第 1 版(平成 30 年 4 月 5 日公表)
1. 件名
2. 概要
国立研究開発法人海洋研究開発機構(以下、「機構」という)は、地球深部探査船「ちきゅう」を用いて国際深海科学掘削計画(IODP:International Ocean Discovery Program)等の科学掘削、受託業務としての資源掘削等を実施する予定である。本仕様は、そのための事前準備、事後作業等を含め、機構が策定する運用計画等に基づき「ちきゅう」を安全かつ効率的に運用することを目的として、委託業務について定める。なお、本仕様書においては原則として「運航」及び「掘削」を併せて「運用」という。
3. 履行場所
4. 履行期間
2019 年 4 月 1 日(月)から 2026 年 3 月 31 日(火)まで
5. 業務内容
マネージャーは、機構が定める地球深部探査船「ちきゅう」の運用に関する規程等を踏まえ、 機構が策定する年次運用計画(添付-1)及び掘削計画に基づき「ちきゅう」を運用すること。マネージャーは安全を最優先としたうえで、「ちきゅう」の効率的な運用をすること。また、マネージャーは「ちきゅう」をマルシップとして運用するために必要なすべての許認可を取得し、船籍国、航行する国、寄港国の法令等を遵守すること。なお、年次運用計画は天候、機構の予算状況、その他要因により変動する。
6. 乗組員数
本委託業務に必要な乗組員数について、運航要員及び掘削要員からなる乗組員の配乗数は、航海中は 96 名及び停泊中は 94 名以内の範囲において、基準となる人数を機構と協議のうえ定めることとする。ただし、業務内容により、安全性と効率性に照らし、定めた基準と異なる運用が適切な状況となった場合、マネージャーは都度事前に機構に配乗計画を提出し、機構の承認を得ることとする。
7.1 船舶運航業務
マネージャーは「ちきゅう」の運航管理者として、機構が策定する年次運用計画に基づき下記の船舶運航業務を行うものとする。(業務分担の詳細は添付-2 のとおりとする。)
(a) 運航
(b) 運航管理
(c) 海域調整
(d) 港湾関連手配
(e) 船舶借入・貸出
(f) 通信サービス提供
(g) アウトリーチ活動
(h) その他付帯サービス
7.2 掘削業務
マネージャーは下記の掘削関連業務を行うものとする。(業務分担の詳細は添付-2 のとおりとする。)
(a) 許認可取得
(b) 掘削計画立案
(c) 掘削作業管理
(d) 掘削作業
(e) 要員手配
(f) 廃棄物処理
(g) サンプル用カッティングスの処理
7.3 船体・掘削機器・設備の保守・改良
マネージャーは下記の保守・改良関連業務を行うものとする。なお、本仕様書において、「保守」とは予防的対応(PMS:Preventive Maintenance System)及び修理により船体・掘削機器・設備を正常な状態に保つこと、「改良」とは船体・掘削機器・設備を向上(新設含む)することをいう。(業務分担の詳細は添付-2 のとおりとする。)
(a) 保守・改良計画立案
(b) 保守・改良のための造船所・大規模工事
(c) 法定検査・試験
(d) 日常保守
(e) その他保守
(f) 技師招聘
(g) 改良工事
7.4 サブコンサービスの提供・管理
(必要な資機材を含む)の提供・管理を行うものとする。契約・調達は適正な価格で行うものとし、また、すべての過程は透明性が確保されなければならない。(業務分担の詳細及び提供するサブコンサービスは添付-2 のとおりとする。)
(a) サービスの提供・管理
(b) 提供するサブコンサービス
7.5 資機材の調達及び在庫管理
マネージャーは下記の資機材の調達及び在庫管理を行うものとする。なお、サブコンサービスに必要な資機材をマネージャーが直接調達する場合は機構の指示に従い行うものとする。契約・調達は適正な価格で行うものとし、また、すべての過程は透明性が確保されなければならない。(業務分担の詳細は添付-2 のとおりとする。)
(a) 船舶運航に必要な資機材
(b) 水・燃料・潤滑油
(c) 荷役用資機材
(d) 船上事務所内必要機器
(e) 食材・飲料水
(f) 掘削資機材及びスペアパーツ
(g) 泥水及びセメント
(h) 陸上支援基地で必要な資機材
7.6 陸上支援基地管理業務
マネージャーは下記の陸上支援基地管理業務を行うものとする。(業務分担の詳細は添付-2 のとおりとする。)
(a) 許認可取得
(b) 人員手配
(c) 陸上支援基地の運営管理
(d) ヘリコプター基地の運営管理
(e) 資機材等保管場所の運営管理
(f) 荷役作業
(g) 資機材輸送
(h) 人員輸送
(i) 通関業務
(j) 乗船者支援
(k) 陸上医療サポート
7.7 研究区画及び研究者支援
(a) 研究区画の運用・保守
(b) 通関業務
(c) 研究資機材の搬送
(d) 研究者支援
(e) 廃水処理
7.8 HSQE
(業務分担の詳細は添付-2 のとおりとする。)
(a) HSQE-MS 等の構築・維持管理
(b) ブリッジング文書の作成
(c) 安全機器の装備
(d) 安全管理
8. 提出書類
マネージャーは下記の報告書を提出するものとする。(報告書の詳細は添付-2 のとおりとする。)
(a) 運航関連報告書
(b) 掘削関連報告書
(c) 技術関連報告書
(d) HSQE 関連報告書
(e) 経理・財務関連報告書
(f) 完了報告書
(g) その他提出書類
9. その他
マネージャーは下記業務を実施するものとする。(業務の詳細は添付-2 のとおりとする。)
(a) マネージャーと機構間の「ちきゅう」の運航及び掘削に資する知見及び技術の共有
(b) 機構と第三者による機器開発等への協力
(c) 掘削作業の経験を踏まえた「ちきゅう」の改良提案
(d) 機構指示に基づく委託研究(掘削エンジニアリング関連等)
(e) 機構指示に基づく IODP 国際会議への参加
(f) 業務マニュアルの作成、改訂及び機構への提出
(g) 契約期間終了に伴い運用管理者が交代する場合の業務の引継ぎ及び技術指導
(h) その他機構とマネージャーの合意による業務
10. 業務履行上の注意
10.1 業務分担(添付-2)において「指示」とある業務については、機構がマネージャーに、業務の内容、履行期限、予算等を都度指定する。
10.2 契約・調達にあたっては、入札、見積もり合わせ等競争的方法により、経費削減に努めること。また、中間業者による手数料の発生をできる限り少なくすること。
10.3 保守・改良を行う造船所の選定に当たっては、競争入札を原則とし、技術力、経費等を検討のうえ決定し、機構に報告すること。なお、造船所の選定に関して特別な事由等がある場合は、事前に機構に連絡し、協議のうえ造船所を決定すること。
10.4 本業務の遂行にあたり、機構の所有となるものについては在庫管理を行うこと。
11. 監査
12. 知的財産の取扱い
12.1 マネージャーは本業務によって得られた技術または知識が特許権、実用新案権、意匠権の対象となり得ると判断し、権利取得の手続きを行う場合は、事前に機構の了解を求めなければならない。取得した権利は機構が無償で使用できるものとする。また、原則として機構と権利を共有するものとする。
12.2 機構が第三者との間で機器開発等を実施する場合は、特許申請の有無に関わらず、その開発内容及び知見が公にならないように取り計らうこと。
12.3 マネージャーは本業務によって得られた著作物に関する全ての著作権(著作xx第 27 条、同第 28 条に定める権利を含む。)を機構に無償で譲渡するものとし、機構及びその利用許諾権者に対して著作者人格権(公表権、氏名表示権、同一性保持権)を行使しないものとする。
13. 秘密情報の取扱いに係る業務の有無: 有り
14. 個人情報の取扱いに係る業務の有無: 有り
15. 業務の引継ぎ
16. その他
添付-1 : 年次運用計画(様式)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | |
4 月 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | |
5 月 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 |
6 月 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | |
7 月 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | 水 |
8 月 | 木 | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 |
9 月 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | |
10 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x |
11 月 | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | |
