M O N T A G E 来場規約
Provided in Japanese followed by English.
本来場規約( 以下「本規約」といいます。) はM O N T A G E 事務局( 以下「主催者」といいます。) が主催、運営する展示会 ( 以下「展示会」といいます。)に来場する来場者( 以下「来場者」といいます。) に適用される規約です。来場者は、本規約に同意した上で、展示会に来場するものとします。
1, 変更・中止
主催者は、事前の予告なく、本規約の内容を変更する場合があります。 1-2
主催者は、事前の予告なく、展示会の内容又は日程等を変更することがあります。日程 を変更する場合は、主催者H P、メールマガジン、S N S 等への公表等当社の選択する手段によって、来場者へ通知します。
主催者は、運営上の事情、天災地変等の不可抗力、その他の事情により展示会を中止することがあります。この場合、当社H P、メールマガジン、S N S 等への公表等当社の選択する手段によって、来場者へ通知します。
(1) 申込内容に虚偽があった場合
(2) 主催者H P への不正アクセス、メールアドレスの不正使用その他の不正行為を行った場合
(3) 本規約に違反した場合
(4) その他、主催者が展示会への来場を不適当と判断した場合 2-2
前項に基づき展示会への来場申込みが無効となったことにより申込者に損害が生じた 場合でも、主催者は損害を賠償しません。 2-3
(1) 展示会の運営を妨害する行為
(2) 主催者及び他の来場者、出展社、関係者への迷惑行為
(3) 特定の宗教への勧誘行為
(4) 選挙活動
(5) 他人への差別的言動及び行為
(6) 他人を誹謗中傷し、又は他人のプライバシーを侵害する言動及び行為
(7) 法令又は公序良俗に反する言動
(8) 講演中等、私語が禁止されるイベント実施時における大声での私語
(9) 飲食が禁止された場所や時間における飲食
(10) 喫煙場所以外での喫煙
(11) 主催者に無断での会場内撮影、録音行為
(12) 主催者が実施する感染症対策に非協力的な行為
(13) 展示用品や展示備品、会場設備への破損行為、また危険と判断した場合
(14) その他、主催者が展示会に不適切と判断する行為 3-2
前項に基づく主催者の措置により、参加者に損害が生じた場合でも、主催者は一切の損害を 賠償しません。
主催者及び運営スタッフが展示会を撮影、録画することがあります。 4-2
展示会の写真、映像、記事その他展示会に関連して発生した著作物( 以下「展示会著作物」といいます。) の著作権は主催者又は主催者が委託した業者等に帰属します。
主催者は、展示会の著作物を主催者H P 等のインターネット、新聞、雑誌等の媒体で公開することがあります。 4-4
来場者は、映像、写真、音声及び/ 又は肖像が前項に定めるとおり記録・公開・利用さ れることに予め同意した上で本展示会に参加するものとし、当社の自由な判断による記録、公開及び利用に関し、肖像権、プライバシー権、パブリシティ権を行使せず、また一切の対価を請求しないものとします。
展示会における来場者の負傷、疾病、紛失、盗難その他一切の事故について、主催者に帰責性がある場合を除き、主催者は一切の責任を負いません。 5-2
来場者は、本規約違反により主催者又は他の参加者その他の第三者に対して損害を与えた場合、来場者はその損害を賠償するものとします。 5-3
主催者が取得した参加者の個人情報につきましては、当社のプライバシーポリシー (xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxx/xx-xxxxxxx/xxxxxx/xxxxxxx/xxx/。
(1) 自らが、暴力団、暴力団員、暴力団員でなくなった時から 5 年を経過しない者、暴力団準 構成員、暴力団関係企業、総会屋、社会運動等標ぼうゴロ又は特殊知能暴力集団等その他これらに準じる者( 以下総称して「反社会的勢力」といいます。)
(2) 自ら若しくは第三者の不正の利益を図る目的又は第三者に損害等を加える目的をもって するなど、反社会的勢力を利用していると認められる関係を有する者
(3) 反社会的勢力に対して資金等を提供し、又は便宜を供与するなどの関与をしていると認められる関係を有する者
本規約に関する事項には日本法が適用されます。本規約又は展示会に関する紛争について は、東京地方裁判所を第xxの専属的合意管轄裁判所とします。
MONTAGE Visitor Agreement
This Visitor Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is applicable to visitors (hereinafter referred to as "Visitors") to the exhibition (hereinafter referred to as the "Exhibition") organized and operated by the MONTAGE Secretariat (hereinafter referred to as the "Organizer"). Visitors are considered to have agreed to this Agreement and its terms by entering the Exhibition.
1. Changes and Cancellations
The Organizer may change the content of this Agreement without prior notice. 1-2.
