Agreement on Termination of Marriage)
( 年 月 日出生)
與 ( 年 月 日出生)
□ 由甲方行使負擔之子女姓名:
□ 由乙方行使負擔之子女姓名:
□ 由雙方共同行使負擔之子女姓名:
立書人(甲方): (簽名或蓋章)國民身分證統一編號:
戶籍地址:電 話:
立書人(乙方): (簽名或蓋章)國民身分證統一編號:
戶籍地址:電 話:
證人: (簽名或蓋章)
證人: (簽名或蓋章)
中 華 民 國 年 月 日
(Agreement on Termination of Marriage)
(Name)( 年 月 日出生)(Date of Birth, Year, Month, Day)
與(and) (Name)( 年 月 日出生)(Date of Birth, Year, Month, Day)
茲因雙方意見不合,難偕白首,同意終止結婚,茲經雙方同意訂立此終止結婚協議書,約定事項如下(Both parties agree to terminate marriage due to disagreement. The Undersigned hereby execute this agreement with the terms and conditions as follows):
一、雙方在婚姻存續中之未成年子女權利義務行使負擔之協議(The rights and obligations of the minor child/children born to both parties during marriage):
□ 由甲方行使負擔之子女姓名 (Name(s) of the minor child/children whose rights
and obligations are borne by Party A):
□ 由乙方行使負擔之子女姓名 (Name(s) of the minor child/children whose rights and obligations are borne by Party B):
□ 由雙方共同行使負擔之子女姓名 (Name(s) of the minor child/children whose
rights and obligations are borne by both parties):
二、本終止結婚協議書一式三份,雙方各執一份,訂立後應共同持另一份向戶政機關登記始生效力。(This agreement is executed in triplicate, with one copy kept by each party respectively and one copy submitted to the household registration office for registration.)
三、其他 (Other):
立書人(甲方)(Signature of Party A): (簽名或蓋章)國民身分證統一編號 (National ID Card No.):
戶籍地址 (Address):
電 話 (Telephone No.):
立書人(乙方)(Signature of Party B): (簽名或蓋章)國民身分證統一編號 (National ID Card No.):
戶籍地址 (Address):
電 話 (Telephone No.):
證人 (Signature of witness): (簽名或xx)
證人 (Signature of witness): (簽名或xx)
中 華 民 國 年 月 日
(Year, Month, Day)
(Note: Select the matters to be agreed on (V). If "Other" is selected, please specify in the blank.)