General Conditions for international transportation of passenger and baggage
旅客、行李 国际运输总条件
General Conditions for international transportation of passenger and baggage
(CCAR-121 部)、《危险品规则》等其他现行有效的相关法律、法规制订。 总条件是四川航空股份有限公司国际旅客运输合同的一部分,是川航公司
2017 年 12 月 01 日
目 录
第 一 章 定 义 … 01
第 二 章 适 用 范 围 04
第 三 章 客 票 … 05
第 四 章 票 价 和 费 用 … 09
第 五 章 定 座 … 10
第 六 章 购 票 … 11
第 七 章 乘 机 … 12
第 八 章 行 李 运 输 13
第 九 章 班 期 时 刻 、 航 班 取 消 及 变 更 22
第 十 章 客 票 变 更 23
第 十 一 章 退 票 … 24
第 十 二 章 航 空 器 上 的 行 为 … 27
第 十 三 章 拒 绝 运 输 和 限 制 运 输 … 28
第 十 四 章 附 加 服 务 安 排 … 29
第 十 五 章 行 政 手 续 30
第 十 六 章 旅 客 服 务 30
第 十 七 章 连 续 承 运 人 … 31
第 十 八 章 损 失 责 任 31
第 十 九 章 生 效 与 修 改 … 33
第 一 章 定 义
第一条 四川航空股份有限公司《旅客、行李国际运输总条件》(以下简称“条件”)中的下列用语,除具体条款中有其他要求或另有明确规定外,含义如下:
(二)“公约”是指根据合同规定适用于该项运输的 1929 年 10 月 12 日在华沙签订的《统一国际航空运输某些规则的公约》(简称“华沙公约”)、 1955 年 9 月 28 日在海牙签订的《修改一九二九年十月十二日在华沙签订的统
一国际航空运输某些规则的公约的议定书》(简称“海牙议定书”)以及 1999 年
5 月 28 在蒙特利尔签订的《统一国际航空运输某些规则的公约》(简称“蒙特利尔公约”)。
(六)“授权销售服务代理人”: 指经川航授权并代表川航,在授权范围内销售川航的航空运输服务(产品)的客运销售代理企业。
(九)“婴儿”是指在旅行开始之日,出生满十四天(含)以上,但年龄未满二周岁的人(出生不满 14 天的婴儿不予承运)。
(二十九) “实际离站时间”指航班旅客登机后,机组得到空管部门许可撤去航空器最后一个轮档这一动作的时间;
第二章 适用范围
第三章 客 票第一节 一般规定
第三条 川航客票是川航和客票上所列姓名的旅客之间运输合同的初步证据。川航只向持有川航或与川航签有联运协议的航空公司票证的旅客提供运输,而且可以要求旅客出示相应有效的身份证件。川航客票中的合同条件是川航运输条件部分条款的概述。
第四条 客票不得转让。如果客票不是由有权乘机或退票的人出示,而川航按规定向出示该客票的人提供了运输或退款,川航对原客票有权乘机或退票的人,不承担责任。
第五条 某些以优惠票价销售的客票,可以退还部分票款或不得退票。旅客应选择最适合自身需要的票价进行购买。
第六条 客票使用要求:
第七条 客票上承运人的名称可以使用缩语代码。
第二节 客票的有效期
第三节 客票有效期的延长
第四节 纸质客票遗失
第十条 一般规定
第十一条 遗失客票的报失
(四)如遗失客票被冒用或冒退,川航不承担责任。第十二条 遗失客票的补开及退款期限
第五节 票联的顺序和使用
第 六 节 超 售
第四章 票价和费用
第十四条 票价的适用
(四)使用特种票价的客票,应符合该特种票价规定的条件。第十五条 路线
第十六条 税款和费用
第十七条 付款方式
第 五 章 定 座
第十八条 定座基本要求
(三)川航可以在必要时暂停接受某一航班的定座。第十九条 特殊旅客定座
第二十条 购票期限
如果旅客未在川航规定的购票时限内交付票款,川航有权取消其定座。第二十一条 个人资料
(三)旅客如拒绝提供个人资料,川航有权不予定座。第二十二条 取消座位
第 六 章 购 票
第二十三条 一般规定
(五)重病旅客、孕妇(怀孕 32 周以上)购票,应持有县、市级(或相当于这一级)及以上医疗单位出具的医生诊断证明,经川航同意后,方可购票。怀孕超过 36 周(含)的孕妇,不予运输。
(七)不满 5 周岁的儿童乘机必须有年满 18 周岁具有完全民事行为能力的成人陪同。有成人陪伴儿童乘机时,应购买与其陪伴人相同舱位服务等级的机票。
第 七 章 乘 机
第二十四条 一般规定
(三)各机场的截止办理乘机手续时间并不一致,如旅客对川航航班出港机场截止办理乘机手续时间不了解,应提前向销售人员进行咨询或登录川航官方网站 xxxx:// 查询。旅客应预留充足的时间办理乘机登机手续。如果旅客未在规定的航班截止办理乘机手续时间之前办理乘机手续,川航有权取消旅客的定座。
(五)乘机前,旅客及其行李和免费随身携带物品必须经过安全检查。第二十五条 机上座位安排
(三)飞机应急出口处的座位必须由川航指定安排。第二十六条 旅客漏乘或错乘
第八章 行李运输第一节 一般规定
第二十七条 川航承运的行李,按照运输责任分为托运行李和非托运行李。第二十八条 不得作为行李运输的物品
4、额定能量超过 160Wh 或生产厂家召回的有安全缺陷的或标识不清、无明确生产厂家厂商或无法确认额定能量/锂金属含量的充电宝、锂电池(电动轮椅使用的锂电池的运输标准按照川航相关规定办理);
5、酒精体积百分含量大于 70的酒精饮料;
第二十九条 不得作为托运行李的物品
11、旅行证件、医疗证明、X 光片;
第三十条 限制运输的物品
第三十一条 拒绝运输权
第三十二条 检查权
第二节 行李托运
第三十三条 旅客托运行李必须符合下列要求:
第三节 免费行李额第三十四条 免费行李额
1、不占座位的婴儿旅客可免费托运 1 件行李,重量不超过 10 千克(22 磅),
体积(三边之和)不超过 115 厘米(45 英寸),并可免费托运 1 辆全折叠的轻便婴儿车或婴儿手推车。
李的三边之和不得超过 300 厘米(118 英寸)。
1、对于涉及英国或英联邦国家(例如加拿大、澳大利亚等)航线,单件托运行李的最大重量不得超过 32 千克(70 磅)。
2、其他航线,应遵循当地法律规定,无明确规定的,单件托运行李的最大重量不得超过 45 千克(100 磅)。
3、超过上述重量限制的行李,应作为货物运输。第三十五条 非托运行李的限制
每位公务舱和经济舱旅客可随身携带一件行李,重量不得超过 5 公斤。上
述每件行李三边之和不得超过 115 厘米(20×40×55),并可臵于客舱行李箱内或座椅下并可臵于客舱行李箱内或座椅下。如不能以上述方式放臵,或由于超重超大的原因,或出于安全方面的考虑,则应当作为托运行李运输。
第三十六条 旅客的托运行李和非托运行李均应在办理乘机手续时交川航计重或计件,并将重量和件数填入“客票及行李票”的相应栏内。托运行李在运输期间由川航负责照顾,非托运行李在运输期间由旅客自行照管。
第四节 逾重(超限)行李
第五节 行李声明价值
第三十八条 一般规定
(一)旅客的托运行李,每公斤价值超过 30 美元或等值的其他货币时,可办理行李声明价值,并支付行李声明价值附加费。
(二)托运行李的声明价值不能超过行李本身的实际价值。每一旅客的行李声明价值最高限额为 5000 美元( 或等值人民币及其它货币金额)。如川航对声明价值有异议而旅客又拒绝接受检查时,川航有权拒绝收运。
(四)川航按照旅客声明的价值中超过本条(一)规定限额部分的价值的 5‰收取声明价值附加费。
第三十九条 如果声明价值行李的部分运输由不提供行李声明价值服务的其他承运人承担时,川航有权拒绝提供托运行李的声明价值服务。
第六节 小动物、服务犬
第四十条 小动物是指家庭饲养的狗、猫、鸟或其他玩赏宠物。野生动物和具有形体怪异或者具有攻击性、易于伤人等特性的动物,如蛇、藏獒、斗牛犬等,不属于小动物范围,不能作为行李运输。不适合航空旅行的小动物(包括短鼻犬、短鼻猫类动物;斗犬;对高温高空环境不适的犬种如萨摩耶犬等)不得作为行李运输,但残疾旅客携带进入客舱的服务犬不受此项限制。承运人有权决定小动物是否属于可运输的范围及宠物运输的方式,并且有权限制一架飞机运输宠物的数量。
第四十一条 旅客携带小动物,应符合下列规定:
第四十二条 旅客携带的小动物及容器和食物,应当作为托运行李交川航,并按逾重(超限)行李交付运费。除经川航特许外,不能带入客舱。
第四十四条 除非川航有过失,川航对运输途中小动物的受伤、丢失、延误、患病或者死亡不承担责任。旅客应对运输上述小动物(包括服务犬)承担全部责任。如小动物因被拒绝入境或者过境而造成的受伤、丢失、延误、患病或者死亡,川航不承担责任。
第七节 行李交付
第四十六条 行李交付
保管费。对于旅客行李中的易腐物品,川航有权在行李到达 24 小时后予以处理。
第四十七条 无人认领的行李
自行x到达的次日起,超过 90 日仍无人认领,川航可按照无法交付行李的有关规定处理。
第四十八条 行李不正常运输的处理
第四十九条 行李赔偿
(1)没有购物发票等充分证据证明的情况下,每名旅客托运行李和非托运行李的最高限额为每公斤 30 美元。
(2)如证据充分,则每名旅客托运行李和非托运行李的最高限额为 1131 特别提款权。
(1)赔偿限额为:每公斤 17 特别提款权。
(2)非托运行李的赔偿限额为 332 特别提款权。
5、特别提款权是指由国际货币基金组织规定的特别提款权,1 个特别提款权价值约等于 1.37 美元,它的比价是浮动的,川航以实际承运旅客日期汇率折算等价货币。
(二)索赔和诉讼的时限 1、提出异议时限
第九章 班期时刻、航班取消及变更第五十条 班期时刻
第五十一条 航班取消及变更
第五十二条 非自愿变更航班的处理
第五十三条 自愿变更航班的处理按照川航适用的业务通告处理。
第五十四条 川航将采取一切必要的措施来避免旅客以及旅客的行李延误。如川航已经采取了一切必要的措施或不可能采取该措施的,川航不承担责任。
第十章 客票变更
第五十五条 非自愿变更
(超限)xxx和其他服务费用的差额多退少不补。第五十六条 自愿改变舱位等级、航班、日期 按照川航适用的运价通告相关规定办理。
第五十七条 签转
第 十 一 章 退 票
第五十八条 一般规定
(二)旅客要求退票,除遗失客票的情况外,必须凭纸质客票未使用的全部乘机联和旅客联、付款凭据,如客票为连续客票的应提供完整的连续客票,方可办理退票。对于电子客票,最迟应在开始旅行之日起(客票第一航段未使用的,从填开之日起)十三个月内办理且票联状态必须为 OPEN FOR USE,旅客提供付款凭据的情况下,才予以办理退票。
(三)电子客票退票时必须提供已打印的行程单。第五十九条 退票受款人
第六十条 退票期限
第六十一条 退票地点
(一)旅客要求退票原则上应在原付款地办理退款,换开过的客票也可在换开地办理退款。旅客非自愿退票,可在原购票地、航班始发地、经停地、终止旅行地的川航售票处或引起非自愿退票事件发生地的川航授权销售代理人处办理。如因非自愿原因旅客在原出票地点以外的其它地点要求退款,接受异地退款的部门应取得原出票地点的授权,并根据原出票地点所提供的退款金额用当日的 BBR(银行买入价)换算成退款地货币退款。
(二)持不定期客票的旅客要求退票,只限在原购票的售票处办理。第六十二条 货币
第六十三条 非自愿退票
第六十四条 自愿退票
第六十五条 退款至信用卡或借记卡
第六十六条 拒绝退票:
(四)客票上注明不得退票。第六十七条 退回税款
第六十八条 旅客因病退票,均按自愿退票规定办理。
第六十九条 如无特别说明,儿童按成人标准扣除退票手续费,婴儿不收取退
第十二章 航空器上的行为
第七十条 如果旅客在飞机上的行为危及到飞机或飞机上任何人或财产的安全,或妨碍机组人员履行职责,或不遵守机组的指示,或有其他旅客有理由反对的行为,川航可以采取其认为必要的措施,以阻止该行为的继续,包括对旅客实施管束。旅客有可能在任何地点被要求下机并被拒绝续运,而且有可能因机舱内的不当行为被起诉。
第七十一条 便携式电子设备的禁用和限制
第七十二条 航班禁烟
第七十三条 酒精饮料限制
飞机上,除川航供应的含酒精饮料外,不得饮用其他含酒精饮料。第七十四条 安全带
第十三章 拒绝运输和限制运输
第七十五条 川航出于安全原因或根据自己合理的判断,认为属下列情形之一的,有权拒绝运输旅客及其行李:
1、怀孕超过 9 个月(36 周及以上)的孕妇。
2、未满 14 天的初生儿。
(十二)旅客未能遵守本条件关于票联按顺序使用的规定,或者出示的客票不是由川航或川航的授权销售服务代理人填开或更改的,或者客票已被损毁;第七十六条 对被拒绝运输旅客的安排
(四)对由于第七十六条 (十一)、(十二)款原因被拒绝运输的旅客,川航保留扣留其客票的权利。
第七十七条 限制运输
第十四章 附加服务安排
第七十八条 如果我们为您安排由第三方提供的航空运输之外的服务,或者我们为您出具地面运输、旅馆预订或者车辆租赁等由第三方提供的(非航空的)运输或者服务的票证或者收款凭证,在安排上述附加服务时,我们仅作为您的代理,而对于您能否得到此类服务及其服务质量不承担责任。第三方服务提供者的条款和条件适用于该服务。
第十五章 行政手续
第七十九条 旅客必须遵守出发地国家、过境国、到达地国家的所有法律、规定、命令、要求、旅行条件以及川航有关规定。对于任何川航的代理人或雇员向旅客为获得必要的文件和签证,或为遵守上述法律、规定、命令、要求和条件而提供的任何帮助或信息,川航不承担责任;对于因此导致旅客不能获得此类文件或签证,或因此未能遵守有关法律、规定、命令、要求、条件或规则,川航也不承担任何责任。
第八十条 旅客应出示有关国家的法律、规定、命令、要求或条件所要求的出境、入境、健康和其他必要文件,并允许川航持有和保留其副本。对于为遵守国家法律、规定、命令、要求或条件;或旅客证件不符合要求的;或不允许川航持有和保留其证件副本的旅客,川航保留拒绝载运的权利。
第八十一条 川航遵照政府的命令将被拒绝过境或入境的旅客运回至始发地点或其它地点时,该旅客应支付所产生的费用。川航可用已付给川航的未被使用的航段票款,或旅客已支付给川航的任何资金来抵付此费用。已收取用于运送至拒绝入境点或遣返点的费用,川航将不办理退款。
第八十二条 如果由于旅客未能遵守有关国家的法律、规定、命令、要求和旅行条件或未能出具所要求的文件,导致川航被要求支付或抵押罚金或负担任何的开支,旅客应按川航的要求偿还川航已付的费用或抵押金和全部因此而产生的费用。为支付这些费用川航可以使用旅客已支付给川航的未使用航段票款或该旅客已支付给川航的任何资金。
第八十三条 海关和其他政府官员需要检查旅客的行李时,旅客应当到场。对旅客未能遵守此要求而遭受的任何损失,川航不承担责任。