12 月 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | |
1 月 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 |
2 月 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | |||
3 月 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 | 火 | x | x | 金 | 土 | 日 | 月 |
添付-2 : 業務分担
(項 目) | (業務詳細) | (業務提供) | ||
7.1 船舶運航業務 | マネージャー | 機構 | ||
運航 | 1 | 年次運用計画の策定 | ○ | |
2 | 航海ごとの実施要領書の作成 | ○ | ||
3 | 年次運用計画及び実施要領書に基づく「ちきゅう」の運航 | ○ | ||
4 | 機構、関係省庁、漁業関係者等への「ちきゅう」の動静報告 | ○ | ||
運航管理 | 5 | 法令に基づく船舶運航管理(乗船員保有資格表管理、油濁x x、乗船者数管理、船舶安全管理等) | ○ | |
6 | 船舶保険、船主責任保険及び包括賠償責任保険の手配 | ○ | ||
7 | 船舶保険、船主責任保険及び包括賠償責任保険等の支援 | ○ | ||
8 | ➫ストインホール保険等の手配 | ○ | 指示 | |
9 | 資格を持つ船長を配置し海事法を遵守した運航 | ○ | ||
10 | 船上作業責任者としてOIM の配置 | ○ | ||
11 | 船長・OIM による運航・掘削 | ○ | ||
12 | 船員の手配及び配乗 | ○ | ||
13 | MLC 適合証書の取得、維持管理(船員法 72 条の特例を受け ること) | ○ | ||
14 | 運航に必要な国際条約、国内法に基づく適合証書の取得、維 持管理(ISM、ISPS 等) | ○ | ||
15 | 政府(海上保安庁、防衛省)への作業のお知らせ、水路測量 許可申請等 | ○ | ||
16 | 政府(国土交通省)への航空障害灯設置に関する照会、届出 | ○ | ||
17 | 上記以外の運航に必要な官庁への許認可申請、届出等 | ○ | ||
海域調整 | 18 | 作業実施海域の漁業者、海底ケーブル会社等との調整 | ○ | |
港湾関連手配 | 19 | 港湾関連サービスの手配 | ○ | |
船舶借入・ 貸出 | 20 | 「ちきゅう」の借入・貸出 | ○ | |
通信サービス 提供 | 21 | 通信サービスの提供及び機器の保守管理(衛星通信、ファイ アウォール、LAN 等) | ○ | |
アウトリーチ活動 | 22 | 船舶一般・特別公開の支援 | ○ | 指示 |
23 | 視察、見学、インターンシップ、取材等の支援 | ○ | 指示 | |
24 | 船上でのアウトリーチ活動に係る乗船者及び訪船者の安全確 保 | ○ | ||
その他 付帯サービス | 25 | 乗船者及び訪船者への供食 | ○ | |
26 | ランドリーサービス(ハウスキーピング含む) | ○ | ||
27 | 船内居住区の維持管理(共有スペースを含む) | ○ | ||
28 | 船上における物品販売(文具、日用品等) | ○ | ||
29 | IAS、PMS、DPS、DCIS、MMS、BOP ➺ント➫ールシステ | ○ |
ム、RMS、IMS※1 等の船舶、掘削機器の運用に必要なシス テムの運営維持、管理 | ||||
30 | IT を活用した情報共有と効率的な管理の提案と実施 | ○ | ||
31 | 海流モニタリングシステムの運用 | ○ | 指示 | |
32 | 荷物の搬送管理 | ○ | ||
33 | 「ちきゅう」常設クレーンの操縦 | ○ | ||
34 | 溶接作業 | ○ | ||
35 | 船上応急処置及び医療サービスの提供 | ○ | ||
7.2 掘削業務 | マネージャー | 機構 | ||
許認可取得 | 36 | 政府、鉱区権者との調整、掘削許可取得(必要な場合) | ○ | 指示 |
掘削計画立案 | 37 | 年間掘削スケジュールの作成 | ○ | |
38 | 掘削計画の作成 | ○ | ||
掘削作業管理 | 39 | 機構船上代表者としてOSI の配置(必要な場合)、船長・OIM への指示 | ○ | |
40 | 放射線の有資格管理者の配置(必要な場合) | ○ | 指示 | |
41 | 火薬の有資格管理者の配置(必要な場合) | ○ | 指示 | |
掘削作業 | 42 | 掘削計画に基づいた作業指示書の作成 | ○ | |
43 | 作業指示書に基づいた掘削作業、孔井仕上げ、➺アリング、 テスト、改修、仮廃孔、廃孔等作業 | ○ | ||
44 | 作業指示書に基づいた機構所有の➺アリングシステムの運用 | ○ | ||
45 | 作業指示書に基づいた水中テレビカメラの運用 | ○ | ||
要員手配 | 46 | 掘削計画に基づいた掘削作業員の手配及び配乗 | ○ | |
廃棄物処理 | 47 | 廃泥水処理(「ちきゅう」の廃泥水処理装置の運用及び陸上で の処理) | ○ | |
48 | 不要調泥材及びセメントの処理 | ○ | ||
49 | カッティングスの処理 | ○ | ||
サンプル用カッ ティングスの処理 | 50 | サンプル用カッティングスの➺アカッティングエリアへの運搬 | ○ | 指示 |
7.3 船体・掘削機器・設備の保守・改良 | マネージャー | 機構 | ||
保守・改良計画立案 | 51 | 船体・掘削機器・設備の保守・改良の計画立案 | ○ | 指示 |
52 | 保守・改良の計画に基づく作業の実施計画立案 | ○ | ||
53 | リグインスペクションの計画立案 | ○ | 指示 | |
54 | 造船所工事の計画立案 | ○ | 指示 | |
保守・改良のための造船所・ 大規模工事 | 55 | 造船所工事(ドライドックを含む)、大規模工事(5年毎の掘 削機器再認証、重故障の修理を含む)の実施 | ○ | 指示 |
56 | 造船所工事を除く造船所における保守・改良作業の実施 | ○ | ||
57 | 載貨重量及び重心管理 | ○ | ||
58 | 造船所工事、大規模工事による完成図書の更新 | ○ |
法定検査・試験 | 59 | 船級協会(NK、ABS等)による法定検査・試験の実施 | ○ | |
60 | MODU Code維持管理 | ○ | ||
日常保守 | 61 | 船体、掘削機器、設備、資機材(ドリルパイプ、ドリルカラー、ケーシング、チュービング、サブ類を含む)(未稼働機器 を含む)の日常保守(船上及び陸上) | ○ | |
その他保守 | 62 | 船内 PC、サーバーの保守(研究区画の設置機器、システム (SDMS)を除く) | ○ | |
63 | パイプ類(ドリルパイプ、ケーシング、チュービング等)の 検査、修理の実施 | ○ | ||
64 | 機構所有のワイヤーライン➺アリング機器の保守 | ○ | ||
65 | 水中テレビカメラの保守 | ○ | ||
66 | 海流モニタリングシステムの保守 | ○ | 指示 | |
67 | 第三者によるリグインスペクションの実施 | ○ | 指示 | |
68 | 機構が一時的に持ち込む観測機器類の設置、保守 | ○ | 指示 | |
技師招聘 | 69 | 保守、改良に必要なメーカー技師招聘 | ○ | 指示 |
改良工事 | 70 | チェンジリクエストの準備 | ○ | |
71 | チェンジリクエストに基づく改良工事 | ○ | 指示 | |
72 | 科学掘削に必要な作業環境に係る改良工事 | ○ | 指示 | |
73 | チェンジリクエストに基づく改良工事による完成図書の更新 | ○ | ||
7.4 サブ➺ンサービスの提供・管理 | マネージャー | 機構 | ||
サービスの 提供・管理 | 74 | 機構が指示したサブ➺ンサービスの提供・管理 | ○ | 指示 |
75 | 船上にサブ➺ン統括管理者の配置 | ○ | ||
提供する サブ➺ンサービス | 76 | サイトの事前調査に係るサービス(気象海象調査、地盤強度 ➺ア試験等) | ○ | 指示 |
77 | 環境影響評価サービス | ○ | 指示 | |
78 | 掘削関連➺ンサルタント(掘削データ解析、孔内安定性評価 等含む) | ○ | 指示 | |
79 | ライザー解析 | ○ | 指示 | |
80 | パイプ疲労試験 | ○ | 指示 | |
81 | サプライボートサービス | ○ | 指示 | |
82 | 警戒船サービス | ○ | 指示 | |
83 | ヘリ➺プターサービス | ○ | 指示 | |
84 | 気象予報サービス | ○ | 指示 | |
85 | 海流モニタリングサービス(警戒船へのシステムの搭載、そ の保守管理等) | ○ | 指示 | |
86 | ROVサービス | ○ | 指示 | |
87 | 泥水エンジニアリングサービス | ○ | 指示 | |
88 | セメンティングサービス | ○ | 指示 | |
