美國如新企業香港分公司 (簡稱「Nu Skin」) 之「如新套裝」(「本推廣」) 條款及條件 :
美國如新企業香港分公司 (簡稱「Nu Skin」) 之「如新套裝」(「本推廣」) 條款及條件 :
1. 本推廣由 2024 年 10 月 1 日起至 Nu Skin 另行通知為止(「推廣期」)。
2. Nu Skin 品牌專員或會員可透過星享城、 如新港澳官方網站或親自到銅鑼灣如新生活體驗館或如新澳門分銷中心購買本推廣產品。數量有限,售完即止。
3. 本推廣只適用於 Nu Skin 香港及澳門的品牌專員或會員。
4. 本推廣不適用於自動訂貨計劃。
5. 於推廣期內, 每購買 / 出售一套本推廣如下之產品套裝,Nu Skin 將會根據下表發放分享獎金 (只適用於品牌專員)。除非購買 / 出售人為品牌代表或以上的品牌專員, 否則分享獎金會給予購買/出售人的原保薦人品牌專員。
產品編號 | 產品套裝名稱 | 會員價 | 銷售業績 | 銷售奬金基數 | 分享獎金 |
04134004 | 抗老免疫套裝+ | HK$2,500 | 250 | 1,852.5 | HK$220 |
04134537 | 全效抗氧套裝 + | HK$2,500 | 250 | 1,852.5 | HK$220 |
04134757 | 速效代謝塑形套裝 | HK$2,500 / MOP2,575 | 250 | 1,852.5 1,908.08 | HK$220 MOP226.6 |
03144759 | 膠原 Up Up 淨膚套裝 | HK$2,500 / MOP2,575 | 200 | 1,755 `1,807.65 | HK$220 MOP226.6 |
04134538 | PHARMANEX® 全效套裝^ | MOP2,575 | 250 | 1,908.08 | MOP226.6 |
04134597 | 光感亮肌套裝 | HK$3,800 MOP3,914 | 250 | 1,950 2,008.5 | HK$450 MOP463.5 |
04134598 | 面部護理煥膚套裝# | HK$5,500 MOP5,665 | 500 | 3,900 4,017 | HK$500 MOP515 |
04134405 | 全效嫩顏纖型套裝# | HK$5,000 MOP5,150 | 500 | 3,900 4,017 | HK$450 MOP463.5 |
04134665 | ageLOC® TRME® 終極塑形套裝 | HK$5,100 MOP5,253 | 500 | 3,900 4,017 | HK$450 MOP463.5 |
04134704 | ageLOC® TRME® 皇牌塑形套裝 (雲呢拿味) | HK$11,500 MOP11,845 | 1,000 | 7,800 8,034 | HK$1,050 MOP1,081.5 |
04134739 | 全效排毒循環美體儀套裝 | HK$5,000 MOP5,150 | 500 | 3,900 4,017 | HK$450 MOP463.5 |
04134750 | ageLOC® TRME® 抗氧塑形套裝 (雲呢拿味)+ | HK$5,000 | 500 | 3,900 | HK$450 |
04134740 | 全效排毒循環塑形套裝 | HK$5,000 MOP5,150 | 500 | 3,900 4,017 | HK$450 MOP463.5 |
04134741 | All-in-one iO 美容儀套裝# | HK$11,500 MOP11,845 | 1,000 | 7,800 8,034 | HK$1,050 MOP1,081.5 |
04134743 | ageLOC® iO 全能塑形美肌套裝 (雲呢拿味) # | HK$21,500 MOP22,145 | 2,000 | 15,600 16,068 | HK$2,050 MOP2,111.5 |
04134747 | 年輕之源 iO 套裝# | HK$21,500 MOP22,145 | 2,000 | 15,600 16,068 | HK$2,050 MOP2,111.5 |
^ 產品套裝只限於澳門市場購買。
+ 產品套裝只限於香港市場購買。
# Spa 機並未在台灣市場上市。
6. 所有作為獎品或禮品的產品均不可退換、不可兌換成現金及不設銷售業績。
7. 您可以於購買日起十二(12)個月內退回於推廣期內購買的整套產品套裝或產品套裝內可獨立出售的個別產品,只要這些產品未經開封並可重新銷售,Nu Skin 會扣除售價的 10%作為行政費後,把售價的 90%款項退回給您。任何產品退貨時必須一併退回贈送的產品(「贈品」)(如適用),退回的贈品也必須是未經開封並可重新銷售。若您退回的贈品因已開封使用,轉讓,損毀或遺失等其他原因致使無法以原來狀態退回,您須要支付相關贈品的費用給 Nu Skin。其他產品的退貨退款和更換政策依照 Nu Skin 的政策與程序(適用於品牌專員)或會員協議書(適用於會員)之規定。
8. 當發生退貨時,如扣除退貨的部分令您未能滿足本推廣或 Nu Skin 其他之獎勵要求或如您違反本推廣的條款及條件、Nu Skin 的政策與程序(適用於品牌專員)或會員協議書(適用於會員)或任何適用的相關法律和法規時,Nu Skin 有權採取任何其他行動,包括但不限於對您在本推廣所獲得的獎勵如數扣回(只適用於品牌專員)。
9. 如本推廣的條款及條件與 Nu Skin 的政策與程序(適用於品牌專員)或會員協議書(適用於會員)不一致, 則以本推廣的條款及條件為準。您必須遵守本推廣的條款及條件、Nu Skin 的政策與程序(適用於品牌專員)或會員協議書(適用於會員),以及所有 Nu Skin 銷售奬勵計劃及獎勵提速計劃的要求(包括零售銷售業績),才有資格獲得奬勵(只適用於品牌專員)。
