投 標編號:CNP-2020-SC001
投 標編號:CNP-2020-SC001
投 標 章 程 P.1 –P.4
附 件 一 : 投 標 表 格 P.5 –P.6
附件二:工作內容及報價詳情 P.7 –P.15
附 件 三 : 施 工 標 準 P.16
附件四:道德承擔條款 P.17 –P.18附件五:誠信及反圍標條款確認書 P.19 –P.20附件六:註冊服務承辦商聲明書 P.21
附 件 七 : 一 般 合 約 條 款 GC P1-P22
香港女童軍總會 (以下簡稱“本會”) 位於黃泥涌峽道 141 號的新德倫山莊為女童軍隊伍、制服團體及其他外界團體提供日營及宿營服務。本會正邀請合適的承辦商為新德倫山莊進行更換鐵絲網工程,預計施工月份為 2020 年 9 月,10 月或 11 月間,本會將根據投標及報價文件進行綜合考慮,選擇承辦商,具體事項如下:
1. 投標者按照本會要求,承辦本會是次更換鐵絲網工程。有關本會是次工程報價詳情,請閱「附件二:工作內容及報價詳情」及「附件三:施工標準」。
2. 投標承諾書、報價表格及公司資料等文件,必須於投標截止日期及指定時間前送達及放進位於本總會大樓之一樓接待處投標箱內。遲於截止日期及指定時間提交之標書將不會受接納並會視之為無效。繼後本會將對各投標書進行綜合評審。
3. 本會有權因應不同的情況選取所有投標項目中的單一項目,或數個項目,或最終中標方將承包有關合約中所有項目。
4. 投標採用承包方式,投標者需就附件二所有項目作報價。
5. 承辦商負責辦理工作人員之勞工保險,勞工意外賠償及第三者意外保險;如因承辦商疏忽緣故而招致本會任何有關以上方面之訴訟或損失,承辦商需負責本會一切損失。
6. 承辦商於是次工程項目方面倘有任何處理不當之處,因而引致本會遭受政府機構、活動參加者或其他人士指責、處罰、或損毀本會聲譽,承辦商需負起全部責任。
1. 具有有效的香港特別行政區政府公司註冊處的商業牌照、屋宇署註冊一般建築承建商,並具有獨立承擔民事責任和履行合同能力,以及健全的財務會計管理制度、履行合同所必需的設備和專業技術能力。
2. 具有良好的商業信譽和服務記錄,以及沒有任何違法和財務不良記錄。
3. 在投標截止日前沒有任何經濟糾紛和官司或潛在的經濟糾紛和官司。
4. 具有較強的項目管理及組織實施能力,能滿足本會規定要求,具有良好的履約記錄。能夠提供良好及快速的服務。
1. 自行承擔投標費用
2. 招標書的修改
2.1 在投標截止日前任何時間,本會有權根據實際情況修改招標文件。本會可根據需要延長報價截止時間,並以電郵通知投標方有關修改。
2.2 若投標者對招標文件提出澄清要求,必需在截止時間前 3 日以書面形式(包括信函、傳真、電郵)通知本會,本會將以書面形式予以答覆。
3. 投標文件要求
3.1 投標者被視為已經詳細了解招標文件和招標要求,投標者在投標前須認真閱讀本文件的說明、條件及規範等所有內容。
3.2 投標文件的組成
3.2.1 已完成之附件一:投標表格
3.2.2 已完成之附件二:工作內容及報價詳情
3.2.3 已簽署之附件三:施工標準
3.2.4 已簽署之附件四:道德承擔條款
3.2.5 已簽署之附件五:誠信及反圍標條款確認書
3.2.6 已簽署之附件六:註冊服務承辦商聲明書
3.2.7 已簽署之附件七:一般合約條款 (只提供英文版)
3.2.8 價格及相關資料 (包括但不限於以下內容和資料):
- 對本次工程提供有關器材、服務、人手安排、運輸等實質性說明。
3.2.9 投標公司概況 (包括但不限於以下內容和資料):
- 投標者公司的情況綜合說明:包括企業概況、企業近年來的經營業績、企業信譽、企業實力等內容;
- 投標者公司過往相關工程紀錄;
- 對本次項目器材質量和服務的承諾條款;
- 證明投標方資格的相關文件
3.3 投標文件格式及注意事項
3.3.1 本投標形式是以双信封程序進行, 即投摽者必須把服務及價格資料
信封 A:投放投標章程、施工標準(附件三) 、道德承擔條款 (附件四)、誠信及反圍標條款確認書 (附件五)、註冊服務承辦商聲明書 (附件六)、一般合約條款(附件七)及投標公司概況資料
(信封面必須註明投標編號 CNP-2020-SC001 及「信封 A」)信封 B:投放投標表格 (附件一)、工作內容及報價詳情(附件二)及價格
(信封面必須註明投標編號 CNP-2020-SC001 及「信封 B」)
投標者不可於信封A 中的服務資料泄露價格或於信封上展示或披露身分,否則有關投標書將不會被考慮。
3.3.2 投標者須對本次投標項目的所有相關器材和服務進行報價,不得漏項,且每個項目只能提出一個不變的價格,有選擇的報價不予接受;報價為最終價格(包括提供相關的器材、服務、人手安排、運輸等各項費用),本會不對報價之外的任何費用予以支付。
3.3.3 投標者的投標有效期為 90 天,由截標日期起計如 90 天內仍未接獲委聘通知,則是次投標可視作落選論。
3.3.4 投標者應用阿拉伯數字準確填寫價格資料,如合計與單價不符,以單價為準。
3.3.5 所有報價資料須由法定代表人或其授權人簽署認可。
3.3.6 投標書不得有任何擦塗、更改痕跡。若須改正錯漏,須由投標文件簽發人在更正處加簽。
3.3.7 投標者提交的所有資格證明資料不得出現偽造痕跡,一經發現,本會將保留追究權利或取消合同。
3.3.8 本會不接受傳真或電郵等不密封的投標書。
4. 評審原則、方法
4.1 評審小組將根據投標者能否按照本會的要求提供有關器材和服務及企業資料等多項指標按照綜合計分原則對投標者進行評審。
A. 價格 :評審小組將根據投標者的報價文件,計算出整體服務的總價,然後根據該總價由低至高進行評分
(佔整體評分 70%);
B. 服務質量 :評審小組將根據投標者所提供的器材和服務質量、用料、規格等進行評分;(佔整體評分 20%)
C. 服務承諾 :評審小組將根據投標者服務承諾和信譽度、經營規模、業
績、誠信度進行評分;(佔整體評分 10%)
4.2 評審後,評審小組可視情況約見投標者分別進行競爭性談判,具體時間由本會另行通知。
4.3 評審過程以及投標文件的初審、評估、比較等內容予以保密,不會透露給任何投標者或其他與評審工作無關的第三者。
4.4 投標者任何試圖影響公正評審的行為都將導致其報價文件作廢標處理。
1. 投標截止日期及時間為 2020 年 7 月 31 日(星期五)中午 12 時正。所有投標
文 件必須在投標截止日期及時間前交至香港女童軍總會一樓辦事處投標箱
(地址:九龍加士居道 8 號)。
2. 若在截止日上午 9 時至中午 12 時期間發出 8 號或以上颱風信號或黑色暴雨警告,截止日期將順延至下一個工作天中午 12 時正。
3. 投標者必須在上述期限前將投標文件送至本會,對逾期送達的投標文件,本會有權拒絕。
六 、實地視察:
2020 年 7 月 20 日 (上午 11:00) 或
2020 年 7 月 20 日 (中午 12:00)
請聯絡許先生 2359 6858 預約。
x x x 先 生 電 話 :2359 6847
( 營 地 及 產 業 幹 事 ) 傳 真 :2771 1103
電話:0000 0000
傳真:2771 1103
致: 香港女童軍總會
公 司 名 稱 ( 中 ): 公 司 名 稱 ( x ): 公 司 地 址 ( 中 ) : 公 司 電 話 : 傳 真 號 碼 : 聯 絡 人 : 商 業 登 記 號 碼 : 屆 滿 日 期 : 一 般 建 築 承 建 商 牌 照 號 碼 : 屆 滿 日 期 :
[本人/我們] ¹參加香港女童軍總會新德倫山莊更換鐵絲網工程
CNP-2020-SC001 的投標活動。為此,我方謹xxxx以下諸點並對之負法律責任:
1. [本人/我們] ¹己視察本工程現場,及了解本投標書內列明的所有條款、工程項目內容等,[本人/我們] ¹願依本投標書指示,以工程金額港幣 (HK$ ) ,執行、承造及完成本投標書所有工程。
2. 如[本人/我們] ¹投標獲接納,[本人/我們] ¹保證在合約文件規定的90 天內執行、承造及完成本投標書所有工程。
3. [本人/我們] ¹同意本投標書的有效期為截止投標日期後加 60 天,而期內本投標書對我們有法律約束力。本會可在有效期內接納本投標書。
4. [本人/我們] ¹願意按照招標文件的全部要求提供相關器材和服務,無論中標與否, 香港女童軍總會(以下稱為本會)有權對我方提交的器材和服務等進行選擇使用和修改。
5. [本人/我們] ¹已詳細審查招標文件材料,包括修改文件(如有的話)以及全部參考資料和有關附件。我們完全理解並同意放棄對這方面有不明及誤解的權利。
6. [本人/我們] ¹同意提供本會可能要求與招標活動有關的一切數據或資料,並接受招標文件所有的條款規定和要求。
7. 直至簽署正式合同為止,本投標書在本會接納後將成為有效合約,並對雙方有約束力。
8. [本人/我們] ¹明白本會不一定要接受最低的投標書或收到的任何標書,亦不會就否決任何投標作出解釋。
9. [本人/我們] ¹確認本投標已包括本會所發出,關於招標文件的修改通知及相關內容。
10. 如果確定[本人/我們] ¹為承辦商,我們將保證按照本會規定,嚴格履行合同的各項責任和義務。
1. 工作地點及基本要求
地址 | 黃泥涌峽道 141 號 香港女童軍總會新德倫山莊 |