89 | 廃泥水・カッティングス処理サービス(船上及び陸上) | ○ | 指示 |
90 | ➺ンダクタージェッティングサービス | ○ | 指示 | |
91 | 孔口装置サービス | ○ | 指示 | |
92 | LWD、MWD、ダウンホールモーターサービス | ○ | 指示 | |
93 | アンダーリーマーサービス | ○ | 指示 | |
94 | その他孔内機器レンタル(ドリリングジャー、スクレーパー 等) | ○ | 指示 | |
95 | ➺アリングサービス | ○ | 指示 | |
96 | ➺アリングサービス (機構所有のワイヤーライン➺アリング 機器) | ○ | ||
97 | ワイヤーライン➫ギングサービス(AHC 及び➫ギングユニッ トの管理及び動員含む) | ○ | 指示 | |
98 | マッド➫ギングサービス | ○ | 指示 | |
99 | チューブラーランニングサービス | ○ | 指示 | |
100 | ライナーハンガーサービス | ○ | 指示 | |
101 | エクスパンダブルケーシングサービス | ○ | 指示 | |
102 | パッカーセッティングサービス | ○ | 指示 | |
103 | ➺イルドチュービングサービス | ○ | 指示 | |
104 | フィッシングサービス | ○ | 指示 | |
105 | 廃孔サービス | ○ | 指示 | |
106 | ウェル➺ント➫ールサービス | ○ | 指示 | |
107 | 長期孔内計測に係るサービス | ○ | 指示 | |
108 | H2S・CO2 機器レンタル及びトレーニングサービス | ○ | 指示 | |
109 | パイプインスペクションサービス | ○ | 指示 | |
110 | マネージドプレッシャードリリングサービス(連続循環シス テム、マッドリカバリーシステム含む) | ○ | 指示 | |
111 | 高潮流ドリルパイプサポートシステムサービス | ○ | 指示 | |
112 | 水中テレビカメラサービス | ○ | 指示 | |
113 | ライザーモニタリングサービス | ○ | 指示 | |
114 | 特殊溶接サービス | ○ | 指示 | |
7.5 資機材の調達及び在庫管理 | マネージャー | 機構 | ||
船舶運航に 必要な資機材 | 115 | 船用品並びに船舶運航に必要な資機材及びそのスペアパーツ | ○ | |
水・燃料・潤滑油 | 116 | xx | ○ | |
117 | 「ちきゅう」の燃料及び潤滑油 | ○ | 指示 | |
118 | 船上ヘリ➺プター用燃料 | ○ | ||
119 | 油圧機器用オイル、潤滑油、グリース | ○ | ||
120 | 洗浄液 | ○ | ||
121 | パイプドープ、ケーシング➺ンパウンド | ○ | ||
122 | BOP➺ント➫ール用作動液 | ○ |
荷役用資機材 | 123 | 荷役に必要な資機材(➫ープ類、ホース類、吊具類、➺ンテナ、 廃泥水用処理用バッグ、カッティングス用➺ンテナ等) | ○ | |
船上事務所内 必要機器 | 124 | ➺ピー機、パソ➺ン、AV機器、冷蔵庫、湯沸かし器等 | ○ | |
食材・飲料水 | 125 | 食材・飲料水 | ○ | |
掘削資機材及び スペアパーツ | 126 | 孔口装置及びランニングツール | ○ | 指示 |
127 | 掘削用ビット及びノズル、ビットブレーカー | ○ | 指示 | |
128 | ➺アビット及びノズル、ビットブレーカー | ○ | 指示 | |
129 | ➺アバレル | ○ | 指示 | |
130 | フ➫ートサブ及びフ➫ートバルブ | ○ | 指示 | |
131 | ク➫スオーバーサブ | ○ | 指示 | |
132 | スタビライザー、ホールオープナー、アンダーリーマー、スク レーパー | ○ | 指示 | |
133 | ショックアブソーバー、バンパーサブ | ○ | 指示 | |
134 | ジャールス | ○ | 指示 | |
135 | 傾斜測定用機器 | ○ | ||
136 | パイプワイパー | ○ | ||
137 | ケーシングパイプ及びケーシングアクセサリー | ○ | 指示 | |
138 | 各種パイプ用ドリフトゲージ及びその関連機器 | ○ | 指示 | |
139 | エクスパンダブルケーシング | ○ | 指示 | |
140 | チュービングパイプ及びアクセサリー | ○ | 指示 | |
141 | 長期孔内計測機器 | ○ | 指示 | |
142 | パッカー、ブリッジプラグ | ○ | 指示 | |
143 | 採揚器 | ○ | 指示 | |
144 | その他サブ➺ンからの調達品 | ○ | ||
145 | 水中テレビカメラ | ○ | 指示 | |
泥水及びセメント | 146 | セメント及び添加剤 | ○ | 指示 |
147 | 調泥剤 | ○ | 指示 | |
148 | 廃泥水処理剤 | ○ | 指示 | |
陸上支援基地で 必要な資機材 | 149 | 陸上支援基地及びヘリ➺プター基地で必要な資機材 | ○ | |
7.6 陸上支援基地管理業務 | マネージャー | 機構 | ||
許認可取得 | 150 | 陸上支援基地(サプライボート基地)の運営に必要な許認可 の取得 | ○ | |
151 | ヘリ➺プター基地の運営に必要な許可取得 | ○ | ||
人員手配 | 152 | 陸上支援基地の人員手配 | ○ | |
153 | ヘリ➺プター基地の人員手配 | ○ | ||
陸上支援基地 の運営管理 | 154 | 陸上支援基地の運営管理 | ○ | |
155 | サプライボートの輸送管理 | ○ |
ヘリ➺プター基地の運営管理 | 156 | ヘリ➺プター基地の運営管理 | ○ | |
157 | ヘリ➺プター基地の保守管理 | ○ | ||
158 | ヘリ➺プター輸送管理(搭乗者調整等) | ○ | ||
資機材等保管場 所の運営管理 | 159 | 資機材、スペアパーツ等の保管場所の手配及び運営管理 | ○ | |
荷役作業 | 160 | 荷役作業(「ちきゅう」、陸上支援基地、ヘリ➺プター基地、 その他機構が指示する場所) | ○ | |
資機材輸送 | 161 | 資機材輸送(「ちきゅう」、陸上支援基地、ヘリ➺プター基 地、その他機構が指示する場所) | ○ | |
人員輸送 | 162 | 乗下船に伴う人員輸送(緊急輸送を含む) | ○ | |
通関業務 | 163 | 船舶及び掘削関連資機材の通関に係る業務 | ○ | |
乗船者支援 | 164 | 乗船者荷物の搬送・管理(「ちきゅう」、陸上支援基地、ヘリ ➺プター基地、その他機構が指示する場所) | ○ | |
陸上医療 サポート | 165 | 陸上医療機関への搬送調整(受診に係るサポート業務) | ○ | |
7.7 研究区画及び研究者支援 | マネージャー | 機構 | ||
研究区画の運用・保守 | 166 | 床、壁、天井、家具 | ○ | |
167 | ドア、ハッチ(油圧ハッチ、ボルテッドハッチ) | ○ | ||
168 | 暴露部を含む照明器具 | ○ | ||
169 | 電源(配電盤、精密電源用の発電装置) | ○ | ||
170 | 冷凍機(Plant Room 内の冷凍機含む) | ○ | ||
171 | 空調設備 | ○ | ||
172 | 室内圧力調整機 | ○ | ||
173 | 水周り(水道水、飲料水供給装置、配水管、シンク等) | ○ | ||
174 | ➺ア保管➺ンテナの設置及び冷凍機保守 | ○ | ||
175 | ➺ンテナラボの電気、ガス、アラーム、電話、上下水道の設 置 | ○ | ||
176 | エレベータ | ○ | ||
177 | 通信(電話、スピーカー、CATV システム保守等) | ○ | ||
178 | 掃除(実験室の掃除) | ○ | ||
179 | 掃除(休憩室、廊下、階段、エレベータ、更衣室、シャワー室、ト イレ等実験室以外の掃除)、ゴミ分別収集 | ○ | ||
180 | 鍵(マスターキーの管理を含む) | ○ | ||
181 | 防火設備(消火器、煙センサー等) | ○ | ||
182 | その他設備(カスケード装置、危険ガスセンサー等) | ○ | ||
183 | 研究資機材の保守管理 | ○ | ||
184 | 研究区画外に設置される研究機材の設置 | ○ | 指示 | |
185 | 研究区画外に設置される研究機材の運用・保守管理 | ○ | ||
186 | 科学支援者(機構が「ちきゅう」の運用に係る科学支援業務 | ○ | 指示 |
を委託した者)が業務の遂行のために必要とする作業への協 力・支援 | ||||
187 | 研究区画で使う事務用品、ペンキ、蛍光管、電球、アラームラ ンプ、非常灯、石鹸、洗剤等の供給 | ○ | ||
通関業務 | 188 | 研究資機材の通関業務(孔内測定機器、➺ア等の国際貨物) | ○ | |
研究資機材の 搬送 | 189 | 研究資機材の搬送(「ちきゅう」、陸上支援基地、ヘリ➺プ ター基地、その他機構が指示する場所) | ○ | |