第八十四条 旅客应接受政府或机场官员或川航的任何安全检查。
第十六章 旅客服务
第八十五条 除另有规定外,机上供应的餐食由川航免费提供。但川航不能保证提供超过规定的品种和数量的餐食服务。
第八十六条 除非另有规定,川航不为旅客提供机场区域内、机场与机场之间或机场与市区之间等地面运输。对于此项服务提供者的行为,或任何川航
第八十七条 旅客在联程航班衔接地点的地面膳宿费用,应由旅客自理。第八十八条 在航空运输过程中,旅客发生疾病时,川航应积极采取措施,
第八十九条 不正常航班的服务
第十七章 连续承运人
第九十条 由几个连续的承运人根据一本客票或连续客票共同承担的运输,视为一个单一运输。
第十八章 损失赔偿责任
第九十一条 川航对旅客的运输责任受本运输条件约束,与旅客航程有关的其它承运人对旅客的运输责任受其各自的运输条件约束。
第九十二条 在运输过程中,川航仅对发生在川航承运的航班上的损失承担责任。如果川航为其它承运人的航班(含非川航实际承运的代码共享航班)填开客票或者办理托运行李,仅作为该承运人的代理人,并履行告知乘客实际承运人的义务,但是,对于托运行李,旅客可以向客票或行李票上列明的第一或者最后承运人索赔。对于非川航实际承运的航班(含代码共享航班),如发生航班变更、延误、取消、超售、行李破损或丢失、人身损害等情况,由实际承运人承担相应的赔偿责任,川航可协助旅客联系实际承运人。
第九十三条 对于因川航遵守适用的法律、政府规则和规定,或由于旅客不遵守上述法律、政府规则和规定而给旅客造成的损害,川航不承担责任。
第九十四条 除本条件另有规定外,按照适用公约的规定,川航对旅客可补偿的损害仅限于经证实的损失和费用。
第九十五条 如果损害是由于旅客的过失造成或者促成的,应当按照适用的法律,相应免除或者减轻川航对损失承担的责任。
第九十六条 川航的运输合同,包括本条件以及免除或限制责任的条款,同样适用于川航的授权代理人和受雇人。在任何情况下,从川航及川x的授权代理人和受雇人获取的赔偿总额不得超过川航的责任限额。
第九十七条 除非有明确规定,本条件不应使川航放弃适用根据公约或适用法律的任何免除或限制川航责任的规定。
第九十八条 川航对因旅客的身体状况引起或者加重的任何疾病、受伤或致残,包括死亡,不承担责任。
第九十九条 川航对因旅客的行李或内装物品导致的任何损害不承担责任。旅客的行李或内装物品对他人、他人的财产包括其它行李或其内装物品和川航的财产造成损害的,旅客应当承担责任。
第一百零条 川航对于根据本条件第二十九条所规定的不允许放在托运行李中的物品,无论其损害如何,均不承担责任。
第一百零一条 关于赔偿责任限额的适用
第一百零二条 公约关于赔偿责任限额的规定
(二)1999 年《蒙特利尔公约》
1、对每名旅客不超过 11.31 万特别提款权的旅客伤亡赔偿责任,适用公约第二十条和第二十一条第一款的规定。
2、对于产生的损害赔偿每名旅客超过 11.31 万特别提款权的部分,承运人证明有下列情形的,不应当承担责任:
第十九章 生效与修改
第一百零三条 x条件自发布之日起生效并实施。
第一百零四条 川航有权依照中国民航局规定的程序,不经预先通知修改本条件中的任何条款。但此修改不适用于修改前已经开始的运输。
第一百零五条 川航的代理人、雇员或代表均无权变更、修改或放弃本条件中的任何条款。
第一百零六条 x条件解释权属四川航空股份有限公司。
General Conditions of International Carriage for Passengers and Baggage
Statement of the General Manager
General Conditions of International Carriage for Passengers and Baggage of Sichuan Airlines is developed in accordance with Montreal Convention, Warsaw Convention, Civil Aviation Law of the People’s Republic of China, Civil Aviation Regulations on International Carriage for Passengers and Baggage, Operation Certification: Large Airplanes Air Carrier (CCAR-121), Dangerous Goods Regulations and other current applicable laws, rules and regulations.
General Conditions are one part of the contract of international carriage for passengers of Sichuan Airlines, the regulatory document at company level of Sichuan Airlines, and the described guidelines, policies, provisions and standards of international carriage of passengers and baggage are the tenet and criteria all staff and ground service agent must abide by in ticketing and ground service of international carriage for passengers. Each department and person engaged in international carriage for passengers and baggage, including branch, sales department, representative office and ground agent, must strictly follow and carry out the General Conditions.
The issuance of General Conditions will instruct and improve the standardization, normalization and programming of ticketing, check-in service, and baggage transportation etc. in the international passenger carriage of Sichuan Airlines, and ensure constant improvement of flight operation safety, regularity and service of Sichuan Airlines.
Sichuan Airlines
General Manager:
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Definitions ································ | ·························· | 01 | ||
Chapter 2 Applicability································ | ························ | 05 | ||
Chapter 3 Tickets································ | ······························· | 06 | ||
Chapter 4 Fares, Fees and Charges ································ | ·········· | 13 | ||
Chapter 5 Reservations ································ | ························ | 14 | ||
Chapter 6 Ticketing ································ | ···························· | 15 | ||
Chapter 7 Check-in and Boarding ································ | ··········· | 17 | ||
Chapter 8 Baggage ································ | ····························· | 18 | ||
Chapter 9 Schedules, Cancellation, Alterations of Flights················ | 32 | |||
Chapter 10 Changes to Tickets ································ ··············· | 34 | |||
Chapter 11 Refunds ································ ···························· | 35 | |||
Chapter 12 Conduct aboard Aircraft ································ | ······· | 39 | ||
Chapter 13 Refusal and Limitation of Carriage ···························· | 40 | |||
Chapter 14 Arrangement of Extra Service ································ | ·· | 42 | ||
Chapter 15 Administrative Formalities································ | ······ | 43 | ||
Chapter 16 Passenger Services ································ | ··············· | 44 | ||
Chapter 17 Successive Carrier ································ | ··············· | 45 | ||
Chapter 18 Liability for Damage································ | ············· | 45 | ||
Chapter 19 Effectiveness and Modification ································ | 47 |
Chapter 1 Definitions
Article 1 The following terms used in General Conditions of International Carriage for Passengers and Baggage of Sichuan Airlines Co., Ltd (hereafter referred to as “the Conditions”) are defined as follows unless otherwise specified:
(1) SCAL refers to Sichuan Airlines Co., Ltd. On the ticket, the word code of Sichuan Airlines is 3U.
(2) Convention refers to whichever of the following instruments that is applicable: The Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air (“Warsaw Convention” for short), signed at Warsaw, 12 October 1929; The Warsaw Convention as amended at The Hague (“Hague Protocol” for short) on 28 September 1955; and The Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air (“Montreal Convention” for short), done at Montreal on 28 May 1999.
(3) International Carriage refers to air carriage in accordance with air carriage contract between SCAL and the passenger, whether there is a break or transfer in the transportation or not, of which the origin, appointed stopover or destination is not located in the People’s Republic of China.
(4) SCAL’s Regulations refers to rules, other than the Conditions, published by SCAL and in effect on date of publication, governing carriage of passengers and/or baggage and shall include any applicable tariffs in force.
(5) Carrier refers to the public air carriage company which issues air tickets, carries or undertakes to carry the passengers and baggage listed in air tickets.