工程位置 | 營地外圍(詳見 Fig 1, Area A & Area B) |
工程要求 | - 承辦商必須為屋宇署註冊一般建築承建商需提供人手、工具、材料及 安全設備於整項工程 |
2. Scope of Work & Price
work item | description | quantity | unit rate | amount |
1 | Area A (refer to fig 2a-2d for reference) To design, supply and replace the wire mesh fencing with reference to the existing one, including but not limited to the following works: | -- | -- | -- |
1.1 | to dismantle and cart away the wire mesh fencing including the metal posts to make necessary work for the plants, to facilitate the installation of wire mesh fencing works | 1 job | -- | |
1.2 | to supply and replace wire mesh fencing for the area A of fig 1, with galvanized metal posts with painting , embedding & fixing underground with concrete, PVC coated wire mesh, galvanized barbed wires (刺勒線) on top, and tension bar on top & bottom details: - length / distance of fencing: about 45m - height of posts: about 2060 mm | 1 job |
- diameter of post : about 50mm - wire mesh diamond hole : about 50mm x 50mm - wire thickness : about 3mm (remark: the length / distance (quantity) of wire mesh fencing is for reference only, contractor should make their own measurement on site) | ||||
1.3 | For security, contractor should provide necessary secured measures or erect hoarding to prevent access / trepass of outsiders, after demolishing the wire mesh fencing | 1 job | -- | |
2 | Area B (refer to fig 3a-3e) to fix, erect, repair the damaged and collapsed wire mesh fencing to match the existing fencing, including but not limited to add supporting , embed concrete to the footing of metal posts, add tension bar, remove rusty and painting of the metal posts and etc, to enhance the strength / stability of the fencing Remark: (i) the length / distance (quantity) of wire mesh fencing for repair are provisional and for reference only. The actual quantities shall be subject to joint site measurement and approval from the representative of HKGGA. (ii) The unit rate shall be fixed and used for ascertain the amount of valuation | 40m |
of variation of the works if any, throughout an entire contract period including any defects Liability Period. Such unit rate shall not be adjusted whatsoever irrespective of an actual quantities are decrease or increase. The contractors shall not be permitted to claim for loss of profit and /or other expenses in connection therefrom. | ||||
3 | To clean and remove debris upon completion of works | 1 job | --- | |
4 | To provide Contractor All Risk Insurance ($20,000,000) including public liability insurance and Employee Compensation Insurance | 1 job | --- | |
5 | Remark: a. The respresentative of HKGGA shall have the rights to add or deduct any item of the works or its quantity either in wholly / partially as necessary. No claim for the loss of profit and /or other expenditure / loss shall be allowed for the contractor’s by the reason of this. b. to provide necessary protection & safety precaution measures during the course of works c. to submit a sample of wire mesh for approval d. to submit shop drawing with dimension for work item 1.2 e. to submit method statement for the works and secured measures for work | --- | --- | included |
item 1.3. f. to make good for all the damage caused during the works g. the work should be completed to the satisfaction of representative of HKGGA h. the works should be completed within 4 weeks and on or before 30 November 2020. i. to make application of minor works and submit copy to HKGGA j. to submit report with photos before and after of the works k. to provide 12 months warranty period upon the HKGGA satisfaction and practical completion of all the Works. l. to provide at least 2 units of proper fire extinguisher m. All the works and material used should comply with the current / lastest edition of Government regulations and guidelines that may be revised from time to time when required. | ||||
Total |
Fig 1
Fig 2a (Area A)
Fig 2b (Area A)