研究者支援 | 190 | 研究者荷物の搬送(「ちきゅう」、陸上支援基地、ヘリ➺プ ター基地、その他機構が指示する場所) | ○ | |
191 | 研究者の移動手配(陸上支援基地、ヘリ➺プター基地、現地宿 泊地の移動手配) | ○ | ||
廃水処理 | 192 | 研究室の廃水処理 | ○ | |
7.8 HSQE | マネージャー | 機構 | ||
HSQE-MS 等の 構築・維持管理 | 193 | 環境基本計画 | ○ | |
194 | 機構のHSQE-MS | ○ | ||
195 | マネージャーのHSQE-MS | ○ | ||
196 | 機構の緊急時対応計画 | ○ | ||
197 | マネージャーの緊急時対応計画 | ○ | ||
198 | ベッセルセーフティケース | ○ | 指示 | |
199 | 船舶安全計画 | ○ | ||
200 | 船舶保安計画 | ○ | ||
ブリッジング文 書の作成 | 201 | HSQE-MS のブリッジング文書作成 | ○ | ○ |
安全機器の装備 | 202 | 法定救命機器、法定安全機器及び安全防具の装備、管理、検 査、保全 | ○ | |
203 | 安全帽、防護服、安全靴、保護メガネ、防塵マスク、手袋等安全装 備品の装備、管理 | ○ | ||
204 | H2S ガス検知器及びサードパーティーの H2S 機器の装備、 管理、保全 | ○ | ||
205 | ヘリ➺プター搭乗者用サバイバルスーツの装備、管理 | ○ | ||
安全管理 | 206 | HSQE-MS に従った安全管理(すべての乗船者及び訪船者を 対象とする) | ○ | |
207 | 定期安全訓練の実施 | ○ | ||
208 | 環境影響調査 | ○ | 指示 | |
209 | 船上特殊業務のリスク評価 | ○ | ||
210 | サブ➺ンの事前安全監査 | ○ | 指示 | |
211 | HSQE-MS に基づくサブ➺ンの管理 | ○ | ||
212 | リスクアセスメントの実施 | ○ | ○ | |
213 | 外部安全評価の実施(委員会の開催等) | ○ |
214 | HSQE 監査の実施 | ○ | ||
215 | セーフティーインダクションの実施(乗船時の船上、ヘリポ ート) | ○ | ||
216 | 船上における定期 HSQE 会議の開催 | ○ | ||
8. 提出書類 | マネージャー | 機構 | ||
運航関連報告書 | 217 | 法定の報告書等 | ○ | |
218 | 各航海終了後の行動報告書 | ○ | ||
掘削関連報告書 | 219 | 掘削日報(IADC フォーマットに準ずる) | ○ | |
220 | 各航海終了後の掘削作業報告書 | ○ | ||
221 | 掘削完了報告書作成に必要なデータの提供 | ○ | ||
222 | 掘削完了報告書の作成 | ○ | ||
223 | 掘削事故報告書 | ○ | ||
技術関連報告書 | 224 | 年次保守・PMS(予防的対応)記録 | ○ | |
225 | 改良記録報告書(図面含む) | ○ | ||
226 | 掘削機器・船舶機器事故報告書 | ○ | ||
HSQE 関連報告書 | 227 | ヒヤリハット等の報告書 | ○ | |
228 | 月次HSQE 評価報告書 | ○ | ||
229 | 事故報告書(研究区画、岸壁における事故を含む) | ○ | ||
経理・財務関連報告書 | 230 | 月次管理報告書(予算実績報告書)(翌月末までに) | ○ | |
231 | 月次管理報告書(調達管理レポート)(翌月末までに) | ○ | ||
232 | 月次財務諸表(翌月末までに) | ○ | ||
233 | 年次財務諸表(年度終了日から 60 日以内に) | ○ | ||
234 | 在庫管理品の月次循環棚卸報告書 | ○ | ||
235 | 貯蔵品の棚卸報告書 | ○ | 指示 | |
完了報告書 | 236 | 年次精算書 | ○ | |
237 | 最終報告書(上記を取りまとめた委託業務完了報告書) | ○ | ||
その他提出書類 | 238 | 乗船者(主要職種)の CV、職責、経験年数、取得資格一覧 表 | ○ | |
239 | 乗船者の職責毎の年次訓練計画書 | ○ | ||
240 | 配乗計画 | ○ | ||
9. その他 | マネージャー | 機構 | ||
その他 | 241 | マネージャーと機構間の「ちきゅう」の運航及び掘削に資す る知見及び技術の共有 | ○ | ○ |
242 | 機構と第三者による機器開発等への協力 | ○ | 指示 | |
243 | 掘削作業の経験を踏まえた「ちきゅう」の改良提案 | ○ | ||
244 | 機構指示に基づく委託研究(掘削エンジニアリング関連等) | ○ | 指示 | |
245 | 機構指示に基づくIODP 国際会議への参加 | ○ | 指示 | |
246 | 業務マニュアルの作成、改訂及び機構への提出 | ○ | ||
247 | 契約期間終了に伴い運用管理者が交代する場合の業務の引継 | ○ | 指示 |
ぎ及び技術指導 | ||||
248 | その他機構とマネージャーの合意による業務 | ○ | 指示 |
※1 「7.1 船舶運航業務」の「その他付帯サービス」における略語には、「ちきゅう」独自の名称を用いているシステムが含まれるため下記のとおり補足する。
BOP: Blow Out Preventer(噴出防止装置)
DCIS: Drilling Control and Instrumentation System(掘削制御システム)リグフ➫ア等の掘削機器の操作、掘削制御等を行うシステム
DPS: Dynamic Positioning System(自動船位保持システム)船体位置の自動的な定点保持等を行うシステム
IAS: Integrated Automation System(統合自動化システム)機関、バラスト及び各種補機の操作、監視等を行うシステム
IMS: Information Management System(情報マネージメントシステム)船内の汎用ネットワーク及びサーバー
MMS: Mud Management System(泥水マネージメントシステム)船上での泥水の作泥、保管等を行うシステム
PMS: Power Management System(パワーマネージメントシステム)船内の電力管理システム
RMS: Riser Management System(ライザーマネージメントシステム)
2. ISM コードに基づく船舶安全管理システム及び HSQE-MS を構築し、実施できること
5.強潮流(2 ノット以上)、かつ、大水深(1,000m 以上)の海域におけるドリルシップによるライザー掘削の実績・能力があること
6.機構から指示された掘削計画に基づいて掘削(操業実務)サービスを 24 時間提供できること
※ 上記すべての要件を 1 社で満たすことが困難な場合、xx的な管理及び責任体制の構築を条件として、合弁会社の設立または船舶運航以外の業務についての再委託を前提とする応札も可とする
1. Title
Entrustment of management and operation services of Deep-sea Scientific Drilling Vessel “Chikyu”
2. Overview
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (hereinafter called as “JAMSTEC”) is going to perform scientific drilling based on International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP), etc., resource drilling as a contractual service, and other drilling by using Deep-sea Scientific Drilling Vessel “Chikyu”. This entrustment service aims at managing and operating “Chikyu” in safe and effective manner, including preparation, post-process, etc. of drilling, under the management and operation schedule, etc. established by JAMSTEC, and this document defines such service. As a principle, "vessel operation" and "drilling" are collectively called "management and operation" in this specification.