10. 如您是品牌專員, 您在您的原居市場購買的任何產品,只可在您的原居市場轉售。在非原居市場所購買的產品只可自用,不可轉售。 如您是會員, 您所購買的任何產品僅供個人使用,不可轉售。
11. Nu Skin有權隨時變更本推廣之條款及條件或終止本推廣而不作另行通知,如有任何爭議, Nu Skin保留對本推廣的最終解釋權及最終決定權。
12. 如本推廣之中、英文兩個版本有任何抵觸或不相符之處,應以中文版本為準。
美國如新企業香港分公司 (簡稱「Nu Skin」) 之免息分期計劃 (「本分期計劃推廣」) 條款及細則:
1. 本推廣由 2024 年 10 月 1 日起至 Nu Skin 另行通知為止 (「推廣期」)。
2. 凡購買以下銷售業績 1,000 或以上的產品套裝,您即可申請享有渣打銀行(香港)有限公司(“渣打銀行”)6個月的免息分期付款計劃(“分期付款計劃“):
產品編號 | 產品套裝名稱 | 會員價 | 銷售業績 | 銷售奬金基數 | 分享獎金 |
04134742 | All-in-one iO 美容儀分期套裝% | HK$11,800 | 1,000 | 7,800 | HK$1,050 |
04134706 | ageLOC® TRME® 皇牌塑形套裝 (雲呢拿味) | HK$11,800 | 1,000 | 7,800 | HK$1,050 |
04134744 | ageLOC® iO 全能塑形美肌分期套裝 (雲呢拿 味)% | HK$22,200 | 2,000 | 15,600 | HK$2,050 |
04134748 | 年輕之源 iO 分期套裝% | HK$22,200 | 2,000 | 15,600 | HK$2,050 |
%分期付款計劃只適用於以上產品套裝。Nu Skin有權隨時更改(增加或刪減)適用於分期付款計劃的產品套裝,但不會作另行通知。詳情請參見 Nu Skin 稍後公佈的信息或諮詢您的事業發展夥伴。
3. 受限於渣打銀行的批核,分期付款計劃只適用於渣打銀行 Visa / Master 信用卡持有人。
4. 您須要簽訂您與渣打銀行之間的信用卡分期付款計劃持卡人協議(「分期付款協議」)並同意分期付款協議的條款及條件以申請分期付款計劃。渣打銀行是否批核您的申請或如因分期付款計劃或與分期付款計劃相關的事宜發生任何爭議,須由您與渣打銀行自行解決,Nu Skin 一概不負任何責任。
5. 渣打銀行有權酌情決定接受或拒絕您分期付款計劃的申請,並可自行決定隨時中止或終止分期付款計劃而不給予任何理由或事前通知。如您的申請被渣打銀行拒絕或分期付款計劃被中止或終止,Nu Skin 一概不負任何責任。
6. 本分期計劃推廣僅適用於在銅鑼灣如新生活體驗館的即場訂單。 本分期計劃推廣不適用於透過星享城、Me Commerce 或如新港澳官方網站所下的訂單。
7. 本分期計劃推廣不能與自動訂貨計劃優惠、現金券或代碼折扣一起使用。
8. 受限於渣打銀行的批核,您可以根據 Nu Skin 政策與程序第 2 章第 4.1 節(適用於品牌專員)/會員協議書(適用於會 員)退回於本分期計劃推廣購買的產品,條件是這些產品未經開封並可重新銷售,Nu Skin 會扣除退回產品售價的 10% 作為行政費後,把已退回給 Nu Skin 的產品售價的 90% 款項退回給您。您可以退回整套產品套裝, 或產品套裝內可獨立出售的個別產品,只要這些產品未經開封並可重新銷售。任何產品退貨必須同時一併退回隨套裝產品贈送的產品/禮品,退回的產品/禮品也必須是未經開封並可重新銷售。若您的產品/禮品因已開封使用,轉讓,損毀或遺失等其他原因致使無法以原來狀態退回,您需要支付相關費用給 Nu Skin 。任何根據此項下或 Nu Skin 政
策與程序第 2 章第 4.2 節(適用於品牌專員)/會員協議書(適用於會員)的退款,如已獲渣打銀行批核,將經由您的渣打銀行信用卡賬戶處理,不會接受現金或支票退款。若就該款項發生任何爭議,須由您與渣打銀行自行解決,Nu Skin 一概不負任何責任。
9. 所有退款不會豁免、取消或終止您的分期付款計劃的任何還款責任。您須遵守Nu Skin 政策與程序第2章第4.3節(適用於品牌專員)/會員協議書(適用於會員)的退貨退款或換貨的程序。
10. 當發生退貨時,如扣除退貨的部分令您未能滿足本推廣或Nu Skin 其他之獎勵要求或如您違反本推廣的條款及條件、Nu Skin的政策與程序(適用於品牌專員)/會員協議書(適用於會員)或任何適用的相關法律和法規時,Nu Skin有權採取任何其他行動,包括但不限於對您在本推廣所獲得的獎勵如數扣回(只適用於品牌專員)。如本推廣的條款及條件與Nu Skin 的政策與程序(適用於品牌專員)/會員協議書(適用於會員)不一致, 則以本分期計劃推廣的條款及條件為準。
11. Nu Skin 有權隨時更改本分期計劃推廣條款及條件或終止本分期計劃推廣而不作另行通知。
12. Nu Skin 保留本分期計劃推廣之最終解釋及決定權。
13. 如中、英文兩個版本有任何抵觸或不相符之處,須以中文版本為準。
Terms and Conditions of Nu Collections (“Promotion”) of Nu Skin Enterprises Hong Kong, LLC (“Nu Skin”):
1. This Promotion starts from 1st Oct 2024 until further notice (“Promotion Period”).