Ticketing Carrier refers to the carrier whose numeric code is indicated in flight coupon or valuable coupon of electronic ticket sales. Ticketing carrier shall be the controller and authorizer of electronic ticket sales.
Marketing Carrier refers to the carrier whose airline designator code is recorded in flight coupon or valuable coupon of electronic ticket as the carrier that operates.
Operating Carrier refers to the carrier that performs the actual air carriage and
additional services. When there are certain bilateral agreements, such as code sharing agreement, operating carrier and marketing carrier may not be the same.
(6) Authorized Sales Service Agent refers to a passenger transport sales agent enterprise, which has been authorized by SCAL to represent SCAL in the sales of SCAL air transport service (products) within the authorized limits.
Authorized Ground Service Agent refers to an enterprise, which has been authorized by SCAL to provide ground service agent business for the passengers and baggage of the flight that SCAL actually operates within the authorized limits.
(7) Passenger refers to any person, except for the crewmembers, carried or to be carried in a civil aviation aircraft with the consent of SCAL.
(8) Child refers to any person with the age from 2 to 11 years old on the date of commencement of travel.
(9) Infant refers to any person with no less than 14 days after birth, but is under the age of 2 on the date of commencement of travel (do not transport the infant within 14 days after birth).
(10) Ticket refers to entitled document issued or accepted by the carrier or its authorized agent, including paper ticket and electronic ticket. A paper ticket refers to the “Passenger Ticket and Baggage Check” issue by the carrier or on behalf of the carrier, and includes the conditions of contract, statement and notices and the flight and passenger coupons contained therein. An electronic ticket refers to the entitled carriage document issue by the carrier or its authorized agent in electronic data form and is the electronic substitution of paper ticket.
(11) Conjunction Ticket refers to a ticket issued by one carrier in conjunction with another ticket which together constitutes a single contract of carriage.
(12) Flight Coupon refers to that portion of the ticket that bears the notation "good for passage", or in the case of an electronic ticket, refers to flight information stored in the airlines database in the form of electronic data, and indicates the particular places between which you are entitled to be carried.
(13) Passenger Coupon or Passenger Receipt refers to the portion of ticket
issued by or on behalf of SCAL and which is so marked and ultimately to be retained by passenger .
(14) Itinerary/Receipt refers to a document the carrier issues as a Ticket to passengers traveling on electronic tickets that contains the passenger’s name, flight information etc., and will not be used as document for airport security check and boarding. Each electronic ticket has one itinerary, which should be printed within one month after the departure of the flight. The passengers should properly keep the ticket for the case of refund.
(15) Day refers to calendar days, including all seven days of the week. Provided that, for the purpose of notification, the day upon which notice is dispatched shall not be counted; and provided further that for the purposes of determining duration of validity, the day upon which the ticket is issued, or the day upon which flight commenced, shall not be counted.
(16) Tariffs mean the fares, charges and relevant carriage rules published by carriers. When necessary, tariffs must be approved by relevant departments.
(17) Normal Fare refers to the highest fare established for a business, premium economy class, and economy class of valid adult fare. Children’s fare and infants’ fare that are established as a percentage of a normal fare are also considered to be normal fares.
(18) Special Fare refers to any fare other than a normal fare.
(19) Reservation refers to the reservation of seat and service class, or the weight and size of baggage appointed by passenger.
(20) Endorsement refers to change of marketing carrier.
(21) Change fee refers to the charge for passenger’s voluntary request of changing their original flight reservation, including flights, date, cabin and validity, etc.
(22) Overbooking refers to that the seats have been sold exceed the available seats of the flight before check in.
(23) Spillage refers to the spillage of passengers on a flight because of the aircraft type change or flight mergence caused by machinery or aircraft readjustment and etc.
(24) Code-Sharing Flight refers to some flights of which there is an agreement between SCAL and other carriers, which is called “code-sharing”, which refers to the case that even though the passenger books the flight with the name of SCAL or the airlines code (3U), he/she may take the civil aviation aircraft actually operated by another carrier. When this situation occurs, SCAL will inform passengers of the actual carrier when passengers book the flight.
(25) Agree Transition Point refers to the point of stay, other than the origin and
destination, stipulated in the ticket or flight schedule of carrier.
(26) Stopover refers to a scheduled stop at a certain point between origin and destination arranged by passenger and with the consent of carrier in advance.
(27) Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) refers to SDRs specified by International Monetary Fund (IMF).
(28) Deadline time for check-in refers to the latest time stipulated for passenger by operating carrier to finish the check-in formalities and claim the boarding pass.
(29) Actual departure time refers to the time of the clearance that the flight crew receives from the ATC to remove the last block of the aircraft. The scheduled departure time refers to the time authorized by the flight schedule management unit, which is published in the flight schedule sheet and listed on the ticket by the airlines.
(30) No-show refers to passenger’s failure to board the aircraft because they fail to finish check-in formalities before stipulated check-in deadline or because their travel documents xxx’t meet the requirements.
(31) Mis-catch refers to passenger’s failure to board the aircraft after finishing check-in formalities at the origin airport or transit airport.
(32) Wrong Boarding refers to passenger’s boarding a flight different from the
one listed in the ticket.
(33) Baggage refers to such articles, effects and other personal property of the passenger as are necessary or appropriate for wear, use, comfort or convenience in connection with the trip, and includes both checked and unchecked baggage of the passenger.
(34) Baggage Check refers to those portions of the ticket, which relate to the carriage of the passenger’s check-in baggage.
(35) Checked Baggage refers to baggage of which carrier takes sole custody from passengers with a baggage check and for which carrier has issued a baggage identification label.
(36) Unchecked Baggage refers to any baggage of the passenger other than checked baggage and under custody of the passenger, including carry-on baggage and seat-taking baggage.
(37) Baggage Tag refers to a document issued by carrier solely for identification of checked baggage.
(38) Damage includes death, injury, delay, loss, partial loss or other damage of whatsoever nature arising out of or in connection with carriage or other services incidental thereto performed by carrier.
(39) Force Majeure refers to an unusual and unforeseeable circumstance beyond control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all due care had been exercised.
Chapter 2 Applicability
Article 2
(1) General Rules
1. Except as provided in (2), (3) and (4) of this article, these conditions apply to all international transport of passengers and baggage with civil aviation aircraft operated by SCAL for charges and the code sharing flight or flight leg that SCAL acts as the actual carrier.
2. These conditions also apply to gratuitous and reduced fare carriage except to the extent that SCAL has provided otherwise in its Regulations or in the relevant contracts, passes or tickets.
3. These conditions also apply to the special international services except that government has provided applicable regulations, or that SCAL has provided
otherwise in the relevant contracts, passes or tickets.
4. Code sharing
SCAL exercises code sharing with other carriers on some flight, which refers to that you may get on an airplane of another carrier with the ticket of SCAL. In this case, when you reserve the seat, we will notify you about the actual carrier.
5. Miscellaneous Conditions
1) These Conditions of Carriage refer to transportation between Mainland China and Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR, and Taiwan region.
2 ) These Conditions of Carriage are written in the Chinese and English languages. If there is any discrepancy between these two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
(2) If carriage is performed pursuant to SCAL charter agreement, the Conditions apply only to the extent they are incorporated by reference by the terms of the charter agreement and the charter ticket into the contract of carriage.
(3) To the extent that any provision contained or referred to herein is contrary to anything contained in the Convention, where applicable and any applicable laws, government regulations, orders or requirements, such provision shall not apply. The invalidity of any such provision shall not affect the validity of any other provision contained or referred to herein.
(4) Except for special agreements as provided in specific contract, in the event of inconsistency between these Conditions and SCAL’s regulations, the Conditions shall prevail.
Chapter 3 Tickets
3.1 General Rules
Article 3 The ticket constitutes prima facie evidence of the contract of carriage between SCAL and the passenger named on the ticket. SCAL will provide carriage only to the passenger holding such ticket issued by SCAL or the airlines that have signed interline agreement with SCAL. SCAL can request passengers to present
corresponding effective identification certificate. The conditions of contract contained in the ticket are a summary of some of the provisions of these conditions of SCAL.
Article 4 A ticket is not transferable. If a ticket is presented by someone other than the person entitled to be carried there under or to a refund in connection therewith, SCAL shall not be liable to the person so entitled if in good faith it provides carriage or makes a refund to the person presenting the ticket.
Article 5 Some tickets are sold at Special fares which may be partially or completely non-refundable. You shall choose the fare that best suits to your needs.
Article 6 Requirements for Ticket Using
(1) In the event of using a paper ticket, a person shall not be entitled to be carried on a flight unless that person presents a ticket valid and duly issued in accordance with SCAL’s Regulations and containing the flight coupon for the flight and all other unused flight coupons and the passenger coupon. A passenger shall furthermore not be entitled to be carried if the ticket presented is mutilated or if it has been altered otherwise than by SCAL or its authorized agents.
(2) SCAL will honor flight coupons only in sequence from the place of commencement of travel as shown on the ticket.
(3) Passenger’s name on the ticket must be the same with the identity information provided by the passenger; passengers shall present the effective travel certificate used for purchasing the ticket, otherwise SCAL has the right to refuse carrying the passenger.
(4) For electronic tickets, if the coupon of the sector which passenger requests to check in is not unused and valid, SCAL has the right to refuse carrying the passenger.
(5) Each flight coupon or electronic coupon will be accepted for carriage in the class of service specified therein on the date and flight for which accommodation has been reserved. When flight coupons or electronic coupons are issued without a reservation being specified thereon, SCAL or its authorized agents will reserve the space on application subject to the conditions of the relevant fare and the availability of space on the flight applied for.
Article 7 The name of carrier on the ticket may use abbreviation code.
3.2 Period of Validity
Article 8
(1) A normal fare ticket is valid for carriage for one year from the date of commencement of travel, or if no portion of the ticket is used or the ticket is an open ticket, from the date of issuance thereof.
(2) The validity of a ticket is counted from the midnight (included) on the date of commencement, or from the midnight (included) on the date of issuance, till the 24 hours (not included) on the date of expiration.
(3) Passenger must finish all the sectors listed in the ticket within the period of validity. If the special fare ticket has special stipulation on travel dates, passenger must finish all the sectors listed within the period of validity stipulated.
(4) Period of validity of tickets with more than one sector shall be calculated from the date of commencement of the first travel under the ticket.
3.3 Extension of Validity
Article 9
(1) If a passenger is prevented from traveling within the period of validity of the ticket because of one of the following reason by SCAL, the validity of such passenger’ ticket will be extended until SCAL’s first flight on which space is available in the class of service for which the fare has been paid.
1. SCAL cancels the flight on which the passenger holds a reservation;
2. SCAL omits a scheduled stop, being the passenger’s place of departure, place of destination or a stopover;
3. SCAL fails to operate a flight reasonably according to schedule;
4. SCAL causes the passenger to miss a connection of reserved flight;
5. SCAL changes the class of service;
6. SCAL is unable to provide previous reserved seat.
(2) If a passenger holding normal fare ticket or special fare ticket with same validity as normal fare ticket is prevented from traveling within the period of validity of the ticket because SCAL fails to provide the flight seat of the ticket for the passenger, the validity of such passenger’s ticket will be extended until SCAL’s first flight on which space is available in the class of service for which the fare has been paid, but may not exceed 7 days.
(3) When a passenger after having commenced his or her journey is prevented from traveling within the period of validity of the ticket by reason of illness, he/she shall present the medical certificate issue by SCAL-accepted medical organization(county, city level or equivalent level) before specified flight takeoff time, SCAL will decide whether to extend the period of validity of such passenger’s tickets and tickets of the passenger’s accompanying persons in accordance with SCAL’s regulations applicable to the fare paid.