3. Places of Performance
Deep-sea Scientific Drilling Vessel “Chikyu”, support base, facility of entrustee (hereinafter called as "Manager"), etc.
4. Period of Performance
From Monday, April 1, 2019 until Tuesday, March 31, 2026
5. Contents of Service
Manager shall manage and operate “Chikyu” based on annual management and operation schedule (Attachment-1) and drilling program established by JAMSTEC and in compliance with regulations concerning the management and operation of Deep-sea Scientific Drilling Vessel “Chikyu” decided by JAMSTEC. Manager shall hold safety to the maximum priority, and manage and operate “Chikyu” effectively. In addition, Manager shall obtain all approvals and authorizations necessary to manage and operate “Chikyu” under MARU ship structure, and comply with the laws and ordinances of countries of ship registration, navigation and calling. Annual management and operation schedule is subject to change owing to factors such as the weather condition and budget of JAMSTEC.
6. Number of Crew
With regard to the number of crew necessary for this entrustment service, Manager shall consult with JAMSTEC to determine the standard number of crew, which consists of vessel operation staff and drilling staff, within the limits of 96 person underway and 94 person at anchor. However, if the contents of service demand management and operation different from the established standard considering safety and efficiency, Manager shall submit manning plan to JAMSTEC in advance and obtain approval from JAMSTEC on all such occasions.
Manager may take a trainee on board to succeed and improve skills with prior approval from JAMSTEC. Manager shall bear the cost for the boarding of the trainee in principle.
7.1 Vessel Operation
Manager shall perform the following vessel operation work as the vessel operations manager of “Chikyu” based on the annual management and operation schedule established by JAMSTEC (Details of work assignment are as provided for in Attachment-2):
(a) Vessel Operation
(b) Operation Management
(c) Coordination for Sea Area
(d) Arrangement related to Port
(e) Charter in and Charter out of Vessel
(f) Provision of Communication Service
(g) Outreach Activities
(h) Other Incidental Services
7.2 Drilling Operation
Manager shall perform the following drilling related work (Details of work assignment are as provided for in Attachment-2):
(a) Acquisition of Permission
(b) Planning of Drilling Program
(c) Management of Drilling Operation
(d) Drilling Operation
(e) Manning
(f) Waste Processing
(g) Processing of Sample Cuttings
7.3 Maintenance and Improvement of Hull, Drilling Equipment and Facility
Manager shall perform the following maintenance/improvement related work. "Maintenance" means keeping the ship hull, drilling equipment and facility in normal condition by Preventive Maintenance System (PMS) and repair, and "improvement" means improving (including newly installing) ship hull, drilling equipment or facility in this specification. (Details of work assignment are as provided for in Attachment-2):
(a) Preparation of Maintenance and Improvement Plan
(b) Shipyard Work and Large-scale Work for Maintenance and Improvement
(c) Statutory Inspection and Test
(d) Daily Maintenance
(e) Other Maintenance
(f) Call on Engineer
(g) Improvement Work
7.4 Provision and Management of Subcontractor Services
Manager shall provide and manage service contractor (hereinafter referred to as "Subcontractor") service (including necessary equipment and supplies) in accordance with the instructions from JAMSTEC. Manager shall contract and procure in proper price, and transparency must be ensured throughout the process. (Details of work assignment and Subcontractor service to be provided are as provided for in Attachment-2):
(a) Provision and Management of Services
(b) Subcontractor Services to be Provided
Work of Subcontractor service administrator located on board by Manager includes mobilization management of engineers and equipment and supplies of Subcontractor, management of Subcontractor's work, mobilization of equipment and supplies owned by JAMSTEC, schedule management of helicopter service and boat service, cost management of drilling operation and other work directed by JAMSTEC.
7.5 Procurement and Inventory Management of Equipment and Supplies
Manager shall procure and manage inventory of the following equipment and supplies. If Manager directly procures equipment or supplies necessary for Subcontractor service, Manager may do so in compliance with the instructions from JAMSTEC. Manager shall contract and procure in proper price, and transparency must be ensured throughout the process (Details of work assignment are as provided for in Attachment-2):
(a) Equipment and Supplies Necessary for Vessel Operation
(b) Water, Fuel and Lubricant
(c) Equipment and Supplies for Load and Offload
(d) Equipment Necessary for Onboard Office
(e) Food and Potable Water
(f) Equipment and Supplies and Spare Parts for Drilling
(g) Mud and Cement
(h) Equipment and Supplies Necessary for Onshore Support Base
7.6 Management of Onshore Support Base
Manager shall perform the following management service of onshore supply base (Details of work assignment are as provided for in Attachment-2):
(a) Acquisition of Permission
(b) Manning
(c) Operational Management of Onshore Support Base
(d) Operational Management of Helicopter Base
(e) Operational Management of Equipment and Supplies Yard
(f) Loading and Offloading
(g) Transportation of Equipment and Supplies
(h) Transportation of Personnel
(i) Customs Clearance Service
(j) Boarding Persons Support
(k) Onshore Medical Support
7.7 Laboratories and Scientist Support
Manager shall perform the following laboratories and scientists support service (Details of work assignment are as provided for in Attachment-2):
(a) Operation and Maintenance of Laboratories
(b) Customs Clearance Service
(c) Transportation of Laboratories equipment
(d) Support for Scientist
(e) Disposal of Waste Fluid
7.8 HSQE
Manager shall perform the following health, safety, quality and environment (hereinafter referred to as "HSQE") services (Details of work assignment are as provided for in Attachment-2):
(a) Establishment, Maintenance and Implementation of HSQE-MS, etc.
(b) Preparation of Bridging Document
(c) Furnishment of Safety Equipment
(d) Safety Management
8. Report
Manager shall submit the following reports (Details of the reports are as provided for in Attachment-2):
(a) Vessel Operation Report
(b) Drilling Operation Report
(c) Engineering Report
(d) HSQE Report
(e) Financial Report
(f) Final Report
(g) Other Report
9. Others
Manager shall perform the following work (Details of work assignment are as provided for in
(a) Sharing of knowledge and technique for the operation of “Chikyu” and drilling between Manager and JAMSTEC
(b) Cooperation for equipment development, etc. by JAMSTEC and a third party
(c) Proposal for improvement based on drilling experience by “Chikyu”
(d) Contract research based on instruction by JAMSTEC (in relation to drilling engineering, etc.)
(e) Participation for IODP international conference
(f) Preparation and revision of operation manual and submission to JAMSTEC
(g) Succession of services and engineering guidance on the change of manager by the expiration of contract term
(h) Any other work agreed between JAMSTEC and Manager
10. Precautions for the Performance of Work
10.1 JAMSTEC will designate contents of work, performance time, budget, etc. to Manager each time for works indicated as "Instruction" in the Furnishment of work (Attachment-2).
10.2 Manager shall make an effort to reduce costs by using competitive method such as bidding and estimate comparison for contract and procurement. Manager shall make an effort to minimize the occurrence of commission for intermediary dealers.
10.3 Manager shall carry out competitive bidding to select a shipyard for maintenance and improvement in principle, examine technological strength, cost, etc. and determine, and report to JAMSTEC. If special circumstances exist for the selection of the shipyard, Manager may determine by contacting and consulting with JAMSTEC in advance.
10.4 Manager shall manage inventory of JAMSTEC's property in performing the service.
11. Inspection
JAMSTEC or its agent may inspect concerning the entrusted service at any time during business hours. Manager shall keep related documents and prepare for disclosure at XXXXXXX's request.
12. Handling of Intellectual Property
12.1 Manager shall request approval of JAMSTEC in advance if Manager determines that patent, utility model or design right is acquirable for technique or knowledge obtained through the service and intends to make application for the right. JAMSTEC may use the acquired right without compensation. Such right shall be owned jointly between Manager and JAMSTEC in principle.
12.2 If JAMSTEC develops equipment, etc. with a third party, Manager shall not make contents of development and knowledge public regardless of the patent application.