2. This Promotion can be purchased by Nu Town, Nu Skin Hong Kong & Macau official website or in person at Causeway Bay Nu Skin Plaza or Nu Skin Macau Distribution Center, and which are only available while stock lasts.
3. This Promotion is an exclusive offer for Nu Skin Hong Kong and Macau Brand Affiliates or Members.
4. This Promotion is not applicable to Automatic Re-ordering Program (“ARO”).
5. For each purchase/sale of the following product packages during the Promotion Period, Sharing Bonus would be granted in accordance with the following table (applicable to Brand Affiliate only). Sharing Bonus is always paid to the original Sponsor brand affiliate unless the purchaser/seller is a Brand Representative or above brand affiliate.
Product Code | Product Package Name | Member Price | Sales Volume | Commissionable Sales Value | Sharing Bonus |
04134004 | Pharmanex® Hero Product Kit+ | HK$2,500 | 250 | 1,852.5 | HK$220 |
04134537 | Modern Life Must Have Kit+ | HK$2,500 | 250 | 1,852.5 | HK$220 |
04134538 | PHARMANEX® Total Wellness Kit^ | MOP2,575 | 250 | 1,908.08 | MOP226.6 |
04134757 | Healthy Metabolism & Body Shaping Kit | HK$2,500 / MOP2,575 | 250 | 1,852.5 1,908.08 | HK$220 MOP226.6 |
03144759 | Collagen Up Up Cleansing Kit | HK$2,500 / MOP2,575 | 200 | 1,755 `1,807.65 | HK$220 MOP226.6 |
04134597 | Daily Bouncy Bright Kit | HK$3,800 MOP3,914 | 250 | 1,950 2,008.5 | HK$450 MOP463.5 |
04134598 | Facial Treatment Renewal Kit# | HK$5,500 MOP5,665 | 500 | 3,900 4,017 | HK$500 MOP515 |
04134405 | Galvanic Spa® Total Solution Kit# | HK$5,000 MOP5,150 | 500 | 3,900 4,017 | HK$450 MOP463.5 |
04134665 | ageLOC® TRME® Ultimate Body Shaping Kit | HK$5,100 MOP5,253 | 500 | 3,900 4,017 | HK$450 MOP463.5 |
04134704 | ageLOC® TRME® Hero Body Shaping Kit (Vanilla) | HK$11,500 MOP11,845 | 1,000 | 7,800 8,034 | HK$1,050 MOP1,081.5 |
04134739 | ageLOC® WellSpa iO® Total Solution Kit | HK$5,000 MOP5,150 | 500 | 3,900 4,017 | HK$450 MOP463.5 |
04134750 | ageLOC® TRME® Antioxidant Body Shaping (Vanilla)+ | HK$5,000 | 500 | 3,900 | HK$450 |
04134740 | Beauty & Wellness Total Solution Kit | HK$5,000 MOP5,150 | 500 | 3,900 4,017 | HK$450 MOP463.5 |
04134741 | Beauty Device All-in-one iO Kit# | HK$11,500 | 1,000 | 7,800 | HK$1,050 |
MOP11,845 | 8,034 | MOP1,081.5 | |||
04134743 | ageLOC® Supreme Iconic iO Kit (Vanilla)# | HK$21,500 MOP22,145 | 2,000 | 15,600 16,068 | HK$2,050 MOP2,111.5 |
04134747 | Fountain of Youth iO Kit# | HK$21,500 MOP22,145 | 2,000 | 15,600 16,068 | HK$2,050 MOP2,111.5 |
^ Product Package is applicable in Macau market only.