(4) In the event of death of a passenger enroute, the tickets of his or her accompanying persons may be modified by extending the validity, or refunded in accordance with involuntary refunds regulations. Any such modification and refund shall be made upon receipt of a proper death certificate and any such extension of validity shall not be for a period longer than 45 days from the date of death shown on the death certificate.
3.4 Loss of Paper Ticket Article 10 General Rules
Passenger shall be liable for the loss of unused tickets, flight coupons, miscellaneous charges orders or exchange coupons of MCO, or any other documents for transportation. SCAL will not be responsible for any effect on such passenger’s itinerary. SCAL will decide whether or not to refund, replace such documents in accordance with its concerned regulations and certain condition. Passenger has no right to claim that SCAL must refund or replace such tickets or documents.
Article 11 Report of Loss of Ticket
(1) In case of loss or mutilation of a ticket, or part thereof, or non-presentation of a ticket containing the passenger coupon and all unused flight coupons, the passenger must report in writing to SCAL or its authorized agents. Such passenger shall complete the form of “Application of Lost Ticket”. Formalities of reporting the loss of group tickets must be done before the deadline time of check-in. Report of loss cannot be done on tickets of charter flights.
(2) When reporting for loss of a ticket, the passenger must present his/her valid identity document, advise the date and place of issuance and the agent coupon or its copy of the original ticket, and present proof of loss issued by the public security department where the ticket is lost and other data or proof satisfactory to SCAL. If the reporter is not the passenger, valid identity documents of the reporter and the passenger must be presented.
(3) The application for report of loss of a ticket shall be handled as soon as possible within the period of validity of the ticket.
(4) If someone other than the person entitled to be carried or to be refunded has traveled with or refunded the ticket, SCAL shall not be liable to the person so entitled.
Article 12 Re-issuance of Lost Ticket and Deadline for Refunding
(1) On principle, a fixed ticket, once lost, cannot be allowed to be reissued. But on special occasions, after it’s approved by SCAL’s direct sales department which deals with the loss report, and after the passenger provides proofs in accordance with Article 11 of the Conditions confirmed by SCAL, it is allowed to reissue a ticket on original flights if the following requirements are met:
1. Passenger fills Application of Loss Report for tickets of Sichuan Airlines Co,
2. Xxxxxxxxx declares to agree to compensate for any damage caused thereby to
SCAL, including the damage caused by others’ using or refunding the lost ticket, and the necessary lawsuit fees.
(2) An open ticket or MCO, once lost, can only applied for refund and cannot be
applied for re-issuance.
(3) SCAL has the right to refuse to reissue lost tickets which have not been confirmed. In that case if passenger requests to continue to travel, passenger shall purchase a new ticket at fares applicable then.
(4) The deadline for refunding tickets purely operated by SCAL is 60 days after 13 months from the date of commencement of travel, or the date of issuance if no portion has been used; if any sector is operated by another carrier than SCAL, the deadline for refunding is 60 days after 18 months from the date of commencement of travel; Within this period, if someone other than the person entitled to be carried or to be refunded has traveled with or refunded the ticket, SCAL shall not be liable to refund to the person so entitled.
(5) If printed itinerary of e-ticket is lost because of reasons of passengers, according to Temporary Regulations on Itineraries of E-tickets of Air Carriage, it cannot be re-printed.
3.5 Sequence and Usage of Coupons
Article 13
(1) Ticket purchased by passenger is only applicable for the transportation from the origin to destination via the any agreed transition point as listed on the ticket. The fare paid by passenger is based on SCAL’s tariff rules and the transportation listed on the ticket. Fare is the basic content of the transportation contract between SCAL and passenger.
(2) Coupons of ticket must be used in the sequence listed on the ticket. Coupons that have been used not in sequence shall be refunded according to the refund restrictions of SCAL’s tariff rules within the period of validity.
(3) If passenger wishes to change any aspect of transportation, he/she must contact SCAL in advance. The fare for passenger’s new transportation will be re-calculated and passenger will be given the option of accepting the new price or maintaining his original transportation as ticketed. If passenger is required to change
any aspect of transportation due to Force Majeure, passenger must contact SCAL as soon as practicable and SCAL will use reasonable efforts to transport passenger to the next stopover or final destination.
(4) If passenger changes his transportation without SCAL’s agreement, SCAL will assess the correct price for passenger’s actual travel. Passenger will have to pay any difference between the price paid and the total price applicable for the revised transportation.
(5) Some changes on the content of transportation such as changing the place of departure or reversing the direction of travel, can result in an increase of price. Many fares are valid only on the dates and for the flights shown on the ticket and may not be changed at all, or only upon payment of an additional fee.
(6) Each flight coupon contained in a ticket will be accepted for transportation in the class of service on the date and flight for which space has been reserved, as shown in the flight coupon. When a ticket is originally issued without a reservation being specified, space may be later reserved subject to SCAL’s tariff rules and the availability of space on the flight requested.
(7) If passenger does not show up for any flight, for which he/she is holding a reservation, without advising SCAL in advance, SCAL may cancel passenger’s return or onward reservations as shown in the ticket.
3.6 Over-booking
According to the common practice of international civil aviation industry, SCAL may make suitable over-booking on some flights. Under particular circumstances, it may result in some passengers’ failure to travel on flights as arranged. When there is not enough space, SCAL will seek for passengers voluntary to disembark and will help them check in on priority. For passengers who cannot travel due to over-booking, SCAL will do its best to arrange them on the soonest available flight, and will give a certain amount of compensation.
Chapter 4 Fares, Fees and Charges
Article 14 Application of Fares
(1) Fares apply only for carriage from the airport at the point of origin to the airport at the point of destination. Fares do not include fees for ground transport service and additional services.
(2) The applicable fare refers to the fair published by SCAL and combination fare specified by SCAL if no fare is published. The applicable fare is the fare for the flights in effect on the date of commencement of the carriage covered by the first coupon of the ticket.
(3) Once the ticket is issued, if the fare is adjusted, the payment remains the same. If the passenger requests to change the flight or date, the fare to be charged may be affected.
(4) A special fare ticket is subject to the conditions specified thereof.
Article 15 Routing
Fares apply only to routings published in connection therewith. If there is more than one routing at the same fare, the passenger may specify the routing prior to issue of the ticket. If no routing is specified, SCAL or its authorized agent may determine the routing.
Article 16 Taxes, Fees and Charges
Any tax, fee or charge imposed by government or other authority, or by the operator of an airport, in respect of a passenger or the use by a passenger of any services or facilities will be in addition to the published fares and charges and shall be paid by the passenger and collected by airlines at the time of ticket issuance.
On purchasing a ticket, passenger will be advised of taxes, fees and charges not included in the fare, most of which will normally be shown separately on the ticket. The taxes, fees and charges imposed on air travel are constantly changing and can be imposed after the date of ticket issuance. If there is an increase in the applicable tax or a new tax, fee or charge is imposed after ticket issuance, passenger will be obliged to pay it. Likewise, in the event any taxes, fees or charges which passenger has paid
to SCAL at the time of ticket issuance are eliminated or reduced, passenger may be entitled to a refund of any such taxes, fees or charges as have been eliminated or reduced.
Fuel surcharge and air insurance surcharge are published and charged by the carrier according to relevant regulations of the State or region. Infants are exempt from fuel surcharge; children are charged the same amount of fuel surcharge as adults.
Article 17 Payment
Fares and charges are payable in any currency acceptable to SCAL. When the currency paid is not the currency of published fare, passenger shall pay according to the exchange rate specified by SCAL. Unless otherwise agreed by SCAL and passenger, fares and charges are all paid in cash.
Chapter 5 Reservations
Article 18 Reservation Requirements
(1) Reservations are not confirmed until recorded as accepted by SCAL or its authorized agents. Reservations shall be tentative unless and until the passenger makes payment by the time fixed by SCAL according to the formalities specified by SCAL, and SCAL or its authorized agents have issued a validated ticket for the carriage for such space is reserved and issued the related flight coupon to the passenger.
(2) According to SCAL’s regulations, certain fares may have conditions that will limit or exclude the passenger’s right to change or cancel reservations.
(3) SCAL keeps the right to suspend reservations for a certain flight when it is necessary.
Article 19 Special Passengers
(1) Passengers who need accompanying due to operation, safety and security reason (e.g., infants, children, the old, invalid, and person under escort etc.) must be booked in the same compartment as that of the accompanying person.
(2) A special passenger is someone, during the flight, to be accorded courteous reception; or needing special care on account of his or her physical or mental conditions; or acceptable for carriage in certain conditions. The reservation may be accepted after SCAL and other carriers concerned consent to the carriage of such special passengers.
Article 20 Ticketing Time Limits
If a passenger has not paid for the ticket prior to the specified ticketing time limit, SCAL may cancel the reservation.
Article 21 Personal Data
(1) The personal data provided by passenger to SCAL is intended for reservation and arrangement of related carriage service. Therefore, passenger authorizes SCAL to retain his/her personal data and transmit the data to related SCAL departments, other carriers concerned, or service provider concerned, or organizations authorized by laws and regulations. The objects may be in any country. SCAL will keep the personal files provided by passengers in great confidentiality.
(2) The validity period of valid document provided by passenger shall at least be 6 months since the date of commencement of travel. Passenger shall be liable for the authenticity of such data. SCAL will not be responsible for verification.
(3) If passenger refuses to provide such data, SCAL may refuse for carriage.
Article 22 Cancellation of Reservation
(1) Application for change or cancellation of reservation must be raised within the valid period stipulated by SCAL. When fares have correspondent restrictions, passenger’s change or cancellation of reservation shall be subject to such restrictions.
(2) If passenger does not use his/her reserved seat without advising SCAL or its authorized agents in advance, SCAL may cancel passenger’s return or onward reservations as shown in the ticket; and collect service fee from such passenger.
Chapter 6 Ticketing
Article 23 General Rules
(1) Passenger can purchase tickets at the sales office of SCAL or SCAL’s authorized agencies, or at SCAL’s websites. Passenger can inquire or purchase ticket at SCAL’s hotlines:
SCAL’s websites: xxxx://
SCAL’s hotlines: 95378, 028-88888888
SCAL’s hotlines for direct sales: 95378、028-88888888
(2) Passenger shall fill up the Reservation Form for Passengers, providing valid identity document information of his/her own or other valid identity documents produced by public security departments; meanwhile passenger must ensure such information is the consistent with that of the documents during check-in, ensure the validity period of his/her passport is at least 6 months since the date of commencement of travel, and clearly notice the different route and class tariff, endorsement, and refund regulations.
(3) SCAL has the right to request passenger produce his or her valid passport or other traveling documents, but will not bear responsibility for the authenticity and the validity of such documents.
(4) When purchasing a ticket for child or infant, a valid birth certificate must be presented.
(5) When purchasing a ticket for a passenger seriously sick or over 32 weeks pregnant, passenger shall provide a valid medical certificate issued by a county or city level medical department or equivalent medical department level for such carriage that is accepted by SCAL. SCAL will not accept a passenger who is over 36 weeks (included) pregnant for transportation.
(6) Each passenger shall respectively hold his/her own ticket.
(7) Passengers less than 5 years old must be accompanied by a passenger over 18 years old and with full capacity for civil conduct. Children accompanied by an adult should buy the ticket of the class service level same with his/her accompany.
(8) SCAL or SCAL’s authorized agencies shall sell one-way, consecutive, or round-trip tickets according to the request of passengers.
(9) The sales venues or websites of SCAL or SCAL’s authorized agencies shall provide necessary materials such as flight timetable, flight map, air tariffs, passenger information, etc.