Fig 2c (Area A)
Fig 2d (Area A)
Fig 3a (Area B)
Fig 3b (Area B)
Fig 3c (Area B)
Fig 3d (Area B)
1. 材料及技術須符合「 一般施工標準 」, 即 “Hong Kong Government Architectural Services Department” 出 版 的 “General Specification for Building - 2017 Edition Volumn 1 及 Volumn 2” 。
2. 所有工程須遵守香港各有關法定規例,並將以最新出版及修訂的條例為準,下列為[本人/我們] ¹須特別留意並遵守的條例及標準:
- 材料製造商及供應商的規格及提議;
- 英國標準;英國標準協會所述的工作守則;
- 香港勞工處製訂的條例及工作守則;
- 香港環境保護條例;
- 香港建築物條例及
- 香港消防條例及工作守則。
3. 報價已包括一般施工標準中所有要求。
4. 雖然沒有夾附於合約文件中,但是一般施工標準已被認為是合約的一部分。一般施工標準可於辦公時間內於「政府刊物銷售處」購買。
5. 一般施工標準中沒有描述標準須符合施工標準細則。
6. 若一般施工標準及施工標準細則有不一致之處,在解釋合約工程時,以施工標準細則為主,一般施工標準為次。
7. 所有一般施工標準皆適用於本合約,除非另有施工標準細則。
8. 持有效屋宇署註冊一般建築承建商。
(A) 除為本合約目的外,承辦商不得使用或洩露 香港女童軍總會(以下稱為本會)在本合約或任何隨後通訊或文件中提供的任何資料。就本合約而言,向任何人士或代理人或分判承辦商所披露的任何資料須嚴格保密,並須按「需要知道」的基準披露,且在為本合約的目的而必需的範圍內披露。承辦商須採取所有必要措施(包括在適當情況下透過紀律守則或合約條款),確保該等人士、代理人或分判承辦商不會就本合約以外的目的而洩露該等資料。承辦商須就承辦商或其董事、僱員、代理人或分判承辦商違反前述保密條款而引致或與其有關而直接或相應引致、本會可能經受、蒙受或招致的所有任何性質的損失、債務、損害、費用、法律費、專業及其它開支,對本會做出彌償,並使本會獲得彌償。
(B) 在開展與本合約有關的業務時,承辦商須禁止其參與本合約的董事、僱員、代理人及分判承辦商提供、索取或接受《防止賄賂條例》(香港法例第 201章)所定義的任何利益。
(C) 承辦商須要求其參與本合約的董事、僱員、代理人及分判承辦商以書面方式向承辦商申報其個人/財務利益與他們在本合約有關的職責之間的任何衝突或潛在衝突。若該等衝突或潛在衝突已在申報中披露,則承辦商須立即採取必要的合理措施,盡可能緩解或消除所申報的衝突或潛在衝突。
(D) 承辦商須禁止其參與本合約的董事及僱員參與除履行本合約外的任何工程或工作(無論有無薪酬),而該等工程或工作會造成或可能引起其個人 / 財務利益與其職責間的衝突。承辦商亦須要求其分判商及代理人以紀律守則的方式對其僱員施加類似限制。
(E) 承辦商須採取所有必要措施(在適當情況下包括以紀律守則或合約條款的方式)確保其董事、僱員、代理人及分判承辦商瞭解本條款中的規限。
(F) 承辦商亦須簽署及提交一份由本會訂明或批准的格式(見第二頁)的聲明,確認遵守前述(A)、(B)、(C)、(D) 及 (E) 分條中所述的道德承擔規定。若承辦商未能提交要求的聲明,則本會有權扣留付款,直至承辦商提交該等聲明為止,而承辦商在該期間內無權獲取利息。為證明遵守前述 (A)、(B)、(C)、
(D) 及 (E) 分條有關保密資料、防止賄賂及申報利益方面的規定,承辦商及其為履行本合約下的職責而僱用的分判承辦商須向本會呈交向其員工頒發的紀律守則。
新德倫山莊更換鐵絲網工程 CNP-2020-SC001
(a) 在開展與本合約有關的業務時,禁止參與本合約的董事、僱員、代理人及分判承辦商提供、索取或接受《防止賄賂條例》(香港法例第 201 章)第 2 節所定義的任何利益;
(b) 要求參與本合約的董事、僱員、代理人及分判商以書面方式向我們申報其個人 / 財務利益與他們在本合約有關的職責之間的任何衝突或潛在衝突。如果該等衝突或潛在衝突已獲披露,我們將立即採取必要的合理措施,盡可能緩解或消除所披露的衝突或潛在衝突;
(c) 禁止參與執行本合約的董事及僱員參與本合約外、可能會造成或可能引致他們在本合約有關的職責與其個人 / 財務利益發生衝突的任何工程或工作
(d) 採取所有必要措施,確保由本會或代表本會託付予我們的任何機密 / 保密權涵蓋的資料或資料不會洩露予除本合約允許的人士以外的第三方。
(A) 投標者不得且須禁止其僱員、代理人及分判承辦商就本合約的招標及執行而提供、索取或接受《防止賄賂條例》(香港法例第 201 章) 所定義的利益。
(B) 若未能促致前述結果,或若投標者或投標者的僱員、代理人或分判承辦商作出任何提供、索取或接受上文第(A)段所述的利益的行為,將導致投標者的投標無效,但投標者仍須就該等錯失及行為承擔責任。
(C) 在 香港女童軍總會(以下稱為本會)通知投標者招標結果之前,投標者不得
• 向本會以外的任何人士傳達任何投標金額的資料;
• 透過與任何其他人士的安排調整任何投標金額;
• 與任何其他人士就投標者或該其他人士是否應或不應投標訂立任何安排;或
• 在投標過程中以任何方式與任何其他人士串通。
• 若投標者違反或不遵守本分條款,將導致投標者的投標無效,但投標者仍須承擔該等缺失及行為的責任。
(D) 本條款的第 (C) 分條不適用於投標者為獲得保險報價以計算投標價格而 向其承保人或經紀人發出受嚴格保密的通訊,以及為獲得顧問/分判承辦商協助編製標書而向他們發出受嚴格保密的通訊。
(E) 投標者須向本會提交一份按附錄所載的格式妥為簽署的函件。該函件須由獲授權代表代投標者簽署合約的人士簽署。
誠 信及反圍標條款確認書
新德倫山莊更換鐵絲網工程 CNP-2020-SC001
[ 本 人 / 我 們 ] ¹ , , 地 址 為 [ 投 標 者 的 名 稱 ] [ 投 標 者 的 地 址 ] ²
謹此提述[本人/我們] ¹ 就上述合約所作的投標。 [本人/我們] ¹ 確認,於呈交本函件時,除本函件最後一段所提及的豁免通訊外,[本人/我們] ¹ 並未:
向香港女童軍總會 (以下稱為本會)以外的任何人士傳達任何投標金額的資料;
與任何其他人士就[本人/我們] ¹ 或該其他人士是否應或不應投標訂立任何安排;或
[本人/我們] ¹ 不會:
與任何其他人士就[本人/我們] ¹或該其他人士是否應投標訂立任何協議;或
在本函件中,「豁免通訊」一詞即指[本人/我們] ¹ 為獲得保險報價以計算投標價格而向[本人/我們] ¹ 的承保人或經紀人發出受嚴格保密的通訊,以及為獲得[本人/我們] ¹ 的顧問/分判
1 刪除不適用者
2 若投標者包括合夥、合營企業或其他形式組織的兩名或兩名以上人士或兩間或以上公司,方括號內的部 分應擴展至包括該等人士或公司各自的名稱及地址。
3 若投標者包括合夥、合營企業或其他形式組織的兩名或兩名以上人士或以上公司,所有該等人士或公司均須簽署。該等人士或公司各自的簽署人須為獲授權人士,代表該人士或公司簽署本合約。
新德倫山莊更換鐵絲網工程 CNP-2020-SC001
新德倫山莊更換鐵絲網工程 CNP-2020-SC001
本 人 ,
[投標公司董事的中文全名] [投標公司董事的英文全名]
在 此 代 表 , ,
[ 投 標 公 司 的 中 文 名 稱 ] [ 投 標 公 司 的 英 文 名 稱 ]
作 出 聲 明 , 於 是 次 服 務 所 委 派 之 下 列 人 員 在 過 去 * 有 / 沒 有 因 [ 投 標 公 司 名 稱 ]
The following expressions shall bear the same meanings as set out below:
“Contract” means the agreement made between HKGGA and the Contractor pursuant to the invitation to tender, and reference to the terms thereof shall include:
(a) the terms, technical specifications, service specifications, special conditions and schedule (including price schedule) set out in the tender document and/or the Contract, completed, modified or expanded as necessary or appropriate to include the terms accepted by HKGGA and the Contractor; and
(b) all other documents attached to the tender form as a schedule or other attachment by whatever name called, completed and issued by HKGGA.
