第 1 条 定义与解释
1. 在本销售合同中适用以下定义:
不可抗力是指第 10 条(不可抗力)所表明的含义。
销售合同修正案是指双方所签订的文件,是买方和卖方根据第 5 条(变更)所制定并一致同意的关于销售合同任何修订之细节的正式记录,包括但不限于规格、数量、交付日和/或价款的变更。
买方是指订立该销售合同以向卖方购买商品的企业、公 司或法人实体(包括其继受者和/或被许可的受让者)。
2. 本销售合同构成了买方和卖方间有关提供商品的完整协议,并且取代之前双方之间所有书面及口头的谈判、xx和/或
3. 该条款和条件的标题只为参考之便,不得认为是销售合同的一部分,也不得在对销售合同进行解释时予以考虑。
4. 除非存在其他规定,在整个销售合同中:
5. 根据本销售合同的要求所应取得的买方或卖方的同意均不得被无理拒绝。
第 2 条 一般义务
1. 买方应于收到商品之后立即就商品的数量、规格和外观是否符合本合同的规定进行检验,并且出具收货证明。买方应于收到商品之日起五(5)日内提出任何有关商品数量或其他方面的主张。
2. 卖方最迟应于收到买方之主张后七(7)日内按照以下第
9 条的规定为该等主张提供解决方案。
第 3 条 销售合同文件
1. 本销售合同文件被认为是用于相互解释之目的。
2. 受制于买方根据第 3.3 条的规定就有关事宜所做出的任何决定或决议,如果不同于本销售合同中所出现的或所提及的有关此相同事宜的标准,应适用最高标准。
3. 在不违反第 3.1 条和第 3.2 条之规定的情况下,若卖方意识到本销售合同中存在任何相互矛盾、相互冲突或者含糊不清之处,应就此通知买方并且要求其就此事宜做出决定或决议。除非另有约定,买方应于五(5)个工作日内向卖方提供有关决定或决议。
4. 如果通常的工程和生产实践需要任何未明确规定于销售合同中的工作、设备或材料,但这些工作、设备或材料却因确保商品适当功能之目的而被要求完成或提供,那么双方应签订销售合同修正案。
5. 卖方保留图片、图纸、计算方法和其他文件的所有权和著作权;这些均不得被第三方使用。最重要的是,这应适用于指明“机密”的书面文件:在向第三方传递任何该等文件之前,顾客应取得我方明确的书面同意。
第 4 条 价款和付款期限
1. 为满足商品的提供、交付和担保之目的,买方应根据销售合同所规定的付款期限和/或进度支付价款,以及其根据第 5条的规定向买方做出的关于价款的任何变更。
2. 除非在定单确认书中另外明确规定,价款指的是商品采用 “工厂交货”的方式所产生的费用,并且不包括包装费;包装费和运输费,如有,应单独支付。
3. 价款不包括增值税;就国内销售而言,增值税将按照发票出具之日的法定税率单独体现于发票中。
4. 除非另有约定,所有与交付相关的费用,例如运输保险、装载和运输工具、关税及增值税均应由买方承担。
5. 现金折扣必须单独书面约定。
6. 除非另有约定,价款于收到发票之日即为应付款,并且应于 30 日内无折扣支付。
7. 一旦发生付款延迟的情况,应从应付之日起按高于中国银行基本利率 1%的利率支付利息。
8. 受制于第 5 条(变更)的规定,并且除非销售合同或者销售合同修正案另有其他规定,卖方同意销售合同中所规定的价款是固定的,并且不得调整和增加。
9. 只有当交叉索赔不可上诉、无异议或者卖方以书面形式认可,买方才可以就交叉索赔进行抵消。当交叉索赔涉及相同的合同关系,买方可以行使保留权。买方不得以其在任何其他销售或服务方面考虑用来对抗卖方的任何主张抵消价款。
第 5 条 变更
1. 卖方保留通常的改变货物提供数量和条件的权利。若该等变更属于非实质性变更,或者能够合理期望买方接受之,那么该等变更就必须被买方所接受。
2. 买方可以在任何时候就商品的规格、数量或交付做出预变更的指示,和/或以任何其他方式对销售合同的条款做出预变更的指示。向卖方所做出的关于预变更的指示必须由买方
的指定代表以书面形式做出,并且经卖方书面确认。 实际上,如果买方的指定代表有必要以口头形式给予该等指示,那么
3. 在达成销售合同修正案之前,卖方将不实行买方所做出的预变更。买方应承担由此产生的结果、损失、损害、责任以及任何其他延迟。
4. 卖方应只承担卖方所直接造成的花费,包括任何所有者、第三方或买方所造成的花费。
第 6 条 交付时间和期限
1. 交付日应由卖方和买方在销售合同中所规定的交付期限中协商一致确定,交付期限应在所有技术问题均得到解决之后开始计算。
2. 除非另有约定,商品应根据销售合同中所明确的按照 2000 年国际贸易术语解释通则的规定采用“工厂交货”的方式交付。