Chapter 7 Check-in and Boarding
Article 24 General Rules
(1) The passenger shall arrive at the airport within the time limit stipulated by SCAL, and go through boarding formalities of ticket inspection, baggage consignment and boarding pass claiming on time with ticket and personal valid identification certificate.
(2) If the passenger fails to arrive on time at the check-in counter, or fails to arrive at the boarding gate before the stipulated boarding gate closure time, or fails to show his/her valid identification certificate and transport certificate, or he/she is not ready to travel, SCAL may cancel the space reserved for the passenger and will not delay the flight. SCAL is not liable to the passenger for loss or expense due to the passenger’s failure to comply with the provisions of this Article. If the passenger wishes a refund, the amount of such refund shall be processed in accordance with the voluntary refund regulations.
(3) Check-in deadline time varies at every airport; if passengers do not understand the check-in deadline time of SCAL flight departure airport, they shall consult sales staff in advance or search on SCAL official website xxxx:// Passengers shall reserve enough time for check-in formalities. If passenger fails to complete boarding formalities before stipulated flight check-in deadlines, SCAL has the right to cancel passenger’s reservation.
(4) SCAL and SCAL’s ground handling agencies shall open check-in counters in time, accept valid tickets produced by passengers, and process check-in formalities quickly and correctly. In check-in, it shall carefully check the validity of passenger’s passport (at least 6 months since the date of commencement of travel), visa or endorsement.
(5) Before boarding, passengers and their baggage and hand-carry items must go
through security check.
Article 25 Arrangement of Seats
(1) SCAL will endeavor to honor advance seating requests, however, SCAL cannot guarantee any particular seat, and only is responsible to provide passenger seat according to his/her reserved class.
(2) For operational, safety or security reasons, the passenger needing to be accompanied shall be seated next to his/her accompanying persons. SCAL reserves the right to assign or reassign seats at any time, even after boarding of the aircraft.
(3) Seats near the aircraft’s emergency exits shall be specifically arranged by SCAL.
Article 26 Mis-catch or Wrong Boarding
(1) If mis-catch happens due to reasons of passengers, ticket shall be dealt according the rules of voluntary refund.
(2) If mis-catch happens due to reasons of SCAL, SCAL shall arrange passenger to travel on the soonest flight; if passenger requests for refund, it shall be dealt according to rules of involuntary refund.
(3) If passenger boards a wrong flight and the passenger requests to stop traveling at the destination of the flight boarded, no extra fee shall be charged and no fee shall be refunded.
(4) If wrong boarding happens due to reasons of SCAL, SCAL shall arrange passenger to travel on the soonest flight to the destination listed on passenger’s ticket; no extra fee shall be charged and no fee shall be refunded. If passenger requests for refund, it shall be dealt according to rules of involuntary refund.
Chapter 8 Baggage
8.1 General Rules
Article 27 Baggage carried by SCAL, is divided into checked baggage and un-checked baggage according to the carriage responsibility.
Article 28 Items Unacceptable as Baggage
Passenger shall not include in his or her baggage (both checked baggage and unchecked baggage) or carry on to the cabin:
(1) Items that do not constitute baggage as defined in paragraph 33 of Article 1 in Chapter 1 of the Conditions.
(2) Items that may endanger the safety of aircraft, staff or property onboard, such as the items listed in the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air issued by ICAO (ICAO-TI), Dangerous Goods Rules issued by IATA (IATA-DGR) and SCAL Dangerous Goods Transport Manual, the following items forbidden to transport (included but not restricted to), which are stipulated by SCAL:
explosives; gas (including flammable gas, inflammable and nontoxic gas and toxic gas, etc.); flammable liquid; flammable solid; spontaneous combustible substance; substance that would release flammable gas in contact with water; oxidizer and organic peroxide; toxic substance and infectious substance; radioactive substance; corrosive substance; miscellaneous dangerous goods.
(3) Carriage of the items is prohibited by applicable laws, regulations or orders of the departure country, destination country, transit country or the country over flown.
(4) Guns and major parts, except for those meet with the regulation of paragraph 2 of Article 30 of this Conditions.
Include guns for purpose of military, civil and business and other guns prohibited by the state: such as pistol, rifle, submachine gun, machine gun, riot gun, air gun, anesthetic syringe gun, sample gun, prop gun, steel ball gun, tear gas gun, stun gun and other replica of the articles mentioned above.
(5) Ammunition (except for those meet with paragraph 2 of Article 30 of this Conditions), military weapon, police weapon and their major parts (spontoon, dagger for military or police use and bayonet); equipment prohibited by the state (defibrillator and defense apparatus, etc.) and replica of the articles mentioned above.
(6) State controlled knives (dagger, three-square tool, striking knife for
mechanical processing, knives with self-lock device and single edged knife, double edged knife which are similar to dagger but longer than dagger, and other similar single edged, double edged and three-square knife), and other controlled knives subject to state regulations, such as crossbow.
(7) Other articles:
1. Articles which are not suitable for transport due to its hazard, unsafety or its weight, size, packing, shape or nature, and other articles prohibited from transport by the state;
2. Infectious pathogen;
3. Kindling material (including each type of ignition device), such as lighter, match, CIG, magnesium rod (firestone);
4. Power bank and lithium battery of which the rated energy exceeds 160Wh, or which are recalled by manufacturer due to safety defect, or of which the identification is obscure, or which without definite manufacturer, or the rated energy/ lithium metal content cannot be identified (transport standards for the lithium battery used for electronic wheelchair refer to SCAL associated regulations);
5. The alcohol drink of which the alcohol volume percentage exceeds 70%;
6. Live animals (except for the small animals and service dogs stipulated in section 6 of this Conditions);
7. Small gas oxygen bottle for medical use (or air bottle) and liquid oxygen device, including the used empty oxygen bottle;
8. Fragile, vulnerable, perishable article and live articles with obvious unpleasant smell (such as seafood and durian, etc.);
9. Strong magnetization material, material with strong pungent smell or which is liable to cause passenger panic and material of which nature cannot be identified and may impose hazard.
Article 29 Items unacceptable as checked baggage
(1) Passenger shall not include in checked baggage the following items. If such items included in checked baggage is lost or damaged, SCAL is liable for it only as
common checked baggage. For impairment compensation responsibility, refer to Article 49 of this Conditions:
1. Fragile or damageable items;
2. Perishable items;
3. Xxxx, negotiable ticket, valuable securities and drafts;
4. Jewelry;
5. Precious metal and articles thereof, gold and silver articles;
6. Antiques and valuable paintings, out-of-print video, out-of-print printings or manuscripts;
7. Computer and fittings, personal communication device and fittings, personal digital device and fittings;
8. Samples and valuables;
9. Foreign envelopes;
10. Important files and documents;
11. Traveling documents, medical certificates, X-xxx films;
12. Articles that need to be specially attended and prescribed drug that needs to be taken regularly.
(2) Lithium battery, lithium battery mobile power source (such as power bank) cannot be transported as checked baggage or be carried in checked baggage.
Article 30 Limitation on carriage
The following articles may be accepted as checked baggage for transport only in accordance with the limitation conditions, quantity and packing requirements of SCAL and shall be approved by SCAL.
(1) Precision instrument and electric appliances shall be carried as cargo. They may be accepted only in proper packaging as checked baggage. Free baggage allowance does not apply to such items.
(2) Sporting equipment, including firearms and ammunition for sporting purposes may be carried as checked baggage by presenting Certificate of Gun Transporting or the certificate issued by sport administration of the State Council, but
may not be carried as unchecked baggage in cabin. It shall set the safe of sporting gun, remove the bullets and pack them properly. The carriage of ammunition shall follow the rules of dangerous goods transportation.
(3) Edge tool and blunt other than controlled knives, such as kitchen knife, fruit knife, dinner knife, art knife, bistouries, scissor, etc.; broadsword, spear, sword, halberd, pole and stick (including stretchable baton and nunchuck) for the purpose of Martial arts performance, bat, cue stick, cricket bat, hockey stick, golf club, alpenstock, ski stick, knuckle-dusters (hand stitch) and steel file, iron awl, axe, short stick, and hammer etc., shall be carried as checked baggage.
(4) Dry ice, liquid material, alcohol and drinks containing alcohol, etc.
(5) Diplomatic envelopes, confidential files;
(6) Pet or service dog which is specified in 8.6.
(7) The wheelchair and/or other assistant devices for passengers in travel.
(8) Lithium battery cannot be transported as check-in baggage, and the carry-on lithium battery shall meet rated energy or lithium content limits, quantity limits and associated approval regulations. For details, refer to SCAL official website.
(9) Items not suitable to be carried in cargo compartment such as delicate musical instrument and not meeting the requirements of weight and size by 8.3, shall be carried in passenger cabin as seat-taking baggage and shall be charged separately, and such items shall be taken care of by the passenger.
Article 31 Right to refuse carriage
In the exercise of SCAL’s discretion, SCAL may refuse to carry passenger or his baggage after informing the passenger. In this circumstance passenger will be entitled to a refund. SCAL may also refuse to carry passenger or his baggage for any of the following reasons:
(1) SCAL may refuse or stop carriage as baggage of such items described in Article 28 or Article 29 as are prohibited from carriage as baggage or checked baggage.
(2) Unless advance arrangements for its carriage have been made with SCAL,
SCAL may carry on later flight baggage that is in excess of the applicable free allowance (oversized bagage).
(3) SCAL may refuse to accept baggage as checked baggage unless it is properly packed or its contents comply with the carriage requirements.
(4) Such action is necessary to prevent a violation of any applicable laws, regulations, or orders of any State to be flown from, to or over.
(5) The carriage of passenger or his baggage may endanger or affect the safety, health, convenience, comfort of other passengers or crew members.
Article 32 Right of Security Check
For reasons of safety and security, SCAL has the right to request that passenger permit a security check of his/her baggage; if necessary, it may check passenger’s baggage if passenger is not available. If passenger is unwilling to accept the check, SCAL has the right to refuse to carry the passenger.
8.2 Checked Baggage
Article 33 Checked baggage must meet the following requirements:
(1) Passenger must check baggage with a valid ticket. SCAL shall correctly enter the pieces and/or weight of checked baggage into departure system. Each passenger’s baggage must be recorded on his own record. If passenger holds a paper ticket, baggage content shall be written on the correspondent spot of ticket.
(2) Passenger shall complete the formalities for checked baggage at the location and time designated by the carrier.
(3) SCAL shall attach a baggage tag to each piece of passenger’s checked baggage, and give a baggage identification tag to passenger.
(4) The weight and size of checked baggage shall not exceed SCAL’s restrictions; those checked baggage exceeding such restrictions shall be agreed by SCAL in advance.
(5) Passenger shall attach name or other personal mark to the checked baggage before checking it in.
(6) Checked baggage must be well packed, locked and bound, and must be able endure a certain amount of pressure, and can be safely loaded, unloaded and carried under normal operation conditions, and shall meet the following requirements:
1. Suitcase and handbags and so on must be locked;
2. It’s not allowed to bound more than two pieces (included) of baggage into one piece;
3. It’s not allowed to attach other items to baggage;
4. Bamboo baskets, net bags, grass strings, grass bags and so on are not allowed to be used as packing materials;
5. Passenger’s name, detailed address and telephone number shall be written on baggage.
(7) Checked baggage will, whenever possible, be carried on the same aircraft with passenger. When the checked baggage could not be carried on the same flight with the passenger (due to safety, security or operational reasons), SCAL shall explain the reason to the passenger. Under the preconditions of safety, passenger’s checked baggage could be carried on a subsequent flight and SCAL will deliver it to passenger, unless applicable law requires passenger to be present for customs clearance.