“Contract Price” means the price for the Goods and/or Services provided in the Contract.
“Contractor” means the tenderer whose tender is accepted by HKGGA.
“Good Industry Practice”
means the standards, practices, methods and procedures conforming to law and the degree of skill and care, diligence, prudence and foresight which would reasonably and ordinarily be expected from a skilled and experienced person or body engaged in a similar type of undertaking under the same or similar circumstances.
“Goods” means the goods to be supplied to HKGGA under the Contract.
“HKGGA” means The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association.
(a) the Chief Commissioner or the Chief Executive of HKGGA;
(b) any officer of HKGGA specified by the Chief Executive of HKGGA for the purposes of the Contract; and
(c) any other officer authorised by the officer referred to in (b) for the purpose of the Contract.
“Intellectual Property Rights”
means patents, trade marks, service marks, trade names, design rights, copyrights, domain names, database rights, rights in know-how, new inventions, designs, processes, and other intellectual property rights (of whatever nature and wheresoever arising, whether now known or hereafter created) in each case whether registered or unregistered, and including applications for the grant of any such rights.
“Inspecting Officer” means the officer appointed by HKGGA Representative for the purpose of inspecting the Services performed or the Goods provided in pursuance of the Contract.
“Materials” means any and all works and materials (including their drafts and uncompleted versions) developed, written or prepared by the Contractor, its employees, agents or sub-contractors in relation to the Services (whether individually or collectively or jointly with HKGGA) including without limitation, any reports, summaries, models, questionnaires, analyses, papers, documents, records, plans, drawings, formula, tables, charts, data or information collected, compiled, produced or created by the Contractor in relation to the Services recorded or stored by whatever means.
“Services” means the services to be provided to HKGGA under the Contract.
These Conditions apply to both the supply of Goods and the provision of Services so that they supplement the terms of the Contract whether it relates to Goods or Services or both.
1. Contractor's Acknowledgement and Contract Performance
Supply of Goods
1.1 The Goods to be supplied under the Contract shall be as laid down in the Contract and shall be delivered to HKGGA as and when requested by the Inspection Officer.
1.2 The Contractor acknowledges and agrees that it has been supplied with sufficient information to enable it to supply to HKGGA the Goods, which shall comply fully with the requirements set out in the technical specifications and other provisions of the Contract. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional payment nor be excused from any liability under the Contract as a consequence of any misinterpretation by the Contractor of any matter or fact relating to the technical specifications or any other provisions of the Contract;
Provision of Services
1.3 The Services to be performed under the Contract shall be as laid down in the service specifications, special conditions of contract and schedule (if any) and shall be carried out, as and when required, to the satisfaction of the Inspecting Officer;
1.4 The Contractor shall not extend the Services beyond the requirements specified in the service specifications, special conditions of contract and schedule (if any). HKGGA Representative may, subject to the proviso hereinafter contained, at any time during the duration of the Contract by notice in writing direct the Contractor to alter, amend, omit, add to, or otherwise vary any of the Services and/or the duration of the Contract, and the Contractor shall carry out such variations, and be bound by the same conditions, so far as are applicable, as though the said variations were stated in the service specifications, special conditions of contract and schedule (if any);
1.5 The Contractor shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations. In particular, the Contractor shall:
(a) comply with the Employment Ordinance (Chapter 57 of the Laws of Hong Kong) and the Immigration Ordinance (Chapter 115 of the Laws of Hong Kong). The Contractor shall not employ any persons who are forbidden by the laws of Hong Kong or are not entitled for whatever reasons to undertake any employment in Hong Kong;
(b) make its own arrangements to provide Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes to its employees in accordance with the
provisions of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (Chapter 485 of the Laws of Hong Kong); and
(c) comply with the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance (Chapter 509 of the Laws of Hong Kong) and any other legal provisions pertaining to the health and safety of the personnel, HKGGA staff and others who may be affected by its performance of Services.
1.6 The Contractor further acknowledges that HKGGA relies on the skill and judgment of the Contractor in the supply of the Goods, provision of the Services and the performance of its obligations under the Contract;
1.7 Where a variation has been made to the Contract the amount to be added to or deducted from the Contract Price in accordance with that variation shall be determined in accordance with the rates specified in the price schedule so far as the same may be applicable and where rates are not contained in the price schedule, or are not applicable, such amount shall be such sum as is reasonable in the circumstances;
1.8 The Contractor shall perform its obligations under the Contract:
(a) with appropriately experienced, qualified and trained personnel and with all due care, skill and diligence;
(b) in accordance with Good Industry Practice; and
(c) to comply with all applicable laws.
1.9 The Contractor shall secure, obtain and maintain throughout the Contract Period all and any governmental authorisations, approvals, permits or licences which may be required or necessary in connection with the performance of the Contract and to bear all costs, charges and expenses that may be incurred in obtaining and maintaining the permits and licences.
1.10 The Contractor shall pay all taxes, duties, fees, charges, assessments of any nature levied by relevant governmental authorities and to pay the fines and penalties imposed for any offence or infringement by the Contractor under any laws or regulations in connection with the performance of the Contract.
