren) were enrolled at the time the incident occurred.
6. ファーストエイド・持病・病歴 (First Aid, Pre-existing Illness, Medical History)
6.1. 児童及び保護者は学校ファーストエイドガイド及びアクションプランに同意しなければならない。特に、児童に持病があり、アレルギー、喘息、てんかんを起こすなど、他に心配な症状を持つ場合は保護者はその症状を学校に報告することが義務付けられ、その個人情報を学校がアクションプランのために公開することを了承しなければならない
The Student and Parents agree to the School’s first aid guidelines and action plan. If a Student has a pre-existing illness, allergy, asthma, is subject to epileptic seizure and/or any other issues which may be of concern the Parents must inform the School, and must agree to disclose to the School details of the condition(s) so that a suitable action plan can be prepared.
6.2. 緊急対応 (Emergency Treatment)
If it appears to the school staff that the Student needs urgent medical attention, the school staff will attempt to contact the Parents, and at the same time call an ambulance. School staff will attend to the Student if the Parents are absent. Any expense incurred must be borne by the Parents.
7. 免責事項 (Indemnity)
本校と JCS は、事故防止・処置には最善の努力をするが、保護者はそれでも事故は起こりうることを理解する。学校委員は児童が病気又は故意・不注意を問わず負傷したことを発見もしくは報告を受けた場合、直ちに保護者に連絡をする。ファーストエイド係りは備付けのファーストエイドにて出来る範囲の応急手当を施す。然しながら、学校(教師、委
Despite the best endeavours on the part of the School and JCS to prevent accidents, it is acknowledged and agreed that accidents can occur. If the School committee finds or receives a report that the Student has become ill or has been injured in any way, the school staff will attempt to contact the Parents as soon as possible. First aid care will be provided for a sick or injured Student to the best of the first aider’s ability. However, the School (including teachers, committees, first aiders and parent volunteers) accepts no responsibility for the outcome of illness or injury. Under no circumstances will the school (including teachers, committees, first aiders and parent volunteers) be liable for any incidental or consequential damages however caused.
8. 作品・肖像の利用 (Use of Images)
The Student’s photographs, video footage and/or work may be made public to promote the school and/or Japanese education and culture.
9. 学校の運営(Operation of the School)
9.1. 学校の運営体制 Operation of the School
The School is operated and run by the committee members, and school committee support staff, duty parents and duty first aiders. Parents are required to cooperate in order to support the school and its activities. Parent duty positions are rotated over the duration of the term.
In addition, it is incumbent on Parents to assist in classes and school activities as volunteers.
9.2. 運営委員会 (School Committee)
This school’s operation and administration are run by the School Committee, whose members are approved by the annual general meeting.
9.2.2.運営委員の任期は 1 年以上とし、本人が辞任するか年次総会にて不信任の決議が取られるまで継続する。
The tenure of a committee member is more than one (1) year and continues until the committee member resigns or an approval is withdrawn at the parents’ annual general meeting.
When there is an absentee committee member, the School calls a volunteer first, but if no parent volunteers, a selection method shall be determined at the parents’ meeting.
9.2.4.以下に該当する保護者は運営委員の選挙や抽選の対象者から免除を受ける The following parents will be exempt from being committee members;
a) 過去 4 年間に運営委員もしくは過去2年間に運営委員サポート係を 1 年以上務めた保護者、またその保護者の生徒の他の保護者
A parent who undertook the role of a Committee Member more than one (1) year in the last four
(4) years or a member of the School Committee Support Staff more than one (1) year in the last two (2) years and the other parent of the same student.
b) 本校の教員、アシスタント、又はボランティアをしている保護者、またその保護者の生徒の他の保護者
A parent who is a teacher, assistant teacher or registered volunteer of the School and the other parent of the same student.
c) 妊娠6か月以上の保護者、またその保護者の生徒の他の保護者
A parent who is more than 6 months pregnant and the other parent of the same student.
d) 本校に入学できる月齢に達していない子の養育の義務を負う保護者
A parent who is responsible for a care of child under the age to enter the School.
e) 日本語の読み書き、会話のできない保護者
Both parents are unable to read and write Japanese nor have a conversational Japanese.
f) 精神的、身体的な健康上の理由から運営委員を務めることができず、医師の診断書など証明となる書面を提出した保護者
A parent who is not fit to undertake the role of a Committee Member due to either physical or mental health reason. A doctor certificate or documentary evidence of the condition must be provided to the School.
g) 諸事情により運営委員を引き受けることが不可能で別添スケジュール項目6の額の免除金を期日までに支払った保護者
A parent who is unable to accept the role and pays the exemption fee for the amount set out at Item 6 of the Schedule.
h) その他、運営委員を責務を負うことは妥当性に欠き不条理であるなど、免除されるに相当する特段の理由があると運営委員が判断した保護者
A parent who is in any other circumstance that the School Committee decide it would be unreasonable or unjust for the parent to be a committee member.
9.3. 運営委員サポート係(School Committee Support Staff)
9.3.1. 運営委員サポート係は、ボランティアとして活動し、運営委員とともに運営や決定事項に責任を持つ。
School Committee Support Staff assist the School Committee Members in making operational decisions and organising school activities. The School Committee Support Staff’s work is on a volunteer basis.
9.3.2. 運営委員サポート係の任期は、選出された翌年の 1 学期から 4 学期までの 1 年とする。
The tenure of the School Committee Support Staff is for one (1) year starting from school term 1 till the end of school term 4.
9.3.3. 運営委員サポート係は、児童入学後 3 年以内に最低 1 回のサポート係の活動を行うこと。毎年11月に翌年のサポート係が自薦、他薦、抽選で選出される。
Parents must serve as a School Committee Support Staff at least once during the 3 years of their Student’s enrolment. The School calls a volunteer first, but if no parent volunteers, selection will be by lottery.