8.3 Free Baggage Allowance Article 34 Free Baggage Allowance
(1)the baggage transport rules for all international and regional routes are all subject to piece: details as followed:
1. The free checked-baggage allowance for the infant that not take a seat is one checked baggage, of which the sum of three sides shall not exceed 115cm(45 inch) and weight shall not exceed 10kg(22 pounds), and one baby car or baby stroller.
2. The free allowance baggage standard is same as that for individual passenger.
3. For more than two (included) passengers who take the same flight to the
same destination, if they proceed with the baggage check formality at the same time and same location, their free baggage allowances may be calculated as one integrity in accordance with their respective cabin-class standards which they have purchased;
4. As for the domestic leg of the international flight, the applicable free-baggage allowance for the passengers shall be handled as per the regulations for the international flight.
If the ticket for domestic leg and international leg are purchased separately (that refers to the domestic flight is not a consecutive flight before/after the international flight), therefore, it is not satisfied with the conditions that mentioned above, then the free baggage allowance should be conducted independently as per each applicable domestic and international rules.
5. As for the passenger who buys mixed class ticket, the free-baggage allowance shall be counted as per the rules for each class of the flight.
6. If the passenger is voluntarily to change his/her class level, he/she should enjoy a free baggage allowance that corresponding to he/her new ticket; If the passenger is unwilling to change the class level, he/she should enjoy the corresponding free-baggage allowance to his/her original level of ticket.
7. When passenger had a stopover during his/her journey, he/she should enjoy the higher free baggage allowance during the whole journey,
8. If the major flight leg is conducted by a flight sharing code with SCAL, then the free baggage allowance shall be carried in accordance with rules of the airlines that conducted the flight.
(2) The free baggage allowance for international/regional routes refers to the standards published on the official website the Sichuan Airlines.
(3) The Size limits for checked baggage
1.The size limits of checked-baggage shall comply with the local laws and regulations, if there are no defined regulations on the size limits, then, the size of each checked-baggage shall not exceed 300cm(the sum of length, width and height)(118 inch)
2. The checked-baggage that exceeds the above size limit shall be transport as a
(4) The weight limits on checked-baggage.
1. For the flights involved with British or british commonwealth of nations(e.g. Canada, Australia and etc. ), the weight for each checked-baggage shall not exceed 32kg(70 pounds)
2. The weight limits of checked-baggage in other airports shall comply with the local laws and regulations, if there are no defined regulations on the weight limits, then, the weight of each checked-baggage shall not exceed 45kg(100 pounds).
3. The checked-baggage that exceeds the above weight limit shall be transport as a cargo.
Article 35 Free Hand-carry baggage
(1) Weight and size
Each passenger who is entitled to travel in business or economy class can bring one piece of hand-carry baggage, each of which must not exceed 5kg in weight. The sum of the three dimensions of each piece must not exceed 115cm. Such baggage can be placed in the baggage cabin or under the seat in the passenger cabin. If the baggage cannot be placed with the method mentioned above, or due to over-size and over-weight factors, or out of consideration of safety aspect, the baggage shall be carried as check-in baggage.
(2) Bulky baggage
Objects not suitable for transport in the cargo compartment (such as delicate musical instrument) and not complying with paragraph (1) above will only be accepted for transportation in the passenger cabin as seat-taking baggage and be taken care of by passenger, if due notice has been given in advance and permission granted by SCAL. The transport of such objects may be charged separately.
Article 36 Checked baggage and un-checked baggage shall be weighed or piece-calculated together at the time of check-in and the weight and pieces shall be entered in corresponding column of “passenger ticket and baggage check”. Checked
baggage is under custody of SCAL during the journey, while the unchecked baggage shall be taken care of by passenger in the journey.
8.4 Excess (Oversized) Baggage
Article 37
(1) Excessive (exceed the limit) baggage refers to the part of baggage in excess of the free baggage allowance of weight or in piece, the exceed part of baggage needs extra charges.
(2) When charging for the extra fees for excessive (exceed the limit) baggage, a excessive (exceed the limit) baggage receipt needs to be filled.
(3) The excessive (exceed the limit) baggage shall be charged in accordance with the number, weight and size in exceeding .
(4) Charging standard for the excessive baggage refers to the standards published on the official website the Sichuan Airlines.
(5) The default currency of above fess is RMB. In some cases (if the passenger has no RMB), the fees will be charged in local currency, which should be referred to the charge standard of the destination for the baggage.
8.5 Declaration and Charge Article 38 General Rules
(1) A passenger may declare a value for checked baggage in excess of USD30 or its equivalent per kilogram, and shall pay an applicable charge.
(2) The declaration for checked baggage must not exceed the real value of the baggage. The maximum declared value of each passenger is USD5,000 or its equivalent value in other currencies. If SCAL disagrees with a value declaration and the passenger refuses to be checked, SCAL has the right to refuse carriage.
(3) No declaration value for pet will be accepted.
(4) SCAL will charge an fee of 5‰ of extra declared value exceeding the limitation of paragraph (1) above.
Article 39 SCAL will refuse to accept an excess value declaration on checked baggage when a portion of the carriage is to be provided by another Carrier who does not offer the facility.
8.6 Pets and Guide Dogs
Article 40 Pets mean such little animals as domestic dogs, cats, birds and other household pets. Any wild and aggressive animal such as snakes, tibet mastiffs, and bulldogs will not be accepted for transportation. Animals which are not suitable for air travel (including flat-faced dogs and flat-faced cats; pitbull; dogs which may feel uncomfortable under high temperature and high altitude conditions, such as samoyed, etc.) must not be carried as baggage. But the service dogs brought into the cabin by disabled passengers are exempted from this limitation. The carrier has the right to determine whether an animal can be carried and the way of transportation, and has the right to restrict the number of pets on a plane.
Article 41 Pet may be accepted for carriage subject to following rules:
(1) It shall be loaded in the container whose quality and size meets consignment standards, attached with valid Certification for Animals Quarantine and animal vaccine injection certificate.
(2) Have valid certificates necessary for entry, exit and transit permits required by The People’s Republic of China and countries involved in transportation;
(3) With the advance agreement of SCAL and other Carriers concerned, and formalities required by SCAL and other Carriers concerned.
Article 42 The animal, together with its container and food carried by passenger shall be carried as checked baggage and passenger will be obliged to pay the excess (oversized) baggage fee. Except specially approved by SCAL, animals will not be carried in the passenger cabin of the aircraft.
Article 43
(1) Guide dog refers to a dog trained to lead the blind or assist the deaf when if accompanies passenger with impaired vision or hearing dependent upon such dog.
(2) The carriage of guide dogs shall be dealt in accordance with Article 41. Guide dogs, if they meet the requirements of the SCAL, may accompany in passenger cabin the disabled eligible to travel. The disabled eligible to travel shall provide valid certificate required by animal entry, exit and transit transport in the People’s Republic of China and associated countries during transport, and valid Certification for Animals Quarantine, animal vaccine injection certificate, Qualified Certificate for Pets Training, Employee’s Card of the Animals or Animal ID Card. Guide dogs, together with its cage and food can be carried for free, without taking up the free baggage allowance.
Article 44 Acceptance for carriage of animals (include guide dogs) is subject to the conditions that the passenger assumes full responsibility for such animal unless due to SCAL’s faults. SCAL shall not be liable for injury to or loss, delay, sickness or death of such animal in the event that it is refused entry into or passage through any country, state or territory.
Article 45
(1) The passenger is fully liable for all damages or injuries which a pet might cause to other passengers or crew members.
(2) SCAL will have no liability in respect of any such animal not having all the necessary exit, entry, health and other documents with respect to the animal's entry into or passage through any country or region. The passenger who carries this pet shall make a compensation for any penalty, fees, losses or debts to SCAL due to lack or incompleteness of documents required.
(3) SCAL may refuse to accept the carriage of animals on non-stop long-haul flight or some specific type of aircraft due to the unsuitability.
8.7 Delivery of Baggage Article 46 Delivery of Baggage
(1) Passenger shall collect his baggage as soon as it is available for collection at places of destination or stopover. At the time of collection, passenger shall show his
or her “passenger ticket and baggage check” if SCAL requires.
(2) With SCAL’s consent, passenger can collect his baggage at stopover under the agreement of SCAL, the unused payment of the excess baggage will not be refunded.
(3) If the passenger does not collect his baggage in time, SCAL will charge the passenger baggage keeping fee. SCAL has the right to deal with the perishable items in passenger’s baggage 24 hours after the arrival of the baggage.
(4) SCAL is under no obligation to ascertain that the bearer of the baggage identification tag is entitled to delivery of the baggage and SCAL is not liable for any loss, damage, or expense arising out of or in connection with such delivery.
(5) If a person claiming the baggage is unable to identify the baggage by the baggage identification tag, SCAL will deliver the baggage to such person only on condition that he or she establishes to SCAL’s satisfaction his or her right thereto. And if required by SCAL, such person shall furnish adequate security to indemnify SCAL for any loss, damage or expense which may be incurred by SCAL as a result of such delivery.
(6) Acceptance of baggage by the bearer of the baggage check, without complaint at the time of delivery, is prima facie evidence that the baggage has been delivered in good condition and in accordance with the contract of carriage.
Article 47 Unclaimed Baggage
If baggage is not collected after 90 days from the next day of baggage’s arrival, SCAL has the right to process it according to the regulations on un-delivered baggage.
Article 48 Processing of Abnormal Carriage of Baggage
(1) In the event of delay, loss or damage in the carriage of baggage, SCAL and SCAL’s authorized ground handling agency, together with passenger, shall fill up a Record Form of Accidents of Baggage Carriage, check out the situation and reasons, and report the results of investigation to passenger and departments concerned. If compensation for baggage happens, it can be processed at the journey’s origin,
stopover or destination.
(2) If the checked baggage fails to arrive in the same flight with the passenger due to SCAL reasons and thereby cause inconvenience for passenger’s life, SCAL shall give appropriate compensation for passenger’s temporary life use.
Article 49 Compensation for baggage
(1) Compensation Limit
1. If the weight of the baggage is not recorded on the baggage check, it is presumed that the total weight of the checked baggage does not exceed the applicable free baggage allowance for the class of service concerned
2. According to the above articles, the checked baggage which has made an declaration should made compensation as per the declared value. If the declared value is beyond the actual value of the baggage, the compensation should be made as per the actual value.
3. The route which applicable for Warsaw Convention
a. In case of the absence of purchase invoice and lack of sufficient evidence, the highest compensation price per person should be 30 U.S. dollar per kilogram.
b. If there are sufficient evidence, then the highest compensation price for checked baggage and non-checked baggage per person should be 1131 special drawing right
4. The compensation price for the route which subject to Warsaw convention
a. 17 special drawing right per kilogram.
b. 322 special drawing right for the unchecked baggage.
5. Special drawing right refers to SDR specified by International Monetary Fund
(IMF). One SDR is equal to 1.37 US dollar, whose price ratio is floating. SCAL will convert the money in line with the exchange rate of the actual transport date.
(2) Time limitation on claims and actions
1. Notice of claims
a. No action shall lie in the case of damage to checked baggage unless the
person entitled to delivery complains to SCAL forthwith after the discovery of the damage, and, at the latest, within seven working days from the date of receipt; and in the case of delay, unless the complaint is made at the latest within twenty-one working days from the date on which the baggage has been placed at his or her disposal. Every complaint must be made in writing and dispatched within the times aforesaid.
b. Any claims shall be raised in written form within time limit, or no compensation shall be raised towards SCAL.
2. Any right to damages shall be extinguished if an action is not brought within two years reckoned from the date of arrival at the destination or from the date on which the aircraft ought to have arrived, or from the date on which the carriage stopped.