1.11 The Contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy of all drawings, documents and information supplied by the Contractor to HKGGA in connection with the Goods or Services. Without prejudice to any
other provisions of the Contract, the Contractor shall indemnify HKGGA against all losses and damages arising from, and costs and expenses incurred in connection with, any discrepancies, errors or omissions therein.
2. Warranties and Representations
2.1 The Contractor warrants, represents and undertakes that:
(a) the Goods conform in all respects to the technical specifications and, where applicable, with any sample approved by HKGGA;
(b) the Goods operate in accordance with the relevant technical specifications and correspond with the requirements of the technical specifications and any particulars specified in the Contract;
(c) the Goods are free from defects in design, materials and workmanship and are fit and sufficient for any particular purpose made known to the Contractor by HKGGA and to the extent consistent with such particular purpose, for other purposes for which such Goods are ordinarily used and the Contractor shall ensure that the Goods supplied are of the same source (in terms of manufacturer and place of origin) as stated in the Contract;
(d) all consents, approvals, licences and certificates have been duly obtained for the manufacture, sale, supply and use of the Goods and the use of the Goods by HKGGA will not contravene any applicable laws;
(e) The Contractor and its sub-contractors, their employees and agents shall have the necessary training, skill, experience, qualifications and expertise to provide the Services on the terms and conditions set out in the Contract;
(f) The Contractor shall carry out the Services with all due diligence and in a timely, safe, proper, skilful and workmanlike manner;
(g) The Services shall conform in all respects to the service specifications and conditions under the Contract;
(h) It shall not employ any illegal workers to carry out its obligations under the Contract;
Goods / Services
(i) The Contractor has full power, capacity and authority to enter into the Contract and to perform its obligations under the Contract;
(j) The Contract constitutes valid, legally binding obligations of the Contractor enforceable in accordance with its terms;
(k) All authorisations, approvals, consents, licences, exemptions and other requirements of any governmental, administrative or other authority or body in any relevant jurisdiction which are required to authorise the Contractor to execute, deliver and perform the Contractor’s obligations under the Contract (including where its procedures so require, the consent of its parent company) have been duly and unconditionally obtained and are in full force and effect and use of the Services by HKGGA will not contravene any applicable law;
(l) It owns, has obtained and is able to obtain, valid licences for all Intellectual Property Rights that are necessary for the performance of its obligations under the Contract.
2.2 The warranties, representations and undertakings, expressed or implied, contained in Clause 2.1 and other provisions of the Contract (collectively, “Warranties” and each, a “Warranty”) shall be true without limitation in time, save that in case of any Warranty expressed to be effective for the duration of the Contract, it shall be true on each day of the duration of the Contract as if it is repeated on each such day.
2.3 Each of the Warranties shall be separate and independent and without prejudice to any other Warranty, and shall not be limited by reference to or inference from any other Warranty or any other provision of the Contract.
3. Costs and Expenses
Save as otherwise expressly provided for in the Contract, the Contractor shall comply with all provisions of the Contract and its obligations under the Contract at its own costs and expenses.
4. The Goods
4.1 All Goods supplied by the Contractor to HKGGA under the Contract shall be of merchantable quality, fit for purpose, and comply in all respects with the technical specifications.
4.2 The Goods to be delivered and shall be delivered at the time and in the manner set out in the Contract. If no time is specified in the Contract, the Goods shall be delivered on request by HKGGA Representative.
4.3 Time shall be of the essence as regards delivery of Goods or performance of Services.
4.4 The Contractor shall be liable to HKGGA under the terms of the Contract whether or not the Goods are manufactured by it.
5. Inspection and Acceptance of Goods
5.1 All Goods delivered to HKGGA shall be subject to such inspection and/or testing as specified in the Contract and such other inspection and/or testing as HKGGA considers appropriate. The Contractor shall provide all reasonable assistance to HKGGA in relation to all such inspection and testing free of charge. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, HKGGA Representative may by giving reasonable prior notice to the Contractor, inspect or test the Goods either in the form of a finished product or in the process of manufacture.
5.2 If required by HKGGA Representative, the Contractor shall deliver to HKGGA Representative a proof note or a certificate showing that the Goods have been subjected to and passed the tests as specified in the Contract and such other tests referred to in Clause 5.1.
5.3 No failure by HKGGA to make a complaint at any time of an inspection or test, and no approval or consent given during or after such inspection or test shall constitute a waiver by HKGGA of any rights or remedies it has or may have in respect of the Goods. HKGGA reserves all its rights to reject the Goods whether under the provisions of the Contract, in law or otherwise.
6. Rejections of Goods
6.1 If any Goods supplied by the Contractor is not fit for purpose or of merchantable quality, or fails to comply with the technical
specifications or other provisions of the Contract, notwithstanding any acceptance of the Goods by HKGGA, HKGGA may reject those Goods.
6.2 After rejecting the goods, HKGGA may exercise all or any of the following rights:
(a) require the Contractor to remove the Goods within the period specified by HKGGA;
(b) require the Contractor to repair the Goods promptly and in any event no later than a date prescribed by HKGGA;
(c) require the Contractor to replace the Goods promptly, and deliver to HKGGA the replacement Goods no later than a date specified by HKGGA; and/or
(d) terminate the Contract forthwith.
6.3 If HKGGA rejects any Goods, the Contractor shall forthwith refund to HKGGA all monies, if any, previously paid by HKGGA to the Contractor in respect of the rejected Goods.
6.4 Risk in all Goods rejected or returned by HKGGA to the Contractor remains with the Contractor (irrespective of the location of the Goods) and they shall be returned to the Contractor at the Contractor’s expense.
7. Place of Origin of Goods
HKGGA reserves the right to reject any Goods which were not manufactured in the place as specified in the Contract. The Contractor shall ensure that the Goods supplied are of the same source (in terms of manufacturer and place of origin) as stated in the Contract.
8. Survey Expenses
If HKGGA discovers any defect in the Goods, HKGGA may, at the costs and expenses of the Contractor, appoint a surveyor or an expert in the appropriate field to investigate into and/or establish the nature of the defect.
9. Provision of Services
9.1 The Services shall be provided in a workman like manner and in all respects in accordance with Good Industry Practice.
9.2 The Contractor shall provide to HKGGA the Services on the date and time so specified in the Contract; if no time is specified in the Contract, the Services shall be provided on request by HKGGA Representative.
9.3 Time shall be of the essence as regards each provision of the Services specified in the Contract.
10. Inspection of Services
10.1 The Services performed shall be subject to inspection and certification by the Inspecting Officer and/or HKGGA Representative. Upon breach of any term or condition of the Contract by the Contractor, including but not limited to failure to comply with the performance requirements in accordance with the service specifications, HKGGA shall be entitled to reject unsatisfactory performance of the Services and withhold payment of the Contract Price until the deficiencies or defects have been rectified by the Contractor.
10.2 In the event that the Contractor, its sub-contractors or any of the Services performed shall fail to comply with any of the requirements of the Contract, or in the event that there is a breach of or non- compliance with any warranty, undertaking or obligation on the part of the Contractor to observe and perform which is capable of remedy, HKGGA may by notice in writing to the Contractor at any time require the Contractor to make good the defect, deficiency or remedy the breach at its sole costs and expenses within such time as may be stipulated by HKGGA.