12.3 Manager shall transfer all copyrights (including the rights stipulated in Articles 27 and 28 of the Copyright Law) related to copyrighted works obtained through the service to JAMSTEC without compensation, and Manager may not exercise moral rights (right to make the work public, right to indicate name and right to maintain integrity) against JAMSTEC and its licensees.
13. Existence of work related to the handling of confidential information: Yes
14. Existence of work related to the handling of personal information: Yes
15. Succession of Service
Manager shall hand over entire service and provide technical guidance to the trustee for the next term in accordance with instructions by JAMSTEC before the expiration of the contract term of the entrusted service. Manager shall hand over any information, including technical information, obtained through the service to JAMSTEC in writing on termination of the service. JAMSTEC will separately consult with Manager for the succession from the trustee of the present term.
16. Other
Any question concerning this specification shall be settled upon consultation.
Attachment-1: Annual management and operation schedule (form)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | |
April | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | |
May | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri |
June | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | |
July | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed |
August | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
September | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | |
October | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu |
November | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | |
December | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | |
January | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri |
Feburuary | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | |||
March | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | Mon |
Attachment-2: Furnishment of work
(Category) | (Details of Work) | (Provided by) | ||
7.1 Vessel Operation (Manager) (JAMSTEC) | ||||
Vessel Operation | 1 | Formulation of annual management and operation schedule | X | |
2 | Preparation of operation manual for each voyage | X | ||
3 | Vessel operation of “Chikyu” based on annual management and operation schedule and operation manual | X | ||
4 | Report on the state of “Chikyu” to JAMSTEC, relevant government offices, fishing industry, etc. | X | ||
Operation Management | 5 | Management of vessel operation in compliance with laws and ordinances (management of the list of qualifications for crew, oil spills, persons on board, ship security, etc.) | X | |
6 | Arrangement of hull insurance, protection and indemnity insurance and comprehensive liability insurance | X | ||
7 | Support for hull insurance, protection and indemnity insurance, comprehensive liability insurance, etc. | X | ||
8 | Arrangement of lost in hole insurance, etc. | X | Instruction | |
9 | Assignment of a qualified captain and operation in compliance with maritime law | X | ||
10 | Assignment of OIM as a responsible official for onboard work | X | ||
11 | Vessel operation and drilling by captain and OIM | X | ||
12 | Arrangement and manning of crew | X | ||
13 | Acquisition and management of statement of compliance for MLC (exception stipulated in Article 72, Seaman Law shall be obtained) | X | ||
14 | Acquisition and management of statement of compliance necessary for vessel operation under international treaty or domestic law (e.g. ISM, ISPS) | X | ||
15 | Notification of work, application for hydrographic survey, etc. to the government (Japan Coast Guard and Ministry of Defense) | X | ||
16 | Inquiry and notification concerning installation of aircraft warning lights to the government (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) | X | ||
17 | Other application for approval and authorization, notification, etc. necessary for vessel operation to government authorities | X | ||
Coordination for Sea Area | 18 | Coordination with fishers, submarine cable companies, etc. for the sea area to work on | X | |
Arrangement related to Port | 19 | Arrangement of port related service | X | |
Charter in and Charter out of Vessel | 20 | Charter in and charter out of “Chikyu” | X |
Provision of Communication Service | 21 | Provision of communication service and maintenance and management of equipment (satellite communication, firewall, LAN, etc.) | X | |
Outreach Activities | 22 | Support for public/special opening of the vessel | X | Instruction |
23 | Support for visitation, visit, internship, interview, etc. | X | Instruction | |
24 | Maintenance of safety of boarding persons and visitors for onboard outreach activities | X | ||
Other Incidental Services | 25 | Provision of meal to boarding persons and visitors | X | |
26 | Laundry service (including housekeeping) | X | ||
27 | Maintenance and management of onboard accommodation space (including shared space) | X | ||
28 | Sales of goods on board (e.g. stationery, everyday items) | X | ||
29 | Operation and maintenance of systems necessary for drilling and vessel operation (e.g. IAS, PMS, DPS, DCIS, MMS, BOP control system, RMS, IMS *1) | X | ||
30 | Proposal and implementation of information sharing and effective management by utilizing IT system | X | ||
31 | Operation of ocean current monitoring system | X | Instruction | |
32 | Transportation and management of luggage | X | ||
33 | Operation of standing crane of “Chikyu” | X | ||
34 | Welding work | X | ||
35 | Provision of onboard first aid and medical service | X | ||
7.2 Drilling Operation (Manager) (JAMSTEC) | ||||
Acquisition of Permission | 36 | Coordination with the government and holder of mining right, and acquisition of permission for drilling operation (if necessary) | X | Instruction |
Planning of Drilling Program | 37 | Preparation of annual drilling schedule | X | |
38 | Preparation of drilling program | X | ||
Management of Drilling Operation | 39 | Assignment of OSI as JAMSTEC's onboard representative (if necessary) and issuance of instructions to captain and OIM | X | |
40 | Assignment of qualified RI safety and administration officer (if necessary) | X | Instruction | |
41 | Assignment of qualified explosive handling and administration officer (if necessary) | X | Instruction | |
Drilling Operation | 42 | Preparation of work instruction based on drilling program | X | |
43 | Work including drilling, finishing, coring, testing, repairing, temporary abandoning and abandoning of wells based on work instruction | X | ||
44 | Operation of the coring system owned by JAMSTEC based on work instruction | X | ||
45 | Operation of underwater TV based on work instruction | X | ||
Manning | 46 | Arrangement and manning of drilling crew based on drilling program | X | |
Waste Processing | 47 | Processing of waste mud (operation of waste mud processing system on “Chikyu” and processing on land) | X |
48 | Processing of disused mud products and cement | X | ||
49 | Processing of cuttings | X | ||
Processing of Sample Cuttings | 50 | Transportation of sample cuttings to core cutting area | X | Instruction |
7.3 Maintenance and Improvement of Hull, Drilling Equipment and Facility (Manager) (JAMSTEC) | ||||
Preparation of Maintenance and Improvement Plan | 51 | Preparation of maintenance and improvement plan for hull, drilling equipment and facility | X | Instruction |
52 | Preparation of work plan based on maintenance and improvement plan | X | ||
53 | Preparation of rig inspection plan | X | Instruction | |
54 | Preparation of shipyard work plan | X | Instruction | |
Shipyard Work and Large-scale Work for Maintenance and Improvement | 55 | Implementation of shipyard work (including dry docking) and large-scale work (including 5 year re-certification of drilling equipment, repair work of heavy breakdown) | X | Instruction |
56 | Implementation of maintenance and improvement work at shipyard except for shipyard work | X | ||
57 | Control of deadweight and center of gravity | X | ||
58 | Update of as-built drawing by shipyard work and large-scale work | X | ||
Statutory Inspection and Test | 59 | Implementation of statutory inspection and test by classification society (e.g. NK, ABS) | X | |
60 | Maintenance and management of MODU code | X | ||
Daily Maintenance | 61 | Daily maintenance of hull, drilling equipment, facility, equipment and supplies(including drill pipe, drill collar, casing, tubing and sub) (including idle equipment) (onboard and onshore) | X | |
Other Maintenance | 62 | Maintenance of onboard PC and server (excluding equipment and system (SDMS) located in laboratories) | X | |
63 | Pipe inspection and repair (drill pipe, casing, tubing, etc.) | X | ||
64 | Maintenance of wire line coring equipment owned by JAMSTEC | X | ||
65 | Maintenance of underwater TV | X | ||
66 | Maintenance of ocean current monitoring system | X | Instruction | |
67 | Implementation of rig inspection by a third party | X | Instruction | |
68 | Installation and maintenance of observation equipment temporarily brought onboard by JAMSTEC | X | Instruction | |