Chapter 9 Schedules, Changes and Cancellations of Flights
Article 50 Schedules
(1) SCAL undertakes to use its best efforts to carry the passenger and his or her baggage with reasonable dispatch and to adhere to published schedules in effect on the date of travel.
(2) Except in the case of its acts or omissions done recklessly with intent to cause damage and with knowledge that damage would probably result, SCAL shall not be liable for errors or omissions in timetables or other published schedules. Additionally SCAL shall not be liable for representations made by employees, agents or representatives of SCAL as to the dates or times of departure or arrival or as to the operation of any flight.
(3) The flight times and aircraft types shown in timetables may change between the date of publication and the date passenger actually travel. SCAL does not guarantee them to passenger and they do not form part of contract with SCAL.
(4) Before SCAL accept passenger’s reservation for a flight, SCAL will notify the passenger of the scheduled flight time in effect as of that time, and it will be
shown on Ticket. It is possible SCAL may need to change the scheduled flight time subsequent to the issuance of the Ticket. If passenger provides SCAL with contact information, SCAL will endeavor to notify the passenger of any such changes. If, after ticketing, SCAL makes a significant change to the schedule flight time, which is not acceptable to the passenger, and SCAL is unable to book the passenger on an alternate flight which is acceptable to passenger, passenger will be entitled to a refund in accordance with the regulation of involuntary refund.
Article 51 Cancellation, Changes of Flights
(1) For the following reasons, schedules are subject to cancel, terminate, change, or delay without notice:
1. For complying with any government law, regulation, or order;
2. For security of flight; or
3. Due to circumstances beyond its control or unable foreseen.
(2) If SCAL results passenger failed to take the reserved seat due to one of the following reasons, SCAL shall make arrangement for passenger according to Article 53, and will not collect any fee:
1. Temporarily change the aircraft type of the flight;
2. Except the reasons listed in Article 52, temporarily cancel the flight;
3. SCAL cancels the flight that passenger has reserved seat, or cancel the flight to stop at passenger’s stopover or destination, or fails to operate according to the flight schedule, or fails to provide reserved seat and results in passenger to change his/her trip.
Article 52 Involuntary Change
(1) If passenger fails to travel due to the reason listed in Article 52(1), SCAL shall consider passengers’ reasonable requests and take one of the following measures:
1.Arrange on priority available seats on SCAL flights for passengers;
2. Make endorsement after agreed by passengers and carriers concerned.
3. Change the route listed on original ticket, and arrange passengers to arrive at
destination or stopover point via SCAL or other carriers’ flights.
4. Refund according to rules of involuntary refund.
5. Assist in arrangement of passenger accommodation and provide ground transportation etc.
(2) According to International passenger and luggage Transportation Rules of civil aviation of China,For those unvoluntary change the flight due to the reason state in article 52, item (2), the carrier shall provide a place for rest and drinks, foods, board and lodging or other services which carrier think are necessaries.
Article 53 Voluntary Change
Handle according to the applicable business notice of SCAL.
Article 54 SCAL will take all measures that could reasonably be required to avoid delay in carrying passenger and his baggage. SCAL shall not be liable if it proves that SCAL has taken all measures that could reasonably be required to avoid the damage or that it was impossible for SCAL to take such measures.
Chapter 10 Changes to Passenger Tickets
Article 55 Involuntary Change
(1) If such unpredictable non-SCAL reasons as weather, air traffic control cause SCAL flights’ cancellation, advancement, delay, change, mis-connection, or failure to provide reserved seats, SCAL shall consider passengers’ reasonable requests and take one of the following measures:
1. Arrange on priority available seats on SCAL flights for passengers;
2. Make endorsement after agreed by passengers and carriers concerned.
(2) If such SCAL reasons as aircraft maintenance, flight readjustment cause SCAL flights’ cancellation, advancement, delay, change, mis-connection, or failure to provide reserved seats, SCAL shall consider passengers’ reasonable requests and take one of the following measures:
1. Arrange on priority available seats on SCAL flights for passengers;
2. Make endorsement after agreed by passengers and carriers concerned;
3. Change the route listed on original ticket, and arrange passengers to arrive at destination or stopover point via SCAL or other carriers’ flights, or via other refers to of transportation mutually agreed. Overpaid amount of ticket fare, excessive (oversized) baggage fee and other service charges will be returned, while deficiency of such fares and charges will be ignored.
Article 56 Voluntary change of class, flight, and date
Handle according to applicable rules of SCAL tariff notice.
Article 57 Endorsement
(1) In the event of involuntary change of carrier for passenger, endorsement formalities shall be done after agreed by passenger and carrier concerned.
(2) In the event of voluntary change of carrier requested by passenger, SCAL can make endorsement when all the following requirements are met:
1. Passenger’s applicable fare does not have endorsement restrictions.
2. The carrier to be changed into must have has signed an interline agreement, and can issue or receive tickets mutually with SCAL.
(3) When passenger does not meet all the above requirements in (2) and demands change of carrier, it shall be processed according to rules of voluntary refund.
(4) Unless specially authorized by SCAL, SCAL’s sales agencies are not allowed to do endorsement formalities for passenger.
Chapter 11 Refunds
Article 58 General Rules
(1) On failure by SCAL to provide carriage in accordance with the contract of carriage, or where a passenger requests a voluntary change of his or her arrangements, refund for an unused ticket or portion thereof shall be made by SCAL according to SCAL’s Regulations.
(2) Except in the case of lost tickets, refunds will only be made on surrender to SCAL of the passenger coupon or passenger receipt and surrender of all unused flight
coupons, and the conjunction tickets if any. For electronic tickets, refund must be applied not later than 13 months after the date of commencement of travel or the date of issuance (for all first flight coupon unused ticket). Application for refund will only be accepted when the coupon’s status is OPEN FOR USE, and with payment proof provided by passenger.
(3) When refunding an electronic ticket, passenger is required to provide printed itinerary.
Article 59 Person Receiving Refunded Fares
(1) SCAL shall be entitled to make refund to the person named in the ticket.
(2) If a ticket has been paid for by a person other than the passenger named in the ticket, and SCAL has indicated on the ticket that there is a restriction on refund, the refund will be made only to the person paying for the ticket or to that person’s order.
(3) Passenger or payer who requests the refund shall present his or her valid identity certificate. If the person requesting refund is not the passenger or the payer, he or she must present the identity certificate of himself or herself and the authorization from the passenger or payer in addition.
(4) A refund made pertain to Article 59 to anyone whom refund may be made in terms of (1), (2) and (3) of this Article shall be deemed a proper refund and shall discharge SCAL from liability and any further claim for refund.
Article 60 Time limit for refund
Refund must be applied not later than 13 months after the date of commencement of travel or the date of issuance (for all first flight coupon unused ticket). Application for refund will not be accepted after the time limit.
Article 61 Place of refund
(1) On principle, refund of tickets and MCO shall be processed in the original place of payment; exchanged tickets can also be refunded in the place of exchange. In the event of involuntary refund, refund can be processed in SCAL’s sales office in the place of original purchase, commencement of journey, stopover, or breakpoint of
travel, or in SCAL’s authorized sales agencies in the place where the cause of involuntary refund happens. When passenger applies for refund in a place other than the original place of issuance, the SCAL’s sales office which is to process refund shall obtain authorization from the original place of issuance, and refund in the local currency at that day’s BBR according to the refunded amount provided by original place of issuance.
(2) When passenger holding an open ticket applies for refund, refund must be processed in the original place of issuance.
Article 62 Currency
All refunds will be subject to Government laws, rules and regulations or orders of the country in which the ticket was originally purchased and of the country in which the refund is being made. Refunds will normally be made in the currency in which the ticket was paid for, or in another currency in accordance with SCAL’s regulations.
Article 63 Involuntary refunds
(1) Involuntary refund refers to any refund applied for by passenger entitled to travel on SCAL’s flights who cannot be carried according to carriage contract due to such uncontrollable or unpredictable reasons as weather, air traffic control, aircraft maintenance, flight readjustment.
(2) Involuntary refund abides by the following rules:
1. If no portion of the ticket has been used, an amount equal to the fare paid including taxes and charges will be refunded, without charging refund fee.
2. If a portion of the ticket has been used, subtract the amount of individual or group fare on the used sectors and subtract the amount of used taxes and charges, and refund the remaining amount. the refund will be the higher of the one way fare (less applicable discounts and charges) from point of interruption to destination or point of next stopover and the difference between the fare paid and the fare for the transportation used. The refunded amount shall not be higher than the amount paid. No refund fee shall be charged.
3. If the flight lands at an airport other than the appointed stopover and flight of the same day is cancelled, and if the passenger demands for refund, fare from the landed airport to the destination at the same discount rate or sub-class with the original paid fare shall be refunded, but the refunded amount shall not be higher than the paid amount; no refund fee shall be charged. Applicable carrier fare from landed airport to destination shall be chosen on priority. If there are no published fares from landed airport to destination, fare of other refers to of transportation from landed airport to destination shall be refunded. Where there are more than one applicable fares of a same refers to of transportation, the medium one shall be chosen.
4. Change fee shall be paid by passenger who requires flight change of his/her own will. When the changed flight is not performed as scheduled, the ticket can be refunded free of charge while the previously paid change fee shall not be refunded.
Article 64 Voluntary refund
(1) Refund beyond the limitations in Article 64 belongs to voluntary refund.
(2) Voluntary refund abides by the following rules:
1. If no portion of the ticket has been used, an amount equal to the fare paid, less any applicable service charges or cancellation fees.
2. If a portion of the ticket has been used, the refund will be an amount equal to the difference between the fare paid and the applicable fare for travel between the points for which the ticket has been used, and subtract refund fees and no-show fees if any.
3. Special regulations will be applied to the ticket with a special fare paid.
Article 65 Refund to Credit Card or Debit Card Accounts
Refund for Tickets paid with credit cards or debit cards can only be credited to the card account originally used for the ticket purchase. The refundable amount to be paid by SCAL will be in accordance with the rules within this article only, on the basis of the amount originally paid by passenger and the currency entered in the ticket. If there’s any difference of amount caused by currency exchange, passenger is not entitled to claim damages to SCAL.
Article 66 Refusal of refund
Except for involuntary refund, departments concerned shall refuse to refund in any one or more of the following situations:
(1) Refund is applied for after the time limit of refund;
(2) Passenger fails to present valid certificates or tickets or proofs on applying for refund;
(3) When the applicable fare of used sectors is equal to or higher than that of the whole journey, the unused sectors cannot be refunded;
(4) Ticket is annotated non-refundable.
Article 67 Refunding
On refunding, passenger’s paid but unused taxes and charges shall be refunded together. Taxes and charges of ticket which is non-refundable or has no applicable remaining amount for refund can also be refunded alone without extra charge, but must be refunded before the time limit of refund.
Article 68 Refund due to passenger’s illness shall be processed as voluntary refund.
Article 69 Unless otherwise specified, children shall be charged the same refund fee as adults, and infants are exempt from refund fee.
Chapter 12 Conduct aboard Aircraft
Article 70 If passenger conducts himself or herself aboard the aircraft so as to endanger the aircraft or any person or property on board, or obstructs the crew in the performance of their duties, or fails to comply with any instruction of the crew, or behaves in a manner to which other passengers may reasonably object, SCAL may take such measures as it deems necessary to prevent continuation of such conduct, including restraint of the passenger. Passenger may be disembarked and refused onward carriage at any point and passenger may be prosecuted for offences committed on board the aircraft.
Article 71 Prohibition and Restriction on Portable Electronic Device (PED)
Passengers are prohibited from using lithium battery mobile power source (power bank) on board during the whole flight. Prohibition and application restriction on PED refer to SCAL official website.
Article 72 Non-Smoking Flights
All SCAL flights are non-smoking flights. Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the aircraft. E-cigarette and synthetic steam smoking device are also prohibited.