11. Non-exclusive Contract
Nothing in the Contract shall preclude HKGGA from procuring any Goods or Services from any other person / Company / Organization / Agency / Corporation.
12. Payment of the Contract Price
12.1 In consideration of the Contractor’s due and proper performance of all its obligations in accordance with the Contract, HKGGA shall pay the Contractor the Contract Price in accordance with the payment timetable set out in the price schedule.
12.2 Notwithstanding any provision in the Contract, unless otherwise agreed in writing by HKGGA, in respect of any Goods or any Services delivered to HKGGA, HKGGA shall not have any obligation to pay the Contractor any Contract Price for such Goods or any Services unless and until the Goods or Services have been accepted by HKGGA in the manner prescribed in the Contract.
12.3 The Contract Price is inclusive of all charges (including the costs of packaging, packing, shipping, carriage, insurance, unloading of the Goods and inland freight, broker’s fees, custom house’s fees, duties, imposts, levies, labour costs, all charges and fees incurred in the provision of services) and all other costs and charges for the sale and delivery of the Goods to the destination specified in the Contract and all charges for the provision of Services. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract, the Contractor shall not be entitled to any adjustment in the Contract Price for any reason (including foreign exchange fluctuations).
12.4 Notwithstanding any provision of the Contract, HKGGA is entitled to withhold payment of all or any part of the Contract Price and any other sum payable by HKGGA to the Contractor under the Contract if:
(a) the Contractor fails to observe or perform any provision of the Contract;
(b) HKGGA disputes on any reasonable ground its obligation to pay the amount in question;
(c) HKGGA has reasonable grounds to believe that the Contractor is or will be liable to HKGGA under any provision of the Contract for the loss or damage suffered by HKGGA; or
(d) withholding of payment is required by any applicable law.
12.5 If the Contractor fails to comply with any terms and conditions of the Contract, or fails to deliver the Goods or provide the Services to HKGGA according to the specified date and time in the Contract, or HKGGA rejects those Goods or Services according to any provision
of the Contract, or the Contractor fails to replace the Goods specified in the rejection notice, HKGGA may deduct from any deposit paid to HKGGA an amount to recover the amount of costs, losses, damages or expenses suffered or incurred by HKGGA arising from or relating to such failure.
12.6 If the Contractor fails to comply with any term and condition of the Contract or commits a fundamental breach of any term of the Contract, HKGGA may terminate the Contract immediately. The Contractor shall indemnify HKGGA all losses, damages, demands, charges, costs and expenses of whatsoever nature arising from the termination of Contract or recover the amount of costs, or expenses arising from the production of any Goods or provision of any Services in such manner as it thinks fit.
13. Guarantee of the Quality of the Goods
13.1 Without prejudice to Clause 4.1, the Contractor shall, for a period of twelve (12) months after the date of HKGGA’s acceptance of any Goods or a longer period specified in the Contract (“Guarantee Period”), guarantee the quality of such Goods and that they are free from faulty materials or workmanship.
13.2 In respect of any Goods accepted by HKGGA, the Contractor shall whenever required by HKGGA by notice in writing to the Contractor, make good and remedy (whether by repair or replacement as HKGGA may elect) to the reasonable satisfaction of HKGGA all defects in the Goods (whether arising from defective design, materials, workmanship or otherwise) discovered at any time during the Guarantee Period and specified by HKGGA in the notice. The Contractor shall promptly comply with a notice issued under this Clause and have the defects made good and remedied to HKGGA’s reasonable satisfaction no later than the date specified by HKGGA in the notice.
13.3 If the Contractor fails to make good or remedy any defects in accordance with Clause 13.2, HKGGA may, after notifying the Contractor of its intention, arrange to make good and remedy the defects by repair or replacement at the Contractor's risk and expense.
14. Variations
Subject to the provisions of the Contract, no waiver, cancellation, alteration or amendment of or to the provisions of the Contract shall be valid unless
made by an instrument in writing and duly signed by the Contractor and HKGGA.
15. Liability and Indemnities
15.1 Neither HKGGA nor any of its employees or agents shall be under any liability whatsoever for or in respect of:
(a) any loss of or damage to any of the Contractor's property or that of its employees or agents however caused (whether by any negligence of HKGGA or any of its employees or agents or otherwise); or
(b) any injury to or death of the Contractor (in the case where the Contractor is a natural person) or any of its employees or agents, save and except any such injury or death caused by the negligence of HKGGA or any of its employees or agents.
15.2 Without prejudice to any other provision of the Contract, the Contractor shall indemnify each of HKGGA and its employees and agents (each an “Indemnified Person”) against:
(a) any and all claims (whether or not successful, compromised, settled, withdrawn or discontinued, in whole or in part), actions, investigations, demands, proceedings or judgments, joint or several, threatened, brought or established against an Indemnified Person (“Claims”); and
(b) any and all liabilities, losses, damages, costs, charges or expenses (including (i) all legal fees and other awards, costs, payments, charges and expenses and (ii) any loss or damage sustained by or any injury to or death of any person in consequence of any negligence of the Contractor or any of its employees, sub-contractors or agents) which an Indemnified Person may pay or incur as a result of or in relation to any Claims,
which in any case arise directly or indirectly in connection with, out of or in relation to:
(i) the performance or breach of any provisions of the Contract by the Contractor, its employees, agents or sub-contractors;
(ii) the negligence, recklessness, tortious acts or wilful omission of the Contractor, its employees, agents or sub-contractors;
(iii) any default, unauthorised act or wilful misconduct of the Contractor, its employees, agents or sub- contractor(s); or
(iv) any claim for breach of Intellectual Property Rights in the Goods or Materials;
(iv) the non-compliance by the Contractor, its employees, agents or sub-contractor(s) with any applicable law, or regulation, order or requirement of any government agency or authority.
15.3 The indemnity under Clause 15.2 shall not apply to any injury or death caused by the negligence of an Indemnified Person.
15.4 In the event of any person suffering any injury or death in the course of or arising out of the Contract and whether there be a claim for compensation or not, the Contractor shall verbally inform HKGGA Representative as early as practicable and deliver to HKGGA a written report within seven (7) working days after the occurrence of the injury or death, or on an earlier date specified by HKGGA Representative.
15.5 For the purposes of this Clause, “negligence” shall have the same meaning as that assigned to it in section 2(1) of the Control of Exemption Clauses Ordinance (Chapter 71 of the Laws of Hong Kong).
15.6 The indemnities, payment and compensation given in pursuance of the Contract by the Contractor shall not be affected or reduced by reason of any failure or omission of HKGGA in enforcing any of the terms and conditions of the Contract.
