*以下推廣(「推廣」)由 2022 年 6 月 23日至 2022 年 7 月 23 日(包括首尾兩日)(「推廣期」):
1. 於推廣期內,已經登記用拍住賞付款服務(「拍住賞」)領取由香港政府(「政府」)提供的 2022 年(第一階段)消費券計劃之消費券的現有客戶並成功登記由政府提供的 2022 年(第二階段)消費券計劃(「消費券計劃」)及;首次選擇拍住賞作為指定儲值支付工具帳戶以領取消費券計劃下之消費券的新客戶,(統稱「推薦人」)成功推薦指定人數首次以拍住賞登記政府消費券計劃(「受薦人」),可填寫指定表格
(「指定表格」)以申請於指定日子到指定csl 專門店(「csl」)
xxxxx:// 換領以下獎賞。此推廣分2輪登記時段:
• 第1輪登記:由2022年6月23日至7月6日,每位合資格推薦人成功推薦3位受薦人,合資格推薦人可獲得4份「Edan 收藏套裝」。每份「Edan 收藏套裝」」
(「獎賞」)包括: Edan 收藏卡(1 套 4 款)、Edan 海報(1 套4 張)、Edan相架 1 個及 Edan 貼紙 1 張。獎賞為指定組合,不可更換。如合資格推薦人每額外成功推薦多3位受薦人可額外獲得多4份獎賞,即總共8份獎賞,而合資格推薦人需填寫2次該指定表格。於此輪登記的合資格推薦人可獲得獎賞的總數量是4份、8份、12份等,如此類推。
• 第2輪登記:由2022年7月7日至7月23日,每位合資格推薦人成功推薦1位受薦人,合資格推薦人可獲得2份獎賞。如合資格推薦人每額外成功推薦多1位受薦人可額外獲得多1份獎賞,即總共3份獎賞。於此輪登記的合資格推薦人獲得獎賞的總數量是合資格推薦人加成功推薦受薦人的總數量。
2. 於推廣期內,獎賞之名額為 5,000 份,先到先得,送完即止。
3. 獲獎賞資格是根據推薦人提交指定表格的日期、時間及是否符合本推廣第4條的條款成功推薦受薦人而定,拍住賞保留所有與此推廣相關的最終決定權(統稱「合資格推薦人」)。
4. 每位受薦人須於推廣期內成功登記由政府提供的消費券計劃及首次成功登記拍住賞作為受薦人的指定儲值支付工具帳戶以領取消費券計劃下之消費券,推薦人才被視爲成功推薦受薦人。
5. 每位受薦人只能被推薦一次。推薦人推薦受薦人及填寫指定表格的次數不限,而合資格推薦人可獲得的獎賞總數量將於推廣期完結後由拍住賞一次性計算,❹同時於本推廣第8條的條款所指的預約換領獎賞電郵内通知合資格推薦人。
6. 由 2022 年 6 月 23 日起,拍住賞將於其網頁上載指定表格,推薦人需填寫並成功提交
7. 推薦人於提交指定表格時,須表示同意其資料會由拍住賞營辦商HKT Payment Limited
(「HKT Payment」;詳情請參閱此條款及細則第 17條)提供給csl用作安排獎賞之用及已經獲得受薦人同意將受薦人資料提供給HKT Payment 用作核對推薦人獲獎賞資格之用。
8. 於推廣期完結後並經資料核實後,合資格推薦人將於 2022 年 8 月 10 日或之前收到來自HKT Payment 寄出的預約換領獎賞電郵通知。合資格推薦人須點擊該預約換領獎賞電郵內的專屬預約連結以開啟專屬預約網頁,並按網頁內的指示完成2步的預約程序以换領獎賞。 HKT Payment將於合資格推薦人成功完成預約程序後的24小時内向合資格推薦人發送預約換領獎賞確認電郵,電郵內包含合資格推薦人獲得獎賞的總數量、領取獎賞的指定日期、預約的csl(包含csl服務時間)以及領取獎賞的連結。
9. 如合資格推薦人未能於預約換領獎賞確認電郵內的指定日子到預約的csl領取獎賞, 合資格推薦人將被視作放棄獎賞而無須另行通知,且不會獲任何賠償。如於 2022 年 8 月 10日後合資格推薦人未能獲得預約換領獎賞電郵,則被視爲未能成功換領獎賞,而拍住賞無需要向推薦人提供任何解釋。
10. 合資格推薦人必須親自領取奬賞,並於csl 出示有效身份證明文件正本及由 HKT Payment 寄出的預約換領獎賞確認電郵(內包含換領獎賞連結)以供csl 職員輸入密碼兌換獎賞。打印副本電子郵件恕不接受。
11. HKT Payment對任何遺失或被盜的獎賞概不負責,亦不會更換、補領或賠償。
12. 獎賞不可轉讓,不可兌換現金、禮品、服務、折扣及/或其他產品。
13. 獎賞不設郵寄服務。
14. HKT Payment 有權取消任何人士參加此推廣或獲得任何獎賞的資格。
15. 對於此推廣之登記資料及任何計時方面,將以HKT Payment 之伺服器所收集之數據作準。任何因電腦、通訊工具、網路等技術問題或其他任何非在HKT Payment 合理控制範圍內的問題引致您所遞交的資料有遲延、遺失、錯誤、無法辨識等情況, HKT
Payment 概不負責。
16. 選擇拍住賞作為指定儲值支付工具帳戶以領取由政府提供的消費券計劃下之消費券受拍住賞的政府消費券條款及細則( )、消費券 計劃(及政府對於消費券計劃的審批、行動和決定約束。
17. 拍住賞(儲值支付工具牌照號碼:SVF0002)由 HKT Payment 營運,是政府消費券計劃下指定的儲值支付工具營辦商,並受相關條款及細則約束。HKT Payment 對csl 專門店提供的商品、產品和服務的質量或任何其他事項不承擔任何責任。
18. HKT Payment 保留隨時更改或取消此推廣及/或獎賞,及/或修訂或修改此等條款及細
則之權利而無須事前通知。如有任何爭議, HKT Payment 的決定是最終及具決定性的。如對拍住賞有任何疑問, 或致電拍住賞服務熱線 2888 0000。
19. 本條款及細則的中英文版如有任何差異,一概以英文版為準。
Terms and Conditions:
*The following promotion ("Promotion") starts from 23 June 2022 to 23 July 2022 (both dates inclusive) ("Promotion Period"):