Article 73 Restriction on Alcoholic Drinks
While aboard aircraft, passenger is not allowed to drink any alcoholic drinks other than those provided by SCAL.
Article 74 Seat Belts
While in seat on board the aircraft, passenger shall fasten his or her seat belt as required.
Chapter 13 Refusal and Limitation of Carriage
Article 75 SCAL may refuse carriage of any passenger or passenger’s baggage for reasons of safety or if, in the exercise of its reasonable discretion, SCAL determines that:
(1) The carriage is prohibited by any applicable laws, regulations, or orders of the State of departure, stopover, destination or flying over; or,
(2) The conduct, age, or mental or physical state of the passenger is such as to unsuitable for air travel, or cause discomfort or make himself or herself objectionable to other passengers or involve any hazard or risk to himself or herself or to other persons or to property:
1. Passenger is over 9 months (36 weeks) pregnant; or,
2. Passenger is less than 14 days old; or,
3. Passenger has been diagnosed with serious infectious disease, and fails to present any medical proof that necessary measure have been taken to prevent infecting others; or,
4. SCAL determines that passenger may be unable to comprehend or operate
safety instructions under their physical or mental conditions without assistance from flight attendants; or,
5. Passenger’s conduct may endanger themselves, cabin crew or other passengers due to mental disability; or
6. Passenger has traces of being drunk or having drug abuse; or,
7. Passenger is or appears to be intoxicated; or,
8. Passenger requires intravenous injection; or,
9. Stretcher passenger does not meet the safety requirements of passenger carriage; or,
10. Passenger’s conduct, on purpose or not, may endanger the safety of aircraft or passengers on board; or,
11. There have been misconducts in the air transport before and it is reasonable for SCAL to consider that these misconducts may happen again; or
(3) Passenger fails to pay applicable fare, fee and tax; or
(4) Passenger does not abide by the laws, regulations, or orders of the State, or does not abide by SCAL’s regulations; or,
(5) Xxxxxxxxx refuses to submit to security check conducted by government, airport or carrier; or,
(6) Passenger fails to obey orders on safety or security; or
(7) Passenger fails to obey rules on no-smoking or use of electronic device; or
(8) Xxxxxxxxx refuses to comply with the crew instructions; or,
(9) Passenger fails to be properly documented according to concerned laws, regulations, orders, requests, or requirements of travel conditions; or,
(10) Passengers do not present effective travel certificate; or the effective travel certificate presented is not the same certificate used for purchasing electronic ticket; or passengers seek to enter the transit country or region without effective travel certificate; or passengers destroy travel certificates during flight; or passengers refuse to submit their travel certificates to crews for signature and storage as per the requirements of crews; or,
(11) The ticket presented by the passenger has been acquired unlawfully or has been purchased from an entity other than SCAL or the agents authorized by SCAL, or has been reported as being lost or stolen, or is counterfeited, or the passenger cannot prove that he/she is the person whose name is listed on the ticket; or,
(12) Passengers fail to follow the regulation of these conditions on the use of coupons as per sequence, or the ticket presented is not issued or changed by SCAL or the sales service agents authorized by SCAL, or the ticket has been destroyed.
Article 76 Arrangement for passengers whose carriage has been refused
(1) For passenger requests refund after being refused for carriage due to Article 76 (1) and (2), SCAL will process according to Article 64.
(2) For passenger being refused for carriage due to Article 76 (3), he/she shall make up the inadequate fare, fee and tax, and SCAL will make arrangement for carriage; if passenger requests refund, it will refund at the original ticketing place according to Article 64.
(3) For passenger requests refund after being refused for carriage due to Article 76 (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9) and (10), SCAL will process according to Article 65 and deduct the fee of service provided.
(4) For passenger being refused for carriage due to Article 76 (11) and (12), SCAL remains the right to detain ticket.
Article 77 Limitation on Carriage
Unless otherwise stipulated by government documents or documents or sports meeting for the disabled, infants, ill passengers, pregnant women, handicapped passengers or passengers in need of special service under judicial and administrative mandatory measures can only be carried when SCAL’s concerned regulations are met, and when it has been agreed by SCAL and SCAL has made arrangements when necessary.
Chapter 14 Arrangement of Additional Service
Article 78 If we arrange you the service (except for the air transport) provided by the third party or provide you with the receipt of the service of ground transport; hotel reservation or car rental, which are provided by the third party (which are not the airlines), we will only act as the agency which will not be liable for the case whether you can obtain such services or the quality of such services. The items and conditions of the third party are applicable for this service.
If we provide you with ground transport, this condition is not applicable for the ground transport.
Chapter 15 Administrative Formalities
Article 79 The passenger shall be solely responsible for complying with all laws, regulations, orders, demands and travel requirements of countries to be flown from, into or over, and with SCAL’s Regulations and instructions. SCAL shall not be liable for any aid or information given by any agent or employee of SCAL to any passenger in connection with obtaining necessary documents or visas or complying with such laws, regulations, orders, demands, and requirements; or for the consequences to any passenger resulting from his or her failure to obtain such documents or visas or to comply with such laws, regulations, orders, demands, requirements, rules or instructions.
Article 80 The passenger shall present all exits, entry, health and other documents required by laws, regulations, orders, demands or requirements of the countries concerned, and permit SCAL to take and retain copies thereof. SCAL reserves the right to refuse carriage of any passenger who has not complied with applicable laws, regulations, orders, demands or requirements or whose documents do not appear to be in order, or who does not permit SCAL to take and retain copies thereof.
Article 81 The passenger agrees to pay the applicable fare whenever SCAL, on Government order, is required to return a passenger to his or her point of origin or elsewhere, owing to the passenger’s inadmissibility into a country, whether of transit
or of destination. SCAL may apply to the payment of such fare any funds paid to SCAL for unused carriage, or any funds of the passenger in the possession of SCAL. The fare collected for carriage to the point of refusal of entry or deportation will not be refunded by SCAL.
Article 82 If SCAL is required to pay or deposit any fine or penalty or to incur any expenditure by reason of the passenger’s failure to comply with laws, regulations, orders, demands and travel requirements of the countries concerned or to produce the required documents, the passenger shall on demand reimburse to SCAL any amount so paid or deposited and any expenditure so incurred. SCAL may use towards such expenditure any funds paid to SCAL for unused carriage, or any funds of the passenger in the possession of SCAL.
Article 83 If required, the passenger shall attend inspection of his or her baggage by customs or other government officials. SCAL is not liable to passenger for any loss or damage suffered by the passenger through failure to comply with this requirement.
Article 84 The passenger shall submit to any security checks by government or airport officials or by SCAL.
Chapter 16 Passenger Services
Article 85 Unless otherwise specified, in-flight meals shall be provided by SCAL free of charge. However, SCAL may not guarantee services beyond the stipulated varieties and quantity accordingly.
Article 86 Except as otherwise specified, SCAL does not provide ground transfer service within airport areas or between airports or between airports and town terminals. SCAL is not liable for liable for the acts of the provider of such ground transfer services or anything done by an agent or representative of SCAL in assisting the passenger to make arrangements for such transfer service.
Article 87 Passenger shall pay for expenses of hotel accommodation at the connection point.
Article 88 If illness happens to passenger during air carriage, SCAL shall take active measures and do its best to save the passenger.
Article 89 Services for abnormal flights
(1) If fights are delayed or cancelled at origin due to such reasons as aircraft maintenance, flight readjustment, or flight crew, SCAL shall provide accommodations to passengers according to regulations concerned.
(2) If flights are delayed or cancelled at origin due to non-SCAL reasons including but not limited to weather, accidents, air traffic control, airport, or passengers, SCAL shall assist passengers arrange accommodations on passengers’ own expenses.
(3) If flights are delayed or cancelled at transit point due to any reason, SCAL shall provide accommodations to transit passengers.
(4) When flights are delayed or cancelled, SCAL and SCAL’s ground service agencies shall explain and inform passenger promptly about the latest information of flights’ delay or cancellation.
Chapter 17 Successive Carrier
Article 90 Carriage to be performed by several successive carriers under one Ticket, or a Conjunction Ticket is regarded as a single operation.
Chapter 18 Liability for Damage
Article 91 SCAL’s carriage responsibility for passenger is subject to the carriage conditions, and the carriage responsibility of other carriers concerned is subject to their carriage conditions respectively.
Article 92 During carriage, SCAL only is liable for damage occurring on flights exercised by SCAL. SCAL only acts as an agent to issue a ticket or handle the checked baggage over the lines of another carrier (including the code sharing flight which is not exercised by SCAL) and is responsible for notifying the passenger about the actual carrier. But, with respect to checked baggage, passenger may make a claim against the first or last carrier shown on the ticket or baggage check. For the flight
which is not actually exercised by SCAL (including the code sharing flight), if the case that the flight is changed, delayed, cancelled, overbooked or baggage is damaged or loss or human injuries and etc occurred, the actual carrier is liable for corresponding compensation and SCAL can assist the passengers to contact the actual carrier,
Article 93 SCAL is not liable for any damage arising from its compliance with any laws or Government regulations, orders or requirements, or from failure of the passenger to comply with the same.
Article 94 Unless otherwise specified, according to the applicable provisions of the Convention, SCAL’s liability shall not exceed the amount of proven damages.
Article 95 If the damage is caused or contributed by passenger fault, it shall exempt or reduce SCAL’s liability according to the applicable laws.
Article 96 SCAL carriage contract includes the Conditions and articles exempting or limiting liability, and is also applicable to SCAL’s authorized agents and employees. In any case, the sum of compensation from SCAL, SCAL’s authorized agents and employees may not exceed the liability limit of SCAL.
Article 97 Unless clearly specified, the Conditions will not render SCAL to give up the provisions of the Convention or applicable laws on exemption or limitation of SCAL liability.
Article 98 SCAL is not liable for any illness, injury or disability, including death, if the passenger’s physical condition is attributable to such condition or for the aggravation of such condition.
Article 99 SCAL is not liable for damage caused by passenger’s baggage or property contained in such passenger’s baggage. Any passenger whose property causes injury to another person or damage to another person’s property or to the property of SCAL shall indemnify SCAL for all losses and expenses incurred by SCAL as a result thereof.
Article 100 If items listed in Article 29 are carried in checked baggage, SCAL shall not be liable for its damage.
Article 101 The application of the limit of liability compensation
The international flight defined in the Convention should follow the responsibilities applicable for the Convention. The international flight which is not defined in the Convention, we should follow related regulations of Montreal Convention to compensate the damage caused to the passengers and baggage.
Article 102 The regulations from the conventions on the limit of liability compensation
(1) Warsaw Convention and Hague Protocol
The amount of the liability compensation for casualty of passenger shall not exceed 250,000 gold francs or equivalent price.
(2) The Montreal Convention of 1999
1. For those casualty compensations that not exceed 113,100 special drawing rights per passenger are applicable for the item 1 of Article 20 and Article 21 of the convention.
2. For those damage compensation part that exceed 113,100 special drawing rights, if one of the following conditions is satisfied, then the carrier should not take the responsibility:
(1) the loss is not caused by the misstep or improper conduct or nonfeasance of carrier or its employees or agent;
(2) or the lose are completely caused by the misstep or improper conduct or nonfeasance of the third part.
Chapter 19 Effectiveness and Modification
Article 103 The Conditions come into effect and is implemented on the date of publication.
Article 104 SCAL may modify these Conditions without notice according to the routing procedure of CAAC. This modification will not apply to the carriage that starts before of such modification.
Article 105 No agent, employee or representative of SCAL has authority to alter, modify or waive any provision of the Conditions.
Article 106 SCAL reserves the right of interpretation of the Conditions.