Call on Engineer | 69 | Call on engineer of manufacturer necessary for maintenance and improvement | X | Instruction |
Improvement Work | 70 | Preparation of change request | X | |
71 | Improvement work based on change request | X | Instruction | |
72 | Improvement work for necessary work environment for scientific drilling | X | Instruction | |
73 | Update of as-built drawing by improvement work based on change request | X | ||
7.4 Provision and Management of Subcontractor Services (Manager) (JAMSTEC) |
Provision and Management of Services | 74 | Provision and management of Subcontractor services instructed by JAMSTEC | X | Instruction |
75 | Assignment of onboard Subcontractor service administrator | X | ||
Subcontractor Services to be Provided | 76 | Services regarding pre-drilling site surveys (e.g. metocean survey, geotechnical test) | X | Instruction |
77 | Environmental impact assessment services | X | Instruction | |
78 | Consulting in relation to drilling (including drilling data analysis and well stability evaluation) | X | Instruction | |
79 | Riser analysis | X | Instruction | |
80 | Pipe fatigue test | X | Instruction | |
81 | Supply boat services | X | Instruction | |
82 | Standby boat services | X | Instruction | |
83 | Helicopter services | X | Instruction | |
84 | Weather forecasting services | X | Instruction | |
85 | Ocean current monitoring services (e.g. installation of the system to standby boat and its maintenance and management) | X | Instruction | |
86 | ROV services | X | Instruction | |
87 | Mud engineering services | X | Instruction | |
88 | Cementing services | X | Instruction | |
89 | Waste mud treatment and cuttings disposal services on “Chikyu” and onshore | X | Instruction | |
90 | Conductor jetting services | X | Instruction | |
91 | Well head services | X | Instruction | |
92 | LWD, MWD, Down Hole Motor (PDM) services | X | Instruction | |
93 | Under-reamer services | X | Instruction | |
94 | Renting of other well equipment (e.g. drilling jar, scraper) | X | Instruction | |
95 | Coring services | X | Instruction | |
96 | Coring services (wire line coring equipment owned by JAMSTEC) | X | ||
97 | Wire line logging services (including management and mobilization of AHC and logging unit) | X | Instruction | |
98 | Mud logging services | X | Instruction | |
99 | Tubular running services | X | Instruction | |
100 | Liner hanger services | X | Instruction | |
101 | Expandable casing services | X | Instruction | |
102 | Packer setting services | X | Instruction | |
103 | Coiled tubing services | X | Instruction | |
104 | Fishing services | X | Instruction | |
105 | Well abandonment services | X | Instruction | |
106 | X | Instruction | ||
107 | Services regarding long-term borehole monitoring | X | Instruction | |
108 | Renting and training services of H2S and CO2 equipment | X | Instruction |
109 | Pipe inspection services | X | Instruction | |
110 | Managed pressure drilling services (including continuous circulation system and mud recovery system) | X | Instruction | |
111 | High current drill pipe support system services | X | Instruction | |
112 | Underwater TV services | X | Instruction | |
113 | Riser monitoring services | X | Instruction | |
114 | Specialized welding services | X | Instruction | |
7.5 Procurement and Inventory Management of Equipment and Supplies (Manager) (JAMSTEC) | ||||
Equipment and Supplies Necessary for Vessel Operation | 115 | Articles for ship, and equipment and supplies necessary for vessel operation and their spare parts | X | |
Water, Fuel and Lubricant | 116 | Fresh water | X | |
117 | Fuel and lubricant for “Chikyu” | X | Instruction | |
118 | Fuel for Helicopter on deck | X | ||
119 | Oil, lubricant and grease for hydraulic equipment | X | ||
120 | Cleaning solvents | X | ||
121 | Pipe dope and casing compounds | X | ||
122 | BOP control unit operating fluid | X | ||
Equipment and Supplies for Load and Offload | 123 | Equipment and supplies necessary for load and offload (e.g. ropes, hoses, slings, containers, bag for waste mud treatment, cuttings containers) | X | |
Equipment Necessary for Onboard Office | 124 | Photocopier, personal computer, audio visual system, refrigerator, hot‐water heater, etc. | X | |
Food and Potable Water | 125 | Food and potable water | X | |
Equipment and Supplies and Spare Parts for Drilling | 126 | Well head and running tools | X | Instruction |
127 | Drilling bit and nozzle, bit breaker | X | Instruction | |
128 | Coring bit and nozzle, bit breaker | X | Instruction | |
129 | Core barrel | X | Instruction | |
130 | Float sub and float valve | X | Instruction | |
131 | Crossover sub | X | Instruction | |
132 | Stabilizer, hole opener, under-reamer, scraper | X | Instruction | |
133 | Shock absorber, bumper sub | X | Instruction | |
134 | Jars | X | Instruction | |
135 | Drift indicator equipment | X | ||
136 | Pipe wiper | X |
137 | Casing and casing accessories | X | Instruction | |
138 | Drift gauge and related equipment for various pipes | X | Instruction | |
139 | Expandable casing | X | Instruction | |
140 | Tubing and tubing accessories | X | Instruction | |
141 | Long-term borehole monitoring equipment | X | Instruction | |
142 | Packer, bridge plug | X | Instruction | |
143 | Fishing tools | X | Instruction | |
144 | Other procurement items from Subcontractor | X | ||
145 | Underwater TV | X | Instruction | |
Mud and Cement | 146 | Cement and additives | X | Instruction |
147 | Mud products | X | Instruction | |
148 | Waste mud treatment chemicals | X | Instruction | |
Equipment and Supplies Necessary for Onshore Support Base | 149 | Equipment and supplies necessary for onshore support base and helicopter base | X | |
7.6 Management of Onshore Support Base (Manager) (JAMSTEC) | ||||
Acquisition of Permission | 150 | Acquisition of the necessary permission to operate onshore support base (supply boat base) | X | |
151 | Acquisition of the necessary permission to operate the helicopter base | X | ||
Manning | 152 | Manning for onshore support base | X | |
153 | Manning for helicopter base | X | ||
Operational Management of Onshore Support Base | 154 | Operational management of onshore support base | X | |
155 | Transportation management for supply boat | X | ||
Operational Management of Helicopter Base | 156 | Operational management of helicopter base | X | |
157 | Maintenance and management of helicopter base | X | ||
158 | Transportation management for helicopter (e.g. coordination of passengers) | X | ||
Operational Management of Equipment and Supplies Yard | 159 | Arrangement and operational management of equipment and supplies yard | X | |
Loading and Offloading | 160 | Loading and offloading (at “Chikyu”, onshore support base, helicopter base and other locations instructed by JAMSTEC) | X | |
Transportation of Equipment and Supplies | 161 | Transportation of equipment and supplies (between “Chikyu”, onshore support base, helicopter base and other locations instructed by JAMSTEC) | X | |
Transportation | 162 | Transportation of personnel accompanied by embarkation and disembarkation | X |
of Personnel | (including emergency transportation) | |||
Customs Clearance Service | 163 | Service concerning custom clearance of vessel and drilling equipment and supplies | X | |
Boarding Persons Support | 164 | Luggage transportation and management for boarding persons(between and at “Chikyu”, onshore support base, helicopter base and other locations instructed by JAMSTEC) | X | |
Onshore Medical Support | 165 | Coordination of transportation to onshore medical facility (support service for medical examination) | X | |
7.7 Laboratories and scientist support (Manager) (JAMSTEC) | ||||
Operation and Maintenance of Laboratories | 166 | Floor, wall, ceiling, furniture | X | |
167 | Door, hatch (hydraulic hatch, bolted hatch) | X | ||
168 | Lighting in exposed section | X | ||
169 | Electric power supply (distributer, generator for precision voltage source) | X | ||
170 | Refrigerating machine (include refrigerating machine in Plant Room) | X | ||
171 | Air conditioning facility | X | ||
172 | Indoor pressure regulator | X | ||
173 | Water section (tap water, potable water supply equipment, distribution pipe, sink, etc.) | X | ||
174 | Installation of core container and maintenance of refrigerating machine | X | ||
175 | Installation of electricity supply, gas, alarm, telephone, water supply and sewerage of laboratory container | X | ||
176 | Elevator | X | ||
177 | Communication (e.g. maintenance of telephone, speaker and CATV system) | X | ||
178 | Cleaning (cleaning of laboratories) | X | ||
179 | Cleaning (cleaning except for laboratories, such as resting room, corridor, stairway, elevator, shower room and lavatory), separate collection of garbage | X | ||
180 | Keys (including management of master key) | X | ||
181 | Fire protection facility (fire extinguisher, smoke sensor, etc.) | X | ||
182 | Other facilities (cascade system, hazardous gas detector, etc.) | X | ||
183 | Maintenance and management of laboratory equipment and supplies | X | ||