The Organizer may change the content or schedule of the Exhibition without prior notice. If there is a change in the schedule, the Organizer will notify Visitors by means of its choice, such as the Organizer's website, email newsletters, social media, etc.
The Organizer may cancel the Exhibition due to operational reasons, natural disasters, or other unforeseeable circumstances. In such cases, the Organizer will notify Visitors through its chosen means, such as the Organizer's website, email newsletters, social media, etc.
2. Registration and Qualifications
Exhibition participation applications will be deemed invalid in the following cases:
(1) Falsification in the application details.
(2) Unauthorized access to the Organizer's website, fraudulent use of email addresses, or other fraudulent activities.
(3) Violation of this Agreement.
(4) Other situations where the Organizer deems participation in the Exhibition to be inappropriate. 2-2.
Even if the Exhibition application is deemed invalid based on the preceding paragraph, the Organizer will not compensate for any damages incurred by the applicant.
Except when the Organizer is responsible, the Organizer shall not be held liable for any malfunctions in the communication devices used by applicants, services provided by communication operators, inability to make applications for the Exhibition, or any other damage or leakage of information affecting the applicant or any third party.
The right to participate in the Exhibition cannot be transferred to a third party.
3. Prohibited Activities
The following activities by Visitors are prohibited:
(1) Activities that disrupt the operation of the Exhibition.
(2) Annoying activities directed towards the Organizer, other Visitors, exhibitors, or staff.
(3) Solicitation of specific religions.
(4) Political campaigning.
(5) Discriminatory speech or actions towards others.
(6) Defamation, slander, or invasion of privacy of others.
(7) Actions that violate laws or public morals.
(8) Loud private conversations during events where private conversations are prohibited.
(9) Eating or drinking in places or at times where it is prohibited.
(10) Smoking outside designated smoking areas.
(11) Unauthorized photography or recording within the venue.
(12) Non-cooperation with the Organizer's disease prevention measures.
(13) Damaging exhibition materials, fixtures, or facilities or any other activities deemed inappropriate by the Organizer.
(14) Any other activities that the Organizer deems inappropriate for the Exhibition. 3-2.
In cases where the Organizer takes measures based on the preceding paragraph, the Organizer shall not compensate for any damages incurred by participants.
4. Copyright and Intellectual Property
The Organizer and the operating staff may take photographs and record video at the Exhibition. 4-2.
Copyright to photographs, videos, articles, and other intellectual property generated in relation to the Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as "Exhibition Intellectual Property") shall belong to the Organizer or entities commissioned by the Organizer.
The Organizer may publish the Exhibition Intellectual Property on its website, the Internet, newspapers, magazines, or other media. 4-4.
Visitors, by participating in the Exhibition, are considered to have given prior consent to record, publish, and use their images, photographs, audio recordings, and/or portraits as specified in the preceding paragraph and shall not exercise their portrait rights, privacy rights, or publicity rights and shall not claim any compensation, at the Organizer's discretion, for the recording, publication, and use of the same.
5. Disclaimer
Unless the Organizer is at fault, the Organizer shall not be held responsible for accidents, injuries, illnesses, loss, theft, or any other incidents involving Visitors at the Exhibition.
Visitors shall indemnify the Organizer for any damages caused to the Organizer or other participants or third parties as a result of the breach of this Agreement.
In cases where disputes arise between Visitors and other Visitors or third parties during the Exhibition, Visitors shall resolve such disputes at their own expense and responsibility, and the Organizer shall not be held responsible unless the Organizer is at fault.
6. Personal Information
Personal information obtained by the Organizer will be managed according to the Organizer's Privacy Policy (xxxxx://xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxx/xx-xxxxxxx/xxxxxx/xxxxxxx/xxx/
Visitors are deemed to have consented to the Organizer's Privacy Policy.
7. Exclusion of Anti-Social Forces
If a Visitor falls into any of the following categories, the Organizer will refuse their entry to the Exhibition:
(1) Individuals who are themselves or have been members of organized crime groups, including former members of organized crime groups within the last five years, quasi-members of organized crime groups, affiliates of organized crime groups, extortionists, those who disrupt social movements, or special intelligence violent groups, or individuals similar to the above (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Anti-Social Forces").
(2) Individuals who are determined to have relations indicating that they are using Anti-Social Forces for the purpose of gaining illicit benefits for themselves or inflicting damages on third parties, either by themselves or through third parties.
(3) Individuals who are determined to have relations indicating that they are providing funds or offering convenience to Anti-Social Forces or are otherwise involved with Anti-Social Forces.
8. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
Matters related to this Agreement are subject to Japanese law. In the case of any dispute related to this Agreement or the Exhibition, the Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction for the first trial.