1. During the Promotion Period, existing customers who have registered to use Tap & Go Payment Service ("Tap & Go") to receive consumption vouchers under the 2022 (Phase I)
Consumption Voucher Scheme provided by the Hong Kong SAR Government
(“Government”) and have registered Government’s 2022 (Phase II) Consumption Voucher Scheme (“CVS”) and; new customers who first selected Tap & Go as the designated stored value facility account for receiving the consumption vouchers under the CVS for the first
time (collectively, “Referrers”), and have successfully referred the designated number of people to register for the CVS with Tap & Go for the first time (“Referees”), can fill in the designated form (“Designated Form”)to apply for redeeming the following Reward at
designated csl shops (“csl”) xxxxx:// on designated day. This Promotion is divided into two rounds of registration periods:
• 1st round of registration period: from 23 June 2022 to 6 July 2022, each Eligible Referrer who has successfully referred 3 Referees, the Eligible Referrer will receive 4 sets of “Edan Collection Set”. Each “Edan Collection Set” (“Reward”) includes: Edan postcards (4 in a set), Edan posters (4 in a set), 1 Edan photo frame and 1 Edan sticker. The Reward is a designated combination and cannot be changed. If the Eligible Referrer successfully referred 3 more Referees, he or she will receive an additional 4 sets of Reward, i.e. 8 sets of Reward in total, and the Eligible Referrer needs to fill in the Designated Form twice. The total number of Reward available to Eligible Referrer registered in this round is 4 sets, 8 sets, 12 sets, etc., and so on.
• 2nd round of registration period: from 7 July to 23 July 2022, each Eligible Referrer who has successfully referred 1 Referee, the Eligible Referrer will receive 2 sets of Reward. If the Eligible Referrer successfully referred 1 more Referee, he or she will receive an additional set of Reward, i.e. 3 sets of Reward in total. The total number of Reward available to Eligible Referrer registered in this round is counted by the total number of successful referred Referee plus Eligible Referrer.
2. During the Promotion Period, the quota for this Reward is 5,000, on a first-come- first- served basis, while stocks last.
3. The eligibility for the Reward is determined by the date and time when the Referrer submits the Designated Form and whether the Referrer meets clause 4 of this Promotion in successfully referred Referee(s), Tap & Go reserves the right of all final decision related to this Promotion (collectively, “Eligible Referrers”).