+ Product Package is applicable in Hong Kong market only. # Spa device has not been launched in Taiwan market.
6. All products given as prizes or gifts are non-returnable, non-refundable, not redeemable for cash and do not carry Sales Volume.
7. You may return the Product Package or individual products within the Product Package of this Promotion within twelve (12) months from the day of purchase, as long as these products are unopened and resalable, Nu Skin will, after deducting an administrative fee equivalent to 10 percent of the purchase price, refund 90 percent of the purchase price to you. If any of these products is returned, you must also return all the complimentary products (“gifts”) (if applicable) which must also be unopened and resalable. If the gifts have been opened, transferred, damaged, lost or due to whatever reasons that they cannot be returned in their original status, you must pay for the gift(s) to Nu Skin. Other terms and conditions in relation to product refunds and exchanges shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the provisions set out in the Policies and Procedures (applicable to Brand Affiliate) and the Member Agreement (applicable to Member) of Nu Skin.
8. If you are unable to meet the requirements of this Promotion or other compensation of Nu Skin after a product return, or if you violate any terms and conditions stipulated in this Promotion, the Policies and Procedures (applicable to Brand Affiliate) or Member Agreement (applicable to Member) of Nu Skin or any applicable laws and regulations, Nu Skin reserves the right to take any further actions against you including but not limited to recouping all the bonuses (applicable to Brand Affiliate only) you obtain from this Promotion.
9. In case of any inconsistency between the terms and conditions stipulated in this Promotion and the Policies and Procedures (applicable to Brand Affiliate) or the Member Agreement (applicable to Member) of Nu Skin, the Terms and Conditions stipulated in this Promotion shall prevail. To be eligible for the bonus you must comply with the terms and conditions stipulated in this Promotion, the Policies and
Procedures (applicable to Brand Affiliate) or the Member Agreement (applicable to Member) of Nu Skin and meet all the requirements of Nu Skin’s Sales Compensation Plan and Velocity including retail sales (applicable to Brand Affiliate only).
10. If you are a Brand Affiliate, products purchased by you in your resident market may be resold in your resident market only. Products purchased in a non-resident market may only be used for personal consumption and not to resell. If you are a member, any products you purchased are for personal use only and not to resell.
11. Nu Skin may modify the Terms and Conditions of this Promotion from time to time or terminate this Promotion at any time without prior notice. In case of any disputes, Nu Skin reserves the right of final interpretation and final decision of this Promotion.
12. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.
Terms and Conditions of the Interest-free Installment Plan (“Installment Plan Promotion”) of Nu Skin Enterprises Hong Kong, LLC (“Nu Skin”):
1. This Installment Plan Promotion starts from 1st Oct 2024 until further notice from Nu Skin (“Promotion Period”).
Product Code | Product Package Name | Member Price | Sales Volume | Commissionable Sales Value | Sharing Bonus |
04134742 | Beauty Device All-in-one iO Intalment Set% | HK$11,800 | 1,000 | 7,800 | HK$1,050 |
04134706 | ageLOC® TRME® Hero Body Shaping Instalment Set (Vanilla)% | HK$11,800 | 1,000 | 7,800 | HK$1,050 |
04134744 | ageLOC® Supreme Iconic iO Instalment Set (Vanilla)% | HK$22,200 | 2,000 | 15,600 | HK$2,050 |
04134748 | Fountain of Youth iO Instalment Set% | HK$22,200 | 2,000 | 15,600 | HK$2,050 |
2. This Installment Plan Promotion provides you with a 6-month interest-free installment plan from Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (“STANDARD CHARTERED”) (“Installment Plan”) upon any purchase of 1,000SV or above product packages listed below:
%The Installment Plan is only applicable to the above product packages. Nu Skin reserves the right to vary (add or delete) the product packages applicable to the Installment Plan from time to time without prior notice. Please refer to information to be published by Nu Skin or consult your Executive Partners for details.