184 | Installation of laboratory equipment outside laboratory area | X | Instruction | |
185 | Operation, maintenance and management of laboratory equipment installed outside laboratory area | X | ||
186 | Cooperation and support for work necessary for science supporter (person who is entrusted with science services regarding the management and operation of “Chikyu” by JAMSTEC) to perform tasks | X | Instruction | |
187 | Supply of stationery, paint, fluorescent lamp, light bulb, emergency lamp, soap, detergent, etc. to be used in the laboratory | X | ||
Customs | 188 | Service concerning custom clearance of laboratory equipment and supplies | X |
Clearance Service | (international cargo such as down hole measurement tools and cores) | |||
Transportation of Laboratories equipment | 189 | Transportation of laboratories equipment and supplies (between “Chikyu”, onshore support base, helicopter base and other locations instructed by JAMSTEC) | X | |
Support for Scientist | 190 | Transportation of luggage for scientist (between “Chikyu”, onshore support base, helicopter base and other locations instructed by JAMSTEC) | X | |
191 | Arrangement of transportation of scientist (arrangement of transportation for onshore support base, helicopter base and on-site place of stay) | X | ||
Disposal of Waste Fluid | 192 | Disposal of waste fluid from laboratories | X | |
7.8 HSQE (Manager) (JAMSTEC) | ||||
Establishment, Maintenance and Implementation of HSQE-MS, etc. | 193 | Basic environmental policy | X | |
194 | HSQE-MS of JAMSTEC | X | ||
195 | HSQE-MS of Manager | X | ||
196 | Emergency response plan of JAMSTEC | X | ||
197 | Emergency response plan of Manager | X | ||
198 | Vessel safety case | X | Instruction | |
199 | Ship safety plan (ISM code compliance) | X | ||
200 | Ship security plan | X | ||
Preparation of Bridging Document | 201 | Preparation of bridging document of HSQE-MS | X | X |
Furnishment of Safety Equipment | 202 | Furnishment, management, inspection and maintenance of statutory life saving equipment, statutory safety equipment and protective equipment | X | |
203 | Furnishment and management of safety equipment and clothing such as safety hats, protective clothing, safety boots, safety goggles, dust protective masks and gloves | X | ||
204 | Furnishment, management and maintenance of H2S gas detection system and third party H2S equipment | X | ||
205 | Furnishment and management of survival suit for helicopter passenger | X | ||
Safety Management | 206 | Safety management in accordance with HSQE-MS (for all boarding persons and visitors) | X | |
207 | Implementation of regular safety training | X | ||
208 | Environmental impact assessment | X | Instruction | |
209 | Risk assessment for specific work onboard “Chikyu” | X | ||
210 | Advanced safety inspection of Subcontractor | X | Instruction | |
211 | Management of Subcontractor based on HSQE-MS | X | ||
212 | Implementation of risk assessment | X | X | |
213 | Implementation of external safety assessment (holding a committee, etc.) | X |
214 | Implementation of HSQE audit | X | ||
215 | Safety induction (onboard “Chikyu” and Helicopter base) | X | ||
216 | Holding a regular on-board HSQE meeting | X | ||
8. Report (Manager) (JAMSTEC) | ||||
Vessel Operation Report | 217 | Statutory report, etc. | X | |
218 | Operation report after the completion of each voyage | X | ||
Drilling Operation Report | 219 | Daily drilling report (IADC format) | X | |
220 | Drilling report after the completion of each voyage | X | ||
221 | Provision of data necessary to prepare drilling completion report | X | ||
222 | Preparation of drilling completion report | X | ||
223 | Accident report for drilling operation | X | ||
Engineering Report | 224 | Annual maintenance and PMS (Preventive Maintenance System) report | X | |
225 | Improvement report (include drawings) | X | ||
226 | Equipment failure report | X | ||
HSQE Report | 227 | Report of minor incident, etc. | X | |
228 | Monthly HQSE performance report | X | ||
229 | Incident report (including incidents in laboratories or wharfs) | X | ||
Financial Report | 230 | Monthly budget and actual report (by the end of next month) | X | |
231 | Monthly procurement report (by the end of next month) | X | ||
232 | Monthly financial statement by (the end of next month) | X | ||
233 | Annual financial statement (within 60 days from the end of fiscal year) | X | ||
234 | Monthly cyclic stocktaking report for inventory | X | ||
235 | Stocktaking report for stock | X | Instruction | |
Final Report | 236 | Annual statement of account | X | |
237 | Final report (completion report of the entrusted service by integrating documents above) | X | ||
Other Report | 238 | CV and list of responsibility, experience, qualification for major crew | X | |
239 | Annual training program for each duty of crew | X | ||
240 | Manning plan | X | ||
9. Others (Manager) (JAMSTEC) | ||||
Others | 241 | Sharing of knowledge and technologies for the operation of “Chikyu” and drilling between Manager and JAMSTEC | X | X |
242 | Cooperation for equipment development, etc. by JAMSTEC and a third party | X | Instruction | |
243 | Proposal for improvement based on drilling experience by “Chikyu” | X | ||
244 | Contract research based on instruction by JAMSTEC (in relation to drilling engineering, etc.) | X | Instruction | |
245 | Participation for IODP international conference | X | Instruction | |
246 | Preparation and revision of operation manual and submission to JAMSTEC | X | ||
247 | Succession of services and technical guidance on the change of manager by | X | Instruction |
the expiration of contract term | ||||
248 | Any other work agreed between JAMSTEC and Manager | X | Instruction |
*1 Some of acronyms in "Other Incidental Services" in "7.1 Vessel Operation" are for systems using names particular to “Chikyu”, therefore, supplementary explanation is provided as below.
BOP: Blow Out Preventer
Emergency cutoff device connected to well head to prevent uncontrolled blowout out of well DCIS: Drilling Control and Instrumentation System
System to operate drilling equipment located at rig floor, control drilling, etc.
DPS: Dynamic Positioning System
System to automatically maintain the position and heading, etc. of a vessel IAS: Integrated Automation System
System to operate and monitor engine, ballast and various accessories IMS: Information Management System
General-purpose onboard network and server MMS: Mud Management System
System to prepare, store, etc. mud on board PMS: Power Management System
Onboard power management system RMS: Riser Management System
System to monitor conditions concerning riser such as riser tension and angle during operation
1. Entrustee is able to operate vessels in compliance with domestic laws of Japan.
2. Entrustee is able to establish and implement a Safety Management System and an HSE Management System consistent with ISM code.
3. Entrustee has experience of operating a research vessel or investigation vessel, and has the experience or the ability to operate a large ship equal to or larger than Deep-sea Scientific Drilling Vessel “Chikyu”.
4. Entrustee is able to provide crew capable of operating a vessel safely and maintaining hull, engine, etc.
(1) Entrustee is able to provide personnel with appropriate seaman's competency certificate issued by Japan.
(2) Entrustee is able to provide personnel with other statutory certificates and qualifications necessary for vessel operation and maintenance.
(3) Entrustee is able to provide personnel with the experience of steering a large ship equal to or larger than Deep-sea Scientific Drilling Vessel “Chikyu” using dynamic positioning system.
(4) Entrustee is able to secure necessary supplemental personnel to perform the service.
5. Entrustee has the experience or the ability of riser drilling by a drilling ship in a sea area with strong current (more than two knots) and deepwater (more than 1,000 meters).
6. Entrustee is able to provide drilling (operation) service all day based on the drilling program instructed by JAMSTEC.
7. Entrustee is able to provide drilling staff in accordance with the drilling program instructed by JAMSTEC.
(1) Entrustee is able to provide personnel with the necessary qualifications for the drilling operation.
(2) Entrustee is able to provide senior drilling staff (Offshore Installation Manager, tool pusher and driller) with experience of ocean drilling.
(3) Entrustee is able to secure necessary supplemental personnel to perform the service.
8. Entrustee is able to arrange and procure equipment, materials, and spare parts (including consumables) in accordance with the drilling program instructed by JAMSTEC.
9. Entrustee has the experience or the capability to provide an integrated service of the third party.
10. Entrustee is able to operate ocean drilling both within and outside Japan.
* If it is difficult to comply with the whole requirements above by a company, such company may bid on the premise of establishing a joint venture or re-entrusting services other than vessel operation; provided that such company is going to build uniform management and responsibility- taking system.