9.3.4.選任時に 9.2.4(a)~(e)に該当する保護者は、運営委員サポート係の選挙や抽選の対象者から免除を受ける
The following parents and the parents who is categorised under clause 9.2.4(a) to (e) will be exempt from being a member of the School Committee Support Staff at the time of selection;
a) 精神的、身体的な健康上の理由から運営委員サポート係を務めることができず、医師の診断書など証明となる書面を提出した保護者
A parent who is not fit to undertake the role of a School Committee Support Staff due to either physical or mental health reason. A doctor certificate or documentary evidence of the condition must be provided to the School.
b) 諸事情により運営委員サポート係を引き受けることが不可能で別添スケジュール項目 7 の額の免除金を期日までに支払った保護者
A parent who is unable to accept the role and pays the exemption fee for the amount set out at Item 6 of the Schedule.
c) その他、運営委員サポート係を責務を負うことは妥当性に欠き不条理であるなど、免除されるに相当する特段の理由があると運営委員が判断した保護者
A parent who is in any other circumstance that the School Committee Support Staff decide it would be unreasonable or unjust for the parent to be a committee member.
9.4. 当番(Day Duty)
9.4.1. 運営委員、運営委員サポート係以外の保護者は、当番としての活動のロースターに入る。
The School assigns Parents to day duty rosters during school terms.
The following parents will be exempt from being assigned day duty roster;
a) 諸事情により当番を引き受けることが不可能で別添スケジュール項目8の額の免除金を期日までに支払った保護者
A parent who is unable to accept the role and pays the exemption fee for the amount set out at Item 6 of the Schedule.
b) その他、当番を務めることは妥当性に欠き不条理であるなど、免除されるに相当する特段の理由があると運営委員が判断した保護者
A parent who is in any other circumstance that the School Committee decide it would be unreasonable or unjust for the parent to be assigned day duty roster.
9.5. ファーストエイド係(First aider)
The School assigns a parent who has a first aid certificate to first aid duty rosters during school terms.
9.6. 免除金
The exemption fee is not refundable, unless a parent decides to join the committee. Also, once assigned as a School Committee Support Staff member, it is not possible to resign from the position before or during the term of service without paying the amount equivalent to the exemption fee as a penalty. This requirement cannot be waived under any circumstances, including the withdrawal of the student(s)’s enrolment.
10. 保護者ボランティアの労災 (Workers Compensation for Parents Volunteers)
Parent Volunteers are not covered by workers compensation insurance. Workers compensation will not apply in case of accident, illness or injury while parents/ caregivers are volunteering at the school.
Please ensure that you are covered by your own insurance policy.
11. 入校証の提示 (Permissions for Entry)
学校に入校する際、保護者は入校証を保持する義務があり、入校証の提示をする。入学の際に一世帯につき2枚配布するが、紛失時の再発行には 1 枚につき$10 徴収する。退学の際は入校証を返却する。
Parents are required to present their ID cards (Permissions for Entry) upon entering the school building. Each family will be issued with two cards upon enrolment. $10 will be charged for reissuing a lost card. The cards must be returned to the school when the Student graduates or withdraws their enrolment.
Note: You will be informed if there are any changes to the school conditions and regulations.
12. 個人情報の取り扱い
入学時および在学中に頂いた個人情報は、州法および連邦法に従い当校の個人情報保護方針を適用します。 詳細は当校のウェブサイト Privacy Policy Page をご参照ください。 その他個人情報の取り扱いに関するご質問は、当校の教務へお問い合わせください。
The information collected by the School at the time and during Student’s enrolment is required in accordance with State and Federal legislation and is governed by the School’s Privacy Policy. This can be viewed on the School website – Privacy Policy Page. If you have further questions, please contact the School Affairs Section.
13. 解釈Interpretation
13.1. 英 訳 (English translation)
Japanese provisions are the original provisions and English translation is supplemental. If a Japanese provision and its English translation are inconsistent, the Japanese provision always prevails. However, when a meaning of Japanese provision is ambiguous, the English translation can be used to clarify the meaning or indicate the intention of the provision.
Item | Fees | Amount | Payment day and payment method | Refund |
Item 1 | 入学金 Enrolment Fee | $50 (1 人目/First Child)、 $25(2人目以降/Addi- tional Children) | 入学成立時に PayWay にて引き落とし。 | 返金不可 Non-refundable |
Item 2 | 授業料Term Fee | $150 / 学期 | 前学期の第 8 週目に翌学期分を PayWay にて引き落とし。 | 返金不可 Non-refundable |
Item 3 | 年間学校運営 費 Annual School Opera- tion fee | $75/年/家族 ※$50(3 学期入学) ※$25(4 学期入学) | 4 学期の第 8 週目に翌年分、もしくは入学時に当年分を PayWay にて引き落 とし。 | 返金不可 Non-refundable |
Item 4 | Preschool Sup- plementary Fee | $30/学期(未就学児のみ) Per term | 前学期の第 8 週目に翌学 期分を PayWay にて引き落とし。 | 返金不可 Non-refundable |
Item 5 | 休学費 Full Term Ab- sence | $40/学期(休学時) Per term | 前学期の第 8 週目に翌学期分を PayWay にて引き 落とし。 | 返金不可 Non-refundable |
Item 6 | 運営委員免除 金 | $360 | 都度、指定される期日まで | 返金不可 Non-refundable |
Item 7 | 委員サポート免 除金 | $360 | 毎年、指定される期日まで | 返金不可 Non-refundable |
Item 8 | 当番免除金 | $100 | 毎年、指定される期日まで | 返金不可 Non-refundable |