3. The Installment Plan is applicable to STANDARD CHARTERED Visa/Master credit card holders only and subject to STANDARD CHARTERED’s approval.
4. To apply for the Installment Plan, you are required to sign the Credit Card Instalment Program Cardholder Agreement with STANDARD CHARTERED (“Installment Agreement”) and agree to the terms and conditions of the Installment Agreement. Nu Skin shall bear no responsibility or liability whether your application will be approved by STANDARD CHARTERED or for any disputes resulting from or arising out of the Installment Plan or any matters relating to the Installment Plan. You shall resolve the dispute with STANDARD CHARTERED on your own.
5. STANDARD CHARTERED may at any time at its sole discretion to accept or refuse your application for the Installment Plan and may suspend or terminate the Installment Plan without any reason or prior notice. Nu Skin shall bear no liability if your application of the Installment Plan is refused by STANDARD CHARTERED or the Installment Plan is suspended or terminated by STANDARD CHARTERED.
6. This Installment Plan Promotion is available for on-site purchase in Causeway Bay Nu Skin Plaza only. It is not applicable to orders made through Nu Town, Me Commerce or Nu Skin Hong Kong & Macau official website.
7. ARO discount, cash coupons or code discount cannot be used in conjunction with this Installment Plan Promotion.
8. Subject to STANDARD CHARTERED’s approval, you may return the products purchased under this Installment Plan Promotion pursuant to Section 4.1 of Chapter 2 of the Policies and Procedures (applicable to Brand Affiliate)/Member Agreement (applicable to Member) of Nu Skin, on the condition that these products are unopened and resalable. Nu Skin will, after deducting an administrative fee equivalent to 10 percent of the purchase price of the returned products, refund to you 90 percent of the purchase price of the products returned to Nu Skin. You may return the entire product package or products that can be resold individually in the product package for a refund so long as these products are unopened and resalable. If any of these products is returned, you must also return all the complimentary products/gifts which must also be unopened and resalable. If the complimentary products/gifts have been opened, transferred, damaged, lost or due to whatever reasons they cannot be returned in their original status, you must pay for the complimentary products/gifts to Nu Skin. Any refund under this paragraph or Section 4.2 of the Policies and Procedures (applicable to Brand Affiliate)/Member Agreement (applicable to Member) of Nu Skin, if approved by STANDARD CHARTERED, will be processed through your STANDARD CHARTERED credit card account. No cash or cheque refund will be accepted. Nu Skin shall bear no responsibility or liability for any disputes resulting from or arising out of the refund. You shall resolve the disputes with STANDARD CHARTERED on your own.
9. All refunds will not waive, cancel or terminate any of your obligations to repay and settle the installment payments under the Installment Plan. You shall comply with Section 4.3 of Chapter 2 of the Policies and Procedures (applicable to Brand Affiliate)/Member Agreement (applicable to Member) of Nu Skin to obtain a refund or exchange of product.
10. If you no longer satisfy the requirements of this Installment Plan Promotion or other bonus of Nu Skin after a product return, or if you violate any terms and conditions stipulated in this Installment Plan Promotion, the Policies and Procedures (applicable to Brand Affiliate)/Member Agreement (applicable to Member) of Nu Skin or any applicable laws and regulations, Nu Skin reserves the right to take any further actions against you including but not limited to recouping all the bonuses (applicable to Brand Affiliate only) you obtain from this Installment Plan Promotion. In case of any inconsistency between the terms and conditions stipulated in this Installment Plan Promotion and the Policies and Procedures (applicable to Brand Affiliate)/Member Agreement (applicable to Member) of Nu Skin, the terms and conditions stipulated in this Installment Plan Promotion shall prevail.
11. Nu Skin may vary or modify the terms and conditions of this Installment Plan Promotion or terminate this Installment Plan Promotion at any time without prior notice.
12. Nu Skin reserves the right to have final interpretation and make final decision of this Installment Plan Promotion.
13. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.