4. During the Promotion Period, in order for the Referrer to successfully refer a Referee, each Referee must have successfully registered for the CVS provided by the Government and have successfully registered and designated Tap & Go as the designated stored value facility account for receiving the consumption vouchers provided by the Government for the first time.
5. Each Referee can only be referred once. There is no limit to the number of times the Referrer refers the Referee and fills in the Designated Form. The total number of Reward
available to Eligible Referrers will be calculated in one go by Tap & Go after the Promotion Period, and will be notified to the Eligible Referrers at the same time in the reservation email as referred to in clause 8 of this Promotion.
6. From 23 June 2022 onwards, the Designated Form will be uploaded onto the website of Tap & Go. Referrers must fill in and successfully submit the Designated Form to apply for the
redemption of the Reward. The Referrer must provide the correct Referrer’s mobile phone number registered with Tap & Go, valid email address and Referee(s)’ mobile phone number(s) registered with Tap & Go (collectively, "Data"), otherwise the Reward will be forfeited without prior notice nor receive any form of compensation. Data is collected for registration, verification and future marketing purposes.
7. When submitting the Designated Form, the Referrer needs to agree that his or her Data will be provided to Tap & Go’s operator HKT Payment Limited (“HKT Payment”; details please see clause 17 of this terms and conditions) and pass to csl for the purpose of arranging Reward and the Referrer has obtained the consent of the Referees to provide their Data to HKT Payment for the purpose of checking the Referrer’s eligibility for the Reward.
8. After the end of the Promotion Period and after the Data has been verified, Eligible Referrers will receive a reservation email from HKT Payment on or before 10 August 2022. Eligible Referrers must click the unique reservation link provided in the reservation email to open the dedicated reservation webpage, and follow the instructions on the webpage to complete the 2-step reservation procedure to redeem the Reward. Eligible Referrer will receive a confirmation of reservation email from HKT Payment 24 hours after the completion of the reservation procedure, the confirmation of reservation email will contain the total number of Rewards received by the Eligible Referrer, the designated date, pre-selected csl (including operating hours of csl) and a link to redeem the Reward.
9. If the Eligible Referrer fails to collect the Reward at pre-selected csl on the specified days stated in the confirmation of reservation email, the Eligible Referrer will be deemed to have forfeited the Reward without prior notice and will not receive any compensation. If the Eligible Referrer fails to receive the reservation email after 10 August 2022, it will be deemed that the Reward has not been successfully redeemed, and no explanation will be provided by Tap & Go to the Eligible Referrers.
10. The Eligible Referrer must collect the Reward in person, and present at csl the original valid identification document when redeeming the Reward, and present the confirmation of reservation email (including the reward redemption link) sent by HKT Payment for csl staff to enter the password to redeem the Reward. Printed copy emails will not be accepted.
11. HKT Payment Limited is not liable for any lost or stolen of the Reward and no exchange, replace or compensation will be made.
12. Reward is non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash, gifts, services, discounts and/or other products.
13. No postal service for the Reward will be arranged.
14. HKT Payment reserves the right to disqualify any person from participating in this Promotion or receiving any Reward.
15. For the registration information and any timing of this Promotion, the data collected by the server of HKT Payment shall prevail. HKT Payment shall not be responsible for any delay, loss, error, indiscernibility of the information you submit due to technical problems such as computers, communication tools, networks, or any other problems that are not within the reasonable control of HKT Payment.
16. Designation of Tap & Go as the stored value facility account for receiving the consumption vouchers under the CVS provided by the Government is subject to the Tap & Go’s Government Consumption Voucher Terms and Conditions (xxxxx://, the Government CVS (xxxxx:// and the approvals, actions and decisions of the Government.
17. Tap & Go (stored value facility licence number: SVF0002) is operated by HKT Payment, a stored value facility operator designated by the Government under the CVS and subject to its relevant terms and conditions. HKT Payment is not responsible for the quality of goods, products and services provided by csl shops or for any other matter.
18. HKT Payment reserves the right to vary or cancel the Promotion and/or Reward, and/or amend or alter these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. In the event of any disputes, the decision of HKT Payment shall be final and conclusive. For any enquiries, please visit or call Tap & Go Service Hotline at 2888 0000.
19. In the event of any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version will prevail.