16. Termination
16.1 If:
(a) the Contractor fails to deliver or provide to HKGGA any Goods or Services within the date and time as specified in the Contract;
(b) any Goods or Services are rejected pursuant to the Contract;
(c) the Contractor fails to deliver to HKGGA replacement Goods or rectified Services by the date and time specified by HKGGA Representative;
(d) the Contractor offers to deliver or delivers to HKGGA any Goods which have previously been rejected by HKGGA Representative;
(e) the Contractor commits a fundamental breach of any term of the Contract;
(f) the Contractor is in breach of any of its warranties and undertakings or other provisions under the Contract;
(g) the Contractor has made a material misrepresentation (including submission of false statement or inaccurate information) during the tendering process of the Contract;
(h) the Contractor or any officer (including director), employee or agent of the Contractor commits an offence under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Chapter 201 of the Laws of Hong Kong) or any law of a similar nature in relation to the Contract or any other contract made by the Contractor with HKGGA;
(i) HKGGA is given the right to terminate the Contract under any other provision of the Contract; or
(j) the Contractor is insolvent, in the subject of a winding up or bankruptcy petition or resolution, suspends or threatens to suspend all or part of its business or a receiver or manager is appointed over all or part of its business,
HKGGA may by written notice to the Contractor terminate the Contract immediately.
16.2 On termination of the Contract for any reason, HKGGA is under no further obligation to the Contractor under the Contract without thereby releasing the Contractor from any of its liabilities under the Contract, or affecting any rights and powers conferred upon HKGGA by the Contract.
16.3 The expiry or termination of the Contract shall not affect any accrued rights or liabilities of either party nor shall it affect the coming into force or the continuance in force of any provision of the Contract
which is expressly or by implication intended to come into or continue in force on or after such expiry or termination.
16.4 If the Contract is terminated under Clause 16.1 and HKGGA makes other arrangements for the supply of any Goods or provision of any Services from any other source, HKGGA may recover from the Contractor all costs and expenses incurred in making the arrangements (including the costs and expenses incurred in conducting any tender or quotation as appropriate for procurement of the Goods or Services then outstanding) and any additional expenditure incurred by HKGGA in connection with a default by the Contractor referred to in Clause 16.1. If the Contract is so terminated, until HKGGA has established the final cost of making other arrangements contemplated under this Clause, no further payments shall be payable by HKGGA to the Contractor for the Goods or Services supplied by the Contractor prior to termination and in accordance with the Contract for which payment has yet to be made by HKGGA.
16.5 On termination of the Contract the Contractor shall return all confidential information in the possession of the Contractor, cooperate to ensure an orderly transmission of the provision of Goods or Services to another person and provide all information requested by HKGGA for the purpose of allowing HKGGA to appoint a substitute contractor.
16.6 No compensation whatsoever (including compensation for any loss or expense arising from any consequential loss or damage, or loss of opportunity, suffered or incurred by the Contractor) shall be payable by HKGGA to the Contractor as a result of any suspension or early termination of the Contract by HKGGA.
17. Intellectual Property Rights
17.1 The Contractor warrants that the Goods supplied under the Contract and the process for their manufacture do not infringe the Intellectual Property Rights of any third party.
17.2 The Contractor shall notify HKGGA in writing immediately if any claim for infringement or alleged infringement of any Intellectual Property Rights is lodged against it whether during or after the expiry of the duration of the Contract in respect of the Goods.
17.3 The Contractor waives and shall procure a waiver of all moral rights (whether past, present or future) subsisting in copyright produced by the Contractor in the performance of the Contract. In this Clause,
“moral rights” means the moral rights referred to in the Copyright Ordinance (Chapter 528 of the Laws of Hong Kong).
17.4 The Contractor further undertakes to procure that each third party owner of any Intellectual Property Rights that are or which may be used to perform the Contract grants to HKGGA a non-exclusive licence, or if it is a licensee of those rights, shall grant to HKGGA an authorised sub-licence, to use, reproduce, modify, develop and maintain those Intellectual Property Rights. The licence or sub- licence shall be non-exclusive, irrevocable, worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free, transferable and sub-licensable.
17.5 Without prejudice to any other provision of the Contract, the Contractor shall indemnify HKGGA and keep HKGGA fully and effectively indemnified against all claims, actions, proceedings, liabilities, losses, damages, demands, charges, costs and expenses of whatsoever nature arising from or in relation to any infringement or alleged infringement of any Intellectual Property Rights in connection with the use or possession of the Goods by HKGGA.
17.6 HKGGA shall be the exclusive owner of the Materials. All the Intellectual Property Rights in the Materials shall vest in HKGGA at the time they are created. Subject to Clause 17.8, the Contractor warrants that such Materials are original works developed by or on behalf of the Contractor.
17.7 The Contractor shall not use or allow to be used directly or indirectly the Materials except for the performance of its obligations under the Contract or except with the prior written approval of HKGGA. “use” includes any acts restricted by copyright.
17.8 If materials from other copyright works or Intellectual Property Rights from other sources (except those originating from HKGGA) are included in the Materials or any software and materials are supplied or used by the Contractor in the performance of the Contract and the Intellectual Property Rights are vested in a third party, the Contractor shall identify such materials to HKGGA and keep HKGGA informed in writing of such third party materials.
17.9 The Contractor warrants that:
(a) it has or shall have a valid and continuing licence under which it is entitled to use or sub-license such third party materials and the third party Intellectual Property Rights for itself and for HKGGA and its authorised users to use such third party materials;
(b) prior to the use and incorporation of such third party materials, the Contractor shall have obtained the grant of all necessary clearances for itself and for HKGGA and its authorised users authorising the use of such third party materials for the purposes contemplated under the Contract;
(c) the provision of the Services by the Contractor and the use or possession by HKGGA and its authorised users of the Materials including the third party materials for any of the purposes contemplated by the Contract does not and will not infringe any Intellectual Property Rights of any person; and
(d) the exercise of any of the rights granted under the Contract by HKGGA and its authorised users will not infringe any Intellectual Property Rights of any person.
17.10 The Contractor hereby waives and will procure its officers, employees, agents, sub-contractors and all authors concerned to waive all moral rights (whether past, present or future) in respect of the Materials to which they may now or at any time in the future be entitled under the Copyright Ordinance and under any similar law in force from time to time anywhere in the world. Such waiver shall operate in favour of HKGGA, its authorised users and licensees and shall take effect upon delivery of the relevant Materials.
17.11 The Contractor shall at its own costs execute or procure the execution of any further assignments, deeds, licence, documents and instruments and do or procure the doing of any further things as may be necessary to give full effect to this Clause.
17.12 The provisions of this Clause shall survive the expiry or termination of the Contract and shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding such expiry or termination.
18. Confidentiality
18.1 The Contractor shall treat as proprietary and confidential all information, documents, materials and data (including any personal particulars records and personal data (as defined in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong)), in whatever form or media, which HKGGA has for the purposes of or in the course of performing the Contract, supplied, made available or communicated to the Contractor (“Confidential Information”). The Contractor’s obligations under this Clause 18 shall not extend to any information which was rightfully in the possession of the Contractor prior to the commencement of the negotiations leading to the
Contract or which is already in the public knowledge or becomes so at a future date (otherwise than as a result of a breach of this Clause).