3. 卖方的交货义务应在买方按时并且适当完成其义务的前提下履行。
4. 按照买方的要求,商品应被运送到另一个目的地,但费用由买方承担。一旦商品移交至买方,或者在涉及运输的情况下移交至承运人,风险就转移至买方。如果卖方根据买方的要求为交付货物提供运输保险,那么该等保险的费用应由买方承担。
5. 如果买方希望晚于在合同约定的交付日交货,并且卖方同意该等延期,那么买方应承担仓储所发生的费用。倘若在我方工厂存储,那么每月应支付不少于销售合同净值的 2%,不满一个月按一个月计算。在卖方所规定的合理期限过后,其有权以其他方式处置欲交付的货物,并且有权在适当延迟的期限内将货物交付给买方。
第 7 条 延迟
1. 如果发生交付延迟,而买方以明确书面声明的方式给予卖 方公平而合理的期限并声明其在该期限过后将拒绝接受货物,并且如果卖方因其自身的过错而未遵守该期限,那么买方有
2. 如果采用“工厂交货”的方式交付,买方有义务在被通知货物已适于交付时请求交付货物,或者如果双方一致同意将货物交付至指定地点,买方有义务在交付时立即接受货物。如果买方未遵守该等义务,其应承担所产生的额外费用(例如:仓储和维修费用)。在卖方所规定的合理期限之后,卖方可以终止合同、以其他方式处置货物、并且就损害进行主张,尽管卖方可能还有任何其他主张,买方应承担由此产生
第 8 条 检验与接受
1. 买方应于收到商品之后立即就商品的数量、规格和外观是否符合本合同的规定进行检验,并且出具收货证明。买方应于收到商品之日起五(5)日内提出任何有关商品数量或其他方面的主张。卖方最迟应于收到买方之主张后七(7)天内按照以下第 9 条的规定为该等主张提供解决方案。
2. 任何特殊的接受程序应经卖方的授权代表书面同意,并且可能需要支付额外的费用。
第 9 条 保证和有限责任
1. 卖方保证商品在材料和工艺方面不存在任何缺陷,并且在实质上符合产品规格。
2. 商品的保质期为交付日起一年。
3. 如果任何商品在保质期内被证明在材料和工艺方面存在缺陷,那么卖方可以自主选择以下任一方式进行补救,并且该等补救构成卖方对此所须承担的全部责任和唯一补偿:(a)修理,(b)另外提供商品以替代有缺陷或不合格的商品,或者(c)如果不能修理也不能提供替代商品,则卖方将在收到存有缺陷或不合格的书面通知并且被退还该等有缺陷或不合格的商品后的合理期限内,向买方退还该等有缺陷或不合格商品的价款。
4. 本条款下的保证只适用于商品的正常使用,并且如果卖方确定商品的缺陷是由买方的疏忽大意、错误使用或意外事件造成;或者因对商品进行未经授权的修理、变更或安装而导致的,那么该等保证无效。
5. 如果商品的缺陷或不合格是因不可归咎于卖方的原因所导致,卖方可以在收到买方的书面要求后修理该等商品或提供替代物,但费用由买方承担。
6. 本条款下的保证将取代所有明示或暗示的保证,包括任何适销性或符合特定目的的保证。在任何情况下(除了因卖方的恶意行为或重大过失所导致),卖方均不应对因使用商品或不能使用商品所产生的任何损失或损害负责,无论是直接性的、偶然性的还是继发性的。
7. 卖方不承担任何种类的额外赔偿,除了明确在本合同中所提及的,并且在任何情况下,只要法律允许,卖方对各种间接性或继发性的损害(例如利润损失,效用损失等)所承担的责任均明确排除。
第 10 条 不可抗力
1. 卖方对因不可抗力造成的任何商品的延迟交付或未能交付不承担责任,如战争、水灾、火灾、罢工、台风、风暴、地震或其它遭受方不能控制的、并且按照有关的国际惯例认为是不可抗力的情形。履行本合同的时间应按照不可抗力事件对双方协议影响的时间相应延长。
2. 遭受不可抗力的一方对任何因不可抗力事件而发生的延迟或未能履行其义务不承担责任。任何一方不得就因此而遭受
的损失提出主张。 然而,如果不可抗力的情形持续超过 10
第 11 条 权属保留
1. 卖方保留所有交付货物的完全权属,直到买方清偿了我方所提出的因与买方之间的商业关系而发生的所有付款请求
2. 如果买方在其工厂使用保留货物,只要权属保留依然存在,未经卖方明确的事先书面同意,其不得转售、质押或以提供
3. 如果买方以转售为目的已取得保留货物,其可以在正常业务中出售该保留货物。当保留货物被转售时,买方应将其现在已经获得的基于该等转售而产生可以用以对抗其买方的所有将来的请求权全部转移给卖方。卖方在此接受该等转让。
4. 如果买方破产或者遭受破产诉讼的威胁,应立即将相关情况以及货物的所在地址通知卖方,以促使卖方能够再次占有该等货物。
5. 如果买方延迟支付购买价款,卖方有权在其规定的合理期限过后占有保留货物。 如果保留货物应由第三方占有,那么买方有义务在收到第一次请求时告知卖方货物的所在位置,并且买方同意卖方在该等情形下占有保留货物。
6. 如果卖方主张卖方对保留货物的权属,占有它们或者将它们质押,这不应视为是对本合同的废除,除非卖方明确声明该等废除。
第 12 条 模具/工具
1. 只要欲交付的模具或外形需要生产模具和/或工具,卖方
2. 如果双方同意买方将成为模具和/或工具的所有权人,该等所有权应于该模具或工具的订单上所显示的价款偿付之后转移至客户。如果价款不明确,模具或工具的所有权将于生产该等模具或工具的订单上所表明的赔偿总额偿付后转移至买方。如果双方一致同意模具或工具的所有权在订单发出之后应转移至买方,那么买方将于该等协议中所表明的赔偿总额偿付之后获得该等模具或工具的所有权。在卖方向买方移交模具或工具的情况下,卖方可以根据第 12.1 的规定保管该等模具或工具。在该保管期限内,卖方仅能作为模具或工具的占有者。卖方将指定模具或工具为第三方的财产,并且将按照买方的要求自费为它们投保。
3. 上述之第 12.1 条和第 12.2 条所指的模具和工具应仅用于履行买方订单之目的。
4. 买方在其发出订单之后以向卖方提供新信息或提出变更请求的方式所要求的任何关于模具和工具的变更必须由买方单独赔偿。该等额外的赔偿将由关于履行该等变更的书面协议约定。
第 13 条 保密与公开
1. 除非为适当履行其按照本销售合同所应承担的义务之需要,买方应保守秘密并且不得向其他方透露或者使用以下商业或
第 13.1 条款下的义务不应适用于公众所知晓的信息,但不包括因买方的作为和不作为导致公众知晓的信息,也不应适用于买方拥有的或从其他方处合法获得的信息,以及能够被自由公布却不因此违反任何有关保密之承诺的信息。
2. 如果买方与卖方之间达成关于提供和/或适用商品的单独的“保密协议”和/任何“许可协议”,那么该等协议将优先于第 13.1 条的规定。任何该等单独协议应被视为本销售合同的组成部分,无论其是否作为本销售合同附件。
3. 除非为适当履行其按照本销售合同所应承担的义务之需要,买方不得为其自身或代表第三方复制或摘抄与本销售合同相
4. 除非获得卖方的事先书面同意,买方不得做出任何内部的或外部的有关本销售合同的公开宣告或行为。
5. 除非获得有关方的事先书面同意,不得对卖方任何现存的或新进的设施、设备或其他财产的进行拍摄或者公开该等照片。
6. 第 13 条款下的保密义务还应对卖方适用,尽管在文字上仅规定其对买方适用。
第 14 条 管辖法律
1. 本销售合同的构成、其合法性、解释、执行以及争端解决均受中华人民共和国法律管辖。
第 15 条 弃权与可分性
1. 销售合同的任何条款和条件均不得视为被任何一方所放弃,除非一方以书面形式向另一方表明该等弃权,并且经双方授
2. 双方同意,如果任何有管辖权的法庭根据任何相关的法令或法律规则裁定本销售合同某一规定的任何部分不生效、无效、非法或不可执行,那么其应从本销售合同中被删除。 本
第 16 条 争端解决
1. 买方和卖方应努力通过友好协商的方式解决双方之间与本销售合同有关的、或者因本销售合同所产生的任何争端或分歧。当一方为该等协商向另一方送达书面请求时,协商应立即开始。
2. 如果在请求发出之日起三十(30 )日内争端未能通过协商解决,那么一旦任何一方向另一方发出请求,该争端即应在上海提交仲裁。仲裁应根据当时有效的仲裁规则在中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会上海分会进行。
3. 仲裁语言应为中文。
4. 仲裁庭应由三名仲裁员组成。每一方应选择一名仲裁员。首席仲裁员应由双方选择的仲裁员协议进行选择,如果不能达成协议,应在双方委派这两名仲裁员之后的十天内指定。
5. 仲裁裁决应对双方具有终局性和约束力,双方同意受其约束并执行其决定。仲裁费用以及执行仲裁裁决的费用 (包括证人x和合理的律师x)均应由败诉方承担,除非仲裁裁决另有规定。
6. 尽管双方之间存在与本销售合同有关的、或者因本销售合同所产生的任何未能解决的争端或分歧,任何一方在任何时候应继续履行其于销售合同项下其他不存在争议的义务,除非另一方另外以书面形式同意。
Terms 1. Definitions and Interpretation
1. In the SALES CONTRACT, the following definitions apply:
SELLER means Shanghai Nanhua Electronics Co., Ltd. and its legal successors and assigns.
DELIVERY DATE means the date(s) specified in the SALES CONTRACT for delivery of the COMMODITIES.
FORCE MAJEURE has the meaning given to it in Clause 10 (Force Majeure).
COMMODITIES means the goods and services to be supplied under the SALES CONTRACT. Where appropriate, references to the COMMODMES shall be to parts or sections of the COMMODITES.
PRICE means the price, or where more than one price is stated, the aggregate of prices, stated in the SALES CONTRACT for the supply and delivery of the COMMODITIES.
SALES CONTRACT means the contract between the SELLER and the BUYER for the supply of the COMMODITIES, which comprises these General Terms and Conditions, the attachments, requisitions, drawings, specifications and other documents included and/or referred to in the SALES CONTRACT, together with the BUYER's unconditional written acceptance of the SALES CONTRACT, and any subsequent written amendments to the original SALES CONTRACT.
SALES CONTRACT AMENDMENT means a document, signed by both parties, that formally records the details of any amendment to the SALES CONTRACT made under Clause 5 (Variations)and agreed between the BUYER and the SELLER, including but not limited to, changes to the specification, quantity, DELIVERY DATE(S) and/or PRICE
BUYER means the firm, company or other corporate entity (including its successors and/or permitted assigns) contracted by the SALES CONTRACT to purchase the COMMODITIES from the SELLER.
2. The SALES CONTRACT constitutes the entire agreement between the BUYER and the SELLER with respect to the supply of the COMMODITIES and supersedes all previous negotiations, representations and/or agreements between the parties, both written and oral. In particular, all standard or other sales terms submitted by the BUYER, whether prior to or after the date of the SALES CONTRACT, shall be overridden and excluded unless they have been accepted by the SELLER and expressly incorporated into the SALES CONTRACT.
No amendment to the SALES CONTRACT shall be effective unless recorded in a SALES CONTRACT AMENDMENT.
3. The headings in the terms and conditions are included only for ease of reference and shall neither be part of, nor be taken into consideration in the interpretation of the SALES CONTRACT.
4. Throughout the SALES CONTRACT, unless stated otherwise:
Reference to "days" means calendar days unless the term "working days" is used.
Words in the singular include the plural, and vice versa.
The words "he" and "his" may be read as "she" and "hers".
All references to clause numbers are to those of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Supply.
5. Whenever the consent of either the BUYER or the SELLER is requred under the SALES CONTRACT, it shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Terms 2. General Obligations
1. The BUYER shall, immediately upon its receipt of the COMMODITIES, inspect whether the quantity, specifications and appearance of COMMODMES comply with the provisions of this Contract and sign certificate of receipt. BUYER shall file any claim in respect of quantity or other aspects of the COMMODIT within FIVE (5) days upon its receipt of the COMMODMTES.
2. SELLER shall provide remedies as laid down in Clause 9 below for such claims at the latest within SEVEN (7) days upon receipt of BUYER 's claim.
Terms 3. SALES CONTRACT Documents
1. The SALES CONTRACT documents are to be taken as being mutualy explanatory of one another.
2. Subject to any decision or ruling on the matter by the BUYER under sub-clause 3.3, if differing standards relating to the same matter appear or are referred to within the SALES CONTRACT, the most stringent of the standards shall apply.
3. Without prejudice to sub-clauses 3.1 and 3.2, if the SELLER becomes aware of any discrepancy, contradiction or ambiguity in the SALES CONTRACT documents, it shall notify the BUYER accordingly and request decision or ruling on the matter. Unless agreed otherwise, the BUYER shall provide the SELLER with a decision or ruling within five (5) working days.
4. Should normal engineering or manufacturing practice require any item of work, equipment or material which has not been specified in the SALES CONTRACT, but is required to be performed or provided for ensuring the proper functioning of the COMMODITIES, a SALES CONTRACT AMENDMENT shall be executed by the Partles.
5. SELLER reserves the property rights and copyrights to pictures, drawings calculations and other documents; these shall not be made available to third parties. This shall apply, above all, to such written documents which are designated as "confidential" : before passing on any such documents to third parties, the customer must obtain our express written approval.
Terms 4. Price and Terms of Payment
1. In consideration of the satisfactory supply, delivery and warranty of the COMMODITIES, the BUYER shall pay the PRICE, together with any amendments to the PRICE made under the clause 5 to the SELLER, in accordance with the terms and/or schedule of payments set forth in the SALES CONTRACT.
2. Unless stated otherwise in the order confirmation, PRICE is for COMMODITIES delivered "ex works" and is exclusive of packing; packing and shipping charges, if any, will be charged separately.
3. PRICE is exclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT); for domestic sales, VAT will be shown separately in the invoice at the statutory rate applicable on the day of invoicing.
4. All expenses connected to the delivery such as transport insurance, loading and conveyance, customs duties and VAT shall be borne by the BUYER unless agreed otherwise.
5. Cash discounts must be specifically agreed in writing.
6. Unless agreed otherwise, XXXXX becomes due upon receipt of the invoice and is payable without discount within thirty 30 days.
7. In the event of delay in payment, interest shall be charged from the due date at the rate of 1% on top of the Bank of China s base rate.
8. Subject to Clause 5 (Variations), and unless otherwise stated elsewhere in the SALES CONTRACT or SALES CONTRACT AMENDMENT, the SELLER agrees that the PRICE stated in the SALES CONTRACT is fixed and will not be subject to adjustment and/or escalation.
9. BUYER may set off counterclaims only if non-appealable, uncontested or recognised by SELLER in writing. A right of retention may be exercised by BUYER only if its counterclaim concerns the same contractual relationship. The BUYER is not entitled to set off payment against any claims which the BUYER considers to have against the SELLER in respect of any other sales or service.
Terms 5. Variations
1. SELLER reserves the right to make customary changes to the supply quantity and condition of the GOOD. Such changes must be accepted by BUYER if they are immaterial and if BUYER can be reasonably expected to accept them.
2. The BUYER may, at any time, give proposed variations to the specifications, quantity or delivery of the COMMODITIES, and/or vary the terms of the SALES CONTRACT in any other way. Instructions to the SELLER covering proposed variations must be issued by the BUYER's designated representative in writing and confirmed by the SELLER. If, for practical reasons, it is necessary for the BUYER's designated representative to give any such instruction orally, the instruction shall be effective only if it is confirmed in writing by the BUYER's designated representative within twenty-four (24) hours of being given.
3. Before reaching the amendment of SALES CONTRACT, SELLER will not carry out the proposed variation given by the BUYER. The results, losses, damages, liability and any other delay thereof shall be undertaken by the BUYER.
4. SELLER shall only be liable for the cost directly caused by SELLER, including the costs caused by any owner, third party or BUYER.
Terms 6. Time and Terms of Delivery
1. The DELIVERY DATE shall be agreed by the SELLER and the BUYER in the SALES CONTRACT within the delivery periods which will begin only when all technical questions have been sorted out.
2. Unless otherwise agreed, the COMMODITIES shall be delivered "ex works" in accordance with the ICC Terms of Trade for International Contracts (INCOTERMS 2000) as specified in the SALES CONTRACT.
3. Fulfilment of SELLER's delivery obligation shall be conditional on the timely and proper fulfilment of the BUYER's obligations
4. At BUYER 's request, the COMMODITIES will be shipped to another place of destination at its cost. Risk shall pass to BUYER upon handing over of the Commodities to BUYER or, in case of shipment, upon handing over to the carrier. If the BUYER so requests, SELLER will take out a transport insurance for the delivery, the cost of such insurance to be borne by the BUYER.
5. If the BUYER should wish a later delivery date than that contractually agreed upon and SELLER consent to such postponement, the BUYER shall be charged the cost incurred by storage-in the event of storage at our factory no less than 2% of the net value of the SALES CONTRACT for each month, within one month calculated as one month. SELLER are also entitled, after a reasonable time limit set by SELLER has passed to no avail, to dispose otherwise of the delivery goods and to deliver to the BUYER with an appropriately extended time limit.
Terms 7. Delay
1. If there is a delay in delivery and the BUYER grants SELLER a fair and reasonable period of grace with an explicit written declaration that he will decline acceptance after the period of grace, and if SELLER are in default in not complying with the period of grace, the BUYER is entitled to rescind the contract.
2. In the event of delivery "ex works", the BUYER is obliged to request delivery of the delivery goods upon being notified that they are ready for despatch, or in the event of agreed delivery to the designated place to accept it upon delivery. If the BUYER should fail to comply with this obligation, he is required to bear the additional costs incurred (e.g. storage and maintenance costs). Once a reasonable time limit set by the SELLER has passed to no avail, SELLER may rescind the Contract and dispose of the delivery goods otherwise and claim damages notwithstanding any other claims SELLER might have, and the results, losses, damages and liability thereof shall be undertaken by the BUYER. The risk of accidental loss or fortuitous deterioration in the delivery goods is transferred to the BUYER at the moment the BUYER is in delay with the acceptance of the delivery.
Terms 8. Inspection and Acceptance
1. BUYER shall, immediately upon its receipt of the COMMODITIES, inspect whether the quantity, specifications and appearance of COMMODITIES comply with the provisions of this Contract and sign a certificate of receipt. BUYER shall file any claim in respect of quantity or other aspects of the COMMODITIES within 5 days upon its receipt of the COMMODITIES. SELLER shall provide remedies as laid down in Clause 9 below for such claims at the latest within 7 days upon receipt of BUYER's claim.
2. Any special acceptance procedures must be agreed to by SELLER's authorized representative in writing and maybe subject to additional charges.
Terms 9. Warranty and Limited Liability
1. SELLER warrants that the COMMODITIES are free of defects in material and workmanship and substantially conform to product specifications.
2. The warranty period for the COMMODITIES is one year from the date of delivery.
3. If any of the COMMODITIES are proven to be defective in material or workmanship during the warranty period, SELLER's entire liability and exclusive remedy will, at SELLER's sole option, be either: (a) repair, (b) replacement of the defective or non- conforming COMMODITIES, or(c) refund of the purpose price for the defective or non- conforming COMMODITIES if repair or replacement cannot be accomplished, within a reasonable time after written notification of the defect or non-conformity and return of the defective or non-conforming COMMODITIES to SELLER.
4. The warranties under this Clause apply only to normal use of the COMMODITIES and shall be void if SELLER determines the defects of the COMMODITIES were caused by BUYER's negligence, misuse or accident; or by unauthorized repair, alteration or installation of the COMMODITIES.
5. In case of any defects or non-conformity of the COMMODITIES due to reasons not attributable to SELLER, SELLER may upon written request of BUYER, repair or replace such COMMODITIES the cost of BUYER.
6. The warranties under this Clause are made in lieu of all warranties, expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for purpose. In no event (other than for willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the SELLER) will SELLER be liable for any loss or damage, direct, incidental, or consequential, arising out of the use or the inability to use the COMMODITIES.
7. The SELLER is not liable for any kind of additional compensation apart from that expressly mentioned in this Contract and in any event-as far as legally permissible- every liability of the SELLER for all kind of indirect or consequential damages (e.g. loss of profit, loss of use, etc.) is expressly excluded.
Terms 10. Force Majeure
1. The SELLER shall not be held responsible for any delay in delivery or non-delivery of the COMMODITIES due to the case of Force Majeure such as war, serious flood fire, strike, typhoon, storm, earthquake or other occumrences which are beyond the control of the party affected and which will be recognized in accordance with international practice as being cases of Force Majeure, the time for implementing his Contract shall be extended by a period equivalent to the effect of those occurrences upon agreement of both parties.
2. The affected party shall not be liable for any delay or failure in performing any of its obligations due to the event of Force Majeure. Neither party shall lodge claims for any losses thus incurred. However if the Force Majeure extends for a period of more than 10 weeks the BUYER may in its discretion cancel this Contract.
Terms 11. Retention of Title
1. SELLER retains full title of all delivery goods until the BUYER has discharged all our payment claims arising from the business relationship with the BUYER (reserved goods). In case of an open account, all the reserved goods serve as guaranty for any outstanding amounts.
2. Provided the BUYER uses the reserved goods at his own factories, he is not permitted to resell, pledge or transfer ownership by way of security of all or parts of the reserved goods without SELLER's express prior consent in writing, as long as the retention of title exists.
3. If a BUYER has acquired reserved goods for the purpose of resale, he is permitted to do so in the normal course of business. Whenever reserved goods are resold, the BUYER assigns to SELLER already now his entire future claims against his buyer arising from such resale. SELLER hereby accepts this assignment. The BUYER shall be authorised to collect any receivables. The SELLER are also entitled to do so; although SELLER shall not do so until the BUYER fails to comply with his payment obligations or if there is deterioration in his financial position which jeopardises his payment obligations. This is the case, for instance, if the BUYER applies for insolvency proceedings. In this event the BUYER is required to provide SELLER upon first demand with all information and documents necessary for collection.
4. In the event the BUYER becomes insolvent or is threatened with insolvency actions the BUYER shall immediately inform SELLER of the relevant circumstances and the whereabouts of the goods so as to enable re- possession of the goods by SELLER.
5. In case the BUYER is in delay with the payment of the purchase price, SELLER are entitled to take possession of the reserved goods after a reasonable period of grace set by SELLER has passed to no avail. If the reserved goods should be in the possession of a third party, the BUYER is obliged upon first demand to communicate the
whereabouts of the reserved goods and agrees that
SELLER take possession of the reserved goods in this case.
6. If SELLER should assert SELLER's right of title to the reserved goods, take possession of them or pledge them, this shall not be deemed as a rescission of the Contract unless SELLER have explicitly declared such rescission.
Terms 12. Patterns/ Tools
1. As far as any plastic patterns or profiles are to be delivered requiring the manufacture of patterns and/or tools, SELLER will remain the owner of the patterns and tools manufactured by SELLER or by third parties instructed by SELLER. Such patterns and tools will be kept by SELLER free of charge for possible follow-up orders for two years since the last delivery of the plastics applied for manufacturing the patterns or tools. After expiry of this period, SELLER will be obliged to keep the patterns and tools only if this is agreed and only against payment. XXXXXX will inform the BUYER with at least one month's written notice of the expiry of such period
2. If it is agreed that the BUYER will become the owner of the patterns and/or tools, ownership thereto shall pass to the customer after payment of the price shown in the order for such patterns or tools. If no price is specified, ownership to the patterns or tools will pass to the BUYER upon payment of the total compensation indicated in the order for the plastics to be manufactured with these patterns or tools. If it is agreed after placing of the order that ownership to the patterns or tools shall pass to the BUYER, the BUYER will acquire ownership to such patterns or tools upon payment of the compensation specified in such agreement. In place of SELLER handing over the patterns or tools to the BUYER, they will be held by SELLER for the BUYER in accordance with the Clause 12.1. During such holding period, SELLER may only act as possessor of the patterns and tools. SELLER will designate the patterns and tools as third-party property and, at the BUYER 's request, will insure them at its cost.
3. The patterns and tools referred to in the Clause 12.1 and
12.2 above will be used solely for performing the orders of the BUYER.
4. Any changes to patterns or tools which are requested by the BUYER after placing of the order by providing SELLER with new information or change requests must be compensated by the BUYER separately. Such additional compensation will be determined in the written agreement regarding the performance of such changes.
Terms 13. Confidentiality and Publicity
1. The BUYER shall keep confidential and, except as required for the proper performance of its obligations under the SALES CONTRACT, not disclose to others or use business or technical information which is: disclosed to the BUYER by the SELLER, oracquired or generated by the BUYER in the course of performance of its obligations under the SALES CONTRACT. The obligations of sub- clause 13.1 shall not apply to information in the public domain other than through the act or omission of the
BUYER or information which the BUYER owns or acquired lawfully from others and which may be freely disclosed without breach of any undertaking relating to confidentiality.
2. If the BUYER enters into a separate "non-disclosur agreement" and/or any "licensing agreement" with the SELLER covering the supply and/or use of the COMMODITIES, such agreement(s) shall overrule and take precedence over the provisions of sub-clause 13.1. A copy of any such separate agreement shall be deemed to be incorporated into the SALES CONTRACT, whether or not appended to it.
3. Except as required for the proper performance of its obligations under the SALES CONTRACT, the BUYER shall neither copy nor make abstracts of documents relating to the SALES CONTRACT for itself or on behalf of third parties.
4. The BUYER shall not make any internal or extemal publicity announcements regarding the SALES CONTRACT or his activities relating to it without the SELLER's prior written consent.
5. No photograph of any of the SELLER's existing or new installations, equipment or other property may be taken or published without the relevant party's prior written consent.
6. The confidentiality obligations under Clause 13 shall also apply to the SELLER, irrespective it is stipulated for the BUYER literally.
Terms 14. Governing Law
1. The formation of the SALES CONTRACT its validity, interpretation, execution and settlement of the disputes shall be governed by the laws of People's Republic of China.
Terms 15. Waiver and Severability
1. None of the terms and conditions of the SALES CONTRACT shall be considered to be waived by either party unless a waiver is given in writing by one party to the other and signed by the authorised representatives of both parties.
No failure by either party to exercise any of its rights under the SALES CONTRACT shall constitute a waiver of those rights nor shall the failure excuse the other party from full performance of any of its obligations under the SALES CONTRACT.
2. The parties agree that if any competent tribunal determines that any part of a provision of the SALES CONTRACT is inoperative, invalid, illegal or otherwise unenforceable by operation of any relevant enactment or rule of law, it shall be deleted from the SALES CONTRACT. The remaining provisions of the SALES CONTRACT shall be enforceable as if the inoperative, invalid, illegal or otherwise unenforceable part had not been included.
Terms 16. Dispute Resolution
1. The BUYER and the SELLER shall endeavor to settle any dispute or difference between them in connection with, or
arising out of, the SALES CONTRACT by friendly consultations. Consultations shall begin immediately upon one Party delivering to the other Party a written request for such consultation.