18.2 Without prejudice to any other provision of the Contract, the Contractor shall indemnify and keep HKGGA, its authorised users, assigns and successors-in-title fully and effectively indemnified against any and all action, damages, costs, claims, demands, expenses (including the fees and disbursements of lawyers, agents and expert witnesses) and any awards and costs which may be agreed to be paid in settlement of any proceedings and liabilities of any nature arising from or incurred by reason of:
(a) a breach of confidence (whether under the Contract or general law) by the Contractor or any of its employees, agents or sub- contractors;
(b) any actions or claims made in respect of information subject to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, which action and/or claim would not have arisen but for the act, negligence or omission of the Contractor or any of its employees, agents or sub-contractors in connection with the performance of the Contract; and
(c) any act done or omission in the performance of the Contract that contravenes the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Ordinance (Chapter 593 of the Laws of Hong Kong).
18.3 The Contractor shall use the Confidential Information solely for the purposes of the Contract. The Contractor shall not, at any time whether during the Contract or after the expiry or termination (howsoever occasioned) of the Contract, use (or allow to be used) the Confidential Information for any other purposes without HKGGA’s prior written consent.
18.4 The Contractor shall not disclose the Confidential Information to any third parties except in confidence to such of the Contractor’s employees, agents or sub-contractors who need to know the same for the purposes of the Contract.
18.5 The Contractor undertakes to take all necessary measures for the protection of the Confidential Information and to prevent any unauthorised disclosure or leakage of the Confidential Information.
18.6 The Contractor shall ensure that each of its employees, agents, sub- contractors, and any other persons involved in the performance of the Contract are aware of and comply with the provisions of this Clause 18.
18.7 The provisions of this Clause 18 shall survive the expiry or termination of the Contract and shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding such expiry or termination.
19 Insurance
19.1 The Contractor shall effect and maintain with an insurance company a policy of insurance providing an adequate level of cover in respect of all risks which may be incurred by the Contractor in connection with the performance or attempted performance of its obligations under the Contract, including death, personal injury, loss of or damage to property or any other loss. Such policy shall include cover in respect of any financial loss arising from any advice given or omitted to be given by the Contractor. Such insurance shall be maintained throughout the duration of the Contract and for a minimum period of six (6) years after the expiry or sooner termination of the Contract.
19.2 Without prejudice to Clause 19.1, the Contractor shall effect and maintain employer’s liability insurance in respect of all its employees and other staff in accordance with all applicable legal requirements.
19.3 If required by HKGGA, the Contractor shall deliver to HKGGA copies of all insurance policies referred to in the Contract together with receipts or other evidence of payment of the latest premium due under the policies.
19.4 If the Contractor fails to give effect to or maintain any insurance required under the Contract, HKGGA may make such alternative arrangements as it considers appropriate to protect its interests and may recover from the Contractor the costs of putting such in place and maintaining such arrangements.
19.5 No provision in any insurance and no amount of insurance covered shall relieve the Contractor of any liability under the Contract. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to determine the amount of insurance cover that will be adequate to enable the Contractor to satisfy any liability under the Contract.
20. Relationship of the Parties
The Contractor enters into the Contract with HKGGA as an independent contractor only and nothing in the Contract shall create a contract of employment, a relationship of agency or partnership, or a joint venture between HKGGA and the Contractor. Unless otherwise expressly provided for in the Contract, neither party is authorised to act in the name of, or on behalf of, or otherwise bind the other party.
21. Assignment and Sub-contracting
21.1 Unless otherwise provided for in the Contract, the Contractor shall not, without the prior written consent of HKGGA, assign, transfer, sub-contract or otherwise dispose of any of its interests, rights, benefits or obligations under the Contract. The performance of the Contract by the Contractor shall be personal to it.
21.2 A sub-contracting of the Contract shall not relieve the Contractor of any of its obligations or duties under the Contract, and the Contractor shall remain fully liable to HKGGA and be responsible for the acts and omissions of its sub-contractors as though they were its own.
22. Publicity
22.1 Whether before, during or after the expiry or termination of the Contract Period, the Contractor shall not use HKGGA’s name in any document, publication, advertisement or publicity material without the prior written consent of HKGGA.
22.2 Subject to Clause 22.1, the Contractor shall submit to HKGGA Representative for approval all the proposed advertising or other publicity material relating to the Contract, the Goods, or the Services or other products supplied or other Services provided or other work done in connection with the Contract wherein HKGGA's name is mentioned or language used from which a connection with HKGGA can reasonably be inferred or implied.
22.3 Notwithstanding any consent or approval given under Clause 22.2, whenever required by HKGGA, the Contractor shall remove all advertisement and publicity material relating to the Contract wherein HKGGA is mentioned or language used from which a connection with HKGGA can reasonably be inferred or implied and the Contractor must comply with such request.
23. Vicarious Liability
Any act, default, neglect or omission of any officers, employees, agents or sub-contractors of the Contractor shall be deemed to be the act, default, neglect or omission of the Contractor.
24. Notices
Each notice, demand, invoice, correspondence or other communication given or made under the Contract by a party shall be in writing and delivered or sent to the other party at its postal address, facsimile number or email address set out in the Contract (or such other postal address, facsimile number or email address as the addressee has by not less than seven (7) working days’ prior written notice specified to the other party).
25. Contracts (Right of Third Parties) Ordinance
The parties hereby declare that nothing in this Contract confers or purports to confer on any third party any benefit or any right to enforce any term of this Contract pursuant to the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Chapter 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong).
26. Entire Agreement
26.1 The Contract constitutes the whole agreement between the parties thereto and supersedes any previous agreements or arrangements between them relating to the subject matter hereof. The Contractor acknowledges that in entering into the Contract, it has not relied on any statements, warranties or representations given or made by HKGGA.
26.2 All of the provisions of the Contract shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding the delivery or provision of the Goods or provision of the Services except insofar as those obligations which have been fully performed.
27. Severability
If any provision of the Contract is found by any authority or court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, such illegality, invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the other provisions of the Contract, all of which shall remain in full force and effect.
28. Waiver
28.1 No failure, delay, forbearance or indulgence by any party to the Contract to exercise any right, power or remedy available to it under the Contract or at law or in equity shall operate as a waiver thereof; nor shall any single or partial exercise of the same preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy. A right or a remedy of each party under the Contract shall be cumulative and not exclusive of any other rights, power or remedies provided by the Contract, at law or in equity. Without limiting the foregoing, no waiver by any party of any breach by the other party of any provision hereof shall be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of that or any other provision hereof.
29. Governing Law
The Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China and the parties hereby agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong in relation to any matters arising out of the Contract.
For and on behalf of
For and on behalf of
Ms. Selina So Chief Executive
The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association
Date: Date: